#emily arlen
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zepskies · 1 year ago
Take Me Home || Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: You are another lost soul at Sunny Day Excursions. You’re aiming to settle in Helena, Montana, where Beau Arlen is the new sheriff in town. But you both have a past you’re running from. 
AN: Welcome to my first ever Big Sky series! This is set towards the beginning of season 3.
Series Tags/Warnings: (**18+ only!) Angst and grief/trauma, PTSD, canon murder mystery, eventual smut.
🎵 Listen While You Read: The TMH Music Playlist (YouTube)
Part 1: All of Her Days
Part 2: It's Not Right, But It's Okay
Part 3: Welcome Home
Part 4: A Past & Future Thing
Part 5: Not That Simple
Part 6: A Man or a Coward
Part 7: On the Edge of a Knife
Part 8: Take Me Home
Part 9: A Choice to Make
Series complete!
Bonus One-Shots:
A Good Man Is Hard to Find** When Beau starts pulling away from you and Emily during a very difficult case, will the pressure make or break your relationship?
A Crime of Passion** When Beau Arlen decides to “make it up to you,” he’s damn thorough.
S.I.N.G.** Beau wishes you’d take this self-defense lesson a little more seriously.
Echoes Beau has another rough night, but you help him face a harder truth.
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Series Tag List:
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beaudeanw · 2 years ago
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Alec McDowell in Dark Angel - 2x17
CJ Braxton in Dawson's Creek - 6x19
Dean Winchester in Supernatural - 8x20
Beau Arlen in Big Sky - 3x08
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avengerdaisy · 9 months ago
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Beau Arlen & Jenny Hoyt [433/∞] with Cassie Dewell & Cormac Barnes [71/∞] (+Emily Arlen and Denise Brisbane) in Big Sky
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deansraspberrypie · 2 years ago
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💕🥺 Dad Beau
Big Sky - 3.13 - That Old Feeling 🤠✨
🍰 Tag list: @avanatural @undisputedchick @jranutter @fortheloveof-jackles @kazsrm67 @muchamusedaboutnothing @breath-of-snow-and-ashes @bluedragonflylady @mrsjenniferwinchester @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men 🥧
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bigmouthlass · 6 months ago
Title:  Weeping Into Our Beers
Author:  BJ
Fandom:  Big Sky, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, World of Darkness
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions Of Violence
Rating:  Explicit
Pairing:  Beau Arlen/OFC
Synopsis: Wounded warriors from very different worlds find some comfort in each other.
Tags:  Beau Arlen, Emily Arlen, Carla del Lugo, Sarah Fights-The Mighty (OFC), Crossover, AU, Bar Therapy, One-Night Stand
AN:  Sarah is my longest-held and dearest personal avatar -- or Mary Sue if you wanna be a jerk about it -- from a Werewolf The Apocalypse phase I went through way back in high school. For the nerds who care, she's a Black Fury Philodox and practicing ecoterrorist, who's buried a lot of loved ones including and especially her only daughter. In case anyone's coming from that side of the tracks, Beau Arlen is the acting sheriff of Lewis and Clark County (county seat Helena, Montana, USA), a transplanted Texas whose daughter was kidnapped and nearly killed by a serial killer. In this headcanon Big Sky takes place in the World of Darkness and Beau's an innocent human who has no idea werewolves exist. All recognizable intellectual properties are owned by their respective creators and holders of any trademarks or copyrights. This is a not-for-profit work of fan art and is protected by Fair Use.
Beau Arlen wasn't above playing up to clichés, it helped people feel comfortable around him.  Like not code-switching to hide his accent, using informal-yet-courtly manners, exaggerating his bowed legs a little when he walked.  Someone could call this just another cliché, the hard-drinking Texan seeking truth in the bottom of a beer bottle.  Well better a beer bottle than a whiskey glass, he supposed.  And nobody who knew the story would begrudge him seeking a little chemical comfort.
Still, there was a reason he was drinking at Longhorns as opposed to the Boot Heel tonight.  He was in a weird mood, and it was the kind of weird mood that led to bad decisions.  If Mo Poppernack, Lord bless him and his offbeat cheer, hit him with any more well-meaning kindness he just might knock the poor guy's block off.
A few seats down the bar, a couple got up.  Beau studied them in his peripheral vision.  Not a couple-couple, the body language was wrong.  Family he'd guess, even thought they looked nothing alike.  The man was six feet of ugly, black hair and bad acne scars, with a New York City accent that sounded like sandpaper being rubbed together.  The woman was older, petite and stocky, long brown hair pulled back into a French braid, her voice deep with a rasp that said cigarettes.  They embraced.
"Take care of yourself Chainsaw," the woman said, soft and tender.
"You too boss," the man said, touching her face.  "Don't get too drunk, okay?"
"No promises."
The man left.  The woman stood there for a moment before hauling in a deep sigh and sitting back up to the bar.  She glanced around.  Beau noted her eyes were a fine blue-gray, sharp as she checked the exits and counted heads.  Her jacket fell open as she stretched, and Beau didn’t see a weapon.  Funny, she sure as hell behaved like a woman expecting a fight and a bloody one at that.  Beau also noted a wide scar across her left cheek, four parallel lines like Freddy Kruger had cut her with his glove.
"So, the question becomes,” Sarah said, picking up her beer, “how drunk is too drunk?"
"Well, that's more of a philosophical question, I find."  Sarah glanced down at the resident of the stool a few slots down the bar.  A charming smile shone out from a short beard, one that found an echo on her own face.  "Unless motor vehicles are involved in which case too drunk equals 0.08 blood alcohol content or over."
"No vehicles involved," Sarah confirmed, mirroring his folksy slant on VEE-hicles.  "I'm staying at the motel a couple doors down."
"Oh well in that case," he tipped the neck of his own beer in a little salute, "however much proves as needed to thoroughly drown your sorrows."
Sarah chuckled.  "Too bad my sorrows have gills."
He grimaced.  "Oooh.  Yikes."
"I just settle for taking them out back and giving them a bath every now and again," she added, finishing off her beer and asking the bartender for a glass of water.
"Sound plan.  Very sound," the charming man approved.  He lifted his bottle, "My sorrows,” he drank, cleared his throat, “they just refuse to drown."
"Bastards found submarines?"
He laughed and Sarah felt her heart do that liftoff thing it did sometimes.  He really was very handsome.  Reminded her a little of Mark.  Similar coloring anyway, those fine green eyes he’d given Charlie before he split.  "We're way overthinking this metaphor."
"Just a skoash," Sarah agreed, and they shared a smile.
The charming man gave her a closer look and Sarah let him.  Some company would be nice.  Pull her out of her own thoughts for a while.  "I'm Beau," he identified himself, stretching to extend a hand across the empty barstools.
Sarah took it, noting a grip firm enough to be friendly.  "Sarah."
"Mind if I join you?"
"Be my guest," she said, and Beau moved the few seats down.  Stood about six-two, jeans, boots, sheepskin-lined coat, silver belt buckle about the size of her palm.  Forty-ish, she guessed, and he wore his years well.  Better than she was at any rate, with gray threading her hair thicker by the week.
"So, my interesting new friend," Sarah said, "what're your sorrows that they're lurking in submarines?"
"That's a long story."
Sarah shrugged.  "I got time.  Who knows?  Maybe talking them out a little'll make the fuckers drown faster."
Beau considered her.  She saw him noticing her scar, making a mental note of it.  "You're not from around here are you?"
"Obviously," Sarah said dryly.  "You aren't either.  Texas?"
"Got it in one."  He signaled the bartender and ordered, paying for Sarah's like a gentleman.  "Friend of mine was County Sheriff when he got wounded on the job.  He called me to fill in temporarily."
"That must've ruffled some feathers."
"Not as many as you might think although that might be a case of delayed reaction."
Sarah listened and sipped as Beau unbottled and laid out one hell of a story.  It was a struggle to keep her poker face when he described the serial killer who'd kidnapped his daughter.  Revenge or justice or both-- burning the Panty Man didn't make Charlie any less gone, forever lost before she really had a chance to live.  "Thank the Goddess your daughter's all right," she said.
"I mean, yeah, Em's tough.  Shit she's doing better than her mom’n’me."  Oh boy, could Sarah relate, the pups taking in stride what broke their elders.  "Carla's moving back down to Houston, permanently.  Her family's all there.  She needs the support system.  Come to find out plenty of her friends were really Avery's friends and they didn't have much use for her with him gone."
"Assholes," Sarah gave her opinion.
Beau shrugged it off.  "Last time I talked to her Emily asked me point-blank if I was gonna relocate with them."
"You thinking of getting back together with your ex?"
He thought a moment.  "It's funny.  Ask me that question a year-- hell, even six months ago, I'd've leapt at the chance.  Carla . . . she's one of the most amazing women I've ever met.  I think I'm a better man than I was when she left me.  I know I could be a better husband to her.  I’ll always love her."
"But."  Beau sighed.  "But the issues that drove her away, those haven't gone anywhere.  And I don't know if we'll be good to each other, after Emily goes off to college, starts living on her own."  After a moment's thought, Beau added, "Avery was a grade-A jackass but Carla loved him.  She's still in mourning.  I don't think trying to get back with her will do anything but end badly."
Sarah made an educated guess and said, "Besides, there might be someone else."
Beau's eyebrows lifted, just a little.  "Are you a cop in your day job or just really good at bar therapy?"
That surprised her into a chuckle.  "People open up to me.  Goddess knows why.  Who is she?"
"One my deputies.  Tubbs's undersheriff," he confessed.  Sarah winced.  "Yeah.  I mean, she's . . . beautiful, tough, smart.  Brave?  Hell she kicks down doors better'n I do.  I think . . ." he trailed off, shook his head.  "So yeah, there might be someone else.  But then there might not be.  She lost her husband little over a year ago, went through a real rocky patch right after.  I'm not sure . . . I don't know if she's really put all that in her rearview.  Plus, she's technically my subordinate and anti-fraternization regulations are a thing that exist.
"It's not just her though," Beau admitted.  "I moved up here pretty much done with ever’thing.  Not just from the job either.  Didn't see much point to doin' anything but the daily routine.  Some days not even that."  Sarah nodded.  She could relate to that too.  "Then Tubbs asked me to fill in for him, just until he got back on his feet.  Now it's looking like he's retiring completely and his job needs filling.  The City Council asked me if I'm considering running for the office next year.  I have to give them an answer by close of business Monday."
Sarah whistled.  "No pressure or anything."
"Nope.  I mean, it shouldn't even be a choice, really.  Any other candidates I can think of are local boys'n'girls.  Who'm I?  I'm just the out-of-towner who happened to be in the big chair when the murder rate spiked to the highest it's been in fifteen years.  And there's Emily to think of.  I . . . I lost a big chunk of her life when I was going through my bad time.  I don't want to lose any more."
"Buuuuuuut?" Sarah dragged out.
"But," Beau said, signaling for another beer.  "But I have a life here, a good life.  Last thing I expected.  I mean, I like the country.  I like the people.  I got a job that might lead to me doin’ some good, 'stead of just playing Catch Me Screw Me with the cartels all day ev'ry day."
"Okay," Sarah said, considering as she finished her beer and asked for another water.
"Ah," Beau said, lighting up like a man who'd just solved a riddle.  He really was unfairly handsome, Sarah thought.  "Pacin’ yourself?"
"Takes the curse off the hangover," Sarah lied.  "And I've made some dumb decisions while drunk."
"Mmm?  What sorta dumb decisions?"
"Aggravated assault decisions," Sarah said.  Before he could ask, she amplified, "Got in a bar fight with a couple of dickheads over a Lions game.  Put'em in the hospital.  Took a plea, did a year, completed my probation about fifteen years ago.  Luna's blood I feel old now."
"I'm impressed."
"Don't be," Sarah said, noting the closer look he gave her.  She'd admit to going to seed a bit the last few years.  "I took boxing lessons all through high school.  I've got a decent left for my size.  And the other guys were really drunk."  Being able to ignore pain at will helped there.  Shifting to Glabro to match their height helped too.
"Makes sense," Beau shrugged.  "What're your sorrows that they need drowning?"
"Nothing that can really be helped," Sarah said, thinking of Misty giving her pups suck and glowing with joy, Chainsaw taking his broken heart back to the solace of his people and trying so hard not to blame her for losing Tripwire.  Roger, oh Gaia and Her mercy Roger--  "The inevitable march of time.  Makes me mopey.  Your problem on the other hand, sounds like something that can be addressed plain and simple.  Stay or go?"
"What do you think?  You have kids?"
"Had," Sarah said, her heart throbbing along the scar.  Charlie had lived there once, under her heart.  "She died."
"Oh Christ, I'm sorry," Beau said.  It was fascinating, she could read his heart in his face.  "I feel like a dick, whining about--"
"Hey," Sarah said, twisting in her seat and reaching over to take his hand.  "We're not talking about me, we're talking about you.  Let me ask you this; have you talked to your daughter about what she wants?"
"Yeah.  She didn't come right out'n say so but she wants me close.  She feels safe with me.  God knows why."
"Because she knows for a fact you'll deconstruct anyone who so much as looks at her wrong," Sarah said.  She thought a minute.  "Your girl's how old, sixteen, seventeen?"
"She'll be seventeen in a few months."
"My advice, for what it's worth," Sarah said, "is call her tomorrow when you both have time to talk.  Ask her what she needs from you.  Does she need her daddy or does she need her father?"
"There's a difference?" Beau asked.  He hadn't moved to take his hand back.  Instead he gripped at her fingers.
"Yeah, there is.  Daddy makes your problems go away.  Father helps you fight them yourself.  If you try to be her father when she really needs her daddy, you'll wind up making her feel alone.  Unsafe.  If you try to be her daddy when she needs her father, you'll wind up undermining her sense of herself.  That'll push her away, just when she really does need you."
Beau stares at you.  "That's possibly the least stupid thing I've heard in a long time."
"Oh thanks," Sarah snorted.
"No I meant-- sorry, I didn't say that right."
"What I mean is," Sarah said, "if you're making the decision for her sake, it might not be a bad idea to make her feel like she's got something of a say in it.  You got a life here that you like and want to keep, and that's okay.  But you got a duty to her.  Wise woman told me once, if there's a conflict between your head and your heart duty gets the tiebreaker.  At least then if it turns out you made a mistake you won't get eaten alive by your own conscience."
Quiet from her drinking partner as he finished off his beer.  He didn't let go of her hand and Sarah didn't take it back.  Been a while, since she'd felt warm at the thought of a man's hands.  His were nice, big and thick-fingered, nails clipped close and tidy.
"Thank you," he said as he put the dead soldier down.  "That actually helps a lot."
"What'd'you think you'll wind up doing?"
"I don't know," he admitted.  "Least now I can think the problem through instead of just brooding over it.  But now I got another problem."
"Mmm?  What's that?" Sarah asked.
A slow smile lit the other man's face, turning him from nice to look at to honestly breathtaking.  "I gotta think of another problem for you to solve for me."
Sarah laughed.  "Smooth."
"Sorry, been a while since I tried to be good company to a lady."
"Lady?  Lady?  What lady?  Where lady?" Sarah asked, miming a confused look-around.  "Shit I wish you'd've told me you were trying to be a gentleman, I'd've used my company manners."
"No no no," he deflected with a raised hand, "you've been delightful.  I'm just sorry I'm out of problems for you to solve for me."
"If you're having car trouble I can take a look--" Sarah teased.
"Naw, Pedro's running like a sweetheart."  No mistake now, his hand was holding hers.  His thumb swiped across the soft skin across the back.  Beau pivoted in his seat, opening his body more to Sarah.  "I, uh . . ."
"Is this the part where you invite me over for coffee or am I supposed to invite you for coffee?  I haven't done the coffee thing in a while," Sarah put it out there.  "Cuz if you don't mind a walk I'd love to have you over for coffee."
Beau considered.  His eyes were a little soft with the effect of the beers.  It made him look even cuter.  Luna's blood he must've harvested broken hearts by the truckload when he was younger.  "I'd like that.  Some coffee."
"Oh we need to make a pit stop at the 7-11," Sarah noted as they walked through the bar's parking lot.
"Oh yeah?  What for?" Beau asked.
"Coffee.  You take cream and sugar?"
That surprised him into a laugh.
Beau paused when he got down to her underwear.  "It's okay," Sarah reassured him as he looked her over.  At the roadmap of battle scars all over her body.  "If they're a mood-killer for you that's fine.  We can get a good night's sleep and no hard feelings."
"They're very much not," Beau said, touching her face.  "Just don't find it so weird you put a couple guys in the hospital all of a sudden."
Beau had a few battle scars of his own, some knife cuts and a couple of bullet holes.  He seemed to view them dispassionately, a source of neither pride nor shame.  "Mmm," he grunted as Sarah traced light fingers over his ribs.  "Tickles."
"Sorry."  She firmed her touch, slid her hand to caress his chest.  Firm definition under a healthy layer of squish, haired up a bit across his pecs and down his tummy.  She picked up his hand and examined the tattoo on the inside of his forearm-- a fleur-de-lis with a crown and anchor.  "This is French isn't it?"
"Mmm-hmm," Beau said.  "My mother's family's French.  My real legal name's Beaumont Theodore Arlen."
"Beaumont Theodore?  You poor poor boy," Sarah said.
Smiling, Beau put a hand on her shoulder.  "What about this?" his thumb rubbed over the tribal pictogram inked below her collarbone.  Faded with age, not that it mattered.
"Sort of a family mark," Sarah vastly oversimplified.  "The ones on my arms're relics of a gang I ran with when I was younger.  And what have we got here?" she asked as she put her palm over his zipper.
"Well darlin’ thishere's a fella love'ta meet you very much," Beau grinned.
"Luna's blood don't tell me you named it," Sarah groaned around her giggles, as she worked his button open and slowly lowered the zipper.  "On second thought," she said after working his pants down enough to get a look at him, "a fella this handsome probably deserves a name."
"We don't really blush in Texas, so let me," Sarah squeaked as Beau reared up and flipped them over, pinning her beneath his body and giving her a kiss, "demonstrate my appreciation."
"Oh my," Sarah sighed.  Beau kissed down the pad of tummy fat, carefully avoiding the straight line of her hysterectomy scar.  "Your mama raised a very polite boy."  Tipping her a wink, Beau split her with his thumbs and applied his mouth.  Sarah just shut her eyes and enjoyed it.  She couldn't remember the last time a man had done that for her.
"Such a mess for me," Beau noted when he came up for air.  Hot and flushed and panting, Sarah watched him squirm his pants off to land of the floor.  He belly-crawled and rolled to flop next to Sarah, hot and really unfairly fucking glorious in his birthday suit.  He had his wallet in his hand and with a little pleased grunt he pulled a condom out of the inner pocket.
"Allow me," Sarah said, taking the packet away from him.  Beau gave a little be-my-guest wave.  He fit in her hand just right, hot and firm.  Hearing him moan was lovely, as she clamped the condom packet between her lips and just played with him.  Easy to forget how much fun cocks were to just play with.
Beau seized Sarah's hand.  "Gotta stop a second," he panted.  "It's late, I'm tired, and I'm pretty sure I'm only gonna be able to do this once."
"Sorry, got carried away," Sarah said.  Wrapping him up was the work of a minute.  "How do you want me, cowboy?"
“Mmm . . . right about here I think,” Beau said, tugging her up and rolling her beneath him.  Sarah sighed as he pressed into her.  He was warm, warm and thick.  “Oh you make little sounds,” Beau said, because of course he was a talkative lover.
“Careful please,” Sarah said, breathing through the stretch, Little Beau wasn’t very little and it’d been a while.
“Accourse, accourse,” Beau kissed her.  “Lord Jesus you feel nice.  All soft and warm.”
