#anti fanon!regulus
enbysiriusblack · 5 months
not sure why but, at least to me, the popular fanon!regulus feels like a mix of lily and sirius
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suncchaser · 1 month
I can’t believe the fandom has made it so that criticising death eaters is somewhat of a crime and offensive.
In the books, death eaters were blood supremacists who wanted to create a regime that would oppress and murder muggleborn witches and wizards as well as muggles. It was a terrorist organisation, which means that every single member who joined are… guess what? Terrorists and blood supremacists. This is not speculation or opinion. This is facts. It was in the books.
Now, you can choose to ignore this and give these canonical terrorists all the sob stories you want to justify their actions, but remember that those are your personal headcanons, not facts. It’s fanon, not canon.
So, don’t camp under people’s posts who are speaking about canon versions of characters and criticising them for who they were in the books because you headcanon them as helpless baby boys.
The same way people are allowed to disregard canon to build their own perception of these characters, people are also allowed to care for who they were in the books.
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forestdeath1 · 6 months
Regulus wasn't forced by his parents to join the Death Eaters
What do we know about the Black family? I'll write a post about this because there's quite a bit we know if we read the canon in depth.
But the main point for this post is that for the Blacks, the survival and prosperity of their lineage were critically important.
The survival of their surname was in a precarious state at that time because women did not keep their surname nor pass it on to their children. Only two people could continue the line – Sirius and Regulus.
Preserving their lineage was so crucial for the Blacks that they didn't officially disown Sirius after his escape, or they reinstated him after Regulus's death. Because Sirius was the last Black. The last one who could carry on their line. Even if he was a rebellious Gryffindor who liked "mudbloods," he was still a Black.
When Sirius died, even the portrait was upset, although it's not alive. It's simply a reflection of the Blacks' attitude towards the survival of their lineage.
Am I to understand,’ said Phineas Nigellus slowly from Harry’s left, ‘that my great-great-grandson – the last of the Blacks – is dead?’
‘Yes, Phineas,’ said Dumbledore.
‘I don’t believe it,’ said Phineas brusquely.
Harry turned his head in time to see Phineas marching out of his portrait and knew that he had gone to visit his other painting in Grimmauld Place. He would walk, perhaps, from portrait to portrait, calling for Sirius through the house ...
By the time Regulus was 16, Sirius had already run away from home.
Now, explain to me, all you fans of the "Regulus was forced" idea, what would be going through Orion and Walburga's heads to make them push their last hope for the continuation of their lineage into joining a combat organization where people are constantly being killed?
Considering they didn't join themselves because they disliked the methods and probably understood Tom's real goals.
Walburga was in school with Tom Riddle and was two years older than him. Orion Black was also in school with Tom, but he was two years younger. By that time, Tom Riddle aka Voldemort, hadn't yet changed his appearance to the point of being unrecognizable. They all knew who Voldemort was. Tom Riddle. An orphan boy. Likely, they knew he was the heir of Slytherin, which was important for the Blacks because, for them, it wasn't about money but about blood. True nobility and dignity are in the blood, not wealth. The Blacks aren't the Malfoys. And as Sirius said, at some point, they were inspired by Tom's ambition to change the situation in their country, although Sirius obviously knew very little about Voldemort, as he was hardly discussed in front of the children. But initially, the Blacks were inspired because he was worthy, the heir of Slytherin, right?
Probably Orion, Arcturus/Pollux realized that Tom didn't care about blood purity. He cared about his own power. By the time they understood this, Tom's power was already too strong, and he had won much support among the pure-blood society, who believed he genuinely cared about pure-blood wizards.
Why did Sirius say he was sure their parents were proud of Regulus?
Because most likely, not both parents were proud, as Sirius doesn't mention the father at all, and Walburga had an irrational desire to see her son as a hero. Sirius – the lineage's continuer, and Regulus – a brave and courageous warrior for blood purity. Because being a Death Eater was seen as brave and cool. They were revolutionaries. Chosen warriors.
