#and then she received a fatal wound in the battle with demise so with the last of her strength she took mortal form
figofswords · 3 years
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the first hero
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xhanisai · 3 years
AU where the current holders of the miraculous have dreams about the previous holders
- They only dream about the holders before them- not the holders before the previous ones (for example, say Laila is the current holder of the butterfly and the holder before her was Maya. The holder before Maya was Ali. Laila will only dream about Maya whilst Maya have dreamt about Ali).
- The dreams are in the POV of the previous holders; you would only see things that are happening through their eyes and have no control over their bodies. You will also feel the same things the holders are feeling. The dreams are only possible if the predecessor before the current holder has passed away.
- The last holders of the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculouses were Bridgette Zhōu and Felix Gray (The PV predecessors of Marinette and Adrien). They were born in England and fought and died during the end of the second world war in 1945. 
- Bridgette went by as Ladybird whilst Felix went by as Black Cat. They were sixteen when they received their miraculouses by Maître Fu.
- So Marinette, ever since gaining the earrings, would dream about Bridgette and the events that unfolded during her time. Adrien would dream about Felix on the other hand. 
- At first, both were confused and horrified by this, especially after having to witness the brutal battles and war in first person and not having the power to help the way they want. They wouldn’t dare to mention this to each other in the beginning, unsure on how to approach the subject and completely traumatised too.
- They are quick to mature, especially in their civilian lives. Alya has noted that Marinette often wears a distant, sad look on her face, as if she’s weighed down by the burdens of the world.
- Nino was also quick to realise the tired yet determined gaze that Adrien wore, as if he was burning with the desire to protect everything he treasures as well as grieving for the things he’s lost. Though, the boy is an excellent actor and it’s really hard to see him unless you’re Nino. 
- Since Marinette is far too distracted with coming up with plans and connecting dots to find out who le Papillon was, she’s not able to see how deep the changes were within Adrien, mainly focused on protecting her loved ones, especially her Chat Noir.
- Adrien on the other hand keeps a constant close observation on Marinette. She’s one of the few people out there that he really likes and cherishes so seeing her becoming more distant and tired and sad also upsets him.
- He starts to suspect about Ladybug’s civilian identity, especially after Plagg noting that he’s fallen for Marinette and LB for the umpteenth time. 
- Marinette is also in love with both Adrien and Chat Noir (though she doesn’t like to admit the latter). She doesn’t make any attempts on romancing because she fears that it would be taken advantage of by le Papillon one way or another.
- Chat Noir is only a little flirty with Ladybug, also held back from the past holders and the current villain from fully attempting to romance her. Adrien is still soft and sweet with Marinette, always making sure she’s relaxed in his presence (Though, strangers can see that the feelings between ladynoir and adrinette are mutual).
- Both Adrien and Marinette love to spoil their kwamis with all the sweets and cheese the little Gods desire. The duo couldn’t fathom the guilt and trauma from their predecessors so how were Tikki and Plagg dealing with all the lives of their past holders? 
- The bond between Tikki and Marinette and the bond between Plagg and Adrien is super, super strong.
- What finally causes Ladybug and Chat Noir to snap and communicate with each other regarding the dreams is when they finally dreamt about Bridgette’s and Felix’s last moments. These moments were the most haunting and painful out of them all.
Bridgette laid in a distraught Felix’s arms, a fatal wound in her chest, an ugly crimson growing on her clothes, yet a soft, subtle smile rested on her lips. With all her energy, she mustered up the strength to cup the sobbing boy’s cheek, as if Big Ben wasn’t being bombed to smithereens behind them and as if they weren’t surrounded by walls of deadly fire.
“Please...don’t close your eyes...don’t leave me...you’re going to be okay,” Felix choked, leaning into her touch which only grew terrifyingly colder and colder. He has to save her...he has to!
“D-Don’t cry, my sweet love,” Bridgette attempted to grin further and cooed at her lover, blind to Tikki’s vice grip on her blood stained school uniform and Plagg’s gape of horror. “I...I need you to run, Felix. Please-”
“What!? Don’t be ridiculous! I’m not leaving you! Not now, not ever!” He held her closer to him, tears cascading down his usually stoic face and mind scrambling for a plan. “I’ll save you, like always! And no one will dare to hurt you again-”
“Please...you’re already hurt. Please, live for me...”
“Bridgette...there’s no point in living if you’re not there with me, and that’s final!”
- Unfortunately, the duo met their demise from a direct bomb. Fu and Marianne had no choice but to take the miraculouses off their corpses as they were on the run, no time to mourn for the poor teens. 
- Because of this dream, Chat has vowed to protect his Lady, no matter what, to ensure that she never has to go through the same pain as Bridgette (and also so he never has to mourn for another woman he’s loved with his everything).
- Ladybug has also vowed to ensure that they would never get into a situation like that, ever. The last thing she ever wants is for her partner to go through that pain. 
- Sometimes, Marinette would find herself clutching her chest, as if she’s been shot, only to realise that they’re phantom pains from Bridgette’s fatal wounds and battle scars. Sometimes, the pain is enough to make her blackout. 
- Similarly, this happens to Adrien too. Especially since Black Cat often got hurt during the war when fighting against the opposition. 
- Both Marinette and Adrien have seen this happen to each other, not only as civilians but as their hero identities as well. They’re both 100% certain of their suspicions regarding the identities but are yet to address it.
- They get into arguments when Chat keeps on sacrificing himself. Both of them wanting to protect each other so badly, it hurts. The horrors of their predecessors’ lives and failures branded into their souls. 
“You are the most important one out of us both! You can bring everything back to normal! Of course it makes sense for me to take that hit for you-”
“We are a team! I can’t do this without you and you know how much I hate seeing you die before my eyes over and over again!”
“But you bring me back every time-”
“That doesn’t stop it from hurting, you stupid cat! How would you feel if the person you love the most kept dying in front of you!?”
- After accidentally blurting out her confession, Ladybug attempts to run away, only for Chat Noir to hold her back by the hand. He then gently hugs her from behind, face hidden on the crook of her neck.
“I do know how it feels, Marinette. I do...” Chat held onto her tighter when she gasped, waiting until she relaxed before he carried on. “Every time I dream about that night, I feel Felix’s pain as his Lady died in his arms. I feel his guilt, his self-hatred, his grief, his heartbreak...everything.” 
Lifting his head, Noir turned Ladybug around, his frown deepening from the tears that ran down her cheeks. He then brought his lips to one of her eyes, kissing away the tears with a softness that would rival even a mother’s touch to a new-born’s skin.
“I’m sorry I made you feel that way...I love you so much that I can’t bear to see you die, ever,”
- From then on, they come to a compromise that they’d work as hard as possible to keep either of them from dying for each other.
- It’s hard and difficult but now that they have each other in their civilian lives, as well as letting Alya, Nino and Marinette’s parents into the secrets, the burdens eased. Fu allowed them to do this, knowing that the burden is too much for a singular person to handle on their own. Together they all became one excellent support system.
- Thankfully, there are pleasant dreams from Felix’s and Bridgette’s lives as well. Such as: first time meeting, ballroom dancing, walking in the gardens, etc.
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
Checkmate (Castiel-centric, Chuck & Cas, Castiel/Dean Winchester coda to 15x17 “Unity” and 15x18 “Despair, 1.9k)
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Billie saves Jack from suffering a fatal end from her plan, and knowing Jack was safe gave Cas space to focus on his own troubles. Nearly losing his son again... revelations from Chuck... choices Dean made, were set on, until Sam broke through at the last minute - too close - they all were...
It was too much. Cas needed to digest these roiling experiences away from faces it hurt to look at. Except he stumbles exactly where Chuck wants him. After countless times praying for guidance, Chuck finally decides now is perfect for a long-awaited heart-to-heart.
           Cas abandoned the others once Billie disappeared, not even waiting for her form to fade before striding away. Stomps up each step, ignoring Dean’s calls as he races from their home. Into fresher air aboveground. Being an angel, Cas was inexperienced with breathing. Yet, instinctually, Cas gasps for breath once he breaks free.
           Hunched over the outdoor railing, Cas’s vision blurs. Darkness encroaching at a pace that makes him shiver. “That’s not…” he hisses, sinking lower, crouching. “It’s not real. It can’t… there’s a deal. They were very clear –“
           “C’mon Castiel, you should know by now…” A familiar voice breaks through static, Cas’s grip tightening on the rusted rail. “This close to the end, anything goes.”
           Cas turns his head, meeting Chuck’s deriding glare. “You’re still here?”
           “I’m everywhere Castiel,” he mocks, arms spread wide and head tilted backwards. Laughing, “I’m God.”
           Briefly, Cas considers shouting. Alerting the others that Chuck hadn’t gone far, nearer than they figured. Except Chuck’s head lolls around once more, clearly expecting Cas to do exactly that. His jaw tenses, Cas rising on shaky legs. “What do you want?”
           “Loaded question. I want a lot of things… Amara’s power – but I got that.” His eyes flicker, blue and black, before fading into their regular hazel. “This world to end… close. I could wait fifty more years but let’s speed it up, honestly. You and your family to suffer…” He grins, advancing towards him. “How is Jack doing?”
           “He’s fine,” Cas tells Chuck, “but you already know that. Don’t you?”
           “Then why ask?” Cas glares at his creator, mustering enough fury that he trembles from an entirely new reason. “Did you stick around only to gloat? Is that what it takes to get you to show up?”
           “Oh Castiel…” Chuck grabs his chin, pinching it. Sparks jumping off his finger pads and searing his skin, Cas wincing when Chuck doesn’t let go. “You’re not bitter that I never returned your calls, right?”
           Chest aching, Cas tamps down that hurt. Accustomed to doing so. “But you received them?”
           “I hear each and everyone.”
           “And you do nothing.”
           “I only help those that deserve it.” He shoves Cas away, spinning on his heel. Gestures around them, “No one on this Earth – in this universe – deserves it. Ungrateful sacks of filth and – and mud. Imperfect, flawed…”
           “Beautiful.” Cas defends them on instinct, stepping forward. “Humanity might be all of that, but it doesn’t make them any less deserving of life. Of a second chance.”
