#and you can't forget bluey!!
little-pup-pip · 7 months
25 Days of Agere Moodboards! Day 25: My regression aesthetic!!
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planned-obsolescence · 5 months
god-tier sydcarmy fics
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no one asked but i'm suddenly overcome with gratitude that fic writers just drop these gems for FREE. we are so lucky. these are the ones i constantly reread because they make me feel so much.
all of these are rated M or E because if they ain't fuckin, i ain't reading.
five times at a simmer; once boiling over by seh28 my kink? emotional intimacy. that's what these two need more than any bullshit stars. this fic serves it up like it's a floor donut and i'm carmy straight up eating that shit.
friends, partners, and intimates by sashafiercer i'm always here for it when syd gives carmy what he deserves. and i'm DEFINITELY here for it when the dialogue between the two is so on point it gives me whiplash. written by an all time 🐐.
forget about your house of cards by minecrafter42 i love reading about how carmy can't get it together in sydney's presence. this fic presents their dynamic so viscerally that the slow burn is more like a slow simmer. i needed a cigarette after i finished this one.
temper, temper by malariamonsters have you ever read anything so beautiful it made you cry? yeah, this fic. it's at the top of the tag for a reason because it captures carmy's consuming love for syd so perfectly. i want to live inside this fic.
child with a child pretending by emilybrontay sydney has a baby before she starts working at the beef, and carmy knows what bluey is. i'm done. i am very picky when it comes to stories set in sydney's POV (my girl is a complex masterpiece, you better get her right), and this is one of the greatest, most thoughtful.
Mise En Place by badcircuit love fics that present syd and carmy as partners in every sense of the word. beautifully written, hot as fuck. another one that gets syd right. again, i take portrayals of my girl so seriously and this one is gorg.
Take Care by oysterknife oh boy. this one literally came out last week but i already read it upwards of 10 times. i will read anything oysterknife writes but GODDAMN. this one changed my brain chemistry with the emotional intimacy between the two. i love longing and yearning and this one is like a masterclass in it. the literary references made me kick my feet and giggle. as a brooklyn girlie, THIS is the nyc i wanna see: flushing, crown heights, greenpoint minus the condos, shitting on the residents of murray hill, i want it all. also the ending made me sob. not joking.
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maddiethedog2 · 24 days
The solo caregiver-little dynamic is great, but the caregiver-little-little dynamic is incredibly underrated for a number of reasons.
The Humiliation.
Yes, having your dirty bottom cleaned by Daddy is INCREDIBLY embarrassing. But how much worse is it when your little sister, friend, or rival is watching you get changed while they're wearing their own soggy diaper, teasing you for being a bigger baby than them?
The Companionship.
Caregivers are great, but everyone can admit that no matter how hard they try, they just aren't the best at playing. They just don't ever quite do what they're told or engage as deeply as they should. The can't! They have too many silly responsibilities to think about.
Stuffies are great too because they are always obedient, but they aren't ever great at thinking on their feet. They don't talk back, but they don't ever come up with good ideas.
Little friends, however, know how to play GOOD. They are imaginative, cheery, and generally never complain about a game being too childish or boring like a Mommy or Daddy would. They also get totally into the game, just like you, because their minds are unencumbered with the worries of the adult world.
The Competition.
Being the only apple of Mommy's eye is great, but doesn't her affection means more if you have to compete for it? Don't those snuggles feel better if you have to earn them, if you know Mommy picked you to cuddle instead of someone else?
Plus, isn't being a brat more fun if you can avoid getting caught? Pinning your childish little schemes on someone else and watching them get punished for something you did is incredibly satisfying.
Finally, isn't there a rush that comes with losing? The tingly embarrassment from having to listen to your Mommy read your brother YOUR favorite story while your butt is red and your nose is stuck in a corner? Or listening to the low hum of Bluey coming from the other room, while your stuck in your crib because your 'just too little' to stay up like your sister?
So, go forth! Find a play group, a sibling, a daycare or nursery, and explore the joys of being little with others. Just don't forget to listen to your adult. 😉
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 5 months
May I ask for your thoughts on Milf! Reader with a 5 year old daughter and Natasha meeting them for the first time? Or like, what do you think Nat would be like when reader tells her about their daughter?
Yessss thank you for indulging me in Nat talk ❤️
For hearing about Rs little one:
I think in person she'd take it in stride, confirm that R having a child isn't an issue or turn off and assure her that this fact isn't scaring her away.
Internally however, she's freaking out a bit. Not because she doesn't like children, or that she's never thought about what it would be like to have them. But because children are big responsibilities who need lots of love and care and guidance, and those are things that she already worries she can't give Reader appropriately.
She feels rather unworthy of the potential of being a parent really, and like she's going to let R down, and therefore Ra kid down, due to her outright lack of proper childhood.
But I think Reader can sense all this, a mother's intuition mixed with knowing the woman she loves, so she does her best to subtly reassure Nat and warm her up to the idea of meeting her lil one.
For meeting Rs little one:
I think at first she'd be a little intimidated by the prospect. Because she really really likes R and knows R likes her and she's afraid to do something to mess that up. And she probably forgets that children are quite simple beings to win over, especially at 5.
And it's likely that she's so nervous about it that she goes rambling to Clint, who just stares at her because "Nat, you literally helped me raise mine and are like the greatest Aunt on the planet. They adore you and you've taken care of them plenty....what the hell are you worried about?"And that's her "oh shit, you're right" moment that does indeed help ease her worries.
When the time comes to actually meet the little one, the rest of her worries just melt away when she sees them smile at her and wave a shy hello. Because it's really just a mini R who's really into Bluey and dinosaurs
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thisismeracing · 1 year
lewis + bluey + fluff bc I can't stop thinking about this 😭😭😭
Bluey | LH44
⸺ the one where you catch Lewis watching Bluey without the kids. ✓ no warnings.
⁕ one word, a thousand stories blurb night (closed) ⁕ my masterlist and my taglist
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It was a Sunday morning and the house was silent, which was new, and it happened only because the two mini Hamilton’s were with their grandparents for the weekend.
Yn rolled out on the bed looking for Lewis, but finding his spot empty, which wouldn't be uncommon had the kids been home, but they were alone and he had all the time in the world to sleep in, though he wouldn't usually use it.
She threw on his shirt and left the room in search of her husband, only to find the TV on, Bluey playing at a low volume while Lewis napped on the sofa. She giggled, snapping a picture, and then sat beside him on the sofa, hands caressing his chest over his pajama shirt.
"Love," Yn whispered, now touching his face and peppering kisses there in an attempt to wake him up.
Lewis used to be a heavy sleeper before Yn and the kids, but after starting the family life his sleep became lighter so that he could wake up in case the kids or his wife needed him. And though the kids were at their grandma's house, he still stirred when Yn's lips found the corner of his mouth and then the tip of his nose.
"We still have time to sleep, come to bed," she whispered when his eyes opened briefly. "Were you watching Bluey without the kids?" she teased and Lewis closed his eyes again, holding back a chuckle.
"Hey! You can’t judge me, I'm just making sure it's safe and the kids can watch all the episodes..."
Yn nodded, sarcasm written all over her face, "Just confess you like to watch some of their cartoons, babe. It's no problem."
"It's not just any cartoon, it's Bluey, it's different. Lie here with me and watch one episode, I'm sure you'll like it too."
And though she laughed, Yn did lie on top of him to watch TV for the rest of the morning, giggling together, sharing bits here and there about an episode here and there, and snoozing on some.
"Just don't tell the kids we watched season three without them or they'll be mad," Lewis reminded.
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: I went to watch an episode after you mentioned it, and I forgot how nice hearing their accent is. I'll definitely watch the other episodes when I have the time hihi <3 It's just really cute, and I can totally picture Lewis watching all the kid's shows without them because he genuinely thinks it's therapeutic.
I hope you guys like it, don't forget to reblog and leave me a comment *mwah*
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maddiethedogstories · 15 days
Too Big For His Britches
I've been teasing @pinkducttape a little too much lately. As a self-imposed punishment (the joy of being a switch is that I get to be my own Dom) I wrote this horrible story staring myself, my imaginary Mommy, @pinkducttape, and their awesome Daddy, Midnight. Enjoy my attonement, I guess?
Today, I was feeling BIG! Mommy, my wife, had been so proud of me using the potty and staying accident free for the last week that she decided it was finally time for me to graduate from pull-ups to big kid undies!
Should have I felt embarrassed that, as a 32-year-old man, being allowed to wear a pair of Spider-Man underwear by my wife felt like a massive victory? Probably.
