#and then at the end i can do the other ranged dps
fooltofancy · 1 year
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now i just have to do the hard ones.
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cloud-ya · 2 years
ah yes, people who accompanied kiana in her journey and life as well as had great influence on her all shown in the "graduation trip" preview
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zwei-rhunen · 2 years
-crawling thru the Thanalan deserts like a parched creature -
I've finally done it.. I've finished Hildibrand 2.0 (and leveled MCH to 50) ....
Now I can work on the rest of Heavensward (and try out BLU) 😋
#ik its optional kinda but i didnt want it to just SIT there in my journal yk? i like keeping quest logs clean lol#zwei writes#but also also MCH is kinda important bc the only other usable class i have for msq is warrior#and i really dont wanna be tanking lmao. so now i have smth i can run in msq dungeons/etc lol#i mean technically i have arcanist but i still dont feel like having 'arc 50' disappear from my character sheet lmfao#i think i have all the melee and physical ranged dps that i can do rn all done so thats kinda cool ngl#and after BLU ik ill probably go for black mage next... then paladin... then white mage or maybe AST#i want to do WHM more but im leaning towards AST just bc i think it starts right off at lvl 30 lmao#i also want to round blacksmith over the hump bc im like 10 levels away from 50 on that... and then get armorer up#AND THEN I CAN FINALLY GET RID OF THESE RANDOM INGOTS/WOOD FROM MY INV LMAO#like itll free up half a page of space and its gonna feel so goooood but DAMN that GRIND tho lmfao#ugh i have 8 diff foods in here too but i dont just wanna toss em bc idk itd be a waste yk? i remember going thru all the#effort collecting the ingredients and putting the thing on autocraft while leveling culinarian... like idk#i have a lil over 1000+ food items or 22ish days straight of 3% exp boosts looool#ill prob just end up selling half now that i rrally think abt it bc it really is taking up space#and my chocobo bags are filled with like. random event stuff/furnishings/misc lol#eventually after getting armorer to 50 ill unlock and work on goldsmith. not sure if ill unlock fishing#its either i leave it locked or get it to 50 with everything else. and i hear fishing takes alotta time sooo it might just be one#of the few things ill leave to do until after i get the full game lol#oh my god and then i can get an apartment and dump all my event furniture and all the reclaimed SPACE... fantastic!#speaking of quest logs i gotta get all the DOL/DOH to 50 too. idk why everythings gotta be 50 but it just feels right#i dont like dealing with a char with scattered stats everywhere ranging from the moon to the bottom of the ocean lol#its gotta be NEAT and ORDERLY otherwise its just gonna be annoying and nag the everloving shit out of me lmao#ill loosen up on the numbers after theyre all to at least 50 lol
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karmavongrim · 8 months
Dear Father fanfic idea
DC x DP crossover fanfiction
Fanfic idea of Danny adopting everyone. He’s worse than Batman since he does it 200% deliberately with no age nor race restriction.
“Absolutely fucking not.”
Yeah, nope. No way in hell was he, John mother-fucking Constantine going to let this happen. Only over his dead body, which might actually be the case by the end of the bloody day if they couldn’t come up with something else other than that. And he wasn’t going to change his mind no matter how much the kid currently gallivanting as a demi-god whined. Wasn’t that a news when he found out several months ago.
“Come on Constans, we both know he wouldn’t mind. Besides what else can we do, we’ve tried everything.” Captain Marvel pleaded with the older man as he gestured their surroundings.
It couldn’t be described as anything else other than apocalyptic. A complete fucking shitshow.
Apparently a prophecy of some kind came to fruition right under their bloody noses and they were left grasping straws to try and stop the end of the world from happening. If only-
“Call him or I’ll call him John! Your choice.” Pressed Marvel who was getting fed up with the magician’s nonsense but he wasn’t bugging, no siree!
“Shut up, we don’t need his help! Just let me-” John yelled while buried head first in his spell book, desperately trying to find away that didn’t require him to relinquish the last few pits of his shabby dignity. Or what was left of it anyways. But Marvel was having non of it.
“Nope, that’s it! I’m making the call!” The red glad man shouted over the blonde brit and pulled out his personal phone which looked like it had been pulled strait out of a sci-fi movie.
This caused John to lunge at Marvel who in return floated away out of his reach.
“Are you daft? I’ll never hear the end of it so don’t even- Hey! Don’t you dare, I swear-!” They were quickly interrupted by a black looming silhouette quickly approaching them.
“I hope that you two have come up with something since you’re able to play around like this.” Batman demanded in gruff manner, man looking worse for wear just like the rest of them. Marvel swiftly positioned the dark one between him and his would-be assailant.
“Oh we did have a solution from the very start but someone thinks that we don’t need any help. His poor ego wouldn’t be able to handle it.” He told as he threw a look over his makeshift barrier’s shoulder.
“Shut your cakehole.” John hissed but was reluctantly put in place by a hard glare from mister darker and gloomier who turned to the floating magic-user.
“What is this solution exactly? Help from who or what?” At his inquiry the boy-man hero couldn’t help but beam when he began to explain what, or rather who he had in mind.
“Well I was thinking calling our-” But he was rudely cut in before he could get far.
“We aren’t calling anybody because we don’t need his help! We can take care of this on our own!” Batman turned back to the blond and was clearly at the end of his patience.
“We are running on borrowed time Constantine, if there is any chance to for us to stop this then we should take it since we don’t have any other options left.”
The two began to argue so heatedly that they didn’t pay attention to Marvel speed dialing the number he kept close to his heart. With a dopey grin he bounced on his heels while he waited for the other side to answer. After just two rings the line connected.
“Hi kid! What are you calling in for, did you get out of work already?” A jovial, baritone voice rang out which instantly relaxed the kid-not-kid hero. The all-composing feeling of warmth, protection and safety could almost be felt through the phone which never failed to make him feel comfortable and at peace.
“Hi dad! No, I’m still at work and we kinda shorta need your help. Badly.”
He could near feel the change in his father’s mood and he definitely heard it in his voice.
“What do you need? Where are you?” Came the rapid questioning. His smile never left as he thought how dad always went strait to business when it came to his family and friends. Always ready to help no matter what or why.
“Well, apparently the apocalypse is happening and we have no idea how to stop it… Can you help us? Please?” He tentatively asked as he glanced back at the bickering duo. Sometimes he asked himself if he really was the only secret child there.
“Ha ha, no need to beg, let alone ask. I’ll be there in a jiffy once I know where you guys are. Just try and hang in there kid.” Voice on the other side commented in lighter tone.
Marvel let out a sigh. He knew that everything would be okay after all.
“Thanks dad. We are currently stuck on Metropolis in it’s central, it’s a complete mess in here.”
“Everything will be fine. See you soon.” The voice chuckled and cut the call.
Yes, everything would be just fine. He turned to call out to the idiots who looked to be near ripping each other a new one.
“You two can stop now, he’s already on his way!”
He had to wince at the speed which the blonde turned his head to stare at him. Then came the familiar cursing.
“Fucking shite!”
He merely rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in irritation. He glared at the magician.
“Seriously, what’s your problem? It doesn’t have to be this difficult you know.”
Before John could comment, Batman pushed pass and stalked up to Marvel.
“Who did you call?”
He couldn’t say much before more of their fellow heroes started to trickle in. Flash no surprise being the first.
“Hope you got something up your utility belt Bats, we can’t take this much longer.” Pleaded the red speedster. He was joined by Green Lantern carrying injured Superman and ouch did he look roughened up.
“Have to agree with Flashpoint. Were running out of juice fast, and even Big Blue is out cold.”
Marvel looked at the others coming in. Martian Manhunter, Zatara, Wonder Woman, Black Canary and even Doctor Fate was there, none of them looking any better.
“Well, I’m glad to announce that help is on their way so we can all sit back and relax for a bit. This will be over in no time.” He declared brightly.
The others goggled at him like he made the most outlandish statement in all of history, minus Constantine who has decided to use this small window of calm to drown his headache in his flask while he still can.
“What the hell are you on about? What help? Who could possibly help with this!” Flash yelled out the question in everybodies mind.
“I would like to known this too finally.” Batman demanded this as well.
Seeing everybody hanging onto his up coming explanation he smirked at John who gave him oh-so-eloquently middle finder in retaliation. Well to bad, he would have to just deal with it, the big baby.
“Oh nobody too important, just the most powerful and influential being in all multiverse. Some of you might know him by his monikers like the First Champion, the Balancer, the High King and the Great One.” He said flippantly as he pretended to check his nails, trying his absolute best to hid his smug smile when he noticed Zatara and Fate going rigid and pale.
Zatara near stumbled thanks to his shaking knees. He took couple faltering steps towards the Champion of Magic. His expression mix of reverence and fear as started to whisper as if dreading that someone or something might hear him if he spoke too loudly.
“Y-You couldn’t possibly mean King-”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence for they all felt the change in the air, in the ground.
He has arrived.
