#sheriff beau arlen
deansraspberrypie · 7 months
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Dean | Soldier Boy | Beau
🍰 Tag list: @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @kazsrm67 🥧
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winchestergirl2 · 3 months
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Big Sky 3x02: The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep
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daughterofcain-67 · 9 months
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 (epilogue)
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After the court case was finally over and things are finally returning to normal, the sheriff comes back into your cafe just like normal and with the help of your nosey but well-meaning sister, she helps nudge Beau along to ask you out now that the case is over.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none, just fluffy Beau x Reader content 💕
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Eight Months Later…
This was it.
This was the day that would determine if Andre would be getting off Scott-free or if he would be serving his time behind bars.
You hated that you had to be there as a witness. You hated that you had to describe everything that happened, describe the people who kidnapped you. What was worse was that Andre's lawyers did their best to make you out to be a liar, saying that your judgement may be impaired for whatever their reasons were.
The case seemed to take ages and you couldn't believe it was this long of an ordeal to even get court dates settled.
Now here you were, in the booths with the other families whose lives were ruined by the defendant. But Beau was right there beside you just like he had always been through this mess. He was waiting in anticipation with you, anxious to find out the jury's verdict.
You had just been called back into the court room a few minutes ago since the jurors were apparently done making their decision. When you saw them coming back into the room, you and everyone else in the courtroom stood as a part of courtroom etiquette. Though, you carefully held Beau's hand, which he squeezed a little. He seemed just as nervous as you were, despite his confident exterior.
God it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop after the jurors were all settled in their spots.
"Has the jury reached their verdict?" You heard the voice of the judge say.
"We have, your honor."
"And it's unanimous, correct?"
"Yes, Sir, it is."
Then the clerk walked over to the first juror and was handed the file before making their way back to the judge. When the judge said everyone could be seated, the room went back to being silent as he looked through the paper.
Now it all came down to this, what was on those sheets of paper that the jury handed over. It was like the entire room was holding their breath if they weren't glaring at the defendant.
When the judge said that the defendant would rise and face the jury, the judge handed the sheets back to the court clerk so she could make the final announcements.
"The state of Montana verses Andre Bolkonsky," The clerk began to read.
One by one as each of the charges were called out, Andre was guilty to a certain extent of the law if not completely guilty. He was partially guilty of your kidnapping since he orchestrated it, and of course he was guilty of your assault in the fullest.
When you heard the verdict you couldn’t help but feel this immense weight fall off of your shoulders. Yet a part of you wondered if this was really happening and if this was your reality, or if this was some kind of really good dream that you would have to wake up from just to return to some harsh reality.
He looked down at you and he had a smile on his face, “It’s real, Y/N. He’s going away for good.”
That reassurance was everything you needed in that moment and you threw your arms around the sheriff, hugging him so tightly.
It was finally over and you could hardly believe it!
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Morning Glory Coffee…
You never thought you would be able to come back here again. It felt so surreal to have even been able to open this place up again since your kidnapping. But now you were back in the building, bright and early and it’s been about two weeks since the trial ended.
You and Cadence were both there at the shop to straighten everything up so you can open. You brewed some fresh coffee and baked some goodies before putting them on the display table. That was when a pleasant little surprise came up.
The sound of the bell on the top of the door rang out as the door opened up. When you looked over, you saw Beau Arlen standing there.
“You’re here early.” You grinned at him and you could watch a smile begin to form on his face.
“Well, I did miss having your coffee everyday.” The sheriff said, causing you to roll your eyes, grinning at him.
“Just the coffee huh? Let me guess, the usual?”
“Actually… I think I might go with something different this time around.” Beau said as he walked closer to the counter.
“Something different… well if you still want to go with the bitter kind of taste, there’s the Americano, and some cold brew. Or if you’s like something a little sweeter I can make you a mocha, maybe a frappuccino or something like that.”
“I may go with something a little on the sweeter side.” He said and you hummed a little.
“I think we can go with a caramel macchiato.” You nodded and Beau chuckled.
“Whatever you think I’ll like.” He told you.
Beau watched as you started making the espresso and whatever else you needed to make the drink with some ridiculous name. Aren’t all coffees made the same anyway? He supposed that he wouldn’t know for sure. But he knew that he was glad that you were back.
From the corner of his eye, Beau saw Cadence standing in the corner with a certain sort of look on her face. She glanced at her sister that was busily making Beau a drink before she walked over to the sheriff.
“What are you waiting for? She went through something terrible and you were right there by her side through the trials.” Cadence told him in a whisper so you wouldn’t hear anything.
“What do you mean what am I waiting for?” Beau questioned and Cadence rolled her eyes before she reached over and flicked Beau on the forehead with her middle finger.
“Hey! What was that for?” Beau asked and rubbed his forehead.
“You know exactly what I mean, don’t play dumb.” Cadence said.
“I was an idiot for suggesting that she go and date Andre. And I’ll regret that for the rest of my life. But you know what else? I regret not encouraging her to go out with you more. She’s had feelings for you for such a long time but she’s never made a move because she doesn’t want to distract you from your work.”
Beau lifted a brow slightly. You actually had feelings for him? Then again, before you were taken, you did owe him a date since she rain-checked. Did he actually stand a chance with you?
“Are you sure that she wants to actually date someone right now after everything that’s happened?” Beau asked.
“Beau, she’s had her struggles long before Andre even came around. She just went on that date with Andre to try and move on before the date obviously went wrong.” Cadence said but when she looked over she saw that you were almost done making Beau’s beverage.
“Make a move, like ASAP! I want to be an aunt before I die and I want her to be with the right guy.” She said before she went to the back to go and prep something for the day before some other customers would end up coming in later.
Beau looked over at you and smiled a little to himself. There was a glimmer of hope burning in him and it made him wonder if Cadence was telling the truth about you having feelings for him. How long were they there?
“Hey, is something on your mind?”
Your question seemed to make Beau jump and you were a little worried. Was something wrong? Was there another case that he was stressing over? You wished that he could get even a little bit of a break.
You watched as Beau tucked his bottom lip in between his teeth and he looked as if he wanted to talk to you about something, “Actually, there was something I kind of wanted to ask you about.”
“Um… okay?” You said and handed him the drink.
“Do you remember when I missed movie night and you said that maybe I should make it up to you?” In truth, you almost didn’t remember with everything that happened but when you thought about it, you remembered.
“It’s been a while since that rain check, huh? Literally months and I think you’ve made up for it since then.” You chuckled a little but leaned over the counter, curious as to how this came to his mind.
“Yeah, I know it’s been several months… But maybe we could still go out and find something to do. I insist. So are you free tonight?” He asked you as he leaned over as well.
You bit your lip a little. The same feeling that you had when you wondered if the court case with Andre was over had returned, causing you to wonder if Beau was really asking if you were free or not.
“Um.. y-yeah. I should be free.” You answered.
A certain softness seemed to flicker in those beautiful, forest green eyes of his. It made you feel warm on the inside and you were almost certain that you could kiss him in that moment.
“Great. I’ll come and pick you up after work.” He insisted, you nodded in response before watching him stand up and leave.
As he walked out of the door, you smiled fondly to yourself. You never thought that you could feel this happy again. Granted you couldn’t just pretend that everything that transpired with Andre never happened, but it was easier to move past all of it because of Beau. Things were at least beginning to go back to normal other than the nightmares you had. He was always there to comfort you when you needed him .
“Okay, Y/N.. stop daydreaming and help me stock up some cups and lids and everything. If you want to get off early for your big date with the sheriff, I need a little help making sure everything’s in line while the owner’s away.” Your sister reminded you, causing your cheeks to turn pinkish.
“Why do I get the feeling you’re behind him saying something?”
“Hey, he was already going to do that anyway. He just needed a little push in the right direction. And Sheriff Arlen is a guy we can actually trust this time.”
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Five o’clock finally came around which meant that it was time for you to get ready for Beau to pick you up.
You were in the back after you had taken your apron off and you placed it in your little locker. You were looking at the camera on your phone, trying to fix up your hair and freshen up a bit. Cadence was leaning against one of the tables in the back just smiling at you since there weren’t any customers at the moment.
“You know, I don’t think he’s going to be too worried about how your hair looks. He knows you’re a working woman.” She reminded you and you shrugged a little.
