#and then him knowing about their dad and helping ayano for like. how long? at least a year?
echidnana · 1 month
bro they fucked kano UP poor guy 😭
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cerine0357 · 1 year
Can I request an Ayano comfort fic 🥹
Btw you can do whatever plot as long as it's comfort cause I'm in dire need of it rn
OC: Shimizu Family X Reader:-
. Ayano Shimizu X Reader
⋒ Summary: Ayano realized you're burnt out, what do you wanna do to feel comfort? Maybe the Shimizu family can help....
⋒ Comfort, fluff, scenario || Established relationship || warnings: annoying, wet but cute siblings...|| normal version of OC
⋒ Author's note: I tried hard in writing this, hopefully you'll like, it's bad...Kind of a Shimizu family thing...
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Love and weather...
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the sounds of the rain pattering quietly and the coldness of it only made Ayano shiver more as he pushed up his glasses and stirred the large pot of chai with Izumi by his side, hr light blue hair tied up as to not fall into the chai and ruin it.
"Well, I suspect you can handle, right Zumi??" Ayano asked smiling as he picked Izumi up and placed her on the counter.
"Uh..Yeah! I can do it! I'll try not to get distracted..." Izumi nodded her head and took the large spoon and stirred the tea gently "Zum, check the chai and turn the stove off when it's done, okay?"
Izumi nodded her head and waved goodbye to Ayano who left for his room immediately as he walked up the stairs and walked the halls and opened the door to his room to find you sitting on the bed which was covered with papers, notes, sheets and tests and you on the laptop with a empty screen, confused Ayano stared with you at the screen for a while before asking,
"Are you not motivated??" He asked as you groaned slamming shut you laptop and putting aside before burying your face into the mattress and screaming in it as Ayano nodded his head before getting into bed and settling into the bed with you and pulling the blanket over you two which was warm as you had been in it.
"Yeah, i got it, I know darling....Now what happened??" Ayano asked pulling you with his strength onto his lap as he covered you both with blanket.
"HOW MANY FUCKING TESTS CAN THE PERSONAL TUTOR GIVE?!" You asked annoyed and about to beat someone up, but this comment made Ayano smile a bit as he said,
"I know, but don't you need to do well in this exam?" Ayano asked smiling as you argued back "Yeah, but the only thing I'm doing these days is worrying about how I'm gonna do other things when I literally have to give a test everyday and she even punishes me and belittles me for no fucking reason when I don't do my work! Stupid bitch!" This comment made the smile on Ayano's face drop as he removed his glasses and looked at you with love filled eyes
"Oh, did she, don't worry me and dad will talk with her...If you want I can have one of my siblings tutor you? Or we can have another tutor?? Will that stop you form being a sad, cutesy mush?" He asked as he poked your cheeks and kissed you
"Yeah, that will work, but you really don't need to do that!!" You didn't want him and his busy father to get out of their schedule for some stupid thing like talking with your tutor, but Ayano insisted and in the end you agreed.
As you both cleaned up Ayano's bed of the numerous amount of sheets and tests and notes and copies, Xinya knocked on the door before peeking his head in and asking with his handsome smile, "You want Chai??" Ayano nodded his head, it was getting colder now and the rain was very heavy, so you agreed as well, it was a nice way to warm up
Xinya handed you both tea cups before leaving as Osana bursted in with Hyuna and Izumi in her lead who excitedly asked, "DO YOU BOTH WANNA PLAY IN THE RAIN!?" Not only were Izumi and Hyuna breathless but also completely wet and the water dripping from their hair and clothing made the floors wet but seeing their excited face, neither Ayano nor, Osana or Xinya or you could yell at them, though the four of you were worried at the suggestion but suddenly Azuki also came running in yelling at Izumi and Hyuna
"Oi, YOU IDIOT YOU'RE MAKING EVERYTHING WET, IF YOU WANT TO TALK MAYBE DRY OFF A BIT FIRST!!" Azuki yelled at Izumi only mocked him and teased before Hyunizo entered as well and glared at Azuki, "Stop yelling at Hyuna and Izumi..." Hyunizo's deep voice also scared everyone in the room shitless, except Xinya who had a deeper voice and didn't care for the banter between his siblings unless somebody got hurt...
All while Ayano uninterestedly put away the notes and notebooks and prints and notes in a pile on his huge bedside table, while you enjoyed the banter while sipping your Chai and just as it was finished it seemed as though Hyunizo and Azuki were about get into a fight and Dejino, Dejiyo, Il-Seong, and Yuxing were also on the sidelines with you, Izumi, Hyuna and Ayano, enjoying the drama...
'HOW DID THEY GET IN AND HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THEM....' Was your first thought as the fight was about to commence, before Xinya yelled
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" This comment made everyone freeze up, even Ayano who stood up straight....As Hyunizo and Azuki were getting scolded, Izumi and Hyuna had somehow convinced you and Ayano to play with them in the rain.
As you four ran down to the manor's huge green grass garden, you saw Mrs. Shimizu and Mr. Shimizu, Xinyue, Liuxian, Osamu and a few of the servants in the rain as well, they were all laughing and annoying each other, you only looked at them and smiled brightly until someone pushed you into the rain, the cold water hit your head and back and it felt like cold ice bullets, you immediately ran back for cover as you shivered while Ayano only laughed at you.
You realized Ayano was the one who pushed but then a whip of dark red wrapped around Ayano's waist and tied him up before pulling him in the rain. Ayano screamed a high pitched scream as the rain pattered down on him, you looked at the person who held the whip; Izumi who was looking very proud as Miss.Kaiyo, Sir.Reo, Hyuna, Xinyue, Liuxian, Osamu and other servants laugh at this. You laughed along seeing Ayano now completely wet, chase Izumi around the garden and the two slipping not even two seconds into chasing each other before getting up and chasing again...
While you stayed under the cover as you raised your hand into the rain letting it get wet, as someone pat your shoulder you looked over to see Oshinyu, Oshinzu and Haoyu smiling and waving at you, the three were also like a tad bit too scared to get into the cold rain, but the as you took the courage to step onto the grass which had warm water on it, probably due to the hot sun and then the rain it received. You stayed in the rain for a bit before getting under the cover as Oshinyu giggled with you, Oshinyu took you hand in hers and you both ran into the rain.
You and her squealed and giggled loudly before your squealing calmed down into tiny and sweet laughter as the freezing cold rain turned into a bare-able temperature as you both calm down, laughing and smiling as the rain beat down, it was so fun!!
Soon everyone in the manor was in the rain playing around, mostly music blasting in the garden and you all vibing and having fun, Miss.Kaiyo and Mr.Reo were dancing together and so were you and Ayano!!!!
Soon it was getting dark and Miss. Kaiyo and Mr. Reo didn't want to risk anyone getting bitten by any insect which were coming out, so the servants got out, got towels, placed snacks and drinks for everyone, including the staff, while you all ate warm food, you and Ayano right beside each other, drying off your hair while on the sofa which was covered by towels as you all were still in wet clothes.
You look over at everyone; Hyuna and Hyunizo chatting and feeding each other, Ayako with Yuxing probably creating a prank, Osamu, Osana and Haoyu with Izumi on his lap, Il-Seong, Azuki, Liuxian and Oshinyu playing games on their phone together, Oshinuza letting Dejino and Dejiyo drink around 3 milliliters of his blood each (it was his turn), and Xinya chatting with Sir. Reo, Miss. Kaiyo was gossiping with the servants. Finally you got the chance to change and so you and Ayano quickly left, changed, dried your hairs and come back to the garden sofas, removing the wet towels from the garden sofas this time.
Oshinyu, Xinya, Xinyue, Osamu and Yuxing also changed were also there, a few servants their age were sitting with them and they all were eating and talking, Sir. Reo opened a barbeque and was cooking food on it, while talking with the older members of the staff, you and Ayano stayed on the sofa cuddling while you and a few of the Shimizu girls gossiped, as you ate the dinner.
You texted your parents you were staying over at their house, you beside Ayano who was talking with Xinya, Haoyu, Dejino and Hyunizo about who knows what....All you could do was smile in content, this day which started out as one of the most annoying and tiring ones ended up being such a sweet and fun one thanks to your boyfriend and his family...
They maybe the richest family to exist, rich enough to buy the whole Solar system if they wished, but they still managed to be so humble, kind and happy and together even though they are so busy with everything they, which other rich families and even regular familes can't have, you liked being a part of this family...You loved Ayano more the whole family though, don't tell Izumi and Ayako, they will get jealous that you don't love them more ;>
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@dxmoness @achy-boo @juvellianovo @ramblehour @crownxie @lvmxlee @quiri1306 @honeyandbiscuitandtea-cafe @roseadleyn @hmerus + others who like it and see it!
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happypoppyhaha · 4 months
This story will be about Ayato and Taeko plus the 10 male rivals competing for her love. But it's rewrite in my own way.
(The plot will be Taeko trying to fix Ayato to not kill her friends or anybody she cares about because she didn't have any evidence against him and trying to warn the rivals about him. Ayato on the other half doesn't want to walk in his father's footsteps because of how much despair his mother was in when entering a relationship with him. Ayato for once tries not to be selfish and wants to change things for the bloodline because Taeko is crying about it) Yes Ryoba and Jokichi are genderbend so their names will be Ryōbo and Jokai.
Taeko realizes he is mentally unstable and needs help, he doesn't want her to be seen as a cure for him or act crazy to anyone who tries to sway her in a romantic way. So she is trying to help him while trying to make him back off of the male rivals.
I decided to give Taeko personality and flesh her out more. I feel like she would be more expressive and outgoing as a girl instead of sitting down by a water fountain and reading a book. This will personality type will be attractive and make sense why Ayato likes her and the other male rivals. And I'll flesh out Ayato's character too, I'll give him a few traits
I'll change the intro where Ayano bumps into Taro and immediately falls in love with him when literally he just lends her a hand like any person would. That's not enough chemistry for me to believe she really loves him and would kill for him.
He needs love, he will feel emptiness and lonely without a feeling of affection. Due to being neglected by his parents arguing and having conflicts. Ryōbo trying to raise a murderer instead of raising a son and Jokai lash out on him for that, not wanting a girl to be in her position and became a victim like her. Making the family unstable causing him to be unstable as well. Any family issues will also affect the child. This causes Ayato to be angry at his father for not giving him the proper love he needed as a child and sad at how his mom how mind broken she was. One day, his mother just snapped and tried to kill Ryōbo and Ayato, believing it was too late for her to stop him becoming just like his father, trying to wipe out the bloodline so the madness would stop. (Twisted thinking but this is the result of being kidnapped and isolated, broken) But Ryōbo apprehended her before fully doing it. This causes his parents to go to America trying to get themselves clean before entering back into Ayato's life. After experiencing that event, Ayato was empty and feeling sorrow. But this was in childhood, his brain blocked out the trauma but the cells in his body can remember it.
I'll make an intro where Taeko is his first female friend he ever made. He didn't make one because he was seen as the kid who has issues going on at home and gossiping that his daddy was a criminal before. Making him an outcast in kindergarten and middle school up until Highschool (but exchanged since students and teachers know his dad's history) where Taeko bumps into him because she doesn't know she's going and asks him for help to search her classes and know the schedule. So he does help her out without any thinking to it, the next day. She appreciates him for helping her not out of obligation. By giving him a bento and becoming more chatty with him. Ayato feels the attention and the affection that he longed for so long and became so attached to her. Delusion, this is where he starts feeling the love bond and convinced that they're truly connected but Taeko doesn't see him in that way. He slowly building up courage and making a love poem of his confession towards her. Planning to give it to her the next day but someone, he see as a rival comes up, Osano. He plans on killing him right off the bat but there's always a person besides him, Ryuto. (Raibaru).
Only show strong emotions when it involves Taeko. Like being infuriated when someone trying to romanize the conversation with her or take her time away when it supposed to be them hanging out. If it's not Taeko involved, he'll have a dead face not wanting anything to do with the person unless they have his interests. But he will put up a front when a situation is necessary to express like a investigation or someone observing him to avoid any suspicion of his true nature or not to have a low reputation, being gossiped about.
(I didn't want him to be exactly like Ayano where she just admires him far away but doesn't start up a conversation when he's free)
Ayano wants Senpai so she can feel emotions since he was the only person that brought out the emotions out of her. And wanting more of that emotion so she chases after Senpai since he is giving her more of that. She thrives for that. I made it different. Ayato thrives for affection since he did not receive any of it during childhood, Taeko shows him affection and he chases after her because she is willing to give that to him and actually acknowledge his existence. To make it more yandere-like.
(Feel like to ask more about this or what more to rewrite about)
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kageprountranslated · 3 years
Kagerou Daze Anthology Novel Ch. 2 - Locked Up With a Classmate
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Locked Up With a Classmate
Author: Kōta (こーた) | Illustrator: Hanasaki Manio (花咲まにお)
The incident occurred only a few weeks after I became a high school student, in the season where the smell of spring still remains.
When I asked myself why it happened, I was so upset that I couldn’t even answer. The view outside the window is dim, and before long it will be pitch black. And on top of that, it seems that the electricity is broken since I’ve been pressing the switch for a while with no sign of it working.
……Why did this happen?
I held my head. Ahh, I think it’s pretty rare for me to be holding my head like this, but that’s how different the nature of this “current situation” is.
But it’s okay because there’s a solution. With my heart murmuring, I look at her, wearing her red scarf, as she handles her cell phone.
“Um, Shintaro……”
“Oh, are you going to contact someone?”
“Well…… about that”
Why is she avoiding eye contact? She’s staring with unpleasant premonition in her eyes. And that brief comment is all she said.
“My cell phone, I forgot to charge it…… the battery is dead.”
While pointing at her phone’s pitch black screen that she turned toward me, Ayano makes an awkward smile. And our only remaining hope breaks, making a shattering noise.
……Now, if you asked me what the heck happened, since I’ve calmed down a little bit I may be able to answer.
To put it simply, I am locked up in a room with my classmate Ayano Tateyama next to me. We are currently, in the present tense, trapped alone together.
Going back in time a little earlier today, after school.
Ayano had stepped up to carry some teaching materials to a certain room. Apparently it’s the job of Ayano’s father, who’s a teacher at this school, but since he seems to be busy lately, he begged her to help him and carry it. That’s why, today, Ayano told me she wanted to walk home together but couldn’t.
I had wanted to go home early, but I followed Ayano, wondering if she wanted me to keep her company. By no means was I plotting to go home together.
And now I was trapped. What does it mean?
“Ayano, you said your cell phone died…… But were you able to contact anyone first?”
“I tried to send an email to my dad because I couldn’t call him, but I lost power immediately after I sent it, so I wonder if it was able to send properly……”
“I see…”
A small room. Alone with Ayano. Unfortunately when I tried to ask someone for help, I forgot that I left my phone at home today. Ayano has her phone so tried to contact someone, but as she said, it seems the charge has run out.
“The teaching materials, I was asked to bring them and Shintaro came too.”
“Well that’s, I’m feeling this mood.”
“Fufu, Shintaro you’re so kind.”
“......I don’t think I’m kind.”
When I said that, Ayano slowly turned her face down. And while listening to my situation she lets out a voice saying, “Shintaro…… you’re angry at me, right?”
“Huh? We didn’t get into this situation because of any ill will, and I have no reason to get angry with you.”
“Oh so, Shintaro is kind after all!”
“No, it’s not that…… that, why are you about to cry like that!”
“It’s because of me…… uhh, my dad warned me about the door.”
Apparently the doors of the “Second Science Preparation Room” aren’t built very well, and once closed often can’t be opened from the inside. Ayano forgot to tell me this, and I, who didn’t know, closed the door.
It seems that this time they’ve finally decided to repair it properly but…… repair it sooner.
“We can’t do anything. Let’s stay still, ‘kay?”
“...... yeah.”
I couldn’t just sit on the dusty floor and next to the pile of cardboard dust that neighbored me.
I opened the window, lightly flinging it ajar, and sat down on the floor side-by-side with Ayano. We’re at a distance where our shoulders bump. ……It’s close.
“Ehehe, but it’s good that the person I got locked up with is you, Shintaro.”
I’ll reply curtly.
At this time I agree, It’s nice to be locked up with Ayano. But it’s embarrassing to think about, so I’ll never say it out loud.
And then I notice, outside the window it’s totally dark. It seems a lot of time has passed since I started trying to find a way out.
“Well, it’s getting darker.”
“Yeah, I wonder if my dad got the email…… I hope he comes to get us out.”
“Isn’t it a little too dark in here?”
“There’s no way to turn the electricity on. If we could get it on, someone even from a distance might notice that we’re in this room”
“Say, Ayano.”
“There aren’t many people around here, I tried yelling out a while ago but as expected it was no use……”
“Ayano, tell me, are you scared of the dark?”
“Hm? I’m not particularly scared of it.”
“You’re putting on a brave front! Look, let’s talk about something bright and fun!”
“......Shintaro, is it possible,”
I felt Ayano’s gaze with the words, “Are you scared?” My shoulders jump.
“I-I-I, I’m not scared! I’m just scared that you’re scared!”
“Then, let’s take advantage of this dim atmosphere and talk about horror!”
When I turned to Ayano, her face was at point-blank range. She’s staring at me with a fearless smile.
H-horror!? Scary stories!?
“Well. One night……”
As soon as Ayano started talking, I raised my voice and covered my ears. I can’t deal with horror in this situation!!