           “Humanity…” He laughs again, to a joke Cas must have missed. Wiping a false tear, Chuck leers at him, “Really? Does humanity deserve a second chance? Is it even a second chance anymore?” Then, with a disturbing amount of severity laced through his voice. “How many more chances are you going to give Dean?”
           Chuck’s hand rests over his heart, closing the distance between blinks. Claws at Cas’s chest, clutching onto him. Cas stares above his creator’s head, resolutely not giving Chuck what he wants. Hiding sadness and longing they both can feel rippling across their bodies, warmth abnormal given this cooler climate.
           “You’re always giving so much of yourself to him,” Chuck whispers, prodding. Breath felt as he rasped in his ear. “Isn’t it tiring? Disappointing he doesn’t do the same?”
           Cas swallows the immediate thoughts that emerge. Those traitorous voices expressing similar sentiment, nasally and grating like them. His shadowed future. He answers, instead, with, “I will always do whatever it takes to keep my family safe.”
           Groaning, Chuck knocks his head against Cas’s shoulder. Repeatedly, harder and harder. Each swing whacking at his cool façade. “Love!” he bemoans, “Your love for humans, your love for him. How I hate – why does it all come down to Dean.” His hand trails upwards, snaking over Cas’s tie. Chuck steps backwards, dragging Cas along. Forcing him onto his knees. “Sam, I get. They’re brothers… sentimentality. They’ve been through the wringer longer than every other Earth, of course it’d be harder breaking that. Too mature, set in their routines… And Amara, she was finding herself. Dean was a passing fancy – entertainment, nothing more. But you…” Bending, Chuck presses his face onto Cas’s. Close enough he sees lightning flashing within his pupils. “Your little defect, your crush… this is all your fault.”
           “I…” Chuck’s eyes glow, his throat seizing as this greater being chokes him. Cas fights past it, coughing. “It’s… yours.”
           “No, it’s not. Really.” He stops, dropping him. Cas scrabbles into a crouch, warily observing Chuck circle. Arm raised defensively; angel blade prepped in case of another attack. Useless, given the comparison of power, but he refuses to sit and accept his death. Not like this. Luckily rather than smite Cas, Chuck wastes time prattling. “I tied everything up in a neat, little bow. Sure… took longer to get there, edits and rewrites of course, but the story was done. Brothers battle, one dies, close the book and move on. Raphael was supposed to raze this stage for the next show… until someone called for an encore.”
           Cas startles, guard slipping momentarily. “Wait… you wanted Raphael to restart the apocalypse?”
           “Yes!” Chuck yells, thunder booming in the distance. “It should have been Michael! But what do I find when I check in? Sam back, Dean hunting again, and you balancing an angelic civil war while pining for a man who was better off without you.”
           Those reminders threaten Cas, like tentacles rising from dark ocean waters ready to drag him under. Deeper into his past mistakes. Cas grounds himself, scraping the dirt. Feels it. “My part was done,” he challenges, “Over. Lucifer blew me into tiny particles. Untraceable. You brought me back.”
           “Because how else would I have gotten Dean out of that damned cemetery!” Chuck kicks a rock. It rockets through the sky. “If I’d left him there alone, he’d be as good as dead. Where’s the satisfaction in that? All you had to do was dust Dean off and send him on his way. Couldn’t even do something simple without screwing it up!”
           Cas glares at his creator, shouldering the burden of his disappointment, straining under its massive weight. He does not fall, however. “And all the other times?” he asks. He’s not sure if he wants to hear his answer. Worse, that indecision is a damned lie.
           Chuck grins. His simple act knocking Cas onto his rear, overwhelmed by its cruelty. “And let you off the hook for beating this dead horse? Not a chance. If the Leviathans blew you up, you’d never suffer through the fallout from betraying Dean – the man you did everything for. A hero’s sacrifice, staying behind in Purgatory? For penance? You don’t decide your fate – I do! And it was perfect. Hope, Castiel. All that hope you had… for Jack, a better world, a chance to raise a kid alongside the others. Experience those wonders, find a new purpose – dashed with a simple knife through your chest. The last thing you saw being Dean as his heart shattered, and he broke. That playing on a loop while you slumber for infinity in the Empty – now that was an ending!”
           As an angel, Cas doesn’t sleep. Can’t dream and cannot have nightmares. In moments of peace, sitting alone in his room at night. Bathed in darkness… that memory strikes. Quick, cutting in its ruthless appearance. Sets him to his feet, light on and blade drawn. Watching shadows shrink in their retreat.
           Chuck continues, angrier by the second. “You would have stayed there too, this time. Dean, Dean prayed. Every night that I would bring you back. Instant voicemail.” Cas frowns, distracted from past trauma by this new information. Dean never sharing this. “Except I was too focused on your demise I wrote myself into another problem – again, because of you!”
           “You just… you make me so mad! Castiel, you gotta – you gotta understand, I mean…” Chuck wipes at his cheek, palm lingering there while their gazes meet. “You’re an angel. A – uh… a simple worker bee. A drone. I’m the queen! You shouldn’t be able to do this, it’s – what is it about you? Was it this world – did I… help me make it make sense!”
           Righteous fury seizing, oozing out the cracks of his very being, Cas stands. “You want to know what happened?” he says, seething, “I finally saw what was important. Grand battles, ultimate power… they’re all meaningless if you are alone. Unloved. My time here has taught me…” Those words feel awkward on his tongue, incorrect. He switches, answering honestly. “Dean showed me that.”
           “He sure did show that…” Chuck huffs, rocking on his heels. Smugly enjoying Cas’s defiance. “It sure didn’t include you.”
           Chuck twists his hand in the wound. The very reason Cas fled, Dean’s statement ringing in his head. ‘I’d trade all of them for the chance to kill Chuck.’ Their heated, silent exchange during that brief pause. Communicating as best they could. Still, Dean gave into his fears. Chomped at the bit Chuck dangled. Choosing what Cas prayed he’d never.
           All for nothing.
           “Is that why you’re here?” Cas asks, “kill me one last time? Take me off the board because I’m not important to the story?”
           “How I wish that were true, Castiel. How I wish that were true.” He steeples his fingers, drifting into the surrounding forest. “You’ve got a part to play in this. Something big. A set up for the final battle… that’ll bring all the pieces I need onto the board.”
           “Except for me?”
           “I’ve learned from my first draft,” he says, “not to let surprises derail the story I want to write. You, you… you are nothing but surprising.”
           Cas scowls, fists balled at his sides. “And you being here? Sharing this with me? Is that part of your story?”
           Chuckling, Chuck wags his finger from side to side. “Let’s just say I’m… making things up as I go along.” Cas stiffens, hearing his own words used against him. “Wanted one last chat with you before you drown back in that slimehole.”
           “So it’s soon?” Chuck’s lips thin, stretched closed. Restraint crumbles, Cas leaping forward. “Tell me what you’ve planned -!”
           He’s thrown onto his back, a hand around his neck. Chuck expressionless while he struggles, looking almost bored. “Nothing, Castiel,” he says, “I have nothing planned.”
           “Liar!” he hisses, “You said that I –“
           Chuck talks over him, “It’s the truth! I didn’t plan anything… the only one to blame is you, Castiel. Like always, you are the architect of your own misery.” Cas freezes, body rebelling. Flames of hatred snuffed with a cold breeze. “Not like anything I could’ve written would have sticked anyway, we both know this. But your deal… I didn’t make you do that. You have no one to blame for your doom but yourself.” He releases Cas, wiping his hands on his pants. Sneering at Cas like he was garbage, but smaller. Gum Chuck wiped off his shirt, but worse. A bug under a magnifying glass while the sun shone brightly above, except more pitiful. “It’ll be nice to sit back and enjoy for once… so put on a good show, Cas. Really push Dean into doing something dumb and suicidal when you’re gone. Sell it! Make it count – it’ll be your last.”
           Chuck vanishes, leaving Cas there. On the ground, physically. Mentally, spiritually, he’s adrift in the unknown. Floating towards an ending he always knew waited for him. An ending that he chose.
           Or did he? If every other option was stolen from him, was it truly his choice? Cas certainly wouldn’t pick this. Years from now, after his loved ones have shuffled off, at peace with a life well lived – that’s the ending he would write. Being welcomed into his perfect heaven with gentle green eyes, freckles, and a dimpled smile.
           He stays like that for longer than he realized. Sam finds him, asks if he’s okay.
           Cas lies because, like with the Empty, it’s the only choice he has.
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dope-squish · 6 years
Programmed And Damned [ RK800 Connor X Reader ] [ Detroit: Become Human ] - Chapter Four - Do You Believe In Soulmates
[ Goal - 60 Hearts/Reblogs ] [ Sorry for not updating. personal shit happened but now i'm back and i'm lowering the hearts or reblogs because why not ] [ Comments are extremely appreciated so please do comment. it makes authors feel great, i promise. it boosts our confidence ] [ Please press the heart button, the reblog button and share this fanfic to anyone and anywhere, this way, we'll more likely reach our goal ] [ Special mention to @timelizzy21 , @angsty-otters-blog , @connorshero , @divadonadance1 , @this-was-her , thank you so much for commenting *^* your comments made my day and i will continue making this story interesting so please keep reading on ][wanna make a fanart or soundtrack for the story? feel free to do so but if you ever do, please send them to me so i can post them in the future chapters so they can be appreciated]
It was basically considered a treachery when an android - a being created by humans' hands to obey orders they spout - feels any sort of emotion or anything at all but as you held a useless example of a father by his throat, the distressed crowd of humans is warm crimson blood stuttering to a halt as your fingers threaten to puncture the his rough skin - a total contrast to Autumn's which momentarily made you question about their relation - you can't help but to relish on the feeling of sickening pleasure it brought and it felt too fucking good to stop.
