#andre is the one people give the ‘are you sure about guy?’ talk to
eye-of-yelough · 1 year
ok. hawke (personality and how it effects his relationships) hours
i think Leo is a bit like an annoyingly energetic untrained dog where if she goes without Fighting or Fucking for too long she start getting Testy. she throws her weight around a lot in the hopes of getting a reaction to sink her teeth into. especially when she’s drunk. and she drinks a lot. very much “troubled teen starved for attention and if it ain’t positive then negative works just as good”
to his credit, she does try to resist the urge around certain people. Merrill and Bela almost never see him like that.
and i think it’s a really good trait for her to have in the context of her relationships with everyone. specifically their reactions.
by act 2 most of the kirkwall gang has mostly picked up on this trait. Merrill picks up almost immediately that she should just keep her distance. Isabela, tease that she is, takes a little longer to realise that but she gets the hint eventually. hawke would never hurt her anyway, they’d mostly just bicker until Bela makes it sexual, which makes hawke laugh enough to calm down. Aveline tries to fuck off but she has just enough pride (and rage) that she refuses to stand down if she gets targeted and sometimes they just full on kick the shit out of each other. (yuri moment)
Fenris is a smart little shit about it and usually finds a way to deflect her anger towards some other drunk rando. Sebastion isn’t smart. they don’t fight but they do argue. a lot. a lot a lot.
and then there’s Varric. ohhhhh Varric you tiny idiot. you wretched little man. he can’t help himself, he always takes that bait. and hes only one other than anders n bela who knows hawke well enough to hurt her, but doesn’t know her well enough to know that he’s hurting her. he thinks she’s immune to words, thinks she has a thick skin and that nothing gets to her, it’s just part of their game. everything he says gets to her. they never get physical, despite eveything, she just can’t bring herself to hurt him. or to stop seeing him. it’s a vicious cycle and i’m obsessed with it.
and anders thinks it’s endearing because he’s a total fucking mess. once they start living together it’s hard for hawke to avoid him, (close quarters) (increasingly volatile because dead mother) (first time living without rules because dead mother) (meredith’s existence) but he still never gets it as aggressively. they have a lot of… not arguments, more like spats. play fighting. sometimes physical play fighting that turns into fucking Very Quickly (its so easy to pin him down. do you think there’s a chance he loses on purpose? i think there’s a chance)
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bumblesimagines · 2 months
I thought about you every night.
I never got your name.
You looke different in daylight.
Cate Dunlap
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
TW/CW: Typical Gen V warnings, drinking, mentions of drugs and drug usage, brief sexual content and i am heavy on the brief
I will always support her rights and wrongs
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"So, Andre," Luke drawled as he picked up a glass of champagne, his eyes sweeping over the packed room full of their fellow classmates, school staff, and parents. Another fancy event the university hosted where they pretended they weren't forcing an even more competitive energy onto their students by inviting rich sponsors and alumni with hefty connections. "Where is this friend of yours you keep talking about?"
"He-" Andre subtly wiped the white residue from his nostrils. "-should be right around... here!" He lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers, a big boyish smile stretching across his face.
Jordan rolled their eyes and swiped a cup of whiskey from a distracted guest, swallowing down the contents in two gulps. Cate giggled softly when they scrunched up their face, a soft 'ugh' sound leaving them as they set the cup back down. They wiped their mouth with the sleeve of their button-up, a quiet snort leaving them when they noticed the puzzled look on the guest's face. Cate giggled under her breath, gently bumping her hip against theirs.
"Finally, man! I thought you got lost." Andre gave a hearty laugh and reached past Cate to tug someone by her, eagerly pulling them into his side. Cate's attention jumped away from Jordan to look at the new face, only to realize she very much recognized the 'stranger' when she fully drank him in. Oh, shit. Her body tensed, eyes slowly widening as realization dawned on her. Andre patted his friend's chest happily, giving his shoulders a light shake. "Guys, meet our newest transfer. This asshole and I go way back. I mean, shit, we knew each other when we were in diapers, right?" 
"We sure did." His friend responded, gaze lingering on Cate and lips pulling into a lazy smirk that made her skin buzz alight with heat that spread through her body and left goosebumps behind in its wake. Her gut coiled violently, her gloved fingertips digging into the skin of her arms.
Cate watched with an amused smile as Andre and Luke clung to each other in a drunken mess of sloppy dancing and proclamations of love that ended with 'bro' and 'man'. Jordan cackled from their spot beside Cate, one hand clutching their stomach while the other held their recording phone in hand, no doubt with the idea of tormenting the two with the video whenever possible. 
"I'm going to get another drink," Cate called into their ear and stood up from her seat, giggling as she maneuvered her way around Andre and Luke before slipping in further into the crowd of clubgoers. She ducked and weaved through the sea of people until she finally reached the bar, resting her arms over it and slipping her hand free from her silk glove. 
The bartender squinted at her as she made a drink, likely planning on asking for her ID as expected. She reached over the bar and set the drink down in front of a young man, her eyes sliding away to smile at him. "Enjoy." Cate reached out, wrapping her fingers around her wrist and pulling the bartender's attention back onto her, her fingers beginning to tingle and a hazy look appearing over the bartender's eyes.
"You're going to get me a rum and coke because you don't care about my age, right?" 
"I don't care about your age." The bartender responded robotically and stepped away to begin making her drink, the hazy look disappearing. Cate leaned back and scooped her glove up, tucking her hand back into it and brushing some of her golden hair over her shoulder. 
"Neat party trick." A voice rumbled beside her and she looked at the young man in surprise, her lips parting to quickly fish out her usual line of 'I don't do it often' or 'I swear it's not a habit' but he simply shrugged at the slightly panicked look on her face. To her surprise, she watched him morph into her, copying her from head to toe and making it feel as if she were gazing into a mirror. "Cheers," The sound of her voice coming out of someone else's mouth unnerved her but she stared at him in pure awe.
"You're a... a supe?" She blinked and he morphed back into himself, giving another light shrug in response. "I haven't met anyone who can shapeshift like that before."
He grinned at her. "Well, now you have."
"Hey, man." Luke smiled warmly, completely unaware of the whirlwind going on his girlfriend's head. He stuck out his hand toward him and gave him a good, firm handshake. Cate's throat felt abnormally dry and she finally tore her eyes away from Andre's friend to snatch a cup of champagne from the table beside them, swallowing it down in a large gulp that had Jordan's brows furrowing. "I'm Luke Riordan. This asshole is Jordan and this is my girlfriend, Cate."
"Hi," Cate whirled around to face him, quickly licking away a droplet of champagne from the corner of her lip and offering a polite smile as if she hadn't been thinking of the night they met. "We never got your name, did we?" She cocked her head to the side, lips pressing tightly together when Jordan continued to stare into the side of her head.
(Y/N). She finally had a name to the face that followed her for weeks, consuming her thoughts and dreams nearly every day. She loved Luke but with each passing day, she found that love morphing into a mixture of guilt and resentment. She was the leash Shetty used to control Luke, to ensure he'd remain the submissive and agreeable boy they needed him to be. Cate never desired to hurt him, not when he'd been so loving and caring over the years, but she yearned for the day she'd finally be able to step out of the relationship and choose someone Shetty wouldn't dream of using. 
"It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)." She liked how it sounded rolling off her tongue, a newfound giddiness rolling over her. "Andre's told us so much about you." 
"Man, I can't wait to see you in the halls between classes." Andre's shoulders did a small excited shimmy, the coke he'd snorted blatantly beginning to take effect on him. He scooped a glass of champagne in his hand and drank from it, his head turning over his shoulder when his father called him and Luke over. "Mm, we'll be right back." He clapped (Y/N) on the back, stepping away with Luke to approach the group of parents and staff.
"I'm not third-wheeling." Jordan abruptly spoke, meeting Cate's stunned stare with a deadpan look and eyebrow raise before they walked away, disappearing through the crowd of mingling guests. Cate stared after them, contemplating forcing them to forget what assumptions they'd made. The last thing she needed was breaking Luke's heart and Shetty learning about it.
"Charming, that one." (Y/N) chuckled and moved closer to her, his hands sliding into the pockets of his dress pants and eyes slowly gazing over her. Cate found all her thoughts about Luke and Shetty vanishing when she looked at him, a soft chuckle escaping her. "You look different in daylight." 
"And you don't have a mysterious aura anymore." 
(Y/N) tilted his head, his smirk morphing into a teasing grin. "So, does that mean you hook up with anyone who looks mysterious at nightclubs?" He questioned, and her cheeks lit aflame. 
The bass of the song playing throughout the club made the walls vibrate against Cate's back, and the coolness of the bathroom door long forgotten with her mind and body preoccupied. Her chest heaved with pants, the air pumping into the bathroom keeping her exposed tits and skin cold from the sweat. The soreness in her legs began to melt away, allowing her to tighten them around the shapeshifter's waist again without his hands to support her up. She kept them wrapped around him, preventing him from moving away. 
Breathlessly chuckling against her throat, he leaned back, his hands still tightly gripping her thighs. She flushed more under his gaze, the arms around his neck tugging him closer to connect their lips again. It was sluggish and messy but Cate hardly minded as she pressed harder against his lips, a soft muffled sigh escaping her.
"You said you came here with friends, sweetheart. They're probably wondering where you ran off to." He reminded her softly, and another sigh escaped her. Her blue eyes fluttered open to gaze into his. She could feel her energy and strength returning to her rapidly; one of the many benefits of being a supe with stamina better than that of a normal human. Cate kissed him again, her back pushing off the wall and chest pressing into him, a whine leaving her when the movement straightened her back and made him slightly slide out of her. 
"Come to GodU," She practically pleaded. "Brink would accept you the second he lays eyes on you and you'd rise to the Top Ten with no problem. Everyone would want to be you or be with you."
"Everyone already thinks that way about me."
"Does this mean you do whatever anyone you hook up with asks of you?" Cate raised a brow, her arms folding over her chest and her chin lifting challengingly. He laughed quietly and picked up one of the last few cups of champagne, bringing it to his lips and crinkling his nose in disappointment at the taste. 
"Big ego you've got there, sweetheart. Andre convinced my parents to encourage me to apply so we could be at the same school, actually, so you've got Andre to thank for this." He explained with a small grin, finishing the champagne and setting the empty cup aside before tilting his body to observe those around them. "And now... this stupidity is my life."
"Oh, come on, it's not all so bad. You've got me rooting for you." Cate said, her hand cupping his elbow and her smile feeling genuine. "You know, I thought about you every night. A guy with amazing powers who should've been at this school a long time ago. You might beat Jordan and Andre out of their spots in the coming weeks."
"Yeah," (Y/N) swiped his tongue over his lips, his eyes gliding slowly across the room. "My gut tells me that's a death wish."
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brendaareiss · 2 months
Ok, I can understand why people call Cal sadistic and a masochist, but I really think Andre was waaay worse than him. People tend to say that Cal is actually worse because of the things he says to his victims in the shooting, so I'll give my generous opinion about that 🙏
Cal, in the shooting (in my opinion) is pissed AS FUCK. He only wants to get his shit done, and when people says he's "enjoying himself" it's in that part when that random dude talked to him. He was almost all the time screaming ("SHUT UP!!") and telling andre to hurry. I understand his pissy mood in two different ways: 1. He wants to kill himself the fastest way possible (after giving a lesson to those who messed with him) 2. I'm pretty sure Cal doesn't stand people screaming in general, we can see in the prom that he's basically not there in every fucking scene, ditching Rachel to go with Andre because (I assume) he couldn't stand people yelling at his side all the fucking night.
While Andre...
Andre is the one who's having fun, making fun of the people he shot or killed (the "hi buddy" scene, when he makes fun about the way a girl fell) , making fun of the people crying (when he sits in front of that girl whose crying her eyes out) and making fun of the people who he hasn't shot yet (the "You're too pathetic" scene and when he kills the other guy who was hiding in the sofa), he was truly enjoying himself. Not angry as it seems in the entirety of the movie, he was fucking laughing.
Andre is a smart guy, he could of thought of another way of teaching the people that messed with him a lesson, but he didn't. He chose to kill, he chose to do a fucking massacre.
Cal is evil, but I think the rage that andre has inside of him, makes him way fucking worse. Cal just tagged along in the shooting because he wanted to make a mark, he wanted to do something big before passing away (he's a fucking psycho too, don't get me wrong). Andre tagged along because he wanted to kill.
"you're a psycho!"
"yeah, but so are you!"
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daughterofcain-67 · 10 months
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 (pt. 3)
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When Beau wraps up at least one end of his case, he finds that there’s more and he may be sinking into some sort of rabbit hole. It’s his job to get Helena Montana out of this mess and safe once more with Hoyt’s help. Meanwhile, you’re getting more friendly with Andre and you start to wonder if you should be setting your sites on someone who has the time for you. What will you do when one of the two men in your life actually asks you out?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: mentions of some characters in season 1. Kidnapping case and discussions of human traffiking. Beginning of the love triangle. I think that’s it?
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Beau and Jenny found Irene’s grandson, evidently named Sean, driving the green SUV down the road. They followed him and they were able to stop him at one of the many back roads of Helena Montana.
When the car was stopped, Beau and Jenny got out of Beau’s car and of course the two officers were cautious. They had their arms ready just in case.
“Sean? We need you to step out of the vehicle.” Beau said, a little wary of what might happen.
When the car door slowly opened up, a lanky looking red head with curly hair and freckles carefully stepped out of the vehicle with his hands up.
“I-I know why you’re here. And I’m so sorry…” This poor kid couldn’t have been older than nineteen. Fresh out of high school, could be a freshman in college.
“Come on, kiddo. Let’s get you down to the station. We just need to talk about a few things.” Jenny said.
Sean nodded and he stood still and put his arms behind his back.
“Oh, there’s no need for that. You aren’t under arrest.” The deputy promised and it took everything Beau had in him not to say the words “not yet” afterward.
When they got Sean into the car, they made it to the station about thirty minutes later. They got Sean’s fingerprints before getting him into the interrogation room.
Jenny and Sean sat down across from one another while Beau was a little too antsy to have a seat. He just wanted to get those two women found before anything bad would happen to them.
“You said you knew what this was about, right? So, Sean, why don’t you tell us what happened, tell us your side.” Jenny said. Beau supposed she was trying to play good cop for once since this was practically a kid.
“Well… All of it was just so I could help my grandma pay her hospital bills. She just had both her hips replaced several months ago but for whatever reason her insurance and social security couldn’t cover all of it. The co-pay was a little too much for her to afford. She’s also really far behind on some of her other bills.” Sean began and he looked down at his hands.
“So you’re trying to be a good grandson. What did you do?” Beau asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
“I-I made a mistake… I met this guy at a bar. He didn’t give me his real name. All I knew him as was Ace. And Ace told me that I could help pay for my grandmother’s bills if I just… did some driving for him.” Sean said.
“Driving? To where? What were you transporting?” Beau’s brows narrowed.
