#angry and violent and vengeful
landwriter · 2 years
ha ha it's No Vampires Remain in Romania (Dracula Spectacular) by King Luan. this is a super fun and camp dance bop so, naturally: I would write something fucking dark and weird, and I think it would be about the Corinthian.
I am not your Dracula spectacular This is not your weekend in Vegas This is not your selfie obscura I am not your tour guide of Paris
No vampires remain in Romania No vampires remain in Romania Don't walk alone in Transylvania No vampires remain in Romania
This is not West Hollywood on Thursday I am not your objet d'art I am not your sepia heyday This is not the moment we part
This is about the Corinthian's time among humanity. About his self-imposed exile from the Dreaming, and walking among the Waking instead, among men who see him and want him, who have looked at so much else he wants to see too, who hold so many secrets but can't see his. It's the cheerful and bloody travelogue of a creation told he was the greatest and closest to his master and then nearly unmade by him, and abandoned, and underneath all the bacchanalia and brutality there is a howling, howling loneliness. He feels like the leader of the diaspora of Dreams and Nightmares in that century his master absconds from them all, but when he sees him again, in a hotel conference room filled with humans who almost understand, escaped from his prison, he thinks 'Punish me' but means touch me, he thinks 'Order me back to you, whether I'd come or not' and means I fucking missed you, and he thinks 'This is not the moment we part', and he is right, for even amid the agony of his unmaking there is the fevered relief of finally coming home, of being held by the hands that shaped him once again.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 6 months
Mary: what if sam can't forgive me [for the YED deal].....
Sam, wandering in having been doing his own side quest and probably didn't hear most of the conversation because it never cut to him listening in: Don't be scared of that Mom. [Hug].
Now if they could have. Perhaps a conversation. Sam is SO agreeable these past like 3 seasons it's bizarre. Are we sure Gadreel isn't still hanging around in there a a little bit because that's when this personality shift of being mr reconciliation man really started. I want him! To get angry with Mary! Or the BMoL! Or Cas for taking off again! Get PISSED man!!! Who are you!!!
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whalerrat · 11 months
i have got to play a loyal dog pc again. or maybe i just like making messes
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jordanstrophe · 23 days
Yay! Can I please request a feral Caretaker who is extremely protective of their whumpee?? Any scenario is fine, I just really wanna see your take on a feral Caretaker!!
LOVE IT! Done and done
CW: Vengful caretaker, re-introduced to whumper, violent caretaker, aftermath and angst
Whumpee sat with Caretaker's jacket wrapped around their shoulders. Their eyes followed Caretaker, who paced around the room, snapping from left to right.
They were about to bring whumper in. The interrogation room was set and whumpee was placed somewhere they weren't going to have to see it.
"Caretaker..." Whumpee softly called to them. Caretaker abruptly stopped pacing and glanced at them. Whumpee could see their face lightly sweating and their hand itching to tremble.
"You're going to stay here with me, right? You're not going to leave?" Whumpee asked.
Caretaker gave them a reassuring smile and knelt by their side.
"Of course. Yes, of course I am. I'm just... So angry." Caretaker's tone morphed. "Whumper's going to be in this very building and it makes my blood boil." They hissed. They quieted their tone down and gently took whumpee's hands.
"They won't ever hurt you again. No one will. I promise."
Before whumpee could even respond, commotion erupted the halls. Caretaker jumped and put themselves between Whumpee and the door.
"They're here... Aren't they?" Whumpee nervously stuttered.
"Don't worry about them. They're being taken straight to interrogation." Caretaker stared through the small window at the door.
Suddenly, one voice was more vocal than the rest of the commotion.
Whumper's voice.
Threats. Insults. Curses.
Whumpee's name.
Their name wasn't screamed like the rest of their words. Whumper called for them lovingly. "I know you're here, sweetheart. Come see me. We all know you want to."
Whumpee shivered and hunched, covering their ears. "Keep it together" they thought to themselves, as tears bursted down their blank expression. They sniffed and wiped their face, looking up at caretaker for assurance-
-But they weren't there.
The door swayed as someone had just gone through as a flash of movement flickered by the window.
Suddenly, the commotion re-exploded. Whumper's voice was drowned as shouting and fighting seemed to commence. Whumpee tensed and clutched the jacket tighter.
"Caretaker?" Whumpee called, scared to be heard.
Should they go after them? What if someone got hurt? What if caretaker got hurt? Whumpee slowly rose to their feet and walked towards the door; the commotion getting louder. They reached for the door, but before they could open it, it slowly opened for them as caretaker walked right back in.
They had no more trembling, no more worry. Their face was peaceful and calm, yet splattered with a nauseating amount of blood.
Whumpee retracted their hand- "Wh-what just happened?! Are you hurt?! Caretaker is that blood-"
"It's okay." Caretaker said in the calmest voice whumpee has ever heard. "Everything is fine. It's more then fine." Caretaker smiled and cupped whumpee's face.
"I told you; they will never, ever hurt you again."
"I made sure of it."
