#angel investing 101
planify · 1 year
Angel Investing Masterclass: A Comprehensive Guide from Beginner to Adva...
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livemintvideos · 2 years
5 Angel Investors That Can Mentor You | Startup Buzz | Mint
The term “angel investor” has become more commonly known over recent years. These angel inventors are like modern day heroes for any entrepreneurs who have worked hard on their idea to turn it into a fruitful plan. At this point, we must understand and know some of the terms used in the business and startup world. The most important and commonly used term that you will find here is "angel investing". Yes, you heard that right.
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respectthepetty · 7 months
Hi RTP! What are the BLs you would recommend solely for the colors? 🌈
Anon, before I answer this great ask, I want to highlight other posts I've written that are slightly similar:
Reading the (Visual) Rainbow Awards 2023
Overall Winner - Kiseki: Dear to Me
Top Five - Color-Coded Storytelling in BLs
Honorable Mention: Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
5) Moonlight Chicken
4) My Beautiful Man
3) My Love Mix Up
2) Semantic Error
1) Big Dragon
Top Five Color Moments of 2023
Honorable Mention: 7 Days Before Valentine
5) GAP
4) Bed Friend
3) Last Twilight
2) Moonlight Chicken
1) The Eighth Sense
Bonus: Jeff Satur x SHAUN's "Steal the Show"
I don't want to repeat any of the shows I picked, and I'm trying to pick more recent ones so people can find them if they want to watch them, but per your ask, I'm recommending them based solely on colors regardless of how much I liked them.
Recommended Colorful BLs
Honorable Mention: Intern in My Heart
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The show is not finished, and it's not a BL, yet it is doing everything right, which is why it gets the honorable mention. Great (Grey) is coded black/dark in the show, and Top is coded pink/light. They are supporting characters who are best friends, and they have stuck to their colors throughout, but in the last episode, they *almost* exchanged colors after Top revealed that he liked Great. Now I'm praying to all the saints for a full color exchange in the finale like I have a personal stake in this because I do! I'm invested, and it better not disappoint me.
#5 - One Room Angel
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When I write "Heavenly Human" for a character who wears white, and "Black Brooder" for a character who wears black, THIS is what I mean. A story about an actual angel and a guy who wanted to die was the perfect place to use the light x dark dynamic. However, calling this show a BL is troublesome, which is why it's number five. It still is a great example of what the light x dark color scheme should be used for, and in the end, the guy who wanted to die is much lighter in mood and color, which is what the colors are all about.
#4 - Why R U? (Korea)
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First and foremost, that kiss was LIT! The Thai version had Tutor and Fighter's high heat, which could never be matched, but Korea had that kiss, and it ate! But on top of that, it had colors! Ji Oh was a Black Brooder while Lee Won was a Multicolored Menace, and right after this kiss, they flipped colors. That's right! After five episodes of being enemies, they made out for acting "reasons," and then exchanged colors. Normally, Korea is all about the feelings, so the color exchanges in Korean BLs align with a character's feelings changing, but this one directly correlated with a kiss. And for emphasis - That kiss was fire!
#3 - Secret Crush on You
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Destiny Seeker might have won the 2023 award for best group effort in color coding, but Secret Crush on You set the bar for that award the year before. This show is Color-Coding 101. Each character has a color, and by each, I mean each and every single damn character in a cast of eleven (plus three fairy godmothers) has their own color. That is a ridiculous feat! Wardrobe, props, and lighting deserved a raise for this show. Some shows can't even get consistent color coding when it only has two characters, but this show understood the color-coding group assignment for the entire series! I'm still applauding two years later.
#2 - Stay by My Side
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Taiwanese BLs are my vice. Even the worst Taiwanese BL will still be better than the rest of these BLs. I WROTE WHAT I WROTE. So, of course, I liked this show beyond color reasons, but the colors greatly helped me enjoy the show even more. We had a guy who was haunted by ghosts. He was colorful and light coded. Then we had his roommate who could magically keep the ghosts away. He was dark coded. Read it again. The guy being haunted was bright, light, and colorful, while the guy with the power to help was dark. GENIUS! It was Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss with a supernatural twist. The dark coded guy is sad and isolated but the one who is being HAUNTED BY GHOSTS brings life to his world! Give me a minute. I'm still not over it.
#1 - Pit Babe
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I watched this show muted and without subtitles, yet the colors guided me through all thirteen episodes. I understood the plot perfectly because of the colors, and only became confused when people tried to tell me about the actual plot. Alpha? Omega? Santa Maria? Wasn't important. Didn't matter. I don't know them. Red and Blue were the main characters here, and they did their damn job. Babe, in his black, was his own man. He wasn't trying to fit in, but every time the red light focused on Charlie and Way, I was screaming for Babe to run because the colors told me they were still tied to Tony BECAUSE THEY WERE! That's elite color coding, and it ushered in a whole new way for me to watch a show. I loved it.
Bonus: Old Fashion Cupcake
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I love this show which is why it is a bonus. Unlike the other shows where I had issues with some part of the plot, Old Fashion Cupcake is as close to perfect as any show has ever come in my personal rating system. It is an Advanced Color Coding course only offered for graduate students, which, honestly, is very Japanese of it because it was in the ties. The color coding showed up in other ways, but the ties were where the story lived since in the past, Nozue was a bright red, but we saw his red damper in the present, which made his loyal assistant bluer. It was only five episodes, yet it used every second of those five episodes in every single way to propel the story forward, colors included. Actually, let me go rewatch this for the hundredth time instead of just writing about it!
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teeth-cable · 6 months
Just say your reply and dam let me say it
Nifty makes me so sad shes everything i love in concept yet her execution kills me; she loves cleaning shes a bug and not only that a old timey bad alien movie inspired
I wish this show was actually about the hotel and that she had gotten the "alastor is allowed to not tell us his backstory because we need a season 2 " treatment, if this show actually follow the premise of redemtion Niffty, V and Angel (heh all bugs) would be the most complex ones and satisfecho ones to write about
V even if i prefer she wasend an exorcist if she n camilla carmine were former winners turned exorcist and them fallen we coul have both sides of going to hell
Angel Hess from the mafia! How how you teden that?? Even if he gets his sould how you fix all the blood or family spill! How did Molly did! (Rip my girls desing wtf she has maneged to look bald n hairly??) Just the journey he would have to go tru a looong road, would charlie put him on the back burner? Would that make him have a relapse?? Would he learn Molly make it hell would that be his motivation? Just this man
NIFTY she is conected to Al and im fascinanted to know why he favors her so much, why shes like this do Al know- does she even know? Its this her cope, was she murder or the murderer ?? Was she too a rasing overlord? Its her past the reason ? How does she feel in general honestly shes done so little in the show but i wanna disect her n know why shes like this so bad
Sorry for the rant n probably bad english just had to get that out my sistem at 1 am lol
Niffty was done dirty by the writers, everyone but her, got character development or a moment that hinted to some sort of character depth (Even if it was shallow).