“I-I-I I’m not scared, ‘kay, don’t misunderstand!?”
“What’s that!? Shintaro! There’s a figure outside the window!”
“Eh, wait Shintaro!?”
I think I was in a panic at this time. No, I wasn’t thinking about it. I’m in a big panic.
“It’s a joke Shintaro! Calm down!”
“Window!? Where!? Where’s the figure!?”
“That’s why it’s a joke! Uwawa!”
I was so surprised and horrified that I hid behind Ayano’s back. A boy hiding behind a girl’s back, there’s no doubt that if my little sister saw me right now she’d say, “my brother is pathetic,” but I guess that’s not the case for now.
“Shintaro! There’s no figure! It was a joke!”
“J-, joke……?”
“Yes, a joke! So calm down! It was just a fail at making fun of you!”
So I discover it’s a joke and finally calm down.
What a joke……!
“Ah, ahaha, I knew from the beginning that it was like a joke and I wasn’t surprised or scared……”
“Then why are you hiding behind my back?”
“Th-, that’s…… no just, don’t make weird jokes anymore!?”
Ayano looks at me replying “yes yes” from over her shoulder. Just one word.
“Shintaro, behind……!
What!? Is there something behind me!?
“Well, I’m kidding…… but……. Shintaro you’re funny, too funny, bufufu.”
Perhaps she’s holding back laughter, her shoulders shaking while she holds her stomach. But, in the end she couldn’t stand it and bursts into full laughter.
“Y-, you, I told you to stop making weird jokes didn’t I!? Don’t laugh!”
“I’m sorry! I won’t laugh anymore…… fufuhaa.”
“You’re laughing!!”
This is flat out scary without a joke. There’s nothing to laugh about.
“Ahh, I laughed. ……So, why is Shintaro still hiding behind me?”
“Eh!? No, th-,that stuff you said! Is it okay for me to leave now!? It’s okay to go, but…… there really wasn’t anything behind me!?”
“There really wasn’t anything!”
“Is that true? It was really just a joke!?”
“It’s okay! It was really a joke!”
“...... alright.”
Slowly slowly, take myself away from behind Ayano. Alright, it’s really a joke.
“Heee!? Ayano! Ayano! Something was outside! Something was outsiiiiide!”
There was a noise, and something big crossed the window. I buried myself into ayano’s back, hugging her instead of hiding, not so subtle this time.
“...... I think it was just a bird this time…… Shintaro? Are you okay?”
“I’m not okay! This isn’t fun anymore! I’m scared! It’s terrible!!”
“No way Shintaro was so scared……”
Ayano took my hand that hugged her and asked, “are you okay?” as she gently stroked it. But I immediately shake my hand and let go of Ayano. As usual I shook her off.
Ahh, I’m sure I have a real pathetic facial expression now. I don’t want Ayano to see me like this.
“It’s okay. Because I’m by Shintaro’s side, forever.”
“So rest assured, I’m not scared,” she said with a smile.
“...... Ayano…… aren’t you scared?”
“I guess if I’m feeling anything, it’s scared. But somehow it’s okay since I’m with you, Shintaro. Ah, is my feeling of wanting to protect scaredy-Shintaro overpowering it now?”
What she says is alleviating my fear.
“Wait a minute, I’m only scared because you’ve been saying weird things…… No, I’m not scared, I’m absolutely not scared.”
*“I’m sorry about that, I’m scared that Shintaro is cute.”
“That’s why I’m not scared and don’t tell a man he’s cute!”
“Now, that’s not right! I wasn’t saying that! I said ‘scared’!”
(*Translator’s note: Shintaro believed Ayano said she was scared he was cute but she is saying that she said she was scared he was scared. In Japanese the words “cute” and “scary” sound similar, being “kawaii” and “kowai”)
“Ah, that’s…… Just my imagination, it was in my imagination! W-, well it can’t be helped, so it’s okay to be protected only for today! But I’m not particularly scared!”
“Good grief, Shintaro, you're really not straightforward.”
As she says that, she looks up at my face from below.
“Sh-, shut up! Only today, only today I’ll protect you, that is, you, Ayano.”
“Eh? Shintaro, what?”
“A-, Ayano, what if you were also having a hard time? If I can do it…… I’ll help you.”
Why did I say that?
When I heard that Ayano wanted to protect me, I wondered if I could do something for her too. My words were very small, but Ayano seemed to hear them. She very happily said, “it’s rare for Shintaro to be defeated.” ……I’m not defeated.
“That’s right.”
After thinking for a moment she muttered, “I don’t want to involve someone who’s important to me if it’s dangerous,” with a serious look on her face.
Ahh, she’s that kind of person. Worrying more about others than herself. “Because it’s my happiness,” I remember her saying once while laughing, so you really……
“But thank you Shintaro, I’m happy with those words alone.”
“Th-, that’s right.”
“Then, I have your permission, Shintaro. Only today I’ll be a hero for Shintaro!”
“Have it your way.”
“Hey, Shintaro.”
“What is it?”
“When you’re scared or lonely, you can hold my hand.”
“Huh? What’s that—......”
As if to block my words, the window shakes greatly. Apparently the wind is getting stronger. Of course, my body reacts to such a noise.
“Uh……. uh, Ayanoo.”
Now, please commend me for not screaming this time.
“Shintaro, your hand.”
“Shintaro, hand.”
“Shintaro, hand!”
“What about your hand!? Should I just hold it!?”
I grabbed Ayano’s hand tightly. It was warm.
“Whenever you feel alone and lonely, hold my hand anytime.”
Those words, what kind of meaning do they have?
With a little thought, I shook my head. I shook my head to deny Ayano’s words. When Ayano looked at me she looked lonely.
“I…… can’t you rely on me?”
“That’s not it. …… just.”
Ayano tilts her head. I turned away from her.
“...... It’s because I’m a coward.”
Isolated words, I muttered in a very quiet voice.
—......It must have been a long time since we got trapped.
Still, there was no sign of help coming at all. What should I do? I was hungry and I wanted to take a bath.
It was me who had such a small sneeze. As the window rattles, the wind seems to be strong outside. It’s chilly and I brace my body, as a scarf is wrapped around my neck gently.
“Fufu, isn’t it cold with this?”
Certainly not cold, but rather warm. But, this is……
“You’re cold right? Take it back.”
“That’s not good, you’re catching a cold Shintaro.”
“If you say that, what if you catch a cold instead!?”
“Fufu, thanks for worrying about me.”
“A-, also…… I-, I’m returning it anyway!”
I push the red scarf back to Ayano, but she totally refuses to take it. And suddenly, Ayano says, “ah, let’s wear it together!” which makes me jump.
Wear it…… together?
“Huh? What are you……!?”
When I realized the scarf was around my neck again, it was also around Ayano’s neck.
Wa-, wait one minute, two people wearing it together is the kind of thing that—!?
Two people and one scarf. Ayano’s body and face are clinging very closely to mine. It’s definitely warmer than before, but this is……!
“I need to move away from you!”
“Why? Isn’t it warm?”
“That’s not the problem!”
“So what’s the problem?”
“J-, just think for yourself!”
“Hmm—? Shintaro, you’re acting strange, aren’t you?”
“Shh-, sh, shut upp.”
I move my arm to untie the scarf, but when I do I hear the sound of my clothes and Ayano’s clothes rubbing together. I can’t move my body because I’m in such close contact with Ayano.
“If I’m asking you to wear it because you’re cold, I’m not wrong am I?”
I’m cold too. If anything, I want to wear the scarf exactly how it is.
“......I-, it can’t be helped. If you say it like that.”
“Fufu, thank you.”
It was in this way, we agreed to share one scarf. But, although we’re no longer cold, our current situation of being trapped remains the same.
“Ayano, are you okay? If you’re getting sleepy, do you want to sleep?”
“Yeah, maybe I’m a little sleepy…. Ah, maybe I should borrow Shintaro’s shoulders.”
“O-, oh. I understand.”
Ayano rests her head on my shoulder.
“...... hey, Shintaro.”
With her face down and eyes closed, Ayano gently says my name. It was a small voice, but we’re so close together that I could clearly see she was saying my name.
“...... you called yourself a coward, what do you mean by that?”
I’m surprised. After saying “It’s because I’m a coward” Ayano had shut up. I thought she couldn’t hear me because I muttered it in such a quiet voice, but it seems to have reached her ears after all.
It’s regretfully too late to pretend I didn't say it. She already heard.
“That is…… that’s nothing, so forget about it. I’m a little upset.”
“I will never forget. I will absolutely never forget.”
Her crying voice spilled from her mouth. Why is she making a voice like that?
And this time from Ayano…… and almost every time words from Ayano, she clenched my hand tightly.
“Ayano, hand.”
“I don’t like it, I don’t want to let go.”
“I want you to tell me more about your true feelings, Shintaro.”
“...... what if I say I don’t like it?”
She raised her face. She looked like she was about to cry.
Ahh, this face isn’t going to be forgotten…… I think.
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“That is, very sad.”
Still, I can’t say it, won’t say it. I’m too much of a coward to say my true feelings.
But the truth is, I want to tell Ayano everything. I don’t like being alone, and when I end up feeling lonely like I always used to, Ayano will accept me with a smile. But if that happens, I’ll become dependent on Ayano, and if I’m too dependent, I’m so scared that someday it will be time to say goodbye to each other.
Oh I’m really a terrible coward.
“I’m begging you, don’t worry about me.”
Don’t say any more kind words.
Once I depend on you, I can’t live without you.
“Shintaro, I want you to remember what I’m about to say.”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
I shake my head from side to side, like a little kid.
“Shintaro, listen?”
Ayano moves up a little and looks into my face from below.
“I don’t like it.”
I bury my face in the scarf. It smells like Ayano.
“Even if Shintaro lets go of this hand.”
“I don’t want to hear it!”
“I’m going to grab Shintaro’s hand as many times as I want!”
“Even if, this makes me look stubborn,” Ayano said such warm words with a smile.
“Aya-, nno……”
Ayano’s words alone makes me feel like I am overflowing. My whole body gets hot. My eyes get hot.
You see, I shouldn’t have listened. I didn’t want to listen because I thought she would say something happy to me, and of course she did. Why does she say such words to me? She’ll be taken advantage of for her kindness.
“Don’t say that kind of thing so casually.”
Everyone will eventually leave me. Seeing me, who can immediately derive the answer to any question; seeing me, who understands it all; even kind people will also leave me. And everyone looks at me with weird eyes.
Even Ayano, I’m sure just like everyone else……
“It’s not casual! Because Shintaro, I want to be with you forever!”
“Th-, that’s why…!”
“Shintaro, that’s why.”
I notice there. Ayano’s aura seems to be different than usual.
“Ayano, what are you saying……?”
“Shintaro, you’re insensitive to people’s feelings while saying that you understand everything. I’ll be with you, really.”
While holding her head, she mutters out something like a soliloquy.
Insensitive? Am I?
“I mean, I want to be with you forever.”
Ayano mumbled, a little embarrassed.
“It’s because Shintaro, I want to be with you forever.”
Ayano seems to be trying to say something about the meaning of the words she said. I’m sure since it’s Ayano, she’s giving me these words as a friend……
“That’s it, Shintaro.”
“What’s it?”
“Um…… the words I just said, I didn’t mean it in a friendship way.”
My idea that those were the words of a friend, were denied by her herself.
“Shintaro, Shintaro for me, is more than a friend.”
She stares at me. Ayano’s face is close. I find my heart is making a loud noise. I’m distracted by our close distance, I didn’t hear Ayano’s words well.
“For me, about Shintaro—......!”
It was at that time.
Tattattattatto, the sound of someone running echoes through the school.
Ayano’s word’s stopped halfway through the sound that I heard clearly.
“...... Shintaro, can you hear someone running?”
“I-, I-, I don’t care.”
A person of unknown character is running. I was so scared that my remaining determination was gnawed away. I forget about being embarrassed for now.
“I don’t think it’s my imagination.”
“What if it isn’t our imaginations!? Who’s running at this hour!? I-, isn’t it coming this way!? Uwaaaaaaaaa!”
“Shintaro!? Calm down a little, Shintaro! Awawawa!”
Who is running through the school at such an hour? Why would they need to run?
No way, no way could this be something paranormal……!?
“Ayano, I’m so scared that even you can’t help me! Hey, why are you so calm!?”
“I’m not really, but if I’m with people who are more scared than I am, I will keep calm……”
“Ayano, I’m certain the footsteps are coming this way!”
Suddenly, the footsteps stopped right in front of the door where we were trapped.
It’s over. They’ve come to take us from this world.
At this time, I couldn’t hear Ayano’s voice saying, “I wonder if someone came to help us?” I couldn’t think of such an idea at all. Losing my composure, I squeezed Ayano’s hand, which had been linked with mine for so long, with so much fear.
And, the door was opened.
“Hey, are you okay, Ayano!? I’m sorry I didn’t notice the email! It seems that the power was cut off this morning, so I just noticed……”
It was a man’s voice that I heard.
“Ah, Dad.”
As soon as I heard Ayano’s words, I felt frozen in place.
Think about it. This is a closed room, and we’re alone together, right now I’m wearing the scarf (two people sharing one scarf) with Ayano and holding hands together…… yeah, it’s no wonder that a misunderstanding would arise.
“What are you doing with Ayano, Shintaro Kisaragi?”
Did he ask that as a teacher, or as Ayano’s father? I immediately tried to get away from Ayano, but realized I couldn’t because I was wearing the scarf.
I move my arm to untie the scarf.
“You will not move without my permission, Shintaro Kisaragi.”
Yes, I understand not to move, not to move, so don’t make such a scary face, dad.
“Dad, it’s late! I was glad Shintaro was with me, and we can go home now!”
Ayano’s reassuring voice brought relief.
Ayano, look at your father's face because it’s not okay at all. I think I’ll be taken out of the world after all. “What were you doing in a closed room with Ayano? Answer quickly, Shintaro Kisaragi,” he says while glaring at me. Why are you calling me by my full name when we’ve known each other for a while!?
“Ah, it was a little cold so the two of us just warmed up together! Don’t get it twisted, Dad!”
I feel my face get hot as soon as I hear the words “the two of us warmed up”.
Certainly not wrong, not wrong, but……!
“Ayano, what are you saying……g! I’ve gotta ask you to be quiet for a minute! Stop saying weird things!!”
No matter what I say, Ayano doesn’t seem to understand the pinch we’re in as she replies, “I’m not saying anything strange,” with a question mark floating above her head.
…… and, why is her dad smiling so big?
“It was courageous to try to abandon my daughter in front of me without my permission, Shintaro Kisaragi. Now untie the scarf, stand in place, and raise both of your arms, Shintaro Kisaragi.”
Those words, I’ll just say I’ve never heard such a ridiculously dark voice.
In the end, I didn’t realize at that time that it would take a week to get rid of the misunderstanding of the situation.
And I was able to escape from the locked room safely (......it’s a miracle that I was able to survive that father though.) My mother, who was worried about me being home too late, and my sister, who was also worried said:
“My big brother is an idiot! I called your cell phone so many times!”
I’m at your mercy. I’m sorry little sis, that cell phone is in your big brother’s room.
In this way, the day Ayano and I had finally came to an end.
Well, I have an excellent memory, and the words Ayano tried to say are frozen in my mind.
“For me, about Shintaro—......”
At that time, I didn’t know what the end of that sentence would have been. The words between me and Ayano are hazy, and it doesn’t help that while we were locked up together she also said, “I wanted to take a picture of scaredy-Shintaro”......
“Why do you always go home with me?”
As usual, Ayano is back with me. Or rather, clinging to me as we walk home together.
“You want to go home together…… don’t you?”
“No, I’m not saying no.”
“Fufu, it’s not bad, is it?”
Ayano grabs my hand. Illuminated by the setting sun, our shadows emerged on the slope.
“I won’t let go of this hand, so don’t be afraid, Shintaro.”
“....... well, if that's the case, have it your way.”
That hand that I usually shake off, I just couldn’t do it this time for some reason.
What did you try to say the other day, should I ask again?...... I was wondering at that time.
“Ah, Dad.”
Lost in the words, I said, “eh,” and turned forward. Remembering that I was holding hands with Ayano, I built up a slow, unpleasant sweat.
…… that, I wonder what it was before this feeling.
“Good evening, now, are you going home?” the words that spilled from me were so clumsy.
“Hey, I’m trying to reach out to Ayano and Ayano…… that wasn’t Shintaro Kisaragi holding hands with her, right? That’s right, I’m on my way home now, it’s just a coincidence that I ran into you two. …… if you’d like, let’s walk home together, three people.”
It will take a long time to get over this misunderstanding with such an overprotective father……
That’s another story.
“For me, about Shintaro—......”
At that time, I thought I could finally confide my feelings. Then suddenly, I heard someone’s footsteps coming toward us.
I could have finished that sentence without worrying about it.
But when I heard the footsteps, a little silence drifted between me and him. Just a little. You could call it an instant. In that instant I thought about it.
‘What if I get rejected?’
“Haa, I’m sorry to say, I’m a hero of justice.”
I lie on my back in bed, thinking about the classmate who’s so special to me.
That classmate, I’m sure he thinks of me as only a friend.
“...... I don’t even think I’m a friend, though.”
I was terribly saddened by the words I muttered.
But lately he’s allowed me to be closer to him. We eat lunch together, go home together, and we push our desks together for him to teach me how to study. And that relationship, I don’t want to break it.