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lilac-gold · 11 months
thinking about how one of kel's first lines is "man, aubrey always gets what she wants". thinking about how aubrey wanted to go see sweetheart's show for hearts, so hero took them all to sweetheart's show for hearts. thinking about how aubrey told molly not to touch omori, and she didn't again.
thinking about how all aubrey wanted was to keep her friend group together. thinking about how aubrey's clothes are too big in headspace, she only has one toy and in the real world, her house is a tip with her room almost bare. thinking about how aubrey wanted to keep the photos of mari and throw the rest in the bin, and how she put them back in the album after kel picked it out of the trash.
thinking about how sunny viewed her as a protector of his as a kid, someone who'd look for for him, and how the hooligans trust her to lead and look out for them, and how hero and mari were like older siblings to her when she was younger, and how aubrey's parents didn't look out for her. thinking about how aubrey is angry and insulted and violent and vengeful, and how she wants the girl she knew as a sister to come back. thinking about how she believes she wasn't enough for her old friends, for anyone. thinking about how little possessions she has, how she pushes away people who care about her, how she's viewed as a "bad kid" by the residents of faraway.
want is such a big theme with aubrey. in headspace, every one of hers is fulfilled. in the real world, we see almost none being.
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lassieposting · 7 months
Absolutely obsessed with the ecosystem and interpersonal political implications going on in Poppy Playtime right now, like.
What we have in the Playtime Co factory is a society made up of creatures who were all, at one point, human. And while it's stated that the experiments have varying levels of intelligence and ability to recall their former lives, we know that a lot of them, if not all of them, retained at least some of their humanity post-transformation. For example:
Most of the experiments are angry, resentful and vengeful towards Playtime Co - they understand they have been wronged, and they are capable of holding grudges.
Poppy and the Prototype seem to have the same end goals (putting a stop to the experiments and saving the innocents being used in them), but diametrically opposing views on how to go about achieving them (the Prototype is a gritty realist who knows no war was ever won without bloodshed and is willing to cause collateral damage in the name of his cause, where Poppy is far more idealistic, moderate and morally opposed to/upset by the deaths of the Playtime Co employees). This dispute has escalated far enough that the Prototype apparently shut Poppy away before the Hour of Joy could begin, and Poppy now wants the Prototype dead for what she sees as a crime equal in atrocity to Playtime Co's - they are able to understand ideologies, have ideological disagreements, and strategise against each other.
Huggy Wuggy, who seems to be only slightly more intelligent than a predatory animal, can still write, and uses the ability to try to guide fleeing prey in the wrong direction - that suggests he uses the vents to hunt on a regular basis, and he's clever enough to use basic deception.
On the subject of Huggy Wuggy, when he escapes the facility, his first instinct is to go home.
There are also numerous examples of the experiments being able to form and maintain social bonds, and work together:
Mommy Long-Legs is described as "nurturing" and "motherly" towards the other experiments, as well as the children. She's placed in the Game Station precisely because her desire to protect and care for the children outweighs her hatred for her captors: she won't act aggressively in front of them.
DogDay says that he's "the last of the Smiling Critters", implying that the Playcare originally had a full complement of Bigger Bodies Critters and that they were all able to coexist peacefully.
Kissy Missy and Poppy clearly have a friendship, with Poppy willing to charge into unknown danger to help her friend.
Miss Delight originally calls the other teachers her sisters, and she's horrified and grief-stricken by her own actions when she turns on them.
Miss Delight and CatNap form a non-aggression pact that seems to include some kind of respect for territorial boundaries, as Ollie claims that CatNap usually avoids the school. That's Miss Delight's turf, and he clearly respects her space, even though it technically falls inside his own territory.
The Prototype - who's usually kept in isolation and under surveillance precisely because he's known to be violent - was on multiple occasions set loose in a room with at least CatNap (and potentially other experiments) without bloodshed. He's even confirmed to have patiently tolerated CatNap lowkey imprinting on him and following him around like a duckling.
The Prototype also opts to save Theo Grambell's life, knowing damn well that to do so means sacrificing his shot at freedom. There is no reason for him to do this other than caring for Theo.
Again, DogDay is the last of the Smiling Critters. Despite the fact that there would have been six of them, and one of CatNap. Working together, they should have been able to overpower him easily, and the fact that they couldn't makes me think that either a) there was a big confrontation in which CatNap either arrived with or was able to call out for backup or b) CatNap became an infinitely more capable strategist and picked them off quietly one at a time, using skills he'd have to have learned from someone.
Anyway. My point here: these were originally people, with all the associated moral hangups and emotional messiness, and they retained a lot of their humanity post-transformation. And they were on the same side, to begin with. During the Hour of Joy, they all turn on the workers together.
But after that? The complete breakdown of that unity and those complex social relations into an essentially animal ecosystem, and the psychological impact on the surviving experiments, fascinates me.
By the time the game starts, the experiments have run out of food, and they've begun turning on each other out of desperation. The Bigger Bodies monsters, previously social and cooperative, have been forced into direct competition for food, and as a result they've largely become solitary apex predators with fiercely-defended territories, where they can pick off smaller, weaker experiments at will. There's some evidence of cooperation and coexistence between predators - Bunzo Bunny and the Mini-Huggies survive ten years in Mommy Long-Legs' territory, possibly filling the scavenger niche and surviving off her leftovers, and Miss Delight is tolerated in CatNap's - but the small toys we see scattered bloodily all across the factory (and the small Bunzo we see picked off by CatNap as it tries to cross a room) show that there's a whole category of experiments whose lives would've become all about hiding, and sneaking, and being where the Bigger Bodies critters aren't. The predators, driven to the edge of starvation, have had to surrender a lot of the human values and morals they had before. The prey have essentially become rodents - they're in danger every second they're not safely hidden away somewhere.
