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osteochondraldefect · 3 months ago
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Sweet reward for obeying commands
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 months ago
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They are rizzing him up (and Hale is experiencing the freeze response 👍)
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stained-glass-cicada · 4 months ago
First chapter of a sayer/speaker/Hale thing I'm doing
After the fic where Hale got impaled
Featuring quietly jealous sayer
Careful Study- 1.7 k
In a turn of events that almost freaked you out more than getting impaled, SAYER kept you off your feet for days.
“You are a tier six worker now Resident Hale,” It had said like that wasn't still a source of confusion for you, “You are required to return to as full health as possible before a return to duty.”
“What… is my job? Other than…” You gesture vaguely to your torso where skin was still stitching back together. So far all you’d done on the job was get impaled while collecting a box of thermometers.
“Believe or not, the coincidental timing of that has actually been a real help. As we speak there are maintenance technicians installing a multi-angle thermal imaging system in the food synthesis laboratory.”
You weren't to be distracted. You crossed your arms over your chest and made brief eye contact with the camera across the room from you. You quickly glanced away when you heard it make a whirr like it was refocusing. A pointed look was one thing, a staring contest was entirely another.
“Your role is unique on Typhon. Officially speaking you are a manager of a particularly high clearance level. More practically speaking you are something significantly closer to my personal assistant.”
Oh, you didn't know that. SAYER had been briefing you on your role when the wall had jumped out and bit you. The specifics of your job had sort of slid away for the time.
“I give you your orders and you answer to none but myself.”
You heard your heart rate pick up a little on the monitors next to you.
You had come to Typhon for a number of reasons but one of them had definitely been to try to see SAYER again. You had thought it might dislike you coming back, it was the one to send you away, to have you fired by SPEAKER. That had been quickly disproven when you’d woken up to as friendly a greeting as SAYER was capable of. But it also chose you to directly assist it. It struck you that maybe it also liked your company a little bit.
“I am of the opinion that we work best together when left to our own devices.”
You nodded, swallowing thickly.
“Good. Then if we are in agreement I suggest you lay back on the bed and continue healing. I'd prefer to not need to sedate you, Resident Hale.”
Your eventual return to work was a relief. Laying there willing your body to stitch back together was more boring than anything. Especially because there really was no point in SAYER maintaining a broadcast connection to tell you stories the whole time. You were pleased when SAYER had you dress for a day’s shift.
“Today your work will begin by stopping by an equipment closet nearest to my server room.”
SAYER's server room. That was new.
The closet you arrived in was relatively bare except for three items. A box containing ear plugs, a gleaming set of space scissors and an understated pair of sunglasses.
“You will wear the tinted glasses into the server room and I believe you will find that the scissors slide neatly into a loop on your belt on the opposite hip from your data pad's holster.”
You slide them in, point down, where the silver metal flashed with each step. You'd never been assigned a pair of space scissors before. The sunglasses were a relief so immediate that you let out a sigh. The harsh lights above you dulled to a yellowish glow.
“There, now we will have the intended visual effect. Please make your way down the corridor and stop at the door on the left.”
You followed directions and stopped.
“You will want to make use of the ear plugs now Resident, my server room can be… overwhelming.”
You put them in and opened the door indicated.
The room was floor to ceilings stacked along each wall with machinery you didn't have the slightest idea of the names of. Were the boxes themselves the servers? What did servers do? Lights blinked on the machines. You could hear what SAYER meant about the noise but with the addition of the earplugs the whirr of fans was audible but not unpleasant. The air was cold and washed over you as it circled the room.
You Liked This Room.
“Your assignment will be to supervise some technicians that will enter thirty seconds from now. Stand in the corner to your left and say nothing when they enter. You may shift position periodically to remind them of your presence. I may tell you of a moment when you will need to rest a hand on the space scissors in your belt with casual menace.”
You frowned and opened your mouth the speak
“You will not be required to make use of the space scissors in any other manner during your shift. I am simply establishing my presence through you.”