“Careful, careful,” Sarah said as Beau braced his arm on the bed.  He lifted her leg and his hips moved in a wave.  Sarah sighed, he was moving inside her just so nice.  “Goddess yes,” she sighed.
Grinning big and bright, Beau brought her carefully to the edge and over.
As sparkles snapped along her nerves, Sarah flipped Beau over and returned the favor.
Glass cool and dusty under his fingertips, the heart inside still vivid red with the living blood it had once driven forth.  Twist slowly clockwise and the masking tape label bearing the single word in Sharpie -- EMILY--
Whirl around and there she was, the she become an it, laying with eyes open and empty right along with the chest.  And more.  There were other jars, other names.
Open empty eyes, open empty bodies, and the knife with her name was in his hand--
Beau woke up gasping.  Breathing exercises, breathing exercises, pull on the air there's plenty of it.  Beau pulled in for five heartbeats, pushed out for five heartbeats.  In, out.  His heart slowed as his breathing did.  Under the sheets his toes clenched and relaxed.  Beau let the motion ground him, pull him back to himself and the world where Emily was okay and it was just a dream.
And a world where he wasn't alone tonight.  How 'bout that.
Sarah wasn't any kind of beauty, a woman pushing fifty who'd lived hard and looked it.  On the other hand, she'd been kind without making him feel like he needed to be managed like Carla, and without the baggage of mutual attraction like Jenny, and not someone whose good opinion he cared about like Cassie or someone who’d been through enough already like Denise.  Beau got feelings about people sometimes, and his intuitions told him Sarah was good at carrying secret things.
He checked his phone, nodded at the lack of messages, and burrowed back under the covers.  As he did, Sarah grunted a bit.  Her muscles were rigid and her breathing was short and shallow.  Carefully, Beau spooned himself behind her.  "Hey there," he said softly, kissing her shoulder, "hey wake up, it's a dream, shh."
"I know that babe," she said, sleepy but clear, "I've had bad dreams all my life."  She rolled over and let Beau pull her close.  Kissing him, she asked, "What about you?  You okay?"
"Yeah."  He kissed the top of her head.  Stroking down her back and making a mental map of the scars under his fingers.  "My daughter's okay, the bad guy's dead."
"Right.  Just your imagination being a dick to you."  That made him chuckle.  "Go back to sleep.  Sounds like you could use it."
"Yeah," Beau agreed.  He took a breath from her hair, smelling cigarettes and beer and sex.  All that plus a warm body alongside his-- all of it pulling him far away from his usual and customary.  It felt nice, a little time-out from his reality where all the choices seemed bad for one reason or another. Beau shut his eyes and let fatigue do its thing.
When he woke up next the bed was empty and the room was full of morning light.  The bathroom door was shut and he could hear the blow dryer.  And singing-- Beau chuckled when he heard Sarah's alto voice singing something he didn't recognize.  Something sweet and melancholy, something that made Beau wish for his guitar.  God, there's something he hadn't thought seriously about in forever, just one of the many small joys that had died with Randy--
That's not true, something in his head spoke up, and for once the voice was gentle instead of accusatory.  Not dead, just put away for a while.  He wondered if Jenny sang, wondered if her voice went high and sweet or deep and smooth--
As he thought he sat up and found his phone.  No messages, thank the good Lord.  As he sent a quick good morning text to Emily, the blow dryer shut off.  "I alone, survived the sinking," Sarah's voice went softer, mindful that someone might be sleeping, "I alone, possessed the tools, on that ship of fools."
Sometimes a man is cursed with the need to know a thing.  Beau opened the browser on his phone and started typing.
The bathroom door opened and Sarah emerged wrapped in a towel, brushing out her long brown hair.  "Oh, good morning.  Shower's free."
"Thanks," Beau gave her a smile and hit the restroom.
Sarah got dressed as Beau got cleaned up and ready to face the day.  The day was shaping up beautifully, just right for a long drive down out of the mountains.  Been a long time since she'd been so by herself, not tied up in her responsibilities as pack alpha or sept warder or tribal elder or den mother.  And such lovely new memories to reflect on, she thought with a smile.  If tired and drunk Beau was this fantastic in bed she truly envied the woman who landed him long-term, scars and all.
She was just finishing up with the packing when the bathroom door opened.  "Hey," she said, "I'm on my way out the door but if you want we could grab some breakfast and I can drop you off somewhere."
It wasn't Beau looking at her, it was a cop studying a suspect.  Those beautiful eyes said very clearly bullshit me at your own risk.  "I know who you are."
"Really," Sarah said, pulling her bag up onto her back.  She stood straight and met his hard stare with her own.  "And who am I?"
"Stalinski, Sarah Michaela," Beau recited.  "Person of interest in the Chippewa Valley reactor bombing, person of interest in the Exxon Transit Pipeline sabotage, suspect in the murder of Willard Mikaelian--"
"AKA the Panty Man, and my daughter was his last victim," Sarah pointed out.  He never got to hurt another baby girl again, was the part she didn't say.  The law didn’t handle him for shit.  I did.  She left that part unsaid too.
Beau blinked, but that was all.  "You've got an FBI file thicker'n the King James Bible and your name's on half a dozen terrorist watch lists."
Sarah kept his gaze.  She really didn't want to hurt him if she didn't have to, not as a cop doing his duty.  "So."
"Am I under arrest?  Being taken in for questioning?  Detained just for the hell of it?"  Because that wasn't happening.
He didn't answer right away.  "No.  No, the only thing I can honestly accuse you of is getting drunk in a bar.  Which isn't illegal."
"Then,” Sarah asked, clapping her hands on her thighs, “why the dramatic reveal?  You wanna feel like you got the upper hand on me?  You got it, you win, fair and square."  He hadn’t and never would, but if the Goddess was good he’d never know that.
"Fine,” Beau said, and Sarah made a mental note to check his bloodlines because a human should not have this much presence, “I want you out of my county, and I don't want to ever see your face here again.  If I do I will turn you over to the feds.  Clear?"
Sarah raised an eyebrow.  "Your county?  Sheriff?"
Beau blinked.
"Sounds like your decision's been made.  And message received-- Helena is a no-fly zone from now on."  Sarah opened the door, but turned to look back at her one-night lover.  "For what it's worth," she said, "you're a good man, and you need to cut yourself some slack.  Take care of yourself Beau Arlen."
With that food for thought plated and served, Sarah shut the door and headed for the car.  Stranger In Town went in the stereo and Sarah drove away into the risen sun.
AN2: The scene stuck in my head so hard, I had to write it out. I just got done watching Big Sky, and it's a deep shame the series wasn't picked up for a fourth season-- I'd've loved to have seen Beau and Jenny running head-to-head in the next sheriff's election. Oh, and gotten more Emily. I love Emily.
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pickledpascal · 1 year ago
Chapter Four: When the Day Met the Night
Warnings: slurs but mostly fluff somehow
Word Count: 2.5k
Bewitched Masterlist
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True to her word, Emily arrived by plane in Montana the following weekend. Well, it was actually Thursday morning but Emily had a few excused absences she could use up. Beau picked her up from the airport with coffee and a few different pastries from his new favorite café. All thanks to Kiera.
Emily sighed happily after her first sip. Beau got her a hot chocolate, something he hadn't tried before but thought it would be nice in the cold weather. He knew Emily drank coffee, occasionally, but didn't want to get her hooked at a young age. 
“Good?” Beau asked as he adjusted his hands on the steering wheel, glancing her way.
Emily nodded with a contented smile, keeping both hands on the warm cardboard cup. “It's so good. This the place you and Kiera met at?” She asked smugly. 
Beau rolled his eyes. She knew the answer. She just wanted him to admit it. “Yeah.” He said after a while. “But I stayed for the really good croissants and danishes.” 
“Sure,” Emily said, doubtful. “Totally not because there was a hot, tall goth girl with piercings and platform boots that only made her taller.” She teased with knowing eyes.
“Wait, how'd you know about the boots?” Beau blinked.
Emily smirked, “That was just a guess.” 
Beau let out a forced cough and looked away from Emily, turning the volume up on his radio. “Wow, that's—um—you like Taylor Swift, right? What's this song called?” He knew it was on a pop station but he couldn't recognize what song was playing. 
“Willow.” Emily stared at her father, amusement in her eyes. She'd never seen him quite like this before. Flustered. All because of a woman. A woman he hadn't known for that long.
The truck stopped just outside the Airstream. Beau helped Emily take out her luggage and put it inside his trailer with a small sigh. Thankfully the park he stayed in provided Wifi for all the guests. Emily had some homework she wanted to get done. It was last minute, especially after Midterms and everything were done. 
“I finally have some food and a working grill so I can make you dinner tonight instead of getting takeout or something.” Beau offered Emily as she came out of the Airstream, one of his blankets around her shoulders. 
Emily hummed in response as she sat next to Beau. “Burgers would be nice.” 
Beau wrapped an arm around Emily's shoulder and pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Then burgers it'll be.” He leaned his head against hers. 
Having a simple moment like this made Beau's heart swell. It's been a while. A quiet, soft moment with Emily was few and far between these days. There was the part where they lived so far away and he couldn't travel too often as Sheriff. So he enjoyed it as best he could. Beau knew he would have to let go eventually. He just hoped it wouldn't be so soon. 
“You ever talk to mom about Kiera?” Emily asked softly, moving her head so it lay against Beau's shoulder. 
Beau shifted uncomfortably, pursing his lips. “Sometimes.” It's not that he still liked Carla, he just felt weird talking to a woman he used to love about a woman he currently has feelings for. “We're still… working out our relationship.” He wanted to stay friends, or friendly, with Carla for Emily. 
There was a moment where he thought he still loved her. 
But that was quickly shut down since Kiera came along. She was amazing, beautiful, nice—after he got to know her—and he fell for her. A little harder than he first expected but he couldn't exactly control it. What he was feeling. What he wanted to feel with Kiera. It was all so new yet familiar at the same time. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket. Beau grabbed it an looked at the caller ID. Kiera? He answered it, lifting the speaker to his ear. “Hey!”
“Yeah, hey!” Kiera's voice was harbored, breathing heavily. She was stressed, he could tell. “I'm really sorry to bother you right now but Dalia got in trouble at school—possible suspension or something—and I'm a little swamped at work right now. Would you mind going to the school for me?”
Beau blinked at her words. He knew Dalia was a handful but suspension, really? For a second grader? “Uh, yeah, sure. I'll be right there.” He glanced at Emily who was looking at him strangely. 
“Thank you!” Kiera sighed happily. “I'll see you after work.” He could imagine her shoulders slumped with relief. 
“Change of plans?” Emily asked as Beau hung up the phone. 
Beau shrugged apologetically. “Kiera's kid got in trouble at school,” He sighed and pressed a kiss to Emily's temple as he stood. “I gotta go get her.” 
Emily stood up as well. “If you're going, I'm going.”
Beau pursed his lips. It wasn't like he was taking Emily into a hornets nest but he wasn't completely sure what he was walking into—never was when it came to Dalia—and he wasn't sure he wanted Emily around for that. For a seven-year-old, Dalia was intense.
But he knew Emily was stubborn. Much like himself. Much like her mother. “Okay.” He said carefully. 
Emily and Beau arrived at the school. Beau parked his truck in the front, assuming that there was no need to find a space since they wouldn't be there too long. They walked into the front office where Beau did not see a certain dark-haired child clad in pastels waiting to be picked up. 
“Hi, um, I'm Beau Arlen and I'm here to pick up Dalia Styx.” Beau said to the lady at the front desk, his signature smile on his face.
The lady's eyes widened at the sight of him. “Right, Ms. Styx did say a Beau Arlen was coming,” She bit her lip as she looked down at her computer. “I didn't think she was telling the truth.” She whispered the last part but Beau could hear it. 
Everyone in Helena knew of Beau at this point. Whether that be because of the backpacker case he worked on with Cassie or any other, smaller case he worked on, it was nice to know he was known. Denise always said it was because he was the hot new Sheriff from Texas. That always made him flustered.
“Dalia is in the principal's office.” She explained as she adjusted her glasses. “I can show you the way.”
Beau glanced at Emily and nodded at the office lady. “Yeah, that'd be great.” He wondered what Dalia could've even done to end up in the principal's office. 
Beau and Emily were led into the office and down a few winding halls. How did the outside of the school look so small but this office was huge? They stopped at the end of the hall at a large wooden door, decorated a bit differently than the ones they passed. The hinges were brass at it had a large window in the middle that was covered by curtains on the other side. 
The office lady left as Beau opened the door. “Ah, Sheriff Arlen. Sit,” Said the principal—Mr. Pope. Beau saw the nameplate on his desk. “And you are?” His eyes shifted to Emily. 
“His daughter.” She responded, glancing to Dalia who sat in one of the two chairs in front of the principals desk. Her arms were crossed as she stared at the edge of the desk. 
Beau sat next to Dalia and pursed his lips. “Can you tell me what happened? Kiera wasn't too… descriptive on the phone.” He glanced at Dalia who seemed to be more regretful that she was caught.
Mr. Pope looked from Beau to Dalia. “Why don't you explain what happened?” 
Dalia pouted and rolled her eyes. “My classmate called my mommy a tranny so I called her a motherfucker.” Her eyes shined with pride and Beau had to resist the urge to laugh. “And then she told on me to the teacher. She said I said the B-word and I called her dumb because motherfucker doesn't start with b.” 
Mr. Pope looked from Dalia to Beau then up to Emily who was trying her best to suppress laughter. He narrowed his eyes at the teen. 
“Is suspension really necessary? From what she said, her classmate started it first.” Beau commented. He tried to reason. If anything, saying a slur should be enough reason to be suspended. 
Mr. Pope shook his head. “Dalia will be suspended for a week. Given that the holidays are soon, it'd give her more time for her to reflect on her actions.” 
“I won't.” Dalia smiled sweetly at her principal. “You're giving me more time to learn more from the books my mommy gets me. So thank you!” She jumped off her chair and slid her backpack on. She took Emily's hand and pulled her out of the office.
Beau watched and then turned to the principal. “We're gonna get her out of your hair so, um, bye.” He waved before he followed Dalia and Emily out of the school. 
He helped Dalia into the truck since she was weirdly short for someone related to Kiera. A woman so tall Beau questioned if she was taller than him some days, not that it'd matter. Or that he'd care. Alright, maybe he'd care a little. But not in the way that it emasculated him, no, he liked it. Liked it maybe a little too much. 
“You're really cool for a seven-year-old.” Emily said as Beau started to drive. She glanced back at Dalia through the rearview mirror.
Dalia shrugged. “My mom said I should just be myself and everyone would like me.” Her eyebrows furrowed. “At least, the people that mattered.”
Beau hummed as he looked at the center of his steering wheel, a fond look on his face. Kiera was so young and yet seemed so wise in the short time they'd known each other. Her life was tumultuous. He was starting to realize she needed to mature faster than he did. Faster than a lot of people he knew. And she wanted to give her daughter a semblance of a normal childhood, even with Dalia’s overactive imagination and strange interests. 
Dalia unbuckled herself as Beau parked his truck. She slammed open the door and ran up the porch. “I've been here before! I never knew you lived here.” She said excitedly. Beau cocked an eyebrow. “I wonder in the woods sometimes. I've seen this place, the pretty lights,” She looked up at the lights with wonder in her eyes. “The 1984 Airstream. The way it reflects the lights…” She hummed. 
Beau and Emily shared a look as they exited the truck. “You okay with staying here until your mom comes to pick you up, sweetheart?” Beau got on one knee to be level with Dalia.
“Yeah. You're gonna be my new dad soon anyway.” Dalia tilted her head, a crease between her eyebrows. The comment surprised Beau. “Actually, you'd be my first dad! Because my mommy wasn't ever really a daddy and I technically have two mommies. One who birthed me and the other who—” She stopped, looking up at Emily and Beau. They looked at her weirdly. “I know where babies come from. I read.”
Beau ruffled Dalia's hair with a big smile. “Yeah, I gathered that.”
“Mommy told me not to let a stranger touch my hair unless they ask.” Dalia pursed her lips in thought. “But you're not a stranger.”
“Dalia, do you wanna come read with me? I'm doing a book report on urban legends.” Emily suggested. She had a feeling Dalia would like it. 
Dalia grabbed Emily's hand and practically dragged her inside the Airstream. 
Beau watched and let out a sigh as the door closed. And locked. Okay. No disturbances. Beau sighed as he sat on his porch, clasping his hands between his knees. Dalia calling him dad, even if not completely, made Beau feel all kinds of things. Emily was the only child he wanted for a while. She was perfect. A handful still, even if she was just one girl. And then Kiera came into his life, inevitably bringing Dalia into it as well. 
She was a one-of-a-kind, that's for sure. A child whom her mother trusted so deeply that she would not get lost or killed in the woods, who stood up to people, and who knew a lot more than Beau could imagine. Maybe he did want more kids. Just Dalia. And her weird, dark, but fun, mind. 
Kiera walked up to Beau’s porch. He saw a retro-looking car next to his truck. It was painted black much like Kiera’s clothing choice.
“Thanks for getting Dalia,” Kiera smiled as she sat next to Beau, adjusting her coat. “What'd she do this time?” She asked with a small sigh. As if it was procedure at this point.
Beau bit the inside of his cheek, wrapping an arm around Kiera. “I don't think I'm at liberty to say.”
“That bad, huh?”
Beau shrugged. “Not exactly.” 
Kiera sighed and looked down at her knees. Her jaw was tightened and she was wringing her hands slightly. Beau was an oblivious man but was also observant. She was nervous. Second guessing herself. He had a clue as to why.
Beau held her closer, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Dalia stood up for you. A kid called you something bad. You're raising her right. Standing up for those you love, isn't that something you'd do?” He smiled warmly at Kiera as he lifted a hand to her cheek. 
Kiera lifted her eyes to meet Beau’s and let out a small sigh. “Yeah. I just–” She glanced down. “I wonder if putting Dalia in a public school is the right thing. I wonder if… I'm doing this wrong. She's so much smarter than me,” Beau listened, deciding that's mostly what Kiera needed at the moment. “I'm autistic too. But a different kind. She's the smart kind of autistic that likes reading books and learning and recognizing patterns while I just obsess over The Cure and The Cramps and only like eating Mac and Cheese for weeks until I change my safe food to something else. Why do you think I only wear black? I do like black. But colors just feel wrong. The–The textures of it, it's different and it's like I'm the only one who can feel it. Scratchy, weird, ugh, I hate it.” She rolled her shoulders in disgust, scrunching up her face.
Beau frowned at Kiera. He hadn't known about this yet. Well, a little of it. Dalia had inadvertently told him she and Kiera were on the spectrum but he didn't know the extent of it. This wasn't something he could change but it was something he could accommodate in his life. 
Beau sighed and pursed his lips. “You're doing the best you can. Unfortunately, sometimes, that's all we can do.” He rubbed Kiera's shoulder. 
“Is that what you tell yourself or do you lose yourself in self-loathing too?” Kiera asked. 
Emily snickered from behind the pair. Kiera and Beau turned to look at her. “Sorry, just—uh, I'm Emily.” She stuck out her hand for Kiera to shake. 
Kiera stood and accepted the hand with a small smile. “I know.” 
“Woah, she is tall.” Emily said before she could think. 
Beau chuckled as he stood next to Kiera. Dalia came running out of the Airstream and immediately hugged Kiera's legs. 
Kiera brushed Dalia’s hair away from her face as she squatted down to talk with her. “You alright?” She asked softly.
“Uh-huh! Emily was talking to me about the Hull House mansion which is said to be one of the most haunted places in America!” Dalia said excitedly with a nod of her head. 