“I know.” You sighed, “It’s just that I don’t want to mess this up. After everything that’s happened, he still remembered about missing some movie night? We’ve had plenty of those over the past eight months after he got me back.”
“Sweetie, of course he was going to ask you if you wanted him to actually make up for it. You can be a bit naive when it comes to him, can’t you?” Your sister laughed, making you wonder what about this was so amusing but you didn’t really want to question it.
“I guess I’m just shocked for whatever reason.”
“Well don’t let it shock you. You like him, and he likes you enough to ask you out. So enjoy tonight and see where this goes. You know he’s not going to hurt you and these past several months have only proved that point. You deserve happiness and you deserve to have that happiness with someone that will stop at nothing to make sure you have it. And obviously Beau is that person.”
It surprised you how obvious Cadence made it sound, but you supposed she was right. Maybe you were overthinking about something here and you just needed to relax and enjoy whatever moments that you would have with Beau that night. You were sure Beau needed some time to relax as much as you did, so maybe this really would be good for the both of you.
“Anyway, I still want to look halfway decent instead of going on some kind of, whatever this is, in my uniform shirt.” You said but then you heard the sound of a locker door opening up. When you glanced over and saw Cadence going through her locker.
“You are so lucky that I’m prepared.” Cadence chuckled, “But you need to start packing some little outfits to wear incase this becomes a regular thing with the sheriff.” She smirked and wiggled her brows a bit.
You smiled and rolled your eyes a little but then your sister pulled out two shirts for you to pick from. When you did, she handed the shirt to you.
“Now don’t let him tear it up or anything. I like that shirt.” Cadence smirked and your entire face turned red as you clutched the shirt close to you.
“W-We aren’t gonna do anything like that on the first outing!”
“Oh for the love of- Y/N, it’s a date! Call it a date before I strangle you!”
“Okay, we won’t be doing stuff like that on the first date.” You insisted and the biggest smile appeared on your sister’s face when she heard you call it a date after all.
“Okay, okay. Now go change! He’ll be here any minute.” Cadence practically shoved you out of the back so you could change in the rest room and finish getting ready.
After a few minutes, you had now changed into a more comfortable shirt and it actually fit your figure quite well. You put on a denim jacket over it since that was what you wore to work with the uniform, and you pulled your hair into a side, French braid. You were glad your sister trained you to pack a little tube of mascara and some gloss for spontaneous moments like this. It was simple and you preferred simple anyway.
When you stepped out you saw that Beau was just coming into the cafe and you smiled when you saw him.
“Hey. You’re right on time.” You grinned and he looked over at you. He smiled warmly and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach.
“You look nice. I like that shirt on you.”
“Thanks.. it’s my sister’s.” You admitted and you looked over towards the back to wave goodbye to Cadence, and Beau did the same. She waved back at the two of you before Beau looked down at you.
“You ready to head out?”
“I think so.” You nodded and he offered an arm for you to take. Once you took it he escorted you out of the door and took you to the car.
It was still around the time where it would get darker a little earlier in the day, and Beau ended up taking you to some place for dinner. They had some tables outside and it was a pretty night so that’s where you sat. There were several square tables outside and there were some lights strung out on the patio. Then in one corner, evidently there was a local band playing too.
“You must’ve known they’d be playing when you brought me here.” You said and Beau placed one hand up in the air.
“No clue. Swear that this was a surprise for me too.” He insisted and he pulled out a chair for you so you could sit down. Then he sat across from you.
You gazed at him and saw that he was looking down at the menu. You took the time to observe and admire the way he looked and appreciate the small details. Like the way his freckles showed up a little better with this lighting, or the way his hair was falling in front of his face when he was looking down at the menu.
When a waitress came by you got distracted and you looked up when she was asking you and Beau what you’d like to drink. You just ordered a water while Beau ordered his favorite beer. Then she left to get the drinks for the both of you and that was when you looked over at Beau again, who you caught gazing at you too.
“Thank you… for taking me out tonight.” You said and he grinned.
“No need to thank me. It’s something that I wanted to do.” He said but then he rubbed the back if his neck a little, “Actually it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while now.”
“Well…” You trailed off and decided to make kind of a bolder move and you placed a hand on his that was on the table, “I’m glad that you did.”
He maneuvered his hand to where he could hold your own and it felt like your hand fit perfectly in his.
“How did everything go today?” You asked him, trying to start some sort of conversation and he smiled a little.
“It was an easier day. Luckily we’ve not had anymore kidnapping cases. We had a few house calls but it was nothing too serious. Just nosey neighbors calling because a radio was too loud or a dog was barking and annoying them. Nothing overly serious.”
“Well… at least it was an easier day.”
“Yeah, although there were some case files that we haven’t had any leads on that ended up going cold. I hate they did.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair but you gave him an empathetic smile.
“Well, some cold cases don’t stay cold forever. Somewhere down the line people slip up and sometimes those cold cases get re-opened.” You reminded him.
“Yeah but that doesn’t happen often enough.”
“Cut yourself some slack. I know you hate when cases get cold, but there’s always hope.”
You could hear the little scoff he made and he looked down at the menu again but you gave your hand a gentle squeeze, “You taught me there’s always hope.”
He looked up at you again before you spoke again, “The FBI had been chasing after Andre and his group for a long time. And even if some of those members got caught, they didn’t serve time for long. They thought for sure that they could get away with me and get me out of the country and for a moment, every part of me thought they would be right.”
“But even when I was so close to giving up, I would think about you. How your determination would drive you and I knew somehow you’d find me, even if it would take a while. If you can persevere, then I knew I could too and I needed to figure out how to get out and think of what you would do in some of the situations I was in.” You told him.
Beau listened carefully to what you were saying and he was a little stunned. He had no idea he would be on your mind to help you fight back like that. You were a strong individual and he was so proud of you for taking that risk of screaming out on that phone call. He was proud when you somehow managed to get a phone and call him.
“You know… I think you may be a lot stronger than I am.” He admitted but he carefully intertwined your fingers.
“But you’re right. Those cold cases, I know, will be in the back of my mind and someone will slip up eventually like Andre’s group did.” He said but then he decided to move on.
“What about you? I’m sure your sister’s glad that you’ve been back. How’s your day been?”
“It was a little slow today. But it does get pretty slow on week days since a lot of people are working.” He heard you speak and he grinned a little.
“I suppose that’s fair.” He smiled.
“But I can’t complain. The downtime is nice. I’ve actually been thinking about changing up the interior of the cafe. So the downtime gives me some time to think about some of the interior designs.” You said with a smile, gosh your smile was so adorable to him.
“Well if you ever need any help when the time comes, you know you can always give me a call.” Beau insisted.
“I think I might keep that in mind.” You smirked, then the waitress came back with your drinks and she took both of your orders.
Beau ended up getting a burger and you got some sort of salad.
After a while of conversation and after the both of you had eaten your meals, Beau heard the band start to play some sort of slow song that he didn’t really know by heart, but he saw some couples going up there to dance
Then Beau had an idea and he stood up, which caused you to look up at him.
“What are you doing?” You asked him and he just grinned at you.
“Come on up there with me.” He said and you lifted a brow a little.
“You sure? I might step on your toes a bit.” You chuckled a little and he rolled his eyes playfully.
“Of course I’m sure.” He insisted and he took a hold of your hand and started leading you to the floor where some other people were dancing.
Then, Beau placed a hand on your hip and he could feel one of your hands on his shoulders while the two of you were close together. He lead you to the rhythm of the song that was playing as you danced and he swore this would be one of the moments with you that he would always have in his mind.
You looked so beautiful, with the way your hair framed your face perfectly or the way the lights seemed to shine in your eyes so beautifully. You were perfect in his eyes in every way and he didn’t think he’d be spending a moment like this with you. He supposed he needed to thank your sister for giving him that push.
He could feel your hand move from his shoulder to his cheek. Your touch felt so soft and he leaned into it before he ended up giving you a little twirl as you both danced, your laughter filled his ears when he pulled you back into him. Then he leaned down and kissed the top of your head softly.
“Why don’t we go back to my place? Tonight’s the perfect night to have a little fire or something.” He suggested and you nodded.
“I think that sounds perfect.”
After a while, you realized that the two of you had made it to Beau’s little camper and when he opened the door for you, Beau held out a hand to help you out of the vehicle. When you got out, the two of you went inside of the camper.
