#anne is one little shit of a ghost
Ok, this is actually funnier than I thought, so, have another one, always from the same au :)
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It's your birthday - 141, Los Vaqueros + König
A/N: Since it's my birthday today, thought I'd indulge myself so hope you guys enjoy :))
Summary: It's your birthday and the guys find out.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Depends on if he's close to you or not.
Mans has the emotional range of a sock, so realistically the most you'd probably get out of him is a gruff "Happy Birthday."
And that's only if he somewhat likes you - if he doesn't then he'd probably just say "You're getting old now, cunt." *Affectionately? Who knows.*
If you were part of the Team, he'd probably take the piss out of you for it.
Would definitely be the one who would tell the waiters that it was your birthday - even if it wasn't - just to embarrass you.
Nonetheless, despite all his teasing, you came back to your room that night to find a little gift on top of your bed spread; there was no name on it, but scrawled across the tag said "Happy Birthday, (Y/N)."
It was a hunting knife with your initials carved into the base of the handle.
You never questioned it but whenever he saw you use it, a small glint briefly sparkled in his eyes.
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
He's lowkey annoyed that you never told him when your birthday was.
Would absolutely rope you and some of the Team into going out clubbing - Ghost refused but ended up turning up anyways; "Wanted to watch you make arses of yourselves."
I can just imagine him going to the bar and coming back with a tray of shots - the people who carry and sell the shots in clubs know to carry extra because he buys them all each time.
Would honestly have spent most, if not all, of his money if it hadn't been for Price being the voice of reason.
Would also be the type that would be telling anyone and everyone that it was your birthday so you guys could get free shots.
Orders you whatever food you want on the way back home aswell - kebab? Got it. Pizza? Done. Whatever you want, he'll stumble into the shop and get it.
Your birthday would be absolutely chaotic but it would be one to remember.
Captain John Price
He knew it was your birthday, he's seen your file - the fact that you hadn't mentioned it to anyone meant that you probably had a reason not to, so he didn't say anything.
Would probably wish you a casual 'happy birthday' on a passing, in his normal formal tone.
When Soap invites all the team out on your behalf for clubbing, he's reluctant to go - claims he's "too old for that shit."
But ends up going anyways, purely because he knows that when Soap gets drunk he's a bit of a liability and can easily spend way more than he should (and honestly, same).
Would buy you a drink - whatever you wanted, alcoholic or not.
And maybe, just maybe, if he's had a bit to drink and or is in a good mood, he'd let you wear his hat. Just this once.
But then Soap tried to put it on and said he was keeping it...
So he took the hat back like >:(
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
He also knew when your birthday was - it came up in a conversation ages ago, and he has a great memory.
Also gets roped into your birthday night out by Soap.
He'd probably get just as drunk as Johnny but he'd be taking photos and posting onto his Snapchat Story, basically vlogging the whole night.
I can also see him surprising you with a cupcake, placing a birthday candle in it with a sheepish smile.
Would also buy you drinks but unlike Soap, he wouldn't be killing his bank account - self-control and all that.
Would get the DJ to play a birthday song for you - not the traditional cheesy one, but either 'It's My Birthday' by Will.I.Am or maybe 'Birthday' by Anne-Marie.
Alejandro Vargas
"Ah, feliz cumple!" *idk if this is correct, using this article for reference*
Like Soap, he wants to go all out for your birthday - if both teams were together at the time, it'd be one big chaotic night out.
He's a big flirt, regardless of what age you are he's complimenting you nonstop.
If he and Rudy get roped into the Night Out by Soap, Rudy and Price end up having to the be the voices of reason - Soap, Gaz, and Alejandro keep ordering shots; they managed to convince you into doing that challenge of getting a drink of everything from one end of the bar to the other.
Needless to say, you're all legless by the end of the night - well, Alejandro's still vertical but his alcohol tolerance is insane.
Would definitely want to spoil you - takes you shopping and tells you to pick anything that you want, don't worry about the price.
Honestly this is making me think of what Sugar Daddy! Alejandro would be like and it's giving me ideas...
Rudy Parra
This sweet guy would absolutely go out and get you a cake, maybe a balloon, and a card.
How did he know it was your birthday? He's a good listener, you'd been talking about your life outside of the military and had flippantly mentioned when your birthday was, which he noted.
Like Alejandro, he would honestly spoil you rotten.
If you both weren't deployed, he'd plan a trip away somewhere, surprising you with the tickets.
If he gets roped into going out by Alejandro - who was roped in by Soap's enthusiasm - he's practically glued to your side for most of the night.
Takes a bunch of candid pictures of you - they're honestly really good, he should be a photographer.
He'd probably have to stop Alejandro from feeding you and the others stronger shots - the jump from sambuca to jagerbombs to tequila was not a good idea.
He'd listen to your drunk ramblings with a smile on his face, letting you feed him your pizza.
He always remembers your birthday and makes each year memorable.
Finds out it's your birthday when your Superiors wish you a brief 'Happy Birthday' during training.
Straight away, he feels so guilty for not knowing but you reassured him that you hadn't really told anyone so he needn't worry.
Nonetheless, he'd still try and make the most of the rest of your birthday.
He'd cook for you - a traditional meal that his Mother taught him, and she used to make it for him on his birthday.
He'd run you a bath, give you a massage, and pamper you - he'd dote on you even more than usual, if that's even possible.
If you wanted to go out and do something, he'd do it - even with his social anxiety, he wants to see you happy so he'd bite the bullet and go for it.
If you wanted to stay in for a chill night and watch a movie, he's game for that too - lets you choose whatever film you want to watch, gets all your favourite snacks and gets all the fluffy blankets and pillows he can find to make a comfy spot on the couch.
He'd also secretly set a reminder on his phone for next year, so he never forgets.
He's honestly just so sweet.
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equallyshaw · 8 months
call your mom | q. hughes. ↠ based off the song by noah kahan! ↠ best friend duo! sunny is her nickname! ↠ warnings: talks of anxiety, depression and an attempt. (not shown) also, some grammatical errors ! ↠ word count: 2k
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quinn knew it all, and had known about it since their first frat party they attended when she ended up drunk which resulted in an anxiety attack; during their freshman year at michigan. yet, he never let that get in the way of their budding friendship and hadn't let it over the past almost 7 years of knowing one another. the longest friendship, she'd had outside her other best friend sadie. he would pick up at every 3 am call she'd make to him, he would call her when the ghosting she did began or would figure out where she was when he'd come home during the summer & she wouldn't come to the lake house while not letting him know. or most importantly he wanted to say everything he felt too, when all the times he would catch her telling her true feelings for him, but then she would make a sarcastic and dark-humored joke about it, before changing the subject.
she was his best friend, throughout all of his shit too. she'd go above and beyond for him, and quinn felt less than at times about it. how much compensation she'd do for him when she was hurting and in need of a hug or a pep talk. when she needed warmth and safety. so when she proposed staying in detroit after four years at michigan, for a business degree, he jumped at the prospect. selfishly, at least a little part for quinn, was that he'd know that she was safe at all times- albeit his brothers, their shared groups of friends from michigan, or his parents. to which she'd made a joke of it, "how do its feel to be behind mama hughes on my emergency contact list?"
Oh, you're spiralin' again The moment right before it ends, you're most afraid of But, don't you cancel any plans 'Cause I won't let you get the chance to never make them
it was a rainy, torrential downpour, july friday evening in the detroit - ann arbor area. it was around 9 pm when she'd just gotten out work due to a project that blew up in her and her colleague's faces- so the five of them were stuck there until it was done. she knew that this was her breaking point, and it seemed like once a quarter she'd simply lose it. start ghosting everybody she loved, canceling plans or not even bothering to show up to them without a word. so now here she was, sitting in her townhouse garage and sobbing. she'd been denying each and every call that quinn had been making, the duration of the drive home. she'd promised to call him after she got out to discuss her flight in the morning, to toronto where he was with his brothers and a few friends and girlfriends. she couldn't pull herself to bring herself inside after shutting her car off. she couldn't pull herself together to shower, to eat or to even finish packing for her flight. she couldn't even pull herself to wipe her cheeks that were molten red and drenched with salty tears.
all the way in toronto, quinn was panicking. freaking out outside of the restaurant they were all at. why wasn't she picking up? his mind ran with soulless ideas and thoughts, one's that made him think the worst and on the verge of throwing up. after the 20th call (i know) he called his mom, who said she hadn't heard from her since the previous sunday when they went to brunch, despite her telling his mom that she'd text her something that week. and then once ellen had said that it had been pouring the whole day and hadn't let up, his anxiety surged. what if she slid into a ditch? what if she skidded into another car? lost her vision through the windshield? a million thoughts echoed throughout his mind, as he tried to calm himself down. "if you cannot get ahold of her before 12, i will go over there to make sure she is ok." ellen offered, and that made quinn breathe a bit. that was the first thing he thought of when she said she'd be staying in detroit, that his mom would be nearby at all times. as selfishly as that was, quinn thought.
