#androgynous sirius black
mxflora · 7 months
"marauders characters are based on fanon and headcanons, you can see them however" until someone doesn't like fem/transfem sirius and suddenly you're transphobic or whatever💀
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
"bring back masc sirius", "the feminisation of sirius is just playing into heteronormative gender roles", "they're making wolfstar a straight couple"
okay well sirius and remus both wear skirts and dresses all the time, remus does sirius' makeup and sometimes his own, they raid the girls' wardrobe all the time, sirius puts their hair in those bed roller things, euphemia gives sirius a bunch of her old clothes, and hope does the same with remus, sirius and remus wear marlene's uniform all the time so that she can wear theirs (butch marlene? yes.)
remus and sirius on a daily basis:
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in fact, all the marauders on a daily basis:
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vinylfoxbooks · 5 months
All of Hogwarts assumes that James is straight, even the other marauders. It makes sense, the athletic prankster that's been obsessed with Lily Evans for years? No way he might fancy men.
Until one day, everyone is talking about it and Marlene just goes, "James? James Potter? The most androgynous person on earth? Straight?"
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mrauderspoll · 2 months
Femme or Masc Sirius Black?
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morsmortish · 3 months
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if sirius black was a song
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Wolfstar again
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
guys i cannot stress this enough, sirius black is japanese. i will fight you to the death and i will fucking win
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starrylayle · 5 months
I don't think fanon marauders fans realise is that most of us (canon marauders fans) actually enjoy readings of a fem/androgynous/trans/gender-fuckery Sirius Black! I personally believe he is heavily queer-coded as a character and love seeing different interpretations and expressions of such in fics/fanart ~
We just don't like it when u characterise him as a tiny, dramatic whiny bitch. Save that for ur gilderoy lockhart moodboards babes xx
and yeah to all those ppl who say,, "just don't interact with that content!!!!" -- do u realise how many tags I've blocked and filtered out and i still see these oc-fied marauders everywhere?? even my non hp fans see some of that content -- it is impossible to avoid so thus i will complain.
if ur any type of content creater and. u depict sirius in the former pls just ignore me i am a hater but I love all artists. feel free to block me tho lol
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Hcs about Sirius? Thanks
Let's see how many people come screaming in my inbox for these
Tall. Taller than James, definitely taller than Remus (ya know, like the text implies).
Tall and conventionally handsome. Not the skinny/androgynous/emo kind. I don't hate those hcs, they're just not how I picture him. He's very very conventionally handsome in quite a masculine way although I can see him not sporting a beard until after Hogwarts, maybe even after his escape from Azkaban.
You can have your makeup wearing, skirt sporting, femme Sirius but it's just not for me.
Also. Also. Also. Can I just say? Wizards wear robes. They all wear skirts.
Prefers animals to people (and animals prefer him).
Can fly a broom, and can do so very well, most likely since before he ever got to Hogwarts, but he wasn't on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He maybe played once or twice if someone was injured and James was begging him, and only exclusively against Slytherin to spite his Seeker brother. I can see him being in the Duelling Club, though.
Practice duels against the Slytherins got vicious.
An absolute prodigy in Transfiguration (he and James were Minerva's favourite students), also excels in Charms, DADA, and (what a shocker) Astronomy. He's very good in school in general though, and has very high grades. Considering how much time James must have ‘wasted’ being Quidditch Captain - time that Sirius probably spent studying in his last two years of school - he was probably the best, academically speaking, of the Marauders. He was also probably the most powerful wizard of the four.
Took Muggle Studies to annoy his family (he was mildly interested, but he wasn't passionate about the subject), and dropped it after his O.W.L.S. to better concentrate on the ‘important’ classes, especially since there was a war out there by 1978. Definitely got into a slight quarrel with Lily about this - more and more people were dropping out of Muggle Studies out of fear at this point and to her, it was about making a statement. Sirius's reply was ‘I think a curse right between the eyes is a better statement against the Death Eaters - I can only do that if I train’.
But Sirius- I've said this before, but I'm much more interested in all the ways Sirius is like his family than the ways he isn't. Definitely had to unlearn many of his biases.