“Here, let me help you.” You insisted and you grabbed whatever he needed you to get but that was when the both of you heard some faint tapping on the window.
When the both of you looked out, you saw that it was starting to rain, but then you heard the thunder in the distance.
“I guess the fire pit might have to wait.” Beau said with a chuckle but then you smiled while you gazed at the raindrops, starting to get lost in your own thoughts.
“Y/N? You okay?”
“Hm? Yeah, just thinking about something.” You said and you felt his hand on the small of your back.
“Care to share?”
You carefully leaned into him, feeling his chest on your back, “I was just thinking about that night..."
"The night in the woods?"
"Mhmm," You hummed fondly, "It was raining and you carried me to the car because you realized I wasn't wearing any shoes. I swear I thought my toes were going to fall off because it was so cold." You laughed.
"I was just glad that we got you home." He said.
"I was so tempted to kiss you that night..." Then you swore you could feel his muscles tense a little, but they soon relaxed as you looked up at him.
"You wanted to kiss me that night?" he asked and your cheeks started to heat up a bit as you looked out of the window.
"I-I mean, um... maybe." You said bashfully.
"I guess looking back on it, it would have been some silly little movie moment and I know chick flick moments might not be your thing. Kissing in the rain or something like that is so juvenile..." You rambled on before you suddenly felt Beau take your hand and he started taking you outside.
"Beau? What are you doing?" You laughed.
"Something that I should have done a long time ago." You heard him say but then the two of you went outside and luckily the rain wasn't pouring too hard just yet.
When Beau stopped walking, he stood in front of you and you could feel his soft yet slightly calloused hand touch your cheek.
"Y/N... I've known for a long time now what my feelings were for you... And I should have done something about it long before now." He said and you placed one of your hands on his shoulder again.
"Why didn't you?"
"Because I let my job get in the way. Because I thought you wouldn't want to take a chance with me. And because of stupid reasons that don't really matter. But I know that the moment you went missing, I couldn't bare the thought of losing you. Then when the trials happened there was so much going on and I didn't want to complicate anything. So I wanted to wait until the court dates were over and when we knew for sure Andre would be gone for good."
"And what about now? Since all of it is over?" You asked in a slightly hushed tone.
"Now... there's nothing else for me to wait for." He said and he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Then both of his hands were on your face and he leaned down and kissed you.
The wave of adrenaline rushed through you but then you melted into his touch and closed your eyes. His kiss was so warm and sweet, enough to make you feel light headed as you kissed him back. You could feel the rain hitting you and it was cool in contrast to the closeness between you and Beau.
Your hand went from his shoulder to the back of his neck and he tilted his head, deepening the kiss. This was so worth the wait, and you couldn't dream of a better moment. You fell so hard for this man, and knowing that he felt the same way for you made you feel happier than you've been in such a long time.
When Beau pulled away, your foreheads were pressed against each other. He had taken your breath away and you were trying to remember how to form words.
"I love you, Y/N L/N..."
Those words, even if they came a bit sooner than you expected, were the very words you had wanted to tell him for the longest time.
"I love you too, Beau Arlen."
And from there, you knew that the two of you would spend a lifetime that you had always dreamed of having. You knew that this would be something that not even the best fairy tale could match, and the rest of your life would be spent with the man that meant the world to you.
Your heart was his, and his was yours, forever intertwined and maybe even entangled for eternity.
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Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this Beau x Reader fanfiction and it was such a joy to write! Thank you to all of you who commented, reblogged, and liked. It's truly appreciated.
Tag List:
@deans-spinster-witch @roseblue373 @chriszgirl92 @nancymcl @fanfic-n-tabulous @globetrotter28
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Last Minute Customer
Summary; Beau Arlen x Reader -> When you’re closing up the store for the evening, you have one final customer. 
Warning; Pure fluffy fluff, books, bookstore and snow. 
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Snow had been constantly falling for the last 6 weeks. At first, it was light and melted almost as fast as it had come. But now it was 3ft high and sent everyone into a tizzy over being able to walk.
Why you hadn't moved out of Montana by now, you didn't know. You could have gone anywhere. California, maybe? New York? Perhaps Seattle.
But no. You had decided to stay in Montana, open up a small bookstore in Helena and stick with the snowy winters.
Yet, it was all worth it.
You had been stood behind the counter, having shut early due to the weather. You had been counting your stock making sure you had enough of the popular books in stock in time for the mad-christmas dash.
That was when a knock came to the door.
Rushing over, you quickly unlocked the door and let the stranger inside. He was covered in snow, his fingertips were turning red and his cheeks were flushed.
"Are you okay? What are you doing out in weather like this?"
"I could ask you the same thing." He smiled. "Sorry if I scared you."
"It's okay. Are you here to buy some books?"
He nodded, dusting off the snow with your help. Only now did you notice his shape. He was broad and tall. 
"Actually, I am." He smiled. "Sorry, I should have introduced myself. Beau Arlen."
That's why he looked so familiar.
You had seen him around town every now and then, mostly making his way in and out of the coffee shop across the way, Dewell and Hoyt and some of the local stores.
"Y/N Y/L/N." you smiled back. "So, what exactly is it that you're looking for?"
"I don't know."
Your eyebrows knitted together for a moment before he pulled a piece of paper from the back of his jeans and handed it over to you.
"My daughter...she wrote me a list."
You took the list from his hands and opened it up. There was some good titles on it.
Emma, by Jane Austen.
A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens.
Sherlock Holmes, Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Dr Suess, Chronicles of Narnia.
"I think we have some of these in stock. I'll check in the back for the others."
"Thank you."
"I've still got the fire going if you want to warm yourself up." You offered, pointing over towards the two leather sofa's that sat paralle to one another beside the fire.
"Is it safe to have a fire in a bookstore?"
"The fireplace has been there since the place was first built. I only put it on in desperate conditions." You turned back with a small smile before disappearing into the back of the store to look for some of the less commonly stocked books.
Pretty much most of them you managed to find on the shelves, Beau helping.
"Whoa." You said aloud as the rolling stairs went a little further than anticipated.
"You okay?"
"You want me to hold it still?"
You nodded. "If you don't mind."
You managed to reach the top of the bookshelves for the extra boxes, finally finding the last copy of A Christmas Carol.
"I'm usually banned from using this ladder." You told Beau. "Last time I was on it, I slipped from the fourth step and twisted my ankle."
Slowly, you climbed back down. Only, once you made it to the half way mark, you felt Beau's hands hold onto the back of your legs. They hovered just far enough from your skin to help you down but be close enough to catch you if you fell.
And it was a good job because just before you hit the bottom, your foot missed the step, sending you sliding down.
Thankfully, Beau took your waist into his hands and helped you safely to your feet.
Beau smiled down, letting go of you once he knew you were okay. "You should probably get some safer ladders."
You smiled. "That's not the first time someone has told me that."
Beau gave you another smile and you found your words faltering in your mouth.
"Um," you stepped back and handed over the book. "Here you are. Is that everything? Not got another list in your back pocket, have you?"
Beau looked down with a soft chuckle. "No, not this time."
You rung up his order, asking if he'd like for them to be gift wrapped. "No, that's okay. Em's having me wrap them with her at home. She says I need the practice."
"It can't be that bad, surely."
Beau smiled and leaned onto the counter. "Whatever you're imagining, it's worse than that."
"Well, nothing can be worse than my parent's wrapping." You told him. "One year they just handed me a gift in a plastic bag with an upside down bow."
"What was it?"
"The gift? A vintage camera and record player." You smiled. "There up over there."
You pointed over towards the large wooden unit beside the fireplace.
"Did you take these photos?" Beau asked, looking to the postcards beside the register.
You smiled shyly. "I got bored one day and decided to go for a walk. There is a beautiful place by this canyon. There's a lake that runs just below it."
Beau studied the photo a little better. It seemed very familiar.
"Do you fish?"
You smiled, continuing to bag up the books. "I asked, do you fish? It's a good fishing spot if you ever wanted to try."
Beau clicked his fingers. "That's why I recognise it."
"Have you ever been on the hiking trail above it?" You asked.
"No, I- Uh...I haven't had the chance."
"Maybe, if you'd like, I could show you?"
Beau looked up and for a moment, he didn't know what you were asking. But the moment he did, he smiled, bowed his head to try and hide the texan blush on his cheeks, and nodded.
Finally he looked back up; "I'd like that."
"It might be a bit cold, but it's beautiful in the snow."
