#and to my parents a very big fuck you 🙂
lucian-evander · 1 year
Not me realising 4 days later that i reached my 6 months on T !!!
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Hello!!! =D
This follows from Part 1
Warning: long post 😊😅
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Oh you're still here 😶
Honestly, I was really liking his character right up till he said this. He was nice, friendly, and yes, a little invasive, but as long as Peem didn't mind, I was okay. But we all know how a love rival saying these words go in BLs, so when he said this, alarms went off in my head. And he continued flirting. Which is not okay. I know Peem doesn't really mind, but still. Kluen, you are a mostly decent human, but please take a rejection as it's supposed to be taken.
Also, when he says he's handsome and rich, and Peem jokes about how much he's willing to "invest", Peem says "Phum is handsome, too." No mention of his money. If Phum heard this, he'd be jumping and squealing, but it also tells us that Peem cares fuck all about how rich Phum is. Which will probably help Phum gain more confidence in this love.
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Who the fuck cares. 🙂
Listen, as I said in my previous post, I'd decided to ignore the parents because they didn't deserve any attention, but when he stopped Fang from going after Phum, I was furious. That is nothing compared to what I felt in this scene. You ruined his childhood, gave him trauma that he'll never be able to fully leave behind, gave Fang trauma too, and then you dare to ask him why he doesn't talk to you? You have the audacity to keep pestering him even after he says he has something to do? And now you're ruining his adult life too. With all due respect, which is absolutely none: fuck. off.
@almayver I'm really thinking of writing that fic. 🙂
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I love this friend group so much.
The moment Q says Peem is sad they all barge into his house to cheer him up, no hesitation. They don't demand to know the whys and hows (Q does, but he already knows), just settle in comfortable and loudly, and be their chaotic selves. This reminds us that despite all the flirting and cheesy lines and hugging and kissies, friendship will always be a priority for these group of friends.
And let's be honest, Peem expected Aunt Pui, and we all expected Phum. This was a very nice surprise.
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All this time, Peem wasn't upset Phum was late. He was worried about Phum.
This was the scene that made me cry. We Are was supposed to be a simple romcom. WHAT IS THIS THEN.
I just- I really have nothing to say here, they said it all.
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They both did what they did and are feeling what they are because they're important to each other.
Phum did it because he didn't want to ruin Peem's big day again. And Peem is upset and worried because he thinks he might not be Phum's safe space anymore.
Peem's reaction tells me that maybe he was over the moon last episode when he could provide comfort to Phum. And he's very very glad that at least with him, Phum can be himself. This incident makes him question that, which leads him to questioning their entire relationship. Phum himself said (many times in various ways) that Peem makes him feel good and warm and comfortable, and he's not lonely anymore. But... if Peem isn't that to Phum anymore, then what is he?
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This is one of the best love confessions Thai BL has ever given me.
I have nothing else to say. This has already given us all enough emotional damage.
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This reminds me of that textpost: "Caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing."
Love that Q has already accepted Phum hehe. You know your man is good when he's bestie-approved.
Love even more how he's giving the cold shoulder to Phum and then defending him to Peem 😭
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Well he did, but apparently your ears were "muffled".
Also- love this scene.
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I mean, I get him though, who the hell would be able to say no to Phum's "please? 🥺"
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Just putting this here 'cause I happened to pause at the right moment and this scene is beautiful and very pretty. <3
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I missed Matt (JJ) and his impeccable sense of humour so bad
Every group is incomplete without a Matt hehe
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If I had a rupee for every time a couple kissed at this booth, I'd have two rupees, which is nothing, but it's strange it happened twice.
Another very beautiful scene. <33
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He says that as if he isn't squealing and giggling inside. But. FINALLY. OUR PATIENCE HAS BEEN REWARDED, THEY'RE FINALLY DATING!!!!
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OOH flower bouquet kiss hehe
Reminds me of QToey tote bag kiss
Next ep:
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Portrait drawing?!!
Anyways, that's all for this week, see you next ep!
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have some ice cream 🍨
My We Are posts.
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Fuck it Friday
I was tagged by @girlwonder-writes 🙂
This is from my Tevan and Tarlos dad story, which also takes place in the Team Kinard universe. In this scene, the four dads are out on a double date while the 126 are babysitting Tommy and Buck's son Emmett and TK and Carlos' daughter Gabriella.
The two couples settled into their booth at the Tex-Mex restaurant, the aroma of spices and sizzling fajitas filling the air. After ordering their drinks and some appetizers, the conversation flowed easily.
"So, Tommy," TK asked, leaning forward slightly, "when did you know you were gay?"
Tommy thought for a moment before answering, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Well, I guess a part of me always knew, but I didn't really recognize it until freshman year of high school. I was on the baseball team and couldn't stop staring and thinking how good my teammates' asses looked in those tight baseball pants."
The table erupted in laughter, with Buck giving Tommy's hand a squeeze under the table.
"So you came out in high school?" Carlos asked, curious.
Tommy's expression sobered. "No, definitely not. I was closeted for almost 20 years after that. My dad was a massive homophobe and it wasn't safe for me to be gay in that environment. Then I was in the military during Don't Ask, Don't Tell, so I just became more and more miserable and closeted."
A moment of understanding silence fell over the table. TK and Carlos exchanged glances, recognizing the pain in Tommy's voice.
Buck, sensing Tommy's discomfort, spoke up. "But look at you now, babe. You're out, proud, and married to the hottest firefighter in LA." He winked, trying to lighten the mood.
Tommy chuckled, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Damn right, sweetheart."
TK smiled. "It's amazing how far we've all come, isn't it? I mean, look at us now - two queer couples on a double date, all of us in jobs we love, being who we are without hiding."
Carlos nodded in agreement. "It's not always easy, but it's worth it to live authentically."
As they savored their appetizers, Tommy turned to TK and Carlos. "What about you guys? How were your coming out experiences?"
TK grinned, setting down his fork. "Well, my story's probably not as dramatic as some. I grew up in Manhattan with very liberal parents. I was out and proud before I'd even had my Bar Mitzvah."
"Seriously?" Buck asked, eyebrows raised. "That young?"
TK nodded. "Yeah, I was lucky. My parents were incredibly supportive. Being gay was just... normal in our household. It was never a big deal."
All eyes then turned to Carlos, who took a sip of his drink before speaking. "My experience was... complicated. I came out when I was 17. My parents hugged me, and then... never mentioned it again."