Why the writers decided to reverse the seasons I have no idea. Charlie finding out Heaven is corrupted doesn't work since the plotline hinges on the audience's investment in her reaction and the cast, but why should we? We don't see the cast trying to actively improve themselves and the show repeatedly tells us sinners are the worst. At this point, it makes no sense for the show to continue the hotel premise because we know Heaven is corrupted now. What's the point, when we already know any effort the cast puts towards redemption will be in vain?
The characters are fulled of mystery and great ideas but the show refuses to explore them. I was surprised by the lack of references at their human backstories. The cast's human lives are why they're in hell and the person they are now. Like, how are we supposed to know Husk's cheesy love for magic came from watching the magic shows in the casinos he grew up in????????? That seems like a very important piece of information to know about his character, considering it's one of the few things he still loves. In that one line alone, we learn so much about Husk and why he turned out to be an alcoholic gambler. At the end of the show despite spending time with characters, I feel like I don't know them as much as I should. I don't know their motivations, beside for Al and Angel we don't see them struggling through their flaws (The show has Husk tell us, writing 101 /sarc), and the show doesn't really explore the cast's relationships with each other or their world. So any potential information we could have learned about them from their interactions through others characters and their environments isn't utilized.
The show just keeps important info locked, tells you character's infos that would have benefited better from showing it, and then except the audiences fill in the missing gaps between info-dumps.
Don't worry about ranting, it's was fun to read and respond too. I understood you just fine.
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Excerpt from this LA Times story:
A vision to provide safe passage for mountain lions above 10 lanes of whizzing traffic near Los Angeles faced a foe: time.
Genetically isolated pumas hemmed in by the 101 Freeway were showing birth defects and needed an outlet fast.
A massive philanthropic challenge grant allowed the $92-million Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing to advance rapidly and encouraged state investment — and the underlying collaborative model has inspired a new effort to build passages for animals across the state.
Wednesday saw the launch of California Wildlife Reconnected, an initiative dreamed up by Gov. Gavin Newsom, state agencies and nonprofits to leverage public and private resources to develop and swiftly implement a statewide plan for wildlife connectivity.
“There’s been a growing awareness in California as we’re working to protect our nature, our biodiversity, that we can’t just restore and protect habitat; We actually have to build connectivity between habitat,” said Wade Crowfoot, secretary for the California Natural Resources Agency, which hosted a news conference announcing the initiative.
Aggressive and impactful reporting on climate change, the environment, health and science.
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While the momentum is there, evinced by an increase in state and federal investment, it’s not enough, he said.
“Sometimes that [public] funding can’t be allocated quickly enough to get these projects planned so that they can be up and running quickly,” Crowfoot said. “We know that we’re in a race against time regarding these climate impacts and other stressors on habitat.” (The initiative dovetails with the state’s goal to conserve 30% of its lands and coastal waters by 2030, known as 30x30.)
That’s where philanthropy can come in.
Crowfoot described it as “a philanthropic effort to turbocharge the wildlife crossings movement.”
Beth Pratt, California regional executive director for the National Wildlife Federation, who raised millions for the crossing over the 101 — the largest structure of its kind in the world — is one of the forces behind the public-private initiative.
Pratt founded the Wildlife Crossing Fund, a nonprofit that aims to raise $500 million to match public funding to start knocking out projects in California and beyond. Philanthropist Wallis Annenberg has pledged a $10-million matching grant, and $2.2 million has already been raised, according to a news release.
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maleficentmrsofallevil · 10 months
Cranky McCrankypants
I've been spending a lot of time on Den of Angels and Instagram. Got an email from Tumblr thanking me for another month of advertising-free payment, and I realized, "Oh, shit. Tumblr."
I am a cranky collector today (again). Sorry.
Things that irritate me (in no particular order):
Scalpers. Oh, sorry - resellers. I remember when "drop-shipping" first became a thing, and everyone and their neighbor paid for those stupid "learn to be a drop-shipper" online courses. I didn't pay it much mind, cuz I wasn't a doll collector back then. Now, I live in Scalper McScalperville. A doll will go on sale at my local store, and by the time I get there, it's gone, and 50 of them are on feeBay for double or triple the price. Message said scalper, and it's all, "Oh, I couldn't possibly let it go for less than list price." Bitch, you paid $10 for that doll, and you're a SAH-soccer-mom looking for some extra pocket money for your nose candy habit. Trying to buy a doll now is a click-war... unless you know the scalper's threshold, and you bid over it. For example, old R&D Susie dolls? Scalpers don't want to pay more than about $40 USD for her, cuz they re-list her for $75. So - bid $75, and you're more likely to get her for $40.
Related: Mattel. You are a multinational corporation that has been around since 1959. Fucking learn logistics, already. JFC.
On a less serious note: plastic. Dear dog, the amount of plastic (and foam and bubble wrap and...) these dolls are packaged in. I get it for playline dolls, but holy shit, for BJDs? You're already charging an arm and a leg for these dolls. Add $50 to the cost already and ship in a reusable cotton bag, FFS. Also, use plain cardboard boxes, please. I can't recycle them once you've put all that fancy foil decoration on there. When you own as many dolls as I do, keeping the boxes makes you look like a hardcore hoarder. If you're keeping the boxers to maintain the resale value, you aren't a collector anyway. You have inventory. Get a warehouse like every other business.
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(the hoard)
Doll nudity. It's an inanimate object, FFS. It doesn't care. If you can't handle seeing nudity, the problem is YOU, Becky. People are born nude. They wear clothes to stay warm and protect sensitive bits. Get laid already.
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(holy shit, newds!)