Ruth thrash about and put in great effort to oppose to your restraining and smothering clutch all around his bruising neck, brazenly sewing out string after strings of colorful and vibrant profanities that can and shall put a veteran sailor to shame, his livid glower zeroing solely on your monotonous facial expression. If his sight could burn as warm as the sun, then there was no ounce or a smudge of doubt that your optics would have melted. "You little plastic shit," A small but tempting part of your program felt the need to laugh at this man's chosen words - and broken speech - but realizig the gravity of the situation, you bit your tongue to refrain yourself from bursting out of laughter. "What the hell do you think you're doing? I am your owner. I control you ; you're supposed to obey me! Unhand me this instant! This is an order!"
An incredelous jeer dribbled from your sneer painted lips. An inhumane (so basically in-android? in-deviant) snarl was at risk to tear from your throat as your tongue spout out unregistered sentences from your system. "I don't take orders from anyone, and especially not from you." You spat out in disdain. "I am not a little plastic shit."
"I am a Deviant."
"I am a human."
"And," You wrenched him closer to your face until you were for certain he is aware of the warmth of your breath fanning his face. "I am alive."
Your vice grip around him was unyeilding and constricted even more so than you have ever imagined CyberLife would allow you (but then again, you are an android which serves a purpose for battling so it didn't really come much to a revelation). From this significant but effective change of strangulation, Ruth's calloused and grease tainted fingers let Autumn's silky auburn hair slide delicately through his ditt encrusted fingertips, unwillingly granting her freedom from his grasp and allowing her to flee from his ghastly intentions to lay a hand in her. Mentioned woman crawled away on all fours from her father and clumsily staggered back up on her feet, body lurching back and fro and hands blindlessly darting around her surroundings until they landed on some sort of leverage. Your enhanced pupils surveyed and calculated the enviroment enclosing Autumn's frame and the second you were guaranteed that she was safe from any form of hazardous danger, you - with a grunt in effort - inconsiderately flung Ruth as far as your arm power could conjure away from Autumn's location.
Ruth landed unpleasantly on more than a few heaps of bare containers and from the impact his stature had bestowed, their balance sense of stability became a chaotic jumble and plunged all over him, one particular box having been able to get caught on his head. A couple of men who stood standby, additionally the other Clashers - among them was Daryl's equally aggresive owner, William - scurried to Ruth's position to come to his aid. While they were being occupied with Ruth's welfare, your hand retracted from the puncture your fist constructed and outstretched it towards Daryl who immediately recoiled away from you, shrinking to what could be meraphorically described as a small mouse; traumatized to an absolute amount and thinking you were to move to harm him.
Your enhanced eyesight drifted to the microscopic wounds your android and mechanical induced body created around frail throat that were leaking with small amount of thirium. Undetectable by human eyes but noticable by androids's optics. An odd, indescribable feeling burst within the wires spreading across your body, overfilling you with the need to apologize and gain a confirming acceptance from the person included in your problem. Your system surfed throughout the web in search for an acceptable apology for someone you've almost and near deliberately harmed someone to bring them to their demise.
"Come on now, we don't have time to waste," You murmured under your breath and took tight hold of Daryl's hand in your own and hauled him back to his feet in one tug, steadying him as he tumbled wobbily on his two left feet. Your eyes surveyed the area and with a quick scan the surroundings, you manage to locate the oldest and rusting metal door in the arena which was your only hinderance to your desired freedom. Puckering your lips to point its idle existence, you clamored, "Over there!"
Avoiding all the pieces of what's left of the androids you callously obliterated in your state of android service for the humans - [ System Error ^ ] - you towed Daryl alongside you as your synthetic frames stood presented before the rusting door obstructing your journey to your freedom, you decreed, "Stay back."
Daryl had half the mind to part his dry lips to question your motive but his inquiry remained unspoken as he was rudely interrupted once your clenched hand made contact with the metal door, sending said object flying back to meet with the cemented wall right behind it with a booming and resounding noise within the interior of the factory that garnered the watchfulness of every being with a beating heart. Without sparing much less of an ounce of care for the destruction you've produced, you drew Daryl away from the arena and settled him behind you as your feet descended the small flight of stairs with hasty footfalls, thirium shaped footprints left staining the staircase. Daryl lurched at everg direction - threatening to fall off his footing - and had difficulty catching up with your pace yet - by some means - maintained impressive equilibrium, which you think was notable for someone having trouble inhaling. Maybe if he remembered he's technically still an android still, he would have no need to breathe.
Once your feet met the cold tiled floorings of the factory, so unlike the rough cement the arena held and as soon as your feet touched the very last staircase, they automatically brought you to where Autumn was positioned gripping her agobizingly throbbing scalp from the excruciating pain it endured from her only family. Your LED colored itself crimson red and your hand left Daryl's as it cupped Autumn's cheek gently, scanning if she sustained any fatal injuries. Your logical side was reprimanding you, telling you that you were overreacting seeing as Autumn had no evidence of red blood on any part of her nor does her clothes but you couldn't seem to find control for your motor skills.
"Autumn," Your murmured was broken from the concern injected into your tone, "Are you okay? How badly did he harm you? Can you move properly? Do you need my assisstance?"
Autumn softly took hold of the hand which held her cheek with an indescribable gentleness - which you didn't notice was quivering - and flashed you an uncertain smile as she pulled it away. She looked equally as perplexed at your uncommon display of affection. "I'm fine, [ Your Name ]," She reassured, her tone laced with scratchiness. "I'm fine," She repeated, more firmly this time around but the tragic lines of hurt on her face told you otherwise.
Your scanner made an attempt to inspect her wellbeing but for the first time, it failed to give any commonsensical information that would ease the concern blossoming in your thirium empowered artificial heart. "I apologize for my actions . . . I was, as humans say," You gulped. ". . . worried."
You didn't miss the dilation of Daryl's optics upon hearing your humiliating - as you deemed it to be - confession (the reason to your embarrassment must be coming from when you thought yourself as an unfeeling machine just a few minutes ago) as a small, jolly grin plastered on Autumn's features.
[ Autumn ^^ ]
[ Daryl ^ ]
Her beam brightened, if humanly. "Don't worry about me," She insisted.
Daryl interjected, yours and Autumn's heads snapping to his direction. "You must believe her. I scanned her. A few strands of hair was ripped off from her scalp and a mild numbing pain is present. Other than that, she's fine."
Your brows slanted as confusion positioned itself on your face. "But when I scanned her earlier - "
"She sustained no grave injuries, if that's what you're thinking." Daryl butts in. "What attained data your system received is undoubtedly an exaggeration. That's what commonly happens when an individual lets their emotions get the best of them."
The moment was cut off to a short when your proximity sensors caught a movement rapidly approaching your figure. In a swift motion, you grasped the arms of your two companions and pulled them down with you as you ducked. In unison to their bewildred yelps was the shattering of an empty bottle of beer that went overhead your frames and hit the floor with a sickening sprinkle. The surrounding crowd was chattering anxiously as they came audiences to a new scenario while some took the liberty to make use of this unfortune as an excuse to react negatively by spouting out colorful vocabularies and dangerous responses, hence the bottle.
Autumn was the first to stand, you and Daryl following suit to her actions. "That was a close one," She whimpered.
A smile threatened to appear on Darly's face - like some sort of silent agreement to her statement - but its possibility drastically went down as his sight trailed to the side. "You spoke way too soon." He spoke out in a tone you couldn't quite comprehend.
Autumn's brows furrowed in puzzlement, blinking. "W-What do you mean?"
Daryl's finger pointed and you followed its aimed direction only to locate Ruth Judge, along with the few other android Clashers all huddled together and glowering at the three of you with an intensity you cannot think was possible for any mortal to reach. From an expression you've stumbled across before in a shady website in the internet, if looks could kill, you'd be six feet below the ground by now.
Daryl faced them. "We need to go," He suggested. "As in, right now."
"No! We can't do that!" Autumn fought back, a scowl painting over her terrified expression. "We need to fight!"
A frown carved its way to Daryl's lips. "We're just wasting our time. And possibly compromising what little chance we have of surviving. We need to escape. And if you can't see, we're outnumbered."
Autumn, not one to back down on her decision, retaliates. "[ Your Name ] knows combat. That's enough. You've seen her take down those androids in the arena earlier. Humans are much more fragile and prone to injuries. We can help her fight back. We can't run away like cowards!"
He spat out, "There's nothing cowardly about wanting to survive, Autumn. It's too risky for us!"
"They're going to hurt us."
"Not if we run now." Daryl argues. "We can leave. We don't have to hurt anyone."
Uninevitably, the two faced your uncertain figure, both searching for your opinion in the matter at hand. To settld the feud, you scanned the premises and saw the probability of their suggestions.
[ Flee : 88 % ]
[ Fight : 92 % ]
You were torn between the two choices. Fleeing might be the wisest - and most pacifict - here for you had the knowledge these humans are no obstacle to you - a so called killing machine - but fighting was a display of dominance and in doing so, more humans will be less likely to chase you three after witnessing what brutality you had to initiate on them. After pondering and weighing the two options handed to you, you decided - [ Flee ]
"Your call," Autumn said so as she sent you a pointed look, as though telling you to make the correct decision. "Escape or fight back."
You took a moment to register your answer - making sure it was what you estimate as a better decision - before taking a hold of your companions' wrists and clamoring, "Let's move!" as you begin leading them through series of obstacles hindering your progress to flee from the group of men, sprinting as you rounded the large round arena in search for an escape passage.
[ Autumn / ]
[ Daryl ^^ ]
Regardless of the agitated screams tearing from the throats of countless frustrated Clashers, they were not the ones who managed to attain your undivided attention. Instead, from the corner of your eye, you took special note of the two familiar figures moving hurriedly with your pace - as though mimicking your response to run from danger - from the upper bleachers. Turning subtly to examine them more clearly, you spotted the same RK800 android sprinting - a look of programmed determination nestled on his perfectly symestrical features - with an old man with bulging stomach and untamed beard in tow who was clearly having a hard time catching up with the artificial human. Already knowing you can't extract any information from the android, your sight fleeted to the old man and scanned him for data instead.