If I say my feelings, the relationship may break. Isn’t it better not to say it if it will break it? At that time, when such a thing came to mind, I swallowed those feelings, and turned toward the footsteps of someone running.
He calls himself a coward, but the coward is me.
While asking him to tell me his true feelings, it’s me who can’t say my own true feelings.
I’m afraid of being separated from him, I’m afraid of this relationship breaking, and I’m a pitiful coward.
“...... let’s go to sleep.”
No matter how I think of it, there’s no answer besides that I’m a pitiful coward. It’s hard to get an answer when you’re studying it, it’s bad because the answer is immediately clear in such a case.
I’m okay. He and I aren’t going to be separated right now.
I still have time.
That’s why I’m okay. Let’s convey our feelings little by little.
I still have time.
I still have a lot of time.
So, let’s talk to him tomorrow. Let’s make lots of memories.
Tomorrow with him———......
Book Info | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2
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authorialarcanist · 3 years
It Seems I'll Never Understand (Kagerou Project)
Genre: Angst
Rating: Mature
Pairing(s): Tateyama Ayano x Kisaragi Shintaro
Summary: "...Hey, Shintaro. Why'd you do it? I mean... You could have stayed out of it. It wasn't your fight."
In a world where Shintaro Kisaragi was the one who killed himself on that fateful august day two years prior, Ayano isn't sure what she can do with her life. Living in fear of the Snake of Clearing Eyes, all she can do is think back on the past, and wonder - why it was that her best friend took her place when she's sure he must have hated her, and when was it that it all went wrong.
Shinaya roleswap with a focus on making it work with as few changes to canon as possible.
It’s late - late enough that it’s gotten truly dark out. I’m walking along the road to my home, a boy next to me. The bridge we’re crossing seems to stretch out endlessly into the distance, illuminated only by the moon and the street-lamps we’re passing by.
I fiddle with my scarf absentmindedly as I steal a glance at his face. I’m so glad… I was finally able to become friends with him. Or, well… maybe ‘friends’ isn’t the right word just yet. To him, I’m sure I’m still just that stupid girl who made him tutor her for hours after class.
Still… I tell myself that this is the most important first step. Mm-hm. Now that I’ve introduced myself, I’m sure that we’ll be friends - real friends - in no time at all.
“You really saved my life! I never would’ve been able to finish that problem set on my own.” I grin weakly as my babbling inevitably turns to self-deprecation. Ah, well… after my terrible performance back there, trying to act cool for my new friend was a lost cause already. Well, if this was a manga, at least this might be the part where the aloof genius breaks character to reassure me that I can do it?
“Even with my help, it took you way too long…” He sighs. “Geez. I only came here to get my wallet, too. I must be really unlucky.”
—Yeah, right. I’ve only known this guy for a few hours now, but it’s pretty obvious that tender support isn’t his strong suit.
“I really am sorry…” I shrink a little under his criticism. “But! I promise, I won’t forget about today!”
“What are you saying? Didn’t you just say you forget things no matter how much you study?” Ow… I guess I did say that, but… he really has no faith in me at all, huh?
But he just doesn’t get it! Not quite panicking, I redouble my efforts to explain myself. “Today’s special! I’m going to try extra hard not to forget, so it’ll be okay!”
He hums in contemplation and stares away into the distance. And then—
I recoil from the sudden accusation. “Huh? What are you talking about?”
“You’ve broken your promise already, haven’t you? You can’t even remember my name.”
He picks up his pace, and though I try to follow, I can’t seem to move forward.
“Huh? Of course I can!”
“Really? Then why haven’t you said it?”
“Why are you so focused on that all of a sudden?”
“Say it, Ayano.”
“Stop it!”
“Say my name.”
“I— You’re—“ Tears spill from my eyes. I’m trying to say it. Why — why is this happening? Why couldn’t we just keep walking together, chatting about nothing important, like friends do?
“…Yeah. I thought so.” He stops walking, and for some reason, I freeze as well. I have no choice but to watch his back as he speaks. “I guess it’s not your fault, though. Sorry.” He shakes his head. “But… Try to remember, okay?”
He turns to face me again.
His eyes are red.
“If you can’t remember soon, then—“
Knock. Knock. Knock. Three hesitant raps on my door.
The sound wakes me from my dream. Already, it’s growing too hazy to remember. All I can say for certain is that hewas there.
He’s always there in my dreams. Maybe it’s some cruel balance for the fact that he’ll never be there again in real life.
At the sound of the voice calling for me, I turn over in my bed and bury my face in my pillow, trying not to make any sound to indicate that I’m awake.
“Ayano, please, I know you’re in there. I just want to talk.”
I don’t respond. My father is dead. That’s the best way to think of it. The safest way to think of it. Even when the snake lets him out, it’s only in the hopes of getting me to snap.
“Ayano, I’m sorry. I know I haven’t been the best father to you, since your mother died. But please, I just want to know what happened. What happened to Shuuya and Tsubomi and Kousuke. Why you won’t talk to me. Ayano, please.”
My hands clench against the pillow. I force myself to breathe. In. Out. In. Out.
“…Just… think about it, okay? I’m here, if you’re ever ready to talk. Even if you need another two years, I’ll still be here.”
A lie. Dad won’t be here. Just the snake.
“…I love you.”
I stay silent, waiting until the sound of footsteps fades from my hearing. No matter how many times I go through this, it never gets any easier. But… I can’t talk to him.
Even if the snake wasn’t privy to his every thought, I can’t bring myself to speak with the man who sold my world.
“…Is… he gone?” A tinny voice whispers from my computer’s speaker.
I listen for a moment. When nothing happens, I nod. “Yeah.”
My computer monitor lights up as it exits sleep mode, and a girl in blue peeks out from her hiding place behind a browser window. “…I still don’t understand why you don’t leave here, Ayano-chan…”
I shake my head. “I… I just can’t. I’m sorry, Ene.” Ene… that’s what this girl calls herself. About a year ago, she popped out of an email and decided to stick around. She tried to put on this sassy, hyper front at first, but it fell apart pretty quickly.
I’m pretty sure I know who she really is, after all. And she knows I know. I just haven’t been cruel enough to push the topic.
It’s not like she has much of anywhere else to go, after all.
“…Okay. I get it.” She looks down at the taskbar and pokes her index fingers together. “Just… hang in there, okay, Ayano-chan? Do your best.”
“Like my best has ever mattered,” I mumble, and sit down at my computer chair. To be honest, my activities since dropping out of school two years ago have been nothing, nothing, and a heaping dessert of nothing. It’s not like I have any sort of online life to speak of, even. It’s just that… ultimately, there’s nothing else to do when I’m living under the same roof as my father. I can’t risk going outside at the wrong time and having to face him. At least he respects the boundaries of my room; and the snake finds it convenient to leave me a sanctuary under his supervision for as long as he doesn’t have any need of me.
“…So, um… Ayano-chan?” Ene glances up at me, a little shyly. “Can I ask about whether…”
Ah. That. I shake my head. “…I’m sorry. I’ve tried talking to him while my father was away, but Konoha really doesn’t seem to remember anything about us.” Konoha… the white-haired boy the Clearing Eyes took in really is just another reminder of my failures. Still, I know that’s not hisfault, and I can’t really blame Ene for being too scared to check up on him herself. Talking to him hurts badly enough for me, and I still hadn’t been quite as close to Haruka as she was. Honestly though, whenever I’d felt safe enough to slip out and check on him, Konoha had seemed pretty nonresponsive. Forget remembering me and Ene; he didn’t seem to remember anything, not even basic things like rain.
“I see…” Ene droops. This happens every time she brings up Konoha; as much as she’s tried to be around for me, I don’t have the first idea how to comfort her when this topic comes up.
Well, honestly, I don’t think I’m in a place to be comforting much of anyone. Back when I tried all those years ago, it only ended in pain.
In the end, I go with the tried and true method of pretending I didn’t see anything. When there’s nothing you can do, acknowledging the problem only ends in more tears, after all. I pass the day mindlessly browsing the web and making more paper cranes for the army that chokes every available surface in my room. Occasionally, I can’t help but fantasize about what things might be like if I had Paper-Animating Eyes. Sending an army of little origami birds to get revenge on the Clearing Eyes… it’d definitely be a more efficient way of getting a wish granted.
Ah well.
At least my father has work during the day and the snake has better things to do than waste time in this lonely house during the nighttime, so I’m able to check on Konoha and grab something from the kitchen for lunch on most days. That’s particularly important, because dinner can be much more spotty, depending on whether my father is in a “bury his problems in work” mood or a “try desperately to be present to make up for selling his soul to an evil snake” one. Well, okay, I really don’t know how much he’s able to retain about what the Clearing Eyes does when in control of his body, but if he really is oblivious about everything that might actually be worse.
Unfortunately he seems to be in a “try to atone” cycle right now, so I’m running off of a single meal when the knocks return once again.
Ene hides behind the browser window again, and I click off of the tab showing a video of a mongoose taking down a snake.
…What? Look, I have to deal with the spite somehow.
“I know you’re in there.”
I stay silent.
“I’ve got another mission for you, Ayano. You know the deal by now.”
I freeze. This isn’t dad.
“I trust I don’t need to spell it out for you?”
It’s the other one.
“I’m waiting.Or is this some pathetic attempt at rebellion? If so, I have to applaud. It’s the most pointless one yet.”
I finally find my voice. “I-I understand.”
“Heh. Good.” The snake chuckles. “Two children are coming to stay in this house soon. Your father’s sister-in-law, and some hanger-on. When they’re here, you’re going to be the model of a big sister, understand? Get them to trust you, and then make sure they’re in a certain place on August fifteenth.”
I shrink in on myself. Children? Please, no…
“I said, understand?You know what’ll happen to your family if you refuse…”
“N-no!” I shoot to my feet in panic. “No… I understand…”
“Good.” What should be my father’s voice drips with malice. “See? Wasn’t that easy? Goodbye, Ayano.” Saying the last two words in an odd sing-song voice, the snake leaves. I collapse back into my chair, hugging myself.
“A-ayano-chan…” Ene peeks back out from her hiding spot.
I turn to her with wide eyes.
“Ayano-chan, you don’t have to do this. Please, we can fight back. I’ll help you.”
…If only. But no, I know it’s hopeless.
I can’t fight the snake. All I can do is delay the inevitable.
I shake my head, and start disconnecting the speakers from my computer. If Ene tried to do something brave, and the Clearing Eyes found out…
“…Ayano, please…”
I pull the plug on my monitor. Ene may still have access to the inside of my computer, but the most she’ll be able to do in the house is open and close the CD drive.
“…sorry…” I whisper quietly to myself, even though I know she can’t hear me.
God, how did things turn out this way?
I have many precious memories, moments I’ve spent these past two years trying desperately not to forget. Reading storybooks at bedtime with my mom. Meeting my little siblings for the first time. The way my dad’s face used to look when he’d play with us, long before everything happened.
If you were to look through those treasured days, flipping from one to another as though they were files secreted away in a lockbox, one might still stand out from the rest. Perhaps it’s laminated, or hidden behind a false back. Not because it’s more precious than the others - I wouldn’t trade my family for anything - but because it’s unique nonetheless. A moment elevated in its rarity, and in the pain it brings me - not the dull ache of my mom’s face, nor the stabbing betrayal of my father’s failures and mine, but a gaping void of ‘what if’s.
The first time I ever got to see Shintaro smile.
It was during our second year of middle school, a couple months after the day I finally introduced myself. The last test I’d gotten back had been my lowest score yet, and with exams rushing to meet me, I was honestly in a panic.
But then, Shintaro’d spoken up. For the very first time, he gave me a totally unprompted offer to help me study.
“Thank you so much,” I’d sobbed. “I don’t know what I was gonna do…”
“Ugh, don’t be annoying about it!” He’d refused to meet my eyes as he grumbled. “I just know that if you failed your exams I’d somehow get dragged into helping you catch back up. It’s just easier to get this over with this early, alright?”
Whatever his stated reasons, I still felt like I’d been saved when he stuck around to help me pound the latest lessons into my skull. And I don’t know if we finished faster than usual, if something good had happened to him at home, or if his guard was just down that day for some other reason, but one way or another, he decided to stick around and chat for a bit afterwards.
I can still picture it clearly. That sunny classroom, me perched on my desk to bask in the light from the window, him leaning his chair back as we killed time… and the glint of light that drew my eye to the spine of a book just peeking out of his bag.
“Hm? Hey, Shintaro?”
“What?” He glanced lazily back at me.
I tilted my head to read what I could from the spine. It rung a bell; I’d overheard some of the other girls in our class talking about it from time to time. “Isn’t that ‘Let’s Fall In Love’?”
“HUH?” I winced at the sudden crash as Shintaro lost his balance and fell in a heap.
“Ah! Are you okay? I’m sorry!” I rushed to help him up, but he just scrambled back until he was pressed against the wall.
“W-w-w-what are you talking about? I-I don’t, I mean, that’s not—“ Shintaro grabbed suddenly for his bag, but his hand missed its mark and sent the contents spilling out as it toppled over instead. The book landed face up, its cover proudly displaying a drawing of a boy and a girl standing together in a very shoujo-esque artstyle. Emblazoned above the picture was ‘Let’s Fall in Love ~ by Yumeno Sakiko.’
“I mean! It’s Momo’s! Yeah! My little sister wouldn’t stop pestering me, so I picked up her copy for her, uh-huh! I definitely don’t read shoujo manga!” His stuttering picked up pace as he scrambled for excuses, and I couldn’t help it - some part of me kinda wanted to watch him squirm for a little longer.
So, I grinned slyly and searched my memory of my classmates’ conversations. “Uh-huh? You know, with how Mamiko and Oze were talking in the latest chapter, don’t you think there might be a chance they’ll—“
“THAT’S HERESY!” Shintaro slammed his hands down on the ground, and I winced at the sudden spike in volume. “Mamiko and Suzuki are meantto be together!” He clenched his fist and held it to his chest. “I can’t imagine how anyone would think otherwise after that moment in volume 7! And anyways, Oze and Waka may be having a fight right now, but everyone… knows…” He trailed off as my control failed me and I started to giggle. “…Fine. You caught me. Happy now?”
At the sight of him forcing down a pout and struggling to regain a serious expression, I laughed even harder.
“…So I like shoujo manga. Is it really that funny to you?”
“No, no! I’m sorry!” I did my best to get myself under control. “It’s not that, honestly. You just looked so earnest, and then you kept trying to hide it… If reading that sort of thing makes you happy, then I think that’s a goodthing! It’s actually kinda c—“ I suddenly realized what I was about to say, and blushed heavily. “—I mean, it’s kinda cool! Yeah! You shouldn’t worry what other people will think about your interests, you know?” Oh yeah, that was an absolutely stellarsave, Ayano. Absolutely nobody was gonna suspect that you almost called your classmate ‘cute’ without thinking. Aside from, I dunno, people with eyes.
Thankfully, all of that intelligence must have come out of Shintaro’s perceptiveness instead, because he let it pass without comment. “So…” Shintaro seemed to be looking anywhere in the room other than my face, which might have helped the whole ‘not noticing my face doing a bonfire impression’ thing. “Do… you also read it, then?”
“Y, you know! ‘Let’s Fall in Love’!”
“A, ah! Right!” I snapped out of my thoughts. Right, let’s just pretend that slip never happened for now, and I can unpack whatever the heck it meant on my own time, when I won’t make my one school friend think I’m even more of a weirdo than he already does. “Ehehe… Not really, actually.” I scratched the back of my head and grinned sheepishly. “I was just parroting something I overheard. I’m more into the shounen stuff, you know? Hot-blooded super sentai fighting to save the world, and all that.”
“Really? But they’re so formulaic. You can see everything coming from a mile away. And how do those guys get through posing dressed like that and not die of embarrassment?”
Well, I couldn’t just sit there and take that. “What? Hold on a moment, like your mushy stuff is any better! Aren’t they all just ‘boy meets girl, cue nothing happening for the rest of their school lives’?”
“Wh— they are not!There’s nuanceand relationship growth and everything!” Woah. Shintaro was looking about the most fired up I’d ever seen him! At that thought, an idea clicked in my head.
“Hmm… Alright, then!” I grinned at him and gave a sharply enunciated chuckle, heh-heh-heh. “Why don’t you tell me more about this series, and if you manage to change my mind I’ll give reading it a try? And then, in return, you’ll watch an episode of Engine Sentai Go-Onger with me, and we’ll see how you feel about heroes after that!”
Shintaro rose to the challenge. “Fine! Come on then, I’ll teach you about why Yumeno-sensei is a master! I mean, her portrayal of Mamiko’s inner struggles alone touches the heart, even for a boy like me! There’s this moment in chapter 12 when she…” He lit up as he talked, gesturing wildly with the plot points. I’m a little ashamed to say that I actually stopped paying attention after a few moments, because my focus suddenly seemed drawn to his face. He was grinning - actually grinning, the first genuine smile I’d seen from him in, well, ever- as he opened up about his interest.
I can only remember thinking two things as we walked home that day.
The first was, ‘What a pretty smile.’
The second was, ‘…oh. Crap.’
…So, yeah. It looked like I maybe had a teeny little crush. That was okay! It was fine! It meant I was finally starting to grow up, right? Anyways, whatever Shintaro’s romance manga said, I was pretty sure that people were supposed to get a lot of those with time. They didn’t have to mean anything, or, y’know, gamble their only real non-family friendships on the chance that someone who was really smart and cute would still want to hang out with a dumb girl they barely tolerated helping out if she asked.