The drama blog. I am aware that the mod thinks they're offering some sort of "public service" letting "shy people" confess their opinions. I'm old. We old farts call that "passive-aggressive bullshit." Besides, that's not what the blog is being used for. It's being used by newer doll artists to shit on other newer doll artists. Econ 101, doll artist: if your doll isn't selling as well as you like, it's not cuz of competition. It's because not enough people like your doll. Work on your sculpting. Don't take it personally: Iplehouse is about as old-school as it gets, and their dolls are notoriously shitty posers. Impldoll has been around how long? And they just now released a new body that a lot of collectors like. It takes time and practice to make a very popular doll. So, invest the time, and practice. Don't bitch about how you can't afford to. I knew - personally knew - lawyers who worked days as attorneys and worked nights as stock workers at Target. If a lawyer can get a second job, so can you. Does it suck? Sure. But that's the world we live in, kids.
Phew. I feel better now.
Again, sorry. Needed to get this off my chest.
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
F/W 2022 Catalogue of @SidewalkChemistry Patreon Posts
All that has been posted in the fall/winter 2022 season thus far. (Everything could not fit in one post. Find the full post on Patreon). If you would prefer the tier-organized inventory, see here.
For the spring/summer 2022 inventory, see here.
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Emotional Healing Intensive Program: a 32-day inner work experience to help you come into a new perspective of your emotions, overcome traumas, and learn about the abilities of emotional alchemy Emotional Healing Program Introduction Emotional Healing Prep Guide The Sidewalk Chemistry Guide to: Herbs for Emotional Support Day 1: Deep Listening for Emotional Healing
Day 2: The Labyrinths of Imagination
Day 3: The Body Keeps the Score, All the Answers are Inside You, and The Portal to the Higher Self Day 4: E-nergetic MOTIONS of Individual Energetic Beings
Day 5: Inspiration & Joy (Infinite Intelligence = Inner Voice & How to Meditate)
... Days 30 & 31: Your Mental World is a Universe Meditation To Find An Herbal Ally Day 32: Now That the 32 Days Are Completed SAD Diet Transformation Series: the SAD diet is a poor but ever-popular manner of eating; discover how to increase the nourishment, sensory delight, cultural heirloom, and medicinal factors of your food for your bliss Installment no. 5: Why Eat Nutritiously? Installment no. 6: So, What are Powerful Meals Made Of? Installment no. 7: Why It Doesn't Mean Sacrificing Flavor (pt. 1) Investments 101 Series: become a student in investments deeper than conceptual/monetary wealth in order to enrich your life and health Behind the 'That Girl' Allure Lesson 0.5 What is Health Insurance Really? (Lesson 0.75) Understanding Abundance via Imagery Understanding Abundance via Imagery pt. 2 I Know Nothing - What Can I Share (or How to Remain Confident in Your Visions) How to Design Your Holistic Leveling-Up Journey (Preview) Earthly Wellness Comprehension: a journey of the elemental and alchemical perspectives of all things; a meaningful foundation in herbalism and understanding your personal health, alchemy, biomes, earth-consciousness and scientific discovery Calming, Captivating, and Consuming: First Encounters with the Water Element Body Literacy Series: critical self-healing teachings for recognizing, attuning, and realigning imbalances in the body; the central series for tier 3; centers around learning the body... Body Scanning & Meditation 
Developing Intuitive Intelligence 
Chakra System 
Notes from an Amateur Gastronomist: gastronomical tidbits to increase your experiences of eating, preparing, and enjoying food; with previews from my upcoming gastronomically-informed whole food plant based cookbook Seed Saving Gastronomy Cookbook/Journal Sneak Peek: Kitchen Prompts Create the Rainbow and Eat It Too 
Expand Your Horizons (Greens Edition) Umami: Uncovering Nutrition Bliss Activations: a set of DIYs and self-care routines for seasonal living and holistic well-being Autumn Hair Perfume Formula Bear Medicine Sound Healing  How to Avoid Seasonal Depression This F/W Season
2023 Alchemical Reset & Recalibration 
Herbal Winter Skin Care Routine 
Recipes: whole food plant-based and nutritionally dense dishes that don't neglect your taste buds Soft Herbed "Cheese" Spread Sweet Breakfast Noodles My All-Time Favorite Smoothie I Finally Found It...A Thoroughly Nourishing Wine Recipe Hemp Tahini Citrus Salad Dressing + Jeweled Winter Rainbow Noodle Salad Umami Nettles-Boosted Pasta (Whole Food Plant Based) Stress-Balancing Green Smoothie 
Sticky, Sweet, and Spicy Noodle Sauce 
Shadow Work Archetype Series: the winter inner work series for uncovering the archetypes within us to gain deeper depths of self-knowledge, act as a tool for growth for sticking to our own desires, and attune our mind/goals towards beauty (internally, externally, and universally) Following Your Own Path | Shadow Work Archetype Challenge Introduction Inner Angel (Description) How to Begin: Shadow Work Inner Angel Archetype Codes Inner Seductress/Seducer (Description) 
Inner Magpie (Description) 
Herbal Arts Series: exposes readers to all 8 different aspects of herbalism to integrate and practice herbalism as a lifestyle All You Need to Know About Herbal Formulations and Applications What is Food-Centric Herbalism and Why Is It My Favorite? Build-Your-Own 'Sick and Tired' Care Package + Protocol for Infection Recovery What Is An Herbal Ally A Gallery Glimpse: Herbal Allies for Spiritual Growth Conscious Relationships via Herbs (Law of Love Preview) January's Herb of the Month (Preview) Mindfulness: learn how to create a meditation practice for your mental hygiene, as it were, and make mindfulness a way of being Herbal Allies for Your Meditation Journey (Abridged Version) New Year's Resolutions (Easy, Intermediate, or Challenge), Even If You Dislike Them How to Begin Talking to Trees Law of Love Series: learn to live the courageous heart-centered lifestyle to active your heart center, follow your heart, and find unconditional love within Don't Let Anyone Be Your Guru (Preview) The Foundations of Self-Care (or How to Never Experience Bad Days - for real!) Why Do We Have a Higher Self + How To Connect to Yours Dealing with People (Love Everyone but Don't Like Everyone) Tea Time Series: chatty series focused on herbal wellness and learning to establish self-care as a daily means of recalibration Series Introduction
Tea Time (Video 1): How to Create a Tea Time
Tea Time (Video 2): Herbs & Altered States of Consciousness
Tea Time (Glowy Skin, Raw Vegan, Cozy, Winter Edition) Chamomile Wisdom Tea Time Chat on Ancestral Herbalism Sun-Aligned Herbs & Heliocentric Theory 
How to Have Unshakeable Confidence & Why I Never Struggled with Body Image 
Anatomy Reconsidered: snippets and previews from the upcoming booklet on how to conceptualize the mind/body/soul to restore health in whichever area of trouble
10 Ways to Improve Your Microbiomes in 2023 ✨ 
Misconceptions About the Human Being (Preview)
Overview for Addressing Hormonal Issues (Preview) The Stress Reduction Plan for Hormonal Imbalances 
HSP Guide: assistance for aligning your internal worlds and realities with your lifestyle, especially useful for highly sensitive individuals Revised Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person Miscellaneous: everything else The Significance of Holistic Healing Journeys All Our Upcoming Projects My Holistic Health Journey ...
