#and then I died
yourbasicqueerie · 2 months
You're a child. An infant. Your mocking is thus infantile. He's not my boyfriend. This man is more to me than you can dream. He's the moon when I'm lost in darkness and warmth when I shiver in cold. And his kiss still thrills me, even after a millennia. His heart overflows with a kindness of which this world is not worth of. I love this man beyond measure and reason. He's not my boyfriend. He's all and he's more
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maturiin · 2 years
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petunia, withered
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noticemedeku · 2 years
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tiny-librarian · 2 years
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Baby Anne and little Charles (+corgis obviously) from the book "The Queen's Wardrobe, The Story of Queen Elizabeth II and her Clothes".
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zohanimenthusiast · 1 year
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will80sbyers · 1 year
kinda feel like I have a fever rn but I don't get sick because I'm immortal so I'm gonna pretend it's not happening also I wanted to sleep but I started thinking about Mike at the airport in a panic and then I started thinking about Will watching Mike and El get together that Summer right after the shed monologue and how that must have been such a stab in the heart to see them dance together at the ball and kiss in front of him while he's feeling uncomfortable dancing with someone he didn't want to dance with wondering why he was having such ugly thoughts about the girl that saved his life twice now and how disgustingly selfish he felt that night after the Snowball and how that feeling of ugly jealousy only grew with time until he couldn't take it anymore
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
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honeynclove · 2 months
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shout out to the somewhat popular genshin chat fic I wrote a year ago
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keyofjetwolf · 1 year
Latest Cute Thing Midge Did: I told her she had to be careful of my tea because it was hot, and she started blowing on it to cool it down for me.
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played Sons of the Forest with my vastly superior at surviing the cannibals sibling tonight
it was on the third down from the same giant fucking cannibal, that i remembered the grenade
also managed to knock down several trees which helped in base construction
also sometimes the dead cannibals wriggle their backsides at you, its a buit of a weird ragdoll
also may have accidentally eaten a leg i meant to put in the backpack for a warning totem later... oops, pressed E too hard
not to mention... I had the vehicle for like 2 mins and got stuck in a lake and it began to glitch out in rapid circles around me, it was apparently insane
ALSO if you try to get in a vehicle as the fdriver is moving off?
they see you t-pose and then teleport next to them, that's fucking hilarious
if you like horror survival and naked flesh eaters you can beat to death with various implements as they try desperately to make you dinner while you're trying to build your fucking house...
try the game
but maybe have a crack at the first one (The forest) so you find out some Important Lore that makes you feel like an Asshole but things suddenly make sense...
be prepared to see so much flesh
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frogathy · 2 years
i just realized today that the two rams from zootopia who made the night-howler syrum in the train cars being named woolter and jesse was a breaking bad reference and my whole world has come crashing down
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Updating my characters for artfiiiight
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misswoozi · 2 years
Ryujin did go back and eventually get her nipples pierced after she started bottoming though. She claims its for the aesthetic but in reality she just likes playing with them while she gets fucked 🎮
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karalynlovescake · 2 years
Cuubism's last post has me thinking again about how absolutely unreliable of a narrator Dream of the Endless probably is, and how we will never get the story of Sandman from Desire’s point of view, but if we DID it would be like that one X-Files episode (Bad Blood) where Mulder and Scully tell the story of the same case but the tone and many key facts vary wildly.
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metamelonisle · 2 years
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local rookie gets to ask their idol a question
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suokumi · 1 year
I don't know how it happened, but now apparently I'm into fucked up bears
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