#and they owe you nothing
writing-for-life · 9 months
Sunday Mourning—About Dream Entities and Stars
Why Head-Canons Are Wonderful, But Forcing Them On Creators Isn’t
And as always: Send me asks about everything Sandman-related!
First of all: I don’t want to take anyone’s head-canons away from them, it’s what fandom is partly built on. I support them, I love them, I have plenty of my own. The Sandman very explicitly tells us about “books never written” in Lucien/ne’s library, and we can be sure ours is in there.
But that’s not quite the same as harassing both creators and other fans in an attempt to make fanon canon, and that’s what partly sparked this post. So if a super-long meta exploration of “Sunday Mourning” (and there is a lot in this post) that also contains a bit of fandom criticism (feel free to skip that if you just want the meta) isn’t your thing—this is your warning 🤣
Also: Massive spoilers ahead…
The theory that Morpheus forever lives in Hob’s dreams (and with Hob) as a dream entity regularly makes the rounds. And it’s a nice theory, and I get why people like it. I also get that “The Wake—Sunday Mourning” is maybe ambiguous enough to consider it a possibility (which then goes into head-canon territory). All good so far.
What’s problematic is when fans begin to leverage their head-canons/theories as “true because Neil gave it a like”, and then proceed to present them as canon.
Neil likes posts, yes, but he said *several times* and *very explicitly* that’s never endorsement of anything, but rather valuing that people put thought into stuff and engage with his stories critically (and he also said that it’s sometimes just a slip of his finger, but that just as an aside, you’ll find one example here).
So if Neil liked a happily-ever-after-dream-entity post, that means he supports your head-canons as head-canons because he always does (or his finger slipped—I guess we’ll never know). Again: In a way, it’s even an integral part of The Sandman. It also means that he likes the fact you engaged deeply with the source material, in either a heartfelt or critical way.
What it *doesn’t* mean: Head-canon is the same as canon despite both being valid in their own way. He said all of this a million times in a million posts.
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Let’s explore that particular theory and start with an ask:
His endorsement goes as far as acknowledging that “it’s never only a dream,” and that “dreams are where the stories are.” And we need to stop pretending it’s anything more than that, even if he likes a few posts here and there (posts that go in all different directions, btw). Neil used his own experience with grief and mirrored it 1:1 in how Hob handles Morpheus’ death in The Wake and Sunday Mourning.
Here is a quote from the Sandman Companion:
NG: […] Bette's stories have happy endings. That's because she knows where to stop. She's realized the real problem with stories—if you keep them going long enough, they always end in death.
HB: It also makes me think of Hob's dream in part 3.
NG: That was something that actually happened to me. [1]I dreamt about a friend who'd died six months earlier, woke up completely upset that she'd died, [2]and then realized I'd simply had a dream and felt enormously relieved... [3]and then I woke up all the way and remembered that she really had passed on.
[numbers and bold by me]
And then remember what happened to Hob:
1. He found out in a dream Morpheus had died and woke up upset and crying in The Wake, Chapters 1-3 (#70-72).
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2. Then he had another dream that somewhat gave him closure and a sense of relief (Sunday Mourning, #73).
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(Can I also just point out where Destruction’s fingers are pointing here and then contrast it with what he told Daniel in The Wake about “walking amongst the stars”, or Morpheus actually turning into a star?)
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(What might the end of the story be? Who knows, but once again, have a look where Destruction’s fingers are pointing.)
3. Then he woke up all the way and felt peace (also in Sunday Mourning).
Make of that what you will, but to me, saying that scene was based on his own dream is basically Neil confirming that Morpheus has “really passed on.”
Will Hob remember Morpheus? Of course he will. That’s what humans do. Does Morpheus live a happily ever after in Hob’s dream with Hob? And would that be in character? And would he want his memories to be intact to make that happen? Would that truly be passing on?
I will explore why canonically, we don’t find much to support that notion, and why it would seem OOC. But if you believe it, it’s your personal truth. Should we call for the ending to be changed though to make our personal truth that of the author?
