#and what is left will not represent me
unityrain24 · 3 months
i have so much creativity in me and i cannot express it all and it's so frustrating
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royalarchivist · 3 months
[A sad violin song plays over an image of a sad hamster]
Pac: This doesn't have anything to do with me – I wear a blue sweatshirt, you're crazy, this mouse doesn't even have a sweatshirt, this hamster! [Reading chat] Am I a depressed hamster?
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[ Transcript continued ↓ ]*
Pac: Actually– that's fine! I embrace that idea – of course I'm going to be depressed, are you crazy? [He hits his desk, then starts counting off people on his fingers] Fit is gone, Richarlyson is gone, Ramon is gone, Bagi and Empanada who were always there when we were there are also gone, I haven't seen them! It's just me and Tubbo, and sometimes Philza shows up.
Pac: I lost Chume Labs, I lost the Favela, I lost Murder Mystery, I lost Ilha Chume Labs, it's crazy! Look at how much I've lost, and I've gained nothing! Of course I'm going to be depressed, are you crazy?! How am I supposed to be happy?!
Pac: [Reading chat] "You have us Pac," that's true, thank you. No, that's true, sorry.
* NOTE: Please note that this is an incomplete transcript, as I was primarily relying on Aypierre's translation mod at the time and if I am not confident of the translation, I do not include it. As always, please feel free to add on translations or message me corrections.
#Pactw#QSMP#Pac#March 18 2024#As much as I love keeping people updated about Pac / the other Portuguese-speaking creators#I think I might not make as many transcribed posts for their clips anymore#I just don't think I'm qualified enough to be transcribing things for a language I don't know#like yeah we have the Qlobal Translator and Aypierre's translators to rely on#And I'm always upfront when I'm not 100% sure about a translation#but I've been thinking about it a lot and it kinda makes me feel a bit icky. Idk.#I might be overthinking this but I just I don't want to spread around translations I'm not super confident about#esp. since I know a lot of people cite my clips in analysis posts or link them to other people as resources#and 90% of the time I'm like ''Hell yeah I love seeing people getting a lot of use out of the archive''#but sometimes I get a bit anxious like ''Did I do a good enough job translating this''#''Am I ruining someone's entire perception of a conversation or character because I left one word out or mistranslated something?''#And like I said that's normally not a HUGE concern since if I'm not certain about a translation I just won't post a clip. but you know#idk it might just be the anxiety talking but I really really don't want to spread bad info#Happy to hear other folks' perspective#I'm really grateful for people like Bell and Pix and others who translate clips and I always try to reblog those#but we don't have a ton of people posting clips & translating things on Tumblr since we're so English-centric#which is part of the reason WHY I like sharing clips of the non-English-speaking CCs#but at the same time I want to do an accurate job representing what they're saying#Maybe I'll just start posting things and give a TLDR context of what they're talking about but not a transcript#that way native-speakers can hop in and add translations if that's something they're comfortable doing#and if not then well. at least I'm not sharing something that isn't super accurate#idk I'm just thinking out loud a bit in the tags#But I'm open to hearing other people's thoughts on the matter#Anyways giant rant aside. q!Pac is NOT doing ok rn
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death-rebirth-senshi · 10 months
I once saw a post that was like "Radahn and Malenia are half siblings what beef could they have" and like you cannot possibly comprehend the beef that half-siblings children of divorce can have with one another.
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silenthillmutual · 8 months
something something. i do have "problematic" fave characters but it feels weird to me to look at art where characters are crafted with nuance and love and go "but this one's problematic" when that is arguably the point of writing a character with such depth to begin with. could i call daniil dankovsky or james sunderland problematic? of course. but that feels like a really juvenile and misguided way of interacting with them. i could call the whole saw cast problematic and it would be true but also incredibly laughable given that this is arguably the point of the franchise. idk i just think the term "problematic fave" feels like a sort of hollow assessment of characters who are either A, living in a world full of problematic characters (how do you differentiate) or B, written with more complexity than a saturday morning cartoon villain (no shit sherlock)
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suncaptor · 4 months
reducing a presidential election down to the trolley problem is kind of fucking insane to me. like you HAVE to stop looking down on everyone who is anti-Biden as being young or stupid or morally undeveloped. yes Trump would likely be worse on Israel and his views on Israel alone are even more terrifying than Biden, and yes there may be a huge chance Palestinian support shifts in the general to Biden regardless of his hand in genocide. But to act like someone actively trying to work against Biden and planning to not vote for him while he's actively participating in genocide (and only pushing in any way against it while having huge huge hits to his election chances in the election year) is short-sighted propaganda. I personally voted for Biden in 2020 despite hating him & what he's done to people & voting for him was against went against what I personally stood for, but I did because it was the most strategic best option considering the reality of Trump. People aren't stupid to rail against the current president in an election year while he's actively supporting Israel for months on end.
