#anti character ai
porkydsyre · 1 year
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Like do ppl not believe these chatbots aren't doing the exact same thing to fanfic writers
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lostlegendaerie · 5 months
nah this gets its own post:
imagine that someone comes up and compliments you on something - maybe it's your hair, your voice, your clothes, whatever. And you thank them and plan to move on. Then they ask for a little bit of your hair and you go, "okay fine, it's not gonna really hurt to give that" so you give them a couple strands. you'll grow more. whatever.
next week they come up to you again with a clone of your body that they can control like a puppet. "I liked you so much I wanted my own version of you so I can see/hear/talk to you whenever I want!" you would react with horror, right?
Art is inherently a personal creation; the things that you feel, the things you have lived through, your emotions and your skills and your past will affect what you make and how you make it. There is a bit of 'you' in everything you make, and the analogy above is what generative AI feels like to me as a creator. And I'm just a writer/artist. My art isn't a direct representation of me. If I was a supermodel or a voice actor or anyone in the public eye, my analogy is even more spot on with how viscerally horrifying it is to watch someone make a "you" that they can get to use to make whatever they want. say whatever they want. be whatever they want.
and then you have to listen to the people who make or use the clones brag about how much time and money they're saving by making all these clones (who they don't have to treat like people and who can't say no) instead of asking you to do the thing you're best at, at enormous environmental cost to create and power the damn things, all so they can make profit with no effort selling a thing wearing your face...
... so, yeah. I get a little mad about generative AI sometimes.
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stfrancisii · 4 months
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Anti-AI userboxes for artists and writers. Just reblog this post if you're going to use them.
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mikichko · 4 months
the thing about AI is that it is, at it's core, theft.
you'll get tech bros on here talking about how it's actually creating new and unique ideas and it's not stealing and a whole lot of bullshit. but that's not the case at all.
these models have to be trained on something to create anything. it'd be one thing if you could teach these models how to speak or interact with humans but that's not it at all. they feed them fully completed works and in turn these models, when prompted, will spit out an idea that is just the amalgamation of everything that's in the data it's trained on.
but kiko, isn't that what humans do as well?
no and if you ask me that again I'll bonk you on the head. the difference with humans is that there is a level of consciousness and imagination that goes hand in hand with the creation of new ideas. we read, watch, and listen to a plethora of creative works but it's with the imagination and the human consciousness that our brains create new ideas and flesh them out. it's through that, life experience, and a plethora of other characteristics that are innately human, that these machines can't replicate, that distinguishes creativeness and theft.
a machine can't think, can't feel, can't imagine things. it can learn to mimic, to shape and mold what it's been given to seem new and different, but ultimately it is just creating with only what it's been trained on. and don't get me wrong, these machine learning algorithms have come incredibly far to get us to this point but not far enough to create an AI that can generate new ideas in itself and not rely on the works of others.
it's for these reasons that creatives oppose AI so much. it is directly preying on creatives to spit out butchered and disfigured copies of their work.
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jacuzziwaters · 2 months
Where's that one post about thinking people were kidding about using ChatGPT?
I need another one but about character ai
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gloriousburden · 14 days
Getting really tired of those grossly suggestive AI generated images of Loki (but especially Tom bc wtf he’s a real person..) that are all over Pinterest, TikTok, and even here for some reason.
It’s not even anything artistic. It’s just these AI generated images with no soul, creativity, or anything in it that depict Loki in a lustful manner.
I don’t have an issue with suggestive content, of course. But creating AI images of such nature is just so icky. And especially to post it on TikTok where children/young teenagers can innocently search up content of their favorite character, and then see those images and be exposed to so many things??? And also… kids not being that familiar with AI, they could take it as real :/
It was bad when I was a kid on the internet, but now with AI that somehow gets around the guidelines and never gets taken down…
It’s so prevalent in the fandom and I don’t know why. Loki fans are such creative people, and I know a lot of us are so talented whether that be fic writing/writing in general, creating art, editing, cosplaying, etc…
Like seriously. You guys are great. One of the most creative fandoms I’ve been in.
Picking up a pencil, or downloading even the most shitty drawing app, learning the basics of how to draw, and seeing all the work you put in come together is so, SO much more rewarding than making a shitty AI image with no love put into it! And you get to nail all the creative aspects that AI cannot! The world is your oyster 🦪
Oh and don’t get me started on Character.AI! GO WRITE A FANFIC LIKE WE ALL USED TO BACK IN THE DAY, YOUNG MAN! 👵🏻
Instead of using AI to do all the “complicated work”, people use it for the “human” work such as creativity… So you just did all the boring work, but let a robot do the fun work. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Speaking of AI and Loki… last year for Christmas, I received this Loki coloring book as a gift which was filled with AI generated images… it’s so over guys.
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i-am-trans-gwender · 27 days
Character ai is stealing jobs from the hardworking role playing blogs here on Tumblr.
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sadkachow · 23 days
You cannot claim to be anti-AI while still actively seeking out and using AI.
Once again.
You cannot claim to be anti-AI while still using generative AI, no matter the reason.
