#anne hathaway is goals
the-forest-library · 4 months
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Love & Other Drugs (2010)
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thekingofspin · 4 months
rewatching princess diaries and I'm realising things I never would have noticed as a kid like for example JOSEPH AND CLARISSE ARE ENDGAME.
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awesomefridayca · 8 months
Podcast: Eileen & Next Goal Wins
This week on the show, we’re covering the just-released thriller Eileen, starring Thomasin McKenzie and the incomparable Anne Hathaway, which Matthew first saw at Sundance 2023, and then finally follow up with Taika Waititi’s latest sports underdog story Next Goal Wins.  Continue reading Untitled
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arielleslipgloss · 6 months
It Girl Habits!!
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(none of these photos are mine)
“You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours.” - Anne Hathaway
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Stay busy!! Do you see those it girls like Serena Van Der Woodsen scrolling on their phone all day? No, you rarely do. It girls are always busy doing something. So, therefore do some self care, study, workout, read, journal, go shopping, go on solo dates, hang out with friends, paint, have a dance party, etc. Do fun activities and take care of yourself. Another example of a busy it girl is, Elle Woods. Elle Woods wasn’t becoming one with the couch everyday. She had goals to achieve. She had people that doubted her to prove wrong. So get up! Start planning out your day or week. Start making goals!!
Have goals! You wanna know why you’re bored all the time? Well, it’s because you have no goals. You practically don’t have a life because all you do is sleep, eat, scroll, and repeat. You’re wasting time doing nothing. You could’ve had a clean room by now. Maybe you could have finished that book. Whatever it is, you could have had it. You could’ve been 1% better than yesterday. You don’t though because you have no goals. That time you’re wasting, can be used toward your goals. It can be used toward your dream life. Maybe, you do have goals? Yet you don’t even take action. What are you waiting for? For someone to do the work for you? No, get up and start taking action.
Be mindful of what you consume online!! Just like how who you surround yourself with affects you. What you consume online affects how and who you are. For example, listening to sad music makes you feel sad. Music is meant to tell a story that you feel deeply. You may not even relate to the song, but you feel as if you do. So, you become sad and continue to listen to sad music. When listening to uplifting music you gain confidence. You still feel like you relate to the song. Just with a more positive effect. As for what you watch and read. Don’t read/watch stuff that will put you down. Watch/read content that will help you.
Complimenting yourself every time you pass the mirror!! Some may say it’s cringy, but DO IT. Would you rather be cringy or be the best version of yourself? Exactly, so either say it out loud or in your head. Say it even if you might not believe it. Say it because you deserve it! Try to be creative with your compliments. Not all compliments have to be about your looks. It could be your personality, your thoughtfulness, how creative you are, etc. Also loosen up, be your own hype girl. When you see the mirror you could say, “Omg I look like the main character.” “Oh wait, I am!” Lastly, don’t forget to have fun with hyping yourself up.
Mediating or journaling when stressed!! When stressed we start to feel a lot of tension. So, that’s why meditating is so important to do when stressed. All you have to do is sit down and focus on breathing. Plus, It calms down your nerves, relaxes the mind, body, and soul. Not just that, but plenty of other benefits. Which includes, helps focus, betters mood, helps you sleep, slows down aging, etc. As for journaling, it’s practically free therapy! That is, at least in my eyes. All you need is a notebook, a pen or pencil, and yourself. Journal what’s making you stressed or anxious. Let all your emotions out, write freely. Your words don’t have to make sense. Nor do you need to have perfect writing. In fact, when you journal it may be all over the place. However or whatever you write, just let it out.
Expressing your gratitude!! Life is so beautiful and has so much meaning. So, either write down what you’re grateful for or thank God. You are so blessed to be here today. That is only just one thing to be grateful for. There are so many things to be grateful for, air, family, friends, your mind, being born as you, water, books, food, shoes, clothes, and so much more!! Express your gratitude everyday. It could be the most random thing like, a poster. As long as you’re truly grateful, then express it.
7. Having a low screen time!! Cliché, I know but it’s true. Your devices are consuming you. Think about what you use your device(s) for. Good examples are, for work, for motivation, tips, workout videos, inspiration, knowledge, and maybe even faith reasons. Now here are bad examples, procrastinating, sinning, hating on others, scrolling, because you’re bored, to watching videos of people that make you insecure, and lastly to cope with something. Which to clarify, trying to cope by using your phone, I understand somewhat. On the other hand, it could make what you’re coping with worse. I say that because there are so many studies on why our phone is bad for us. Seriously, so many and we are completely unaware of the damage it does. So for that reason, try to use your phone only for the good. I know you’re probably going to make an excuse. Which we all do and that’s ok, but please try.
8. Encouraging yourself to do better!! You should always be working hard to be 1% better everyday. So on the days you don’t feel like doing anything, encourage yourself. Show up for yourself, you will be so happy after. Lastly, trust yourself to get whatever done!!
9. Having a healthy sleep schedule!! For me, I try to aim for 8-11 hours of sleep. For others, it may be 7-10 hours of sleep. Whatever makes you feel the most well-rested should work. Just try to be consistent and mindful of the time. I also recommend to be off your phone for at least 30-60 minutes before going to bed. It will improve how you sleep a lot. That also being said, try not to be on your phone when you wake up either. It’ll help improve your health by a lot. Especially, the health of your brain and eyes. As I had mentioned, try to be consistent. Set a certain time to go to bed and turn off your phone. Then, get your lovely beauty sleep gorgeous!!
10. CLEANING!! The last habit is, cleaning. Now, I don’t just meaning cleaning your room or house. I mean even your body and mind. For starters, a clean room equals a clean mind. Therefore, stop procrastinating and start cleaning. Turn on some fun music and maybe even romanticize cleaning. Just make it fun and DEEP clean. I know someone reading this has been procrastinating on cleaning. You know who you are, so clean everything. Then, for cleaning the mind a little extra meditate. I feel like I already went over a bit about meditation. So lastly, for the body, take your showers consistently. Also, please wear deodorant. I see way too many people nowadays not wearing deodorant. Seriously, wear your deodorant.
