#and fuck like imagine him knowing full well that seto could at any point have looked inside his mind and have seen what happened and what
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echidnana · 7 months ago
bro they fucked kano UP poor guy 😭
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dessiekarma · 5 years ago
My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy Types (Kirisaki Daiichi x Reader) Pt. 1
Chapter 1: I’m Finally an Anime Protagonist!
“Please (Y/N)! I promise I’ll pick him up from your house after practice and keep him for tonight…for the whole weekend!” Hara said, practically on his knees.
 (Y/N) turned her head away stubbornly and held the bundle in her arms tighter. She made no move to get up from the bleachers.
 “You said that last time and never showed! He’s our responsibility and you need to do your share of the work!”
 “I will I promise, just not right now!”
 “Hanamiya is going to be here any minute. If you don’t get her out of here he’s going to be upset. You know he’s been a bitch ever since we lost to Seirin.” Furuhashi said glancing at the time on his phone.
 “He’s always been a bitch! And he’s gonna take it out on me.” Turning to (Y/N) the young man pressed his hands together pleadingly. “Look you can bring him to my house and I’ll take him or better yet wait for me outside and just pass him off to me when I’m out of practice. From there I’ll deal with him.”
 “DEAL with? You mean take care of! And why, so you can sneak out a different way and leave me waiting with a baby outside the gym? I don’t think so!”
 “If I let you stay my captain is gonna be so pissed off and I am not running suicides because of you!”
 “Your captain can kiss my ass!”
 “Ahh you can’t say things like that! Look you’re a new transfer so I get it, you don’t know Hanamiya but I’m warning you you’re gonna leave here in tears.”
 “And you are too if you don’t help me with this kid!”
 “Oh my god stop yelling.” Seto drawled sitting up from one of the back bleachers. “Why don’t you just take the damn thing and go home for today? Then you don’t have to worry about the captain meeting your girlfriend.”
 “She’s not my girlfriend! Besides he’ll be pissed if I bail on practice!”
 “But is that worse than the possibility of your girlfriend telling him to fuck off?”
 “I think Seto has a point.” Yamazaki said bouncing the ball against the gym wall. “Tell Caps you got sick or something.”
 “I guess. Will that satisfy you? I have to miss my practice to help.” Hara asked frowning at the girl who only huffed in annoyance.
 “Oh you have such a sad story to tell. I’m sacrificing too here! Do you know how much he cries!? I’ve missed countless episodes of new anime!”
 “You’re comparing sports to anime? I have to practice to get better, you can just watch the same episode the next day!”
 “Ummm and risk spoilers?”
 “You’re such a spoiled brat! I don-”
 “Why haven’t you guys started?” A deep voice rang through the gym. Everyone turned their heads to see their captain stroll in tossing his bag onto the floor.
 It wasn’t long until olive eyes spotted the unfamiliar face in the room. (E/C) eyes met his unblinking and a small stare off began. Hanamiya rose a brow at this poor lost soul that wondered into his gym.
 “Who the hell are you?”
 “You look…” (Y/N) began, still staring.
 “Please don’t.” Hara whispered knowing this wasn’t going to end well.
 The black-haired male had to stifle a blush from how intently the girl was staring at him. Thankfully a scowl covered that just fine.
 “Here, hold my baby.” The young woman said shoving the blanket at Yamazaki. Reaching out her phone she quickly typed something in before holding up an image of some anime character,
 “You look just like Kiyoshi Fujino from Prison School! Only meaner! Seriously you have the lock of hair between your eyes and everything!” The girl finally blurted out with an overly enthusiastic smile.
 Hanamiya didn’t know what to say. Something was clearly wrong with her, to talk to him so comfortably. With a click of the tongue he marched up to her, placed his hand on her head and turned her back towards his team.
 “Okay who’s is this and what the hell is it doing in my gym?” Hanamiya said with his finger poking directly into her cheek.
 Everyone stayed quiet, though Yamazaki attempted to pass what he was holding to Seto who shoved it right back. A small game of hot potato quickly ensued before piercing cries filled the gym. If the fires of hell weren’t in Hanamiya’s eyes before they were sure burning now.
 “Whose baby is that? What the hell is going on in here? I was only five minutes late!”
 Somehow the screaming baby ended up in Hara’s hands as he tried to rock it back and forth to stop the crying.
 “If I don’t get an answer everyone is doing suicides until midnight.”
 And just like that everyone, including the unknown girl, broke out in explanation at once. Some were making hand gestures while others added sound effects and mimics to drive their points home. However not a single point was reaching Hanamiya’s ears in the jumble of voices.
 “Oh my god its like having a gym full of children. One at a TIME!” This silenced everyone.
 Furuhashi being the most level headed and with the calmest voice decided it be best if he explained lest the whole team suffer. He cleared his throat before beginning.
 “The baby is Hara’s and that girl’s. He brought her here and the rest of us have nothing to do with it.”
 “What!” Hara shouted only causing the baby to scream again at the loud sound.
 The captain tried taking that information in and it was surprisingly more difficult than he imagined. Looking down at the girl whose head was still in the palm of his hand he looked back at Hara and then back again. Sizing her up he directed his next words to her.
 “You let HIM do you? Pfft have some self-respect.”
 “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Hara exclaimed not expecting this interaction to go down this way.
 “Ahh no! It’s not like that.” (Y/N) began explaining, however Hanamiya already released her and was walking over to Hara.
 Hooking a finger into the fold of the blanket he pulled it down so he could see the baby’s face. The moment it was revealed he didn’t know whether to laugh or just be more confused.
 “What the hell? This is a doll!” Hanamiya said with an amused tone. “I knew you couldn’t pull her.” With that he flicked the doll on the cheek only for it to begin screeching again.
 “Hey! This thing records mishandling actions!”
 “Don’t call him a thing!”
 “Okay enough with the misleading conversations, Hara what the hell is happening?”
 “Well (Y/N) is in my health committee and we got paired up. The supervising teacher saw it in some American movie and now we’re stuck with this dumb assignment for the semester. It tracks everything and needs to be fed, burped, changed its honestly like a real baby and its ruining my life!”
 “Ruining your life? Why don’t you tell your captain why I’m here?!”
 “She says I n-”
 “I’ll tell you why I’m here! We’ve had this baby for an entire week and he hasn’t been helping me at all!”
 “That’s not true!”
 “Yes, it is! The only time you lift a finger is when the teacher is around! But other than that you leave him with me the rest of the day and night. You never ask if we can watch him together or if I need a break and offer to take him. No, you just assume that I’ll pull your weight with this project.”
 “Well you are a girl. Isn’t this more natural for you? I mean that’s like your Main purpose in life.”
 “You sexist piece of shit!”
 “Listen! As much as I don’t care, why the hell do you think sticking around here is going to help him take responsibility.” Hanamiya asked looking a little creeped out at the life like doll.
 “Because I know you can’t change some people through kindness…but you can make their lives the eighth circle of hell until you get what you want.” (Y/N) replied with a pout directed at the clearly unhappy Hara.
 Hanamiya was dead silent before nodding.
 “Alright she can stay.”
 “Excuse me!?”
 “Come on Hara how can you possibly abandon the mother of your child?” Hanamiya said snatching the baby away from him and cradling it. “Have some sympathy for a single mother!”
 “We literally break people’s legs!”
 “But not young girls’ hearts!” Hanamiya mocked, sticking his tongue out at the male.
 “Whatever happened to ‘don’t do anything I wouldn’t do’?”
 “Well I would never leave a girl alone to care for my baby. My mama didn’t raise a deadbeat. A fucking psycho asshole, maybe, but no deadbeat.”