Beau smiled. "I'm sure it is."
"How about Saturday? If there's no big snow blizzard."
Beau nodded, paying his cash and picking up the bag of books from the counter. "Saturday it is."
Turning back around towards the door, Beau looked out to the snow.
"How long have you got left on your shift?"
You looked up to him, taping some boxes up. "Not long. Maybe about 10 minutes? Why?"
"Would you...would you like me to drive you home? With this snow and everything...I mean...what kind of Sheriff would I be if I let a citizen nearly die because of frost bite?"
You gave him a light smile and nodded. "That would be nice. Thank you."
Eventually, you closed the shop and followed him to his car. “So? How long have you been in Montana?”
“All my life,” you answered. “Mostly. I mean, I left to go to College but...I came back.”
“And the bookstore?”
You smiled as you explained the story to him on the way to your home. “It was something I always wanted to do. As a kid I had a vision board for my life - yes, I was that kid.” Beau smiled. “Anyway, I used to dream of owning my own bookstore and seeing kids like me find that place where they can go and just...be them. Pick up a book and...find another world. What about you? What made you want to be a Sheriff?”
“My dad,” Beau began. “We use to watch all these old westerns and he used to tell me all these cool stories of what he had done that day at work. About the people he helped.”
“He was your hero?”
Beau nodded and smiled. “Yeah.”
Finally, Beau pulled up outside of your home and you unbuckled your seat-belt. “I guess I’ll see you on Saturday?”
“I guess you will.” Beau smiled. 
He waited until you unlocked your door and walked inside before he pulled away. 
Maybe it was a good thing you stayed in Montana after all. 
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kickingitwithkirk · 10 months
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Restless Man Masterlist
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
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jacks-wack-attack · 2 years
Jensen Ackles' acting is criminally underrated, much too good for this world, and I will die on this hill.
Can I get a hell yeah?
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impalaslytherin · 2 years
Watch "Jenny X Beau - Delicate ( Big Sky ABC ) #bigsky #jennyhyott #beauarlen" on YouTube
@dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @deaneverafter dedicating this video to you two amazing people ❤️
@kazsrm67 @sensitivehandsomeactionman @soldierboys @beaujensen @beauarlen @b3autyfuldisast3r @waywardbaby @avanatural @jawritter ❤️😇
Thanks @libertamry for the clip 😊
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Beau Arlen | Big Sky 3.09
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deaneverafter · 2 years
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My sheriff investigating things and saving people 🖤💯
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annawincestfan · 2 years
Sheriff Beau Arlen🙂
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deansraspberrypie · 4 days
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Beau Arlen 🧡❤‍🔥
🔥🤎 Jensen Ackles
📸: honeybeemish (Twitter)
Edited by me: @deansraspberrypie
🍰 Tag list: @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @kazsrm67 🥧
28 notes · View notes
Me watching Big Sky: "This show is pretty good"
My 🧠: "You know what this means...."
Me: "Uh no what?"
My 🧠 my 😺 together: "Time to write some explicit smut with Beau Arlen"
Me: "I haven't even seen him yet"
My 🧠: "We don't care he's hot!"
Me: "Can't argue with that"
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daughterofcain-67 · 9 months
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 (pt. 9)
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After a relieving phone call, Beau and the other officers go on the hunt for the van that took you and they track Jack's phone down in the woods. It was now or never for Beau to find you. Meanwhile, you're doing your best to keep your chin up and be as patient as you could while you focused on survival.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Crime show level of violence, gunfire, mentions of Y/N’s case, fluffy Beau at the end… that should be everything~
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The interrogation went as well as Beau could have imagined, he supposed.
Naturally, Andre’s lawyer came in when she was called and Agent Sampson struck some kind of deal. Andre would still have to serve time if your assault was backed up with evidence after all, but he wouldn’t be held accountable for your kidnapping if he agreed to give some kind of information about Ace, Jack and Queen.
Andre confirmed that his cousin was in fact Ace. Turns out that not only was Andre a trash person, but he wasn't exactly a very good brother as well because he threw his very own sister under the bus by revealing Queen to be his sister, Melanie Bolkonsky.
As for Jack... well Jack turned out to be a person named Dolokov Krushnic. He hadn't been involved in this little gang for more than two years but for some reason he made it to the states with Ace and Queen as well as the King.
But frankly, Beau didn't care about all of those details. That was Agent Sampson's territory. All Beau really wanted was Andre taken care of.
The only thing that Beau could say was positive about this situation that Andre would be proven guilty when it came to your assault. He deserved to do some time and Beau was determined to make that happen, at least for your sake. He didn’t want you to ever have to see that man again.
When Beau stepped out of the observation room to clear his head of the fact that Harlen Sampson just made a deal with a devil, he could hear his phone begin to ring. He lifted a brow and fished the device from his pocket before he looked down at the screen, noticing a number he didn’t recognize.
Nonetheless he answered the phone and lifted it up to his ear, “Sheriff Arlen. Who’s this?”
Beau’s eyes widened the moment that he heard your voice on the other line. His heart skipped a beat. You were alive after all! He hoped you were safe and out of harms way at least for the time being.
“Beau? It’s Y/N…”
“Y/N? How did you get to a phone? Are you okay?” Beau asked in a hurry.
“I’m as okay as I can be,” Beau listened, although your connection wasn’t exactly the greatest, “I was able to get away from Ace and Jack. I, uh… I stabbed Jack and I think he needs some serious help.”
“You stabbed someone?” Beau questioned. He wasn’t sure whether to be concerned our proud. Perhaps he was a mix of both at the moment.
‘That’s my girl…’ He thought to himself, proud of you for the self defense and being able to get away.
“Y/N, I need you to tell me where you are. The sooner we get there the sooner that we can come and find you.” Beau insisted.
“They took the van to try and get out of town but the roads were blocked. Then they drove to some back roads. I think I’m close to where Sunny used to have her luxury camp site before it shut down but I can’t tell for sure.” He heard you say and he knew exactly where you were talking about.
“Beau, I’m not sure how to even get back into town from h-“
That was when the line finally cut out and Beau slipped the phone back into his pocket before he looked around and saw Agent Sampson and Jenny walking out of the interrogation room as well.
“Hoyt, we need to head out to where Sunny and her husband used to have their camp grounds.”
“What? Why, did you find something?”
“I just got a call from Y/N. She managed to get away from Ace and Jack and she took one of their phones. She said they were taking some kind of back road and she thinks she’s in that spot. And Sampson, maybe we can track this phone she’s using.” Beau insisted.
“Great, what was the number on the phone?” The agent said and Beau pulled up the number again and forwarded it to him so he could track it down in the computer system.
“Let’s get some back up. We’ll also need to get an ambulance for Jack when we know the location.” The Sheriff said and Jenny looked up at him.
“An ambulance for the kidnapper? We’d better hustle before he’s D.O.A. What happened to him?” She asked as she followed Beau out of the door so they could get to that back road to find you.
“Y/N was in a confrontation and she stabbed him. She told me he needed an ambulance and didn’t know how he was doing.”
Beau heard Jenny chuckle as the two of them got into his truck so they could ride together, “She’s got to be the only kidnap victim I’ve seen that showed concern for her kidnapper after she stabbed him.”
“I think a part of it is because she doesn’t want to get charged for murder or something.”
“Well that I can understand, but I don’t think there will be charges against her considering she was kidnapped, assaulted, and who knows what else could have happened if she stayed longer or even ticked off one of them.” Hoyt said while the sheriff started the car and started driving off.
“Well, at least this is all good news to tell Cadence. I know she’s been worried sick about Y/N. She hasn’t returned to the cafe yet and it’s still closed until we get Y/N back. She said she was determined to see her as soon as we get her back.” Jenny spoke and Beau grinned.
He was just glad that nothing’s happened to your sister and that she was safe for the time being. He was ready to get you home to your sister, ready to get this whole ordeal over with.
Agent Sampson texted Beau the last known location of the phone and sure enough it was on the road that you had described.
“Sampson’s got it, so let’s head over and he said that he’s already on his way with some backup.” Jenny insisted and Beau nodded as he focused on the road.
He was so close yet again and this time, Beau was determined to get you back once and for all. He couldn’t afford to let you slip through his fingertips again.
Not this time.
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When the phone cut out, you cursed and you looked around to make sure that you weren’t followed.