And yet!
The way they've reacted to their trauma is still so human.
Like. Take the difference between CatNap and Mommy Long-Legs.
Mommy and CatNap - Marie and Theo - have a very similar start in life. Both were children when they were experimented on and transferred into their mascot bodies. Both were orphans, and both are described as not fitting in or being particularly happy in the Playcare - Marie was bullied, and Theo is described as "odd" and "antisocial with other children".
But post-transformation, it seems Marie was largely left to, essentially, raise herself. We know that she was aggressively hostile towards staff, and gentle and nurturing towards orphans and other experiments, but we have no suggestion that anyone was caring or parental towards her. Like most of the experiments, she has a digestive tract and would have needed to eat, so she must have had a "keeper" of some kind, but she doesn't seem to have had any attachment to anyone who could serve as a parental substitute and guide her into adulthood.
When we meet her as Mommy Long-Legs, she would be a young adult - she's grown up in her mascot body. But even acknowledging that she's been driven mad by fear and isolation, her emotional development shows several damage markers you'd expect from a child so utterly deprived of love and care and guidance. She's emotionally unstable and prone to throwing extreme tantrums over small and arbitrary inciting factors, like "cheating" at a rigged game - there's very limited ability or desire to moderate or regulate her emotions. She's erratic, has poor impulse control, and when she's angry she lashes out violently at whoever is most convenient - like Bunzo - even though it's someone else - the player - that she's actually mad at. She does try to hide her disappointment at our continued existence behind her bubblegum Mommy persona, but she never quite learned to convincingly mask her emotions the way adults can. Nor has she mastered the art of making and executing a plan - when she attacks, it's all aggression - the single-minded grab-and-smash of an angry, thwarted child. Even Huggy, limited though his intelligence is, stalks the player and tries to chase them into a kill zone. But Mommy relies solely on her stretch ability - automatic, instinctive - and her sheer rage to make her the GameStation's apex predator. Left to raise herself, she never learned a lot of adult skills or survival strategies, and it's become a fatal flaw - she knows her territory, she knows where there would be machinery to look out for, but she's so single-mindedly focused on punishing the player that she completely overlooks her own safety.
Contrast: CatNap.
CatNap is also a young adult when we meet him, and if he'd also been left alone to raise himself, he'd probably have a lot of the same developmental stunting. But he doesn't, and that's interesting.
Now, let's take a very quick detour to look at the behaviour we've seen, not from CatNap, but from the Prototype. We know he's fiercely intelligent, calculating, and a tactical thinker with a talent for using his environment and anything in it (up to and including the player - he makes use of Mommy after we kill her, even though he's the facility's super predator and could easily have done it himself) to his advantage. We know he's stealthy - from how close to us he is at the close of each chapter, he's likely been tailing us from the moment we entered the factory, keeping his distance and watching us to see what we'll do and how he can make use of our actions. Some of his behaviours are strongly reminiscent of a soldier in action - I have a theory here that whoever became the Prototype had, at some point in his previous life, been a military man.
And now look at CatNap. Who has he become?
An intelligent, calculating stealth predator who uses his environment and any weaponizable thing he can get his claws on to take out his prey with minimal risk to himself. He's capable of adult logic and reasoning skills - i.e. the teachers will get hungry and harm the surviving children, so locking them in the school to fight to the death removes all but one threat, who can then be negotiated with once the children have been moved to safety. He's able to form and maintain alliances and agreements. He's even able to identify that the player is either a) not a threat to him or b) proving useful to the Prototype, and overlook his own hunger to offer them mercy: leave Playcare, or I'm coming for you.
In other words, he's grown up a lot like the Prototype.
And there's a reason for that! We know from the interdepartmental report on CatNap that for some reason, after his transformation procedure, he was allowed to socialise with the Prototype - an experiment who's considered so dangerous usually kept on lockdown in isolation under constant surveillance. And the report notes that CatNap "follows [the Prototype] around like a lost puppy" and that the Prototype "doesn't seem to mind".
Which, on its own, could just mean that the Prototype recognised Theo for what he was - a traumatized, hurting, confused little boy - and, aware that CatNap was not a threat, opted for tolerance over violence. But when you consider CatNap's history with the Prototype, I don't think that's it. Theo befriended the Prototype, or vice versa, long before Theo ever became CatNap. He was mortally injured trying to help the Prototype escape, and the Prototype gave up that shot at freedom to get Theo medical attention. They are close, and the fact that CatNap, a decade later, has assumed so many of the Prototype's traits and skills implies that they remained close for a good long while after the Hour of Joy.
Theo, aged 7, is clinging to the one person he feels safe with and protected by after a major trauma. If he follows the Prototype everywhere, he won't be left alone with the scientists. If he's not left alone with the scientists, they can't hurt him anymore. And the Prototype lets him, reinforcing the idea that you're safe with me. It's not unlikely that he feels responsible for CatNap's fate - if he hadn't taken Theo to the Playtime counselors for medical attention, the boy would have peacefully died, and wouldn't be living a nightmare - and he's stepped up to parent CatNap.