“Always walk around like you have on an invisible tiara on.” - Paris Hilton
Remember, always apply lip gloss and stay pretty! Love you, dolls 💋
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Info I used: https://reallifecounseling.us/blog/benefits-of-meditation
My Pinterest: @arielleslipgloss
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icyg4l · 11 days
PAC: September 2024 Predictions
Hello beautiful people! I am finally back and I feel wonderful! I hope you all do too! I am just getting settled into school and I feel very confident about what's to come! It has been a long time coming but I feel ready to launch into this new fall era! I hope you all are too! My booking site is officially open so I will link it here in order for you all to have access to it. I will be taking readings starting Friday. So without further ado, please select the photo that aligns with you and don't forget to tell your friends about me! I hope that you all enjoy!
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: You are in a bit of a pickle, I can tell. Just remember this: the choice is always yours. You can choose what reality you want to make yours. I am channeling the movie ‘Look Both Ways’ starring Lili Reinhart and Danny Ramirez. You will have difficulties coming to a decision. Watching this movie can help with your indecision quite a bit. It also feels as though you need to cut certain things out. I am especially picking up on overspending and overeating. You also need to cut down on screen time and any other distractions that may be capturing your attention. For those of you that are attracted to men, you should stop hooking up with them. A potential pregnancy/STD scare could occur. Overall, it seems that you should be working on improving your health. Virgo energy is significant. By the end of October, you should see the results that you want to see. I am also channeling the movie ‘The Princess Diaries’ starring Anne Hathaway. You are on the brink of transformation. There is a reason why your body is not digesting foods properly at this time. There is a reason why you feel out of place at the moment socially. Your body is rejecting your current environment because you are being prepared for a new one. You may meet someone who you aspire to be like. They will help you get aligned with your goals (personal, career, financial, etc). Do not be afraid to use your connections. Networking will be helpful for you to do. Remember, a closed mouth never gets fed and plan accordingly for your upcoming journey. You know what to do. 
Cards Used: Page of Swords, 7 of Cups, 2 of Discs, The Hanged Man, Queen of Swords, 9 of Swords, The Magician, The Chariot, Princess of Discs 
extras: cutting out certain foods. resisting temptation. random dancing. struggling with internalized fatphobia/homophobia. halloween costume. myriad.
PIle Two: I feel like this pile works with older women or have the tendency to surround themselves with older women. Perhaps, you get along with them better? You are wise beyond your years. Seeking knowledge from them about a situation that deeply concerns you will not hurt. This month will be all about retribution. Some of you want to learn more about casting spells. Others of you could be trying to seek justice in the courts. Some of you want to perform street justice. However, you should weigh out the pros and cons. Does your idea of punishment match the actions of the person that has harmed you? This is exactly why you will need to reach out to someone older than you. This month, you may be spending more time with a mother figure especially if she is sick. During this time, you may find that your support system isn’t as supportive as you thought they were. It’s time to cut them loose. Also, if you’ve been lurking on their page hoping for an apology, you will not get it. It is best that you move forward so that you do not go crazy. Be prepared to take extra precautions this month so that you don’t get sick. Hydrate and moisturize. Take Vitamin C. Go for a light jog or a walk after you eat so that you can avoid throwing up. Also, you should go out to the city more often to admire the sights. Lastly, some of you will be getting pulled over by the police this month. I also heard “search warrant”. If you’re doing something that is questionable, nothing will be found. If you just get pulled over, you will be free to go. I suggest paying off any parking tickets like now though, just to be safe. 
Cards Used: The Empress, 10 of Cups, The Moon, The Hermit, 6 of Discs, 8 of Cups, Princess of Swords, 6 of Cups, 4 of Discs 
extras: fast track. appreciation day. MLK boulevard. sweet sixteen. i declare thumb war. swear jar. every kiss begins with kay. beauty queen. travesty. marshawn lynch. salty cravings. that time of the month.
Pile Three: Smiling through the pain, huh, lovely? You might not understand the significance of what you’re going through right now but you will get it later. For those of you who are in on/off again situations/romantic relationships in general, you need to know that communication is key! It’s so cliche to say but knowing that you have someone to depend on when things get rough can be what grounds us. You need to trust that whatever you are going through, you will get through this; the both of you. For those of you that are single, you have to be open to the process of getting to know other people. You are about to be in a soulmate connection but in order for you to meet them, you have to let them in! There is a reason why you are meeting them now. They will serve their purpose. No time will be wasted here. You are a very logical/analytical person, but there is no reason why you should be locking yourself in your room all the time. You need to be out with other humans. It’s a very good time for you to go out to clubs, restaurants, bars, clubs, jazz lounges, sip and paints, speakeasies, poetry slams, etc. Allow yourself to exist in the moment so that you don’t have to think about your problems. Be an escapist for once, and this brings me to my last point! You need to balance out your realism and your imagination. There is something that you have wanted since you were a child, but you are suppressing it. It could be wanting to try out a certain food, wanting to go to a different country, wanting to go to a specific artist’s concert, but you have been too busy to do so. You need to spoil yourself! Allow your inner child to be healed by actually listening to them. You can get your work done while also being fun! What’s the point in living if you don’t actually live, babe?
Cards Used: 6 of Cups, 3 of Cups, The Tower, The Lovers, The Star, The Hierophant, The Hanged Man, The Chariot, 8 of Pentacles 
extras: kitchen salon. ass-kisser. por favor. typing up papers. graphs. mathematics major. public health/public relations/humanities major. sour candy.
Pile Four: There are so many opportunities for you to market yourself, Pile Four. If you’ve been trying to expand your market/business, there will be plenty of opportunities coming toward you. If you have been trying to get a fellowship/grant/scholarship/loan, there will be an opportunity that fits you perfectly. But before you get involved with anyone, be sure that you read any contracts fully before signing so that you do not get involved in anything you don’t want to. I feel like right now, you may be experiencing boredom or a “cool down” period. That is fine, but prepare yourself to actually get up and take action. You will not be sitting for much longer. If there is a situation where you are looking for the resolution to play out in your favor, it will. It could be a familial/friend fight. It could be someone admitting to their wrongdoings. It could be a simple miscommunication being resolved in person instead of over the phone. Make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row so that no one can call you out on being neglectful. I feel like this pile needs to spend more time with their family members as well, lol. September will be the month for you to do that especially if it’s Grandma’s birthday. If you wish to quit your job, don’t. It will set you up for the future. You could potentially meet a client or a business partner at your job, so don’t blow it off just yet. You could also connect with someone who you will look forward to seeing everyday as well very soon. 
Cards Used: The Magician, 2 of Wands, 10 of Discs, Princess of Discs, 4 of Cups, Justice, Temperance, 8 of Wands, King of Cups, The Hermit.
extras: resistance. princess diana. dragonfruit. time tables. shifting gears. gta 6. pomegranate. pizza. oopsie daisy. thin veil. rising gas prices. california.