[ Name - Hank Anderson ]
[ Occupation - Police Lieutenant ]
[ Handled Case - Deviants ]
"Fuck." The curse felt raw on your tongue as you spat it out in frustration and realization, head darting back to your main objective which was to exit the factory with Daryl and Autumn, unharmed and most importantly, alive.
"What's wrong?" Questioned Daryl as he matched your pace, brows burrowed together in concern for your outburst. "Is there something wrong?"
"A police lieutenant is chasing after us." You informed the two of them as you took a sharp turn inside a corridor, an unguarded metal door at the very end. "He has an android with him. A police android or something. They're here catching deviants."
The dilation of Autumn's frenzied amber pair of eyes was easily detected. "Deviants," She breathed out, "Like you and Daryl?"
You nod in response. "Like me and Daryl."
Once the trio entered a corridor and left his eyesight, a profanity spilled from Connor's lips and his pace significant quickened. "Hurry, lieutenant! They're getting away!"
"Well," An exhausted Hank huffed out as his cramping legs, damaged lungs and old age slowed him down to what Connor considered as a burden. "Try running after deviants and a very advanced prototype in my age."
Though hidden from Hank's sight, the RK800's LED bore a vibrant yellow color. "Androids don't age." Pointed out Connor in a matter-of-fact tone, to which Hank gritted his teeth to out of annoyance.
"Don't take it too seriously. I'm just stating my point." Hank retributed and soon enough, he slowed down to a stop. "Us humans aren't as indestructible and full of gasoline or thirium whatever as you are."
Connor's footsteps decelerated once registering the complaint that his human a parter spouted. "Do you want me to wait for you?"
Hank shook his head, back bent over and had one of his hand over his knee and the other dismissively waving his suggestion off like a pesky bee buzzing around. "No, no! Just go ahead and catch those deviants! I'll . . ." Hank leaned against the railing beside him, head thrown back. " . . . I'll just catch up with you."
"Got it," With an obedient nod, Connor whipped around and resumed his chase for the capture of the deviants and the female human. He scurried inside the corridors, his polished shoes slewing against the pavement and using his optics to unearth the faintest evidences of the combat android turned deviant's traces to pursue. He came to a skidding halt once a soft clink of a metal door softly closing reached his eardrums and soon enough, not a few second wasted, he found himself at the very last hallway built in the factory, and charged towards the door at the very end.
Shoving the door open with one of his calloused hand, he firmly stood at the very back of the factory where abandoned constructions machineries were laid like garbage and there - a cemented wall a few meters away from him - were numerous huge crates of different sizes where the duo of deviants and human Autumn Judge were using as makeshift stairs. New pop ups appeared on his optics.
[ Current Objective - Catch The Deviants ]
[ Side Objective - Question The Human ]
Without a single thought, Connor sprinted towards mentioned crates and as early as he calculated he was near enough, he extended his arm to reach and tightly took hold of the combat android's arm, tugging it back with all his might which caused it to stagger backwards until it fell from the crate it once stood upon and collapsed on the gravel covered groun. RK800 Connor parted his lips to reprimand the deviant of its desire to escape his clutches and the law's consequences - he could tell the deviant that it has the right to remain silent but seeing as humans' rights aren't applied with androids and deviants, it was out of the question - and surrender quietly but he nearly bit his tongue off when a swift kick was delivered to his face. Thankfully, his reflex saved him from ant damages. Before he could regain composure, a knee made contact with his chest followed by a powerful push. The thirium flowing in his thirium empowered pump temporarily stilled from the impact it endured and from that, Connor hovered a hand over his chest but kept his vice grip around its arm, unfazed as he staggered from its' assault.
"[ Your Name ]!" Autumn clamored in a moment of frenzy and made a motion to move from the highest crate to help and save the deviant - [ Your Name ] - from his duty-inclined actions but the other deviant - Daryl as it has stated earlier in the arena - was quick to hold her back and getting involved in the situation by wrapping his hand around her wrist.
[ Your Name ] moved towards him and grabbed both his arms, intending to redo its attack from earlier but already having seen it once, Connor successfully retaliated by ducking down, dodging the leg that thrusted above his head before getting back on his feet. Its leg got caught on Connor's shoulder and he used this opportunity to push forward in order to make it lose its balance and fall down and pin it helplessly to the ground. At this, it responded by letting go of both of his arms and flipped back to keep its state of balance. It's quite troublesome. Connor thought as he shot his fist towards it face but it leaned away and threw itself to the side. Connor had never encountered a deviant that could equal his intelligence and attacks, but encountering this combat android, he was proven quite wrong and if he ever had feelings, he wouldn't know how or what to feel.
"What are you doing? Let go of me! We need to help her!" Autumn cried out as she desperately tried tugging her wrist from Daryl's hold.
Daryl shook his head in disagreement. "You'll just get caught in it! We need to trust her!"
[ Your Name ] rolled towards the stack of bricks and skidded to a stop, teetering the said bricks to its precarious downfall. Connor took note of its subtle and sneaky fingers enveloping the brick that bumped against its footwear - he knew exactly what its intention was. It was too obvious to miss. Before he could process his next approach, the brick was already sent flying towards his rigid figure. In an instant, he swiped his arm to the side, the brick colliding with the synthetic skin of his forearm but his pupils dilated as a hand appeared charging to his face in a rapid speed. Though his bewildrement did not last long as the deviant wished it would. In a way to defend himself, he lifted his hand to catch the fist hurtling his direction in midair, just in time before it could cause any damage on him.
Connor's lips let a gasp slip from him, just like [ Your Name ]'s lips did once their hands connected. What information he failed to gain from the deviant was now within his grasp the second they their hands touched.
[ New Information Available ]
[ Model - AA 01 ]
[ Given Name - [ Your Name ] ]
[ Model - Combat Android ]
[ Owner - Ruth Judge ]
What on earth? Connor could see himself downloading all the information given to him but not because he wanted to or because of his purpose to acquire every single information needed to make a successfuly investigation, but because his subconsciousness wanted to. Subconsciousness, well that wasn't part of an android features and not having to run an analysis on himself, it especially wasn't part of his program. In that horrifying realization, Connor pulled away as though the combat android's hand stung him and fell to the ground with a soft thud, gawking at [ Your Name ]. It stared back at him with the same expression, LED glowing red. It must be experiencing the same thing but how come? He wanted to dwell more into this enigma but another realization dawned him - that after coming in contact with you, all his software instability disappeared in an instant. In fact, he could consider himself at peace.
"What are you waiting for? Let's fo [ Your Name ]!" Autumn hollered. Connor was idle, too stunned and too perplexed to chase after the three of them and settled only on watching as the female human dragged the combat android back up to the crates to escape the factory. Daryl jumped first, disappearing behind the wall and Autumn was next. [ Your Name ] was preparing to leap in tow with them but before it did, it spared a look back to stare at him. Connor stares back at it and said nothing as it jumped and ran off with its companions.
Connor picked up the subtle sound of the door slamming open behind him and the familiar footsteps of his partner in crime approaching him. However, he didn't look over his shoulder but rather fixated his sight on his hand which formerly held the deviant's fist. His hand was vibrating softly, as though desiring to touch and hold the deviant's hand once more. "Connor? Connor!"
Catching sight of the prototype merely sitting on the ground, Hank can't help but think of the worse and begab conjuring up ridiculous reasons as to why an android of his type was doing nothing to pursue its goal. "Are you okay? What happened? Where's the deviants? The human?" Hank questioned Connor but he was rendered shocked when an unexpected response from the RK800 reached his ears.
"Lieutenant," Connor starts as he begins looking back to stare into Hank's eyes, "Do you believe in soulmates?"
don't forget to click the heart button, reblog button and share this fanfic! wanna make a fanart or soundtrack for the fanfic? feel free to do so! please make sure to send them to me so i can post them on the next chapters so they can be appreciated [•^•].
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storiesofwildfire · 5 years
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So, I’m running on a couple hours of sleep and I can’t figure out why I’m unable to go back to sleep, but I guess I’m just awake for the time being...
Anyways, I saw Endgame again for the second time last night, and I gotta admit, I disliked it just as much the second time as I did the first time.
Now, I’m not saying the entire movie was garbage. There were definitely some highlights, some fun moments, and some great character development (shoutout to my girl, Nebula, whom I love with all my heart), but honestly? The film left me overall extremely disappointed. Considering I went in with no expectations and still left disappointed, that’s saying something.
Consider this a warning because Endgame spoilers under the cut:
There are so many things about the movie that were rushed, poorly executed, sloppy, or just overall confusing (looking at you, bullshit explanation of time travel). And as much as I’d like to go through the movie and dissect everything scene-by-scene, I just don’t have the energy for that.
What I wanna do instead is talk about Loki’s very minimal role in it, because I am extremely upset and disappointed in Loki’s story arc or lack thereof. 
Because the few scenes Loki was in were a few one-off jokes to get the audience’s attention and nothing more. We see him in his cell on Asgard in 2013 when Thor and Rocket go back for the Aether. The pair literally sneak by his cell, but they do nothing with the scene. Loki doesn’t notice them (as he really fucking should, because Loki is one of the most observant characters in Asgard) and Thor doesn’t hesitate for even a moment to look back at his now-dead brother.
Throughout the entire movie, Thor says nothing about Loki’s death, nothing about missing Loki even though Loki’s death (and Heimdall’s death) was a huge catalyst for the depression that he fell into. He watched Thanos murder his brother after Loki tried to stop him, after losing Heimdall and half of the Asgardians, after sacrificing the Tesseract and himself so Thor could live. Loki’s death shakes him (as it usually does, but this time, it’s supposedly authentically real). And yet, throughout the entire movie, he never once mentions Loki, doesn’t even pay attention to Loki when he gets to see his brother alive, and hyper-focused on his mother instead. Yes, I get that her death stung, but her death is also over a decade old. He’s processed it, been through a lot more since then, and while I understand him having issues with visiting the day she died, there is so much more for Thor to think about, to worry about, to mourn.
And Loki should have been at the top of that list. They were finally reconciling, finally getting back to a decent place as brothers and friends... 