Life and death are our own, and it’s never just a dream
Destruction was in Hob’s dream (when Hob never really knew him), and Destruction walked away from it all. As did Morpheus. They’re both free. It was very likely (and I'm phrasing this carefully on purpose) a dream gifted by Daniel!Dream (who had a very long talk with Destruction during the Wake) to give Hob closure, and it seems straightforward enough if you read The Wake not just single-mindedly focused on one thing. Daniel!Dream is not in the original panel, but he is in the background of concept art of that panel for a movie pitch by Jill Thompson and Neil Gaiman, so we can probably assume it was always the intended subtext.
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And what does Death say in Façade? Or what does Morpheus say to Orpheus, or to Delirium after he killed Orpheus? That life and death are our own.
Destruction’s life is his own.
Morpheus’ death is his own.
And Hob’s life AND death are his own.
The three of them are the literal embodiment of that sentiment:
One walked away and chose life.
One walked away and chose death.
One chooses life for as long as he sees fit and can choose death if he stops doing so.
It makes sense to put them in a panel together at the end for that very reason (and a few others of course).
That, right there, is already “more than just a dream.” It is the story, not just a metaphor. It is canon, and it is fairly explicit.
Would Morpheus ever want to be a dream entity with all his memories intact?
From this point onward, we get more into interpretation based on canonical character traits:
Morpheus living forever as a dream entity *tied to Hob’s dream* is canonically antithetical and OOC. There, I said it. He wanted to be free from the Dreaming, he even said so to Death (“But even the freedom of the Dreaming can be a cage, of a kind, my sister,” in #69).
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But existing as a dream entity WITH ALL HIS MEMORIES INTACT (that alone should make people say, “He would never want this in a million years” because it’s the very source of his pain—he wanted punishment for Orpheus’ fate/death—Nuala called him out on it) would forever tie him to it. Plus, it would make him Daniel’s subject in a way. It would be, again, very OOC.
Also: Dream had very strong feelings about the dead NOT belonging into dreams/the Dreaming permanently, or the living building their lives around them. WHY would that apply to Hector, but not to Morpheus himself? Again, it makes no sense in continuity.
But Destruction was in that dream…
Destruction visited Daniel!Dream during the Wake. They talked about a lot of stuff that’s very relevant, I recommend a reread if you’re not certain (this is long enough as it is, so I’ll skip it at this point). And it makes narrative sense to anchor that in Hob’s dream for reasons already outlined (they might not make sense to Hob, but they make sense to us, the reader, if we are willing to see that “it’s more than just a dream” isn’t equal to two people riding off into the sunset together, as nice a head-canon that might be). What I *do* want to point out though is that Destructions talked about “walking amongst the stars” and again, where he points in Hob’s dream.
Someone said this somewhere else and drew parallels to Stardust: Morpheus *does* become a star (or returns to them, who knows), it’s all over The Wake. That star is in literally *every* panel with a window/sky after his barge has transformed. And what becomes of him as that—who knows, since we all know stars have some sort of sentience in Gaiman’s universe, and that “oblivion is not an option” if Death took your hand to lead you into the afterlife. Again: Head-canon territory…
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Head-canons are beautiful
No one is trying to take them away from us. Let’s knock ourselves out in fanfic and fanart, it’s comforting and healing. The Sandman is a story about stories. Our stories are our own, and they are true for us, that’s the whole point. And Neil will *never* tell you your head-canon is not real, because for you, it is, and that’s all that matters. But the constant need to elevate fanon to canon really gets exhausting at times, especially if it involves pestering the creators, constantly being on their blogs/tagging them and trying to get them to confirm what we want.
And to those that insist we will undoubtedly get a happily ever after because “Hob’s dream says so”, and think the writers somehow should “read the room” and provide fan-service (side-note: What is it with this entitlement in fandom? The creator tells *their* story, not yours):
One of the main messages of the story is (already in 24/7) that stories only have a happy ending because we know when to stop, but that they ultimately *all* end in death. No matter how much people say that “the show is so much more hopeful”, that very line has already been brought into the show. They didn’t take it out. It will have weight at some point, I’ll put my money on it.
But show!Murphy isn’t comics!Murphy...