Not a problem! I’d just go about my life as normal, and it’d fade in time. Eventually, I’d probably look back on this day and laugh.
…And if in the meantime, I wanted to see him smiling like that again? Well, that could be my little secret.
Of course, let nobody accuse me of being a good planner. Obviously, the darn thing only seemed to get stronger with time. Wanting to see Shintaro smile because I wanted him to be happy slowly morphed into wanting to be the reasonhe was smiling like that. Hoping that maybe, if I could be the one to make this lonely boy smile, that’d mean I was actually worth somethingreally the hero I pretended to be.
Mom died, and I had to be the strength for the whole family as dad seemed like half his world had gone missing, but no matter how much I needed comfort of my own, I wasn’t ready to tell him.
We met Takane and Haruka, and one friend turned into three, but even though I’d only be gambling 33% instead of 100, I was still too scared to tell him.
And then I found out that dad had changed, what the thing in his body had planned for Haruka and Takane and my siblings, and suddenly my stupid little feelings didn’t seem so important. I had to research the read eyes, and I needed Shuuya to cover for me, and in the end I didn’t have the attention to spare for my friend my crush my…
…for Shintaro. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice our growing distant. Why I didn’t notice things growing strained.
Why I didn’t notice that I really was just burdening him with my own expectations.
Didn’t notice until a hill at sunset, a hand snatched away, his back receding into the distance while I stood alone.
After that, I wondered about a lot of things. How much had been genuine, and how much really had just been putting up with me. How much of my motives had been pure, and how much had been that dark little thrill of seeing him down and feeling like I was still needed.
How cruel it must have been, to plan what I was planning and still try to hold onto his hand until the last minute.
So I didn’t try again. I delegated as much school time as I could to Shuuya (and carefully didn’t wonder why his face was growing more stressed, why his own time seemed to draw thin.) I withdrew further, and dedicated everything I had to my lonely mission. August fifteenth came all too soon at last, and I shoved my responsibilities onto Takane, told her to be honest with her feelings even as I swore that my own were better ignored. I wrapped my scarf around my neck, the colour of a hero, I steeled myself and turned to mount the stairs, and I was interrupted.
“Shuuya? What are you doing?” My little brother had arrived in front of me, hands on his knees as he gasped for breath.
“N, neechan, please!” Panting, Shuuya raised his eyes to meet mine. They glistened with tears. “You have to— you have to stop Shintaro-kun! He’s about to do something really stupid!”
“Huh?” I was taken aback. “What are you talking about?”
“He’s already gone to the roof! I couldn’t do anything! Neechan, please!”
“The roof?” I still didn’t understand, but I burst into a run anyways, leaving my brother behind. Why was Shintaro even here today, when he didn’t need summer school? Why did Shuuya know about it? What could he be doing on the roof, other than…?
He wasn’t involved. God, please, he wasn’t involved, why was he here?
I took the steps two at a time, ignoring the pain shooting through my lungs, and had no choice but to stop for breath and lean against the wall for a moment when I finally reached the door leading outside.
My father’s voice filtered in from outside. No - not my father. The thingwearing his skin. “Honestly, kid.” He sounded mildly exasperated, like my dad did whenever a student had turned in a particularly baffling answer on a quiz. “You think that you’re gonna be the big damn hero? You really think there’s a single thing you can do here to beat me?”
“No.” Shintaro, this time. “Honestly, it’s a stupid plan. Totally useless in every way. But hey.” A dark chuckle. “Objectively speaking, the life of a rotten boy like me is just worthless enough to make it worth trying.”
I’d finally caught my breath, but at that it caught in my throat. Did he mean—
I burst through the door, screaming, “Shintaro, NO!” The roof was empty except for two people. My father, standing on solid ground looking mildly vexed. And Shintaro, clad in that red jersey I’d said I liked, the color of a hero, sitting perched half-on the fence around the edge of the roof and half dangling over open air.
His eyes met mine, and no matter how hard I try I know I’ll never forget the way his face clouded over, the way his eyes darkened, or the words he said to me at that moment.
“The very last person I wanted to see.”
His final curse delivered, he leaned back. The world distorted around him, horrible discordant red tearing open fangs in the sky.
And he fell.
I must have screamed, but it’s a blur. I just know that by the time I came to, I’d fallen on my knees, and the thing that took my father was laughing.
“Ha! You kids never fail to surprise me, you know that? I never once would have expected that depressing little thing to get up off his ass and do something like this!” He paused. “Well okay, I guess I would, but the part where he tried to stand up to me was still new.”
Before I even knew what I was doing, I’d jumped to my feet and was tackling him. “SHUT UP!”
“Whoops!” Somehow, my father’s body stepped out of the way before I could react. I found myself impacting concrete and rolling on the roof, scrapes all over my body where I’d fallen. “Come on, brat. You’re a big girl now, you should be used to hearing swear words by now. Or wait, are you angry about the boy?”
With a wordless scream, I threw myself at him again, but this time he casually stuck out a leg and tripped me.
“You might still have time to save him, you know. Throw yourself off the roof after him, and maybe you could convince him to come on out and bring me that snake he stole.” He sneered. “Of course, it’d mean making this whole little sacrifice play all for nothing. And this guy” he tapped the side of my father’s head, “might even willingly help me kill the brat if you did! Oh, now thatdespair would be delicious to see.”
I swallowed the pain as my fists clenched, scraped raw though they were. “…Shut up. You… you’re just trying to convince me because you know your plan’s finished. You can’t gather the snakes now. There’s no… no more reason to kill Takane and Haruka, or the others.”
*snrk.* The monster covered his mouth with a hand.
“What’s supposed to be so funny?”
“Ha! Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just… you think this kid managed to save your friends? Please.” He rolled his eyes. “He was too late. They’re already dead.” He shrugged and continued in a sing-song voice. “And anyways, the boy was a goner already. You should be thankingme; this way, at least he has a chanceof living for another year or two.”
“W…what…?” I slumped, the fight draining from my veins. No. It couldn’t be. Takane and Haruka… they were gone, too?
My “father” walked up to me and rested a hand on my shoulder. To anyone watching, it might have just looked like a father comforting his daughter; but I could feel his fingers dig into my flesh in a vice grip. “Still, working this all back out from the top is going to be a pain. And that’s not even counting all of the cleanup I have to do! It’s one thing for those other two kids; I’d made preparations for them. But spinning the sudden disappearance of this brat, too? No, that’s far too much work.” He crouched down until he was level with me, a too-wide smile on his face. A shiver ran down my spine. “So, Ayano.I’m going to have you do me a little favor, alright? And before you consider trying to do something brave, consider just who it is that has your family’s life in his hands, hmm? Don’t say anything; just nod.” I nodded, stricken. Everything I’d planned had come to nothing in a few short minutes. “You’re going to find Shuuya for me, and you’re going to have him go make himself look like this guy -“ he waved vaguely at the empty edge of the roof - “’s body for me. A suicide should be easy enough to explain away. Especially when the victim was as gloomy-looking as this asshole here. Honestly, people’re gonna think it was a miracle he lasted as long as he did.” My fists clenched again at relentless slander, but there was nothing I could do. I was totally and utterly defeated. “You got it, Ayano? Do this, and I’ll let the people you care about live a little longer.” He chuckled. “…Well, what’s left of them, at least. Hahahaha!”
How could I have ever thought I could be a hero? All I’d managed to do was arrive too late to save either of the snake’s intended victims, and drag a bystander to his death in the process.
In the end, tears streaming down my face, all I could do was nod.
“Neechan!” Shuuya rushed up to me the minute I exited the school. He grabbed my hands - I didn’t resist - and gasped at the scrapes all over them. “What happened to you? Where’s Shintaro-kun?”
“Shintaro— He’s—“ My voice caught.
“Nee…chan…?” I could see the exact moment Shuuya caught on. His eyes widened and his face fell, all in one motion. “Dammit! And just when the guy starts to convince me he’s not all bad, he has to go and do something like this…” His hands tightened involuntarily around mine, but I couldn’t even find the energy to wince.
I spoke in a flat voice, forcing myself to put one word in front of the next. “Shuuya. There’s something very important I need you to do.”
“Huh? What is it?”
“You need to use your power to turn into Shintaro. Let somebody discover ‘his’ body, so there’ll be a record. If you don’t, then… then he’ll…” My voice caught again, but I forced myself to continue before Shuuya could ask any questions. “And then there’s one more thing you need to do. I need you to take Tsubomi and Kousuke, and go away. Go somewhere far away from here, and don’t— don’t tell me anything about where you’re going. You can’t contact me at all, okay? I can’t have any way to find out more about you.”
“It’s the only way that you’re going to be safe. I… we can’t stop the Clearing Eyes. He can have you all killed in a moment.”
Shuuya must have been able to see the seriousness in my eyes, because he didn’t try to debate the point. “Okay, but… Why can’t you come with us? We can all run, that’ll be safer!”
I just shook my head. “…No. He… he’ll find me, somehow. He knew how to respond to everything that I tried. Anything I do… no matter what, I’m sure he’ll…” I hugged myself and started slowly walking towards the path home. It was clear to me now. I was nothing more than a puppet dancing on the Clearing Eyes’ strings.
“W-wait, Neechan! Come back!”
“Goodbye, Shuuya. Please don’t forget to do what I told you. Consider it… My final request as your sister.”
“…Hey, Shintaro. Why’d you do it?”
I lie on my back, staring at the empty ceiling as I talk to the air.
“I mean… You could have stayed out of it. It wasn’t your fight.”
The cranes crowding every surface above me seem to swirl and distort, like a heat haze.
My head keeps playing his final moments on repeat. Even as the happy days grow dimmer and dimmer, I can’t seem to forget his last words no matter how hard I try.
‘The very last person I wanted to see.’
“If… if you hated me so much, why didn’t you just let me be the one to jump? Why take my place?”
I wonder… if I’d been the one to jump that day, would he have been able to do what I couldn’t? I indulge in a brief fantasy of Shintaro, red jacket flapping behind him, standing tall with my siblings as they face down the Clearing Eyes together.
…Somehow, I just can’t see it. Sorry, Shintaro.
‘The life of a rotten boy like me is worthless’
“…Did you hate yourselfthat much? Were you so sick of life that you grabbed the first excuse you could find?”
…Maybe. But… somehow, as much as he tried to shut the world out, I can’t help but see Shintaro as someone who was brimming with life underneath it all. At the very least, whenever he talked about his sister, he didn’t seem like he’d want to leave her.
The thought of Momo-chan makes me wince. Another memory, this time of her crying and screaming at me when I’d tried to comfort her.
When I’d broken down and sobbed that it was all my fault.
I can’t blame her for hating me. To be honest, I wonder if it wasn’t what I was secretly hoping for.
Just another case where Ayano’s self-satisfaction came before actually doing her job.
My alarm clock rings. I’d set it instead of my phone, to make sure Ene couldn’t try and be a hero. (I can’t help but hope that she’s given up on me, and found her way to somebody who’ll be a better friend.) It means that the children…
…my victims…
…should be arriving soon.
I push myself to my feet. In the end, even blaming myself is just pointless self-satisfaction. I’ve made the choice to play this role; I made the decision that these two children were worth less than the family I know and care about.
It doesn’t take too long to get myself presentable. I choose an outfit that looks like its owner hasn’t been in hiding for the last two years, and glance at my scarf, hanging wrinkled and dusty on a hook.
My hands shake.
And I turn away without touching it. I don’t deserve to wear that color.
Not when red is the color of blood.
“Sorry, Shintaro. Guess you made the wrong trade, in the end. Even a genius like you makes mistakes, huh?”
With that snide remark, I turn my back on his sacrifice and walk out into the house.
…Still, a thought flits across my mind.
—Ah, I would have liked to see that smile, just one more time.
The doorbell rings. It’s time.
I hide my feelings behind a smile, painting it from ear to ear.
And I open the front door.
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uhhlucid · 2 years
Tumblr media
pairing: tanaka x oc
synopsis: Ayano Shimizu is the perfect student, the perfect daughter, and everyone looks up to her. Her only problem is Tanaka keeps playing with her heart.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: heartbreak lol i luv crushing hearts
type: fanfic
a/n: one of my old stories so might be some mistakes loool but enjoy^^
"Did you see that Ayano?" Ayano nodded, "That spike was soo cool. I know you'll do great in your game!" Kiyoko tried to hide her smile, "You guys make quite the cute couple. Where's Saori and her brother?" Ayano shrugged, "Probably at home arguing over who ate all the cereal." Ayano grabbed her backpack as their coach blew the whistle, signaling the end of practice.
Ayano stayed behind to help Kiyoko lock up. This resulted in her hearing Nishinoya and Tanaka drone on and on about how they were going to protect her at night.
Toshiaki came to save her however, since he was coming from baseball practice. "Hey Tanaka, hey Noya, what're you guys up to?" "Nothing much, just protecting our queen Kiyoko," Nishinoya responded with a proud smile.
Tanaka nodded in agreement. Toshiaki was well aware of Ayano's growing feelings for Tanaka and a part of him felt bad. He knew what it was like to be the second choice, and he didn't want his older sister having a similar experience.
"You guys want to walk home together?" Toshiaki decided on asking the other four, thinking it would result in a fun conversation. They agreed and headed towards Kiyoko's house first, considering it was the closet.
The five of them talked about their weekend plans and the upcoming games they all had. Toshiaki had a baseball game on Saturday so he would spend his time after lunch on the bus to Tokyo.
Tanaka and Nishinoya had the preliminaries next week, and Ayano had a swim meet Sunday before going to the arcade. She wasn't too overhyped for it, but she was pretty excited. If they won, they would get to go to nationals automatically.
Well that was if they got first place. If they didn't, second to ninth place have to compete in another preliminaries that was even bigger than the one they were going to. Ayano wasn't worried however, considering she currently held the record in their prefecture for having the fastest butterfly. Their team was even considered one of the top five youth teams in Japan.
After saying their goodbyes to Kiyoko, the others headed towards the train station. Nishinoya's house was right across the street from it so it would just be Ayano, Tanaka, and Toshiaki on the train. Ayano swiped her student id to get to the subway before entering and taking a seat. It was pretty empty except for other students who also appeared to be in sports.
"So are both of you coming to the game next week? You can ride on the bus with us." Toshiaki shrugged, "I'm not sure if I can miss Monday practice though. If there's anything Tuesday I can make it."
"And what about you Ayano?" "Yeah I'll ride with you guys if you want me to. Is it cool if I bring Saori and Kazuo?" "Sure if there's room on the bus." Tanaka waved as he exited the train, leaving Ayano and Toshiaki to head home together.
"You think Yuuka is home?" Toshiaki pointed in the driveway, "If Mom and Dad are home then Yuuka definitely is. Choir is over like an entire hour before sports are."
Before either of them could unlock the door, Yuuka opened it. "What took you guys so long?" Ayano shrugged and let Toshiaki answer, "Maybe because baseball is time consuming. Your totally coming to my game tomorrow right?"
"I don't know should I support my little brother?" She pulled both of them into a hug and shut the door behind them. "I'll be there. Such a shame Ayano can't go though." "I'm glad you have something to do on Sunday. I don't need your encouragement."
Toshiaki pried himself out of Yuuka's arms, "What do you mean? Her encouragements the best." "You don't exactly yell Go Ayano! at a swim meet." "I understand your point, but your foods getting cold," Yuuka pointed into the kitchen. Their parents were already cleaning up which meant they had taken way too long.
Ayano sat down and rushed to finish her food. She still had to do her homework and exams to study for.
Next week was exam week and the last week before summer break. She wanted to at least pass so she wouldn't be grounded. Ayano quickly changed into a sports bra and sweats and sat cross legged in her chair.
Friday and Saturday were when exams were held, and club activities were cancelled next week. Ayano checked her calendar and made sure to add in the change of events. She was excited for summer since she would have more time to see her friends and maybe ask Tanaka on a date.
Sighing, she put in her noise cancelling headphones and began her homework.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Saturday July 26th
"Great job, Ayano! Your time increased by 1.5 seconds." The girls swim team captain, Yuki Saito, congratulated her as she got out of the pool. "Thanks, but it's nothing too special. I've been trying to study more." "Studying is way more important. Remember we don't have to get first place." "I'm mainly worried about the relay. See you tomorrow, Yuki."
Ayano left Yuki and the others to lock up and headed towards Okazaki's house. She hoped she hadn't taken too long. Seeing as it was only six pm, she hurried to his house.
It was only a five minute walk and she stopped to get some snacks on the way. As soon as she knocked, Kimura answered the door with dripping wet hair. She ushered Ayano inside to the upstairs bathroom where Okazaki was desperately trying to do Saori's roots.
"Hey guys. Can I put the food in your room?" Okazaki nodded not taking his eyes off her head. Kimura stayed in the bathroom with the two and Ayano headed to his bedroom.
Having been to his house multiple times, she easily found his bedroom. He had even more band posters on the left side of his wall near his bed. Next to his bed was a shelf full of albums and below it was a mirror. On the right side, he had his desk and an ungodly amount of plants.
Ayano set her swim bag and backpack where everyone had set their stuff and set the food down on his desk. She joined the others in the bathroom were they were currently trying to dry Kimura's hair. Ayano chose to film the whole scenario and post it on her story.
After Kimura's hair was dry, she went back into the bedroom to pick a movie. "If we dry your hair faster, it will probably be a pastel pink instead of just pink," Ayano suggested.