When you felt like you were safe enough to stop walking, you sat down beneath the tree. You were glad you were still holding onto the knife you took from Jack and you were trying to cut your way through the zip ties. It was an awkward angle but you were trying your best to break free without cutting your own skin more than it already was.
Finally you broke free and you discarded the plastic to the side of you and you rubbed your sore wrists. Then you took a deep breath of relief. Then you tried to think of where you could possibly hide incase Jack decided to chase you despite his wound, or if Ace woke up after being knocked out.
You winced as you stood up again. You hadn’t realized how much your muscles started to ache after your endeavors these past few days. Your feet throbbed from walking without shoes. On top of that, it was starting to get cold. You wished you had worn a hoodie when you were kidnapped. Plus, you knew you probably smelled terrible since you hadn’t been able to shower in several days.
That might just be the first thing that you do when you return home after hugging your baby sister…
You wondered how Cadence was doing. Had Beau checked in on her, or Hoyt for that matter? You hoped that she was alright and that she was taking care of herself, despite the circumstances.
You ran your fingers through your matted hair and you decided to start walking again, searching for some sort of cabin that might of been in the area. Surely there was some storage place or something for the campers that was around before Sunny shut down her site. You searched everywhere, cringing every once in a while when you stepped on a twig with a branch facing upwards.
But after a while of walking, you finally came across some kind of shelter to hide in until Beau came to get you. If you were able to stay put anyways.
You walked into the old cabin that was a little dusty since the last time anyone’s been inside was who knows how long. You sat down somewhere else and you simply waited.
Luckily for you, you had a little more hope now than you had this afternoon after that talk with Beau. Now it was only a matter of time before you would be home. Things were finally looking up and you hoped that you wouldn’t have to be on the run again anytime soon. Hope, you supposed, would be the key word.
The moment that you heard thunder, you had a sinking feeling in your chest. While you were running, you had no idea how cloudy it had become. Then, a subtle tapping on the window caused you to turn and look outside.
Looks like you made it to some shelter just in time.
You looked down at your feet and realized that you couldn't exactly feel your toes with how cold it was starting to get. So you started walking around the cabin to see if you could find a pair of socks, or maybe some work boots someone just happened to leave in there.
As you were looking around, you walked passed a mirror. You did a double take when you realized what you walked passed and you decided to take a look at yourself.
You definitely looked like a wreck. Your hair was tangled, you had some circles beneath your eyes from lack of sleep since you were more concerned with escaping. You cringed when you saw some marks on your neck from where Andre had his hands on you. It made you feel so incredibly gross. On the bright side they were starting to fade, but you still wanted to shower more than anything.
You were honestly amazed that you hadn't fallen apart yet. Maybe when you got home, you could take a bath and just let everything out since you haven't had the chance yet.
Thunder rang out and it seemed to echo loudly, causing you to jump back int reality instead of thinking about going home. You walked out of the window to see if you had either been followed or if you could see any officers outside.
'They'll find me. They're on their way now.' You reminded yourself. The thought itself was reassuring.
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Beau and Jenny made it to the last known location of the phone you were using to call and sure enough, Jack was there bleeding and he was lucky the paramedics were right behind the Sheriff and Deputy. They pulled up a few moments after and got to work on getting Jack on the stretcher so they could take him to the hospital.
But there was a problem: Where was Ace?
You said that you had knocked Ace out, so where was his body?
"We need to hurry. Who knows if Ace has found Y/N yet if he's up and at 'em already." Jenny said and Beau nodded as some officers started to scout the area for Ace.
Beau was just glad that he and Jenny knew of this place better than Ace did, considering they had to come through this place for a previous case before they shut the camp grounds down. Now Beau just wondered if you knew this place at least well enough to stay away and hidden from your captors.
"What if she ended up finding the cabin where's Sunny's kid stayed for a while?" Beau asked and Jenny thought about it.
"It's worth a shot. Let's hope she found it before Ace found her." The deputy agreed and the two of them started heading in that direction.
That was when the thunder and the rain started and Beau cursed to himself. This is exactly something they needed while they were on a search. Wonderful.
"Should have brought some kind of umbrella or something." He said and Jenny smiled a little and agreed.
"To be fair, though, the priority wasn't exactly checking the weather." She reminded him, "Let's just hope that we find Y/N soon and that she'll actually be there this time."
"She will be there. She's got to be." Beau insisted.
After all, he and Jenny as well as Agent Sampson all got to the search as soon as they could while some had to stay behind and see what other info they could gather on Andre's little group.
That was when they found the cabin and a sense of relief washed over Beau as he started to run over to it. Then he started hearing a ruckus, other than the thunder that was booming around him.
Beau's eyes widened when he heard the sound of broken glass, as if there was some sort of confrontation coming from the inside. Jenny made it onto the porch as well and judging by the look on her face, Beau knew he wasn't the only one hearing some kind of commotion from the inside.
Beau knocked on the door, "This is Sheriff Arlen. Open the door!" He called on, but there was no answer.
"Well, at least you gave a heads up that you're here." Jenny backed up so Beau would have the room he needed, then Beau used all the force he could and he kicked the door down before going inside with his pistol in front of himself.
The sight in front of Beau naturally had to be alarming.
Ace, though he had an obvious bump on his head from where you had knocked him out, was holding up a knife against your throat as he turned around to face Beau and Jenny.
"Ace, let her go and nobody gets hurt." Beau said sternly.
"You're kidding, right? This bitch stabbed Jack, gave me one Hell of a knot on my head that might be a concussion. She's ruined everything Andre, Melanie and I have built!" Ace said with so much anger.
"You're joking, right? Andre doesn't care about you." Beau said, wondering if the betrayal would be enough to at least get you out of his grasp. "He sold you and Melanie, as well as Jack out just so he can serve less jail time."
"So what? He can get all of us out of this and we can make bail." He said.
"Not this time. What part of sold you out don't you get? The FBI is here and everything, and Andre just handed them all kinds of ammunition against you to put you away not only for Y/N's kidnapping, but for the whole operation." Jenny added.
Ace clenched his jaw before he looked down at you, his gaze turning to a hateful glare, "This is all your fault!"
Just as Ace raised his hand to try and stab you, Beau shot his pistol and wounded Ace in his side. Your assailant dropped the knife in surprise and put a hand to his side, backing away from you.
Jenny jogged over to Ace and told him to put his hands behind his back since he was under arrest for kidnapping.
Everything was happening so quickly for you. You couldn't believe Beau just shot someone and now Jenny was arresting him. But you looked at the sheriff and he rushed over to you.
You did the only thing you could think of to do, and that was to wrap your arms around him and give him the tightest hug that you could, "You found me..."
"I'm sorry that it took so long, Darlin'.. We came as fast as we could." You felt the warmth of his embrace while his arms were wrapped around you and you could feel his head rest on top of yours.
"I'll give you two a minute and get Ace to the paramedic." You could hear Jenny say as she escorted Ace out of the cabin to get him to the car. But you and Beau stayed right there for a moment.
You were grateful that he finally came and rescued you. It gave you an immense peace of mind now that he was there and you wouldn't be in cuffs or zip ties again. You wouldn't be trapped in a basement anymore and you wouldn't have to be on the run in a forest.
You must've been trembling and not have realized it because the next thing you knew, Beau released you from his grasp and he took off his jacket before he wrapped it around your shoulders.
"Come on, let's get you out of here. Wait, what happened to your shoes?" Beau asked you and you looked down at your muddy feet.
"They grabbed me before I could slip on some shoes. Guess they were in a rush." You said with a slight chuckle.
Beau smiled, glad that you still had a little humor left in you despite the circumstances. "Here, let me carry you."
"Beau, you really don't have to do that. I can walk on my own two feet." She said and Beau picked you up anyway.
"Sweetheart, it wasn't a request." He said and your arms naturally wrapped around his neck while your legs dangled from one of his arms. It was sweet that he was doing this but somehow you felt like it was a little unnecessary. You were just another captive and he was just a cop doing his job.
Beau carried you out through the woods and made it to the car. You didn't see Ace and Jack's van anywhere. In fact, you didn't even see the two of them, which was relieving.
"What happened with Jack? I didn't kill him, did I?" You asked as Beau placed you in the car.
"I don't think you did. He's wounded, yeah, but I don't think it was in a fatal spot but the paramedics have him handled. You don't need to worry about him, or Andre for that matter."