Then we have the scenes from the first Avengers film in 2012. Where Loki is literally just in the background, making jokes while in chains. He’s been defeated, he knows what’s going to happen next, and he’s just? Making jokes? Even though that was, quite literally, one of the worst times in Loki’s life physically, mentally, and emotionally. He would not have been turning his defeat and inevitable demise into one massive joke. He barely even got a line at all (half of his only line was as Captain America, so I mean... Because Cap definitely needed more screentime, am I right?) and while yes, his expressions and little tidbits in the background were funny, the entire film seemed to turn him into a giant joke.
Given what they did to Thor, I shouldn’t be surprised. Someone who values appearances and being well-received as much as Thor is thrown into such a horrible depression that he puts on a ton of weight, becomes nothing more than a drunk hermit, and doesn’t take care of himself because of the guilt, trauma, PTSD, and panic attacks that came along with the events of Infinity War and they turned him into a walking, talking fat joke who cried the whole time... mkay.
But anyway, back to the point I’m making. Which is how disappointed in Loki’s arc I am.
Yes, they do go out of their way to show off Tony losing the Tesseract, which skitters over to Loki’s feet, and he quickly picks it up and vanishes. I’ll give the film that, but earlier in the movie, they put so much emphasis on making sure the audience understood that changing the past doesn’t change the future with some sort of ridiculous “when you travel back in time, that becomes your future and you in the present becomes your past” logic. 
Later, we see the Ancient One discussing how taking an Infinity Stone out of its proper place in the timeline can create varying alternate timelines, but that seemed very specific to the removal of the Infinity Stones, but nothing else.
So, worst case scenario is that Loki taking the Tesseract and darting off actually meant nothing because changing the past doesn’t change the future (I am still having such a hard time wrapping my mind around that because it doesn’t make sense). Best case scenario is that it does matter because an alternate timeline was created, but if that’s the case, there’s a very distinct possibility that Loki only still exists in that alternate timeline. And if by some defiance of canon, Loki taking the Tesseract and running does allow him to show up again later in the same timeline, literally all of his character development since The Avengers would have been undone...
But what was really, honestly heartbreaking? Watching all of the portals open at the final battle and watching all of the vanished walk through them. We see all of our favorites and in the theater, I was holding my breath, waiting for Loki to come through one of them. 
And he never did.
It was a heartbreaking moment because in Infinity War, they killed him off so quickly in such a ridiculous way. I’m so sorry, but Loki canonly knows more about Thanos than 98% of the MCU characters. He would not attempt to kill Thanos with a concealed dagger while Thanos is wielding more than one Infinity Stone. It’s just? Not going to happen, honestly. Loki’s far too clever, far too sneaky, and far too knowledgable on Thanos to pull something that stupid.
Not to mention, more powerful. While MCU has never really developed Loki’s abilities to their fullest potential, Loki has so many tools and resources in magic, combat, and strategizing that what he did literally makes no sense. It was almost set up to look like a fake death, but they’re trying to sell it like it was real.
Please tell me how a God--someone who has survived multiple times in space without the ability to breathe, who has suffered fatal wounds and lived to tell the tale--dies from being choked out? That doesn’t even begin to feel or look authentic, and yet, the Russos will claim that it is.
Loki died at the hands of one of his greatest abusers. He deserved to come back, to walk through one of those portals and stand up against Thanos.
If they weren’t going to make him more important to the story by playing off his death as part of a bigger plan, they at least owed him that. Loki could have been such a valuable asset in the fight against Thanos because he literally knows so much about him, but that potential was pissed on. 
But no, he didn’t get that chance. Heimdall didn’t get it. Vision didn’t get it. Anyone who died pre-snap didn’t get it.
And that’s what gets me the most? Because with the Infinity Stones, you can do literally anything, especially while wielding all of them. If Thanos could destroy an entire universe and make a new one as he was planning to do in Endgame, there is no reason you couldn’t bring other people back. There was no reason that those who died pre-snap couldn’t have come back as well. The only people I can justify being gone for good, honestly, are those that were sacrificed for the Soul Stone, because you must exchange a soul for a soul. Loki and Heimdall and Vision were not such people, so they should have been given the same chances that everyone else were given.
But they didn’t get that chance and I am heartbroken by what I saw in that movie.
I didn’t expect Loki to be a huge part of Endgame, but I was hopeful that they would at least give him some validation and a chance to fight back. Instead, we may never see him again going forward because of the blatant disrespect to his character. Yes, I know they’re making a Loki show, and while I’m tentatively excited for it, that’s not the same as seeing Loki survive Endgame and continue forward in MCU.
Honestly? It’s really fucking depressing that a character so wildly loved by so many has been reduced to this. I’ve spent seven years of my life writing and developing this character on my own ever since I fell in love with him. Loki’s such a huge and important part of my life and that love for him is not reflected in MCU.
And I’m really angry and bitter about that.
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diceprophet · 7 years
Pathfinder Session Zero Notes
Adventure: “Living Weapons” [SOFT REBOOT]
I’ve been meaning to reboot my Pathfinder game for some time now. Unfortunately, we’ve been on hiatus for over half a year, so all of us forgot how to play with the complicated ruleset. Thus, we opted for a flashback one-off in order to re-acquaint ourselves with the game! After some consideration, we decided to elaborate upon the backstory of one of our main characters: a reformed bandit named Velnor! This was not a pretty story... 
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Part 1: Unpleasant Upbringing
Velnor was raised as one of many bastard children of a warlord simply referred to as Revanant. This mysterious figure was the undisputed leader of a ruthless mercenary group known as the Spider Eyes Marauders. Despite his parentage, Velnor received no form of special treatment or endearment from his father, and was cast into a life of brutal violence from a very young age. 
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By age nine, Velnor was grouped into a squad. His new partners were all orphans, outcasts, and former slaves, and included the likes of Kai the human monk, Ty the half-elf druid, and Elton the half-orc barbarian. Every day these children were pushed beyond the limits of their strength and endurance, gradually honing them into cold-blooded killers.
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Part 2: Wilderness Explorers
Although the four were barely acquainted with one another, they were quickly forced to rely upon each other to survive. With barely any preparation, they were abandoned in the wilderness and given two simple objectives: survive and find their way back to the encampment.
The druid Ty (and his temperamental snake, Ger) proved to be a massive boon in locating a source of fresh water. Later that day, Elton also demonstrated his battle-lust in how he fearlessly charged an elk nearly three times his size. The quartet managed to whittle down their prey’s health until the monk Kai descended upon its head with a skull-shattering axe kick.
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The four ate their hearty meal in general silence around a campfire. Every now and then, someone would speak up, but conversations usually went nowhere. Velnor repeated to himself the most important lesson that his father had taught him: “A good soldier follows all orders.” Ty played with his snake Ger, and they two appeared to be inseparable. Kai meditated and remained calm, despite their dire circumstances. Finally, Elton fidgeted with his weapon, eagerly awaiting for another chance to experience the thrill of combat.
Elton’s prayers were answered as the crew followed the path back to the camp. A pair of starved and mangy wolves emerged from the shadows and attacked, and the party met them head-on in a confrontation of steel and tooth. Velnor almost fell in the battle after being grievously injured in the leg, but he persisted and fought valiantly. Once the party returned from the ordeal, they realized that the wolves had been secretly kept in the camp and deprived of food; the creatures had been released by their trainers once they had braved the wilderness, and were but another cruel test.
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Part 3: Target Acquired
After surviving the initiation, all four children were tattooed with the insignia of the Spider Eyes. The symbol was an indicator of their ultimate allegiance. It also housed a sinister and yet-to-be-known magical spell. Their masters gave them explicit instructions to refrain from invoking the magical tattoo until they encountered their target, or they would meet a grisly demise. 
They’re first mission was to infiltrate Aelindorg Village and assassinate a half-elf paladin named Aeris Valenya. She had stolen a ring with a red jewel from the organization, and they wanted it back.
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Part 4: Desecration
With only a name and an objective, the four were left on the outskirts of the village, without their weapons and gear. They would need to discretely enter the town, locate a supply cache, and hunt down their target. After some minor deceptions at the gate and a quick search, they found their equipment, along with some new alchemical items. They received four healing potions and four experimental mutagens that would help them turn the tide of battle, if they were overwhelmed.
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Once they were suited for combat, they began the task of infiltrating the heavily guarded church by finding a hidden path through the sewers. Underground, they had to contend with packs of disease-ridden rats, enchanted suits of armor, arrow traps, and a few guards. But with grim determination, they managed to cut a bloody path into the temple of Iomedae. Ty set his snake upon the head paladin, filling her veins with agonizing venom. Velnor forced a critically wounded Kai to imbibe a feral mutagen, transforming him into a hulking beast that carved out destruction with his bare hands. Elton also drank a mutagen, and lashed out with all of his might and swiftness.
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Lady Valenya was rightfully horrified that the Spider Eyes would manipulate and indoctrinate children as young as they were, but she ordered her soldiers to stand strong and defeat them. They party quickly found themselves outnumbered and outclassed. Kai was the first to fall from a fatal sword wound, and a massive swarm of spiders erupted from his corpse. In that moment, the remaining three learned what the tattoos could do. And in their desperation, they invoked the summoning magic. Ty released a swarm of feral rats from under his skin, and they washed over the knights, crawling into their armor and gnawing away at their flesh. Velnor, much to his own horror, released a swarm of botflies from his mouth; this deeply traumatizing event kept him paralyzed with fear for the rest of the encounter. Lady Valenya was finally killed by Ty, and her lifeless corpse was quickly consumed by rats. The others in the church succumbed to the hostile swarms of vermin. However, the encounter ended before Elton could invoke his own tattoo spell.