"Are you sure that will work?" Okazaki looked skeptical. "It'll be some shade of pink and that's good enough for me. I just want to watch the movie." The other two shrugged and began drying her hair. "I have an idea, let me find some scissors." Saori ran off downstairs, her footsteps could be heard throughout the entire house.
Coming back out of breath, she handed the scissors to Ayano, "Put Okazaki's hair in a ponytail, but a really like small one. Then we can cut off the remaining hair. Or maybe put it in a bun." "Wouldn't it be uneven?" Okazaki questioned her.
Saori shook her head, "I can shape it up, I think. I watched my dad cut people's hair before." Ayano hesitantly took the scissors and removed the hair tie from her hair and tied up Okazaki's into a half bun half ponytail.
Saori gave her a thumbs up and Ayano began cutting. Once she was finished, she handed the scissors to Saori who began to shape it up. Ayano joined Kimura in the bedroom who surprisingly didn't have her hair in a bun. Ayano sat next to her and grabbed a bag of chips from the bag.
"What movie did you have in mind," Ayano asked the younger girl. "I don't know maybe a horror movie or something? I am pretty tired." "I guess everyones like that since we've been busting our ass over exams. It'll be over soon though and then-" Saori cut her off when she entered the room, "Summer break here we come! Introducing the new and improved, Kazuki Okazaki!" Saori sat down and Okazaki entered behind her striking poses.
His hair was no longer past his shoulder, but barely reached his shoulder. While he turned around, Ayano noticed his bangs hadn't been trimmed, but the back of his hair had. "And what do we call this style again?" Kimura asked, clearly not liking it. "Its called a wolf cut. Usually girls get it, but I tried it on Okazaki." "Yeah Kimura a wolf cut. Doesn't it look nice?" "I think you look like a werewolf." Okazaki threw a pillow at Kimura to muffle her voice.
"Ayano what do you think of it?" "It's unique I guess. You'll get every wolf in school for sure." "Alright I see you guys don't like it, but to me it looks great. Now what movie are we watching?" Saori joined Okazaki on his bed and grabbed one of his blankets. She laid on her tummy far away from him. "This escape room movie. It's about an escape room, but deadly." "Ooh I am so scared Saori. What's going to happen? We can't unlock the door?" Okazaki teased.
"This actually looks pretty scary," Kimura pointed out looking at the trailer. So the four of them agreed to watch the movie. They were all fast asleep before it could end however, and all you heard were the snores of four teenagers full of serotonin with colored hair.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Sunday July 27th
"Ayano you can't be late for your date." "Saori my swim meet literally ended five minutes ago and how did you get back here?" "Well Tanaka was asking for you. Plus, your captain let me in. Now put your clothes on and go talk to your boyfriend."
"We're not dating, Saori." "Yet." "I'll see you in like five minutes." Saori nods and leaves. Ayano looks through the pile of bags to find hers and slips off to the restroom to change. She changed grey crop top and black shorts. Her favorite grey and white jacket complimented the look as she laced her sneakers and put her swim suit in a plastic bag before putting it in her swim bag.
Waving to her team, she set out to find her friends. Saori, Tanaka, Kazuo, and Toshiaki were waiting for her in front of the main doors. "Hey Ms. Nationals," Toshiaki teased as Ayano came up to them. "I'm just glad we even placed," Ayano replied slinging her bag over her shoulder.
"Of course you placed. You guys are the best in the whole prefecture," Tanaka said. Ayano felt her heart skip a beat at his compliment as the four of them headed to the train station
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klugenjoyer · 2 years
I'm gonna talk about my sekai au's body swap episode because yes
I'm only gonna talk about what I wanna because I don't wanna talk about stuff I haven't been thinking about or whatever
Sorry for uh clogging anyone's dash with tsukasa talk but here we are
So like tsukasa is prolly high key in sensory hell. Because you see he's the type of person who is almost always moving in some form but here's the thing
He has a tail
So like you don't really notice it so it just looks like he's sitting or standing still meanwhile he's doing them little tail flicks
But like
Ena (the person who he has the swap with) does not
And like tsukasa is just sitting here ridiculously over stimulated and he doesn't know why or how to stop it
Like he's never fidgeted with a pen or something. He always would look at people who fidget with stuff but like he didn't know that that was supposed to help with this kind of stuff.
So like he's just sitting here dying from just sitting still. Not to mention that uh normally his hearing is actual ass because of his hearing damage. Like he can usually hear everything fine and he hasn't really noticed that he can hear less then he used to be able to. But like now that he's Ena, a person whose like able to hear normally he's just sitting here like "why tf is there so much noise. Is this a normal thing. Why is there like so many small noises. It's not like they're loud but I can't stop focusing on them it's giving me a headache" or something like that.
ALSO Akito and An (An had a body swap with yukina who as we all know is akito's twin sister) are trying to teach him to like talk at a normal volume because he's gotten so used to having to talk super loud to actually be heard by people.
(Man off topic but I'm listening to ayano's theory of happiness rn and I am like crying. I literally cry every time this dumb song plays💀)
Also now tsukasa is actually like remembering the concept of height and that there are like short people and tall people because like it's not like he didn't know it's just that he had kinda forgotten ig. Like when you remember again just how much taller one of your online friends would be than you.
(Update I'm listening to dead and seek now. Man this song is so good. People need to give it more attention. It's prolly one of the most underrated kagepro songs I know. Like it's good come on people. Ig people just don't like ayano's dad and like fair 💀)
Oh yeah I forgot to mention but au tsukasa is uh a little guy. I mean it. So like not gonna go into his backstory here but something happened to him when he was like 11-12ish and now woopsies he's 11cm now (I always forget how many inches that was... Like bro I live in the us. WHY DON'T I REMEMBER IT IN INCHES. idk I think it was like 4.25 inches or sum).
So like he's got that little guy thing going on
Ok on to fun stuff he does during the body swap episodes.
He prolly downloads genshin on Ena's computer because he needs to do dailies. Que him having to learn how to play genshin on a normal keyboard and mouse. He'd prolly jump on stream and be all like "hey gang I think I might have possessed someone🤯. Like I didn't know I could do that😯. I didn't think I was a ghost but like guess I'm here now😜"
He prolly would be like "shi- since I'm like a hashtag girl now I should get Kiki (Akito) to make me a cosplay. This is a very important opportunity that I should use to it's fullest to wear cool clothes."
He'd prolly spend like forever in the bathroom trying our different hair styles with ena's hair. Since like when he was young he would style his sisters hair when it was at that length, but he had never styled hair on his own head when it was at that length. So like he's having fun with that meanwhile An and akito are prolly fighting for the second bathroom because they both need to do their long morning routines or whatever.
Well maybe I should rap up on my first post about this
Uh ok ok that smokes that that's a rap🤯/ij
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ninthfeather · 4 years
because your smile still remains
Also on AO3!
A/N: This fic is a commission for FabHawk, who wanted Haruka interacting with his father post-Summertime Record. Please note that I play pretty fast and loose with canon, which is to say that everything except the songs is basically “guidelines” to me, but this takes place in a timeline that’s basically “the music timeline except everyone lives at the end like in the anime because I like Ayano.” Haruka’s dad doesn’t have a canon name, so I gave him one for convenience.
Title is from Will Stetson’s English translyrics for “Remind Blue.” Thanks to FabHawk for beta-ing her own goshdarn commission because that’s just how awesome she is. 
Warnings in the end note!
because your smile still remains
Loving a terminally ill person was a balance of hope and realism. Hiroshi learned that with his wife and relearning it with his child was like having his heart ripped out all over again. At first, it was easy to believe that his child might beat the odds, might survive what his mother didn’t, but eventually, Hiroshi had to be realistic.
So, while he kept pressuring the doctor for more treatments and looked for other doctors with new ideas…he’d also had Haruka write up a will. Haruka had, of course, smiled through the whole thing, even while Hiroshi tried not to cry in front of a stranger.
He’d trusted Haruka with information about his own health all those years ago because he thought knowing might…help. He sometimes wondered if that was a mistake. It was so easy to overthink and second-guess, when your time with a person you loved was running out.
Then, on August 15th, Haruka went missing, and suddenly, everything turned inside out.
When your child was missing, Hiroshi learned, you never knew for sure if they were dead or alive. You always had an image of them out there, somewhere, unchanged from the last time you saw them, living a life without you. You also had an image of them dead by a roadside somewhere. You never knew which image was correct, and it kept you up at night.
Hiroshi knew that Haruka couldn’t have lasted more than a week without his medications. Some part of him still screamed that his child might be out there, somewhere, waiting for his dad to rescue him.
In the end, he waited a month to hold a funeral, but he did hold it. It was a small affair, mostly family and a few people from the hospital. None of Haruka’s friends came—one had gone missing along with him, and another had killed herself on the same day. The last one still alive had shut himself up in his house and was refusing calls. According to his sister, he wouldn’t even open the boxes of light novels and manga that Haruka had willed to him.
On one level, Hiroshi understood. On another, he was incredibly frustrated. Didn’t his incredible, selfless son deserve this much? One friend, at his funeral?
He tried not to be bitter. He tried to reach out to Kisaragi, but all he got were increasingly embarrassed responses from his younger sister. Eventually, he gave up.
He threw himself into his work, tried to move on, became the kind of distant, weird researcher Aoi and Haruka often accused him of being. He wrecked a good half of his friendships and didn’t talk to his co-workers outside of job-related matters for months. But he’d done this before, when Aoi died, and his oldest friends knew what was coming. They waited him out and were there for him when he finally broke.
After two years passed, he could honestly say that he was…not okay. Okay wasn’t the right word. He’d lost a spouse and a son and that was more than one person should have to bear in a lifetime. But he was moving forward again.
And then the world turned inside out on him once again.
It was two weeks after the anniversary of Haruka’s disappearance. This year was better than last—instead of spending the day working, he’d gone for a grave visit with old Mrs. Enomoto. They’d thought about inviting Dr. Tateyama, too, but Hiroshi was still a little angry that he hadn’t come to Haruka’s funeral, and anyhow Mrs. Enomoto’s calls to him never went through properly.
By now, the grief was more like an ache than an open wound. He could look at the reminders of how his home used to belong to three people instead of one and think “This place is really too big for me,” instead of just starting to cry.
He still wasn’t that much of a social butterfly, though, so he was surprised to hear d a knock on the door around 6:30 pm.
He always had regretted not having a peephole in the door. He’d wanted to install one, once, but both Aoi and Haruka had told him he wasn’t good enough at DIY, and he’d never bothered having a workman over to put one in. So, in the end, he had to open the door and hope that whoever was knocking wasn’t a murderer or a door-to-door salesperson.
It…was not.
Hiroshi blinked. Then tried, again, to make sense of what he was seeing.
There were two teenagers in the doorway, one seated in a hospital-issue wheelchair and one standing behind him. The one who was standing looked somewhat familiar, although Hiroshi couldn’t quite place him. But the one sitting in the wheelchair…
His hair was grey, and there was an odd pattern on his face that looked almost like a tattoo. He was thinner than Hiroshi remembered. But in every other way possible, this person looked exactly like Haruka.
“Hi, Dad,” he said, and it was Haruka’s voice, too.
Hiroshi didn’t understand.
This couldn’t be real. He’d had dreams like this, of course, but there was no way...even if Haruka had been kidnapped, even if the kidnappers had meant to keep him alive….
The doctors had given Haruka  a year to live a little under two years ago. 
“I don’t understand,” he said aloud. 
His voice was probably shaking. He wasn’t sure anymore.
“Yeah, join the club,” said the other teenager. Thin, dark-eyed, wearing a bright red jersey--it took Hiroshi a while to place him.
“Kisaragi?” he managed.
“Yeah,” Kisaragi said. “And this really is Haruka. Things have gotten...weird. Can we come in?”
Too stunned to do otherwise, Hiroshi stepped aside and motioned for them to come in.
“Why wouldn’t it be me?” Haruka asked, all innocent curiosity.
“We had a funeral, moron,” Kisaragi said. “And you were...sick.”
“Oh, yeah,” Haruka said. “I...kind of remember? It’s blurry.”
“That’s fine,” Kisaragi said. “You don’t have to remember everything.”
“You...what?” Hiroshi asked, shutting the door behind them as he scrambled to keep up.
Kisaragi slipped off his shoes at the genkan. “Haruka’s memory is a mess,” he said.
Haruka himself was also wearing shoes, which he took off and passed to Kisaragi. “Yeah, uh, it’s a long story.”
“What happened?” Hiroshi asked.
Kisaragi gave him a careful look. “Why don’t we sit down for this?”
They settled in the living room—Haruka still in his wheelchair, wedged awkwardly next to Kisaragi on the recliner, as Hiroshi took the couch.
“So, uh, how well did you know Tateyama Kenjirou?” Kisaragi asked.
“He never returned our calls,” Hiroshi said. “I don’t think I’ve seen him since, uh—” He blinked, realizing. “Haruka, Dr. Tateyama’s daughter—”
“She’s fine, too,” Kisaragi interrupted. “He faked her suicide.”
“And kidnapped me,” Haruka added. “And Takane.”
Hiroshi was on his feet before he realized it. “No, seriously, what?”
Haruka blinked at him, wide-eyed.
“All this time—two years—you were right here—” Hiroshi probably sounded hysterical. He didn’t care.
Haruka held up his hands. “He had us in, uh—Shintarou, what’s the word—”
“Medically induced coma.”
“Yeah, that! He wasn’t hurting us!”
Something in Hiroshi’s chest loosened, even as he heard his voice rise in pitch. “He still let us think you were dead!”
“Yeah,” Haruka said, quiet. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Hiroshi said. “It wasn’t your fault, so don’t apologize.”
He crossed the room, then leaned down to wrap his arms around his son. To his surprise, Haruka stood, meeting him halfway and squeezing him tightly enough to ache.
After a few seconds, Hiroshi gently lowered him back toward the chair, then released the embrace.
“So, the wheelchair is until you finish up PT from the coma?” he asked.
“Actually, the doctors think I should keep using one,” Haruka said.
“The doctors don’t really know what Dr. Tateyama was doing, but whatever it was, Haruka’s heart is doing better,” Kisaragi put in. “They suggested that he avoid basically any strain and they wanted access to his full medical records, but they sounded a lot more optimistic about his, uh, outlook than they were before.”
“So, Tateyama stole my son for two years and fixed his heart problem?” Hiroshi asked numbly.
“Maybe?” Kisaragi said. “I think they wanted to run more tests.”
“Do you think whatever he did is also what changed your hair color?” Hiroshi asked.
Kisaragi and Haruka exchanged a look. Hiroshi was pretty sure that meant ‘it was actually hair dye but we don’t want Haruka’s dad mad at us.’
“So, do the police have Tateyama in custody?” Hiroshi asked.
“About that!” Haruka said. “He’s, uh—he’s—”
“He’s dead,” Kisaragi said. “He did something stupid, he died, and it wasn’t any of our faults, but we don’t have evidence of that, so we’d really like it if you didn’t get the police involved.”
“Who’s this ‘we’?” Hiroshi asked.
“Me, my sister, Haruka, Takane, Ayano, Ayano’s 12-year-old aunt, her newly-traumatized friend, Ayano’s siblings, and their friend who lives in the woods,” Kisaragi said. “I think that’s everyone. Haruka, is that everyone?”
“I have memory problems; you have a perfect memory,” Haruka said. “Why are you asking me?”
“Mean,” Kisaragi complained.
“Why were all of you involved?” Hiroshi asked.
“There were several more attempted kidnappings,” Kisaragi said. “Some attempted murder thrown in for flavor. It was a fun two days. If I think about them more, I’ll have to have a panic attack in your bathroom and I’d really rather not.”
Hiroshi glanced at Haruka, whose expression was completely serious. Not exaggerating, then.
“Okay, fine,” Hiroshi said. “I, uh, Haruka, your bedroom—”
“I know, you followed the will,” Haruka said. “And I doubt you’ve had time to clean it regularly. It’s fine. It’s been…rough, after everything. I miss you, but I also don’t wanna leave the others alone. So, I’ve been staying with Ayano and Shintarou and Takane at their house, for now.”
“You’re still welcome to come home if you want,” Hiroshi said. “Your room won’t be ready right away, but I can have it cleaned up pretty soon.”
“I’d like that,” Haruka said. “I want to stay over sometimes. But I’m 18, you know! And I have a lot to figure out, now.”
Yes, yes he did. A whole life ahead of him, even, if those doctors were correct in their assessments.
“Still, I’ve missed you,” Hiroshi said. “I want to see as much of you as I can.”
“You can always visit us, too,” Kisaragi said.
Both of them looked at him in surprise.
Kisaragi flushed. “Well, he can,” he said. “I’m sure the others won’t mind, if we ask.”
“Kano probably will,” Haruka said.
“Kano can kiss my—” Kisaragi broke off. “And Ayano can handle him, anyhow.”
Hiroshi smiled. “I’ll take you up on that, I think. But in the meantime, can you stay awhile tonight?”
“Yeah,” Haruka said. “The others won’t expect us back until later.”
“You haven’t had dinner yet, have you?” Hiroshi asked, already knowing how his son would answer.
“What does it matter?” Haruka asked. “You know I’m always hungry. What are you making?”
Hiroshi got up to look through the fridge and revelled in the opportunity to cook for his son again. There was still a tiny part of him that thought this might be a dream, and he still had so many questions. But he could savor this, without letting himself doubt or worry, just for now.