Did I? No.
The feeling of the soft cotton underwear under the jean shorts Mommy had dressed me in was far superior to the warm, bulky feel of the training pants and diapers I was now, much to used to. How could I not feel happy with my new found freedom?
Adding to my excitement was that today, the day I had graduated from 'Little' to 'Middle,' Mommy was taking me on a playdate! I was going to get to go hang out with Sunset, one of my best friends, while Mommy hung out with their Daddy, Midnight. I just knew that Little Sunsie was going to still be waddling around in diapers, while I would get to show off just how much of a big kid I was to them. It was going to be great!
It didn't take long for us to get to the secluded park where Mommy always took me for my playdates. I sat in the backseat, idly sucking my thumb while I thought about how I was going to tease my friend for still being a stinky little, while I, on the other hand, was a much more mature big kid. My wandering thoughts were interrupted by Mommy's voice.
"Baby Bean, are you drinking your water like you're supposed to be? It's going to be hot out there, and I don't want you getting dehydrated!"
I groaned as I popped my thumb out of my mouth and reached for my Bluey-themed water bottle in the cup holder. Didn't Mommy know I was a big kid? She's the one who held out my big kid undies for me to step into this morning for goose's sake! I didn't need to be reminded to drink water like some silly little baby. But, talking back wasn't worth the fight, not on a day like today. Plus, Mommy was right, as usual. It was really hot outside, and I was feeling thirsty just sitting in the car. There wasn't any harm in doing what she asked, just this one time. Having made up my mind, I replaced my thumb with the nipple of my water bottle and sucked down its contents as we drew closer to the park.
As usual, when we got to our destination, there was only one other car in the parking lot. Mommy and I both recognized it immediately. The pink and rainbow duct tape decorating it was a dead giveaway.
"Look, Baby Bean! Sunsie and Midnight are already here," Mommy said as she parked the car next to our friends' vehicle. She then turned back to me, staring at me sternly, "Now, I know you've earned the right to be a big boy today, but that does not mean you get to be rude. Make sure to be nice to Sunsie. They can't help being an adorable little pamper packer. Also, do not forget to come and tell me when you need me to take you to the potty. Got it?"
I nodded my head up and down in affirmation, happy that my Bluey water bottle hid the blush forming on my cheeks from the mention of asking Mommy to take me to the potty. And, when I nodded my head, agreeing to be nice to Sunset and ask to use the potty, I really meant it. Just because I was planning on teasing Baby Sunsie just a little, didn't mean I wasn't going to be nice to them!
I waited patiently as Mommy walked around the back of the car, opened the door and unbuckled my seat belt. Immediately, I sprinted past Mommy towards the mostly abandoned playground where I knew Sunset would be playing.
"Suuuuunnnnnssssssiiiiiiieeeeeee! We're here!" I yelled exhuberantly as I spotted my friend, sitting in the sandbox in a pastel yellow t-shirt and a pair of jean shortalls that did little to hide the thick diaper bulging at their waist. I was so excited, I didn't notice the pressure building in my bladder as I greeted my friend with a big, uncoordinated hug.
Midnight watched, smiling from their perch on a nearby park bench as I tackled Sunset into the sand in my excitement. From a distance behind me, I could hear my Mommy yelling out with an exasperated tone.
"Maddie! Careful! Don't hurt poor, little Sunsie!" She yelled breathlessly as she ran up behind me.
Sunset, for their part, was overjoyed to see me. They giggled as I wrapped my arms around them and accidentally knocked them over.
Midnight, with a better vantage of what was going on, immediately replied to my Mommy, "Oh, don't worry! It's just kids being kids! Now, get over here! We've got some catching up to do!"
The adults faded out of my awareness as Sunset and I righted ourselves, giggling in the sandbox. Sunset had clearly come prepared to play with all of their toys. Trucks, blocks, dolls, dinosaurs, and tractors were strewn about the sandy landscape my friend had constructed.
"Sunset, Sunset! Guess what?!" I asked, my excitement overflowing.
Sunset rolled their eyes at my bubbliness, but grinned good-naturedly at my excitement. "What 'Baby Bean?'" they asked, teasing me with my Mommy's nickname for me.
"That's just it!" I responded, ignoring the barb, "I'm not a baby anymore! Look! Mommy's letting me wear undies!"
I pulled down the elastic waist band of my jean shorts revealing the front of the cotton Spider-Man underwear I was wearing. Sunset's eyes grew wide. A grin spread across my face as I saw the hints of both jealousy and admiration I was hoping see in my friend's demeanor.
"That's right," I said, letting the elastic waistband of my shorts snap back into place, "no more diapers, or pull-ups, or training potties! I'm a real big boy now! I bet your Daddy will even let me babysit your stinky bottom soon!" I stuck my tongue out to emphasize my point.
As I spoke, I started to squirm uncomfortably. I felt a mounting pressure in my bladder, but it wasn't anything urgent enough to deal with yet. I couldn't leave to go potty now, just as I was starting to rub my new status in my friend's face.
"Yep, I bet it'll only be a couple weeks before I'm holding your leash, droppin' you off at daycare, before I get to go back to my REAL job!" I continued to tease Sunset. I couldn't tell if their face was getting red out of embarrassment or anger, but, frankly, high on my own increased status, I didn't care.
"Stop it, Maddie! It's cool you get to wear undies and all, but you're still just a baby like me! Nobody's gonna let you be a babysitter! You're not 'sponsible enough!" Sunset spat out unconvincingly, a hint of concern that their friend of once equal status could turn into yet another caregiver.
"Oh, Sunsie," I said, trying my best to imitate the condescending tone my Mommy used with me when I got high and mighty, "I'm not a baby like you though! Look at me, sitting in my big kid underwear. And look at you, I bet your diapers so soggy you're about to leak."
I extended one hand over to Subset's diapered crotch and squeezed it for emphasis. Too my utter delight, it was thoroughly soaked. Sunset, suddenly aware of the disastrous state of their diaper, turned bright red at my touch and tried to back away but only succeeded at falling on their back in the sand again.
"Aw! Did Little Sunsie fall down and go boom? Does the little baby in their soggy diaper not like being checked? Is it cause you want to keep playing in it like an icky little toddler? Is that why you don't wanna potty train and be a big kid like me?" I hovered over Sunset as I teased them, loving every second of watching their skin turn as red as a tomato out of fear, rage, and shame.
As I teased, Sunset couldn't even get a word out from where they lay in the sandbox. "I… No… Not… Baby… Gah… Big Kid… Diap…." Sunset's sputtering then suddenly stopped, and a big grin spread across their face. Unfortunately, I didn't notice it.
"Aw, is the little baby too little to talk! That's ok! Maybe I can go get your paci from your Daddy. Babies who waddle around in soggy pants like you shouldn't be talking like a big kid like me anyway!"
I couldn't stop. I was channeling all of the repressed anger and shame I had bottled up over the last few years as Mommy's perfect little pamper-packing, stuffy-humper. I was ready to throw every insult and taunt I had ever heard at Sunset, my friend, just so I could feel bigger and more powerful than someone else. I was becoming a monster in superhero underoos.
Luckily for me and my friendship with Sunsie, my reign of terror was cut short. From behind me, a familiar voice spoke.
"Beanie Baby! I did not just catch you bullying sweet little Sunsie. Come with me!"
As Mommy grabbed me by the ear, yanking me away, Sunset started laughing maniacally as they laid in the sand, excited to watch Mommy deliver whatever diabolical punishment I had earned.
I whined as Mommy dragged me across the park by my ear. "Owie! Mommy! This hurts! I didn't do nothing! I just said the truth."
"Madison James! I don't want to hear it. I heard what you were telling poor Baby Sunsie over there, and it was not acceptable!" Mommy lectured as she pulled me.
My bladder was starting to ache. The nervousness and fear of my punishment only adding to my desperation. I decided to change tack.
"Mommy! I hafta go potty!" I wailed, hoping my growing desperation to pee could distract my wife from my punishment.
It didn't.
"Well, if you're as big a kid as you were telling Sunset over there, you should have no problem holding it while you're being punished."
A new panic struck me as I suddenly realized that I might not be able to do that. I didn't want to go back to pull-ups, let alone diapers like Sunset because I had an accident while in time out!
I struggled uselessly against the grip Mommy had on my ear as she dragged me to the tree nearest to the playground.
"Nose to the tree. Now!" Mommy said as we reached our destination.
Rubbing my sore ear, I did as I was told, feeling the rough bark scrape against the tip of my nose.
