#shinaya shippers eat up though
kageprountranslated · 3 years
Kagerou Daze Anthology Novel Ch. 2 - Locked Up With a Classmate
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Locked Up With a Classmate
Author: Kōta (こーた) | Illustrator: Hanasaki Manio (花咲まにお)
The incident occurred only a few weeks after I became a high school student, in the season where the smell of spring still remains.
When I asked myself why it happened, I was so upset that I couldn’t even answer. The view outside the window is dim, and before long it will be pitch black. And on top of that, it seems that the electricity is broken since I’ve been pressing the switch for a while with no sign of it working.
……Why did this happen?
I held my head. Ahh, I think it’s pretty rare for me to be holding my head like this, but that’s how different the nature of this “current situation” is.
But it’s okay because there’s a solution. With my heart murmuring, I look at her, wearing her red scarf, as she handles her cell phone.
“Um, Shintaro……”
“Oh, are you going to contact someone?”
“Well…… about that”
Why is she avoiding eye contact? She’s staring with unpleasant premonition in her eyes. And that brief comment is all she said.
“My cell phone, I forgot to charge it…… the battery is dead.”
While pointing at her phone’s pitch black screen that she turned toward me, Ayano makes an awkward smile. And our only remaining hope breaks, making a shattering noise.
……Now, if you asked me what the heck happened, since I’ve calmed down a little bit I may be able to answer.
To put it simply, I am locked up in a room with my classmate Ayano Tateyama next to me. We are currently, in the present tense, trapped alone together.
Going back in time a little earlier today, after school.
Ayano had stepped up to carry some teaching materials to a certain room. Apparently it’s the job of Ayano’s father, who’s a teacher at this school, but since he seems to be busy lately, he begged her to help him and carry it. That’s why, today, Ayano told me she wanted to walk home together but couldn’t.
I had wanted to go home early, but I followed Ayano, wondering if she wanted me to keep her company. By no means was I plotting to go home together.
And now I was trapped. What does it mean?
“Ayano, you said your cell phone died…… But were you able to contact anyone first?”
“I tried to send an email to my dad because I couldn’t call him, but I lost power immediately after I sent it, so I wonder if it was able to send properly……”
“I see…”
A small room. Alone with Ayano. Unfortunately when I tried to ask someone for help, I forgot that I left my phone at home today. Ayano has her phone so tried to contact someone, but as she said, it seems the charge has run out.
“The teaching materials, I was asked to bring them and Shintaro came too.”
“Well that’s, I’m feeling this mood.”
“Fufu, Shintaro you’re so kind.”
“......I don’t think I’m kind.”
When I said that, Ayano slowly turned her face down. And while listening to my situation she lets out a voice saying, “Shintaro…… you’re angry at me, right?”
“Huh? We didn’t get into this situation because of any ill will, and I have no reason to get angry with you.”
“Oh so, Shintaro is kind after all!”
“No, it’s not that…… that, why are you about to cry like that!”
“It’s because of me…… uhh, my dad warned me about the door.”
Apparently the doors of the “Second Science Preparation Room” aren’t built very well, and once closed often can’t be opened from the inside. Ayano forgot to tell me this, and I, who didn’t know, closed the door.
It seems that this time they’ve finally decided to repair it properly but…… repair it sooner.
“We can’t do anything. Let’s stay still, ‘kay?”
“...... yeah.”
I couldn’t just sit on the dusty floor and next to the pile of cardboard dust that neighbored me.
I opened the window, lightly flinging it ajar, and sat down on the floor side-by-side with Ayano. We’re at a distance where our shoulders bump. ……It’s close.
“Ehehe, but it’s good that the person I got locked up with is you, Shintaro.”
I’ll reply curtly.
At this time I agree, It’s nice to be locked up with Ayano. But it’s embarrassing to think about, so I’ll never say it out loud.
And then I notice, outside the window it’s totally dark. It seems a lot of time has passed since I started trying to find a way out.
“Well, it’s getting darker.”