Amongst which: his classism. Which he does display in the books, especially in the case of Snape.
I'm sure he would get into arguments with Remus (who was clearly hurt by some of these - which is precisely what prompted Sirius to reexamine some of his views more consciously), where Remus would say ‘But not all werewolves are like that, Sirius!’ when talking about, say, whether or not they should be allowed in certain jobs or whatever, and Sirius saying ‘well, yes, Remus but what if they do attack someone’ (Wolfsbane isn't a thing at this point in the canon).
I've said this before and I'll say it again: Remus was Sirius' exception, much like Lily's was Snape's. And this goes for many things.
Gradually, he unlearns many of his beliefs, especially when he goes back home as a teenager and sees his points of view reflected in the mouths of people like Rodolphus Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy - which disgusts him.
Sirius, in the books, has very famous lines (“The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters...”) but he very famously does not live by that morality. He's a person, to me, with an extremely black-and-white view of the world. He can hex and curse students for fun and it's fine because he isn't using Dark Magic. On the other hand, most Slytherins suck because they are all racist evil gits who will end up as Death Eaters anyway.
He did not have Slytherin friends, that's probably one of my least favourite headcanons ever. He knew these people because he was a Black, which is why he can list them off to Harry in GoF, but he definitely did not hang out with them or like them in any way. Also, who were the Slytherins in his year and above/below anyways? Avery and Mulciber who played cruel (and maybe slightly illegal) jokes on Mary MacDonald? Evan Rosier (to me he actually wasn't, in my headcanons he's 4 years older than Bellatrix, which makes him about 13 years older than Sirius, but for the sake of argument) who was a Dark Wizard TM and blasted off half of Mad Eye's nose? Barty Voldemort Fanboy Crouch? Regulus??? Snape?????
Good at Potions, never top of the class (those were Lily and Snape)
Tactless at times, but not as much as James.
An asshole. A complete and utter arrogant toerag, and definitely more than a little immature. He was popular, like James, and I can see him having other friends outside the Marauders, but never establishing deep and meaningful relationships with them. He was definitely more unapproachable than James, much more intimidating.
(Definitely meaner jokes, too.)
James was the love of his life (platonically, but I can get behind them as a ship). He was loyal to James, first and foremost (which is also why he and Moony grew apart and suspicious of each other in the First War). Also, both of them were James' friends first. The Marauders were James' friend group.
He was definitely jealous when James first got together with Lily because she was stealing his best friend, his second, better brother. He liked Lily, but he was obsessed with James, who definitely grew up before Sirius did.
I've always headcanoned Sirius as straight/bi and Regulus as gay. But the point is more that while I can see Sirius experimenting a bit in Hogwarts (after all, he was full of girls who probably liked him) I can't really see him as either an arrogant/douchebag playboy. I also don't think he ever had a serious relationship. Ever. Especially in his Hogwarts days. If you're not worthy of his time, he won't look at you twice let alone give you a chance.
Any partner of Sirius' would have to be quite exceptional anyways (brilliant, intelligent, talented, funny - he was all of these things after all - and maybe even a bit mean). I can't see why a girl like that would put up with Sirius' arrogance.
Loved McGonagall, lowkey hated Slughorn. He was definitely invited to the Slug Club and I can see him turning down meetings. That particular brand of cunning weaselling cowardice is quite literally the opposite of what Sirius was and it drove him up the wall.
My boy Sirius never worked a day in his life, especially after Uncle Alphard left him gold.
Also: it's very likely that given his nature (he doesn't open up to strangers easily), his vaguely intimidating aura, his less-than-perfect track record in school (I know this fandom likes to ignore that he cursed students for fun, but. like. he did.), the fact that he probably didn't have a job and spent his post-Hogwarts years in secret missions for the Order, and general ruthlessness- people knew him mostly as just another Black. It wasn't that unthinkable then that he might have been seen as Voldemort's number two.
(This enrages Bellatrix by the way lol)
And speaking of Bella. Sirius likes to go around saying Andromeda was his favourite cousin. Nu-uh. He wishes that was truly the case. These two have history, and I find it hilarious that what they hate in the other is precisely what they love in themselves (their respective loyalties).
