#anti Bella Swan
Why does Bella refuse to remember and/or admit that Ed intentionally killed and ate people? It is mentioned, he told her about it, but she shows no fear, no disapproval, nothing at all. Why?
I mean, she does neither of those things.
She both remembers he did this, admits it, she just doesn't care/doesn't think it concerns her or is all that concerning of a thing.
Edward tells her about this in great angst, the years he... gave into temptation, expecting her to run out the door (as he expected her to with many of the things he admits) and she goes "wow, that's a story" and then Edward decides he is not going to push his luck here.
See, Edward's long since in his redemption arc. He doesn't eat people anymore, see. And even when he did, being a vampire and not eating people is really hard and Bella understands that. And Edward at least tried to only eat bad people, so that's points for something, right?
Though to give Bella credit, Edward tells this story himself in the kindest way to himself he possibly could. He doesn't go into details, he doesn't list exact numbers/is very vague about the... many people it was, he insists his victims were all bad and does admit "but I do realize this was wrong and made me just as terrible" and he very quickly moves past it. And Bella is not partial, she wants to love Edward, and so she wants to frame everything he says as being wonderful/good/or at least not that bad.
What Edward describes is safely decades in the past, it was only regarding 'bad' people, it sounds like vampire thirst is really hard and Edward's family is very impressive for sticking to it so she decides it's not something that should worry her.
As it is, Bella is... perhaps a bit too understanding of any vampire that eats people throughout the series as sure, she prefers if people do it the Cullen way, and thinks the Volturi are deplorable for their tourist eating scheme, but she has 0 problem with the many vampires that show up in Breaking Dawn and sure do eat a lot of people.
Not to mention the time she asks why the Cullens even bother not to eat people if it's so difficult and unrewarding and Edward just... stares at her.
The thing about Bella that can be a good thing or a bad thing (but is couched in the series as a good thing always) is that she's very accepting of people on a personal level if she likes them. As such, Bella's friends and family are forgiven their every flaw, not limited to eating people, and people Bella doesn't like are... not forgiven for that time they went on a terrible movie outing together that was entirely Bella's fault.
And I do have to increasingly wonder...
How many of you anons just watched the movies? Because a good number of you show up with questions that are very much addressed in the books but just get weird one-off lines or are never explained in the films.
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sailoreuterpe · 2 months
Just wanted to say your ask to panlight about Bella and everyone suffering except her, was spot on and you've listed everything that annoys me about her and her choices.
I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that!
👋🏻 hope you're having a good day!
Thank you so much! I genuinely enjoy when other readers analysis and headcanon the series into something more equal and fair. However, as presented, I just don't see Bella as this uniquely kind and selfless person. Depressed and inert, sure. However, in my opinion, there is a significant difference between kindness because of genuine altruism and "kindness" because of martyrdom or self-loathing. I'm speaking from unfortunate personal experience.
As well, as I listed, so many of Bella choices are only difficult or sacrificial for her in the short term. Yes, she suffers pain from choosing Edward when James targets her, but within two years she's a fabulous vampire with everything she ever wanted. Same with choosing to go to Italy, choosing to have Nessie, etc. Whereas Leah, Rose, and so many others not only never even had a choice, but then they get to suffer continually. Leah will always miss her father, Rose will always long for children and live with her trauma, and so on.
It's especially aggravating when others suffer because of Bella's choices. Bella chooses Edward; Jacob forcefully imprints on Nessie, where neither of them actually have a choice. Bella chooses to run to Edward in New Moon; the entire Cullen clan is now on the Volturi's hit list. Bella chooses to reunite with Edward and the Cullens; Victoria creates a newborn army which kills dozens of young people and causes the shifters to transform. Bella chooses the vampires over the shifters and demands that Edward sit out the fight; the other combatants are in more danger and Jacob gets hurt. Bella chooses to have Nessie; the shifters get pulled into a supernatural war and transformed against their will.