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How to get more angel investing deals ? Are you interested in angel investing but not sure how to find the best angel investing deals? In this video, we break down everything you need to know about angel investing and how to become a successful angel investor. Whether you're a beginner looking for angel investing 101 or someone ready to take your investing journey to the next level, this guide will help you understand how to find angel investors, secure angel investor funding, and navigate the world of startup investing. We'll explore how to contact angel investors effectively, the key steps in how to do angel investing, and essential tips on how to invest in startups with confidence. Plus, you'll learn how angel investors get paid back, making it easier to start your journey as an angel investor. Don't miss out on this comprehensive guide to mastering angel investing for beginners. If you're ready to learn how to start angel investing and grow your portfolio, this video is for you! ------ 💸 Ready to make millions online without the hassle of starting a business? 💸 Discover the exact blueprint that helped me and countless others build a successful online income with ease. Whether you're a complete beginner or already making some money online, this course will take you to the next level. 🔥 Click here to get instant access to the Internet Millionaire course and start earning today: https://linktw.in/qKvlbB Don't miss out on your chance to finally make money online! 💰
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valleyapartment · 15 days
Apartment buildings for sale Van Nuys
Apartment buildings for sale Van Nuys, a bustling neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, has long been a prime area for real estate investment. With its central location, vibrant community, and proximity to key Los Angeles hubs, many real estate investors are drawn to Van Nuys, particularly for apartment buildings. In recent years, the demand for multi-family properties has surged, making this neighborhood a hotspot for those looking to buy apartment buildings.
Why Invest in Van Nuys?
Van Nuys is an appealing area for investors due to its mix of residential and commercial sectors, along with the steady influx of renters. It boasts a diverse population, and the demand for affordable housing continues to grow, making apartment buildings a lucrative opportunity.
One of the key reasons investors target Van Nuys is its affordability relative to other parts of Los Angeles. Although prices have increased over time, the area still offers relatively affordable entry points compared to more upscale neighborhoods like Beverly Hills or Santa Monica. The moderate pricing combined with a healthy rental market makes Van Nuys an attractive option for both first-time and seasoned investors.
Moreover, Van Nuys offers a robust transportation infrastructure. It is connected to key parts of Los Angeles via several major freeways, such as the 405 and 101, making it convenient for commuting. The presence of public transit, including the Orange Line and Metro buses, adds to the neighborhood's appeal. With its close proximity to major employment hubs in the valley, residents find it easy to access jobs while enjoying the relatively quieter lifestyle of Van Nuys.
Key Considerations When Purchasing
When exploring apartment buildings for sale in Van Nuys, there are several factors investors should take into account. First, it's essential to examine the building's condition. Older properties might require more maintenance and renovation, which could affect the overall investment cost. Be sure to conduct a thorough inspection and review the history of the building to avoid unexpected expenses down the road.
Second, consider the size of the building and the number of units. Smaller properties with fewer units might be easier to manage for individual investors, while larger apartment complexes might require professional property management. However, the potential rental income from larger buildings could be significantly higher, especially if the property is well-maintained and located in a desirable part of Van Nuys.
Location within Van Nuys is another critical factor. Some areas of Van Nuys are experiencing faster development than others. Properties located closer to the main commercial corridors or near transportation hubs may command higher rental rates. Investigating the local zoning laws and potential for future development in the neighborhood is also vital, as these factors can influence the long-term value of your investment.
Market Trends in Van Nuys
The apartment building market in Van Nuys has seen steady growth in recent years. The demand for rental properties remains high, fueled by the area's increasing population and rising housing prices in other parts of Los Angeles. This means vacancy rates in apartment buildings are generally low, which is promising for investors looking to ensure steady cash flow.
Additionally, Van Nuys is attracting a younger demographic, particularly professionals and families seeking more affordable living options without sacrificing proximity to the greater Los Angeles area. As a result, there has been a rise in demand for updated, modern apartment units, offering investors an opportunity to invest in value-add properties—buildings that can be renovated or upgraded to attract higher-paying tenants.
Given the ongoing housing shortage in Los Angeles, apartment buildings in areas like Apartment buildings for sale Van Nuys are likely to continue appreciating. Whether you are looking for a long-term investment or a property with potential for immediate rental income, Van Nuys offers a range of opportunities for those looking to buy apartment buildings.
Apartment buildings for sale in Van Nuys present an exciting investment opportunity. With a growing population, strong demand for rental properties, and relatively affordable entry prices, this neighborhood is poised for continued growth. For investors, the key is to thoroughly research the property and its location, understand the local market, and make strategic decisions based on long-term potential. Van Nuys remains a dynamic and promising option for those looking to capitalize on Los Angeles’ thriving real estate market.
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globalmortgage · 23 days
6.8% Cap Rate In LA! + Hotel 101 + U.S. Mortgage Rates + Turning Home Equity Into Cash
GMG | Investor
[Super rare] Newly-constructed multi-family unit in Los Angeles with a 6.8% cap rate!
4 Units x 5 bedrooms + 5 bathrooms + attached garage (total 20 bedrooms!). Approximate Lot Size: 7,499 sq. ft. Year Built: 2024
The property will be delivered with a 5-year master lease with government-assisted transitional housing organization.
Located just 0.2 miles from the University of Southern California's Health Sciences Campus and offers easy commutes to Downtown Los Angeles, Mid-City, and the Westside.
The 2024 construction ensures no deferred maintenance and strong in-place income. The property will be delivered fully occupied through 2024-2029, providing investors with immediate stabilized cash flow greater than 6.8% cap rate on current income.
