#animal y ambiental
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Te leemos las noticias aquí José María Martín-Moreno, catedrático de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública en la UV José María Martín-Moreno, doctor en Medicina y en Salud Pública por la Universidad de Harvard (EE UU) y catedrático de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública en la Universitat de València. / Foto cedida por el autor La emergencia climática actual supone, además, una crisis sanitaria global. José María Martín-Moreno, doctor en Medicina y en Salud Pública por la Universidad de Harvard (EE UU), explica cómo se está abordando en las zonas afectadas por la DANA en España y los protocolos y campañas de prevención que hay que poner en marcha. Por Eva Rodríguez Desde la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) se demandaba hace unos días una integración conjunta de la salud en las negociaciones de la Cumbre del Clima COP29, que esta semana inician las reuniones al más alto nivel en Azerbaiyán. “La crisis climática es una crisis sanitaria, por lo que dar prioridad a la salud y el bienestar en la acción por el clima no solo es un imperativo moral y jurídico, sino una oportunidad estratégica de obtener beneficios sanitarios transformadores para un futuro más justo y equitativo”, declaraba Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general de la OMS. En España, la DANA que ha asolado Valencia y el sur peninsular ha mostrado que deben ir de la mano. Mitigar y adaptarse al cambio climático es también actuar ante presentes y futuros problemas de salud pública. Hablamos con José María Martín-Moreno, doctor en Medicina y en Salud Pública por la Universidad de Harvard (EE UU) y catedrático de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública en la Universitat de València, sobre la situación de las zonas afectadas y las acciones a tomar ante estos fenómenos extremos que se prevén más frecuentes e intensos en la región mediterránea. ¿Cuál es la situación actual de la atención sanitaria en las zonas más afectadas por las inundaciones? Actualmente, los profesionales sanitarios en Valencia están trabajando intensamente para responder a la emergencia generada por las inundaciones del 29 de octubre. Equipos médicos, junto con protección civil y personal voluntario, están brindando atención en centros médicos provisionales y mediante unidades móviles. ¿Qué medidas existen para las personas con movilidad reducida y de difícil acceso por la situación de las infraestructuras? Para las personas con movilidad reducida o dificultades de acceso a los centros de atención, se han desplegado equipos de salud itinerantes que están visitando las áreas más afectadas para ofrecer asistencia en el lugar. Además, el sistema de salud ha coordinado con servicios de transporte y cuerpos de emergencia el traslado de personas vulnerables a centros médicos, minimizando así los riesgos para ellas. Esta situación no es momentánea, si no que se va a prolongar en el tiempo. ¿Cómo se tiene que abordar esta situación a medio y largo plazo para mejorar la respuesta ante emergencias climáticas? A mediano y largo plazo, es crucial que el gobierno autonómico, con apoyo de la administración central, invierta en infraestructura resiliente y adaptable a desastres naturales. Esto incluye la mejora de sistemas de drenaje, la creación de refugios con instalaciones médicas en zonas vulnerables y la capacitación continua del personal de salud en gestión de crisis. ¿Se deberían mejorar los protocolos actuales? Sería recomendable fortalecer los protocolos de emergencia en colaboración con instituciones científicas, asegurando que el sistema sanitario disponga de planes preestablecidos y personal capacitado, así como una dotación mejorada de equipos móviles y recursos de telemedicina que permitan respuestas rápidas en comunidades de difícil acceso. Una de las cuestiones más urgentes es cómo abordar los problemas salud mental. Hay una población muy numerosa que se enfrenta a la vez a las pérdidas personales, materiales y a los bulos que afectan a su vida diaria. ¿Estamos...
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#animal y ambiental#“El enfoque &039;One Health&039;#es cada vez más importante ante desastres naturales”#salud humana
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 𐙚˙⋆.˚ dozing general...⋆.˚ ᡣ
#jing yuan#hsr jing yuan#jy#hsr lightcone#honkai sr#hsr x reader#honkai star rail#hsr#carrd resources#messy gif#animated#gifset#gif warning#webcore gif#messy gifs#anime gif#ambient gif#jing yuan gif#jingyuan#jing yuan hsr#jing yuan honkai star rail#jing yuan x y/n#jing yuan x you#jing yuan x reader#using#fanfiction#tags#because#i can
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Nuevo Post: Veganismo: ¿Qué es ser un vegano y qué comen los veganos?
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Veganismo: ¿Qué es ser un vegano y qué comen los veganos?
El Veganismo es un estilo de vida y una dieta que ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años. Muchas personas eligen seguir una dieta vegana por razones éticas, ambientales y de salud. En este artículo, exploraremos qué es ser vegano y qué alimentos consumen los veganos.
1. Introducción al Veganismo
El Veganismo es una filosofía de vida que busca evitar la explotación y el sufrimiento de los animales en todas las áreas posibles. Además de una dieta basada en plantas, los veganos también evitan el uso de productos derivados de animales, como cuero, lana y cosméticos probados en animales.
2. Definición de un vegano
Un vegano es alguien que ha decidido excluir todos los productos de origen animal de su dieta y estilo de vida. Esto significa que no consumen carne, aves, pescado, huevos, lácteos ni miel. Los veganos basan su alimentación en alimentos vegetales como frutas, verduras, legumbres, cereales, nueces y semillas.
3. Diferencias entre vegetarianismo y veganismo
Aunque los vegetarianos también evitan comer carne, pescado y aves, aún pueden consumir productos lácteos y huevos. Los veganos, por otro lado, excluyen todos los productos de origen animal de su dieta. El veganismo va más allá de la alimentación y se extiende a todos los aspectos de la vida, evitando el uso de productos animales en la vestimenta, el entretenimiento y otros ámbitos.
4. Alimentos veganos y opciones de reemplazo
Los veganos disfrutan de una amplia variedad de alimentos vegetales que les proporcionan los nutrientes necesarios. Algunas opciones populares incluyen frutas y verduras frescas, granos enteros como el arroz y la quinoa, legumbres como los frijoles y las lentejas, tofu y otras proteínas vegetales, así como productos lácteos y de carne vegetal que se han convertido en alternativas populares.
5. Beneficios para la salud del veganismo
El veganismo bien planificado puede proporcionar todos los nutrientes necesarios para mantener una buena salud. Las dietas veganas tienden a ser ricas en fibra, vitaminas, minerales y antioxidantes. Además, pueden ser bajas en grasas saturadas y colesterol, lo que puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas y otros problemas de salud.
6. Impacto ambiental del veganismo
El veganismo también se ha asociado con beneficios ambientales significativos. La producción de carne y lácteos tiene un impacto negativo en los recursos naturales y contribuye a la deforestación, la contaminación del agua y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Al elegir una dieta vegana, las personas pueden reducir su huella ecológica y contribuir a la sostenibilidad del planeta.
7. Desafíos y consideraciones del veganismo
Aunque el veganismo ofrece numerosos beneficios, también presenta desafíos. Obtener suficientes nutrientes específicos, como vitamina B12 y hierro, puede requerir una planificación cuidadosa o la incorporación de suplementos dietéticos. Además, la socialización y la elección de alimentos veganos fuera de casa pueden ser un desafío para algunas personas.
8. Mitos comunes sobre el veganismo
El veganismo a menudo está rodeado de mitos y malentendidos. Algunas personas creen que es difícil obtener suficiente proteína en una dieta vegana o que los alimentos vegetales no son tan sabrosos como los alimentos de origen animal. En realidad, una dieta vegana bien planificada puede proporcionar todos los nutrientes esenciales y puede ser deliciosa y variada.
9. Veganismo y estilo de vida sostenible
El veganismo no se limita solo a la alimentación, sino que también abarca otras áreas de la vida, como la moda y los cosméticos. Muchas marcas están optando por productos libres de crueldad animal y veganos, lo que permite a los consumidores elegir opciones éticas y sostenibles.
10. Consejos para comenzar una dieta vegana
Si estás interesado en adoptar una dieta vegana, aquí hay algunos consejos para ayudarte a comenzar:
Investiga y aprende sobre la alimentación vegana.
Haz una transición gradual y establece metas realistas.
Experimenta con recetas veganas y descubre nuevos alimentos.
Busca apoyo y únete a comunidades veganas en línea o en tu localidad.
Escucha a tu cuerpo y asegúrate de obtener todos los nutrientes necesarios.
11. Recetas veganas deliciosas
Una de las mejores formas de disfrutar de una dieta vegana es explorando nuevas recetas y platos. Aquí hay algunas ideas de recetas veganas deliciosas para probar:
Ensalada de quinoa y vegetales asados.
Curry de garbanzos y espinacas.
Hamburguesas de frijoles negros y quinoa.
Batido de plátano y mantequilla de maní.
Brownies de chocolate vegano.
12. Apoyo y recursos para veganos
Si necesitas ayuda o más información sobre el veganismo, hay numerosos recursos disponibles en línea y en libros especializados. Además, las comunidades veganas y grupos de apoyo pueden brindarte orientación y compartir experiencias.
13. El veganismo en la sociedad actual
El veganismo ha experimentado un aumento significativo en popularidad en los últimos años. Cada vez más personas se están dando cuenta de los beneficios éticos, ambientales y para la salud de una dieta vegana. Además, la disponibilidad de alimentos veganos y opciones de estilo de vida ha aumentado, lo que facilita la adopción de este estilo de vida.
14. Veganismo y la industria de la moda y los cosméticos
La industria de la moda y los cosméticos también ha respondido a la demanda creciente de productos veganos y libres de crueldad animal. Muchas marcas están adoptando prácticas éticas y ofreciendo alternativas veganas a los productos tradicionales. Esto brinda a los consumidores la oportunidad de elegir opciones de moda y belleza alineadas con sus valores.
15. Conclusiones
El veganismo es más que una dieta, es un estilo de vida que busca minimizar el sufrimiento animal y proteger el medio ambiente. Al elegir una dieta vegana, las personas pueden disfrutar de una alimentación saludable y sostenible. Además, contribuyen a la protección de los animales y la conservación del planeta.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre Qué es ser un vegano
¿Es saludable seguir una dieta vegana? Sí, una dieta vegana bien planificada puede proporcionar todos los nutrientes necesarios para una buena salud. Es importante asegurarse de obtener una variedad de alimentos y, en algunos casos, puede ser necesario complementar con vitaminas o minerales específicos.
¿Los veganos obtienen suficiente proteína? Sí, es posible obtener suficiente proteína de fuentes vegetales como legumbres, tofu, tempeh, frutos secos y semillas. La combinación adecuada de alimentos puede satisfacer las necesidades de proteínas del cuerpo.
¿Qué opciones hay para reemplazar los lácteos en una dieta vegana? Hay muchas alternativas a los lácteos en una dieta vegana, como leche de almendras, leche de soja, leche de avena, yogur vegetal y queso vegano. Estos productos se elaboran a partir de ingredientes vegetales y están ampliamente disponibles en tiendas de alimentos saludables.
¿El veganismo es más costoso que una dieta tradicional? El costo de una dieta vegana puede variar dependiendo de los alimentos que elijas. Algunos alimentos veganos, como frutas y verduras frescas, pueden ser más asequibles, mientras que otros productos veganos especializados pueden tener un precio más alto. En general, una dieta vegana equilibrada puede ser rentable y asequible.
¿Qué pasa con las vitaminas y minerales que se encuentran en los alimentos de origen animal? Es importante asegurarse de obtener todas las vitaminas y minerales necesarios en una dieta vegana. Algunos nutrientes que pueden requerir atención adicional son la vitamina B12, el hierro, el calcio y el omega-3. Estos nutrientes se pueden encontrar en alimentos fortificados o a través de suplementos dietéticos.