The table quieted, sensing the weight of Carlos's words.
Carlos continued, "I ended up shoving myself back into the closet and even married my high school best friend." He paused, glancing at TK with a soft smile. "It wasn't until I started dating TK that I finally had a real conversation with my parents about it."
"How did that go?" Tommy asked gently.
"Better than I expected, actually," Carlos replied. "Everything's good now. My mom is great, and my dad... he had fully accepted me before he passed away. He was even supposed to be the best man at our wedding."
TK squeezed Carlos's hand supportively.
"I'm glad it worked out in the end," Buck said sincerely.
Tommy nodded in agreement. "To living our truths, whether we figured them out early or later in life," he said, raising his glass.
The others joined in the toast, the clink of their glasses punctuating the moment of shared understanding.
No pressure tags:
@typicalopposite @cosyvelvetorchid
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mikuni14 · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever - Ep 10
The tenth episode of the technically BL series which I rate 10/10. What a time to be alive 💖
While watching this episode I was very angry at Phee for not shutting up and then at Jin when he was yelling and being rude to my sweet little creature Tan, but I decided not to judge them (and not to theorize about other stuff) because:
the behavior of all the characters in this episode was strange, off and very sus, so who knows what they are really doing and thinking
I'm drinking an alcoholic beverage as I write this, so I'm very chill 😄
Could Phee actually tell Jin the whole truth and Jin accept it and not make it a big deal? Yes. This is, in my opinion, believable behavior from both of them. Phee is not a cute lil freak like Tan, he doesn't have as much to lose as Tan, he has something to come back to, unlike Tan, he has a home, a parent. Tan has nothing. Jin could be just tired. Tired of what happened in the past, of his guilt, of being hunted now, of not getting enough sleep, of not eating or having a moment to rest and think, of being constantly on fear-inducing hallucinogenic drugs. Phee confessing the truth because he didn't sign up for murder and Jin forgiving him quite easily are both believable. But as with White, Tee, Fluke, there was something strange, something off, in their scenes. Like their facial expressions at certain moments. Weird words. As for Phee - an ax lying coveniently there? A bottle of poisoned water that only Jin drinks? (I can't believe Phee didn't feel like drinking either, they're sweaty, it's night, it's hot, they haven't had anything to drink for a long time) Then all the marks on the trees were different, so I don't know if it was supposed to be the same tree all along? Phee left the ax outside? And it's strange that Phee knew exactly what Tan had done without even seeing it, like removing those cameras' views, or pulling the wire - how did he know it was Tan? I don't know. It was all so strange 🤔 As if… several things were happening at once, several independent revenges? Multiple agendas? Unexpected alliances? Hm. Whatever! No thinking, only vibing 🥳
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Por and Top were wounded in the same place 🙂
I don't know if it's a fuck up of the people responsible for the costumes, or it's someone else, but the masked killer attacking Tee and Tan had different clothes underneath than Top.
Of course, I can't help but write how much I love Tan, how much I can't get enough of him, how Mio plays him, shows his facial expression, I'm absolutely crazy about him. Look at him sitting on a throne of lies, manipulation and the corpses of his family's enemies. Look at my son and despair 😍! I thought Por's death wasn't in the plan, and it turns out I was wrong. And you know what, I'm cool with being wrong hehe. There are so few characters like this that I clung to him like a child to its mother's skirt. He reminds me of Charn from Laws of Attraction, Kang Yo Han from The Devil Judge, or MLs from Beyond Evil, I love all of them, so Tan also has my heart and devotion.
Watching DFF is an amazing experience. I'm just having total, pure fun, I feel giddy, the show keeps me on the edge of my seat and on my toes. Not a second is wasted, each character is used to its full potential (even Top lol). I was recently talking to a friend about TV series and he told me that lately, every series he watches, he watches and scrolls on his phone at the same time. Well, what can I say, rel. DFF is a series that has my 100% attention 😤
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amberkoyuki · 6 months
Is this.. Possible?
Star of the show: 𝓚𝔂𝓸𝓳𝓾𝓻𝓸 𝓡𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓸𝓴𝓾
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You a Royal in this family. You had large wings maybe 2X bugger than your body. You'd never seen a fallen angel. There were many fallen Angel's out for the royal family due to their kind being locked away. One day you were exploring your house without stupid security watching over you. You hated how your parents couldn't trust you. They only weren't around because there was a big party going on and you'd managed to sneak away.
When you came below into the chambers you saw so many fallen Angel's around. Wings faded black. Dark like the night. You'd seen one managing to break free. The moment you heard the loud metal thud you started running to the stairs. The fallen angel with fire like her flew after you with high speeds. He was holding the end of a broken sword.
You felt his strong broad arms wrap around you and cover your b mouth to prevent any screaming coming out of your mouth. "hello there." He spoke in a cold monotone voice with zero interest in you. "what a pretty little Angelito." (Spanish speaking Kyojuro is just..😍) "I think I might make you mine. Mine to fuck. Mine to pin down and take all my pleasures in. After all your family took away my mother for marrying a fallen angel when not being one herself." He spoke in annoyance despite having a smile on his face. His body was beaten up and bruised a bit.
His wings expanded out to their full size. They were almost as big as you.. Maybe even bigger. He rubbed his clothed dick against your ass. "Hmm. I can tell your a virgin. A royal wouldn't lose their Virginity until after marriage." He had a shit eating grin on his face. "I'd love to be your first time."
You were squirming trying to get away. All you felt was discomfort.. You yourself had never seen a cock or even felt one.. So of course you were feeling uncomfortable. He could see it on your face, so then he put a bit of distance between you both. "Your mine Angelito."
He threw you over his shoulder and started walking away. He didn't give two shits about any other fallen angel there. Your ass was near his face while you were squirming. you began screaming for your parents. They couldn't hear you over the music. "Stop screaming so much little Angelito, they'll hear you" he chuckled, you just roller your eyes "that's the point." You said sharply. "Well why would you want to go? I'm only gonna claim you tonight." He sounded like it was normal. "We just met. And I'm not even yours." He stopped and put you down. "do you wanna do it at my house?"
"Don't you guys live in caves?" You thought about it. A cave, rocks like that are very cold like Ice. It sent a shiver up your spine. "Yeah what about it." He said confused. You could tell he didn't live in castle unlike the angels. Fallen angels were treated Like shit. It was like racism but based in your wing color.