Kiera looked up at Emily who was a little too distracted in seeing if her nails were chipped. “Was it fun?”
“Yeah! And, Beau,” Dalia turned to the cowboy. “The wolves like you.” 
Beau cocked his head. “Uh, thanks?” 
“No problem!” Dalia grinned. 
“Look, sweetheart, we gotta go. I don't want to intrude on father-daughter time as much as I already have.” Kiera said apologetically, patting Dalia’s shoulder. 
Emily looked at Beau who appeared like a kicked puppy. “We're having burgers.” She said as nonchalantly as possible. 
“Yeah, uh–” Beau smiled nervously. He still wasn't good at this. Kiera never failed to make him feel so… so weird. In a good way. Like he was in middle school and had just mustered up enough courage to ask his crush to the homecoming dance. “W-Would you like to stay for dinner? We are having burgers. You like burgers right? Unless you hate burgers—oh, you hate burgers.” His shoulders slumped.
“No, I like burgers.” Kiera chuckled, an amused smile on her face as she looked at Beau and Emily. 
Beau perked up and then nodded. “Great!”
Kiera looked down at her daughter. “Do you wanna have dinner with Beau and Emily?” She asked softly.
“Are they bison burgers?” Dalia looked up at Beau. He shook his head. “Then yes!” 
Emily held out her hand for Dalia to take. “We can make the mixture. My dad taught me the perfect recipe.” Dalia quickly ran over and entered the Airstream with Emily.
“Why is bison a bad thing?” Beau asked curiously.
Kiera wet her lips and rubbed at her arms to keep warm. “Bison was traditionally hunted by Native Americans before white colonizers decided to kill bison for sport, effectively cutting off one of our sources for food,” She explained with a sigh, “Montana is one of the only places that still have wild bison. Very few. And they're sometimes killed for meat. Dalia has the moral compass of a saint. Most times. She doesn't like to eat bison. She doesn't like eating any meat unless she can be certain it died of natural causes. However, there are exceptions.” 
Beau hummed. That child did have the moral compass of a saint. Doing what needs to be done and showing mercy on animals who don't deserve it. That sounded saintly to him. 
“That why you asked her if she wanted to eat with us tonight?” Beau cocked his head, taking Kiera's hand. Her skin was cold and he knew he attracted warmth. 
Kiera hummed in response. “Yeah. And she's been craving my squash stew for weeks but I can never find the right ingredients around here. I thought she'd say no.” She admitted as her eyes found Beau's. “She likes you. A lot.” Beau pursed his lips. He'd only interacted with her twice. But he could tell it was the truth. “One day you might end up as her favorite person. Too bad it's been me all her life.” She teased softly. 
Beau nudged Kiera with his shoulder and then pulled her close. “Who's your favorite person?”
“Right now? You.” Kiera murmured as she pressed a kiss to Beau's cheek.
He swore if he would've died right then and there and would've been happy. 
taglist: @deans-spinster-witch
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alex-iltempo · 2 years ago
So (as you may noticed by my posts and feed) I decided to go to the rabbit hole of binge watching rewatch marathon of SPN...
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But no matter how much you love the show, when it's 15 seasons, you just got to mix some other things ones in a while
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So I'm finally watching 3rd season of Walker (I was waiting till it finished to binge it)
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willstafford · 9 months ago
Bringing the House Down
THE WIZARD OF OZ Birmingham Hippodrome, Wednesday 12th June 2024 The much beloved film version of L Frank Baum’s classic novel has so many elements that have entered the public consciousness, any stage version had better proceed with caution. This revamp doesn’t seek to copy the movie, and this proves a wise move.  The setting is brought forward from the time of the novel to the time when the…
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zepskies · 11 months ago
A Good Man Is Hard to Find
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: When Beau starts pulling away from you and Emily during a very difficult case, will the pressure make or break your relationship?
AN: This is a sequel story to the Take Me Home storyverse, set just a few months after Part 9!
Word Count: 5.5K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, a Law & Order: SVU-esque case, angst, perilous situations and violence, hurt/comfort and fluff.
Catch up on TMH: ⤵️
❤️ Take Me Home Masterlist
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You took pleasure in the sounds you were pulling out of this man.
You continued to kiss down his neck. Each of your movements was slow and purposeful.
Your hips rolled against his, brushing your clothed, aching core against his risen length. His hands were like steel bands on your hips, not letting you leave even if you wanted to. He groaned.
“I needa get ready for work,” Beau chuckled. And he pointed out, “So do you.”
You smiled against his skin, and you gently dragged his flesh between your teeth.
“It’s still early,” you argued in his ear. You teased the shell of it with your tongue, making him shudder and rock his clothed hard-on between your legs. The wet tip of his cock dampened your panties further.
His hands moved down your thighs, caressing, squeezing, getting a handful of your ass in the process. Just as his fingers dipped under the satin hem of your panties, his phone buzzed on one of the nightstands. Beau let out a sigh of disappointment and reached over blindly for it.
He saw the caller ID and took in a breath to get himself together first. Even though he didn’t quite succeed, he answered the call.
“Mornin’, Jenny,” he greeted. You grinned.
“Tell her I said hi,” you whispered.
Beau shot you a “stern” look, though his lips curved at a smile. He mouthed at you to behave. 
You gave him a look that was cheeky at best.
“We caught a new case. If you want, you can meet us at the scene instead of the precinct,” said Jenny.
“Okay, where to?” Beau asked.
While Jenny gave him the directions, you used his distraction to your advantage. You shimmied out of your underwear and the overly large shirt you’d stolen from him last night. Then you drew down the waistband of his underwear and freed his cock into your hands.
“Okay, sounds g—” Beau was forced to pause on a sharp inhale.
“You okay?” Jenny asked.
“Y-Yeah. Just fine. Had a tickle in my throat,” Beau said.
"Okay, well just so you know," Jenny said, continuing to give him tidbits of information that he really should've been paying attention to.
He cleared his throat, shooting you an incredulous look. You didn’t pay him much mind as you began to touch him with care, from the weeping tip and along the shaft down to the base, even caressing his balls.
Beau’s furrowed gaze held yours as his breath faltered again. Your deft hands lined up his cock to your entrance. You teased yourself on the sensitive head of it, brushing it through your wet folds and against your clit. You had to bite your lip against a moan, but you didn’t quite manage to stifle the sound.
“Okay, Jenny. Thanks, I’ll see you there in a bit,” he said in a rush.
He hung up as soon as he could, but all the while, you were unrelenting. You finally sunk fully down on his cock, taking him all the way inside your wet heat.
Beau let out a strained groan and grabbed your arms. He sat up and pressed his forehead to yours. His lips formed a chiding smile.
“That wasn’t very nice,” he said. His voice was a bit rough, sending a shiver down your spine.  
“You want me to be nice?” you teased, beginning to let the full length of him slide out of you. You welcomed him back inside with a rock of your hips. “I just need a moment of your time, Sheriff.”
He nodded breathlessly. “Think I can manage that.”
You smirked and held onto the back of his neck as you rode him. You had a feeling you would find fingerprint bruises on your hips and thighs tomorrow, but this was worth it.
It took a lot to see Beau lose control, even in the bedroom. Now, he had a hand tangled in your hair and his lips fastened to your throat. He helped you move on him with a guiding hand on your hip. You slipped a hand from his shoulder and further parted your folds to find your clit.
But as Beau so often did, he moved your hand away so he could usher in your pleasure himself. He massaged your clit until your inner walls became almost too tight for him to drive up into you. Your thighs shook around his hips, and he managed to hold off on his own release until you came, hard on his cock.
You cried out near his ear and held onto his shoulders. He supported your collapse against his chest, but he still grabbed your hip tighter and rutted into you a few more times, until he was able to spill into you and fill you up to the brim with his warmth. You clenched on him on purpose, milking him for all he was worth.
Fuuuckin’ hell, he thought with a grunt, and he panted against your shoulder. He laid a belated kiss there.
“What a way to greet the sun,” he remarked.
You laughed breathily, caressing his cheek.
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Beau was, inevitably, running late for work. He found that he was okay with that as he kissed you goodbye.
You were still in your robe and holding a mug of coffee. You didn’t need to be at work for another couple of hours. Your Tuesday classes didn’t start until 10:00 a.m.
“Have a good day, baby. I…” you trailed.
Certain words were poised on your tongue. Words that neither of you had said to one another just yet. Your heart started tripping up a bit as you realized it. 
Even though you’d known the truth of what you felt for him for a while now, you’d been very careful to let him say it first. You told yourself you didn’t want to pressure him, in light of his contentious divorce and how new this all still was between you and Beau…
But more often, you wondered if you were maybe projecting, considering your own rocky past. Maybe it was just self-preservation.
“Yeah?” Beau questioned. You waved him off with a nervous chuckle. 
“Nothing. I don’t know,” you said. “My coffee hasn’t kicked in yet.”
He just smiled and gave you one last kiss to the side of your head before he left your apartment.
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Beau arrived at the scene of the crime: the parking lot of a movie theater. Jenny and Poppernak were already there inside the perimeter of yellow caution tape while the Forensics team did their thing. Jenny checked her watch when she saw the sheriff.
“What took you so long?” she asked. 
“Traffic,” Beau lied, his face warming. “What’ve we got?”
He quickly shifted his attention to the pool of blood staining the ground between his deputies. The path of his gaze led to the victim: a young woman wearing a blouse, skirt, and heels. The skirt was torn up to the hip. Her neck was cut, deep but clean.  
There were other signs of struggle; road burns on her right thigh, like she had been dragged. Jenny even found a can of pepper spray rolled under the victim’s car. 
“Maybe he was trying to get her to his car. She fought back hard enough that he cut his losses,” she theorized. 
Beau blew out a sigh and nodded grimly.
“Okay. Let’s get started.”
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Two months gave the Lewis and Clark Sheriff’s Department two more murders. Both were women, presumably alone and late at night, and in the dimly lit, poorly secured parking lot of an establishment. 
Stressed didn’t begin to cover how Beau Arlen walked back into the precinct two hours before he truly had to. What little forensics they’d been able to uncover from each scene (and on the victims) let them to conclude that the suspect was male, and likely between 5’10” and over 6 feet tall.
As they now had a murder cluster, Beau and his team determined that the victims were found within a 5-mile radius. Both Emily’s school and the college where you taught were within that range.   
It had led Beau to long nights spent at the precinct and in town, researching, canvasing, working with his team to lock down possible leads. 
But those two months had also led him to cancel dates with you and plans with his daughter. He hadn’t stayed over your apartment in weeks. You’d spoken to Emily, and she told you he was often late in picking her up from school on his custody days with her. When she was with him, he always seemed distant, distracted.
It was all too familiar, Emily told you, and she hated it. 
You were worried and becoming increasingly frustrated. Any calls you made to him to check in were a few minutes at most, before he left you hanging to go back to work.
Beau had told you this was a difficult string of homicide cases, and very little else. You knew that he shouldn’t and couldn’t tell you too many details about the case, but you also couldn’t help but feel that he was pulling away from you…and leaving you in the dark. 
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You’d just gotten home after a longer day than usual at work. Frankly, you were exhausted. All you wanted to do was shower and find whatever you could in your fridge to have for dinner. You didn’t care what it was at this point.
Before you could go rummaging, however, your phone started to ring. You sighed and went back to the purse you dumped on the kitchen table, and you saw that the call was from Carla. Your brows knitted in confusion. She’d been on a business trip in California for one of her higher-profile trial cases.
Carla was polite on the phone, but sounded a bit stressed.
“Emily just called to tell me that Beau hasn’t come by to pick her up from school. She’s been there for two hours,” Carla said.
Your eyes widened in surprise. “What? That’s not like him.” 
“I know, but he’s not picking up his phone. Is he with you?” she asked. 
“No, I just got home. He has to be still at work,” you said. You restrained a sigh as you grabbed your purse back up. “I can pick Emily up.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, in a relieved tone that suggested that was what she’d wanted all along, but she still wanted to be polite about it. 
“Yes, I’ll get her. Don’t worry,” you said. “And I’ll talk to Beau about this.”
“Good,” Carla said. “I appreciate that.”
After getting off the phone with Carla, you texted Emily and let her know you were coming to pick her up. She texted back:
Are you sure? I can just take an Uber to your place or something.
You replied:
No, honey. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be there in 15 - 20 minutes.
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You didn’t manage to get ahold of Beau until you’d already picked Emily up from school. You braved through thirty minutes of traffic to get home again, and you stopped to grab dinner on the way.
Beau didn’t get to your apartment until later that night. You and Emily had a nice dinner of Tex-Mex takeout (though she’d said it was definitely better in Houston). He looked tired and apologetic as he went to hug his daughter first. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” he said. “I just got held up at work.”
Emily nodded and tried to smile at him, but it didn’t reach her eyes. 
“It’s fine, I get it,” she said. 
Beau knew his daughter well enough to see the truth. He sighed, but he went over to you in the kitchen next. You were putting away the leftovers. He laid a hand on your back and tried to kiss you in greeting, but you only gave him your cheek. 
You didn’t meet his eyes when you slid over the plate you’d set aside for him: a massive carne asada burrito with all the sauces, just like he liked it. 
Beau felt like an ass. 
You left him to heat up his food and went to Emily, who was helping to clear the kitchen table. 
“Do you need help with your homework?” you asked her. “I know you said you did some at school while you were waiting.”
She nodded. “Yeah, I’m pretty much done. I’ve got it.”
You smiled at her. “Okay, good job.”
The next item on your mental list was grabbing the bedsheets out of the dryer, to set up the pull-out bed from the couch later for Emily to sleep.
Beau watched you putter around the apartment while Emily settled in front of the TV with the remainder of her homework. He felt like an outsider with his own girlfriend and daughter…and there was an eerily familiar feeling churning in his gut. 
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Later that night, you were reading in bed. Beau stepped out of the bathroom after a shower, with the towel wrapped around his hips, his chest and arms all dewy. You had to force yourself not to take notice.
You’d been missing him—practically aching for him for weeks, for two months. You were also upset with him though, and for more than one reason.
After he got dressed for bed in a long-sleeved shirt and some sweatpants, Beau once again noticed that deceptively calm look on your face. He knew that face, just as he sensed the tension in the air.
He sighed and came to sit on the edge of his side of the bed. Or at least, the side he’d claimed ever since he started sleeping over regularly here. Somehow, his own trailer had become a bit stale and lonesome, unless Emily was staying over. 
Beau watched your profile and saw the way you were trying your best to ignore him. 
“I get the feeling you’re mad,” Beau said, breaking the silence. “Sorry about today. I know Carla called you…I just got caught up with something at work.”
“Carla was right to call me,” you replied, though your eyes didn’t leave the page that you weren’t reading. Beau’s lips pursed. 
“Darlin’, would you look at me, please?” he asked.
You dropped your book into your lap, and you met his gaze. 
“All right, tell me. Why’re you mad?” he asked. 
You raised your brows with a tense frown.
“I’m upset with you. Because this is the first night you’ve spent here in over a month. And it’s not because you wanted to.” 
You shoved the blankets off your body and slipped out of the bed. Beau’s shoulders sunk a bit. 
“Come on, honey. You know that’s not—” he tried, but you weren’t done. 
No, you were very far from done.
“I’m upset with you, because every time I try to extend an olive branch and make plans with you, you reschedule at the last minute,” you snapped. “I’m upset with you because what few and far between conversations we do have? They consist of me trying to figure out what’s happening with you, trying to share with you about what’s going on with me—and you’re either half-listening, or you’re running off before the five-minute mark.”
Again, Beau opened his mouth to argue as his brows furrowed, but you beat him to it.
“And not to mention, you forgot your daughter,” you said. “You’ve been forgetting her, and you’ve been shutting me out.”
Beau stood along with you, his whole body tense with frustration. 
“Look, it’s not like I’m out there cheating on you! I’m doing my damn job!” he said. 
His words hit you like a physical blow. Your mouth fell open in soft shock. Tears even stung in your eyes.
“Reminding me of Michael,” you nodded in understanding. “Okay. Wouldn’t be the first time this month.”
Beau bristled; he didn’t think it was right for you to compare him to your bastard ex-boyfriend.
“Hey, that’s not fair,” he said.
"This isn't fair," you retorted, gesturing between you both with a pointed finger.
Beau's lips pursed. His jaw clenched as he averted his gaze, so he could better hold his tongue before he said something he might regret.
Too late...
Eventually, you stopped waiting for him to answer you.
Beau saw how you withdrew, both from the argument, and from him with a sigh. You crossed your arms and held yourself when you headed into the bathroom.
He internally deflated. Shit. 
Something told him that if Emily wasn’t occupying the only other sleeping place in this apartment, he’d have been booted out of your room.
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Things were tense the next morning. 
Beau agreed to take Emily to school, since you picked her up yesterday. You gave Emily a hug before they left, and you had even packed her a good lunch for school. You knew she had to do that herself whenever she stayed at her dad’s place. 
And yes, while the teen was old enough and responsible enough to pack her own lunch, you just wanted to make sure she knew you were still in her corner, no matter what friction might be happening between you and her dad.
You and Beau parted ways that morning with tension still lying between you, just like it had been last night in your bed. After they headed out, you found yourself at a loss, feeling unbalanced.
You didn’t have a class today until noon, so you took the morning to truly think about what was happening here. Whatever Beau’s case was about, you knew it was serious and complex, and he didn’t want to talk about it, likely for your safety. 
All you could hope was that Beau, Jenny, Poppernak and the rest of the team were able to solve it quickly. You even began to wonder if it was fair of you to add stress on Beau’s shoulders when he was dealing with something that was clearly taking all of his energy, and making him distant with both you and Emily.
Blowing out a big sigh, you supposed you could try to be gracious one more time. You braved the annoyance of putting real clothes on—a blouse and work casual pants, as you later would have to go in to work. 
You first headed over to the precinct with your purse on one shoulder and a plastic bag hanging from your other hand. 
You entered the double doors and walked in past the reception desk, then through the bullpen. You noticed right away that there was a commotion going on, as you saw Jenny leading in a man handcuffed behind his back. You almost bumped into him as they crossed you in the hall. 
The man was tall and lean, with pieces of his coiffed dark hair falling over his sharp blue eyes. They found you, and his lips curved into a smile after he gave you a once-over. 
His smile made a shiver of unease prickle down your spine as you froze. 
“Keep moving, Casey,” Jenny ordered.
Beau was right behind her, though the moment he took in the exchange between you and Casey, Beau stalked forward and stepped in between, urging the other man forward with a firm hand on his shoulder and a stern look of warning.
Jenny and Popernak led the suspect into a room for questioning, while Beau’s hand found the small of your back and guided you into his office. 
He closed the door behind him and carded a hand through his hair. He let out a subtle breath and turned to face you. He didn’t look all that happy to see you, just tense. 
“What’s going on?” he asked. “Sorry, we’re a bit busy today.”
Before you could speak, he added, “Matter of fact, it’d be better if you called first next time.”
Your mouth snapped shut. Your brows knitted together in a glare, and you handed him the bag you carried in. It contained a nice hot sandwich and fries from Tonya’s diner, made by Donno himself.
“Here,” was all you said, before you walked out the door of the sheriff’s office. 
Beau watched you go in surprise, with the word “wait” halting on his tongue. His gaze traveled down to the open bag between his hands, and sure enough, the smell of a good meal hit him, making his mouth water and his stomach twist with guilt all at once.
Damn it, he sighed. But lunch (and a phone call to you) would have to wait. He set it down on his desk and hastened down the hall to where their suspect, in what had been dubbed the “Fall Murders,” had finally been arrested and held for questioning.
Casey Sanderson; ex-military, dishonorably discharged, an abusive mother in his childhood and an unstable mind following two tours in the Middle East had left him unbalanced, according to his friends from his unit.