“H-He is a part of some gang. I don’t know what gang or what they wanted, but I was supposed to take whatever ladies he had blindfolded and take them to this site. It was different every time. I-It was like they were selling people for whatever reasons.” Sean continued.
“The Syndicate? Was that who it was?” Jenny asked, remembering the case with the truck driver, Ronald Perlman, and the state trooper, Rick Legarski.
“No, I think it was someone else. Maybe someone who buys from the Syndicate or something. Maybe it’s something similar to whatever Syndicate you’re talking about? I-I don’t know for sure. I’m sorry…”
“How long does it take for the buyer to get to the site?” Beau questioned, voice growing more stern.
“It depends on how fast we can get them to answer, or rather when Ace can get them on the phone. He got them on the phone three days ago. The buyer is supposed to come by sometime early next week. I think in about two days if their on schedule.” Sean said.
“Do you remember where the site is? Can you take us there?”
Sean was a little hesitant. He seemed unsure about something and he was shaking his leg under the table. Things weren’t supposed to be this way. It was supposed to be simple. An easy payday so he could take care of his grandmother.
“I-If I show you, is there any way I can get protection from these guys? Or protection for my grandmother at least?” He asked.
Jenny looked up at Beau who’s brow was raised in the air, arms still firmly in place over his chest as if he hadn’t moved the whole time.
“We can get the FBI involved and let them know the Syndicate or someone similar is hitting up Helena again.” Beau said, “We’ll see what we can do about your grandmother at least. I don’t know what deal they’ll offer you since you were an accomplice.”
“I’ll take it! As long as she’s okay.”
“Great. Hoyt, grab some reinforcements and call some backup in case there’s any conflict. Time to hit the road.” Beau instructed and walked out of the interrogation room.
Beau had grabbed a bullet proof vest and proceeded to put it on before stepping outside to get into his vehicle. When he did, Beau realized that it was already dark outside by this time. If this case were simpler, he would be at your house watching that movie with you. there was nothing else he would rather be doing right now. He would have loved to be under some random throw blanket he had with you beside him.
But this was his job and this was his priority whether he liked it or not.
It was time to get Sidney Ferguson and Ember O’Riley back to their families. They’ve been under enough stress for this past week and it’s time to put an end to this. At least an end for their means.
Yet for some reason, Beau had this unsettling feeling that whatever group this was, they weren’t done with Helena just yet.
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You were sitting on the couch with your sister and Andre. Sure enough, Cassie wasn’t able to make it and of course Beau had told you from that phone call that he and Jenny couldn’t make it tonight. So it was just the three of you watching The Shining and you had forgotten just how good of an actor Nicholson was in this role.
Somewhere in the middle of the movie, Cadence got up from her seat next to you on the couch.
“I’m grabbing a drink. Can I get either of you anything?”
“Sure, I’d like one if you don’t mind.” Andre said.
“I’m good.” You replied, then you watched your sister leave to go to the kitchen.
You looked at the tv again, but you weren’t exactly sure why your mind was suddenly drawing a blank. You knew you would be sitting here enjoying the movie with your sister and your guest, but you couldn’t help but think about the sheriff.
What kind of complications were there? Had he finally gotten a break in the case? Was he going to be able to find those girls? Would he come out of this okay?
“You’re thinking of your sheriff friend, huh?” Andre’s voice broke you from your thoughts. You looked at him for a moment and you have a half of a smile.
“That obvious? I’m sorry, you must think I’m really rude.” You apologized and looked down at your hands in embarrassment.
“No, that’s alright. I’m just curious… is he more than a friend to you?” He asked and you could feel his gaze on you.
You shook your head, “I don’t think he’ll ever be more than a friend. My sister is kind of an advocate for something to happen between me and him, but she has to face the reality that his work is his priority. I can’t stand in the way of that. What he does is important, and all I can really do is hope that he is at least safe with whatever case he’s on.”
“So… not more than a friend but you wish that wasn’t the case, hmm?” Andre asked and you looked over at him and grinned.
“You’re awfully nosey with me and him aren’t you? You and Cadence could bond over that.” You rolled your eyes, “But no, I don’t want him to be anything more than a friend. A person like him would make a much better friend than anything beyond that.”
You may have been lying through your teeth, but if you said the lie out loud maybe you could actually believe it one day. Beau would make a much better friend for you. You couldn’t get attached to him of all people, at least not romantically attached.
“I see.” Andre began but you watched him tuck his bottom lip between his teeth as his gaze went down to the space between the two of you. You could see the gears turning in his mind before he finally spoke again.
“So, hypothetically, if I were to ask you out on a date.. would you refuse?”
The question stunned you. Honestly you were speechless. You weren’t even sure if you were ready to hop back into dating but that was when your sister came into the room again.
“Of course she wouldn’t refuse! She hasn’t dated in forever and she really needs to get out more.” Cadence piped up and answered for you. You looked up at her wide eyed, wondering why the hell she was answering a question you weren’t even sure about.
“Really? How long has it been?” Andre asked and you looked back at him before you rubbed the back of your neck.
“Let’s just go with a little too long… so when do you want to go out on this date? And what do you have in mind?” You asked.
He smiled at you, apparently glad that you were willing to go along with this even if your sister practically volunteered you into this, “Why don’t we leave that as a mystery for let’s say… tomorrow morning? I’ll pick you up at nine.”
That soon? You didn’t know Andre was quite that ambitious but why not go for it? It’s not like anyone else was lining up to date you really. And it was just one time right? How bad could it be?
“Sure, nine sounds great.” You agreed as Cadence handed Andre his drink.
Then you could hear an unfamiliar ringtone and you saw Andre fish his phone from his pocket.
“Is everything alright?” You asked and you could hear him sigh seemingly out of aggravation, if that was the right word for it.
“Just when we were having a good time, I get a message from an associate. He says we need to have a meeting and it’s pretty urgent.” He said.
You smiled a little. Honestly you weren’t sure if you could complain. You weren’t sure what the jewelry business was like so you didn’t know if Andre would be as busy as Beau. Then again if he was and the two of you continued after tomorrows date goes well, you could understand that he was still starting to get established here in Montana. That would take some time.
Then again, that was all in the hypothetical and if everything would work out after tomorrow’s date.
“It’s getting pretty late anyways. We can always watch this another time or something. Go ahead for your meeting.” You said.
Andre smiled at you before he leaned in. You felt the warmth of his lips on your cheek, which sort of startled you because it was an unexpected gesture. When he pulled away, he grinned, “Thank you for understanding. I’ll be here by tomorrow morning.”
Then you watched him get up, causing you to stand as well so you could walk him out to the door. When the door was opened, you looked up at him, “Be safe on the way home, or to your meeting, or wherever the meeting is taking place whether its at home or not.”
“You’re rather adorable when you begin to ramble, aren’t you?” He chuckled, “But I’ll let you know when I get home. So don’t worry that pretty little head of yours.”
With that, you watched him leave and step into his truck before driving into the night.
You smiled to yourself. You weren’t quite sure where things would go between the two of you, but you hoped that maybe this could help you move on from the sheriff since that didn’t really seem to be going anywhere.
Somehow, though, it felt almost like you were cheating on Beau in a way. You didn’t think Beau knew you had feelings for him, but you wondered if this was right.
All you could do for the time being was wait and see what would happen next.
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Beau, Jenny, and the other officers that were called to the site where Sean dropped the women off were successful on their mission.
Both Ember and Sidney were safe and sound, finally, and Jenny was talking with Sidney to see if there was any information on this Ace fellow that she could gather.
Ember was sitting on another ambulance with a blanket around her while a paramedic was checking on her. Both the girls would end up being taken to a hospital to check on their well being. As well as Ember’s baby. Beau knew that James would be elated to have his bride back. As for Sidney, you knew Lidia and their parents would be eager to see their family member again.
He was just glad that he was able to get these two women back safely. He just hoped that these girls could give them some kind of information.
Beau watched as the paramedics took the two girls away and Jenny walked towards him with her hands in the pockets of her jacket.
“What’d you find out?” Beau asked.
“Well, not a whole lot. Sean was wrong about this Ace fella buying from the Syndicate. I think it’s an entirely different operation. It’s still related to trafficking, but it’s a different organization. They were planning on letting Ember go anyway because apparently expecting mothers aren’t in the criteria. But they didn’t let her go because they figured she’d tell authorities.” Hoyt explained.
“I think we’re gonna have to figure out how to get in contact with Ace. Or at least locate him and we can figure out how to get them out of here before someone else gets taken.”
“That’s a great idea and all, but we’re gonna have to wait on some DNA results. We collected some cigarette buds and we think that any saliva collected could help us figure out if Ace is in the data base anywhere.”
“Well what are we supposed to do until then? Just sit around on our hands and hope for the best?”
Jenny sighed before she reached up and adjusted the jacket Beau was wearing, “We celebrate this victory. Ember and Sidney are safe and they’re going back to their families. And who knows, maybe this whole thing might be over when this Ace fella finds out that their operation was compromised and they may not come back to Helena.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
“So, a way you can celebrate, Arlen, is you can get your ass down to Y/N’s house and apologize to her about missing out tonight. Find a way to make it up to her. Because you know damned well that ladies like her don’t stay single forever.”
Beau thought about it for a moment and he thought about how you sounded disappointed in that phone call when he said he wouldn’t be able to make it that night. He knew you were the understanding sort, so would you actually hold it against him?
“Yeah.. I suppose I could go over. She’ll want to know that Ember and Sidney are safe now.” He nodded.
So that was exactly what he did.
When Beau made it to your house, he saw that the porch light was still on. He half expected it to be turned off considering it was getting close to midnight. We’re you alright?
He stepped out of his car and looked down when he realized the bulletproof vest was still on. He took it off and tossed it into the car and shut the door. When he made it to your porch, he lifted a hand and gently knocked on the door, hoping that you would answer.
After a few moments of waiting, the door finally opened up. He saw you there with a messy bun, an AC/DC shirt and some sleeping shorts. You looked like you were ready for bed even if you looked wide awake.
“Beau? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s alright… I just wanted to check on ya.”
“Check on me? What for?” He heard the slightest chuckle in your voice and he smiled a little before he shook his head.
“Never mind, Darlin… I did want to say that we did finally get those two girls back. They should be on their way home either tonight or tomorrow morning once their released from the hospital. They had one of those routine checkups done as far as I know.” He admitted and he saw a smile appear on your face.
“That’s good. I’m glad things were able to work out. But you know you could have told me that on the phone. So why are you really here?”
Beau couldn’t help but wonder why he felt so hesitant now. Why was he there? What was he doing on your porch close to midnight? All of this could have been done over the phone, but he just wanted to see you, he supposed.
“I um… I wanted to apologize for missin’ movie night.”
“You know I’ll never hold the job against you, Beau. You did well tonight and I’m glad you guys were able to make sure those girls got back to their families before something bad happened.” You promised.
“Right.. but uh… I was wondering if there was some way I could make it up to you?” He asked and he watched you tilt your head to the side a little.
“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?”
“Well, I have the day off tomorrow. Maybe we can do something?” That was when he saw the expression in your face change.
“Um… tomorrow won’t exactly work for me. I’m supposed to be going on a uh.. friend date tomorrow.”
“A friend date?”
“Yeah, it’s with Andre. I’m just going to be showing him some of the fun spots in town. Nothing too fancy really.”
Beau felt this twinge of jealousy within him and he hated it. He didn’t like that you were going on a date with a guy you just met a couple of days ago. We’re you insane?! What if he was dangerous? What if he was just going to use you somehow?
All of these scenarios were playing in his mind and he wasn’t exactly sure what to say.
“Oh.. I see…”
“But if you still want to make things up to me…” He heard you trailing off for a moment, “This weekend, you and I should have a movie night at your place. Just the two of us. I’ll bring some marshmallows to roast and we can make s’mores.”
This was your request? You two have had plenty of movie nights together since Jenny or Cassie couldn’t make it once in a while if they were caught up with their own lives. But he couldn’t exactly recall the last time you said it should just be the two of you.
“I think that ought to be doable.” Beau smiled down at you.
“Good. So… I’ll see you at the coffee shop until then?” The hopefulness in your voice made that aching feeling in Beau’s stomach subside a little. He still didn’t trust Andre one bit. But at least he had something to look forward to he supposed. You did say it was just a friend date, whatever that means.
“I’ll be there.” He promised, “Now try and get some sleep. You shouldn’t be wide awake this late at night.” He grinned.
You rolled your eyes a little before you stood taller on your tipped toes. Suddenly he felt your soft lips on his scruffy cheek, taking him by surprise.
“You need your sleep too, Sheriff. You’ve had a long night and you deserve the rest.” He heard you say and he gazed down at you.
“I’ll do my best, Sweetheart… Goodnight.” He said with a softer tone.
“Goodnight, Beau.” You replied and he watched you slowly shut the door.
Beau sighed and he ran a hand through his hair before he turned around and went to his car.
While he was walking, though, he got a phone call, causing him to let out a grumble to himself. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and answered while he got into the vehicle. “Arlen. What’s happening?”
“We need you to get to Irene’s house. I was wrong. I don’t think this is over, Beau.”
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Hey guys! Thank you for reading! I hope you guys are enjoying this series so far! There’s more to this case than meets the eye and one has to wonder just who this Ace is. We’ll see where this goes!
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@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @fanfic-n-tabulous
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
Congrats on finishing the penultimate final episode of SL’s Season 5!!! And now for the season finale: What do you think of Audrey, her akuma, and Style Queen’s plot once you rewatch the episode?
The episode is...fine? On it's own? Like, I kinda just like it.
Well, as a character intro, it's pretty perfect. You know everything about Audrey in so little time:
Style Queen Magazine Fashion Critic
Harshest Fashion Critic in the World
Fires People at the Drop of the Hat, even the ones who don't work for her
Chloe mimics all her mannerisms and phrases -> Chloe sees Audrey as a role model to emulate -> Audrey is adult Chloe
Audrey sees no value in remaining in Paris despite her whole ass family living there -> Audrey doesn't give a single fuck about her family
Reinforced by her getting her husband and own daughter's names incorrect several times (she calls her CASSEROLE at one point!) though at least she has the good grace to look embarrassed for a second when she does and at least she corrects herself with the correct name.
She sure does get Gabriel's name right though, suggesting she holds him in better (or at least higher) regard than her own family. Maybe this is where Chloe got her Bourgeois Family Rule No. 148: You Need a Guy Best Friend to "Wrap Around Your Finger". This also suggests that her career ties are more important to her than her family ties.
Also it's interesting that she remembers Marinette's name when it comes up again...
In the two minutes they have Audrey talking in the opening, you know everything about her, and all signs point to her being a total asshole. And we all thought it was just Andre spoiling Chloe rotten that made her that way...
So I guess I'll just go chronologically for the set up to the akuma:
Liked: Marinette's imposter syndrome was depicted very well and is in line with her character. This was a pretty good use of Marinette's anxiety for the sake of exposition - her being tightly wound and going over her hat again and again so many times it makes her late, late enough to catch Audrey arriving so she can panic over that, and her getting to hear Audrey's interview with Nadja and panicking over that. All this set up helps the audience realize there's actually a stake here, since theoretically Audrey's opinion could make or break Marinette's dreams of being a designer.