Time came to a crawl, the world slowed it’s movements in face of approaching force. It quaked, it trembled, it slithered. Leak becoming a downpour, a tear in reality of sickly green opened above the group, high out of reach. What little light still had remained in the hellish landscape around them were drained as if all the world’s shadow congregated around the opening to greet its master like a deprived servant. Then a figure of black and white caped in light seemingly holy, descended from it. Even from afar they could distinguish their towering form who’s muscles failed to hide under its full-body armor. Their mountainous presence becomes more and more apparent the closer they came. What they thought as wings of pure and white was actually a cape of moving light.
Blazing green eyes as that of the tear gazed upon them from under their moonlight hair, which coupled with the iron grown of flames created figures of shadow dancing across their hardened features as if to praise their beholder’s glory.
Zatara had already collapsed on the ground in utter disbelieve. All the myths and legends were true all along.
“King Phantom.” He spoke in awe and bowed before the king as did equally shocked Doctor Fate.
“Hi dad!” Marvel yelled and dragged the laughing magician by his coat to greet their new arrival.
All of their associates looked between the clear powerhouse of a being and their red heavy hitter in utter incredulity at the revelation. Zatara and Fate near had a heart attack at the way their magical colleague addressed the mythical presence. Marvel had a father? And this horrifying existence was it? What sent them reeling even more was how the king’s responded.
With his arms stretched he lowered himself fully to gather the two smaller men in his embrace.
“Kids! Boy, when you said that you needed help bad I think you might have underestimated a tiny bit.” He joked with a toothy smile as he moved to get a better look at his more-or-less willing captees of his affection. His expression softened even more at the face of Constantine, not the others could see.
“John, it’s so good to see you as well.” He said softly and ruffled both of their hairs, eliciting a laugh from his youngest and indignant pout from his fourth oldest who tried to swat the offending hand away.
“Whatever.” John growled but Phantom didn’t mind since he could see the blush caking his scratched up cheeks.
Now this drew his attention, both of his boys were in horrendous shape and he would do something about it after his job was completed. Looking at the blood willed sky no longer colored by his green and the burning wreckage that is this dimensions earth, he knew he didn’t have much time.
“I suppose we should get this over with then. You two better get back to the Keep after this, understood.” He stated and then was gone just like that.
Now that the oppressive feeling of death and power has left along with the godly being, every single one of the heroes present turned to the two for explanation. Marvel send a pleading look towards his brother, but John pointedly turned away and began to nurse his briefly forgotten drink which was now empty, damn you dad.
Discreetly gulping his nerves down he twirled to face his peers.
“Okay, let’s start with one question at a time please.”
This caused the floodgates to open and Zatara practically jumped him in his feverishness.
“You are a son of King Phantom? The King Phantom? I thought he was nothing more than a myth! A legend told through out several histories!”
As Marvel was trying to dislodge the man he was approached by Doctor Fate.
“I too held the believe that he was nothing more than a story to strike fear onto the forces of evil and to aspire heroes of both old and new. To think he was real this entire time.” He mused, and before Marvel could say anything, Flash barged in as well.
“And what about you John? This might be the first time I’ve seen any otherworldly being be happy to see you.” He pointed at the man who chose to wisely stay far behind.
“Fuck you too!” Shouts the offended man from the back. Even if it’s true doesn’t make it any less rude. And oh look here comes Batman.
“Enough! Marvel, explain.” He demands as he moves effortlessly to the front of the pack.
“Well… you see-” Marvel stammers as he tries under the pressure to come up with something to say but was thankfully saved by the sky shifting again.
As quick as a snap the red sky was returned to its blue color, signaling the King’s victory over his enemy. Marvel smiled widely and even John couldn’t stop a heavy sigh of relieve from escaping his mouth. Good old dad, always up to any task he comes across.
“Incredible.” Wonder Woman gasped, even Lantern had to give an impressed eyebrow at the instant change in atmosphere. And while everyone was distracted by his dad’s handiwork, Marvel shimmied his way to the grumpy magician who was in progress of making his getaway.
“I think we should continue this some other time, there’s a lot of cleaning up to do and me and my bro need to do a little house call. So bye!” He called out with a wave as he was crabbed and transported to their destination before anyone could stop them.
Others could do more than blink as Batman stewed in his place. In Lantern’s arms Superman began to stir.
“H-huh, what did I miss?”
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kettlefire · 1 year
DP x DC Angst Prompt
Inspired by the song Preacher by Roe Kapara
"This is a distress signal from Amity Park Illinois." A scared teen girl was the face to meet the staticy camera. Red hair pulled up in a messy bun, tear stains clear on her face, eyes rimmed red.
All options were running out. They had two days, two days before the hunt began. Two days before they lose everything.
A distress signal, broadcasted on loop, over and over again to any frequency they can get their hands on with the limited equipment they had.
"This Friday, at 3:15am, my town is going to make an irreparable mistake."
A soft clang rang from somewhere of screen, but that didn't shift her attention.
"My town, my home, has fallen to the manipulation of a deranged woman."
A choked sound came from off screen, sounds uncomfortable close to a sob.
"Amity Park has always been disconnected from the rest of the world. A small town, in it's own small world. Things have been happening here for the past two years, and now..."
She paused, glancing off screen before wiping her face.
"Now we aren't enough to save it. We did took too long to notice the cancer that was spreading. The hysteria combined with fear of the unknown that drove out town to follow her.
My name is Jasimine Fenton, I'm here with my father Jack Fenton. My mother, Madeline Fenton, is the reason the world might be facing war."
The video footage grew worse, static starting to over take the image and the audio.
"Dad, we're losing it!"
"Sorry Jazzy-bear" The new voice clearly came from a man, even if he stayed clear of the camera view. A moment passed before it was fixed.
"We don't know how long we gave before they find us, but... My baby brother Danny Fenton is going to be brutally hunt down Friday morning.
There's no time to put all the information needed in this signal, but I'm begging anyone who sees this. Please send help.
Anyone who has spoken against the plan has been imprisoned, the only ones from the team that's fear is us."
Jazz let out a shaking breath, staring off screen for just a moment before coming back, fresh tears rimming her eyes.
"All Danny every wanted to do was protect his home, and all he got in return was pain and hatred. Please, you might not know us, but you need to know. Danny holds a high position with in the ghostly realm.
Whatever you want to call it, the ghost zone, the infinite realms, or purgatory. Doesn't matter, all you need to know of the living kill Danny, the ghosts will rage war."
A heavy thud filled the room, the camera seemed to shake at the sound. Fear filled Jazz's face.
"Dad, they-"
"It's okay Jazz, finish the recording, they can't get in yet."
Jazz nodded, moving toward the camera. She seemed to cup it in her hands and tried to speak over the loud thud that continued to penetrate the area.
"We're running out of time, I hope this reaches someone somewhere. More than anything, I hope this reaches the Justice League.
Reaches them before Friday. Before the world is in true danger. Danny is the only link to peace between worlds. Don't let a woman driven by hatred be the end."
This time instead of a thud, it sounded more like a crack. The camera shifted and a view of a large man built like a tank was caught. A strange gun in one hand, and what looked like a strange grenande in the other.
"Jazzy-Bear, there's an escape tunnel in the back. Go, I'll hold them off as long as I can."
"No! I'm not leaving you!"
"No. I don't care, I'm no use to anyone by myself. We need to stick together."
"I'm setting the recording to loop."
Loud crash broke through following another crack. Heavy footsteps followed. Voices screamed through the air.
Jazz's face filled the screen completely as gunfire could be heard.
"Please send anyone, I can't lose my baby brother too."
And just like that, the screen went black. Barely a couple seconds passed before the screen lit up again.
The video starting from the beginning. Hoping for anyone to view it.
A cry for help cycling through an endless loop until it found it's self broadcast for the League.
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
Stillborn? No, still born au - Danny’s ghost form
Nothing too fancy here. Just me detailing Danny’s ghost form in the stillborn au :]. My first rule of thumb for every dp au i make is that danny’s gotta have a different design for each ghost form. It doesn’t have to be super drastic depending on the au (like for my dp godling au his suit remains relatively unchanged).
This is mostly so I can mess with character design and also so each Danny can have his own unique ghost form for identification reasons. And because I just want to, which is the most important part :].
Stillborn Danyal, unlike Things in Threes and Yaelokre Danyal, is the first to not have an assassin-based ghost form due to obvious reasons. He was raised in foster care all his life, the League has had no impact on his life beyond being the place where his mother is. But it’s not like he knows that.
As a result he gave me some trouble, and it took me a few days and a ton of frustration to figure out how I want him to look as a ghost. I could just keep him in the hazmat suit and mess around with the detailing, but i’ll be frank, I hate doing that.
Stillborn Danyal, unlike all his other au counterparts, is a fire core ghost like Vlad is. As a result, in his ghost form he can reach extreme temperatures with just a flick of his hand or a switch in his mood. His emotional regulation is shit, and as a result it’s not uncommon for him to let off heatwaves in either form. They’re just more intense as a ghost.
