#andrew joseph fucking minyard
currently-evil · 8 months
Alternative universe where Wymack gives up his “above my salary” rule and just straight up disses Andrew when he is pining over Neil
Andrew: breaks into Wymack’s apartment to rant about how much Neil is a problem and a threat Wymack: You want to fuck him so much it makes you look stupid
Andrew and Neil getting in their usual first book word scuffles Wymack to Andrew after Neil leaves them alone: So what have you decided on? Spring or Summer wedding?
Andrew: allows some fox to score on him because he was too busy staring at Neil’s ass Wymack not saying anything out loud but catching Andrew’s eyes with so much bored intensivity the words just materialize on their own in Andrew’s mind: Wow that was pathetic.
Andrew feeding Neil some “i’ll still solve you” or other talk like that Wymack not even raising his eyes from some documents he was filling out: I’ve seen fucking garden snails flirt better than you.
Andrew buys Neil a matching phone Wymack: And here I thought Nicky was the only useless gay in the family, good to see I can still be wrong.
Wymack calling Andrew after Neil hitchhiked his way back to his apartment the first time Monsters took him to Eden: CAN’T YOU TAKE HIM OUT ON A DATE LIKE NORMAL PERSON???? YOU HAVE TO FUCKING DRUG HIM???
Andrew: buys Neil like a half of wardrobe in a exact style Andrew prefer Wymack: just aggressively sideeyeing  him in silence Andrew: SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP 
Wymack: shamelessly using Neil to stop Andrew from acting out against other Foxes Andrew: Fucking stop it. Wymack: No <3
Wymack: sends Neil to Andrew to ask him to stop throwing balls at Foxes’ ankles Wymack silently through very intense eye contact: JUST FUCKING BANG IT OUT AND STOP LETTING IT AFFECT MY GAMEPLAY
Wymack: Do threats of violence usually work for you? Or do you know about some Neil's fetish none of us are privy to?
Wymack to Andrew: Its good to know there is something that both you and Aaron share. I just didn't expect it to be inability to act like normal human beings around your crushes.
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 5 months
My biggest flex will always be how I knew Neil was the more feral and dangerous one than Andrew this whole time even before tsc and seeing the entire fandom freaked out makes me want to kiss and hug Nora and just thank her for finally finally showing everyone and I’m not just crazy
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siriusblackisdead · 10 months
Andrew Minyard became a man of a few words because no one ever listened to or believed any of them and thats why his comunication with Neil was all physical touch and gestures. The grabbing Neil’s neck thing, tugging at his sleeves to get his attention etc.
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ravlykpavlyk · 1 year
nora: andreil never get marri-
me, opening ao3 with andreil's wedding: shhh shhh shhh it's too late for lies
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legaltrashgoblin · 2 months
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This is insane?!
This is the pipe dream scene?!
I'm never recovering from these godawful books
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hella1975 · 1 year
hi hella I read the first 2 chapters of aftg and this is how it went
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ok tbh I was planning on going further than two chapters like I said I'm in a mountain shack rn internet isn't always great and also my dad would prefer that I'm not constantly on my phone so I was SUPPOSED to do more reading. but. tee bee h. I got through 2 chapters and was like oh I'm so fucking bored let me get on tumblr again
okay but your commentary is so fucking funny
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serene-cha0s · 2 years
Sometimes I think about how much more time I would have in my life if @w4ndering-th0ught never told me about the aftg trilogy and I never became obsessed with a ginger butcher son and his 5 foot blonde knife wielding goalie boyfriend
But then I think “how would I entertain myself?” And move onto the next fic
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we often talk about how absurd it was for andrew, five feet tall and a single man, to decide he could take on an entire mafia, but what makes it even more ridiculous is that he was 20. I'm twenty and i've never felt more like a baby in my entire life, but andrew joseph minyard, who's not legally allowed to drink and has never had to deal with taxes because nicky's probably the one to do them, took one look at kevin and neil and considered he was strong enough to deal with the fucking mafia
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palmettoshenanigans · 4 months
also ALSO-
I know the old "AFTG is badly written" jokes but hold the FUCK on for one goddamn second
I have been writing for almost 20 years. I got my college degree in English and the only reason my specialization wasn't creative writing is because I had bad time management skills and missed my chance to do my final creative writing workshop. I'm autistic and Storycrafting and Wordsmithing are my special interests. I understand writing pretty well.