Moreover, Bella was already in the organization and could influence Walburga's opinion against Orion and Arcturus's wishes. Playing on Walburga's emotional irrationality wasn't very hard, especially for Bella and Rodolphus.
Bella was in love with Voldemort. Rodolphus was devoted to Voldemort from the start, as Lestrange Sr. had been a supporter of Tom since their school days. The Rosiers fall into the same group. Surprise, surprise, Bella's mother – Druella Rosier, was likely the sister of that very Rosier who was with Tom from the start and who was Evan Rosier's father. Cygnus Black is open for interpretation, but my headcanon is that from a young age, he was a bit more aggressive than the others and didn't quite fit into the family dynamics and control (and Bella took after him in part).
Who convinced Regulus to join the organization, even knowing Orion and the Blacks were against it?
From the little we know about Regulus, it's clear he was a maximalist inclined to broad "heroic" actions, with his own understanding of honor. He had been committed to the idea of blood purity from childhood, believing it to be truly noble and important. He wanted to be a hero and admired Voldemort. Also, always being second to Sirius, he wanted to prove his worth. That he too was strong and brave and capable of significant, but correct actions. And, our beloved Bella was there. She helped him join the organization at 16.
If you want tragedy in Regulus Black's story, here it is:
Regulus Black went to his death knowing he was the last of the Blacks. He destroyed his family. His lineage. Put an end to it. Even for Sirius, running away was easier because Regulus was still there. When Regulus went to his death, Sirius had already run away from home.
There's much more interesting stuff here than "Regulus was forced." But who cares, right? Fuck canon, live fanon.
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honeyed-latte · 3 months
Snegulus fic where Regulus is Snapes younger sugar daddy (Theyre like 18 and 20), and his parents love Severus, even Walburga, because Snape is a powerful and well respected Death Eater.
Sev is Regulus' Princess, its almost embarrassing how much they're into eachother. Like the little Black kisses Sev's knuckles everytime they so much as walk by one another in a hallway.
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snarky-magpie · 3 months
Unpopular opinion, but. James and Sirius don't have to be dumb in order for Remus and Regulus to shine.
No, if anything, Sirius and James are the naturally brilliant ones (which can make them a bit lazy sometimes), while Remus and Regulus have to study to get good grades, which might give the impression of them being the more studious/intelligent ones. They're not. They have to work hard for their results. (Okay, we don't canonically know with Regulus, I'm just guessing here. It still doesn't make Sirius stupid.)
I'd even argue their diligence might pay off more in the long run, but James and Sirius AREN'T DUMB, and if I see/read one more fic about himbo Sirius or adorable dumbo James, I might cry.
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expectopatronum18 · 1 year
Unpopular opinion but......
Am I the only one who misses the og marauders? The marauders fandom isn't even about the marauders now, 99% of their canon personality traits hv been replaced with cliqued behaviour. For some reason there's a massive obsession with their sexuality and I just don't get it? Lyk can't u have a character with any sexual orientation with personality traits outside it anymore? Does there really need to be a complete erasure of their most defining traits? I just wish we could get the actual marauders era characters back
James Potter: Pureblood, rich, intelligent, arrogant, a bully, but extremely loyal; took Sirius in and turned into an animagus for his werewolf bestie when the whole world would have shunned him; he could have led a life of utmost comfort but chose to risk his life and fight for those he loved in a war that didn't even concern him personally. His last words were asking his wife and child to escape while he tried to hold voldy off without a wand
Sirius Black: Haughty, a bully, extremely good looking, cool, rich, blood traitor by 16, comes from a family of literal death eaters, very intelligent, loyal, will do anything for those he loves( especially james and later Harry), thick as hell (my boy really survived in a depression prison for 12yrs, tht too after all the horror he'd seen before that), dark, very traumatized and broken
Remus Lupin: Gentle (yup u read that right), kind, mischievous (ppl really overlook this), very insecure, let james and Sirius bully Snape coz he was too thankful for their acceptance and affection to tell them off, considered himself undeserving of love, his self loathing prevents him from being a responsible adult/ parent for Harry, lowkey manipulative. Very compassionate and empathetic even after everything he's been thru tho
Peter Pettigrew: Considered slow and stupid, insecure, tags along with the others for protection, but obviously cunning and manipulative, a disgusting rat tho
Regulus Black: Teenage Reggie worshipped death eaters, he had newspaper clippings of them on his wall, completely believed in those racist ideologies until he realised what the reality of being a death eater was. He tried to bring voldy down but there's no evidence of him completely changing his beliefs about everything else like muggle borns, muggles, werewolves etc. Very cunning and intelligent tho, he discovered voldemort's secret before Dumbledore did. Liked kreacher but kreacher was also brainwashed with pureblood ideology, so I ll only give him half the credit. Bravely sacrificed his life in the end, but he still chose to protect his racist family.