Projected Monthly Rent: Y1 $23,000; Y2 $23,690; Y3 $24,400; Y4 $25,132; Y5 $25,886
Contact me directly for detailed pricing and tailored financing options.
Last week, I hosted a webinar with Hotel101, a company offering the opportunity to invest in 'hotel' rooms  in the form of freehold condo titles and a share of the gross room revenues, with NO expenses or operational and maintenance responsibilities.
They are positioned as a 3-star hotel with 5-star amenities in super popular locations such as Niseko and Madrid. Owners also get free nights each year at the hotels! Watch the video to learn more, or contact us here!
U.S. Mortgage Rates
Last week saw the lowest mortgage rates in the past 15 months. The difference in year-on-year mortgage payments (Sep 2023 vs Sep 2024) is about $300 a month or $3,600 a year, all things equal.
The current CHIPS Act is creating many jobs in the U.S., and this gentrification is driving home prices in the Midwest, where chip manufacturers are building their facilities - each responsible for well over 10,000 new jobs. We just met a couple buying homes in a midwest town where Google has their data centres and Intel is building a semiconductor fab - in this popular midwest town, home prices have doubled in the last few years. 
Many of these skilled labourers will need to rent, and this theme is consistent throughout the U.S. It's never been a better time to be a landlord in the U.S. 
Our Foreign National mortgage rates are very low, and you qualify ONLY on rental income, not your personal income; super easy.
Bridging Loans
Using your home equity for cash has been a useful way to generate liquidity when you need it! Our clients use this for tuition, renovations, paying down high-interest debt, or personal investments! We offer these loans in Singapore, the U.S., the U.K., and Australia!
Happy Hunting!
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planify · 1 year
In this video you will Learn about how to invest in startups. You will get to know about terminology of angel investing in this masterclass.
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klubwork · 1 month
Startup Finance 101: How To Secure Funding for Your New Business
Starting a new business is an exciting journey, but it requires significant capital to turn ideas into reality. For many entrepreneurs, the question isn't whether to seek funding, but how to get funding for startup effectively. This blog provides an overview of the essential strategies for obtaining funding and managing startup finance, helping you navigate the often complex world of business finance.
Understanding Startup finance
Startup finance is crucial for turning a business idea into a functioning entity. It involves understanding various funding options and determining the best fit for your startup. Entrepreneurs should familiarise themselves with the different types of funding available, including equity financing, debt funding, and alternative financing options.
How to get funding for your startup
To get funding for startup, start by creating a detailed business plan. This plan should outline your business model, market analysis, and financial projections. A well-prepared business plan is essential in convincing potential investors of the viability of your startup. Additionally, entrepreneurs should be ready to present a compelling pitch, demonstrating not only their business idea but also their team’s capability and market understanding.
Networking is another critical component in securing funding for business startups. Attend industry events, engage with potential investors, and connect with mentors who can provide valuable introductions. Building relationships within the industry can significantly increase your chances of finding the right investors to get fund for startup.
Funding for business startups: Key options
Equity financing: This involves selling a portion of your company in exchange for investment. It’s a popular choice among startups as it doesn’t require repayment. However, it does mean giving up some control over your business. Venture capitalists and angel investors are common sources of funding for business startups.
Debt financing: Unlike equity financing, debt financing requires repayment over time, often with interest. This can be a suitable option for businesses that need capital but prefer to retain full ownership. Bank loans and personal savings are typical sources of debt funding.
Alternative financing: Crowdfunding and revenue-based financing are innovative ways to get funding for your startup. Crowdfunding platforms allow you to raise money from a large number of people, while revenue-based financing involves raising funds based on future revenue projections.
Managing Startup Finance
Once funding is secured, managing startup finance effectively is crucial for long-term success. This includes budgeting wisely, keeping track of expenses, and maintaining a clear financial strategy. Regularly reviewing financial statements and adjusting your strategy as needed can help ensure your business remains on track.
In addition to traditional funding options, platforms like Klub offer unique solutions for startups seeking capital. Klub provides alternative financing solutions that can solve for the limitations of  traditional methods, offering flexibility and additional resources for business growth —helping you get funding for your startup with ease.
Securing funding for business startups involves a combination of strategic planning, effective pitching, and understanding various financing options. By focusing on how to get funding for your startup, utilising available resources, and managing finances efficiently, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of achieving success. Whether you opt for equity financing, debt funding, or alternative methods, the key is to align your financial strategy with your business goals. Platforms like Klub can also support startups by offering more flexible and innovative ways to get fund for startups.
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basicsofislam · 2 months
Believers as They Stand Before God
The believer is one who believes and trusts, one with prospects for a secure future who is trustworthy to others. S/he is a monumental figure marked by a special distinction imbued with contrasting colors, one within the other. Throughout their lives, believers bind all their actions to the consideration that God is watching them; they always act in a refined and courteous manner-whether in the presence of God alone or in the company of others-which is enviously admired by all. Their feelings are vast and deep, and they stand with politeness; good conduct, respect, and kindness are their main attributes. Even if their lives are at stake, or they face oppression or slander, they never deign to behave crudely and act only in lawful self-defense.
Believers are exceptional, for they display an elegance and profundity that arises from the awareness of their status as servants of God-they are as kind as much as they are cautious, fully conscious of what they say and do; they avoid frivolity in all matters while maintaining calm and lenience with a generous heart open to all.
Believers have hearts that are rich and spacious—with room and prosperity enough to welcome all, offering bowls of love and embracing others with compassion. They share the blessings of their closeness to God with those with whom their paths cross, and strive to inspire their souls. One can see them at times joyous, even intoxicated with dreams of the day they will encounter the Real; other times, they are anxious in fear of the Divine, shivering in the thrill of such a splendid reunion. They see through the mist and smoke of hatred and revenge; they do not feel the thunder, gusts, and waves of jealousy or slander that hit their soul and disperse, nor are they depressed by palpitations from the misery caused by adverse circumstance.
They are in a lofty Presence, and all incompatibilities are deleted from their imaginations and thoughts-their hearts, spirits, and feelings are purified and clear. Verily, there can be no other condition for those who cleanse themselves of impurities several times a day. There can be no rips in the canvas of their graceful souls as long as their inner spheres have been filled with bliss that descends from beyond; their behavior corresponds to the affluence and wisdom thereof. Their path is well-set, their destination lofty, and none of these are to be bartered for. With a commitment to their faith, they acknowledge the great ones as great, and the smaller ones as a rose to be smelled with compassion. Everything is classified properly in the taxonomy of values.