AFTG opened my fucking eyes to a blind spot of the utter craftsmanship of writing sticky characters that infect you with brain worms, and here it is:
The Conflict of Material and Form
AKA the Character Creation version of Nature versus Nurture
"This isn't who I truly am. This is who I've had to become, what I've had to fashion myself into to survive. The original me is buried in there somewhere, if only you knew how to look. If only you knew to look beyond the mask."
Easily exemplified with our fave lil guys-
Neil Abram Josten:
Material: smartass with a smart mouth, attitude problem, cares about people deeply, sharp tongue to cut a bitch with, kinda feral, a lil unhinged, oblivious idiot
Form: quiet and hidden, liar liar pants of fire, run rabbit run, docile and tame, hyper-vigilant and hyper-observant
Andrew Joseph Minyard:
Material: caring, protective, strong sense of justice, gentle even, cares deeply, give me sugar or give me death, yearning
Form: cold, apathetic, ruthless and unforgiving, allow me to introduce you to my knife, regret? don't know her, i want nothing nothing nothing
Why am I using 'material and form' instead of 'nature and nurture'? Because I am a subscriber to "Characters are not meant to be real people; they are mirages of real people meant to encapsulate a function or idea that serves the story". But use whatever terms click with your noggin.
This isn't about 'want vs need'. This isn't about 'lie believed and truth learned'. This is about Presentation and Basic Action - how would this character react here? Which part are they reacting from?
With Material vs. Form, one isn't the 'true' version and the other the 'false' version of the character. They are both true and real in their own right. The Secret Sauce is that the Material and the Form fight 1v1! And regardless of which part wins, there will be consequences and rewards; so which rewards do we want and which consequences are we willing to suffer? And this fight happens beat by beat, scene by scene, plot point by plot point.
At one point in TFC Neil laments his inability to shut his fucking mouth because his Form of 'don't stand out dipshit' and his Material of 'initiate smartass.exe' are disagreeing with how to respond to his circumstances! It's that fucking meme "My healed and unhealed versions of myself deciding who is going to handle this situation" but as Storycraft!
Now, I don't think this is a new idea by any means. But sometimes to make the essence of an idea truly stick, it must be presented in multiple different ways until one triggers a "Eureka! By Jove! Aha!", and this was the way that truly made this concept stick for me. And why did it stick? Because AFTG is a labor of deep love and passion for Characters and all their complexity and inner machinations, and that depth of devotion had to manifest as some good ass writing somehow my homies in christ.
I have a collection of my favorite Storycrafting Wisdoms and one of them is effectively:
"Put Compelling Characters into a Compelling Situation and see what happens."
And Nora does Compelling Characters beautifully
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konchitsya-leto · 1 month
phrases and dialogues i saw floating out there in the internet as foxes!
Neil: i'm going to go and get the healthiest 6-8 hours long sleep. i have 2 hours to do so
Allison: yesterday i saw you with a boy
Andrew: it's my friend
Allison: you were kissing
Andrew: my very close friend
Dan: after an argument some people feel they might have been too rude. i always feel like i've had to be ruder. like, maybe, starting a fight might've been of a not so bad choice. at least i should have kicked that moron's ass just once.
Aaron: ach du heiliges aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndromkind
Nicky: Seth, hi! i have a favour to ask of you. can you laugh less? you know, they say laughing prolongs your life, and i'd like you to die sooner. sorry for being rude
Wymack: for fuck's sake, Andrew Joseph Fucking Minyard! where have you been? we called in every hospital and morgue out there, they said you're admitted to EACH OF THEM
Matt: don't aim to do the whole task in one set. break down your main task into subtasks. then break down every subtask into micro-tasks. then break down every micro-task into nano-tasks. and then,
Renee: boom! there are no tasks; everything has dissolved into an existential hole as if it has never existed at all; however, what's even real in this perishable flow of being?