Liked: Chloe trying to insult Marinette but ends up just doing a speed-run intro, pointing her out as a designer to Audrey and even showing off the detailing of her stitched signature. Maybe if Chloe hadn't gone out of her way to point these things out, Audrey wouldn't have taken an interest in Marinette in the first place, lol. Though obviously you'd only know that if you also watch "Queen Wasp".
Liked: This teeny tiny hint that Adrien isn't that into modeling, or at least not into modeling his dad's clothes, since he bemoans that he feels awkward. I liked that Adrien saw right through Marinette's imposter syndrome moment and actually cheered her up, and I like that Marinette complimenting his strut got him out of his funk in return without her even realizing it.
Liked: Oh c'mon we all liked it when Nathalie put Audrey in her place. It would be the dead pan snarky one that reminds Audrey that she doesn't work for her. The fact that Nathalie even smiles at Marinette when she presents the now vacant seat just sealed in that, on top of it being deliberate for Gabriel's plan, Nathalie enjoyed it. And so did I, Nathalie.
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God, please don't look directly at me.
I'll stop going chronologically here. The akuma is pretty good, though just like Audrey herself, better at a distance (her faaaaace, what is happening?!) and idk the back of her head is crazy. I think they were going for a Statue of Liberty Crown shape with her hair, but the back is just...cut off and flat.
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At least now I know where she kept the rose...?
As far as the fight goes, it's just Ladybug getting her ass beat even AFTER figuring out a way to slow Style Queen down with just her Lucky Charm, so I guess this IS Hawkmoth's "masterpiece". Though that does make her being so easily beaten in "Optygami" kinda weak. I guess all Ladybug really needed was help.
And obviously we were all robbed of Bee!Alya.
And obviously Plagg was MVP.
Chloe was also pretty good in this episode (in the way I think she's good, as a complete brat). She would bluff her way into signing up to be her mom's assistant, and while it was momentarily sweet of her to be worried about Adrien, you can still tell she's her asshole self when she starts down the stairs with her mom and talking about how AWESOME THEIR TEAM-UP WAS.
I know she was just leading up to suggesting she go to New York to be with her mother, but going on about how GREAT it was to "fire incompetents" together kinda puts into question just how much you were bluffing there, Chlo.
And of course Audrey calls the idea of Chloe going to New York with her ridiculous, but follows it up with "first I need to get back to Gabriel's fashion show", so there's a few ways to interpret that.
Is the idea of taking Chloe with her at all ridiculous?
Or Is it ridiculous to take Chloe to New York right now because the Fashion Show is still on? As in, that's not the order of things, or it's ridiculous because Audrey's not even going back to New York right away?
If it were any other character, I'd say she obviously meant the idea of Chloe going with her at all, but it's Audrey. Petty, career focused, only looking two steps ahead Audrey.
Then again, I'm probably just trying to make this more difficult and deeper than it is. It's probably just the former, she rejected Chloe flat out, especially when we know what's coming in "Queen Wasp". Idk who I'm defending here, it's a lost cause.
I guess what I'm getting at is that Audrey is fascinating as a character study in all these little ways that I'm not fully sure the show intended. Like her looking guilty when she screws up Chloe's name, even as an akuma. Or instead of listing the reasons why Chloe going to New York is ridiculous by tearing Chloe down, she instead is pointing out that they have somewhere else to be first. Where she comes across as not so much trying to be intentionally malicious but instead thoughtlessly cruel.
Don't get it twisted, though, she's still an asshole.
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perpetualproductions · 5 months
If We Were Vampires (Pt. 9)
- There's a party tonight?
- Jordan decides to stay in
- Nevermind. Jordan needs to go to the party.
CW: Blood. Violence. More blood. Mentions of drugs/drug use. Same w/Alcohol.
[a/n: ngl, kinda let the depression win with this one. Words just weren't wording when I wrote it. But hey, still wrote. Anyways, sorry, ig. Hope it's readable.]
3k words
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Jordan and Marie were both sitting at one of the picnic tables in the quad, sharing a sandwich from the cafeteria. They had spent most of the afternoon outside now, just walking around, spending time together and simply enjoying each other's company. They had fallen into casual conversation when they were suddenly approached by Cate and Andre. 
“Well look who decided to show their face?” Cate said, sliding into the open spot on Marie's left.
“Yo, I'm gonna need to know what you took that left you MIA for four fucking days, dude. Seriously, where'd you go that night?” Andre said, slinging an arm around Jordan's shoulders, taking the spot on their right. 
Jordan just forces a laugh. “Trust me, you don't want to know. Definitely never doing that again.”
Andre jokingly narrows his eyes. “Fine. Keep your secrets.” Andre drops his arm, giving Jordan some space. 
“Doesn't matter. There'll be plenty of opportunities to get fucked up later tonight.” Cate winks, nudging Marie a bit, who just gives a tight smile and nods in response. 
Jordan's a little confused from the interaction. “What's tonight?” 
“Party in the woods. There's a clearing about a mile out from Dusty's, right next to a lake. There's gonna be a bonfire and everything.” Cate responded. 
“And rumor has it Dusty's supplier is bringing out some of the good shit this time.” Andre added. 
“I thought Marie told you?” Cate questioned, looking at Marie. 
Marie just looked at Jordan a bit wide eyed. She did mean to tell them, but then the whole vampire thing came to light and Marie was sure partying was gonna be the last thing on Jordan's mind. “I uh, well Jordan's been really busy, haven't really had time to bring up-” 
“It's fine. Don't think I'm gonna go anyways.” Jordan interrupts. “I am still pretty busy.” They tried to reason. 
“Oh come on, you're always busy, Jordan. It's Saturday! Come get fucked up with your friends!” Andre tries to convince them. 
“Yeah, since when does Jordan Li say no to a party?” Cate adds.
“Since I completely blacked out from one a couple days ago. And I seriously can't afford to do that again when I have so much work to do. Sorry guys. Maybe next time.” Jordan said, definitely. They switched to female form as they got up and began to walk away from the table, knowing they wouldn't stop trying to convince Jordan to go to the party if they stayed. They were right. Usually Jordan would jump at the chance to escape their response for a night, but they really weren't sure how they'd behave in a crowd of people, blood pumping through their veins from the dancing and drugs. Just sounded like a recipe for disaster. Also, there may be a touch of ptsd, given they actually died at the last party they went to. Or adjacent. Whatever, it was the middle of the woods, they're a vampire, they've seen this movie before. They weren't gonna risk it. 
They could hear Marie call their name from behind them, but they didn't feel like talking at the moment, so they rounded a tree and sped away once they were out of sight.
Jordan spent the rest of the day working out in the student gym, then going to study in their dorm, alone. Just trying to keep them busy, taking their mind off of anything vampire for the rest of the day. As much as they could anyway, cause they still had to drink blood every now and again.
Except this time, as they sat at their desk studying for what felt like hours, they felt their stomach growl, the hunger seeping in. They were on a bit of a roll, so they ignored it as much as they could until they finally caved, dropping their pencil and rolling over to their mini fridge. As they swung the door open, they froze… There was only one bag left. Shit. 
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit-” Jordan stumbled out of their chair, kneeling in front of the fridge, digging through to make sure there weren't any bags hiding in the back (not that it even went back that far). “Shit!” Jordan yelled, slamming their hand down on the fridge door. A loud crack followed by a thump rang out as the fridge door broke off its hinges, falling on the floor. Jordan moved back a bit as it happened, a hand clutching their head, fingers tangling into their bob. “Fuck…” Jordan sighed, sliding down till they were sat on the floor. They angrily kick the broken door away from them and reach into the fridge, grabbing the last blood bag, ripping it open and drinking it all down. 
They tried to savor it, take it slow, but they were too hungry. They finished the bag in seconds, throwing it to the side. Jordan groaned as they clutched their head in their hands. They were a bit fucked here. They were doing a decent job at rationing their “meals” and making sure they were pacing themselves and not drinking too many bags at once. But that morning sort of fucked them. When they got spooked, accidentally biting Marie's lip, they just lost control a bit and drank down like five fucking bags at once. Shit. They were gonna have to get more, and unfortunately, they only had one supplier…
Jordan made their way over to Justine Garcia’s dorm, banging on the door. “Hey! Open the fuck up!” Jordan yelled. They didn't want to bring any attention to themselves, but they were pretty on edge at the moment. They kept knocking on the door, but didn't get a response. 
Jordan sighed, thinking Justine was already at the party by now. Fuck. They were gonna have to go, confront her, and either convince her to come back to give them more blood bags, or drag her back. No- they really shouldn't make a scene. They can't make a scene. 
Jordan's about to walk away, but stops. They turn back around to the door in front of them, getting close to it to see if they can sense what they're looking for on the other side. They couldn't sense anyone on the other side. No fresh blood flowing through veins or breathing can be heard, but they think they can smell a faint scent of blood. Bagged blood, but still blood.
Fuck it. Jordan thought. They grabbed the door handle and yanked it down, effectively breaking it off. They push the door open, taking a scan of the room before walking in. But, as they go to step in, they can't.
"What the fuck?" Jordan mutters to themselves. They try to step through again, but can't. It's as if an invisible force is keeping them from crossing the threshold into the dorm. Getting frustrated with whatever the fuck this was, Jordan stepped back and tried to run as hard as they could through this invisible force, but they just ended up being pushed back. "Fuck!" They exclaimed, finally giving up. There was blood right inside that room and for whatever fucking reason, they couldn't walk in to get it. Fucking hell.
Jordan took a deep breath, trying to ground themselves. Their hunger was very present, but they couldn't let it take over. They just needed to push it down, go to the party, get in and get out, and everything would be fine. 
Jordan shuffled their way through the crowd in their male form, the cold night air barely noticeable while in the sea of bodies, so crowded you'd think you were actually indoors. Jordan focused on their breathing as they waded through, letting the hundreds of heartbeats fade in with the pounding music. Their eyes scanned around, trying not to linger on any necks, looking for one particular person, and honestly having no luck so far.
Jordan decided to move closer to the lake where there seemed to be less people. They turned to face the water and took a deep breath, trying to focus their hearing on the gentle lapping water of the lake, doing their best to shove down the incessant hunger clawing at them from the inside. They literally shook themselves off as they turned back around, determined to find the other vamp and get more blood bags on their hands and into their stomach. 
They scanned through the crowd from the outside, able to focus in more now that they were out of the chaos in the middle. They spot a few familiar faces, the usual Godolkin party goers. They see dusty near the pit snorting powders with a couple others, they see Cate and Andre drinking and laughing it up, and then their eyes land on the one Marie Moreau. There she was, as beautiful as ever, dancing in the crowd, hands reaching to the sky as her body moved to the rhythm of the music. They couldn't take their eyes off her, they barely even noticed Emma dancing next to her, seemingly preoccupied with some random curly haired freshman. Jordan couldn't help themselves as they began to walk towards Marie, almost forgetting why they came to this party in the first place. 
But, before Jordan could make it to her, they noticed someone else walk up to her. A douchey looking (in Jordan's opinion), 6-foot-something, blonde guy made his way up behind Marie and just blatantly placed his hands on her waist. The proximity alone made Jordan's blood boil, but the touching was too far. Even as Marie began to turn around, her hands coming up, ready to push the guy away from her, Jordan was there in the blink of an eye, throwing Marie off for a second. She watched as Jordan (who came out of nowhere to her), pushed the guy so hard he fell to the ground with a thump. 
“What the FUCK do you think you're doing!” Jordan barked at the guy, looking down at him. 
The guy got back up, brushing the dirt off of himself. “Hey man, what the fuck’s your problem?!” The dude shouted back. It was clear this guy was a bit drunk, Jordan smelling the alcohol off his breath as the guy got up in their face. “I was just asking the lady if she wanted to-”
Jordan, letting their heightened emotions get the better of them, just swung at the guy, hitting him square in the face. A loud crack could be heard, along with a cry coming from the guy they just hit. They watched him stumble back, clutching his face. Jordan didn't need him to move his hands to know that they had broken the guys nose, smelling the blood oozing out and running down his face. 
“Jordan, what the fuck?!” Marie's voice pulled them back.  They looked back at her, clocking her worried, yet pissed off face. But Jordan already felt themselves hurdling off the edge with all the heightened feeling and the presence of blood, they just yelled back at her. 
“What do you mean, “what the fuck?!” That asshole was fucking all over you!” They shouted, not paying attention to said asshole being ushered away from the situation by some other party goers. Jordan could tell by the fading scent of fresh blood moving further away, which just reminded them of their hunger even more. 
“Yeah, and I was gonna take care of it til you came running in, arms swinging like an idiot!” Marie shouted back. Jordan's head was too busy ringing from all the overwhelming sensations, they didn't even notice their chest was still heaving. Marie took the time to notice they were still in the middle of a large crowd, sighing and grabbing Jordan's arm to drag them away. 
They stopped a good ten feet away from the crowd, just at the forest treeline. Jordan switched to their female form and pulled themselves out of Marie's hold. “Hey, how about you calm down for a second.” Marie said, clearly still peeved from the whole situation.
“I'm trying to be calm! Okay, Moreau? I'm fucking trying, it's just-” Jordan clutches their head, trying to get their thoughts together, but all they could focus on was Marie's pounding pulse. “Fuck, I-I’m sorry. I shouldn't even fucking be here-” 
“-Then why are you here, Jordan? I thought you weren't coming?” Marie asked, crossing her arms. 
“I wasn't gonna come, but then I- I don't know. I thought I'd be fine- that I'd have it under control, but I obviously fucking don't!” Jordan shouted, more at themselves. 
“Are you hungry? Have you-” Marie tried to ask, but Jordan cut her off. 
“I'm fine, Marie! I'm fucking fine! You don't have to worry about that shit.” Jordan said, defensively. 
“Well you don't seem fucking fine, Jordan. What did we say about communicat-” 
“I am fine, Marie, okay? I'm just fucking tired from everything. I thought this would help, but obviously not.” Jordan tried, hoping Marie would buy the explanation. Before Marie could respond, Jordan decided to just completely backpedal from the situation, they needed to get some distance between them right now, especially with just how fucking hungry they were right now. “I'm just gonna go. We can talk tomorrow.” 
Marie was already shaking her head as she spoke, “No, Jordan, wait-” but before she could finish, Jordan had sped off, leaving her standing alone by the trees. 
Jordan had sped back into the woods, just far enough to be out of Marie's line of sight. They couldn't help but look back at her, confused and upset at Jordan's sudden disappearance. But they didn't have a choice, they needed to get the fuck out of their and just lock themselves in their dorm till they could go safely find Justine again. Jordan took a deep breath, turning around, and walking their way back to Godolkin. They had only taken a couple steps before a sound to their right caught their attention. They turned, only to catch the sight of someone leaning against a tree, seemingly groaning in pain. 
