sheisnotdoneyet · 3 years
I’ve been on a daily restrict binge cycle for the last freaking year. I’m done. I am freaking done. I am going to lose the rest of this weight if it kills me.
I need an ana buddy, I need someone to talk to daily & keep me going. If anyone would be interested dm me! I’m 21 so please no minors! ❤️
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angelcake-99 · 3 years
Atypical anorexia vs Anorexia
I hate that atypical anorexia is considered part of the ofsed diagnosis. Atypical anorexia suggests that sufferers of it are abnormal or ‘atypical’ this undermines the effects of it , by suggesting that is not comparable to normal anorexia.
Doctors and psychologists are telling anorexics that their weight suggests how severe their disorder is. SO THEY ARE TELLING PEOPLE WITH MOST COMPETITIVE DISORDERS THAT STRUGGLE WITH WEIGHT THAT THEIR WEIGHT DETERMINES HOW DISORDERED (WORTHY) THEY ARE. 
This is shown as most anorexics who are underweight now have probably been overweight or normal weight or obese at some point . And most anorexics who are at the moment ‘Atypical’ will become underweight and if not will suffer health consequences either short or long term. And this is just the physical side and not the psychological side of the disorder . 
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The worst part about an ED or body dysmorphia is that you always think you’ll get to a point where you will look into the mirror and be happy with what you see but the closer you get to your “goal” the farther away your goal moves from you. It’s unobtainable and we end up killing ourselves on the journey to perfection... I’m not sure how much longer I can take this.
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yourlittlebabyangel · 4 years
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wikisci · 3 years
i just had a panic attack over 250 calories, whats wrong with me
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skixaxdboxes · 4 years
Ana buddies?
hi, i’m currently looking for an ana buddy. preferably around 18-25, but that’s really my only thing. if anyone is interested, please comment down below!!
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m00dym0d · 4 years
🌱Meal Plan: 10/16/20
- Coffee with a teaspoon of creamer, equal (2)
- Black Tea with a little milk and equal
- 3 Chicken Tenders (Trader Joe’s)
- Thai Veggie Burger with wheat bread, a slice of cheese and teaspoon of mayo
- Green Apple
(I skipped writing down my meal plans this weekend but I was really happy with myself last saturday. I only ate a rice bowl from Trader Joe’s and had two monsters. I noticed that when I’m out with family all day, I just forget to eat and don’t feel the need to. I definitely eat when I’m bored and I’ve been trying to keep my day busyyy! It’s that time of the month this week too😭, so I’ve had to eat a little early to take pain meds and stop the cramps, when it’s over l’m all good again!
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i only ate 320 cals today but now i’m binging on this slice of cake pray for me
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juczix · 4 years
Powracam Ano, znów błagam Cię o wybaczenie. Powracam i proszę o naszej współpracy wznowienie. Powracam bo rozumiem, że bez Ciebie nie istnieję. Usłysz me wołanie, usłysz jak błagam o chudość, o kości, proszę Cię wróć bez litości, wróć i mnie napraw, pozbaw grubości. Powracam Ano do Ciebie i już nie odejdę, bo rozumiem, że bez Ciebie nie istnieję.
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holyysarahh · 5 years
Have you ever binged and then brushed it off as boosting your metabolism?
Yeah. That's me rn.
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xsickk · 5 years
Literally if there's any satanic cult that makes you skinny and dainty, i am gladly gonna sell my soul for that
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One day.. I will be okay
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yourlittlebabyangel · 4 years
I know I’m fucked up when I cry and feel disgusting because I’m so hungry that I must eat something even I was losing weigh from it.
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dreaming-of-thin · 4 years
I feel fucking fat and idiotic I just ate a perfectly fine meal and then decided to have some fried rice after
I need to be harder on myself if I'm going to get anywhere with this! I will not give up this time around!
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100calgal · 6 years
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Scrambled eggs and noodles!
This one is really simple. You also have the option of useing one whole egg or a few egg whites. Today I was feeling the fatty flavor of a yoke so I cheat a bit and used a whole egg. Just that and half a pack of shiritaki noodles beat with some veggies. Add spices of your choice, I did salt pepper and saracha and believe you me it is tasty and filling.
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godhatesadam666 · 4 years
Just finished my morning walk! Ugh my feet hurt bc I had new shoes. I broke this morning and ate tuna in toast I hate myself for it!
I'm gonna restart and do a more restrictive diet as punishment AND I put salt into my ankle (my boots rubbed and now I have cuts on them. It might seem extreme but I feel really shitty)
Can anyone send me any type of spo: sweet, mean, fat ect. I really could use it.
For now I'm just gonna do my normal routine and do some stretching later.
Silver lining I guess I get to cook dinner tonight so I can make it low cal haha. If I keep working out and have low cal i might be able to break even with the diet day. I'll post the diet I'm doing later.
If anyone wants to seem the boots let me know. I'm still trying to work out what type of stuff I want to post on this blog haha.
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