Don't let this darkness fool you All lights turned off can be turned on I'll drive, I'll drive all night I'll call your mom
she pushed her garage door open into the mud room, sliding her purse and shoes off. she slowly made her way towards the kitchen, grabbing the water canister from the fridge and pouring herself a tall glass. her phone continued to buzz with messages from quinn, and now luke and jack, who were overly concerned for the one person they saw as an older sister. she peered down at it, and saw a text from quinn stating: please text, call, anything please. im gonna drive home tonight - rn. she sighed, pulling her phone into her hands and typing, "don't." and quinn pressed his head down on the restaurant table, he had just sat back down at. she pressed the button to call him and he picked up on the second ring, "don't do that quinn, im fine." she lied through gritted teeth. he shook his head, heading back outside. "sunny...please." he begged, as his voice broke. a thick crack with emotion bubbling underneath. "i promise, im ok." she lied again, and now her body was betraying her. "sunny?" he asked softly, and then he heard her sobs. "sunny?" he questioned again, as her sobs got heavier. "im sorry. im sorry quinine.....god, i wish-" she paused as she realized what she was gonna say, something she'd wanted to say for years when he'd be there to comfort her. "i wish i'd never met you quinnie, you have never deserved any of this and do not deserve it." she sobbed, breaking quinn's heart in the process. "no! you don't get to say that, or believe that. because i sure as hell don't." he argued and she shook her head. "no, you don't deserve a friend that doesn't see the good in the world. who doesn't look towards tomorrow with a mindset of, that things are gonna be better. tomorrow's a new day. you don't deserve that, your family, my family- nobody deserves it." she croaked, wiping her tears roughly off of her cheeks.
quinn's heart broke, "i promise sunny- this time its gonna be different. we will get you better help, ill take you wherever we need to go to get you the help you need. were not giving up, ok? im not nor ever going to give up. you're my best friend sunny, we will work through this. there's so much good about you and the way you treat everybody around you. everything is gonna be ok sunny, ok?" he pleaded, and she heard her sniffles. "i promise that everything will be made new, sunny. let me - let me drive home right now, ill call your mom- ill call my mom, everything will be ok!" he said more so to trick himself into thinking it, but he was terrified. she shook her head, "no its quinnie, im just gonna go to sleep." she said before hanging up.
Waiting room, no place to stand His greatest fears and wringing hands and the loudest silence If you could see yourself like this If you could see yourself like this, you'd have never tried it
as quinn was just getting his bags together from the hotel room, and waiting on the delivery of a rental car - he got the call from his mom. he was with his brothers when he got it. he called her after sunny had hung up, asking her to go be with her until he could get there. about 2 hours later because of flooding and how bad the vision was that evening, ellen had made it to her townhouse right outside of detroit. and the moment she got off the phone with 911, she called quinn. whose world was rightfully, broken in half.
quinn stood in the waiting room after driving back with his brothers, and so the three of them stood there silently. ellen was the only one with sunny at that moment, now - 6 am. ellen had been with sunny since 1 am, that morning after her and jim drove to check on her. jack called sunny's mom, who lived in Indianapolis with her step father, who instantly got in the car and drove up to detroit. who were nearing their arrival any minute. all three of the boy's minds ran wild with thoughts and feelings, but quinns. his were lethal at this point, and filled with guilt, more than anything. quinn's head whipped up when he saw jim walking from the elevator and nodded towards quinn, and then his two other sons. "come with me." jim said before he took them with him upstairs. she'd been taken to the psych floor after she had arrived.
"she is ok quinn." jim said placing a hand on his shoulder to try to comfort him. quinn nodded softly, the look on his face of somebody who was mentally gone. jim and the three boys, stepped out and towards her room. ellen turned her head when the door opened, "your dad and i are gonna head downstairs to wait for her parents, we will be downstairs." ellen said standing up and quinn nodded, "we'll go with you." jack said referring to him and luke, who nodded as well. "let us know if you need anything q." ellen said comfortingly and he nodded, still looking towards sunny. the family walked out, leaving quinn who sat down next to the girl. she was sleeping peacefully and soundly, not flinching or stirring the dark haired girl after he grabbed her hands softly. his hands eclipsed hers, as he did so. he brought their hands to his lips, as he sat forward with his elbows on knees. "fucking a sunny." he mumbled to himself, "i thought i'd lost you for good this time." he added as silent tears poured out thinking about the last time, this almost happened.
Stayed on the line with you the entire night 'Til you told me that you had to go
"i dont want to do it anymore quinnie." she sobbed. her final semester of senior year was getting to her, and she was stressed beyond the max with work, her internship and life in general. and what made it harder, was that quinn was in vancouver while she was in ann arbor.
"what can i do for you, sunny? please tell me what i can do."
"you can't do anything q, there's nothing stopping me or in my way anymore." she cried.
quinn shook his head, "dont say that. you know that isn't true. you've got your mom, sister, brother, sadie, my family and, and me. and you're whole future ahead of you." he said through a scratchy voice.
"sunny, please stay on the line with me until you fall asleep. i don't care how late it is." he said - no pleaded.
"i gotta go quinnie. ill call you tomorrow morning." she said before hanging up, before heading over to the hughes' residence.
Oh, dear, don't be discouraged I've been exactly where you are
sure, quinn could not totally relate to sunny. but he had had his moments. when his first season ended, the off season between the 2022-2023 season and 2023-2024. where the team had been god awful. he'd had moments of unclarity, throughout their friendship. but certainly, never on the level of her's. but there were moments where the two could bond on a different level, and where the two could feel exactly how the other felt.
he'd come out on the other side every single time, and did not let it discourage him. he knew it was a part of life, and the career that he chose. he hoped at some point, before it was too late, that she'd come out on top on the other side.
that she'd finally be able to get some peace in life.
she woke up around 7:30 am, with her parents in the hallway with ellen and jim, talking quietly over everything. quinn sat next to her, while his brothers went to go get coffee and small breakfast items for everybody. when the girl awoke, she did not expect to be there in the hospital. she didn't expect to see quinn beside her, looking past her out the window. she didn't expect to be alive, to be quite honest. she shifted a little bit as tears formed in her eyes, as she felt guilt wash over her. and a bit of frustration, that it hadn't worked.
"sunny.." quinn began trailing off, as he felt her hand pull from his and saw her shift in the bed. she looked at him with the biggest puppy eyes he'd ever seen, and then her lips began to quiver. he quickly hopped into the hospital bed, pulling her into him as she began to sob. her throat dry and scratchy as she began to speak, "why?" she begged. "why me?" she added, as quinn kissed her head. "why am i so broken?" she sobbed into the warmth of his chest, as he began to cry with her. "i don't deserve you quinnie, i don't. i never have and never will." she croaked, and he frowned. he pulled back a bit and brought his hands to her cheeks, to make her look at him. he shook his head, "i don't deserve you my sunny." he began, before swallowing. "from the moment i met you, in that god awful english course, you showed me that a person can be relentlessly kind, incredibly unselfish, and even if you don't realize it - you find the good in everything and everyone." he paused, "and now you need to find that goodness in yourself. because it is there." he finished, his brown eyes pouring into hers.
both of their eyes filled with tears, and their bodies full of nerves.
she nodded softly, "and if you couldn't tell through that thick skull of yours- that's my way of telling you i love you." he quickly diffused the situation, "and how much love i have for you." he added quickly. she smiled softly, "i love you too, quinnie. thankyou for pointing out my thick skull." she hummed, before leaning into his left hand.
Throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason Don't wanna drive another mile wonderin' if you're breathin' So, won't you stay, won't you stay, won't you stay with me?
it was now early august, and between therapy and time away from work- the girl was finally beginning to understand what quinn had meant when the two spoke that early morning at the hospital. he'd been there every day with her since then, making sure she got the appropriate help alongside her mom. he'd made sure he kept her schedule in order, making sure she went to her in-person therapy sessions, made sure that she was eating enough, drinking enough water, and made sure to take her mind off of it all. this was one of their final full weeks together, and quinn wanted to make the most of it.
he drove the two from ann arbor down to new buffalo michigan, on lake michigan about two in a half hours outside of chicago. he rented the two a small beach house on a private beach for the getaway. this morning the girl rose around 5:04 am, right before sunrise. she quickly got out of the shared bed (which wasn't a shared bed in the beginning, but after a night staying up to talk it naturally became one.) and headed out towards the beach that was a foot off of the back deck. she made her way down the beach, after slipping on a one piece and submerged herself quickly into the lukewarm water.
she dunked herself underneath the water, before swimming back to the surface. she hadn't realized that quinn had followed her out, after feeling the bed shift and then a cold spot in her wake. she turned behind her after quinn had snapped a pic, and she smiled. "morning q." she smiled, now swimming on her back. he smiled, sitting down on the deck and putting his legs in the water.
"will I be subject to a pep talk today?" she teased with a grin, as quinn chuckled. he shrugged, "maybe." he mused. "let me guess its gonna include punching somebody, giving myself a reason to do things and possible falling in love? two topics of which haven't been talked about?" she quipped, pulling herself up the deck to sit next to him on it. she leaned her head that was soaked on his shoulder, and he smiled softly resting his on hers.
"why dont you come back to vancouver with me?" he questioned out loudly, a few minutes later. she felt her breathe hitch in her throat, before removing her head from his. "you don't have to say yes right now but...i don't know if i can go without seeing you. i don't think i can handle you ghosting me and shutting the world out. after that night, i don't want to wake up and fear that you arent breathing anymore. but ofcourse, if you won't come with me- ill stay here. ill take some time off, and we can work on things." he offered and she shook her head. "you you cant do that for me." she pleaded and he now shook his head, "id do anything for you sunny, don't you understand that?" he paused to gauge her reaction, "id do everything in my power and simply - my existence for you. you have been such a light in my life despite everything, since the moment you walked into it. and i frankly, am never letting you walk out of it." he said as she began to feel overwhelmed. she'd never thought about how quinn felt about her, through everything. especially through the short term girlfriend he'd had and the talking stages that went nowhere with girls.