"You have more than earned yourself a time out little one! Bullying poor Sunsie! In front of their Daddy! Do you know how embarrassed I am of you, Little Man? Do you know how bad you made me look as a Mommy and a wife?"
A tear rolled down my cheek as my wife explained how my actions made her feel. How could I have been so careless and thoughtless to not think about how my actions reflected on her? Midnight was one of her best friends, and I had embarrassed her in front of them. Maybe I was nothing more than the thoughtless child she thought of me as.
Mommy saw my tears and, instead of comforting me, leaned into my suffering.
"That's right baby, you embarrassed Mommy. You made Mommy look bad. You made Mommy look like she can't control you. I want you to think about that while you stand here for the next, oh, let's say, 30 minutes."
"30 minutes…" I tried to protest, but before I could say more, a pacifier was shoved in my mouth.
"No talking during time out. That stays in. And yes, 30 minutes," Mommy said sternly.
I grumbled behind my pacifier as I silently calculated whether I could actually keep from wetting myself for that long. Before I could come up with a plan to both stay put and dry, my thoughts were interrupted by the familiar feeling of my shorts being pulled down to my ankles.
"Oh, and since you were so proud of these undies, mister," my wife said from behind me, "I think it's only fair you get to show them off for your whole time out."
I was glad my face was towards the tree as a deep red blush bloomed across my cheeks. I could perfectly picture my cotton clad ass on display, the red, white, and blue picture of a web that made the undies look so cool and big kid in the store, making me look so childish while standing in time out.
Making matters worse, only moments after my undies were put on display, I heard Midnight's soft giggle behind me.
"Aw! Aren't those precious?" They said condescendingly.
I fresh wave of embarrassment passed through me at those words. However, I closed my eyes, bit down hard on my paci, and settled in to survive the next 30 minutes as best I could. The pressure from my bladder was only getting stronger, but I was determined to keep my underwear dry. I was a big boy, after all, really, nearly an adult again.
After 15 minutes, my determination not to wet myself had waned drastically. With my nose still pressed to the trunk of the tree, I shifted my weight from leg to leg, only able to do a pathetic little potty shuffle rather than a full on potty dance with my shorts still wrapped around my ankles.
The sound of a crinkling diaper announced Sunset's approach. Unable to turn to look at them, I could only imagine the satisfied smirk that I was sure was plastered to their face.
"Oh no! Does the BIG boy need to go potty? You better show the poor, little baby how to keep your undies dry! You wouldn't wanna have an accident in front a little kid like me!" Sunset taunted as they toddled closer to me.
I groaned behind my pacifier, not willing to risk the consequences of talking during time out. However, although I desperately wanted to yell at my friend to go away, I knew I deserved every insult they flung at me.
It only took moments for my friend's face to appear in the corner of my vision.
"Oh no, can Big Bad Maddie not talk right now because he's sucking on his paci? I thought paci's were for babies, not big kids?"
I groaned again, the sound muffled by the shield of the pacifier as I shuffled from foot to foot in discomfort again. The pressure in my bladder was so bad I could barely focus on Sunset's words.
"Oh no! You aren't doing a potty dance, are you Baby Bean? I bet you wish you were wearing a diaper right now! You could just let go," Sunset said before there expression changed as an idea hit them, "I mean, I gotta go potty too, and I can just go right now! Listen!"
With that, Sunset smiled, scrunched up their face and let loose. The sound of soft hissing as their urine hit their diaper filled my ears. The sound was too much. I couldn't hold it anymore. Tears started to well in my eyes as I felt a warm wet stream of pee release into my once pristine Spider-Man undies, only to immediately become warm, disgusting rivers of urine, running down my thighs.
As I felt my pee run down my legs into my shoes, I also could feel my chances of becoming a big kid again drift away too. I began to bawl behind my pacifier, not just because I was ashamed of my accident, but also because I was upset at myself for the bratty behavior that got me here.
"Oh, Baby Bean! Did you piddle in your cute Lil' Spider-Man undies? Spider-Man looks sad! He's not Aquaman. He doesn't like getting all wet," Sunset teased. Their words stung more because I knew they were in a soggy situation of their own that was somehow more babyish, but also less embarrassing. "Daddy! Maddie's Mommy! Maddie has an accident!"
My fear overwhelmed my sorrow as I heard Mommy and Midnight walk up behind me.
"What was that sweet, little Sunsie?" Mommy asked my friend turned temporary nemesis.
"Baby Bean wet his undies! Go look!" Sunset responded with more excitement than I really thought was necessary.
A soft, familiar hand grabbed my shoulder, gently inviting me to turn around. I didn't want to. Maybe, if I just stayed here for a while, my undies would dry and no one would be the wiser. It was hot out, after all.
Mommy wasn't going to let me live out my delusion though. "Turn around sweetie, let's see the damage."
Her instruction and a more forceful pull got me to turn around. A dark stain covered the entire front of my underwear. The streams of urine running down my leg were far too obvious. And, even the shorts and socks at my ankles were stained from my shameful accident. I wanted to cry as Mommy forced me to hold me arms up, beant over, and tugged disappointedly on my soaked Spider-Man undies as she inspected them.
"Beanie Baby, you destroyed these poor undies! And your shorts, socks, and shoes? I thought you were a big boy?" My wife chastised me as she pulled and picked at my soaked clothing. "You were doing so good I didn't even bring a change!"
I looked up to see Midnight given Sunset a similar inspection, albeit with much less disappointment in their demeanor.
"Looks like Little Mads isn't the only super soaker here, Sunsie's diaper is pretty wet too," Midnight said as they completed their inspection, "Did you say you didn't bring a change? I've got plenty of extra diapers in my bag and maybe some spare tights. Why don't we change these little stinkers together?"
"Midnight, you are a lifesaver! Are you sure you can spare a diaper? I know how many Sunsie goes through!" Mommy responded, causing Sunset to blush for once.
"I sure do! Sunsie can be quite the pamper packer sometimes, but if my Little Sunset needs to sit in their mess for a bit, they'll survive," Midnight answered.
As Mommy and Midnight talked about diapering me with Sunset, my outrage started to grow. I just had one accident! And I warned Mommy that I needed to go! She was the one that made me stand with my nose to the tree! I shouldn't be put back in diapers! Maybe a pull-up or training pants, but a diaper was too far. I opened my mouth to tell Mommy as much.
"Mommy, this…" That was as far as I made it before my wife shot a hostile glare towards me.
"No! I will not hear a word out of you, Madison James. I trusted you to be big. I trusted you to be kind. I trusted you to keep your pants dry. Obviously, I cannot trust you. You will be going back to diapers. I will not tolerate any grief. Otherwise, I will throw you over my lap and show you just how little you are, understood?"
My stomach dropped to my toes. I hadn't been lectured like that for years. Not stupid enough to risk my Mommy's wraith, I nodded my head and responded, "Yeth, Mama." I kept suckling the pacifier, now happy it was in my mouth for the comfort it provided.
Mommy helped me take off my wet clothes before taking my hand at the same time that Midnight took Sunset's. We were both led back to the bench where our two caregivers had been chatting earlier. Sunset waddled in their soggy diaper as I walked normally, save for being completely naked below the waist. Once at the bench, Midnight quickly pulled out a large blanket laid it on the grass.
"Alright little ones, lie down," Mommy said, directing Sunset and I to lay down next to each other to be changed like the small children we were being treated as, something we'd done together hundreds of times before.
We both quickly complied with my wife's gentle command as Midnight dug through their diaper bag, getting out changing supplies for two infantilized adults.
"Um, Maddie's Mommy?" Sunset asked as we waited on our backs.
"Yes, sweetheart?" Mommy answered.
"Do you think I could get your phone and watch a show while I got changed? I've been good and haven't had any screen time all day!" Sunset begged.
From across the nearby bench, Midnight called out, "Don't give it to them! It's my fault, really, but we're really trying to break little Sunsie's screen addiction."
Sunset pouted as Mommy smiled down at them. It didn't take long for Midnight to join us with two diapers in hand.
"Let's get these babies back to clean and dry!" Midnight announced as they knelt down and began unsnapping the buttons of Sunset's shortalls.
With expert hands, Mommy and Midnight changed me and Sunset. Where normally, Sunset and I would joke and giggle as we got changed together, today, with my fall from grace, I couldn't bring myself to even make eye contact with my friend as my wife wiped my butt and other delicate bits.
Mommy and Midnight had us both changed and back up quickly. Once I was standing in nothing but a T-shirt and a diaper in the grass, Mommy pulled me to the side.