 “This is bullshit! You just want to watch me suffer!”
 “Yes! And as much as I want to torture Hara I don’t want this to backfire on myself. So keep that thing from crying, don’t be loud yourself, I don’t babysit, and lastly…”
 Hanamiya looked back at the bleachers to see (Y/N)’s bag sitting there. Anime keychains dangled from every zipper along with patches of favourite characters sewn into the fabric. “You’re an otaku?”
 (Y/N) nodded.
 “Don’t ship any of us or your ass is out of here. Understood?”
 Hanamiya handed the baby to her before holding his hands out for Yamazaki to throw him the ball. Catching it quickly he motioned for his team to get on the court. Dribbling the ball slowly he turned to (Y/N) once more.
 “By the way did you give it a name?” The male said nodding to the baby.
 “Makoto. But I just call him Mako.”
 “Swimming anime, right?”
 “Why do you know that?” Yamazaki called out but was ignored by his captain.
 “I didn’t name him, Hara did.”
 “Yeah I said I wanted to give him a cute name and he chose that.”
 “Is something wrong?”
 “That’s…uh… my name.”
 The team heard the exchange and were stifling laughter while Hara looked like he literally wanted to dissolve into the floor.
 “…We aren’t off to a great start with that no shipping rule.”
 “How come he never cries with you?!” Hara whisper yelled at his napping teammate. Seto patted the mechanical child laying on his chest and shrugged.
 “Its always asleep when I have it. If you want it to cry I can try to make a basket with him?”
 “Yes!” Yamazaki said perking up from his spot on the bleachers.
 “NO! That witch will string me up to the basketball net if you tried.” Hara mumbled.
 “Witch? You should be lucky you got someone tolerant enough to put up with your shit!” (Y/N) says sneaking up behind Hara and poking her fingers into his sides. “I should have gotten a hot and sweet guy to be partnered with, but I’m stuck with you.”
 The boy jumped but regained himself fast enough to deliver a smack to the girl’s forehead.
 “I’ll have you know girls think I’m extremely handsome.”
 “Your mama doesn’t count.” Hanamiya said while tying his shoes.
 “No but yours does.” Hara quipped not missing the finger Hanamiya threw him. Turning back to (Y/N) he saw her giggling before a thought seemed to pop in her head.
 “You know, I joke but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen your entire face. What do you guys think?”
 The other five players looked at each other in bewilderment.
 “I can’t say I’ve seen more than this. Any of you?” Furuhashi asked to which he was met with silence.
 “Hey pin your bangs back.” Hanamiya said sitting up straighter and leaning closer.
 “No way! Let’s just drop it.”
 “It’s just your eyes, what are you hiding?” Furuhashi asked curiously.
 “Do you have a lazy eye?” Seto asked seriously.
 “Heterochromia?” Furuhashi asked after thinking for a bit.
 “Come on guys…”
 “Leave him alone, maybe he has super thick eyebrows or something.” Yamazaki said cooly as if he didn’t care about the matter at all.
 “What’s wrong with thick eyebrows?” Hanamiya glared back slowly.
 “NO its nothing like that.”
 “So what’s the reason? Are you a cyclops?” Hanamiya asked taking the baby from Seto out of boredom and bouncing it in his lap.
 “Leave me alooone!”
 “Oof, do you have scars?” (Y/N) asked with an otaku twinkle in her eyes and a sultry dip in her voice.
 “What the fuck? Are you into that? Anyway who cares?” Hara mumbled with his arms crossed.
 “Please! We have a child together and I’ve never even seen your face.” (Y/N) said tugging on his arm.
 “Fine, I’ll show you my eyes and you show me your tits. We do have a child together after all.” Hara said with a nasty smirk on his face that faltered when he saw the girl place a hand to her lips in contemplation.
 “Is she seriously thinking about it!?” Yamazaki exclaimed on behalf of the whole team.
 “I wanna see too.” Furuhashi remarked taking a step closer.
 “His eyes or her chest?” Seto asked suddenly a little more awake.
 “Nah I’ll save the flashing for a bigger, better exchange.” (Y/N) said shrugging and taking a seat.
 “So that possibility is still on the table?” Hanamiya asked half joking and half legitimately curious.
 “Surprisingly you managed to bring a girl of interest into this gym, unlike the last one Yamazaki brought in.” Furuhashi remarked to Hara.
 “Hey, I never asked her to come to my practices.” The accused male spoke out with a pout.
 As if suddenly remembering something Hara perks up and turns to the girl.
 “By the way I’ve been meaning to ask why do you keep coming to all of our practices? I thought the whole point was you wanting a break? You’ve been here every day this we-”
 “Did you read that Attack on Titan chapter?” Hanamiya asked suddenly sitting one row above the pair.
 “Of course!” (Y/N) said suddenly putting all her attention on him. It would seem that the two had managed to find a common interest. Hanamiya wasn’t a superfan like her but he appreciated the story.
 “That was a pretty brutal way to go. I thi-”
 “Ahh spoilers!” Yamazaki said clasping his hands over his ears.
 “Read the manga!” Both Hanamiya and (Y/N) shouted out exasperatedly.
 “Oh by the way I brought more sports drinks for you guys.” (Y/N) said digging through her bag producing small bottles along with some snacks. “Furu you said you preferred pears to protein bars right? Seto, I found these coffee flavored protein bars. Hanamiya you didn’t tell me what you like, so choose anything! A pack of gum for Hara and Zaki you’re usually hungry so I brought you a few snacks to choose from.”
 “Ahh you’re the best! I knew Hanamiya made a good choice asking you to stick around.” Yamazaki said reaching for a drink only to stop and cringe at his rambling.
 “You asked (Y/N) to stay?” Hara asked with surprise. “I didn’t think you’d ever actually go and recruit us a manager.”
 “He didn’t ask me to be your manager. More like told me that for being a nuisance the least I could do was help out a bit. I just bring you guys food and run a few errands.”
 “Yeah I mean if she’s already here cause of Mako why not make her more useful?” The captain said with a shrug.
 “It would give me something to do while I’m here an-” (Y/N) stopped as her phone chirped in her pocket. She quickly pulled it out and held a finger up as if to say give her a moment. “Hey lov- Oh I’m just here at practice…umm sure.”
 Placing a hand over the receiver she whispered to the team.
 “I’ll be right back.”
 The guys watched her walk out hearing her conversation fade away.
 “Hey, what can you tell me about (Y/N)?” Yamazaki asked quickly as if it was on the tip of his tongue for a while.
 “What do you mean?” Hara asked skeptically.
 “I mean you don’t mind if I go for her? This whole baby momma thing is just an assignment, right?”
 “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Furuhashi spoke up.
 “What? Why not?”
 “If she’s going to be around for a while dating her may make things awkward.”
 “Well one nobody wants to see you two making out in here.” Seto stated lazily.
 “And if it doesn’t work out it will cause a bunch of tension. Don’t you think so Hanamiya?” Furuhashi said looking to his captain for approval.
 Hanamiya lifted his hands in a questioning manner.
 “I don’t really care who you do or date. If things get awkward you can both jus-”
 “Umm hey Hara I’ll take Mako back home with me, something came up.” (Y/N) said having jogged back into the gym. Her face appeared a bit flushed as she held her arms out for the baby.
 “You aren’t staying today?” Yamazaki asked placing a hand on her shoulder.
 “No I really need to go.”
 “Well is it an emergency? I don’t like people skipping out on practice.” Hanamiya said shooting her a challenging look. Surprisingly she simply shook her head.
 “I’m sorry but missing one day won’t hurt, right?”