"dont say what it is i think you're going to say." she begged, as she began to cry. more so, happy tears. he wiped them quickly, looking into her eyes. "i love you, and have always loved you. even from the sidelines and through my own shit i have loved you from that first damn and god-awful frat party, and from the moment you said hi." he said rubbing his thumbs across her cheeks. she clasped her eyes shut and shook her head, "look at me pretty girl." he whispered and she reopened them. "back in the hospital room, you said it then, why did you try to run it back? why did you try to neutralize it?" she questioned, "because you didn't deserve it in that moment. you deserved better." he answered. she nodded, "i would have said it back quinnie. i would have said it if you hadn't shut up." she said with a small grin. his head cocked to the side just a bit. "i love you quinn, and i have always. i've loved you through everything. your dedication to never giving up on me, has shown me some of the greatest love in life. and in turn, has made me fall so deeply in love with you." she confessed and quinn smiled. he smiled widely before leaning in slowly, but it was too slow for the girl. she connected the two's lips and melted into his body.
she pulled away, "oh and before we move on for the day, id love to come to come to van with you. i miss brock." she teased before he pulled the girl up and towards the lake house.
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and now here we are !!!! i hope you enjoyed, especially if you made it to this point🫶🏻
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surely-sims · 10 months
AKA an excuse for me to yell about how much I love these incredible free CC creators and throw flowers at them.
@lumenniveus - LxN CC 🌹
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LxN makes some of the most interesting, whimsical, and creative CC that i think the community at large is so lacking. Every time I load up his CC In my game I find myself smiling and laughing at all the love and little jokes he includes. Please Please Check out his stuff if you haven't already. I think he might be the most tragically slept on BB creators.
▶ Check out LxN Here!
@hamsterbellbelle 🌸
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HamsterBelle is one of the most brilliant creators I've come across in this community. Not only is she crazy smart and makes some of the coolest cyberpunk CC I've ever seen, she is also a mind blowing builder and takes the time to write out some incredibly helpful tutorials. I've learned so much from her whether she knows or not haha. 🐹💖
▶ Check out HamsterBellBelle here!
@nolan-sims 🌼
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Not only is Nolan a goddamn pillar of this community for many years but she's also an incredible, sweet, and wonderfully talented creator and friend. Her CC is always so well thought through, completely original, and lovingly detailed. We definitely don't deserve her. 😭💗
▶ Check out Nolan here!
All these creators are amazing and I would carve their names into the stars but ya'll would shoot me if this post kept going and going down your dash that long.
⭐ @gilded-ghosts Amazing amazing vintage CC, thoughtful, beautiful original meshes and textures. ( X ) ⭐ @myshunosun Myshuno deserves all the hype and praise her CC gets. She's an absolutely lovely human and has saved my ass once or twice too. ( X ) ⭐ @dallasgirl79 DallasGirl makes the best heels your sims will ever wear. Hard stop. I will not be taking questions at this time. ( X ) ⭐ @doctorsimcraft A dear friend, an amazing writer, builder and maker of delightful vintage Build/Buy CC too. ( X ) ⭐ @vyxated HOLY FUCK. Vxyated is crazy intelligent. Their work with CAS rooms and now the new Rig Plus Helper is mind blowing. ( X ) ⭐ @adjusted-karma ( X ), @simmireen ( X ), @herecirm-warcry ( X ), @rebouks ( X ), @madebycoffee ( X ) Beautiful people, beautiful poses. Also Ireen runs @ts4-poses which is a goddamn godsend to this community. ⭐ @twentiethcenturysims ( X ), @chere-indolente ( X ) Fantastic Historical CC from two very good eggs. ⭐ @jellymoo ( X ), @laeska ( X ), @xldkx-cc ( X ) Three lovely and fantastically talented CAS creators that put a ton of thought and effort in going the extra mile with their CC and it absolutely shows. ⭐ @awingedllama Anna is smart, skilled, and deserves all the flowers she's gotten this year. We really do love to see it. ( X ) ⭐ @kamiiri Some of the best hairs that have ever graced my game. I am actually obsessed. ( X )
If I missed anyone I apologize, but please know every single free CC creator makes my heart grow a little bigger every day. 💖 And to my fellow Creators, Storytellers, Simmers - Go make weird shit, make something that makes you laugh, make something that brings you joy. Cause y'know what? That joy bleeds into your work and we can all see it and feel it. That joy is infectious and special and THAT is what makes this community worth being a part of.
xo, Anne 🦐
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crushedsweets · 1 year
Would you ever consider including nurse ann in more of your art/ stories? She's one of my favorite characters and I think your design for her is amazing lmao- I'd also sort of like to know what her relationship with the others would be like
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yes. actually. i would love to . ok i have some vague ideas for how shed fit into the lore so thatll be under the cut !! i also start rambling about lulus lore too cuz i decided theyre friends.
ok so, again, my au is based around slenders forest being like... some sort of magnet for the paranormal. slenderman wants to keep all of these cryptids within the forest.
since its in a fictionalized forest in tuscaloosa, where marble hornets was filmed, i decided to move the abanonded hospital they visited up north of the tuscaloosa lake. she roams there.
SOOOOO nurse ann is just... a demon. slenders forest is sort of like limbo for a lot of the cryptids and kinda puts them in like.. a long daze and loops unless they're consistently leaving or being grounded by humans.
i dont EXACTLY know why/how she's in that specfic hospital, especially since i dont believe she has an official origin? maybe when the hospital shut down, she was let go and wasn't transferred to work in a new hospital, so she lost her shit and preformed some crazy rituals that ended up making her an undead nurse ? now she's forever roaming the hospital. or maybe she was killing patients when she was a human and kept doing weird demon shit with their bodies and the operator/zalgo fed off of her bad vibes. LOL IDK.
now about lulu cuz i drew her too.
i used to be sooo fond of lulu. and i originally said she was just going to be another ghost roaming the forest pointlessly, mourning everything and being incapable of interacting with humans, BUUUUUT. she is 24 and NOT A GHOST?!?!??!?! IDK WHY ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT SHE WAS JUST A GHOST WHO AGES CUZ YK HOW CHIBIWORKS STUFF WAS BACK THEN LOL... i def am tired of little kids being tortured and all these children ghosts tho so im kinda glad to have smth new to write. anyway. so im thinking lulus just another little demon thing... i'm thinking her story goes.
she was in strict private schools all of k-12, and went to uni on her own in tuscaloosa. she wanted to branch out, have a little rebelious phase, make friends, etc. tried to join a co-ed frat. she experienced an absolutely horrific hazing when she was like 19, the frat fully believed they killed her by accident and in their panic, tried to bury her in slenders forest, and some demonic entity in the forest infected her before she was buried fully. she ends up climbing out of her shallow grave, never having died. perhaps the operator did it, perhaps zalgo like in her og lore ? PERHAPS ANN CUZ SHES A DEMON HERSELF?
anywaaayyyyy :3 l think theyd be cute friends. they just look really cute together and i could see good chemistry so i totally would love to expand on them and make them friends. maybe expand more on the type of species they are, what kind of powers they have(esp if i make ann the demon who infects lulu).
BUUUUT ALSO this made me realize i should totally look into adding zalgo to my lore. cuz it doesnt make sense for the operator to make anyone a demon, thats not really what he does.... and i dont want him to do that i just dont like the vibes. so mmm yes.
anyway in terms of relationships..
lulu and her are cool good besties beautiful they would take selfies and do tiktok dances together.
masky and hoody are incredibly indifferent to her, because they dont have to worry/visit her often. she stays in the hospital thats in the forest, and thats exactly where slenderman wants her, so theyre content. theyre kinda grateful she keeps lulu in the hospital too, cuz lulu actually freaks them out bc she'll be jumping at them and shit talking about their eyes.
tobys EXTREMELY scared of ghosts (bc of his hallucinations of his sisters ghost . . ). he eventually gets over it(kinda?) with sally, but he keeps accusing ann and lulu and the sort of being ghosts cuz they just.. kinda pop in and out. at least jack has to walk into the room to show up. so he doesnt like them
mmm jack wouldnt like her IF he knows that she kinda turned herself into a demon through like, a ritual or smth. he'd be beyond pissed to know someone CHOSE to be what he is. if he doesnt know, he doesnt care for her. he kinda jokes about 'well why dont YOU be their medic' and shes like 'dont fuckin wanna be'.
jane and liu and kate prob dont know her... kate might but wouldnt care.
jeff would prob think shes hot or some bullshit and nina would be beyond pissed. at first ninas like AHHH SHES SO COOL cuz shes a fangirl at heart, but the second she hears a single 'goddamn' from jeff shes livid.
ben prob wouldnt care much for her... hes so uninterested in demons idk why i just feel like he doesnt care.
clockwork would LOVE HER. she'd think she's so fucking cool. she'd try talking to her all the time but ann prob wouldnt be interested in clocky at all...
ofc the proxies purposefully come into contact with the paranormal the most because thats their job, so i wrote the most for them, but that doesn't mean theyre the closest or anything.
ok thank u anon you did smth to my brain that benefitted my mental health cuz i love writing this shit for the creeps thank u sm .
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melefim · 3 months
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Episode 1- The Case of Crystal Palace
Episode Overview:
29 total, 12 different words said by 9 characters.
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Edwin: 1 Fuck, 1 Damn, 1 Bloody Hell
Charles: 1 Fuck, 1 Shit, 1 Bastard, 1 Piss
Crystal: 2 Fuck, 2 Shit, 1 Ass, 4 God, 3 Jesus, 2 Screw
Jenny: 1 Shit, 1 Jesus
David: 2 Fuck
Esther: 1 Jesus
Tabby: 1 Fuck
Emma: 1 Twat
Simon: 1 Prat
Curses Per Character:
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Edwin: 3
Charles: 4
Crystal: 14
Jenny: 2
David: 2
Esther: 1
Tabby Cat: 1
Emma: 1
Simon: 1
Uses Per Word:
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Fuck: 7
Shit: 4
Ass: 1
Damn: 1
Bloody Hell: 1
God: 4
Jesus: 5
Twat: 1
Bastard: 1
Prat: 1
Piss: 1
Screw: 2
Edwin: Bloody Hell! (when running from the gas mask ghost on the street)
Charles: Edwin, hurry the fuck up!