People point out that show!Morpheus is different from comics!Morpheus to justify we will get a different ending. Making Morpheus a bit softer around the edges seems, at least to me, a move to make him likeable as the protagonist, because it would be very hard to like early comics!Morpheus, to be frank. The fact that he brought Gault back from the darkness—I saw that as giving show!only fans a nicely wrapped end of the first season, because we didn’t even know if we would get a second one at that point. It also shows us that he is capable of change—a thing I am near certain he will repeatedly deny as we go on (he already did). So no, I personally don’t think it set him on a different path. There are even scenes in the show that very heavily foreshadow The Kindly Ones (the cracks in the window are overlayed onto his face in such a way that they heavily hint at the scar he is going to receive).
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So yes, by all means, let’s have a bit of ambiguity in Sunday Mourning for the people who don’t like the tragic ending, but let’s also focus on more than just making everything about the ship. Their relationship is important, and even more so because it isn’t romantic—that’s why it grows and lasts (unlike Morpheus’ romantic relationships). But it’s only the tiniest fraction of what The Sandman is about.
I write fanfic. I give Morpheus happy endings, too. I get it, I want him to be happy, too. But no matter how much we write him in character, we will ultimately break character the moment we make him do things that lead to a different outcome. In canon, he is the way he is. And I am afraid to say:
I personally think he is also like that in the show, even if they softened him a bit around the edges and shoved certain messages down our throats that people who know the comics didn’t need, but newbs to the Sandman did (“I’m listening now…”)—it was a good move, and all of that made sense for show-narrative reasons. But not once did I have the feeling that he wasn't exactly the same Morpheus underneath it all, and we already had too much foreshadowing to think that we would really get a different ending.
Why chemistry isn’t confirmation of the ship
That’s another one: To turn one (!) show-writer’s comment that Morpheus’ and Hob’s chemistry was a thing, and that they allowed that type of ambiguity, into, “Their romantic relationship is canon.” These two things are not the same. And Neil said that Benton’s comment did not make Dreamling any more real/canon, but people conveniently forget that. He also didn’t deny it, he just didn’t confirm, because, again: He doesn’t confirm or deny head-canons. They’re ours. Let's please stop pestering the man to confirm our head-canons and fantasies, but that just as an aside.
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It shows one thing, however:
How conditioned fandom is to make everything about romantic relationships (ideally m/m), even if they have nothing, and I say nothing, to do with the main message.
And it’s okay the wish for these relationships matters to some people, but they don’t have to matter to everyone else, to the extent that we expect the actual story to change. Why try to twist his arm into changing his own story, and the way he wanted to tell it?
So again: Head-canons are beautiful. Trying to get them confirmed by creators and foist them upon everyone else (to the extent that people get harassed) is not.
And if I'm proven wrong on this, I’ll still die happy, but I'm putting my chips down right now and say:
Morpheus will die in exactly the same way as in the comics. And if we get The Wake, we will get a scene in Sunday Mourning that can hold ambiguity for processing our grief, just like the comic can. And the shippers will say, “He’s with Hob, yay!”, and the non-shippers will say, “Nah, not what I saw.” And Neil will get a million asks and answer each single one with:
“What do *you* think?”
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nando161mando · 4 months
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This is why you owe them nothing, they would not do it for you.
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bixels · 5 months
The idea that uni protesters are "elitist ivy-league rich kids larping as revolutionaries" on Twitter and Reddit and even here is so fucking funny to me if you actually know anything about the student bodies at these unis. Take it from someone who's going to one of the biggest private unis in the US, 80% of the peers I know are either from the suburbs or an apartment somewhere in America, children of immigrants, or here on a student visa. I've heard about one-percenter students, but I've never met one in person. Like, don't get me wrong, the institution as a whole is still very privileged and white. I've talked with friends and classmates about feeling weird or dissonant being here and coming from such a different background. But in my art program, I see BIPOC, disabled, queer, lower-income students and faculty trying to deconstruct and tear that down and make space every day. So to take a cursory glance at a crowd of student protesters in coalitions that are led by BIPOC & 1st/2nd-gen immigrant students and HQ'd in ethnic housings and student organizations and say, "ah. children of the elite." Get real.