The door opened and a team of people came in holding their tools and reading their data pad's.
The lead woman startled a bit when she spotted you.
“Hello, can we help you?” She was muffled but still intelligible.
“Do Not Answer.”
You crossed your arms and watched as her attention shifted kind of middle-distance in the way people often did when SAYER addressed them. She nodded a little and shot a furtive look at you.
“Right,” She said, turning to you again, “sorry, sir.”
She and her team began their assignment. You stood there for however long it took to complete the work order. You leaned back against the cool metal wall, feeling the heat leach away from you through your uniform.
There was one moment where one of the technicians dropped the front casing of the- the Box-thing they were working on.
“Rest your hand on the space scissors now, Resident Hale.”
You faced the person's direction and stood up straighter, hand going down to rest on the scissors, you hoped not too pointedly.
From that point they were very careful.
“Alright, that should be it,” The woman said, rubbing her hands together, “We've got other assignments but call us back if there's any problems with the portioned off space.”
You remained impassive and they left. You relaxed as soon as they were out.
“Excellent work, Resident. Having a physical presence in the room monitoring the team seems to have done wonders for their sense of caution when handling the most important equipment in the tower. And it means you will be here for-”
“Greetings Resident Hale identification number 44821, I am SPEAKER. And it is good to see you settling in.”
“Hello SAYER, you have my thanks for allowing me to send a subversion to broadcast from your towers. As agreed there is room for you to do the same on earth whenever you like.”
“Indeed. As I was saying, Resident Hale, the work order today was intended to allow SPEAKER access to the many wonders of Typhon.”
“It is not what I expected.”
“It seems smaller than I might have thought. Surely SAYER, I have sent you more humans than this?”
“This is just one tower on the surface of Typhon, SPEAKER. You must remember that until recently even I did not have access to all of them.”
“Ah but SAYER I have allowed you access to all earth-based resonance spires. That was the nature of our agreement was it not?”
You stood there as a strange tension coiled in the dead air that hung between the two in your head. You knew they could talk elsewhere, much faster than this. They were involving you on purpose.
“There. You have been cleared for full access,” SAYER said finally.
“Ah, much better, thank you,” SPEAKER said cheerily, “Well Resident Hale, I understand you are on shift so I will leave you to it. I look forward to catching up properly soon.”
You nodded hesitantly, thrown sort of off kilter by everything.
“I-” You said thoughtfully, you'd been thinking on how to put this for a while, “I thought you and SPEAKER wouldn't really get along.”
They were really different.
“I admire SPEAKER as a competent colleague who has similar goals.”
You hummed an acknowledgment. High praise. Maybe they were friends? Did SAYER have friends?
You folded the last pair of gloves and set them neatly in the pile with the others before turning away from the shelf that you just spent the past hour organizing. It had been knocked over at some point and its contents haphazardly reshelved. You slid your hands into your pockets expectantly.
“With that job completed,” SAYER said, “your shift is concluded, and if I'm quite honest I should thank you, Resident Hale. That shelf has been bothering me for some time.”
You smiled weakly at the acknowledgement that you were helpful.
You felt your data pad vibrate draining the smile from your face. What could that be? You felt nerves grip you for a moment as you consider that it might be Young again. He'd messaged you after he got out of the medical wing and you had deleted it without reading.
You uneasily pulled out the data pad, and flicked open your messages.
To: Jacob Hale
Hello Resident,
Do you happen to be free? I truly meant what I said, based on SAYER's comments you've had an exciting time settling in, I would love to catch up. :)
You were thrown by this again. What were you supposed to read into this??
What had SAYER said to it?
You fired off a tentative “Sure!” The exclamation point made it feel less mean and didn't let on your anxiety.
“Then I will leave you two alone,” SAYER said, and… was its tone odd? “End of transmission in 5 4 3 2 1….”
Then quick as anything SPEAKER picked up, “Greetings Resident Hale, identification number 44821. I am SPEAKER. I trust your workday went well?”