Emma: Fine you twats. How much?
David: I'll fucking gut you! (x2 while possessing Crystal)
Crystal: Oh my god, why can’t I remember?
Crystal: It's just a stupid fucking name.
Edwin: I'll jot that down in my journal of opinions I do not give a damn about.
Crystal: Jesus, where did he go?
Charles: Piss off, cat.
Tabby Cat: Fuck you. I'm not telling you nothing about that house or the witch inside
Crystal: Oh, Jesus. I'm gonna wait in the bathroom until they leave.
Crystal: Holy shit, did you take some of my memories? I don’t have some screwed-up amnesia, you took them.
Crystal: God! I just need a second, okay?
Crystal: So maybe he's our fucking demon now!
Simon: Give this little prat a proper scare.
Crystal: God, I just want to take their heads and just crush them together, I am so mad!
Jenny: Maybe you catch someone on a good day and they care about you for like a minute, and then they go right back to caring about all their own bullshit.
Crystal: Jesus, I am such an idiot.
Crystal: Oh my god, I never even thought about the fact that they could still be alive.
Edwin: Police don't know what to do with a fucking witch!
Charles: The little bastards are pretty clever, and their scratches sting like fire.
Jenny: Jesus! I thought you were like a meat robber!
Crystal: Which was totally my bad and very screwed up and I should have told you everything.
Crystal: Holy shit. (Edwin tells her about girl turned into small piece of plastic)
Charles: Look Edwin, you're the smart one, and I'm the one who does shit like this.
Esther: Monty! Jesus! I'm trying to threaten some kids!
Crystal: He's still a stalker, still an asshole. But I am going to get my memories back.
Both of David’s “I’ll fucking gut you”s are said while possessing Crystal during the subway fight. These were counted under David’s total, and not Crystal’s.
Not Included:
Crystal flips off Edwin in the malt shop
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Not a curse, but…
A “Mary Ann” was slang for “an effeminate male homosexual; a young boy used as a catamite in prison.”
Edwin is called this 8 times during his sacrifice: three times by Simon, and then it is chanted an additional five times by all the boys.
Is this a curse? I dunno, I’m not British:
Charles: “Piss off, cat”
Simon: “Give this little prat a proper scare”
-Updated to include the two British curses above (thanks @cheriebryantsart!) , ‘screw’, and an ‘oh my god’ from Crystal I missed- all charts and text should now be updated and accurate!
- Replaced ‘Uses Per Word’ chart with a version with better labels.
More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by episode
Swearing by character
Swearing by word
All Swearing posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detective ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress.
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aita for ghosting my boss after involuntarily quitting?
so this is pretty low stakes because it all happened like two years ago and i’ve never spoken to or even seen the other party since. i just remembered this story and wanted to see what strangers on the internet have to say about it.
i got my first job at the local equivalent of an auntie anne’s at the mall food court when i was 15. socially, i was an absolute mess back then, probably worsened by the fact that this was right after covid quarantines were lifted for the first time. i had to really prepare myself up to talk to my boss about simple things like to ask for time off. i’ve since gotten better at communication, i hope, anyway.
about two months into working here, i saw that i had been assigned a shift on my birthday, this was around a week before my birthday. it was a weekend shift so it was essentially all day. i asked around a little on whatsapp dms with other people in the group to see if i could swap with anybody, but no one could.
i was a little bummed but i thought, what the hell, it’s fine. it’s my bad for not asking for the day off earlier before the schedule was made, and many people worked on their birthday anyway.
but my dad didn’t want me working on my birthday at all. he had wanted to celebrate together by going out to a restaurant with everyone or something. when i told him that i had an 8 hour shift that day, he wanted me to ask my boss in person to “do something about it” so that i could be off.
he said that, from his perspective, it was my boss’s responsibility to find someone to replace my shift, not mine. he may have had a point, but: 1) i had not asked for this day off ahead of time; if i had done that, my boss *would* have found someone else to schedule, 2) at this point, this was literally the day before the shift in question, and 3) i personally didn’t even have any objections with working on my birthday anyway. my dad just wanted to be able to celebrate with me and said that it was wrong for me to work in my birthday.
anyway i had a shift the day before my birthday, and as asked to by my dad, i verbally asked my boss if she could make an exception and let me have a day off because it was important to my family (this terrified me lmao). she was nice about it, but said no because it was a religious holiday for her family, and it was a busy weekend for the mall, so she really needed the help. personally i thought this was reasonable agreed to just work the next day.
when i told my dad however, he personally went to go speak to my boss which basically devolved into a loud argument in the middle of the darkened, closed up food court of the mall at 9 pm. i was bewildered and felt like shit the whole time, and i don’t remember clearly how it ended, but at some point my boss ended up leaving and then so did we.
it was never cleared up whether she expected me to come to work the next day or not. either way, i didn’t, and we did end up celebrating my birthday and everything.
this next part is where i think i acted like TA. once again i don’t remember the details exactly, but either i stopped getting scheduled and was kicked from the whatsapp group, or i left by myself at some point.
i know that’s a pretty big distinction to forget, but either way i completely ghosted them after this out of sheer embarrassment over what had happened. i never reached out to formally end my employment. i avoided the auntie anne’s every time i was at the mall. i never returned my uniform, because i didn’t see the message from my boss asking for it back until months after. that was the last time she’s ever had communication with me.
so yeah. aita for the circumstances that lead me to involuntarily quit/get fired at my first job, and aita for ignoring my boss afterwards?
What are these acronyms?
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dragon-kazansky · 1 year
Spirit of the sea
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Izzy Hands x Reader (GN)
You were a member of Blackbeard's crew long ago. Then you became a ghost story. Izzy Hands only sees you in his dreams these days, until he sees you for real when investigating Stede Bonnet. This sets him on a rollercoaster of emotions between you and what his captain is doing.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: Swearing. Mostly Izzy, sometimes you, but mostly Izzy. Angst too.
Chapter Five - Rocky waters
We've been almost a fortnight aboard the Revenge... and I'm beginning to suspect that Edward nas no intention of ending Stede Bonnet's life.
If I didn't know better... I'd say he's somehow become seduced by this imbecile.
You catch Izzy writing in his journal as you walk past his cabin. He had been rather quiet the past couple days, at least as far as you were concerned anyway. He hasn't noticed you in the doorway. You smile at the sight of the wooden sparrow on his desk. You knew he would like it.
You know that the longer Izzy is aboard this ship, the worse it gets for him. You've kind of adapted to the way the crew do things round here. It's a change of pace from your days on Blackbeard's crew.
As Izzy scribbles away, you decide to interrupt gently. With a soft knock to his already open door, you smile as he lifts his head to look at you. He snaps his journal shut and drops it beside him on his cot.
"What do you want?" He asks, trying to look annoyed by your interruption, but you can see through him.
"Thought I'd come check on you. Everything good?"
"Just peachy," he let's out an exasperated sigh. You chuckles softly as step into the room with one foot.
"We'll be off this ship soon. Sailing back aboard the Queen Anne leaving ruin in our wake. Doing things we used to do."
Izzy stares silently into space at the thought.
You step a little closer to his bed and take a seat. You can see how tired he is. The man never seems to stop: always working, never resting.
"When was the last time you slept?" You ask him.
"Last night."
"All night?"
He eyes flicker up to meet yours. He looks less than impressed, but he also can't hide anything from you. The sigh that escapes his nose tells you enough.
"I know you hate it here, and that you want Blackbeard back so we can return to our ship and our life, but you also need to give it time, Izzy."
"It's been a fucking weeks."
"I know, but surely he has a plan. He's our Blackbeard."
"That's the problem," Izzy starts. "I don't think he's our Blackbeard anymore. I think he's been seduced by Bonnet."
"Last night... last night I was up on deck. I could hear them. They were... I'm pretty sure they were fucking."
"Out in the open?" You ask, wide eyed.
"Sounded like it."
"Ew, Izzy, why were you listening to them?"
"It wasn't on purpose!" He groans. "I think Edward might be... in love with this guy."
You fall silent as you think about it. It made sense in a way. Edward was always where Stede was. They kept in the same cabin. They talked constantly. They were always looking art each other.
"Well shit..."
"Exactly!" Izzy huffs.
"I mean... Is it that bad if he is?" You ask him.
Izzy stares at you. "Bad? It's a fucking disaster."
You gaze down at your lap. "He's the happiest I've seen him in ages."
"It's pathetic."
You glance up at Izzy. "Love? Or the fact you're losing Blackbeard to Bonnet?"
Izzy glares at you.
You stand up from his bed and move over to the door. You glance back at Izzy. "I would be so lucky to have what they do."
Izzy watches you leave. He stares confused at the space you occupied only moments ago. Your words and the expression on your face, it felt strange to him. What did you mean by that? Were you jealous of Edward? No, that was nonsense. Izzy knows you better than that.
Izzy thinks he knows you better than that.
One of the crew's favourite things to do was tell stories. If it wasn't Stede reading them a fairytale, it was telling ghost stories.
It was entertaining, even if they didn't always make sense.
You were sat on the steps near where Izzy stood with Ivan and Fang. You could hear them talking behind you. You were watching Ed where he sat by Stede. The latter was telling one of his ghost stories.
"So, is the plan off?" Ivan asks.