Saw each other/could hear each other in Azkaban. Bellatrix's taunts of ‘See? We were right. You betrayed our family for these traitors and this is how they repaid you’ made the whole stay that much worse.
More likely than not had promised each other that they would be the ones to kill the other.
Bellatrix didn't mean to kill him though, I am convinced of this. In the books, she hits him with a Stunner and probably yells because she won the duel. Then, it's only after it's sunk in (after her run from the DoM to the Atrium) and when Voldemort is getting closer that she taunts Harry about it.
Personal headcanon: the last time Sirius saw his cousins was at Narcissa's wedding (nice parallel, because I believe that the last event Andromeda ever attended was Bellatrix's wedding). Now, it happened around his 5th/6th year and guess who was also there? Yup. Snivellus (as Lucius' guest). The two almost got into a brawl. Bellatrix was not happy with them almost spoiling Cissy's big day.
Once tried to beat up Rodolphus during a skirmish in which they had both lost their wands, in the First War. It did not go well for him.
I'll stop this now, but I def have more. Don't even get me started on Walburga and Orion and how this fandom does not understand abuse at all.
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foursaints · 5 months
can we please hear about your sirius i’m captivated by their childhood trauma and tgirl swag
ofc! i don’t speak as much about sirius (at least compared to the slytherins) bc i don’t have the most concrete idea of her yet, but there are definitely pieces there that feel very real to me…
i primarily consider sirius in terms of fallen angels. i think she’s living a fallen angel’s narrative. to me, the black family dynamic is primarily made of insulation (against the outside world) & ignorance (of what lies beyond their bubble). it’s not like the rosiers’ actual, physical undersocialization, but more like a charmed “bubble” that the black children are living in even when participating in society. one that’s made up of privileges and rules and traditions that only apply to them. and it’s beautiful & terrible, at once.
being someone who escapes this could feel a bit like being unceremoniously dropped from heaven to an unfamiliar earth. sirius has to realize the world is bigger than what they were told, and that everything isn’t as simple as they were taught. but they were brave enough to realize this on their own, and startlingly young. they’re really unique.
i think sirius is learning to be Their Own Human Being more than anything, that’s their central struggle, like an angel that has violently plummeted to earth and is forced to learn the customs & rituals of regular human life. her transness is important to me because i think it ties into that idea: of inventing yourself, making yourself fully your own.
to me, her infamous jacket is an oversized brown leather bomber. she’s charming and popular or whatever, but is privately bewildered at the attention (doesn’t register it half the time, since she’s used to it) and too much fawning disgruntles her. super androgynous, and the gender question is rarely outright addressed. smokes like a chimney. wears lots of mismatching socks & has a tendency to want to give New Life to unique secondhand shit. my sirius tends to dress pretty masc, but there’ll always be like pigtail braids with ribbons.
when remus looks at her, he’s fully convinced he’s looking at an angel. the things running through that man’s mind are CRIMINAL. historic.
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tedwardremus · 3 months
Why do you think people take Tonks' character traits and give them to Sirius?
Because Tonks is one of the most disrespected characters.
But I also think how the fandom portrays Sirius is larger than people ignoring the existence of Tonks. There are many interpretations of Sirius in fandom, including, but not limited to, punk, 70s rocker, Rebel Without A Cause, feminine, and androgynous, and I think the different aesthetics reflect our individual interpretations of what cool and rebellious mean.
Sirius is described as cool, and we know he is a troublemaker who ran away from his family and owns a motorcycle. I think people took those tidbits and pictured an image of someone like Jess Mariano from Gilmore Girls. Or they imagined a Bowie-loving glam rocker or they imagined a more modern queer aesthetic. Or various other things that i've seen in the past 20 years.
And I don't necessarily blame people for imagining characters in muggle clothes versus wizard fashion because robes aren't described in detail compared to muggle clothes in the books. And robes just don't seem cool, you know? They are medieval and weird.
You know who is cool? Bill Weasley with his fang earring and boots. Bill's fashion and appearance, just like Tonks, is described in detail. It is easy to visualize.
