#and then there's the pronouns issue
koheletgirl · 4 months
ok so there's this phenomenon i have encountered with some of my mutuals and now im curious
no option for nosy english speakers come back in a week
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 months
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I am back for a hot second with the baby! Let's be real, Geralt gets a lot of heat in this au, but I do think he was very clear about what he could and couldn't be for Jaskier when they started this thing. Listening to this song later, and realizing that Jaskier was already in love with him at this point ... uff. Also a song about sacrifices in this au, from Jaskier??? *chef's kiss* also let's not think about essi in this au let's not let's just ignore this
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svartalfhild · 11 months
Unsurprisingly, people are already being fucking weird about Mizu's gender.
Headcanons are all well and good, but maybe we shouldn't be so eager to apply modern Western gender politics and terms to a character whose identity is so tied to the time, place, and circumstances in which she exists.
Please remember that Mizu was forced to present as male for her own safety and agency. Please remember that allowing others to see her as a man and call her he/him is not a choice; it's protection; it's a means to an end. Until we see Mizu talk about her gender in further detail, that's all the context we have.
Don't project what you want to see onto her and then treat it as fact.
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falmerbrook · 1 year
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please click on the images for details!
I think it's a bit of a shame how Vivec's appearance changed in the games after Morrowind. I always got a sort of uncanny vibe from his Morrrowind appearance, like he's staring straight into you, that I feel like wasn't captured as well in his later appearances. I picture him with a round face (for a mer), and huge eyes and ears. Just absolutely big-ass orbits and ears big enough to move like a cat's.
The first set is from February (you can thank it for giving me hand/wrist pain), and so I'm not keen on finishing it, but liked it enough to post it anyway.
(AKA: vivec sketch dump)
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theriu · 1 year
I learned recently from family members that EMTs and paramedics are having trouble right now with people in accidents refusing to say whether they are biologically male or female, stating it’s “none of their business” and “doesn’t matter.”
Friends, IT DOES MATTER! Male and female bodies ARE biologically different and can exhibit similar symptoms for different reasons, and if the EMT doesn’t know which you are, THEY MAY NOT BE ABLE TO TREAT YOU because they can’t be sure what’s wrong! This is not a matter of gender politics, it is a matter of life and death! PLEASE, be honest with your healthcare provider, especially in an emergency! THEY DO NEED TO KNOW!
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robotsafari · 4 months
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vanitas my awesome bastard child.
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jiangshinigami · 13 days
The most annoying things when dealing with people talking about they/them characters:
"This character is always referred to with they/them"
"Erm, we don't actually know [Character's] gender, [Character] isn't non-binary"
"i wasn't talking about gender i was talking about pronouns..."
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michaun · 2 months
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Vanessa, Sam O’Dwyer sexually assaulted you as a minor. He blackmailed you into a relationship. By the sounds of it, [Mayor] Rod Dixon knew about all that and did nothing to help you. Trent abused you, Gavin and Jimmy sexually harassed you…
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stiffyck · 5 months
Trans hermits. You agree.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
I was disappointed that Haruhi was treated like a girl by the host club members. Anyway I’m trans now 👍
this is actually probably another example of cultural disconnect irt ouran! I don't blame you for it because if im right about where you're coming from, it's a linguistic thing and unless you understand japanese/how japanese works it's not a connection you're going to make. I think that much of what english-speaking fans percieve as haruhi being treated like a girl by the hosts, aside from tamaki's obvious Thing about her gender, is the constant use of she/her pronouns. Most of the hosts (sans tamaki) don't go out of their way to treat her like a girl in terms of like, social context, aside from a few bits that are implied to be instigated by tamaki (i.e. lobelia academy plot.) I will admit that the she/her-ing of haruhi is pervasive in the english translations of the show, but it's not actually an accurate reflection of the original content. Conversational japanese largely drops gendered pronouns from most sentences, meaning there's very little overt gendering of haruhi either way by most characters in the show. this is part of the reason why it's somewhat believable that she managed to pass herself off as a guy--it's actually entirely possible that she didn't KNOW that people were assuming she was male until the hosts made a big deal out of it, because it's unlikely she would be referred to by gendered pronouns in conversation with her peers. this is unfortunately one of those things that it's almost impossible to not lose in translation since english sentence structure relies so heavily on gendered pronouns, but i do think it's worth pointing out that in the original japanese the boys WEREN'T openly calling her a girl at every turn. except for tamaki who absolutely was but that's like his own whole seperate thing
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awakefor48hours · 27 days
Where is Uzi's tumblr account, I need it.