"Maddie, your behavior today has been unacceptable. Clearly, you are not ready for the level of responsibility that I thought you were. Thinking you were was my fault. So, now, until you prove me otherwise, I am demoting you back to diapers, but know that that is based on my mistake, not yours," Mommy began.
"That said," Mommy continued, "You messed up too. I warned you to be nice. I warned you to keep your pants dry. You didn't. Sunset is your friend, and you bullied them. That is not okay."
"I am not going to make you finish your time out. I don't think you would learn anything from it," Mommy lectured, "But I do need you to do one more thing before you can go back to playing. I need you to apologize to Midnight for bullying her precious little one, and I need you to apologize to Sunset for being a bad friend. Can you do that for me?"
Looking down past the bulging diaper around my waist to my bare feet, I let myself feel shame for my behavior yet again. "Yeth, Mommy," I answered, the pacifier still stuck between my lips.
With that, I waddled off to do as Mommy asked. The bulk of the diaper between my legs felt both foreign after the months of training pants and underwear, but, at the same time, frustratingly familiar.
I approached Midnight first, feeling my apology to them would be easier. I popped my pacifier out of my mouth so my apology would sound more sincere.
"Um, Sunset's Daddy? I, um, am sorry for bullying Sunsie," I said timidly.
Midnight looked at me with gentle, but stern eyes.
"Thank you for apologizing, buddy, but it's not me who you need to apologize to, is it?"
I shook my head up and down. "No, it's not."
"Who should you apologize to, baby?" Midnight asked.
"Sunset," I responded meekly, avoid eye contact with my friend's daddy.
"Yes, Little One," they said softly, "But who else?"
I looked up at Midnight, confused. Who else was there to apologize to?
Midnight smiled knowingly, then looked pointedly over my shoulder. I turned and saw Mommy picking up our make-shift changing station.
"Was how you acted nice to your Mommy?" Midnight asked.
I looked down at my feet in shame again. "No, it wasn't. I probably owe her an apology too, huh?" I answered.
"What a smart boy! Maybe you'll get another chance at undies again, yet? I don't know if I can say the same about my Sunsie," Midnight said, turning to look at Sunset for the first time since we began talking and catching them digging through their diaper bag. "Hey! Get out of there! Go play! I didn't pack your tabbie and Daddy's phone is in my pocket! No screen time!"
As Sunset ran off chastened, I followed, wanting to apologize to my friend both because I was ordered to and because it was the right thing to do.
"Sunsie," I said as we reached to sandbox again, "I'm sorry I was mean to you. Can we still be friends?"
Sunset turned to me with their trademark bright and friendly smile. "Thanks for saying sorry, Mads! And, of course we're still friends! Who else is going to put up with my smelly butt and listen to me complain about being put in my crib early?"
Sunset followed up their statement with a big, warm hug.
"Now, let's play!" Sunset said.
I had to disappoint Sunset one more time today, though. "Sorry, Sunsie, I'll come play in a sec. I gotta go say sorry to Mommy first."
With that I turned and toddled back to Mommy, who was now sitting on the bench with Midnight again. Midnight smiled at me reassuringly as I approached, obvious remorse in my body language.
"Mommy?" I asked tentatively.
"Yes, Beanie Baby?" She responded, a note of frustration still lingering in her tone.
"I, uh, wanted to say, well," I took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. I was naughty and embarrassed you. I shouldn't have." Tears started to flow as I remembered Mommy's angry lecture at the tree. "I'll never do it again! Please, just don't hate me!"
Mommy's body language and tone softened immediately as I broke down during my apology. She stood up from the bench and wrapped me in a comforting hug.
"Oh, Baby Bean, I could never hate you! Mommy was just frustrated. Everyone is naughty sometimes! You just got a little too big for your britches!"
I nuzzled into Mommy as she hugged and reassured me. She was right. I had gotten too big for my britches. But, a nagging feeling told me that Mommy was going to keep me nice and little from now on, so that being 'too big' would never be an issue again.
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multi-fandom-agereg · 10 months
hihi!!! could i possibly request some regressor young neil (scott pilgrim) headcanons or a moodboard?? no pressure- the headcanon has just been on my mind hehe
- @beaistiny 🐝
🚀 Little!Young Neil HCS
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🚀 | I can 100% do that! Thank you so much for requesting^^ love your content btw! I hope you enjoy:]
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💙 : the type of baby to prefer naps over being awake when regressed. Don't get me wrong— he loves to play video games, watch every cartoon he can stumble onto and hang out with friends or family. However naps is something that keeps him calm literally 80 percent of the time. If he doesn't get his naps he will be a very cranky boy
💙 : his favorite little food(s) is anything involving ice cream or Mac and cheese. He highly prefers ice cream over Mac and cheese and everything else, but he isn't that picky. He gets what he can get, and he'll end up being neutral about it. If he were to hold a grudge about it; he'd forget about it within two hours
💙 : very very quiet around people. He's like the kid in your class who rarely talks at all. (Or socialize much in class). He's exactly like that most of the time. Just hand him a controller or a comic book and you won't even notice he's there.
💙 : is pretty liquid with his agere age and isn't sure what his age is. But all he knows is that he regresses younger than 10. Not much older than that. (I think hes either a infant or toddler regressor)
💙 : a very sweet baby. Will ask for cuddles from his babysitters and CGs whenever the opportunity is there. He will also follow them around while he's glued to his games. He will let you play his games, but only because he wants to watch and do commentary on your gameplay.
💙 : his little hobbies are mostly him napping, playing games or reading. But sometimes he will color for his friends or redraw scenes from his books.
💙 : I feel like when little he'd play animal crossing, red dead redemption and minecraft. He finds comfort in those games. When it comes to books the majority of it is comics. Such as manga or superheros (DC and Marvel)
💙 : steals his babysitters/caretakers shirts and or hoodies. You can't get them off of him because before you can, he's asleep. Sometimes he likes to tease about it when he's big because he knows nobody has the guts to wake him up. So he's pretty slick when it comes to getting what he wanted
💙 : doesn't have a permanent caregiver per say, but he looks up to Stephen Stills alot more than other people. He see's him as an influence and father figure enough as it was. So he trusts him to be his caregiver
💙 : owns 'too many' agere gear for one person. But it's often than not that he's spoiled rotten. But he doesn't mind it
💙 : he's probably a bluey and paw patrol fan. Change my mind
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sassycheesecake · 3 months
#10, Wing Spiker Oriver Barnes of the MSBY Black Jackals
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Barnes was stretching on the gym floor when he heard his three-year old daughter calling his name
She is a perfect mix of him and his divorced partner
It's already been a year since your guys' divorce and Barnes has not been taking it well since day one
The two of you constantly fought over his busy schedule, about Barnes forgetting to pick up your daughter because training went on too long too many times
You finally had enough when your daughter had to stand in the rain, waiting for her father for over an hour, only to end up sick the next morning
Oriver and you fought so much, after that incident you finally had enough and you filed for divorce
Both of you settled for an agreement on when to take your daughter and now it's been going on for about a year now
The Middle Blocker tried to move on but he simply can't
He still loves you since the first time he laid eyes on you
When she hugs her father tight, he sees you walking over with slow steps, holding her Bluey backpack with a tight smile on your face
"Hey." You both say in sync
"What are you doing here? I thought she was staying with you this week." Barnes asks you, trying to make some small talk as your daughter uses him as a playground device
"I know, but she really wanted to come and see you. And I can't keep her from seeing her father."
Your daughter sees Tomas and runs to him, being the Godfather of her, leaving you and your ex-husband alone for a bit
Meian knows how much his teammate misses you, Oriver is constantly talking about you, has pictures of your daughter and still of you in his locker and looks completely heartbroken whenever he sees you leaving with your daughter after it was his turn to have her stay at his place
Oriver looks over at Meian and the ravenette gives a silent nod in return, keeping your guys' daughter occupied as planned
Oriver begins to stand up and you still shocked at the 6'7 height of the massive Opposite Hitter
He looks unsure into your direction, asking if he could talk to you in private
You are surprised and a little bit unsure to be honest but agree nonetheless
He takes you into the meeting room, whenever they talk about after game strategies
After the door is closed for some privacy, your former partner-for-life turns to look at you with a face full of sorrow
"Listen, I know this is extremely shit timing but please listen to what I have to say. I-I know it's already been almost a year, but every day is torture for me. I miss you by my side. Your smiles, your laughs. Just everything about you. Our daughter tells me that you cry almost every night and it breaks my heart, knowing that I can't be there to hold and comfort you.  I still call you 'My (Y/N)' because you are my everything. You are my light, and you've shown me more love than I've ever known. You have graced us with a beautiful, gorgeous, smart daughter. She takes after you in so many ways and I am reminded of what I should have fought harder for. I lost my other half, my soulmate. I feel like there is an empty hole inside my heart that can't be filled with something new. I need you, I want you back in my life. If you'll have me, please give us another chance."