“Yeah, I wonder if my dad got the email…… I hope he comes to get us out.”
“Isn’t it a little too dark in here?”
“There’s no way to turn the electricity on. If we could get it on, someone even from a distance might notice that we’re in this room”
“Say, Ayano.”
“There aren’t many people around here, I tried yelling out a while ago but as expected it was no use……”
“Ayano, tell me, are you scared of the dark?”
“Hm? I’m not particularly scared of it.”
“You’re putting on a brave front! Look, let’s talk about something bright and fun!”
“......Shintaro, is it possible,”
I felt Ayano’s gaze with the words, “Are you scared?” My shoulders jump.
“I-I-I, I’m not scared! I’m just scared that you’re scared!”
“Then, let’s take advantage of this dim atmosphere and talk about horror!”
When I turned to Ayano, her face was at point-blank range. She’s staring at me with a fearless smile.
H-horror!? Scary stories!?
“Well. One night……”
As soon as Ayano started talking, I raised my voice and covered my ears. I can’t deal with horror in this situation!!
“I-I-I I’m not scared, ‘kay, don’t misunderstand!?”
“What’s that!? Shintaro! There’s a figure outside the window!”
“Eh, wait Shintaro!?”
I think I was in a panic at this time. No, I wasn’t thinking about it. I’m in a big panic.
“It’s a joke Shintaro! Calm down!”
“Window!? Where!? Where’s the figure!?”
“That’s why it’s a joke! Uwawa!”
I was so surprised and horrified that I hid behind Ayano’s back. A boy hiding behind a girl’s back, there’s no doubt that if my little sister saw me right now she’d say, “my brother is pathetic,” but I guess that’s not the case for now.
“Shintaro! There’s no figure! It was a joke!”
“J-, joke……?”
“Yes, a joke! So calm down! It was just a fail at making fun of you!”
So I discover it’s a joke and finally calm down.
What a joke……!
“Ah, ahaha, I knew from the beginning that it was like a joke and I wasn’t surprised or scared……”
“Then why are you hiding behind my back?”
“Th-, that’s…… no just, don’t make weird jokes anymore!?”
Ayano looks at me replying “yes yes” from over her shoulder. Just one word.
“Shintaro, behind……!
What!? Is there something behind me!?
“Well, I’m kidding…… but……. Shintaro you’re funny, too funny, bufufu.”
Perhaps she’s holding back laughter, her shoulders shaking while she holds her stomach. But, in the end she couldn’t stand it and bursts into full laughter.
“Y-, you, I told you to stop making weird jokes didn’t I!? Don’t laugh!”
“I’m sorry! I won’t laugh anymore…… fufuhaa.”
“You’re laughing!!”
This is flat out scary without a joke. There’s nothing to laugh about.
“Ahh, I laughed. ……So, why is Shintaro still hiding behind me?”
“Eh!? No, th-,that stuff you said! Is it okay for me to leave now!? It’s okay to go, but…… there really wasn’t anything behind me!?”
“There really wasn’t anything!”
“Is that true? It was really just a joke!?”
“It’s okay! It was really a joke!”
“...... alright.”
Slowly slowly, take myself away from behind Ayano. Alright, it’s really a joke.
“Heee!? Ayano! Ayano! Something was outside! Something was outsiiiiide!”
There was a noise, and something big crossed the window. I buried myself into ayano’s back, hugging her instead of hiding, not so subtle this time.
“...... I think it was just a bird this time…… Shintaro? Are you okay?”
“I’m not okay! This isn’t fun anymore! I’m scared! It’s terrible!!”
“No way Shintaro was so scared……”
Ayano took my hand that hugged her and asked, “are you okay?” as she gently stroked it. But I immediately shake my hand and let go of Ayano. As usual I shook her off.
Ahh, I’m sure I have a real pathetic facial expression now. I don’t want Ayano to see me like this.
“It’s okay. Because I’m by Shintaro’s side, forever.”
“So rest assured, I’m not scared,” she said with a smile.