"Yeah, I reckon we're not killing this guy now." Fang chimes in.
"The plan is very much alive." Izzy says. "He promised me."
You listen to them.
"It just seems that he's having an awfully nice time," Fang says, looking at Izzy. "I mean, look at him. He's telling ghost stories."
"This is the most open and available I've ever seen him." Ivan states.
You sigh and get up, walking last the crew and heading below deck. Izzy watches you go, not once looking away until you were out of sight.
You're sitting in your dark little corner when you head footsteps coming toward you then stopping. You don't have to look up to know it's Izzy.
"You alright?" He asks.
He sees the way you're sitting with your knees up, arms draped over them. You're not even looking at him. He sighs quietly.
"You're not. What is it?"
"Nothing, Izzy."
"You can talk to me, ya know."
You glance up at him. You can't read him for his blank expression. You're not sure what he is trying to do.
"What happens if Edward doesn't kill him?"
"Then I'll take matters into my own hands."
"Will Edward even let you?" You ask.
"Does it matter? We'll get our captain back and we can go back to our lives. We... we can be a crew again."
"We're not a crew now?" You gaze up at him.
"Not with this lot."
You turn your eyes away from him and Izzy exhales through his nose in a sound of slight desperation. He doesn't want you to turn away from him.
He says your name softly. "This isn't our home."
When you say nothing he clenches his jaw and walks away. You listen to his footsteps fade. When you're sure he's gone you sigh.
You stand on deck the next morning as the ship is shrouded in fog. The crew of the Revenge have no idea what's going on, but you sailed with Blackbeard long enough to know.
A Fuckery, as he liked to call it.
You lean against the railing of the ship as you wait. Once Stede arrives, dressed in pretty pyjamas and gown, Edward demonstrates the art of "Fuckery", which leads to the Swede jumping over the side of the ship.
Ed promptly stops his theatrics so someone can get the Swede back onboard.
Izzy promptly comes out, looking up at Ed who is still hanging from the mast. "May I have a word?" He asks, grabbing at Blackbeard's boot.
"It's a bit like theatre, isn't it, Ed? Theatre of fear!"
"Ha, theatre of fear, love that!" Ed grins back at Stede.
"His name is Blackbeard, dog!"
"Well, I'll leave you to it. It looks like there's trouble in paradise." Stede walks off.
You stick around just long enough to see Izzy try and help Ed, but he gets fed up after being caught between his legs. Izzy storms off leaving Edward hanging.
Ed looks at you.
You shake your head and walk off too. He can get out of his own mess.
You follow Izzy to find him with Fang and Ivan. He looks at you as you get closer to him. There is something about the way he is looking at you that sends your heart thumping.
"Where's Blackbeard?" He asks.
"Hanging out."
Izzy doesn't react, but Fang giggles and Ivan grins.
"You with us?" Izzy asks.
"No. It's important that I know you're with us," he says. "You don't want to stay with this lot, do ya? You're so much more than they are. You're wasted on a crew like this." Izzy speaks softly, almost gentle. This isn't like him at all.
"Why is this suddenly about me?"
Izzy is cut off by Edward entering. You turn around to see him looking less than impressed.
"You left me hanging." He looks at you with a flat expression. You don't even react. "What the fuck's all this?"
"Do you remember your policy about let's aboard your vessel?" Izzy asks.
"Pets? Yeah. No pets. They befoul the ship."
"You know what else you said?" Ivan asks. "You said the love of a pet makes a man weak."
"I said that?"
"Yeah, when I joined your crew, you made me put my dog down." Fang tells him.
"Yeah, OK. Well, yeah, vaguely... remember that."
"So, here's the rub. Me and the boys, we think you've begun to view Bonnet as a sort of a pet." Izzy says. "You're in too deep, Edward. Beat thing to do, end it quick."
"The longer you wait, the harder it gets..." Fang says, getting upset. Ivan holds Fang as he cries.
You stand between Izzy and Edward, not sure what to do. Edward walks off, making it a bit easier on you.
Izzy turns his eyes to you and then follows Edward out.
You look at Fang and step closer.
"There there, Fang. It's okay."
"He's in doggy heaven, Fangy," Ivan says, trying to comfort him.
"But we go to different heavens!" He cries some more. You pat him on the shoulder. Fang turns and pulls you into a hug.
You stay there awhile.
You sit on Izzy's bed and wait for him. He takes a while to return, but when he does, he seems surprised to see you there.
"I was looking for you," he says.
You're sat on his bed with the wooden sparrow in your hand. You notice some detail has been added to it in ink, meaning Izzy is giving it some character. It made you happy to think this meant something to him.
"I've been in here."
Izzy watches the way you handle the gift you made him. You're being very careful with it, your finger tracing over the ink lines on the wing.
"You know I'm right," he says.
"Do I?"
Izzy closes the door to his cabin and stands in front of you, gazing down at you with his dark eyes.
"Bonnet has to go."
"Do you hate Edward being happy?" You ask
"No, I-"
"Because it seems like it," you cut him off. "Edward has found someone new. He's trying new things and kind of just enjoying life."
"We're pirates, we're not meant to enjoy life." Izzy hisses out.
"You didn't enjoy being on Blackbeard's crew?" You ask.
"Well, yeah."
"You don't enjoy sailing the seas?"
"Course I do-"
"You don't enjoy life?"
He falls quiet.
"Are you jealous that all of Edward's attention is on someone else, or are you jealous that he has something you don't?"
Izzy stares at you silently.
You put the bird back on the desk and stand up, looking Izzy in the eye. You want to say more, but you're not sure what. Izzy seems to read your mind.
"It will be over soon," he tells you. "Tomorrow night."
"Oh. So, that's it then?" You ask.
"Thought you'd be happy."
"Happy?" You huff. "You're the one who will be happy, Izzy."
"Don't tell me you're soft for Bonnet too," Izzy almost begs.
"I don't hate the guy like you do. He's actually kind of nice. He's kind, polite, funny if even unintentionally so."
"See, that's my point. He ain't a pirate."
"Izzy. Let the man live. He's doing his thing and he's still alive."
"Not on my watch," he says in a low voice.
You see the look in his eyes and you walk away. You're done trying to change his mind. This thing with Stede was between Izzy and Edward.
You weren't going to get involved.
You walk into the kitchen to find Fang holding an unconscious Lucius down. Roach is sharpening a kitchen knife.
"The fuck?"
Fang looks up. "His finger is infected."
You lean over Lucius to see the state of his hand. His finger was horribly swollen. "Ouch."
"Seems to me the best move here is... amputation," Roach says, looking closely at the finger.
"Oh, for God's sake! He's a visual artist." Fang cries out. "You can't cut the boy's little fingies."
"Level with us, man." Pete grabs Roach. "There's no better option?"
"Not in my professional opinion."
You pull a face.
"Hold him down."
You sigh and help Fang hold the poor lad down. Just as Roach is about to cut the finger off, Lucius gains consciousness again. As soon as he realises what's happening he pushes both you and Fang away and runs off.
"It's only going to get worse!" You call. He's already too far gone.
You can't help but chuckle as Pete and Fang go after him.
This crew isn't so bad.
The Fuckery goes about as expected. Except for the fact that the crew of the Revenge didn't raid the ship. They let themselves get boarded by the Dutch merchants and basically put on some kind of Shakespeare play.
It ended with Edward freaking out and hiding in Stede's bathtub.
Stede did not die.
Izzy was fuming. You stand beside the man seeing the way he was clenching his jaw. His fist was balled up and it took everything in you not to reach out and calm the man.
Edward was complimenting the crew on their performance.
Edward was enjoying himself.
Not anymore.
"Stede Bonnet."
You turn to look at Izzy. You curse under your breath. Yet, you shouldn't be surprised. Izzy did tell you he would take matters into his own hands.
"Draw your weapon."
"No, Izzy, we're not doing this." Ed points at him.
"No, YOU'RE not doin' this. So I must." Izzy steps down and grabs 2 swords. "Stede fuckin' Bonnet... I fuckin' challenge you to a fuckin' duel."
He tosses Stede a sword.you step in front of Izzy.
"Izzy, please."
"Move." He says your name softly.
"I accept your challenge," Stede says from behind you. You turn around.
"Stede, no."
"Stede, be careful. He does know his shit," Edward warns him.
Izzy uses his arm to move you out of the way. You glare at him as he steps closer to Stede.
"As do I. You've taught me well," Stede replies to Ed.
"Not that well," Ed admits.
Stede watches Izzy. "I assume standard duel rules apply. What are those exactly?" He asks.
"Let's make it interesting, shall we?" Izzy says. "The loser is banished from the ship, if they're not dead."
"Izzy, no!" You call out, but he ignores you. Instead he instantly swings his sword at Stede.
Stede manages to block his attacks
"Come on. Give a man a warning." Stede says as Izzy holds his sword up to his neck.
"That was your warning."
They start swinging their swords at each other. You stand there anxiously, watching. There is no way for Stede to beat Izzy. Israel Hands was the best man you knew with a sword.
Izzy gets a hit into Stede which stumbles the man backward. Izzy's swings become a little more furious. Stede falls onto the ground. Izzy stands over him with sword pointed down at him.
"Yield or die."
"I choose... this." Stede throws powder into Izzy's face, temporarily blinding the man. Izzy covers his face and stumbles backward. The crew cheer for Stede, but all you can think about is if you should step in or not.
Stede gets to his feet, he gives Izzy a smack on the backside with his sword. Izzy straightens up again and continues the fight.
Izzy disarmed Stede with ease. The gentleman pirate backs up against the mast.
"So, it looks like we've arrived, Bonnet. The end of the road." Izzy holds his sword up to Stede again.