 “Hey, if its an emergency I can call my driver to take you home.” Seto offered.
 “No, I already called my own and he’s coming to get me. Thanks guys!” (Y/N) finally gathered all of her things along with Mako and headed for the exit.
 “Practice starts at the same time tomorrow!” Hanamiya called out to her only her to continue walking as if she hadn’t heard him.
 “What was up with that?” Yamazaki asked with concern laced in his voice.
 “Time of the month maybe?” Hara asked with a shrug.
 “Are you sure it wasn’t serious she left right after that phone call.” Yamazaki pressed on.
 “It’s probably nothing let’s practice.” Hara said standing up and taking a ball out onto the court.
 When nobody moved for a second Hara sighed in frustration.
 “If it was anything serious she wouldn’t have come back in to get Mako. There was probably some anime update or a sale on merch a friend told her about. She’ll be back tomorrow I guarantee you.”
 “It’s been a week and a half. ‘She’ll be back tomorrow.’” Yamazaki mocked Hara as he chased a cherry tomato out of his salad.
 “You’re just mad because you couldn’t ask her out before she ran off.” Hara said rolling his eyes though no one could tell.
 “Wait is that why she left!? Do you think she heard me talking about her and it scared her off?!”
 “I don’t think that’s the case. She’s been ignoring me in class too if it makes you feel any better.” The violet haired teen said sipping from a soda can.
 “That’s actually worse.” Hanamiya spoke absentmindedly drumming his fingers on the table.
 “Who cares? If she doesn’t want to come around then what’s the big deal? She’s making it easier on me to pass this dumbass class project and she didn’t do much for the team. Or were you planning on asking her out too?” Hara directed the question at Hanamiya.
 “What?! No way I called dibs!” The tomato went shooting across the room.
 “’Dibs’. What are we 11 years old?” Furuhashi deadpanned.
 “No, I wasn’t going to ask her out. But when I invite someone into my gym I expect them to be there until I tell them they can leave. You have no clue what’s up with her?”
 “None, maybe she just doesn’t want to be around us. It wouldn’t be the first time and I give her props for lasting so long.”
 “Instead of speculating we can just ask.” Seto offered lifting his head up from the table.
 “I’ve tried she won’t talk to me in class unless its about Mako.”
 “Ask her now. She always hangs out in one of the choir practice rooms during lunch.”
 “How do you know?” Hanamiya lifted a brow at his teammate. Seto looked up at the ceiling for a bit as if mulling over an answer.
 “I don’t know she mentioned it once, I think. Look we can ask and if you don’t like what she has to say at least you have an answer.”
 “Fine lets go.”
 “So what? Five of us are just going to gang up on one girl?” Furuhashi asked wearily. “If she gets scared this could blow up in our faces.”
 “We’re just talking. What’s she going to do call the police?”
 “I’m just saying coming on too strong is going to freak her out.”
 “Well then I’ll talk to her and you guys can hang out in the hall until I clear you!” Yamazaki suggested.
 “That’s actually not a stupid idea but we’re sending Hara.” Hanamiya said thinking it over quickly.
 “Why?!” Both boys exclaimed.
 “(Y/N)’s known Hara longer she’s probably most comfortable around him. Besides he’s the only one of us who would have a reason outside of basketball to talk to her.”
 “No! I’m not begging her to come back!” Hara mumbled.
 “You’re not begging just questioning.” Furuhashi said packing up his lunch box. “If we’re going to catch her we need to leave now.”
 Hara groaned but reluctantly followed his teammates across the campus.
 “So what does she do in the practice room?” Yamazaki asked Seto trying to acquire as much info on her as he could. The tan male pulled his backpack higher up on his back and shrugged uncomfortably.
 “She just screws around on the piano and sings. She’s pretty good.”
 “You’ve heard her sing!? How?! We’ve only known her for a few weeks!” The questioning male pouted slightly.
 “Yeah she gets to basketball practice pretty early and she’s always singing anime openings. I think she figures I’m sleeping or something.”
 “Well now I have to hear her too!”
 “You might get your chance.” Hanamiya mumbled motioning his head to the slightly ajar practice room.
 All five males crowded the door way and peered inside. (Y/N) was sitting in front of the piano with a large pair of earphones on. She appeared to be bopping her head to the music and fiddled around with the piano trying to get a tune just right
 “Okay so do I just wait for her to come out or go in and say I need to talk t-”
 Suddenly the girl found the right keys and caught the boys’ attention as she played a repetitive little tune.
 “That sounds kind of familiar?” Hanamiya questioned racking his brain for where he’d heard the tune. Hara scoffed and crossed his arms.
 “Knowing her otaku ass, it’s probably some anime ope-”
 “His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.
There’s vomit on sweater already, mom’s spaghetti.”
 The guys had no reaction to their newly acquired half teammate suddenly busting out into a full-blown rap song.
 “You better lose yourself in the music, the moment.
You own it, you better never let it go.
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow.
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime!”
 “She’s good and at the same time I feel like this is really wrong.” Yamazaki said with his jaw still slack.
 “Thank you. And it probably feels wrong because you’re spying on me.” The girl at the piano suddenly said as she completed her verse.
 Taking off her earphones she turned to the door with a clear look of frustration. It was only then that Hanamiya felt truly stupid when he realized her earphones hadn’t been plugged into anything.
 “I told the guys you were a pretty good singer, I didn’t realize you were a decent rapper too.” Seto tried to compliment the girl hoping to smooth things over.
 He saw her cheeks flush a deep red but her angry face didn’t soften one bit. Looking away she attempted to move around the group of boys.
 “Thanks. My next class starts in like ten minutes I need to go.”
 “No you don’t.” Hanamiya said grabbing her arm and yanking her back. “We didn’t come all the way down here for you to not talk to us.”
 “What’s there to talk about?”
 “You stopped coming to practice.”
 “I decided it was too hard to take Mako back and forth so it’s easier if I just keep him.”
 “See I told you!” Hara said throwing his hands up in the air. “She doesn’t want to be here so let’s ju-”
 “Now why do I think that’s the most bullshit excuse I’ve ever heard? Oh right because not too long ago I find you in my gym being a fucking crybaby about pulling Hara’s weight, now suddenly you’re saying its easier to do the exact opposite?” The dark-haired male hovered over (Y/N) threateningly.
 “So what if I’m lying or not? I don’t want to go.”
 “Also bullshit because you told me that you loved coming to practice. And see the thing is Kirisaki Daiichi basketball has one big rule; once you’re in you’re not out until you graduate or get kicked out.”
 “Look guys its nothing personal I just can’t be around you.”
 “No come on! Don’t pay attention to the scare tactics just be honest.” Yamazaki said stepping forward. “Are you scared? Is it eating too much time?”
 (Y/N)’s eyes finally softened before she let out a disheartening sigh.
 “It’s my boyfriend.”
 “You have a boyfriend?” Yamazaki asked shocked and slightly disappointed.
 “He says he’s just not comfortable with me being around the team so much.”
 “So what you just do whatever he says?” Seto asked bewildered, (Y/N) didn’t seem like the type
to let someone walk all over her.
 “No but we’ve been together for a long time and he sort of gave me an ultimatum either I stop
hanging around you guys or he would break up with me. And I know how stupid and controlling
that sounds but he honestly just cares.”
 “Well what class does he have right now we can go talk him into letting you do what the hell
you want.” Furuhashi said in a clipped voice.
 “He goes to my old school, Tōō. You might know him, he’s on the basketball team.”
 Hanamiya was sure he misheard. A basketball player from Tōō who didn’t want (Y/N) around
him. The whole ‘I’ll break up with you’ mind game made perfect sense now.