You looked up at him almost instantly, “You were able to catch him too?”
“Of course we were, Sweetheart. Although… we do need to take you to the Emergency Room. It’s routine, plus we need for you to do a rape kit.”
That sounded so humiliating, but you knew it was necessary - especially if they needed evidence against Andre. You just hoped that they could get whatever they needed to so Andre would stay away from you.
Luckily for you, the ER visit didn’t take long and when you visited the department to identify Andre as the culprit so they would have an eye witness account on record as well as your statements, they gave you a change of clothes and some shoes that way you had something to take into.
Once all of the ‘protocol’ was taken care of, Beau took you into his car so he could take you home. And you were so excited to be there.
When you made it there, you saw your front door open and Cadence stepped out slowly. When you got out of the car you could see the biggest smile light up your sister’s face as she ran over to you. She have you the biggest hug as she possibly could- although you felt like you couldn’t breathe from how hard she was squeezing.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re home! I’m so glad you’re okay! I’m so sorry that I even suggested that you go on a date with that scumbag! I missed you so much!” Cadence rambled and you hugged her back.
“Cadence, I’m okay. You didn’t know any of this would have happened and neither did I. It’s okay. I’m back home and that’s all that matters.”
When Cadence finally let go of you, she hugged Beau as tightly as she could, “Thank you so much for getting her back! I knew that you would!”
Beau chuckled and gave your sister a little hug and patted her back a little, “Like I would let your sister stay missing.”
“Why don’t you come inside! We need to celebrate the fact that Y/N is back now, and you could use a break while the FBI handles the case from here on out, right?” Your little sister suggested when she let go of the hug.
“I don’t know. That just depends on how Y/N is feeling. She’s had a long several days after all.” The sheriff said and you decided to step over and you held his hand.
“Please? It’s the least we can do after all you’ve done to find me. Maybe we can order a pizza or something while we make some kind of dessert or something like that.” You said.
Of course you were tired and worn out but at the same time, you would feel safer if Beau stayed at least a little longer incase there were other people out there that were a part of Andre’s group. You didn’t know if Queen was out there looking for you or what she would do if she found you.
Beau could tell that you were still a little wary and he gave you a softened smile as he squeezed your hand a little.
“I could go for some pizza. But take it easy, we can always do dessert or something some other time.” He said and you smiled a little. With that, Beau, you and your sister all walked inside the house.
Once you got washed up, you put on fresh clothes of your own. You wore a black hoodie that had your favorite band’s logo, some yoga pants since they were comfortable and stretchy, and you put on a pair of fuzzy socks. Your hair was still damp so you used a claw-clip to put it up so it wouldn’t make your back wet.
When you had changed and returned to the living room, you saw Cadence and Beau on the couch with a spot in between them for you to sit.
“You got out just in time, Sis. Pizza should be here within the next ten minutes or so.” Cadence said. This was probably the happiest you had seen her in a long time.
“That honestly sounds great.” You said with a chuckle and sat down in the space between them.
“I’ll go get us some drinks while we wait. Do you two want anything? Sorry we don’t have the good coffee here Beau otherwise I’d make your usual.” Cadence said and you smiled when you heard Beau let out a chuckle.
“Just some water would be great.” He said and you asked for the same thing. With some pep to her step, Cadence went to the kitchen.
She was never one to be able to sit still when she was excited.
You leaned against Beau and you felt his arm wrap around you. His hold was gentle, different from how your captors handled you. You knew that with Beau, you were safe.
“Thank you… for not giving up on looking for me.” You whispered softly and you could feel him leaning down, only to feel his beard tickling the skin of your temple when he places a soft kiss on the side of your head.
“There’s no way in Hell I’d give up looking for you.” He promised.
Not long afterward, the pizza finally came and the three of you ate together and watched something uplifting. It was an effort to keep your mind off the upcoming court dates and what not that you would have to go through for this ordeal to ensure Andre and his group would go away for good.
Either way, you knew one thing was for sure…
You were more than thankful for Beau Arlen. Deep down even before your sister suggested you go out with Andre, you knew who your heart belonged to even if it was never really spoken.
But most importantly…
You were home.
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Hi everyone!!! Thank your for your support with this story! I hope you enjoyed!! Stay tuned for an Epilogue for more Beau content~
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@deans-spinster-witch @roseblue373 @chriszgirl92 @nancymcl @fanfic-n-tabulous @globetrotter28
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I Can Feel You
Summary; Beau Arlen x Fe!OC (or reader if you wish) -> Agent Sandy Fletcher is brought to Montana to help on a case.
Warning: Swearing, Violence (crimial minds level - not a tie in), mentions of tortue, fluff (kinda) towards the end, angst.There is also an SPN reference if you can spot it.
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They had plastered her as a rookie. Made it out that she didn’t know much but she knew just over the normal amount to pass every test in the field. 
By the gods were they wrong. 
Agent Sandy Fletcher arrived in Montana in the early hours of Thursday morning. She was picked up by Deputy Poppernak who kept her both entertained and up-to-date on the case at hand. 
She had been given her orders by her Chief. He wanted her away from town for a while. And, even though he wished that he didn’t have to, he needed to. Sandy needed out of Oregon. At least for a while. 
“Tell me, is your Sheriff as talkative as you?”
Popp blushed a little. “Sorry. I’m talking too much.”
Sandy smiled. “Oh, no. It’s nice. The people I’m usually with don’t speak more than two words a day.”
Popp went on to explain a few things about Sheriff Beau Arlen and his deputy Hoyt. “I’ve heard good things so far.” Sandy assured Popp. 
By the time she arrived at her home for the following however-many weeks, Sandy managed to grab a few hours of sleep before heading into the station at 8am. 
And they got straight onto the case. 
A double act. Childhood friends turned into a serial killer duo. They’d kidnap the helpless and weak, keep them alive for a few days but in the meanwhile make them wish they were dead until finally…they’d grant the victim one final wish. 
To let them die. 
It was better than going through the pain again and again and again. 
But it was two weeks after Sandy had joined the team and was with Beau, Denise, Cassie and Jenny that she was taken from them. 
The duo had been watching Denise’s house the entire evening, waiting for someone to come outside alone and be distracted long enough to be taken out. 
It just so happened to be Sandy. 
She had offered to take out the trash since Denise had cooked, Cassie and Jenny were handling the pots and Beau was clearing the dining room. 
But after 5 minutes, Beau popped his head outside from the backdoor to shout Sandy back inside. 
“She still not back yet?” Beau had smiled as he entered and Jenny took the stacked plates from his hands. 
“Wonder if she got lost?”
Beau chuckled and popped his head around the door. “Hey, Sandy! You get lost?”
But then nothing. 
Not a single thing. 
Beau looked back inside, the other three growing a little more concerned. “Sandy?”
Beau walked outside and around the corner cautiously. 
On the floor was the trash bag open, pouring its contents onto the grass whilst the lid was thrown across the lawn. 
Jenny shot outside of the door and came to his side. “Where is she?”
Three sets of footprints. Sandy’s and two others. 
They’d got to her. 
Storming inside the station, Beau gave out his instructions to his officers, giving Hoyt things to follow up on and asking Cassie to keep Denise by her side at all times. 
“We don’t know how long they’d been watching us but I’m gonna guess the whole night.”
“I need every officer reporting back to either myself or Hoyt. You go out in pairs. You do not-”
“Separate from your partner-”
“Beau!” Poppernack shouted, finally catching his boss’ attention. “Look.”
Popp picked up the remote on his desk and cast the live tape from his inbox to the Tv screen. 
She was out cold. A single lightbulb was somewhere, lighting her up just enough for them to all see the damage that had been done. 
She had blood dripping from her nose, cuts across her cheeks and collar bone. She had bruises around her eye but they’d hit her so it wouldn’t swell up. 
They wanted the station to know it was her. 
Everyone watched in silence, waiting for something to happen.
“It’s live, too. They’re streaming it but I can’t get a location.”
“Keep trying.” Beau was holding back every emotion he could so he simply sounded deflated. His eyes never once left the screen, even as he walked the few steps towards a desk to sit against it. 
Popp nodded and continued to try and find her. 
For a few moments, nothing happened and then a groan. 
Slowly, Sandy was coming around. Her head felt heavy and her neck was sore. How long had she been out?
Squinting her eyes due to the light, she finally managed to find some strength again and then she saw him. 