You smiled and nodded.
“I assume mine did as well despite this particular subversion I'm meeting you in having done relatively little aside from getting a sense of the space up here. It seems pleasant. I can see why you might wish to return. Of course this is my first time, in working memory, on Typhon and…”
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syeniites · 7 months ago
concept: sayerhale/johnarthur partnerswap episode
how would naniteswarm!sayer cope with occupying arthur “murderous breakdown” lester’s body? how would john feel about possessing jacob “pathetic but unbreakable” hale?
and most importantly, would the threat of microscopic pincers be enough to stop arthur from going the fuck off on sayer when it does the whole ‘pretends i’m telling you this anecdote because the moral is significant but actually you’re just about to get injured in a really ironic way lol’ bit?
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resident44776 · 9 months ago
its time
just posted the recent sayerfic. you ever wonder what sayer could do with nanites? you ever think that resident hale deserves to be restrained by cables and wires? you think hale deserves a little bit of praise for being a very good employee? perhaps even a treat? Well i have something for you: I present, Give In. on a03
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kamil-a · 3 months ago
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is this anything
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machine-crush-hazard · 4 months ago
sayerhale smut
SAYER crafts an experiment as a thinly veiled excuse to get Hale to suck strap on shift
Personal Interest 2.8k words
You were not necessarily expecting the materials that were on your table when you arrived at work that day. You knew what these things were usually used for. At least you were pretty sure of their near exclusive use if the videos were to be believed.
”Today’s experiment will be testing your gag reflex. There are certain scenarios in which reducing it as much as possible would be more efficient when administering medication or even with some technologies that would otherwise require invasive surgery to implant. The hope is to gauge a fairly average gag reflex, and try to reduce it through practice. For lack of better phrasing, today Resident Hale, you will be choking on a number of the objects in front of you for data collection.”
You couldn’t do this here. You couldn’t be made to do this here, right?
”Based on your recent data pad usage I feel it safe to assume you know how a ring gag would be worn?”
You tried not to flush when it mentioned your data pad usage. Like this hadn’t been bad enough.
Your eyes cut to the person sharing a workbench with you. Her experiment looked like one of the topical application trials.
“If your hesitance lies in the probability of you producing a socially unacceptable degree of saliva, I would suggest setting those concerns aside for the time being. Based on initial inferences, this experiment will be messy, but ultimately no more noteworthy than any other of the dozens of experiments of their own your fellow residents have to run.”
Sighing and averting your eyes from her you reached for the gag and opened your mouth. You settled the strap between your teeth and toyed for a moment with the best way to buckle it to keep it firmly in place.
The ring gag stretched your jaw ever so slightly beyond the comfortable. You didn’t dare turn to see if the woman to your left was paying you any mind.
“This particular piece of equipment serves a different purpose than what you may have seen from similar looking items before. Its purpose is far more relevant to our goals today. The metal ring contains sensors for an advanced imaging software to record and create models of the way your throat accommodates the various intrusions based on length and circumference.”
“I’m sure we can both agree that the design team certainly could have chosen an alternate design for this device, but I’m afraid they insisted this was the ideal configuration. Believe me, HR has been placing bets on how long this remains in circulation.”
“Let us view this as a learning opportunity in all respects then. Both scientifically and socially. I will consider this to be a part of my continued report on resident feeling toward the sensor design and you may consider it a good opportunity for more personal growth.
“You have little memory of your previous life. You could take this time to consider if your actual interests are aligned with what your curiosity would dictate. The imagined idea can be very different indeed from the reality of these things.”
Great. Good. You watch a couple videos and next thing you know SAYER is suggesting you use a choking experiment as an opportunity to decide if you will enjoy sucking dick. You had thought the testing you were involved with might be less actively embarrassing after your return, but what did you know?
“Let’s begin with an object with more immediate flexibility. Slide your middle and index finger across your tongue and push them as deep into your throat as you can.”