"Sorry Angelito I forget that you live in a castle. It's not that bad honestly" he sounded like a soft tune.. One that you could get used to. "you have siblings who can rule this kingdom you don't have to stay"
"Are you sure this is right.." You glanced outside.. You didn't want to stay. But it felt wrong to go at the same time. You really never had choices like this in your life
Should you stay or go.?
(Got lazy so left it on a cliffhanger it's not that long because. Idk it's just not that long should i make this a series🤔)
(I'm working on so many stories I'm stressing myself out🙂)
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lost-my-sanity1 · 9 months
15 people 15 questions
@hughungrybear thankyousm 🤧🤧 these are some interesting questions ily
1. Are you named after anyone?
I..... SOMEONE TOLD ME NOT TO DISCLOSE PERSONAL INFORMATION ON INTERNET!! but no my name isn't named after anyone
2. When was the last time you cried?
uhh one or two weeks ago I guess I was so frustrated and couldn't start studying and it was exam day so yep (I cried so hard and for so long that I woke up with big swollen eyes and a splitting headache😭)
3. Do you have kids?
fuck no I hate kids I don't even plan on having kids they're so so annoying
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I...never played anything. I'm not really interested in sports (🙂explains my overweight body)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
sarcasm? no🙄 (PLS I CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT don't mind me im just coping with this cruel stupid world)
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
umm... I don't know actually. I dont remember what I notice when I meet new people given that I meet new people VERY less
7. What's your eye colour?
black? or brown ig
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
confused by this question cuz scary movies too have happy endings some times... more often than not. but like... I like a good old happy ending movie
9. Any talents?
no :) just surviving
10. Where were you born?
in a hospital
11. What are your hobbies?
scrolling thru soc med, songs
12. Do you have any pets?
no:) my parents doesn't allow
13. How tall are you?
168 cm
14. Favourite subject in school?
okay so I don't know everyone else's subject structures. but here we have English Literature which contains stories, poems and dramas. and English Language which is the grammar and the letter essay and other stuffs. and English language was the easiest subject we didn't have to study this subject before exams so yep. it's English Language
15. Dream job?
I..... don't dream of a job 😀
born to be y/n forced to be a reader.
tagging: @dallasthetimetraveler @quodekash @a-slut-for-vegaspete @alan-apologist @janujaja @sharingfandoms @hometothecanyonmoon @pransobrave @hereforlou @dimplesandfierceeyes @grapejuicegay
this is so fun pls do this I wanna read yalls
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bittersweet-folder · 9 months
Rules before sending resquests:
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Hi everyone! Luna here! Here are some rules I would like you to through before requesting anything:
Things I won't write:
Incest (that's disgusting of you if you request that)
R*pe (I'll report and block you 🙂)
Age play (Im uncomfortable with huge ass age gaps)
Cnc (ewwwwww)
Extreme bdsm
Exes to lovers ** [read below in "things I will write"]
Furry/hybrid au (not my cup of tea so I would not prefer to butcher it as well)
Step sibling/parent au (AGAIN THAT IS INCEST)
Death of reader or the idol (my blog is a family friendly place I don't want anyone to be depressed here)
Mecha / robot and alien stuff whatever you guys call it. (That's like not bad but not exactly good for me when it comes to fan fiction)
Smuts for minor idols (you pedo bastard fuck off from my blog😀)
I won't write angsty fics if you don't want a happy ending to it. I'm not sorry to say this but I'm not a big fan of angst when it comes to fan fiction and we are talking about real people so yeah. Ofc I can add angst if only you request for a happy ending to it. Or else I won't.
Don't demand. Show the general respect, write "can I request..." Or "please can you write.... ". I write because I love to and it's my creative space. So don't be demanding then the request will be deleted.
Please note that I'll take time to fulfill your request. So you have to be patience about it.
Things I would write:
Fluff, Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, Smuts
Different types of aus/genres.
** if there's miscommunication without the characters being in an official relationship then that's okay. That would be considered as miscommunication + mutual pining (optional) + friends(or something else) to lover trope
I am okay with writing about different kinks other then those mentioned which I won't write. (You may check my "types kinks I think svt has" imagine to get an idea of what kinks I'm comfortable to write with). I'm okay with pet play too.
Poly pairing (I find it very cute for some reason)
Also let me know if you want it gender neutral or female or male reader okay? Thank you!
Please read:
I'm a 19 year old college student who has her own personal life and studies and will need time to write fics on whatever's been requested. I also have my own fic ideas I'd like to write. Writing something good takes a lotta time. So you have to wait.
Thank you so much if you have read it till the end.
Hope you have a great day/afternoon/evening/night (whatever time you read it lol)
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atlasreign · 5 months
headcanon dump time ; god bless my server stash.
The reason rhys has odd socks is out of a weird sense of control. Growing up, he didn't get to have his say in a lot of things.. So he'd purposely mismatch his socks, because it was his own conscious choice then. Kinda stuck with him.
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His moral compass is very much skewered. It wasn't before but, things changed. Things happened. His past caught up with him emotionally and he's made some pretty damning choices since taking up his new job title. He yoyos between doing the right thing and the very fun thing. One could argue that its simply from living on Pandora for a time, and the current worldly climates - especially with the Calypso Twins.
The reality?
Having a psychopathic AI in your head can scramble your chemistry. His new eye is synced up to Atlas network, but sometimes it rips. It tears. His vision flickering between two different worldscapes before him. It glitches out. He'd argue that his personality hasn't become an amalgamation. But even his closest friends noticed something wasn't right. He's more willing to sacrifice everyone to save himself. To send people out to do his dirty work for him. Keep his hands clean.
He'll deny any inquiry or investigation into this. Claims he's just learning to survive. His hand was on the fritz, that's why it was around someone's throat. That wasn't him. He'll deny causing harm. Refuse it.
He's fine.
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He's not celebrated his birthday for six years now. 🙂 He kinda gave up because uh. It's a lot for him. And well, throw yourself into your work enough - you just forget your normal, day-to-day things. He lost himself so much in his work that he's just a big shrug emoji at this point. Forgot his own birthday. Forgot important events. Forgot his named day. Rhys gave himself a nominated day to celebrate when he chose the name Rhys. He's forgotten that too. It's like... He's faded away.