What do we know of Sirius?
Sirius is a rebel. He ran away from home and is extremely critical of upper-class wizarding society, the government, and blood purism. He joined a secret underground anti-fascist organization! He was a fighter on the frontlines of a war where they were outnumbered 20 to 1! His motorcycle is a sign of his interest in some parts of muggle culture and rebeling but I think it also says a lot more about his advanced skill and his need to keep himself busy.
He has long hair! But the long hair isn't a style choice. He didn't have a barber in Azkaban and then his grooming declined in OOTP when he was depressed. Pre-Azkaban, Sirius had short hair.
He wore a phoenix t-shirt in the prequel short story.
He wore Azkaban robes (again not a style choice)
He wore whatever he found in Grimmauld Place.
Tattoos and piercings are never mentioned when describing Sirius but they are for other characters.
But what I think people also ignore when assigning an aesthetic to a teenage and young adult Sirius Black is his privileged upbringing and how that shapes his personality and sense of self and how he'd present himself. I know @artemisia-black has written about this before and you should check out her blog for some great Sirius metas.
I'm not saying Sirius never wore muggle clothes but I don't think he'd be dedicated to representing a muggle subculture or style. He'd be better at dressing muggle than other pure bloods but he'd keep it simple, not fashionable.
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enbysiriusblack · 4 months
marlene sneaks into the marauder's dorm to steal their clothes (butch marlene with a trad mum fr) and leaves her skirts and dresses and shit in place of what she takes.
cue marauders casually wearing school skirts on weekdays and puffy blouses and on weekends they've got miniskirts and summer dresses and strappy heels, etc.
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fourthemarauders · 4 months
A couple of marauders era pride headcanons: (gonna post on my ig a better,funnier version so you should follow)
The gay/pan/bi awakening of (almost) every male in this particular era was either remus lupin, Frank Longbottom, or both.
In this order, these are my favourite trans hc's
#1 dorcas meadowes is a trans girlie once and for all.
#2 regulus black being trans is not a headcanon anymore. Its reality.
#3 once me and my friend (my wife) had a discussion about trans mary, and I'm kinda loving it. It would explain why there are only 4 boys in griffindor in their year. I think that mary came to Hogwarts still identifying as a male, and at the start of the second year, she came out, so they transported her to the female dorm.
Idk (&idc) if it's anyone's favourite, but I think Peter is a demi romantic+ demi sexual and he is attracted to girls only.
Sirius black is the most gender fluid person on earth. idk what is going through some of ya'lls minds (probably common sense, I usually don't have one). Okay? He is actually extremely non binary androgynous male sluty pup and I'm happy that he's having fun.
If we're taking a stroll through the animals Isle, let's talk about the handsomest of them all - Mr remus lupin. THE MAN IS BISEXUAL. and he's a playeahhhhh. I'm not sexualizing him. I'm just talking reality. He is a traumatised little sluty cassanova that does not believe in relationships since everybody left him (Orphanage-his-father-killed-himself-his mother-hates-him-headcanon) and he dates (wink wink) everything he can at the same time. I'm not saying he's a sex addict but he is.
Regulus and James - yes. Regulus and barty- no ew, it's like sleeping with your brother. Regulus and remus- remus was Regulus's first. This was not weird it's like when best friends are kissing in order to be better at making out.
Marlene - very much a lesbian, very much does not have a crush on Mary. She is her sister. Literally. Mary's parents adopted Marlene after she was kicked out for being a lesbian witch.
Lily-mary-pandora love triangle. I love it. I don't know enough about it. Tell me more.
Last but not least- barty and even. Even is in love with barty. Barty is playing with him. Same ol' story.
That's it for today.
P.s.the lesbians testing on remus and realising man are not their thing is obvious.