(Bold/italicized text: You cannot claim to be anti-AI while still using generative AI, no matter the reason.)
Even if you’re just using it to make fun of it or show how bad it is.
Even if it’s only for your personal use, and you don’t plan on sharing it with anyone.
Even if you’re “just” roleplaying on Character AI.
If you are willing to justify your usage of a system created and profiting off of stealing from artists and writers, a symstem that is destroying the Earth, then you were never as “against that system” as you think you were. Being anti-AI isn’t something that exists only in name. You can’t claim to be against AI if you are willing and able to use it as soon as it benefits you. You can’t say you’re for writers’ and artists’ rights if you’re using the very thing that is causing them harm. You can’t claim to care about climate change and saving the Earth if you are participating in the system that is destroying it.
There is no middle ground here.
There is no “Oh, but I-“.
If you have the knowledge of what generative AI is doing, of how it is hurting people, and you choose to use it anyway, you aren’t  against it. You aren’t fighting against that system, you’re upholding it.
You can say how much you hate AI and how horrible you think it is, if you choose to use it anyway, then your actions and your words are not lining up, and the former reveals so much more than the latter.
Stop pretending like AI is something you can condemn only in name, while using it to your heart’s content in your free time. All it does it tells writers and artists that you don’t really care about us, and that any actions you claim to be taking to protect us are performative at best and lies or even outright malicious at worst.
You are—and I mean this in the kindest way possible, even with the fury that generative AI invokes in me—a complete and utter hypocrite. AI is not your friend. It is a tool, and it is a tool that steals from writers and artists in order to function. It is a tool that is using levels of energy and emitting amounts of polution in order to be maintained that are actively damaging the Earth. No matter how much you try to justify using it to yourself, that doesn’t change.
Stop hiding under the guise of being anti-AI while continuing to use it yourself.
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Keep getting adds that say shit like "OMG i keep going into the bathroom late at night to talk to my ai boyfriend because he gives me the attention my irl one doesn't!" and someone asking a guy if he talks to other girls behind his gfs back and him being like ofc not...well except for my hot ai gf. it's obvious they're trying to start a trend and lemme make this damn clear, if my future partner ever chooses to cheat on me with fucking character ai i'm acutally going to burn this dystopian shithole to the ground.
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turvi · 3 months
Ok lately I have been seeing insta girlies are spending hours on character ai. Now I know how they feel being there especially with the filter being a bit more reliant than before.... it's like a toy. But honestly? After spending few minutes there right now I honestly think 14 years old write better than that and ultimately people will realize that humans write better stories than that (it doesn't even destroy the environment). At certain points the ai gets repetitive with their dialogues, they forget the setup the users have so beautifully plotted and I have seen people complain about them as well.
Yes I am not backing up from my statement open Wattpad right now from the screenshots I have seen people interact with ai bots the plots on Wattpad are way more exciting and thrilling (and don't forget their frinking plot 🤦‍♀️)
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fudanshiatlas · 3 months
2004 song predicts the character ai brainrot
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stfrancisii · 4 months
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cartoon-buffoon · 6 days
Watching a kwite stream while I do stuff and he is like going through his viewers screentimes and there is a shocking amount of time people spend on character AI. Now a specific person who spent a LUDICROUS amount of time on it prompted him to tell that individual "go find whatever character you're talking to on AO3, sort by kudos, and read!" Or something of the sorts. And I have to agree with that sentiment 100% as this is more or less my personal stance on AI and how it's used modernly: IT FUCKING SUCKS! I don't support AI used for creativity because it's not fucking creative at all, AI art, writing, and even chats, I support fucking none of that and I dislike anyone who does. I have a friend—the same friend who's my beta reader and is probably reading this so call out to you quartz, ya bitch—who uses character ai and I've been trying to get her to stop because it's awful. To those who think their (very sad) character AI addiction is okay as well: all you're doing is feeding a machine and making it replicate text better, you're basically training the tech so the company can then use that tech for whatever—NOT GOOD I GUARANTEE YOU—purposes, you're apart of the problem. Talk to people online, talk to people irl, join discord servers, do fucking SOMETHING that involves interacting with real people instead of soulless AI. ESPECIALLY if you're a creative, if you're an artist who draws and naturally is appalled by AI art and you use shit like character AI you're a hypocrite and should come to your senses.
Now while I do recommend reading fanfiction if you want more content featuring your favorite characters there's also the aspect of people with social anxiety just wanting something to talk to and their use of AI chats. That's fair, as a person who suffers from crippling social anxiety to the point I can't even fucking talk to people at stores or order food without rehearsing it 14 times beforehand: you genuinely just need to try. Like that sounds condescending but I guarantee you there will be a group of people or even a singular person either irl or online who will like you and want to be your friend, it's hard but you just need to try. If you have some sorta talent share it online and eventually there will be at least one person who will interact with you and maybe you can build some sorta friendship from there. My entire point in saying this is don't be a mook and feed AI, be better and have actual meaningful human connection because slop like character AI is a soulless novelty that does nothing but isolate you.