Lily Evans: muggleborn, good at portions, described as popular and vivacious, pretty, the favourite sibling, isn't afraid of standing up to ppl (tht smirk in swm tho?), very brave, and most importantly (ppl really choose to forget this nowadays) a mother who stood in front of her baby boy in hopes of saving him from the darkest wizard alive even tho she herself was only 21 at the time, tht too right after losing her husband. Tho I'd still say that lily is a badly written character
It's fun to explore characters but not one of these core characteristics r even present. They're turned into one dimensional social justice warriors who r always right in everything they do
Now I get it, ppl want them to fit with current day ideals, but y not just create different/new characters then? What's the point of holding on to that nostalgia if most of their character isn't even there anymore? Where's all the toxicity coming from? And anyone who doesn't agree is homophobic and whatever other -phobic u choose to employ in the most irrelevant context ever. It's all so stupid smh🙄
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shiftingwithmars · 1 month
if you have to change a character THAT much in order for it to be “interesting”, you don’t actually like that character.
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sarahkrolokfan · 1 year
I hate fanon-ization of Lily, James, Regulus and Barty (Evan, Dorcas, Marlene etc. are literally only mentioned in the books, there is nothing to mis-characterize)
Lily is side-lined for a non-existent, non-sensical ship (yeah, I hate jegulus), her Muggle origin is overlooked even though it played a MAJOR role in her life (heck the entire Marauders era takes place during the war against a wizard-supremacist, Muggle-hater and his racist followers). Her relationship with Snape and how his words and newly found ideologies affected is completely overlooked when he was her only magical friend during her entire childhood. Her relationship to her son? (yk, that one thing that set the entire series in motion...) - pfft, don't be silly, she is just a surrogate to James and Regulus.
James is portrayed as a ray of sunshine, good boy whose biggest sin was being a bit sarcastic. No, he WAS an arrogant asshole who mercilessly bullied another student simply for his own enjoyment. Yet he was also incredibly loyal man who didn't hesitate to share his home with his friend after he ran away from home and who grew out of his arrogant phase and changed himself for better because of a woman he loved (loved so much he died protecting her and their son later).
Regulus is portrayed as an edgy yet kind-hearted little aristocrat boy whose parents forced him into being a Death Eater - no, he wasn't pressured into becoming anything, Regulus for the longest part of his life WAS a Voldemort supporter. He collected newspaper articles about Voldemort, he talked to Kreacher about how great Voldemort is and how great his ideas were - yes, he realized later he was wrong but it doesn't suddenly mean he was pressured into anything.
Barty is portrayed as a silly little babygirl who has an IQ of goldfish. No, he was one of the smartest characters with multiple talents but was also a mentaly-unstable young man (Azkaban/Dementors have horrific influence on everyone but while other Death Eaters managed to last 10+ years there he was already on his death-bed in a year and started to scream for him mother the same day he was brought in) who went completely insane and evil by the end and craved for father figure so deeply he was ready to become a murderer/torturer to get one. His manipulativeness and sadism? Non-existent in fanon...
In the end... I truly dislike the overall state of "Marauders era" fandom - like, they are a generation impacted by war and ever-changing politics who essentially needed to choose a side while they were still children, some betraying their families and loved ones - and then you try seeing stuff in Marauders fandom and they are turned into edgy teens who all wear crop-tops and black nail polish, listen to Taylor, go to Starbucks and talk in a Tik-Tok slang....