His DNA was also discovered under the fingernails of the most recent victim, Christina Mendez. Two weeks ago, her body was found behind a gas station late at night, her neck carved by a knife, and bruises littering her arms and body. 
Beau entered the room where Poppernak and Jenny had already gotten started on the suspect. 
“Casey here has lawyered up,” Jenny informed him, though her gaze never left the suspect. They were forced to wait on further questioning until the lawyer arrived.  
“Ah, the Sheriff of Nottingham,” Casey remarked. His cool blue eyes watch with a measure of nonchalance as Beau stood behind his deputies, arms crossed. 
Casey nodded up at him. “Was that your girl out there in the hall?”
Beau’s formerly calm face turned to stone. 
Casey’s lips curved slightly. 
“Good taste,” was all he said.
His tone was mild, yet it still made Beau’s skin crawl. And his rage built, igniting his blood. He did everything he could to temper that wildfire into a simmer that rolled just underneath his skin. 
Jenny and Poppernak knew him well enough to see what he was thinking. Both of them watched him with hidden wariness and concern, especially when Beau stepped forward, placing one hand on the table between him and Casey Sanderson. Darkened green eyes met cool blue. 
“Where were you on November 2 between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.?” Beau asked.
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Beau was irate when, a few days later, the ADA prosecutor called him at his office first thing in the morning to inform him of the latest news on Casey Sanderson. 
“What the hell do you mean he got out on bail yesterday?” Beau snapped. “We have DNA evidence.”
“He claims that he and Miss Mendez had consensual sex earlier that evening, in the women’s bathroom, of all excuses, but they parted ways after leaving the movie theater,” said the ADA. “As you know, we couldn’t put him directly at the gas station near the theater, where she was found. The defense lawyer convinced the judge that the remaining evidence is too circumstantial to warrant holding him without bail.”
Fuckin’ hell, Beau let out an angry breath, carding his fingers through his hair. He hung up with the ADA moments later. His cell phone lighting up with a notification drew his attention, even perking him up a little, but he deflated when he saw it wasn’t from you. 
Just Carla letting him know that she’d take Emily for the weekend this time, just like he’d asked. He felt bad for it, but he needed more time to concentrate on his cases. Sanderson was just one of many now, and Poppernak and Jenny couldn’t handle it all.
Beau tried to rub his tired face back to life, but once again, he thought of you. He still felt guilty, and he still missed you. Missed you like hell. 
He hesitantly picked up his phone and he called you, hoping you wouldn’t let it go to voicemail again.
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Admittedly, you were being a bit petty. You were screening your boyfriend’s calls. 
However, if Beau Arlen wanted to see you, then he could get his ass up off that office chair and come to you this time. 
You were tired of giving out olive branches left and right. You didn’t deserve to be the one left waiting and wringing your hands, wondering if this man even cared about you…as much as you’d come to care about him. 
So you ignored his call—the second one today, and you prepared for your afternoon classes. 
Even after your classes were done for the day, you graded a batch of papers to get them out of the way. As much as you couldn’t wait to go home, you didn’t feel like doing more work when you got there.
Another hour and a half ticked by before you finished grading and inputting the percentages into the online gradebook. Then, with a weary sigh, you grabbed your purse and your workbag and headed down to the garage where your car was parked. 
You always tried to park in the same spot for faculty, in a space closest to the elevators. You found your car and put down your workbag in the backseat first. When you closed the door, you saw a figure in the window’s reflection. 
You gasped and turned around. A man covered your mouth as a scream tore from your throat and echoed loudly in the garage.
He shoved you hard against the car door, but thanks to a few self-defense lessons from both Jenny and Beau, the heel of your hand came up on reflex. 
It hit the man up the bridge of his nose with a crack. He shouted and reared back. When he pulled his hand back, it came away bloody. And you finally recognized him as the man you saw at the precinct: tall, thin, dark brown hair, angry blue eyes now staring back at you.
“Fucking bitch,” he chuckled. “Got some fight in you.”
Fear was a living thing inside you, but you somehow managed to force your body to move.
You scrambled for the driver’s door of your car and tried to open it, but the man shoved it closed, then grabbed at you once again. His forearm pressed across your chest and pinned you there.
The edge of a knife poised at your throat, making you freeze in panic. The blade teased your skin, hot breath against your cheek.
“Freeze, Casey!” came an angry shout. Both you and your attacker recognized that voice. Your breath was stifled in hope. Casey frowned in frustration. 
Just over his right shoulder, you saw Beau holding his gun aimed at the man who held you. His brows were drawn together, his entire body poised to react to whatever Casey did next. 
“Turn around, hands up high, and drop that knife,” Beau ordered. 
Casey’s mouth edged into a humorless smile. “Evening, Sheriff. Up for a date night?” 
He slid the blade just slightly against your skin, enough to draw a line of blood, and make you inhale sharply. 
“I’m not gonna say it again! Turn around and drop the goddamn knife,” Beau snapped. “Try anything else, and I’ll make a third hole in your spine.”
Letting out a breath through his nose, Casey’s façade of nonchalance fell. He released you, stepping back slowly with his hands held in the air. The knife slipped out of his hand.
Beau stalked towards him before it even clattered to the floor. You were frozen where you stood pressed against your car.
You watched Beau stow away his gun and wrangle Casey’s hands behind his back, slapping on some tight handcuffs, and getting the man onto his stomach on the dusty ground, his cheek pressed hard to the asphalt. Beau held him down with one hand while he fished for his cell in his pocket to call for backup on the arrest. 
Beau’s head lifted to catch your eyes. He gave you a reassuring look. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve got this,” he said.
His voice was warm for you, steady. When you nodded, it was a jerky motion as you held a hand to your racing heart. You then raised it shakily up to your neck and swiped at the trail of blood there. The wound itself was minor, just a sting, but it was a cold reminder of what could’ve been.
The wait for Jenny and the rest of the team was agonizing. 
Beau kept Casey on the ground, facing away from you. Eventually you were able to peel yourself off the side of your car and climb into the driver’s seat, just so you wouldn’t have to keep looking at the man who attacked you.
Jenny and Poppernak arrived within half an hour to haul Casey up and drag him into Jenny's SUV. That allowed Beau to return to your car and tap on the window of the driver’s side. You jolted and looked over to find Beau’s reassuring face. 
“They took him. It’s okay,” he said, only a little muffled through the door. You nodded and gestured for him to step back, so you could open the door. 
The moment you were on your feet and out of the car, you went into Beau’s waiting embrace. Hot tears welled up in your eyes. You hiccupped and struggled to breathe steady, but Beau held you tight and soothed a hand over your hair, down your back.
“It’s over, honey, I promise. I promise I’ve gotcha,” he said quietly in your ear. You nodded and let his warmth seep into you. 
“I’ll take you home, okay?” he said. “We’ll get your car tomorrow.”
You sucked in a trembling breath. 
“Please,” you agreed. “Take me home.”
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“Am I going to have to testify in court?” you asked. 
Beau held you close in your bed later that night. You two had dinner together and had been rewatching old episodes of Friends to take both of your minds off what happened today.
Beau reluctantly nodded in answer to your question. 
“The ADA will probably ask you to, but…you can say no,” he said. “I’ll back you, whatever you decide.”
“No, I want to,” you said, even though the thought made you tremble inside. “That animal belongs in a cage.”
Beau silently agreed with you. He admired you for your vehemence, and your courage to even say that you wanted to testify against Casey. 
Beau laid a gentle kiss above your brow and continued to rub your back. You both had the blankets up to your hips with a bowl of popcorn balanced between his thigh and yours. He moved it over onto his nightstand so he could curl you more securely against him. You raised your head to consider him thoughtfully.  
“Why were you on campus?” you asked, as it finally occurred to you. “How did you know I was still there?”
“I thought I could catch you after your last class, so I went up to your office to see you,” he said. “But you weren’t there. A receptionist was on her way out though. She saw you head out a little while before, so I booked it back down to the garage to see if you were there.”
He was never more glad to heed his gut instinct. That was when he’d heard you scream.
The memory made his insides clench. Beau shook his head against the rest of it. He let out a heavy sigh.
“I’m so damn sorry for what happened. You gotta know, all this time, this is what I was trying to prevent,” he said, with pain written on his face. “But I’m also sorry that I shut you out. You and Em. I just didn’t know how else to keep you out of this. After what happened this summer…I wasn’t gonna let that happen again.”
With tears stinging in your eyes, you nodded. You knew now that he hadn’t meant to hurt you.
Beau Arlen truly was a good man, and that was hard to come by.
You shifted so that you were propped up on your elbow, resting on his pillow. You stroked his cheek. 
“I understand. And I’m sorry too. I know that your job can be difficult, and stressful, and sometimes dangerous,” you said. “But I need you to talk to me. If we’re going to do this for the long haul, we need to communicate. I can’t be left in the dark like that again, Beau. I just can’t…"
It was your turn to sigh. "It feels too close to what I went through with Michael. Being lied to. Being told what I wanted to hear, never actually knowing what was going on, until it was too late.”
You admitted that last part with a hitch of emotion in your voice, meeting Beau’s eyes. His were full of remorse.
“I know. Again, I’m sorry. I promise, I’m gonna work on it,” he said, nodding. He planned to make it up to his daughter too. He would talk to her tomorrow.
You drew his attention back with the hand caressing his cheek.
“I just don’t want anything like that to happen to us. I love you too much,” you said. A tear worked its way down your cheek. “Beau, I love you.”
Beau grasped your hand, holding it to his cheek. His furrowed expression eased, and his lips slowly turned up into a smile. A true one, hinting at all the charm that was unique to this man. You’d missed that smile. 
He dried your cheek with a gentle hand. 
“Well that’s good,” he said. “Because I don’t think I’ve loved you more than I do right now.”
You laughed through more of your tears, and let him guide you into a tender kiss. One sparked another, and more, each one more searing than the next.
Beau’s fingers disappeared into your hair, just as your legs tangled themselves between his when he rolled you over, and underneath him, where he continued putting actions behind his words. 
He gave you a promise that night, one that you’d both try to hold yourselves to in the morning.
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AN: Ahh, I'm soft. This feels like the more "official" end to Take Me Home, though I'd be open to come back to these two if new ideas hit me. But until then, let me know what you thought of this one! 😘
Keep Reading:
Here's a drabble set directly after this one-shot. It's called A Crime of Passion:
Summary: When Beau Arlen decides to “make it up to you,” he’s damn thorough.
▶️ Next Story: A Crime of Passion
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Take Me Home Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
For those of you with tag lists, Tumblr is doing a weird thing again with tags. I had to separate them 5 at a time for the hyperlinks to work on each blog! So annoying lol.
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007
@wincastifer @iamsapphine @roseblue373 @brianochka
@branj19 @globetrotter28 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @ades106 @charmed-asylum
@waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady
@leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu
@nyotamalfoy @kmc1989 @deans-baby-momma @tabsluvsu @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
@deanwanddamons @anticxrrupt @lacilou @deans-daydream @deans-spinster-witch
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @iprobablyshipit91
@ladysparkles78 @solariklees @lostin-jensenseyes @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731
@curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @chernayawidow
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427 notes · View notes
jays-bonnie-on-the-side · 13 days ago
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PAIRING : beau arlen x younger fem!reader
SUMMARY : beau had planned to spend the day with reader but when emily tells him she’s on her way to his trailer, he forces reader to leave before his daughter shows up.
WARNINGS : age gap. strong language. smut. unprotected p in v. creampie. morning sex. dom!beau. sub!reader. slight out-of-character beau. angst. kept secrets.
A/N : i’ve had this beau oneshot idea for forever and finally felt like releasing it cuz I miss him so much. might make a part 2, tell me what y’all think!
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Beau stirs, waking you from your slumber. The sun seeps through the thin curtains and shines over your eyelids. He wraps his strong arms around your body, pulling you into his. A content smile graces your tired face, and you bask in his warmth. Oh, how you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
His lips brush against your skin, beginning from the back of your shoulder up the side of your neck. You squirm in his embrace, tickled by both his beard and kisses. Beau knew how sensitive you were, and he loved to see you giggle with glee. He moves, hovering over your body. His shadow stretches across your eyelids, shielding you from the indirect sun.
Finally, you open your eyes and couldn’t be happier for the gift of sight. Your handsome boyfriend stares down at you, lust in his hooded eyes. He moves between your legs, and you know what he wants. He leans down slowly and gently captures your lips between his. It was long and sweet, just like every kiss he gives you at the start and end of your day. He deepens it, and the more your lips move in sync, the hungrier you each become.
His excitement presses against your inner thigh, and you can’t help but point it out. So, with a smile, you murmur against his lips, “Well, someone’s having a good morning.”
Beau presses his confined member against your clothed clit, eliciting a whimper from your pretty mouth. Your underwear gets damper when his husky Texas draw replies, “Sweetheart, the mornin’s only begun.”
You weren’t a morning person, but you didn’t mind how and when he woke you. Even after a night of sex, you still looked forward to the morning. He kneels between your legs as his hands drag your panties off. He bites his lip when he sees your glistening pussy, staring as if it was the first time he’s seen you. You used to be shy, but after months of watching the same reaction, all you feel is confidence.
He pushes his boxers down, and your mouth waters as his cock springs free. With your undergarments aside, he leans over you again. Despite the warmth radiating from his body onto yours, he pulls up the covers to shield you from the cold. Beau presses his erection between your wet folds, coating his thick member in your juices. He doesn’t ask permission when he brings his leaking tip to your entrance or before he shoves his long shaft inside you. He didn’t need it. From the beginning, you made it clear he could handle you when and however he wanted, as long as he didn’t break your heart.
Instinctively, your body clings to his, holding on for dear life as he splits you in two. It didn’t matter if he went fast or slow, the size of his dick still stretched you the same, and you’d be feeling it for a long time after. The protruding veins in his cock rub against your walls, making your mouth fall open. His tip hits your G-spot effortlessly, forcing your eyes to roll back. Your nails dig into his back, leaving behind crescent-shaped marks.
His name falls from your lips like a prayer, and you swear you’re in Heaven. Your body arches into his chest, the pleasure becoming so much that you can’t lie still. He picks up the pace, grunting in your ear as your tight cunt clenches around him. Your hand finds its way to his hair, tugging hard enough to drive you both wild. His lips go right for your neck like the animal he was. His teeth brush against your sensitive skin as he sucks on your sweet spot. His large hand massages your breast, his thumb circling your hardened nipple while his other holds him steady. The pleasure was becoming too much, and he could tell by the way you squeezed him.
Suddenly, his phone rings, disrupting his vigorous rhythm. Your eyes open in startlement and dismay. God, please don’t answer it, not now! You internally beg. He groans and slows his movements.
“I should probably get that.”
“Fuck, I was so close,” You whine.
Unexpectedly, he slams his well-endowed manhood into you. His tip bruises your cervix, and your body jolts. Your eyes squeeze shut, hollering in pain, pleasure, and surprise. His mouth finds yours, and the kiss is hot and heavy. He reaches for the nightstand, his hips snapping into yours as he blindly silences the ringer. The vibration moves the phone, but it becomes tolerable.
Beau’s thrusts grow more urgent, harsher. He pounds you into the bed, and you’re shocked the trailer wasn’t moving with you. His pelvis grinds against your clit, and you feel your orgasm approaching. Your body begins to overheat; The combination of pleasure, blanket warmth, body warmth, and insanely hot sex made a thin layer of sweat coat your body. You both come up for air, and fresh tears sting your eyes.
Beau sees how close you are and encourages, “Go on, darlin’, cum on my cock like the good girl you are.”
And with his permission, you come undone. Your body trembles beneath him as your orgasm passes through your nervous system. ‘Times like these, you were grateful that Beau lived in the middle of the woods with no neighbors to hear you scream with ecstasy. His hips lock with yours, and with a guttural moan, he shoots his thick load inside your spent pussy. Your limps fall from his body, but he stays one with you.
Your breaths mingle as you each pant heavily. Neither one of you moves, reveling in your highs while they last. Once your breathing steadies, Beau slowly pulls himself out, and you whimper at the loss. He collapses next to you before wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you into his side. You blissfully cuddle up to him, enjoying his presence and basking in the post-sex euphoria.
“That was…Fuck, I can’t even think straight.”
You giggle, nuzzling your cheek into his chest while wrapping your arm around his torso. He holds you closer and kisses the top of your head. It was rare, but you each had the day off. His left hand strokes your right arm, soothing both your body and mind. What you wouldn’t give to stay like this.
His phone chimes with a text. You groan, knowing the serenity was ended by whoever sent the message. And to top it off, they now have your man’s undivided attention. He chuckles at your annoyance but understands it. Everyone knew it was his day off, but clearly, they didn’t care. All he wanted was to spend the day with his girl in peace. But being Sheriff has its downsides. He reaches over your body, grabbing his phone off the nightstand before lying back down. The screen lights up, and he reads the text, realizing it’s his role as a father who threatened his time with you.
Emily: Hey, dad. Mom’s dropping me off. She got called in for an emergency at work. See you in 10!
He springs up in bed, knocking you off in the process. Your heart leaps out of your chest, confusion and fear coursing through you.
“Damn it!” Beau exclaims before scooting off the mattress.
You hold the blanket to your body, asking, “What’s wrong?”
“Emily—she’s on her way,” he grabs your shirt and tosses it on your lap. “You gotta go.”
Shit! You scramble out of bed to put your clothes on. You and Beau have been together for over seven months, and not once have you met his daughter. Whenever the subject came up, he’d say he wasn’t ready. You didn’t rush him; You understood that it was a big step for him—for everyone involved, but you so desperately longed to be in that part of his life. Deep down, you couldn’t help but wonder if he was ashamed of you. After all, you were half his age.
In the beginning, you both kept your relationship a secret, afraid of the judgment you’d each receive. Beau even second-guessed his decision to go out with a younger girl. Hell, you were closer in age with his daughter than you were to him. But he couldn’t deny how well you both got on. He connected more with you than he ever did with his ex-wife. After a few months had passed, he allowed the knowledge of your relationship to spread to the people closest to him. Despite the success, the thought of you meeting his family terrified him, so he asked everyone to keep the news low-key.
What if we broke up? What if she realizes she no longer wants an older man? What if Emily doesn’t like her? The thoughts often clouded his mind, but he had to remind himself she wasn’t a little girl anymore. The relationship between you and him wouldn’t affect her much, but still, she was his life. His daughter’s opinion matters most, and he’s afraid she won’t get past the age gap.
“Sweetheart, you gotta go faster than that.” Beau’s anxiety causes his voice to rise. “She’ll be here in eight minutes. I can’t let her see you or your car.”
“Beau, I’m going as fast as I can. Please, don’t rush me.” You had pulled on your shirt and began to slide on your underwear as you balanced on wobbly legs. “Have you seen my bra?”
You get down on your hands and knees, searching underneath the bed for the garment, but you don’t see it. Before you can look under the nightstand, Beau grabs your arm and yanks you up from the floor.
“Forget your fucking bra!” He shouts before shoving your jeans into your unsupported chest. You barely catch it before it drops, but you’re too slow to stop the gasp from leaving your mouth at his sudden behavior. “Put those on and get out.”
Your shock turns to anger as you pull on your pants. Beau was already dressed and gathering your items. When you leave the bedroom and enter the other half of the trailer, he hands you your belongings and opens the door. He searches for his ex’s car and sighs in relief when he doesn’t see it. When he looks back at you, you’re sitting on the couch, putting on your shoes.
“Y/N, you gotta—“
“Go! I know. Can I put my damn shoes on first?”
“There’s no time. They’ll be here any minute.”
He strides toward you and tries to grab your arm again, but you snatch it away. “Don’t touch me!”
