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Beautiful button orchid growing on a palm tree.
17/01/24 - Dischidia nummularia
QLD:WET - Cairns
#nature#Dischidia nummularia#Button Orchid#Plantae#plants#botany#Milkweeds#Gentianales#Magnoliopsida#Dicots#Angiospermae#Flowering Plants#angiosperms#Tracheophyta#Vascular Plants
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Well. This is complicating things unecessarily.
The only one with rhizomes that are supposed to look like this according to this identification key, is Arundinaria gigantea, Rivercane. But that one's not supposed to have so many lines below the new branches.
And just from these it could be Arundinaria appalachiana, except that we're way outside the expected range. And these ones keep their leaves all winter, when Hill Cane doesn't.
[ID: Two photos of different parts of an Arundinaria bamboo plant, captioned, "Excuse me". The first photo shows a cross section of the rhizome: it is pale yellow-green, with a small hollow center, and a thin shell around the edge. The surface is lightly pitted, but otherwise seems solid. The second photo shows a section with multiple branches. The main section where the branches form is dark reddish purple, with tan lines of where it hasn't grown in yet below, with four lines total. The older stem below this is dark green. End ID.]
#sigh#Arundinaria#Rivercane#Rjalker trains its gardening skill#plantae#tracheophyta#angiospermae#liliopsida#poales#poaceae#bambusoideae#arundinarieae
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I just looked something up… these guys diverged before earth had FLOWERS
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Mandevilla Bahiensis - Jasmin Brasileiro
by Violeta Oliveira
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𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐢 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐨 ツ
Le 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐢 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐨 (Usnea) è un genere di licheni frutticosi grigiastri-verdastri, con crescita simile a piccoli arbusti spogli ancorati su cortecce o rami di alberi.
Il genere appartiene alla famiglia delle Parmeliaceae ed ha distribuzione cosmopolita.
Le specie del genere vengono comunemente chiamate barbe di bosco e ricordano il genere Evernia; sono anche simili a quelle appartenenti al genere Alectoria. La differenza risiede nella caratteristica elasticità dei talli di Usnea, mancante invece nel genere Alectoria.
L'Usnea ricorda, inoltre, una specie di angiosperma del genere Tillandsia, tanto che quest'ultima è stata chiamata Tillandsia usneoides; come altri licheni, l'Usnea è una simbiosi tra un fungo e un'alga.
Nel genere Usnea, il simbionte fungino appartiene alla divisione degli Ascomycota, mentre il simbionte algale alla divisione delle Chlorophyta.
Come tutti i licheni con tallo frutticoso, la morfologia delle specie di Usnea è simile a quella di un piccolo arbusto ancorato alla corteccia dell'albero ospite; al contrario di altri licheni con morfologia simile, le specie di questo genere hanno una corda elastica che decorre al centro del tallo, che si può osservare tirando delicatamente un filamento del tallo.
L'Usnea si riproduce per via vegetativa (frammentazione, asessuata); attraverso i soredi, o sessuale, oppure tramite ascogoni e spermatogoni.
In natura, il tasso di crescita dei licheni è lento, seppure in condizioni di laboratorio è stato possibile velocizzare la crescita di Usnea coltivata in loco.
L'Usnea cresce spesso su alberi morenti o malati, dato che l'assenza delle foglie permette al lichene una maggiore capacità di fotosintesi; questo ha portato i giardinieri a credere che questi licheni siano la causa delle malattie che affliggono gli alberi ospite.
Le specie di Usnea sono particolarmente sensibili all'inquinamento atmoferico: in particolar modo all'anidride solforosa; in caso di cattive condizioni ambientali, possono crescere solo pochi millimetri, se riescono a sopravvivere. Dove l'aria non è inquinata, possono crescere sino a 10–20 cm.
La particolare sensibilità dell'Usnea all'inquinamento atmosferico la rende utilizzabile quale bioindicatore ambientale.
#𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐢 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐨#Usnea#licheni#frutticoso#Parmeliaceae#angiosperma#Tillandsia#Tillandsia usneoides#simbiosi tra un fungo e un'alga#simbionte fungino#Ascomycota#simbionte algale#Chlorophyta#tallo frutticoso#via vegetativa#soredi#ascogoni#spermatogoni#fotosintesi#sensibili all'inquinamento atmoferico#anidride solforosa#bioindicatore ambientale
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Descobrindo Plantas Nativas
Descobrindo Plantas Nativas. Hoje, A Miconia Tococa ou Tococa Guianensis Aubl. Uma espécie frutífera que produz fruta pixirica azul. Descobrindo Plantas Nativas no Cerrado Brasileiro Olá, pessoas, aqui Odivan Velasco descobrindo plantas da floresta cerrado, fruta pixirica de cor azul, uma planta linda que você precisa conhecer e vai se encantar, eu garanto. O que sei de certo e atestado é que,…
#Angiospermas#angiosperms#clidemia mariana rubra#Descobrindo Plantas Nativas#família Melastomataceae#Miconia tococa#plantas lindas#plantas lindas para jardins#plantas nativas do cerrado para jardim#totoca guianensis
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Diferencias entre Gimnospermas y Angiospermas: ¡Descubre el Mundo de las Plantas
las gimnospermas y las angiospermas representan dos grupos distintos de plantas con características únicas. Mientras que las gimnospermas se destacan por sus semillas desnudas y su apariencia más primitiva, las angiospermas son el grupo más diverso y exitoso de plantas en el planeta. Al comprender estas diferencias, podemos apreciar mejor la increíble variedad y belleza del mundo vegetal que nos rodea.
Introducción Las plantas son seres vivos fascinantes que llenan nuestro mundo de belleza y vitalidad. Pero, ¿sabías que hay diferentes tipos de plantas? En este artículo, exploraremos las diferencias entre dos grupos principales: las gimnospermas y las angiospermas. ¡Prepárate para sumergirte en el asombroso mundo de la botánica! Angiospermas y Gimnospermas Fuente:…

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As angiospermas são um grupo de plantas que pertencem à divisão Magnoliophyta. Elas são conhecidas como plantas com flores, e são o maior grupo de plantas terrestres, com mais de 300.000 espécies descritas.
As angiospermas são caracterizadas pela presença de flores, que são estruturas reprodutivas especializadas. Elas possuem órgãos sexuais, como estames (que produzem o pólen) e carpelos (que contêm os óvulos), que permitem a reprodução sexuada. Após a fertilização, ocorre a formação do fruto, que protege e dispersa as sementes.
Além das flores, as angiospermas possuem outras características distintivas. Elas possuem raízes, caules e folhas, que desempenham funções vitais para a planta. As raízes são responsáveis pela absorção de água e nutrientes do solo, além de fornecerem suporte para a planta. Os caules suportam as folhas e as flores, além de transportarem água e nutrientes entre as diferentes partes da planta.
As folhas das angiospermas são geralmente planas e possuem uma estrutura chamada de estômato, que controla a troca de gases com o ambiente. Elas são responsáveis pela realização da fotossíntese, processo pelo qual as plantas produzem seu próprio alimento.
As angiospermas são encontradas em uma ampla variedade de habitats, desde florestas tropicais até desertos e tundras. Elas são essenciais para o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas, fornecendo alimento e abrigo para uma variedade de seres vivos, além de desempenharem um papel crucial na produção de oxigênio e na regulação do ciclo da água.
Evolucionariamente, as angiospermas surgiram há cerca de 140 milhões de anos e rapidamente se diversificaram e se espalharam pelo planeta. Atualmente, elas são fundamentais para a economia global, sendo fonte de alimentos, fibras, madeira, medicamentos e ornamentos.
Em resumo, as angiospermas são um grupo diverso de plantas com flores, que desempenham um papel vital nos ecossistemas e na vida humana. Elas são caracterizadas pela presença de flores, frutos, raízes, caules e folhas, e são essenciais para a sustentabilidade do planeta.

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Alright Tumblr weirdos and autistics, assemble! I have need of you!
I need to write a short seminar about some kind of plant, and I have net zero inspiration, so I'm outsourcing it. Tell me the FREAKIEST, most We-Sure-This-Isn't-an-Alien? plant you know of, (or why a relatively common plant should belong in this category), sources very much appreciated, and if it makes me go 'The Fuck Is This Shit?' that will be the theme of my seminar.
An unfortunate caveat: This is for my Applied Botany class, so the subject plant is supposed to be Angiospermae (aka, has flowers), but the prof is chill enough that I can swing it as long as it can be classified as Embryophyta (aka, land plants).
