#andrew stuart
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lmmontgomerypolls · 2 months ago
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submitted by 👤anonymous, thank you!
*👤anonymous adds: “Please vote for the one you think is objectively best written, not a personal favorite. Poll excludes anyone I think would lose in a landslide (including my own fave lol) and anyone who was not part of a book's main couple, or in a book where the ‘main couple’ is unclear.”
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robxhelm · 1 year ago
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hazy-siren · 3 months ago
"you are... like a white tea-rose by moonlight"
L.M. Montgomery, Jane of Lantern Hill (1937)
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kehlana-wolhamonao3 · 2 years ago
YOU LOVE ANDREW STUART TOO omg I'm so happy to have found someone else who shares my affection for that man, lm Montgomery didn't hold back in writing the best father figure possible who was still flawed and 3 dimensional 😭😭
He is the best! He absolutely has faults, he is not perfect, but so very likable. His relationship with Jane is so wonderfully realistic and rewarding to read. There is so much depth hinted in him beyond what we get to see and h is seriously one of my favourite literary characters ever.
I will also say that I think I hated Aunt Irene more than the grandmother in that book, but goodness, where they both awful!
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romantichopelessly · 12 days ago
you know what I will stay silent no longer. the biggest missed opportunity in the original TFC trilogy is Neil’s binder not becoming vital in the end. it was so well set up and then led to nothing. Neil has a binder with information about his father and codes for contacts that he can use to get him out of dire circumstances (specifically Stuart’s number). Neil is obsessed with hiding and securing this binder. Neil grows to trust Andrew and just a couple of scenes before Binghamton, tells Andrew about Stuart existing. what SHOULD have happened next is that out of paranoia over the countdown, Neil takes his binder with him to the game in his duffle. gets kidnapped. Andrew finds the bag and remembers that Neil dropped that Stuart’s number is somewhere in that binder. Andrew breaks the code (which uses Neil’s birth name, which only Andrew (and Kevin) knows). THAT’S what get’s Stuart to intervene and save Neil. Not the fact that Stuart just randomly happened to be working with the FBI that night to take down Nathan.
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footballmanageraddict · 1 year ago
For Sparta! | Part 2 | Final Day Excitement
The intimidating figure of 6ft 8in King Leonidas burst through the front door of Ainslie Park Stadium, muttering Greek curses as he rushed towards his office. He’d just received the news that big-name signing Asamoah Gyan had agreed a move to Bosnia just days after Leonidas had allowed backup striker Cammy Russell depart for Elgin City. That left Leonidas’ The Spartans FC with one recognised…
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codename-adler · 6 months ago
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Baby Pics pt. 3 (final part)
Kevin is being silent in the chat because he fell down some stairs while looking at Baby Aaron
Robin’s parents have religiously kept and cared for all her baby pictures from before she was kidnapped; this one is a few years before she was stolen.
one of the very few things Nicky left with when he got out of his parents’ house are his photo albums; he couldn’t bear leaving any trace of this kid in that house, and couldn’t keep letting his mother enter these phases of grief where she cried over page after page of baby Nicky.
though the internet is full with baby pictures of Kevin from tabloids, for the longest time he has no physical photographs of himself or his mom; when the Nest closed, he was finally handed back Kayleigh’s things that were rightfully his; that was truly an enormous moment of closure.
Aaron went through the effort of digging through the garbage in the attic of the Columbia house to find a semi decent picture; Nicky had some in his own albums, which he offered, but Aaron needed to do that himself, work though some shit.
Andrew told Bee what bullshit the Foxes were doing these days, then told her he knew who had some photos left of him here and there, then told her to make some calls if she was ever feeling bored of her life; because Neil asked; Bee managed to track down 10 photos from adoption agencies and foster families; Andrew chose that one because you can’t see his eyes (and he thinks he looks pretty cool).
Stuart sent over the one photo he has kept all these years, from a time Mary was able to visit London after having Neil; the full picture he cropped is below; only Andrew was shown Neil and his mom, Mary Hatford; the mom he lost, the mom he wants to remember.
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detectivebambam · 3 months ago
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lmmontgomerypolls · 6 months ago
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poll submitted by 👤anonymous
* difficulty level: CURSED 🚫
** this poll is assuming everyone listed is age appropriate for each other and adults, with full acknowledgement that these couples can/do create timeline issues otherwise
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alexxx362 · 9 months ago
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No dna test required like uncle like nephew 💀💀
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simonsrosebud · 9 months ago
i always forget that mary having a british accent is canon. like of course she’d have one but neil doesn’t even mention it until halfway thru tfc and once in trk
“My mother's family is French.” It was a lie that probably had his British mother rolling over in her sandy grave.
“Neil used his mother's British accent when he was overseas and his father's American accent when he was in the United States.”
like what kind of accent does neil have bc of this?? a muted mid atlantic? american with english pronunciations mixed in here and there?
unfortunately my actual guess is straight american otherwise andrew definitely would’ve clocked him on it and called him tf out. either that or neil hid any of his english pronunciations until the foxes knew the truth
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broken-heart-raven-queen · 1 year ago
I know that Stuart and Andrew would get a long pretty well if he was in the picture after all the events.
Beer and football with your in laws?? No, they do whisky and knife throwing on Sundays.
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sylviabit-thehand · 4 months ago
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Oh wait I see where Neil gets it from 💀
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thedeathwitchescats · 9 days ago
Ive thought a lot about Neil not telling anyone where he was when he visited jean... And I fucking hate it. I get him not telling kevin and the rest of the team. I understand why he didnt do that. But not telling Andrew? Andrew who knows all his secrets and who is slowly telling Neil all of his? Andrew who he trusts with his life. Andrew who he loves and who loves him. Andrew who saw Neils bleeding broken body post Baltimore and dismissed all of Neils attempts to give him an out and instead said "i dont trust them to give you back" Why did he not tell Andrew? The only thing I can imagine is not wanting to bring up bad memories. With the trial, which was largely discussing the repeated and rather violent assault Andrew experienced in California, happening the only thing that makes any rational sense in my brain is that he didnt want to add more to his plate. But also??? I hate that. And how do we honestly think Andrew is going to react to that? Obviously in canon we didnt see it and the next time we see them together is the fucking raven/fox brawl and then after that its an interview on live television so we dont really see much of how Andrew has reacted to the news that Neil lied to him, again. Because Neil promised he would stop lying and he didnt. If I was Andrew I would be fucking pissed. And i think Andrew has every right to be fucking angry that Neil decided to neglect to mention that he is directly responsible for Graysons death. ESPECIALLY with the other ravens deaths being so fucking suspicious. If it gets found out that Graysons death wasnt a suicide that puts Neil in immediate danger because its not much of a stretch for the FBI to go "oh yea that meeting we had with Neil and his uncle that happened right before Grayson ended up dying maybe those two things are connected" If anyone even so much as casts doubt on Graysons death Neil is fucked. Especially if the other Raven deaths arent suicides. Even if they are tho Neil still put a fucking hit out on a guy. The FBI isnt just going to go "oh, heh, our resident problem mafia child is doing problem mafia child things oh well" no they are going to arrest him and put him away for that and the other numerous crimes he has committed. And Neil should have told Andrew all of that
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cigarettesnkisses · 5 days ago
I fuck with Ichirou/Stuart(badly)
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gogandmagog · 8 months ago
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Pages from Lucy Maud Montgomery’s personal ‘Island Scrapbooks’, as made available in Imagining Anne
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