His hair is made of molten lava, and unlike the other Dannys, is not white as a result. It’s an ever constant flow as well, meaning it doesn’t stop flowing where his human hair ends. It just keeps “growing”. Danny routinely keeps his hair braided back because it slows the lava flow and keeps it off his face and arms. When it reaches his past feet, that’s when Danny superheats his hands and “cuts” his hair by yanking it off. It’s completely painless if he gets the right heat to do it. Afterwards, Danny either uses it as a weapon — braided whip, anyone? — or disposes of the excess lava somewhere it can’t hurt someone.
Molten lava ranges around 1,300 to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit and can either be very fluid or very viscous and stiff. The heat of his hair, naturally, means that the living cannot physically get near him without proper covering. So Danny tends to keep a distance as much as possible during fights so he doesn’t burn anyone.
His emotions also affect the heat and fluidity of his hair. Which isn’t that great considering he can be pretty emotionally volatile thanks to all of his ✨trauma✨. The angrier or more emotional he is, the hotter and more fluid his hair is, meaning it burns brighter and flows faster. It’s very much possible for the lava to cool down enough to solidify into volcanic glass or igneous rock, but considering Danny’s mental state? He just isn’t capable of doing that on his own. Vlad’s hair is also molten lava, but he’s perfected how to keep it in an igneous rock state. His hair also glows bright enough that it’s impossible to see his face from a distance, and seeing it up close is equally as impossible considering all the ambient heat he gives off.
That’s not the only part thats made of lava and magma either. Danny’s hands and feet don’t have skin covering them, it’s crumbled and melted away into molten lava too. They’re the second hottest parts of his body only to his hair. Around his elbows is where his skin begins to crack and crumble into magma, and as a result he wears welding gloves in order to interact with the living world (and some ghosts) without melting anything. He can also run so hot that he can melt a blob ghost.
All fire core ghosts lack iris and pupils, it’s all one solid color. It is possible to shift their eyes into looking more “human like”, but there’s really no point to it and takes more practice and effort to achieve than its worth. Danny’s eyes are all green just like Vlad’s are all red.
Now for his clothes! Danny used to wear the hazmat suit, paired with an old hoodie he owned but didn’t wear often. Uppp until he was brainwashed by Circus Gothica. Afterwards, the only thing that transferred over was the color scheme.
Danny’s new Phantom outfit is designed more for looseness and breathability, but also means that as a result he gives off even more heat. His hazmat suit trapped most of it. He’s now wearing a white, sleeveless turtleneck (yall know the type. I am not immune to tropes and I think it looks good) with black harlem pants with an open slit up both sides and green flames running from his ankles to his knees, and spandex shorts underneath. He’s also wearing white stirrup socks. He wears green welding gloves. Due to the lack of proper footwear he tends to float everywhere otherwise he burns the ground thanks to the exposed skin. It’s significantly less “hero-like” or “scientist” and more resembling something a performer might wear.
As a result however, Danny is consistently cold. He struggles with his own thermal regulation and keeps trying to balance it between his own comfort and the comfort of the living around him. If he retains his own heat and keeps himself warm, he’s too hot for anyone to come near and he melts everything he touches, but if he cools down in order to interact with the world without his gloves and come near the living and only be “uncomfortably hot”, he’s freezing. He’s frustrated by the lack of balance. It was easier to interact with the hazmat suit, but he doesn’t want to go back to it and it’s not like he can either. The exposure allows him easier access to his powers.
Warm, sunny days are his favorite. He’ll sit out on the pavement and soak in the heat like a lizard. Catch him sitting on top of cars during 90 degree weather and just utterly content. It’s not as nice as the ghost zone’s Molten Springs but it’s the second best he can get without going into the infinite realms. The first best thing is going somewhere secluded and safe and just heating himself up into something that’s comfortable and letting his hair free. Nothing like cocooning yourself in your own magma flow.
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dat1angel · 2 years
So we've all seen aus where Danny gets adopted by the Batfam because, let's be honest, he's a textbook case of a Bruce Wayne adoptee. But what if we took that, just slightly to the left? Instead of Batman adopting Danny, the Batkids do. Now, the reason why Danny is in Gotham can be whatever you want(I'm partial to reveal gone wrong or an accident happens so he leaves as to not become Dan) but one by one and completely coincidentally(or so they think, maybe Gotham helps push them together) Danny befriends each of the Batkids.
He meets Tim at a coffee shop(maybe he works there) and they bond over the insane amount of caffeine they like in their coffee.
He meets Daimian at some vegan place that Sam would just love if she were there and tho Damian refuses to say it there's something he finds endearing about this street kid who seems to have no clue who Damian is but smiles at him regardless and engages in some surprisingly pleasant conversation about places that serve vegan food or vegan options.
He and Duke have a class together in school and he meets Barbara while studying at the library. Or maybe Duke invites Danny to join a study group and that's how he meets Babs and maybe Cass and Steph too.
Maybe he meets Dick as Nightwing and they bond over their love of puns.
Jason can be met as either a civilian or as Red Hood, but the second they get within a certain range of each other, they get this feeling tugging them towards each other. Some 'I don't know why but I need to go this way' type feels. Jason calls it instincts, Danny can tell this feeling is coming directly from his core. They literally run into each other and immediately get this overwhelming feeling of 'same same like me'.
He ends up growing close with them all individually so when they eventually realize that 'hey, this new friend we've all been talking about is the same dude', well of course they have to keep him. So they all work together to sneak him into the manor(read: kidnap) and get him set up in one of the many unused rooms. And the fact the Bruce was off on a business trip when they did it made it wonders easier, they would definitively have got caught if he was around.
So now Danny is a stow away in this mansion that all his new friends apparently live in and he just kinda goes along with it cuz 'hey, they're nice and he gets somewhere to sleep rent free and the food is to die(again) for'. And yeah, they're the kids of the best detective in the world, they're gonna be good at hiding their tracks(they have to be or they would never get away with anything) but Alfred knows everything that goes on in the manor. He takes one look at this child and just accepts it. He allows the children to believe they are deceiving him but helps them out subtly by accidentally making extra food at meal times.
And if sometimes they want to hang out with Danny in the house they do his clothes and hair like whichever kid he resembles the most and so long as he doesn't talk nobody can tell the difference.
And maybe when Bruce comes back from his trip he figures it out immediately but he doesn't say anything because like hell he's gonna turn away a child in need. Instead he just silently fills out the adoption papers so he's ready when the kids eventually decide to reveal Danny's presence to him.
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Danny Phantom and the Riordanverse
I have some thoughts about a Shared World kind of crossover between Danny Phantom and Percy Jackson & the Olympians. I haven’t done a full rewatch of DP in ages, nor have a read outside the core 5 PJO books, the HOO books, the Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, and about 2 and a half of the Trials of Apollo books, also been a while. Apologies for any inaccuracies but hey, fanon.
A Glitch In Time canonizes that the Infinite Realms and Material World were once one and the same, but a global war - waged by people who were naturally half ghost the way Danny and Vlad are - split the world in 2. All things regarding Pariah Dark, I’d say he was one of the major powers in this war.
Realms can range from a 10x10x10 room to entire islands with their own celestial bodies like Dora’s kingdom and its sun. Technically we don’t know if the Far Frozen even has an End Point. Doors can lead to alternate timelines; Desiree, Ghost Writer and Clockwork are all able to warp reality, time included, and the Observant Council perceive time in at least 2 dimensions.
In the Riordanverse it is revealed in the few books of the Trials of Apollo that I read and remember that mortal belief from even a relatively small cult can elevate a mortal man to immortal status a la monsters and Gods. Apollo even muses about the way the Gods don’t want to acknowledge how dependent on mortals remembering them they are.
All of this considered, if you want DP to exist in the Riodanverse and even keep the lore of both, then the Realms/Planes/Worlds of the Gods - of Hellas, Kemet, the Æsir and Vanir, the Heavenly Beauracracy, etcetera - are Realms connected to the Spirit World but managed to remain intersected with the Material World through the efforts of the Gods and the memories of Mortals.
The Duat could even be a layer of the Infinite Realms, frankly.
Danny states that his accident was a month ago as of Episode 1, Mystery Meat, which is set April 3rd, 2004. Based on the few concrete date indicators we get in Danny Phantom, the series takes place over 3 years. 4 if you count Claw of the Wild, but that means the trio stays Tiny all the way into Senior Year lol.
Prisoners of Love begins on May 18th, Fright Knight is a Halloween episode, and in Lucky in Love, they’re at a waterpark, which only open in May at the earliest. The Fright Before Christmas is obviously set before and during Christmas and then Reality Trip is set at the beginning of Summer 2006.
In Urban Jungle, Tucker remarks that it’s 90 degrees outside, which means it’s either late May or early June since I do believe they Are in school at that point and iirc global warming hadn’t made it 90 in the midwest early in 2006. Claw of the Wild is an odd camping episode featuring Danny’s class, and I forget in episode details so if this was during school time it had to be during the spring since, again, they live relatively close to the Great Lakes, so it’s gotta be during a naturally warm time. A Glitch In Time, therefore, is set in late spring or early summer of 2008.