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smithrowed · 5 months
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Anne Hathaway & Nicholas Galitzine reacting to Leandro Trossard’s goal against Wolves
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hwnglx · 22 days
this combo of sag and scorpio energy in him is crazy 😵‍💫
sunghoon's ideal type
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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shuffled song: stand still by sabrina claudio
physical traits
watery and striking eyes. (when their eyes just stand out, he thinks lighter colored or blue eyes are beautiful) classic and traditional beauty. conventionally attractive. powerful presence, turns everyone's heads. feminine and elegant. gorgeous and blinding smile. longer and flowy hair. taller height. water or fire risings! i keep seeing margot robbie or anne hathaway.
personality traits
the immediate vibe i got for sunghoon, is that he wants someone invested. and when i say invested, i mean fully. i've said this a lot at this point, but sunghoon has such a dynamic chart, which shows this clear difference in character according to who he's with. he can either be the most easygoing and laidback, or the most intense and passionate person in the room. just put his lover (or someone he deeply cherishes) next to him, and you'll literally see the gaze in his eyes change.
sunghoon wants someone who can handle his intense nature in love. someone who resembles it to a degree, because otherwise they might get overwhelmed or not understand it. he really needs his and his partners love language, and their values in relationships to correlate. he wants to feel like he shares the same passion as his lover, and not get the impression that he's the only one holding on so tightly, when his partner is just kinda meh about it all. he wants a deep and intimate connection, that goes beyond what anyone else could understand. he wants a person he can have a relationship with, that is separate from all the rest, and special and extraordinary in his life. he draws a clear line between the people he holds extra close to his heart, and his standard “friends”. there's this version of sunghoon only his lovers could tell you about.
he likes it when someone won't get intimidated by his intensity. who can hold their ground firmly, not falter under his gaze. he also likes someone who's just very affectionate and romantic. a person who won't be afraid or too shy to be direct in their display of love for him. he wants someone who knows how to love someone in a proper way, who's good at making him feel loved. i also keep hearing “mother of my children” this man is all about longterm commitment. he wants a family-oriented woman who'd be a good mother. responsible and reliable, but also soft and nurturing.
sunghoon loves the idea of a lengthy relationship. he likes sharing history and memories with his lover. i can see him liking the thought of growing old and maturing with his partner, going through various stages together. he wants his lover to be like an “인생 친구” which means lifelong friend. again, it'd give them this special ability to know each other in and out, have things or inside jokes only the two of them understand.
sunghoon also needs his lover to understand that, although he'll be incredibly zoned in on their relationship, he still has goals and achievements of his own, which he won't neglect for their connection. his job requires a lot of work and time, and the possibility of him not always being there 24/7 shouldn't be a problem for his partner. especially because, he truly wants them to trust him. he is not the type to cheat or look elsewhere if he's in a committed relationship. he wants his lover to understand that, and tolerate his personal ambitions. i can also see him liking the thought of his partner having their own ambitions. he enjoys the thought of both of them being goal-driven and hardworking, but once they come together, they can't see anything but each other. in comparison to some other people, sunghoon definitely likes his lovers to resemble him, rather than be entirely different. i can just see him and a gemini venus being extremely difficult. (funny because sunoo is one and yeah.. their relationship is rather complicated)
him as a boyfriend
+ he's a boyfriend who doesn't rush into anything. very slow burning energy. in the beginning stages, sunghoon will be very curious about you as a person. he prefers getting to know his lovers thoroughly first, really getting a grip on their character, understanding their desires and values before taking the next step. he wants to make sure you're on the same wavelength with him, and get this feeling you're the right one, before investing so much of himself into the relationship. he thinks deep and intimate connections between two people who effortlessly understand each other, require a lot of patience. you just have to know each other's every aspect, he'll definitely want to be the only one to know some secrets, you do not tell anyone else about.
he's an amazing listener. he'll enjoy sitting there listening to you talk about yourself for hours and not get tired of it. literally stare in to your soul while you keep rambling. only interrupt you to ask questions and deepen the conversation.
he's definitely a sucker for intimacy, especially in places where he, and no one would expect it. like whispering things in his ear in public could probably make this man melt. i also keep seeing him hold hands with his partner in public and literally squeeze the hell out of their hand, in this possessive manner. like he's telling you “you're mine and with me.” in a wordless manner. there'll be a lot of silent communication between you, you'll just get each other right away.
there's also a very considerate and calm energy to him, where he'll display this source of peace for you. this is something i've observed about scorpio placements, especially venus', they're very.. understanding towards overemotional people. they can handle people's emotional outbursts, and mostly don't get consumed by it. on the contrary, a lot of the times, they quietly allow you to get your emotions and frustrations out, validate your feelings and not make you feel overdramatic, and try to talk things out calmly with you. let's say sunghoon gets into a fight with his partner; if you start getting angry and throwing things and losing your mind, he's the type to just sigh and sit there and control his own emotions silently while listening to you. he'll probably give you a little time to calm down, and once he feels you're ready to be talked to again, he'll try and talk the matter out in a more rational manner. very emotionally mature and compassionate energy in him. (interesting since i remember in my collective enha ideal type reading, he seemed to struggle with this. he seems to have grown a lot)
- sunghoon can be very hot or cold. it's like once he's with you, everything's great and a fairytale and you feel amazing, but once he's away, it's easy to feel like he forgot about you. he's very busy, so it can be a common occurrence for him to forget replying to you, not talk to you for days, make you feel left alone, because his love can be quite addicting. it's easy to feel dependent on scorpio venus', because they literally make you feel like life without them would be awful. even if you confronted him about this, he could get discontent with you giving him such a hard time about something he can't help. sunghoon draws a clear line between his personal and professional life, which he wants his partners to respect.
i do not see him cheating or doing anything wild, he's extremely loyal. he will not look at any other woman if he's a taken man. however, sunghoon still wants freedom, he doesn't enjoy feeling like you suffocate him while he's working (like spamming him with calls and texts because he isn't answering while busy, that'd frustrate him) yet at the same time he got you to the point of naturally clinging to him. “you made me be like this!” is what i can imagine his partner accusing him of. it can just get draining to deal with someone, who has such contrasting values when it comes to love, and his own ego and career.