Yes, so much of that isn't directly Bella's fault. However, Bella spends very little time thinking of any consequences for herself, let alone anyone else. She's willing to die to be with Edward, her parents be damned. She's willing to put so many others into danger to be with Edward, this "good" character we're supposed to champion. She's even willing to die with Edward against the Volturi, after an entire book praising what an amazing mother she is. Having a baby doesn't make you a mother; being a parent does, and honestly Rose and Jacob are more of Nessie's parents than Bella and Edward.
As someone who cares about all of the characters, I just don't see Bella as the heroine or the story as fair. Bella actively, consistently choses Edward over all other things (and all other people). The narrative rewards her decisions (that are pretty fucking selfish and terrible across the board) by giving her her every dream come true and her "perfect piece of forever." Everyone else has to make due with Bella's crumbs.
Some choice.
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Oh, ooohhh, the excruciating painful memory of, *checks notes* fishing in the summer.
She actively blocks having fun with family friends she's seen several times in her life (in this case her dad's best friend!), because it's so unnecessary...
I forgot what a horrible person she is. Like I knew, but rereading the first chapter (it's been only 3 pages!!) And no it's even worse. I almost felt like I was being mean or overexaggerated, but no.. she insufferable.
Even if she hates fishing, she could played with Billy's kids, read a book, swim, sleep whatever, but the fact that they hung out together was apparently painful.
Bella has no fun, hates fun, and most of all is above all others who have fun. This is not a person you'd enjoy being around.
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restinslices · 9 months
(I swear to y’all, imma go back to Mortal Kombat. But I have to rant. Imma pretend it’s the early 2000s and rant about Twilight. If you’re pro any of the Cullens, don’t even read this)
I’m not saying Jacob should’ve kissed Bella, but my thing is this; Jacob kisses you and you call him a dog and say you hope Edward kills him. Edward has done foul shit the ENTIRE SERIES and you let him slide repeatedly. There’s this part where Bella gets mad and says something like “at least Edward an act like an adult”. Bitch. He IS AN ADULT. What do you mean? Bella is way more harsh when it comes to Jacob and I don’t get why she holds so much anger towards this child and holds him to this high standard but has none of these feelings when it comes to the old ass adult she’s with. Since I’m typing, Stephanie Myers is weird and idc what y’all say. I remember Bella described Leah as beautiful in an EXOTIC way. MA’AM? It feels like she realized how asshole-ish the Cullens are and tried to make the wolves seem worse but all I’m thinking is “they’re definitely in the right when it comes to not liking the Cullens”.
The wolves don’t like vampires because they’re a safety risk. The Cullens being there (keep in mind, they’re rich enough to leave and never come back) is triggering these young ass people to turn into wolves. The Cullens don’t like the wolves because?? They have no valid reason. Edward constantly says the wolves are dangerous and yeah, they’re not the safest to be around but compared to vampires they’re a lot safer. Bella has only been harmed by vampires and only the vampires have tried to end her life. James, Laurent, Jasper, Victoria, the new born army that’s forming, the Volturi. She’s only been in danger because of the wolves once. Like, I don’t get how Stephanie expects us to agree with Edward when there’s proof that the wolves are way safer. Not 100% safe but better than vampires. And while I love Seth, I swear Seth is the “you’re not like the others” character. They only like Seth because he doesn’t hold animosity towards them as if that animosity isn’t valid. It’s giving “you’re not like other blacks, you talk proper” (ik he’s not black, it’s an example). I’m finishing the books because I’m too deep to quit but I wish they let Victoria finish the job.
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magicianpanache · 2 years
Who is Renée Dwyer ?
Who is Renée Dwyer ? Bella seems to have a pretty positive opinion of her. She's slightly condescending, and a bit insecure, but overall Bella seems to really love her. However, let's be honest here, Bella is a terrible judge of character, so I wanted to explore her a little.
Most people seem to have one of two views of Renee
A well meaning woman who got pregnant too soon but did her best. Things weren't perfect, but she tried to encourage Bella to try new things.
After all, she seems to really care about Bella. She's frantic when she goes to see her in the hospital in Twilight, they seem to have a good relationship... In fact, Bella doesn't seem to resent her in the least.
She signs up Bella for ballet, and accepts that Bella doesn't like it and lets her drop it, which suggests she respects Bella's opinion.