¡Comienza tu viaje hacia el veganismo y descubre una forma saludable y sostenible de vivir!
#Alimentación vegana y cuidado del planeta#Alternativas veganas a los productos de origen animal#Beneficios del veganismo para la salud#Beneficios para la piel de una dieta vegana#Consejos para comenzar una dieta vegana#Estilo de vida sostenible y vegano#Impacto ambiental del veganismo#Recetas veganas deliciosas y fáciles de preparar#Veganismo y rendimiento deportivo#Vegano vs. vegetariano: diferencias y similitudes
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🦋 10 Animales en Peligro Crítico de Extinción que Podrían Desaparecer Pronto 🦏
🌍 ¿Sabías que hay animales al borde de la extinción? Descubre cuáles son los 10 animales que podrían desaparecer de nuestro planeta si no actuamos a tiempo. ¡Aprende, comparte, y únete a la causa para salvar a estos increíbles seres! No olvides suscribirte para más contenido sobre la naturaleza y la conservación. 🐾🌿 🔔 ¡Suscríbete para más actualizaciones! 👍 ¡Dale like y comparte!
#otrocorte#otrocorte-yt#chile#chileno#chileguino#informativo#informacion#Animales en peligro de extinción#Especies en peligro crítico#Conservación animal#Fauna en peligro#Naturaleza y conservación#Peligro de extinción#Animales en extinción#Medio ambiente#Animales raros#Salvemos la naturaleza#Protección animal#Educación ambiental#Vida salvaje#Especies protegidas#Extinción de animales#Biodiversidad en peligro#Protección de la fauna#Fauna en riesgo#yt#Youtube
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Veganismo: ¿Qué es ser un vegano y qué comen los veganos?
El Veganismo es un estilo de vida y una dieta que ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años. Muchas personas eligen seguir una dieta vegana por razones éticas, ambientales y de salud. En este artículo, exploraremos qué es ser vegano y qué alimentos consumen los veganos. 1. Introducción al Veganismo El Veganismo es una filosofía de vida que busca evitar la explotación y el sufrimiento de los…
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#Alimentación vegana y cuidado del planeta#Alternativas veganas a los productos de origen animal#Beneficios del veganismo para la salud#Beneficios para la piel de una dieta vegana#Consejos para comenzar una dieta vegana#Estilo de vida sostenible y vegano#Impacto ambiental del veganismo#Recetas veganas deliciosas y fáciles de preparar#Veganismo y rendimiento deportivo#Vegano vs. vegetariano: diferencias y similitudes
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Vegano: todo lo que necesitas saber sobre este estilo de vida saludable y sostenible
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Vegano: todo lo que necesitas saber sobre este estilo de vida saludable y sostenible encuentra lo que realmente necesitas Vegano: todo lo que necesitas saber sobre este estilo de vida saludable y sostenible Si te has planteado alguna vez esta pregunta, no estás solo. Cada vez más personas se interesan por el veganismo, una forma de vida que rechaza el uso y consumo de cualquier producto de…
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#alimentación vegana#beneficios del veganismo#dudas sobre el veganismo#estilo de vida vegano#veganismo#veganismo y ética animal#veganismo y medio ambiente#veganismo y salud
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Quiet Rage
Pairing: bsf!Johnny x reader
Synopsis: You wanted to test a theory and ended up making Johnny "Quiet Rage" Suh pissed all the way off. Surely he wouldn't take it out on you though right? after all, you were his best friend.
WARNING: THIS IS SMUT...arguably one of my dirtiest yet. reader is a little shit and Johnny is the quiet guy in the friend group. Johnny in glasses. Dirty and I mean DIRTY talk. spit, sweat, mentions of bruising skin, drooling, overstimulation, exhibitionism via video call, just dirty stuff alright
A/N: This took forever to get out and I apologize for that. it's exam season and I really wanted this out so I pulled some all-nighters. so I apologize for the grammatical errors and so on. I'm very very nervous about this because I did not expect the teaser to get that much attention. but anyway, enjoyyy. @neoculturecollectives @calibabii21
"I swear, Johnny's into you," your girlfriend claims, and you almost spit out your latte. You shoot her a look, throat burning, and coffee dribbling down your chin. "What the hell makes you say that?"
She rolls her eyes, handing you a napkin. "Come on, babe. The guy gives you that intense stare all the time."
You stare at her in disbelief. "He gives everyone that stare. It's just Johnny."
She grunts in frustration. "Y/n, he calls you 'baby' for crying out loud."
You shrug, trying to play it cool. "So? It's not like it's some romantic declaration."
This scenario is all too familiar, and it annoys you. People always misread Johnny and you, trying to turn your perfectly platonic relationship into something more.
"Alright, if you're so confident, come with me to Jay's party tonight," she challenges.
Your heart sinks.
Jay, aka Jaehyun, is her boyfriend, and you've crossed paths quite a bit. But you already know you can't go.
"He doesn't like you like that, right? So let's settle it, Y/n. Let's end the speculation."
"That's dumb. I don't need to prove anything," you argue. But truth be told, your heart is still doing somersaults. You both know why you won't go, or rather, can't.
Johnny has this strict no-party rule for you. Sounds stupid, but it's his way of keeping you safe. One bad experience with some idiot led to this.
"Come on, just this once, and I'll drop it, promise," she pleads.
"Fine" you reply, already feeling your energy drain.
You find yourselves in what's supposed to be Jay's living room turned dance floor.
"Where's that man?" your friend complains beside you.
You hadn't been paying much attention to her anyway. Tonight, you're on a mission to prove a point. Yep, you're scanning for Johnny.
"Yo, ladies!" A familiar voice greets you from behind.
It's Mark. Awkward, cute, and definitely on some kind of high.
weed probably
"Markieee." you smiled and hugged him.
"Have you seen Jay?" your friend asks, not even bothering to greet Mark.
"In the upstairs bathroom," Mark replies, the thumping bass of the music echoing through the house.
"Thanks, y/n, call me if you need me," she says, her voice almost drowned out by the distant laughter and chatter.
"Okay," you agree, even though you know she's most likely going to be too busy to pick up. With that, she confidently stalks off into the lively chaos to find her man.
You're still hugging Mark throughout that, the music's pulsating rhythm vibrating through your bodies, and neither of you makes a move to release the other.
"Markie, how high are you right now?" you ask, half amused and half concerned, the scent of various substances hanging in the air.
"I'm not high," he insists, his words slightly slurred.
Yep, he's as high as a damn kite. "Alright, let's get you seated," you decide, guiding him through the animated crowd.
You hug him a little tighter to your side as you maneuver through the sea of people, completely unaware that the man you had been scanning for was silently observing you from across the dimly lit room.
Johnny tilts his head ever so slightly, the ambient lights flickering, casting enigmatic shadows on his intense expression as he observes you cradling the nearly unconscious Mark in your arms.
"Yo, Johnny! Where you goin'?" Heachan's voice echoes from the kitchen, where the clinking of glasses and laughter weave through the air.
"You can't bail on me now, man. You promised to try this strain with me," Hexhan pleads, his tone a mix of whining and cajoling.
"Another time," Johnny responds tersely, striding away without a backward glance.
Johnny can't fathom any sober reason for Mark to be draped over you like that.
"And you shouldn't even be here," Johnny muses to himself.
"Y/n," his gruff voice calls out, a single word that carries volumes.
You pivot, finding yourself face to face with your long-time best friend, a man whose relationship with you blurs between suspected boyfriend, occasional fling, or perhaps something more permanent.
His towering figure looms over you like an impending storm, his mouth contorted in a sneer, eyebrows knitted in displeasure. A quick appraisal reveals he's opted for a relaxed ensemble tonight—black hoodie and grey joggers, his signature black rimmed glasses resting on his nose.
"Johnny, I've been looking for you. Where the hell were y--"
"Y/n, have I ever told you that your tits make the best pillows ever? Oh my god," Mark interjects, completely oblivious to Johnny's presence.
In one swift motion, Johnny shoves Mark away, causing him to collide with people behind you.
"Johnny, what the fuck!" you gasp, caught off guard.
"What are you doing here, Y/n? I'm only asking once," Johnny demands, his hand firmly gripping the back of your neck, forcefully pulling you into the shelter of his chest.
"Answer the question."
"I'm here for you," you assert, making no attempt to deceive.
"You could've called me if you missed me so much, baby," he responds, his voice softening, and his eyebrows gradually easing.
"Yeah, I know, but I wanted to have fun too," you argue.
It becomes apparent that you've made the wrong choice as his hand tightens slightly around your neck.
"Have fun at home. No parties. I'm sure I told you that," his voice remains calm, but the increasing pressure on the back of your neck contradicts his demeanor.
"Go home. Now," he states, leaving no room for argument.
For a moment, your body twitches as if to comply, but it seems you're on a defiant streak tonight.
"No. I'll stay and have fun. I've seen you now, so I'll just go look for the others and enjoy myself," you declare.
He stares at you, a blank facial expression revealing nothing.
"Y/n, baby, go home," he says softly.
Successfully prying yourself from his grip, you retort, "No."
You stalk off, leaving him standing in the middle of the living room, hands straight by his sides, and his gaze unwaveringly black yet watchful.
As you navigate through the crowd, encounter familiar faces here and there.
You find yourself on your umpteenth shot of tequila when, unexpectedly, you're invited to a game of truth or dare, courtesy of Haechan.
Johnny is nowhere to be found, and the absence begins to stir a sense of worry and nervousness within you.
The game had unfolded over an extended period, leaving your mind increasingly hazy with each passing moment. Holding your liquor was never your forte.
You observed as the bottle spun and twirled before ultimately settling on the guy positioned beside you.
"dare" the guy simply said.
"I dare you to kiss y/n," Haechan's slurred yet mischievous voice announced.
As Haechan proclaimed his dare, Johnny ambled into the room, seemingly oblivious to your presence, it left you feeling bothered and angry.
Fine, you mused, if he's going to act that way.
Perhaps it was the influence of the alcohol coursing through your system or some other inscrutable force, but you found yourself impulsively lunging towards the guy next to you. Teeth clashed in a messy, audacious kiss, and, fueled by the audacity of the dare, you dared to explore further by delving your tongue into his mouth.
A cheer erupted from the onlookers, making your heart swell.
Basking in the attention, you pushed the boundaries, only to be abruptly seized by the neck for the second time that night, this time by none other than Johnny himself.
Without hesitation, he mused, "Go to the car and sit. I'll be there soon."
"But, Joh—"
"Go. To. The. Car, Y/n, and shut your fucking mouth. I said I'll be there soon," he asserted, his words punctuated through gritted teeth.
The last ten minutes had passed in utter silence as both of you sat in the car.
When Johnny finally slid into the driver's seat, his gaze never once met yours. Without a word, he started the car and left the party, only sparing you attention when he needed to secure your seatbelt.
The oppressive silence weighed on you.
"That was a fun game, wasn't it?" you ventured, attempting to break the tension.
Silence persisted.
"I bet Haechan has a video of it. Probably gonna send it to the group later," you added, attempting to inject a touch of levity into the atmosphere, though your laughter carried an undercurrent of awkwardness.
"Quit playing with me." He bites back, completely unamused by your attempt at a joke.
Your body stills as you stare wide-eyed at the man beside you. You didn't expect that from him. He wasn't the type to be so aggressive, especially with you.
"I didn't mean for that to happen, John." You said weakly. He had to understand, you were just trying to get his attention.
"But it did y/n and now I'm gonna have to show you what happens when you don't fucking listen" He rages quietly, eyes still on the road ahead.