By the time Oriver finished talking, you're both crying
You're taking fast steps towards the Wing Spiker and he doesn't hesitate to pull you into his strong arms
The dark-haired man rests his chin on top of your head, caressing your back while you're trying to control your sobs
Oriver comforts you by just holding you, caressing you and you realise how much you needed it, needed him
Maybe it was a rushed decision after all
You're both in there for a while, until Meian tells him that it's time to start the warm up because the game will start soon
Oriver and you both agree to take it slow, wanting to build up again what you used to have
But out of everyone, your daughter couldn't be happier
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tulipsstudyblr · 5 months
How to Make it Through to the End of the School Year
I myself am pushing through to the end of my spring semester (gotta make it to finals week 😅) and it's rough, for sure. I'm rounding out my junior year of college and it's quickly hitting me that after this, I'll only have one more year left of school (as of right now).
I know I listed in the bio of this blog that there would be advice/study tips and while I am no expert, I can speak from my experience and what has worked for me. DIsclaimer: everyone is different and what I may or may not list here is not a cure-all for everyone, this is just how I stay productive and efficient.
Taking breaks! - I struggle a lot with recognizing my limits and taking healthy breaks so I can work best. Recently, a friend and I have been having outside study times ("picnics") where we sit and do some work and/or color. One evening, we even made chai lattes on the lawn to have while we colored. Personally, I love simple coloring books (like Disney, but I'm currently working in a Bluey book). Also, this past weekend, I made time in between my textbook readings to rewatch a favorite movie of mine, Ella Enchanted. I haven't taken the proper time to watch TV in a while, so it was a nice change of pace.
Properly eating and hydrating - This is also something I struggle with. I understand how easy it is to get hyperfocused and forget about food in the midst of studying. I am thankful to have a girlfriend who will check in on me when she can to make sure my water bottle is filled if I have been busy throughout the day, but I have also set an alarm on my laptop to ding every 20 minutes. I'm using the Google Chrome extension "Water Reminder", which has been super helpful for me! It's not super cutesy and aesthetic like other Chrome extensions, but I like the simple ding that reminds me to drink water in case I haven't in a while. Hearing a reminder to drink water also allows me to check in with myself to see how I'm feeling in terms of hunger. I try to schedule meals times specifically for myself so that I can remember to eat. Some people are really great about intuitive eating, but I am unfortunately not one of those people. Keeping track of the time and keeping meals times at 7:30 - 8:00 am (breakfast), 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (lunch), and 5:00 pm (dinner/supper), I find it easier to keep up with eating so that I can stay healthy and nourished.
Studying - probably a more obvious "tip", but with my own addition. I like to romanticize the idea of studying. I use specifically colored pens, marker, and highlighters to make each of my notes in class and outside of class to keep myself focused. I love things that are artsy and colorful, so using lots of colors keeps my attention on the material.
Self care - I love face masks, body lotion, and moisturizers. I can't afford the super expensive skincare that you see on TIkTok and Instagram, but I have found some products that work well for me. I like the non abrasive Neutrogena face wash, Nivea body lotion (with shea butter - this also helped heal my tattoos!), and peach slices acne patches (my current lifesavers). Freeman is a brand that makes some really good face masks that have worked for my somewhat senstiive skin and they have a good variety so that you can find what you may be looking for you. They're an inexpensive brand (I think) that works pretty well. Even my sister who is into cosmetology and skincare and knows all the nitty gritty details about what ingredients are good recommended the brand to me so I definitely love to use those when I can (no more than twice a week, though; no need to wear down my face)
Get a study buddy - if you're like me and you find it easier to be productive with another body around, see if you can find someone to study with you or to at least hang around you while you work. As I saif before, a friend and I have been having little picnics outside in the nice weather to work, but I have also met up with others in a library space or a study room to keep myself prodcutive. Some days, I am really productive on my own and in my room, but other days, I really need a change of scenery. Being outside of the space where my lovely bed is and having someone else bear witness to how productive or not I am being is certainly a motivator.
I may discover new habits that can help me as I progress through the next month, but as of right now, these are the main things that are helping me.
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jewbeloved · 2 years
Feels good to be back.Hello again.I have a request:
How would Butters,Kenny,Pip,Kyle react to their S/O watching Bluey(Australian kids show)?
Butters, Kenny, Pip, and Kyle with a s/o who watches Bluey💙🐾🐶📺
I never watched Bluey before myself, and I only saw clips of it so I hope this is accurate.
I'm currently going through a writers block at the moment so I apologize If the characters' scenarios on here aren't long as usual.
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💛 Butters Scotch 🧁
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His parents probably never let him watch the show because they said it was too childish for his age 💀
You on the other hand, had the show all set up on your television and you invited Butters over to come watch it with you.
Butters knew about the show but he just never got to watch it, he's glad that he gets to watch it with you though!
You had other kinds of shows on your TV but you both mainly watch Bluey as another way of spending quality time together.
Since his parents won't let him watch it when he's at home and not able to go to your house to see it because he's grounded (again), he secretly watches the show on his phone.
He probably even spends the whole day watching it because of how entertaining and addicting it is 😭😭😭
You and him often do get teased by his friends for watching Bluey but you both don't give a damn, y'all both love this show and nobody is gonna stop yall otherwise.💛💛💛💛💛
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🥭
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He literally has no idea what that is-
He's not able to watch that very much shows on the television tbh.
He probably heard about it when he found you and his lil sister Karen watching it on your phone together.
Karen literally enjoys watching the show so much! She begs Kenny to come watch it with her as well.
When he watches it for the very first time, he immediately understood why you and Karen were so head on watching this show so often.
Whenever Kenny's parents were in on their usual drama, he would watch Bluey as a stress relief to melt away all his worries. He of course wouldn't mind watching it with you as well, since it helps his stress 10x more when you're here.
And when he's not able to watch it for whatever reason, you invite him over to your house to watch it with you instead.
He also wouldn't care If somebody told him that Bluey is a childish and lame show for him, he believes everyone can freely watch whenever they want. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
💛 Phillip Pirrup 🐣
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He is absolutely a big fan of the show.
He would have pictures of the characters in the show on his wall in his room like any fan would.
But as usual, he also gets bullied for liking the show anyways. But he's delightful to be able to share his moments of watching it with you 😊
You both mostly watch it at his house, since you apparently don't have a TV yourself in this scenario 😶
You ain't broke or nothing, you just live in a house without a TV alright? Stop asking questions >:(🫠
But anyways, similar like Kenny. Phillip also can't stop watching the show himself, he barely even gets up to go eat a snack or drink water because he's mind is too focused on watching the show.
You'd have to be the one to provide him with food and water, or you would just drag him away from the TV so he can take a rest for a while.
He would also be the type to be on social media and post related Bluey stuff on it and even memes as well.
While also forgetting that his classmates also use the same medias he uses and he gets bombed by them for that.
You and him probably agreed on being on a site where they couldn't bother you both, such as discord.💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
💚 Kyle Broflovski 🥝
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You full on forced his boy to watch the show with you 😳
He has heard about the show but never really cared or paid attention to it as much, Because he preferred to watch Terrance and Phillip instead.
In the first few minutes of watching it, Kyle was merely confused on why you were so addicted to watching it a lot.
I mean he watches Terrance and Phillip a lot too, but never this much as you do with Bluey.
But he just lets you do your own thing even If he doesn't understand this show.
He later on grew comfortable with seeing it more often, but he would never admit it. Instead towards his friends.
"Hah! a Jew watching a Australian gay dog like show! Hahahahah!"
"Shut the hell up Cartman!" You and Kyle both screamed at him and he zipped his mouth closed quick.
Damn, If Kyle became that defensive when Cartman was teasing him for watching the show, Kyle must've grown to its liking.
But he still denies that he doesn't watch the show, he just doesn't want to admit it okay? 💚💚💚💚
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That's so overwhelming when I think about it...😭😭
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zooophagous · 1 year
you had me going there for a minute and i was about to be SO CONCERNED FOR YOU
Yeah I flew a little too close to the sun with that post lol.