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[the post is the scene where sirius calls regulus a 'soft idiot' and then ? a regulus thirst trap]
bye i dont even yap anymore why are people so set on making reg a badass lmfao i already have a very similar half-finished rant like this in my drafts from like weeks ago but i might j complete it. opening tt is such a hit or miss istg . like what is the point of making him a macho nonchalant asshole when... we like... literally have one... who's the same as regulus but canonically hotter ...
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
I can handle Lily criticism but when I hear you say “Lily got in the way of Jegulus” I will personally hunt you down and be responsible for the deaths of all your loved ones.
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rewritingcanon · 8 months
no girl tell us what you think about jegulily!! im so here for it (tone is weird but I mean that genuinely, I don't ship them so I'm not here to be weird)
dw bae ur tone is fine ! (i’ve been waiting for an ask like this 💀) i think jegulily is... yeah its…. like usually as long as its legal idgaf as long as shippers portray their characters right but regulus fans are literally incapable 😭🙏 WHY WOULD U PAIR A MUGGLEBORN AND A BLOOD SUPREMACIST IM SO DONE WITH DIS FANDOMMMM!! that actually goes for a lot of lily ships like bartylily as well (no clue where that came from either but it’s equally as stupid lmfao).
and jegulily just feels like shoving in lily because people feel bad for ditching her, or shoving in regulus because some people like jily and jegulus and want them (for some reason) to coincide even though it makes zeroooo sense for it to. like, idk if i said this with jegulus before (i yap sm on this account i forget what i say), but like it, jegulily can be done well if a realistic dynamic is taken into account, but the marauders fandom is allergic to nuance and so just chalks up everything regulus does and believes to his neglectful homelife. hes not all-bad, sure, i do feel bad for him, but im nowhere close to shipping him with a woman whos part of the people hes trying to eradicate, or with her man who purposefully went against all pureblood tradition (which is such a large part of james’ character— he is a pureblood that chooses to be seperate from that culture hellooooo plz wake uppppp).
marauders fandom has a chronic “i can fix him” mentality when it comes to wizard neo nazis, i have never understood it. but thats a topic for another day.
jegulily should be filled with envy, toxicity and prejudice stop nerfing it to be some fluffy feel-good polyamorous stable marriage where they raise harry together. yall are looking over the potential. this ship has blood and guts in it plz act like it or else idk what to say 😭 if it doesnt end with at least one of them getting murdered i dont want it.
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siriusblack-the-third · 3 months
Start rant/ Jegulas sucks Wolfstar’s ass /End rant
Incorrect, anon: Jegulus and Wolfstar both suck heteronormative ass. Esp those where they give Regulus all of Sirius' traits (All-Round Badass Motherfucker™) and make Sirius short small stupid whiny omega submissive to tall giant smart aggressive Alpha dominant Remus. Like what the actual fuck is up with that why do you want toxic heteronormativity in a queer ship? Like I don't mind Wolfstar as the ship itself, but the carricatures that they have made of the actual characters?? Hell no. Fuck no. Absofuckinglutely NO. Wbk Canon Sirius wouldn't even consider Remus as a potential partner like come on the man's canonically a coward and as for fanon Remus Sirius would just scoff and tell the man to fuck off
And now on to Jegulus. Keeping aside the fact that James wouldn't even look twice once at Regulus (hello that dude is a literal Voldemort fanboy bro had newspaper clippings on his walls 💀💀); why are y'all so insistent on villainising Lily?? Why do you want Regulus as Harry's parents and why do you bash Lily for it like for what??! I don't mind Lily bashing, but like. Don't use women as a tool for mlm ships ya assholes. Also, in what world would a queer James even look at anyone other than Canon Sirius? AND WHATS WITH THIS "JAMES POTTER HAS A KNIFE KINK" BULLSHIT?! WHY IS IT EVERYWHERE IN THE JEGULUS FANDOM FOR WHAT??? *clears throat* Anyways.