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saetoru · 1 year
with no disrespect fem doesnt equal she/her tho it would be easier to just say reader uses she/her
bro she’s fem! bc i said she’s fem! like fr y’all nitpick over everything. reader was referred to as suguru’s “sister” and used “she/her” pronouns and had a pussy like that’s very fem to me thanks !!
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neurob-ug · 3 months
Why is it still so hard for some people to grasp that pronouns ≠ gender? Someone going by they/them does not mean they're non-binary. Nor do she/her or he/him indicate a binary identity such as binary man or binary woman.
The most gender-conforming* cishet woman you know could go by he/him pronouns, and it would say nothing about his relationship to his gender identity. The same applies to a gender-conforming cishet man deciding to go by she/her pronouns.
Look me in the eyes when I say this: The sooner you learn that gender is far more nuanced and funky than some silly linguistic tool, the more relaxed and actually enjoyable your relationship with language will become. Why are we even "debating" (aka. arguing) about neopronouns or referring to an entire group of people as "they/thems", "she/theys", "he/theys", etc. in 2024?
(*gender-conforming by societal standards)
PS: I know that for some people, their pronouns are part of how they define their gender. That, however, is not the point of this post. The point is that by default, there is no direct correlation between a certain pronoun and a certain gender. The possible combinations between the two are endless, which is why a conclusion that someone must be one based on the other is always false.
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trans-androgyne · 2 months
sorry but I do think doubling down here is a bad look. If you can provide a single way that using she/her pronouns could have reasonably lead to someone finding her blog then I’ll accept your reasoning. But outside of that, it is misgendering.
You yourself even say in your pinned that referring to you wrong is degendering and misgendering, why is this different? Would you be ok with someone referring to you totally wrong for ‘anonymity’ come on now.
This is your “different perspective” doubling down on misgendering a trans woman is bad! Even if one trans woman who obviously wants to agree with you says it’s fine actually
At this point, everyone else I talked to including multiple trans women and transfems all agree that vaguing is not the same thing as misgendering. To me, it’s standard etiquette to not use any information like that in vague posts. People have used “he” on me in vague posts specifically because they clearly thought me being a guy was relevant to their point, and I don’t think that’s appropriate when the person’s gender doesn’t matter for the point of the vague. Calling me a man or woman is misgendering, but calling me a person instead of a guy and otherwise using neutral language in a vague about me is not, and I would rather people do that than bring my gender into it if they think I have a bad take. I want to hear more perspectives on the matter because I genuinely do not want to harm other trans people. But it has nothing to do with her being a trans woman, this is just how vagues work to me and currently many more people agree than disagree with that perspective. I am sincerely sorry if she feels hurt by me vaguing her and not bringing up her gender, as if I knew that was her preference i would have done it; if I post anything else about her I will be certain to gender her. I hope not to though, she is not someone I want to interact with or talk about more.
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ofpd · 1 month
i think im gonna start going by they them
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edwardallenpoe · 6 months
man I sure do hope people who say that trans people don't have to present hyper-binary or be passable are normal about masc/butch trans people, including trans women who don't want surgeries or hrt or use she/her pronouns. Man I sure do hope they don't just mean femme trans men and exclude trans women and nonbinary masculine people. Man I sure do hope that they aren't super fucking weird about masculinity, especially when performed by trans women.
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