It was always quiet with him.
little did you know.
To the untrained eye, he seemed cool and collected. But, you could tell he wasn't quite there. Maybe it was the way he squeezed the life out of the steering wheel or how he kept clenching and unclenching his jaw. Or, you know, the massive tent in his pants…
either way, you knew
somehow, you managed to piss off Johnny Suh.
"I suggest you start thinking of a way to apologize because you have no fucking idea what I have planned for you." He momentarily looks at you just long enough for you to see the dangerous glint in his eyes
Arriving at Johnny's apartment, you found yourself comfortably settled on his couch while he busied himself in the kitchen, fetching a glass of water for you. Since his remark on the way here, a palpable silence hung in the air.
As he approached you with the glass of water, he broke the silence, "Thought of a way to apologize yet?"
You glanced up at him from your spot on the couch. "I'm sorry. I should've listened to you," you managed to utter, your gaze dropping to the floor, a strange sense of shame washing over you.
He snorted in response, "That's all you came up with, Y/n?"
Meeting his disappointed gaze, you took a deep breath. "I should've known better," you added quietly.
He sighed, handing you the glass of water. "Drink."
Taking the glass from his hands, you started sipping as he watched you in silence. Then, without breaking eye contact, he nonchalantly remarked, "I'm going to fuck some sense into you and then fuck it out of you."
You choked on your water, hastily wiping at your mouth as you stared at him in disbelief.
"Your apology wasn't going to satisfy me anyway. I made up my mind when you said no the first time," he asserted, his tone casual yet loaded with an underlying intensity that left you flustered and strangely intrigued.
"And what if I don't want it." You daringly ask.
you knew you did.
The way he was watching you made that clear as day.
"Then say no." He shrugs
"Now finish the drink and head upstairs when you're done."he adds
and you did exactly that.
Johnny was a man. You knew that, he knew that, and the whole world knew that. But sometimes, it felt like you didn't always keep that obvious characteristic at the forefront of your mind, as you should have.
Entering the room, nothing struck you as special. It was the same as always: his bed in the middle of the space, surrounded by walls adorned with retro posters and pictures he had taken over the years with friends, family, and you. Despite the numerous times you had visited his home, particularly his room, it didn't feel as intimate as it did now, and for some reason, that excited you.
As you let your gaze wander, movement from the door pulled you out of your thoughts, and you turned your focus to a strangely quiet Johnny.
You both stood in silence, staring at each other for what felt like long, drawn-out minutes.
"I didn't think I'd have to tell you to strip, y/n," he said seriosusly.
You hiccup, startled. "E-excuse me?"
He stepped closer to you. "Fucking strip."
Your heart hammered in your chest at the complete unfamiliarity of the situation.
"John, you can't be seri—"
His hands fisted in your hair, causing you to tilt your head up, meeting his hard gaze. "Strip. I won't ask again. You're always free to leave, y/n, but you and I both know you don't want to."
"move your hand"
you twist and turn writhing your body all over his bed, hand trying to stop his fingers from fucking into you.
"Johnny, please! I said i was sorry " you scream as tears line your eyes
"I said move your fucking hand" he grabs your writs and pins the above your head
his fingers pummeling into you repeatedly. long and thick. you felt like you could feel all the ridges and callouses on them. all the fucking veins. it was torture.
you try to squeeze your thighs together only for him to pry them back open almost immediately.
it was almost embarrassing just how wet you were really
"God. Fuck you're all over my sheets baby hmm" he moans his eyes never leaving your pussy.
that did it for you though
"Johnny, Johnny m'cumming"
“not yet baby”
you couldn't hold it
“Y/n, I said not yet” his actions contradicted his words as his fingers curled rubbing against your g spot
your body involuntarily shoots up off the bed as your lower abdomen contracts
"I can't hold it."
You cum with a high-pitched scream. Squirting all over Johnny's hand before lifelessly falling back on the bed.
you’re trying to get your breathing under control when you hear Johnny’s displeased voice
"you don't fucking listen do you"
fingers still in you, he manages to add even more pleasure relentlessly pumping into you
your legs start trembling from the intense pressure building in your abdomen once again.
Your scream is ear piercing as you cum for the fourth time
you don't even know.
gosh, He hadn't even fucked you yet
you didn't even realize the drool running down your chin. eyes rolled back and lashes fluttering, your skin gleaming with sweat and thighs trembling. Your chest heaved as you breathed hard still coming down from your high.
In Johnny's eyes, you looked so fucked out and so fucking pretty.
He knew his version of foreplay was intense but he also knew he took it a bit further just for you.
his stubborn girl. He loved it but you needed to be taught a lesson.
with your mouth wide agape, he takes the opportunity of your oblivious state and shoves his middle and index finger down your throat causing you to gag.
"taste yourself...that's right baby suck my fingers clean" He coos as your mouth clings to his fingers.
when satisfied he pulls his away
"knees" is all he says.
you mumble uncoherent words trying to tell him you can't get up but it seems he is already way ahead of you helping you get comfortable in your position on the floor.
He begins to pull his sweatpants down revealing his erection fighting against the fabric of his black underwear. he wastes no time in pulling his cock out and you almost drool.
so harsh but so fucking pretty.
big and veiny with the prettiest pink tip. No wonder the foreplay was so intense. there was no way he was gonna fit without stretching you that much.
You look up at him with hopeful eyes. you wanted him in your mouth so fucking bad your pussy actually ached.
"So cute," he spits in the palm of his hand before bringing it down to stroke his cock.
"open and suck" He states.
Wasting no time your hands replace his and you begin to pump his pretty cock. you lick from the base of his pretty cock to the even prettier pink tip teasing him just a little with small kitten licks
"no teasing" he warns.
But of course, you don't listen continuing to push him over the edge with those kitten licks. even having the audacity to maintain eye contact while doing it.
You see the way his jaw clenches as he loses his patience and grabs the back of your head thrusting and forcing his cock to hit the back of your throat.
Your eyes widen and begin to water as you start to harshly breathe through your nose.
Gagging multiple times as he continues to relentlessly fuck your mouth
"no teasing and you continue to fucking tease huh? who's fucking in charge here y/n? Who's fucking cock's fucking your pretty mouth?"
not being able to speak you hum around his cock watching as his gaze becomes more sadistic by the second.
"Ah fuck, you're gonna make me cum like this baby?" you hum in response causing him to groan from the vibrations
"Ah, shit"
You watch his expression contort into a pained one before he somehow manages to make his cock hit even further than the back of your throat and cums in your mouth.
"Dont waste it, baby, swallow for me" he says airly
you swallowed his mouth full of cum. loving the pleasantly salty taste.
you wheezed and choked so overwhelmed with just how rough Johnny really was.
Where was this side of him hiding?
holy fuck
"your mouth, keep it open," he grumbles still heaving firm his previous orgasm.
you open your mouth a gain forming an 'O' shape and surprise takes you as he spits in your mouth before lightly slapping you across the face.
your hair was all over the place and your entire face was decorated with a mixture of precum, smudged makeup, tears, snot, and sweat
"Atta Girl." he praises you.
He helps you to your feet before giving you a quick peck on your lips
"turn around and bend over. Yeah just like that... spread your legs for me"
you used the bed as support as you got into the desired position.
he wastes no time thrusting his cock into you rough and hard.
the sound of skin slapping and the squelching of your pussy around him cause your knees to buckle as you threaten to lose your stance.
You were gonna cum soon.
feeling your swaying form, he grabs your neck pulling you into him as your back meets his chest
"don't you fucking dare" he threatens.
"Ah... please please, please! m'sorry... m'so sorry I won't do it again just please make me cum john, I'll be good I swear" you cry gasping for air between words. soon your sentences jumble into a whole lot of nothing.
he keeps his hand wrapped around your neck as he uses the other to hold your hand behind your back
"no. Cum when I say so. you need to learn to fucking listen."
snapping his hips at a quick pace.
the area around your hips already beginning to bruise from how hard he was holding you.
"t'much please johnny!" You scream as your legs begin to shake for the umpteenth time
"you can fucking take it. This is what you wanted right? To piss me off? Having mark all on you like that?" he says begrudgingly
he grabs your left breast and squeezes your nipple hard enough for your pussy to clench around him
"so damn sensitive" he whispers in awe.
he pulls out and pushes you on the bed. you look back and he's
standing over you with messy hair, dark eyes, and a cock so erect it slapped against his stomach with the slightest movement.
"get on your back and spread your legs" he says pulling your legs to the edge of the bed .
You flip over and he immediately fucks into you even harder than before.
once again your hands flay erratically as you scream trying to get away from the aching pleasure that was starting to make you see double.
"look at that baby, " he coos eyes staring at your stomach.
you look down and see his cock bulging in your lower abdomen.
You gasp at the sight
'Johnny please" you whimper not even sure what you are asking for.
"I might just fuck a baby into you. keep you home like a good little wife hmm." he says seriously, eyes still set on the bulging in your lower abdomen.
you clenched around him liking the sound of carrying his children
"you like that huh? " He groans
you nod as tears start to stream down your face.
suddenly he stops thrusting causing you to cry out
"Just gimmie a second baby gotta fix your mistake," he says as he reaches over to his nightstand picking up his phone.
"I'm calling Mark " he says nonchalantly causing your heart to race.
"you're off-limits and they fucking know that but it seems all of you need to be reminded of how things are tonight hm?"
the dial tone blares out before a muffled "hello?" comes through the speaker. Mark.
"watch " Johnny says before he thrusts into you so fucking deep you could taste him
you moan loudly
barley registering the "fucking hell, man" that comes from the phone. That was Haechan
'watch' Johnny had said earlier and you begin to understand that it was a video call.
Mark and Haechan were witnessing Johnny fuck you into oblivion.
"see this? this is my fucking pussy and nobody else can fucking have it." he fucks your relentlessly a familiar feeling building in your stomach.
"j-johnny its t'much"
"nah, you can fucking take it."
"oh, fuck! " you scream into the pillow
"my fucking pussy and she can't give it away ain't that right y/n"
"mhmm" you say not having the strength actually speak.
you cum with a shiver and a whine and even then he didn't stop
still drilling his cock into you
overstimulating you more and more
you try to get away and he never once let his cock leave you.
"tell them how many times you cum tonight." He challenges, knowing full well that you couldn't form a word much less a sentence at the moment.
you mutter random words too fucked out to think
a sharp slap to your face brings you back
"how many fucking times?" he says through clenched teeth
"Alot" you scream.
"good girl" he says before hanging up the phone and throwing it across the room.
"just give me one more" he continues.
you moan as your toes curl from the overwhelming sensations building in your stomach
with a sharp thrust, you squirt all over Johnny's cock just as he cums inside you.
"next time you do that shit I’ll fuck you right in front of them instead of over the phone."
#nct 127#nct smut#nct scenarios#nct doyoung#nct yuta#nct fanfic#nct imagines#nct dream#nct fluff#nct taeyong#nct#nct u#nct johnny#johnny suh#nctzen#nct x reader#nct mark#kim jungwoo#moon taeil
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TS3 - Plaza de las Flores (No CC)
Do you need organic products to prepare your favorite recipes? Are you looking to eat healthier but don’t know where to find 100% natural and wholesome ingredients? Would you like to sell your harvests on your own terms? Or maybe you’re just searching for a peaceful spot to enjoy a cup of coffee or a snack with your family? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Plaza de las Flores is the place for you.