 “I guess that’s it then we might as well leave.” Hanamiya said with a shrug and began walking
 “What? You dragged my ass clear across the school and we’re just leaving?” Hara said looking
100% done with the entire situation.
 “You heard what she had to say. I don’t want someone’s doormat associated with the team.”
 “I’m nobody’s doormat.”
 “Your boyfriend told you who you could and couldn’t hang around with and you jumped at the
snap of his fingers. Don’t kid yourself.”
 “This is one thing. He’s never asked for something like this before. He’s a level-headed calm
cool guy. Sure maybe this is some dark jealous side to him but I can respect him enough to hear
him out.”
 “Well you heard him out and what did he say? That we’re dangerous? Have we hurt you in any
 “Then use your own fuckin brain to think for yourself. He says we’re dangerous but you
know we aren’t. Doesn’t your experience mean more than his assumption?” Hanamiya smirked
at the girl knowing she would have nothing else to say.
 “If you like spending time with us just tell him that! You’re allowed to have guy friends and now
that we know you have a boyfriend, we won’t make any moves on you.” The orange haired
teammate said with a friendly smile.
 “I don’t know, Zaki.”
 “Come on, he isn’t actually going to break up with you. If anything, he’ll be glad you stood up
for yourself.” Hanamiya said urging her on.
 (Y/N) looked around at the guys questioningly before nodding. She had bailed on them without
notice and it hadn’t been sitting right in her stomach that her boyfriend asked her to not be
friends with the team. She’d heard horror stories and knew that their personalities were
difficult. But so was Aomine’s and her boyfriend seemed to tolerate him just fine.
 “You’re all right. I’m going to call him right now and tell him that I’m staying part of the
basketball team or hanging out, whatever the hell I was doing before. Excuse me for a moment.”
The girl said as she walked into a nearby room with her phone already dialed.
 Hanamiya let out a chuckle followed by a content hum before walking towards the exit.
 “You aren’t going to wait for her?” Hara asked skeptically.
 “No, why would I?” A familiar tone echoed from the captain’s mouth.
 “You’re not actually letting her back on the team, are you?” Furuhashi asked though his tone sounded as if he already knew the answer.
 “Seriously? All these mind games got me fucked up here. Do we want her back or not?” Hara asked smoothing his fringe down.
 “Of course not. Maybe before she pulled this weak ass shit on me, I would have considered keeping her around but now? She’s dead to me.”
 “Come on, dead to you? Seriously?” Seto asked with his hand up in a questioning manner. Leaning over to Hanamiya he whispered to him, “Didn’t you want to ask her to be our manager or something? We actually really need one of those.”
 “Yeah and? We’ll find another, dumb girls like her are a dime a dozen at this school.”
 “You’re not really going to do that to her, are you?” Yamazaki asked with wide eyes.
 “Why not? She’s flaked on us once. Turn your back on me and I turn my back on you. She will end up leaving again when her stupid boyfriend asks, so why give her that chance?”
 “So, now I have no boyfriend and no team.” A cracked voice came from behind the group of boys. The tears running down her face had clearly already been there prior but there was no doubt that they were building more so now. “You’re right though. Sorry for wasting you guys’ time.”
 (Y/N) wiped her eyes, walked up to a locker to retrieve her bag before powerwalking out the music building.
 “I kinda feel like an asshole.” Seto said watching as the girl disappeared before something in the practice room caught his attention.
 “Yeah that’s probably not a new feeling.” Hara said not sure what else to do in this situation.
 “Wow this was a MAJOR dick move.” Yamazaki cringed to himself.
 “I didn’t think Imayoshi would actually break up with her.” Furuhashi said a little stunned as well.
 Hanamiya had an unreadable expression on his face. Almost as if he’d expected everything yet was still thrown off. The team saw him close his eyes and run a hand through his hair.
 “To make matters worse, she left Mako in the practice room. I should probably go give him ba-”
 Before Seto could finish or Hara could take the baby, Hanamiya scooped him up and started sprinting outside.
 “Do you think he’s going to apologize?” Seto asked uncertainly.
 “I doubt it but I won’t risk missing it on the off chance he does.” Furuhashi said taking off just as quickly.
 The rest of the team followed.
 Outside Hanamiya saw the wind blowing through the many cherry blossom trees this bougie ass school had planted all over the ground. Pink petals drifted down slowly but through it he could see (Y/N) sitting on a bench not too far away.
 As he drew closer he slowed his steps. (Y/N) seemed to notice him but had no reaction.
 “You forgot Mako.” Hanamiya said handing him to her, which she willingly took.
 The wind was the only sound between the pair for a few tense seconds.
 “I didn’t think your boyfriend was going to break up with you. I didn’t think you’d let him, I assumed you were just gonna do whatever he asked.”
 “The funny thing is that neither did I. We’d only been dating a little while, but I thought we were perfect for each other. I didn’t think something like this would be what ended it. I mean I never get jealous. You should see the girl on Tōō’s team. She’s smart, gorgeous, killer figure and friendly but I never said a single thing because I trust him but I guess he doesn’t trust me. I mean it’s not like I’m on a team with Kise Ryouta.”
 “You’re saying none of us are as good looking as Kise?” Hanamiya asked with a straight face which caused (Y/N) to actually crack a smile.
 “You know what I mean. I thought he was my forever. It just wasn’t supposed to be this way.”
 “Yeah well it is this way so suck it up and move on. I wanted you as manager because I you seemed stronger than this.”
 “But you said-”
 “I was obviously joking. I thought you had a pretty thick skin when I first met you, don’t tell me you’re secretly a wuss.”
 “I’m not. It’s just, I guess after what happened with-”
 “Get up and get over it. I’m sure you’ll get over your shitty highschool boyfriend.”
 (Y/N) was standing in front of Hanamiya finally looking at him with dry eyes.
 “I won’t baby you and neither will anyone else. You need to be as strong as any of the guys. I won’t have people talking shit about anyone on my team.”
 “On the team? Really?”
 “Don’t get sentimental on me either. We need a manager. You’ve dealt with all the shitty paperwork for the school and logging practice hours with the least annoying side effects. Plus, we just unintentionally talked you into ending a long-term relationship, you can’t find that kind of gullible-”
 “I’m not gullible!”
 “Okay whatever. Point is you’re easy.” Seeing a heated look rise in her face Hanamiya backtracked just a bit. “Not what I meant. Look you’re an easy person to be around, we don’t find many people that are compatible with us on your level. But if you become inconvenient or start stressing me out there’s no reason to keep you around got it?”
 “You’re an ass but yeah I do.”
 “I know and good.”
 (Y/N) smiled at her new captain and he stared down at her with his usual hard cold eyes. The corner of his mouth twitched softly before a gentle breeze blew several pink petals into his face.
 “What fresh hell is this?” Hanamiya grumbled spitting away the petal stuck to his lip.
 “Achoo! I really need to get inside. Achoo! I have the- Achoo!- worst allergies to pollen and Achoo! You know what let’s just go!” The young woman managed to get out between her sneezing fit.
 Hanamiya was busy swiping the pink layers of Satan out of his face and picking them from his hair that he didn’t realize his team was standing not too far from them.
 Once all of them were back inside the four teammates couldn’t help but stifle laughs at their captain and new manager.
 Somehow the petals got all over Hanamiya and (Y/N)’s nose and eyes had gone bright red.
 “I can’t believe you’re our new manager!” Yamazaki said excitedly to (Y/N) who finally stopped her sneezing fit.
 “I know I’m really excited.”