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mortsafepod · 2 years
Mort Safe - A New Audio Drama
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[ID: A semi-realistic drawing of a hand, in the palm of which sits a lit candle. It’s flame illuminates the darkness around it, but the wax is dripping down onto the hand, and slowly turns red as it seeps down the wrist, mimicking veins. Above it is written in curling brassy letters, “Mort Safe”]
Ethics, Edinburgh, Exhumation. 1829. 
Mort Safe is a new, ten episode audio drama coming in 2023, created by Oran Talbot and Sam Drake. 
Edinburgh. 1829. The medical curiosity of the western world has taken hold of the city, with doctors-to-be travelling from as far as America to study at the prestigious university. However, budding young surgeons can be impatient, and with the Anatomy Act still a few years off, the medical schools are only granted one body per year on which to conduct their studies. Enter Cillian Hayes, an ambitious student with lofty expectations, Adelaide Farris, a young woman finding herself at the helm of her deceased father’s candle making business, and Jules Green, the unfortunate soul who seems to have found themself at the wrong end of the gravedigger’s shovel. Mort Safe is a show about how far we’ll go to achieve our goals, and the culture we build around death. 
You may like Mort Safe if you like...  Pathologic. Ask A Mortician. That One Photo Of The Anne Hathaway Twelfth Night Production. 
You can also find us on twitter 
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angelwurdz · 2 years
Astrological observations n3
The rising signs part:01 🌅
Fire risings
Fiery ascendants are my favorites. They are a ray of sunshine and a ball of creative and entertaining energy.
✿ Leo rising
Marilyn Monroe and Johnny Depp are a good representation of a Leo rising. They are sophisticated, attractive and most of all have a remarkable style. Attention and fame gets to them very easily and they usually have really nice hair.
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✿ Sagittarius rising
Anne Hathaway, Nelson Mandela and Agatha Christie are all Sag risings. This placement makes the person very philosophical, adventurous and peace loving. They are an interesting person to talk to and tend to mix humor in their conversations. You will never feel bored with a Sagittarius rising!
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✿ Aries rising
Aries rising are bold, frank and goal driven. The fact that Shakira and Rihanna have this placement explains everything. They are the moment. These people won’t give up until they see their dreams come true. Their voice is meant to be heard!
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Air risings
✿ Aquarius rising
One of my favorite placements. These people are unique and eccentric just like David Bowie, Jim Morrison, and Audrey Hepburn. They tend to have their own signature styles. I noticed they often have dreamy eyes and just like Sagittarius risings very friendly personalities. Never put an Aquarius rising in a cage they value their freedom and creativity above all
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✿ Libra rising
Kate Winslet, Harry Styles, Will Smith, Doja Cat, Jared Leto and many famous celebrities have this placement. They are naturally talented and ambitious. They are ruled by Venus the planet of love so they are sophisticated and soft spoken they know exactly how to get what they want.
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✿ Gemini rising
Something I noticed about Gemini rising is that they are good with words! They have a good sense of humor. Jennifer Lawrence and Drew Barrymore are the best example. They are friendly and a social butterfly. Since Gemini risings rule the lungs and throat. They also tend to have an excellent voice and exquisite writing skills as well just like Amy Winehouse and Lady Gaga.
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tooquirkytolose · 1 year
related to women taking their shitty ex back im still not forgiving the Devil Wears Prada for having perfect anne hathaway go back to her shitty boyfriend that doesn't support her career goals. like i get that the message of the movie is like "oh to be this successful you have to alienate everyone around you/its lonely at the top/etc" BUT LIKE. the boyfriend objectively sucks and im big mad
Oh yeah man fuck that guy
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serendipity-in-love · 10 months
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One Day (2011)
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that-ari-blogger · 5 months
The Boss Music Starts Playing, Part 1/2 (Mulan)
Mulan is my movie. Not the sequel or the reboot, the 1998 original. Mulan is my movie.
It is a story about identity, and as a non binary individual, this film shaped how I saw myself, and how I related to the world around me. It is also the direct cause of my obsession with cinematography. Mulan is my movie.
But I haven’t really mentioned it much on this blog before. This is the place where I rant about whatever piece of media takes my fancy, but Mulan has been conspicuously absent. I nearly devoted a series of my musical analysis to this film, for example, but didn’t for a reason I will get into.
However, on May 1st, four days before this post will go live, the folks over at Cinema Therapy uploaded a video titled Psychology of a Hero: Mulan. This was part of their series of breaking down characters from various films and TV shows to give their take from the perspectives of a licensed therapist and a professional filmmaker, and the video was better than good.
Now, I am neither a therapist or a filmmaker, but I do have opinions about the film, and I will not be outdone.
These boys stepped well and truly onto my turf, and I think it’s time to make my presence known.
Light the signal fires, we’re going to war.
Let me explain.
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I think it’s important to start off with how different Mulan is from every other Disney Princess. Because she technically is one, and that draws unflattering comparisons. It doesn’t matter what you do, when you are compared with Mulan, you will fall short.
Mulan is a psychologically complex character in a way that not many other Disney Princesses can boast. Ariel comes close, but in a very different way (unless you squint), but the others, while nuanced, aren’t as focused on the internalisation as Mulan.
Case and point, the “I want” song. In the Princess and the Frog, Tiana wants to open her own restaurant. That’s an external conflict, and one with measurable success criteria. Similarly, Moana wants to explore the world, again, external. Belle wants adventure and for her life to be more like the books she reads. Also external.
Mulan wants to be happy with herself.
All of these characters get secondary goals over the course of their stories. Tiana wants to get back to being human, Moana wants to save her people, Belle wants to save her father, and Mulan also wants to save her father.
But hold on to Mulan’s stated mission here, because it gets funky, and I will talk about that later.
Reflection forms a neat bait and switch with Honour to us All, because the first song of the film sets up a core conflict, and then Reflections inverts that.
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I have a deep love for mirrors as symbolism in films. I think they are the easiest and most effective visual metaphor out there, and I think there is merit to my opinion. But I am fully aware that I have a bias shaped very specifically by this film.
Honour To Us All is a jaunty little song about what it means to be a woman, and it’s a song about aesthetics.
“Wait and see
When we're through
Boys will gladly go to war for you
With good fortune
And a great hairdo
You'll bring honour to us all”
All Mulan has to do is look the part, and she will fit perfectly. Combine this with the visuals of a makeover that rivals every film Anne Hathaway has ever been in, and you could almost miss that everything I have just said about this song is a lie.