And you can see echoes of that ongoing bond in how CatNap behaves a decade later. Who taught him to hunt? The Prototype. Who taught him strategy and tactical thinking? The Prototype. Who gave him the survival skills he needed to make his way to the top of the food chain and stay there? The Prototype.
Unlike Marie, Theo had someone to protect him. Someone to play with and care for him. Someone to hunt for and feed him once the bodies began to run out, at least until he was fully capable of catching, killing and pulling apart his own prey. Someone to socialise with. And he's better adjusted - for a given value of "better adjusted", because like, nobody in this factory is even remotely okay - as a result.
And that's still so human. Despite the absolute horror-show feral animal situation they're all living in.
Just? idk man i have a lot of feelings
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cheemscakecat · 3 months
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I can’t help but wonder if Fritz was angrily thinking about BLU’s negligence for a moment. He had to collect himself before responding to Scout. It makes enough sense, if Scout just had a respawn failure that caused seizures.
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Clearly he’s not doing well, even this early in the movie. We don’t know how many Mercenaries had life altering, scarring respawn failures that left them unable to work, but it surely happened. Fritz is really struggling to talk about it, even with Scout being a friend and a patient who needs to know. You can tell he hates to dwell on it.
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The silent personality makes sense as a natural progression of that. Being stuck living with the memories and burden of Mercenaries getting mutilated despite your best efforts, being stuck reporting to people who don’t care like you.
Why not go silent and stare at the useless men to make them uneasy? To make them stop badgering you with ceaseless questions, to give yourself relief from having to revisit the trauma. Trauma that they didn’t care about or share, being the middlemen.
He was already fed up and angry, but not ready to lash out at the idiots “fixing” the respawn crisis.
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He was capable of fighting well, but didn’t want to be violent. Not unless he had to be. So the injustice grew, and the anger and disgust simmered.
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This was the only time Archibald and Ludwig were in the same room. He’s arguably the only merc on Blue who would have known Jules in real life, considering the respawn crisis. Soldier and Spy may have gotten their perception of Jules from what little they knew about the respawn crisis through their Medic’s words. Fritz looked at him with revulsion.
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Soldier imagined Archibald as a calculating, greedy monster who let good people die, using them as pawns. Conspiring under the mask of being a good person, using that to fill his pockets with blood money. Conspiring with Redmond and Blutarch, the old fools.
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Spy imagined Archibald as a simpering coward who made other people get their hands bloody while refusing to lift a finger. Someone who doesn’t care if his own men put themselves on the line, lying to them indiscriminately. Someone with cruel, evil men in his employ and those that were innocently getting used.
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Fritz might not even believe that Jules is dead, considering the fact that Spy was talking/acting crazy and lying about how Scout died. That, and his quiet personality is the one who heard the funeral speech, not him. So that could mean that his natural response to a living, breathing Archibald is revulsion.
Can’t say I blame him. Jules Archibald was an awful man, and the Administrator probably had him killed like the director when he stopped making himself useful.
That still left the injustice of being used, and the rage that comes along with it. Whether Fritz preferred to be peaceful or not, those lingering emotions needed an outlet. And as RED mercenaries continued to target the healer with childish mockery and attacks; and Admin continued to be indifferent and cruel, that outlet emerged.
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The personality that doesn’t hold back when it comes to a fight. The skill was there before, and so was the anger. But Fritz didn’t have a personality that was ready and willing to lash out at Users and Abusers. The vengeful one.
I think I know exactly what name he’d go by.
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kick-a-long · 7 days
i find it so desperately sad that goyim generally would be so much less antisemitic if jews started physically fighting back with guns or sticks in every country. calling for the murder of muslims all over the world, if the jewish population was big enough to have large scary groups of crazy fringe fundamentalist synagogues all over the world, a billion strong, that preached murder and hate so goyim could look down on jews like some noble savage in need of assistance and western education and protection. so we could be reformed in obvious patronizing ways because there were so many of us that we had militant violent fringe extremists, like christians and muslims have, mixed in with the normal jews.
if jews didn't have such a reputation for success and intelligence maybe conspiracy theories would stop blaming us for controlling the world. if we felt less in danger maybe we wouldn't be so obsessed with long term survival.
is antisemitism some warped form of envy? maybe. what sucks is that jews are no better or worse than anyone else. some jews are brutes and some are the most wonderful people imaginable, just like any other group. what sucks is we don't all live up to the reputation of tactical geniuses and wizards with mind control magic. all of us jews are just tired and abused humans who have lived with 2000+ years of generational trauma and the endless fall out from a popular jewish book written 3000+ years ago describing the best practices of jewish culture. It has some great stories, histories, life advice, diet recommendations, hygiene, and rules about how to treat others.
is that such a crime?
trying to show a path forward? not demanding anyone else follow those rules but wanting to do our best to follow them anyway? how to live a good life that makes the world better and makes you proud to have been on earth for the time you were there? jews fail to do this all the time, just like everyone else. I fail all the time. why are people so obsessed with that? people say shylock is a stereotyped antisemitic character but,
"I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge! The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction."
so why do jews always have to be the better man? why do we have to apologize for being angry and sad and hating the people that attack us? that was written by Shakespeare, a christian in the 1600s who often was in debt to jewish money lenders, the only profession left to jews at that time. even he saw the double standard. it makes a good point.
now, i don't want vengeance, i don't want violence, but i feel vengeful. i feel angry that i am unsafe because of play actors and terrorist supporters who want revenge for jews existing but scream bloody murder when jews refuse to dig their own graves, beg forgiveness for ever being born, and lay down in them to be mocked and pissed on and abused in the worst ways imaginable for the entertainment and conquest of it. i want peace with them. they are as human as i am, full of foibles and anger. i want nothing to do with them. i want them to never come near a jew again for the rest of time.
i am sad. all i want is to feel my feelings and advocate for what is the most ethical and practical work around to a world filled with unending suffering while i am still alive. i want them on thier side to live in the world they want and me on my side to live in the world i want. why don't these children of all ages, lost in delusions of fantastical battles and ultimate good and evil, see that? why can't I be a human first as well as a jew first? why do they ask me to pick? why am i not allowed to pick?
it's been almost a year. we're all so tired.