“...... Ayano…… aren’t you scared?”
“I guess if I’m feeling anything, it’s scared. But somehow it’s okay since I’m with you, Shintaro. Ah, is my feeling of wanting to protect scaredy-Shintaro overpowering it now?”
What she says is alleviating my fear.
“Wait a minute, I’m only scared because you’ve been saying weird things…… No, I’m not scared, I’m absolutely not scared.”
*“I’m sorry about that, I’m scared that Shintaro is cute.”
“That’s why I’m not scared and don’t tell a man he’s cute!”
“Now, that’s not right! I wasn’t saying that! I said ‘scared’!”
(*Translator’s note: Shintaro believed Ayano said she was scared he was cute but she is saying that she said she was scared he was scared. In Japanese the words “cute” and “scary” sound similar, being “kawaii” and “kowai”)
“Ah, that’s…… Just my imagination, it was in my imagination! W-, well it can’t be helped, so it’s okay to be protected only for today! But I’m not particularly scared!”
“Good grief, Shintaro, you're really not straightforward.”
As she says that, she looks up at my face from below.
“Sh-, shut up! Only today, only today I’ll protect you, that is, you, Ayano.”
“Eh? Shintaro, what?”
“A-, Ayano, what if you were also having a hard time? If I can do it…… I’ll help you.”
Why did I say that?
When I heard that Ayano wanted to protect me, I wondered if I could do something for her too. My words were very small, but Ayano seemed to hear them. She very happily said, “it’s rare for Shintaro to be defeated.” ……I’m not defeated.
“That’s right.”
After thinking for a moment she muttered, “I don’t want to involve someone who’s important to me if it’s dangerous,” with a serious look on her face.
Ahh, she’s that kind of person. Worrying more about others than herself. “Because it’s my happiness,” I remember her saying once while laughing, so you really……
“But thank you Shintaro, I’m happy with those words alone.”
“Th-, that’s right.”
“Then, I have your permission, Shintaro. Only today I’ll be a hero for Shintaro!”
“Have it your way.”
“Hey, Shintaro.”
“What is it?”
“When you’re scared or lonely, you can hold my hand.”
“Huh? What’s that—......”
As if to block my words, the window shakes greatly. Apparently the wind is getting stronger. Of course, my body reacts to such a noise.
“Uh……. uh, Ayanoo.”
Now, please commend me for not screaming this time.
“Shintaro, your hand.”
“Shintaro, hand.”
“Shintaro, hand!”
“What about your hand!? Should I just hold it!?”
I grabbed Ayano’s hand tightly. It was warm.
“Whenever you feel alone and lonely, hold my hand anytime.”
Those words, what kind of meaning do they have?
With a little thought, I shook my head. I shook my head to deny Ayano’s words. When Ayano looked at me she looked lonely.
“I…… can’t you rely on me?”
“That’s not it. …… just.”
Ayano tilts her head. I turned away from her.
“...... It’s because I’m a coward.”
Isolated words, I muttered in a very quiet voice.
—......It must have been a long time since we got trapped.
Still, there was no sign of help coming at all. What should I do? I was hungry and I wanted to take a bath.
It was me who had such a small sneeze. As the window rattles, the wind seems to be strong outside. It’s chilly and I brace my body, as a scarf is wrapped around my neck gently.
“Fufu, isn’t it cold with this?”
Certainly not cold, but rather warm. But, this is……
“You’re cold right? Take it back.”
“That’s not good, you’re catching a cold Shintaro.”
“If you say that, what if you catch a cold instead!?”
“Fufu, thanks for worrying about me.”
“A-, also…… I-, I’m returning it anyway!”
I push the red scarf back to Ayano, but she totally refuses to take it. And suddenly, Ayano says, “ah, let’s wear it together!” which makes me jump.
Wear it…… together?
“Huh? What are you……!?”
When I realized the scarf was around my neck again, it was also around Ayano’s neck.
Wa-, wait one minute, two people wearing it together is the kind of thing that—!?