“Hello? Are you alright?” Jordan asked as they slowly approached, only to stop dead in their tracks once they realized who this was. There Jordan stood, face to face with the blonde asshole who tried to grab Marie earlier. They were surprised to see their nose was still actively bleeding, the words coming out of the guys mouth not even registering. Jordan could help but step closer to him, making him back up more into the tree. 
“Aw fuck man, look- I-I’m sorry, okay? I didn't mean to-” 
“Shut the fuck up.” Jordan said, looking into the guy's eyes. But to Jordan's slight surprise, he immediately stopped talking. In fact, the guy looked as shocked as they did. But Jordan didn't have time to linger on that, the blood on guys face still drawing them in. The sound of their elevated pulse, pounding in their neck made Jordan's mouth water. The tiny voice in the back of their head tried to speak up, yell at them, beg them to stop, but they were too far gone now. It had been too long, they waited to fucking long. Their stomach ached with hunger, their skin crawling and begging for satiation. And here it was, right in front of them. Without thinking, they switched back to male form, grabbing the blonde by the shit, pinning him in place. The guy looked truly terrified, unable to yell out for help. The terror only grew as he watched the veins protrude beneath Jordan's now darkened eyes. Jordan felt the familiar ache in their teeth as their fangs grew out. At this point, Jordan could care less how terrified the man looked. All that mattered was the delicious substance that ran in the veins, just beneath the skin. Jordan, now mere centimeters from the man's neck, took a deep inhale through the nose, relishing in the intoxicating aroma of blood, and without a second thought, sunk their teeth right in, ripping through the skin and unleashing that which they crave. 
An animalistic growl escaped Jordan as they continued to feed on this man, sucking every last drop of blood he had to offer. The taste of fresh warm blood was almost incomparable to that of cold, bagged blood. It was invigorating, only urging them to drink more. They didn't stop, couldn't stop for a good few minutes, feeling the man's body go limp in their arms. A feeling they remember from the first time they did this. It was then that Jordan's conscience clawed its way back to yell at them. The images of that poor lady flashing through their mind, the possibility of them almost doing that to Marie. They screamed at themselves to stop, let go, maybe it wasn't too late, but it was. Because they couldn't stop. They kept drinking till there wasn't a drop left to drink. Only then did they manage to unclench their jaw and pull away, dropping the body on the forest floor. 
Jordan fell to their knees, staring at the dead body before them. They felt so relieved and rejuvenated, but at the same time terrified. Drinking the blood straight from the vein was a feeling unlike any other that left them with a clear head, but looking down at the dead eyes and limp body in front of them, with a clear, bloody bite mark on their neck, it fucking terrified them. It terrified them that they were the animal that did this, and even more so that they wanted nothing more than to do it again. Before Jordan could think anything else, a voice echoed out from beside them. 
“Well, took you long enough.” Justine tisked looking down at Jordan with a feigned apologetic look. “Aw, what's wrong? That conscience of yours making you feel bad?” 
The sound of Justine's voice alone ticked Jordan off, but her words were confusing them. “What the fuck-” but before Jordan could finish their sentence, they felt a sharp prick on their neck, a hand instinctively shooting up to feel where they've been pricked. They tried to turn around to see what the fuck that was, but it was too late. Their vision quickly became blurry, the darkness taking over, as they felt themselves fall, everything fading to black…
Thanks for reading this far! Hope you enjoyed. And honest big thanks to those that have interacted with every update, I appreciate it so much and it lets me know that people actually read these, lol. So yeah, until people don't, I plan to keep writing this. Actually have an idea for where I want this story to go, but if you have any suggestions or things you want to see, please let me know! I'm happy to do so. It might be a minute before the next chapter tbh. Life's getting hectic again and I'm in between jobs rn, so I won't have much time to write. But feel free to check out my other fic in the meantime (Never Be The Same), which drops every Saturday. Anyways, hope you have a nice day!
Much Love, 😎👍❤️
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yokiidokii · 1 year
May I request hc's of The Gang with a male reader that's new to Cognito?? Just a normal guy that was suddenly thrusted into a crazy company to work in
I thank you for taking me up on my offer, I hope the wait wasn't too much! I wanted to write something good and I wasn't happy with my first go around so this was my second take >:)
Warnings: Absolutely nothin, you are so safe baybe <3
Another one??? She'd sigh but considering how good for both her and the company Brett turned out to be she can't complain about it.
She'd have probably gotten all of her "You aren't who you say you are" theories out on Brett so luckily you are spared. for now.
Would give the most thorough tour. Like you will know all the places that you need to by the end of this tour along with a good handful of the people who work in them.
I feel like Reagan would be pretty interested in what job you would be there to do? Like she's got no clue what you were hired based on- please tell her it wasn't the firmness of your handshake.
Regan reeks of a burnt-out gifted kid it's because that's what she is SO I'd imagine that she would be incredibly good at helping you figure out all that shitty 'welcome to the company keep us a secret or we disappear you' papers. Like she knows why there are so many but it can get overwhelming for a first-timer to read about all the ways your employer can see in on your life when you aren't paying attention and also how many ways they plan to kill you.
She would be vaguely interested in your outside life, maybe not as much as some of your other coworkers so it may not come up as often as either of you would like compared to general water cooler conversations.
Okay sweet girl would try and be entertaining or fill the quiet with jokes or something and it would absolutely come out like a threat SHE'S TRYING SO HARD SHE DOESN'T MEAN IT.
WOW!!! Another guy in his exact position? Your impending friendship has to be fate.
He'd be more than glad to show you around! This place is pretty easy to get lost in but he assures you that you'll get used to it after a while.
Brett has the most heart, he found his family at this place! So he's going to try his best to give you all the reasons why this place may be a madhouse, but it's a madhouse ~with heart✨
He's got something nice to say about basically everyone and everything that resides within Cognito, so you'll have at least one reason to like everyone here!
Pretty laid back but very welcoming! I mean he was once in your position. Sometimes you get some serious imposter syndrome being surrounded by all these cool brainiacs and walking, talking conspiracies, so if you ever need to talk his office door is always open <3
This man is as warm as the fluffiest thickest comforter you have ever seen and doubly as welcoming so he's sure to try his darndest at including you in things and introducing you to his friends!
Would be so willing to listen to you talk about your life outside of work, but if you don't want to? That's cool too! He can talk about his life outside of Cognito! No bonding time lost ;)
Being normal doesn't always mean being boring. He is invested in finding out what interesting secrets hide within the walls you've put up.
So okay, he will genuinely try and help you around if he's tasked to. He can show you the places you need to be and introduce you to a handful of cool people HOWEVER he will sit back and laugh as you experience the madness. He enjoys the confusion and probable moral panic.
He won’t leave you floundering though. Andre is a talker, the tour will be full of weird info he knows but he will also be asking you questions about how you ended up here like the whole time? He’s just a curious lil fella :) 
Also would be someone to lounge in your office, if you don’t have anything to decorate it off the bat he might think it’s a little bit boring however he won’t say anything. But you may start noticing more small and funky novelty objects appearing in your office.
(It’s him. All of them are from him and they are so silly) BUT! They all stay, they hold sentimental value AND they make your space less boring and more homey :) TRIPLE WIN!!!
Helpful in his own special Myc kinda way, like a little bit of an asshole about it but not so much that it feels like he’s being a total dick? He’s still helpful but he’s using terms from Cognito that you definitely do not understand yet. He’ll explain it son, he just wants to watch you squirm for a minute as you try and figure it out what the fuck he’s talking about.
His tour would be like some emotional rollercoaster? You don’t really know what’s going on here so he’s going to fuck with you. Hyping up what’s beyond this door as some big scary bad thing and it’s not, it’s just craft services- it’s just to amuse himself.
Simillar to Andre in that he will laugh and tease you about shit, but he will absolutely have more amo because of the whole mind reading thing? More stuff akin to him mentioning Brett’s lovely memory of Dane Cook routines in episode 1. It’s just the Myc special baby well one of them anyway ;) 
He’d obviously have a preference to tell you more nice things about the gang? Even those might not sound nice but uh- they are for him? HOWEVER he will tell you to never tell them or he will find you. You are slightly unsure if it’s a real threat or not???
Ok, Gigi would be one of if not the most helpful to be able to show you around.
Based on how she acted with Brett- she might flirt with you, but like who would complain about that have you SEEN HER????
Knows where the best places in the office to get cell reception are 
She lives for the gossip and will gossip about all the coworkers she introduces to you. Is it true? Probably. Will you trust her? Up to you~ it’s all true okay– eat this shit up. SHE HAS THE GOOD SHIT.
Honestly? Her welcome would be nice? Like her own work is super chaotic but she knows how the fuck to handle all this. She knows how to help you deal with all this chaos.
Would ABSOLUTELY look you up on social media to know what you’re all about.
Ears are always ready to listen. Absolutely ready to listen to you spill all the tea about wherever in the company you do end up in. Even if it’s her own she knows interesting shit is always happening within these walls - GIVE👏🏻HER👏🏻THE👏🏻DEETS
OK SO NOT TO BE RUDE BUT- She is going to judge your bland ass office hardcore. She just is, it’s a fact of life. She’s got recommendations right away.  Follow her orders. Please-
Actually kind of wholesome??
You might actually get a decent tour, I think it’s fair to say based on him that it would be pretty biased? Especially about what part of the company he hopes you’d join *wink wink nudge nudge*
The tour would probably be surprisingly thorough? Especially his section and Andre’s! He knows the most about those two places so that isn’t the most shocking? Though some of the other places get the bare minimum knowledge.
He would also be able to show you the best places for napping, Old man naps <3
There might be a little less said, but what is said is important. So if he gives someone or something a compliment know that he means it.
I mean he was a normal man once, he still kinda is? Y’know minus the dolphin stuff? So if you need someone to hash it out with when the company gets too much you could come to him. If he likes you enough he might let you launch a missile somewhere- please have restraint. Please.
He’d probably also want to talk, please indulge him in getting to talk about his life at least a little bit with serious responses and care. He deserves some genuine care too and it makes the whole… whatever you two have going on feel more mutual to him :D
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tapedsleeves · 3 months
Thank you <333 Everyone is so loveable 😭 I'm so glad you added Hutton cause I vaguely remember him playing in a few games but the lip sync video is sooo funny
One last batch of questions if you're up to it cause I adore how you describe everyone <3 looking at the roster I think the last guys left are Barbie and ammo? (the funniest nicknames 😂) and guys like Dorofeyev, brisson, and jiri patera but I think they might fall under the Henderson duckling group?
also if you don't mind, I keep seeing patches and Reilly smith pop up when I scroll thru himbeaux's blog. I've heard a lot about marc andre fleury before but I didn't realize how many other ex-players were also so beloved! I'd love to hear about any of them if you have the time
There are actually a couple I haven't talked about in depth, but Hertl & Hanifin have only been on the team since the trade deadline. I don't know probably more about them than you do.
So, here's the list of current roster guys I'm gonna touch on: Ivan Barbashev, Michael Amadio, Pavel Dorofeyev, Brendan Brisson, Brett Howden, and Jonas Rondbjerg
and the traded guys I'm gonna talk about: Marc-Andre Fleury, Reilly Smith, Max Pacioretty, Robin Lehner, Ryan Reaves, Erik Haula, and Dylan Coghlan.
Now you see why I was like "I don't know if I can do it all in one ask" - because not only is team chemistry defined by who's there currently it is SO informed by who's been there.
These blurbs are probably gonna be shorter, because there's (counts) 14 of them.
That's many. And there are some that I don't know a whole bunch about. That's truer for some than others.
Ivan Barbashev Traded to VGK at the trade deadline in 2023. Learned about the trade at the same time as his wife (she screamed in the other room). was very excited to play with petro again, since they're good friends. got headbutted by LT and was very cute about it. his little face when jack yells He's actually just. giggly in general. he was part of the 12 Knights of Giving and was VERY VERY cute about giving ppl their groceries for free. his face on this save is REALLY CUTE. He fell off the bus during the STL parade. this supports my theory that he's made of like. variable density. it's impossible to knock him over and yet he is SO fast and agile? it's fucking wild.
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he's got really good taste in sunglasses
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2. Michael amadio: UNDERRATED!!!! i love Ammo. based on getty, i think either he and nic roy have very similar schedules or ride in together bc they are almost always in walkin photos together. i'm just now finding this out.
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I don't know a lot about him, because he's very quiet, but he's got really nice eyelashes and his face looks very soft. even his beard. even his voice is soft & deep. he seems really nice. just a cool room guy.
3. Pavel Dorofeyev: Dorothea!!!. Ok so this is not his actual nickname. I call him this bc when Dave Goucher says his name on the broadcast it sounds like Dorothea. And when Dave had Laryngitis, and he said his full name, it truly sounded like he said "pebble dorothea." this is his name in my head.
Dorothea is SO cute. He looks like a Tall Bitty to me, and i can't get that out of my head.
I know that's not very informative, but that's just.
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when Brendan Gallagher busted his teeth in, alec martinez picked them up and carried them to him. Dorothea is one of the HSK guys, who are the closest.
4. Brendan Brisson - son of famous agent Pat Brisson. babysat by Sidney crosby. Umich guy. lots of ppl know more about him than me. always wants to tuck himself into a hug. this is very funny hwen the other guy is shorter than him
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lots of people who followed him at umich know more about him than me, i'm sure.
5. Brett Howden: Bread!!! Just a sweet young manitoban guy. Childhood friend of nolan patrick went through Tampa & New York before coming to Vegas. changed his play style to play with Mark. Was part of the 2018 WJC team, but hasn't been implicated in any crimes :(
Grabbed Marchy by the jersey and yelled "we did it we did it" when they won the cup
Jonathan Marchessault followed up with him after and said "oh i had to tell you, when i had my vision of winning the cup, we weren't wearing the white (away) jerseys. we were wearing the gold ones"
indicating that??? Marchy??? has prophetic visions?? and shares them with brett howden???? what the hell is happenign here i love this so much. (seriously this video has SO MUCH. keegan kolesar kissing marchessault on the face SO MUCH. jack and marchy beign sO romantic about Marchy's conn smythe win "I did it for - you did it for me." / "that's the best thing i've ever seen" and all the i love yous. I just. love them)
6. Jonas Rondbjerg - Ronny is just a really sweet, quiet HSK guy! he's not the main roster, so when he gets called up, he hangs with the guys he knows. He was best friends with Jake Leschyshyn before he got traded to the NYR.
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Notable Guys who've been traded
Marc- Andre Fleury - found out he got traded on twitter. Known prankster. Everyone loves him, excellent but aging goalie who is going to retire after 24-25. After retirement, he's moving back to Vegas to live during the non-summer months. If he hadn't been a goalie, probably he'd have been captain. I love him so much and he tried to fight jordan binnington while he was on the Wild.