I'm going to a music festival. I'm trying to decide whether to wear a star. why is it dangerous to wear a star around my neck?
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bluegiragi · 10 months
You elaborated wonderfully on how Horangi views other Haetae and his relationship to them (I love how your brain works fr every tidbit of what you come up with is scrumptious).
You also gave us vague ideas of how Price and Soap view other dragons/werewolves.
But I’d love to know explicitly, How does everyone in 141 (and Konig) view others of their kind? How do they get treated by other monsters and hybrids? (I’d like to imagine they get a slight amount of flack for cooperating sometimes with the likes of humans)
lots of reading in this post, but I’ll section it off into Harpy, Wraith and Percht so it’s a bit more organized :)
Harpy culture really prioritises independence above all else, to the point that their young are left to fend for themselves after they turn 16. They’re also quite a prideful bunch, which means they really dislike sharing space with other harpies. In the military it can be especially dicey, since two harpies will instinctively consider it an insult if they’re forced to be on the same team (it’d be like telling them you don’t think they’re good enough on their own) and it’ll result in a fight at worst and a cold, distant relationship at best. Even Gaz, who is pretty coolheaded and thoughtful as far as harpies go, would be irritated in that sort of situation.
Harpies don’t have this kind of instant animosity for any other flighted monster (like dragons) although they’ll still get a bit competitive. That irritation is a remnant instinct from back when they’d battle each other in the sky to prove themselves to mates - it would always end with one, dead, plummeting to the earth and the other victorious, still flapping. Their mating rituals are a lot less lethal these days, but that immediate wariness around their own kind has stuck.
There is no confirmed number of wraiths currently existing and probably never will be, because they’re impossible to keep track of. However, their numbers are probably very low, simply because the circumstances needed to create a wraith are extremely specific and unlikely to naturally occur.
Because of this, it’s unknown if two wraiths have ever even met - Ghost has definitely never met another one in his whole life (and never wants to either)- but if they did, chances are it wouldn’t end well for anyone involved. They are volatile, capable of massive amounts of destruction if let loose and (so far) impossible to contain against their will. I think they’d mostly be apathetic to one another in a “don’t fuck with me, and I won’t fuck with you” sort of way but they’re naturally sort of angry and vengeful, so it’s best to assume violent confrontation is an inevitability.
For what it’s worth, I think if Ghost did meet another wraith, he’d pity them.
Perchts like each other well enough, so long as nobody veers away from tradition too much. They’re monsters that are perfectly happy living within their very insular, very regimented communities and distrust anything that differs from the norm. Their judgemental ways come from generations of belief that their kind all working towards the same goal is the only thing allowing them to survive in the remote areas they call home. However, they tend to go way too far, and punish any deviancy with draconian responses like public beatings and even exile.
König (or Klaus, as he was once known) tried his best in their community but he was doomed from the start with his enormous stature. He adopted a hunch as a child to try to fit in with his peers but it just wasn’t enough. After one too many mistakes, he was beaten and left for dead, effectively disowned by his own kind.
He was saved by a scouting party that happened to be in the area and then voluntarily allowed himself to be mutated so that he could be useful. He was all too happy to do so in the moment with spite against his own kind fueling him, but he regrets it a little nowadays as it’s started to take its toll on him.
Fun fact: Perchts can shapeshift into humans to hide their monstrous features. This means that Konig’s percht form is how he truly is, and whenever you see him as a human, that’s him in his shifted form.
König has a difficult relationship with Perchts nowadays. He hasn’t seen another one in decades since they all avoid large clusters of people like cities and villages. I think if he did meet another one he’d try to run away - he still feels some shame about never being accepted.
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lilithess · 2 years
moon signs as i’ve met them
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🌔 taurus - high brand, high value. likes expensive/quality materials. might be loners and unlucky in love. if undeveloped can be very lazy and sensitive to criticism. catty and competitive. status and money seem to be of great deal to them or an important theme in their lives whether they’re rich or poor.
🌗 gemini - a scientist. bored. dissasociates mid conversation. talks over you. honesty comes from naivety, not necessarily good intentions. highly rational. elite humor. loves the tea. craves something interesting and weird. too fast for their own good.
🌕 cancer - best listeners. hardcore lovers. hides emotions under their crab skin. can be vengeful and have a victim complex. family issues, mostly with mother. notices every change in your tone and knows your secrets. unlucky in love. naive as hell.
🌒 sagittarius - can go either way, really dark or completely the opposite. versatile. able to talk about anything. thinks highly of themselves and might have machiavellian approach to life. not high on being empathetic to others. they might not excel in their family’s expectations. has their own way. can be really lucky or really unlucky.
