#i am not joking
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thecownamedcat · 3 days ago
To be fair foxes have been known to steal people wallets
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Foxes disguised as monks. On the left from Japan and on the right from Denmark.
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juniper-clan · 10 months ago
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Moon 19: Les Yeux San Visage
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 5 months ago
i can't believe it
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they perfectly created a tumblr sexyman
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neunnnnnnn · 1 month ago
A big F to the person on shiftok who said that if I scripted I had clear skin in my reality, my skin will be transparent 😭
And the damn shifting genetics and police crap...
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hongjoongdaily · 25 days ago
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Europe tour merch, someone please get this for me - I WILL BUY YOURS TOO 😭
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velvetlilith777 · 4 months ago
on my period in genuine tears over the fact that sebastian isn't real
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writingjourney · 1 year ago
don't ask me about secondo ever or you will hear me rambling out a whole character analysis for two hours because I am DEDICATED to this man, he is my wife.
EDIT – Okay you did it.
Some SFW Secondo HCs:
had to deal with the highest expectations out of the brothers, being older than Terzo and a lot younger than Primo it was clear that his Papacy would be of importance and Nihil expected him to excel while not necessarily providing the necessary guidance (especially when Terzo turned out to be more rebellious in nature)
being Nihil’s “favorite” did not come with all the benefits one might suspect, no more attention, no more love or care, only more work and pressure within the clergy
outside of the family many people never realised how he suffered from this neglect and exploitation and therefore do not perceive his trauma as that, often mistake his character for being cold/aloof when really he is just masking extremely hard and trying to appear unaffected and professional
while he was prepared for his future role, he quickly realised that his needs weren’t of importance, only his work and his rise within the clergy and so he learned that it is better not to ask and appear weak (so they don’t consider him unfitting)
while Primo did the best he could to replace their absent father, the clergy’s demands on the future Papa never allowed him to be quite the father figure that he wished he could be for his younger brothers – Secondo had to learn fast how to take care of himself and how to protect his younger brother from the clergy’s influences
despite detesting the clergy’s inner mechanisms, Secondo is a man of duty and has accepted that he was put on this path in Lucifer’s name
just before and after becoming Papa he quickly learned that bringing in own ideas just leads to dismissal and that being Papa made him a vessel for the ideals of the clergy which he grew to detest (“I’m a marionette”), also quickly learned that it is wiser not to rebel against them
this made him worried for Terzo who already had a lot of plans for his own Papacy that weren’t in line with the clergy’s agenda
through it all he found a lot of solace in his faith, is the most spiritual out of all the Papas with a special fondness for the modern symbolism of Baphomet that represents balance and wholeness (“And he's as macho as he is connected to the softer, more feminine part of himself” X), something that means a lot to him who is caught in a lot of turbulent emotions, this spirituality and also his high level of literacy is pretty evident in his music
therefore: best spiritual guide/advisor out of all the Papas, knows the right quotes and the right words to provide comfort and reassurance to bring you back on your path, way more empathetic than people give him credit for based on his cool demeanour, even though he is someone who quietly reassures you and uses a more reason based approach
because of all of this he has grown to be a very measured man who will always weigh reason and emotions against each other, rarely will you see him lose his temper on the outside, being in control of his emotions is important to him because that way he can have a sense of power he lacked when he was younger (also means he cannot let loose and relax easily, this man is TENSE and his shoulders hate him for it)
if someone wrongs him that person will get the cold shoulder and honestly, being the object of his scorn is worse, disappointing him is worse than his anger and he never forgets anything, this man has a whole drawer of receipts
doesn’t hate anyone as much as himself, the top spot is however taken by his neglectful, uncaring father who never knew how to act like a parent
if he does lose his temper it will usually not be on behalf of himself but someone else he truly cares about (his brothers, his lover, his protégés etc) and even so his anger is not the loud, yelling or violent kind but the kind that sends chills down your spine (his looks alone can kill and he finds the perfect sharp words to hurt you)
soft-spoken (not quite as much as Primo though), very calculated and minimalist in what he shows on the outside but his words usually hit where and how they’re supposed to (just listen to his voice on Infest and some of his speeches on stage, it’s quiet and haunting)
very much a quality over quantity sort of person – good food, good drinks, nice clothes he can wear for a long time, simple luxuries that go a long way and add to his comfort
big earth sign energy when it comes to his habits, works hard, has high expectations, good with money, particular about how he does things but generous with those he loves
good luck trying to get this man to open to up to you, he will not overshare and you have to pry every bit of more intimate personal information out of him, especially about his childhood
however, he is a very willing and patient teacher if you want to learn about his special interests or happen to sit in one of his classes, especially if you show potential and interest
self-sabotages a lot, especially when it comes to romantic relationships, for flings he avoids anything too intimate which extends to his preferred sex positions as well as kissing, when he notices he could really like someone he will find reasons why it doesn’t work (commitment issues), scared to be hurt and also scared to inflict pain and false hopes on someone else
when he does fall for someone and overcomes his fears he is the most loyal and supportive partner, you will be surprised by how loving and gentle he is with you, by how romantic he is (not in the cheesy way but in that soft, caring way who wants to love forever), pays close attention to your needs and preferences and never forgets anything
love languages: shows love with acts of service, gift giving and also quality time, likes to receive physical touch (loves to cuddle but is hesitant to initiate, would never admit how much he loves kisses to his face and hand holding but you can tell after some time), quality time and words of affirmation (so many times until he finally believes them)
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mayrine · 5 months ago
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eszter-hazy · 1 month ago
ankles is my new personality now:
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Lucy Dacus and Havana Rose Liu in Lucy Dacus Ankles music video
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fiction-podcast-lover · 8 months ago
I can't believe Victor Hugo gave Javert a fursona
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habibisagi · 9 days ago
how do you think isagi would react if he found out that i actually jerked off 4 times the day his goal panel leaked... do you think he would be chill with that information?
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ebaybears · 8 months ago
Making a spreadsheet of beanie babies (as one does) when I notice that. There is a Ronald Reagan beanie baby.
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 8 months ago
genuinely want to know what's going on in sakura's personal life and if he has a family
just to. y'know. have a reason to hate who turned sakura into who he is
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greghousepogging · 3 months ago
So uh I cried for 20mins after the end of Act 2 of Arcane s2.
How are we doing chat?
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natequarter · 11 months ago
the edge chronicles is a foundational work of fantasy. to me
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