“We all must serve our Emperor
Who guards us from the Huns
A man by bearing arms
A girl by bearing sons”
This song does some serious thematic setup about the gender roles of the society it is depicting. It goes into depth about what a woman must be (calm, obedient, work fast paced, etc.), but there’s also the fact that all men have to be soldiers.
Throughout the song, however, Mulan demonstrates her core strength, ingenuity. Mulan is a tactician, able to outwit people in games of strategy, as well as cheat at homework and chores. She works smarter, not harder.
Enter the Matchmaker, played by Miriam Margolys, who makes my point for me.
“You are a disgrace! You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honour!”
It turns out aesthetics are secondary to behaviour. The matchmaker essentially tells Mulan that her image doesn’t match her identity, and that she isn’t very good at being a woman. Which, for as much of a terrible person as the character is, is a remarkably accurate observation.
“Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see, that if I were truly to be myself
I would break my family's heart”
There are two main readings of this song, both of which I agree with, and I don’t think are actually that separate.
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There is a hall of mirrors effect going on in the family temple. But it is made up of stones that represent the ancestors. Everywhere Mulan looks, she sees people expecting her to be something she is not, people she has brought dishonour to because of who she is.
The first is that this is a person who doesn’t fit in and can’t fulfil societal expectations. This is someone who’s in doubt about their dreams and doesn’t want to tell her family about that. This is a story about society not accepting individuality.
The second reading is that this easily the single most overtly queer song ever written, with themes of gender non-conformation. Mulan is a trans icon for good reason, but she also works as a non-binary hero as well for similar reasons.
Mulan doesn’t pass as a perfect daughter or a bride, is it possible that she was never meant to be a daughter or a bride at all? A ton of trans folk describe their experience in an extremely similar way to this, they were born the wrong gender, and now they are the person they were always meant to be.
On the same note, the last two lines will strike a chord in the heart of any queer person, trans or not, because coming out to your parents is a really difficult thing to do. Even if you have understanding parents (which, unfortunately, isn’t as common as I would like it to be), it’s still expecting people to accept a pretty core part of your identity. It’s vulnerability, and Mulan’s fear of breaking her family’s heart isn’t fear of them, but of herself. Mulan is terrified that she will hurt them by being who she is.
“Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am, though I've tried
When will my reflection show who I am inside?
When will my reflection show who I am inside?”
If you want a brief summary of what gender dysphoria feels like, I can’t speak for every trans or non-binary person (every experience is unique and equally valid), but at least to me, this song is pretty accurate.
On a personal note, I am non-binary, I undulate between they/them pronouns and he/they pronouns, but I am also fairly masculine presenting. This isn’t a part of myself that I find particularly fun. I like being able to sing bass, don’t get me wrong, but that pales in comparison to the fact that when I look in the mirror, it’s like I’m looking at someone else. I don’t associate my appearance with myself, which is frustratingly difficult to articulate, but more importantly, it has a rather large impact on my self-image.
My reflection doesn’t show who I am inside.
This song is why Mulan is a trans and non-binary icon. The plot itself doesn’t actually do much. It’s a story about someone following her own interests above the expectations of society, but this song reframes the entirety of the musical.
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Make A Man Out Of You has some definite coding in it, but not in the way that people often associate. Yes, Mulan’s struggles to “be a man” are trans affirming, as they show someone gradually becoming more confident in her own skin.
But it’s the moment with the arrow that means the most to me.
“You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home, you're through
How could I make a man out of you?”
This should be a victory. Mulan came to the army to protect her father, she doesn’t care about personal honour, so getting told she can leave with no questions asked should be an easy deal. Except once again, that’s not entirely accurate.
Mulan doesn’t start caring about personal honour, but she finds that drive in the army. So, the decision to complete the task on her own terms, because she wants to, is an important moment for her identity. Mulan is offered the chance to go back and be a daughter, or she can prove herself to be a man, and she chooses to stay.
However, I would argue that the non-binary reading comes in here, because Mulan doesn’t solve the problem in the way that is expected. She solves it in her own way. She succeeds in the life she chooses by playing by her own rules.
An understated element of this scene is the timescale it takes place in. Mulan is told to go home late at night, but its implied to be the evening. She then stays up all night to get the arrow.
The fact that its dawn for the shot in which she swings the two weights together implies that this isn't the first time she has done this, she has kept trying, and failing, but is powering through it to succeed.
Endurance is a key part of masculinity in this setting, at least according to the visuals of this song, and Mulan has just demonstrated that, while doing things her own way. She has utilised discipline and strength, and she has utilised her own ingenuity. Either she is just as much of a man as everyone else, she just comes at it from a different angle, or she is neither man nor woman, she is Mulan.
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I think the moments in which the film goes out of its way to show Mulan’s separation from the men emphasise this reading.
“Just because I look like a man, doesn’t mean I have to smell like one.”
Notice how femininity isn’t mentioned here at all. Mulan is distancing herself from the idea of masculinity as presented in the story. To me, this comes across as someone who is neither a woman or a man, but something else, someone who falls out of the gender binary.
As a side note, the final chorus of Make a Man Out Of You plays really weirdly into the story’s idea of individuality and place, by showing the power of the cast of heroes through their synchronisation.
One of my favourite elements of the film is its visual identity, especially its character design. Because even the extras have all distinct styles and shapes, everyone in this world is unique. From the goober with the scam tattoo to the angy chef, everyone is their own person.
Even the silhouettes are different and distinct. I’ve seen arguments online as to the importance of silhouette in character design, and while I don’t think it’s essential, it’s a tool that can be used for scenes like the one in Reflection. There, the father and mother can be clearly read as each other, but their actions are also clearly identifiable as well, which helps to communicate their story through the barrier that Mulan is feeling.
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This then relates to the army, and people’s strengths and weaknesses. The build up to this song does an incredible job of characterising the three stooges.
Yao is brave to a fault, with a hot temper and a defiant determination that lets him, within ten seconds, barely blink in response to an arrow being pointed at him, and then try to climb with his teeth.
Chien-Po is calm and quiet, and the team cleric, essentially. He has an ability to defuse almost any situation, including the anger of Yao, but that translates into meekness and a lack of confidence in himself.
Lee, meanwhile, is charismatic, but that has come at the cost of most other aspects of his life. He isn’t wise or strong, and his intelligence is dubious. But weirdly, he’s a natural born leader.
The montages in Make A Man Out Of You then show off their development. Yao goes from letting his emotions rule him in the flaming arrows task, to a confidence that replaces his arrogance; Chien-Po develops a faith in himself that lets him move through the balancing test with ease; and Lee leans to prioritise technique over brute force to complete the same task.