🌗 aquarius - alternative kids. black sheep of your class but not in a loser way, in a cool way. edgy. trendsetters. weirdos. controversial. will disagree just to spite you. keeps it cool. secretly wants the spotlight but for all the wrong reasons.
🌑 scorpio - they seem like they’ve been through something. alluring. sneaky. notices everything. can go ice cold. keeps emotions behind closed doors. you don’t really know what’s going on over there, like any other water moon. can be petty. witchy people. feelings go a long way until they die.
🌒 capricorn - feet on the ground. controlling and in control. petty. competitive. elite humor. poker face. invented repressed rage. goes through it alone and hard. seeks salvation through work and status. takes their sweet time with anything and everything.
🌓 libra - calm. collected. soothing, but not necessarily comforting or optimistic. openly talks about anything. in control of their emotions. private and secretive. normal. good for giving advice to people. rather unbiased and relaxed on the surface.
🌕 pisces - can believe in anything and everything. possible family issues. a wanderer. a mystery. far away. you never know.
🌑 aries - speaks their truth. bad girl/boy vibe. good for advice just like libra, if you can handle their version of it. simple people. can get violent when angry. emotions come and go. very magnetic and attractive, bursting with energy. can be heartbreakers, but without any grand agenda.
🌙 virgo - motherly. aggressively worries about you. likes to give gifts even if you don’t want or need them. needs to be of service. doesn’t like the spotlight. very reserved and in control. they are listening even if you think they’re not. traditional. secretly kinky. seeks status in work.
🌖 leo - similar to aquarius, but without the black sheep stereotype. might have been spoiled for better or worse. clingy to their home / mother. sticks to their beliefs. ego can be off the roof.
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arctrooper69 · 6 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
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Chapter 12:
Previous // Next
Warnings: None
This is already so much harder than Cid made it seem, you thought with a grunt as hills of gravelly rock slipped and slid beneath your feet.
The moon's perpetual dusky atmosphere made it nearly impossible to navigate the rough terrain without a headlamp.
And it's just my luck that this one is almost dead. The lamp flickered briefly but remained lit for the time being. At the rate you'd been replacing power packs on this thing, you weren't sure there'd be enough to last the journey back to the ship. The moon’s naturally emitted electromagnetic frequencies were not something Cid had mentioned.
No surprise there. Wonder what else she failed to mention.
You were glad Hunter wasn't here. This would be the death of him. You couldn't imagine the havoc it would wreak upon his enhanced senses - the pain it would cause him. Yet the sour taste of loneliness still faintly lingered, littering the background of all your thoughts.
A faint rumbling sound echoed across the rocky plain and you paused, listening. The strange, muted grumble became louder like the moon itself was warning you to leave and never come back.
Rocks began to quake as the ground rolled in a violent tremor.
“Well, that’s just wonderful…” you growled sarcastically. “Thanks for that!” you yelled out to no one, voice echoing strangely through the barren atmosphere.
The tremors subsided after a few minutes, though you waited a few more before starting out again.
You paused after a while, double checking the coordinates on your datapad. The screen flickered. It was a small inconvenience, yet one that landed precariously atop of so many others, drawing all the ire of pent up rage and hurt into one soul crushing cry of frustration that you’d been keeping down for so long.
“I hate this kriffing moon!”
You stopped, taking a few deep breaths.
Calm. Calm. You have a job to do.
The datapad screen blinked back on as you smacked the side of it with your hand.
Should be right around…. There.
The dimming light of the headlamp softly illuminated the entrance to a mine just ahead.
Here goes nothing.
You sighed, placing your bag on the ground before pulling out the necessary gear.
Grabbing the cable, you began to lower yourself down the dark, damp mineshaft. Without warning, another tremor rocked the ground again.
Stronger than the last, you noted, hoping that didn’t mean anything.
Another small quake sent a shower of dust and pebbles cascading down onto your face and hair. One arm let go of the cable, instinctively curling upwards to protect your face while the other held on with aching fingers, fighting how it swung wildly and out of control.
As if the vengeful moon had heard your angry cries, another rumble of the ground tore the cable from it’s resting place, pulling a terrified shriek from gasping lungs as you found yourself in a freefall, desperately clawing at the wall for any kind of stop.
Pain shot up through your shoulder as gloved fingers caught the edge of a protruding rock, dragging yourself to a more steady position, jamming your feet into crevasses in the wall.
Karking hells! You closed your eyes and let your head drop forwards to rest on the cool rock face where you clung, taking a moment to calm your screaming nerves.
You exhaled in disbelief, unsure of whether you should cry or laugh.
“Oh gods, this is not my day. This is really not my day.”
Whining to yourself, you looked down and realized you were nearly at the bottom.
Taking another breath, you pulled the cable from your belt and hooked it securely once again to the rock face, quickly gliding down the remainder of the mineshaft.
Damn. Absentmindedly stretching your sore shoulder, you crouched to place the pack onto the ground, hissing quietly as the action sent a shooting pain down your arm. You switched the headlamp off and waited for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. A dim light glimmered from a cavity in the wall on the other side of a small pool of bubbling water. They matched the description Cid provided on the jewels she’d tasked you with retrieving.