You get up from your seat and walk to the open door with your stuff in hand. Beau follows you outside, and before you walk down the patio stairs, you turn on your heel.
“Are you ashamed of me?”
His eyebrows furrow and his neck straightens, seemingly caught off guard. “Wh-what?”
“You heard me,” You ask again, terrified of the answer. “Are you ashamed of me?”
“I…” He appears defeated, but he quickly masks the emotion. “I don’t have time for this.”
“Answer the question.”
“Damn it, Y/N. We can talk about this later.”
“I don’t want to talk about it later. Just tell me—”
“Leave! Now!”
“Not until you give me an answer.”
“Please—They'll be here any second,”
“Yes or no: Are you ashamed of me? Of us?”
He glances toward the car trail, hoping they don’t show now and see you two. He runs his hand through his hair in frustration. He knew you wouldn’t give up without an answer. “Sweetheart, it’s not that simple.”
You nod, understanding what he refuses to say out loud. Your throat gets tight, and you know you have to leave before you cry but, more importantly, before they arrive. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure they don’t see me. Neither will you.”
Without another word, you hurry to your parked car whilst ignoring his calls. Maybe it was best that he didn’t introduce you to his daughter. Perhaps it’ll hurt less. You toss your belongings into the passenger seat and start your vehicle. Without bothering to heat your car’s engine, you speed off. He wanted to run after you but instead, he watches you go with a heavy heart.
Surely, you had to understand why he didn’t want you to meet them right now. And you did. You understood why today wasn’t the best day to meet his family. Hell, you didn’t want your first interaction to be right after you had sex with Emily’s dad and Carla’s ex-husband. But it bothered you that this wasn’t the first time you had to leave because they were coming by.
Despite being distraught, Beau didn’t have time to digest what happened as Carla drove up less than 20 seconds after you left. Like you promised they didn’t see you and in a way, he was thankful but not when the cost was losing you. Emily steps out of the car and greets her father.
“Hey, Dad.”
He puts on a smile, trying not to let the prior events affect the time with his daughter. “Hey, Em.”
“Are you okay?”
It seemed as though she knew him better than he thought. But he decides to deflect. “What’re you talking about? ‘Course I’m okay. What’d you want to do today?”
She shrugs and goes into the trailer. Beau waves to Carla before following her inside. “I was thinking…”
Emily’s voice fades into the background as his eyes wander to his room.
His thoughts drift to every word, spoken or unspoken, every action in the little time you were given. How could he treat you like that? You had done nothing wrong. How could he have let you leave thinking the worst?
His head snaps in Emily’s direction. “What?”
“So, can we? Go into town?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, sure. I’m gonna hop in the shower first, then we can head out.”
“Okay,” She stares warily. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Beau nods, “I’ll be—I’m fine. Don’t you worry.”
He walks toward the bathroom, and before he enters, out of the corner of his eye, he sees your bra underneath the nightstand. His heart tightens, but he doesn’t dare to deal with the sorrow in the presence of his daughter. He closes the curtain to the room, planning to deal with the evidence after his shower. He’s certain about one thing: He’d make it right.
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FOREVER TAGS : @jaredpadonlyyyy, @nicksalchemy1, @impala67rollingthroughtown, @nancymcl, @graciehams
@spacecowgirl126, @lmg14, @gurneetsadhra23, @crooked-haven
BEAU TAGS : @criminalyetminimal, @lailawinchesterr, globetrotter28
JENSEN TAGS : @cheynovak, @deadlymistletoe, @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld, @kindollss, @juicyballsworld
@kamisobsessed, @devilslittlehelper, @elenawritesxx, @quietgirled, @giggles1026
@ravenrose18, @1-read-the-hobbit-in-1937, @smoothdogsgirl
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: do not steal, plagiarize, translate, and/or republish any of my works* on here or another platform
*beside my writing, my works include : all banners, dividers, and gifs that i use (which were made by me,) unless otherwise stated.
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avengerdaisy · 1 year ago
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Beau Arlen & Jenny Hoyt (with Carla De Lugo and Emily Arlen) in Big Sky [360/∞]
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deansbeer · 2 months ago
★ soup, snuggles, and mr. wiggles // beau arlen.
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synopsis. you're sick during a visit to montana, but your dad, comes to the rescue with chicken star soup, snacks, and your old childhood stuffed bear, reminding you that you're never too old to be cared for.
warning(s). fluffy fluff fluff | older daughter!reader | caregiving dad beau | mild illness (stomach bug) | nausea | fatigue | father-daughter bonding | nostalgia | childhood memories (beloved stuffed bear & favorite soup).
kari yaps. i love my pretty cowboy sheriff sososo much && literally don't have anything written for him + this idea was perfect for beau, because one im an older sister / daughter myself & two my brain was wired up @ 2am ???? n i took that opportunity to write. but i only got halfway & BARELY got to finishing it 2day.
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you knew it was a bad idea the second you bit into the chicken sandwich. something about it tasted... off, but you hadn't eaten at all during your flight from houston to montana, and your stomach didn't give you much of a choice. by the time you arrived at the airbnb you rented, you were already feeling the first signs of regret—your stomach twisting uncomfortably, your body heavy with fatigue. you chalked it up to exhaustion from the drive, but when you woke up the next morning, nausea hit you like a freight train.
you'd planned today for weeks—just you and your dad, a father-daughter day he'd been talking about nonstop since you told him you were visiting. he'd even promised emily she'd get her turn after you left because, as he put it, "this one's special. just me and my girl." and now, lying on the couch of your airbnb, wrapped in a blanket, you felt guilt gnawing at you because there was no way you could keep those plans. your stomach rolled again, and you groaned, reaching for your phone to call him.
"hey, sweetheart," he answered on the first ring, his voice bright with excitement. "you ready for me to pick you up? i've got the whole day mapped out—breakfast, a little fishing, and maybe we can stop by that trail you liked last time."
you winced, both at the enthusiasm in his voice and the wave of nausea that hit you. "uh, about that…"
he instantly picked up on your tone. "what's wrong?"
"nothing," you said quickly, even though your voice was weak. "i just… i don't think i can make it today. i'm not feeling great."
"not feeling great how?" his voice lost its lightness, replaced by concern.
"it's nothing, dad. probably just something i ate. i just need to rest, that's all."
there was a pause, and you could practically hear the wheels turning in his head. "where are you staying again? that little airbnb by the creek?"
"dad, no, you don't have to—"
"i'll be there in twenty," he said firmly, already moving. "and don't even think about arguing with me."
you sighed, knowing there was no point in trying to stop him. "fine. okay, dad."
"what kind of dad would i be if i didn’t take care of my girl when she's sick?" he said, his voice softening. "sit tight, sweetheart. i'll be there soon."
true to his word, twenty minutes later, you heard the familiar rumble of his car pulling into the driveway. you managed to shuffle to the door, opening it just as he walked up, two large grocery bags in his hands and a determined look on his face.
"you look terrible," he said bluntly, though the warmth in his eyes softened the blow. "not that you're not still the prettiest thing i've ever seen."
"thanks, dad," you muttered, stepping aside to let him in. "just what every girl wants to hear."
he set the bags on the counter and turned to you, his hands on his hips. "all right, let's see what we've got here. crackers, ginger ale, that soup you used to love when you were little—chicken and stars, remember that?—and some popsicles, because you'd always ask for those when you were sick. oh, and a heating pad, in case you've got chills."
you felt a lump rise in your throat as you watched him unpack everything, his movements quick and efficient. he was always like this when you were a kid—hands-on, attentive, making sure you had everything you needed even when life got chaotic. and now, standing in your little airbnb kitchen, he looked just the same, though his beard was a little grayer and the lines around his eyes a little deeper.
"dad, you didn't have to do all this," you said, your voice thick with emotion.
he glanced at you, his expression softening. "yeah, i did. you're my kid, darlin'. it doesn't matter if you're five or twenty-five, i'm always gonna take care of you."
you blinked rapidly, willing the tears not to fall. "i suppose you're right."
he gave you a small smile before turning back to the bags. "and because i know you're gonna get crabby—don't deny it, you've always been a little bear when you're under the weather—I brought backup.” he pulled out a small stuffed bear, its brown fur worn and familiar. "found this guy in one of the storage boxes last week and figured you might need him."
you let out a surprised laugh, reaching for the bear. "oh my god, is this… is this mr. wiggles?"
"the one and only," he said, grinning. "thought he'd been retired, but desperate times call for desperate measures."
you hugged the bear to your chest, shaking your head. "you're ridiculous."
"and you love me for it," he said, nudging your shoulder gently. "now, go lie down. i'll heat up the soup and put on a movie."
you didn't argue, too tired and too grateful to protest. you curled up on the couch again, the blanket pulled snug around you and mr. wiggles tucked under your arm. a few minutes later, your dad appeared with a tray—soup, crackers, and a glass of ginger ale—and set it on the coffee table in front of you.
"all right, what's it gonna be?" he asked, grabbing the remote. "something funny? or one of those sappy movies you always make me watch?"
you smiled faintly. "sappy. but you're not allowed to complain."
"wouldn't dream of it," he said, settling into the recliner next to you. "though if i start crying, you're not allowed to tell anyone."
"deal," you said, your smile widening.
as the movie played, you found yourself relaxing for the first time all day. your dad stayed by your side, occasionally cracking jokes or making comments about the characters, his presence a constant comfort. and even though you felt awful, you couldn't help but feel a little better knowing he was there.
"thanks for coming, dad," you said softly as the credits rolled.
he reached over, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. "always, sweetheart. you're stuck with your old man, whether you like it or not."
and in that moment, with the warmth of the blanket, the faint taste of ginger ale on your tongue, and your dad sitting nearby, you realized there was no place you’d rather be.
SPECIAL TAGS. @floralscented @titsout4jackles @deansbite @deanswidow @jasvtsc @beausling @ultravi0lence14 @figthoughts @lacydollette @lustagel @ultravi0lence14 @beausling @ostaramoon @rubyvhs @aileenunfiltered @bluestrd @jackleslvr @fallbhind . . . ૮っ ̫ _ ྀིა
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waynes-multiverse · 1 year ago
Kinky request? 🤔 I don't know if you got this one already but how about Beau loving the risk of getting caught fucking in his office? Maybe turning it into a Blowjob under his desk befor they actually get caught by Popcorn or Jenny?🤭
A/N: Yup, I haven't forgotten about Dirty Drabbles. My inbox is still full of these, so here's another one. Enjoy some naughty alone time with our favorite Sheriff! 🤍🤠
Pairing: Beau Arlen x FBI Agent!Reader
Warnings: +18/NSFW, shameless flirting, semi-public smut, office blowjob, some fluff as well
Word Count: 1.4k
Main Masterlist || Dirty Drabbles Masterlist
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A few hasty knocks on his office door drew the Sheriff’s attention away from his files and to the intruder. He told Jenny and Poppernak he needed some peace and quiet this afternoon to catch up on the piling paperwork on his desk.
God, he hated paperwork. It was his least favorite part of the job.
“Popcorn, I told you I don’t wanna be disturbed,” Beau barked a little rougher than usual, the tension headache making him slightly cranky.
“Yes, sir, I know.” Poppernak swallowed and blinked at him insecurely, forcing a deep sigh from the Sheriff’s lips. “But, uhm, you have a visitor.”
Beau’s features lightened at that. Maybe Emily decided to surprise him with lunch. “Who?”
“FBI, sir.”
Once more, Beau sighed heavily, the crease in his brow reappearing. “Alright, what do they want?”
“She wants to see an old friend,” said a female voice, Beau’s head tilting at the familiarity before a smile spread on his freckled face.
“Sorry, couldn’t keep her out any longer,” Jenny apologized as she rushed in behind the agent.
“It’s alright,” Beau told his deputy, his grin only growing. Soon his sunny smile reached from ear to ear. “Special Agent Y/N Y/L/N, I’ll be damned… What brings you into my little corner of the world, huh?”
Y/N chuckled, her smile competing with his. “Heard you had a serial killer on your hands. Thought I check it out, offer my help…”
“Ah.” Beau nodded and got up from his creaking swivel chair, sauntering closer to her. He leaned back against his desk, crossing his arms in front of his chest, the shirt tightly stretching over his muscles. “Of course, the FBI’s snooping around. I believe that ain’t your jurisdiction, sweetheart.”
“C’mon, we’ve had fun last time we’ve worked together,” Y/N said and winked.
Beau laughed, his cheeks flushing red, the change of color luckily hidden by his beard. “That we did. And here I thought you just came here to see me.”
“Who says I didn’t?” Y/N smirked.
“You guys know each other?” Jenny asked curiously, catching some of the flirtatious air in the room. Beau guessed that if the blonde didn’t make the connection, she wouldn’t be such a good detective but still hoped she wouldn’t tease him about it once their shift was over.
“Worked a case together down in Texas. Cartel business,” Y/N explained without taking her eyes off the Sheriff. It was as if the others in the small office didn’t even exist.
“Yup, Special Agent Y/L/N is one of the best in the narcotics game,” Beau added.
“Major Crimes now, actually,” Y/N corrected him.
“Look at you!” Beau nodded, impressed, sending her a smile before he turned to his two subordinates. “Guys, how about you let me catch up with Agent Y/L/N, see if we need the FBI’s help with this one, alright?”
“Sure, boss,” Jenny said and shot him a knowing smirk. The blonde then grabbed a confused Poppernak and dragged him out of the office, closing the door behind them.
“Good to see you, Y/N,” Beau said with a warm smile as soon as the two of them were alone.
“You, too, Arlen. That Sheriff title suits you,” she replied flirtatiously. “So, you’re back with the ex?”
“Why are you asking?” he fired back immediately.
Y/N shrugged innocently. “Just assumed since you moved up here.”
“Nah, just did that for the kid,” he explained and could’ve sworn she looked relieved. “What about you? Still seeing that spunky DA?”
“Ted?” Y/N scoffed, shaking her head. “God, no. Dumped that guy months ago.”
“Good, I never liked that guy,” Beau admitted with a small smile that probably gave away too much. But if Y/N caught it, she surely didn’t care.
“Yeah, I never liked your bitch of an ex-wife either,” Y/N said bluntly and grinned at him unapologetically.
“Still got a mouth on you, huh?” Beau’s gaze wandered down her body, feeling his dick harden and strain his pants. Her hips, ass, and thighs were clad in tight denim, her breasts close to spilling out of her white blouse and bra as he bit back a lustful smirk.
“You betcha. You always loved that about me,” Y/N retorted, wiggling her eyebrows. Stalking closer to him, she stopped directly in front of him, so close their breaths mingled as her fingers played with the collar of his shirt. Chewing seductively on her lower lip, she asked, “Still into living and loving dangerously?”
Beau didn’t respond to that question. Instead, he grabbed her and pulled her closer in one swift motion, crashing his lips against hers and sliding his tongue inside her mouth.
“Lock the door,” he ordered her in a deep growl, the need for her painfully pushing against his zipper.
With the door locked, Y/N was back in his arms only seconds later. He devoured her mouth, tasted every drop of her as she moaned and palmed his rock-hard cock through the fabric.
“God, I forget every time how fucking big you are,” Y/N breathed devilishly into his ear and unbuckeled his belt.
“Shit,” Beau panted as her hand crawled inside his boxers.
Not a minute later, she was on her knees in front of him, his pants and underwear pooling around his cowboy boots and his hands caught in her hair, guiding her where he wanted her the most. As her amble lips finally enveloped his thick length, he almost blew his load right then and there. She giggled at his restraint and taunted him even further by brushing her tongue along his throbbing cock, her hand cupping and rolling his balls just the way he liked it.
Goddamn, he had forgotten how good she was at this and how much he truly had missed it.
He decided right there he wouldn’t let another opportunity pass him by. There had been too many over the years, and he knew, soon enough, there would be none left. Y/N was a catch, and he needed to be the guy who caught her before someone else – someone like fucking Ted – got to it.
“Fuck, darlin', don’t stop,” he groaned and closed his eyes as her lips sucked his dick empty.
But Y/N would’ve never dared to stop, loving the way the Sheriff jittered above her and fought tooth and nail to hold out for as long as possible. She loved how much control she had over him, how he bit his lower lip almost bloody, and how his knuckles turned white around the edge of the desk.
“If I let you come down my throat, are you gonna let me in on the case?” Y/N asked and looked up at him, her tongue mischievously teasing his swollen and leaking tip as their gazes met.
“Fuck, yeah…” Beau grunted, having a hard time getting the words out as his nerve endings were electrified. “Already made that decision when you strolled in here, sweetheart.”
“Really?” Surprised, Y/N raised a brow at him, her lips molding around his cockhead before she teasingly retreated again, repeating the torturous action a few more times.
“Shit, yeah… I want you to stay this time,” Beau pressed out through his teeth and harshly squinted his eyes closed.
“Alright,” Y/N replied nonchalantly and smirked up at him. “Thought you’d never ask, Sheriff.”
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Beau exclaimed louder than he wanted to when her head bobbed up and down his aching length with vigor.
A few more strokes of her sinful tongue, and he spilled hot white ropes of cum down her throat and pantingly watched her swallow every last drop.
Still catching his breath, he helped her back onto her feet like the gentleman he was before the supposedly locked door suddenly burst wide open and a shocked Poppernak blinked at him with even wider eyes, not knowing where to look.
“Uh, sorry, sir! I thought you called!”
Sheriff Arlen then turned the deepest shade of red of his life, this time even visible through his thick beard, hearing Y/N’s amused laugh reverberate in his ringing ears. He was literally caught with his pants down.
And now, Beau was certain he’d never hear the end of it from his deputy.
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Hope you enjoyed this one, ladies ✌️
This one-shot serves as a prequel to a series. Read more of this couple here: Polaris 🌌
Everything Jensen: @akshi8278 @xlynnbbyx @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @blackcherrywhiskey @deansbbyx @foxyjwls007 @ladysparkles78 @roseblue373
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 6 months ago
The Change: Beau
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Summary: Beau's having a normal Saturday night when he catches a strange scent in the wind...
The Change
Pairing: Alpha!Beau Arlen x omega!reader
Word Count: 8,000ish
Warnings: language, angst, minor violence/injuries, fluff, implied smut
A/N: Y'all wanted more of The Change and I thought what better way to fill in some of the gaps than by taking a peak through Beau's perspective! While not 100% necessary to read The Change to understand this story, it's highly recommended!
Saturday Night
“Dad, are you okay?” I turned my head towards Em, forcing a smile. She raised an eyebrow from her chair nearby the fire pit, a blanket over her lap. “You look worried.”
“It’s fine.” Shit. I bit my tongue but she was giving me that look again. That “we need to communicate openly, remember what the counselor said, dad?” look. I slumped down in my chair, trying to ignore the strong whiff of omega floating through the breeze. 
I could smell Em by my side. All sugar cookies, lavender, fresh linen, with that oh so subtle hint of fresh rain that was baked into the Arlen pack. Scenting had it’s limits though. It only worked maybe twenty feet or so away. 
So why the hell did I smell an Omega with rain in her scent but nothing else? We had some land to ourselves, a good ten acres, on the edge of the neighborhood. There was no feasible way I could be smelling an omega all the way up here.
“Dad!” Emily barked. I shot upright, looking around for any sign of danger. “What’s wrong with you? You smell…weird.”
“Weird?” I lifted my jacket collar and sniffed, something certainly off about it. She shrugged.
“You smell, like you did when you found me at the mine,” she said quietly. “You know, way on red alert. What’s wrong?”
“I’m not sure…” I said, standing slowly. I was prepared to make up an excuse but Emily was watching with those big doe brown eyes and it made my heart clench. Communication. Right. “I uh, smell an omega which is weird when it’s only the two of us out here.”