Two people and one scarf. Ayano’s body and face are clinging very closely to mine. It’s definitely warmer than before, but this is……!
“I need to move away from you!”
“Why? Isn’t it warm?”
“That’s not the problem!”
“So what’s the problem?”
“J-, just think for yourself!”
“Hmm—? Shintaro, you’re acting strange, aren’t you?”
“Shh-, sh, shut upp.”
I move my arm to untie the scarf, but when I do I hear the sound of my clothes and Ayano’s clothes rubbing together. I can’t move my body because I’m in such close contact with Ayano.
“If I’m asking you to wear it because you’re cold, I’m not wrong am I?”
I’m cold too. If anything, I want to wear the scarf exactly how it is.
“......I-, it can’t be helped. If you say it like that.”
“Fufu, thank you.”
It was in this way, we agreed to share one scarf. But, although we’re no longer cold, our current situation of being trapped remains the same.
“Ayano, are you okay? If you’re getting sleepy, do you want to sleep?”
“Yeah, maybe I’m a little sleepy…. Ah, maybe I should borrow Shintaro’s shoulders.”
“O-, oh. I understand.”
Ayano rests her head on my shoulder.
“...... hey, Shintaro.”
With her face down and eyes closed, Ayano gently says my name. It was a small voice, but we’re so close together that I could clearly see she was saying my name.
“...... you called yourself a coward, what do you mean by that?”
I’m surprised. After saying “It’s because I’m a coward” Ayano had shut up. I thought she couldn’t hear me because I muttered it in such a quiet voice, but it seems to have reached her ears after all.
It’s regretfully too late to pretend I didn't say it. She already heard.
“That is…… that’s nothing, so forget about it. I’m a little upset.”
“I will never forget. I will absolutely never forget.”
Her crying voice spilled from her mouth. Why is she making a voice like that?
And this time from Ayano…… and almost every time words from Ayano, she clenched my hand tightly.
“Ayano, hand.”
“I don’t like it, I don’t want to let go.”
“I want you to tell me more about your true feelings, Shintaro.”
“...... what if I say I don’t like it?”
She raised her face. She looked like she was about to cry.
Ahh, this face isn’t going to be forgotten…… I think.
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“That is, very sad.”
Still, I can’t say it, won’t say it. I’m too much of a coward to say my true feelings.
But the truth is, I want to tell Ayano everything. I don’t like being alone, and when I end up feeling lonely like I always used to, Ayano will accept me with a smile. But if that happens, I’ll become dependent on Ayano, and if I’m too dependent, I’m so scared that someday it will be time to say goodbye to each other.
Oh I’m really a terrible coward.
“I’m begging you, don’t worry about me.”
Don’t say any more kind words.
Once I depend on you, I can’t live without you.
“Shintaro, I want you to remember what I’m about to say.”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
I shake my head from side to side, like a little kid.
“Shintaro, listen?”
Ayano moves up a little and looks into my face from below.
“I don’t like it.”
I bury my face in the scarf. It smells like Ayano.
“Even if Shintaro lets go of this hand.”
“I don’t want to hear it!”
“I’m going to grab Shintaro’s hand as many times as I want!”
“Even if, this makes me look stubborn,” Ayano said such warm words with a smile.
“Aya-, nno……”
Ayano’s words alone makes me feel like I am overflowing. My whole body gets hot. My eyes get hot.
You see, I shouldn’t have listened. I didn’t want to listen because I thought she would say something happy to me, and of course she did. Why does she say such words to me? She’ll be taken advantage of for her kindness.
“Don’t say that kind of thing so casually.”
Everyone will eventually leave me. Seeing me, who can immediately derive the answer to any question; seeing me, who understands it all; even kind people will also leave me. And everyone looks at me with weird eyes.
Even Ayano, I’m sure just like everyone else……
“It’s not casual! Because Shintaro, I want to be with you forever!”
“Th-, that’s why…!”
“Shintaro, that’s why.”
I notice there. Ayano’s aura seems to be different than usual.