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Part 5: Corruption of Flesh
The party acquired the red jeweled ring and fled the destroyed church before reinforcements could arrive. They then backtracked through the sewers and emerged at the edge of town, bloodied but not beaten. Kai was dead, Ty had lost his snake in the melee, and Velnor was in shock, but Elton was deeply satisfied with how many he had slain. As they continued fleeing the city, Ty suddenly felt that the ring was becoming warmer with each step away from the church. Sensing danger, he abandoned it and began to run as fast as his legs could carry him. Suddenly, the gem dispersed a fine red mist that filled the air. Everyone in the town was abruptly seized by a spellbourne disease that ate away at their bones, causing them to bleed to death from the inside out. The paladin had stolen it from the Spider Eyes and intended to purify it, but the quad had slain her before she could complete her mission. Ty escaped, taking great pains not to breathe in the red cloud. But Velnor and Elton were not so lucky.
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The last two members of the band fell to the ground as an unseen fire crept along the entire length of their bodies, filling them with immeasurable agony. Velnor held onto conscious the best he could, but eventually blacked out. But no before he watched Elton bleed out as the Red Rot destroyed his internals. Despite the pain, Elton sadistically smiled as the life left his eyes.
But all was not dark forever for young Velnor. When he awoke, he heard the voice of his father and other senior members. The experiment, as they called it, was a success. The Red Rot, a mysterious affliction created from Revanant’s blood, was highly lethal and wiped out almost 100% of the townsfolk and people living in the surrounding territories. It was too effective, though, and the rapid onset of death prevent the disease from being effectively carried and spread. “He survived? Impressive. As expected of my blood,” Velnor heard his father say as he fell into the darkness once more.
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Flash forward to the future, nearly fifteen years later: Velnor has long since departed from the Spider Eyes. He and his friends, an elf ranger named Hawkeye and an ifrit bard named Amon, have set out to rid the world of the Spider Eyes once and for all. Currently, they are following the trail of a vampiric antipaladin and mass-murdered called Valkyrrion, who is rumored to be Revenant’s right-hand man.
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Part 6: Game Master’s Closing Thoughts
This story helped me tie together a few of the characters backstories, as well as gave me a way to flesh out a couple reoccurring villains’ lore, too! In the storytelling aspect, I am satisfied. The character who plays Velnor is ready to seize destiny by the bollocks and carve out a path of bloody vengeance against the “father” who traumatized and used him. The next time they meet, Velnor will not battle with Revanant with words; that’s a promise.
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However, the delivering could’ve been considerably improved. I emphasized a sense of weakness upon the players (they were basically children, after all), which allowed the tone of the story to remain consistent, but in hindsight made the game drag in the earlier bits. Most people play games to feel empowered, not at the mercy of a cold and uncaring world. We have IRL for that. I’m not sure how I would’ve done that differently, but perhaps I’ll try starting on an empowering note instead of a debilitating one.
Also, fuck the audio issues. Discord, Roll20, Chrome, Comcast, whatever was causing the constant goddamn audio dropouts, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER.
If you liked this story and want to see more, please consider following us on Twitch, for more intense tabletop skullduggery!
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Hoshigaki Kisame
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Name:Nami Yuriko Age:21
-Primary role:Medical nin -Secondary:Poison master/Assassin -Kekkei Genkai:Shuts off her vital systems,entering in a coma-like death state while in grave danger. -Iwagakure made her a rogue nin after choosing to save her team mates rather than finishing the mission. -Has fox traits -Best friend:Deidara
So,this was the end of my career as an Iwagakure ANBU captain.Damn me,with my empathy and compassion...I guess I just might not really be cut out for this Shinobi world.But it's fine.I can survive on my own too.I'm a Poison master and a survivor.Captain Nami on duty...
And I'm a Fox,for Kami's sake.A medical fox.I should be fine on my own.I hope...
~~ Day 5 --
Dear diary. What the fuck have I been doing?Did I really think it'll be okay to stay by myself in a forest,when the Tsuchikage apparently ordered my demise? Godamn you,traitor... Well,I have to run for my life.Ja ne~
This past months I've been getting along quite well with the guys,especially with Deidara,Kisame and Itachi. Missions were easy peasy lemon squeezy,and as for my medical ninjutsu?Nothing big came up.These guys are pros,after all. That was,until this next mission... Leader-sama paired me up with Kisame to go to the Land of Water to find some important feudal people and assassinate them. Easy enough,right?
It's great that Kisame is in his element,having the ground advantage,so it didn't matter me being unfamiliar with these places.And it's great that the Shinobi Village of Kirigakure and the Feudal lords have nothing to o with each other,so they can't really interfere. Assassinating them was piece of cake.Kisame was the tank,staying in front,fighting them effortlessly,while I stayed in the trees,shooting poison needles at them. We make quite a great team,right! As we made our escape,we were cornered by countless Kirigakure ANBU and surprisingly,even the Yondaime Mizukage,Yagura the Sanbi Jinchuriki was here. Well...we're screwed. Kisame even had to transform in his Shark form,but again,since I wasn't stealthed and couldn't go into hiding to start throwing the poison needles,it was difficult for me to fight properly.I'm not strong at taijutsu...but I guess I could work something out. I started punching the ones approaching me,sending them into trees.Maybe they didn't die,but they surely won't wake up too soon.Slice and dice,slice and dice,throw kunais,stab with needles,Kisame is quite exhausted as well,Yagura is in his Version 2,being able to control Isobu the Sanbi Bijuu.Well,that's remarkable,I agree,but NOT IN THIS SITUATION! Okay,Kisame is gravely wounded and Samehada was thrown away. I ran to it,use the Teleportation Jutsu on it,putting it in my utility scroll,despite it attacking me for not being his rightful owner,and summon 15 shadow clones,making them blow themselves up with the explosives bombs that Deidara gave me,in case of danger.Guess he was right,for once. And I might not be too strong ,but in the confusion and smoke,I managed to punch away the Mizukage and drag Kisame away from the battle,leaving the Land of Water for good.But he was unconscious and fatally wounded,so I had to retort to my medical ninjutsu right away. I made a small table to put him on it,grabbed my utility scroll,to get the instruments,and started the operation.It requires a shit ton of chakra,but I will be fine.I have to be,so I can save him. Increase cellular regeneration,use the scalpel,send regular waves of chakra to his chakra points and nervous system,make sure his heart beats regularly,take the poison out of his system,purify the blood,treat the major gashes,check for any possible internal or external hemorrhage,any possible organ alteration or injury,treat the minor scars and bruises,hydrate him as much as possible.I hope taking in account that he has both mammal and fish characteristics was the good thing to do. Gosh...I'm drained of my chakra...this was a lot to do...hours of procedures and tons of chakra drained...but he is waking up.He will be okay... I got the food and water containers from my utility scroll and help him eat and drink a bit. Kisame:What happened? me:Dont force yourself to talk.It might strain the muscles... Kisame:I am fine,thank you,Nami-san. me:Well...they might be strong,but they aren't too smart... Kisame:You got us away from them? me:Yeah...for a while...I guess using countless of confusing decoys really paid off. Kisame:You're a smart fox.Thank you for saving me. me:Any time. Kisame:W-wait a secon...my...my Samehada...I lost it on the battleground...it was taken by them... me:Don't worry,Kisame.I have it.I will give it back when we get to the HQ,okay?Until then,can you walk? Kisame:Thank you,Nami.I owe you. me:Nah,don't fret.I care about you.You are my friend.I would never leave a friend die. Kisame:You really have a precious heart... me:*chuckles*So I've been told... I helped him get up,and surprisingly,he is strong enough,despite just having recovered.He truly has an amazing body... On the other hand,the lack of chakra was taking its toll on me,and while I was trying to walk,I could only hear a faint voice,see black,and lose consciousness,as I hit the hard ground.
-?-:She will be fine.She just overused her chakra,that's all.Rest will help her recover. Kakuzu...? -?-:Why didn't you take care of her,um?! Deidara...! -?-:Because...she took care of me... Kisa...me...?! Dei:What do you mean? Kisame:We were ambushed by the ANBU and the Mizukage himself.You know very well she isn't as skilled in close range combat.She is a stealth specialist,while I'm the only one with sword and combat skills. Kakuzu:He is right.There is nobody to blame.No one could expect the Mizukage himself to attack. Kisame:I am sorry,Deidara.I did not mean for Nami to get hurt.. Dei:*sighs* Yeah,I know,I know,sorry.I just hate seeing her like this. Kakuzu:She wasn't hurt,she just overused her chakra.No big deal.Let her rest for now. Dei:Fine... After hearing the door shut,I felt my hand being taken in someone else's,and then a sigh.It was Kisame. Kisame:I doubt you can hear me,but I just want to apologize for not being strong enough,and for having to look after me,even while your life was being endangered.I have to become much....much stronger to be able to look after you...to protect you fro harm's way.And that is just what I will do...everyday....every night...because...Nami...I...care for you.I...never would have imagined that...someone like me...a...monster...like me...could ever deserve such love and compassion from an angel like you.Never has it crossed my mind that I will have someone as perfect as you take care of me,an even risk her own life,for my worthless one.I believed,my whole life,to be a heartless killing machine,capable of no warm emotions.But after all,every Yin has its Yang...and I...Nami...I...love you.And I swear to protect you with everything I have,from now on. And with that,he kissed my hand and left the room quietly.Oh,Kisame...if only I would have been more aware of your real feeling for me,I'd have told you before of my own feelings.