But then that final chorus comes in, and the backing music cuts out to become only the vocals singing in unison, and you realise what this song has been playing at the entire time. Individualism is great, but individuals need to bounce off of each other and balance out each other’s strengths and weaknesses. That’s something just as vital when singing a cappella as when fighting in an army.
The song is also a mirror to Honour To Us All and continues to hammer home its theme of gender and gender expression. Blokes have it a lot easier than the ladies in this culture, but that doesn’t mean they are free from expectations.
“Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within.
Heed my every order, and you are sure to win.”
Guys have to be strong and warlike; they have to be obedient; they have to be willing to die. But also, there is the idea of “boys don’t cry” here. A guy must appear stoic, like nothing in the world can alter him, but he should be burning with rage inside. Bottle up your emotions until they explode. That doesn’t exactly strike me as the healthiest of expectations for anyone.
Essentially, Make A Man Out Of You is storytelling through song, which is the core mechanic of musicals.
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Speaking of which, I didn’t end up doing a series on Mulan because calling it a musical is a little bit inaccurate. Mulan is defying its form by abruptly and abrasively ceasing to be a musical at the fifty-minute mark. In a film that is an hour and twenty minutes long.
Mulan’s final song is A Girl Worth Fighting For, which is a great song, but is an abysmal finale song, and that is the point. The tone shift is meant to be a gut punch, and it is meant to change the trajectory of the story.
This may seem like an obvious statement for a discussion of a musical, but the sound design of this film is phenomenal. Although the key to this isn’t the key numbers, it’s the quiet things. The ambience at the camp, the fact that the cricket becomes a typewriter for a scene, the musical flourish that is Mulan stealing the armour and how that incorporates her lite motif, and it’s the fact that the sound design of this movie knows when to shut up.
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One minute. The dialogue cuts off for one minute exactly, kinda. Not a lot of time, but it feels like an eternity.
The song abruptly shuts down and the audience is witnessed to complete and utter silence as they take in the devastation. Then the wind starts to blow as they progress further into the disaster before a musical sting emphasises the horror of the moment.
Although the order in which that happens is interesting. The song has been playing with a stable loop of keys to ground itself. Then that abruptly cuts off as it is gearing up to a bombastic finish, but the camera is looking at Mulan and the three stooges.
You get a fun moment, then you see the shock on their faces, then you see the devastation. The emotion could be anything, but that fraction of a second crystalises it into dread, rather than loss, and that's the emotion that the rest of the scene builds on.
The colour palette even shifts, matching the smoke and the fire, but also implying the crimson of blood.
“Search for survivors.”
Shang gives an order in an attempt to break the silence. It’s an attempt to break the mood both a diegetic and non-diegetic sense. Shang is trying to find a purpose against the bleakness and trying to create noise again, but then the atmosphere consumes him, and he is gone.
Another musical sting hits as Mulan finds the doll, and the personal tragedy of a child whose name cannot be known becomes excruciating.
Then we see the battlefield, and besides the obvious, there are a few things that should be stated.
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One, this instantly stops Chi-Fu and Shang from bickering. There is a slight moment of trust that develops between them, as, for all his faults (and there are many of those), Chi-Fu instantly empathises with Shang’s emotions, and becomes a comforting force.
Two, the battle didn’t happen in the village, if it did, there would have been a sign of soldiers within its walls. The battle took place down the hill, there was no reason for the village to be destroyed. This is the first time we actually see the scope of the villainy of the Hun army.
Up until now, Shan Yu has just been intimidating. He orders the death of a messenger, but that’s just one guy, and this is a war story. That just sets him up as villain with an easy “kick the dog” moment, but it’s not grand scale.
Here, it becomes that. This is a display of power, in that the Hun army destroyed the imperial army, but its also a display of abject cruelty, and its a statement of personality.
Shan Yu isn't Disney's most compelling villain. He doesn't get much character to work with beyond "angry man with a dope sword". What he does get, however, is a quiet sense of humour, and this scene right here.
Once again, the battle didn’t take place here, Shan Yu made a choice to destroy a village and, presumably, kill some villagers while he was at it.
To misquote the true expert of evil.
“The difference between a villain and a supervillain is presentation.”
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I had trouble posting this as a single thing, so here is a link to part 2: (Link)
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stratford on avon travelogue aka benny's really good super nice day (part 1 of 2)
IIIIIII decided to go to stratford on avon today bc i've been meaning to go for a while and I've got this week off (birthday tomorrowwwww) - cham was gonna come too but had a bit too much work so it was just me, and I was slightly apprehensive about that but i actually had an incredible day and I'm going to tell you all about it RIGHT NOW
I left the house at noonish, its a roughly 45min drive from worcester and the drive was actually really nice, all relatively fast b roads/country lanes. I didn't really have a plan for the day other than just walk around, maybe see some shakespeare shit, otherwise just see my little lizard brain took me, so I just set the sat nav for "stratford on avon" and set off. When i got to the town outskirts i immediately saw signs for anne hathaway's cottage so i was like "yeah aight" and turned off, went down some cute semi-rural residential streets and arrived in a nice green leafy neighbourhood with a nearly deserted car park (no bank holiday today in the uk, we have it next monday). I noticed the minimum stay was 3 hrs so i was like hmmmmm and then when i got to the cottage it turns out you can buy a ticket that gets you into all three shakespeare places (anne's cottage, his birthplace, his new place) so I was like hmmmmmmmmmmm *a plan is forming*.
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watch out 🐊
I wandered round the orchard/outsidey bits (a little sculpture/statue trail of shakepeare-y stuff) and did a very speedrun-y tour of the cottage itself - I wasn't super invested or bothered about Learning I just felt like being a tourist and it was honestly super fun to just be like no thanks i don't want any information :) i'll just walk around :)
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falstaff's belley, also bees
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it's nice she could afford such a cool place, she was good in interstellar
After maybe less than hour I emerged from ann hathaway's cottage and by that time the plan had cemented - I was going to go and see how many of shakespeare's three cribs I could see in a day. I didn't actually need to do this because the ticket is valid for a year but it felt like a fun little goal. I also noted there was a handy signposted route into the town centre so I opted to leave the car there and walk - I both did and didn't regret this decision later.