Percy Jackson is 12 at the beginning of The Lightning Thief & 13 at the end Iirc since his birthday is August 12th. Either way, this is in 2005. Sea of Monsters and Titan’s Curse are both set during 2006; Battle of the Labyrinth is in 2007, and iirc The Last Olympian is set next year during 2008 and Percy is 16.
Thereby when the Heroes of Olympus books begin in 2008-2009, Danny is 18 and either a senior or highschool graduate. This is a hilarious point in time for Percy to meet Danny, actually, or any of our protagonist crew, if you want to maintain canon for both.
I know most people don’t, in fact, care to keep up DP canon nearly this rigidly, so some other fun thoughts.
In Reality Trip, Freakshow acquires the Reality Gauntlet, and begins the summer (as this begins on a last day of school event I’d say probably even on the Solstice) of 2006 with a reality warping bang. Once he gets the gems, Freakshow transforms the whole world into his circus, until Danny tricks him and gets the glove back, fixing reality to exactly how it was before the change, wiping his identity from the memories of everyone save Tuck, Sam, & Jazz, and then destroyed the Reality Gauntlet in a single shot.
This, I imagine, would grab the attention of The Gods. That’s if the Pariah Dark situation didn’t register to them, even. Considering Percy is 13 at the time and due to deal with the Sea of Monsters situation, the Kane siblings haven’t been recruited yet (I think) and Magnus is still just a homeless kid in Boston, I dunno if anyone from New Rome would be sent but the Gods of various pantheons may investigate directly or through minor gods/spirits.
The House of Life certainly wouldn’t approve of the Ghost Portals, Vlad, or possibly even Danny. Hell, Luke might actually be sent to recruit Danny or Vlad to the Titan’s cause now that I think about it.
With the fact that Danny, Vlad, and Dan were destroying other timelines while smashing into them from sheer speed through the Spirit World during A Glitch In Time, I’d say Danny is at least a 6D being (existing in at least 4 dimensions of space and 2 of time.) If that doesn’t count him as a God, idk what would. Also during Infinite Realms, Vlad and Danny time travel to both ancient Rome during an event in the colosseum and ancient China at a monetary. If these are the same universe as Danny’s, then he and Vlad should have a myth or two regarding one another, which would also put them on the watch list for Olympus and the Bureaucracy of Heaven.
But hey, what do you think? I’m open to talk about this and wanna hear other people’s thoughts and opinions.
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shuttershocky · 8 months
what do you think of shu, new sui kid on the block? i like her design. the colors are very tasty looking :)
Shu's design is my favorite among the Sui siblings so far, very impressive given how much Ling was made to appeal to my personal tastes.
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It's the Roberta in her eyes (same artist). Can't help but be charmed.
I also love that her whole theme is agriculture. All the Sui embody an artform. Nian does metalwork, Dusk does painting, Ling does poetry, and Chongyue does martial arts, but Shu's art is agriculture. Not to embody an Asian stereotype here but I love the respect towards rice farmers.
Now as for her skillset, Shu is a Guardian Defender, a bold choice when Saria has so thoroughly dominated the Guardian class (or just ground support units in general) that the last 6 star Guardian, Blemishine, steered clear of Saria and played a funky DPS/Sleep/Defensive Recovery support role just to be able to see play.
Shu on the other hand, returns to focusing on heals and support utility, meaning she'll actually be encroaching on Saria's turf. Let's look at her skillset.
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So from her first talent, we see that Shu goes all in on utility, compared to Saria talent 1 bulking herself up with +ATK and +DEF stacks, or Maria's talent 1 letting her attack sleeping enemies. The "rice fields" give HP regen instead of heals (which means it heals unhealable units like Musha or Juggernauts) which greatly extends her versatility, and granting shelter to allies hiding in her sowed times is a nice bonus, but what I really value about the talent is that she sows the 4 tiles around a healed ally as well, meaning you can get great coverage on a map.
Her Talent 2 is kind of a meme. The Max HP and ASPD effects are really easy to get which is great, but the SP and ATK buff applied when four of Shu, Nian, Chongyue, Dusk, and Ling are all in the team is kind of a meme imo. That's 4/12 slots taken for a meh attack buff and a 0.25 SP/s increase, which is lower than the +0.3/s provided by Ptilopsis (although Shu's appears to work on all SP recovery types which is nice). The Sui siblings don't really have all that much synergy with each other (in fact Ling would rather fly solo to have as many deployment slots for her summons as possible) so trying to force the Sui buff by having 4 deployed seems to me like you will just be griefing yourself half the time on harder stages.
Now for her skills
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S1 looks to be the exact same thing as Saria's and default Nearl's. I think Saria's S1 will remain the most valuable version of this since Saria stacks both ATK and DEF on herself over time and this S1 is mostly used to make a Guardian act as a tank. Shu's regen and shelter from ricefield tiles would have to be crazy high for me to consider her S1 when I already got both Saria and Nearl on S1M3.
Shu's S2 is interesting, it's basically an upgraded version of regular Nearl's S2 (which no one uses). I need to see the numbers on the boost to Talent 1 to properly judge this skill, but for now this could potentially open up new strategic options (due to being a ground unit-based shelter buff). It's manually activated and heals two at a time which can be a pain in the ass vs just using Saria's S2, but I'm looking forward to seeing how much it buffs her sow tiles.
And now for Skill 3.
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Welcome to the rice fields motherfucker, you aren't allowed to leave. The bonus ATK and ASPD for allies inside her range is a buff no other Guardian can provide, but the really cool bit is teleporting enemies who have stepped on a Sow tile back into it if they end up walking too far.
I'm going to be honest, I have no idea if that is insanely broken for crowd control or if it's just a big meme, as you need to heal allies to plant sow tiles (so you can't plant ahead of your units to make an unescapable trap without using an Operator to create the Sow tiles). It is weird and creative and a very different take on Saria's S3 also being AOE crowd control and heals though, so I like it and can't wait to experiment with it.
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geordikisser · 3 months
brat taming | tanner | 18+
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epilogue: you have a horrible potty mouth and tanner doesn’t necessarily miiiiind that, or at all ever! until it’s towards him and he loves a power struggle soo ^_^ he doesn’t mind proving you wrong.
content contains! biting/marking, degrading, power struggle, jealous! tanner ..
⤷ afab anatomy used but gender isn’t specified! sorry ..
petnames used: sugar, honey, babe, baby, hunnybunny, slut, whore
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you were live and playing some overwatch on tanners set up. he was downstairs, watching on his laptop. you were on dps and played tracer. you weren’t doing entirely horrible but your team was horrible. ☹️
“yall say hear me out and it’s on a conventionally attractive character bruh shut up.” you say mid laugh as you see the big fat ‘defeat’ on your screen. you felt so tempted to explode something. you join team chat and immediately shit on your team with every diabolical and tos friendly insults you can think of.
something you said made tanners stomach knot up. in a negative way .. the way your other teammate endorsed it sexually made him extremely like .. jealous?? is what he would call it.
bigTstreamingservice: WOAH!!!!!! ❌❌ BAD!!!! DONT SAYTHAT!!!!! 👎
“tanner shut your yap!! i say what i want. bitch.” you imitate a spit sound as you enter the practice range, now bored.
bigTstreamingservice: oh word 🤨
he types in chat as you snort. “on lone. tuh.” you emphasize you smacking your lips.
tanner finds himself getting up and walking to his room shortly after. you were searching on youtube for a subway surfers game footage to entertain your chat as you tell them a story. you’re laughing your ass off as you tell some random ass story.
“my name is larry ‘jamal’ croft winston.. i’m 17 years old.. —“ you quickly were cut off by an unsettling noise behind you.
you hear the door crack behind you, slowly spinning around in the chair. “hellou.” you say calmly. tanner can’t help but laugh his ass off. “THE ENERGY SWITCH??” he screams as you scoff. “WHAT ENERGY SWITCH? I NEVER SWITCH UP.” you say in a specific tone that just adds fuel to the flame of his laughter. “YES YOU DO?” he smiles, exhaling heavily.
he pulls a chair and sits besides you, towering over you slightly. “how’s it cooking, good lookin’.” he smiles at you all goofy. “you tryna find out?” you grumble. “100%. are you muted?” he asks as you double check quickly before giving him a ‘no’.
“bye.” he replied, smiling a bit. “i forgor..” you drool as he takes the mouse and reopens overwatch. “overwatch time!! i’ll coach you.” he huffs confidently. “girl there’s footage of you playing overwatch, i think i’ll be good.” you side eye him as he gives you a dimly look back.