 “I’m sure you are. Being the only girl it’s gonna be like having your own reverse harem.” The orange haired male said with a large grin.
 “This would be the worst harem ever. You guys are all the same archetype.” (Y/N) said with a small laugh.
 “What does that mean?” Hara asked, still not as knowledgeable about anime.
 “You guys are all the bad boy type. Then again a harem with all bad boys could be fun.”
 “What’s she talking about?” Furuhashi whispered to Hara.
 “I have no clue.” He whispered back with a shrug.
 “I guess this makes me an anime protagonist!” (Y/N) said smiling.
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ayma-nidiot · 5 years ago
In the White Light - Prideshipping fic Chapter 1
Also on AO3 -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/23875060/chapters/57390967
Summary: In a war against dark forces, most of the Nameless Pharaoh's High Priests have died. Yami Yugi travels to modern day Domino City, desperate to find a soul strong enough to help him turn back the hands of time. He just might have found him - in the form of one of his priests who supposedly had died - and he doesn't fear the curse that has made Seto Kaiba so powerful. After all, he wields the power of an ancient Egyptian song.
Notes: So this will be a pseudo-crossover of Yu-Gi-Oh with Fire Emblem Fates and Fire Emblem Awakening.
The order of events in this fic will be slightly different from the anime. In reality, the Pyramid of Light happens after season 3 but before season 4. In this fic, it will interrupt the Battle City Tournament of season 3. Also, the duels in the Battle City Tournament will have different opponents against each other than in the anime.
The fic starts at the end of season 3 and will end at the end of season 5.
As always, constructive criticism is appreciated, especially if I am not portraying the rules of Duel Monsters correctly. I am fairly new to the game and am quite confused by the rules.
Chapter 1 – The Bane of Your Existence
“Now you’re the one who’s defenseless!” Seto Kaiba, duelist extraordinaire, laughed as he dramatically put one of his most powerful cards on his Duel Disk. He now played in the semifinals of the Battle City tournament – unsurprisingly, held by him. To add a bit of a twist to the tournament, he decided to hold it on top of his KaibaCorp blimp. “Behold, the bane of Yugi’s – and your – existence: the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!”
“Hah!” Yami Yugi, a spirit from ancient Egypt, was not impressed by his rival’s haughty behaviour. “It was the bane of your existence. Or do you not remember our very first duel?”
“Oh, I know whose existence will be banished on this day, Pharaoh. Now go! Blue-Eyes, finish off that-”
“I don’t think so, you rich punk!” Joey Wheeler, Kaiba’s current opponent in this duel of the Domino City Tournament. “You’ve activated my spell card, Scapegoat, negating the attack from your Blue-Eyes White Dragon!”
“Oh no…”
“Oh, yes!”
“Grr…” Kaiba, not only irritated from this surprise attack, now began to feel pain in his shoulder blades and in his lower back. “Be that as it may, most of your good monsters are still gone. How are you going to counter it?”
Joey drew his next card. “I place these two trap cards face down to end my turn.”
“What, you’re just going to not play any monsters, and have these puffballs be the only thing to defend your Life Points?” Kaiba drew a card and cackled. “Hehe… Okay, Blue-Eyes, attack his second Scapegoat!”
“That’s right! Savin’ the best for last is my specialty.”
“So is mine, Wheeler, so is mine.”
Two more turns passed, and now it was Joey’s turn; his Scapegoats were now all gone.
“Unless you draw a god card, Wheeler, you are toast! Oh, that’s right, you don’t have any!”
“Or unless I draw this: Monster Reborn! I use it to summon Jinzo from my Graveyard! And that’s not all… I’ve got the Swords of Revealing Light!”
That same spell that Yugi used in our first match! Wheeler didn’t have it before… Kaiba now glared at Yami Yugi. So… You lent it to him, and not me, an actual worthy duelist?
He returned to his normal composure. “So what? All it’s going to do is buy you time. Unless you’ve got a deck full of Monster Reborn to bring back your actual good monsters, then you still don’t have a chance.”
Kaiba laughed with each card he drew over the next three turns. His back pain grew even more as well, but he ignored it in favour of what he believed would be his imminent victory. “So, you didn’t summon anything good, did you? Just a few useless spell cards?”
Joey simply slammed a trap card face-down on his Duel Disk in response.
“I judge from your silence that you’ve run out of tricks.” Kaiba held two cards in his right hand. “I will first use Polymerization to bring forth Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! And if you thought I was done, I’m going to tribute this Ultimate Dragon…”
“Uh…” Tristan stepped back. “He’s not done? But isn’t Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon his best monster?”
“…No, I’m afraid not,” answered Yami Yugi. “Don’t tell me he’s going to summon-”
“Now behold! I will tribute my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Come forth, Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon!”
As this beautiful beast, made of pure white armour and sapphires, roared up a whirlwind, Joey’s belief in himself began to wane. “Impossible… I thought you lost that card after Yugi beat Anubis! This can’t be real!”
“Oh, it’s real, Wheeler! I have four dragons in my graveyard, so my new dragon gets an extra 1200 Attack Points, for a grand total of 4200! Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, attack Jinzo and wipe out the rest of this loser’s Life Points!”
Joey fell on his knees in shame and in pain from this loss. “Yug, I’m sorry… It looks like it won’t be you and me in the finals after all… And after you sent that Marik packing, too. I really wanted to see all your god cards in action.”
“So now it’s time to finally beat you, Yugi!” Kaiba set his sights on Yami Yugi now.
“Before we do, I’ve got something to ask you, Kaiba… When Joey summoned his Scapegoat, I noticed a twinge of pain in your face. Are you feeling all right?”
Kaiba didn’t expect this level of concern from Yami Yugi. “Why are you concerned about me? Shouldn’t you be more concerned about the guy I just crushed?”
“Make no mistake about it, I am. But just because you’re my rival doesn’t mean I wish you harm. You know what, we should take a break and then resume with the finals in an hour or two.”
“And just in time for lunch, too!” Teá exclaimed. “Yes! Perfect chance to show my cooking sk- Hey, where did you go, Tristan and Joey?”
“Hahaha…” Yami Yugi now turned back to Kaiba. “See you at lunch?”
“I prefer to eat in peace, thanks.”
“Oh… Well, then, at least let us cook for you?”
“…Fine, then. You should serve me, after all.” Kaiba headed for the lower deck.
To avoid having to mingle with this band of doofuses any more than he had to, Kaiba decided to make a stop – a conveniently long stop – to the loo and wash his face and hands. “Tch. I don’t need this friendship bull from you, Yugi,” he spoke to the mirror. “My money is more than- Huh?”
Kaiba had been so busy lauding his own riches – and admiring his own looks. But that didn’t stop him from noticing two giant wings coming out of his back in the mirror’s reflection, wings that looked similar to those of the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon.
“What the fu-” Kaiba looked at his back again, but this time, the wings were absent. He blew off his “vision” as just being absorbed in his victory. “Ha. I knew it was just my imagination.”
He dreaded having to do it, but he hadn’t eaten all day, and the match with Joey tired him. So Kaiba took a deep breath before entering the kitchen – which to his relief, had not a spirit of the Pharaoh, but an ordinary Yugi Mutou instead. He had expected the boy to be annoyingly cheerful when he entered, and not reclusive as he was now.
“Thank you, my humble servants.” Kaiba smirked as he took some of the food that everyone – who, like Yugi, had chosen to ignore his presence – back to his room. Before he could finish his lunch, he heard a knock at the door.
“Go away, you dweeb.”
“Seto, that’s not very nice.” Mokuba frowned as he opened the door. “I was just here to give you your favourite dessert – and to see if you’re okay.”