“Ayano, what are you saying……?”
“Shintaro, you’re insensitive to people’s feelings while saying that you understand everything. I’ll be with you, really.”
While holding her head, she mutters out something like a soliloquy.
Insensitive? Am I?
“I mean, I want to be with you forever.”
Ayano mumbled, a little embarrassed.
“It’s because Shintaro, I want to be with you forever.”
Ayano seems to be trying to say something about the meaning of the words she said. I’m sure since it’s Ayano, she’s giving me these words as a friend……
“That’s it, Shintaro.”
“What’s it?”
“Um…… the words I just said, I didn’t mean it in a friendship way.”
My idea that those were the words of a friend, were denied by her herself.
“Shintaro, Shintaro for me, is more than a friend.”
She stares at me. Ayano’s face is close. I find my heart is making a loud noise. I’m distracted by our close distance, I didn’t hear Ayano’s words well.
“For me, about Shintaro—......!”
It was at that time.
Tattattattatto, the sound of someone running echoes through the school.
Ayano’s word’s stopped halfway through the sound that I heard clearly.
“...... Shintaro, can you hear someone running?”
“I-, I-, I don’t care.”
A person of unknown character is running. I was so scared that my remaining determination was gnawed away. I forget about being embarrassed for now.
“I don’t think it’s my imagination.”
“What if it isn’t our imaginations!? Who’s running at this hour!? I-, isn’t it coming this way!? Uwaaaaaaaaa!”
“Shintaro!? Calm down a little, Shintaro! Awawawa!”
Who is running through the school at such an hour? Why would they need to run?
No way, no way could this be something paranormal……!?
“Ayano, I’m so scared that even you can’t help me! Hey, why are you so calm!?”
“I’m not really, but if I’m with people who are more scared than I am, I will keep calm……”
“Ayano, I’m certain the footsteps are coming this way!”
Suddenly, the footsteps stopped right in front of the door where we were trapped.
It’s over. They’ve come to take us from this world.
At this time, I couldn’t hear Ayano’s voice saying, “I wonder if someone came to help us?” I couldn’t think of such an idea at all. Losing my composure, I squeezed Ayano’s hand, which had been linked with mine for so long, with so much fear.
And, the door was opened.
“Hey, are you okay, Ayano!? I’m sorry I didn’t notice the email! It seems that the power was cut off this morning, so I just noticed……”
It was a man’s voice that I heard.
“Ah, Dad.”
As soon as I heard Ayano’s words, I felt frozen in place.
Think about it. This is a closed room, and we’re alone together, right now I’m wearing the scarf (two people sharing one scarf) with Ayano and holding hands together…… yeah, it’s no wonder that a misunderstanding would arise.
“What are you doing with Ayano, Shintaro Kisaragi?”
Did he ask that as a teacher, or as Ayano’s father? I immediately tried to get away from Ayano, but realized I couldn’t because I was wearing the scarf.
I move my arm to untie the scarf.
“You will not move without my permission, Shintaro Kisaragi.”
Yes, I understand not to move, not to move, so don’t make such a scary face, dad.
“Dad, it’s late! I was glad Shintaro was with me, and we can go home now!”
Ayano’s reassuring voice brought relief.
Ayano, look at your father's face because it’s not okay at all. I think I’ll be taken out of the world after all. “What were you doing in a closed room with Ayano? Answer quickly, Shintaro Kisaragi,” he says while glaring at me. Why are you calling me by my full name when we’ve known each other for a while!?
“Ah, it was a little cold so the two of us just warmed up together! Don’t get it twisted, Dad!”
I feel my face get hot as soon as I hear the words “the two of us warmed up”.
Certainly not wrong, not wrong, but……!
“Ayano, what are you saying……g! I’ve gotta ask you to be quiet for a minute! Stop saying weird things!!”
No matter what I say, Ayano doesn’t seem to understand the pinch we’re in as she replies, “I’m not saying anything strange,” with a question mark floating above her head.