Like many Simmers, I love playing with my Sims in the countryside: planting, harvesting, taking care of animals, and cooking delicious homemade recipes. I’ve always felt the game was missing a marketplace where Sims could sell their hard-earned produce, relax, and enjoy a good meal. So, I decided to create one myself.
I hope all gardening enthusiasts love the result as much as I do! I wanted it to match the rustic charm of Appaloosa Plains and its warm, countryside atmosphere, and I think I managed to achieve just that.
Lot type: Community, small park
Lot size: 30x40
Furnished lot value: 83.143 §
Unfurnished lot value: 57.484 §
Packs used in this build: EP01, EP05, EP09
Humble Harvest Stands from the store.
Terms and conditions:
DO NOT claim my creations as your own.
If you want to use any of my builds in your custom world, you are allowed to do so, BUT make sure to credit me as the original creator.
DO NOT re-upload my content under any circumstances; share it with your friends using my own links.
If you experience any issues, let me know and I’ll try to fix it as soon as possible.
Download it here. 🤍
¿Necesitas productos orgánicos para preparar tus recetas favoritas? ¿Quieres empezar a comer más sano pero no sabes dónde comprar ingredientes saludables y de origen 100% natural? ¿Te gustaría empezar a vender tus cosechas bajo tus propias condiciones? ¿Buscas un lugar tranquilo donde tomarte un simple café o merendar con tu familia? Si has respondido que sí a alguna de estas preguntas, la plaza de las Flores es tu lugar.
Como a muchos otros Simmers, me encanta jugar con mis Sims en el campo: plantar, cosechar, cuidar y alimentar a los animales, preparar deliciosas recetas caseras... Y siempre he echado en falta un mercadillo donde estos pudiesen vender lo que producen en casa con tanto esfuerzo y dedicación, pero en el cual también pudieran pasar el rato y comer algo, por lo que decidí hacer uno yo misma.
Espero que a todos los amantes de la jardinería os guste el resultado tanto como a mí; quería que encajase con el estilo rústico de Appaloosa Plains y su cálido y campestre ambiente y creo que lo he conseguido.
Tipo de solar: Comunitario, parque pequeño
Tamaño del solar: 30x40
Valor del solar amueblado: 83.143 §
Valor del solar sin amueblar: 57.484 §
Packs utilizados en esta construcción: EP01, EP05, EP09
Puestos "La buena cosecha" de la tienda.
Términos y condiciones:
NO proclames mis creaciones como tuyas.
Si quieres usar alguna de mis construcciones en tu mundo personalizado, tienes permitido hacerlo, PERO deja claro que yo soy su creadora original.
NO resubas mi contenido bajo ninguna excepción; compártelo con tus conocidos usando mis propios enlaces.
Si experimentas algún problema, házmelo saber e intentaré solucionarlo lo antes posible.
Descárgala aquí. 🤍
#no cc build#sims 3 build#sims 3 builds#sims 3 download#the sims 3#ts3#ts3 build#s3house#sims 3#sims 3 lots#ts3 house#ts3 download#sims3#30x40#parques y plazas#sims3cc
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(astrology observations)
~ I wanna be the ocean to your shore ~
🌊 - Asteroid Erato (62) aspecting Mercury/in the 3rd house or in Gemini are erotic vocally, they can write/read/talk about eroticism
🌊 - Asteroid Erato (62) aspecting Sun/in the 5th house or in Leo can be erotic in their personality, they have this eroticism aura surrounding them
🌊 - Moon aspecting asteroid Nessus (258) harshly could've went through a lot of emotional abuse or manipulation abuse
🌊 - Nessus (7066) in the 12th house/Pisces can have an subconscious pain, sometimes even nightmares that contain pain aswell and lucid dreaming
🌊 - Venus in the 2nd house/Taurus may develop a passion for collecting things/making a collection of some certain things for example perfumes or clothes
🌊 - Mercury aspecting Moon may like to listen to music when they want to light up their mood, or to feel better because it can help them
🌊 - Nessus (258) in the 4th house/Cancer can have or had abusive family members, and the word "abuse" is highly sensitive here because they can have addictions aswell
🌊 - Saturn in the 7th house/Libra need to learn how to value the true side of a love relationship, that comes with patience and time
🌊 - Capricorn Venus can symbolize "traditional relationship" but in some cases it can indicate a relationship where they can focus more on work and career
🌊 - Moon at 8°, 20° degrees can have a hard time to open up about their feelings, and to open themselves. They have a fear to not getting hurt again
🌊 - Moon at 2°. 14°, 26° degrees can be the most romantic person or the hopeless romantic partner, sometimes they can be both (ambient)
🌊 - Neptune in the 11th house can at some extent indicate an addictions with getting addicted to your friends/relationships with your friends/online friends/ social circle
🌊 - Chiron aspecting Sun can be that type of person anyone misunderstands, and when you'll learn to know them deeper they can be the nicest people on earth
🌊 - Venus and Moon aspects (all aspects) can have a fear to not get hurt in love/relationships, all they truly seeks for is a healthy relationship with healthy boundaries and reciprocating love
🌊 - Chiron in the 7th house/Chiron in Libra can be pretty misunderstood by people aswell, with this placement you can often met partners who were hurt by others and will want you to heal them
🌊 - Please don't attack me for what I'm gonna say but people with Chiron in Sagittarius or Chiron in the 9th house have a big indicator of wounding religion, they can be the type to judge other people for their religions if the placement is not healed enough (This observation is mostly made by my own experience, I met so many wounded religious people who had this placement in their charts and it was..🤯🤯)
🌊 - Venus at 11°, 23° degrees have a really great fashion style, and they can get most of their attention because of the style these natives wear
🌊 - Moon or Lilith (h12/h13) aspecting Mars can get into a rollercoaster of emotions daily, they can be happy, the next mine they get angry, the next they get overwhelmed etc..
🌊 - Venus in the 9th house can be an indicator of meeting your spouse far from your homeland amd probably a foreign spouse
🌊 - Aquarius/Sagittarius and Capricorn over your 6th house sign can make you to stand up for animals, like a volunteer who needs to help some animals in a bad cause
🌊 - For natives with Sun/Neptune/Moon or Uranus in the 12th house, their bed must be the palace they feel the most comfortable, they love to sleep a lot
🌊 - Sagittarius or Gemini over your 2nd house sign may like to eat food from other cultures/nationalities
🌊 - Mars or Pluto in the 7th house and sometimes Lilith (h12/h13) can get into scandals for being in a relationship with some specific people/ like drama about "Omg look who's he dating."
🌊 - South Node in Libra/Capricorn can make the native interested in the history/past/ and everything that happened in the past agss
🌊 - Venus in 7th house in the solar return chart doesn't always mean that you'll end up in a relationship that year, it can also mean that you'll be more open to the social people around you
🌊 - Libra/Capricorn/Leo Rising in your solar return chart can be a big indicator of having a glowup happening in that year for you
🌊 - Moon in the 9th house natives can hate you for life if you are being strict with them, especially if you are taking their freedom sway. They are born to explore not to follow toxic orders
🌊 - Virgo Moon/Moon in the 6th house are always there for people, somehow they are the cutest when it comes to supporting because they can be so encouraging of others
I'm not sure if this is the last post for 2023 since today is the 30 December,is close to the new years and I'm so so happy about it!! I think 2023 for me definitely was a changing year with good and bad things and I hope for 2024 to be a better year!❤️🫶
Thank you so much to everyone for the support you gave me this year and for all the good vibes we shared with my posts in 2023!!❤️🫶 I know a lot of people are busy during these days as well!!❤️❤️❤️ Happy Holidays and a happy new year to everybody!! Nay 2024 bring good things for all of us!!
With all the love, Harmoonix ♥️ 2023
#astrology#astro observations#birth chart#astro notes#astrology observations#placements#astro community#horoscope#ascendant#venus#astrology fyp#tumblr fyp#ocean#ocean aesthetic#ice#winter#oxygen
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where kim mingyu unexpectedly encounters his first love in paris.
"bonne après-midi, mademoiselle y/n," the polished voice of the french receptionist sounded from the other side of the hotel room phone line. "the guests you were waiting for have just arrived. may i let them come up to your room?" he continued, now in english, maintaining the formality.
"of course, please!" you responded gently, with a slight smile on your lips.
dressed in a soft velvet robe with matching slippers, your hair loose awaiting an elegant hairstyle, you were getting ready for the evening. soon, the team that would handle your preparation for the event would arrive at your room.
soon, a protective cover was delicately opened, revealing the stunning dress you would wear in a few hours. seated in your glam chair, you watched through the mirror as the preparations began.
distracted, you were scrolling through your social media feed when your manager asked what you would like to eat before the event. "a caprese sandwich and a kale juice, please," you requested, and soon you were savoring your meal, already with your makeup and hairstyle done.
your hair was tied in an elegant ponytail, and the makeup, perfectly matching the black dress, further accentuated your natural beauty. after one last look in the mirror and a few photo snaps, you were finally ready for the party.
it was the usual: camera flashes lighting up the environment as you stepped out of the car, security guiding you through the crowd of fans and paparazzi. the red carpet was covered with a sea of journalists, all trying to catch your attention with questions and interview requests. the sound of cameras clicking incessantly and the animated voices mixed into an almost hypnotic frenzy.
upon entering the event venue, an efficient and well-dressed assistant immediately approached, offering a glass of champagne and informing you about the night's schedule. the soft lighting and ambient music created an elegant atmosphere, while other celebrities and influencers strolled through the corridors, exchanging greetings and calculated smiles.
the runway shows were the highlight of the evening, of course. seated in the front row, alongside other influential figures in the fashion world, you watched as the models walked the runway in stunning outfits. each collection seemed to outdo the previous in creativity and luxury. clapping at the right moments, making eye contact with the designers, and being seen appreciating the pieces were part of the game.
after the shows, it was time to socialize at an exclusive and secret after-party. the loud music, vibrant lights, and the environment filled with international celebrities provided the perfect setting for animated conversations and selfies that might never be posted.
but then, you needed to go to the venue's restroom. distracted, you followed the signs, focused on finding your destination. turning into a narrow corridor, you felt a strong bump. "fu..." you almost cursed loud as the glass was thrown to the ground. you felt the pain from the impact; the man was big and strong.
"i'm so.. y/n?" he said, surprised.
"oh my god, mingyu! you here?" you asked, equally surprised.
"did i hurt you? i'm sorry," he said, struggling with himself not to touch you.
"it's okay," you smiled awkwardly. "sorry again," he said. and you nodded, smiling as you left for the bathroom.
after that encounter, all you could see was mingyu at that party. how did you not see him before?
mingyu was also looking for you with his eyes, his mind transported to that time in the green room, when you still dreamed of debuting as a singer in a big girl group. he caught himself smiling, remembering those moments.
today, music is not your main job. you found yourself in acting and love what you do more than anything. he couldn't help but notice how incredible and fascinating you've become.
he knew you had become a great actress, but everything changed in your sincere friendship when you decided to reveal a secret to him. "well, mingyu... i don't know the best way to tell you this, but i fell in love with you," he remembered every word perfectly, the sound of your voice so vivid in his memory that it seemed like it was said minutes ago.
he took a deep breath, irritated, remembering what came next: he rejected your feelings.
mingyu closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to push away those memories that brought regret and longing.
when he came back to himself, he noticed you were no longer there. so he decided that the party was over for him too.
you arrived at your hotel room, feeling something you could barely define. seeing mingyu after so many years did you good. he used to be the person you sought when you needed a shoulder to cry on, a friend who celebrated your victories and never let you give up. maybe that's why you fell in love, maybe you confused his affection.
already in sweatpants and a clean face, after a relaxing hot bath, you got into the elevator and went up to the rooftop to get some air.
and then you realized that fate wasn't kidding that day. there was mingyu, alone, pacing back and forth, speaking on the phone in a loud and harsh tone. he seemed upset, and you felt a pang in your heart watching this scene.
he hung up the phone, and you could almost hear the heavy sigh. you approached slowly, pretending to have just arrived.
with a forced smile on your face, you disguised the worry you felt.
unlike you, he didn't bother to hide his bad mood. and you didn't think of anything else but what you would have done years ago: you hugged him tightly.
mingyu was surprised. he didn't know what to do but didn't want to think too much either. he just accepted, closed his eyes, and allowed himself to be enveloped in the embrace of someone he missed so much.
you stroked his back, showing that you were there with and for him. he understood the message, responding to the hug's squeeze. "thank you, y/n," he said.
you two let go, and you smiled at him, this time sincerely. "will everything be okay?" you asked.