A week later,at night,I saw that Kisame hasn't come to dinner.Or any meal today,for what matters. With a sigh,I excused myself and got the dish,going out to bring Kisame some food.He needs a lot of nutriments for his metabolism.He is a big guy,after all. He was outside,training in the rain. me:Bet you love this kind of weather.But that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat the whole day. Kisame:I am quite busy,I apologize.I must- me:Train more.Yeah,I know.But I also know that you must eat as well,in order to get strong. Kisame:I am fine.Please,do not disturb my training. me:I am a medical nin,don't go against my knowledge. Kisame:I did not mean to- me:Kisame.Listen to me.Stay down and eat. Kisame:*sighs*Thank you,Nami-san... I smile as he sat down to eat,breathing heavily too,and finished in a matter of seconds. Kisame:Thank you for the meal. me:Don't sweat it. Kisame:Now,if you do not mind,I will go back to- me:Kisame. Kisame:Yes? His back was facing me,while he was staring absently into the cloudy grey sky. I went in front of him and stood on my tippy toes,trying to reach him.I put my hands on his face,cupping it,making him look me straight in the eyes.He tried to look tough and emotionless,but sorrow was clouding his eyes. me:Kisame.You worry me. Kisame:I am sorry,Nami-san. me:Please...Kisame...I...understand your sorrow.Being shunned for being and looking different.People fearing you.Your own village shunning you for doing what was best for the mission.Being...different in general.But...Kisame...I...heard what you said.Back then,when I was resting after the chakra overuse. His eyes went wide with shock and a tint of purple on his cheekbones.Was he...blushing? me:Kisame...are you...blushing? He turned around fast and jumped away.So that's how you want to play,huh?Fine.Be that way. I conceal my chakra and shot off after him,until I see him and the same river where we met,standing on a rock,with his feet dangling in the water. I jump from the tree and land on the water,right in front of him. me:Don't think you can win at Hide and Seek with me. He looked down with a sad chuckle. Kisame:You were not supposed to hear what I said that day.You are going to be afraid and start being cold.You will not notice the subtle hints anymore.You might distance yourself and stay with your friends more,leaving me alone again.You will fake your nice act,because you are a kind person,but it will be see-through.And...I could not bare to see that happening...You..Nami-san...are my weakness. me:That won't ever happen.And want to know why? Kisame:...why? me:Because I love you,Kisame. Kisame:*shocked*Wh-what....? me:Love isn't a weakness,Kisame.Love and compassion is what makes us stronger.The desire to protect the ones we love.The...power to move on and keep on going...that is...all thanks to love.And Kisame,you aren't my weakness.You are my strength.I saved you that day,because I couldn't ever imagine my life without you in it.Kisame...I love you. And with that,I put my hands on his face and kiss him softly,then put my forehead on his,gazing into his eyes with a warm loving look. me:Don't be afraid of your emotions,Kisame.You are capable of feeling positive emotions too.You are not a monster.You are like me.You're a good person.Kind,compassionate,loyal,brave,strong...You just hide them,because that's the standard of a shinobi.Cold.You do a great job,putting walls around you.But I'm a destroyer.Don't forget that the weird bomber is my best friend.Ahem,regardless... As I look away to smile,Kisame took the opportunity to hug me tightly,putting his chin on my head. Kisame:Thank you,Nami-chan.You are right.Thank you,for showing me that I am not the monster I always thought I was. With that,we stayed in silence,hugging each other,letting the pouring rain fall,creating a wonderful musical harmony that soothed our senses.Kisame...I love you.
Despite telling him not to beat himself up for me saving him that day,he still hasn't given up his extreme training.At least,this time,I'm always there to make sure he doesn't mistreat himself as he used to.Getting weaker while striving for strength is quite ironic and disappointing,yet possible,if you manage to look over the bodily needs.Oh well.All was well so far. That is,until I was assigned on a solo mission.As for my skill level,it was merely espionage and assassination.A simple biodegradable needle filled with lethal poison that will insta-kill you should be enough to cover my tracks.And the poison in his body won't even be detectable.Isn't that just great? Captain Nami on duty! Just before I left,Kisame kissed my head an hugged me tightly,telling me to be careful.How sweet of him...When he should be taking care of himself.
Armed and ready.The target was located.I concealed my chakra all good when I entered the Country of Fire.I really love this kind of environment...so easy to hide...stealthy...sneaky...silent assassinations...so many trees and leaves... Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! Just in case of needing a diversion.To confuse the target.But they can't all look like me...I'll make them look like the Akatsuki members,so the target will be intimidated. *swoosh* The needle finds its way in the neck of the target.He widens his eyes,then falls on the ground,looking dead.That's gotta sting hehe... Just as I smirked and was preparing my poison set,so I could get home,I heard a maniac laugh coming from underneath me,and I saw him.The target that was supposed to be dead. He took the needle from his neck,then jumped to my level,and dropped it in my hand,as I watched him shocked. That particular poison was made with both my and Sasori's forbidden village secrets. He was NOT supposed to be alive.But...how? guy:Nice trick,but we were prepared for an Akatsuki attack,and we got prepared for a Cheap Shot like this.We knew it was going to be you to come,so we made an army full of poison resistant highly-skilled shinobi to kill you.You also have a reaaaaally nice bounty on your head.To think though that the Akatsuki would let such a little,precious member of their organization go on such a difficult mission on her own.Or did they send you solo on purpose?Or perhaps...A suicide mission?
I'm not one to talk much,but I kicked the guy in the face,and started jump-running on all 4s out of there as fast as I could.I wasn't a kitsune for nothing,after all.Swiftly now! The only problem with this kind of fleeing,is that I am fast,but it's a blind race.Meaning that my eyes cannot pay attention to all their surroundings...and I might get ambushed easily. I hoped for the best,but the best wasn't for me to receive,as I felt myself falling on the ground,after a punch in the face from an Otogakure bastard.Godamn,he sure can pack a punch...My nose is bleeding...ouchie... If only I could get away from here...somehow... But I doubt that will happen,since there are way too many Otogakure bastards surrounding me right now.In one word... I'm totally screwed. They started chuckling,and one after another,started using their sound wave jutsus to mess with my senses.My balance was a mess and couldn't stand up,the vibrations were ringing in my head,scrambling my brain...it hurts so much,I can't even think. What can I do to get out of this... This torture is so bad,that tears welled up in my eyes,and I started burying myself in the crater that I formed upon falling,trying to act like a mole would,but with no avail.They kept dragging me by the scruff of my shirt,using the sound waves as a torture method,as they kept laughing at my weakness and vulnerability.I'd laugh at it too,if only I wasn't so frustrated and burning with anger at my own self-pity and uselessness and worthlessness in the organization and the world itself. No wonder the Tsuchikage sent me away.No wonder Leader sent me on this kind of mission. I was useless and had to be disposed of faster than trash. My thoughts of  Self-deprecation continued as I was still being held down while squirming to get out of their grip and flee the scene,when I thought... I have a needle with fake poison in it.Combining it with my coma state like Kekkei Genkai,it will be easy to act dead...if they don't know about it...and if they don't continue to belittle my own corpse...
I started screaming louder,whilst managing to free my right hand from their grip,and I took out the fake poison needle from my belt and shoved it into my neck and activating my Kekkey Genkai at the same time. And with that,I was left hoping for the best outcome.
Light... Am I...dead? Did my plan not work? The afterlife actually exists? What about Kisame and the others?Are they okay? Do they know that I died? Will they be okay? Those were the countless questions I was asking myself,until an annoyed voice could be heard behind me.The author of this voice was...well...actually me myself. Well obviously they will be okay without you!They can easily find someone so much better than you! Yeah...I know...No need to remind me,stupid self. You were asking a shit ton of useless rethorical questions.This is not a book,so the reader won't be able to answer to in their mind.It's your own consciousness.Use it for once,dammit. You are way too much of a bitch to want to be this hopeless as to actually talk to you. Then what about your lovy dovy sharky boy?Don't you miss him? What about Kisame?It's doubtless that I miss him and want to check up on him.Why ask? Why don't you check for yourself then? I can do that? Yes,you idiot!Jeez,I never knew my own self was so dumb... Shut up!I didn't know you could look after someone while being dead! Well...maybe you see...because...YOU ARE NOT DEAD?! I'm...not?!But...how?!I-I thought... *facepalms*Just...wake up...and get the hell out of here.I dealt with your idiocy enough... Screw you...
And with that,I managed to slowly flutter my eyes open,trying to get a better idea of my living position at that moment. I was in a familiar blue room that seemed to strike a certain nostalgia in my brain.Why?Because this was Kisame's room. But why am I in his room? How did I get to the HQ? Suddenly,the room opened,and many concerned voices could be heard. Dei:You sent her ALONE on a mission to kill Orochimaru?!Are you mad,yeah?! Pein:We were not aware of that detail of the mission. Dei:Detail?!DETAIL?!It cost Nami her life! Sasori:Shut up,brat.That isn't true.She's alive. Dei:What do you mean,Danna? Sasori:Kisame found her with her own poisoned needle in her neck,but while researching that certain poison,I realized that it was not,in fact,poison.Just...grape juice... Konan:Why would she do that,then?If she wasn't poisoned,then why was she in that that catatonic state? Itachi:Kekkei...Genkai.... Kisame:Itachi-san?You know of her clan's Kekkei Genkai? Itachi:*nods*It allows her to enter in a coma state,shutting of any vital system while at it.She cannot die from it,obviously. Dei:How do you know that,um? Itachi:I do my research. Tobi:Tobi thinks Nami-chan was lucky that Kisame-san found her and saved her.Poor Nami-chan!!!*whines* Dei:Shut up,Tobi!Those bastards messed with her hearing sense enough!You don't have to add up to it,yeah! Kakuzu:It would seem that you are just as noisy. Leader:I know I am at fault for this mission incident,but we are going to track down the requester and hunt him down. Dei:This calls for revenge!Yeah! Sasori:Shut up,brat.Let's get out of here.She needs rest,not noise. Konan:Sasori is right.Although,I believe that Kisame should remain in here. They all nodded in agreement and slowly made their way out of the room,and I heard a loud,aggravated sighs.It was Kisame. Kisa:An once again,I fail to protect you.How could I let something like this happen?!What if you died?Or lost your hearing completely?Or were captured?Or...or...Saint Same-Sama,I do not want to ever imagine those possible apocalyptic scenarios... me:Kisa...You're such a drama queen...with that...sophisticated....vocabulary... Kisa:Nami...!You are awake... me:*smirks*Bad time to be awake?I could pretend to be asleep,while you continue your lovely monologue. Kisa:D-don't do that again... me:It was really sweet though...But you are right...I'm really surprised I don't actually have any kind of injury or long-term trauma from that...incident... Kisa:*sighs*I should have come after you as soon as you left...I knew something was wrong...I could somehow...feel it...the...the terrible malicious evil vibe that I felt while you were away....My heart felt like it were held too tightly...almost squashed...I knew something bad was going to happen to you...and yet... me:You saved me,Kisa-kun. Kisa:E-eh..? me:Tell me,how did I get here? Kisa:I...went after you...Itachi-san conviced me to follow what my heart was screaming for and go in search of you...He thought the mission seemed quite fishy and wanted to make sure you were safe... me:*chuckle*Nice pun there... Kisa:Nami!Please do not laugh at a time like this!I was worried sick and guilty beyond measure! me:I'm sorry,Kisa.But I do appreciate you saving me from those bastards.I do appreciate everything you've one for me thus far,and even more.I love how you are so sweet and kind when it comes to me...How you truly show that you love me with all your heart...looking after me when nobody else did... Kisa:That is the sole purpose of my existence,Nami.To know that you are safe,with me. me:Oh,Kisa-kun....If you continue this lachrymatory speach,I swear I might shed more tears. Kisa:No no no no no!Please do not let your soft cheeks be hosts to the rivers of tears...not anymore...not while I am around. me:You have no idea how much I love you,my dear Shakespearian poet.Thank you for saving me,Kisame.Both from those ninjas,and from the darkness within. Kisa:Do not ever thank me for protecting you,for that is...ahem...*fain blush*what a boyfriend does. My eyes widened in shock at his words as I stared at him with sparkly eyes.He never said 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' before.This was a huge step. me:M-my boyfriend...Kisame...You are my boyfriend...YOU ARE SO SWEET,GODAMN IT! Kisa:*scratches his hair**looks away*Ehe...is that so... me:Yes.It is quite so. Kisa:Well,I doubt the taste of fish is any sweet,actually.Either that,or your taste buds have been messed up with. me:Why don't you let me decide that? Kisa:H-huh?How? me:Like this-- In a blink of an eye,I was in front of him,standing on his feet,kissing him softly while my hands were in his hair.I could feel his smile,while deepening the kiss,as his hands snaked around my waste,putting me closer to him,supporting me.Standing like this,chest to chest,forehead to forehead,looking at each others eyes or sharing a passional kiss filled with love and sparks,is what I was thoroughly thrilled to have in my life.My life that I am going to spend with Kisame. All of a sudden though I coul feel something hard poking my abdomen and I muttered his name while biting my lip,then looking down,my eyes were wide in shock,and I jumped back on the bed in surprise at what I saw.