Reilly Smith - OG Golden Misfit, traded to VGK with Jonathan Marchessault. Jonathan Marchessault said of him that he was relieved when they got drafted / traded that wasn't scared to go to a new place bc he would know somebody. And when Smitty joined VGK for their White House Cup Visit, Jonathan said in the interview after "Everywhere he is is home a little bit"
Reilly started the Battle For Vegas, a charity baseball game during the summer, which is a great time which Jack Eichel took over since Smitty got traded. Said "What a time to be alive" with an absolutely blasted voice while on the ice right after they won the cup.
Max Pacioretty - Traded to Vegas after doing frankly a nuclear option with his prior agent (switching to Allan Walsh on draft day) because talks with Montreal had gotten so bad. was SO happy to be in Vegas. When Stone was traded in February, was kind of worried bc they'd been such rivals during their time in MTL & OTT respectively. but they were almost immediately complimentary of each other. They were best friends. Patch says that he knew, almost as soon as Mark came in that he was gonna be the captain. Which is WILD. Bc it had been almost 3 season without them having one. but Mark is their captain. He was right.
Ryan Reaves - is a GREAT room guy, and a WONDERFUL guy off the ice. Loves a prank. ate spicy chocolate. He's done B4V a couple of summers (he did it last year iirc) and it's just. Really sweet. A lot of these guys just. really really bonded for life during that first year, you know? I know that Belly is still friends with a bunch of the OG Misfits, and so is Reavo (he was pumped to play on the wild with flower, for instance). Reavo said that when mark stone fought tomas hertl that "Those hands aren’t made to fight; they’re made to dance. They’re supposed to be soft." basically "I'd rather they let ME do the fighting, their hands are meant for better things" like. ReAVO MY GUY. UGH.
i love him
Erik Haula - Another guy who does B4V, got traded to the Canes (who mistreated him) and is now with the Devils (who love him). Is still best friends with Karly.
Dylan Coghlan - came to VGK in the Erik Haula trade from the Canes system. Was VERY VERY good friends with the younger guys, Haguer, Roysie, Whitecloud, Keegan, Howden, etc. Went to a concert with Jack, Haguer, & HOwdy/ Also still does B4V and excels at it. Is a defensemen, but when we didn't have any forwards, filled in. I would know him by his teeth anywhere (very distinctive). adorable.
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🎵 Protorave
"Disco Elysium."
NOID - "Like that Dolorian word for the world, you mean? Elysium..."
ACELE - "But *Disco* Elysium..." She looks unsure. "Isn't it wacky? Disco's kind of gone, isn't it? Forgotten."
ANDRE - "No, it's beautiful. Beautiful and brave! Like we want it to be."
NOID - "*And* short. *And* memorable!"
ACELE - "It's settled, then. Everyone, welcome to Disco Elysium!" A light beam washes over the dance floor, bathing it in violet blue.
Task complete: Help ravers start a nightclub
+70 XP
Level up!
ANDRE - Andre breaks into frenzied dance-like motion to celebrate the name. Someone turns up the beat.
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - You should go with the flow. Join in on the experience.
Start tapping your foot.
(Observe his movement.) "What are you doing, Andre?"
SUGGESTION - It feels good, it feels right... but what is this? What is this *thing* that Andre is doing with his limbs?!
(Observe his movement.) "What are you doing, Andre?"
(I don't care.) "Cool, let's move on to the questions then."
ANDRE - "I'm dancing!" He performs yet another strange pattern of moves, but it doesn't look very cool or modern. Honestly, it looks kind of lame...
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - That soft-core gyrating is supposed to be *dancing*?
"We should talk about it. We should talk about your so-called 'dancing'."
ANDRE - "Yes, my man!" He jumps up and down with glee, his moves punctuated by the stroboscopic flash of the club lights.
COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] - Talk? What is there to talk about if you can express yourself with *moves*?
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT [Trivial: Success] - Audio waves thump against your rib cage. The speaker set-up makes everything sound much better... but the *BEAT* is still so weak.
"I've been meaning to ask you, what's with the hair?"
"You mentioned some kind Ecclesiastes own the church. Who are these Ecclesiastes?"
[Savoir Faire - Impossible 18] No words. Just dance.
"That's it for now." [Leave.]
ANDRE - "It's to express my individuality."
PERCEPTION [Medium: Success] - Is that a bald spot? It's hard to tell for sure with the fused-together spikes, but it looks like he's balding.
"Or is it because you're balding?"
"Is it important for you? To be an individual?"
"Fair enough."
"That's idiotic."
ANDRE - "...or because I'm balding, yes. I want to fuse the remains of my hair together, before it leaves me."
"I wanna show my hair: I don't give a fuck how old you think I am. I'm twenty!"
"How old *are* you, Andre?"
ANDRE - "Not twenty."
2. "Is it important for you? To be an individual?"
ANDRE - "Of course it is, otherwise I'd just be another poor guy with no education and no money. General-issue, man. Now I'm all that -- *and* I have radical spikes."
3. "Fair enough."
ANDRE - He looks at the molten toothbrush. "Maybe it was a bad idea... anyway."
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Let's see talk to the others and see if we can get some more bonuses to this check before we attempt it..
4. "That's it for now." [Leave.]
ANDRE - "Goodbye, officer."
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EGG HEAD - "Dolorian church, the place to be! Make some noise, my church people!" Large speakers are set up behind the young man, blasting a familiar song.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT [Medium: Success] - Vibrations thump through your blue soul. The music sounds much better in the church.
SHIVERS [Medium: Success] - A hawthorn tree on Rue de Saint-Ghislaine. Tangled in its branches, something bronze flutters in the wind...
Already taken care of.
EGG HEAD - He stands on stage behind a table, nodding along to the music and waving his hand in the air. In front of him -- the audio mixer, one reel spinning.
The other reel deck is empty. Cables run hither and thither. On one side, you see an auxiliary line-in with the number 4.5 written next to it.
"How do you like it in the church?"
EGG HEAD - "Yeeaaaagh! Back on the case, no disgrace!" He pumps his fist in the air. "Bring it down to party place!"
"THE FIRST PAGE OF THE SECOND CHAPTER!" His voice echoes all around the grand hall.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Could it be? Maybe for him -- you only have a chapter or two left in you. Last of the penultimate, more like...
Nothing else is new with Egg Head.
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ACELE - She's whistling a melody, her trusty contact mic attached to a wooden pulpit. At the sound of your footsteps, she stops what she was doing and turns to you.
"Hey, there." She gives you a shy smile. "I've been recording some new audio from all these beams and rafters. The sounds travelling through the wood are pretty cool -- creaks and stuff. Like you're underwater, you know... But, like, underwater inside a tree."
"And yes, I'm being more like Contact Mike, alright. Don't even bring it up."
"I wasn't going to --"
"But Contact Mike is --"
"Okay, fine."
ACELE - "No-no." She cuts you off before you can finish the sentence. "I actually wanted to thank you. For getting me and my friends in here. And we even found some new... associates, such as they are."
"How's everyone doing?"
"Alright, I got some questions for you."
ACELE - "Good, I think. Noid is getting a read on the place, I think he finds the carpentry very impressive. Andre's been setting up the compressor and... dancing. Egg Head's keeping the party up, he's got the stage under control."
"Soona, the programmer, she's doing... whatever she does, behind that radiocomputer of hers. She doesn't talk to us much. And the crab-man hasn't shown himself, thank god."
"*Now* can you tell me about your associates?"
ACELE - "Sure. You helped us out, I can repay the favour. What do you want to know?"
Task complete: Get Acele to talk about her associates
+10 XP
"Tell me about Soona."
"What about Tiago?"
"Tell me about Andre."
"Tell me about Noid."
"What's the deal with Egg Head?"
"Thank you. Some other questions."
ACELE - "Uh... she's a bit odd, I have to say. Doesn't talk much. I'm not really sure how to vibe with her, y'know? Seems like she's not in a very good mood most of the time."
"But earlier today she told me about... welkins?" Acele grimaces, as if it's the first time hearing the word. "And she seemed oddly happy. Like she had had some idea with those... little creatures. Some artistic idea. I didn't really listen, I was busy with my mic."
2. "What about Tiago?"
ACELE - "Oh, the crab-man." She shudders. "Still gives me the creeps, the way he moves... But he doesn't actually come down that much, just climbs around the rafters."
"I just try to stay away from the crab-man, but he talks to Noid. They seem to have some 'thing' going on."
"Oh, he talks to Noid? What for?"
"What does he do up there?"
"Thanks. About the others…"
ACELE - "Beats me... Noid said they get along, somehow. They're both crazy enough, I guess."
2. "What does he do up there?"
ACELE - "Who knows?" She shrugs. "He doesn't really answer our questions, see. Not that it's easy to ask them. What are we supposed to do, yell up at the tower?"
3. "Thanks. About the others..."
ACELE - "Who do you want to know about?"
3. "Tell me about Andre."
ACELE - "Andre? He's a cool guy. Doesn't really come off as one, but he is. To me at least..."
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - She rubs her sides, but not from cold. Her shoulders are relaxed. She must have taken a hit or she's on an upswing.
ACELE - "He takes care of shit. Sorry, I mean he's got a *vision*. Of what life should be, you know? He tries to push things until everything falls into place. He's an organizer."
"What has he organized?"
"Tell me about the others."
ACELE - "Nothing. But then again... there's nothing to organize around here either. He really wants this church thing to work..."
"Must have taken it as a sign when he found it abandoned like that. Said it was an *augury*. I don't know where he got that from." She smiles. "Andre's not super intelligent..."
"I've never seen him so psyched about anything though -- and he's often psyched. Looked sort of desperate, like it's his last chance or something. Or maybe he was just high..."
"I mean, not that he does drugs. Just *high* you know."
"On life?"
"On his mother's love?"
"Relax girl. We're police officers, but we're corrupt, rotten to the marrow. You can tell us about drugs and shit, I don't give fuck."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yeah. Drugs. Shit. Fuck. We don't care." He smirks.
ACELE - "Uh, yes. Anyway."
"Could it be that he's balding? Him thinking it's his last chance?"
"Is Andre your boyfriend?"
ACELE - "Come to think of it, yes!" She laughs.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - This is the first time you've heard her laugh.
ACELE - "He's in some kind of a self-destruction mode with that hair of his. Bleaching it like that. Probably wants to get rid of it altogether."
"Is Andre your boyfriend?"
"Tell me about the others."
ACELE - "Yes." She nods.
2. "Tell me about the others."
ACELE - "Who do you want to know about?"
4. "Tell me about Noid."
ACELE - "He's a Faubourger I guess, like the rest of us. Okay, maybe not Egg, I don't know about him, but Noid and the rest are from Faubourg, making the pilgrimage up north to visit The Paliseum."
"He's real hard core about the lifestyle."
"What does he do?"
"What is this pilgrimage you're talking about?"
"Actually, tell me about the others."
ACELE - "What do you mean, 'do'? Like for a living?"
"No, I meant for breakfast. Of course for a living."
ACELE - "He's a carpenter. Trained and all. He's very good, he just doesn't have the mindset to work like that -- in a shop somewhere."
"What kind of mindset is that?"
ACELE - "He abides by the hard core, sir. You would have to ask him yourself."
"And you?"
"Tell me more about him."
ACELE - "Sir," she gives you a switchblade smile. "I abide by *the law*."
INLAND EMPIRE [Trivial: Success] - A strange feeling... like before, when you caught her lying better than she should have. Every now and then something feels off about the way she speaks. She doesn't exactly change tone, but you feel as though there's more about her than she lets on.
2. "What is this pilgrimage you're talking about?"
ACELE - "It's just something poor Faubourg kids do every spring, to pass the time. We walk the entire length of Boogie Street, up to Jamrock. Or as much as possible."
"Why wouldn't it be?"
ACELE - "I don't know man, have you *been* down Boogie Street? It's a little bewildering."
"Let's say I *haven't* been down Boogie Street."
"Oh, I'm sorry... have I not told you I'm a raging alcoholic who recently drank himself into an oblivion so deep he can't even remember what sounds like the biggest street in the city?"
ACELE - "Uhm... kind of? I'm gonna say: yes."
"Well, I am."
"Because I'm not. Now tell me something else about Noid."
ACELE - "Okay, then you should go and take a look, I guess. Boogie Street is cool. It's got a lot of immigrants and all kinds of different people."
"I might just do that if I make it there alive."
"It's unlikely I'll make it there. Chest pains. Need to continue drinking. But thank you."
ACELE - "Yeah," she says, then adds: "I hope you do."
3. "Actually, tell me about the others."
ACELE - "Who do you want to know about?"
5. "What's the deal with Egg Head?"
ACELE - "What do you mean?"
"What does he think he's doing when he yells all that stuff?"
"Where's he from? How long has he been with you guys?"
"Tell me about the others."
ACELE - "Oh, that... he's the party boy."
"What's a party boy?"
ACELE - "Anodic music doesn't really do vocals in the traditional sense. Vocals are thought of as *rock*. That's to say they're a bit *backward*. No offence if you like rock music, though. Rock music is cool by me."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Ptew ptew! Sweeesh! Your credentials as the resident Futureman of Revachol are being questioned. Show her you're hip with the times, gramps!
"God damn right, rock music is the coolest. Rock music forever!"
"No offence taken, go on."
"You don't have to tell *me* rock is backward. I am The Futureman. I abandoned rock in the Thirties. Stupid rock." (Spit.)
ACELE - "Uh, okay..." She nods.
"Anyway, even if you don't have vocals you still need someone to say something every now and then, right? To urge things on. That's where the party boy comes in…"
"He basically just stands on the stage and dances and yells how awesome everything is. It's very catchy."
KIM KITSURAGI - "I understand. People are usually afraid to do things if others aren't already doing them. Dancing makes you dance like sneezing makes you sneeze. Or yawning makes you..."
"Anyway..." He looks around, a little embarrassed of the enthusiasm of his interjection.
2. "Where's he from? How long has he been with you guys?"
ACELE - "Actually, we don't know where he's from. Or who he is, really."
"One time we were out partying, somewhere in backwater Faubourg. Or maybe even Coal City, I can't remember. Maybe it was Coal City..."
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - The worst of the *banlieues*. A wretched heap of closed-down mines even west of Jamrock, on the dusty slope of Mont Martin. The remotest possible area of Revachol, no one even wants to exploit those people anymore.
ACELE - "Egg was yelling along to some jams someone was spinning, all night long. Just kept yelling until he didn't have a shred of voice left. When the sun came up over the mines... there were mines? Yeah, it was in Coal City!" She nods.
"Egg came with us. He made this wheezing puppy dog sound all the way back. Couldn't even speak."
"It was definitely Coal City, because it took us two days to walk back to the Fau. He just wheezed the whole way, we never really asked him why he came with us. Or who he was. I think his name is Germaine..."
"People are sweet," she says quietly.
EMPATHY [Trivial: Success] - You can see it must have been a great night. The memory causes her to go silent for a moment or two.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - You wish you'd been there.
3. "Tell me about the others."
ACELE - "Who do you want to know about?"
6. "Actually, do tell me about *yourself*."
ACELE - "Me? Again?"
"Yes, I forgot. Tell me about yourself."
"Actually, no."