"yes," he replied. "it's just a work problem."
you nodded, relieved, and he laughed frustratedly.
"i didn't expect to see you again under these circumstances," he said, and you laughed too.
"it happens..." you replied, not knowing what to say.
"sure," he mocked. and you both laughed.
"how have you been?" you asked.
"good," he said, nodding. "and you?"
"the same," you tucked your hair behind your ear. "seeing you earlier made me revisit some years ago," you confessed.
"me too," he replied, sounding sulky
"do you remember that time in the green room, when we were just dreamers?" you began, and he smiled.
"of course i remember. those days were full of hope and craziness," mingyu replied, the nostalgia visible in his eyes.
"i remember how you always cheered me up, no matter how hard the day was," you said, your voice soft and thoughtful.
"you did the same for me, more times than i can count," he admitted, his gaze fixed on the horizon.
"and to think everything changed since then... we changed," you continued, your voice low.
"yes, but some things haven't changed, y/n. the way i'm feeling now being near you, for example," mingyu confessed, turning to face you.
you took a deep breath, feeling the tension in the air.
"mingyu, about that time... i didn't expect you to feel the same. i just wanted to be honest," you said, remembering the confession that changed everything.
"i know. and i regret rejecting your feelings," he said, the sincerity in his eyes touching you deeply. "i was an idiot, afraid of ruining what we had and ended up pushing you away."
"mingyu..." you began, but he interrupted you.
"let me finish. i don't know if it's still possible, but i'd like a second chance. can we start over?" he paused, "i mean. can we see each other again?"
you responded to him with the same tight hug from minutes ago. though you two couldn't see, both of you were smiling.
#seventeen fanfic#seventeen imagines#seventeen x reader#mingyu x reader#mingyu#svt#seventeen#mingyu imagines#mingyu seventeen#mingyu fanfic#mingyu x y/n#mingyu x you#mingyu fluff
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𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗪𝗜𝗟𝗟 𝗟𝗔𝗦𝗧 (𝗪𝗟𝗪) ──── 𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘱 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Synopsis: Renee and y/x broke up a few years ago, falling out of contact instantly. Y/n is a photographer, and went to an event for a job, unaware it was for her ex girlfriend, Renee Rapp.
Content: Renee Rapp x female reader, pure fluff. Enjoy lovies.
Word Count: 955
The glow of city lights danced on the horizon as Renee Rapp stood on the rooftop of a chic restaurant, her silhouette framed by the ambient glow. She was in the midst of a lively gathering, a celebration of a successful movie premiere where her talent shone both on-screen and through her vocal prowess in the film's soundtrack.
It was a night of accomplishments, a night she couldn't help but savor.
Amidst the bustling crowd, Y/N found herself in attendance, drawn by the allure of the event. As a photographer and a presence in the pop culture, she couldn't miss the chance to witness the culmination of the star's talents. Little did she know that the evening held more surprises in store, especially the fact that the event was centered on her ex girlfriend.
The night air carried a sense of anticipation, and as Renee moved gracefully through the crowd, she caught sight of a familiar face – Y/N. The years apart had done nothing to diminish the spark of recognition in Renee's eyes. There, amid the glamorous backdrop of the city, memories resurfaced like echoes of a familiar melody.
Renee could almost see the last interaction they had when she closed her eyes, the spilled maroon staining her dress, the anger in your eyes.
A cautious smile played on Y/N's lips as Renee approached. "Long time no see," she greeted, her voice carrying a blend of nostalgia and warmth.
Renee's smile mirrored Y/N's, and she replied, "Indeed. It's been a while."
The two stood there, caught in a moment suspended between the past and the present. A world of unspoken words lingered in the air, memories of laughter and shared dreams that had once defined their relationship.
"You look amazing, Renee," Y/N complimented, her gaze appreciating the elegant ensemble that adorned the actress-singer.
"Thank you," Renee replied, her eyes not veering away from Y/N's. "You look stunning, as always."
As the night progressed, the two found themselves drawn into a conversation that flowed effortlessly, dancing around the edges of the past without delving too deeply. They spoke of their respective journeys over the past two years, the highs, the lows, and the lessons learned along the way.
The rooftop offered a breathtaking view of the cityscape, the twinkling lights below creating a romantic backdrop to their reunion. Amid the laughter and animated chatter of the celebration, a sense of ease settled between Renee and Y/N.
As they shared stories and caught up on lost time, a gentle melody began playing in the background. The strains of a familiar tune filled the air,
'American Wedding' by Frank Ocean returning them both to the nights they spent moving around her living room in sync.
Renee's eyes twinkled as the music played, and she extended her hand to Y/N. "Care for a dance?" she asked, a playful glint in her eyes.
Y/N hesitated for a moment before accepting, allowing herself to be led into a cultivated dance under the starlit sky. The world around them faded into the background as they moved together, a silent conversation unfolding in the dance.
"It's surreal, isn't it?" Renee remarked as the faded out when her gaze fixed on Y/N's eyes.
"What is?" Y/N inquired, her heart beating in tandem with the gentle rhythm of the music.
"Being here with you, under the stars, like we're back in that apartment all those years ago," Renee confessed, a soft smile playing on her lips.
Y/N couldn't help but smile in return. "Life has a way of surprising us."
The dance continued, a seamless blend of shared memories and unspoken promises. In that moment, surrounded by the city's lights and the gentle embrace of the night, it felt like time had folded in on itself, bringing them back to a familiar space where the world seemed to pause.
As the music reached its final notes, Renee and Y/N found themselves standing close, the distance between them bridged by shared glances and the unspoken understanding that had always lingered beneath the surface.
"I'm glad we ran into each other tonight," Y/N admitted, her voice soft.
"Me too," Renee replied, her hand finding its way to Y/N's, their fingers intertwining. "Life is unpredictable, but sometimes it brings you back to where you're meant to be."
Y/N nodded, a warmth spreading through her. "Maybe we needed this."
The night continued, the celebration unfolding around them. Renee and Y/N remained in each other's company, navigating the delicate balance between the echoes of the past and the possibilities of the future.
As the event came to a close, Renee turned to Y/N with a sincerity that mirrored the sparkle in her eyes. "Can we do this again? Grab a coffee, catch up without all of this?" Renee asks hopefully, gesturing to the party happening around you.
Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of comfort in the simplicity of the suggestion. "I'd like that."
And so, against the backdrop of a city that never slept, Renee and Y/N embraced the notion of a fresh start. As they walked away from the celebratory scene, the echoes of their shared laughter and the gentle melody of a serendipitous reunion lingered in the air, their voices fading from the scene behind them.
"There's an old song I wrote for you, 'forever will last', I think it went something like that. It would've played every wedding night."
#renee rapp#wlw#renee rapp x reader#lesbian#bisexual#female reader#leighton murray#leighton murray x reader#the sex lives of college girls
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Hi! Hope you're doing well! If requests are still open, could I request a reader pairing for Alfie Solomons please?
A basic outline idea is that reader and Alfie meet at different moments in their lives, just crossing paths (they even meet during the war) but it's always as passing ships. They don't entirely come together until they both end up in Camden, some time after the war and it just seems as if the universe was finally ready to have them come into contact with the other. And when they do, it's like they've lived a thousand lifetimes with the other already. My apologies if none of this makes sense 😅. Basically, Alfie and reader have almost meetings, they run in similar situations throughout their lives but have never come close enough to actually come into contact with the other properly. Even during the war, it would be passing glances but time would seem to stand still, and both would feel as if they'd missed something important but could never place what it was. Then a fateful day they finally properly meet/see eachother.
Thank you and no pressure!
- 🥀
Destiny - Alfie Solomons x GN!Reader
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x GN!Reader
Word Count: 2792
Warnings: mention of war injuries (minor injuries)
Summary: the request
A/N: Thank you so much for the request, whenever I see your 🥀, it really does make me smile. I really hope I did your request justice because it sounded so fucking cute! 💚
On a rare sunny day in the heart of London, a golden warmth bathed the city, casting an unfamiliar but welcome glow over its bustling streets. Seizing the opportunity to revel in this unusual weather, Y/n found themselves at a pub with their family. The pub exuded a comforting charm, its walls steeped in the echoes of shared laughter and the clinking of glasses. The ambience mingled with the gentle hum of animated conversations, creating a backdrop for the familial celebration.
Around a rustic wooden table, Y/n's family gathered, their smiles illuminated by the soft sunlight streaming through the pub's windows. The clatter of cutlery and the rich aroma of hearty pub fare filled the air as they shared stories, laughter, and the joyous spirit of the day.
As the calm atmosphere of the pub was momentarily disrupted by the boisterous entrance of a group of men, their laughter echoing through the space, an undeniable ripple of disturbance coursed through the patrons. The men, seemingly impervious to the annoance they stirred, found their way to a booth in the back, claiming it with an air of careless possession. The ambient noise level rose, but the pub's occupants, though mildly irked, continued with their conversations and revelry, determined not to let the intrusion dampen the celebratory mood.
Y/n's gaze was strangely drawn to the rowdy group, and in particular, to one man who stood out amidst the chaos. It wasn't until he glanced up that Y/n found themselves ensnared in a trance. His eyes, pools of indescribable beauty, held a captivating allure that defied explanation. The man felt oddly familiar, but Y/n knew they had never met before. The connection was visceral, mutual even, as if the currents of destiny had momentarily aligned. The pub's commotion faded into the background, and in that suspended moment, neither Y/n nor the mysterious man seemed willing to break the enchantment.
Y/n's immersion in the captivating gaze was abruptly interrupted by a gentle nudge from their mother, a subtle reminder that life outside the spellbinding moment carried on. Reluctantly tearing their eyes away, Y/n found the mysterious man looking elsewhere as well, as if the enchantment had been momentarily broken. The air between them hung with a charged tension, the unspoken connection lingering even as they both redirected their attention to the surroundings.
Throughout the night, stolen glances and shared glimmers of curiosity went back and forth. Y/n couldn't resist stealing moments to look in the man's direction, finding him reciprocating the silent exchange. The pub buzzed with life around them, yet in their mutual acknowledgment, a subtle understanding seemed to blossom. Each stolen glance held the promise of a conversation left unspoken, a connection suspended in the uncharted territory of the unsaid.
Despite the magnetic pull drawing them together, neither Y/n nor the mysterious man took the initiative to bridge the gap that separated them physically. The unspoken language of glances painted an intricate picture of shared curiosity and intrigue, leaving the possibility of interaction hanging in the air like an unresolved chord, waiting for the right moment to resonate.