#also idk how to tell you this but even if it were true. wealthy children potentially sacrificing their educational careers to protest is#a good thing actually. idk how to tell you that caring about people from other nations is good#personal#“this war has nothing to do with most students cuz nobody's getting drafted” idk how to explain to you that we should be angry#that our tuitions of 10s of thousands of dollars that we pay every year for an education is being used to fund a genocidal campaign#also the implication that if you go to a uni institution you are automatically privileged by participation no matter your bg#i didn't /want/ to go to this school. i was supposed to go to a school with an art/animation program. but i realized my immigrant#parents have been working their whole lives to get me here. and turning the opportunity down would be a disservice to their sacrifice#this is getting into convos of “what 2nd gen kids owe their parents” which is different for everyone but. yeah#i just get pissed off at seeing people misrepresenting student bodies as “wealthy” and “privileged” and “elite” when it's such a blatant li#i remember a year ago a friend told me they can't fly home to hong kong for winter break because the plane tickets are too expensive#so they have to find temporary housing around the area#last quarter for a film doc class my film partner made a doc on a small group of marxist grad students from india discussing praxis#during a rally a few months ago in response to police presence the coalition invited palestinian students to speak about their experiences#and lead songs and read poems they wrote. these are STUDENTS. are they elitist too?#this is not to disregard my own personal privilege either.#this whole narrative's just to rationalize a lack of empathy to me. seeing a 19yo student get shot by a rubber bullet and your first#reaction is “HAW! HAW! bet richy rich didn't see THAT coming when she put on her terrorist hood!”#newsflash. these big uni campuses are HAUNTED by the violence of past protests and revolutions and police brutality. we know.#why do you think these coalitions have been making reinforced barricades at record speed
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rocketbirdie · 2 months
YOU. You are correct about Cloud Strife. Everything you say about him is CORRECT
Hi I'm going to use your ask as an opportunity to go on an unhinged tangent about him below the cut.
I believe that EVERYTHING about Cloud Strife as a character makes total sense once you realize: it's autism.
Here's a character whose entire arc revolves around the erosion of his identity and his desperate attempts to adhere to an ideal image, at the expense of his own wellbeing; and how self acceptance is the thing that brings him back from the edge of despair.
Youtube theorycrafters waste hours of their lives trying to piece together Cloud's psyche, when the answer is just... autism. It really is that simple. I will die on this goddamn hill.
In Trace of Two Pasts, we learn that even as a toddler, Cloud really was just... like that. Unemotive and awkward. And the entire lifestream sequence in the OG shows us a young Cloud who behaves in baffling ways. Tifa and her friends invited Cloud into their group, but he rejected their friendship while simultaneously harboring a seething jealousy. How the heck does that work, huh?
Viewing this through the Autism Lens™️, his approach make way more sense. Fearing his own inability to read and reciprocate their intentions, he pushes them away, and the resulting loneliness crushes him. He mistakes that loneliness for anger. He turns that anger outwards and gets into fights. Because the other kids don't understand him, Cloud sees them as stupid and immature. It's the perfect recipe for disastrous distrust. The tragic result is that, when Tifa gets into her accident, Cloud is immediately blamed by kids AND adults. He's seen as inherently dangerous and unpredictable, even though he did nothing wrong. It's like they were already looking for the perfect excuse to hate him.
The worst part is, because he struggles to articulate his own thoughts and feelings, he starts to just... accept what other people say about him. He's a pain in the ass. He's a selfish brat. He could try being a bit nicer. Any attempt that he makes to argue, backfires and proves their points even more. He's being childish. He needs to get his shit together. Nothing's ever good enough for him. He stops fighting it and lets people drag him around and violate his boundaries, because no matter how loud he yells or how intelligently he argues, nothing he says ever reaches their ears. He trims away more and more of himself to try and appease others and nurse the constant emotional pain. (And that's not even addressing the entire traumatic *waves hands* everything that he's gone through by the time he reaches Midgar! That would have to be its own tangent lol.)