…… and, why is her dad smiling so big?
“It was courageous to try to abandon my daughter in front of me without my permission, Shintaro Kisaragi. Now untie the scarf, stand in place, and raise both of your arms, Shintaro Kisaragi.”
Those words, I’ll just say I’ve never heard such a ridiculously dark voice.
In the end, I didn’t realize at that time that it would take a week to get rid of the misunderstanding of the situation.
And I was able to escape from the locked room safely (......it’s a miracle that I was able to survive that father though.) My mother, who was worried about me being home too late, and my sister, who was also worried said:
“My big brother is an idiot! I called your cell phone so many times!”
I’m at your mercy. I’m sorry little sis, that cell phone is in your big brother’s room.
In this way, the day Ayano and I had finally came to an end.
Well, I have an excellent memory, and the words Ayano tried to say are frozen in my mind.
“For me, about Shintaro—......”
At that time, I didn’t know what the end of that sentence would have been. The words between me and Ayano are hazy, and it doesn’t help that while we were locked up together she also said, “I wanted to take a picture of scaredy-Shintaro”......
“Why do you always go home with me?”
As usual, Ayano is back with me. Or rather, clinging to me as we walk home together.
“You want to go home together…… don’t you?”
“No, I’m not saying no.”
“Fufu, it’s not bad, is it?”
Ayano grabs my hand. Illuminated by the setting sun, our shadows emerged on the slope.
“I won’t let go of this hand, so don’t be afraid, Shintaro.”
“....... well, if that's the case, have it your way.”
That hand that I usually shake off, I just couldn’t do it this time for some reason.
What did you try to say the other day, should I ask again?...... I was wondering at that time.
“Ah, Dad.”
Lost in the words, I said, “eh,” and turned forward. Remembering that I was holding hands with Ayano, I built up a slow, unpleasant sweat.
…… that, I wonder what it was before this feeling.
“Good evening, now, are you going home?” the words that spilled from me were so clumsy.
“Hey, I’m trying to reach out to Ayano and Ayano…… that wasn’t Shintaro Kisaragi holding hands with her, right? That’s right, I’m on my way home now, it’s just a coincidence that I ran into you two. …… if you’d like, let’s walk home together, three people.”
It will take a long time to get over this misunderstanding with such an overprotective father……
That’s another story.
“For me, about Shintaro—......”
At that time, I thought I could finally confide my feelings. Then suddenly, I heard someone’s footsteps coming toward us.
I could have finished that sentence without worrying about it.
But when I heard the footsteps, a little silence drifted between me and him. Just a little. You could call it an instant. In that instant I thought about it.
‘What if I get rejected?’
“Haa, I’m sorry to say, I’m a hero of justice.”
I lie on my back in bed, thinking about the classmate who’s so special to me.
That classmate, I’m sure he thinks of me as only a friend.
“...... I don’t even think I’m a friend, though.”
I was terribly saddened by the words I muttered.
But lately he’s allowed me to be closer to him. We eat lunch together, go home together, and we push our desks together for him to teach me how to study. And that relationship, I don’t want to break it.
If I say my feelings, the relationship may break. Isn’t it better not to say it if it will break it? At that time, when such a thing came to mind, I swallowed those feelings, and turned toward the footsteps of someone running.
He calls himself a coward, but the coward is me.
While asking him to tell me his true feelings, it’s me who can’t say my own true feelings.
I’m afraid of being separated from him, I’m afraid of this relationship breaking, and I’m a pitiful coward.
“...... let’s go to sleep.”
No matter how I think of it, there’s no answer besides that I’m a pitiful coward. It’s hard to get an answer when you’re studying it, it’s bad because the answer is immediately clear in such a case.
I’m okay. He and I aren’t going to be separated right now.
I still have time.
That’s why I’m okay. Let’s convey our feelings little by little.
I still have time.
I still have a lot of time.
So, let’s talk to him tomorrow. Let’s make lots of memories.
Tomorrow with him———......
Book Info | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2
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