Leaving the pub with the echoes of laughter and clinking glasses behind them, Y/n couldn't resist stealing one last glance back at the mysterious man. To their surprise, his eyes were fixed on Y/n, an unmistakable connection sparking once again. It felt as if the moment hung in suspended animation, teetering on the brink of something unspoken. The man, seemingly on the verge of standing, was sidetracked by a friend handing him a drink. The mutual yearning lingered in the air, leaving both parties with a sense of unfulfilled potential. As Y/n and their family ventured into the London night, the unexplored possibilities of that chance encounter reverberated, a silent promise awaiting the right chapter to unfold in the tapestry of their lives.
Prior to the outbreak of the war, Y/n was acquainted with the sight of blood and the severity of injuries, yet nothing could prepare them for the overwhelming influx that ensued. As the conflict raged on, hospital ships became both a haven and a battlefield, with wounded soldiers arriving in escalating numbers each day. Y/n, undeterred by the relentless tide, navigated the crowded rooms with unwavering determination.
Their days were a blur of urgent activity, swiftly moving from one patient to the next, frantically gathering the necessary equipment to staunch the wounds and offer solace to the men in their care. The wartime hospital became both a crucible of suffering and a testament to Y/n's unyielding commitment to alleviating the agony of those who had sacrificed so much on the front lines.
In the midst of the chaotic triage, Y/n found themself attending to an unconscious soldier, their hands swift and sure as they worked to staunch an open wound on his thigh. Amidst the urgency, another nurse hurried over, seeking an assessment of the wounded man's condition. "How is he looking?" the nurse inquired anxiously.
"Fine, who's asking?" Y/n responded, their focus unwavering as they continued to tend to the injured soldier's wounds.
"A captain," the nurse replied, her voice betraying a sense of urgency and concern. "He's asking as a friend. He's sitting over there, a minor gunshot wound," she added, gesturing towards a nearby bed.
Y/n's gaze followed the nurse's gesture, landing on a man with a captain's insignia, his stomach wrapped in the telltale bandages that marked the aftermath of battle. The captain's steely stare met Y/n's, and an unspoken connection seemed to crackle between them. Neither could look away, caught in a momentary trance that transcended the cacophony of the hospital around them. The gravity of war and the shared intensity of their gaze created a bond that lingered, casting an unexpected spell amidst the relentless turmoil of the medical bay.
The captivating intensity of the captain's gaze held Y/n in a trance, an allure that seemed to echo with familiarity, as if the threads of destiny were weaving them together. Y/n hesitated to tear their eyes away, drawn into the magnetic pull. With an almost reluctant detachment, Y/n finally shifted their attention back to the unconscious soldier, continuing to wrap up his wounded leg. Tending to the injured man served as a grounding force, a brief respite from the magnetic connection with the captain.
"You can tell the man he's fine," Y/n spoke to the nurse, their voice carrying a subtle hint of distraction. "Only a small wound, passed out from shock more than anything."
The nurse nodded in acknowledgment and retraced her steps towards the captain. Y/n observed from the periphery as the nurse relayed the reassuring news, yet the captain's gaze remained unwaveringly fixed on them. It was as if an invisible force bound them together, an unspoken understanding that transcended the chaos of war and the confines of their roles in the medical bay.
It had been a year since the war ended, and Y/n found themselves settling into a life that bore the marks of both resilience and recovery. The echoes of the battlefield had gradually faded, replaced by a newfound sense of normalcy. Y/n's days were no longer punctuated by the urgent chaos of wartime nursing; instead, they had transitioned into a semblance of tranquility.
Life, now, seemed to unfold in a gentle rhythm, allowing space for personal growth and the pursuit of newfound joys. The city around them had also transformed, shedding the somber shadows of war for the vibrant hues of a world that was rebuilding. Yet, even in this period of respite, a subtle restlessness lingered in Y/n's heart, as if an unspoken chapter awaited them, destined to be written.
Settling into Camden town after the war, Y/n discovered that the post-war reality was a maze of both opportunities and challenges. The once-booming demand for military nurses had dwindled, leaving Y/n in the throes of a job market that offered little solace. The skills acquired on the battlefield, while invaluable in the context of wartime, now seemed displaced in a society that was seeking a different kind of healing.
Today, Y/n was trying their chances at a secretary job their cousin had told them about. Y/n knew the work was dodgy, but didn’t have many options at this point. Y/n knew little about the job they were potentially applying for but was more than willing to try anything.
Walking into what they believed to be a bakery, Y/n was taken aback by the unexpected scent of alcohol that permeated the air. Led through the establishment by their cousin James, they were stopped outside what seemed to be an office by a tall, slender man. James, with an air of familiarity, introduced Y/n to the man.
"Hello, Ollie. This is my cousin, and they're interested in applying as a secretary," James stated, prompting Ollie to cast a discerning glance at Y/n.
"Previous jobs?" Ollie asked.
"I served as a nurse in the war, but I'm quite good in typing and desperately need a job," Y/n replied, their eagerness to transition evident.
Ollie paused, looking them up and down for a moment before nodding thoughtfully and gesturing for them to step forward. The office door swung open, revealing another man inside.
"Someone's just come in for the secretary job, Alfie," Ollie informed the man at the desk, introducing Y/n.
The man, Alfie, looked up from the files in front of him, his gaze meeting Y/n's. And like that, the world stopped. This time, they knew they’ve met before, or at least seen one another. It was a gaze neither could forget. Alfie stood from his seat immediately, not believing what he was seeing. It had to be destiny. God had truly blessed them.
"Fuck off, Ollie," Alfie dismissed his employee, his attention undiverted from Y/n, who stood in the doorway.
Ollie, sensing an unexpected tension in the air, made a swift exit, leaving Y/n alone with Alfie. The atmosphere in the room crackled with unspoken energy, and Alfie's gaze held a familiarity that defied the boundaries of a typical job interview.
In that moment, Y/n struggled to understand the depth of their connection. It felt as though they had known Alfie longer than the years they had lived. It was a sensation that transcended mere memories; it was an inexplicable understanding that time had woven their stories together in a tapestry that stretched across lifetimes. The air in the room seemed to hold the echoes of their shared history, and the serendipity of their reunion resonated with a familiarity that defied logic.
As Y/n looked at Alfie, it became clear that their paths had been intricately entwined long before they found themselves in the present moment. The laughter, the glances, the missed opportunities—all of it seemed like chapters in a story that had been unfolding over the course of lifetimes, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal itself. The ordinary office, with its scent of alcohol and the weight of job interviews, now felt like a stage where the drama of their shared history was about to unfold in unexpected and extraordinary ways.
"You... I know you," Alfie finally spoke, his voice carrying a mixture of recognition and intrigue.
"You were a captain in the war," Y/n acknowledged, the shared history connecting them now laid bare.
"And you were a nurse.." Alfie completed the sentence, the weight of the past settling in the room like a silent revelation.
The air hung heavy with the unspoken, as if the universe had conspired once again to bring them together, this time not as passing ships but as two souls navigating the currents of post-war Camden.
"Fuck me," Alfie laughed, the realization dawning on him. "You were the one at the pub too."
"Excuse me?" Y/n questioned, a mix of confusion and surprise crossing their face.
"It was about... fuck, bit over 10 years ago, I can't fucking remember. But I ain't never forgot that face," Alfie admitted, the years falling away as the memory resurfaced.
The air in the room seemed to hold its breath, charged with the revelation that their paths had crossed long before this unexpected reunion. The threads of fate, intricately woven through time and chance, now bound them together once more. The shared moment at the pub, the stolen glances, and the unspoken connection had left an indelible mark, waiting for the chapters of their lives to unfold and intertwine in ways they could have never anticipated. In the midst of the mundane—amidst job interviews and bakery offices—the echoes of the past whispered their shared history, breathing life into a story that had taken years to unfold.
"Well, it's nice to finally fucking meet you," Alfie exclaimed, the laughter still lingering in his eyes.
"You too," Y/n replied, a genuine smile breaking across their face. The room, once filled with the tension of the unexpected reunion, now seemed to exhale, as if the universe itself was acknowledging the significance of this meeting.
The weight of years and unspoken moments hung in the air, creating a bridge between two souls who had circled each other in the dance of fate. It was more than a job interview; it was a cosmic rendezvous, a meeting that had been written in the stars long before they found themselves in this office.
"Fuck, you're beautiful," Alfie blurted out, the words slipping from his lips before he could censor them.
Y/n, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment, felt a warm blush creeping up their cheeks.
"Uh... sorry 'bout that," Alfie mumbled, his gaze shifting downward in embarrassment.
"Well... why don't we introduce ourselves properly then," Y/n suggested, a warm smile playing on their lips as they approached Alfie's desk.
As Y/n extended their hand, Alfie mirrored the gesture, their hands meeting in a handshake that felt like a connection stretching across time. In that simple touch, a cascade of images flooded their minds—snapshots of shared moments, fleeting glances, and a history that seemed to have unfolded in a different lifetime.
"I... I don't know how to explain this," Y/n confessed, their eyes searching Alfie's for understanding. "But I feel as if I've known you forever."
"Fuck, you felt that too?" Alfie responded, his eyebrows lifting in a mixture of surprise and recognition.
As the pieces of their intertwined past began to fall into place, Y/n and Alfie found themselves standing at the nexus of something extraordinary, a connection that defied the boundaries of time and space.
"I suppose this is fate or something," Y/n mused, their eyes reflecting the wonder of a cosmic connection.
"Whatever it is, I'm fucking grateful for it," Alfie laughed, the sincerity in his words resonating with the inexplicable bond they shared.
Y/n returned his smile, a mixture of gratitude and anticipation playing on their lips.
"So... about that job?" Y/n asked, shifting the conversation back to the immediate present.
"Nah, you don't need no fucking job. You're with me now, yeah? I'll keep you living well," Alfie declared, his tone carrying a sense of unwavering determination.
"Oh, I can't let you do that for me," Y/n responded, a flicker of hesitation in their voice.
Alfie waved his hands dismissively. "Don't want to hear it," he said with a grin, cutting off any protest before it could fully form.
"At least let me help you around here," Y/n suggested, not wanting to feel completely useless.
"Fine, how about you make us a nice cup of tea and tell me about yourself, hmm?" Alfie proposed, a playful glint in his eye.
Y/n's smile widened. "Of course."
As Y/n set about preparing the tea, Alfie leaned against a nearby surface, watching with a mixture of amusement and admiration. As the aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the room, Y/n joined Alfie with two steaming cups in hand. The exchange of glances between them held a silent promise of shared stories.
In that office in Camden, the two souls realigned, as if destiny had guided them to this pivotal intersection. The gentle clinking of teacups became a melody marking the beginning of an unwritten chapter. As Y/n and Alfie exchanged sips of warmth and told tales from their past, an unspoken understanding settled between them, an unbreakable bond forged in the shared moments of laughter and revelation. In the quiet rhythm of their conversation, an implicit promise took root. Nothing could ever sever the ties that had come to bind them together. - A/N: I really hope you enjoyed this one because it just loved writing it. These babes are desperate for one another and they don't even know why, they are so cute! It's a bit shorter than I hoped for but family got me caught up and all sorts of shit, so finding the time wasn't the easiest but I'm glad I wrote it because it was truly fun for me. Thank you for reading and I look forward to more requests :) 💚
#fanfic#alfie solomons#alfie solomons fanfic#alfie solomons x reader#peaky blinder fanfic#alfie solomons imagine#peaky blinders alfie solomons#peaky blinder imagine#tom hardy x reader#tom hardy imagine#tom hardy fanfic#tom hardy
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I just need a blurb of watching Anime with Miko 😫
ahhhh i got you, mami 🥰🙈❤️
It is a cozy evening at Miko’s apartment, where the ambient glow of string lights casts a soft, warm light over the room. The air is filled with the enticing scent of snacks—popcorn, chips, and some homemade nachos—that you and Miko prepared together earlier.