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
I wish I saved more steps of the process for this or actually turned on the time-lapse for once but, process :) cause I think it's fun to look back on
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
So I started the dub of Fruits Basket again.
Forgetting, of course, that the primary theme is about life changing and having to be okay with letting go of the past even though the future is uncertain.
More importantly, forgetting that one of the main threads of this throughout the series is Tohru's grief (and guilt) over her mother's death.
Well, you know what, my therapist told me to engage with grief as homework the past couple of weeks, so between this and starting Anohana again I THINK IT COUNTS.
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acepandemi · 18 days
Internet: It's Pride Month! Rainbows!
The Netherlands: The European Football Championship is starting soon, so the only colour of the rainbow we are interested in is ORANGE!!!!!
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brightbluekicks · 26 days
2 days to graduation. i can’t help but feel as though i’ve been pretty significantly missing out on something i didn’t know that i wanted until now
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have i told anyone about my bizarre headcanon that the nightmare realm is alive, is represented by a giant serpent-esque thing, and ‘recycles’ fords when it deems it needs to?
#this is connected to the ‘stan is connected to the axolotl and ford is connected to the nightmare realm’ thing#you might be wondering. why does our snake friend destroy fords when it deems it needs to?#the nightmare realm is significantly more unstable compared to the axolotl#(which is really just a representative of the entire multiverse in this extended headcanon thing)#the axolotl can create new material anytime it wants#the nightmare realm cannot do this#so it goes ‘alright. that one got lost between the folds of space-time#i’ll just break it apart and use the fragments to make a new one’#the problem is the motivation. it claims it wants to get rid of bill and alright that makes sense#but then bill is gone and it’s still doing it so really why?#because the serpent is made of those shattered pieces and needs to recycle fords to sustain itself#it sends one out and they live for a while#and then it consumes them and makes a new one#if it ever stops doing this the nightmare realm will collapse and it will die#the fords though? the fords will live on without it just fine#and all because the serpent and its sibling thought it would be fun to make some twins#it did not think about the consequences in the long run#anyway. this is where my mind goes when left to wander#i gave the fucking nightmare realm a character and motivations#also they’re sort of like. adopted siblings? cosmically found family?#they’re in a symbiotic relationship- the multiverse and the nightmare realm i mean#bill is what we call a parasite#jesus fucking christ there’s something wrong with me
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scarletcomet · 2 months
scrolling through instagram and it's making me want to die
#i know instagram doesn't represent ppls real lives#but that doesnt change the fact that i don't have many friends who care about me#and almost everyone my year is graduating and celebrating#i am so fucking lonely. i don't think any of my school friends miss me#24 days self-harm free but i might say fuck it and relapse tonight#why though? i guess i just need some way to express how im feeling inside. or maybe it's to punish myself or because im feeling worthless#it's been over a year now since i first reached out to professionals for help for this depressive episode#over a year and im still as lost as ever. i know im doing so much better than i was but i still feel so awful every single day#i feel like i still need to be doing a lot better before i can go back to school#i feel so stuck and hopeless. i know I've made so much progress but i don't feel as if ill be able to make anymore progress#i feel like I've hit a wall and ive tried everything#my therapist told me to just keep eating sleeping and getting movement in everyday and be patient#ive been going on walks every day for like 2 weeks now and i dont feel any difference#seeing my psychiatrist wednesday and im hoping she will have an idea of what to do#i hope it's not just slightly adjusting my meds or even just trying a different antidepressant (not many left i haven't tried)#i also worry that im not bad enough for more intensive treatments like ECT or ketamine#if she tells me that i just need more therapy or another group i might just fucking end it#idk like i kinda feel like im fine and there's nothing wrong with me but at the same time i always am feeling so fucking depressed#i have had so much improvement but honestly part of me wishes i was still actively suicidal#idk what to do
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littlenightmares2 · 3 months
i rank the little nightmares kids in this order :
seven mono six
but interestingly , i have a lot more to say about six than the other two . in fact , i actually have the least to say about seven , my literal favourite .