“Oh, uh… Mokuba. Sorry about that. Why wouldn’t I be okay? You saw me win, didn’t you?”
“Did Yugi and those obnoxious friends of yours give you a hard time again?”
“I’m… not sure I want to talk about it.” Kaiba gave his empty plates back for Mokuba to wash. “I would like to rest before my match with Yugi, so you may leave.”
“Okay… Big Bro, I’m here for you all the time. Don’t you forget that.” So spoke Mokuba as he quietly shut the door.
“I wish people would stop caring about me…” Kaiba drifted off, even more tired now that people around him wouldn’t seem to get off his case.
“Mind Crush!”
At the mercy of this mysterious spell, Kaiba cowered, and remaining as such as his VR equipment lowered to the ground.
“May you eventually learn the heart of the cards, Kaiba.” Yami Yugi walked over to where Kaiba knelt and offered helping hands. “Now come, up you get.”
“You don’t have to help me. I just absolutely squashed your grandfather. Why show kindness to an enemy like me?”
Yami Yugi didn’t accept Kaiba’s refusal to help him, and knelt down at his eye level. “I told you, I want you to learn the heart of the cards. Have fun playing this game, instead of seeing it as just a way to make money and hurt people.”
Kaiba had no words for this seemingly new gentle attitude from Yami Yugi.
“What’s wrong, Kaiba? You’re blushing.”
He could feel it in his face, and that Yami Yugi didn’t lie. Kaiba could hardly bear to look at the face – the very handsome face – of this stranger who had just beaten him flat. He wanted to run his fingers through the other man’s bangs – he was close enough to see every strand – and he didn’t even bother to resist doing so.
“K-Kaiba…” Yami Yugi, to Kaiba’s surprise, didn’t flinch at all, but instead leaned into the hand that touched him. “I’m… I’m so glad… to finally see-”
“AH! FUUUUUUUUCK!” Kaiba sprung awake at this… interesting dream, in more ways than one.
“Jesus, Kaiba… What’s gotten into you? Did you have a nightmare or something?”
Kaiba was not pleased to see Joey standing at the door to his room. “What the hell are you doing here, Wheeler? And yes, if you must know, it was a nightmare.”
“Ooh, I like scary stories!” Tristan showed his face, too. “Care to tell?”
“No, but I do care for the both of you to get the fuck out of my room!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Joey waved his hand horizontally. “We just came here to tell you that Yugi is feeling up to your match now. I don’t know if you are; you certainly don’t look it.”
“O-Of course I’m up to it. Just… Uh, I’ll be there in a minute.”
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mistressarafax · 6 years ago
Small Adjustments
Kaiba didn’t adjust to change well. It didn’t happen often, and usually, any changes in his life were directly the result of Mokuba forcing change into his life.
The biggest change he’d lived through was Mokuba leaving for college. It was the first time they’d ever been separated for more than a week or two, and it forced Kaiba to accept that his little brother had grown up. Forced him to find a routine that didn’t involve Mokuba in the manor. It had been lonely and difficult, but it's what his brother wanted.
Mokuba came back after a year at school taller than Kaiba, which had honestly been a shock. Of course, he’d watched Mokuba grow up over the years, hitting growth spurts along the way and slowly but surely catching up to his older brother’s height. Now the soon-to-be nineteen-year-old stood an inch taller than him.
Not only was he taller, but he’d clearly spent a significant portion of time on campus working out. His muscles had filled out, and while his face still had some of its boyish features, he looked more like an adult than a child. It was difficult for him to adjust to the fact that his little brother wasn’t little anymore.
Over the summer, Mokuba worked short hours at KaibaCorp. He spent a week in all of the departments, doing all kinds of work and trying out every kind of job imaginable.
“You know there’s a vice president position for you,” Kaiba said. “You don’t have to do the small stuff.”
Mokuba had met his comment with a glare. “I want to have a full picture of the company, Seto. Most people don’t just get put into a top position. They work for it and move their way up.”
“I worked for it.” It felt like an accusation, words that had been directed at him at a far more impressionable time in his life coming back to bite him again only from someone who actually mattered.
Mokuba’s expression and tone softened. “I didn’t mean that to insult you. Yes, you worked for it. And you work to keep it every single day. You seized the company from Gozaburo, and the world is better for it. What I’m saying is that I don’t deserve to be the vice president just because I’m your brother. I don’t want valid accusations of nepotism to hang over my head. I want to earn it.”
It was another adjustment, something he’d never expected. He always imagined that Mokuba would just become his vice president, but a part of him was proud of Mokuba for wanting to stand on his own. To work for his own achievements. That change didn’t take him long to accept.
Two weeks later, Mokuba marched into his study and sat back on the leather couch. He’d pulled out his phone and typed out a message, distractedly announcing, “I’m not going to go back to school in the fall.”
“Why not?”
“I’d rather attend online classes from home. Plus, I can spend a few hours a week helping out at work.”
Which suited Kaiba just fine.
What didn’t suit Kaiba just fine was that now that Mokuba was home and all of his school friends had headed back to college for the fall, Mokuba started hanging out with the only loser who’d stuck around Domino City, Joey Wheeler. He’d discovered the fact quite by accident when he found the idiot in Mokuba’s entertainment room, holding a bag of potato chips and chewing with his mouth open.
“Who let you in here, Wheeler?”
“That would be your brother.” He’d grabbed another handful of chips, casually leaning back onto the couch as though it were perfectly normal for him to be here. As if there wasn’t a point in time when the two of them couldn’t be in the same room without fighting.
Kaiba opened his mouth to tell him off when Mokuba walked back in the room. “Hey, Seto!” he greeted. “Hopefully you two were playing nice.”
“Nice enough,” Wheeler answered with a shrug.
Kaiba didn’t deign him with a response before heading off to his study to get some more work done for the night.
The one night became several nights, and within a few months, it became almost surprising to not see Wheeler at the manor, sitting on the floor in front of Mokuba or next to him on the couch. After six months, Wheeler had become a permanent resident in the guest room closest to Mokuba’s. The two had become friends, the closest Kaiba had ever seen his brother have. Kaiba did not appreciate having to spend so much time around the irksome blonde, but he was willing to overlook it for Mokuba’s sake.
The friendship altered Kaiba’s life in unexpected ways. Mokuba and Wheeler frequently went out for dinner, leaving Kaiba on his own for meals. He also no longer felt guilty on nights he had to work late though. He knew Mokuba wasn’t alone, which offered him a great deal of relief.
After a year, Wheeler had become a constant presence in Kaiba’s life. Which was why he was so puzzled when he came home one night, expecting to see Mokuba and Wheeler playing video games like always, only to find Mokuba lying in bed, curled up with his back facing the door.
“Where’s Wheeler?” Kaiba asked, confused.
Even in the dim lighting, Kaiba could see how Mokuba’s back had tensed. “Home.” The response was short and uncomfortable, and Kaiba wondered what had happened. Clearly, Mokuba was upset. If the idiot had hurt his brother, Kaiba would rain fiery vengeance upon him. Mokuba hiccuped, fighting back tears.”God, I’m an idiot.”
That’s it, Kaiba decided. Wheeler’s dead.
Mokuba climbed out of bed and trudged over to Kaiba and embraced him. Something about him in that moment made him look small again. Defeated and tired and young. “Mokuba, what’s wrong?”
“I’m a fucking idiot.”
Kaiba frowned. “You are absolutely not an idiot.”
“It sure feels like it.”
“What happened?”
Mokuba stepped away from Seto, leveling a calculating gaze at his brother. “I… I kissed Joey.”