Sandy closed her eyes and groaned. “Oh, it’s you.”
“You’re still alive I see?”
“I’m guessing you were expecting a different ending.”
The guy behind the camera stood up. “Perhaps.”
“What is it with villain's being so vague in their answers?” Sandy questioned. “You never just get straight to the point. You have to make a whole song and dance about it and even then you don’t get to your point!”
A loud smack came across her cheek. Her hair covered her face but opened up the back of her neck for the camera to see yet another cut and taser markings. 
“Well, aren’t you just the perfect gentleman?” Sandy looked back up to him. 
Sharply, he yanked at her hair and placed another hand under his chin harshly. 
“I wouldn’t speak to me like that if I were you, Alexandra.”
“Don’t call me that.” Sandy gritted. “You’re not my mother.”
“It’s your name, though? Isn’t it? Alexandra Fletcher. Special Agent. Only child- well, that’s not exactly true. Is it?”
Sandy laughed. “What? You been looking through my family’s medical records again? Wasn’t smart enough to become a doctor to get them legally so you stole them? That it? Oh, your parents must be so proud.”
He sharply gripped at her throat again. 
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Didn’t know this was your angle. Always thought this was Ernie’s method.” Sandy continued. 
“What’s she doing? She’s going to get herself killed!” That was the main comment coming from the officers until Beau shushed them all. 
“Where is Ernie by the way? I thought you two were attached by the…” Sandy looked down a little. “You know? Everything.”
He placed more pressure on her throat but before she felt herself begin to pass out, Ernie walked inside. 
“Let her go. I want to have some fun with this one. She’s special.”
“Thanks.” Sandy steadied her breathing. “Last person who called me that was my 5th grade teacher.”
“Humor? Is that your distraction?”
“More of my entertainment than anything.” Sandy shrugged. “The Sesame Street writers have really gone down the drain since they replaced some of the acts.”
Ernie threw back his head in a laugh as he picked out his tools. “Ha! Let me guess? We’re Bert and Ernie?”
“Congratulations, you have fucking ears. You mom must have been so proud when you finally listened to her.”
“Oh, she was. She asked me to kill her neighbor for her. The dog kept shitting in our garden.” He explained before lowering his top half to be eye-level with her. “Just one thing? Why Bert and Ernie?”
“Well…I’ve read your files. And you both seem to have this…ooh, what’s the word?” It hit her. “Codependency. Well, one of you does.” Sandy whispered before gesturing over to Bert. 
Ernie smiled. “Is that right?”
Ernie’s face changed, no surprise to Sandy and he swiped his knife across her as he distracted her by punching her gut. 
“Your folks ever tell you it’s not nice to beat on girls?”
“Pops encouraged it, actually. Said women needed to know their place in society. Thinking. Having an opinion. It wasn’t right.”
“Do you believe that?”
Ernie shrugged. “Not really. I have met some extraordinary women along the way.”
“Who you’ve killed along the way?”
“What about him?” Sandy nodded over to Bert. 
“Oh, he'd be too afraid of them to try.”
“Seems pretty confident to me.” Sandy argued. “I mean, he had me shaking in my boots before you came in here.”
“I’m sure he did.”
Beau and some more of the officers continued to watch in silence whilst Jenny stood over Popp’s shoulder, trying to find a location on Sandy. 
Beau’s eyes stayed glued to the screen in front of him looking for any sign or hint for where she might be. 
She couldn’t be that far. She’d only been gone 3 hours - although it felt longer. 
And clearly, they’d had tied for a while. 
“Where are you, Sandy?”
“Do you have anything you’d like to say? Perhaps to that Sheriff of yours?” Ernie now asked as he circled her before finally leaning down behind her. “I saw how he was looking at you at dinner.”
Sandy rolled her eyes, “Oh, brother.”
“Now, I might not be the best expert but even I know when a guy is into you.”
“Why? Did you catch yourself in the mirror when checking Bert out?”
Ernie gave a harsh, fake smile. “Funny,”
“Oh, no. Please. Do continue.” Sandy’s voice was laced in sarcasm as she watched Ernie walk away. 
“You laugh, but I guess…part of you hopes I’m right.”
Sandy didn’t say anything but simply shot him a look of slight confusion for him to continue. 
“Because I also saw how you looked at him?”
“And how did I look at him?”
Ernie turned around and lent against his weapons table as another blade sat comfortably in his hands. “Like you’d do anything for him.”
Sandy thought about it for a moment. “Hhm, maybe. But he is my colleague so…maybe not anything.”
“Please, you were planning your wedding invitations.”
“Actually, it was our joint grave stone.” Sandy corrected. “Much like you with your very own partner in crime. I mean, there is a lovely plot of land for you out in the field. I mean, watching the stars from the little pond by that old willow tree? It would be very peaceful.”
“Sounds like you’ve found your own resting place.”
Sandy smiled, “Maybe.”
She could only hope that Beau or someone caught onto what she was saying. 
And he did.
Beau gave the order and after a final few minutes, they’d found the spot. 
For any main road, it would take just over an hour. 
“Okay, I need squad cars, Popp take Alpha,” Beau then pointed to a few more officers and gave them their orders. 
“Stream this to my phone.” Beau told Popp and the moment they got into Beau’s car, Jenny turned up the volume. 
“Is she okay?”
“I think.”
“You think? What do you mean-”
“Beau, she’s okay.” Jenny assured him. “She’s just sitting there watching them.”
“She’ll be okay, Beau.” Jenny reassured him. “She’s tougher than we think.”
Beau couldn’t talk. He just nodded and pressed his foot on the gas. 
By the time they arrived, Beau and the others all switched off their headlights and sirens as they got closer to the barn. 
Once the SWAT and officers were surrounding the building, SWAT kicked down the door and they all entered. 
If Beau wasn’t so determined, the sight he was met with, he would have frozen. 
SWAT took care of the serial duo whilst Jenny searched the rest of the barn for evidence to further the conviction. 
Beau searched around the place before finally reaching Sandy, holstering his gun and leaning down. 
“Beau Arlen,” Sandy smiled in a weak laugh. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
Beau smiled as he quickly untied her and let her rest her weight against his arms as he helped her stand. 
“Could say the same for you, Sweetheart.”
Sandy smiled weakly as he took her in his arms and helped her walk outside to the medics. 
“Are you sure you can walk?”
“Beau, I have been through this a million times. I’m fine.”
As much as Beau would have once upon a time pushed her comment aside, he couldn’t. “What?”
“I’ll explain later, can we just..hurry?”
By the time Beau helped her out and got her to the medics, she was being rushed into hospital. 
“They haven’t cut too deep. I should only need a couple of stitches.”
“Try 30.” The paramedic said in response. “Maybe more.”
Beau gave Sandy ‘that’ look but she just rolled her eyes. “What?”
“How can you be so calm about this? Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Beau, I told you I’m fine.”
And she said the same when he finally was alone with her in her medical room once her nurse had finished the final stitches. 
“You keep saying you’re fine-”
“Are you okay? Do you need to see a doctor?”
“Beau.” She copied his tone. 
Then he gave her that look again. 
And she folded. 
“Okay. So maybe the reason I was sent here wasn’t just to help out.” Sandy explained. “There had been a few incidences, back in Oregon. I worked a couple of cases in the Organised Crime Unit and - long story short - they found me. Tied me up in their grandmother’s basement and said if I didn’t join them I’d be…swimming with the fishes, if you will.”
“But this isn’t on-”
“My record? I know. It’s for highly classified officials to know, only.” Sandy nodded. “It was both for my protection, should any of the family somehow make their way into the databases and for any future employers I may have. Being tortured by a crime boss isn’t exactly something that would sell when trying to get a job in law enforcement.”
“When did it happen?”
“A few years back.”
“And have you-”
“Received counseling? Yeah. Just over 18 months and now we talk every couple of months.”
Beau nodded and hung his head. “Beau? Look at me?”
Beau looked up. 
“I’m here. I’m alive. And I’m okay.” Sandy assured him in a soft voice. She reached out and took his hand. “Can you feel me? I can feel you.”
Beau squeezed her hand lightly. “I can feel you.”
Beau then pulled her into a tight hug which she gave back just as tight. He almost lost her tonight and yet she had been acting like nothing had happened. 
But, just as Beau’s arms began to relax around her, Sandy’s arms tightened. 