"Alright. Let's call it a draw," Stede says, breathless.
"Nah, I'm good."
"Izzy, stop!" You try once more in vain, but it feels like he's ignoring you completely.
With a firm stab, Izzy's sword goes right through Stede's abdomen and into the mast, pinning him there.
You inhale sharply at Stede's scream.
"Did I do it right?" Stede asks Ed, looking at the other man. "He missed all the important bits..."
Izzy tries to pull the sword out, but to no avail. He pulls hard, grunting. You stare at him, mild confusion painting across your face.
"This mast... is made from the finest cherry wood in Brazil. It's rather strong, actually." Stede manages to say as Izzy continues to attempt to pull the sword out.
Edward looks flabbergasted.
You can't quite believe what you're seeing yourself.
"Shut up!" Izzy yells at Stede. "Don't you ever shut up?! You rancid rat!"
The sword breaks in Izzy's hand. The blade still pinning Stede to the mast. You feel a gasp escape last your lips.
Buttons laughs. "Well, now, Mr Hands. Reckon he's rendered your sword inoperable."
Izzy stands there with realisation on his face.
"By duelling tradition, that means..."
"Stede wins!" Frenchie yells. The crew all cheer. "In your face, Jizzy!"
Edward shrugs as Izzy looks at him.
You watch Izzy with concern. He walks off. You watch him. You don't care for what everyone else is doing. You take off after Izzy.
He disappears into his cabin, you follow him inside, not even knocking. He doesn't say anything to you about it as he faces away from you, shoulders tense.
"No." He speaks with a firmness, but not in an angry way. Just a firm 'no.'
"Izzy, please. That whole thing was stupid."
"You're telling me..."
You take a step closer to him hoping he will turn around and look at you. He remains facing the wall of his cabin.
"Just forget the duel! Forget everything."
"No. Rules are rules."
He turns around and looks at you, but only briefly. He looks like he struggles to look you in the eye.
"He promised me. I was fucking right all along. Edward's gone soft for that twat. Any trace of Blackbeard is gone and it's all because of fuckin' Bonnet."
Your arm twitches as if you were going to reach out and touch him, but you catch yourself. However, Izzy noticed the slight reaction in your hand. He kind of wished you would.
"Don't be stupid, Izzy. Stay. We'll figure all this out. Maybe there's another solution."
"No." He shakes his head, his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows thickly. He's angry. Silently angry.
"It was a stupid fucking duel. Are you seriously going to leave?"
"I'm not a coward."
"I didn't say you were," your voice is almost pleading. "Don't go."
"Rules are rules," he says again. For a brief second his eyes meet yours and you can see all the emotion bottled up inside. You want to reach out and hold the man, caress him, get him to open up and talk to you.
But he won't.
Your breathing becomes uneven as you try to fight off any emotion. You will not cry in front of him.
"So that's it then? You're going to fuck off and... and what? Leave me behind? I only just found you again and you're leaving me?"
"You could come with me."
"And do what? Izzy, what would be the point? I only just found my way back home," you tell him.
"No. This isn't home. This is a lie. A facade. Home was back on our ship, back with Blackbeard's crew. Home is... is where we belonged. It's where we lived together."
A tear escapes and runs down your cheek. This was your breaking point.
"Fuck you," you whisper.
Izzy stares at you.
"Fuck you and this whole fucking thing." You take a couple slow steps back toward the door. "Fuck off then, Izzy. Leave me behind. Maybe... maybe I should have stayed a ghost story."
You don't hang around. You turn on your heel and leave.
Izzy catches his breath as he stares at his empty doorway.
"Fuck," he whispers.
@grippleback-galaxy - @askmarinaandothers - @godlikegallagher - @for-fuck-sake-im-alive - @whiskeyswriting - @lxsm2 - @bloody-bunni666 - @the-chocoholic-writer -
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justaphan · 2 years
POTO Fics by Mertens
More than any other Phantom of the Opera fic writer, I find myself consuming Mertens’ works over and over for the pleasing writing style, the complex emotions, and the raw and realistic portrayals of Christines in particular. Mertens’ writing is how I also got into modern AUs! 
I’ve never done any rec list for this fandom so let’s start with my fav fics from @intothemertensverse! (Hi there! Thank you!) 
Gustave Daae’s Daughter: A disfigured man on the edges of society with a good heart, Erik has been Gustave Daae’s closest friend for years. When Gustave realizes his time is almost up after contracting an incurable disease, he leaves his two most prized possessions to his friend—his violin, and his daughter. In progress as of 01/09/2023. If you’re not reading this then honestly what do you actually do with all the hours of your life? Some big surprises in this one. Featuring Ayesha and also Angst with a capital A. 
A Love There Is No Cure For from Sonnet 86: A fic of epic proportions but it can be read independently of the larger verse it’s in. Major Leroux influences, and follows the SLOW BURNING journey of how Christine’s grumpy old insecure teacher became the happiest man alive (including all the very awkward sex). Mertens’ masterpiece. 
An Old Fashioned Love Song: After an incident results in Christine needing to fulfill community service, she volunteers at the local old folks home where a chance meeting with a resident will change both of their lives forever. Cranky 80-year-old disabled Erik? I love this little goblin so much. You will too.  
Saved From Solitude: Feeling anxious and unable to sleep in his own house, Erik spends the night in Christine’s dressing room to get some much needed rest. He’s certain Christine will never find out—as long as he wakes up on time. Erik may seem tall, dark, and imposing, but he’s actually the sweetest sleepy old man with a cane. I want to tuck him into bed myself. Bonus total BAMF Christine!
Scuffle in Box Five: The Ghost had requested that Box Five be kept empty, but on the night of Mlle Daae's first performance, Box Five is most certainly not empty. There is popcorn in this fic and it just makes it ten times funnier. 
And Ask Me To Open Up The Gate For You: Christine Daae has tried every trick in the book to achieve the clear complexion she so desires, and all without result—every trick, that is, except for one. She can’t do it on her own, but perhaps her beloved Maestro will be able to lend his assistance in the matter. In progress as of 01/09/2023. This one is so innovative and different! POTO London Christine Alternate Holly Anne Hull’s Instagram Story had a callout for long-term acne solutions, and turns out a few people told her to go get pregnant to achieve clear skin :D 
First Impressions: Erik takes Christine to his home and the cape flip goes awry. BLESS YOUR HEART ERIK!!!
Just Us Two: The day after the performance, Christine spends the day with her son, just like she promised. A beautiful, poignant continuation of Love Never Dies focused on mother and son. 
Like Everyone Else: Mr. Y has cracked the code of blending in to society. At least, he thinks he has. LND-inspired crack. Just hysterical. Honestly how could anyone argue against Erik moving to New York, it’s plot-powering gold! 
Mr. Y’s Christmas Surprise: Erik accidentally and inadvertently invents the ugly Christmas sweater. SEE COMMENTS ABOVE
Joyeuses Pâques (sans masque): Erik tries to celebrate Easter with his family on Coney Island—and what better way to celebrate than with a visit from the Easter Bunny? Guys just a reminder that Christine moved across the ocean to live with this guy, so.   
My Three Eriks: Erik doesn’t actually speak in the third person. OR “What do you mean James Gant and James Hume aren’t the same person” Shit gets too real in the lair, and it’s laugh out loud funny. 
The Nanny: College dropout Christine Dee lands what appears to be a dream job in taking care of a reclusive rich man’s seven year old boy. As she settles into her new life, however, she discovers a mysterious secret about her boss’s former wife that threatens to unravel everything. Modern AU. Definitely Gerik. Very relatable and insecure Christine. Very funny too. It’s a thrilling murder mystery and it’s very hard to stop reading once you start. 
Baby Shark: Erik is haunted by a certain song his neighbor is playing. Modern AU. I thought this was going to be a crack!fic but I was profoundly moved by it. Both Erik and Christine are a hot mess. A very refreshing take! 
Honolulu Sun: After two years of relative isolation during the pandemic, Christine is a little chattier than usual with a strange masked man in the grocery store. I’m more than a little bit obsessed with this one. Give me all the Gustave Sr./Erik bonding!!!
Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Wealthy Opera Populaire patron Raoul de Chagny has been kidnapped and the Opera managers have been receiving threatening letters regarding emerging star Christine Daaé. Private Investigators Erik and Antoinette have been called in to get to the bottom of what's going on, which means they'll have to be keeping a close eye on the safety of the young soprano. It really is a shame, then, that Erik seems to hate Christine who in turn seems horrified of Erik - but things aren't always what they seem. Film Noir AU. Big sweeping fic. Angles that haven’t been explored before. And an Erik that deserves to be seen!  
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necroromantics · 1 year
X virus uhh uhh uhhh ye. Basic hcs of how he acts w different creeps?
🧪 — The X-Virus + Creeps
shit kid. poison tongue.
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- cody is an asocial freak. he spends his days picking out homeless or addict victims, people who wont be missed, and would rather run experiments on them than make friends.
- cody wont actively seek out interaction with other creeps, and sometimes will purposely avoid them. they just get in the way in the end.
- that being said though, he does have a few notable connections. most of which were brought to him by fate
- ticci toby. cody grew up as an only child, he never had the opportunity to experience what its like to have a brother. but he saw himself and his past so heavily etched into this other boy. the two clicked very well, like two birds of a feather. due to their jobs, they very rarely actually had opportunities to see each other, but when fate brought the two back, it was like there was never any time between them.
- they both understand what its like to be a proxy, even if cody doesn’t quite know the extent toby has gone. but they’re both killers, they’re both damned. and they spend their time together messing around in the forest, or tormenting people, or stealing candy from corner stores. they both have the same sense of humour, and they like similar things.