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Rhys actually had the potential to be a Siren in his early childhood. It's noted that Sirens can sense when another woman/girl can become one, and it was something brought up to his parents. One of the known Sirens from way back, a woman who had the unique ability to control animals — seemingly as phasecontrol. Rhys would've become an apprentice to the Siren, however his parents stood firm against her, wanting their child to have a normal life. Turns out when the woman died, her powers sought out someone near and available — and that thankfully wasn't Rhys. He barely remembers the conversations, or the way his parents spoke to him about it, or even how they chased her off with threats of handing her in, whatever that meant. He just knows that he can't accept those powers now. Can't accept any Siren ones... Troy might be a prime example of probability, but he was a twin, so it made sense. Rhys doesn't want them. He'd do anything to avoid it. He doesn't want to experience what it means to be worshipped, feared and hunted.
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You look at Rhys and think, oh this man is vanilla. He's soft serve ice cream with no bark or bite. Fucking marshmallow. Wrong. He has his kinks.
What kinks? He likes when things get rough and physical. Likes being pressed up against a wall and being unable to wriggle out of it. Wants hands around his throat, teeth breaking his skin. He wants bites, he wants to be marked by whoever is dominating. He wants there to be pretty reminders of who he belongs to.
He's a lot submissive with a desire to learn to be a dom, he just needs some encouragement there. For now, he's content being the one under the thumb, the whimpering mess calling out their name.
Rhys just likes to be handled — there's something deeply enamouring about it, having someone's hands all over him, gripping every inch of his body, makes him feel wanted. Desired. Needed. Everyone likes to feel physical touch, skin on skin.
God, talking about wall pinning. This man is weak for that shit. It's not just having someone's body weighing in against his, but the act of vulnerability that comes with it. They have him by the throat, or his arms held above his head. He can't do shit, all he can do is whimper and kiss them until they say stop. He's at someone's mercy then. And he fucking likes it.
And for a non - nsfw one, Rhys likes to be a small spoon. Either a small spoon being held by a big spoon, or the small spoon curled into the back of the big spoon. Doesn't matter. He just likes it. He says he's 5'10" but bare in mind, he hasn't checked in a while. He's actually more like 5'9" or 5'8" — maybe he's shrinking with age. Or he's just never been clear and has stood on steps to make himself appear taller.
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This is gonna be ... Hard, for Rhys to talk about to Jack if it comes up but. He actually kept the Jack AI, albeit imprisoned. But in the end, he couldn't do it. Even when they talked, and he tried to kill him... Rhys kept the eye. Wanted to maybe see if he could rehabilitate it—him—and keep him around. And if the discussion gets heated enough, he might even confess that deep down... He wanted to take Hyperion. He wanted to rule it so badly. Seems he's not that different to him after all.
0 notes
depressednerd · 10 months
It just very baffling how I finished 2 books in the span of 2 weeks when I barely even read any of my tbr list. Like what the fuck is up with that?
Anyways, I think my reaction about First-Class Lawyer is already quite late, since ei already finished another book already, so I should start with that.
First-class lawyer wasn't really something I planned to read. I saw it in passing ages ago, from angieloveshua who gave it under recommendation. What caught my eye by that time was Po Yun, which I had already finished (and just realized never managed to make a post about it, the sheer plot with that is still driving me mad and my love/hate/love relationship with one of the characters still bothers me til this date).
Anyways, First-Class Lawyer was oomph. The plot was wow, just wow. It wasn't pain-numbingly boring, as what I always thought when it comes to lawyers and I agree with that comment that if you ever read it, you'll want to be a lawyer (but we know at this point the difference between fiction and reality 🙂). First-Class Lawyer delivered to me a futuristic world full of intertwined events that were all part of one big plot. The mystery were sometimes kinda predictable but I was hit by the end some chilling revelations that I did not expect (the sweeper was a freaking chilling character like holy shit). I also loved how they opened my eyes when it comes to court proceedings. It was interesting to delve on the strategies lawyers take up to defend their clients. However, it did not show much about the shadier sides of lawyers, about how defending a known guilty person to reach a not guilty plea and victimize one lawyer even. While yes, it showed Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan taking cases where they defend clients who they knew weren't innocent, but it sweetens this event and showed how they made it seem they got away with it but still met justice (kinda optimistic in the real world). But I'm not gonna delve deeper on that because it fiction (and I should not apply much the rules of reality to the world created by an author creating a world different from.the reality we live in, respect and all). So I'll end with that
And now we come to the real and central part of this story. Zhe Romance 😎.
At first, I thought it was going to be a slow-burn, but after some revelations from our dear Young Master Joe, the fall was fated to happen.
I had some qualms with Teacher/Student relationship because I kinda see a teacher as someone's second parent. Additionally, I'm bothered with the age difference. The novel did downplay the age difference a bit, making Yan Suizhi a young and promising lawyer, youngest First-Class Lawyer ever, so he's probably around his late 20s when he became a teacher to a 18 year old Gu Yan? Correct me if I'm wrong. (Honestly, the novel muddled my brain from figuring out their age difference, so correcting me clears up this great mystery). However, there were still the power dynamics. I already tasted dom/subs lit before, but honestly got turned off if it ever blossomed into a relationship. So I was guarded how the author will play this power dynamic between the two.
And then, I saw they switched it up?? So the teacher undercovered as a disciple and the disciple became the teacher?? But sometimes, the intern behaves like his former self and the student allows it but doesn't bow to him?? And, it blew away the teacher/student dynamics. What I saw was how a close senpai and his kouhai interact, basically imagine 2 people who are friends but one is older than the other. It doesn't really feel teacher/student at all. And that was refreshing. The story did dabble about how uncomfortable it is about their previous relationship of being a teacher/student but both agreed to, not per say forget about it, but rather not delve deeper to it and affect their relationship. It was mind-blowing, and allowed me to regain my interest in teacher/student relationship.
Gu Yan. Gu Yan, Gu Yan , Gu Yan. How could anybody hate this adorable person. He has a cold exterior but within that is a very soft interior. He may act harshly and not pay attention you when you speak. But you could always rely on him when it really needs. And this tenderness ways is showed to the world when he interacts with Yan Suizhi.
Sigh. Gu Yan is something else. The sheer amount of pinning our dear Gu Yan had for his Dean Yan has been contained for so long, (10 fuckin years (although some demon pinned for 800+ years but we don't compare in this post, we all honor their pinning no matter how long, what matters is their feelings)), and the fact he still restrained himself, no matter how near that person was. He clearly prioritized Yan Suizhi, and made exceptions, although quite inappropriate, so that he could be comfortable despite living under a different skin. He was very considerate and his care towards the person he love was chosen. And god, the fever chapter was so satisfying.