Miko, the fierce and confident rapper, lovingly tugs you closer, her muscular tattooed arms wrapping securely around you as you both settle on the couch. On the TV, the latest episode of her favorite anime plays, the vibrant colors and dynamic action scenes creating an exciting background for your intimate night in.
“Look at this scene, pequeña,” Miko says, her voice low and playful, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear as she guides your gaze to the screen. You smile at the playful banter between the characters, eliciting a giggle from Miko.
“Do you think they’ll ever get together?” you ponder aloud, leaning into Miko’s warm embrace, a playful smile on your lips.
Miko chuckles, taking a puff from her blunt, the smoke curling lazily into the air. “Si, por supuesto! They just need to get over their drama, like siempre,” she replies, leaning down to kiss your neck softly, sending shivers of delight down your spine.
You can’t help but blush, feeling your heart race at her affection. Miko���s kisses are gentle yet passionate, each touch reminding you just how lucky you are to be in her arms.
“Do you like this show, though?” she asks, pulling back slightly to gauge your reaction, her eyes filled with genuine curiosity.
“I love it! Especially when you explain all the characters. It makes it so much more fun,” you reply, affectionately gazing up at her.
With a mischievous grin, she leans in closer, her breath warm against your neck. “No sé por qué, pero me encanta este personaje. Es como yo, un poco loca,” she whispers teasingly, her lips brushing against your skin. You shiver at the contact, heart racing at her affectionate tone.
“Yeah, but you’re way cooler!” you laugh, turning your head to catch her gaze. She meets your eyes, her expression softening. “You’re my favorite badass.”
Miko chuckles, pride swelling in her chest. “Y tú eres mi favorita, siempre,” she replies, her hand gently tugging you closer, almost as if to protect you from the world outside.
As the episode continues, Miko takes a hit from her blunt, exhaling smoke that swirls in the air, creating a dreamy ambiance around you. She offers it to you playfully, and with a giggle, you decline, choosing instead to enjoy the wine in your glass.
“No? Más para mí entonces,” she smirks, taking another puff before snatching a handful of popcorn.
After a moment of comfortable silence, Miko’s fingers graze the tattoos on her arms, and she looks down at you. “You know, I got these to remind me of my journey, but you,” she murmurs, lightly tracing your cheek with her thumb, “you’re the best part of my story.”
Your heart swells at her words, feeling utterly special in her embrace. “That’s really sweet, Miko,” you say softly, your cheeks warming.
“Es la verdad,” she insists, before leaning down to plant a tender kiss on your neck, her lips lingering just a moment longer than necessary. The feeling sends warmth surging through you, a smile breaking out as you tilt your head to give her better access.
You wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her closer as you feel her body begin to relax into yours. “I love these nights with you,” you whisper, leaning back to look into her eyes, filled with affection.
“Me too, princesa,” she replies, a rare softness swimming in her gaze. “You make everything better. I could watch this anime forever like this.”
As the show reaches an emotional peak, you both share a laugh at the absurdity happening on screen. Miko’s laughter is contagious, filling the room with joy, and you can’t help but mirror her smile.
With a gentle squeeze, Miko leans down again, brushing her lips against yours in a soft kiss. “Let’s stay like this forever, okay?” she murmurs, her voice low and serious, yet laced with an affectionate undertone.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” you reply, heart full and content, ready to savor every moment of this perfect evening with your badass girlfriend by your side.
#young miko#young miko x fem!reader#young miko x y/n#young miko blurb#young miko x reader#young miko fic#young miko imagine#young miko x you#young miko fanfiction#young miko fanfic#young miko fluff#young miko x female!reader
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Did you saw Ultraman Rising? Or more like ULTRAMAN RAISING😅 What is your opinion?
I heard that the company that made this movie is mainly focused on special effects, and IT SHOWS, especially in the use of lights and how the environments change depending on the context and what is happening around the characters.
The style of characters reminds me a lot of anime, which is understandable since it is set in Japan, and the small details they put into the setting are MWA.
I especially like the design of the mother Kaiju and, of course, Emi. especially how they animated the scene where the mother "dies" and how everything lights up when Emi is born.
The villain is not very deep or intimidating, but I think that was the point, Onda sees his job as eliminating an invasive species that killed his family, while Professor Sato sees them as creatures that are not conscious and it is not correct to attribute them this because they are not evil. They both have their points and are right to some extent.
I like that Onda didn't suddenly change his attitude towards his people, he really cares about HUMAN life, but only that. not the kaijus. we love a consistent villain.
Kenji is a nice character, at first a little uncomfortable for me because of his ego, but the more he shows his TRUE side, especially with Emi, the more likeable and endearing he becomes. especially with its plot with the grief of losing his mother and his relationship with his father.
How Wakita compares his relationship with his daughter and the relationship with Kenji and Emi seemed extremely tender to me because in general he does not romanticize the most important aspects of fatherhood, which I think is GREAT and that should be taken into account not only for the merit of laughs, but as a plot factor (which the movie does).
The parallels between Kenji and Emi and Mr. Sato with Kenji are adorable and painful at the same time, how Kenji really comes to care about Emi despite everything that happened to him up to that point and how thanks to her he mends his relationship with his father. seems appropriate.
Although the story is somewhat predictable, I really like how it is executed and the sequel promises a lot.
Solid 8/10
Oi que la compania que hizo esta película esta principalmente orientada en los efectos especiales, y SE NOTA, especialmente en el uso de las luces y como cambian los ambientes dependiendo del contexto y lo que pasa alrededor de los personajes.
el estilo de personajes me recuerda mucho al anime, lo cual es entendible pues esta ambientado en Japon, y los pequeños detalles que ponen en la ambientacion es MWA.
me gusta especialmente el diseño de la Kaiju madre y, por supuesto, Emi. especialmente el como animaron la escena donde la madre "muere" y como todo se ilumina cuando Emi nace.
el villano no es muy profundo o intimidante, pero justamente creo que ese era el punto, Onda ve su trabajo como eliminar una especie invasora que mato a su familia, mientras el profesor Sato los ve como criaturas que no son concientes y no es correcto atribuirles esto porque no son malvados. ambos tienen sus puntos y tienen razon hasta cierto punto.
me gusta que Onda no cambiara su actitud con su gente de repente, realmente le preocupa la vida HUMANA, pero solo eso. no los kaijus. amamos un villano consistente.
Kenji es un personaje agradable, al principio un poco incómodo para mi por su ego, pero cuanto mas se muestra de su VERDADERO lado, especialmente con Emi, se hace mas simpatico y entrañable. especialmente con su trama con el duelo de perder a su madre y su relación con su padre.
como Wakita compara su relación con su hija y la relación con Kenji y Emi me parecio tierna de sobremanera porque en general no romántiza los aspectos mas importantes de la paternidad, lo cual me parece GENIAL y que debe ser contado en cuenta no solo para merito de risas, sino como factor de la trama(lo cual hace la película).
los paralelismos entre Kenji y Emi y Sr. Sato con Kenji son adorables y dolorosos al mismo tiempo, como Kenji realmente llega a preocuparse por Emi pese a todo lo que le paso hasta ese punto y como gracias a ella arregla la relación con su padre me parece apropiado.
si bien la historia es algo predecible, me gusga bastante como lo ejecutan y la secuela promete mucho.
Solido 8/10
#movie review#ultraman rising#ultraman netflix#ultra man#emi sato#kenji sato#ami wakita#español#spanish#seria tan feliz con una Emi peluche#TE ESTOY MIRANDO NETFLIX 👀
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Open-World AI Design: On The Conflict Between Systemic and Scripted Behaviours
I've been playing Skyrim recently, and having not played it for over a decade one thing that has really been standing out to me is how painfully stilted the scripted NPC interactions are in the game. Seeing just how rough these sequences are reminded me of my own experiences designing non-systemic moments in primarily systemic-open world games, and I wanted to reflect on that.
Disclaimer: I recognize that "Why does the AI in this open world game suck?!" is a common complaint The Gamers have and that it's not a new observation by any stretch, and please don't misconstrue me as bashing A Thing You Like. You can still like it. It's fine. I just think it's interesting how the needs and philosophy of open-world AI often encroach upon and affect the execution of highly scripted sequences in open-world games like these.
Here's a clip of a sequence from my playthrough of Skyrim that illustrates part of the problem. For context, this sequence occurs at the end of a quest chain wherein you help an old and sick alchemist and his apprentice create an ancient artifact he's been trying to make for his entire life:
I think there's a lot of things that are incredibly lifeless (haha!) in the execution here:
The apprentice is standing at the foot of the bed and not next to it, while the mentor is sleeping on his side and not even looking at him.
The transition from Sleeping -> Ragdoll death when the mentor dies looks REALLY goofy.
The phial the apprentice explicitly mentioned as 'filling up' isn't visible anywhere in the scene at all.
The sudden transition from death -> NPC approach -> conversation leaves no room to organically breathe.
The narrative feels incredibly serious and sombre, but the execution is so hard to take seriously.
The ambient music is jaunty and heroic, when tonally the interaction is very sad.
The player doesn't really have much to do here, aside from stare in the corner while waiting for two AI to talk.
The narrative feels incredibly serious and sombre, but the execution is so whiplash-y and abrupt it's hard to take the outcome seriously.
Now first I want to preface that there's a few obvious causes for some of the awkward 'genericness' of this scene, much of which is rooted in more standard production/resources issues with any AAA open-world game. For example, creating an animation of someone holding the phial in question while it fills up would be too expensive to justify creating for just one side quest, only for it to never be used again. While it certainly doesn't help the sequence, I think there's always varying degrees of 'eh whatever it's a video game' plausible deniability that happen here among players too, and it's always understandable that elements like these might fall absent from this scene as a result. It's also a dang video game from 2011, so that certainly doesn't help.
Aside from that, I think a big issue in realizing scripted sequences in open world games like this stems primarily from open-world AI and interactions are often fundamentally at odds with these types of scripted scenes, which in turn reflect poorly on the implementation of the latter.
To understand why scripted sequences can easily feel stunted it's helpful to look at what an AI in an open world context is most frequently expected to do, because it's the baseline of how an AI performs in an open-world game.
In a traditional game a "bandit" AI might only really need to do basic behaviours that have concrete and easily-defined outcomes, such as search for a player and attack them until they die.
In an open-world game like Skyrim an AI primarily has to act believably in an open world where almost anything is liable to happen. A "bandit" in an open-world context would need to keep a running track who is hostile and who is friendly (based on a variety of different changing parameters), pick and choose different locations to travel from organically, travel to potentially unknown locations across a persistent world, use modular systemic behaviours in a way that still appear organic and unique, remember which points it needs to be travelling to and from, what areas it can and cannot go, flee from combat, understand what objects in the world it can and can't interact with, and a lot lot more on top of that. What's more is every AI in the game have to run these same calculations themselves at all time about everything around them - there's a ton of moving parts and AI with different objectives and executions operating at the same time. This is also why systemic AI in open-world games tend to suck - because an open world is inevitably going to write realism cheques that no AI can feasibly cash because there's so much going on in an open-world game.
However there's also good reason why all this complexity is necessary! Killing a bandit who is stationed idly at a guard post in his camp is passable encounter, but killing a bandit who accidentally draws aggression from a patrolling sabre cat from the forest nearby his guard post creates a story out of what was otherwise just an okay encounter. These systemic behaviours are often what people like and expect to see in open-world games to give the world flavour.