“You…? What?” Kaiba asked, trying to wrap his head around what Mokuba had just told him.
“I um… I like him. A lot. And I thought he liked me, too. So we were just playing games, like always, and curled up together on the couch, and I couldn't help myself and kissed him on the cheek. He left after that, and on God, Seto, I messed everything up.”
It was a lot to process at once. His brother liked a boy. Nothing wrong with that, he just found it unexpected. Maybe if they'd ever actually talked about the subject of romantic interests, Kaiba would have known this before now, but Kaiba really didn't care. What he found decidedly more wrong was that the boy he liked was Joseph Wheeler. He could make a whole list of issues he had with that.
But Mokuba liked Wheeler, and Kaiba doubted an extensive list of reasons why it was a terrible idea would persuade his brother to rethink. In fact, if Mokuba's teenage years had taught Kaiba anything, it was that trying to dissuade Mokuba from something only made him more likely to do it out of defiance. So Kaiba had to accept that Mokuba liked Wheeler, and that was that. There would be no changing that fact. Mokuba really liked him. Enough that being rejected had him clinging to Kaiba like he was still a kid again.
Kaiba hated seeing Mokuba so upset and defaulted to feeling angry at the source of that sadness. Wheeler was an absolute idiot for turning down Mokuba, and Kaiba was going to make him regret it. No one hurt his little brother without facing consequences.
“I shouldn't have told you that,” Mokuba finally said, shaking Kaiba from his thoughts.
“Why?” He was genuinely perplexed.
“Because you don't care. And you're probably mad.”
“Hell yes, I'm mad. Wheeler's going to pay for this.”
Mokuba looked at him seriously, pain still lingering in his expression. After a long moment, he sighed. “Don't do anything to him, Seto.”
“He needs to pay for hurting you. Like everyone else.”
“Seto...this isn't his fault. This is my fault. I can handle this without your interference.”
But as Mokuba bid him goodnight, and Seto headed to bed, he knew he would still involve himself. He couldn't not. It was far too common for people to hurt him through Mokuba. He doubted this was intentional on Wheeler's part, but he still couldn't let it slide.
Which is how he found himself at Wheeler's apartment first thing in the morning. Mokuba's happiness was far more important than the 9:30 AM upper management meeting he was missing to be here. It took Wheeler a few minutes to get to the door, and when he finally pulled it open, he looked rough. His hair fell into his face, still wet from a shower, dark circles under his eyes, and his face swollen, and Kaiba decided that maybe Wheeler was suffering over this too, just like Mokuba.
Wheeler sighed. “What do ya want, Kaiba?” he asked, sounding resigned.
“I'm here to see why you rejected my brother.”
Wheeler’s eyes flicked up to meet his, surprised. “I… I didn't.”
“Then why was he in his room, alone, crying over you last night?”
“I panicked last night, okay? He kissed me, and ain't like I didn't want it, but it felt wrong.”
Wheeler ran his hand through his hair, roughly raking through knots in frustration. “Because of people thinkin’ I'm too old for him. Because of what you'd think, too.”
Kaiba crossed his arms. “What, pray tell, do I think?”
Wheeler shrugged. “Dunno. That I ain't good enough for ‘im.”
“You're right. You aren't. Especially if you're going to worry about what others think of you over my brother's feelings for you.”
“Wait so... you ain't against it?”
Kaiba grumbled, searching for the right words. “I'll never be against something, someone, that makes Mokuba happy. Even if you aren't good enough for him.”
“Really?” Wheeler's eyes flickered with hope and excitement.
Kaiba rolled his eyes and turned around, ready to leave. Wheeler laughed from behind him. “Thanks, Kaiba!” he shouted from the doorway. Kaiba didn't respond, but he knew he'd have an easier time adjusting to them dating than adjusting to both a moping, heartbroken Mokuba and the sudden lack of Wheeler's presence in his life. A laughable thought but true nonetheless.
He headed into work after that, staying extra focused since he's arrived late. He even worked late to make up for the lost time. He arrived home wau after the sun had set and promptly went to the media room, hoping to find Mokuba and Wheeler both there.
The glow of the screen reassured him as he drew near. He stepped into the doorway and frowned at the sight before him. Mokuba rested his weight on top of Wheeler, their game abandoned in favor of locking lips.
Without calling any attention to himself, he crept away, leaving them to their activities. The idea of them dating still felt foreign and weird, but it was a change he could live with.
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the-cryptographer · 7 years ago
For the yugioh ask meme - 9, 13, 18, 23, 31!
Thank you!! 9 and 13 got answered already. In my ‘ask’ tag if you’re interested  x’)
18. A random headcanon
Ah, I have so many at this point,lol. A lot of them really kind of spring up in the process of writing fic, andwhat I think makes sense and carries weight for that story so *shrugs*
There are some things I more or lessaccept as permanent facets of the characters, hmm:
Things about how Jounouchi’sgang life with Hirutani went, and how it ended. And how Jounouchi feels aboutthat, and how Honda helped and encouraged him in this huge way that Jounouchi couldn’t even acknowledge at the time and still struggles with acknowledging during canon. Experimental sexual encounter with Honda inmiddle school is also one of a few things about Jounouchi’s sexual history that’skind of permanently burned into my brain at this point as something that definitely happened.
Things about how Seto’s relationshipwith Gouzaburou went. I guess you could say I’ve crafted headcanons about how andfor what purpose Gouzaburou intended to mold Seto, and how and where heundermined his own motivations, but still ultimately succeeded. heh, I keepimagining Gouzaburou sitting on a recliner in hell, watching Seto build andopen Death-T and just shaking his head with such disdain. “What is all this? A death theme park? How is this going to monetiseproperly? How is this going to sustain Kaiba Corp? Seto. Seto. Papa taught youbetter than this~”And Seto’s just like, “fuckyou, I can build a death theme park and wear belts on my arms and piss awayyour whole estate and die penniless in a ditch if I want to – you can’t stopme.”Caught between a rock and a hard place, Seto. If you succeed at lifeand work you’ll only be doing what your abuser wants, but if you fail you’llonly be miserable. It’s your choice, with only your life on the line here :v
And, I guess Yami Malik not beinggone from Malik’s psyche post-canon is a headcanon? going from what canon’s seemingintent is in how it presents the end of Battle City, I think we’re meant to thinkthat Yami Malik is and Malik’s hateful feelings are gone(?) But I’m not surehow seriously anyone takes that? idk, I certainly don’t take it seriously.
None of these are fun headcanons,lol. idk, it can be a headcanon that Mai comes into town and treats everyone todim sum, right? Just imagine the whole gang eating dim sum. Imagine Jounouchiand Honda and Shizuka having a chopstick battle over the last shrimp dumpling.And then continuing to fight, over the gai lan this time, even though Honda doesn’t even like it.
31. Favorite duel
Isis vs Seto. It’s just… socathartic, omg. I have so many feelings about what this duel meant for both thecharacters. I like how it really ricochets through Seto’s fears and hubris anddownfall and resurrection, against Isis’s stony and completely assuredconfidence that they are utterly powerless. And how Seto ultimately believes inthe power of something more personal and connecting than just raw strength, andhow that becomes the power to decide your own destiny. It’s just- very good.
The Atem vs Seto duel from Duellist Kingdom, and the Atem vs Mai duel are second and third runners up.