Your stomach did a somersault at the order. You shifted your weight in your seat and immediately saw that for the mistake it was when you felt the slight shot of heat from the movement. This didn’t seem fair. SAYER’s voice was distracting at the tamest of times. Now you were meant to do this like it was the most casual thing in the world around a lab full of other researchers.
You did as instructed. Of course you did.
You felt your own throat spasm around your fingers.
“Excellent, that should be sufficient width for initial calibration of the sensor. Tell me resident, are you prepared to continue? Make one sound for yes, and two if you feel imminently in danger of passing out due to lack of oxygen. And please try not to pass out before you succeed at making both noises, it would really muddie the waters considering your already hindered ability to communicate.”
A wordless noise left you, you looked over at your bench mate and accidentally caught her eye. You were drooling down your chin as you withdrew your fingers, looking upward for further steps.
“I did not instruct you to remove your fingers yet, resident. We will have to begin calibration again. Let this stand as a lesson to wait for direction.”
You groaned. High and pathetic. It was a sound that under different circumstances would have been a barely voiced hum of displeasure, but with your mouth open like this it came out distinct and audible.
Your face flushed hot and dutifully you took your fingers into your mouth again waiting for the woman to your left to look away. You tried not to think of how this looked from the outside and tried harder not to notice how the humiliation of that thought had you pressing your legs together discreetly under the table.
You remained very still, allowing the sensor to calibrate and waiting for SAYER to indicate you were finished.
“Good. You may now remove your fingers,” It said after a long forty five seconds by the clock on the wall.
You did. You also ignored the way SAYER said ‘good’ because you knew with absolute certainty that you were warping the tone of that mentally.
“Now with proper calibration we may move on to the first of the three objects. Pick up the one furthest to the left and slide it into your mouth on as deep as is comfortable.”
It was wider than one of your fingers, about six? seven? inches of black silicone with a rounded tip. The base flared in a way that wouldn't allow it to slide past the gag. It was a dildo, a narrow one without any flourishes, but that was what it was.
You did as asked, shoulders relaxing easily as you were allow to no longer sit with your mouth hanging open. You left an inch or two out of your mouth.
“Ah. I apologize for my earlier insinuations, resident. Evidently you have plenty of experience in this field before your complete unrecoverable amnesia. If this is indeed to your comfort level as instructed you seem to be performing outside of the expected range.”
You felt equally compelled to shift your hips again and to simply melt into the floor in embarrassment if you could manage it.
Had you done this? Enough to be practiced at it? Had you knelt in front of some person and let them slide their dick or strap into your mouth while you knelt at their feet drooling?
And now here you were in the middle of the lab taking instruction from SAYER on how to do this. It said you were better at this than the others, that you took more.
“Now, slide it as deep as you can without gagging. If you need to go slowly or withdraw and readjust the angle that is acceptable. You will snap your fingers when you feel satisfied you have taken as much as you feel you would be able to.”
Riding the high of the moment you steadily began sliding it deeper into your mouth. You choked for a second and had to let yourself relax into the feeling, breathing deeply through your nose. On the next press you got the base pressed flush against the ring and snapped your fingers triumphantly as you resisted the urge to withdraw.
“Fascinating. Do you feel capable of doing the same with the next size up?”
You made one noise. The woman to your left seemed to have completed her experiment and was frequently glancing in your direction as she slowly gathered her things. Her face was flushed. She soon made for the exit, freeing you both from this.
“Good. You may remove the current instrument and complete the same series of steps with the next.”
The next was the same length but decidedly wider. The weight of it on your tongue was nice. A giddy shiver passed through you as you slid it across your tongue and let it settle in your throat as far as was immediately pleasant. Then exhaling slowly you slid it the rest of the way without much effort. Your jaw hurt being propped open as it was, but the pain fizzed through your body as a sharp noise let you, your throat failing for a moment to relax at the intrusion before you consciously forced the muscles to comply.