- in a twisted way, cody looks up to his senior and toby would slowly begin to warm up to the idea of a little brother figure. some moments, when they’re hanging out in a dark, empty park after a job, they almost seem normal. two friends having fun, doing as the young do. just two kids who made a couple of reckless mistakes.
- eyeless jack. cody knows jack through toby. and while the beast is the creeps designated medic, he definitely doesn’t help just anyone. and cody is far too confident in his abilities to seek any help from the demon. so the two’s relationship doesn’t extend further than trade of chemicals and medicine, or casual encounters in the forest.
- they don’t necessarily get along badly, but they don’t have a deep connection by any means. jack sees cody as a reckless, selfish kid, just as he does with toby. and cody sees jack as a too-quiet, ominous being who he’d like to pressure into doing experiments on someday.
- nurse ann. if cody really needs medical assistance, he will visit ann. cody has major mommy issues, and theres that part in him that’d never admit he clings to her a bit to fill that void.
- ann looks out for cody, in a scolding type of way. she isn’t interested in having some kid with an attitude make a mess of her practice. but she is definitely curious about his experiments, especially the ones he does on corpses.
- “what did you do this time, little rabbit?” “man this tweaker bit me”
- nina the killer. definitely a fun time between the two. they have each others numbers. theyre both scene/emo kids at heart, and they share the same music taste so they’ll hangout together and blast get scared or ghost town together.
- nina doesn’t kill, shes only jeff’s accomplice, so cody and her will just spend their time together tormenting random homeless folk or old people on the street. and if you throw toby into the equation, the whole town will become these kids victim for the night.
- kate the chaser. he probably first found her holed up in an abandoned hospital room, scavenging for medical supplies. his initial reaction was “oh shit-“
- kate and cody are close. not as bonded as him and toby, but god knows these two have been around the block. they smoke together, and kate will sometimes just say fuck it and do research chemicals with him.
- they have a chill friendship. nothing deep or emotionally charged, but something to fall back on, because having allies is better than making enemies in this world
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p-ren001 · 2 years
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Ok, so I really need people to watch (and re-watch) this show and hit the little two thumbs up button on Netflix. Please 🙏🏽
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I went in completely blind. I knew it was adapted from a book and that was it. I didn’t know the premise, plot, nada. I just finished the last episode and am completely, and quite pleasantly, surprised at how much I loved and enjoyed this show.
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Lockwood & Co. is a thriller/mystery that has a lot of tropes and characters I adore! I simply loved Lockwood and Lucy and George ♥️ Their dynamic is so entertaining to watch! Even the talking head and the rival agents.
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The characters are all endearing and multilayered! The plot is super engaging and fun!
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If you love ghosts, mysteries, fun and adorable character relationships, sword fighting, talking skeleton heads, cute banter, complicated and dynamic characters, found family, adorable nerdy/witty boys, slow burn that’s worth it, a ship where a charming/reckless boy meets badass girl that grounds him while he supports her and is not intimidated by her awesomeness (a ship that reminded me of Kaz and Inej tbh aksjsjdjdj), plus a lot more, then please, PLEASE, go watch this show!
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I’m so scared that Netflix will cancel it like Julie & the Phantoms, Anne of Green Gables, 1899, Sense8, No Good Nick, First Kill, Babysitters Club, Raising Dion, One Day at a Time, The Irregulars, Warrior Nun, and so many others, simply because they do a shit job at promoting it, or because they feel like it. Let’s not make them feel like it, shall we?
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Let there be a season 2. I looked it up and there are only five books so please @netflix just wrap it up nicely into 2 or 3 seasons, and I’ll be happy. There is so much potential here!
Thank you. That is all. 🫖👻🗡️
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Maybe I have a little too much fun doing this lmao
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kiwibirb1 · 5 months
Okay here to create an entire au based on just one song lyric but:
"What if the protagonists just died in the first scene?"
Anne did NOT survive that first week. But the guardian is like "shit didnt think this far ahead ummm ghost?" So Anne is this visible but *mostly intanglibe spirit. she panics at first bc "OMF I DIED" but gets used to it. shes visible, can still interact with people. she has cool ghost powers now. aint all that bad, aint it?
*If she focuses reallyyyyy hard than she can get like. half an hour of tangibleness. MAX
anyway now to over exlpain stuff as it pops into my head but ill put it under the cut dont worry. got the basic stuff anyway alwaredy
So: Reunion. Anne of the year happens and stuff and Toadie is like "some one says their a friend" yada yada yada stuff so anne is still ghost when she goes up to sasha. BUT she has learned that its best to pretend to be alive at least when approaching someone so she float walks up (looks like shes walking but is actaully floating) and then realizes its sasha and goes "Oh shit" and tangibles herself just before the hug. during the ride she lets herself go untangible but still trys to keep herself not see through so sasha doesnt know whats up. anyway while theyre at toad tower she tangibles but is really fucking tired most of the time. fight happens and anne is holding on with everything shes got. except she can feel herself losing focus. Sasha says the whole 'better off without me" line but right before she can let herself go Anne goes intangible again so sasha drops but she knows she was still holding on and she could feel anne so what happened? sasha has a lot of questions. Anne has extra grief bc she was the one who dropped sash. yeah...
Marcy at the gates! Anne is fully prepared to float over the wall and stuff but doesnt bc fam is in danger and oh hey theyre saved and thats a weird looking newt let me float over and help them but- oh. that is a human. who has just seen me be very much not alive. shit.
Anne pretends that nothing happened for a bit and goes tangible and all that while theyre doing the barbirant quest thing. Marcy is like "well, since she's not mentioning it, I must have imagined it!" Until that one bit where Marcy like shoves Anne out of the way. And just goes straight through her. Both girls eyes widen as they process what just happened but Anne takes control and is like "I'LL EXPLAIN LATER LETS FOCUS ON THE FIGHT RN" so yada yada yada thing happens except Anne kinda hides ghostyness a little less bc the secret is already out, not much you can do now. After fight she explains and marcy is broken. She brought her best friend here and now shes dead. She killed her best friend. Breaks so hard in fact that she spills the secret to Anne who is like "what. i- i need time to think" so they dont talk for multiple days besides the king andrias meeting**. Anne eventually lets Marcy explain why and friendship is very strained but Anne learns to move on. Not forgive, not yet, maybe not even ever, but move on. It happened, and all she can do now is deal with the consequences.
**CORE LORE HEHEHE. So actaully gonna slightly change some core lore and shit. Anne takes one look at the crown and it like "that thing is evil and I dont know why" bc she has some extra spirit senses now. She tries to focus in on it and her eyes flash blue for a second and she catches a glimpse of thousands of orange spirits, all with to many eyes, floating around the crown and whispering in Andrias's ears. She cant see them again, but is very suspicious of Andrias now. Thankfully, the core didn't see her. Or did it?
One little spirit, mostly ignored by the rest, saw her looking. For some reason, it doesn't feel compelled to tell the rest of the hivemind. It knows they wont look in it's mind, it has long lost all usefullness, only around because it was forgotten. It itself can't connect with the rest, and has no reason to want to. It follows Anne, leaving the core behind. It watches, silent. Until one day, Anne catches a glimpse of it following her. She doesnt day anything until she is alone. She calls out, "I know you're there." It is surprised, but becomes visible to her. (only her. thats important. but yeah the core ghosts have more control over theyre visiblity and shit.) She is surprised. It seems... so small. "Who are you?" It seems to think. It does not know. It's name has long faded from memory. It tells her so, and she softens just a bit more. "What are you?" It perks up. This it knows the answer to! It tells her of the Core, the collection of Amphibia's greatest minds. She understands why she dislikes the crown now, and what she saw that day. But she also knows that this little fellow wont hurt her.
Anne has a little ghost buddy now. She names it Clementine. (It's faintly orange, just like all the other Core ghosts, but slightly less as it is nearly entirely removed from the hivemind.)
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megamindsupremacy · 9 months
Misc Marvel Fic Recs (part 7)
ghosts in the machine by hollimichele
History, Peggy has learned, never tells the whole story.
romantic tomography by pigeonstatueconundrum
Remaining neutral about Eddie Brock was much easier in principle when he’s the unseen ex of your girlfriend, a little harder in practise when you’ve helped him through the worst week of his life.
“Pay up.” Anne flops down next to him on the couch two months later. They’re still fishing bits of the Life Foundation Rocket out of the Pacific, but no evil or chaotic neutral ex-terrestrial goo has been recovered. Supposedly.
Dan fishes the promised $20 out of his wallet, “He finally told you.”
Dr Dan Lewis would like to stop feeling like the third billed in the romantic comedy that is his life.
call every girl we ever met maria by irnan
"You're telling me," Rhodey said, gleeful, "you're telling me that you've been shot, stabbed, sewn up, been riddled with shrapnel, had a magnet implanted in your chest, spent two years poisoning yourself with palladium, spent twenty years as a functioning alcoholic and had a vasectomy and you still managed to knock Pepper up?"
decoys by littlerhymes
The serum makes Steve stronger, but not bigger. Instead of a superhero, he becomes a spy.
Respectibility, Politics by brawltogethernow
Per the prompt, "the Spider-Man fic where anti-mutant bigots think JJ is one of them because of how he is about Spider-Man and he experiences no personal insight whatsoever in reaction to this but is so offended he dedicates the front cover of the Bugle to spotlighting the X-Men for like three days straight and Peter is keysmash feelings".