2. A neglectful woman who shouldn't have gotten custody, emotionally abusive and narcissistic
Why would I think that ? Bella cooks too well for a seventeen year old and seems to have been responsible for paying the bills for a while.
Most egregiously, Bella knows the last words her mom told her dad before leaving. Why, in God's name does she know that ? It screams enmeshment and parentification on Renée's part.
Where do you stand ?
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Bella Swan from Twilight as a shojou anime protagonist who just wants senpai to notice her.
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threebooksoneplot · 10 months
Was just catching up on the pod and had to chime in on ep 29. I think it’s a little unfair to say that Bella is being over the top in her depression era. Yes she is sad about Edward leaving but it goes deeper than that: it wasn’t just a boyfriend she was losing.
She is an only child with an immature, selfish mom and a dad that, while nice enough, hardly knows her. The Cullens are a large, cohesive, loving family and she wanted to join them badly. Also, now that she knows that the supernatural exists, she wants to be a part of that world badly and losing Edward also meant losing her chance at immortality. She didn't just lose a boyfriend, she lost the best possible version of her life.
Bella's depression is always going to be a hot topic, trust me bestie. G has talked pretty decently in-show about how Bella lost her entire support system. that's 100% true: she put all her eggs in one vampire-shaped basket, went full tunnel-vision when it came to edward, and only focused on that for 6+ months. but imo it's unfair to point toward charlie and renee (don't worry, I'll get into that) and shuffle responsibility onto them for the way bella spirals after edward/the cullens depart, leaving her with some vague yearning for a loving family (which, tbh, I'm not sure I see supported in canon in any way?)
friend I am so sorry to break it to you but the podcast jokes about stanning renee are not a bit. I (shannon) will always come to the defense of my girl renee dwyer because of how severely she's been mischaracterized by fandom at large. I won't get into it too deeply (me when I lie) because I really could go on all day but bella's parents being distant to the plot they way they both are is 100% by design. it's the whole Disney Mom Effect. when your character is designed to go off on adventures and have a fantastical journey, you sort of end up killing the mom (or at least one parent) so that there's more of that push for the main character to go out and make their own life! woo! enjoy your magical journey! but if you have a mom that is thoughtful, super-involved, ever-present, and/or ahem, alive, that fucks with the plans. renee isn't some neglectful monster who abandoned her daughter to go spend weekends in miami. charlie isn't some dumb sitcom dad who weaponizes incompetence to get free meals. they both love, care about, and worry for bella the way a normal parent would (and we see this in canon). now, smeyer didn't kill either of them, but honestly she pulled off charlie and renee's characters really well imo!
anyways, I agree that losing a vampire boyfriend that could have offered you infinite money or eternal life is a big L, no matter what. but the thing is, bella doesn't care about either of those things. she doesn't care about anything beyond Being With Edward (and Alice, to a lesser extent). the vampirism and cullens are a bonus perk, but she only focuses on edward. that's why we're always going to clown on her "throbbing" holes and her boring nightmares. sure, I feel bad about her complete lack of self-esteem and her self-destructive streak, but it's so hard to feel bad for her when the way she thinks about and acts toward non-cullen characters is like, uh... not great. so I am very sorry to you and the whole of your defense squad, and I wish you the best in your journey, but I don't think we'll ever NOT roll our eyes at Bella's behavior in this book 💔😔—shannon
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^ me (G) reading shannon's answer to this
I mostly agree (except for the part about pulling off charlie's and renee's characters well. idk if I'd go THAT far.) the tl;dr for me is that I understand why many people find bella (particularly in her depression era) relatable, and I entered into this reading hoping (and even lowkey expecting) that I too would come away with more appreciation for her character, but I....did not. the opposite happened. that's my truth and if it makes me a hater, I'm a hater ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ —G
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So, this is apparently gonna be harder than I thought.
I'm looking for pre-canon, non-pairing vampire-Carlisle fanfics.
I know someone has to have written the centuries so many of us are interested in of Carlisle's life pre Twilight canon. So I'm on the hunt for some.
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therealvinelle · 18 days
Would Edward be jealous if he knew that Bella thought Carlisle and Rosalie were hot hot hot?