A/N: Warnings for discussion of terminal illness, end-of-life preparations, child death, kidnapping, and comas, as well as mentions of suicide and murder. Also, the narrator briefly believes himself to be hallucinating.
Yes, I know there’s some debate about how old Haruka is. In my fics, he’s 18, because I decided he was. Similarly, my characterization of Haruka’s dad does not necessarily cleave perfectly to the LN, because I don’t do well with discussion of terminal illness (yes I realize the irony, I can handle writing it but it’s a pretty hard squick for me in media) so I didn’t reread the relevant LN portions and mostly used the wiki.
For anyone curious, Hiroshi’s name is written (天 ) and means “sky” or “heavens.” I chose it to fit Haruka’s association with sky motifs and to be alliterative with his name.
Finally, yes, Haruka uses a wheelchair, yes, he can stand; ambulatory wheelchair users exist and given Haruka’s canon health situation it’s my headcanon that he can stand and walk short distances.
If you, too, would like to commission a thing, 8 slots have been filled, so there’s still time! The post is here!
Thank you for reading!
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httplovecraft1890 · 5 years
The Theme of Free Will in Yandere Simulator
So in the past, I’ve speculated at length about what some broad story points might be for Yandere Simulator and while I’ve revised my opinion on the significance of a character like Fun Girl (her statement of “YOU BELIEVE EVERYTHING I SAY. I WONDER WHAT ELSE I CAN TRICK YOU INTO BELIEVING?” feels a bit embarrassing in hindsight) I do think there are broad strokes that can be taken from what I wrote and applied to newer story points that’ve been shared with us since. You can consider everything below a refinement of those original ideas, I suppose. Let’s start by going back and revisiting Saikou Corp. Note: some of this information doesn’t have a specific source other than vague recollections aside from what YandereDev has said on Twitter, Reddit, etc. so apologies in advance.
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What, exactly, do we know about Saisho Saikou? If we’re taking Fun Girl less as an actual plot point herself and more as a vehicle to deliver exposition to the audience then we can summarize a fair few things:
He was drafted into the service of the Imperial Japanese Army at age 17 in the closing days of the war. This retroactively confirms his date of birth was some time in 1928, meaning Saisho is 91 in 2019.
Saisho was confined to kitchen duty after being transferred to Okinawa at first. This changed after a bomb tore his dorm apart and he was trapped with the corpses of his friends for hours until he was rescued by other troops. During the attempted retreat after their rescue operation he called them cowards for wanting to fall back in the face of American forces. The memories of being stuck there with his dead friends still haunts him.
After being moved to a bunker, he was under constant stress from air raids and a chronic lack of sleep as well as malnourishment. When the U.S. finally found their hiding spot he tried to pull a pin on a grenade but it failed to detonate; he was promptly captured afterwards.
- From the June 1, 2018 Fun Girl text files We know little of his life after the war at the moment other than in 1946 he was reduced to running the company that would become Saikou Corporation out of his family’s garage (much like the company it parodies, Sony, was forced to do at first in our world by its creators). Given his later characterization I suspect that he probably ruthlessly took advantage of the breaking of up so many of the zaibatsu (large financial or industrial conglomerates owned by specific families; Mitsubishi is an example) by the American occupying forces following the war. In the decades following his country’s defeat Saisho created an enormous megacorporation that makes most of the consumer products seen in Yandere Simulator’s universe. As Headmaster Shuyona later relates to us, once he puts his mind to something he never takes no for an answer. Aside from the obvious wealth aspect that it grants him, though, what else is at work in his mind?
Like so many others, the defeat of Japan in the war simply unimaginable to him and, as far as he’s concerned, even if everyone else surrendered he never did.
The brainwashing and propaganda of the early Showa period never left him; as more and more Western influence began to creep into Japan, the more he began to freak out about it. Progressive politics and democracy are things he utterly despises.
Unsurprisingly, his reactionary politics have a racial component to them. For Saisho, the only people fit to rule the world are the Japanese and that if only everyone else realized it, there’d be a worldwide utopia. Though not outright confirmed, this also goes some way to explaining the almost eugenics-like obsession with ‘purity’ in the modern Saikou clan.
Even so, probably through careful PR stunts and knowing when to keep his mouth shut, Saisho’s worst beliefs aren’t known to the public.
- From the December 1, 2018 build’s Fun Girl files
It’s with some surprise then we know for a fact that Saisho wanted his firstborn daughter to inherit the company after he was ready to retire and only kept his son, Megami’s dad, as a backup. Despite the grueling and inhuman training that each Saikou generation seems to be put through, it seems that Saisho did genuinely love his daughter based on what Headmaster Shuyona confirms in Headmaster’s Tape #1. While this seems incongruous at first with his far right politics I think it’s helpful to see it less as a belief in equality between men and women, but instead that since she was a Saikou, she was inherently a cut above others because of that. Not many fathers would have schools built for their children in their honor if something wasn’t genuine, I think.
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Megami’s aunt is a very interesting character at the moment. We know nothing about her other than the fact that she was first in line for the proverbial throne and hasn’t spoken to Saisho in 30 years because of him disowning her after they got into an argument. Fun Girl seems to hint that the conversation revolved around her trying to remember a supposed sister of hers (i.e., her) but this might just be her trolling us all. I think there’s something else very important given that time frame we also need to keep in mind: the date. What’s 30 minus 2019? 1989.
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If we assume for a moment that Akademi opening its doors in 1985 was her first year, then following traditional Japanese high school length, it stands to reason her graduation occurred in 1988. The following year, Ryoba’s murder of the girl who was almost certainly Headmaster Shuyona’s daughter must’ve sent serious shock waves through Buraza Town. Megami’s aunt would’ve probably followed the proceedings with a lot of interest and I think a reason she parted ways with Saisho is because Saikou almost certainly tipped the scales in favor of Ryoba during her trial against the journalist. Why? Because of the country’s insanely high conviction rate. It’s greater than 99%. You’d practically need a miracle to get through it all and make the person who tried to take you to court look like a monster for doing so - something we know she pulled off. It’s not something that she could’ve done on her own without money changing hands or judges being properly blackmailed and flipping the media circus around. Headmaster’s Tape #6 also confirms that by 1999 Ryoba had seemingly regular contact with Saisho and Megami’s dad but it’s easy to extrapolate that they must’ve been speaking with one another prior to then; after all, just because Shuyona didn’t know about it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen (it doesn’t help him either that Saisho almost certainly sees him as a useful idiot). Learning a dark secret like this about your own family, coupled with the hell they put you through growing up, would break anyone and I think it’s a good explanation of why she left. If we accept that Saikou Corporation are Ryoba’s and Mr. Aishi’s employers then several things fall into place - why they haven’t ever had to move, why they live in a well off neighborhood, how they can simply up and leave for 10 weeks at a time to a foreign country - and the picture comes into focus. One of the things that Fun Girl seems to confirm is that Saisho’s love for Japan is equally as strong as what Ayano feels for Senpai. Knowing what we know about how the Aishi family curse seems to work, that’s pretty bone chilling. Coupled with every other horrible thing he thinks, combined with his vast wealth and influence, and it’s a recipe for disaster. The question becomes, however, what the point of all of this is. What could a murderous young woman possibly offer one of the most powerful companies in the world? Her body and mind. Stick with me here. Pretend you’re a scientist working for Saikou Corporation and you’re tasked with finding out what makes Ryoba tick; we’ll ignore for the moment any possible supernatural angle that the story might develop to explain their condition. The Aishi ‘curse’ seems to be a psychological condition, effecting the maternal line, that results in its carriers possessing severely stunted emotional growth, antisocial personality traits, flat affects, monotone voices, etc. This begins to alter in the host, however, an intermittent time after puberty in their late teens when, through various circumstances, meeting an individual causes an unknown psychological trigger to occur, acting as a kind of drug that for a time rewires the brain to enter a euphoria-like state wherein they begin to function on a neurotypical level, but only in contact with the source of this change (19 being the median age when an Aishi woman typically marries their victim). What if you could isolate the factors that cause such a thing to occur? 30 years is a long time to study something, after all, and decades’ worth of research must’ve meant some kind of breakthrough. Assuming that Saikou Corporation is like any other megacorporation in fiction then they’re sure to have their hands in medical technology. Imagine taking the research you’ve done on a so-called ‘yandere’ and began to try recreating it. After all, the idea of being able to use certain external symbols or things as stimuli is practically dystopian in its usefulness. Like, say, introducing a corporate symbol and ensuring its customers only felt a sense of satisfaction when buying a certain product.
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Let’s go further than that. What if you could engender the same feelings of emptiness, followed by unbridled joy, when looking at something as simple as a flag? Not only could you brainwash an entire nation, but any other place on earth that allows the services you provide as a global company...
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From this perspective, the “why?” of Saikou Corporation involving themselves with Ryoba becomes evident. After coming to this piece of speculation, if it is the case, something else also really clicked for me. Two things, actually. The first is that it’d give new meaning to the speech Megami tells you on the Skype chat you can have with her at school:
Is someone there?...Ah! It's you...Why have you come here? Have you come here to taunt me? Do you even know who I am? I know who you are. I know WHAT you are. My father won't allow me to attend school while you are..."active". He has a reason for tolerating your presence at this school. I don't. You are a vulgar creature that is only allowed to exist because you serve a purpose. If it was my decision, then every last one of you would be exterminated. Have fun while you can. If you and I ever cross paths...you're going to have a bad time.
The purpose is to further Saikou Corporation’s knowledge of the yandere condition and to find further ways to exploit it. Megami’s dad is in on this scheme and has purposefully kept Megami off campus while Ayano is on her murder spree as a way to keep her safe. What’s more, Ayano isn’t the only yandere that’s active either. Such a statement is more revealing than you might imagine it to be too. I think it’s pretty accepted at this point that the journalist’s wife was a yandere herself. He tells us as much in Mysterious Tape #6
But as soon as we met, she wanted to spend every waking moment with me. She wouldn't let me out of her sight, and got possessive if another woman so much as looked at me.
I quickly began to depend on her for everything. It wasn't long before I couldn't live without her. I certainly wasn't in any state to take care of myself... I was like an adult-sized baby. Helpless and vulnerable. Who knows...maybe that's what she was attracted to. Maybe she just wanted to experience the sensation of owning a person. Maybe she wanted to keep a human pet.
Isn’t it odd how she showed up in his life only a year after his ordeal with Ryoba in court? How his marriage to her didn’t involve them leaving the town at all? If I were him, I would’ve probably left it behind a long time ago, especially if it brought up memories as traumatic as what he’d experienced (and the fact he was directly threatened by Ryoba too). But instead his marriage and alcoholism caused him to never get out until it was too late. The timing seems... convenient, doesn’t it? Almost as if it were planned.
It wouldn’t be hard, I think, to sic some girl afflicted with the condition on someone either in hopes they’d ‘imprint’ on them or alternatively try to induce that very same response in them somehow. It’s a safe bet, again, considering how long Saikou Corp. would’ve had to pour over the data they’d collected. There surely would’ve been theories on how it happened and they’d be unethical enough to try it on human test subjects. So if they could do that, who might it happen to?
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I think that an overarching narrative theme in-game is going to be that of free will. Let’s consider for a moment both Megami and Ayano as parallels to one another. Both are incredibly driven women who will stop at nothing to get what they desire - order for Megami, Senpai for Ayano - with familial histories of treachery and abuse. If Megami’s life has been lain down before her without her having much say in the matter, how does this similar struggle reflect in Ayano? Arguably, Megami could have everything she ever materially wanted in life just as Ayano has in the form of the feelings Senpai gives her but the issue goes deeper. If the price for Megami was having every moment planned out for her, is it not possible that the feelings Ayano has are just as manufactured? I don’t mean that in the ‘love at first sight’ kind of way; I’m questioning if the meeting with Senpai was something that was set up for her to go through, a test to see if this poor schmuck could be the thing that would let them begin to move onto a new test subject to put them through their glorified obstacle course (Akademi). Not to mention the fact that it essentially occurs right after Ryoba and Mr. Aishi leave for America is an immediate red flag. If Megami is trying to stop Ayano, though, then it must mean that she’s rebelling against the wishes of Saikou Corporation itself. After all, they don’t want something that they’ve put years of investment into slipping through the fingers if they can help it. The end game she has in mind is anyone’s guess at this point but I suspect it will be the purge of anything related to the above secret project. As such, there’s going to have to be someone to offer us an alternative to bringing down the current iteration of Saikou - and I think we also have an inkling of who’s going to aid us in bringing her down.
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Kencho is emblematic of the status quo. He desperately desires his father’s approval (the one who’s likely continuing his father’s wishes and pursuing this whole endeavor to begin with) and will do anything to gain it. If Megami steps out of line too much, he’s certain to know that means she’ll fall from grace. He’s only been prevented from doing anything about his current situation because he’s only second best and hurting Megami would upset his dad. However, if she were to have an unfortunate accident... well, it isn’t as if he could be ignored anymore. In exchange, I imagine he’ll give Ayano exactly what her mother had: a nice house, a life untouched by anyone who’d take Taro or Taeko away from her, and a way for the two of them to have children if you go the latter route. All Ayano has to do is just give in to being a pawn like her mother did, like Kencho did, and like his father did. Or she can, at last, have the first real choice she’s ever had in her life by siding with Megami and tearing it all down (with Senpai still the promised reward in exchange for her help, certainly...).
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x0401x · 6 years
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Mekakucity Talkers: Chapter 5
Ayano brought up a certain advice request to Kano. He spends strenuous effort for the sake of his family member, however...?
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Ayano, Kano
Ayano: Shuuya? Right now, do you have a moment?
Kano: Huh? What happened for you to call me to a separate chatroom?
Ayano: Hm. There’s a little something I wanted advice for, you see.
Kano: Eh, what is it? Is it something you can’t tell everyone?
Ayano: Yeah...
Kano: C-Could it be this is serious talk? Like that you’re dating someone or something of the sort!? We’re having this kind of topic!?
Ayano: It’s not a serious talk. Hum... lately, it seems someone’s put on weight.
Kano: Eh? W-What’s with that~! It’s okay to not care about this stuff!
Ayano: Is that so? The numbers on the scale increased a little...
Kano: No, Nee-chan, you don’t have to worry about the numbers or anything.
Ayano: But I am...
Kano: They say that girls fret over this a lot, but surprisingly enough, people don’t notice those things!
Ayano: H~m.
Kano: Was it that much weight?
Ayano: Not really. Erm, how much was it again?
Kano: No, it’s not like you have to tell me! This is a delicate matter for girls, after all. Welp, that being said, it’s not like
Ayano: It was roughly a bit past 70kg, I guess.
Kano: it’s that much more, right? ...Hah?
Ayano: Hm?
Kano: Eh? This is a lie, isn’t it!? Ain’t that too graphic!?
Ayano: If you show so much surprise, you end up startling me instead! But just as Shuuya said, it might not be something to pay mind to. It doesn’t change things that much, right?
Kano: It does!!! Eh, eh? For real, I didn’t even realize it!?
Ayano: We haven’t seen each other in a while, after all~.
Kano: Even if you say that, it’s only been about a week, right!? How did this happen!?
Ayano: I guess there has been a tad too many meals.
Kano: No, that’s already in the level of disease! It’s better to go properly see a doctor!
Ayano: You’re exaggerating, Shuuya. Going to a hospital just because of gaining a bit of weight would be embarrassing...
Kano: That’s not “a bit”!!
Ayano: I-Is it really that terrible?
Kano: Ah, no... hum, that’s not it. It’s not terrible, like, in an aesthetic sense.
Ayano: Hm...?
Kano: See, even if someone gets a little fat, they themselves don’t change that much! Like, one doesn’t have to worry about appearance too much~. That’s what I think, y’know?
Ayano: Hm~... should I send a pic?
Kano: No, no, no!!!!! It’s ok for now!!!!! It’d take me 5 days to ready my heart!!!!
Ayano: T-That long...?
Kano: Nee-chan, as expected, wouldn’t it be better to get everyone to help with this...?
Ayano: Eh~, but... it’d be embarrassing. I can’t count with counceling from anyone but Shuuya for this.
Kano: Eh? Ah. Is that so? I see. Nee-chan, you’re asked for my advice because you trust me, huh...?
Ayano: I don’t know any dieting methods, so I thought that if it was you, Shuuya, you’d figure something out.
Kano: ...Hm. Got it. Nee-chan, leave it to me. I’ll support this diet with all my might!!
A few days later...
Kano: Nee-chan!
Ayano: Ah, Shuuya. What is it?
Kano: It’s about the diet! I did a little research!
Ayano: Shuuya, you seriously thought it out.
Kano: Of course! I told you to leave it to me, right? First and foremost, I went to buy and gather diet products, so I wanted them to be tried out!
Ayano: Ehh!? You prepared that?
Kano: I thought it was better to do this kind of thing quicker! First, I got a whole year worth of the current trending diet product. It’s called “Super Food”. They say it’s low-calories and nutritious!
Ayano: Heeh~! So this kind of stuff exists~.
Kano: I also thought that there had to be exercise involved, so I got the best-suited type of machine to have at hand for a diet! It seems that, if one holds the very center of the stick and swing it... they can train their abdominal muscles!
Ayano: Is that so~?