“dude. shut up.” you stammer as he lets out a laugh. you queue up for a game and tanners hand ends up on your inner thigh, squeezing it comfortably. “DON’T TOUCH ME CREEP!!” you exclaim, loud enough for someone next door to hear it. he jumped and slowly turned to you, unhappy.
you begin to get frustrated at overwatch slowly and started slamming your hands on the desk like a little toddler and trying to reason with tanner each time you died or did a terrible play, him smiling and nodding.
“i hate you omg, I HATE FLASHBANG.” you whine as you squirm in your chair. he huffs out a breathy laugh as he fixes his hair, pulling it back. “who could hate this?” he says comically. “ME!” you retort almost instantly.
eventually, stream ends. you wrap it up due to tanners unsettling aura at the moment, you hope what you said didn’t actually upset him.
you turn to him and smile, “hai.” you coo out as he smiles in return. “hey hunnybunny, how are you?” he asks as he reaches for your thigh again, holding it gently. “i’m alright. overwatch sucks without friends..” you sigh out. he grimaced slightly.
tanner recently developed jealously problems that he was self aware of. he never saw himself as a jealous person, he’s really goofy and silly! until he got with you, he never realized how jealous he got over small things anyway, it was mild at the moment. he wishes he could’ve played with you instead of issac. (the person you played with)
“you could’ve played with me y’know.” he grumbled, attempting to hide this feeling. he trusted you and isaac equally, he had no reason not to. but it’s inevitable for him he feels.
you look up at him with a raised brow. he analyzes your expression and scratches the back of his neck. “cuz.. i can carry you.” he smiles awkwardly, his gaze leaving yours. “you sound a little green-eyed there tanner.” you grin.
“stop.” he groans softly as he turns away entirely. “you jealous, baby?” you lean forward. he sits there in a resentful silence.
his brows remain furrowed. “you upset isaac is better at overwatch than you?” you egg on. he slowly turns to you. “the same guy who screams when he isn’t healed in one second. that isaac is better than me.” he said more as a statement that question, laughing slightly.
“does 10-10 ring a bell.” you look away like you’re thinking. he sits up and looks at you with bitterness in his eyes, a cocky grin smeared on his face. “baby.” he started. you hum in response. “don’t start this with me.” his breathing hitched. “what are you gonna do about it, hm?” you raise your brow with a grin.
within a instance, tanners hands were on your waist and pulled you into him, kissing you gently on the lips. his tongue exploding down your throat.
you were taken aback from the sudden action and melted slightly into the kiss. realizing his plan.
you pull away quickly, your hands on his chest. “wait.” you scowl. “i see what you’re doing!!” you jump up, his hands slide down off your waist. he raised his brow confused. “what am i doing, sugar.” his tone laced with confidence. your lip quivers as you feel your face heat up. “tanner..” you huff, quietly. he stands up, towering over you once again. he slowly begins to back you up to the bed as you stumble back onto the bed.
your eyes examine his body, the bulge dented in his pants and the pattern his chest heaved up and down in. he was pent up.
“did you want this, tanner?” you grin as he rolls his eyes. “you can cut this act cuz we both know ill shut it down real quick, honey.” he sits down besides you, turns to face you and leans over. kissing you sweetly. you begin to straddle on top of him and holding his face as the kiss gets more passionate and passionate. the bulge in his pants evident against your own crotch.
tanners breath hitches as you grind against his bulge. he leans back slightly as you continue to grind against him. you smile cockily at him as you kiss his jaw. “you’re so sweet for me, tanner.” you say between kisses on his jaw, lowering to his neck. he lets out a little whimper as he begins to grip your hips slightly after. helping you grind against him.
“fuck..” he pants as you caress his cheek. he tugs at the rim of your sweats and you kiss him one final time and begin slip off your own pants, your underwear remaining.
“good..” he smirks as he pushes your back against the bed, taking you aback. you gasp as he is on top of you. “don’t act cute, such a slut.” he giggles as he slips off your undies. “i’m gonna make you forget your name, sweetheart. :3” he kisses your neck, leaving a very prominent mark on it. he lowers his head & begins to tease your hole. his tongue tickling you perfectly. you gulp and let out a heavy sigh, coming out in a shaky tone.
his hands gripping your things as he licks around your clit. you practically chew down onto your lip as your back arches into his mouth. “tanner..” you pant as you told the back of his head and begin grinding into his mouth. he stops.
“nuh uh, sorry baby.” he lifts his head and removes his hold from your thighs and holds your wrists. “you want me to abuse your sweet clit, right?” he hums. you look away, pride slipping down the drain. “y—yeah..” you huff, your eyes shut tightly. “look. don’t touch.” he removes his grab he had on your wrists previously & slaps the side of your thigh. you yelp, growling lowkey afterwards. he giggles as he begins to tongue fuck you. his attention being to your clit and then fucking you with his tongue simultaneously.
“you like that? you like when i fuck your sweet hole with my tongue?” he drags out as you can only whimper in response. “fuck… you—..” you manage to squeeze out as he pulls away to bite your thigh. “keep it cute, slut.” he spits on your abused cunt and sits up, taking off his pants. you flinch at the impact of the spit.
his hard cock flings out & he begins to stroke himself. he lets a string of spit fall to the tip of his cock and covers his cock with his spit. “you ready, baby?” he smiles at you. you nod in response. “no? awww that’s a shame.. you can watch me stroke my hard cock infront of you then.” he pouts slightly. you furrow your brows. “tanner..” you murmur. he raises his brow, humming as he acknowledges you.
“stop being a dick.” you spat in response. he smacks his lips and shakes his head. “no no no baby, that’s not how you answer.” he lowers down to your collar bone and bites down. you exclaim and he covers your mouth.
”tell me you want this dick, like a good whore would.” he pants as he continues to bite down on you. he lifts his hand from your mouth, “i-i want your cock, tanner.” you sob out as the bite marks begin to hurt more. “such a masochist.” he lifts his head and kisses you gently on the lips. “good slut.”
he puts his tip in slowly as his cock melts inside you completely. he groans out as he begins to thrust immediately, giving you zero time to adjust. you didn’t deserve it in his eyes.
you begin to drool and tear up. tanners thrusting pattern is ingrained into your hole. he begins to tend to your nipples and suck on one and tease the other one with his hand. you were already pretty close due to him teasing your clit previously. “m’close..” you whine out, pathetically. he gives you a cute smile in return. making your stomach knot up. “i love you, t—tanner..” you coo out, drunkenly. your tears staining your cheeks. “love so much..” he cries out, squeezing your eyes shut.
“i love you more, baby.” he smiled at you, kissing your cheek, now your lips. you reach your climax, moaning into the kiss. he smiles into the kiss as he pulls away. panting slightly. he pulls out and places his cock on top of your crotch and his cum drips out all over your stomach.
he lies besides you and kisses your shoulders. cuddling you as you feel woozy, recovering slowly but surely. “my sweet baby, took my cock so good for me.” he mumbles between kisses as you try to cuddle into him. he stops you immediately. “wait wait!! i don’t want my jizz on my bed.. let’s get you cleaned, ‘kay?” he grins awkwardly as you whine. “okay..”you huff as you sit up. your belly covered in cum. “my pretty pretty baby. so gorgeous.” he smiled ear to ear, as he leads you to his bedroom.
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amaramizuki666 · 1 year
dp x dc crossover  unlikely find
  dick held the tiny glowing child in one arm, close to his chest. the vigilante in the bat cave, decoding the information he got from the cults servers. dick glared at the screen, he felt angry and violated.
this cult stole some luthor tech and used the dna of “the ancient of space” the being they worshiped, and used nightwings dna to complete the missing dna sequence to “create the perfect vessel” for their space deity thing to inhabit.
 dick looked down at the sleeping kid in his arms, the little boy had deathly pale skin, pointed ears, glowing teal eyes, and a head of fluffy black hair with white glowing dots that remind him of stars. the baby took a breath, “4 minuets” dick mumbled the child only takes a breath every 4 minutes.
 dick remembers when he found the tot, he was on the floor surrounded by the broken glass of his pod and some liquid, dick feared the boy was dead. 
  but now dick was standing in a very empty batcave, wondering how to brake it to his family that he technically has a child with some non human being. 
‘im gonna have to call constantine’ dick notes, he walked away from the bat computer and wrapped his other arm back around the baby.
    dick felt so confused and overwhelmed. his dna was used without his consent, a unknowns dna was used without their consent. he had a kid now with no way to contact the other genetic donor if contastine doesn't know how.
should dick even try to contact the other donor? they obviously weren't human. but even then. dick would want to know if he had a test tube baby with someone, he would especially want to know if someone managed to get his dna.
   “fuck” dick took out his phone and pressed on his top contact. “what do you need” johns voice rang tired and aggravated “john” dick says his breathing shaky and uneven “dick, ya ok kid?” constantine asked “i uh, i need your help will you come to the cave?” “yeah ill be right there just give me a five minutes” dick hung up and leaned against a table. he adjusted the baby in his arms. dick just hopes mama space wont be a big bad.
    constantine stared at the toddler in dicks arms. pure terror streaking over the blonds face “kid why are you holding a child of the infinite realms?!” “um i have no idea what the infinite realms is, this kid is mine” dick says rubbing the back of his neck. 