Em smirked, a frown crawling onto my face. “Well there is one reason Alphas can smell an omega that’s far away when they aren’t in the pack. You know…soulmates.”
I blinked at her, cocking my head. “That’s not…your mom was-”
“Daddy.” I froze still, eyes locked on hers. “I mean this in the nicest way but you and mom are not soulmates. Your bond broke way before you got divorced and soulmates never get divorced. You care about each other but it’s not that soulmate love.”
“I thought you wanted me and your mother back together for the longest time,” I said quietly, slowly sitting. Emily slumped down, fisting her blanket. 
“Me too. But you’re happier here than I think I ever saw you with mom. What’d you tell me? Don’t settle for convenient and easy?” I smiled, reaching over to mess up her hair, earning a groan that made my heart happy. 
“Sometimes I forget my sassy child is full of wisdom,” I said.
“Going to traumatic murder camp and getting kidnapped will do that to you,” she said with a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes, chuckling as I ruffled it one more time. She’d been pretty shook up after everything last year and Carla didn’t love Em’s dark humor but the counselor said it was a healthy way for her to cope and shit, I wasn’t about to stop her.
These days, it was hard to tell anything even happened to her besides the occasional nightmare.
“I’m going to run out real quick and pick up some ice cream. Flavors?” I asked. She rolled her eyes. “What?”
“Go find this little omega of yours. I can handle being alone,” she said. I stared at her, Em rolling her eyes. “Fine. You can have a sheriff come over.”
“Thank you,” I said, kissing her temple. “Put the fire out for me please when you’re done. I’ll be back soon.”
“Have fun finding your soulmate!” she teased, not noticing the way my heart jumped up to my throat at her words.
Twenty minutes later I was walking around town, following the growing scent of rain when something else mixed in. Something sharp, painful.
Danger. Omega in danger. Your Omega is in danger.
I took off in a sprint down the sidewalk, following the scent and turning the corner to a dark parking lot next to a pharmacy.
“Get off!” someone muffled a shout under a large hand, that someone being my goddamn omega, my soulmate, my everything. 
I drew my weapon and fired a shot in the air without thinking, nearly pulling the trigger on the two scumbags pinning her down.
Calm down. She needs you more than you want to hurt them. 
I reluctantly took a breath, listening to the inner voice in my head. “On your bellies. Hands on your head or the next one goes through your spine.”
The two assholes rolled off of her and I quickly glanced at the omega. Her cheek was scuffed up and she looked sacred but damn, she knocked the breath out of me.
Hairs prickled the back of my neck as I inhaled her scent. 
Fuuuuuuck. She smelled like fresh rain, she had that Arlen pack scent. My vision swam for the briefest of moments as my heart thudded happily at finding it’s soulmate. Alright, I could be a pile of mush later. I needed backup and these guys restrained before I not so accidentally started shooting off pieces for touching her.
“Mam’, are you alright?” I asked. She nodded quickly and thankfully it looked like they hadn’t done more than knock her to the ground before I was able to step in. I pulled out my phone, shoving it between my shoulder and ear. “Dispatch, this is Arlen. I need two squad cars at the Rite-Aid pharmacy off of Main. Two suspects in custody. Attempted assault. Vic appears okay besides some minor injuries.”
“We’ll have two cars over in under two, Sheriff.”
“Thanks, Abby,” I said, staying on the line but shoving the phone in my pocket just in case. I secured one man with my cuffs but I needed something else unless I wanted to sit on top of this guy. Meanwhile, the omega was scrambling across the pavement, trying to pick up the items she’d bought into the plastic bag in her hand. She reached for a small pack of zip ties, slightly odd to pick up in the middle of the night but I’d hold off on my judgment.
“Mind if I borrow that?” She let me take the package and remove a tie, securing the second man, albeit he could get out if he really tried. “Thank you mam.”
She was clearly petrified and putting on a brave face. She shoved a bottle of pills in her bag as I asked her once again if she was alright.
“Never better!” She said in an abnormally high pitched voice. She popped to her feet before I could help her up, a slow sigh escaping me. “Uh, thanks.”
Be a calming presence for her.
But then she was trying to leave down the dark parking lot again and I grabbed her arm on instinct. Didn’t she realize the safest place for her was by my side? “Whoa, whoa. These guys can’t do anything to you. Backup will be here in two minutes tops. I know you want to get home but we need a statement and you should get that scuff cleaned up by a paramedic. Hell, I can do it for you back at the station.”
She just kept staring at me and alarm bells were going off in my head. Did she have a concussion? Did she hit the back of her head? Okay, she needed to be seen by a doctor right now. “Alright. I think you hit your head a little harder than we both realized when they knocked you down. Why don’t you take a seat-”
I was not expecting my dream girl to proceed to knee me in the dick so hard my life flashed before my eyes. I heard a sorry squeak out as she took off and I lay on the ground, trying to get my bearings.
“Nice one, sheriff,” snided one of the men in custody. I grunted, kicking him in shoulder as I sat up. “Fucker, you can’t do that!”
“If it were up to me, I’d beat the shit out of you, drop you off a cliff and let the animals eat you alive.” I rolled to my knees and got up as a squad car showed up, an officer running out.
“You alright, boss?” I waved him off. 
“Read these two their rights. I’m going after the victim,” I said, jogging past him and down the street, catching tail lights in the distance. I made it to my truck and was on the road just as she turned left about a mile away. I cursed as I lost sight but then I rolled down my window, taking a deep breath.
Her scent was subtle but I followed it down a dirt road and up a barely there path through the trees to a rundown looking cabin. There was a light on inside and I jogged up to the door when her scent was stronger. “Miss? It’s Sheriff Beau Arlen. We met just a short time ago. I’m doing a wellness check. Please answer the door.”
The omega ripped open the door, the fear from before replaced with etches of worry. 
“Hi. My dad fell earlier today. I think he broke his leg. He’s in the bathroom.” Oh, this poor thing. I nodded, giving her a smile. 
“Okay. We can call an ambulance and-”
“He’s terrified of public places. Of catching the…sickness.” Sickness? What the hell was she talking about? “I know he needs a hospital but is there any way we can limit the number of people he’s around? Like a doctors office or something?”
I breathed deeply, picking up on her father’s bland scent indicating he was Beta. But in her own home this Omega should have smelled like something more than fresh rain. Anything at all. 
Shit, she smelled like Emily had before she fully presented. Like a blank canvas. But how the hell had this woman in her early thirties that was presented as omega not smell like one?
“How the hell…” I shook my head. She simply hadn’t had a proper heat before which in theory was possible if she hadn’t been around an Alpha during her cycle before. Strange but not completely unheard of. A groan in the background had me straightening myself. “Alright. I’ll see what I can do to accommodate his…needs.”
She thanked me and attempted to have me leave but I was already texting dispatch, telling them I was about to have a first time adult heat. God, I remember when Carla had hers. She was bent over in pain one second yelling at me for existing and trying to jump my bones the next telling me how much she needed me. Even though I was struggling through a damn rut in exhaustive pain.
That should have been my first clue that her needs would always outweigh mine.
I sighed when our argument turned heated, the poor little omega in front of me overwhelmed with fear and hormones and likely a good dose of paranoia. She collapsed as I caught her in my arms, gently laying her down to the ground.
“What the hell did you do to my daughter!” shouted her father from a room off to the side. “You infected her you-”
“Hey!” I barked, placing a pillow under her head and brushing the hair from her face. I stood and stormed over to him, wincing at the nasty piece of meat that was his leg. “You are going to tell me exactly what has been going on around here with her, with you, all of it.”
“You got her sick!” I squatted down, narrowing my eyes. He returned it, breathing hard. “You nasty smelling mutt. You bite her and I’ll kill you.”
“So you do know a thing or two about this situation,” I said with a smile. “Now. Tell me everything or this nasty mutt with a gun and a badge will start thinking you’re keeping your daughter locked away and doing some very nasty things.”
“I would never, you perverted-” I snarled, the Beta biting his tongue.
“Do not disrespect me. I am here to help her and her alone. Now she’s going into heat, uneducated and scared. Her body is going to be in pain and she doesn’t understand why all because you have lied to her for a decade. I would never be so cruel to my daughter.” He swallowed, his gaze going to behind me where she lay on the floor. “She will be fine but you need to tell me everything. Now.”
Five Hours Later
“Good evening, Dr. Y/L/N. This is sheriff Beau Arlen of the Helena police department. I apologize for the late call but we have a situation here with your father and sister,” I said from the corner of the hospital room where Y/N laid fast asleep. She’d awoken confused and more than a little…primal a few hours ago. I could only imagine what it felt like to go through your first heat with your soulmate sitting eight feet away. 
She smelled delectable, enough so I had to ask for some scent blockers for myself so I’d stop getting so damn horny around her. 
“Please call me Emmet. Are they okay? I haven’t heard from my sister in a decade so any news-”
“She’s alright Emmet. She’s currently at our local hospital being treated for her first heat. Your father broke his leg badly a few days ago and is in the ICU recovering from surgery.” Emmet swore on other line and breathed deeply.
“My father is paranoid, Sheriff. I called him on the night of the Change years ago and told him to take my kid sister out of the city for a few days until we knew what was going on. I called him five days after and told him it was okay to go back but they never did. I’ve explained to him over and over again that she is perfectly safe. I could never track him down.”
“They appear to be staying at an old cabin on the edge of town here,” I said, Emmet groaning.
“They went to grandpa’s hunting cabin? Jesus christ. I forgot that place existed. Is Y/N alright?” 
“She’s fine, Emmet. She’s a strong woman, her body just needs to catch up a little is all.” Emmet huffed.
“She was supposed to work at a big accounting firm. She got a really good job out of college and then she disappeared with him. The paranoid fucker’s probably kept her locked up there for years.” My heart skipped a beat. “Sorry. He wouldn’t hurt her. Dad’s just…always been overprotective of her. Always. Something happened when she was young and…yeah, he’s always been afraid of her getting hurt again.”
“Emmet, any information you can relay to me might help me understand your father better. I need to know if your sister has been at that cabin all these years of her own free will or not.” 
Emmet was quiet for a beat, a chair creaking as if he were sitting down in the background. “Our father was a lawyer. A prosecutor. He put away a killer…for a very dangerous and powerful family. I was in college at the time. They broke in one night and killed our mother and kidnapped Y/N. She was maybe four? I don’t think she even remembers. It took a few days to get her back and that was only because she bit one of them and ran away and out a window.” I smirked, closing my eyes.
“Always been tough as nails even when she’s afraid, huh.” 
“Yeah. Dad was different with her after that. Always blamed himself. Way too protective. She tried to appease him but she always wanted to live her own life too. The idea of her being claimed by someone-”
“He literally can’t handle it,” I finished. Emmet hummed. “Thank you for the information Emmet. I’ll speak with your sister more but I doubt we’ll press charges.”
“Mr. Arlen, I’ll be down in a few days. I need to speak to my sister, and father. I’m in Seattle these days and I think it’s best if she stays with me for the time being.” I cleared my throat, walking out of the room and to the hallway. “My father will need intensive rehab if it’s as bad as you say and then in-home care, both of which will be much easier to provide if I’m there-”
“Emmet, there’s not an easy way to say this so I’ll just spit it out. I got involved tonight because I was able to scent your sister from my backyard over eight miles away from where we met. Now, you’re a doctor. You tell me the only scenario in which that is possible.” Emmet was quiet, my heart hammering. “Dr. Y/L/N-”
“Are you a good man?” he asked. I sat down on a hall bench, glancing down.
“I’m divorced, I got ten years on her and a teenage daughter. I am by no means perfect. If she wants to go to Seattle, I will not stop her.” I crossed my arms, leaning back against the wall. “But I can promise you, she will be safe with me and free to live her life. I do not intend to hold her back.”
“I seriously doubt my sister’s going to want to leave your side once her heat calms down and she realizes who you are to her,” he said with a hum. “Sheriff.”
“I’ll take my dad off your hands once he’s ready for in-home care. Let Y/N live in a town without him for a while.” 
“What’s she like?” I asked, screwing professionalism for the moment. “You said she wanted to be an accountant?”
“Pft, god no. She would have worked at a bakery if she had her choice but you know how parents can be,” said Emmet. “You said your name was Beau, right?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Well Beau, considering this is likely the first of many conversations we’ll have throughout our lives, a word of advice. If she wants to work at a goddamn bakery, let her. If you guys ever need help, just tell me. I got more than enough. I just want my baby sister to be alright.” I smiled, relaxing my shoulders.
“I appreciate it Emmet but I do alright on my own. Like I said, I will not be the one holding her back from whatever it is she wants to do.” I could feel her scent pick up, twitchy, wanting me nearby. “I got to run but I appreciate the talk and I’m looking forward to meeting you. I’ll make sure she gets a chance to talk to you tomorrow.”
I hung up and slipped back in the room, pulling my chair closer, her scent calming. My phone dinged and I frowned. What the hell was Emily doing up at 2 in the morning?
How’s the soulmate search going? Pop says hi by the way. We ordered pizza. There’s leftovers in the fridge if you ever come home tonight. Please tell me you’re not stalking some woman in the middle of the night. 
“This child,” I grumbled, typing a long message before my phone pinged again, eyebrows raised.
I can talk to her. I know more about being an Omega than you do to be fair. She’s probably scared. I can dig up those Change puberty books from the basement.
Thank you, Em. We’ll talk in the morning. Now get some sleep..
I frowned, shooting off another text.
Tell Pop if he eats all my mint fudge ice cream again I’m firing him. 
Too late. Night dad!
I sighed, resting my phone on my chest and sliding down in the chair. I kicked off my boots and propped my feet up at the end of Y/N’s bed. 
“So. Not how I imagined my first night with my soulmate,” I said quietly. “How about you, darlin’? Everything you dreamed of?”
She snored lightly in bed, rolling over on her side and staying in a deep slumber. 
“Well don’t chat my ear off, I’m trying to sleep,” I chuckled. She scratched her belly absently, breathing deeply. “Goodnight, omega.”
The Next Day
Despite an albeit awkward start to the day, the smile on Y/N’s face as she and Emily shared the far side of the booth and devoured a brownie sundae was putting a big on on mine. Y/N hadn’t had much of anything besides basic foods for ten years and she was ordering every greasy, fatty, sugary thing on the menu. 
It was kind of adorable the way she guzzled down a pile of poutine on her own and then asked for seconds.
“Is Y/N coming home with us?” asked Emily a little eagerly. I lightly kicked her shin under the table, Em pouting. “That’s child abuse.”
“Child abuse is you hitting me in the nuts with a baseball bat when you were four. Pretty sure you were trying to make sure you were an only child from the start.”
“I wouldn’t mind a sibling-“ I kicked her again, Emily glaring back. Y/N looked between us with a goofy smirk, gravy at the corner of her mouth.
“You guys are really cute. I wish I’d had that with my dad,” she said, her face falling momentarily. She cleared her throat though and wiped off her lips, glancing at me. “Your dad and I have to talk about a lot of things but in the meantime he said he had an idea about where I could stay. You guys have a trailer on your property?”
“Dad used to live in an air streamer when he moved here,” said Emily, smirking at me. “If you need a love nest-“
“Do not tell her about nesting,” I growled, Emily grinning like a Cheshire cat. Y/N blinked at both of us, her head tilting. I cleared my throat when I sensed her…fuck, she was horny as fuck.
Cool it with the Alpha voice bucko.
“Nesting is um, well…” I trailed off, Emily pipping right in.
“It’s when the Alpha goes all crazy and makes you a comfy bed with pillows and blankets and stuff so you can pass a heat surrounded by their scent. And to fuck in a lot but the scent stuff too.” I dropped my head to the table, a low whine escaping. “They teach us in health class.”
“In my health class all they did was show us pictures of STI’s,” said Y/N, her fingers grazing my scalp. I raised my head, heart skipping at the feel of her touch in my hair. Her face was so soft, so unlike the fearful one of last night. “Relax. I’m not going anywhere and Emily’s bluntness is appreciated.”
Emily glanced at Y/N and then myself, making an excuse to use the restroom. Y/N’s hand dropped to the table, a pout forming on my face. She giggled though, the sound calming me. “Can you…smell me, Y/N?”
“Sure,” she said coyly, laughing when I rolled my eyes. “I think so. I don’t quite understand it but I know you’re nervous. You like when Emily teases you but there’s something a little on edge with you. I’m still trying to figure all this out to be honest.”
“It’s okay,” I said, reaching a hand up and gently taking hers in mine. My thumb stroked over the back of her skin and I held it up, closer to her. “You won’t be able to do that with most people. Only your mate can you tell certain things. We don’t exactly understand that part of it yet.”
“I imagine it gets a bit complicated when you mix advanced evolution with metaphysical souls,” she said, tilting her head, turning my hand over and stroking my palm. Her big eyes stared at my skin, nose twitching when she inhaled. “Everything in my head says I’m a moron for trusting a strange man, that you could hurt me or worse. But then I do this…”
She tugged me closer, pulling my hand to her warm cheek, her skin velvety soft. Her bond pulsed hard under the skin of her neck, so subtle no one would notice but I could see it thumping away like it had it’s own heartbeat. Y/N’s eyes searched my face, looking for an answer to a question she didn’t know how to ask.
“There are some people that don’t believe in true mates. They think it’s just hopeless romantics making shit up,” I said, pulling my hand down, grazing her bond with my fingertips. Soft lips parted, Y/N’s eyes dewy at the touch. “Touch my neck.”
She tentatively reached across the table, letting me guide her hand to the left side. “My gland is much smaller but it’s there. Now push down on it.”
Y/N didn’t look convinced but gently nudged two fingers against the skin. I jerked back just as she did, a bolt of peacefulness shooting through my body. She rubbed her own gland, breathing hard. “What the fuck was that?”
“Think of it like there’s a rope connecting our souls. We just tugged on it,” I grinned, rubbing my chest. “So we can’t get lost from each other ever again. True mates form that bond even without the physical connection being met yet which is why you could tell I was nervous.”
Y/N smiled, placing a hand over her bond. “So that’s why you don’t feel so strange. Huh.”
“We can take this as slow as we want to,” I said, taking out my phone, checking the time. Y/N shoveled one last scoop of ice cream in her mouth before sliding out of the booth. “Where-“
“Emily has school in the morning. We should head out,” she said, catching Emily returning from the bathrooms. “We’ll meet you out front?”
“Y/N.” I hopped up quickly. Shit, was I making her nervous? I opened my mouth to speak but she was right there, placing a finger to my lips.
“It’s okay, sheriff,” she murmured, grazing her knuckles over my beard. “Just need a little girl talk.”
“About what?” I asked quietly.
“About…just trust me?” I held up my hands, Y/N backing away before popping outside with Em. 
“Sheriff,” said a deep, monotone voice. I spun around, Donno standing there with a styrofoam box. “Rhubarb pie.”
“I didn’t order-“ Donno shoved it forward, my hands barely catching it. 
“She wants it.” I raised my eyebrow, glancing outside to where Y/N and Emily were leaning against the truck. “She wanted pie and this is all we have.”
“Uh, thanks Donno,” I said. He half growled and I handed him my credit card. He grumpily took it behind the counter, handing it back with a grimace. “How’s things with Tonya?” 
He grunted and I chuckled. 
“Later, Donno. You and your girl stay out of trouble.” I ducked outside with the pie, the girls giving me a smile. “Everything all set?”
“Never better.”
“Hey, Em?” I asked after showing Y/N the airstreamer when we got home. She was downstairs talking to her brother, all sorts of giddy scents coming off her. “Got a sec?”
She put her phone down, frowning when I pushed it away and set it on the charger. “First off, it’s bedtime. Second, is everything okay with you and Y/N? I know everything’s been moving fast and if you want to talk about anything, I’m here.”