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
After watching Chapter 20: The Foundling (s03e04), I think I finally figured out why Children of the Watch bugs me so much. Ironically this is not just about the helmet rule even though at this point in the story I find it hysterically hilarious how the show doesn’t follow its own worldbuilding. Like Din got kicked out from the Tribe because he took off his helmet and Armorer - who usually is fair and act as the voice of reason - didn’t even bother to ask for the reason behind it (and at least one time was about Din getting medical help and the other, if I remember correctly, was done to save Grogu) with moment before Paz Vizsla claiming he has never took off his helmet because this is the way but now Children of the Watch take off the helmets to eat like no big deal, when we already saw Din eating while not revealing fully his face? Like, sorry, either you are not allowed to take that blasted thing (about what we have two seasons and a bit Book of Boba Fett) or you are allowed to do so in certain situations but if the letter is true, then not asking Din for reason behind his action and just kicking him out on spot is so… jerk move. Double so, when Armorer claims that saving a Foundling is the “highest honor of the Creed '' and isn’t it what all Din’s actions are about through the last two seasons? 
I sidetracked. 
Anyway, the mentioned scene of Mandalorians scattering around to eat alone so other people don't see their faces (the act of removing the helmet) is what frustrated me so much about this group. Children of the Watch are recognized as a Mandalorian community but they don’t feel much to be one?
On one hand, the show established that members of the Children of the Watch:
 support each other in various ways. Like coming to aid a fellow Mandalorian in fight whatever said members are on good terms or not (Paz and Din in the first season) or providing material goods, as we are both shown (with Din) and told (by Armorer) that “It is a tradition [...] for each to donate a small portion of what they earn to the foundlings”. So those who earn money or get their hands on anything special like beskar, support the most vulnerable ones (orphans) of their Tribe. Which is definitely a positive aspect of their community (even if so far we see only(?) Din to wander through the galaxy and actually earn money and share them with his people). 
celebrate (witness) together an important moments of individual members like the ceremonial accepting Creed by Ragnar or Din’s official return after Armorer confirmed his proof about Living Waters 
train together and the older (more experienced) members act as mentors
organize a searching (war) party for a child abducted by predator animal
So it can’t be denied that Children of the Watch is a community in which all members take part in the social life of the Tribe, and all play some specific roles. The adults mentor the less experienced people and act as protectors in times of danger, Armorer is providing knowledge and guidance but also (alongside Paz Vizsla?) guards tradition and “punishes” for breaking the rules - and it is important to note she is usually presented as fair judge, as it was seen with Din and Paz’s rocky relationship through the all seasons.  
On another hand we don’t see Children of the Watch (beside Armorer and Paz) interact with Din or Bo in any meaningful way that builds the feeling of truly belonging to this little society or even between each other in background? And here comes my realization with the rescue group sitting around the fireplace. The food was distributed, Bo’s position as leader acknowledged by Paz and then… everyone went on their own to eat in solitude. Which is so anticlimactic in regard to building any personal connection between Tribe and newcomer. They were a rescue group, on “enemy” territory (with some dangerous local fauna, there could be more hungry predators lurking in the night) and instead of sharing the warmth of firework, the sitting (eating) by the fire is treated as privilege.
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Eating together and sharing food with your community is a universal bonding experience and it is no wonder that Bo-Katan is out of her depth so much in that scene, when one remembers she was for years part of Death Watch. And we know thanks to The Clone Wars (a tie-in material from the same New Canon) that Death Watch feasted together (A Friend in Need)
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or even during Pre and Maul talk about alliance - a pretty important moment for both involved parties - there was one warrior who apparently chose to eat/drink between his folks rather than sitting (alone) somewhere else.
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Hell, even when Din and Boba Fett seek her in the previous season, she and Koska also ate a meal together.
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Of course, those little scenes are just glimpses at life of other mandalorian groups, but there is drastic contrast between Children of the Watch (eat alone so no one see you removing helmet/showing face) and what Bo-Katan experienced within two separate communities (Death Watch and her clan/followers). And I think this is the reason why Children of the Watch doesn’t feel like a true community to me. Sure, they train together and take part in ceremonies and aid each other in fight, but there is little of actual personal relationship? Little of normal things the community do together like exactly eating and sharing a place by the fire?
And there is something really bothering how the morally dubious Death Watch act as a community, not only with the training, but also eating a meal together or talking with each other - what could be observed in various scenes between the unnamed members.
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In general I think TCW provided a better feeling of Death Watch’s daily life outside of combat than The Mandalorian show did for the Children of the Watch. It is doubly weird that Pre Vizsla of all people bothered to offer Maul a tea when they were making alliance as a gesture of goodwill and/or playing the good host role
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while Bo-Katan (a newcomer) is left to eat alone because no one is allowed to remove the helmet in company thus can’t eat together. Come to think about it, Bo-Katan too offered to share her food with Grogu and Din in the “Mines of Mandalore” which adds to the feeling how food - as bonding / belonging to community - means a lot to her or Mandalorian in general.