But me liking Gu Yan doesn't refrain me from loving the troll. Yan Suizhi is a very amusing MC. His self-confidence is downright laughable that I kept on laughing at god knows what hours as he believed his acting was damn good, unknowing that his student already cracked his identity before one month ends (I'm not sure exactly when Gu Yan figured it out). And the way he solved his problem freely without thinking much of other's perception, just how he is being his unrepentant self is exciting to watch. He's humor is something relatable and the way he behaves with the people around him, how he teases everyone, especially when he's in a bad mood, is just golden. Their faces, I can't stop laughing.
But, what I valued the most the whole time is his interaction with Gu Yan. The way his guard is lets down, that's when he see his true self. Because, the way he treats everyone in the novel (about 3/4 of the story) still require some acting, since he's supposed to hide it in the first place. The only times he could be himself is when he's alone with Gu Yan, and he does that unconsciously. He found Gu Yan comfortable, and after some flashback, has felt this way for quite some time even back in their teacher/student days. Just the way Gu Yan acts differently from the people around him attracted his attention to him and everything falls to place.
Yan Suizhi is enclosed by this mystery. No one in his circle could ever pierce that bubbble, and neither could we, with how little the author gives about his past until around half of the story(?). And we learned that he put everyone within arm's length, never letting them too close and lives with that great of anonymity for quite a long time. And, I could relate with that. No one knowing who you are and settling to die with the fact that no one would never know you (I'm remembering Klein now as I type this).
We saw how Gu Yan slowly peeled layer after layer of Yan Suizhi and loving those parts unconditionallh. I cherished the point where Yan Suizhi slowly shared himself to Gu Yan, allowing one person to know his story, willingly share a part of himself to Gu Yan and that was beautiful. We slowly learn of him as he slowly started to depend on Gu Yan. And we saw this person, who has always been independent and alone find someone he could depend on.
And that's just sweet and what made me stick knowing their ending, a seemingly fairytale that I always wanted to have but will never deserve.
Besides the main ship, the side ship are worth screaming for. Joe and Ke Jin, I didnt saw the potential but after realizing and learning of Joe's feelings made me root for them finding a cure more. Like, my man has spent 3 years (probably more, not certain) in the company with the guy he loves, however, in silence. But he still stuck, and even studied psychology to tend his daily needs. Now I wonder why I didn't saw that with that much dedication. And seeing them together at the end felt satisfying seeing Joe be with the person he loves not being addled by a mental burden. I see a hint of George and Zhao, but I'm not sure if I'm interpreting things or there's a possibility there. Also, I want Eunice and Laura too.
I should probably end it to that. Just realized I amde a fuckin essay. Sorry if it's a bit too long to read, but like I said, don't like it don't read it. This is just me trying to be unrepentantly myself. God knows I need a bit of Yan Suizhi's self-confidence.
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wikiangela · 2 years
personal vent under the cut because I'm having a day (or a fucking bad month tbh) ignore me I just need to get it out lol
so I'm moving back with my parents by the end of the year and I have very mixed feelings about it
like, objectively I know it's fine, there's nothing wrong with living with your parents, I'm 21 and fresh out of college ffs, it's fine
like, my parents are encouraging and they support me in whatever I want and my mom even was like: I just want to make sure that you want to move back, I don't want to pressure you - and I know that it's the smart decision atm with how expensive everything is and how difficult it is to find a job and it just doesn't make sense to spend whatever savings I have for an apartment I do nothing at
but at the same time, I lowkey feel like a failure and disappointment because I just spent two months failing at finding a job (fr they expect 2 years experience for the lowest level jobs, I couldn't even get a job at a fucking store) and I'm way too burnt out to go back to college and get my master's degree and that comes with so much pressure from some members of my family (not my parents fortunately) saying that I absolutely have to get my master's because otherwise it'd be a waste - and I legit burst out crying whenever I start talking about going back fr, i still feel overwhelmed even tho I graduated and got my bachelor's like three months ago 🙂
(also, I just feel kinda bad bc for the past ten years my parents have slept in the living room since my siblings and I have separate rooms and now that I moved out my parents bought a new bed in my room and they sleep there - just the bed, my stuff that I left is still all there - and they couldn't care less bc they love me and want me to come back, but I feel bad about getting my own room back 🤦🏻‍♀️)
aside from that, my parents live in a little shithole in the middle of nowhere where I grew up and where everyone knows each other and gossips about each other - and I just know that they're gonna talk about how I couldn't cut it in the big city in one of the best unis in country or whatever - especially since my grandma LOVES to brag about me and I know she's gonna be disappointed too
and like, again, there's nothing wrong with the fact that I'm gonna move back in with my parents for the time being, until I get a job and I'm able to support myself, especially since my parents really don't mind, I'm only 21 and I have so much time to figure all this shit out, but also - and I know it's irrational - I'm kinda scared that once I move back there I'll be stuck there for the rest of my life since like 90% of my immediate family stayed there from all three sides of my family (I mean grandparents, great grandparent, aunts, uncles, cousins, from my mom, stepdad and bio dad's side of the fam)
idk, I just feel bad rn, tho I know it's the smartest thing to do at the moment financially (and lowkey emotionally and mentally too bc I'm really not doing well 🙂 I fr feel like only writing fics and watching criminal minds brings me any joy and keeps me sane atm lol)
I just needed to get it out, I'm probably gonna delete it once I feel better and realize I'm being stupid lmao
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hi, my name is ria and thanks for accepting my request.
pronouns: - she/her , straight , interested in men
fandom : jjk
appearance:- i am 5'3 , i have blackish brown wavy hair , big brown eyes and pretty eyebrows. I am neither chubby nor slender just the perfect weight for my height. my skin complexion is wheatish.