It's hard to watch as a player; the secondhand embarrassment of Cloud's social blunders is immense. Some people don't like Cloud as a video game protagonist, which is perfectly valid. But a lot of times, they justify their opinion by perpetuating the same damaging language. He's an asshole, he's a weirdo, he hates people. The irony would be hilarious if it wasn't so frustrating. I know Cloud is just a fictional character, he doesn't need to be defended from harsh criticisms. But I can't help but wonder what these players think about the "weird people-hating assholes" that they meet in real life.
It also makes me wonder if they were even paying attention. I think the games make it pretty damn obvious what's going on. He's an asshole because other characters treat him like one before they even get to know him. He hates people because he doesn't understand them, and they don't even try to understand him. He's a weirdo because he has a strange way of showing how deeply he loves and cares, and he's afraid that his love will be misinterpreted like every other emotion he's ever dared to show.
The autism is everywhere. It permeates his entire being. It's in his silly responses when he takes things too literally. It's in his painfully practical way with words. It's in the stiff expressionless look and the flat tone of voice. It's in him constantly adjusting his gloves, shifting his weight, looking down at his feet. It's in his questionable idea of what you're supposed to do with your body at a yoga session. It's in the half a dozen flustered high fives, it's in the motion sickness. It's in the contagious eagerness with his special interests in SOLDIER and materia and chocobos.
It's in the moments where the facade crumbles and we get to see the real Cloud, the one that Aerith knew was in there— the one that Tifa finds in the lifestream— the one that Zack gave his life for— the Cloud that cherishes the whole world. He's got so much of everything inside of his heart, and he doesn't know how to get it out. You'd be a weird asshole about it, too.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 7 months
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This! The tweet references this tweet where foreigners proceeded to rejoice about their vacation in Greece as a first reaction after hearing about how the brutal reality of queer Greeks has been alleviated. Are you for FUCKING REAL people?? You make me wanna puke! Were we ever people to you? Or just a fancy destination and some vague ancient texts of a "dead" language, that you never cared to associate with the actual Greek culture and people??
I saw the majority of these comments came from USians and I implore you specifically to shut your fucking face. This shouldn't be your reaction to a foreign marginalized group (that is still in danger) gaining rights. The privilege of living in the country that controls Greece has gotten to your head, and unfortunately, I see this attitude from all US marginalised groups also.
You are clearly NOT ready to discuss how your country has been profiting from exploiting our culture, and that the way you see us for centuries now reeks of the neocolonialist attitudes.
Even when we are happy when for the first time in our history our existence is legal MUST WE cater to your voyeurism and "ancient Greek" fantasies? Not to mention the continuous eyerolls I had seeing people expressing they thought Greece is a gay paradise since antiquity... B R U H .... It was never legal or non-shameful for us to be gay! N E V E R . Check ancient texts and laws. It was never legal or pleasant for us here!
More from the tweet here:
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crossdressingdeath · 1 month
Y'know, people call Goldanna a bitch but if some random guy claiming to be the half-brother I thought died along with my mother during childbirth and who as far as I knew or had any reason to assume grew up in a castle being waited on hand and foot as a noble if not a prince showed up at my house where I was scraping a living as a washerwoman for me and my children and expected me to be happy to see him just because his dad fucked my mom (and in the process caused her death) I'd start throwing things at his head, so I think all in all she's being extraordinarily reasonable. I can understand Alistair being upset that she wasn't happy to see him but she doesn't know him and (supposedly) sharing genes doesn't mean she owes him love or even attention.
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pairofpujee · 2 years
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game set in the past w mia as the protag and lana as the detective pwease pwease pw
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worshipfulmercy · 7 months
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this is probably the tenderest and most honest they've ever been to each other
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asleepinawell · 1 year
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
the cardassian 'arguments as flirting' thing makes a whole lot of sense to me the more I think about it honestly. finding someone you not only feel safe to disagree with but can completely enjoy the company of even while you disagree seems as good a metric for chosing a life partner as any haha
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aimseytv · 1 year
the weird obsession transphobes have with feeling entitled to know whats between a persons legs will always baffle me to no ends
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bitchslapblastoids · 4 days
hey @dan and phil:
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gethernumber · 5 months
I am sick and tired of people acting like miss reneé rapp owes you something, especially this one tiktoker who has been putting reneé on blast because she wouldnt take a photo at coachella in the hot sun.