“We’re fine,” she said softly, giving me that look I’d seen in therapy too many times. I pouted, Em sighing. “She was…her body did something at the diner. She said you guys touched bonds which made her…you know…down there…”
“Oh.” I sat on the edge of her bed, holding my hands on my lap. “Was she embarrassed? I shouldn’t have-“
“No, she just wanted to make sure it was normal to…get all…slick and fuck, this is as bad as the sex talk.”
“I thought we did a good job with it,” I said, ruffling her hair. “Are you okay with her being here?”
“Duh,” she said, sitting upright and giving me a hug. “She’s your soulmate, dad. Of course, I want her to stay with us.”
I tucked her head under my chin, giving her a deep squeeze. “Dad. Too tight.”
“Alright,” I said, releasing her. “I’ll make sure Y/N understands you already have a mom and-”
“We kind of talked about that when you were paying.” Em shrugged. “Y/N said she didn’t want to overstep anything and said it’s probably best right now if we’re more like friends? Until we figure out what we want.”
“I’m going to have a hard time keeping up with you two staying ahead of me,” I chuckled, hearing a loud crash downstairs. I stood up, Em pouting. “Stay. Go to bed.”
She grumbled as I left and jogged down the steps. Y/N was bent over in the kitchen, her scent stressed but not in pain. 
“Y/N?” I asked. She popped her head up, swallowing thickly as I saw she’d dropped her bottle of heat medication and the pills had gone all of the floor. “Hey, hey. What’s wrong?”
I knelt down and started to help pick them up, Y/N moving farther away to pick up the scattered pills. I reached out and caught her wrist, Y/N’s breath hitching. She looked over her shoulder, body tense. 
“It was an accident,” I said softly. She looked down and I frowned. “Hey. I can smell you’re upset but we still need to talk. What’s going through that head? Did your brother say something?”
“No.” She shoved the pills in the bottle, waiting for me to deposit mine inside. The cap snapped on and she shot up, stepping past me for the front door. I caught up to her on the front porch, not touching her but holding up my hands. She squeezed her eyes shut, rubbing her temple. “Please move. Better yet, take me back to the cabin.”
“...If that’s where you want to be,” I said. She went straight to the truck, barefoot, climbing inside. I got in after her, leaving my keys in my pocket. I could sense her agitation rising, especially when I turned towards her. “What did your brother say, Y/N?”
“He told me he contacted my dad right after the change. How dad would call him every few years. He didn’t know I thought he was dead all this time,” she breathed out. She shook her head, wrapping her arms tight around herself. “You have an idiot for a soulmate.”
“Now I don’t believe that’s true for a second. I-”
“Beau.” Y/N glared at me but her eyes were more watery than anything else. “You have a teenage daughter that knows more about how sex works in this world than I do. I’m…a child. You deserve so much better than me. I’ve never had a real job. I’ve never had my own place. Shit, my longest relationship lasted two months. J-Just throw me back in the woods so I can be alone.”
Omega in pain. Omega in pain. 
She moved as far away as possible, staring out the window as a primal urge in my head was trying to take over.
Protect her. PROTECT HER. Do your job. 
“No.” She shifted in her sheet, making her eyes as hard as she could. “I don’t care if you hate me. I will never abandon you. Ever.”
“I’m a fucking project, not a soumate,” she scoffed. 
“You think I’m perfect?” 
“Um, have you met you because yes, you are,” she grit out. I growled, her scent shooting through the roof as I leaned over and cupped her cheek. Her lips parted, breath mingling with my own. “W-What are you doing?”
“I don’t like when you’re mean to yourself,” I said, my voice lower than usual as I kept a tight control on letting my Alpha out. Y/N shivered under my touch and she looked away embarrassed. “Don’t you dare be embarrassed for making slick. You are in heat next to your true mate. I’d be concerned if you weren’t.”
“I don’t know anything,” she whispered, still not looking at me. “I don’t know how to be an adult or have my soulmate be someone way out of my league or what you want me to be to Emily. You have an ex-wife and you have such an important job and you’re single dad and it doesn’t matter how nice you smell or if you give me lightning bolts. I am and will be a burden to you.”
I sat back in my seat, breathing hard. Y/N sniffled, keeping her head low. “I know I’ve upset you, I can smell it.”
“I’m upset you’re upset. I’m not upset at you,” I said quietly. Every instinct I had said pull her into my lap, bite her neck and press the magic fix it button to flood her full of so much ooey gooey good feeling crap she’ll never remember why she had doubts in the first place.
Talk to her.
I swallowed, closing my eyes. “My partner died two years ago. He was my best friend.”
“Beau.” She unfurled her hands from her body surely because one of them was interlacing with my own. “I’m so sorry.”
“I blamed myself for a long time. For too long. For something out of my control,” I said, opening my eyes, finding her misty ones. “It drove my ex away. It drove Emily away too for a while. I’m so scared of loving someone else and losing them. Y/N, it took everything in me to not kill those men that attacked you last night. I am not fucking perfect and you are way way too hard on yourself. News flash, nobody knows how to be an adult. We’re all just pretending and a smart woman like you, hell you already are thinking of my daughter before I am. You are not behind. You are right where you’re supposed to be.“
“I…” She sighed, squeezing my hand. “I’m sorry that happened to your friend.”
“Did you get any of the rest of that?” 
“Yeah,” she said softly. “So we both need to take it easier on ourselves.”
“I got faith in us.” She wiped off her face as she nodded, her scent turning calm and gentle. “Come on. It’s been a long day and you’re at the tail end of your heat. You need to get some rest.”
“Dad!” I bottled upright in bed, groggy and reaching for my gun when Emily burst in the bedroom. “It’s almost seven. Move your ass. I’m not getting detention for being late again because of you.”
“Good morning to you too,” I mumbled, setting my gun back on the bedside table and flopping back against the pillows.
“Pro tip,” she said, whacking me with a pillow. I groaned, growling as I sat back up. “Maybe go make you and your new omega girlfriend some coffee? Not like she talked about coffee for like a solid thirty minutes with your coffee snob ass last night.”
“Someone’s got a mouth on her this morning,” I said, tossing back the covers, Em rolling her eyes as she left. “What?”
“I’m so going to be late,” she muttered, jogging downstairs. I grumbled, padding into the bathroom and getting ready for the day. Em was in a mood when I found her by the front door waiting for me but it was no big deal to me if she was late a few minutes. For one, that school started too damn early at 7:30. She had freaking study hall first period of the day which was just plain stupid. Plus that principal of hers had more than a few unpaid parking tickets I could leverage. 
I whipped up a cup of coffee and poured the rest in my thermos, tossing some half and half in the mug before whistling on my way outside. “Dad!”
“Five minutes, pumpkin. Why don’t you lock up and I’ll meet you at the truck?” I slipped outside, Em muttering again as I walked across the yard. WIth two knocks on the door of the airstream, it opened, Y/N half-asleep as she answered in last night’s clothes. “Good morning, gorgeous.”
“You’re lucky you’re hot,” she mumbled, perking up when I held out an orange mug. “Is that-”
“Coffee. Two tablespoons half & half. Hold the cream and sugar.” Her eyes welled up as she took the mug. “You really missed coffee, huh?”
“You were paying attention to what I said last night,” she whispered. I cocked my head, leaning my hip against the door jam. “Thank you for the coffee, Beau. I really appreciate it.”
“No worries.” The truck horn honked and I rolled my eyes, Y/N smirking. “I have to run before that one hotwires the car without me but I’ll be back and we can go shopping for whatever you need. Food. Clothes. Whatever you want. I’ll be back in about thirty.”
“Thanks, Alpha.” She stepped forward and pecked a kiss to my cheek, grinning when I blushed. “That’s adorable.”
“I’m from Texas. We don’t blush,” I said despite feeling the radiating heat on my face. She raised an eyebrow, her smile turning a hair darker. “Omega…”
“You know that only makes me want to find out how to make you blush more, right?” I pouted but didn’t mean it, Y/N seeing right through it. “All that for a peck on the cheek. I wonder how red I can get you when I properly kiss you.”
“Down girl,” I purred, adjusting myself and in desperate need of one of my scent blockers again. “Let’s cool our jets. Once we start playing around, it’s going to be hard for either one of us to not want to bond.”
“Sorry,” she said, not looking it one bit. She pressed the mug to her lips, eyes closing as she took her first sip. “Wow. Yeah, I’m so keeping you. This is the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had.”
“Well that’s a relief,” I chuckled, the horn honking incessantly in the background. “I’m sorry about the sassy child.”
“It’s fine. Take her to school. I’ll be here.”
“I’ll be right back, darlin’.”
Four Weeks Later
Y/N was tucked against my side, resting her head on my shoulder and draping her arm over my chest. Soft, slow breaths left her lips, nose buried against my pec. Oh so carefully I thumbed over the fresh bite mark on her neck. Ordinarily I’d think the best thing to do would be not touch it but instinct was telling me to gently soothe the ache away and her pain would be gone by the time the flood of hormones in her body dropped.
“How we feeling, Omega?” Y/N tightened her hold on my body, snuggling harder. 
“Fuzzy,” she mumbled, a smile on her lips. “You?”
“Fuzzy’s a good way to describe it,” I chuckled. “You did so well.”
“Not so bad yourself,” she laughed, eyes closing. “You smell even nicer now if that’s possible.”
“I know the feeling.” I stroked my fingers up and down her bare back, tracing patterns against the soft flesh. “So…would you maybe want to move into the house?”
“You really know how to pillow talk, babe,” she said against my shoulder, smirking against it. “And yes, I’m tired of being away from you guys.”
“Okie dokie.” Y/N snorted, lifting herself up onto her palms to look at me. “What?”
“You’re way too hot to be that adorable.” I shrugged, smirking as I gripped her waist and pulled her tight against my chest, earning a gasp. “Oh you want to play?”
“With you? Forever.” I grasped her chin with my thumb and finger, pulling her into a deep kiss. “Who’s ready for round two?”
Three Months Later
“Emmet!” Y/N squealed and jumped into her brothers arms the second I had the front door open. He laughed deeply, dropping his luggage on the porch to catch her.
“Fuck Y/N, I’m forty six years old. You’re going to throw out my back if you keep doing that every time I visit,” he laughed, spinning her around. “How you doing, kiddo? Keeping your Alpha in line?”
“She wishes,” I said, giving him a brief hug when he set her down. “Where’s Max?”
“She’s coming up on Saturday. Covering a double at the hospital,” said Emmet, giving Emily a hug when she popped out of the kitchen. “Em, mind helping me get the presents?”
She threw on her coat and boots, following Emmet outside as I saw Y/N’s father putter around their rental car. Emmet said something to him, the man giving Emily a brief smile before he carefully walked across the shoveled driveway.
“Beau.” Y/N frowned at him, his jaw clenching when he saw the faded mark on her neck. “Emmet’s right. You really did claim her.”
Y/N stepped onto the porch, waves of powerful scent washing over us. “This is my house, dad. If you’re going to be a dick, you can go sit in a hotel room by yourself for a week while the rest of us celebrate the holidays. As a pack. Beau’s family is coming in tomorrow and you will not-“
“Down omega,” I purred, Y/N allowing me to pull her back a few steps. “She’s a tad defensive of me and Emily is all. Darlin’, why don’t you help the Em’s.”
A moment later Darren and I were alone. I nodded, walking him around the wrap around porch to the side of the house where a pair of rocking chairs sat. I took a seat in the far one, Darren hesitantly sitting in the opposite.
“Y/N and I like to sit out here in the morning and have our coffee together.” Darren grunted, lips pressed into a thin line. “How’s the leg?”
“It hurts,” he grumbled. 
“But you can walk on your own on it. Emmet says that’s a good sign.” He leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees.
“Arlen, enough with the small talk. Say what you mean to say away from my daughter.” I leaned back, rocking a few times, enjoying the chill breeze.
“Your daughter didn’t want you to come. The only reason you are invited is because I asked her to give you another chance.” He scoffed. “You were pretty nasty when we showed up at rehab a few months ago and saw she was claimed.”
“You manipulated her into being with you. She doesn’t know it yet but you’ll turn on her. I know cops like you, especially cop mutts. Don’t blame me for seeing exactly who you are.”
“Well fuck you,” said Emily, appearing around the corner. 
Back off, pup. I got this.
Only she ignored the warning in my scent, the clear line she would have picked up in favor of storming over in front of Darren. “You’re an asshole.”
“The mouth on you,” said Darren, frowning up at her. “You learn that from your father?”
“If anyone’s the manipulative asshole around here maybe it’s the guy who scared his kid into staying in a cabin for a decade,” she spit out. Darren opened his mouth, Emily holding up a hand. “My dad’s not perfect but thank god I have him. Bad stuff happened to both of us but he doesn’t keep me locked up. So maybe stop being an ass to the guy that makes Y/N happy for the first time in ten years.”
“Emily,” I said as she started to walk away. “Em!”
“Ground me but I am not apologizing,” she said, walking off back around the corner. I sighed, side eyeing Darren.
“You know what, you say and think what you want about me but don’t you dare speak ill of my daughter,” I said. “She has been through more shit than you could ever know so do not blame her for being defensive of her family which includes your daughter.” 
I stood, putting my hands on my hips, looking out over the barren yard, a light layer of snow dusting it.
“It’s not personal,” said Darren after a beat. “I’d hate any man that tried to take her away. I’ve hated all of her ex’s.”
“I know something about having a daughter that was kidnapped.” I turned over my shoulder, Darren’s face paling. “You didn’t keep her safe. You squashed her. From the moment I met your daughter, I’ve had to help her learn that she can have goals and dreams of her own. She lived her whole life trying to appease you. She will never do that with me. Never. So I understand the fear and pain of dealing with your little girl being taken and feeling like a failure as a father. But we have to let them go because our little girls are a lot stronger than us fathers give them credit for. Let them show us. The only person my kid mouths off with is me, her mother, and Y/N. Her parents. For her to do that just now means you really ticked her off. So stop protecting Y/N for one second and get to know that strong kid of yours.”
He was quiet, no words spoken between us as he rose.
“Your daughter reminds me of Y/N when she was younger.”
“Em adores Y/N…aside when Y/N goes mom mode and makes Em do her chores,” I chuckled. Darren cleared his throat. “The girls are still figuring out their roles but Y/N’s gotten more comfortable stepping into that parental role. They’re friends more than anything. Family.”
“Right,” he said quietly. “How angry is Y/N with me?”
“Oh, pretty mad,” I laughed. “She’ll forgive you eventually. Probably. I’d stop calling her mate a manipulative mutt, though. Might help out there just a tad.”
He lowered his head with a nod. “Let’s go in before you freeze.”
“Alpha,” Y/N murmured from beside me in bed late that night. I had my face shoved into the crook of her neck, arms bundled under her maroon sweatshirt, formerly our sweatshirt, formerly formerly my sweatshirt. “Noooo, get your greedy hands away from my fleece.”
“No can do, darlin’,” I murmured, arms shoved under the soft material, her eyes narrowing. “I’m not going to cop a feel.”
“Sure you won’t,” she teased. “We can play in a minute. Real talk right now.”
“What’s up?” I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist, lifting my head. Her fingers raked through my hair, massaging my scalp. I hummed, resting my chin on her shoulder. 
“I don’t know what you said to my dad earlier but thank you. He was different.”
“Well, Emily should really get the credit. She stole my thunder,” I said, Y/N’s scent swirling around the room. “Our girl really loves you, you know.”
She flushed, smiling when I kissed her jaw. “Thank you both then.”
“You’re welcome. Now,” I said, grabbing the ends of the sweatshirt, pushing them up her body. “I think you stole this.”
“Going to arrest me for it?” she murmured, pulling me into a chaste kiss before rolling to the far edge of the bed and out of my grasp. She sat up with a fake pout, batting her eyes as I crawled over. “That’s a good look for you, Alpha. On all fours for me.”
“For fucks sake, Omega,” I growled, grabbing her ankle and yanking her body underneath mine as she giggled. “What am I going to do with you?”
“I’m sure you’ll come up with something, Alpha Boy.” I laughed into her neck, kissing over her healed mark. 
“For you, Omega, anything at all.”
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cheynovak · 16 days ago
Blind date
One shot story
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Y/N F/reader
Summary: Y/N is Carla's best friend and ER doctor who transfered to Big sky Montana. Beau and Y/N where set up on a blind date, one thing leads to another that leads to complications.
Warnings: 18+, smut, talk of sex, keeping secrets, ...
English isn't my first language
Please do not copy my work. Sharing/Linking and comments are appreciated.
This story does not follow the original timeline of the series.
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Y/N stepped into the dimly lit bar, her eyes scanning the room until they landed on the small white rose resting in a vase on the table near the back. She let out a quiet sigh, adjusting the strap of her purse as she made her way over. Her coworkers had insisted on setting her up on this blind date, promising her it would be a great way to meet someone new in Big Sky.
But as she approached, the man sitting at the table finally looked up, and her stomach dropped.
"Beau?" she blurted out, stopping in her tracks.
Beau Arlen, her best friend Carla’s ex-husband, sat there looking just as surprised as she felt. He glanced at the rose on the table, then back at her, clearing his throat.
"Y/N," he greeted, getting up from his chair.
She let out a short laugh, more out of disbelief than anything, before nodding toward the flower. "I guess you’re my date."
Beau exhaled sharply, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, looks like it."
For a long moment, neither of them spoke. It wasn’t that they didn’t know each other—far from it. Y/N had known Beau for years through Carla. He wasn’t just some stranger her coworkers had picked out for her; he was someone she never expected to sit across from on a date.
She finally slid into the chair across from him, arching a brow. "So… do we just call this off now, or do we at least order a drink first?"
Beau chuckled, shaking his head. "I mean, I came here expecting to have dinner with someone, so… might as well make the most of it, right?"
Y/N tilted her head, considering. Maybe this didn’t have to be weird. Maybe they could just have a casual dinner and laugh about it later.
"Alright, Arlen," she said, flagging down the bartender. "But you’re buying the first round."
Beau smirked. "Deal."
Their conversation was casual but fun, filled with easy banter and shared stories. Y/N told Beau about her move to Montana and how hectic the ER could get. He listened intently, nodding as he sipped his drink.
"You miss Texas?" he asked, his tone curious but not pressing.
She nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I do, but I like it here. It’s different, but in a good way."
Beau leaned back in his chair, considering her words. "Yeah, I get that. Montana has a way of growing on you."
She chuckled. "That, or I just don’t have time to think about it much with how crazy work gets."
Beau smirked, taking another sip. "Welcome to the club."
They talked easily, catching up on the changes in both their lives. Y/N eventually brought up something she knew had to be on his mind.
"You know, you must be excited that is moving Emily closer," she said, watching his reaction carefully. At the mention of his daughter, Beau’s expression softened. He nodded, setting his glass down. "Carla told you?"
"Yeah," Y/N admitted. "She mentioned that she and her husband were moving a few towns over. Same state, at least."
Beau let out a breath, a mix of relief and anticipation in his eyes. "It’ll be good to have her close again. It’s been hard not seeing her as much as I want."
Y/N smiled. "She’s gonna love it here." Beau looked at her for a moment before nodding. "Yeah… I think so too."
As the night stretched on, their conversation grew more personal. The drinks helped loosen things up, but it was mostly the comfort of familiarity that kept them talking.
"So," Beau leaned forward, resting his arms on the table, "you been dating much since you moved here?"
Y/N huffed a quiet laugh, shaking her head. "No time, to be honest. Between shifts and trying to actually sleep, dating hasn’t exactly been a priority."
