tomclarkpods · 3 months
Random Stuff
"Thanks for letting me play in your world. It was nice while it lasted."
"No one said you have to leave."
"Are you sure? I think it was implied."
"I think you're full of assumptions--as always."
"...that's fair."
"Is it?"
"Yeah, I mean, it's what I do. Right? Always thinking the worst?"
"Pretty much. So are you sure you wanna go?"
"Are you kidding? No, I don't want to go! I love it here!"
"Then why are you?"
"Okay, well, that's not fair."
"Isn't it?"
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
Love it.
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Credit: @ MAstronomers on X
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
Just Writing.
Kevin sat in fear of what he was going to do next. As if the three screens in front of him would provide any answers. As if they ever had. But still, he continued to sit and stare. He was waiting for something. Anything.
There was a moment when he wondered if he was losing his mind, then dismissed it just as quickly. The fact that he even contemplated it meant he was probably okay. How normal was it to go mad and yet be sane enough to realize it was happening?
He took in a breath and exhaled slowly. Okay, he thought. Not mad. Just a bit lost.
"Fine," Kevin whispered. "I can deal with lost." He pondered this. "Maybe. But I am talking to myself." He decided that was a bad sign and suddenly pushed his chair back. I'll get out of here, he thought. I'll just get out of here, get some fresh air, refocus, and then come back.
The buzzing from his now-lit phone stopped him. He sat forward, glancing at the screen and when he saw the name, slouched back into his chair.
"Wonderful," he muttered. "Just what I need."
He had no desire to speak to Rick. None. The hell with that guy. The buzzing stopped, and then texts began popping up on his screen. He stared at his phone as the messages continued to multiply, then finally grabbed it.
"I'm not your favorite person right now," the first text read. "I get it. But you gotta talk to me eventually."
Kevin disagreed.
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
Join me today LIVE at 4pm ET!
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
Join me today LIVE at 4pm ET!
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
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Like the headline says--let's make friends!
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
The newest episode of the 6M Podcast is here. Check it out!
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
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Been busy with the podcast production company, but I've got some spots available for short-term, and long-term clients. Message me for more details, or email [email protected]
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
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Priss was under the weather this weekend, but she’s on the mend and almost back to her old self.
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
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Day 3!
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
Episode 195 of the 6M Podcast is dropping on Tuesday. Hard to believe we're almost to 200!
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
Heading to Charlotte in a bit for day 3 of HeroesCon. Here’s a few pics from yesterday.
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tomclarkpods · 3 months
Episode 335 of the Main Event is up and this time, it was a one man show. Check it out 👇
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tomclarkpods · 8 years
Dropping Like Flies
Alberto Del Rio and Paige were suspended by WWE on the same day. It was well known that the two had been an item for quite some time, but it’s likely no one ever expected this.
Their separation via the brand split was supposedly intentional. The company had apparently seen all of the two as a couple that they could stand. 
It’s a touchy subject, mostly because Paige and Del Rio are consenting adults, and consenting adults should be able to make their own decisions. But if their relationship was interfering with their careers, then WWE may have decided to make the decision for them.
It doesn’t seem right, but that’s pro wrestling.
Of course now that the Wellness Policy is in play, it’s obvious there’s more going on than anyone knew. Perhaps the whole star-crossed lover scenario is in play here as well.
Or it’s a Sid and Nancy kind of scenario. 
The fact is, no one knows what’s going on here, and it’s really none of our business. But when you’re in the public eye, your life is on constant display. Del Rio and Paige both know that. 
Eva Marie knows it too.
The would-be sports entertainer couldn’t get over in a 747, and she’s going to have even less of a chance now. The Wellness Policy has claimed its third victim this week, and now Eva is going home for a month.
WWE won’t miss her, she’s less than relevant at this point. Paige has been gone too long for her presence to be felt now, and Del Rio was going nowhere fast. This is not a matter of WWE pulling the plug on headliners carrying the company. 
This is a matter of three talents that apparently screwed up somewhere along the way, getting disciplined for their actions. It happens. Imagine what we still don’t know.
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tomclarkpods · 8 years
Hellhounds on my trail
Seth Rollins is a nervous man. He knows about Finn Balor. He's watched Finn Balor. But he doesn't know Finn Balor, and he's not watched him long enough. He doesn't know The Demon. Seth got a taste of it on Monday Night Raw, when he called Balor, more specifically, his alter ego, to the ring. The Demon showed his face, and Rollins didn't know what to do. For the first time since Sting was in his head, Seth was shaken. This is not the sort of match he wants, because it's out of his wheelhouse. Rollins needs to be in control at all times, and with The Demon, he has no control at all. Balor is calling the shots here, and this is not at all what Seth wanted. By contrast, The Demon is in his element here. This is what he does, and when Balor is in the paint, he's a different man. Seth Rollins thought he knew. He has no idea.
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