It's factually correct they are hot hot hot, I imagine he'd nod approvingly to the Carlisle bit and disapprovingly to the Rosalie bit. She is hot, that is a fact, it's also the problem with her. This is the man who suggested Jacob get Bella pregnant since she wants a child so badly, jealousy is not on Edward's radar in any conventional way.
The most adverse reaction I can imagine is an angsty "Yes, we are all beautiful in this family... BECAUSE WE ARE MONSTERS".
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simsim54 · 8 months
Edward: Black. Jacob: *overhears* Edward: Black? Jacob: *about to speak up* Edward: No, Cullen-Black? Edward: Jacob Cullen Or Edward Black Jacob: *from around a corner* Edward Cullen sounds much better if I do say so myself. Edward: How much of that did you hear? Jacob: *walks out* or you and I could be Cullen-Black. But I think we should plan this once we start dating Edward: Are you asking me out? Jacob: I don't know Mr. Cullen-Black, am I?
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I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but. What if EDWARD gets pregnant instead of Bella?
That is a question, isn't it?
I'll have to think about this.
Let's Do It
Alright, we start in the same place as Breaking Dawn. Bella and Edward have sex >= 2 times, Edward at first is very upset with the physical injuries Bella shows but he's much better from time two onwards.
Two weeks pass by with much tropical delight. Unlike in canon, unless the chicken really was bad, Bella does not suddenly get violently ill. If she does, then it passes after a terrible time with our good friend salmonella.
However, Edward's feeling strange. I imagine Bella's the first to notice as Edward doesn't stare at himself that often. Bella's definitely noticing if Edward's abs are a little less defined than usual.
The thing is...
How does she bring it up?
"Edward, you're bloated?"
"Edward, you kind of have a muffin top there?"
Now, Bella's not the type to gaslight herself, she knows he was ripped before and that now he's a little poofy where he wasn't. And vampire bodies aren't supposed to change, but Edward's not saying anything and... is this just a weird post-vampire sex thing?
Edward is also feeling weird stomach "pains" (he's not sure what to call them as he has no stomach and he's never felt anything like this before, but yes, it is a baby starting to move around in there).
Edward becomes progressively more pregnant and neither Edward nor Bella say anything. Edward has now definitely noticed but is in that stage of illness where one denies this is happening or what this even is because vampires don't get ill and Bella isn't sure that this isn't totally normal.
Edward's just, you know... not fat... but kind of pregnant looking? And eating a lot of animals?
Should she call Carlisle?
Alice I imagine calls at some point as she stops seeing Edward. Now, she may call right away as in canon, or may call later so as to not er be looking in on the honeymoon even though she totally is. In canon, she'd thought Bella had died, here nothing can happen to Edward so... maybe he's just being weird about decisions or ew Jacob showed up.
Edward is also debating calling Carlisle but he's reached the shame portion of an illness where he does not wish to confess to his family that he is seriously ill with something and he has no idea what it is or how it happened.
I think Renesmee is born like a xenomorph on Isle Esme. Luckily, they can piece Edward back together. Unluckily, Bella will still be human by that point and... well... Renesmee may not drink her fill and Bella may survive but be turned.
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Rosalie says she never loved Edward as anything more than a brother, but is mad when he shows no romantic interest in her.
She gets jealous when he shows an interest in Bella even though at this point she's been with Emmett for about 70 years.
She hates being a vampire, would rather have died, yet she asks Carlisle to turn a dying Emmett for her.
When asked by Edward what she would do if she were in Bella's position and Emmett in his, Rosalie can't give a clear answer. Some part of Rosalie would give up Emmett for a human life.
Rose has very little regard for human life. She only cares about the romanticized human life she lost.
She's about respecting choices, but only if it's a choice she agrees with. Rosalie supports Bella's choice to go through with the pregnancy, but only because it's something she would have personally done. Up until then, Rose has shown very little respect or care for Bella's choices. She tries to dissuade Bella, but never tries to understand Bella's POV.
I love Rosalie, but Smeyer made her so selfish and contradictory that loving her is really hard sometimes.
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And we're back to hating her.
There is no reason why bella is calling him Charlie behind his back.