Believers maintain their distance from plans and projects that are unrelated to their high ideals, confusing thoughts that do not ultimately lead to the Supreme One, profane behavior, or empty words and considerations. They are active in thinking when they are silent; their speech is remembrance and all of their outward and inward faculties are locked onto the One. They are complaisant, as deep and pure as an angel ready to soar. Their motivation is head-spinning but respectful toward the Exalted Station to which they have turned; they are judicious enough not to prioritize their personal plans or projects as high as an ideal. Their eyes observe the horizons; their endeavors are powerful enough to pierce mountains. Believers are men and women of insight, and while they are stimulated by an intense desire to introduce the beautiful patterns of belief to others, they are also aware of the necessary subtlety their works involve.
Believers make their brief lifetimes long enough to build this world and to invest in the next. They do not waste even the smallest of the many innate blessings bestowed upon them; they do not busy themselves with useless things that promise nothing for this world or the world to come. They can give away all that has been bestowed on them for the pleasure of the One while scrupulously making sure a single penny is not wasted. They pay strict attention to righteousness and to what is lawful and what is forbidden. All that they do, they do within the framework of raising the glory of the One’s name, so that all their actions become heavenly waterfalls and rivers. They live cautiously and thoughtfully, searching for possible means to convert one drop into an ocean or claim the sun with an atom. They strive to eternalize transient things.
Believers love for the sake of the One; they breathe love and kindle love all around. They rush to stop tears and agony, they apply antidotes to pain, they transform weeping to laughter, moaning to praise, and storms of fire to breezes of pleasure. They scream to stop the screams of the world and their tears flow like rivers. They develop self-esteem only if it means something to others, thus preferring “us” over “me.” They are not selfish but altruistic; they have not drowned incorporeality, but are soulful and absorbed in the truth that lies beyond. They do not allow their hearts to be hidden in their bodies or their spirits trampled under their corpses. They seek prophetic dignity and protection from sin. Champions of discipline, believers are content with the pleasures and tastes within the lawful domain—they outperform their carnal selves and sensuality, reach the respective horizons of their spirit and overcome each obstacle with one single move, God willing.
Believers are so firmly determined to represent good conduct and prevent mischief and hideousness that they race beside the angels, who say, “All-Glorified You are (in that You are absolutely above having any defect or doing anything meaningless, and Yours are all the attributes of perfection). We have no knowledge save what You have taught us. Surely You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.” Such believers never abuse the blessings that are innately bestowed in contradiction to the purpose of their creation; they are loyal and God honors them with His company in turn.
Existence per se is a trust to every individual, and it is to be equipped with noble human values. Aspiring to Heaven, having the capacity, realizing the method to attain the same, and potentially being able to encounter the beauty of the One-these are each a trust bestowed to human beings in order to set them on the path determined by the Almighty Creator. Committing sins, straying from the path, and leading a life of sensuality are treacherous acts that crush such innate blessings; they delight the devils and embarrass the residents of the Divine Abode.
Believers of mature faith use their initial gifts as a means to attain further blessings of servanthood to God, His proximity, and His good pleasure, as an indication of their true identity. Those with weak or nonexistent faith cannot comprehend the gifts or their meaning, and thus cannot benefit from them in the course of belief, divine knowledge, and love; they will be deprived of secondary and eternal favors.
The latter group not only neglects the afterlife, but its constituents are discontent in this life as well. They must endure many additional problems and their lack of faith leads to depression. They destroy their own peace with hysteria and paranoia and transform this world, which is an aisle to the illuminated realms beyond, into Hell. They cannot truly love others; they hate them and hatred is what they receive in return. They agonize with avarice and lament with longing for what they cannot obtain. They tremble out of fear of death and undergo many tribulations in order to live longer, frequently leading to health problems and mental disorders. White becomes black, good becomes bad, and vice versa. Those who do not think like them are enemies and traitors. Nightmares of betrayal engulf their sleep, causing even more suffering, as the seeds of the Hell in their conscience bring about the experience of the actual Hell in advance.
True believers, on the other hand, ameliorate each favor in abundance, like an ear of grain-producing as many as seven, seventy, or seven-hundred more grains. Each of these favors becomes a staircase ascending to the One, a ramp to attain His good pleasure. Then believers march to their destination together with the inheritors of the Heavens.
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priyankashares · 5 months
Virtual Event Planning 101: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success
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It’s official, virtual events are here to stay. Hosting a virtual event offers unparalleled benefits, which is why more than 80% of business owners plan to host such events in the future. Whether it’s boosting brand visibility, driving lead generation, or generating new revenue streams, the virtual experience provides many opportunities for growth and networking.
If you aim to enhance your presence and create excitement among peers and your target audience, virtual events are the ideal choice. According to a study by Vfairs, 93.2% of respondents considered their virtual event successful in terms of attendance, and 77.2% of people surveyed prefer virtual events because they are easy to attend. They have become essential in the business world, providing a platform for networking, learning, and development. This guide gives you clear steps to plan your own successful virtual event.
Understanding the Basics of Virtual Event Planning
Online event planning goes beyond simply scheduling a video call; it involves strategic planning, knowing your audience well, and presenting captivating content.
Essential Considerations:
Know what you want to achieve: Having clear goals will help you plan better.
Understand Your Audience: Customize your event to match what your target audience likes and requires.
Choose the Right Platform: Pick a platform that perfectly aligns with your event’s needs.
Why Are Virtual Events Popular?
Virtual events have become popular due to their ability to facilitate participation from diverse geographic locations, thereby reducing travel expenses and logistical complexities. Moreover, they are environmentally friendly and leverage innovative technology for immersive experiences, making them a preferred choice over in-person events for many organizations and attendees.
Entrepreneurs were asked in a survey why they prefer hosting virtual events. Here’s what they said:
77.2% chose ease of attendance.
64.9% said global reach.
47.4% said they would consider virtual events due to their affordability.
The rise of virtual events has revolutionized how businesses connect, engage, and thrive in today’s digital landscape. Let’s explore some successful virtual events that showcase the immense value and benefits they offer, leading to a growing preference among business owners.
1. GAN Angel Investing Winter Summit 2023
The GAN Angel Investing Winter Summit 2023, hosted as a virtual conference by ibentos, witnessed significant success with a high turnout of global angel investors and startups. The event featured engaging keynote speeches, insightful panel discussions, and valuable networking opportunities that fostered potential collaborations and investments.