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The walk into town was mostly along a long straight boring road but I did see a cool graveyard and a euphemistically named "SCULPTORS" workshop not far away. The walk in total was probably about 15-20 mins but it felt a bit longer, i eventually got bored and wandered off down a side road and finally got spat out of the sleepy residential streets just in front of Holy Trinity church:
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(i didn't know that was what it was immediately, again fully did not plan or research anything beforehand, anyway it is apparently a Landmark so, great 👍)
From here it was a short walk along the river, and by that point i was falling slightly in love with the place already - the weather was just sunny enough, it wasn't too busy, people were boating on the river, there were swans and geese everywhere. After a few minutes I saw these and my original plan to visit some dead bloke's houses sort of got back burnered:
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When I saw the boats for hire sign my little lizard brain immediately decided it wanted nothing more in the whole wide world than to go on a little boat on the river avon. I thought "yeah aight" and wondered off to find the actual hire point, these were just moored here and the wasn't anyone actually around to hire them out to me.
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on the way i went past some big theatre place? i think it was something to with the dead bloke, idk i was thinking about boats.
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a couple more minutes of boat focused wandering brought me to the boathouse (on the right^) which was deserted except for the staff who were all sitting on the veranda eating hula hoops. they seemed mildly surprised that i wanted to hire a boat, and explained that they only electric motorboats for hire that day. I had already seen the sign advertising the option between analogue and electric and i was like "yeah aight", so i paid the man and hopped aboard. I was given a brief how-to, and here i should maybe explain I have not been on any kind of boat in a very long time, my experience extends to heavily supervised rowing on a canal as a kid and one (1) time having a brief go at the wheel of a motorboat on a scottish loch when i was 13ish. None of this really swayed or discouraged me however, so consumed was i with the lizard brain instruction to Go on A Boat. I gamely took in the safety briefing which amounted to lever forward go faster, lever back go slower/reverse, turn to wheel to steer, dont fall in (I'll try not to, i responded cheerily, like a real adult), and I was on my way.
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aboard the good ship "number 27"
it took me a couple of minutes to get the hang of the steering, but its top speed wasn't too fast and it actually handled really nicely and responsively so the learning curve wasn't too steep, and pretty soon I was whirring happly along
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On the return leg I was just working out how to correct after my big u turn (i only had the boat for 30 mins and was only allowed on a short section of the river) when i spotted something odd and brown on the near side of the riverbank and i was like, is that a fucking otter, and lads IT WAS AN OTTER
i look really unexcited here bc i'm trying operate a phone camera at the same time as controlling an unfamiliar vehicle, and trying not to plough said vehicle into said otter. the otter looks really unexcited here bc im just a twat in a boat and it sees those all the time.
The rest of my journey was uneventful but very pleasant, once i got the hang it was a very relaxing and centering activity and i will definitely be back. I brought the boat back right side up and with me still dry and in it, which the dudes at the boat hire seemed pretty happy about, and they were even happier when i showed them the video of the otter.
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From here I sort of just wandered around a bit more? By now it was approaching 4 o'clock and S on A is apparently one of those towns where everything shuts down from like 4 to 5, so it was pretty quiet. I wandered up the high street, wandered into a hi fi store, gawked at some turntables, wandered into a weird little "vintage store", took a picture of a tuba, left, wandered around a bit more, and then walked past a japanese restaurant and stopped and was like hmmmmmmmm.
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bonus toilet selfie bc i was feeling myself this day.
It wasn't opening until 5 but i now had a plan formed (completely forgotten about the dead guy's digs by now). I wandered back towards the river, found a gelato place, got gelato (elderflower, battenberg and salted caramel, don't question me), and went and ate the gelato with my legs dangling off the steps by the river OH NO I HIT THE IMAGE LIMIT OK PART 1 OF 2 I GUESS
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Kaileen Chang wants to be a role model – to be creative in her work, compassionate to herself and others, and representative of her mixed (Latinx and Taiwanese) heritage. The young artist from Los Angeles, California is certainly on her way, currently starring as the half-human, half-vampire lead Carmie Henley in the aptly titled, I Woke Up a Vampire. The series, airing now on Family Channel, is expected to be released on Netflix later this year. 
What can you share about your background in the arts, and what inspired you to pursue film as a career?
I started off performing when I was young, specifically in dance and ice skating. Then I explored theater and later started acting. What inspired me the most was the ability to be creative and show the media and young kids a role model who is relatable and responsible.
Who and/or what were some early inspirations for you - such as actors you admired, favourite TV shows or films, and instructors or teachers in your own classes? What impact did they have on you?
I get inspired by a variety of women actors such as Florence Pugh, Angelina Jolie, Anne Hathaway, and many others. Their ability to be so creative and embody characters really is incredible. I also love 80's/90's films or inspired films because they are the right combination of serious drama and comedy.
How has your family supported you in your career?
My family has been more than just supportive, I would say they are my number one fans and the building blocks to this all. Without their encouragement and dedication, I would have not been where I am today.
Congratulations on I Woke Up a Vampire! As your first series lead, what can you tell us about your audition and casting process?
I did an audition like normal, but I never got called back until like almost a month later. Then I got told I was on hold, but I never did a callback. I waited for a solid two weeks before getting the call that I booked it, which I was surprised because I hadn't had any callbacks or contact. Next thing I know I was on a plane to Toronto.
Carmie Henley is a dynamic character with a unique life! What drew you to her, and how are you similar and different from Carmie (aside from the supernatural and superhuman powers)?
I think that the little aspects of Carmie are so similar to many teenage girls, and there are some little parts to her that are a part of me. Carmie is such a relatable character and she is inspiring for young girls. I am really drawn to the fact that she wasn't planned out or written specifically as a character but her story was, and they let Carmie grow and be built by her experiences and some of mine too.
Who are your favourite superheroes from the comics or screen, and why?
I really like Scarlet Witch, because she is just so misunderstood and I loved the WandaVision series lol.
Creator and showrunner Thomas (Tommy) Lynch has a great resume, including producer credits on recent teen, coming-of-age series Make It Pop and The Other Kingdom. What was it like working with Tommy and did you have conversations about your character and the story?
Working With Tommy was amazing, he and Ryan Lynch (his son) are just amazing collaborators. It's tough starting off on a big show and being really fresh and new to the business but they helped me along the way and were so incredibly supportive and protective. They also valued my opinions and creative decisions. We had a lot of fun shaping Carmie and making her a character with a lot of depth. Tommy is actually amazing and so great to work with. He really made it a lot of fun and we became close with the whole cast too, just one big family.
How did you prepare for this role? Is there anything special you did to get into character before your scenes?