“Oh how convenient,” you scoffed, carefully scanning the area lest you be swallowed alive by some carnivorous rock or whatever else thrived in this hellhole of a moon. You chuckled dryly. That would be just my luck.
With trepidation, you stepped carefully over the small pool of water. Grabbing the small extraction tool you’d brought along, you sank down to your knees and began drilling at the glowing stones, counting each one as they popped free.
One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six…
You stood back up, carefully placing the stones inside one of the many pouches that lined your belt, and turned around to head back. A wave of sudden exhaustion pulled a sigh from your lips as it washed over you. This place was definitely not one you’d be coming back to in a hurry.
Pausing before the bubbling pool of water, you took one last look around, but your gaze was drawn right back to the pool in front of you.
Weird. A strange feeling of unease crept into your bones and you shivered. Could’ve sworn it wasn’t that big when I stepped over it before. You shrugged, certain that your mind was only playing tricks on you because when you looked once more, it was the same size as it had been before.
“This place gives me the creeps,” you muttered, looking around suspiciously. You glared at the bubbling pool and took a running leap over it just to be safe.
It was almost as if someone had pulled a rug out from beneath your feet. The edge of the pool caught on the tip of your boot and you came crashing down, a cry of alarm turning into a cry of pain as your shoulder roughly met the ground. You scrambled forward with a gasp, pulling your foot from the water.
“Did you just….” you spoke aloud, voice saturated with an incredulous annoyance, “Did you just trip me!?”
The ground rumbled lowly once again.
“Great! I’m arguing with a kriffing moon,” you muttered, shaking your head.
You sighed, four days of solitude and you were already talking to inanimate objects.
Your boot squelched as you dumped out the water that filled it. I hate wet socks. You wiggled your toes glumly.
Wrecker would find this hilarious, you chuckled to yourself. What would the rest of them think of this place?
You smiled, thinking of how Tech would be cataloging each tremor and tectonic abnormality, looking at everything through that endearing lens of curiosity. Echo would be working on a way to combat the harsh electromagnetic frequencies for himself and Hunter. His steadfast attitude wouldn’t let himself give up until he tried every option. Omega would wander, collecting oddly shaped rocks and staring into the strange bubbling pools. And Hunter…
You sighed, picking yourself back up, best not to think about Hunter. But you couldn’t help it. Loneliness settled into your gut, you missed them.
No. You scolded yourself. You’re a grown adult. You have made it in this galaxy on your own before and you will do so again.
But being on your own was a lot different than being alone.
You took a deep breath, willing that forever-heavy emotion back behind the locked doors of practical reality. It wasn’t worth dwelling on thoughts that only brought you down, and it took skill to lock them all away so efficiently - a skill you knew you’d better relearn fast.
Unwilling to stay and reflect any longer, you shot the cable up and climbed out of the mine.
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karvviie · 26 days
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(they match each other’s freak)
my thoughts on sharkface/temple under the cut:
Sharkface and Temple have similar character motives and morals. They're both hellbent on getting revenge on PFL for killing the people that they cared about, except they go about getting this revenge in different ways.
Sharkface experiences the death of his teammates indirectly. He hears about it while going through physical therapy and recovering from the injuries he sustained in season 9. He wants to get revenge in a direct way (fighting them head-on). Conversely, Temple watches Biff die explicitly in front of him and gains his revenge in a less direct manner (freezing agents and leaving them to die, or getting the other blues and reds to do the dirty work).
Also, while Sharkface is always clearly coded as a villain (physical appearance, dialogue, actions, etc), he doesn't refer to himself as a villain, but rather just a person who is rightfully angry and out for revenge.
Temple on the other hand, while also being just as angry and vengeful, is introduced in the opposite way. While it is left mostly vague as to whether Temple has malicious intent in the beginning, he actively wants to present himself as a theatrical villain (calling their base a "lair", having evil monologues, his search history "how to villain")
I’d like to think that if they had ever met, their goals would align perfectly for a team-up, but their methods of getting revenge probably wouldn't work out unless they figured out a compromise. there's no way of telling if they would actually get along, but they could have an interesting dynamic since they seem so different (sharkface is fearless and actively seeks violence and physical combat, temple is cowardly and delegates more violent tasks to others, which honestly could be complementary to one another) but have a lot of similarities (a flair for the dramatic) which could potentially allow them to work together really well.
tldr: they're two guys who are super angry, super dramatic, and want revenge on the same people. if they teamed up, their personalities would either make them hate each other or make them get along really well.
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mayasaura · 5 months
why do you think cytherea targeted the fourth the way she did? we know why she killed the fifth, and we know why she killed people generally, but the writing in blood and the chasing jeanne after killing isaac feels weirdly personal
It does seem personal, yeah. I'm sure it was intended to. I'm also sure it wasn't. I doubt Cytherea even noticed they were people enough to have beef with them.
Let's look at her goals:
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She's using the heirs as bait to get John's attention, but doesn't want to make the real stakes apparent. So she kills them off, one by one, slasher movie style. She's playing with them, creating a narrative so that when the terrified survivors call for help, John is curious enough about whatever theory they've come up with to come take a looksee.
That's probably why she planted the idea of vengeful angry ghosts so early. She knows it's something that's bound to get John's attention without alarming him enough for him to be on the defensive. His old house is haunted by violently angry revenants? That doesn't sound right, but you never know with ghosts. Seems both interesting and a bit concerning, he'd better take a look.