Attendees praised the event for its organization, content quality, and the showcase of innovative technologies and investment prospects. This event contributed significantly to business growth, client acquisition, and revenue generation for Georgian Angel Network.
Read case study here: GAN Angel Investing Winter Summit 2023
2. SBC Digital Summit
SBC, a betting and gaming industry news, media, and events company, transformed their approach with the SBC Digital Summit. This virtual event maintained its core goal of industry networking and knowledge sharing but in an immersive virtual space resembling a physical conference.
The event’s central hub, The Lobby, facilitated access to different areas. Attendees could join live sessions in the Auditorium or watch previous ones on-demand. The Product Showcase introduced new products, and the Networking Lounge encouraged professional connections via chat.
3. Bharat Parv 2021
The virtual technology showcased at Bharat Parv 2021 marked a significant milestone, celebrating India’s first-ever Virtual Republic Day with ibentos leading the way. The event demonstrated the power of virtual platforms in bringing people together despite physical distances, fostering cultural exchange, and promoting national pride. Through immersive experiences, interactive exhibits, and engaging activities, attendees experienced a unique blend of tradition and modernity.
This innovative approach not only garnered widespread acclaim and participation but also generated substantial revenue through sponsorships, ticket sales, and partnerships, solidifying its position as a leader in virtual event technology and cultural celebrations.
Read case study here: Bharat Parv 2021
4. MarTech Alliance
MarTech Alliance, a marketing tech company, now focuses mainly on online events. One of these is the MarTechFest Dial Up, their virtual version of the MarTechFest Global conference in London. The event featured 30 speakers across 30 days, offering fireside chats, Q&A sessions, masterclasses, and other engaging content. Attendees could access sessions live or on-demand for added flexibility.
To enhance audience interaction, MarTechFest implemented a reward points system, allowing participants to unlock future events, win merchandise, and more. They also incorporated workout and meditation sessions to promote wellness, especially during times when physical activity is limited. This initiative received positive feedback for addressing health and engagement simultaneously.
These successful virtual events illustrate the diverse benefits and capabilities of virtual platforms, from global reach and cost savings to enhanced engagement and innovative features. As businesses continue to navigate the evolving landscape, virtual events emerge as a preferred choice for connecting with audiences, driving growth, and achieving strategic objectives.
Benefits of Hosting Virtual Events
To show why a carefully planned virtual event is important, you should first understand its benefits. Hosting one lets you engage with your audience and customers globally, without having to be onsite. This can help grow your brand and establish you as an expert in your industry.
Hosting events remotely lets you reach a bigger audience, saving time and money as you don’t need to rent a venue or arrange transportation for guests, speakers, or attendees. It also allows you to collaborate with people from various places simultaneously, making it more convenient than in-person events.
How do you plan a virtual event?
Planning a virtual event involves many similar steps as an in-person event. However, what sets it apart is how you research your audience, select the event type, choose the hosting platform, and pick the right virtual event technology to manage everything from start to finish. Here are some virtual event tips.
Step 1: Understand Your Virtual Audience
Your virtual event audience may differ from your in-person one, given its global accessibility. Create attendee profiles keeping this in mind. Focus on solving one main problem for them. Also, invite speakers who couldn’t usually attend physical events. Provide digital resources like workbooks and templates to enhance value for your target attendees.
Step 2: Select a Virtual Event Format
Decide whether to go with live streams, pre-recorded sessions, or a mix of both. Live streams work well for interactive events like conferences or workshops with Q&A sessions. Pre-recorded sessions allow attendees to watch at their convenience or save the content for later viewing.
Step 3: Get the Right virtual event technology
Having the right virtual event technology is essential for planning, executing, and evaluating your event’s success. Once you’ve defined your goals, use a virtual event tech to execute the plan. Choose a virtual event platform depending on the type of event you want and your chosen key performance indicators (KPIs).
Emerging Virtual Event Trends in 2024
Virtual event statistics indicate continuous growth over time. Organizers are already exploring various virtual event ideas and opportunities, leading to the emergence of several trends this year.
1. Event Mobile Apps
As per surveys, hybrid events are emerging as the future norm. Consequently, the technology supporting in-person events is evolving. A significant trend this year is the rise of event mobile apps, making any event hybrid-capable.
These apps offer attendees access to event content anytime, anywhere. They are becoming crucial for communication and networking during in-person events, facilitating connections between in-person and virtual attendees.
2. In-House Virtual Events
With virtual events becoming more accessible, companies are now using them for internal purposes too. From training workshops to onboarding sessions, organizations are increasingly opting for virtual formats. This trend is driving the development of solutions like virtual training weeks and company gatherings.
3. Moving To the Metaverse
Big companies such as Apple and Meta are exploring the metaverse. This technology is revolutionizing various industries, including the event sector. ibentos is leading the way with custom avatars, inclusivity, and interactive features for virtual attendees. As the metaverse becomes more mainstream, virtual events may start incorporating this cutting-edge technology.
4. AI & Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and generative AI (Gen AI) are prevalent in today’s tech landscape. Their integration into virtual events is inevitable, revolutionizing how businesses engage with audiences. These technologies power data collection and reporting, enabling companies to gather vast amounts of information from virtual events. Gen AI, with its ability to create and innovate autonomously, adds a layer of creativity and efficiency to event planning and execution.
Overall, AI, ML, and Gen AI are driving forces behind the evolution of virtual events, making them more interactive, personalized, and impactful for businesses and their audiences alike. Below are some practical tips for using AI to improve virtual events for participants and streamline the management process behind the scenes.
Facilitate Networking through AI: Use AI-powered matchmaking algorithms to suggest relevant connections and facilitate networking among attendees based on their interests, industry, and goals.
Personalized Content Recommendations: Leverage AI to analyze attendee preferences and behaviors, offering personalized content recommendations such as session suggestions, workshops, and networking opportunities.
Real-time Insights: Utilize AI analytics to gather real-time insights on attendee engagement, feedback, and interaction patterns, allowing organizers to make data-driven decisions and improve event experiences.
AI-enabled Chatbots: Implement AI-powered chatbots to provide instant support, answer queries, and guide attendees throughout the virtual event, enhancing user experience and reducing manual workload.
Enhanced Virtual Experiences: Use AI technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to create immersive and interactive experiences, such as virtual booths, product demos, and gamification elements.