I wanted Carmie to be as authentic as possible. I didn't want her personality to seem cheesy or unrealistic. I made sure that I had a lot of fun when doing scenes and just went with the flow. Music helped a lot and not thinking about the scene too much made it natural.
Carmie and Kev share a close and supportive friendship. Did you and Niko Ceci have a lot of fun together, and how was he as a scene partner?
Carmie and Kev are like Kaileen and Niko. It's really funny because me and Niko joke that we don't even have to act most of the time because we are just so close. I love doing scenes with him because they just come so naturally and flow well. We definitely have a very close relationship off-screen, we are best friends. We love Tommy because he basically united two halves into one, I and Niko are like the same person and we love that.
The show has a talented young cast, also including Aaliyah Cinello (Madison), Zebastin Borjeau (Dylan) and Ana Araujo (Leanna). Did it feel like summer camp, and was it nice to share this experience with cast members similar in age to yourself?  
I had so much fun being able to share the experience with young actors like me. It definitely felt like work but in the best way possible. We made sure to keep it professional and not goof around too much but had our fair share of giggles and fun off-screen. I loved working with each and every one of them and also developing close relationships as friends off set as well.
Actor and comedian Kris Siddiqi stars as The Collector. How was Kris to work with, and was it hard to stay in character without laughing? What did he teach you about performing?
Kris was THE FUNNIEST person ever. We all loved working with him because he was just so warm and welcoming every time we did a scene. It was definitely very funny when he started to improv at the end of a scene but we managed to keep it together. He was an amazing mentor and I loved being able to work with him.
Take us behind the scenes! What is your favourite memory from Season 1?
I had a blast filming this show. It's hard to pick just one memory. Also most of the things me and the cast find funny might not make sense to you guys. But I do remember filming episode five - we had to jump off the rooftop set onto a mat, me and Niko would fall onto the mat into a splat position on purpose so that whoever had to jump next would just start laughing and we would just fall onto the mat because we were laughing so much we lost our balance.
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Why would you encourage viewers to tune in to I Woke Up a Vampire? What can they expect to see and take away from the show?
I would love for young kids to watch this show because as the episodes go on we explore real topics, but it's still fun to watch because of the supernatural side to it. Carmie faces the hard reality of school and feels like she needs to fit in which is very relatable to many kids and it is comforting to know that other people are going through the same thing.
We know it’s early on, as the show hasn’t even premiered on Netflix yet, but are you aware of plans for future seasons? Would you like to explore Carmie’s story further?
I am actually not sure what the plans are for further seasons, Tommy loves to keep his ideas very very secret. I remember filming the early episodes and as we got closer to the later ones we would bombard him with questions and he would never tell us anything until the script came out. But I would love to explore Carmie's adventure and exploration towards more serious topics and her journey with self-love and acceptance.
You are an advocate for those with down syndrome, which is personal and meaningful to you and your family. Tell us about the importance of this work for you, and how you stay involved and informed.
My little sister has Down Syndrome, and I think it is very important for people to stay aware and understand that she may be different but she is just as capable. I am an advocate because she deserves equality and to be treated just how everyone else is. I love to bring awareness to the kids with Down Syndrome and their amazing talents.
You have multiple cultures, with both Latinx and Taiwanese heritage. Have you always been in touch with your identity and where you came from? Why are you proud to be Latinx and Taiwanese?
I am very proud of my mix, I think it makes me very unique and who I am. I have always embraced the different features I hold and love to spread my culture to those around me.
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Has your ethnicity impacted your career so far? Are you hopeful for more diversity in film (ethnic and minority creatives) in the near future, and being a part of that positive change?
I think one thing that really had me drawn to acting was the little diversity and awareness. I wanted to be able to be a role model for young girls because I remember watching TV when I was younger and the main character was always a pretty white girl who was a cheerleader, always looked perfect, and was a popular girl.
With Carmie, I wanted to show the viewers that they can have some comfort in this show knowing that some people can relate to Carmie in the sense that she isn't perfect, popular, and she's mixed. I was also really attracted to the fact that I could be a responsible and inspiring person to young people so that when they grow up, they can see someone who they can follow and look up to.
What inspired you to learn and become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL)?
I love inclusivity, and I think that it was important for me to learn ASL so that I could practice my beliefs of inclusivity. I grew up in a school that prioritized being inclusive and I want to carry that on with me as I go in the real world so learning ASL was a big accomplishment and milestone for me becoming a step further into the person I want to be.
Who are you listening to on your playlist? 
I love music, I personally get really shy when it comes to asking about my music taste. It's hard to narrow down my favorites when I have such a range of music tastes.
Our signature question: If you could be any ice cream flavour, which would you be and why?
I would be cotton candy because it's like two different colors and I have two very different sides to me that are completely opposite.
Thank you to Kaileen Chang for answering our questions! 
Follow her on Instagram to stay updated with what’s next for the rising star. New episodes of I Woke Up a Vampire air Fridays at 6:30 pm ET/PT on Family Channel. 
Photo credit to: Tommy Flanagan (portraits)
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addictedgallery · 7 months
Get Your Art Fix!
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Beyoncé has become the first Black woman to top the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart.
The Grammy-winning artist, 42, claimed her latest record-breaking feat with her new single, “Texas Hold ‘Em”, after it debuted at No 1. Go back to where it all began.
"Destiny’s Child, New York” by Markus Klinko, 2000
Series: Queen Bey’
Arty-Fact: “I shot Beyoncé for the first time in 2000 for Vibe magazine, when she was part of Destiny’s Child. I knew she was a superstar right away. She walked in and I said to her mother, Tina, who was styling the shoot: 'This one in the middle here, she’s going to be a huge star.' Tina looked at me like: 'Yeah, we know.' After that, things really started taking off with music shoots.” ~ Markus Klinko
Source: “Beyoncé is wearing my jeans!’ Markus Klinko’s best shot”, The Guardian, 2023
A little bit about Markus Klinko...
Markus is an award-winning international fashion/celebrity photographer and director who has worked with many of today's most iconic film, music, and fashion stars.
Markus has photographed the likes of Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, David Bowie, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Kanye West, Anne Hathaway, Kate Winslet, Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kim Kardashian, Naomi Campbell and Iman. Just to name a few!
"When photographing an artist, I always desire to create a work that truly defines them and can serve as a milestone in pop culture history. Those are ambitious and lofty goals, but it is what I am thinking about when I pick up my camera.
"I consider myself a pop culture documentarian." ~ Markus Klinko
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