“YOURS!?” “yeah made by a cult who mixed nightwings dna and the dna of this ancient they worshiped” the vigilante explained with a soft sigh.
  johns face turned white “ancient?! do you know which ancient?” constantine asked. “um yeah the ancient of space? i actually called you to see if you could contact them” dick says and adjusts the sleeping toddler in his arms.
john is silent for a few moments before speaking “i actually know them personally, ill call them but i have no idea how they are going to react to this” he jesters to the child in dicks embrace.
  dick watchers john closely while the blond pulls out his phone. After ringing a few times the person on the other end picks up. "Hay it's been awhile....... yeah I'm not calling about a demon issue this time....... um you see aparntly this cult- ......... yeah cults suck, but this cult got ahold of your dna...... yeah no clue how, but they also took nightwings dna and created a child...... yep uh so congrats it's a boy can you pop down here?... ok see ya in a few" dick watched as Constantine talked to his.. co-parent? With curiosity.
Once the conversation between the two was done John turned to dick "ok he will be here in a few he seems to have taken the news well" Constantine says.
As soon as the words left the blonds mouth a swirling Lazarus green portal opened in the cave. A young male looking around dicks are steps through.
Dicks breath catches in his throat as he stares at the being in front of him. He was wearing a jumpsuit that looked to be made of the night sky. He had hair as silver as the moon and eyes that shined Lazarus. His cheeks and pointed ears covered in consolations much like the boy in dicks arms.
His skin was a pale green till you get to the top half of his face where it looks as if his skin is made of the night. The beings gaze drifted from Constantine to dick to the child.
Dick instinctively held the little boy closer, the shifting of his tiny body causing the boy to wake and open his glowing Teal eyes. "I'm not a threat" the being says after assessing dick.
"I'm guessing your the poor guy who got roped into this mess" the being says and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. Dick nods "yeah I'm nightwing, I'm guessing your the 'ancient of space'".
The being smiles at him, his sharp teeth showing "uh I prefer danny if ya wouldnt mind" dick raises an eyebrow at not just the name but at the males southern accent.
"Sure, then call me dick" the vigilante says, dicks gaze locked onto the being, watching for any signs of hostility. "Dick?" The being asked with a small snort "it's what my parents called me". "Well if you both arnt going to address the elephant in the room I am, so danny what are you planning to do with the kid?" Constantine questions.
The mood of the room becomes tense. The boy in dicks arms is trembling. "Well I assumed dick here wouldnt want to take care of a child at his age, what are you 20? Pluse being a vigilante. So I was gonna take the tot and raise him in the realms. I mean it would be better to keep the kid on the other side of the vale with his half ghost nature, and with the GIW still being around" danny says his glowing eyes holding dicks gaze, searching for something. Dick didnt know what.
"And besides I'm sure elle will be thrilled to have a brother" the being adds his gaze honeing in on the boy hideing his face in dicks chest. Dicks expression twisted into one of frustration.
"Then what I never get to see our kid again, your just gonna what take him?! You seem to have made all these decisions by yourself, when this is both of ours issue" dick snaps causing danny to flinch back.
"I didnt mean to make you upset. I just mean it would be safer and healthier for the kid to be with me. He needs a stable supply of ectoplasm to stay stable, pluse if the GIW gets ahold of him who knows what those fucks would do. Also I just assumed you wouldnt want anything to do with a kid made by our stolen dna, isnt that why you called? So you would have to deal with this?" The being says his arms crossed.
Dick flatly stared at the male "well you shouldnt have assumed, I called so we could work this out together. I'm not dumping our kid on you. Also who the fuck is the GIW." The vigilante states shifting the boy in his arms to his hip.
"Dont worry about that kid, danny and the JLD are taking care of them" john cut in and danny nodded. "Ok so we will be co-parenting then right?" Danny asks tilting his head "I mean i guess so also for the record I'm 26 not 20" dick says.
Danny smiles and walks closer to dick looking down at the kid in his arms. "Hi there my name is Danny but you can call me papa if ya want, I promise I'll keep you safe" danny says, the boy in dicks hold looks at him, his glowing Teal eyes study him for a moment before he turns, stretches his arms out, a silent demand for danny to hold him.
The being compiled without hesitation. Sweeping the boy from dicks arms holding him close to his chest. "Have you named him yet?" Danny's attention back to dick "um no I havent" the vigilante supplied.
"How about callisto?" Danny asked dick thought for a moment "sure why not". "Ok then its settled little tot your name is callisto." Danny says smiling softly at the boy. Dick watched in awe of the scene and only one word came to his mind watching Danny's face soften, beautiful.
Dick thought the being holding his child was very beautiful. "Ehm any way we should get to know eachother a bit better, mabey over a coffe" dick says before he could think. Danny raises a brow at him a smirk gracing his blue lips. "Are you asking me on a date hero boy?" Danny asked amusement clear In his tone.
Dicks smirked right back at the being "it Doesn't have to be but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea". "Well you cant jude me for fucking demons after this, I'm out have fun" Constantine says abruptly, yeeting himself through a portal.
Danny laughed "well then, how about I show you my haunt, it's where callisto will for the most part will be staying due to his biology. Then we can leave him there with my sister while we get that coffee, and who knows mabey I'll end up showing you my room" Danny says winking.
"Well then shall we" dick replays winking back makeing his way towards the Lazarus portal in the middle of the cave. Putting an extra sway to his hips while walking.
Danny whistles and follows after him, yeah mabey co-parenting with a non human will be some fun.
Ok so yeah I've been kinda dead this part week, sorry. Also here are some fun little facts I wanted to add but couldnt fit in
- i picked callisto because it reminds me of constalation
-callisto is wearing one of steph's shirts
-dannys isnt the ghost king
-danny is a full ghost, he was killed by the GIW, along with everyone else in amity
-dannys haunt is an amity look alike but it has an observatory like building in the center that is Danny's home, pluse the whole town looks very spacey
-dan is rehabilitated and is basically Danny's big brother figure
-everyone in amity came back as ghosts because of the ecto contamination, and because of the violent deaths they faced by the GIW
-danny is working with the JLD to decimate the GIW
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razorblade180 · 27 days
While I love Amber dearly as she is, I got curious - if you could upgrade or entirely change her kit to put her on a five-star level (or alternatively, as strong as she could be in the lore of how you view your Genshin playthrough, with all her training and seniority), how would you do it?
I feel like somewhere on this blog I’ve talked about a supportive Amber before but the second half of your question is thought provoking in a new way.
What sucks is in a lot of way, Lyney really took main mechanics of Amber.💀
For the sake of keeping her identity, the bow stays. I’m thinking unique enhanced charge shots that are the size of one of Tighnari’s burst arrows. What makes them special is not only would the size make it easier to hit enemies close together, but the arrow is piercing. We’ll call them Scouting Arrows
Rework her skill to be a better Baron Bunny that has a stronger taunt and doesn’t get flung away to create more opportunities to hit multiple enemies. By either using the skill or hitting more than one enemy with a single arrow, the time to charge the next arrow essentially doesn’t exist at all; that way it creates a sharpshooter style of combat I think an Outrider would be an expert at.
Her burst would be a reference to the WEBTOON and let’s call it Flaming Vanguard; she’d create a pyro shield and lose her enhanced charges, but gain an infusion on her normal attack arrows for a short time that are weaker than charge shots obviously but stronger than normal arrows. Her skill would also temporarily changes to a scatter shot of flaming rocks in front of her. (I’m never getting over that)
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When the burst state ends, if the shield wasn’t already destroyed, it will vanish and Amber gains a single free enhanced shot with a multiplier that’s higher than her other enhanced shots called Outrider’s Arrow; her cooldown on her next Barron Bunny is also reduced. Cause, y’know…
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She can keep her gliding passive. As for her second passive, considering Ganyu exists, I think it would reasonable for Amber to gain a crit dmg bonus whenever facing multiple enemies, but gain a crit rate buff instead when there’s only one. That somewhat helps compensate for the fact in boss fights she wouldn’t have the opportunity to sharpshoot as often since there’s only one enemy to hit.
So in essence, a mid to long range DPS with a core play style that shows her proficiency in archery as well as her job as Outrider; with an elemental burst that shows her personality by Amber being able to temporarily rush into the frontline when other party members need help.
I’m feeling silly right now so I suppose I’ll think of constellations.
C1 Team Player- When Flaming Vanguard state ends, the rest of the party gains an atk buff based on total atk
C2 Double Trouble- Two charges of Barron Bunny and Scatter Shot! (I know she has that in game, and honestly it’s too good to not have that in this hypothetical)
C3 Outrider, the One and Only- Normal attack talent increase
C4 Survival Expert- Scatter Shot and normal attacks performed in Flaming Vanguard independently grant a certain amount of pyro damage bonus up to a certain amount. The bonus ends after firing an Outrider Arrow.