Blips on the Record by ambivalentangst
Flash, let it be known, doesn’t like Peter. He’s too good at everything—infuriatingly so—and nobody ever calls him on his bullshit, like with AcaDec nationals. Flash has to put his all into everything he does for a fraction of the attention Peter gets for his bare minimum, and it pisses him off, to say the least, so sue him for looking for chances here and there to knock him down a peg.
However, when he notices, he shuts his entire operation down.
Maybe Peter has a decade on his age when he was in the thick of it, but Flash remembers what it was like. He gets having school be a safe place, and nobody, not even himself, is going to jeopardize that for Peter.
Flash Thompson’s story is not simple, Peter Parker can always use someone else in his corner, and secrets are had and protected by all.
Far Out by Bergen
It all started the way it usually did; with Tony doubting his own sanity. “Happy,” he said, turning the paper over, then turning it back, squinting at it. “What the hell is this?” Happy barely glanced up from his phone. “How should I know? I just drive you around, I don’t try to understand your designs. You’re the one who left it in the back of the car yesterday.” Tony turned the paper towards Happy, tapping a finger against the scribbles in the margin. “I didn’t write that. I thought it, but I didn’t write it. What sorcery is this?” “Oh shit, sorry,” Happy said, expression resigned. “I’m guessing the kid went through them when I drove him to school this morning. He has no regard for personal boundaries.” “The kid.” “Um— My girlfriend, she has a—“ “Your stepson did these calculations?” “That’s not entirely—“ “Bring him to me,” Tony commanded.
Where the Need is Greatest by Niitza
In which Steve Rogers takes one look at the history of American military interventions since the end of World War II and nopes straight out of it, follows in his Ma's footsteps to become a paramedic, joins Doctors Without Borders, gets sent on an unsanctioned humanitarian mission to Syria, and somehow still ends up being a determining factor in Hydra's downfall - all of this without throwing a single punch.
Somehow, he's okay with it.
If you wanna be my lover (you gotta get with my friends) by mindshelter
MJ still remembers Ned’s initial disbelief when Peter—infamous for missing class back in sophomore year, suspended for two weeks freshman year—finished his bit of the group write-up four days early. The work was perfect, and so was Ned's chemistry grade. After that it was Peter this, Peter that, Peter parted the Red Sea, it’s true, MJ, I was there; I saw it. MJ, hey, are you listening?
Then Ned says, “We should invite Peter to join AcaDec.”
peter isn’t rock bottom on midtown’s social ladder; he’s underground. friendless, rumoured to get into street fights. ned declares him bestie material anyway, and mj catches feelings.
she also meets tony stark(?) in foodtown, of all places, and makes a spider-man(??) sighting.
Cannon Fodder by KieraSayre
During the war, Steve and Bucky get stuck with press duty. Sometimes reporters are racist assholes. The Howling Commandos decide to take this as an opportunity to get creative.
you had your soul with you by napricot
Three timelines and a Reverse Time Heist.
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crushedsweets · 9 months
OMG U DREW LAZARI AND JUDGE ANGELS!! i gotta ask how would they interact with the others?
OOOK OK OK so , when trapped in the forest, dina is constantly stalking lazari and other zalgoids (ann and lulu). she thinks she's god and wants to hurt them. but she's the weakest zalgoid, so...
meanwhile, lazari is hiding from everyone because she has no control over herself and is gutted with shame.
so, in terms of the others...
kate and toby just handle them the way they usually do - toby talks, kate attacks (crazy how toby's the 'mature' one by this point). dina would get really scared of kate, but completely disregard toby and think he's a pathetic joke.
lazari would also be uncomfortable with kate, just because the straight black hair reminds her of her mother - but she'd be fond of toby, especially if he's cool with jack
brian and tim are actually RARELY around by time Dina and Lazari come in. they're able to go months without having slender sick episodes, and mostly just come to check on toby and kate. so they're just kinda startled when they see two new demonic things wandering around, and dont talk to them.
natalie would get closer to lazari because lazari hangs around jack's cabin (to dig into his garbage and eat his leftovers). and natalie has a huge soft spot for kids, and she's very quick to sympathize and understand lazari has no control over her cravings. but she'd also not like dina, since dina is really bitchy and judgmental. dina would just stare and stare and stare at clockwork - this 6'3 strong woman who can't hold her tongue and will glare right the fuck back. dina cannot stand it
nina would also think lazari is cute, but dina resembles a lot of her bullies in highschool, so... she'd just avoid her. regrettably, dina floats around the outskirts of the forest until kate chases her back towards the mines... so nina has to see her a lot.
jeff, liu, and ben won't really meet them. if jeff does, he might do what he did to jane in IEPFB and be like 'hey... you should go kick toby's ass...' but dina and lazari would be freaked out by him and not listen LOL
sally would cling to lazari. sally's a bit of a mean kid, but she has nobody even CLOSE to her age besides BEN (whos a 14 yr old boy). she'd run off to the forest more often to meet her, which already stresses out the proxies and jane a lot. she would ignore dina
jane would be fond of lazari since sally finally gets a friend, but constantly fret. jane doesnt understand all of these ghost and demon and whatever shit, so she wonders if a demonic thing could hurt sally. the ghost girl has been relatively safe for so long, but...
anyway. jack gets especially close to lazari, sees his little sisters and himself in her - she's a part-human cannibal who cant control her hunger. literally jacks situation. he'd tell the proxies to back off and say he can handle it, which they're very grateful for - and he starts to house her, feed her, raise her. this isn't daily, as she often spends her time scampering around the forest and trying to escape, or harassing dina, or just bother everyone - she wants to be friends with EVERYONE. her mother always isolated her, so the freedom feels insane.
and similarly, he'd feel very sympathetic to dina. she's also in a similar situation, human turned demonic and trapped in a world she can't escape from. he wouldn't really know that dina tried to kill lazari, cuz lazari wouldn't tell anyone. but dina wouldnt want anything from him. she sees him as demonic, so........
overall, lazari is so friendly and warm, but so dangerous.
dina is so judgmental and closed off, but so vulnerable
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
TMA: The Musical, Version 2.0:
Thanks to all the posters whose ideas I added to this one.
Touch-Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon
Electric Eye by Judas Priest
Busted from Phineas and Ferb
Aha! By Imogen Heap
Waving Through A Window from Dear Evan Hansen
Invisible from MLP Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship
I Am A Rock by Simon and Garfunkel
Love Like Ghosts by Lord Huron
Frozen Pines by Lord Huron
Drift Away from Steven Universe: The Movie
Mister Cellophane from Chicago
Have A Seat Misery by Shayfer James
Infinitesimal by Mother Mother
Major Tom (Coming Home) by Peter Schilling
Waiting For The Drop from Ride the Cyclone
Stranded Lullaby by Miracle Musical
Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Debt Collector by Jhariah
The Woods by San Fermin
Why We Build The Wall from Hadestown
Way Down Hadestown (Reprise) from Hadestown
Pressure by Billy Joel
Sixteen Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford
Hometown by Twenty One Pilots
Come Wayward Souls from Over The Garden Wall
The Night by Aurelio Voltaire
Snuff Out The Light by Eartha Kitt
Friends Who Don't Go Out At Night by The Deadly Syndrome
Mirror Man by Jack Stauber’s Micropop
Faceshopping by Sophie
The Stranger by Lord Huron
Mr. Roboto by Styx
Doll Parts by Hole
Suit by Boom! Bap! Pow!
The Mind Electric by Miracle Musical
Discord by The Living Tombstone
Crazytown from 35MM: A Musical Exhibition
Who's Crazy/My Psychopharmacologist and I from Next to Normal
Spiraling Shape by They Might Be Giants
Culling of the Fold by The Decemberists
This is Why We Fight by The Decemberists
Courage Knows No Bounds by Heather Alexander
Ready to Die by Andrew WK
Ballroom Blitz by Sweet
The Ballad of Sara Berry from 35MM: A Musical Exhibition
Three-Five-Zero-Zero from Hair
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park by Tom Lehrer
Murder, Murder! by American Murder Song
Peacemaker by The Mechanisms
The Mariner's Revenge Song by The Decemberists
Blood and Thunder by Mastodon
Catch You by Sophie Ellis-Bextor
One Way Or Another by Blondie
A Confession by PhemieC
Getting Into Knives by The Mountain Goats
Body Terror Song by AJJ
We Started This Op'ra Shit from Repo: The Genetic Opera
A Little Priest from Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
64 Little White Things by Cake Bake Betty
Final Form by Everything Everything
The Ballad of Jane Doe from Ride the Cyclone
Leslie Anne Levine by The Decemberists
Dead Girls by Penelope Scott
For The Departed by Shayfer James
The Yawning Grave by Lord Huron
Fall Fair Suite from Ride the Cyclone
Dust and Ashes from Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
End of Life by Death Spells
Feed the Machine by Poor Man’s Poison
Countdown’s Begun by Ozzie Osborn
It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M
Seed Song by The Mountain Goats
Welcome to the Internet by Bo Burnham
We Will All Go Together When We Go by Tom Lehrer
How Bad Can I Be? from The Lorax
Lucky Sevens by The Mechanisms
No Children by The Mountain Goats
The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid
The World Ender by Lord Huron
That's Not How the Story Goes from A Series of Unfortunate Events
Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier
Burn It Down by Daughter
Until It Doesn't Hurt by Mother Mother
World Burn from Mean Girls
Dysentery World from The Trail to Oregon
Tongues and Teeth by The Crane Wives
I Love You Like An Alcoholic by The Taxpayers
Sweet by PhemieC
Sticks & Stones by The Pierces
Entomologists by Ghost and Pals
Candy Store from Heathers the Musical
Wires by The Neighbourhood
Red Right Hand by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Kiss Me, Son of God by They Might Be Giants
Redesign Your Logo by Lemon Demon
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