MBTI: intj
personality:- i am often viewed as cold individual with superiority complex and the 'hard-worker' of the group. which is true to some extent (except the superiority complex part).i can be super funny, sarcastic and i have varied emotions. i work really hard to fulfil responsibilties. i am  loyal , and responsible. I do get depressed with life sometimes finding no meaning or purpose but try my best to move on. i also cannot make friends easily due to trust issues, also I am not close to anyone not  even to my parents I find it so hard to match up to their expectations of being 'perfect' and it stresses me so much. The best part about  dating me can be that i can help u with u r work and  motivate to u and be there for u when times r tough.
likes:- i really like it when others are passionate about their dreams and work for it. I find it really attractive. Also people who defend their loved ones even if the world is against them is also such an attractive quality. i like long walks in garden with my loved one with meaningful silence and meaningful late night conversations on any topic is my favourite thing. I just want them to treat me special sometimes.
dislikes:- gossips , drama , liars , hypocrites , bossy people . infidelity is deal breaker for me. i get super cold and won't address the problem anymore and break the relation right away.
hobbies: books , cooking ( i am reallyyy good at it ) , anime , music and occasionally i sing and most of them tell me i have good voice but i don't think so .
love language :- i am happy to give whatever kind of affection they crave for.
i like to receive words of affirmation and acts of service.
physical affection is totally ok in later stage of relation.
A/N: We have very similar characters🙂
I think your matchup is
Suguru Geto
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He is seen as a dispassionate person. As if he was empty inside. No emotions. Even so, these emotions always seem dark. When you look at him, one thing that can be noticed, is a dark aura. Which is why he is also confused with a cold person. He can also be considered to be superior to other people. But it is not so. He is the person who sees almost every person as equal. And even he himself may consider himself lower in position than the rest...
He is responsible and always tries to work hard to get everything done. And until he finishes it, he won't stop there.
His emotions are different. He is actually a very cheerful person. He can annoy you sometimes. He can laugh like no other, and have fun in the same way. You just need to be in the right mood and in the right company. He can also laugh at people and his own stupidity...
He does his duty, but also feels like nothing makes sense. How can he work hard without thanks from others? He always wants to show it's okay, even if it isn't. He always wants to avoid showing bad emotions to get through it all.
His trust is given only to his closest friends. No one else will get it. It has a very fickle nature and has its own secrets. Only some people can handle him like this, and he will let it happen to himself.
He tries to help as much as he can, to support others. He can even become such a support that he can replace the family. He can respect people's opinion and has no intention of spoiling anyone's dreams. Even if he himself cannot have what he wants, he will not take away hope from others. He supports people who pursue their goals.
He is capable of lying himself. But he does it most often when someone asks about his well-being. Even though he's literally beaten by life, fucked up, he will say with a smile on his face that everything is fine.
He doesn't want to lose anyone. He doesn't want anything to happen to anyone. He is able to do whatever it takes to make someone happy. He does not like when someone is lying himself saying that he is okay.
• A relationship with him is like an oasis of peace combined with a constant party inside.
• Every moment with him is loving, even if he irritates you. Many people may hate him for always seeming better than them, and he is often disrespectful too. Some persons knows the behavior of others well, and does not care when someone hates him. Like how he is, there must be a reason. And if it is a person of insignificance to him, it would make no sense to try to come back to that person's favor. In there is something important to him that he cannot explain. He doesn't know how. Some of them are playful people who can come back as if nothing had ever happened between them, or there are also people in peoplehis life whom he is able to apologize to. For example, when he wants to be reconciled quickly.
• He wouldn't be able to betray a friend, much less a partner. He can't think of a broken heart. If someone doesn't break his heart, he won't be able to break that person's heart. For him, no one deserves a broken heart. Unless he did something that proves he's not worth being treated well. He doesn't want you to suffer. He will be a faithful friend and boyfriend. No matter what will happen.
• If you like something, he also likes it. After all, if you like a thing, he will do the same. He likes you. You can ask him for something and he will do it. Not that he will do everything without hesitation. He must know what he is doing and what the results will be. But it is important that you will be satisfied with it.
• He likes to listen to you, to look at you and also to feel you. Anything that can show him that you are with him.
• When you need it, he will keep telling you that he loves you. You are important to him. And a lot of other things. That you would believe in yourself in times of weakness and that you are not alone.
• Hugging, kissing, talking. Whatever it is, he loves it all. He's a good listener and it's nice to cuddle with him. He can give you a sense of security very quickly.
• He doesn't want you to hide from him that you are bad.
• He has its requirements. Surely he would like an important person to think that he is equally important to him. That this person would give him their feelings.
• If he can do anything for someone important, he would like it too. But it's enough for him to be with him.
"You know you can rely on me, right? I love you just the way you are. Don't worry about the world, Okay? We are not able to do everything perfectly as others would like. Hey, it's okay now. Come here. I will try to improve your mood for the day!"
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jemdeserveslove · 3 years
You guys, I just finished Ghosts of the Shadow Market ✨
I bring here, not a review (it was a 5/5), but just some random thoughts (it's kinda of long,so bear with me) and, obviously, there are spoilers. First thing, was I supposed to cry as much as I did? I was WAILING (I blame my period 🤡) But, yeah, I cried a lot 😂
Matthew's story?? Did not see that coming. I cried and I felt so bad for everyone. I'm not sure what I expect of him in The Last Hours now, except for saddness (and style)
Anna Lightwood is a fucking icon. I love her 🥺 and it was such a sweet scene when Cecily and Gabriel gave her "man's clothing" (almost cried in this one as well)
EVERY SCENE THAT INVOLVES JEM AND WILL MAKES ME CRY MY HEART OUT 😭 so, no comments, just thank you Cassandra for the power of those scenes and of this relationship
I love whenever Catarina shows up, cause I love her sm that I can't even explain and same with Lily and Raphael (I felt blessed by their presence)
Tessa and Jem in the 1940s was something I never knew I needed, like, Jem was dying and he was all "I can't die without seeing Tessa one last time!" and Tessa was like "YOU CAN'T DIE!" and I was just " I KNOW HE'S NOT GONNA DIE, BUT OMG 😭" They endded up having those discussions about death and stuff, because Will died not that long ago, so it was a very touching moment for me
I love whenever we get to read about members of The Circle, like Céline this time, because we get to know why they were with Valentine and what Valentine had over them to manipulate them and I just think it's amazing that Cassandra goes over this in her books