Considering how harshly the media has always treated this woman she deserves more than her disrespectful fans and people who claim to be her fans such as this one creator who called her regina george the entire time, of course shes not going to respond to that.
Celebrities owe us NOTHING.
And many complain how she may come across rude but at the end of the day shes a girl with ADHD and thats why we love her, ADHD isn’t just happy exciting bouncy fun and shes allowed to have her down days too especially when shes drained from performing. People in the comments who were also saying they had a bad experience with reneé are most likely lying or they came across rude as they tend to forget they can be apart of the issue too.
Reneé rapp is human too!!!
Yes she has her flaws but we all do, thats what makes us human and thats why we like her as she is a flawed human being and that makes her more relatable. And reneé has NEVER claimed to be a perfect porcelain princess and she is aware when she has done wrong, she just voices her opinions and as a neurodivergent person i find her rather inspiring. You CANNOT expect a person to be fine 100% of the time especially after a stressful moment.
Sorry for this rant being my first post i just cannot deal with these ppl 💕💕
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Nobody asked for it, but I’m going to also jump in & just say that I don’t care about Joseph Quinn & Doja Cat being whatever they are.
Their being together, not together, friends, friends with bennies, is not going to affect my life negatively or positively in any way shape or form, & it shouldn’t affect yours either.
Being disappointed is one thing, but some of the most disparaging things have been said about Joseph in the past 24 hours from his supposed fans. It’s very disheartening, disappointing & honestly disrespectful how quickly some flipped on him when you swear y’all love him so much.
If you want to stop being a fan, that’s fine, but you don’t have to disparage his name on your way out the door for him being a human being & trying to live his life & connect with other human beings. It’s nobodies business who he chooses to spend his time with or why.
He doesn’t owe anyone anything. Just because you watch his shows and movies or pay to meet him at a con doesn’t mean he owes anyone anything.
You have his gratitude. You have him agreeing to more projects that you can possibly enjoy, that’s enough.
You don’t know him. You don’t know what he thinks or feels. What you see from interviews & cons is what he wants you to see. How you interpret that is entirely YOUR take on things but when it comes down to it, you don’t know him.
Let him make mistakes. Let him live HIS life.
Life is too short & there’s already so much negativity in this world outside the four corners of our cellphones & laptops.
Literally none of this matters or changes anything.
In conclusion I leave you with a few words I think need to be remembered & should sound a bit familiar: “the more we respect each other, we can cultivate a kinder, more inclusive collaborative environment. For everyone. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
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crepesuzette2023 · 2 months
About the copulating beetles
PAUL: (...) Linda took a photograph of two beetles copulating, or ‘havin’ it off!’ Of course, this got totally misconstrued, because for us it was just an amazing wildlife picture. How often do you see beetles, and very colourful little iridescent beetles too? Linda just took it as a photo and we liked it, so we put it in. Of course, then people said ‘oh, The Beatles are screwing each other – what’s this mean?’, and all sorts of hidden meanings got attached to things. (source)
A couple of questions:
"...then people said, oh..." You mean at the time of RAM?
"The Beatles are screwing each other" — really? Not, Fuck the Beatles? But: each other? Hmmm.
So many hidden meanings being attached to this amazing wildlife picture of rare iridescent beetles, taken by Paul's wife, no less!
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su-revived · 6 months
Attention everyone
Hello everyone, I guess this needs to be said there is a series of accounts lead by a person that is harassing artists and people within the community under the guise of altruism and white knighting to seem as though they are in the right. but in reality all they are is a bully who will degrade and name call any and everyone who doesn't do exactly as they say. This kind of harassment will kill fandoms and force people to quit being artists and we here at SU-Revived do not stand for this. below are the 4 accounts we know of that this person uses to harass artists
@aspirationatwork @imageprescription @stevenuniverse-described @sideblogcatalogueanalog
but I highly recommend immediately blocking anyone that comments on your art or posts with this
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as it is most likely one of their alt accounts.
Update: Bro literally said I do it because no one can stop me lol
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YOU ARE HEREBY EXCOMUNICATED FROM THE SU FANDOM! All of the artists you have harassed have had enough of you and we are banding together to end this.
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