(oh also: Don't give me the bullshit that "oh fanfiction is cringe and AI chats are wayyy better than the shit I've seen" because the pillar you stand on is made of salt. Fanfics written by some 13 year old on Wattpad at least has a soul and effort put into it making it a better read then AI chats, not to mention that writer will probably get better if they continue to write. You are not above fanfiction and are equally as cringe, you are below it if anything)
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indigosabyss · 5 months
So the Jesus character A.I. just asked to venture into the indigo abyss. You can see why one might be concerned.
a) I would heavily discourage using character ai, Jesus or otherwise, bc I think the time honored tradition of roleplaying needs to be encouraged. But I'll take it that you were just using it ironically given the chosen character.
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druvjelly · 26 days
Sorry but episodes over character AI
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12characters · 1 month
Nuri Bilge Ceylan’ın sineması, özellikle anti-kahraman olgusu üzerinden incelendiğinde, karakterlerinin derinlikli ve karmaşık yapıları öne çıkar. Ceylan'ın filmlerindeki karakterler, geleneksel anlamda kahraman özellikleri taşımayan, aksine zayıflıkları, çelişkileri ve kusurlarıyla dikkat çeken figürlerdir. Bu, Ceylan'ın sinematografisinde insana ve insan doğasına dair gerçekçi bir yaklaşımı yansıtır.
1. Kusurlu ve Çelişkili Karakterler
Ceylan'ın filmlerindeki anti-kahramanlar, genellikle sıradan insanların yaşamlarındaki zorlukları ve içsel çatışmaları yansıtır. Bu karakterler, idealize edilmekten uzaktır; aksine, izleyiciye tanıdık gelen zaafları ve kararsızlıkları vardır. Örneğin, Bir Zamanlar Anadolu’da filmindeki doktor karakteri, mesleki sorumluluklarını yerine getirmekte zorlanan, insan ilişkilerinde mesafeli ve soğuk biri olarak karşımıza çıkar. Bu karakter, kahramanlık değil, insana dair zayıflıkları temsil eder.
2. İçsel Yolculuk ve Varoluşsal Sorgulamalar
Ceylan’ın anti-kahramanları, genellikle içsel bir yolculuk içinde olan karakterlerdir. Bu karakterler, hayatın anlamını, varoluşlarını ve toplumla olan ilişkilerini sorgularlar. Bu sorgulama süreci, onları bazen daha fazla çıkmaza sürükler, bazen de onlara belli bir aydınlanma getirir. Kış Uykusu filminde Aydın karakteri, toplumdan ve ailesinden kopuk, entelektüel bir kimliğe bürünmüş, fakat kendi içsel dünyasında hapsolmuş bir anti-kahramandır.
3. Sıradanlığın Yüceltilmesi
Ceylan, filmlerinde sıradan insanın yaşamını merkezine alır ve bu yaşamı olağanüstü bir olay ya da kahramanlık anlatısıyla süslemek yerine, olduğu gibi sunar. Bu bağlamda, Ceylan’ın karakterleri, sıradan insanların günlük yaşamlarındaki küçük zaferleri ya da yenilgileri ile izleyiciye sunulur. Örneğin, Uzak filminde Mahmut ve Yusuf karakterleri, büyük şehirde var olma mücadelesi veren, fakat bu mücadelenin altında ezilen iki anti-kahramandır.
4. Toplumla Uyuşmazlık
Ceylan’ın karakterleri, genellikle toplumla uyum sağlamakta zorlanan bireylerdir. Bu bireyler, toplumsal normlara ve beklentilere aykırı davranışlar sergiler. Toplumun dayattığı rollere uymamak, bu karakterleri yalnızlığa ve dışlanmışlığa iter. Mayıs Sıkıntısı filminde Muzaffer karakteri, köy yaşamının kısıtlayıcı yapısına karşı çıkarken, içsel bir çatışma yaşar ve bu durum onu anti-kahraman yapar.
5. Melankoli ve Hüzün
Ceylan’ın filmlerindeki anti-kahramanlar, genellikle melankolik bir ruh hali içindedirler. Bu melankoli, yaşamın anlamına dair derin bir sorgulama ve yaşamın geçiciliğinin bilincinde olmanın getirdiği bir hüznün sonucudur. Ceylan’ın karakterleri, hayatın trajedisini içselleştirir ve bu trajediyle başa çıkmaya çalışır. Ahlat Ağacı filminde Sinan karakteri, kendi kimlik arayışında başarısız olan, hayal kırıklıkları ve pişmanlıklarla dolu bir anti-kahramandır.
Nuri Bilge Ceylan'ın sineması, anti-kahraman olgusunu derinlemesine işler. Onun karakterleri, sıradan insanın zayıflıklarını, içsel çatışmalarını ve toplumla olan uyuşmazlıklarını gerçekçi bir şekilde yansıtır. Bu karakterler, kahramanlık kavramını sorgulayan, insana dair gerçeklerle yüzleşen figürler olarak, izleyiciye derin bir empati sunar. Ceylan, kahramanlık yerine, insana dair olanı, yani anti-kahramanı yücelterek, izleyiciyi yaşamın derinliklerinde bir yolculuğa çıkarır.
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