Reading about little Jace was great, but there was that one part he said something like "my father used to joke that if I wasn't good enough he had another Jonathan" and I was like SIR???? 😶
MALEC BEING PARENTS 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and, like, Max and Rafe are so cuteeeee too, it's a great family
We got Ty and Livvy, and ya'll, this story was a wild ride for me, like, I didn't expect it (especially, because, it didn't have a lot of Jem in it) I just felt really bad in this one, cause, Ty really needs to deal with his grief and guilty and I'm really excited for it, but I know it's gonna be sad
TESSA, JEM, KIT AND MINA 🥰 AAAAAAAAA WHAT A FAMILY! I was so happy for them, cause Tessa and Jem finally got to be together and now they have a daughter, but then they also have Kit now and he seems so happy to be there with them and OMG when Jem told Kit that he loved him I FELT THAT IN MY SOUL 😭 and it's just so beautiful to see Kit and Tessa doing the whole "movie and book" thing, Jem is gonna help Kit with his training (the boy needs it) and Kit and Mina are so cuteeee! I was really happy for them
WE HAD "EVIL" JACE aka JANUS'S POV and I really didn't see that coming, like, I expected Ash's pov, but not his 🤷‍♀️ and, yeah, he needs help, which brought that deja vu, cause, when I was reading TMI, I was always saying "Jace needs some help and some therapy", so I guess some things never change. I felt this empathy towards him, you know? Just felt really bad for him. At the end he just threatened everyone indirectly, he threatened "the new King" aka Kieran, the "descendent of ... " aka Kit and they're just involved with pretty much all the characters in a way, so yeah, I expect some big issues coming from him 🙂
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laldupattewali · 3 years
Gabriel Agreste reaction because why not
This is bad journalism and highkey disrespectful Alya I- Ladybug has such a pyaari and cute pic and Chat??? bruh my boy doesn’t deserve that
cute amazing but alya bestie u sure thhis safe🙂
extra points for good edit but also- how did you get luka’s pic i
Amelie and Felix seem really close good for them atleast there’s one good parent in this show beside tom and sabine and alyas
That mother son interaction was lowkey very cute okay
sorry i have a lot of pent up anger from ephemeral
HELP THE GIRLS WENT “okay this is too big a problem for just the girls now time for our aces, gays please enter”
wtf is up with their smiles- i- okay
“hes the only one who doesn’t”😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭i fully expect them to say “even more than my boyfriend here”
nOT MARC BEING LIKE “otherwise there would be no story” like 1. self diss thomas 2. we now know bestie likes the pining/oblivious trope
“romantic comedy specialists” this should be interesting
can i just say i absolutely love this au
also does this mean marc and nath write fanfic of their classmates kehsksjs this is well thought of and made
marinette looks muah she really is a knight in shining armour
adrien in a dress is so fucking superior
i love these animated things sm sksjkshsjsnsjsjs i can sense the dedication put into this ep and i appreciate it sm
“each week we will devise a new plan” lets play a game how many adrienette aus have marc and nathaniel written
i love that zoe is included in this 🥺🥺🥺
imagine if this got into adriens hands tho im just saying im just saying @/allthefanficwriters
also this reminds me of the 86th floor cosplay’s mlb school play except adriens the princess and maris the knight
…how do they know about the hamsters??
thomas really wanted to make her so irredeemable instead of letting the character grow sigh wasted potential
chloe animation is so funny im dying
bestie chloe why do you want adrien to be locked up i
nathaniel honey ily but there better be plastic on that because that was beautifully drawn and i will literally k word you how dare you ruin pure beauty
mari: nobody’s gonna know tikki: they’re gonna know mari: …how would they know? tikki: …..they’re gonna know
zoe you sweetheart
i want marcs bi gloves
gorillas so cute
adrien showing his chat noir off by catching a heavy flying object nice bestie
“do we know each other?” “UHHHHHHH”
marinette being clumsy to get her way>>>
maris eye squint at felix felt bestie felt
he almost looks pure when he smiles
nvm theres the evil smile
😭😭😭not him being angry
“ae felix” aa nhi raha kya bhai? sab wait kar rhe hai dumbcharades khelte hai ps this is hindi so most of you may not understand
the fact that if adrien hadn’t called him bestie wouldve clear cut heard gabriel
🎶eye contact🎶 dhum dhum 🎶prolonged eye contact🎶 eye squint kagami so true
felix is sus
PFFT DID KAGAMI JUST 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭KAGAMI WHYYYYYY ok but also adrien she already has a drink ik you’re trying to diffuse the tension but cmon
what the fuck kind of heist
felix might just be the smartest character in this entire show
for a second there i thought Felix was also a sentimonster
“just a finger snap will be enough to make you disappear” aight nvm
i think narcissism na inke khoon mai hai bhenchod
wait omg what just happened
it’s kind of sad
like why would you give YOURSELF that same badha wala design like um
chloe no you’re not evil you’re a fucking kid wtf man thomas stop talking your frustrations out on this child dude
help the way he just stopped bob lmao
kagami is my queen and if anyone hates on her they’re gonna get their kneecaps and spine broken she so brave 🥺🥺
we didnt get no plagg content❤️‍🔥💔 actually we didn’t get any kwami content this episode i- :(
the way he’s carrying felix i- what is this a piggyback ride
the mini fourth wall breaka ksjsjsjsjskks
that was…a short fight
pretty charm
ahaha im scared
OMG FELIX NOTICED THE PANT OMG i have to agree he’s evil by he’s a smart evil
awwww theyre making a manga on marinette
also i love the fact that they know everyone in paris blind like all they did was give marinette a mustache, a ponytail instead of pigtails and changed her from marinette to marino and the waiter costume and nobody even batted an eye?
…. i’m scared haha
help that was long anyways i’m like sleepy as fuck i don’t even know why i wrote this but eh so bie ly you look amazing
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Hey, Dani!!
Ok first of all, congrats on posting the first chapter of the Divorce Au!! 🥳🥳🥳 and also good luck 🙂 I remember when I was writing smniyb #3. It was like staring at a broken plate (which I’d smashed to pieces with my own hands) and wondering all like ‘How the FUCK do I put this together???’ And you’re probably feeling the same way right now 😂😂😂
I’ll probably read the fic after it’s completed (cause I like my angst fics complete and at 3am 😎)… unless my brain decides to go ‘FUCK IT WE’RE READING IT NOW’. (I’m feeling very tempted right now :’). I’m physically restraining myself sksjsjsj)
Also I saw one of your previous asks about the divorce au, and you mentioned that while people think of anger and aggression as the main… bad thing in a toxic relationship, lack of communication is also just as important (I don’t remember the exact wording you used, but yeah) and honestly? That hit hard. I see that shit with my parents everyday. Like, my father went through something really bad recently, and he didn’t tell anyone until the problem had been going on for nearly a month, including my mom. And now my mom is more pissed off at him for not telling her (or atleast anyone else) until the problem got too big for him to handle (and even then he only told her cause she suspected something was going on and pushed him :/) (she rants about it every once in a while, and even brings up several examples of him doing so in the past :/) (my mom has the opposite problem of my dad, as you can tell. I love being an eldest daughter).