Other than that, anything goes. Help me make this man tell horror stories about me in retirement!
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Kalanchoe delagoensis
20/03/23 - NSW
#Kalanchoe delagoensis#Mother-of-Millions#Kalanchoe#Kalanchoes#Crassulaceae#stonecrops#Magnoliopsida#Dicots#Angiospermae#angiosperms#Flowering Plants#flowers#Tracheophyta#Vascular Plants#Plantae#Plants#botany
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Since Flavedo is finished and uploaded....
Here is a little teaser art for the next Dead Dove fic.
Definition of Angiospermae : Any of a class (Angiospermae) of vascular plants that have male and female reproductive structures enclosed in a flower, that have seeds which arise from ovules contained in the ovaries, and that produce dry or fleshy fruits after double fertilization
#dead dove#earl of lemongrab#whump#whump community#lemongrab#adventure time#dead dove do not eat#livestockbird#a03 fanfic#adventure time fanart#adventure time fanart lemongrab#earldom of lemongrab#lemongrab fanart#a03 fanfic writer#a03 fic#whumpfic#whump fic#whumpblr#whump tropes#whump blog#whumpee#whump 2025
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I've been working on our taxonomy project thingy again but this time I decided to do some plants because we've been learning to identify Potentilla and Waldsteinia which are both in the rose family. I also realised I know very little about plant taxonomy and figured I might as well see what's going on with that.
I chose to just start at Eukaryota on Wikipedia and see if I could eventually navigate through all the taxonomic levels until I got to where I wanted to be and it was fun trying to find the right path without looking it up.
this was also a practical way of doing things because I had to fill out all the other taxonomic levels between Eukaryota and Rosaceae because we hadn't filled out any plants yet (except that at some point I made a page for viridiplantae? I guess?).
anyway, some examples:
at one point I got distracted filling in Gymnospermae so we can also add more stuff to those at some point:
(I included Gnetidae in Pinophyta because it was listed as being included in there cladistically but not traditionally, but it seems like the actual classification is heavily debated and I don't really have an opinion on this right now)
back to Angiospermae. I managed to guess that Rosaceae is in Eudicots and I figured it'd probably be in Pentapetalae because the flowers on the species I'm familiar with have 5 petals, and this turned out to be the case so that's handy
there are also just a lot more words here that I recognise.
Rosaceae containes 3 subfamilies but so far I've only filled in one of them, Rosoideae, which contains 6 tribes
out of those tribes, I've filled in Colurieae and Potentilleae, since Colurieae contains Waldsteinia, and Potentilleae contains Potentilla
Potentilliae also contains strawberries (Fragaria), and Rosaceae as a whole also contains apples, raspberries, blackberries, pears, plums, cherries, peaches, apricots, almonds, blackthorn, and quinces.
so this has been a fun little adventure figuring out some plant taxonomy and learning how a bunch of stuff is related (and finding out about stuff where nobody's really sure where it fits). I've probably missed stuff out or gotten something wrong somewhere in here because it was a mess to figure out some of it, but I also haven't included screenshots of every taxonomic level because there are so many and I don't think Tumblr would let me add that many images
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is EVERY fruit an emotional support fruit now?
Thank you for this question, anon, it is crucial to the mascot lore. Any fruit that has been used for emotional support becomes an emotional support fruit at that instance. For example, a random orange is not an emotional support orange. Give it to someone as they're crying over Season 2 and it watches them/is consumed by them, voila, it is an emotional support orange!
It is the intent behind the planning, procurement, usage and consumption that defines an emotional support fruit. For example, during the first livestream, I procured an orange planning to use it for emotional support. It was used to give me that support. But at consumption stage I ate it because I was too gay for Crowley. It is still an emotional support fruit, it doesn't need to fit all four of the criteria.
The PPUC criteria of Emotional Support Fruit classication is crucial. Another thing, by fruit I absolutely mean the strictly botanical definition of fruit as either the reproductive or vestigial reproductive developed ovary of a member of Angiospermae under the plant kingdom.
I hope I have clarified it to your satisfaction.
#good omens mascot#good omens#good omens fandom#weirdly specific but ok#asmi#emotional support#emotional support fruit#good omens brainrot#good omens livestream#good omens 2#final fifteen#ineffable divorce#maggots#weirdly the prophet#good omens prophet#the lore expands
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