Needless to say the current state of social media is an artistic death trap. I once had a post in an art group deleted because there was a clown in the art work and it was deemed too scary. It wasn't even a scary clown.
It was a "weird art group" too. Like how fucking weird do you whiny pissants claim to be if you can't put up with a technicolor cartoon clown. It's beyond weak. Forget nude statues apparently we need to start all the way down at Bluey fanart and work our way up as if we're toddlers.
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babyashieblue · 10 months
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Doing this, but all at once! ^-^
I honestly don't remember how i discovered age regression. I most likely found an account on tik tok and got curious and decided to look more into it!
I'm also unsure about this one, as it's kind of a mix. I like pacis and sippies like a younger age, but I also love coloring and doing school worksheets like an older age.
I have one! He's my soon to be husband!! ^-^
I'd wake up, immediately take a nap with tons of stuffies, wake up again, eat some little snacks and drink some little drink, color or do some worksheets, play with my cg and stuffies, play minecraft, go into a little space world in vrchat, then go to bed with baba tucking me in.
Yes! I only have a paci and some fidget toys at the moment, but that'll grow soon!
Sometimes! I regress to a dog/wolf when do! Puppy barking is so fun!!
Honestly, im not that different! Big me and little me both love mlp and bluey! However, big me is more responsible and likely to do productive things, while little me would rather just laze around with my stuffies.
I love coloring when little, and drawing when big!
i love @buttercupagere !
It started out voluntary, then it turned into involuntary because i started slipping naturally!
I'm still not quite sure what that is ;-;
If i have i dont remember!
I love plushies!!! I have at least 60 at this point!!
Only a select few people! My baba and my ex know.
Ashie or Sweetiebelle
My little pony and bluey! Also being called ashie or when my baba goes bwahbwahbwahbwahbwah!!
Not always, I have days when I just cant be little!
I love the community! You guys have made so much awesome agere stuff and it wouldn't be nearly as much fun if it weren't for that! This blog feels like my little tiny corner of the internet and I love it!
I don't! I don't really like to read unless its very short or has pictures.
Starlight Glimmer (Glimmy) from mlp!
LOTS of stuffies, a princess bed (the one with the big curtain drape thingies), a fluffy pink carpet, a play corner with a play kitchen and stuff like that, a picture book corner, a minifridge with angel milk and some snackies in it, mlp and bluey posters, and me and baba of course!
I love to but it's very hard for me to! I still feel kinda silly sometimes, so it's difficult for me to let go and just have fun ;-;
It makes me feel a certain kind of happiness I can't find anywhere else. I like just pretending I don't have responsibilities and that baba can just always be there to take care of me when I need him to. I like forgetting about all of the sad in the world and just be a kid again.
I do! I have a little space playlist on my spotify with more light and bubbly sounding songs. Bubble Tea, Just Monica, Muffins, and some disney songs just to name a few!
Not yet, but my baba and I are working on some!
It depends on my mood! Sometimes im super hyper, and other times I'm extremely sleepi and whiney lol. ***There is no in-between***
No! I'm just a wittle baby
Agere has become a huge part of my everyday life, more than I ever thought it would be, and my Baba is a huge part of that. He's helped me leave my house, get a job, and just generally better myself since I first met him. I feel like im finally coming out of this hole I've been in for years for the first time ever.
Anyways, that's all for now.
Goodnight, my littles! <3
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DNI banner made by @springtimefrog
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marksbear · 2 years
How about Steven is sitting on Dom photo Grapher reader face and is being really loud but then Donna calls to ask him if he can come in even though it's not his day. Reader stops for a while but then continue when he is still on the phone and is trying to keep quiet but he is overestimated because it had been a while and reader thinks this as makeup for the call with blue bell. -🐻‍❄️
A bit rushed since my schedule is a bit packed but other words I hope you enjoy!
Warnings! eating out, nervous Steven, sex while on the phone, payback. And for the people who don't have a clue who Blue bell is or Bella the fic where she is from is at the bottom!
It started at 5:27 now it's 10:00.
It has been five hours of the couple fucking. How it all happen? its simple.
Steven is having a shitty day and like the good boyfriend Y/n called his assistant Bella or really the nickname he made for when they were kids Blue Bell. He called her up making some excuse like "Sorry bluey... I can't make it I feel way too sick to even move." Bella didn't believe her boss for a second getting used to all the lies and excuses. "Yeah yeah fuck off. Tell Steven I say hello." Y/n laughs at the phone before saying bye and hangs up.
"Steven take off your clothes okay darling?" Y/n tells his mopey boyfriend with a kiss on the cheek before taking off his own. Steven could tell something was off about his boyfriend but doesn't argue and does what hes told.
"C'mere baby." Y/n spread open his legs as an invitation for Steven to which he gladly takes and crawls to Y/n in between his lovers legs waiting for his next instruction. "Such a good boy Stevey~" Y/n uses one of his hands to softly grab Stevens jaw bringing him for a kiss. Steven quickly melts into the kids opening his mouth for Y/n as they makeout.
Steven begins to forget all his troubles sinking deeper into the kisses and grinds onto Y/n. Steven seems to be such in a deep trance Y/n uses it to his advantage, and hooks his arm on Steven's waist bringing him up. "Y-y/n!" Steven yelps out once his body is fully on Y/n chest. "Let me eat you Steven. You deserve it~" "But-- I don't wanna crush you..." Steven's weak British voice tries to argue back but covers his face once his cock becomes fully hard at the thought of ridding Y/n face.
"Steven. We both know you're not gonna crush me. Besides this is not about me this is about you." Y/n tries to reassure him bringing his hands up to Steven's hips on both sides massaging them. Steven begins to rant a bunch of reasons why he shouldn't but gets cut off when Y/n lowers his head licking one of the veins on his cock. Steven moans out from the sudden pleasure finally gives in to Y/n with a quiet "Yes."
Y/n brings up Steven by his hips and raises him over his face. Y/n sticks his tongue out giving Steven's hole a few kitten licks teasing him before he sinks Steven down fully on his tongue. "Y/n! AhHh~" Steven throws his head back moaning and already becomes a moaning mess. Steven rolls his hips back and forth grinding onto the tongue his head and vision in full pleasure and bliss. Y/n moves his tongue up and down reaching some of the places that haven't been touched yet by his tongue making Steven cock leak precum onto his face.
Y/n grips harder on Steven's waist making him stop moving back and forth. Steven opens his mouth to question his lover but gets stopped by his own gasp. When Y/n raises Steven fully off his tongue and quickly back on it reaching the base of the tongue. Steven didn't even notice when he had came all over his boyfriend's face painting him white. Y/n didn't mind and kept lifting him up and down until Steven founded a rhythm of his own and rode his tongue even faster than before.
Steven is a loud and shaking mess. His cock bouncing up and down with him leaking onto the man's face under him. Then his phone rang. That's when Steven five senses came back to him looking down at Y/n cum covered face. "Y---y/n ohHh~ please please wait." Steven begs taking his phone off of the dresser and quickly catches his breath before answering. "Hi Steven. Don't mean to bother ya at this time." "Hey Donna! U-uhm..What are you calling for?' Steven sends Y/n a glare when Y/n tries to move his hips up. "Well I need you to come in." "Y-y/n~ NgH n-no stop!" Steven's voice cried out like a whimper.
"Y/n? Steven did you hear me?" Y/n thrust his tongue up and down twisting it and moving it side to side at a fast speed. "Yes! y-yeah I did hear you oh fuck Y/n!" Steven feels a knot in his stomach and his hands tremble barely holding up the phone. "Okay great so I need you to come here immediately cause were short staffed." "G-gah~ fuck me Y/n I need you!" Steven tries to whisper his eyes becoming all watery. "Sorry Steven I didn't hear you." Donna voices rings out of the phone that's currently on the floor right now.
Donna brings her phone closer to her ear hearing moans and cries and Steven moaning and screaming at some guy named "Y/n" What Donna hears clearing is "Im cumming!" From her worker Steven.
Steven cums all over Y/n face body giving out falling next to Y/n body panting for air as he rides out his orgasm humping the bed. Y/n picks up the phone and says. "Sorry about that ma'am you caught me and Steven in a bad time but we'll be right there." Y/n hands up the phone getting up finding a towel to wife his face. With some of the cum on his face his scrapes off using his fingers then sucks on them cleaning his hand.
"That's payback for when I was on the phone with Blue bell. big boy. Now lets get you dressed for work okay baby~" Y/n picks up Steven getting him all cleaned up.