The Fourth specifically were targeted because their investigation into Abigail and Magnus' murder posed a threat to her plan. They had found Dulcinea and Protesilaus' ashes in the incinerator and raised the alarm, which put them way too close to asking the right kinds of questions. Like: "Whose ashes are these?" and "Is this connected to the other murders?" They had to die, and they had to die in a way that drew attention away from their investigation and lent credence to Cytherea's angry ghost narrative, or the story they had to tell when they called John might be a little too close to the truth to get the intended effect.
So. Giant bone monster in the basement laboratory, a sleeping child skewered in a locked room, and ominous writing in the victim's blood. A tableau designed to be so horrifyingly personal it doesn't occur to anyone it might have been pragmatic.
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yourhighness6 · 7 months
The difference between these two scenes is striking:
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In the first one, Catra is so angry and vengeful, but now she is simply done. She is too tired and too empty to fight Scorpia leaving the way she did Adora. Before, she felt the need to prove herself. Now, she knows she's done everything she can to be smarter and better and more violent, but it still isn't enough. Everyone will still leave her.
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damianbugs · 2 years
dc might not like to address how they've unofficially retconned a lot of jasons original robin run to end up being absolutely classist, but i most certainly will bring it up whenever i can. while this is definitely narrative criticism, it is more of a study, as i am not expecting anyone, readers or dc, to really change how they view the todds.
jason goes from being a rather reserved, kind and genuinely friendly child to an angry and cruel boy who was contemplating murder at some point (batman: urban legends). not to mention willis going from an absent but well meaning man who turned to crime to support his family to now being an abusive father and husband. catherine todd was originally stated to have died from overdose, but was later confirmed in death in the family to pass away from cancer, so while the 'poor addict mother' stereotype still applies, it is more complicated in her case.
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it is no surprise that in modern tellings, all three of them represent very realistic forms of poverty. willis the abusive criminal, catherine the addict (her battle with cancer is always noticeably left out) and jason the violent child left to repeat the cycle.
dc simply couldn't allow the todd family to remain poor but an all in all good family (though i am careful to say they were perfect, past or present, since depending how you read him, willis can still be seen as a bad father and horrible husband), and instead had to dramatise negative stereotypes of poor people in order to really perpetuate the existence of jason being the "angry" robin. this mostly comes down to dc perhaps wanting to bury older comics featuring the original characterisation (since the only way to read them is through piracy), and there is no better way to do that than make his current characterisation nothing like his old one, at all.
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after all, how else can we ensure readers are aware of how angry, evil and emotionally unstable jason todd is, if not making his life the pinnacle of why poor people are terrible and should not have kids? dc is not trying to hide it at all, it's almost laughable.
while the blatant classism is very clearly the biggest issue, from a storytelling perspective it is also really disappointing. deconstructing catherine and willis todd to their morally reprehensible, abusive and neglectful 2d personalities in modern telling leaves a massive gap is what made jason so personable as robin. personally, i also think it takes away how homelessness and his own poverty seperate from his family might have affected jason's morals and opinions on certain topics — another aspect of his character that is very important but often undeveloped.
especially with jason; making him having always been this quick to rage and violent child/robin takes away the true devastation of his death and subsequent revival. he died an innocent, damaged and complicated but caring boy, and came back vengeful and spiteful. he is a boy who has suffered a lot in life, with a sick mother he had to provide for due to his absent father, who also died due to a life of crime — and yet jason broke free from the cycle and became something more.
he loved to learn, to go to school, to play sports and to help people. he loved being a hero, even when it got tough, and though sometimes it was hard to remember, he always tried to stay on the bright side of things.
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it's one of the main reasons bruce is so unable to process and accept his son's return, because to him, the person who came back is not the son he lost. though, that is another conversation entirely.
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on the one hand however, i can see why jason's current life story might be more appealing to certain readers (and depending on the work, fanon or canon, it can makes more sense). since now that he's broken out of the cycle of abuse, he can use his strength to protect other vulnerable people. the true 'people's hero' in a way batman and other adjacent vigilantes can not be.
it is just a little regrettable that to fulfill this, he and his family must adhere to classist stereotypes to make it more believable. after all, jason was very much the 'people's robin' even without all the retcons to his character. he has always stood up for people who couldn't do it themselves.
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In some of the routes I think Lucio kinda gets off way too easy. I want M6’s reaction to an MC who is full on vengeful and bitter about the whole “ Lucio kinda killed me” thing with the red plague and all. Like it’s on sight as SOON as they see Lucio, and nothing is getting them off once they get their hands on him.
The Arcana Mini-HCs: When MC stays angry at Lucio
Julian: completely understands where you're coming from. he sees Lucio as too human to share the sentiment, but he won't stop you
Asra: totally on board with your vision and proud of you for having more drive to punish him than they do. will proactively assist you
Nadia: would rather get her closure and leave him in the past than focus on exacting vengeance. will get you situated to do so, though
Muriel: scared of letting himself fall into that kind of violent anger, if only because it means becoming what Lucio made him. you go for it
Portia: doesn't get what the hype is about, but has no qualms using her fists to give someone (Ilya) a reality check. she's backing you up
Lucio: spare him, it was just an oopsie. (fr though, it would do him good to sit a little longer in the consequences of his actions)
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