C5 Favonious Hardwork- Talent level on burst increases. (This would effect shield absorption and Outrider Arrow conversion multiplier since it’s already getting the benefit of increased dmg from leveling charge attacks)
C6 A Granddaughter’s Oath- Shooting a Barron Bunny will now automatically detonates it. Deploying a Barron Bunny instantly gains one Outrider Arrow. Upon detonation, gain another Outrider Arrow.
Unintentionally this kit has not only made Mondstadt’s god of wind one of her best teammates in mob situations, but her and Collei would do well in a burning team alongside characters like, Sucrose, Emilie, and even reverse melt Kaeya. Not my intention in the slightest but hey, that works out pretty well in a satisfying way.
By the way can you tell that after nearly four years Amber is still easily one of my favorite characters?
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ueidesign · 2 months
I’m curious as to your reasoning behind making Leona Wind/Euridition.
Does it have something to do with this?:
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And the fact that he canonically loves chess, is very strategic, and is extremely intelligent?
I would have thought, with Savanaclaw’s dorm motto, the Hunt path would work better… but if you chose to go with the above clip and a sand storm as his main attacking point, then Eurdition does work better since they do better against groups, right?
Forgive me if I’m way off I have never played hsr in my life this is the product of a quick amount of research to figure out elements and paths etc. so I knew the barest of bare bones so I could learn more and understand more about what you’re doing here with these because I love them 💀😅
Well, hello there ! ^^
Before i start yapping, i just want to say that i love how u ended researching about the paths and elements BECAUSE THAT IS TRUE DEDICATION OVER HERE
Also you are not far from my own reasoning :0 !
Let's start by the Path
If we want to choose based on the canon, it would be Tank (Book 6), similar to Vil's
However, i wasn't pleased with it .. it felt bland ?
even Idia himself forfeited the idea immediately cause it DOESN'T MATCH LEONA'S CHARACTERISTICS
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And i absolutely agree that the path needs to reflect a character behaviour and their skills !
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A small detail i liked is that Leona is not only physically strong, but even his magic power is in great shape !
He might be lazy... yes, but wasn't what started it was his hatred toward the way he got treated whenever he tried his best ?
In reality He is strong and well suited in the front lines
He even has the title of a "Sunset Warrior" back in his hometown, which is a title given to the strongest fighter !
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This leaves us with two options Destruction, The Hunt and Erudition
It is true that Leona's SP (Signature Spell) is a destructive one(turns everything he touches into sand), but unlike Malleus, his behaviour AREN'T that hazard !
This leaves us with The Hunt and Erudition
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Comparing the two to each other, i believe that the Erudition is the perfect choice
is because Leona is a character that was raised as a TRUE prince he did turn into a troublesome person and very difficult to handle, but those actions of his reflect how strategic he can be
Not to forget how he managed to avoid lots of trouble thanks to this talent
Another thing i love about Leona is that he might be ruthless, but his words are based on experience and silent observation. A LOGICAL ONES INDEED
He even went to a great length with cheating and abusing his power in order to achieve what he wanted (Book 2 accidents)
Point two is more related to his SP, which can injure those around him on a specific range
I think this is a great choice for him to be a multi targeted character or, more accurately, an aoe character
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Element choice
As u saw, i ended up giving Leona the Wind element and not physical
Why ?
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Because relating him as physical just because he is strong and well built didn't feel right
LEONA ALWAYS DID WHAT HE WAS TOLD he learnt to fight because he is the prince
he polished his skills because he is the prince
I'm not saying he doesn't like that. But why does it feel wrong? It is as if we are labelling it as his duty as the SECOND prince
Wait, let me give an example
Remember Jack Eidolons?
I gave Jack a physical element, compared to Leona. You can see how well deticated Jack is for working out and balancing a healthy lifestyle, but Leona ? He might have cared once but completely gave up on it later on
Not to forget that Leona is a beastman. his species played a huge role in this too.
Last but not least his SP gives a veryy strong feeling for wind
Since sand storms occur when there is a strong WIND to the point it starts lifting the sand grain off the ground and blows them in the air :> (thank u google)
Hope this helps clear everything
Btw !!!
i didn't consider the gif i inserted as a part of my reasoning because u absolutely shocked me with that detail, and I LOVE IT hellooo!!!???
Little note (and a reminder)
Feel free to drop me ur thoughts ! Or reply on this matter
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Coldshot Thoughts
I'm doing this for another operator because I took the time to figure out how she works and now I have to upstage Gamepress. That's not hard but it's my moral duty as someone who actually plays Arknights.
HP: 1,855 ATK: 958 (+105 from Trust) (Total: 1,063) DEF: 224 RES: 0 Redeployment Time: 80 seconds DP Cost: 21 Block Count: 1 Attack Interval: 1.6 seconds
Potentials DP Cost -1 Redeployment time -10 seconds DP Cost -1 Improves "Not to be Outdone" DP Cost -1
Welfares in Arknights suffer from being in a state of limbo generally. Welfares are generally decent or good units, but they very rarely fall out of these bounds. Unlike normal Operators, Welfares do not really benefit from access to their potentials: they have deliberately inflated DP cost and Redeployment Time which means that their potentials don't actually end up improving them across the board. Most Welfares are also 5-stars, which means they end up sitting in the awkward rarity where they feel like they cost more like a 6-star operator but don't quite have the same impact.
This said, Coldshot doesn't initially leave a bad impression, at least in part because the Hunter class is pretty impressively stated. They have good bulk for a Sniper (only losing to Spreadshooters), very high ATK, and a reasonable attack interval. This all comes at a rather nice 18 DP cost too.
Trait Attacks consume Ammo (not Ammunition) to increase ATK to 120%; While not attacking, Ammo will be slowly reloaded (max Capacity 8)
This is due to the Hunter trait. They can attack continuously while they have ammunition, but will have to spend time reloading once they don't. This results in some DPS loss while they have no ammunition, since there is some delay between reloading and attacking again (at most about 0.39 seconds).
Reloading is worth talking about here as well. Reloading takes the same amount of time as attacking (1.6 seconds), but isn't affected by anything that would modify the attack interval, such as ASPD. This means that while Hunters can benefit from ASPD buffs, once they need to reload, their DPS can be considered capped since they need to go through the entire reload process.
In addition, it should be noted here that Coldshot has no synergy with Chen the Holungday. Her talent won't affect Coldshot's ammo use, since they're different mechanics entirely.
The benefit here is the juicy damage increase Hunters get. This is an Attack Scale buff, which means it gets applied after all other modifiers (Inspiration, +x% Atk buffs) but before Defense. This gives Coldshot a rather fantastic damage per hit of 1,275.6 damage, which is really impressive as a base line for a Sniper class. This makes Hunters rather versatile anti-armor units thanks to their good attack interval, especially against low Weight enemies with high DEF (such as in Contingency Contract) where Besiegers are disadvantaged.
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The Hunter attack range is an upgraded Lord Guard attack range, and that's honestly a pretty good place to be. She doesn't quite have the spread of the other Archer classes, but she has better penetration being able to hit 5 tiles away.
That was intentional, this is absolutely the cock and balls attack range. Helena is a trans milf and you cannot change my mind.
Next let's move to Helena's talent.
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This is an interesting talent since it supports using Helena in generally low pressure lanes. Not attacking for 2 seconds is a pretty easy condition to fulfill by accident since she only needs to stop attacking for 0.4 seconds, and she gets another nice Attack Scale buff for her trouble. Attack Scale buffs stack in a multiplicative fashion, so she'll end up dealing 1.596x her attack in damage with her talent.
This brings her DPH up to 1,696.548 (yeah I've learned that Arknights doesn't round its really annoying on my eyes too) which is quite impressive. If you're sustaining her talent hits over a long period of time as soon as you can, it's worth noting that Coldshot's DPS actually goes up a bit too, which really incentives the low pressure lanes for Coldshot.
Moving onto her skills:
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ATK Up gamma Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 30 second duration Starting SP: 15, SP Cost: 30 ATK + 100%
There is not a particularly compelling reason to use Coldshot's S1. The attack buff it provides is weaker than her S2, she misses out on the Slow bonus which helps to keep enemies in Coldshot's attack range, and it has a worse duration than her S2. Even with the shorter reload time compared to her S2, her DPS is weaker thanks to the smaller ATK buff.
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Party Night Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 40 second duration Starting SP: 25, SP Cost: 40 Increases reload interval by 0.8 seconds, ATK +140%, and attacks slow the taget for 1 second.
This is the only skill that's really worth using on Coldshot. Her ATK with this skill goes up to a pretty staggering 2,551.2, and that's before adding in the ATK scale bonus innate to the Hunter class. That brings her DPH to 3061.44, and that's really impressive. It's not often you can boast damage numbers that high on a Sniper, and this also means Coldshot has a very respectable DPS while her skill is up of 1,913.4.