Y/n helps Steven walk inside the building since his legs are shaking and about to give out. Y/n finds a lady hands on her hips and foot tapping on the floor and he guesses it's his boyfriend's boss. "Hi miss. I'm Steven's boyfriend, but as you probably heard. My name is Y/n." Y/n sticks his hand out giving her a smile. Donna became frozen not expecting the successful Y/n L/n one of the best photographers in the world. She saw him in magazines and on TV never expecting him to be even more handsome on the news. "U-uhm Hi." She gives her hand to the taller man and the man gives it a firm shake.
"Again sorry. You caught me and my boyfriend at the wrong time. Hes a bit tired so give him some mercy." Y/n says finding Steven a place to sit. "Okay baby I gotta go. Love you. And come to my studio once you leave here. Give me a kiss~" Y/n raises Steven chin up kissing him deeply to which Steven kisses him back with the same passion.
"Love ya too! Bye Y/n!" Steven says watching his boyfriend leave.
"Wow Y/n thought you were sick." Bella says with her thick accent making Y/n smile. "You know I ate something that gave me such a boost." "You fuckin disgust me Y/n" "I love you too."
"Guess what."
"Do I wanna guess Y/n."
"I got payback. Remember when I was on the phone with you and he did y'know made be get vulnerable and subby while I was talking to you. I did it to him when he was on the phone with his boss."
"Y/n L/n. Now why the hell did you do that to my boyfriend!" She gives Y/n a hard slap on the back making him wince and run away from her.
Co-workers watch the two fools run around the studio and laugh when Y/n falls and Bella kicks him while hes on the ground."
And here is the first fic! from the anon was referring to.
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disgruntleddemon · 5 months
People seem to forget children's media can be good and touch on heavier topics, and still be children's media.
I think people also forget how much a kid can handle. Like Coraline is a good movie it's creepy at many points, it's got death (kind of ig), and monsters. It's still a kids movie.
Or when people are like Bluey is actually an adult show, it's got miscarriage, and infertility, and adhd, etc. And then you look at the episodes, and unsurprisingly it's just vague implications or only briefly touched upon. But even if it was more of a discussion, it's still a kids show. And sometimes these are just things a kid will deal with in their life.
Kids shows bringing up heavier topics from time to time is good. It can validate a kids experience, show them how to navigate something, prepare them in case they're ever in that situation, etc. It has a purpose, and it IS for kids.
Again, it's not to say you can't enjoy media for kids, or think it's good. Scooby Doo is my special interest, it's just also important to remember it is what it is. You don't need to act like it's anything more to justify your like of it.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Do you think that the other characters forget Efi is only 12 (I think). Like she and Torbjorn spend the day going over super complicated schematics (and she even corrects him once or twice) then she puts on Power Puff Girl pajamas, watches Bluey while eating ice cream before bed? Could we get some fanteractions between her and the others?
I don't know if I discussed it on twitter or on here, but actually in the novel The Hero of Numbani, one of the things I thought was a really cute little world-buildy touch about how Efi interacts with the world at her age is that she often finds herself in these adult spaces, and the adults around her are drinking coffee, and they're like "uhhhh here" and they keep giving her coffee that's like... 50% milk and loaded with sugar--like it's clear they didn't really expect a kid to be in this situation and they're awkwardly doing what they can to try and accommodate her, and she partially recognizes that and also pushes boundaries and feels this need to prove herself.
Also like, 12 isn't really a "powerpuff girl pajamas and Bluey" age, 12 is like.. the age where you semi-convince yourself that you could probably stop arterial bleeding with your little bare 12-year-old hands if the situation called for it. 12 is when you're in a fucked up simultaneous state of "World is big and scary and my body is starting to do things I did not give it permission to do and I'm not ready" and also "I'm Nancy Drew levels of hypercompetent and you can't stop me." Ideally, 12 is where you're starting to push your own boundaries more and more but you're also kind of struggling with the fact that you are outgrowing things you used to really care about. You aren't quite at that asshole stage of "expanding independence but with very little concept of consequences" yet, but it is an age where you are grasping more and more complex concepts. But also your brain is still struggling to really make a leap into abstract/symbolic thinking, which is why algebra really sucks at that age. But again, Efi is a super-genius so developmentally she's at an even crazier intersection of what she can and can't do compared to her peers.
I got off track. Anyway here's Efi interactions.
Sojourn: ...You um, you don't have to stand all the way over there. I don't bite.
Efi: *awkwardly shuffles toward her*
Sojourn: ...
Efi: ...
Sojourn: Soooo---?
Efi: *hoarse whisper* You're so much cooler than in the cartoons.
Sojourn: *snrk* I was this cool the whole time.
Sojourn: So, I guess I should say, there's really no pressure here. If you did choose to join us, you would just be here as a consultant, and--*deep breath* Okay, the thing is, with Liao gone, you're actually one of the leading minds in the world on AI learning systems, and the way things are with Null Sector, we need to be better at anticipating their next moves. I don't want to put that pressure on you, but given everything you and Orisa have done for Numbani, your willingness to work with Lúcio before, and the position we're currently in, we would be honored if we could get your perspective on certain pieces of intel we have now.
Efi: ...
Sojourn: I get it, it's a very scary situation, and if you just want to stay with your parents and the rest of the civilians, we'll still do everything in our power to keep you safe. Orisa is proving to be an incredible asset on her own. Really, Lúcio just remarked that you seemed very passionate about protecting your home, so if you would be interested in the chance to do that on a larger scale--
Efi: Do I have access to the armory?
Sojourn: Eh--?
Efi: Oh it's not for me, it's for Orisa.
Sojourn: Uhm...
Efi: :)
Sojourn: *clicks tongue* Um--You know what? I'm going to call your parents because there are about 90 more parameters in this situation I need to figure out.
Efi: Oh! They're fine with me having access to the armory.
Sojourn: Yeeahhh I think i'm going to ask them myself.
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bunnyreaper · 1 year
hello hello! its me again back at it with the babies bc i am insatiable and i cannot get enough of your writing 😭💕
would you be up for toddler and teenager phases with reaper/gabe? something about the idea of reaper trying to handle a moody teen who takes after him is just- i am going to EXPLODE 🥺🙏
notes: yes i'm living for your requests!! i kind of went off the rails with this, i'm so sorry ;__; i hope you like it though! warnings: f!reader, loose grasp on concepts of masculinity and parenting. Gabriel and Reaper with toddler and teen child HCs (+ bonus drabbles)
Gabe with toddler is a real treat to see, as he gets to release his more lighthearted, goofy, and imaginative side.
The best storyteller going will do all the voices (but gets a little embarrassed about anyone at work knowing this.) 
Keeps up with the bilingual teaching and beams with pride when they start speaking Spanish.
Lets the toddler use them as a climbing frame, swings them around to their heart's content, and never gets tired. 
Takes it really hard if he misses a milestone because he's out on a mission. Often someone caught it on camera, but it's not quite the same 
Buys them their basketball jersey and baby hoop.
Would enjoy Bluey (because he's a man of good taste after all) and would hate Peppa Pig (same reason)—sometimes whistles the Bluey theme tune, and you can't convince me otherwise. 
Gets extremely stressed if they sustain any slight injury at all. 
Takes them into Overwatch for office days on occasion as a toddler. They love visits to Uncle Jack's office or when Ana lets them play fight with her.
Still brings them to Overwatch as they grow up, especially when they seem to be going through a tough time. They find everyone at Overwatch cooler than Gabe, or at least that's what they tell him (but they secretly hero worship him and all the others.)
Continues to teach them proper gun safety, takes them shooting and emphasizes the gravity of what guns can do. 
Understands Ana's opposition to Fareeha wanting to join Overwatch, and has to have you talk him down from stubborn overreactions when the subject is mentioned.
Does bond with them over sport. Takes one-on-one time with them at their favorite games, and if they play, he'll try his best to attend games around missions.
Teaches them to cook too, especially dishes he loved growing up. 
Struggles with the mood swings if they say hurtful things. If his kid ever said they hated him, his heart would shatter into a million pieces.
Tries to encourage openness and honesty, so they can feel safe discussing anything at all with him, even if he squirms like crazy giving "the talk".
Again, has to be talked down from being the stereotype of overprotective father when his kid starts dating, but he learns to trust their instincts and values. After all, you both raised them to value their own autonomy and to have good instincts about people.
But he almost finds himself crying with them the first time they get their heart broken, and he desperately wishes he could do anything to take the pain away.
Loves helping them pick outfits for school dances or other special occasions.