Additional feeling of the not-so-good community sense comes from the same episode and is about how Ragnar could walk away from the group unnoticed when apparently Children of the Watch are perfectly aware of dangerous predators lurking around. And the kid walked to the edge of the water from which Tribe was already attacked by a beast and for some reason no one noticed it? Like Din was there when Ragnar just walked away but he was too busy praising Grogu even though, as the adult and part of the community he was responsible for other (especially less experienced) members. He however could have zero knowledge of the flying predator that may snatch the kid but the Tribe living there knew but did not bother to guard their children better? As was shown, they didn’t put anyone on guard duty to make sure those training together were safe or to keep an eye on kids wandering away from the group? You know, to not repeat the tragedy that already befall on their community in the recent past? It is especially weird to me, because the whole episode put so much pressure on how saving a foundling (or child in general) is the most honorable part of the Creed yet the Children of the Watch, as a collective, did not provide the safety to the most vulnerable members as they could despite the knowledge about danger and already experienced tragedy.
And sure, we could argue hey this kid is a sworn Mandalorian and maybe the Mando doesn’t fret about children safety as we, the no-warrior people, do. But the thing is, none of the monsters the Tribe faced was something a single adulr warrior could beat alone. It was always a community effort to beat them - and mind you, the “water beast” ultimately was killed by fire from Din’s spaceship so it is not something that a lonely kid could achieve on his own. The flying monster also was defeated because of cooperation of several warriors (though they maybe could kill it faster if the animal didn’t hold the kid). Which is why I find the execution of the plot weak from the in-universe perspective, as this tragedy was easy to avoid if only the Tribe bothered a bit more with common sense and security (something they were much more focused on in the first season?)
Of course, the show is an ongoing project so maybe the future episodes will change my mind about Children of the Watch, but for now I have very mixed feelings about them as the Mandalorian community. They are built as one for sure but they don’t really feel like a real community so far to me. Especially not compared to Death Watch, as was presented by the same New Canon.
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
If we're talking bad ScreamFort additions
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No offense.
oh no offense taken!! i think i get it!!
i feel that most things added after the 4th scream fortress kind of drops off in quality. having skeletons added, i thought they were super neat when they were first introduced, but i'm kind of indifferent to them now.
they feel underwhelming when compared to the previous three years, with the HHH, Monoculus and Merasmus being NPC bosses that you had to work together to kill, each with their own specific quirks. the skeletons combined with the spellbooks... i don't feel can stack up against their predecessors. doesn't help i guess that killing them doesn't reward you with anything either.
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brittlebutch · 9 months
i can't find the post now so maybe i've made it up entirely, who's to say, but i feel like i remember seeing a post about saccharina saying that she expects too much for the rest of the Rocks to treat her like family, but now that i'm actually watching the season, dude, she says multiple times that she doesn't care if they treat her like Family, she really just wants them to be decent to her and they refuse to even grant her that much
#N posts stuff#like the big confrontation i'm at now is bc Saccharina made a move to Help Ruby in this fight and then when she mentions it verbally#Ruby responds to that by entertaining the notion of shoving Saccharina off a cliff bc it pisses her off so much to acknowledge that#<- that's not Saccharina demanding everyone play 'happy family' that's her helping an ally and getting spit on for it#if Ruby and Amathar don't want to interface with Saccharina as family they shouldn't have to; but that doesn't mean that they get#to shit on HER for representing obligation they don't want; they could Just Be Civil to her instead#and ruby saying 'you can be my sister or my queen but you can't have both' when saccharina has Reiterated that she doesn't even Want#to be a queen is like. again i get where Ruby is coming from this is not a bash on her emotional state so much as it is an attempt#to comment on fan Reactions to the dynamics here - ruby is Putting saccharina in a dichotomy she does not want to be in and is#Projecting a dynamic that does not inherently exist; saccharina wasn't looking for a sister in that moment she was just asking for#an Acknowledgement of her efforts and asking someone else to give her some effort back; the way any teammate would want#and yeah when ruby comes up to her and doesn't apologize just says 'you're asking too much of me' i don't think saccharina saying#'hey i get that but i was truly Excited to meet you' is a demand for sisterhood; it's just 'i was really excited to meet you#and instead of being nice you're Just constantly shitting on me' -> that's a comment on why She's so fucked up about ruby's harshness#not a demand for ruby to start liking her; do you see what i mean? like am I making sense here? lol#i mean i still have a few eps left maybe there's still some conversations i haven't seen yet but. you know
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pyxscythe · 9 months
I'm scared to open this playlist- is this playlist based on k!lincu ?? I'm so concerned
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