Samehada broke out of its bandage-prison and made its way between me and Kisame,looking all spiky and scary.I was being intimidated by the scaley sword that was 'threatening' me,as Kisame's body shook with mirth,looking at my blushing-frightened expression. Kisame:Seems like someone is quite jealous of our lovely relationship.Do not worry,Samehada.I will not neglect you.But I do have a lover now. The sword slowly made its scales smoothen while looking...depressed and deflated,and went back in the closet. me:Wh-what...did just...w-why...b-but...u-uh... Kisame:*chuckle*I must admit,I have not laughed like this in quite a while.Seeing Samehada jealous like that... me:That was indeed weird... Kisame:Why did you get so scared like that though? me:It was a real jumpscare,Kisame!Don't laugh! Kisame:*grin*It was just my sword! me:I wasn't paying attention and it kept poking my abdomen!It was freaky! Kisame:What did you think it was,Nami? me:U-uh...I...w-well...ermh...d-dunno!Kisame,don't ask such silly qustions! He chuckle darkly while smirking with a glint in his eye that I never got the chance to experience before.Just as I thought that,I found myself pinned on the bed,with a smug-faced smirking Kisame dangerously close to my burning red face. me:K-K-KISAME!WH-WHAT DO Y-YOU THINK YOU'RE D-DOING?! Kisame:*puts his finger to my lips*Do not make such a ruckus,or the others might storm back. me:B-b-b-ut....K-kisa...me... Kisame:*whispers*What did you think it was,Nami-chan~? me:...N-nothing... Kisame:Such innocence...I might actually feel bad for tainting it... me:Wh-what d-do y-you mean...? Kisame:Shh...Just enjoy this night...like it is our last... me:Kisa...me...I love you... Kisame:I love you,Nami-chan.As he said that,my face burnt even worse as I was squirming in his embrace,embarrassed to the point of fainting.Although...I must say...seeing both sides of Kisame...Is surely intriguing.I have a lot to discover about him and a lot to look forward to,from this lucky shark.
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serrarisen-blog · 7 years
History of Serra
The first mention of Serra actually predates her character; the famous and well-loved Serra Angel from Alpha. And in fact, according to an interview with a well-informed angel, it wasn’t a reference to anyone at all; it was supposed to be a serrated angel. As in, an angel wielding a serrated blade and not, as per Kirbster’s Gatherer comment, an angel with praying mantis arms.
Serra as a character is first referenced in-game on Cathedral of Serra from Legends, though there isn’t a lot to glean from the card itself and its sense of mystery is probably undermined by its lackluster ability. According to the Homelands comic (illustrated by the talented Rebecca Guay) the cathedral was built over Serra’s tomb on Dominaria. Poor Serra, dead before we even met her. Her story is suitably tragic from both a Vorthos and meta perspective.
Serra had the misfortune to be heavily featured in one of Magic’s early sets that while they may have been flavor successes were game-play failures. Though not quite earning the ignoble distinction of threatening Magic’s future like Fallen Empires, Homelands was perhaps even worse. Whereas Fallen Empires gave us some tribal support for well-liked creatures (goblins, thrulls, merfolk, and dwarves) and some playable cards, Homelands gave blue two more good cards while leaving everybody else with… Serrated Arrows (a callback perhaps?). 
Despite all that, the real travesty was how Serra was treated by Homeland’s storyline. Serra was married to a fellow planeswalker named Feroz (lover of didgeridoos) and together they protected a plane called Ulgrotha/the Homelands from planeswalker interference. Which was a noble cause considering the amount of destruction Dominaria has suffered due to various planeswalkers throughout the ages (and Dominaria is certainly not alone as Alara can attest). Though there were some vampire problems (another Alpha card given story significance), all was well on Ulgrotha until a very strange series of events happened. First Feroz and then Serra died. This was not an impossible occurrence, even for powerful planeswalkers before the Mend– what’s that? There was no epic planeswalker battle, no successful vampire apocalypse, no rending of worlds? How then did these godly beings then die?
A lab accident and the lethal one-two punch of a mugging and a broken heart. Yes, dear reader, you read that correctly. According to the comic, Feroz was experimenting on a fire elemental encased in ice. At some point this elemental exploded which gravely wounded Feroz who, despite being a nigh omnipotent being and married to the premiere healer/angelic creator Serra, then died. Not a great way to go but Feroz was made for Homelands and perhaps it was fitting that Homelands would take him out. Serra had a little more presence in Magic the Gathering and surely her debut wouldn’t also be her end. Alas.
Serra, after burying her husband, left Ulgrotha (much to the delight of Baron Sengir) and eventually ended up on Dominaria where she was accosted by a man who was very interested in her wedding ring. Not unusual for a mugger, even if that mugger sensed it was a magical artifact. What was unusual is that this mugger claimed to be a planeswalker! Serra was all ready to rain heavenly fury upon the man who would take the last reminder of her dead husband… until she decided she would rather die than live in a multiverse without Feroz. The mugger deals a fatal blow but then is surprisingly taken out by a random human who had recognized who Serra was in her fleeting moment of glory. He then takes care of her until she dies, raising the aforementioned Cathedral on her tomb.
So much potential wasted (I’m not bitter or anything), which is probably what the Magic Creative team thought. Outside of two cards printed in Weatherlight (if you count Serrated Biskelion which we will), Serra and her angels reappeared in the Urza Block, albeit in the past as Homelands happens after the events in the Urza Block. Serra lived in an artificial plane she had created, a sanctuary from the multiverse where she ran a matriarchal utopia of sorts. She healed Urza Planeswalker after one of his failed attempts to destroy Phyrexia; an action that would lead to tragedy as interacting with Urza so often did. Though it took him five years to recover, it was not long after Urza left that the Phyrexians came to Serra’s Realm and though they were defeated, they had irrevocably tainted the world she had made. It was at this point that Serra abandons the plane, taking with her anyone who would come with her (probably to Ulgrotha), leaving the rest under the charge of her head angel, Radiant.
This was, unfortunately, an even worse decision than it seems on its surface. Putting aside that eventually the plane itself would be destroyed without Serra working to maintain it and thus killing the remaining inhabitants, Radiant soon became (or perhaps had already been) corrupted/mislead by Phyrexia and lead ever more destructive raids on the mortal inhabitants of Serra’s Realm to “weed out the Phyrexian taint”. When Urza returned to Serra’s Realm (to use it to power his planeswalking ship the Weatherlight) he saved who he could and collapsed the corrupted plane into an orb to power the ship.
After this point, aside from a questionable appearance in a questionable novel during the Onslaught block where Karona, the False God may or may not have met several important lore characters or weird simulacra of them, Serra disappears from the story. Serra’s name does pop up from time to time on the cards themselves. Time Spiral block saw a few new Serra themed cards with the latest new card being Serra Ascendant in M11. The latest appearance was Serra Angel in Origins and FTV: Angels, showing the staying power of the most iconic (if retroactive) creation of Serra.
Whether Serra’s demise will be glossed over and make a return is unlikely due to several factors. With some notable exceptions (Karn and Nicol Bolas) most oldwalkers have been shelved due to death, loss of planeswalker spark, or have simply been forgotten (like Sandruu, another Ulgrothan planeswalker). This is coupled with the creative focus on the neowalkers that have been created with the Magic brand more in mind. Serra is also tied to Homelands which, in addition to being poorly received thus making most story hooks from this set unlikely to return (sorry Baron)  appears to have been thematically replaced by Innistrad.
Still, with the Commander 14 creation of planeswalker cards of Teferi and Freyalise, it isn’t impossible that Serra might make an appearance in a future supplemental set, assuming she doesn’t suffer from Urza syndrome ie that whatever card would come to represent her would never live up to her reputation.
And that is the history of Serra.
Information taken from my own memory, the Homelands comic, and supplemented by the MTG Salvation Wiki.
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