Both these ships would be absolutely fine if the writers stuck to canon characterisations, but they didn't and now I'm angry.
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thatlittlefangirl · 4 days
Reminder that this is Regulus
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forestdeath1 · 6 months
Jegulus seems like a very unnatural ship to me, though I'm generally open to a lot of ships. First of all Regulus himself in fanon is a weak crybaby. Regulus wasn't a weak crybaby, he wasn't forced to become a Death Eater, he adored Voldemort, but then he consciously went to his death. He was a Black, he was a Slytherin. Not a boy who was blowing snotty noses while looking at James with love-struck eyes.
If Regulus had fallen in love with James, his love would have died with him. He would never have revealed it to James or anyone else (I like the idea that he liked James :D)
James would never have fallen in love with Regulus. He has Sirius, what the hell does he need Regulus for. But first and foremost, James would never date Sirius' brother behind his back. That's the most OOC James I have ever read. (As well as James being mad at Sirius after the Prank for a long time).
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hp-confessions · 2 months
fanon regulus is proof the fandom would like canon snape if he was conventionally attractive. fanon regulus is a rich and handsome and boring repackaging of canon snape and no one talks about it because timothée chalamet is reg’s fancast it excuses everything because he’s hot and so let’s love the poor badass morally grey meow meow character with an horrible family life who got pushed into voldemort’s violent little cult through societal pressure but was secretly a good guy all along. as if that literally ISN’T snape but the marauders fandom can’t handle characters that make their faves look bad. in the books regulus is not even described as attractive, and also we barely know him he is mentioned once which is why people have gave him snape’s personality cause they want anyone but snape himself 😭.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
Why do people give Harry more Black family storylines than Draco?!
It's hard being a Draco fan...well a canon Draco fan. If you want great fics that explore his character, you have to deal with a bunch of Drarry and sometimes Dramione. That's not even factoring in how OOC Draco is in so many of these fics. That's why I partly gave up on Drarry fics. It's almost impossible to find a good Draco fic that does not involve him shagging someone in the golden trio.
But this post was inspired by posts by Snaters and/or Dumbles antis who claim Harry should have named his son after Regulus. Here are my grievances:
There needs to be more exploration of DRACO as the Black heir
I don't know how Siri was able to keep his fortune when he was supposedly disowned but it's very frustrating seeing fics where Harry is the Black heir and becomes Lord Black. Just stop and think for a moment. Draco is literally the only pureblood Black offspring left! The Black line is basically extinct! And if you factor in Drastoria, Draco was willing to let his maternal AND paternal lines fade away! The only time Draco's Black heritage seems to be brought up is in fics where abusive Lucius disowns him. It's just sad. Harry is NOT a Black! As much as I love Godfather!Sirius, part of me is disgusted that Harry inherited Grimmauld's place. That house should belong to Narcissa and Draco and I don't care if I am the only one on this hill.
More Regulus & Draco, please!
People seem to prefer to write a relationship with Reggie and Harry. Which makes a bit of sense...but wouldn't it be more interesting to explore Draco & Reggie?? Draco and Regulus are family and they share quite a few similarities. I have seen some fics where Narcissa is so protective of DE!Draco because she sees him as a second chance after she failed Reggie. Or I have seen some fics where Regulus lives but so many of those center on Harry and Draco is lucky to be an afterthought. Why is Draco so divorced from his Black family? There's hardly any exploration with Draco & Sirius either. I don't even recall Draco expressing any feelings about Sirius as a family member in book 3 when the dude is his cousin! Draco, Harry's rival, is related to his beloved godfather and NOTHING is done with this! Like WTH!!!
The positive side!
At least there are incredible fics out there that explore Draco's relationship with Andy and the Tonks family. I love Dora being Draco's surrogate big sister 🤩. So cute!!! I also like the Tonks family being involved in Draco's redemption and Ted being so fatherly towards Draco. Chef's kiss. Please, let Draco interact with his family 😞! Why is JKR so against Draco having a family?! Even his damn wife dies in CC!!! He only has one kid! Please, give this man an extended family!
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