On Far Cry there was a name for this sort of concept: the "anecdote factory" - the idea that any sort of emergent experience should make up a fun 'anecdote' for people to talk about and reflect on afterwards, and this approach to AI design is usually built to supports those systemic and organic narratives. This systemic-first AI design is a large draw of what makes open-world games what they are - without this the whole world easily can feel rigid, predictable, and lifeless.
Now this is all well and good, I hear you say, but weren't you just complaining about scripted sequences? Why are you talking about systemic AI? How are these two even related to each other?
Well herein lies the issue: what happens when your immensely systems-based AI needs to do one hyper-specific thing exactly as you planned?
Scripted AI design is often a philosophical counter to systems-driven AI - while a systemic open-world AI needs to calculate many different elements and act out generic AI behaviours on the fly, scripted AI often needs to successfully do a sequence of bespoke behaviours the same way every single time, usually in relation to a larger narrative or sequence.
This causes friction - potentially a lot of friction, depending on the implementation.
The initial assumption most people would have is that if a designer really needs an AI to do one thing perfectly, then they should just force the AI to do it! After all, if it's that important, then why not make absolutely sure it gets done? However, the problem with this approach is that forcing an open-world AI to do just one thing actually makes the AI less realistic in context of an open world game.
In the above scene lets say the player hates the apprentice and decides to blast the apprentice with a fireball while he was speaking to his master. They'd then logically expect the apprentice to react to being hurt by the player and become hostile (as anyone would be, if hit with a fireball). This would be expected to break the sequence as combat would ensue as the apprentice tries to get revenge. This is believable, as it would make the apprentice feel more like an actual human being with the desire to not die. If by contrast the apprentice was forcibly scripted to perform his lines and execute the behaviour like nothing happened, it would feel even worse! This is why most open-world games will actually almost never force AI to perform scripted behaviours if they can help it, because it usually reflects poorly on the intelligence of your AI should anything else happen during the execution of the event.
Unfortunately, the tradeoff to ensuring scripted AI still abide by systemic rules is it means that scripted AI are now expected to perform actions are now operating at the whim of systems, which may choose to override it at any time. For example, if the systemic AI overrides the scripted component of the AI, the apprentice may get distracted by something (a passing enemy, a wandering animal, a stray arrow from nearby combat, etc.) and not complete the sequence as it was intended. This might not seem like a major issue, but keep in mind that a scripted AI failing to perform a task usually results in a sequence break - which in terms of scripted sequences can break a player's entire playthrough. It also reflects poorly on narrative, when scenes of narrative importance might be undermined by systemic nonsense that may happen.
Whenever mission designers witnessed these sort of behaviours on Far Cry the inside joke was that we were just abiding by the "anecdote factory" philosophy. After all, the AI was acting systemically by-design - it just so happened that the anecdote was that a systemic behaviour distracted them. :)
In fact on the production of Far Cry 6 I spent actual months troubleshooting and wrangling AI that just would not adhere to scripted sequences due to the overriding of systemic AI behaviours. For every minute you spend in a scripted sequence you can bet there was hours and hours and hours of unseen troubleshooting behind it!
Now what does any of this have to do with how awkward this conversation looks?
The philosophy of your game design extends downward, and systems-driven is no exception. Instead of using special, bespoke behaviours in quests it becomes cheaper and safer to bank on existing systemic that are widely tested instead of trying to push the limits of what an AI can do. Remember that a sequence failing to execute can block a player's progression entirely, or alternatively result in a ton of work or additional bugs for a level designer putting them together. Safe execution is usually the #1 priority, and that's a tough thing when lots of your scripted implementation is relying on the tech equivalent of shoestring and bubblegum holding it all together.
Even this small scene reflects the drawbacks of a systems-driven philosophy. A good example here is when the mentor dies - he doesn't smoothly transition into a 'death' state, or lie still with his eyes closed, or something more appropriate. Instead, he pops into a ragdoll and plays his generic death sound effect, because his AI is adopting the same generic systemic 'death' actions any AI in the game would. It's how an AI was designed to die from the ground up across the board, so this AI has to die like that for the rest of the game's systems to properly work around it. It could look cleaner, it could look nicer, but for a scripted sequence in a system-driven game it just needs to work.
You'll also notice the apprentice doesn't have any particular uniqueness to his behaviours around the master. He doesn't kneel next to the bed, or do much else for that matter - he just plays his idle on a point until the scripted sequence tells him not to. In fact outside of combat in Skyrim you'll notice that most NPCs use these generic animations because they're built into the AI and are the most likely animation to work in the widest number of cases. In fact, I could probably list the most commonly used animations in Skyrim based on how many times I saw them while playing. A Quest Designer could try to spice a scene up or add variety, but most of the time that would create unnecessary risk around these sequences, so in most instances safe and universal generics are the way to go - which unfortunately limits visual interest because they don't adapt well to unique contexts (like the death of a loved one).
Even something seemingly small like changing music - if we ignore the cost of creating new songs - can bring unnecessary risk. Music is also handled systemically by the game's systems, transitioning based on environment and combat with different enemy factions, so overriding that to play unique songs brings even further risk on a scripted setup - what if combat breaks out during the sequence? Or if the overridden music isn't correctly reverted back by the system? The safer option is to work closer to the bare minimum (i.e. leave the music as-is) than it is to actually push the envelop a bit and bring on further risk.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully this sheds a bit of light on how scripted interactions are uniquely affected by systemic design philosophy and some of the drawbacks surrounding it. I feel fairly confident that any open-world game has had to deal with the friction between these two approaches and needed to meet an awkward middle ground as a result. After all, it's sorta an inevitability when you're making massive games intended to mimic a believable world.
#I spent too long on this I hope it made sense at least#gamedev#game development#game dev#skyrim#bethesda#gamedevelopment#game design#video game#analysis#blog#thoughts
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¡Atención! Si gustan pueden especificar al inicio de cada uno de los starters en qué locación se encuentran, para ayudar a sus compañeres ubicarse. Sin embargo, esta vez no será obligatorio.
El Faro
"¿Por qué hay tantas marcas en las paredes?"
"Escucho un susurro… ¿viene de arriba?"
"No deberíamos estar aquí sin protección."
"La luz del faro nunca se apaga, ni siquiera en tormentas."
"Estas velas llevan encendidas días, pero nadie sube."
"Mira estos símbolos, parecen… advertencias."
"No toques nada, podrías activar algo."
"Este lugar da la sensación de que estamos vigilados."
"Dicen que el faro ha guiado almas perdidas, no solo barcos."
"No es seguro quedarse demasiado tiempo aquí."
"¿Quién enciende las velas si nadie vive aquí?"
"El eco del faro hace que parezca que alguien está respirando cerca."
"¿Y si esta es la fuente de todo lo que está pasando?"
"Es extraño que nunca se hayan documentado estos rituales."
"Tenemos que salir antes de que alguien nos vea aquí."
La Costa Rocosa
"El viento aquí suena como lamentos."
"¿Viste esas huellas que se desvanecen en la arena?"
"No deberíamos estar tan cerca del agua al anochecer."
"¿Por qué hay talismanes colgando de las rocas?"
"Dicen que el mar reclama a los que rompen las reglas del pueblo."
"El silencio aquí es demasiado profundo."
"Algo se mueve entre las olas, pero no es un animal."
"Esta parte de la costa se siente… maldita."
"No hay ningún camino marcado para llegar aquí, es como si lo ocultaran."
"¿Por qué los aldeanos evitan este lugar?"
"No hay rastros de turistas, a pesar de lo hermoso que es."
"Algo huele raro en el aire, como si fuera azufre."
"Esa figura en el horizonte… ¿es un barco o algo más?"
"Podríamos estar más seguros lejos de la orilla."
"No me gusta estar aquí después del atardecer."
El Hostal Stille Frihed
"¿Por qué las ventanas nunca dejan de crujir?"
"Siento frío aunque todas las ventanas estén cerradas."
"A veces oigo pasos por el pasillo, pero no hay nadie."
"Este lugar nos rechaza, lo siento en los huesos."
"No he dormido bien desde que llegamos."
"¿Alguien más escuchó esos susurros en la pared?"
"La puerta de mi habitación se abre sola por la noche."
"Es como si las paredes estuvieran vivas."
"Algo se mueve en la oscuridad, pero no sé qué."
"El ambiente se siente pesado, como si fuera difícil respirar."
"No me gusta estar aquí solo."
"La casa parece observarnos, ¿lo sientes?"
"Cada objeto aquí tiene un aura extraña."
"Podríamos estar en peligro si nos quedamos más tiempo."
"Necesitamos encontrar una manera de purificar este lugar."
La Plaza del Pueblo
"Todos se reúnen aquí, pero nadie dice mucho."
"El líder siempre sube a esa plataforma para hablar."
"Estas reuniones parecen más ceremoniales que sociales."
"Hay un orden rígido en cómo se sientan."
"¿Por qué todos llevan talismanes en estas asambleas?"
"El ambiente aquí es tenso, como si algo estuviera a punto de pasar."
"Siento que nos vigilan desde cada esquina."
"¿Ves cómo el líder siempre empieza hablando con esa frase?"
"Nadie se atreve a interrumpir cuando él habla."
"Parece que están esperando una señal para actuar."
"El silencio aquí no es natural."
"¿Viste cómo todos se inclinan al final de la reunión?"
"Es como si se estuviera realizando un juramento invisible."
"Aquí no hay espacio para la duda, todos parecen seguir un guion."
"Deberíamos estar atentos a lo que no se dice en voz alta."
La Casa del Líder del Pueblo (Exterior)
"Nadie se atreve a acercarse demasiado a la casa."
"Siempre hay alguien vigilando desde las ventanas."
"La puerta principal está custodiada por talismanes."
"Dicen que solo los elegidos pueden cruzar ese umbral."
"Las cortinas siempre están cerradas, incluso de día."
"Algo en esa casa te hace sentir frío, incluso a la distancia."
"He oído que a veces salen cánticos por la noche."
"No importa cuántas veces pases, nunca verás a nadie entrando o saliendo."
"Hay un camino desgastado hacia la puerta, pero nadie lo usa."
"Los aldeanos ni siquiera la mencionan en voz alta."
"No podemos ni imaginar lo que ocultan dentro."
"Se siente como si esa casa fuera el corazón oscuro del pueblo."
"El líder da órdenes desde ahí, pero nunca invita a nadie a entrar."
"Si te acercas mucho, es como si algo te empujara hacia atrás."
"Es mejor no llamar la atención cerca de este lugar."
El Cementerio
"Nadie visita estas tumbas, están completamente abandonadas."
"Las lápidas tienen símbolos extraños en lugar de nombres."
"El silencio aquí es tan profundo que se siente antinatural."
"Parece que las tumbas están desordenadas, como si alguien hubiera cavado recientemente."
"Los amuletos colgados en los árboles parecen advertencias."
"Hay flores secas que parecen haber sido dejadas hace mucho tiempo."
"Este lugar no figura en los mapas del pueblo."
"Las leyendas dicen que algunos nunca salieron de este cementerio."
"Algo cruje bajo los pies, pero no son ramas."
"Este sitio parece estar congelado en el tiempo."
"La brisa aquí siempre es más fría, incluso en pleno día."
"El camino hasta aquí está casi cubierto de maleza, como si el pueblo quisiera olvidarlo."
"Dicen que algunas noches, las velas se encienden solas entre las tumbas."
"El ambiente se siente pesado, como si las almas atrapadas aquí no descansaran en paz."
"Las tumbas más antiguas parecen haber sido abiertas y luego selladas de nuevo."
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