23. NOTP
Ah, I still don’t really think I have any? I have prettynarrow preferences regarding a number of ships, but there’s not really anythingI think in abstract I’m really never up for seeing some portrayal of? In termsof ships I see regularly enough on trips around tumblr and fanfic land that I’mkind of full of mixed feelings on… the rest is under the cut:
I can’t say I find myself super interested in Atem/Yuugi. I don’t reallyunderstand myself, but I’ve even kind of been randomly and viscerally squicked at times byportrayals of them kissing or preforming sex acts on one another (as opposed topreforming sex acts on someone else in each other’s general vicinity, lol).Which is really bizarre, since I’m a big fan of emblematik’s fic and own agrand total of one R18 doujin about them. So, idk, there’s nothing objectionable about it in the slightest. But I seem to heavily preferAtem and Yuugi being platonic in most cases for some reason?
I’m also not really fond of the vast majority of Ryou/YamiMalik interpretations. I’m not really that fond of Yami Malik in a completelyseparate body and as a completely separate entity that’s not at all amanifestation of Malik prime’s emotional needs (or vice versa, really). I kindof consider Malik and Yami Malik a package deal, so I’m not really especiallykeen on seeing one ship dealt with in absentia of the other. And, even if I was,I kind of think Malik and Yami Bakura are better developed characters that canbe used to cover a lot of the messy Ryou ship dynamics, well, better. But- I really, reallylike (platonic or nonplatonic) angstshipping, and I do consider (platonicor nonplatonic) Ryou/Yami Malik a facet of that. A facet that can reap reallyinteresting results. And so I want to see a lot more of Ryou and the Maliks butmaybe not in the way I see the fandom usually be about them.
And, idk, it seems like I’ve had a lot of salty af feelingsabout Isis/Mai. I don’t know. I am (1) very overly invested in Mai being reallytraumatised by Yami Malik’s behaviour towards her, (2) very overly invested inMalik being held accountable as (at the very least) complicit in Yami Malik’sbehaviour, (3) very overly invested in Mai being allowed to never forgive Malikever, and (4) very overly invested in Isis and Rishid being there to supportMalik and be on his team basically regardless of how bad he’s fucked up ateverything ever. These four points feed right into so much that I love aboutBattle City and DOMA, and somewhere in them is a pretty big conflict ofinterest that kind of prevents Isis/Mai and Mai/Rishid from not being superfucked up on some level. And, idk, I don’t really see a lot of super fucked upportrayals of them? Which is fine, I guess? I think my four points up there areperhaps overly specific readings of the text? But they all kind of lead me tohaving a kneejerk reaction against the ships bc my insect brain goes: ‘this ispressuring a woman to get over her abuse and pretend it didn’t happen’. Whichis something I’m familiar as with per my personal life, which is kind ofuncomfortable. Which makes me want desperately to read a Isis/Mai fic aboutgaslighting, and them dealing with dissimilar approaches to their own abuserecovery and erroneously expecting the other to be on the same page, and eventually beingable to understand each other and knowing their relationship needs a lot of distancein places and that’s sad but it still might be something worth holding onto? SoI guess I’m back to shipping it again, except I have to write it myself orsomething, idk.(except i also understand that everyone i unabashedly ship Maiwith is a tiny baby and that has its own potential problems – just ones ihaven’t had to live with? idk, why doesn’t ygo canon have any passionate,hot-blooded adult people i want to ship Mai with? Vivian, you are my onlysalvation.)
idk, I don’t like Mokuba/Shizuka either. except it might befine if somebody convinced me Mokuba and Shizuka could connect on a meaningfullevel that wasn’t just ‘making JouKai drama happen’. and i don’t likeHonda/Shizuka either. except i do like it, because I like Honda/Otogi/Shizukatriad. except I’ve never read any Honda/Shizuka by itself that wasn’t justuncomfortably assuming that Shizuka would get with Honda and not dealing withthe fact that Honda is an entitled lying liar who should question just what it ishe feels entitled to, and why. andwhat kind of relationship he’ll be participating in, and why. smh.
And I have a hard time seeing Atem being attracted to Anzuin canon, so I’m not big on shipping them, but it wouldn’t drive me away fromsomething either? Anzu/Atem: why not? and i used to feel sort of ‘why not?’ but not super interested inAtem/Kaiba. but then I gotangry at antishippers and then I talked to rainstormcolors too much, and now Ikind of ship it. Except I still get the feeling that most people who ship itaren’t really looking for the same dynamic in it that I’m really looking for.Which is, when I think about it, the exact same problem I have with JouKai(except slightly less bad, bc JouKai is much trashier). So I’ve done a 180degree turn here from notp problems to otp problems because for me they are thesame problems. always the same problems.
ETA: Itoccurs to me I probably could have added Seto/Shizuka to this list. Myunderstanding of Seto is that he’s someone who wouldn’t be at all compassionateabout her no-money, abuse, and disability problems. And my understanding ofShizuka is that she’s someone that would take that keenly to heart in arelationship. But, oh noes, once more I have read at least one fic for thisship that I liked. And I kind of like the idea of fucked up Season Zero Seto/Shizuka a lot too ;_;
Thank you again for the ask x)
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flower-of-the-desert · 8 years ago
You know, I figured people would do this (there were already posts about it before we even knew if Atem was coming back for real or not) but it still annoys me so much.
I mean I get some people didnt want him to come back for whatever reason, that’s fine but saying that it robbed Yugi of his rightful place is just... so wrong??? in my opinion. Like yes, that could have happened. Like I even made a post about it last year I think, about how it’s possible to handle Atem’s return in a way that overshadows Yugi but it’s also possible to not do that and we should give the movie a chance to see which road they decide to take. And honestly, I dont see how what happened could be considered as the first option at all.
For one thing, looking at the most practical physical aspect - Yugi fought three duels in a row, the last of which was a shadow game sapping him of his life force/energy. And he got knocked around so much in the first duel alone, let alone facing Kaiba afterwards who is not an easy opponent to deal with on a good day (and that was definitely not one of his good days). The kid isnt made of stone. I imagine even Atem would have been having diffuclties by that point. Hell, he did have difficulties - when he was in his own body in the Memory World and was fighting Bakura constantly, he too needed Yugi and co and all his priests dying/giving him their ba/ka to help him restore his energy (which actually now that I’m thinking about it, is an amazing parallel and I need to make a seperate post to properly express how it makes me feel, goddamn this ship will be the death of me). So Yugi passing out after all that? Seems a pretty logical thing to do. Especially since he wasnt even using any additional magical powers or anyone else’s energy to keep going.
Secondly, from a character development perspective - Yugi was the boss. This is the kid who couldnt stand in front of crowds without doing an awkward robot walk, stammering and blushing like crazy - and this same kid now not only has no problem dueling in a high-stakes duel in front of the whole city but also has no problem telling the guy who bascially owns said city to back the fuck off. Honestly, how many characters do you think would have the balls to look Seto Kaiba in the eye and say what Yugi said with the full intention of following through on those words? And to have Kaiba actually listen to them?
Not to mention that he’s also doing the speech at their graduation and he looks perfectly at ease with it.
Yugi has grown so much as a character and the movie showed that so well. He’s living his life, he has plans for the future, he’s confident and still sweet, he can now freely and easily stand up for the things and people he cares about, he believes in himself, he’s willing to fight to the end and not give up even when things look doomed... like how does Atem coming at the literal last second to help out ruin any of that? Or take away from Yugi’s spotlight? Because Yugi was supposed to save the world alone? Does that even make sense when the entire core theme of the show is that you should rely on your friends and let them give you strength and that the power of unity and togetherness and friendship is what saves the world in the end and makes the impossible possible? Did Atem save the world on his own or did all his friends and family support him with all their power?
So for me that was the perfect way to handle both Atem’s return and showcasing Yugi’s growth and strength as his own person/duelist.
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