Kevin: hi
Aaron: ...hi
Kevin: how are you?
Aaron: good
Kevin: hmm, why not bad?
Seth: i have two moods: 1) the fuck you think i'm joking. 2) i'm joking
Allison: i haven't completely fallen in love yet, so in my stomach there are caterpillars
Aaron: the smartest ones made the smartest move: they died last year
Kevin: i drink alcohol and they say i'm alcoholic but when i drink fanta they never say i'm fantastic
Neil: i've lost motivation. i need some life goal, my life energy has burnt out
Andrew: i can accomodate you with kicking your ass
Nicky: bonjour, motherfucker
Kevin: adios, bitchacho
Wymack: don't worry, don't cry
Kevin: drink vodka and fly
Renee: do you believe in god?
Andrew: no
Renee: you're such a nice looking guy!
Renee: and such a wrong thing is in your head
[during a session]
Betsy: have you ever tried screaming?
Andrew: i put the 'hot' in psychotic
Betsy: it's... Totally not how we handle it
Allison: sorry, i have no mental resources for that
Aaron: just as how it was yesterday
Allison: just as how it'll be tomorrow
Andrew: i like tall men. you walk next to them and can't hear what they are blah-blahing up there
Abby: we can't giggle here
Neil: but why?
Abby: well, it's a crime scene?
Abby: i'll tell you, jail is no fun
Wymack: you've been in jail???
Abby: once. in Monopoly
Abby: you are all really well behaved today. what did you do?
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currently-evil · 5 months
Andrew and Neil coming out in the peak of Minyard-Josten rivalry by posting photos of their wedding on April the first.
The whole internet loves it, they comment It's perfect 1st of April prank, and how its amazing that they managed to stay civil with one another long enough to take photos.
Andrew and Neil predictably don't comment on it in any way.
But then…
Shit hits the fan when suddenly the rest of the Foxes start posting their photos from the wedding on April 2nd, making the whole internet explode with “Wait, what…. WAIT WHAT….????”
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 5 months
Jeanneil and kandrew will always be my biggest what if
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aftgficrec · 4 months
Some fic with andreil kids, i need that to survive
Our most recent ask for this has all of our previous recs. Enjoy! -A
latest ask:
Andreil & kids here
Kevin and his dads by Monsterputt03 [Not Rated, 646 Words, Complete, 2023]
Kevin's life with Andreil as his parents. 
Want by TheBreadWinner [Rated G, 19938 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2024]
Andrew and Neil are finally in a position without worries. They have a nice home, money, and dream jobs. What more could they want? Their closest friends and family are raising kids and experiencing something Andrew never pictured wanting. Now, in his thirties, he sees families everywhere: in the stands during games, at the park during his runs with Neil, and in the lobby of New York Presbyterian. Andrew knows what he wants, and he wants it with Neil.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse and neglect, tw: implied/referenced torture
you got the heart without the ache. by PatientIsTheNight [Rated G, 2483 Words, Complete, 2024]
[Andrew] cannot kill every abuser in the world, though it would be nice. More importantly, he knows that he cannot allow himself to be visibly angry, or upset - it would give the wrong idea. He isn’t angry at Kylie, after all, and refuses to give her even half of an inkling of that idea. But he is still angry, in the way a wounded animal is. It takes more than he thought it would to keep himself from hiding in corners and lashing out. - Andrew and Neil foster their first kid, and face how hard it is. It’s a kidfic, you know what you’re getting.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Whose Your Daddy Series by chaoticas_hell [Not Rated, Collection, Incomplete, Updated June 2024]
Part 1: Whose Your Daddy [47865 Words, Complete] Andrew Joseph Minyard didn't do regrets. But letting Neil in, allowing himself to want, for letting Neil slip through his fingertips- it was the closest he would get to feeling regret. It had been fourteen years since he last saw Neil, since Neil was taken right from under his grasp by his psycho-killer father and lost forever and Andrew had to make peace with that, had to stop expecting Neil to walk through his front door like he had never left. Except, one day, it all but happened. One day, a small kid with horribly cut short platinum blonde hair, striking blue eyes that plagued Andrew's dreams and nightmares, freckles and an achingly familiar horrible fashion sense showed up at his office door with the strangest question. "Are you Andrew Joseph Minyard, yes or no?" The kid asked in a British accent. Andrew could only nod. "Oh good." The kid said, suddenly unsure of themself. "Cause I think you're my dad." What the fuck?