“Not yet.”
It was only two words, but Beau knew. Beau knew she was falling. That she was about to collapse beneath the weight of everything that had just happened. 
Eventually, Sandy let go and moved back to wipe her eyes. “When these pain meds wear off, I might need your help. I love Denise but she scares me.”
Beau nodded. “Oh, me too.”
Sandy smiled. “Thank you for finding me.”
“Thank you for telling me where you were.”
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kickingitwithkirk · 11 months
Restless Man -Pt 1
Summary: Beau Arlen finds himself in the middle of a case with more twists than a country road.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Reina Cetanwakuwa-Stanley
Word Count: 1357
Warnings: cursing, show level violence, derogatory remarks (some in native languages)
Square Filled: @jacklesversebingo -Escaping Their Fate
A/N: The inklings for this started the first time I heard Jensen singing Restless Man. This work is partially from historical information and canon elements from the Big Sky series.
*Set after the series finally 3:13 That Old Feeling.
A/N II: All Native American words/sentences in this part are Lakota resourced from freelang.net and glosbe.com *some algorithmically generated on these sites.
*Translation:  lala -grandfather  Cetanwakuwa -attacking hawk or to hunt and chase
*divider by @firefly-graphics *no beta -all mistakes are mine
prologue masterlist
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“Hoyt slow down!” Arlen grabs the dashboard as the vehicle rounds a sharp curve too fast. “You good? Where’s your head at?”
“Nowhere. I’m all good.”
“All good my ass. You’re still a bad liar, Hoyt, can’t help noticing you white-knuckling that wheel over there. You know I’m here to listen if you want to talk about whatever it is between you and this Rihanna...”
“Her name is Reina and I told you there’s nothing to talk about.” He gives her a look. “Jesus, Beau, you're like a dog with a goddamn bone. Drop it!” The blonde snaps at the handsome man in her passenger seat making him laugh. “Not the first time I've been told that. Okay, I’ll let it go for now. But the offer stands.” Arlen changes the subject yammerin on about his latest video chat with his daughter, reminding Hoyt of their first meeting.
Hoyt walked into the Sheriff’s Department already put out before meeting Walter Tubbs' temporary replacement and Cassie’s warning that Arlen was very Texan proved true. Not to mention the man was a never-ending chatterbox. Eventually, as she constantly reminded everyone, the temporary acting sheriff allowed some of that veneer to peel back, exposing a little of the man underneath.
A man who loved too hard and had too many ghosts clinging to him, something Jenny Hoyt was way too familiar with. Her feelings shifted after a few months of working together and she began contemplating what a relationship with the transplanted Texan would be like.
Then things went sideways when Cassie was hired to find a missing hiker.
Her inquiries led to a glamping excursion run by Sunny and Buck Barnes, where coincidentally Arlen's daughter Emily and her stepfather were staying. The case also reopens a decades old unsolved murder and the discovery of fifteen million in stolen Crypto. They all became intertwined revealing Buck as a serial killer who kidnapped Emily and Denise and ended with his, and several others, deaths.
Arlen paid a surprise visit to Hoyt's home in a quandary the night after their rescue tells her that his ex-wife Carla had taken their daughter back to Texas leaving him unsure about staying in Montana. After a few beers, things started getting close to crossing the professional/private line between them. He left saying neither was clear-headed enough to make any rational decisions that would change them from colleagues and occasional confidants.
A week later, Arlen was served court papers stating that he’d allowed their daughter to remain in a place of known danger and Carla was granted primary custody with all communication between them monitored by a court-appointed third party.
Arlen had what Cassie calls his tantrum then sought legal counsel from a lawyer he knew back in Houston. The lawyer advised with his checkered history in law enforcement and at home, to follow the stipulations to the letter if he hoped for a chance in hell of regaining his parental rights before Emily turned eighteen.
Arlen felt Hoyt’s skeptical side-eye before she asked. “So how much did Denise tell you?”
“That Reina is the black sheep for not going into family business. And something about the Stanleys being descendants of the Four Georgies?”
“The Four Georgians,” she corrected, pulling into the Jefferson City First National Bank’s Park lot. “In 1864, four prospectors found gold in Last Chance Gulch and agreed to keep it quiet. But a few months later, more miners started arriving.” She finished summarizing Helena’s origins as they entered the bank and were assailed by a harassed-looking bank manager.
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Several hours later
Lewis & Clark County Sheriff's Department
Sergeant Madge Crowder greeted the returning duo with, “Got a visitor, sheriff.”
Arlen gestures around the empty waiting area, “There's no one out here,” and she comments, “Was a minute ago.” Before he could ask, Deputy Mo Poppernack popped up nervously glancing between Hoyt and Arlen. “Everything okay, Popcorn? You seem kinda,” Arlen says waving his hand.
“No sir, I mean yes sir...Beau, I’m good. Someone is waiting in your office to see you.” Still eyeing the fidgety deputy, Arlen addresses both, “Let me know if we get anything on the getaway car,” and heads off to meet his mystery guest.
Entering his office, Arlen spies the Stetson from that morning sitting upside down on his desk.
“Hello, I’m Sheriff Arlen. What can I,” and something that rarely happens happens when its owner turns, and Arlen loses his voice. The partially open blinds cast his visitor in light and shadow as his chartreuse eyes drink in every accentuated detail, bone structure hinting of being descended from the indigenous peoples but other ancestries contributing to the lighter hueing of skin, eyes, and hair.
“You must be the infamous Reina Stanley.”
“I see my reputation proceeds me,” her voice has the distinctive native Montanan drawl held out her hand, "I would appreciate it if we could keep this matter between us for now Sheriff.” Arlen shakes the offered hand surprised at the firmness of her grip.
“Call me Beau. Please,” he gestures for her to sit as he settles into his chair, “I assume this has to do with earlier?” She raises an eyebrow and he elaborates. “A friend and I caught some of that public performance this morning and said they thought it was you.” An amused smile graces her lush lips reminding him of pink beautyberry fruit.
“I see Denise Brisbane is still the town gossip.” Arlen chuckled, “She does have her ear to the ground. Denise didn’t go into details but mentioned your family has substantial influence in this state.”
“You’re mama brought you up right. Most people aren’t so polite about saying the Stanleys are not to be fucked with.” Arlen couldn’t stop the flash of surprise crossing his features. “Okay then. I'm guessing your visit has something to do with that brouhaha this morning?”
“Yes and no. I’m here on behalf of lala; my grandfather, who requested I give you this,” she handed him a sealed envelope. “I don’t recall meeting any of your kin.” Arlen remarks pulling out a letter with a small key taped to it reads it out loud. “I had a safety deposit box put in your name Beau Arlen and ask you to take my granddaughter with you when examining its contents. You will understand why I had to take these precautions and do what is necessary with the information enclosed. Gerald Centanwakuwa-Stanley” He looked up in surprise.
“Hold on, Gerald was your grandfather? The same Gerald I’d go trout fishing with?”
“Walter Tubb’s said you were quick on the uptake. Lala Gerald chose to use his given name outside of business.” The sheriff tipped his head. “Right, you're a transplant. The Stanley descendent who settled here left a will stipulating that all direct descendants maintain the family surname to keep their inheritance, including any man marrying in.” Reina paused scrutinizing him giving Arlen a fluttering he hadn't felt in years.
“Tubb also said you have a set of huevos for taking the job even after getting an earful about the undersheriff.” Arlen chuckled, “Yeah, Tubb had a few things to say about Hoyt. But she knows to stay between the lines, I’ll have her back.”
“Jenny Hoyt doesn’t know the meaning of staying between the lines. Excuse me,” she fishes out her phone and frowns, “Fuc...fraken lawyers, ‘cuse my language. When will you be free to check out that box?” There was a knock on the door and Poppernack stuck his head in. “Sorry to interrupt sir. We got a call that the First National getaway cars been spotted headin' down I-15.”
“And that's my cue to leave.” Reina gestures to his phone, "May I?” Arlen nodded, “I’m leaving you my personal number,” she hands it back, “Text me when you’re free to deal with that matter for lala.”
Several officers, along with Arlen and Poppernack, appreciatively watch her retreating form. “Please tell me all female Rangers as good looking as her?” Poppernack asks, “‘Cause if they are, I’m booking my next vacation in Texas.” Arlen turns and says...
“I’m sorry..she’s a what?!”
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
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