Beau nodded knowingly. "Yeah, I get that. My job isn’t exactly a walk in the park either. Hard to meet someone when you’re always on call, always dealing with something."
"Exactly." Y/N swirled the last bit of her drink in her glass, watching the ice shift. "And even if you do meet someone, not everyone gets the crazy work hours. They think you’re avoiding them when, really, you’re just too damn exhausted."
Beau smirked. "Sounds familiar."
She glanced up at him, her expression thoughtful but open as always. "I mean, I don’t really miss anyone, if that makes sense. But the physical stuff? That, I could use once in a while. Helps relieve stress."
Beau choked out a laugh, shaking his head. "Well, that’s one way to put it."
She shrugged, grinning. "Just being honest."
He didn’t doubt that for a second. Y/N had never been one to sugarcoat things, and it was something he’d always appreciated about her. But as much as he laughed it off, he knew exactly what she meant. It was the same for him—when your life was all work and little play, there wasn’t much time to actually get to know someone, let alone build something real.
The thought lingered between them for a moment, unspoken but understood.
After dinner, Beau did the gentlemanly thing and drove Y/N home. He pulled up to her place, the engine humming softly as they sat there for a beat longer than necessary.
"Thanks for tonight," she said, unbuckling her seatbelt but not moving to leave just yet.
Beau gave her a small smile. "Yeah, it was… unexpected, but good."
She lingered, fingers tapping against her thigh before glancing at him. "You wanna come in for a drink?" He hesitated for a second, but then nodded. "Sure."
Inside, the air felt heavier, charged with something unspoken. Y/N poured them both a drink in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as she handed him his glass. He took a sip, watching her over the rim, and she could tell there was something circling in his mind.
"So," she started, setting her drink down, "have you ever considered a fuck buddy?"
Beau coughed slightly, not expecting that. His brows lifted in surprise. "Excuse me?"
She smirked, tilting her head. "You heard me."
His lips parted like he was about to respond, but he just stared at her, trying to gauge if she was joking. The look in her eyes told him she wasn’t. Then, something changed in his expression. His surprise melted into something darker, something hungry.
"You mean…" He lifted a finger, gesturing between them.
"Well," she confirmed. "We’re adults, right? And I know you are clean, as an officer of the law you are tested regular, so am I. And who better than someone you know and trust."
Beau exhaled slowly, setting his glass down. He thought about it for a second, then met her gaze. "No one needs to know, right?"
She shook her head. "No one."
He let that settle in his mind, then took a slow step toward her. "Just… physical?"
Y/N didn’t answer with words. The smirk on her lips was all the confirmation he needed.
That was all it took.
Beau closed the space between them, his hand cupping the side of her face as he kissed her, fierce and demanding. She responded instantly, fingers gripping his shirt, pulling him closer as the heat between them ignited into something neither of them planned—but neither of them wanted to stop.
He lifted her on the counter, while his lips where on her neck, his hand moved in between her legs. Her breaths turned to moans. Beau didn't waste any time as she was also needy. To his surprise he got her quickly to the edge. He kneeled and placed his lips over her sensitive bud to tip her over the edge.
Her hand flew to his hair. her nails scraping while her other hand cling to the counter.
When he stood up. She pulled him in close to kiss him, muttering "Fuck that was fast." Beau smirked. "Let's hope I'm not as quick or it will be done very soon." Y/N laughed out loud, her head falling back but the second Beau pushed himself inside her, her laugh changed to a deep groan, and she clung to his neck.
Y/N moved her hips which made Beau groan and held her still. Y/N bit her lip leaning in "Take what you need Beau." His head lay against hers. "Call me old fashioned but I still want to give you pleasure."
"You did, you did give Beau. Now take." His eyes darkened and his pace became quick and rough. Like a man starved, his hand held on to her hips as his smacked against her.
Her moans combined with the feeling of her made him quicken his thrusts even more and before he knew it, he couldn't hold himself back anymore.
His face hid in the crook of her neck while his deep groans told her he had listened. And he had indeed took what he needed... release.
Afterward, Beau ran a hand through his hair, letting out a breath before stepping back. "That felt good didn't it." She smiled. She could see his doubtful look. "I'm usually not this... quick." he said still breathing fast. "
"I get it." Y/N said "Neither am I, we probably just needed it because it had been way to long."
Once outside. The night air was cool against his heated skin as he turned back to her.
"Thank you," he said, his voice low. "I really needed that." Y/N leaned against the doorframe, still catching her breath, but then his next words made her frown slightly.
"And… sorry." Her brows furrowed. "Sorry?" Beau smirked, nodding toward her. "I might have messed up your hair." She reached up, feeling the tangled mess hanging around her face, and let out a laugh. "Beau, I think you did exactly right."
He chuckled, shifting slightly before meeting her gaze again. There was something in his expression—satisfaction, maybe a little amusement—but also understanding. This was simple. No expectations, no complications.
She bit her lip, tilting her head. "Call me whenever you need to… you know." Beau smirked, his eyes dark with something unreadable. "Same goes for you." He took a step back, hands slipping into his pockets. "Good night, Y/N."
"Good night, Beau," she replied, watching as he got into his car. As he drove off, she stood there for a moment, exhaling slowly. Yeah… this was going to be interesting.
Weeks passed, and Beau and Y/N kept finding their way back to each other whenever they had a free moment. It didn’t matter if it was after a brutal shift in the ER or a long, exhausting day at the station—if one of them needed an escape, the other was there.
Mostly, they fucked like needy teenagers, desperate and relentless, as if the stress of their lives could only be burned away in the heat between them. Afterward, they’d lay tangled in her sheets, catching their breath, bodies still humming from the release.
And then, for a little while, they’d just talk.
Not about feelings, not about anything too deep—just whatever had pushed them to need this in the first place. A rough case, a stubborn patient, the weight of their jobs pressing too hard. They listened, they understood, and then they went their separate ways.
No strings. No expectations. Just a mutual agreement to be there when the other needed to forget the world for a while.
Tonight was different.
Beau had texted her earlier, a simple, "You got a moment?" Nothing unusual. She agreed, set the time, expecting the same routine—needy, desperate, quick.
And at first, it was. He kissed her the second she let him in, hands gripping her waist like he couldn’t get close enough. But when they finally made it to her bed, something shifted.
His kisses, usually hungry and demanding, were soft. Almost careful. His movements slowed, his hips rolling against hers with a deep, steady rhythm instead of the usual urgency. His hands didn’t just grab or pull—they lingered, tracing, memorizing.
Y/N noticed immediately.
"Beau?" she murmured between kisses, brows furrowing. "Are you—"
He didn’t let her finish. His lips pressed against hers again, silencing any question. Then his arms wrapped around her fully, holding her close, his face tucking into the crook of her neck.
Her breath hitched. This was different. This wasn’t just stress relief.
He needed something else tonight.
She didn’t push him for answers. Instead, she let her fingers slip into his hair, holding him just as tightly, letting him take whatever comfort he was looking for.
And even though they never made this personal before—tonight, it felt like it was.
Y/n felt weird after that and didn't texted for a while, trying to figuere out what had changed.
Until she had a really difficult patient, the man tried to grope several nurses, and she had a hard time helping him. When Beau walked in with another scumbag who needed attention she told a colleague to take over and pulled beau apart to a small empty room.
She started kissing him, and he joked "Hello to you too."
"Sorry," Y/N murmured between kisses "Need you right the fuck now." Beau smirked liking her boldness. He turned her around, dropping their pants I doing so and lifting her leg on a chair while her hand pushed against the wall.
"How do you want me?" He whispered in her ear. "Hard and quick." She moved one hand to his hair. "Please." Beau bit her ear as he positioned himself between her legs.
With a frantic pace the small room filled with deep breaths and soft moans. One of his hands pulled her back by her hip to increase the thrust impact while his other covered her mouth.
The second Beau felt her legs starting to shake he couldn't hold back any longer and felt his own release fill her. "Ffffuck!" he whispered against her shoulder.
As they where cleaning and dressing up Beau seemed nervous. He kept looking at her. But right the second he wanted to say something she kissed him on his cheek and said, 'Thanks I really needed that." Beau smiled and look at the floor "Yeah, sure no problem, that was eh... hot."
Y/N place a hand on the door.
She turned towards Beau. Who was scratching the back of his neck. "B-before you go back out there, saving lives, what eh... Are you free tonight?"
It shouldn't have shocked her, that question, she could have thought it was just an invite for another round of sex, it wouldn't have been the first time they had sex multiple times a day. But something in the way he looked she knew it meant something else.
"Are you ok? are you hurt?"
"Hurt? Oh no, no I was just thinking, I'm alone tonight, and eh, Emily isn't with me, so I thought maybe we could order Chinese food and watch some tv or something. I know you wanted to watch Yellowstone for a while so... What do you think?"
"Eh... Well I'm sorry but I'm... not available tonight." Y/N bit her lip. "If I had know..." Beau stopped her by putting his hand up. "No no, I'm pretty last minute with this, it's fine."
"Maybe next time?" She tried to lift the mood but could see how defeated Beau looked.
"Yeah, next time."
Beau had just dropped Emily off at Carla’s when he noticed they had company. He wasn’t the type to linger, but he figured he’d at least be polite.
"Nice place," he commented, glancing around.
Carla smiled. "Thanks. We’re finally settling in."
Before he could make a quick exit, Avery clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Beau. You should come in, man. Let me show you around."
Beau hesitated but eventually nodded. No harm in being civil, right?
Stepping inside, he took in the place, nodding along as Avery talked. But then his gaze landed on the living room, and his whole body tensed.
She was sitting on the couch, legs crossed, holding a glass of wine. But it wasn’t just her presence that caught him off guard—it was the man sitting next to her.
Carla followed his gaze and, as if sensing the awkward tension, smiled a little too tightly. "You remember Y/N, right?"
Beau’s jaw flexed, and he forced a nod, playing along like they hadn’t been tangled in her sheets just the other night. "Yeah. Of course."
Y/N, to her credit, played it cool, offering a polite smile. But he saw it—the flicker of recognition, the same tension tightening her shoulders.
Carla gestured to the man beside her. "This is Tyler. He’s a vet, a friend of Avery’s. We thought we’d all have a little double date night."
Beau barely heard the rest of what she said. His eyes locked on Y/N’s for a fraction of a second, and he caught it—the slight shift in her expression when she noticed the way his jaw clenched, the way his grip tightened around his drink.
She noticed his jealousy.
And damn it, he wasn’t doing a good job of hiding it.
Beau let out a sharp breath, gripping his keys as he turned toward his car. "I gotta go. Enjoy your night."
Y/N jumped up from the couch, barely processing what she was doing before she was rushing after him.
"Beau, wait!"
He stopped at his car but didn’t turn around. When he finally spoke, his voice was tense. "What?"
"It’s not what it looks like," she insisted.
He let out a dry, humorless laugh, finally facing her. "It’s not what? You, on a date, showing cleavage for Dr. Dolittle while we were just—" He stopped himself, jaw tightening before he shook his head. "Never mind. Not my business. You have fun."
He yanked open his car door, but she stepped in front of him, stopping him from leaving.
"Don’t be like that."
"Like what?" He narrowed his eyes.
"Jealous, Beau!"
His laugh was short and sharp. "Jealous?"
"Yes! Jealous, You were the one who said no one could know. Just sex, remember?"
"Yeah, well," he shot back, "you also said you didn’t have time to date!"
Y/N’s breath caught. She hadn’t expected that.
Beau sighed, running a hand over his face, clearly frustrated. "I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled. You’re right. This is my fault. I should’ve told you..." He trailed off before shaking his head. "You should go back inside. I’m sure you’re a great match with him."
"Beau, please." She reached out, grabbing his arm.
His muscles tensed under her touch, but he didn’t pull away.
"I didn’t set this up," she said firmly. "I had no idea he’d be here. Honestly, I thought it was just their housewarming."
Beau finally looked at her, searching her face for any sign of a lie. Finding none, his shoulders dropped slightly.
"Yeah?" His voice was quieter now.
"Yeah," she confirmed. "I wouldn’t do that."
He exhaled, glancing back at the house before looking at her again. "I should go."
Y/N nodded slowly, but before he could move, she squeezed his arm gently. "Beau… we should talk about this."
He swallowed hard but didn’t answer right away. Instead, he gave her a small nod before stepping back.
"Not tonight," he finally said. "But soon."
And with that, he got into his car and drove away, leaving Y/N standing there, heart pounding, knowing that everything between them had just changed.
Months had passed, and they never talked.
Y/N had convinced herself it was for the best—until the night Beau was brought into the ER, bleeding and battered.
She had been reviewing charts when she heard his name. Her stomach dropped. Rushing to the trauma bay, she found him lying on the bed, a deep cut on his face and a gunshot wound to his arm. No bullet left inside, just a clean wound, but it didn’t make seeing him like that any easier.
He caught the worry in her eyes, even though she kept her face neutral, professional. She didn’t ask questions, didn’t demand answers—just did her job. And despite how much time had passed, Beau knew she was holding back, not because she didn’t care, but because he had never called her back. He had no right to ask for her concern.
By morning, as her shift was ending, she stopped by his room one last time.
"I called Emily," she said, stepping inside. "She and Carla are on their way to pick you up. You’re allowed to leave."
Beau sat on the edge of the bed, watching as she approached. When she leaned in to check his bandage one more time, his hand moved instinctively, resting lightly on her hip.
"I’m sorry," he said, his voice rough.
Y/N froze for a beat before exhaling softly. "How… how is Tyler?" he asked hesitantly.
She sighed, pulling back slightly. "I don’t know. Haven’t seen him since that night."
Beau let out a quiet breath, his head hanging low. "I’m sure I did that. He must have thought I was some crazy ex or something." She frowned, confused. "No, I just… didn’t meet with him. I was too busy trying to make amends with a stubborn sheriff."
His eyes lifted to hers, something flickering in them—guilt, regret, maybe something else.
"I messed up," he admitted.
Y/N tilted her head, lips quirking slightly. "Well," she said, a teasing lilt in her voice, "I guess I did too."
"No, no," Beau said, shaking his head slightly. His grip on her hip tightened just a little, like he needed her to hear this. "I should have told you—I started to like you."
Y/N’s breath hitched. She swallowed, heart pounding. "Beau…" she sighed, searching his face. "I guess I knew."
His brows furrowed. "You did?"
She gave him a small, almost shy smile. "Yeah. Well, I mean… last time, at my house, you were different. It didn’t feel like just sex, and I was afraid of what that meant, so I didn’t ask anything. But now, when I think about it… it all makes sense."
She took a step closer, moving to stand between his legs.
Beau’s good arm lifted, his fingers brushing her cheek gently, his thumb tracing her skin like he was memorizing it. His voice was quiet, almost raw. "Please forgive me."
Her forehead rested against his, and she exhaled slowly. "Of course."
For the longest time, they just stayed like that, breathing the same air, looking into each other’s eyes, feeling the weight of everything that had been left unsaid.
And then, finally, he kissed her.
Soft, slow, deep—nothing like the hurried, desperate kisses they used to share. This was different. This meant something.
"Please go on another date with me?" Beau sounded almost insecure. She smiled, "I still kind of what to see Yellowstone, and now that the Sheriff is injured I presume he has some time off in the near future?"
"For you? Always." he smiled.
Y/N kissed him, "Good, because I think I just find someone worthy of making time for."
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deathlessathanasia · 6 days ago
Greek mythology books (nonfiction)
I was asked about this, so here are some books I like, in no specific order:
Early Greek Myth: A Guide to Literary and Artistic Sources by Timothy Gantz.
The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology by Robin Hard.
A Companion to Greek Mythology edited by Ken Dowden and Nial Livingstone.
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology edited by Roger D. Woodard.
The Gods in Epic: Poets and Critics of the Classical Tradition by D. C. Feeney.
The Daily Life of the Greek Gods by Giulia Sissa and Marcel Detienne.
Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore. by Jennifer Larson.
A new Companion to Homer edited by Ian Morris and Barry Powell.
The Cambridge Guide to Homer edited by Corinne Ondine Pache.
Homer's Divine Audience: The Iliad's Reception on Mount Olympus by Tobias Myers.
The Iliad – the Poem of Zeus by Pietro Pucci.
Zeus in the Odyssey by J. Marks.
Brill's Companion to Hesiod edited by Franco Montanari, Chr. Tsagalis and Antonios Rengakos.
•The Oxford Handbook of Hesiod edited by Alexander C. Loney and Stephen Scully.
Hesiod's Theogony: from Near Eastern Creation Myths to Paradise Lost by Stephen Scully.
The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece by Kirk Ormand.
The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women: Constructions and Reconstructions by Richard Hunter.
Hesiod and Classical Greek Poetry: Reception and Transformation in the Fifth Century BCE by Zoe Stamatopoulou.
The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception: A Companion edited by Marco Fantuzzi and Christos Tsagalis.
The Tradition of the Trojan War in Homer and the Epic Cycle by Jonathan S. Burgess.
The Epic Cycle: A Commentary on the Lost Troy Epics by M. L. West.
The politics of Olympus : form and meaning in the major Homeric hymns by Jenny Strauss Clay.
Traditional Themes and the Homeric Hymns by Cora Angier Sowa.
The Homeric Hymn to Demeter: Translation, Commentary and Interpretive Essays edited by Helene P. Foley.
The Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite: Introduction, Text, and Commentary by Andrew Faulkner.
Orphic Traditions and the Birth of the Gods by Dwayne A. Meisner.
The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation by Gábor Betegh.
The Derveni Papyrus: Unearthing Ancient Mysteries edited by Marco Antonio Santamaría Álvarez.
Chaos, Cosmos and Creation in Early Greek Theogonies: An Ontological Exploration by Olaf Almqvist.
When the Gods Were Born: Greek Cosmogonies and the Near East by Carolina López-Ruiz.
Mythica by Emily Hauser.
Women and Weasels: Mythologies of Birth in Ancient Greece and Rome by Maurizio Bettini.
Ancient Stepmothers: Myth, Misogyny, and Reality by Patricia A. Watson.
Gender and the Interpretation of Classical Myth by Lillian E. Doherty.
The Story of Myth by Sarah Iles Johnston.
Drakon: Dragon Myth and Serpent Cult in the Greek and Roman Worlds by Daniel Ogden.
Zeus by Ken Dowden.
Classical Zeus: A Study in Art and Literature by Karim Arafat.
Aphrodite by Monica S. Cyrino.
The Origin of Aphrodite by Stephanie Lynn Budin.
Entre ciel et guerre. Figures d’Aphrodite en Grèce ancienne by Gabriella Pironti.
The Hera of Zeus: Intimate Enemy, Ultimate Spouse by Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge and Gabriella Pironti.
Hermes by Arlene Allan.
Artemis by Stephanie Budin.
Apollo by Fritz Graf.
The Power of Thetis: Allusion and Interpretation in the Iliad by Laura M. Slatkin.
The Staying Power of Thetis: Allusion, Interaction, and Reception from Homer to the 21st Century edited by Maciej Paprocki, Gary Patrick Vos, David John Wright.
Athena by Susan Deacy.
Dionysos by Richard Seaford.
Perseus by Daniel Ogden.
Herakles by Emma Stafford.
The Oxford Handbook of Heracles edited by Daniel Ogden.
Heracles in Early Greek Epic edited by Christos C. Tsagalis.
Helen of Troy: Beauty, Myth, Devastation by Ruby Blondell.
Achilles in Love: Intertextual Studies by Marco Fantuzzi.
Medea by Emma Griffiths.
Looking at Medea: Essays and a Translation of Euripides’ Tragedy edited by David Stuttard.
Medea: Essays on Medea in Myth, Literature, Philosophy, and Art edited by James J. Clauss and Sarah Iles Johnston.
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