The extra reload time is both a drawback and a boon. It means that while Coldshot is reloading, she will always benefit from the effect of her talent, and the extra damage pushes her DPH to 4,071.7152 this rather gross looking number. 4000 DPH is genuinely impressive, but Coldshot also suffers from a DPS while having to reload, since the increase to her reload interval outweighs the extra benefits of her talent.
This puts Coldshot into a very weird spot. There's already a general shortage of enemies in the 3000 DEF range, you can tell Coldshot was teched for her event stages given the Energy mechanic, so the extra damage per hit is mostly just unnecessary, and she does suffer from the DPS drop. But hey, you wanna see a fun calc kid?
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1063 * 1.35 = 1435.05 * 2.4 = 3444.12 * 1.596 = 5,496.81552
Coldshot while reloading can do meaningful damage to a non-debuffed Last Knight while her reload interval will keep her from being frozen. If you pair her with a Therapist Medic (particularly Ceylon), or have the Healer's Path - Restore Sanity book, she can DPS him while his HP is below 50% as well and won't have to worry about running out of ammo beforehand.
That rocks personally, I cannot fucking wait to try that out. That's with one Relic too. Imagine.
With this all being said, where exactly does Coldshot fit into all of this? If you were concerned about her viability, what is there to think about? One of the problems facing Coldshot is that a high DPH Sniper class is not one without competition, since Deadeyes, Heavyshooters, and Besiegers all fit in that slot too. Hunters don't quite have the ceiling that Heavyshooters like Melanite do, the range that Deadeyes like Firewatch provide, or the impressive DEF ignoring benefits of the Besieger class like Erato.
But, critically, Coldshot is really fucking easy to use, and comes with her own fun specific range benefits over the other classes. Melanite requires extreme close quarters range or ends up having worse DPS with her S1 than Coldshot. Provence can boast similarly nutty DPH numbers, but doing so is both luck based, requires enemies to be damaged, and has a strong positional requirement. Erato needs outside Sleep support to make the most out of her DEF reducing talent, Toddifons is good against exactly Sarkaz enemies, and the Deadeyes all end up with weaker DPS than Coldshot. Firewatch's DPH without her module is even weaker than Coldshot's.
(It's better with her Module though, although her DPS is still lower thanks to her longer Attack Interval.)
Every 5-star comparable operator has some tension in their kit, tension which is fun and cool to work around, but its still there. Coldshot just gets to do big funny numbers for free, with the tradeback that she will have a period where her DPS takes a hit comparatively. This ease of use is a big reason Ray is really good on CN: she's very comparable to the other 6-stars but benefits from being really easy to use. Unfortunately, this does incentivize people to not take much note of Coldshot, but let's be real for a moment.
Coldshot is pretty good, but a very what you see is what you get operator. She maintains no strong niche for the benefit of being more generally powerful. There's no real way to push her higher, meaning her ceiling won't be that impressive, but her floor is rather ridiculous. In the world of shitty Youtube thumbnails and Gamepress tier lists, sometimes you just gotta sit down and go
3000 damage is 3000 damage.
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livannasalinger · 1 year
Dc x Dp prompt 3
I was thinking lately that most of the prompts and fics that I see, they range from: focus on Danny, focus on Jazz, oneshots here and there with some different characters, maybe sam and tucker, but not much more than that. Of course, ultimately, the idea of Dc x Dp goes through the importance that Danny has to establish this connection (ghost king, meta laws, being a hero, classic black hair and blue eyes of the Waynes, etc etc) and focus more on relationships with DC characters (batfam, superman, Wonder Woman, etc) . At the same time, I've recently been thinking about how there are few fics that portray the rest of the Casper High as a functional group (not counting Everlasting trio). And then, there's this fic that I really like (see prompt 2) that talks about a different way that the incident with Spectra could have happened. With all this, I thought:
- what if, these incidents with the ghosts made the group more cohesive: I'm not talking about everyone being super friends, although that can be cool, but I'm talking about actually seeing them build a dynamic because they need to protect themselves from danger and they can't get help from anyone else -  Justice League doesn't interfere/doesn't know/doesn't believe
- Anyway, X years pass, the events of DP (except Danny's revelation to the world) occur, but unlike canon, the children mature faster, and start to blossom like powerhouses - imagine Assassination classroom and how they became after graduation, that kind of thing.
- But that's when things start to get interesting, because "out of nowhere" a group of people with impressive skills and suspicious training in different areas begins to appear, young people trained in things they shouldn't. At first, the connection was not clear, as everyone is in different areas, but little by little a pattern starts to become clearer: maybe their presence, maybe some more ghostly physical characteristic.
I see two ways this starts to get noticed:
-- At a Justice League meeting, several superheroes start listing people of interest and justifying why. They might have noticed these people as possible future villains, or maybe they want to recruit them, or something like that. The point is: when one person starts talking, another hero starts remembering that he knows a similar person, a pattern starts to be observed, an investigation starts to be made.
-- An investigation is already under way, as there is a group of people who came from the same place, started to become influential in the field of choice, and nobody can prove, but many suspect that this group is responsible for the disappearance of a mysterious government organization called GIW
In any case, an investigation begins showing  the different ways that the Amity Park group has grown to be BAMF including: Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Jazz Fenton, Valerie Gray, Dash Baxter, Paulina, Kwan, Star, Wes weston.… maybe even Ellie and Dan.
The investigation proceeds, old photos of the group can be found and they notice the disappearance of only one person: Danny Fenton. Which makes no sense, as he is seen multiple times with all the suspects, but effectively there is no record of him anywhere: no college, no job, not even how he gets from one place to another, no plane ticket, nothing.
It would still be really cool if everyone in the group followed certain customs, derived from the lessons they received on how to deal with ghosts or because they are Liminal and that's why they behave a little differently and, even if they've been living with "normal people" for years , sometimes they just forget common sense and scare people without intending to.
The conclusions that the JL, villains  and other groups, can come to are potentially hilarious: are they villains? what are their goals? Are they a secret cult with this Danny as their leader? Are they or are they not doing something illegal? Are they a threat? And if so, a threat to whom?
At the end of it all I can see Mr Lance showing up and thinking "how come this is supposedly the most powerful group of people in the world?!" and in 5 minutes solving any chaos or misunderstanding like:
"Pride and Prejudice, not even Mr. Weston was that bad" (looking at Red Robin's conspiracy board)
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oltammefru · 10 months
Let's talk about the Surging Waves 15 version of the IS3 Ending 3 bossfight, because it's kind of really interesting. Personally I think it's a pretty great fight, but the way in which it is great almost feels like unintentional or an accident and it's kind of baffling.
First off, the bossfight is really restrictive in what you can do; there are only 2 strats for it that are even remotely consistent:
Bursting Skadi down before she transforms.
Cancelling her transformation with a properly timed Weedy S3 blast, and either repeat this, or use the extra time its bought to you set up and burst Skadi down.
This is because if you let her transform the fight is basically just over unless you have either Fincatcher's Shawl or an extremely fucking buffed up Yato2 that can revert her to singer form (and even then you still have to set up and try to kill her again).
Nonetheless I think the D15 Skadi fight is a very interesting fight even if it's incredibly restrictive because it has one of the most interesting bossfight mechanics in the game.:
That's right, i'm talking about Tear Spawn Manipulation. Other than one element of randomness that you can ignore if you play right, the tiles that Skadi spawns tears on is deterministic.
Each time she spawns a tear, it'll spawn on the (unoccupied) melee tile with the most number of units within the 8 tiles surrounding it. If there are multiple tied tiles, it'll pick one of them at random but you can avoid that by making sure there's only 1 tile with the most number of operators surrounding it. (I'm not 100% sure if "units" is "operators + non-invincible units like summons" or "units" in general although I'd think its the former. PRTS says "units" but doesn't clarify.)
This one of the coolest fucking bossfight mechanics HG has ever cooked up. It forces you to pay attention to your positioning extremely carefully, because every one of them affects how the fights play out. There's a ton of room for smart play here where you place down an aoe medic and then tear spawn location manipulate both the tears to be within range of the AoE medic, or you manipulate a tear to a specific location so you can deploy a DPS unit to sit on the tear and deal damage to Skadi. In my opinion, this mechanic alone turns the D15 Skadi fight from "not very good and quite one dimensional" to "damn this fight kind of Fucks." The fight still forces you to burst Skadi down (unless you're Weedy gaming), but it makes the whole process of trying to figure out how to optimally do that with your team and building your enable to enable it to be so incredibly interesting. And the thing is:
They never tell you this anywhere. This mechanic is not documented anywhere in game. I have not been able to find a single English language source that states that this mechanic is a thing that exists. It does! And it's really neat and I think genuinely one of the coolest things they've done in a bossfight anywhere. But they don't ever bother to inform you about this. I think it's probably pretty likely that less than 0.1% of the English speaking playerbase knows about this? Like you designed (maybe accidentally?) an incredibly banger fight but didn't bother to tell about the thing that makes it as good as it? It's baffling.
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