ACELE - "I told you, I'm a silver bird."
REACTION SPEED [Easy: Success] - There's that phrase again. It really reminds you of... *something*.
"What does that mean?"
"Okay, lets leave it at that then."
ACELE - "It means I don't answer questions about myself."
"But I'm a police officer. You *have* to answer me."
"There's more to you than you let on. What am I not seeing?"
"Fair enough."
ACELE - "Is there a law that would stop me from lying, though?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "That would depend on the circumstances." The lieutenant taps his foot.
2. "There's more to you than you let on. What am I not seeing?"
ACELE - "Alright." She picks up the tape recorder and looks you in the eye...
"There is."
3. "Fair enough."
ACELE - "Thank you."
7. "Thank you. Some other questions."
ACELE - "Sure."
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3. [Reaction Speed - Legendary 14] Catch the silver bird.
+2 Dresscode: Avian investigator.
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REACTION SPEED [Legendary: Success] - "O pasăre de argint" -- it flutters by your ear.
It's what the "Zemlyaki" -- the Graadian community in Revachol -- call a person who never breaks under interrogation. It's an organized crime term.
"O pasăre de argint."
"I remember now... it's a Zemlyaki term. For someone who won't break under questioning. An organized crime term."
ACELE - "Excuse me?" She casually brushes her hand through her hair.
COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] - She's attempting to remain calm, but the phrase made her flinch.
"I remember now... it's a Zemlyaki term. For someone who won't break under questioning. An organized crime term."
ACELE - "What do you mean?"
"The silver bird."
"That's why you've handled my questioning so calmly."
ACELE - "All right," she concedes. "My father was a Zemylaki. He died years ago. He was a bad man. Not a lot of good things to say about him and what he did."
"He bought the family a huge house, so we got to live... at least temporarily... in a giant *castle* in Jamrock. And then he died."
"What happened next?"
"Oh, hmm, I can imagine what followed after."
"Never mind, I don't really want to hear any of this."
ACELE - "What do you think? The competition came and took everything away. It was like in a war zone..." She's gritting her teeth.
"So after his death we had nothing left. And we were in danger. My mother had to change her name, mine too. We left it all behind."
"Are you sure about that? What about this drug lab plan?"
ACELE - "It was a stupid idea and I'm still disappointed *I* came up with it."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Aren't there any local authorities who might look down on such activities?"
ACELE - "I took that into account, of course. Coordinated the operation with the Débardeurs, else they might get... unhappy."
"So, what you're saying is... Evrart authorized this?"
ACELE - "Not in person, but I let them know. You can't do anything without the fat ones getting wind. It wasn't too difficult to convince them, really..."
+5 XP
"It's a good thing you ended that mess, though. I felt I was turning dad-wise, into a corrupt business-person. Unpleasant."
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - Hear that? Set justice on its feet. CONFRONT EVRART.
REACTION SPEED - C'mon. This is all fine, but you don't have anything on Evrart now. That's not how these things work.
"We should confront Evrart about this! Maybe we can manipulate him using the information." (Add it to the list.)
"This is all good to know... but let's leave it at that." (Leave it off the list.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "No, I don't think it would lead anywhere with Evrart. He's just going to deny it."
ACELE - "Yeaaahhhh..." She really draws out the word. "Have you seen Evrart?"
New task: Ask Evrart about Acele and the drug lab
3. "Actually, that's it for now." [Leave.]
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BONUSES: Critical success and failure thresholds lowered by 1
How *not* to lose? It is impossible not to. The world is balanced on the edge of a knife. It’s a game of frayed nerves. You’re pushed on by numbers and punitive measures: pain, rejection, and unpaid bills. You can either play or you can crawl under a boat and waste away -- turn into salt or a flock of seagulls. Your enemies would *love* that. Or you can fight. The only way to load the dice is to keep on fighting.
This can allow us to succeed at rolls that are otherwise impossible... but it's not super useful if you already have a solid build, imo.
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NOID - "You got us in, cop. I can't believe you got us in..." He looks around the hall, examining the carpentry.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - With wonder in his sharp eyes.
NOID - "Between you and me -- I don't know if you've noticed this about me... I'm a little *suspicious* of authority. But you -- you really came through for the hard core underground."
Task complete: Sync the sines with Noid
+10 XP
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes. You really came through. For the hard core underground." He spreads his arms, looking around at the speedfreaks setting up shop. "How come?"
ANDRE - Andre is busy cutting some slightly less lame, but still quite ungainly shapes on the church floor, sweating profusely.
ACELE - Acele using her contact mic to listen to a tree, underwater.
EGG HEAD - The one with the large head is blasting the dance track on repeat, while the stained glass window behind him is rattling from the bass.
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - Sire, the tent -- 'twas a *securitie risk*! And in here? Sanctuary! 'Twas only noble of you.
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ruminate88 · 2 months
Have I ever truly loved somebody? 07/31/24
I know I talk a lot about what happened in past relationships that I believe were emotionally abusive, and not just those relationships, but all my relationships and guys that I thought I had a huge crush on or that I thought was possibly my “soulmate” and I try to analyze my self and feelings because there is two people to every relationship so I can’t blame my exes for everything that went wrong…
yeah, I did believe I loved my ex Andrew very very much, I would beg to spend time with him and he seemingly was always so busy but when he would spend time with me, I was very happy. Also because he’s giving me so little and most likely I was filling in the rest. I was probably inserting my ideas and fantasies there, if I’m being honest.
The first major crush I had was on a guy named Jesse and I was a puppy dog chasing him around for 10 straight years . He was a songwriter and I wanted to be like him. I loved his style and his songwriting so I wanted to follow his footsteps and he inspired me and made me want to be a songwriter too. I compared myself to him so long thinking I’ll never be as good as him… was that love, was that infatuation or maybe idealization?
my first real boyfriend was when I was 18 years old. His name was Stewart and I met him on my space lol he was very nice and easy to talk to. I felt sorry for him because at one point he was homeless living in his mom‘s car now, did I love him or did I feel sorry for him? Did I feel responsible to help him? This is where things get interesting for me as I contemplate if I’ve ever known what love was.
Fast forward to meeting Cody and thinking he is the most special guy I’ve ever met . The reason I thought he was so special is because he actually listened to me. I was able to share my darkest secrets with him and he had zero judgment towards me. Plus he acted as if he understood me and related to me. I felt safe and comfortable at first, but also, I thought Cody was the most gorgeous guy ever saw and of course, I was completely shocked that he was even talking to me… As if someone so handsome as him would never see me as somebody beautiful. I was nervous thinking that Cody could have a much prettier girl than me, but at the same time, he also had a lot of trauma from childhood and I felt sorry for him…… So there again, do I really love him or do I feel sorry for him and feel like I have to help him?
then there is Andrew… the first selfie I ever received of Andrew I wasn’t sure I was attracted to him. Wow ha ha Andre had shared a picture of himself taken on his family farm in front of all his cows and I’m not an animal person and that kind of freaked me out lol Andrew was asking me to marry him and I thought it was so crazy how somebody who doesn’t even know me, is proposing to me like that!!! The thing is, the more we talked and flirted, the more I felt a vibe with Andrew and I even felt chemistry. The first time we ever FaceTime each other, I thought Andrew’s eyes were so gorgeous. I melted. I had never saw him in that light before but immediately I think he is the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. I don’t know exactly what it was about him. The conversation itself was a little awkward, but attraction for him grew for sure.
Over the summer, he would text me, “good morning cutie 😘” and after so many days of that, I began to feel a little special and wondered what it meant… not realizing possibly it was just because he wanted my nudes 😓 but he still made me feel special and seen. We continue to flirt all summer!! He worked a summer job and at the end of the night, he would always text me, “hey cutie I’m off work now. You should come cuddle me 😘” ugh!!!! he was driving me crazy at that point because he wasn’t asking me out AND he had stopped proposing to me, but he’s still flirting with me so much… it was sooooo freakin hot 🥵 I didn’t know what it meant!
Finally, he is starting his sophomore year and I started to think he wasn’t interested in me at all because I was trying to text him and he’s telling me that he’s busy packing for school and doesn’t really have much time to talk … I felt awkward and bad. I tried to leave him alone, but I was frustrated because at this point I feel like it’s possible I want to be in a relationship with him and I’m not sure if it’s going to work out. I could’ve walked away and that would’ve been smart, but I just didn’t know what to do!
About two days later though, he messages me and says, on “hey cutie! 😘 guess what? I finally moved into my apartment and I cannot wait for you to come check it out……” my first thought is that, he just wants to hook up with me and not have a relationship…. But when I confront him and tell him I want to be more than friends, I don’t want to just hook up, he says he also wants the same thing but was shy to ask me out and he’s so glad that I’m the one that asked him out because he was waiting for me to do it all summer 😳 but what about him proposing to me at the beginning? It made no sense!!!!!!! 😝😝😝😝
at this point though, I’m all in with Andrew and I can’t walk away. I am feeling stuck and I’m feeling that if I walk away, it’s going to break my heart and hurt me deep💔 I can tell he’s going to ruin my life and now I’m doing everything I can to make this relationship work. I even tried to make a way to go see him at school because he originally said he couldn’t wait for me to “check out his apartment” but yet when I try to come see him, he makes excuses for it… playing games and confusing me! 😢😢😢
I understand I was possibly in a trauma bond with Andrew so that makes me question, DID I ever love him or was I just somehow attached to him? it hurts me to think I’ve never probably loved somebody truly!!!! Maybe I have but it’s hard to tell!! my husband is the first guy I’ve ever been with that wasn’t broken in anyway, shape or form. he was completely put together. Has a good job and doesn’t even need a “wife” but wanted one anyway…. So this is a good healthy relationship, but do I love him? I do feel more stable with him. after all these toxic relationships!!! I still question do I really know what love is??!!!!
God help me to know because I fear that I’m only in relationships just to be in them, but all I’ve ever wanted was “love” and I still feel tied to Cody and Andrew! I have tried the exercises where you imagine cutting the cord between you and that toxic person but maybe I don’t believe in it enough or maybe there’s reasons I hold on to Andrew and Cody. I don’t know it’s crazy. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 I feel bad for it 😞 it hurts too!
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iheartralphmacchio · 2 years
~ Brett Hand x NB Reader ~ Fluff ☁ ~ First Meet ~
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~Reader is Non-Binary and uses they/them pronouns. And Reader is 27!~
It was your first day, working at Cognito Inc. You already met someone there, Reagan Ridley. You guys were best friends since high school. But, Reagan was kind of surprised you'd be willing to work at Cognito Inc.
"Hey.. Reader. What's up bitch?" Reagan said, as she welcomed you in.
"Hi Reagan! I'm really excited to work here! Is there any type of schedule I need to follow?" You said.
"Nah, but your working for me, Brett and Gigi. Is that fine?" Reagan asked you.
You weren't sure what to say. Gigi, Brett and Reagan? What if they need you all at the same time? You were kind of stressing out but didn't mind.
"Uhm.. Sure! I'll be willing to help you and them out!" You said, without giving away any sign of stress.
"Well, I'll introduce you to them and we can get started!" Reagan told you.
"Alright!" You responded.
It took a 4 minute walk to get to their meeting room. There you saw somebody in a suit, someone on their phone, and 3 people looking high.
"Is.. this them Reagan?" You quietly whispered to her.
"Yup. The one in the suit is Brett Hand, Gigi is the one on her phone, Glenn is the one who looks like a Dolphin and a Human, Myc is the mushroom and Andre is the doctor lookin person." Reagan told you.
"Guys! Meet Reader!" Reagan shouted to them.
Apparently "Brett" comes over and hugs you.
"Hi! I'm Brett, Brett Hand. You look-" He said, yet cut off on seeing how.. adorable you are.
"uhm.. Hi.. I-I'm Reader!" You managed to stutter out.
"Tha-That's a nice name.. anyways, you look stunning! uhm- wanna be friends?"
"Uhm- Yeah! Sure!" You replied.
Gigi walked over to push Brett out of the way to see what you look like.
"Oh my god honey, you look FABULOUS! I'm so glad your working with me. I hope Brett and Reagan don't need you too often so I can have you all to myself!" Gigi said.
You laughed nervously "Haha.. yeah." You managed to get out.
You didn't get to introduce yourself because Myc, Andre & Glenn were all high. So you decided for another day to introduce yourself. You decided to walk over to Brett to talk to him, and he got up and offered you his seat.
"Uh- Here! Y-You can sit here Reader!" He offered.
"Uhm, No thanks, I prefer standing up more." You said, trying not to sound rude.
"O-Oh okay!" He said as he turned around and wrote in a little notebook.
What you saw on the notebook was fascinating! It was called "The Info about Reader", and you thought it was pretty cute! And you thought he's also cute...WAIT WHAT?!
pt. 2?? <3
signing off, bee <3 your writer and story teller!
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moochipeachey · 1 year
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Eric: I can't believe you've been sleeping with my girlfriend?! How fucking dare you?! How could you?!
Naomi: Eric, I know it looks crazy, but I can explain.
Eric: *jabs finger in face* "I don't want to hear shit from you. Ya know, I knew you were a slut when you let me fuck after knowing me for one day, but I thought you at least had an ounce of self-respect."
Matthew: "Watch your mouth! I know you're angry but that doesn't give you an excuse to be disrespectful. Act like your mother raised you better than that, or I'll give you the ass whooping you rightfully deserve."
Eric: "And I know daddy wasn't around to teach you the bro code, but let me tell you something Matthew, it damn sure doesn't involve sticking your dick or nose into other people's relationship. Bros over hoes!"
Matthew: "Call her a name one more time and I'll-"
Eric: "You'll do what?! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't send you up to meet your father."
Matthew: "That's it, I'm gonna fucking kill you!".
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Naomi: "That's enough, both of you! *intense silence* Naomi: "Eric, you're upset, and rightfully so, but that's no excuse for you to talk to Matthew like that." Eric: "Of course, the whore takes his side." Matthew: "Dude, you must really want your ass beat." Naomi: "Stop! It's not about taking sides. Look, lines have been crossed on both sides and at the end of the day, we are all in the wrong. Let's just call it a night and we can talk about this later." Matthew: "Oh I have nothing to say to him. He knows we're sleeping together and now I know how he really feels about me. I'm done!" Eric: "I actually agree with the asshole, I never want to see the two of you again. I hope you have the night you deserve."
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Eric: *mumbles* "Fucking piece of shit losers." Eric: *mumbles* "I swear I can never have anything to myself. First it was football, now it's my girlfriend. What's next, my father?" Lena: *sighs* "I swear, if it's not one thing, it's another." Nadine: "Uh oh. I see that look on your face, what is it now?" Lena: "I don't know, and I don't think I want to find out either. On the bright side, at least it's not Zackery this time."
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Adrian: "Sooo, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Scott and Isaac-" Zack: *groans* "Et tu, Brute?" Adrian: *chuckles* "C'mon Zack, you know it's not like that at all, I fuck with you. It's just... I've been under a lot of pressure lately and I could use a little something to help me... destress. You feel me?" Zack: "I, uhh, I might still have a guy." Adrian: "Oh really? Because word on the street is you are the guy."