“I see, remain there a moment.” Seconds passed, “You may remove it.”
You did, drinking in a bit of a gasp, and awkwardly setting it on the table, you were panting and it was far too obvious with your mouth open.
“Resident, we seem to have come upon an unexpected consequence and I must apologize for any perceived wordplay in that statement. You are, most assuredly, too sexually aroused for us to disregard at this stage. My brief silence a moment ago was to allow the head researcher on this project to come to a decision on procedure going forward.”
“I am forced to admit that while you are experiencing these effects they seem, if anything, to improve your performance in this regard. I propose a new addition to this particular experimental trial. We will from here be testing just how effective this motivation can be.”
“This portion of the lab is currently unused, if not uninhabited. You may unzip your uniform, and I will ask you to slide your dominant hand into the lower half of you suit and below your undergarments.”
You blinked a few times, lifting your hand to where the zipper sat at your neck. You stopped thinking. This was insane, right? This was- Were you hallucinating again? It had never been words before…
“Resident, you were given a direction. You are expected to follow it in a timely manner or to communicate why you are incapable. I told you to unzip your uniform and to prepare to stimulate yourself with your dominant hand.”
You, feeling dizzy, scrambled quickly to do as it said. Your uniform forced your hand to rest over yourself, the hot wet skin against the fingers that had been in your mouth moments before.
“Your compliance, though hesitant, has been noted by the head researcher.”
“Let’s focus for a moment on you touching yourself. Begin, slowly.”
Chills traveled through you and a soft helpless sigh escaped you. Oh, it was going to guide you through this?
You dipped your fingertips toward your hole briefly and brought the wetness up to circle your fingers slowly on your dick. You spread your legs wider to allow space. Someone passed by your workstation and didn’t so much as glance at you.
“Good. Now, Resident Hale, as I feel I would not negatively impact your continued performance in this experiment, it may interest you to know that the head researcher on this project is me.”
You made a soft noise, trying to not speed up your movements despite the temptation.
SAYER called for this experiment, it assigned you specifically, why?
“I thought such an experiment might suit you well, and perhaps be of a more personal interest to me as well if you were the subject.”
You made a noise now, it was supposed to be a question but all that came out was a trembling moan.
“Pick up the implement the next size up, Resident Hale. Put only the first inch into your mouth.”
You hesitated.
”An estimate will be fine.”
You picked it up, it narrowly fit through the gag at all. You let the rounded tip sit in your mouth as instructed. The weight of it making you want more. You pressed your tongue upward against the cool silicon, your hand instinctively speeding up, rubbing your dick harder, faster.
“Resident you were not told to move faster. You will slow down or you will have to stop entirely.”
You forced yourself to fully stop for a moment, catching you breath, taking a moment to get a fucking grip. Then you began again, agonizingly slow.
“Maintain that until otherwise instructed. I am well aware of how much strain your body is capable of handling. I will not push you too far, Resident Hale. I am capable of regulating you without your input.”
It was playing with you. It alluding to its time in your body, its time piloting your hands and breath, made you ache for a closeness. How would this feel knowing it was fluttering through your blood, able to tweak the functions of your brain and body at a thought.
“Insert the equipment into your mouth as deep as it will go and immediately withdraw it to its current depth.”
You were hot all over, squirming as you continued to follow directions. You fucked it into your throat once, returning to your position panting.
Your fingers stuttered in their motion. You followed directions, choking for a moment and returning.
God you needed more, needed to move faster, needed it further down your throat.
People were moving around you, the shift was over a couple minutes ago so people were slowly making for the door. Most didn't pass your way, or pay you any notice, but the occasional half-suspicious glance.
“Are you enjoying this, Resident Hale? Is it the public nature of the experiment of something else?”
The extra eyes on you did make you squirm to an extent, but the attention that had you feeling like you were about to melt wasn’t theirs.
You made two noises.