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bi-peanut · 1 year
marauders hot takes
I'm at a sleep over and everyone else is asleep but I can't sleep so here are some of my marauders hot takes
I hate jegulus. I think it's wierd and disgusting. think about it, in both cannon and fannon james and sirius say they are like bothers, now why would you go and date someone you say is your brothers younger brother. also. regulus was a KNOWN deatheater, even before he officaly became one, everyone always knew he would. and james is the last person in the world who would go out with a literal deatheater
surrogate lily for jeglus is wrong wierd and in all comes down to misogyny. lily is one of if not the most important character in the marauders, without lily there would literally be no marauders because there would literally be no harry potter series in the first place. to diminish her character down to someone is is souly providing for two men is a prime example of misogyny within the marauders fandom
I hate the slytherin skittles. since when did we decide that literal deatheaters. LITTERAL TERRORISTS, were all cute and babygirl. why are we glorifying the horrific actions of these people by saying they are "morally grey" like babe terrorism is not grey its the darkest black you can imagine.
since I'm on it, the only reason people decided that the "slytherin skittles" were important was so that they could have more mlm in the fandom because let's face it, mlm is so wildly fetishied within the fandom.
saying you love barty and evan but hating on people like bellatrix and narcisa is misogyny.
saying you love barty and evan and hating on people like peter and Snape is hypocritical.
the only reason Snape doesn't receive the same treatment as barty and evan is because he can't be romanticised.
James potter is a straight man.
James and lily are endgame and sure fine think whatever about who they dated before but they will always be endgame.
sirius black would 100% say things about women that aren't right because it was the 70s and look at where he grew up.
sirius would 100% do the prank cause that is literally one of the few peices of cannon we have and it is totally in character.
all the young dudes was an amazing realistic representation and characterisation of the marauders.
marlene, Mary, dorcas etc are 100% underrated ans deserve more attention but people also need to remember that they have little to none cannon and the fandom originally started from just the marauders so it's much harder to form fannom for them.
the new portrayal of wolfstar is in most cases unrealistic and sometimes even a little bit fucked up in dynamics
sirius is a cis man. the only reason people headcannon him as trans is because of his long hair. he is literally cannonically androgynous, why can't we just let him be androgynous.
I 100% have so many more but its 4 am rn
if you disagree with me that's fine I don't really care but don't be a dick about it. if you disagree and want to ask me questions go ahead but once again, don't be a dick about it.
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epigaea-repens · 1 year
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Voldemort, waiting, in Sirius Black’s comfy unicorn armchair, from the opening scene of the wonderful @metalomagnetic’s It runs in the blood, which I very highly recommend to anyone with an interest in those characters or in fantastic stories set in the world of Harry Potter! I had to draw this because I could not get this scene out of my head for ages, and it was just niggling at me!
I showed it to my father to see if it was proportionate, which I can never tell after staring at my work for hours, and he said it was, but was deeply confused as to whether the person portrayed was a man or a woman. I refrained from telling him. He also thought the person looked malnourished. I was very happy with this feedback - androgynous, with cheekbones is just how I like my fictional characters - and refrained from providing any details about what had inspired me to draw such a person!
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roses-bah-garden · 2 months
ok so preferably level 4 (but feel free to not include likes or dislikes) but a Marauders Era Harry Potter subsystem that mainly includes each member being focused on a different paraphile:
- necrophile-consang Sirius
- zoophile Remus
- MAP James
- AAM Lily
i made cuts to only get to four but i’ve been brainstorming this for a while *rubs hands together evily* but feel free to delete if it’s to much!
hello! when requests open back up, please feel free to request some more marauders era, because i have ideas cooking for peter and regulus, and i'd be very happy to make packs for any other characters. not including likes and dislikes, for the sake of time, but if you'd like me to brainstorm some at a later date just let me know!
a new flower has blossomed! 🌹
marauders subsys, para focus ... [LVL 4 PACK]
subsys name(s) ;; gryffindor tower, the marauders, marauder subsys, the meddling kids, mischief managed
collective name(s) ;; marauder, moose, gryffin, mischief
collective pronouns ;; they/them, mis/mischief, spark/sparks, 🗺/🗺self
name(s) ;; sirius, orion, vance, stolas, bowie, astrid, padfoot, hound
pronouns ;; he/him, she/her, star/stars, glim/glimmer, they/them
age ;; 20
species ;; human / wizard
gender(s) ;; genderfluid
orientation(s) ;; pansexual, polyamorous
role(s) ;; protector
source ;; harry potter (marauders era)
sign-off(s) ;; 🐾🌟, - Padfoot
appearance ;; 5'8" and average build. pale skin. wavy black hair. pale blue eyes. slight stubble. dresses in androgynous vintage style. loves to wear eyeliner. can shapeshift into a large black dog. see below for picrew.