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Adrian: "And you're sure it's practically impossible to overdose on this stuff?" Zack: "Dude, it's just molly. I thought you said you did your research and read the trip reports?" Adrian: "I mean, yeah, but there wasn't much information on overdoses." Zack: *scoffs* "Exactly. Look, molly is like the safest drug ever, a drug addict could take it with no issue. See, watch this." Zack: "Easy as pie." Adrian: "If you say so." Zack: "Come on, hurry up, let's get back before anyone notices we're gone."
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Nadine: "I would do anything to see the look on Andre's face right now. I have no doubt he's rolling his eyes at whatever outlandish thing Bruce is saying." Lena: "Oh. My. God." Nadine: "What? What is - Oh."
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Lena: "I think it goes without saying, but that meeting with my husband? You can kiss it goodbye.
Introduction | Meet the Characters | Previous | Next |
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magicapandora · 2 years
Love at First Bite; Charmed
Chapter 1
A repost of an ongoing story! For my Rosie x Victor lovers out there!
Victor had never been the one to fold over for anyone .
Did he have crushes? Sure, but they were just crushes. Puppy love, you could say. Small infatuations with fellow students he hadn’t even talked to, back when he dressed like it was winter year-round. He’d just aimlessly watch them come and go, without them even knowing his name or even looking at his direction.
Though now it meant nothing. Now he could have anyone he wanted regardless of anything and everything. He already had girls giggling while giving him love letters, guys asking him to hang out while tripping over their words, and others just simply admiring him from afar, much like he did with his idols.
He always gave a Hollywood smile and wave when passing by, his admirers swooning over his dazzling smile and his squealing over almost all of his features, from his well kept hair (so many hair products) to his pure charisma. It seemed like everyone was at his beck and call. And almost all of them were.
Almost .
As Victor was at the Ravenclaw table, answering Penny’s seemingly non-stop questions about his vacation to Paris and Andre asking for his exact measurements to make an outfit suited for him, he sees Penny quickly turned her head towards the entrance of the great hall and wave, yelling out a “Hey, Rosie!”.
Victor quickly heard the chipper voice that came from that direction and felt like his heart was beating out of his chest, his attention off his admirers and now to the Slytherin walking towards their own table.
The first thing that caught him was the eyepatch. Of course, you don’t see a lot of students with that certain physical trait, but the pink leather with the blue embroidered rose certainly caught his eye. Next was their hair, the curls and coils shone in the light coming from the large windows of the great hall, making it look like the brown curls were spun from gold and bronze itself. And the smile . As the brown skinned Slytherin walked past, they waved back at the blonde Hufflepuff girl, a crooked but shining smile forming on their scarred face.
Victor felt like he’d just seen a model strut down the runway. They had an air of elegance, holding their head up high and their shoulders back, the click of their heels thumping in his ears. They oozed pure charisma, as if it was second nature to them, quickly saying greetings to friends at their table, sitting down and almost immediately having a crowd around them, mirroring his own situation. The sheer confidence that came from them was enough to knock him down to his feet.
The vampire cleared his throat, straightening his back and propping his elbow on the table. “Pardon me, Penny, but who is that?” He asked, his eyes still locked on Rosie, as if looking away wasn’t an option, trying to drink in every single detail of them.
The blonde looked over to where he was staring, her face breaking out into her signature smile. “Oh, I’m surprised you haven’t heard of our resident cursebreaker! That’s Rosie Mayfield, a 7th year like us!” she chippered happily, all of her attention now fully on the black haired vampire in front of her.
“Rosie Mayfield, you say?” He mumbled, the knuckle of his index finger placed in between his lips as he focused on the curly haired enby. “If I may inquire, what’re they like?”, not bothering to ask a particular person near him, just anyone who would fill him in on the elucid cursebreaker. That’s when the Ravenclaw fashionista spoke up, scooting closer to Victor.
“Oh, Rosie? They’re literally like, one of the sweetest people I’ve met. A total angel who would give them their own clothes off their back if someone asked. Plus, they have an absolutely fantastic taste in fashion,” Andre, propping up his hand under his chin, the other tapping on the wooden table. “Not to mention, a complete badass. I never met anyone who could rock heels while also going up against the most terrible foes of the wizarding world!”
“Andre, Double jeaning isn't a terrible foe.” Penny piped up, laughing quietly at her own joke. Andre rolled his eyes, gently nudging the blonde with his elbow, “Pen, you know my stance on double jeaning. It's a disease .”, throwing his hand over his forehead, dramatically leaning onto Penny’s body and putting all his weight on her, Penny laughing louder and shoving the Ravenclaw gently off her.
Victor had completely pushed those two’s voices into the background, completely drawn in with the cursebreaker. Usually he wasn't the one to dwell with others, paying them no mind after a while but something was so utterly magnetic about this person, he couldn't help but take in everything about them. Like something was drawing him into her, an insect to a venus fly trap. No, that's too harsh for someone as sweet-looking as them. Perhaps, a butterfly to a flower.
Victor’s interest only grew, making him stand up from his seat, adjusting his hair and leather jacket before turning to the others. “Well, it’d be quite rude of me to not introduce myself.”. He waved at Andre and Penny before striding over to the Slytherin table, the other students already whispering about him in hushed giggles and compliments. Rosie was a bit preoccupied, her attention towards a black haired girl of the same house, before noticing the Ravenclaw walking towards her.
“I'm afraid we haven't met before, Rosie Mayfield, is it?” He extended a hand forward, the Slytherin’s attention was now his. Rosie looked towards him, her eye quickly darting back and forth between him and his hand. They extended their hand as well, grasping it, Victor feeling their well manicured nails on the palm of his hands. He took their hand and brought it up to his lips, gently kissing the knuckles of their hand, feeling the cold metal and gems of their rings decorating their fingers.
The crowd around them quietly went mad, the whispers only getting more frantic. Victor expected Rosie to blush at this gesture, to swoon like a lovesick girl. What he didn't expect was the melodic laughter that came out of their mouth, like bell chimes on a windy summer's day. They retracted their hand, still giggling and covering their mouth, trying to stifle the laughter.
“I’m so sorry, but that’s quite a bold move! Especially since I don’t even know your name!”. Victor felt like he just got slapped over the head. Doesn’t know his name? Almost everyone knew him, and if they didn’t he’d make sure they would. It’s like he was drawn more and more in as she spoke, noticing the way she curled her hand up to her mouth, and how their eye and nose scrunched up whenever they tried to hold back their laughter.
Victor composed himself, flicking his hair to the side with a confident smile. “My apologies, where are my manners? Victor Ketsueki, pleasure to make your acquaintance.”, he winked, offering his hand once again. The brown haired cursebreaker smiled, taking his hand once again and shaking it. The cold metal of their rings feeling at home in Victor’s hands.
“ Charmed .”
Hearing that single phrase made a shiver go down Victor’s spine. The smooth and flirtatious tone of their voice made Veela's song’s sound like mere common talk. He felt his throat tighten, like a wire was wound up around his vocal cords and ready to make his voice crack if he opened his mouth.
If beauty had a face, Rosie was the spitting image of it.
He let go, putting his own hands into his jacket pockets, feeling the slight sweat on his palms. How did he already get this nervous? Was he always this sweaty?
He composed himself once more, the slight waiver of his confidence settling down and his facade was up again. “So, I was hoping for us to get to know each other more. Perhaps we can, tonight?” He asked, his Hollywood smile shining once again, his fangs now on display. “I'm throwing a bit of a party for everyone, new school year and all that. It would be wonderful if you could come.”
Rosie hummed, their eye looking around in thought, their elbow resting in their hand while the other cupped their face. There was a moment of panic that flooded Victor’s mind. Were they gonna reject him? In front of all these people? No, why would they do that? He was Victor Ketsueki for Merlin’s sake. But the thought rattled in his mind, feeling all of these eyes on him. He'd just recently got rejected in the most humiliating way possible, luckily it was between him, and two of the most terrifying Slytherin’s he’s ever met. He did not want another one for the score. He’d rather crawl back into his mahogany coffin than get rejected once again.
Luckily, he got his answer soon enough.
“Oh, well, I don’t see why not,” Rosie finally responded, straightening their back. “Sure, I'd love to go!”. Victor felt like he could breathe again, letting out the small breath he held in his chest, the small weight fading away. The brunette smiled softly, the left corner of their mouth tugging more so and a small crooked smile appearing once again. Rosie squinted a bit at the vampire in front of her, as if to focus about...well, everything about him. He had just nonchalantly came up to her, not even introducing himself, and just greeted her as he was courting her already. He just had an air about him, something sharp and cold yet smooth, like sleek ice on a cold winter’s day. It was almost as if he prepared what to say while on the way from the Ravenclaw table to Slytherin table, which he did.
He just didn’t expect that reaction.
“It’s at 8, by the way. Sphinx Clubroom. I cannot wait for you to come, Rosie,” Victor said, his voice still having that sharpness to it. Victor adjusted his jacket, laying the lapels down flat, hands brushing off whatever ended up on his jacket, “Well, I suppose I’ll be on my way. Again, a pleasure to meet you.”, Victor snapped his fingers, giving a small wink and grin while pointing at the Slytherin. Rosie huffed a bit, a dry laugh at his outro of sorts, as if he just walked straight out of a movie. They wanted to pinch themselves, making sure they were awake and this wasn’t some weird fever dream. But Rosie couldn’t think of that right now, as soon as Victor left that vicinity, everyone around them was asking questions like crazy.
“ Did you see the way he looked at you?! ”
“ So you’ve never heard about him? That’s ridiculous! ”
“ Please tell me you're going to that party! And tell me all about it when you come back! ”
If being enclosed in a glass casket felt like anything, Rosie was feeling that now. The constant eyes and ears near them made it feel like they were 5 seconds away from shouting at everyone to just be quiet for a moment, please. They were usually good with this kind of thing, being in crowds felt like home to them, wanting to share things and make conversations, but now, it felt like stones were being compressed onto their chest and their tongue was gonna pop out any minute.
“Okay, that’s enough! C’mon, Ro. Let’s go,”
Rosie’s chest was now stone free, thanks to her black haired friend. Ismelda grabbed the other’s hand, basically dragging them outside the great hall. Rosie yelled a quick goodbye, waving to the other’s still at the table. The brunette almost fell, their heel getting caught in one of the dents in the floor, but thanks to Ismelda’s weird strength, they got back up easily enough. As soon as they were out of the great hall, Ismelda let go of Rosie’s hand. letting them be free of her iron grasp.
“Thanks, Melds. I owe you one-“
“No need to thank me, Rosie. I could see you freaking out in that bubblegum pink brain of yours, I couldn’t just leave you hanging.” Ismelda interrupted, walking towards the east corridor. Rosie quickly caught up, the frantic clicking of her heels filling the hallways.
“How come you always know how I am, like, feeling? You got some empath thing going on?” Rosie asked, her hands moving about, as if they were trying to communicate their feelings.
“Well, first off, I’ve lived with you for 7 years, so there’s that ,” Ismelda started, adjusting her scarf and fiddling with the end wool bits. “Also you do this thing where you seem fine but you clench your fists and your jaw tightens when you’re nervous. Also, you have this look in your eye that screams ‘Save me’ whenever it happens. It’s a bit creepy, to be honest.” Ismelda continued. Rosie’s shoulders tightened and hunched up a little in shame, looking towards the ground.
Merlin, do I do it that often?
“But anyways, what’s with you and Victor, huh?” Ismelda snorted, turning to Rosie and halting her walking to a slow stroll. “You two just met and he’s acting like he’s known you for years.”.
“Don’t ask me, he’s the one who greeted me like a gentleman at a ball,” Rosie shrugged their shoulders, putting their hands into their pockets. “He’s cute, I have to say. And that jacket was definitely made with Parisian leather. The cut and the color of it and the way the light just hits it? Can’t be anything else,” Rosie mused for a bit, trying to recall the quick but fresh interaction. Ismelda scoffed, stopping completely and making Rosie stop in her tracks, looking at the black haired Slytherin with a raised eyebrow, “What?”.
“Seriously? The most popular guy in school basically asks you out and you’re focusing on his jacket? No wonder guys don’t ask you out,” Ismelda laughed again, moving forward again and Rosie huffed, catching up to her friend.
“Well, I just met him. What do you want me to do? Bow down to his greatness, Mr.Leather and chains?” Rosie asked, focusing now on her nails, slowly chipping away at the pink and white paint on them, making sure to use their other hand to steady themselves on the stone steps to the dungeons.
“I have no idea but don’t be surprised if he sweeps you off your feet on the dancefloor tonight,” Ismelda grinned, opening the door to the Slytherin common room.
Rosie followed suit, feeling the cool air of the rest area rest on her skin. The clicking of her heels echoed louder here than anywhere else, the tall staircase still carrying the sounds as both of them reached their dorm room. The black haired girl sighed, dropping down on her bed and kicking her black tennis shoes off, Rosie almost doing the exact same, dropping their heels messily onto their desk and laid down for a moment. And then two. And then a lot more. Rosie’s mind rattled with the thought of having a crush on someone they didn’t even know. The only thing they’ve gotten from him was his wardrobe and his confidence, but that’s nothing. It’s bread crumbs to the actual Victor Ketsueki. They wanted to know more.
Rosie quickly got up, heading towards their wardrobe, opening the dark wood doors and sifting through the multiple hangers, taking handfuls of dresses, blouses, and jackets and laying them down onto the emerald green sheets of their bed. They quickly grabbed a dress and a cardigan and stood in front of the full length mirror, as if calculating.
Ismelda looked up from their book, peeking over the pages to see their roommate, with almost a look of determination in their eyes.
“What're you doing?” Ismelda asked, tipping her head to the side, blowing her hair out of the way.
Rosie smiled a bit at her through the mirror, more like a grin if you asked anyone else, and turned around towards Ismelda.
“Well, like you said, Victor may sweep me off my feet. Gotta make sure he at least stumbles a bit.”
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kimberlyannharts · 1 year
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For those of you who don’t know, Hyperforce was a Power Rangers-themed RPG session hosted by Renegade Studios around....2018-ish.  They got some pretty notable people - such as the Sudarso brothers, Paul Schrier, Andre the Black Nerd, Christina Vee, and Meghan Camarena - to play the members of an all-new original team of Rangers in an all-new original “season,” typically bringing in a different PR alumni to cameo as their character per episode.  The show didn’t manage to greenlight a second season, but it got pretty popular in the fandom, and with Melissa Flores back writing for the comics, it looks like she’s using the opportunity to basically give Hyperforce the second season it missed out on through this event - starting with their own Unlimited one-shot.