"You ready?" You ask your daughter sweetly, looking her over as she fiddles with the costume.
She frowns, a look you're familiar with indicating that she's feeling self-conscious and shy. "What do you think, mama?" 
You kneel down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You look perfect, don't forget to do your impression, okay?" 
"Okay." She confirms, yet still seems unconvinced.
"Can we show Papa now?" You ask, readying her for the reveal.
It's Superhero day at preschool, and she knew which hero she wanted to be the moment the day was announced. 
She hesitates, the uncertain expression still in her eyes. "Maybe..." 
"What's up, baby?" You stroke her sweet face, careful not to smudge the scars you just painted onto her face. 
"What if he doesn't like it?" She frowns, her eyes averted from your gaze.  
"He's going to love it, promise." You smile, and finally she softens. "Ready?" 
She nods, and you call out to Gabe. "Ready?" 
"Ready!" Gabe replies from the other room. He was hoping for something cool, maybe Captain Marvel or Wonder Woman, but he was about to get an even great surprise. 
You open the door for your daughter, and the two of you walk into the living room. 
"Ta da!" You call out, as your daughter crosses her arms over her puffed up chest and dons the most adorable, unconvincing scowl. 
"Baby..." Gabe drops to his knees, staring at your daughter with welled up eyes, and he toys with her black beanie. "Baby... are you dressed as me?" 
"Yes, papa, do you like it?" She asks, hesitant at her father's reaction. 
"I love it." He nods, tightening his jaw and willing away the tears. 
"You're my hero." She cries happily as she hugs his neck. "Don't cry!" 
"Can't help it." He laughs, and your heart swells as you watch the scene. "Don't tell the bad guys my weakness, okay?" 
"Okay." She giggles, pulling away to press a kiss to his cheek. "Te quiero mucho, papa."
"Te quiero mucho, baby." He whispers, casting you a look that shows you just how much his heart is melting. "So I guess once we pick you up from preschool, we better head to base. You've gotta start bossing Uncle Jack around now." 
"Vete a la verga, papa!" ("Go to hell, dad!") Your daughter shouts as she slams the door upstairs, a loud thud that echoes round the house. 
"Cuida tu lenguaje, jovencita." ("Watch your mouth, young lady.") Gabe calls back, anger in his tone as he admits defeat and storms down the stairs.  
When he emerges into the kitchen, he's still muttering in Spanish.
"What did you say now?" You sigh, exasperated at the way the two of them have been butting heads lately. 
"Ella tienen un humor de perros." ("She's in a bad mood.") He grumbles. "She'll get over it."
Hates the terrible twos and tantrums (because no one is allowed to be dramatic as he is), and sometimes you find him and the toddler both pouting.
Doesn't sweat the small stuff like grazed knees or hands, as he knows it's how the toddler learns. He still keeps a fierce watch over them, though. 
His blood boils hearing kindergarten stories about other kids mistreating his child, doubly so if he senses an adult has taken a dislike to his kid.
Sometimes struggles with the high-energy moments of raising a toddler, but thrives when they're sleepy and just looking for cuddles. He makes a great pillow.
Does have to try harder to maintain his patience, and understand the lack of malice in the actions of a toddler. Sometimes he finds it hard to keep his cool when toys are being thrown or bedtime is being avoided.
Tears up more than he likes to admit at milestones and small moments, gets really sentimental and insists on keeping baby teeth, locks of hair, etc.
Keeps their drawings, even if they're just colorful lines and splotches.
Gets a family dog, and thrives seeing the bond between his kid and the dog.
Doesn't like wearing tiaras, drinking pretend tea, or the smell of play dough (deals with it all anyway.) 
Feels parts of his soul repair when his kid says "I love you" for the first time. 
Regrets teaching his kid sarcasm, because holy shit, do they have it in spades.
Is the overprotective father suspicious of everyone who wants to date his kid, regardless of gender. He might not show it outwardly, but he's often sharing his worries with you and prone to forgetting how scary he can actually be. 
Both loves it and hates it when gun lessons show his kid to have an aptitude with shotguns.
Offers to drive them anywhere and everywhere, as it means he can keep tabs on them and keep them safer.
Teaches them self-defense, takes it very seriously.
Gains major cred with his kid for using the correct pronouns for trans/nb friends.
Curses them out in Spanish when they do something especially dumb.
Tries to pick up video games to help relate, finds FPS games annoyingly difficult, definitely grumps if he gets called out on it.
Cries at the high school graduation, begs you not to tell their kid.
Gets called "old man" by his kid, makes his eye twitch 1000%.
"Papa?" Your son's sweet voice interrupts the silence as you and Gabriel sit on the couch reading. Your son climbs onto his father's chest and pokes at his face.  "Grumpy."  He comments simply. 
"I'm not grumpy." He says, yet his brows are knit. 
"Papa grumpy." The toddler comments once more, mimicking the frown before fiddling with his face some more. He prods his fingers into Gabriel's cheeks, forcing them into a smile. 
"Papa happy." He says with a grin. 
"Papa happy." Gabriel responds, finally cracking with a genuine smile.
"I don't know Mom, can I?" Your son responds, completely exasperated. You don't even need to look up to know he's rolling his eyes. 
"You can do it yourself. You usually do anyway." He groans and makes his way to leave the kitchen. 
His exit is blocked by your husband's heavy frame, his eyes glaring down at your son. 
"Don't speak to your mother like that." 
He comments, a quiet sense of rage filling him. "Your Abuelita would have your head for that." He growls. 
"Good job she's not here then, isn't it?" Your son responds in an instant—the cruelty sounding strange even from his usually sharp tongue. 
"Go to your room." Gabriel snaps, his voice raising as he steps aside yet puffs out his chest, unable to look his son in the eye. 
Your heart clenches, knowing how the words would cut Gabriel so deep. They already hurt you, but his mother's memory was a sacred one, and your son had crossed a line. Despite his usual teenage ways lately, this was a step too far. 
"When did he get so moody?" Gabriel comments gruffly, as you approach him and attempt to soothe him with a comforting touch. 
"Hmm, wonder who gets that from." You whisper, pressing a kiss to your husband's cheek. 
"I don't know what you're talking about." He pouts, going rigid with annoyance. 
You laugh lightly. "Sure you don't."
Gabriel pulls away, the stormy expression still on his face. 
"He's been struggling lately. I didn't mean to, but I overheard him talking to one of his friends." You sigh—now was the time to tell Gabriel the truth. "I've been meaning to bring it up." 
Gabriel's attention is caught. "Bring what up?" 
"You're so hard on him all the time. He thinks you hate him." Once more, your chest hurts. You know it's the furthest thing from the truth, but all your son craves is his father's approval, and your words haven't done anything to soothe him. 
"He does?" Gabriel's eyes darken, as a piece of his past self bubbles up inside him—that same feeling he once had to always prove himself. The one that drove him to the police, the army, to the SEP, and beyond—ending in his near death experience and everything that follows. 
Gabriel swallows deeply, his anger abating as he turns and heads upstairs to his son's room. 
After a knock or two, he's greeted by a disgruntled "What?", before he announces that he's heading in. 
"Hey." Gabriel offers casually, yet his boy doesn't meet his eye.
He sits on his bed, swirling the butterfly knife Gabriel got him for Christmas round and round. Gabriel takes a seat beside him. 
"You can talk to us, to me, if something's bothering you." He offers, trying his hardest to sound even. He loves his son with everything he has, and he doesn't want him to grow up like him, constantly pushing things down. 
His anger most days might be exacerbated by his physical condition, but the experiments only exaggerated what was lurking underneath. 
The boy's knife play stops, his expression softening, yet he doesn't turn to face his father. 
"I know dad." He sighs. "There's nothing to talk about, though." 
"Then why are you acting out with your mother?" Gabriel asks. 
"I'll apologize to her. Sorry." 
"It would be better if you just explained yourself." Gabriel says, but his son now just falls quiet. 
Gabriel studies his son's expressions, sensing his quiet softening and yet his clear reticence to open up at this time. 
"Suit yourself." He replies, yet resolves to make a greater effort in the future to change things for the better. "I know you can take care of yourself." Gabriel's words finally have his son looking at him, the validation and approval clearly working. 
He slings his arm around his son, pulling him closer. "But we're always gonna look out for you, your mama, and I. I'm proud of you, though." 
His son looks sheepish and embarrassed, turning his face away yet not moving from his father's touch. 
"Talk over?" He mumbles, his voice higher pitched than usual.
"Talk over." Gabriel nods, pressing a kiss to his son's head before making his way out of the room.
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