These pointers highlight the practical applications of AI in virtual events, focusing on networking facilitation, personalized experiences, data analytics, automated support, and enhanced engagement opportunities.
5. On-Demand Content
On-demand content is set to rise, as it offers viewers the flexibility to access it at their convenience, catering well to global audiences in various time zones. Companies can increase engagement by keeping recorded live events online for extended periods. This trend towards on-demand and downloadable content is expected to grow in the coming year, offering significant benefits to the virtual event industry.
Joining this trend sooner rather than later is advisable to stay ahead in this evolving landscape.
The Right Virtual Event Hosting Platform for You
When you have a well-thought-out plan and execute your virtual event effectively, you pave the way for success. Choosing the right virtual event platform is key to producing high-quality content and measuring performance accurately, setting the stage for future improvements.
Explore options that fit your budget, goals, objectives, and preferred virtual event formats with ibentos. Our platform makes hosting virtual events effortlessly, enabling you to engage with your audience in innovative ways. Here’s what our top clients and customers have to say about the successful virtual events they hosted with us.
I would like to express the gratitude from the University of Sydney for the cooperation regarding the development of our virtual event. The entire team executed the job. Harpreet, Jaspinder and the development team did a very professional job. The final product virtual event platform was great to work on and easy to update, manage and run the event. Nishant Jadhav Sr. Regional Manager University of Sydney
Constant innovation in creating user experience and value driven backend for the clients are the two USP’s of ‘ibentos’. We truly enjoy the spirit of ‘ibentos’ to deliver beyond expectations. Vivek Shukla Director & CEO Afairs Exhibitions & Media Pvt. Ltd
With all my gratitude, I sincerely thank team ibentos for the wonderful execution of our event. Greatly impressed by the timely support, unique idea, beautiful look & feel. Subhendu Bal President, IAI & Chief Actuary & Chief Risk Officer SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
We never heard a “NO” from Ibentos be it platform experience or customer relationship. They are a team of highly creative and tech-savvy individuals who have exceeded all our expectations. Arun Yellamaty Founder Youngistan Foundation (NGO)
Read more testimonial here: https://ibentos.com/client-feedback/
These insights represent just a fraction of the valuable feedback shared by our esteemed customers. Want to discover how ibentos can elevate your virtual events? Schedule a demo today!
source: https://ibentos.com/blogs/virtual-event-planning-101-a-step-by-step-guide-for-success/
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Amid roadkill epidemic, California builds world’s largest wildlife bridge. (Washington Post)
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The 10-lanefreeway that slices through this part of Southern California is one of the busiest in the country, ushering more than 300,000 cars acrossthe greater Los Angeles area every day.
For drivers, it’s a nightmare: This stretch of Highway 101 is known as the “highway from hell,” the infamous host of the nation’s worst commutes.
But if the 101 is bothersome for bipeds, it is downright disastrous for the wildlife that alsocalls the region home. The 101 cuts like a chain saw throughavibrant natural ecosystem of coastal sage scrub and oak trees interspersed with suburban neighborhoods, disrupting the movement of animals and threatening their survival.
Now a massive infrastructure project is underway to suture together the vast tracts of fragmented wildlife habitat that have been separated by the highway for decades. Construction on a key phase of the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing — a $100 million structure funded by a mix of public and private money — began last month and it is expected to open in early 2026.
The bridge will be the largest of its kind in the world, spanning the highway at roughly the size of a football field,and it will reconnect the undeveloped sections of the Santa Monica Mountains with those of the Simi Hills. The new pathway will be a boon for the rare and struggling species that are trying to subsist amid the sprawl, especially mountain lions, whose local population could perish without it, say the scientists who study the animals.
The crossing has inspired an influx of government and philanthropic investment for similar ventures across the country, and it has become a beacon of cohabitation during an age indelibly shaped by human activity, when many of Earth’s vulnerable species are facing the prospect of extinction propelled by a roadkill epidemic. If a wildlife crossing can work in the cradle of American car culture, proponents say, then it can work anywhere.
“When the number one threat to wildlife worldwide is the loss of habitat, we can’t write these places off,” Beth Pratt, the project’s lead fundraiser and chief spokesperson, said of urban areas like Los Angeles. “Environmentalists like me usually don’t like bulldozers, but this is the world’s most hopeful construction site.”
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justrightpaintinginc · 9 months
House Painting in Los Angeles 101: 7 Mistakes To Avoid When Picking Colors
It would be fair to say that while house painting in Los Angeles isn’t in any respect a permanent job, it is certainly one that you want to get right the first time. The thought of having to start again from scratch so soon after investing in a painting project isn’t something that you should be entertaining, and one element of this is making sure that you pick the right color on the first attempt.
Of course, the ‘right’ color is always going to be a subjective thing and different for each homeowner, but the choice will make or break the overall aesthetic you want to achieve for a room.
If you are the kind of person who likes to have a general guide to follow, you have come to the right place!
Don’t Make These Color Mistakes When House Painting In Los Angeles
Making A Choice Too Quickly Unless you have an urgent deadline, there is no need to be too quick in your decision-making. Don’t go for the first color you see simply because you want it over and done with, buy lots of samples and try out patches on your wall to see what fits best.
Not Considering Your Furniture Any color looks good in an empty room, but you also need to consider the furniture that you have and how it is going to complement the paint hues.
Putting Samples Too Close Together When placing the samples on your wall, make sure to give each color enough room to ‘breathe’. If they are too tightly packed, it will only serve to distract from each color.
Not Thinking About Undertone Undertones can make a big difference. Think about white, for example, some whites can appear to have hints of yellow or hints of blue, and this is the difference between warm and cool.
Shying Away From Bolder Hues Don’t be afraid to go bold! Lots of people end up going for something neutral, only to realize that they haven’t added any personality to their home at all.
Choosing Too Many Colors It is always better to have a singular vision, rather than giving in to your impulses and trying to incorporate every color idea that you have.
Skimping On The Paint Quality It might feel good to save some money immediately with a cheaper batch of paint, but the truth is that the less expensive paints are going to need to be topped up and maintained at a more frequent rate.
So, now that you know how to pick the best color, all that is left to do is make sure you hire professionals for your house painting in Los Angeles! Feel free to get in touch with the team at Just Right Painting, one of our experienced squad members will be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have. We look forward to being able to help you with all of your painting needs.
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