personality ;; clever and sarcastic. he has a sense of humour, but can sometimes be a little cruel with his jokes. she's incredibly loyal to her subsystem, and protective over them above anyone else.
cisid(s) ;; cisEnglish, cisFrench, bilingual (english + french), catholic upbringing, gryffindor, pureblood, animagus
transid(s) ;; transKorean, transmultilingual (english, french, korean, italian, japanese), transcaneuser, transwitch, transvampire, transeyecolour (brown), permaeyeliner
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; necrophilia, consang, asphyxiphilia, sadism
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name(s) ;; remus, wolf, romulus, moony, sammy, koda, lennon
pronouns ;; he/him, they/them
age ;; 20
species ;; werewolf / wizard
gender(s) ;; AMAB transmasc
orientation(s) ;; bisexual, demiromantic, ambiamorous
role(s) ;; replacer, substitute, academic [if applicable]
source ;; harry potter (marauders era)
sign-off(s) ;; 🌙🍫, - Moony
appearance ;; 5'11" and thin. light skin with scars and freckles. short + choppy brown hair. hazel eyes with eyebags. loves oversized jumpers and corduroy anything. turns into a wolf-beast. see below for picrew.
personality ;; relaxed and intellectual. a smooth talker who can get himself out of trouble easily. their confidence comes from a place of intellect; they know they're smarter than the person they're talking with. knows how to get serious when necessary.
cisid(s) ;; cisWelsh, cisharmed, gryffindor, halfblood, cisJewish, nerd
transid(s) ;; aquirace, transIndigenous, transCree, perma1970s, transpolyamorous, permaeyebags, transjock, dicoffaddict
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; zoophilia, transfur, dendrophilia, sadomasochism, autozoophilia
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name(s) ;; james, stag, elliott, prongs, percy, danny, ben
pronouns ;; he/him
age ;; 20
species ;; human / wizard
gender(s) ;; cisgender man
orientation(s) ;; straight
role(s) ;; socializer
source ;; harry potter (marauders era)
sign-off(s) ;; 🦌🧹, - Prongs
appearance ;; 5'9" and average build. warm brown skin. shaggy black hair. dark brown and inviting eyes. tooth gap. wears glasses. dresses mostly in house colours. can shapeshift into a deer. see below for picrew.
personality ;; confident and extroverted. he's loud and passionate about his interests and his love of his friends/subsystem. a bit dumb but makes up for it with charisma. comfortably fits into any social situation.
cisid(s) ;; cisPakistani, cisEnglish, gryffindor, pureblood, animagus, jock, popular, class clown, atheist, cisADHD
transid(s) ;; transcontrolling, transNPD, ADHDnull, permasilly, transbipolar, permamanic, transmanipulative, permachildish
trisid(s) ;; trisharmful, trisbully
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; MAP, fictophilia, pokephilia
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name(s) ;; lily, meg, betty, amber, rose, valerie
pronouns ;; she/her, they/them
age ;; 17
species ;; human / witch
gender(s) ;; demigirl
orientation(s) ;; straight, bicurious
role(s) ;; comforter, soother
source ;; harry potter (marauders era)
sign-off(s) ;; 🌼🍓, - Lily
appearance ;; 5'4" and curvy frame. pale skin with freckles. wavy ginger hair. large green eyes. soft feminine looks. dresses in cottagecore fashion. see below for picrew.
personality ;; kind and curious. she has a gentle, optimistic attitude. they love learning new things, and are quick to tell others what they learned. she has a soft spot for romance.
cisid(s) ;; cisEnglish, gryffindor, muggleborn, nerd
transid(s) ;; transcontrolled, transderedere, transmint, waterlilyscentian, transpopular
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; AAM, autodacryphilia, fictophilia, corruption
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