Kano: Yeah, yeah! There’s one that uses a rubber ball too. Looks like one can train their trunk with it! I also tried buying a roller that can make the face smaller! And I bought a cookbook for diets. I will do my best too!!
Ayano: Amazing... To think Shuuya would spend so many efforts... Onee-chan is happy.
Kano: Hehe... This is just the obvious! We’re family. We gotta help each other when we’re troubled.
Ayano: Hm! Thank you! I’ll tell him you did your best, Shuuya!
Kano: Hm!! Hm? Tell who? Ah? Nee-chan? He~y.
Ayano, Kido
Ayano: Tsubomi, listen up! Regarding our talk of a while ago, it seems it’ll be okay~.
Kido: Aah, about gaining weight?
Ayano: Yep. I got some advice. Shuuya was super eager. With this, Dad will be able to go on a diet!
Kido: Even if you say so, he only put on a few extra kg, right?
Ayano: That’s right! Shuuya was exaggerating~. He was worried about Dad! They sure get along, huh~.
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@annoyedlord​ is the reason i’m doing a homestuck crossover in 2018
Get Ready for Yansimstuck ideas !!
(long so more under the cut)
John is Senpai. Does not care about the rumors (ho you murdered your friend, it’s ok we can still date) but still cares enough to reject a -100 rep (cf. breakup with vriska and #notahomosexual) “What do you mean in love! the heart on this bento is clearly a frienship heart.  aaaw it’s even written “ I love you”. as a friend. so cute.“
Dave is Midori but instead of questions he shitposts.  He actually wears midori's uniform because he looks amazing in a seifuku. Sometimes two different Dave show up at the same time and panic ensues
Rose is the head of the Occult Club but unlike oka she’s proud of it and threatens people with curses and sacrifices while being perfectly poised. Goes to prides with a sign that reads “you were right. we are witches. and now we’re pissed.” does not have a crush on senpai because she is #notaheterosexual. Kanayas girlfriend
jade is the head of the science club. explosions. lots of them
Aradia is placeholder-chan. Member of the occult club when she was alive and she was H Y P E D about death. Her greyish shade, monotone otherwordly voice and eyes staring into the Void are her ways of showing excitement 
Tavros is a member of the gaming club though he plays card instead of video games (except pokemon which he played every and all existing versions and forms of the game). is bullied.
Sollux is annoyedlord’s gema. Head of gaming club. Does not care. Does not want to care. Just want to code. Go away. NO HE WON’T MAKE AN OFFICIAL REQUEST FOR THE CLUB
Nepeta is the art club leader. Would like to paint with blood. is not allowed to. but she would like to. but she can’t. but it’s hers. but she can’t. Cats paintings are OVER 9000
Kanaya is a member of the drama club and makes all the costumes. Rose’s grilfriend. “why do the school allow an occult club they’re such a bunch of cre- OW Kanaya watch out with these needles! “ “Oh So Sorry Darling. Perhaps If You Kept Your Mouth Shut Instead Of Talking Such Nonsense You Could Focus On Not Fidgeting.”
Terezi is megami. Annoyedlord perfectly understands why this is perfect “ *L1CK5* 41SH1 WHY D0 Y0U T45T3 L1K3 BL00D? >:?"
Vriska is Osoro. doesn’t care about the rules, tries way too much, likes to wear jackets, will kill you if you attack her. Student council can’t do shit about her  “Soooooooo Student Council President, what are you w8ting for to give me detention” “ S3RK3TV YOU NEVER GO TO DETENTION >:|” “::::D”
Equius is a member of the student council. He likes the president’s policy on STRONG discipline but hates that they can do nothing about the delinquents
Gamzee. Tried to be a delinquent but his pompadour wouldn’t hold up. tried to join the occult club but rose’s cat starting hissing when he entered the room. Then rose started hissing. tried to join the art club but would creep other members out and got kicked out on decision of student council. Current member of the cooking club. “how do you pass your exams you never go to class” “MoThErFuCkInG MiRaClEs BrOtHeR”
Eridan is a member of the student council. always pushes to expell or kill the delinquents or even underachieving students. has a crush on the entire school. Perfect for matchmaking
Feferi is mai Waifu but is a social butterfly instead of a loner. Is -EXCIT-ED about her glub club although it’s not an official one. is really popular in the school. strong opponent to bullies
Jane is the leader of the baking club. Pretty popular but unlucky when it comes to love. accepted gamzee and already regrets it. Useless BisexualTM
Dirk is a member of the science club. Helps cleaning the explosion. The rest of the club is entirely composed of his robots
Roxy is a member of the gaming club. She competes with sollux on coding. She sometimes helps the science club. Sneaks alcohol into school that somehow flies under the student council’s radars.
Jake is Budo. He is hyped about self defense and heroism but he needs to chill out and work on his agressive recruitment methods. trains to beat the science club members aka robots and Dirk. And jade sometimes throws inventions at him. Which explodes. The school staff is very tired of their “light spirited strifes between chaps”.’’
Damara is ghost girl. She knows her murderer’s descendant is in the school and she is revengefull. There will be blood
Rufioh is Asu Rito. he likes to enlist his friend into the sports club. As the club’s leader he’s very popular and he knows it
Mituna is a delinquant. 2cool4school. He needs helps with his pompadour in the morning which he will immediatly ruin with his helmet but he’s cool so they don’t kick him out of the club. Also latula would kick their ass and Vriska thinks he’s fun
Kankri is a member of the student council. Uses his whistle in the library when students are too loud. gets kicked out of the library for whistling. Strongly opposes bullying but his constant remprimands on socialy unadapted student can sometime appear as similar. also tends to encourage self-loathing instead of actual recovery. “Th9ugh I d9 enc9urage dial9gue instead 9f vi9lent means, have y9u c9nsidered that entering a therapist’s waiting r99m with scarificati9n marks c9uld be triggering t9 the 9ther patients ?” “OMG K4NKR1 NO SHUT UP D:<  !! K1D YOU GO S33 4 TH3R4P1ST. 4ND NOY TH3 SCHOOL ON3 SH3′S 4LW4YS DRUNK.”
Meulin tried to enter the occult club but rose said she didn’t have The Call though she may have hidden motives. pretty popular since she’s sweet and with an upbeat personnality though few people in the school know sign language. having Terezi give her the school tour when she arrived did not seem like a good idea. it wasn’t
Porrim is the leader of the drama club. “you can’t play hamlet, you’re a girl and you have piercing and tatoos.” “The fact that yo+u think that shakespeare wo+uld disapro+ve of piercing and tato+o+s is but the pro+o+f that yo+u understand no+thing o+f Shakespeare. As fo+r being a girl, if yo+u can’t play a man, what cho+ice do+ I have but to+ play it myself ?”  “Kurlo+z my dear these stiching are dreadfully made go+ see kanaya she’s work something o+ut”
Latula final member of the gaming club and and delinquent. actualy aims to being a professional player. Comes to class on skateboard. Mituna’s girlfriend.
Aranea is Kokoro. She acts really sweet and helpful but knows all the gossips and talks behind the back of everyone. meenah trusts her. She probably shouldn’t
Horrus is a former member fo the science club which he left for the sports club when Rufioh became the leader. is very insecure about himself and his choices, kinda miss the science club but trusts Rufioh.
Kurloz is a member of the occult club. obsessed with demon summoning. Would probably be bullied if he didn’t scared the shit out of everyone. Rose constantly keep him in check and refuses that his girlfriend joins the club. Meulin’s boylfriend
Cronus is Spiky. Great Master of The PompadourTM. Tries too much. Pretends he smokes. His big brother actually kills people. Was the delinquants’ leader before Vriska arrived “Back off doll this ain’t a place for a chick like you. Unless, you came to see m- OWV STOP PLEASE THIS HURT” “::::D”
Meenah is Musume. Loanshark’s daughter, mean, filthy rich, doesn’t like to do boring stuff and has her yes on senpai to kill him.
Pop is the headmaster and instead of a tazer he uses pranks 
Mom is the teachers. all of them. and the nurse. and the psychiatrist. at least she’s not the lunchlady. probably not.
Bro is ayano. He is a creep. And a dick. And an abuser. and a dick. annoyedlord would like me to let you know that Bro is also a dick
Grandpa is the sport teacher. he uses tigers and cheetas to make his sudents run faster
dad is the policemen. All of them. The entire policeforce of the town is dad. at least he’s not the lunchlady. probably not
nana is the detective. she’s probably the tunchlady
Lil Cal is Ryoba
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sexy-marius-zone · 7 years
Toying (Part Two)
Title: Toying (Part Two)
Pairing: Sexy Zone/Female OC
Rating: PG-13
Subtext: Her big mouth landed her a strange contract
Note: In this story, Sexy Zone are third year high school students. So they're all the same age. The OC is one year younger than them, being a second year student. This story is inspired by Hana Yori Dango and will bear MANY similarities. Warning: LONG (Just lengthy, not wordy)
Part One here
I'm sitting in class like a normal student. No one is paying attention to me. 
Or so I wished.  "Oh my, Commoner Ayano, what's that bracelet you got there?" Nakatsu Haruka chirped as her and her posse swept by my desk. 
"It's just a bracelet, what's the deal?" I replied coldly. "There's pearls on it." she gestured to my bracelet. I didn't reply. "Ah I guess they're fake pearls." Haruka smirked, satisfied. No they're real. Is what I wanted to say, but instead I kept quiet. The pearls are real, unfortunately. I came home yesterday to my family, who were screaming their heads off. My mom, dad, younger brother, and I live in a modest apartment, walking distance from the school. 
We aren't very wealthy, but when I came home my mom was dressed in golden rings and pearls. My father was going nuts about the new TV, and my brother was crying over the laptop. "What's this?" I had asked, stunned. "Oh honey!" My mom cried, running to hug me. "The butlers of the F5 came down here and delivered these. They said they were because you had started dating them!" my father said happily. "Dating?! No no that's wrong. We're just... Acquaintanted..." I scrunched my face up in confusion. "Thank goodness, if you were dating five men we'd have a problem here." My father said, although he didn't look mad at all. I just rolled my eyes and went to my room. In the morning my mom had made me put on some jewelry, but I took them all off and kept the bracelet. She handed me some cash and told me to buy the school lunch. But in all honesty, this maid thing didn't seem so bad at the moment. The bell rang and our homeroom teacher walked in as the class all made their way to their seats. "Okay class! Good morning." He said, standing at the front. "Oh right, Miss Ayano, your teachers and I received word from the F5. You'll be excused from classes whenever you wish." He smiled.  
The class erupted. I mentally groaned.
I wasn't actually excused whenever I wanted. The F5 gave me a phone, told me it was the" maid phone" and said that whenever they needed me they would message me, and I would have to go right away. "Her?! F5?! How? Why?" My classmates were yelling. "Everyone quiet down!" The teacher yelled over the commotion, and they all slowly sat down, but remained glaring at me. And at that moment I felt a buzzing in my blazer pocket. A message. I sighed and stood up. "Where do you think you're going?" A boy asked, glaring hard at me. "Now now like I said before, she's excused. Go ahead Miss Ayano." The teacher ushered me off. As soon I was out of the class I pulled out the phone to check the message. 'Come to the office.' - Kikuchi Fuma. I sighed and walked off to where the F5's office was located. "Come in!" A voice sounded as I rapped on the door. I opened the door slightly to peek in. The Five were sitting at their respective desks, doing their own business. "Oh, Ayano, you're here already." Kikuchi said, putting down his book. "What do you need?" I asked. "Did the stuff get delivered to your apartment yesterday?" he asked. "Oh. Yes they did. Thank you." I thanked him, bowing slightly. "It's all part of the contract." he shrugged. "Can I ask a question?" I asked. "Sure. What is it?" Kikuchi nodded, going back to his book. "Why did the people who sent the items say that I was dating you all?" My face going slightly red. The five of them burst out laughing. The frown in my face deepened. "Well we all thought you didn't want people to know that you were our maid, so that was the most reasonable excuse we could think of." Matsushima answered, a cheeky grin stretched on his face. "It's not reasonable at all! No one in their rough mind would date five people at once." You groaned. "That may be so, but it's too late, that's the reason we've used already." Sato smirked. "And you're all okay with it?" I crossed my arms, "Having everyone think you're in a relationship with a commoner?" "Contrary to popular belief, none of us are in arranged marriages, nor have parents that want us to marry for connections." Nakajima responded. The rest all nodded. "Look at my parents, their marriage is a love story. Of course they'd support my relationships if I said it was love." Matsushima laughed. I was extremely upset. They're all just toying with my feelings, and I hated it. "Is that all you guys wanted?" I asked, my brows furrowed, arms crossed, and lips in an angry pout. "That's such an unattractive appearance, you should smile more." Kikuchi smirked. "You can go." Sato waved me off. I glared at Kikuchi and left the room, storming my way back to class. "This really is a lot of fun." Nakajima laughed. Sato just shook his head. "I told you!" Matsushima grinned. "You guys should find real girlfriends." Sato said, leaning back. Finally it was lunch time. I went to the cafeteria and sat down, ordering a meal, to the bewilderment of all the students around me. "Suddenly you have enough money to buy the school lunch?" Nakatsu said as her and her posse stopped in front of my table. "Yeah... So what?" I crossed my arms. "This sudden burst of money, jewelry, and above all being excused from classes! What's going on!?" She yelled, slamming her hand down on the table. "Even I don't know..." I muttered. "Are you playing dumb with me?" She shrieked. "Haruka! The F5!" Her friend, Sano Kaede nudged her. Haruka screamed and whipped around, straightening her outfit, and smiling cutely. "Sato-sama!" She called, waving at Sato. "He's coming here!" she jumped up and down ecstatically, her posse all giggling as well. "Sato-sama!" she smiled as the F5 stopped in front of her, "Do you need something?" she giggled. "I need to talk to Ayano. Get out if my way." He shoved her out of the way and walked straight to me. Marius snorted, trying to hide his laughter as the rest of them passed by the fallen girl and her troupe. "What do you want." I mumbled, overly conscious of all the people watching this. "You're eating with us. Hurry, we're hungry." He said and made his way to the elevator that lead to the special area reserved for the F5. Whispers filled the room as I picked up my tray and followed them upstairs. "Uhh... Why am I eating up here?" I asked nervously. Nakajima smiled. "You're our maid! You have to be with us at all times. So during lunch you can serve us." He grinned. Oh right. I sighed. The elevator opened and I was stunned. It was forbidden, so no other student has been up there. But the F5's dining area looked like a high class restaurant or hotel, and there was a giant window where they could view downstairs. The Five began lounging around the place. Some sat on the couches, some in the tables. "Ayano, order lunch for us. We'll give you the money." Kikuchi said, handing me some cash and a list of the dishes they wanted for lunch. "Ah, okay." I nodded, putting my food tray down and taking the money. "Hurry or your food will be cold!" Matsushima called after me as I walked into the elevator to go downstairs. "Now we watch." Nakajima said, pulling a chair up to the window. "Should someone be the designated Knight in shining armor?" Matsushima asked. "What? I thought we were just going to watch?" Nakajima protested. "Just in case she doesn't do what we think she'll do." Matsushima shrugged. "I'll do it." Marius smiled. "Okay. That's settled. Now, we watch." Matsushima smiled, leaning back. With the list in my hand, and cash scrunched up into my pocket, I descended the elevator and walked out. The stares I received from everyone were terrible. Walking to the food counter seemed like a long way off all of a sudden. A few groups of people stopped in front of me. Nakatsu, her troupe, and a group of boys. "My my commoner, you seem to be getting comfy with the F5 huh?" a boy sneered. I ignored them and tried to keep walking. "I heard rumors that she was their maid!" Nakatsu snorted. I flinched. The crowd thickened and it was impossible to get through. "What do you want?!" I snapped. "Tell us what's going on. These pearls are real aren't they? I should know!" Nakatsu screeched, grabbing onto my wrist. "Am I not allowed to have real pearls? You self-entitled bitch!" I pulled my wrist back, slapping her. Everything became silent. I went to far. "Get her." Nakatsu ordered in a small, seething voice. Two boys grabbed my arms and pinned them to my side. "Hey! Let me go!" I struggled. "We've put up with you long enough commoner. You can't do what you want anymore!" Nakatsu smirked. "This is getting good." Kikuchi commented from above. "Cat fight!" Nakajima laughed. "Are you sure about this?" Marius asked Matsushima, "Should I go help?" "Not yet. Trust me." He replied. A boy walked up to me. "Usually a gentleman wouldn't hit girls, but I don't think you count. You should start answering." He threatened. "Try me." I sneered. "We're not playing around!" Nakatsu shrilled, "Answer us! Why are you with the F5!?" "Heh. Wouldn't you like to know. Desperate aren't you?" I snickered. She yelled in aggravation. "Make her answer!" The boy slapped my face, leaving a red mark. "This isn't a game!" Someone yelled. "We'll kick you out of this school!" Someone else said. "Or least torture you until you leave!" Threats filled the air. "Why did you send her to get food? We can order from up here." Sato sighed as he ate his dish on the small table. "Because we want to see what happens!" Marius said. "Yeah! Lighten up Shori!" Matsushima laughed, "It's going to start soon!" "Well then, Ayano. You gonna answer? Or what?" The boy sneered. "No way in hell." I laughed and threw my leg up into his stomach, throwing him back. The two boys holding me back let go of me and ran to assist their friend. "Well that was easy." I smiled. "Oh and Nakatsu. Don't fuck with me." I smiled, before walking through the crowd, which parted to let me through. "I told you she was different!" Matsushima laughed, clapping his hands. "You're right... This'll be very fun." "Marius on standby. She's gonna need a little saving after this." "Okay! Let the true fun, begin." I placed the F5's orders, paid, and told them to send it upstairs. But upon making my way back, I found myself once again surrounded. "One kick and a profanity won't send us off that easily. We're going to make your life hell." Nakatsu announced. "Bring it." I glared. "Okay okay what's going on here?" The voice of Marius Yo rang through the hall. "Marius!" Nakatsu drew back in shock. The crowd parted and let the youngest member of the F5 through. Marius walked to me. "Are you okay?" He asked, scanning my face, "Your face is red." He touched it gently. "I'm fine." I stiffened up at the close contact. "Come on, let's go back." He took my hand and began to lead me back upstairs. "Wait! Marius!" Nakatsu yelled, running after us. "Is there a problem?" He smiled, although it seemed a little dark. "What relation does she have to the F5?" She questioned, eyes pleading for answers. "Oh that's right, we haven't told the school yet." Marius shrugged. Damn it, are they going to spill about me being a maid? I pursed my lips together in expectation of the announcement. But instead, Marius leaned down and planted a kiss on the corner of my mouth. My face grew hot. Everyone started yelling. "She's our girl." Marius smirked, before taking entering the elevator with me. As we exited the elevator, I felt my head swim. "Nice going Marius!" Matsushima high fived him. "What... What was that?!" I yelled, eyes wide. "Something wrong?" Nakajima asked. "Yes there's something wrong! What do you mean 'our girl'? I'm not your girl, and I don't ever plan to be!" My brows furrowed. "This is your cover story. Or would you have preferred for us to tell the truth?  To say, 'she's our loyal servant'?" Matsushima laughed. He's right. That wouldn't have been better. "You better play the part well, girlfriend." Kikuchi whispered into my ear. Sato sighed, "You're still our maid though, so bring my dishes down for me." I huffed and grabbed his tray, putting it in the small elevator that lead down to the kitchen. "Your lunch is cold." Nakajima told me, pointing to my neglected tray. I sighed. So much for the expensive lunches. If I had my normal bento box, it would still be warm. "This is the worst..." I grumbled while scooping cold gourmet pasta into my mouth. "We should go in a date!" Marius chirped. I choked on cold pasta. "That's a good idea!" Matsushima nodded. "No no no it's not!" I protested. "Well, maid, you really don't have a choice here you know." Nakajima smiled. I growled but went back to eating before realizing something. "Technically I do! Because I'm only supposed to be your maid during school hours." I crossed my arms, a self-satisfied look on my face. "Ah about that." Sato grinned. A wary feeling washed over me. "... About what?" I hesitantly asked. "You didn't properly read the proper contract did you?" He told me, his grin widening. "Didn't I?" I tilted my head, confused and scared. "Apparently not." He shrugged. "Tell me!" I demanded. "Hey hey hey maid, you're not in the position to order us around." Nakajima teased. I groaned. "Apparently you only remember the ruled that were about the trial. The trial happens only during school hours. Since you signed the full contract, you're our maid 24/7." Matsushima informed. "What?!" I yelled, alarmed. "It's as he said. Which means occasionally we'll bring you over to one of our houses if we need you. Or just wherever." Sato smirked. "Just think of the benefits, not the cons." Marius smiled, "Can we take her for our sleepover?" "Oh you're right! That's today!" Kikuchi slapped his thigh in remembrance. "...Eh?" I frowned. "We could! Let's do it!" "Then it's settled. Get ready for some real maid work, Ayano." Nakajima grinned. I regret everything.