My thoughts on this and Hyperforce itself are......mixed.  But I’ll wait until the full book is out before I talk about that more.  These are just the previews!  So let’s talk about the previews 
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- Hi Chloe you’re looking and acting very Ranger Slayer here.  Ranger Slayer.........where is she...........I miss her
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- yeah that’s probably a good idea because i am NOT rewatching all of that 
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- so here’s a pretty decent summary of the first season.  I’ll be interested to see how well this book goes over with non-fandom people, because while obviously this fills in what Hyperforce is and where we are now with it, it’s obviously missing the finer details of what made Hyperforce endearing to fans in the first place.  But we’ll get to that when we get to that.  At the very least this confirms they’re in an alternate dimension/timeline, at least
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- Sorry guys but if you involve Jen in this you’re not beating the “this event is just trying to be Shattered Grid 2.0″ allegations
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- don’t keep making Ranger Slayer comparisons don’t keep making Ranger Slayer comparisons
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- the Battlizer design is still cool though, i’ll give them that.
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- I don’t really remember the full context for this since by the end I was kind of burnt out with the show but I’m preeeeeeetty sure the twist is that she’s not really on the bad guys’ side, right.  right.  because I’m trying SO HARD not to keep making Ranger Slayer comparisons
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ashewintercpu · 1 year
Chapter 8 Dead in the Water Part 3
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"Guys I don't feel good about this," I whispered as we walked toward Mr. Carlton. 
"Do you want to sit this one out?" Dean asked. 
"No-maybe…I-I just wished we could give him more time to grieve and process all of this. I don't know if I can face him." I mumbled as I came to a stop. I felt a shiver go down my spine and my stomach turn. 
My eyes darted toward the floor while I wrapped my arms around myself. I heard Sam and Dean stop in their tracks. 
Dean wrapped his arms around me and pecked my forehead, "You don't have to force yourself, Nikki. Dean and I can handle this." Sammy reassured me. 
"Are you sure? I don't-" Dean cut me off. 
"Well be fine sweetheart. Go wait by Baby. We won't be gone long."
"I-" I sighed, " Fine." 
I turned around and started walking to Baby. Once I got there I plopped myself and leaned against her hood. I looked at the sky and took a deep breath. 
"You know Baby. I wouldn't trade this life for the world. I've learned to accept and love this life as it is. But days like these make me wonder if I've made the right choice. A man lost both his children and we come here not to give our condolences but to interrogate him. There are days I wish I was a normal person. That I didn't have to be a hero. Maybe I could've had an apple pie life. A white picket fence, a husband, and children. But every time I look at Dad, Sam, and Dean I know that I would never regret my decision." I ranted and sighed. 
"Thanks for listening, Baby." I laughed as I ´talked´ to Baby. I turned my head and I saw Sam and Dean walk back with solemn faces. 
"Hey." I called out and met them halfway, "So? Anything?" 
Sammy shook his head in response. 
"Well, I didn't expect anything either." I sighed. 
"So now what?" Sammy asked as he leaned against the roof of the Impala. 
"Aw, I think the guys been through hell. I also think he's not telling us something." Dean replied 
"That's an understatement," I said as I crossed my arms and leaned against Dean. 
"So now what?" Sammy asked. As I was about to answer I felt Dean tense. I turned to look at Dean and I saw him staring at the Carlton's house. 
I felt a sudden realization hit me, "Dee are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked as I looked at him and the house. 
"Uh-huh," Dean answered. 
"What is it?" Sammy asked. 
"I think Dee and I found our next clue," I responded as I pulled out Lucas's drawing from Dean's jacket pocket. 
"Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something," Dean said as we compared Lucas's drawing to the house.
We just parked in front of Andreas's house. After looking at the drawing Lucas gave Dean we decided that our next course of action was to talk to him. 
"Do you think we can get to him?" I asked them as we approached the door. 
"Who knows but we gotta try," Dean told me as he rang the doorbell. 
We waited until Andrea opened the door, "Oh, what are you guys doing here?" She asked. 
"Can we talk inside," Dean said motioning inside the house. 
"Sure," Andrea answered as she moved aside to let us inside. 
"Sorry for the sudden visit but we need to talk to Lucas," I told her as we stood in front of the door. 
She turned to look at us in shock, "What for?" 
"We think he might know something," I replied. 
"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea." She told us.
"I just need to talk to him." Dean pleaded with her, "Just for a few minutes." 
"He won't say anything. What good is it gonna do?" She questioned apprehensively. 
"Andre, we think more people might get hurt. We think somethings happening out there." Sammy answered. 
"My husband, the others, they just drowned. That's all." She denied. 
"If that's what you really believe, then we’ll go. But if you think there's even a possibility that something else could be going on here, please let me talk to your son." Dean said trying to reason with her. 
Her silence answered for her but I could tell she was still hesitant.
"Andrea," I called her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "I promise to you we would never intentionally harm your son. If at any moment you fear that we could well leave." 
She sighed, "Follow me." 
We approached a room. I turned to look in and saw Lucas sitting and coloring. I stood next to Sam as we decided to let Dean talk to Lucas. He entered the room and crouched down next to Lucas. 
"Hey, Lucas. You remember me?" Dean asked as Lucas ignored him and continued to draw. 
"You know, I, uh, I wanted to thank you for the last drawing. But the thing is, I need your help again." Dean said as he took out the drawing of the house and placed it down in front of Lucas. 
"How did you know to draw this? Did you know something bad was gonna happen? Maybe you could nod yes or no for me." Dean tried to talk to him but he only continued to draw. 
"You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But you see, my mom—I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about it every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe your Dad wants you to be brave too." Dean spoke to Lucas. Having a heart-to-heart with him. 
Hearing him say those words nearly brought tears to my eyes. He has been through so much. I glanced at Sam next to me and I could tell he was surprised by his words. 
We saw Lucas drop his crayon and look up at Dean. And that's when I knew that Dean got to him. Lucas handed Dean another picture but from the angle that I was standing from I couldn't see what the drawing was. 
"Thanks, Lucas." Dean thanked.
We headed back downstairs but before I exited the house, I turned to Andrea, "Thank you for trusting us." I said and ran to catch up with Sam and Dean. 
Before Dean could enter the Impala, I latched onto his hand, "Dee, could we talk for a second?" I asked, motioning for Sammy to go in ahead of us. 
"Sure," Dean replied as Sammy entered. 
"You're not Atlas you know," I told him with a frown. 
"What do you mean?" Dean scoffed. 
"You know what I mean. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Dee Im here for you. Sammys here for you. We're all in this together." I said, "You don't have to always play the tough guy. You are not alone and sometimes I think you need to be reminded of that. Dee, we love you, and even if Sammy might not say it." 
Dean sighed and wrapped his arms around me, "I love you." He whispered in my hair. 
"I love you too." I responded as I snaked my arms around him, "You okay now?" 
"Thank you, sweetheart." He said as he let me go. 
"You are welcome. That's what I'm here for." I replied cheekily as we entered Baby, "So where to next?"
We were driving while looking for the building that was on Lucas’s drawing. 
"Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died," Dean mentioned as he drove. 
"There are cases—going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies," Sammy explained as he held the picture of a church. 
"Yeah… psychic tendencies." I laughed out and scratch the back of my neck nervously. 
"What was that Nikki?" Sammy asked. 
"What? I didn't say anything." I replied with a smile, "So what now?" 
"Im not sure. But whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow? I mean, it's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns, so if you got a better lead, please." Dean said sarcastically. 
"All right, we got another house to find," Sammy answered. 
"The only problem is there's about a thousand yellow two-stories in this county alone," Dean said, irritated. 
"See this church? I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here." Sammy retorted. 
"Oh college boy thinks he's so smart." Dean sassed as I leaned over Sammy's shoulder to take a look at the picture. 
"You know Sammy's not wrong." I told Dean, "I'm not sure exactly what kind of church it is. But from the looks of it, it seems to be from the Carpenter Gothic era. Few churches have that architectural style nowadays and that tower over to the left was popular back in the gothic revival during the late 19th century." 
I looked up from the picture to see Sammy and Dean staring at me, "What?" I asked. 
"We just weren't expecting that," Sammy replied as Dean returned his focus to the road. 
"Well, you aren't the only smarty pants around here. I read things too." I said as I stuck out my tongue.
Sammy chuckled at my expression before a short silence followed. Only the sound of the music filled the car. 
"You know um…" Sammy said as he broke the silence, "What you said about Mom…You never told me that before." 
"It's no big deal," Dean answered as I sighed at him.
"Oh God, we're not gonna have to hug or something, are we?" Dean said ruining the moment. 
"DEE!" I exclaimed through my teeth. 
"What?" He asked, confused. 
We approached a white church shaped like the one in Lucas's picture. Dean held up the picture and we looked at it, comparing it to the scene in front of us. There was a yellow house next to the church and a wooden fence near the house. We looked up at the church before crossing the street to the house. 
I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer. An old lady came and opened the door, "Oh, hello." 
"Hello, ma’am. I'm Agent Fisher, this is Agent Hamil and this is Agent Ford. We´re with the U.S. Wildlife Service." I said while holding up my fake ID. 
"Oh, well what brings you here?" She asked, confused. 
"Well, there's been an issue with the lake and we'd like to ask you some questions." I clarified. 
"I don't think I have the answers you're looking for." She denied.
"Ma’am we truly believe you have the missing link we are looking for. Your contribution could prevent any more deaths from happening." I pleaded with her. 
She hesitated before moving aside and answered, "Please come in." 
"Thank you, ma’am." I thanked her as we walked in. 
Once we were inside the house, "We’re sorry to bother you, ma’am but does a little boy live here by chance? He might wear a blue cap, has a red bicycle." Dean questioned. 
"No, sir. Not for a very long time. Peter's been gone for thirty-five years now." She answered solemnly as she held back her tears. 
She turned back to look at a picture of who I could only assume was Peter, "The police never—I never had any idea what happened. He just disappeared." She sighed and looked back to face us. 
Sammy pointed toward several toy soldiers on the table. Reminiscent of Lucas's toy soldiers. 
"Losing him—you know, it's…it's worse than dying." She choked out. 
"Did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?" Dean asked, gently. 
"He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school, and he showed up." She replied, heartbroken. 
"Our apologies we didn't mean to bring up any bad memories. But for what it's worth I'm sure he knew how much you loved him." I tried to comfort her. 
I saw Dean move toward the mirror. He picked up a picture from the mirror. I couldn't see the picture from this angle. 
"Peter Sweeney and Billy Carlton, 1970." He read from the picture. 
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michu-writes · 2 years
One: great taste in media judging from your masterlist! I had a idea for a request! Inside Job(either maybe brett,andre or gigi if you need specifics! I will be happy with whichever) x reader who is basically tom/tamara? In personality wise AND maybe this reader has holes instead of eyes like Tom? I think that be really interesting to see their reaction to it! No matter if you do or don’t write this! Plz take care of yourself and to stay happy!
A/N: Thank you, and I FUCKJNG LOVE THIS REQUEST SO MUCH, ITS SO FUN LMAO. I hope you like this, and I hope you have a great day <3
Also I didn't write for Gigi because I didn't know how to write for her- Or I didn't really feel like it yk- IM SORRY :((!!!!
Warning: Slight nsfw (talking about making out, hickeys and sub or dom, nothing TOO bad)
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When he first met you, he felt so intimidated and scared around you- LIKE LETS JUST SAY YOU ALSO WORK FOR COGNITO!! The moment he saw you, he was like "Jesus- You're very… scary. BUT IN A GOOD WAY" and you just looked at him like 🤨. Once you both had to sit in the same room for a meeting, and he just kept looking at your eyes. I mean, it's nothing new for you but he was like REALLY looking at it none stop to the point he couldn't even pay attention to the meeting. So you just gave him a bitchy look, which made him jumó a bit and look away- You just chuckled. BUT ANYWAYS WHEN YOU BECAME FRIENDS, HE KEPT ASKING ABOUT YOUR EYES!!!! Like how did it happen and shiz. Yo I didn't mind, but whenever you were going to explain, you always got interrupted by something (like in literal eddsworld). He eventually just gave up because he felt rude for always asking and looking about your eyes.
Even when you were quite rude and cold to people and about your eyes, HE ALSO SOMEWHAT FOHND YOU KINDA HOT- Like maybe it's the way you look so badass and can literally beat him up anytime-
When you started dating, YOU WERE THE POWER COUPLE WHO CAUSED CHAOS <3. LIKE WE HAVE THE GOLDEN RETRIEVER, AND THEN ON THE OTHER HAND WE HAVE THE FUCKING CHIHUAHUA <3333. It's lowkey the best fucking dynamic !!1!1!1!! You'll be literally death staring everyone who thinks Brett or you are weird, while Brett is just being an oblivious son of a bitch :3. Honestly, the gang would be wondering how you guys even got together in the first place. I mean, they always knew that Brett had a strange taste, but still.
Brett woukd fucking burst and turn red during make out sessions. HES LIKE "Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god am I really making out with the hottest person in Cognito?!?!?!?!?!" He almost passed out 💀. He'd like to get a hickey from you too, he just feels so confident and powerful when people know that your his <333333.
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DUDEEEE HE THINKS YOURE THE HOTTEST BEING HES EVER SEEN, NO KIDDING!!!! He doesn't even think about your eyes, he just wants to kiss you smhhh. Ever since he saw you, he's been trying to catch your attention some way or another. Either from flirting, teasing, chit chatting, ANYTHING to the point it actually started to annoy you a bit. One time he wouldn't leave you alone even if you tried to signal him that you wanted to be alone. Sure, sometimes he flattered you BUT YOU NEEDED TO FOCUS ON YOUR WORK!! So what did you do? You fucking kicked his ass! Literally! You pushed him to the ground and said "Leave me the FUCK alone, moron." AND THE WAY HE LOOKED AT YOU ISTG. He literally had hearts in his eyes. He literally mouthed "Holy shit" and fucking blushed. You noticed, which made you look at him confused, but you couldn't help but blush too. Because he looked so cute- You only sighed and helped him up. "If I give you my number, will you finally leave me alone?" "Can't say I promise, princess/prince." THE PETNAME. THE FUCKJGN PETNAME. You rolled your eyes and gave him a note which was your number and walked away. AFTER THAT INCIDENT, YOU BOTH COUDKNT STOP TEXTING EACH OTHER. It was that moment you actually thought he was kinda cool, and where he thought that you're his love of his life. THIS FUCKING BITCH- He's most likely dreamt about being dominated by you 🤷. HE HAS ALWAYS THIUGJT THAT HES A MASSIVE DOM, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO YOU, HES THE MOST SUBMISSIVE MF OUT THERE. We won't talk much about it though because,,, yeah--
When you both started dating, he couldn't stop talking about you with his colleges. He's like "Oh, me? Yeah I'm dating this awesome sexy and hot person, you probably know them, it's y/n. They're so fucking attractive, you'll be jealous." He's basically a simp. BUT YK, HIS LIFE GOAL IS TO MAKE YOU A BLUSHING AND FLUSTERED MESS BECAUSE ITS ALMSOT IMPOSSIBLE. Whenever he tries to flirt with you, you'll only look at him like "Is that all you got?" And then start flirting with him instead and make him the flustered one instead.
ITS SO!!! I love him
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