tw: assumed major character death, tw: implied/referenced torture
Part 2: The Before [11385 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2024] basically a sequel to my fic Whose Your Daddy taking a look at how Neil dealt with single parenthood, how Andrew faired after Neil's faked death, Jo's abysmal childhood, and judgmental family members
tw: assumed major character death, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: violence, tw: choking, tw: unplanned pregnancy, tw: transphobia, tw: gender dysphoria 
Fragments of Light series by DarkD [Rated G/T, Collection, 2 complete works, Updated Jan 2023]
Part 1: Baby mine [T, 18609 Words, Complete, 2022] Andrew could practically see the image of Neil sleeping on his chest, one of the pairs of shoes he'd bought still lying there in bed with them. Neil looked so peaceful, Andrew couldn't stop looking at him. His hand was right on Neil's belly, he could almost imagine what the girls' heartbeats were like there. Neil had sung a song that night, and Andrew memorized every note because, someday, he would also sing that same song for Neil and his daughters. (They couldn't) be more wanted, they've probably never wanted anything more in their life. “You won't touch any of them again.” Andrew said. His voice was low and his throat hurt. “You're not getting anywhere near my fucking family.”
tw: gun violence, tw: attempted murder, tw: major character injury, tw: blood, tw: unplanned pregnancy, tw: transphobia, tw: self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: destructive thoughts, tw: vomit
Part 2: My dear Nebula [G, 10086 Words, Complete, 2023] “Andrew, Andrew.” Neil whispered in his ear, the warm air against his skin making him shiver. “It's time for our nebula.” ... Neil then asked what a nebula was and he replied: Nebulae were nurseries for stars. Birth of stars. Birth… “Fuck”
tw: unplanned pregnancy, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder
Retired by IKnowWhoYouAre_Damianos [Rated G, 1855 Words, Complete, AFTG Summer Exchange 2022]
Neil turned 35 two months ago and was finally ready to retire. A vacay will be just the right thing for his restless mind.
Neil Loves Dinosaurs series by infernalstars [Rated G/T, 32616 words, 17 Complete Works, Updated 2020]
Part 1 recced here
Part 4: Asking For Help [1501 Words] In which Kevin Day has to shift his perspective on things and he seeks out Neil for help.
tw: ableism, tw: implied/referenced abuse
Part 5: Babysitting and the Conditions of Love [1492 Words] Neil and Andrew babysit for Matt and Dan
tw: transphobia, tw: self harm
Part 6: To Live in Peace [908 Words] Meet Henry!
tw: homophobia, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Part 7: Nightmare [2149 Words] Andrew bonds with his foster kid. 
tw: graphic nightmares, tw: implied/referenced murder
Part 8: Family [1491 Words] Henry comes home to Neil having a breakdown.
tw: homophobia, tw: ableism
Part 9: Again (Family pt. 2) [2034 Words] in which Neil has a chance to bond with his kid
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: nonconsensual kissing
Part 10: Again (Family pt. 3) [1604 Words] The Resolution
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced nonconsensual kissing, tw: implied/referenced nonconsensual drug use
Part 11: Ruby Red [1910 Words] Adopting one kid was always apart of the plan, but another kid...? Unplanned.
Part 12: Second Chances [3329 Words] in which Neil tells Ruby how him and Andrew met
Part 13: Roses and Thorns [1943 Words] Andrew is happy ft. some twinyards, catching up with Kevin and his daughter and a lil snippet of Liam!!
tw: implied/referenced self harm
Part 14: Something Real [3140 Words] How Andrew finds out Neil's Autistic. 
tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: nonconsensual kissing, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Part 15: Conditions of Love [2104 Words] A mini series that explores Liam Wilds (Matt and Dans kid), his life and his relationship with Henry Josten-Minyard.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: transphobia
Part 16: Anniversary [1180 Words]  The anniversary of the death of Neil's mom brings up some unpleasant memories and Andrew bring him to the museum to comfort him.