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My Reaction To The Yakuza (Part 2: Backstory)
First off, sorry for not posting any snapchats in awhile, I do have some I made, just haven't posted. (Kinda forgot this was a thing tbh.) Been in college for a couple weeks, so that's been eating up my time. (Oh who am I kidding about that eating up my time, I sit at home and do nothing lol.)
Anyway back to business. Yandere Dev posted a new video with Osana Progress and more information on the Yakuza. (I actually waited till I was on my laptop to see the Yakuza part so I could type my thoughts after I watch segments.)
Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5Vmuwg8k30
PS: In a couple paragraphs, I name the Yakuza so he's easier to talk about. This is not his canon name. (And if it does become his canon name, it's the first name to come up when you google, "badass Japanese boy names", but some credit would be nice.)
Why am I not surprised that there's some tragic backstory over why the Yakuza is a Yakuza? Not every bad thing you become stems from bad parents. I actually would've thought of it being a better story if the Yakuza and the delinquent had good parents. There would be more development on why they turned out like this, if they were brought up pretty well. (Kind of like Lars from Steven Universe. His parents are good parents to him, but Lars is kind of a problem, angsty teenager.)
Like I get YanDev is trying to make us feel sorry for the Yakuza, at least that's what it seems to me. He wants us to feel bad for him, so we have more of a reason to work for him.
Look I'm all for Akira, let's call him that for simplicity because that's a badass Japanese name, raising his kid brother. (Kinda remind me of Big Hero 6, since Tadashi helped raise Hiro since their parents died at a young age.) That's actually interesting, and kind of how he went into crime because he needed the money. (That actually seems to be a common trope in stuff, have a character commit a crime for money. I used that trope myself with a OC I have in a different fandom.) I'm also all for Akira not wanting his brother to turn out like he did. (I still want to know why the delinquent we help is a guy, and can't be a girl.)
Now we're going to be having another option of 'changing the delinquents' instead of giving Akira bodies. I'm questioning if going through all that work will be worth it. This is ultimately a game where you try and stop your rival from confessing in numerous ways, but then there's all these side things you can do to help prevent that.
If we're reforming the delinquents, are we reforming ALL of them? Like the girls as well, Dev only showed the boys. (It would probably be easier if Akira had a younger sister, but not the point.) I know this is a video game, but I honestly don't think that a high school girl could change a whole group of delinquents. Just because she did them one favor, or multiple favors, I doubt they'd take her opinions into consideration. You'd have to join them for them to actually value what you have to say.
Wouldn't they talk to Osoro even if she wasn't in school? I would think things would change before she came to school. Since she's their leader and all. Wouldn't someone mention about Ayano? I would think if Ayano is trying to be a delinquent and doing favors they would tell their boss.
When Dev was talking about how high class the school was, I honestly just thought it was a private school. You know with the uniforms and all. (Altho I guess that would be high class now that I think about it. I went to private catholic school for 13 years, never thought of it as high class.) "If it's so prestigious why would it tolerate delinquents?" Because not everyone in high class schools are perfect little angels? I never questioned it once. The school probably shoves what they do under the rug, so the rich and fancy still bring their children there. (I would know my high school did just that whenever shit happened, but that's a whole different rant I won't get into.) Also if it's so prestigious how is Kokona a student? On a scholarship perhaps. (Like Haruhi from OHSHC.) Prestigious schools like that cost a shit ton of money, at least in America. (Just last year my dad spent over 7K just for my Senior Year alone.)
I'd really love to hear Dev's explanation on why the delinquents are there. Based on stuff I've see so far, I don't think it'll be as good as I hope. Also Dev thought about Ayano reforming the delinquents before he thought of Akira? No offense, but not everyone needs to be reformed. This got pretty long, so i'll make a Part 3 for the 'Ethics' part of the video. (And maybe a Part 4 if there's a 3rd segment.)
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summertime-children · 7 years
11, 12, 15, 27, 34, 36, 37
11. What makes me similar to Mekakushi Dan members (one trait for each character)
I’m… very easily to be overlooked or just not noticed to the point where I believe I actually have Kido’s power and honestly I’m surprised any of you were able to find this blog to begin with
I once saw a deer family while walking the dog and got super excited (!!!) and that’s honestly the most Seto thing that ever happened to me
I often hide my inner pain behind jokes lol (who doesn’t do it amirite)
I know I’m propably supposed to say that we both are die hard kanokido shippers (which is true lol), but tbh there is this one anthology comic that I think about often…
I really like food and I have… wide range of tolerance for it. I have no problem with eating many things that some may consider… weird
I should sleep now
Look, I still stand by that drinking coke straight from 1 litre bottle isn’t something weird, but if we come to conclusion that it’s something only Shin would do, I’ll deny everything (there was discussion on knkd chat)
I guess world-wide you could say I live in the countryside. Remember that one scene from the novel where Hibiya had trouble with getting on the subway? *raises hand* I have never ride by subway! And I imagine that’s how it’d go down lol
Yesterday someone told me that I look as if I was stoned heh
12. Which superpower I’d like to have the most
As I said I think I already have Kido’s soo… Hey, I guess that’s unpopular opinion but I think having Ayano’s powers would be really cool! Aside from the fact that you could project your feelings that are often simply impossible to be grasped by words directly to any person which is itself pretty helpful, I see many practical applications for it. I could tell others stories the way they could actually feel like they were there and vice versa, I could settle once and for all every ‘who’s more tired’ argument, transfermymenstruationpaintoanyjackass. Many cool applications!
15. Whose hoodie I want to have the most
Kano's, no doubt
27. My favorite episode of MCA
Act 11 aka Otrukimi Recital. Despite how I actually think it was one of the weakest episodes (it was really rushed) it… Listen, it had crying Kano. And that’s the only criterion I’ve got.
34. What would I tell Jin if I’d met him (and know Japanese)
MAKE KANOKIDO CANON!! *cough* Ok, just kidding. What I would really tell him is hard to guess as I usually just lose my tounge when speaking to people I admire, but what I’d really want ro tell him is that I love his work, it means a lot to me and “take care of yourself!”
36. Random headcanon
After moving to the base Kano kept visiting Kenjirou (often changing to Kido and Seto) to make it seem that nothing’d changed and they still lived there to not crush down his poor dad. It wasn’t that hard since the huge amount of the time Kenjirou spent at work or being possessed by snake.
37. Random theory
That dude in the movie is Kido’s long lost brother lol
{from this kagepro ask meme}
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kit-kat-1221 · 7 years
Preview of Kagepro fanfic
I’m going to finish this hopefully and dedicate to @rxxshintaro I love their KanoShin fanfics
Shuuya Kano, known as Kano to his friends, was known for many things in his family. Being very mischievous, wearing way too much black and white together to be legal, almost always seeming to wear long sleeves and pants even to the point of heat stroke, being the best in their family in sign language and being very over protective of his siblings. Kousuke Seto the previous crybaby of the bunch for the longest time that Kano lost track of the amount of times he cried, but now seemed more like a calm mature gentleman, despite being a high school student in his first year, often coming off as too cool to the girls at their school, and Tsubomi Kido, who he didn’t know was a girl until way later at their orphanage when she kicked out him and Seto for peeping in a her, now looking more girly in some senses, at last the longer hair and occasional dresses seemed to prevent this lately, but even her popularity was surprising as she somehow got the cool sister attitude when she used to be nothing but snarky and irritated with him when they were younger and now didn’t seem to need him as a protector anymore, but the one who was even more protective of was their older sister Ayano. As Ayano no matter how loving or kind she was, she was pretty stupid at times and got herself into situations where Kano couldn’t help but want to act as her knight, even though when they were younger the roles were very much reversed. So at that moment Kano was less than enthused when his older sister announced something very that he thought he wouldn’t hear for a very, very long time. And it all started around the family dinner table with Ayano jumping out of her seat excitedly as she nearly forgot what she was going to tell them.
 “Everyone I got great news I have a boy friend who’s almost like me! He’s deaf and he knows sign language really well, and he’s supper smart I don’t think I’ve ever seen him get less than a 90 on any of his assignments, he’s top of the class, and he even said he’d tutor me. Well not so much said as he signed it but you get what I mean I can’t wait to introduce him to all of you! Can he come over for dinner this weekend!!?” Ayano babbled on loudly, a clear sign to Kano that her hearing aids might need readjusting, that or she was just than excited to meet someone similar to her.
 “Wow sis that’s great! I can’t wait to meet him, what else is he like?” Seto smiled happily at his older sister’s bright excited face, the raven haired boy not seeing his sister smile so brightly after making a friend, enough to where he was just as ecstatic about the sudden news.
 “What about food, he isn’t picky right? I want to make sure we have something decent to eat for dinner at the very least. It wouldn’t be right if we served him some random leftovers or convenience store food.”  Kido immediately interrupted before Ayano could speak up, her eyes somewhat sparkling, very happy at the thought her sister made a new friend finally, clearly happy with her big sister’s work finally paying off.
 “Ayano wait wait wait , doesn’t father get a say in this! Who said you can start dating I am against this I don’t care how good his grades are all boys his age are nothing but perverts you can’t trust them at all! Besides how old is he really! Is he really in your class?” Their father interrupted next raising his voice, already on the brink of crying from what Kano could see.
 “Hey wait you guys are all talking too fast!! Hold on! And dad it’s not like that Shintaro is just a friend.” Ayano’s face turned red in embarrassment, and waved her arms around furiously like some anime character
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Chapter 10 Teaser: Home sweet home
Pairing: Asami/Akihito
Contains: mature language
Summary: Akihito gets pregnant, what will happen?
Disclaimer: I don't own the viewfinder series Yamane Ayano does.
 I am a parent
Father to Akihiko, Ryo, Ryuunosuke and Aoi
Who needs his husband
Who sees a dazzling smile
Who hates anyone touching what’s his
Who fears his lover’s death
Who dreams of his Akihito save in his arms
Of children running in the garden
Of living a safe peaceful life
I am Asami Ryuichi
And I have found love
 Karlin S
Note: I love not paying attention during class and creating useless stuff like this.
 Akihito really wanted to go home, after five courses he was exhausted. Every time their waiter placed food on the table, Akihito spend the entire meal trying to figure out what it tasted like and what the fuck it was. Each course lasted five minutes at most so in the end he never figured out what he ate. His back hurt from sitting so still and stiff the entire time and he was simply tired. The only good thing about the entire evening was that he had exually meet a nice waiter for once, Edward was one of those stereo type gays, but in a good way. He had to remember to tell Ryuichi to give the man a nice tip.
 06/25 11:25 Wednesday
  “Aaaah…..” Akihito moaned happily, god, foot massages were heaven. And the perfect time to contemplate life, he thought, slowly rubbing his belly. The last echo hadn’t shown any anomalies, but he still couldn’t fully relax. The chance of a fully healthy child, if it survived the first 3 months was, on average, less then 46% and he wasn’t under any delusions thinking his children would all be born completely normal. There was some hope though; the 46% chance was based on the children born to bearers up to now and the improvement in medicine since then. But it was only an estimate and the difference in seriousness of the abnormality also gave him hope.
 Akihito’s own family a clear example, as their chances for full healthy children had been even lower. However, they had still been pretty lucky. His brother Shin was ‘only’ deaf in his left ear and he was born as good as ‘normal’, excluding the extra female sex organs of course. His brother second youngest brother Akira had been born mute and his youngest brother Ren was the least lucky of the four brothers; he had been born unable to move his legs and with severe breathing problems.
 Their disabilities also had positive effects on their life. Luckily. They had always been very close as children. Which was why Akihito felt so bad for not informing his brothers’ about his pregnancy. Hell, they barely knew anything about Asami. Besides the fact that Akihito had been dating him for some time. The engagement was also a secret so far and he hadn’t even told his parents about Asami. His father was a billionaire, proud owner and founder of the Hamasaki confederation and Akihito knew his dad would know about Asami’s underworld dealings.
 It wasn’t that his parents had been strict, but he was their only fully healthy child and the only one with such an attraction danger. His parents were simply protective and Asami would definitely not fit their description of ‘safe’.
 Not that his position as Li’s (his dad’s) heir was all that safe, when he was at the right age he was finally told how many assassination attempts had been made and how many bodyguards normally followed him. (One of the reasons he was so good at throwing of Asami’s men.) He also discovered that his parents had tried to have more children but had found it very hard and after the miscarriage of their only daughters (after months of trying and eventually having to go for IVF), they decided four was enough.
 When he decided to leave the nest his parents hadn’t exactly been happy but had accepted it. Under the conditions that Li was allowed to give Akihito a new ID with his mother’s last name ensuring little to none way to trace him back to them.
 He groaned, the relax feeling had gone away. He needed to talk to his family.
   God he hated being pregnant. Everyone always spoke of the lovely feeling of carrying a child inside of you. A little life blooming. How “a baby fills a place in your hear you never knew was empty.”  They al contently forgot to mention the not so lovely other side of being pregnant. The morning sickness had lucky stopped but he still felt fatigue at odd times and a constant backache ensured he was rather cranky most of the time. The hormones racing through his body didn’t help either. Not that he became hysterical or anything, but suddenly feeling sad and the next moment happy was rather irritating. The dizziness and headaches added another layer of dislike to the entire pregnancy phenomenon.
 Though he supposed he was lucky. Engaged to a very rich husband he had a small army of personnel around him at all time. Ready to cater to his every whim. Akihito would normally not use them at all, hell he had pitched a massive fit when kirishama had first introduced the servants to him (Asami conveniently had a meeting in Tokyo at the time, the coward). But as his pregnancy progressed and he became less mobile he saw the awesomeness of the servants. If he was gonna marry a yukuza-boss he might as reap the benefits.
So sorry for the long wait ^_^
My home situation was has been pretty shitty the last year and a half and I didn’t really have the time and creativity to upload. My laptop also died and I lost what I had already written, so that didn’t really help. But I’m back! Though there probably won’t be another update this week. Next month is my best bet.
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