"I wasn't allowed", bullshit, Charlie would be hurt but he wouldn't force her to call him anything. This man barely saw his daughter because her mother took her away, and bella refused to visit him after a while and made him travel to spend 2 weeks in the summer with her somewhere else. Charlie is clearly happy to have her live with him and he awkwardly tries to make her comfortable.
No bella, you call him dad to his face because you know it makes you a mean girl if you don't. You knew it would hurt him and of course you can't imagine you're someone who would willingly and knowingly hurt someone else, even if you are, so you fake it to his face and disrespect him any other time.
This man did nothing to you. This man was sidelined by you and your mother, and now you think you're edgy to call him Charlie, but you're dumb selfish mother is your best friend.
Well you yourself said you look like you're mother... it's just not in a positive way. (And also, is you're mother you're best friend because you have that weird unhealthy dynamic going on, or because you don't seem to have any other friends?!)
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belle-keys · 3 months
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Exhibit A: here
Exhibit B: here
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
@simsim54 you've just inspired me
OK, Twilight fans, first off for the people who are homophobes, haters, and racists please leave and ignore this post if you don't like it.
Secondly, fans. Like all of you, i love twilight, but I feel like Stephanie Meyer had very poor execution on the story. Bella and Edward LITERALLY had little to no chemistry, and they cringy af, and everything felt rushed, especially if you looked at the timeline of events that was happening from twilight to Breaking dawn.
But one of my old posts got me thinking.
What if Stephanie had made Jacob female, and she was Jacqueline black (I know Jacob's fem name is Julie, but I feel like Jacqueline suits them better)
What if Stephanie Meyer, instead of making a girl with little to no personality and giving awkward introverts a bad name. She made this Bad@$$ Indigenous she-wolf mechanic shape-shifter who was loyal to her tribe, proud of her culture and freaking tough as nails but the most motherly person you'll ever meet and alpha female materials, then paired this woman to our awkward introverted gentleman vampire artist who could read her thoughts and they started out as enemies and then it became a slow burn to lovers.
I personally feel like if this story was written write then this would've made a waaaaayyyyyy better movie and way less cringe.
I will be first to say that sterek ate the child of the sheriff of a small town falling in love with a supernatural hottie. But Bella and Edward were cringe and very funny, and I couldn't take their love story seriously for more than two seconds. Sterek did it better, and even the fanfics ate.
But Edward Cullen, who is a vampire and a part of the Cullen clan, fell in love with Jacqueline Black. Daughter of Billy Black and great-granddaughter of Ephraim Black. A descendant of an alpha and a chief! Who also has issues with her older sisters. She is also part of Quileute tribe.
And their children being hybrids will also be interesting.
I'm serious when I say that this story has potential, and if done correctly, it would have me reading on repeat.
Jacqueline and Edward hate each other at first sight because of who they are, then Jacky imprints on him, tries to hide it, but then sparks a relationship between her and Edward (with Seth's help of course), some of the cullens being extremely supportive of their relationship (apart from Rosalie who took some getting used to but slowly accepting Jacky), Jacqueline's pack finding out and the pack drama happens, Jacky's sisters making an appearance
Plus, the beautiful Romance between these two with the forbidden love. Plus, we can add in a cameo of Bella here and there. But Charlie would definitely be involved, and his relationship with Sue should be slow and not SUE LITERALLY GOING AFTER CHARLIE WHEN HER HUSBAND'S BODY IS NOT EVEN COLD YET!!!!
Seriously dudes, this has SO MUCH POTENTIAL!
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personalheroin · 8 months
idk.. the way edward talks to bella is so degrading. he really treated her like she was incapable of making responsible decisions (shes not, as later revealed to us but he didnt know that) I don’t see how anyone could like Edward. If a man treated me like that i would avoid him like the plague. If i saw him in my fucking bedroom?? I’d file a fucking restraining order. What the hell makes you think i’d let this disrespectful ass bitch watch me sleep? EVEN IF HE WASNT MEAN TO ME, SOMEONE, A STRANGER, COMING INTO MY BEDROOM TO WATCH ME SLEEP IS ALWAYS MEGA CREEPY.
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