ANYWAY I’m not comparing divorce au malec (or any malec really) to my parents. Ew. That would be an insult to malec. But like… I get what you mean. Silence is just as big a problem in relationships as anger is, but it’s not as recognised. :((
Ok. um. Idk how to close this. So uh, here’s some cats ig? 😶
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Good night!! 🥰
Your broken plate analogy had me staring at the fucking wall bro. I love it. And yes. That's how it is. I see mine as a wine glass though. I just like being extra.
And thank you for sharing that me. It resonates with me a lot too. Especially talking about parent to child trauma. Like physical violence towards children is like a big no no, but we overlook or refuse to hold emotional abuse and gaslighting to the same standards.
I hope your family (especially you) are dealing with this in the best way possible. Sending LOVE.
Also the cats. Here me out. Alec, Izzy and Jace from top to bottom.
Please feel free to read the fic whenever it makes sense to you! It's all good <3
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theangryjikooker · 3 years
you have m̶a̶i̶l̶ threats!
First, I’ve been going back-and-forth with my asks. I still have some that were submitted earlier this week that I need to respond to. If you haven’t seen it, you will! I am making it a point to post everything in the name of transparency, but sometimes there are asks that demand my immediate attention.
Particularly those from so-called Jkkrs who have nothing better to do than threaten people. I know that I’m not talking about Jikook in this post, but I think it’s important to address people watching these tags as that’s where the hate I do receive is stemming from.
PSA to that specific pool of toxic Jkkrs: I do not give a flying fuck if you want me to harm myself or wish harm upon me. Frankly, I find it hilarious that when your logic is backed into a corner, your go-to is violence. You’re free to keep submitting them, I don’t care. I’m not so young that my mind is vulnerable and malleable enough to be affected by words.
HOWEVER, if you come to me with these threats, I will ask you to do the same thing I asked the recent Jkkr who lost their goddamn mind in my ask: @ me on your main, @ all the big name Jkkrs, and tell me word-for-word what you want me to do to myself. At the very least, it’ll let me know who else agrees with violence and who actually has a brain. I might even buy your plane ticket to see me so you can do it yourself. I’ll also need your parents’ phone number to talk to them because I’d like to speak to the people who birthed their monster, and I absolutely fucking will. I have no problem talking to the parents of children.
ANYWAY, I have a second concert to prepare for. I’ll answer more asks later this evening if I’m up for it.
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bookgeekgrrl · 3 years
My media this week (10-16 Oct 2021)
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😍 👂 Bodies and Bows (Apron Shop #3) (Elizabeth Penney, author; Kim Niemi, narrator)
😍 The Accursed Vampire (Madeline McGrane)
😍 Fire and Ice (Castielslostwings) - 189K, Destiel - first responder BDSM AU - a tour de force of friends-to-kinkyFWB-to-lovers with some really good hurt/comfort; great, in-depth characterizations, fantastic BDSM - slow burn, incredibly detailed and very, very satisfying
😊 you are my sunshine (my only sunshine) (espressohno) - 40K, Cherik - more angst than you might think from the set up (though appropriately tagged) but it absolutely does have a HEA + the angst was C&E vs homophobes, not C v E.
😍 👂 The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick (Mallory O'Meara, author & narrator) -LOVED this - loved O'Meara's narrative voice, loved the story of Milicent, loved the story of O’Meara finding Milicent. I do have to say that LA is not the only place you can build a found family! And FUCK YOU Bud Westmore. 
😍 (let go of) the same dream (liadan14) - 44K, Kaysanova - very non-traditional a/b/o AU - excellent!
🙂 Sink or Swim (endingthemes) - 57K, Cherik - Overboard AU
😍 A Hint of Amnesia (missgeevious) - 48K, Schitt's Creek - Overboard AU - really well done; great plot adjustments to fit the fusion that still left everyone very much in character
🙂 Bonded to the Alpha (Bonded to the Alpha #1) (Robin Moray)
💖 +205K of shorter fic so shorter work shout out 💖
DILF (twentysomething) - TW: Sterek, 30K - reread; absolute classic teacher/single parent AU
Effects of Obliteration (geneticallydead) - MCU: Stucky, 25K - reread; love this WS recovery fic with the angst dialed back just a baby bit since the Asset’s been frozen and forgotten since 1985.
Clark Kent vs. The Wayne Family Values (quidhitch) - DCU: SuperBat, 12K - it’s always fun when Clark & Bruce think they can hide their relationship from all the various BatKids.
Art Nouveau (voluptuous_panic) - MCU: Stucky, 12K - Steve’s on an unsatisfactory blind date but is way, way more interested in the hot hipster bartender with all the body mods.
Leverage: Redemption - s1, e15-16
Legends of Tomorrow - s3, e16
Only Murders In The Building - s1, e9
Elementary - s1, e9
Star Trek: Discovery - s1, e14-15
What We Do In The Shadows - s2, e1-4
Midsomer Murders - s22, e4 “The Scarecrow Murders”
Strong Songs - "A Day in the Life" by The Beatles
You're Wrong About - Mike Lives in a Downtown Hotel
Big Gay Fiction Podcast - Christmas Lights and Halloween Scares with Author Roan Parrish
Song Exploder - Hrishikesh Hirway TED Talk - What You Learn When You Listen Closely
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Spritz Cookie Gravestone
99% Invisible #461- Changing Stripes
This is Good for You - Ep 17: Nostalgia Is Good For You
Ologies with Alie Ward - Chiropterology (BATS) Encore with Merlin Tuttle
Twenty Thousand Hertz - Video(less) Games
Strong Songs - "Think" by Aretha Franklin
Ted Lasso playlist - all songs from s1 & s2
Presenting Janet Jackson
Presenting Hall & Oates
Adam Ant
CREDITS: Quincy Jones
The Rockats
Presenting The Beach Boys
The Monkees
Best of Rachmaninoff
1984: I Wanna Rock! ROCK!
Wall Of Sound
The Wrecking Crew
Aretha Franklin
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