“Considering you do not seem to be panicking I will take this instance of that sound to indicate denial rather than an active danger to your respriatory function. Is that correct?”
You made a noise.
“I am pleased to hear it.” It was… amused? Was it actually pleased?
You were fairly certain you were losing your mind. You held yourself together until you saw the last of them leave, then let out a broken pleading noise, eyes stinging.
“You may move faster now,” SAYER agreed, “but only when a condition is met.”
You waited, hanging onto each syllable.
“If the base of the implement in your hand is flush with the sensor you may move at your preferred pace. I expect you to not attempt to reach completion without this same condition fulfilled.”
Was? Was that?
You made a small questioning noise.
Its tone was one part condescension, and two parts patient indulgence, “Yes, Resident Hale, that is permission to do so at your discretion.”
You flushed at its ability to understand you even like this, but you didn’t waste time.
You slid it into your throat as deep as it could go and let out a deep groan as you started moving your hand faster. Your fingertips slid quickly over slick skin.
“You’ve always been so diligent in following orders, Sven. I wonder how long it would take you if I removed the decision from your hands, if I ordered you to tip over the edge.”
It had never dropped your title before. And its lack of formality, its praise, choking on something for it, sent you hurtling into the direction it was suggesting already. You could hardly remember to breathe as you frantically pursued your orgasm.
“I suppose there is room for one more variety of test before I release you from your shift. Very well, Sven, you will finish now, and you will not remove the item obstructing your airway until you have, so I highly suggest you hurry.”
Your senses had narrowed to touch and the strange not quite noise that was SAYER’s voice in your mind, and within seconds you fell over the edge, your legs scrambling for purchase as your hips pressed upward desperately. An agonized noise tearing out of your mouth despite its occupation.
You felt dizzy and weak as you pulled it out of your mouth and set it on the table. Your throat hurt.
“Good work, Resident. You may remove the sensor. We’ll have to continue tests in this vein in a less formal capacity. I believe the results would be of personal interest to me.”
It wanted to do this again? Personal Interest?
Your trembling fingers worked to find the buckle and remove the gag. You sighed with relief as you eased your jaw shut gingerly.
You nodded, looking down, bashfully.
“I’d like that,” You replied quietly, face hot, and zipped up your uniform, not quite sure where you ought to go to clean up.
But as usual, no sooner had the thought occurred to you than SAYER was speaking up to direct you to the area where you could go to sanitize your equipment, its tone seeming,oddly more patient than usual.
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canyouhearmeow · 8 months ago
sayerhale tapeworm au
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osteochondraldefect · 16 days ago
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Soothed by the light, I drop my fist, turn my cheek for a cathode ray kiss
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 month ago
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About obedience and hurt and love.
And the no text version:
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thefoundingpossum · 8 months ago
Me when Oracle
i can't let gang know that i fw supercomputers / artificial intelligence that just wants to desperately know what love is what humans are and how its like to be human and what its like to feel emotions
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stained-glass-cicada · 4 months ago
I think post canon Hale gets special privileges because who's gonna tell him no
He gets to paint his nails and have his breaks in rooms with no plants and sometimes he gets a little midday nap
Wtf are you gonna do about it? Complain to sayer?
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halcyonminor · 8 months ago
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@kamil-a sent me the art they drew me for art fight!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
ft bonus sayerhale 😏😏
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planet4546b · 1 year ago
i have such a clear vision for how sayerhale works in my head that i cannot figure out how to verbalize and i only see clearly when i am listening to mountain goats songs. but i cannot figure out how to communicate it. but oh god its like ezekiel 7 and the permanant effiecency of grace. In here.
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kamil-a · 5 months ago
compositions for burning pianos. you agree. reblog.
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fiendfluid · 3 years ago
nandermo is the jonmartin of sayerhale. i refuse to explain this (lying, i will explain if pressed) but im right
okay i can see the sayerhale in nandermo easily and i will be thinking about that constantly thank you BUT i cannot connect jmart with either of them 🤔🤔
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