The Josten-Twinyards hc by @detectivebambam [Tumblr, 2024]
Andreil daughter and the word “please” by @starrycassi [Tumblr fic, 2024]
the monsters having kids with cool uncles andreil hc by @the-inner-musings-of-a-worm [Tumblr, 2024]
Miles Minyard-Josten age 7 fandom fun post by @andrews-jort-loving-pipe-dream [Tumblr, 2020]
Minyard-Josten siblings also here art by @allfortheslay25
Nicky meeting Asher Minyard-Josten comic by @riceballannie
Andreil with Michael art by @dshr-art, hc here
fanart by @bluetheking for ‘Noah Minyard-Josten,’ fic recced here
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meridasthoughts · 2 years
when andrew joseph minyard found out he could get his ears pierced he went all in. i’m talking like 8 piercings per ear all at once, which if you take into consideration that he wears an helmet 6 out of 7 days of the week per multiple hours, is the exact recipe for a sweet infection
the first time he changes his piercings his ears are irritated per se, once he starts wearing his helmet for consecutive days on the already irritated ears, everything goes to shit
his ears are swollen
he decides to tackle this issue when it really starts to affect his sleep schedule, he tries to twist the earrings and wash with a solution his piercer gave him
he can’t
it’s too swollen, he tries again and again, and as small as they are, these holes are fucking painful. but then remembers he has a boyfriend. so he calls said boyfriend and just says ‘i need help’ and hangs up
now, neil was at the library, on the opposite side of campus when he gets the call. he panics. when was the last time andrew asked for help? never that’s when it was
so he panics
he is running across campus. the cross country team is trembling on the sides. neil is not even sure his feet are touching the ground
he barges into their room, his panicked voice calls for andrew, in response he gets half a ‘bathroom’ neil almost kicks this other door down
why there were so many doors between them?
he enters and his eyes scan andrews whole body and then the entire room, for blood or any sign of injury or a threat. he comes up with nothing, the only off thing is andrew holding his ear and pouting
andrew joseph minyard was pouting
‘i can’t twist it’ was all andrew said
neil managed a strangled ‘what’ his lungs were just now catching up with the marathon he just ran
and then andrew catches up with neil’s scared eyes and his almost non-existent breath ‘did you ran?’
‘you said you needed help’ neil was still bending over himself, hands holding his weight on his knees
‘oh’ andrew took half a step towards him ‘wrong choice of words, it’s just my ears’ the most innocent voice neil ever heard coming out of andrew
at that there was nothing neil could do but smile, stand up straight, close the distance between them, kiss andrews temple and get to work on his piercings
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"Andrew Joseph Minyard, what the flying fuck have you done this time?"
"It wasn't me, it was the one-armed man!"
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exyconfessions · 3 months
this may be a stupid question..however.
How the actual fuck is Andrew Joseph Minyard allowed in genuinely any stores?
He lit has armbands that hold his knives, and by God we know he doesn’t go anywhere without them. But like…my dear, metal detectors exist?? In most stores too?? How the bramblesnort crumplesack FUCK does he not set off about 50 alarms any time he goes into the store? And how does he respond to any questions he’s asked?
Like *store security guard walks up to Andrew after the metal detector goes off* “Excuse me sir, what do you have on you? The alarm went off, and I’m pretty sure it was just a simple misunderstanding, but you can probably understand why I need to ask.”
*blank stare* “my knives, idiot”
Does he just send Neil to do all the shopping? But like Neil wouldn’t know what the shit to buy unless Andrew threw an empty container at him and said “We ran out of this go buy more.” Because he’s that dense. And knowing Neil’s dramatic ass? Bro would probably get mugged and kidnapped and be taken to Mexico, and it would probably take him a solid 2 weeks to get back to SC because 2 years of leaning Spain Spanish 100% did not prepare Neil for how different Mexico is.
Andrew how the hell do you go places without the threat of getting arrested every two seconds please i need to know
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