#and the right is my masons
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grimmjow · 6 months ago
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idk how to build but this is what we got in the desert village :p
i made buildings for all the job groups so itd be easier to find the villagers i need haha
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megamindsupremacy · 6 months ago
Relativity Falls AU Outline Part 1 [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
-It is my hot take that Relativity!Dipper wouldn't be a scientist or paranormal researcher. I decided he's an investigative journalist, because "Mystery Solving" seemed more his speed than "Physicist" and whatever the other 11 of Ford's PhDs are.
-Mabel is a fashion designer, which is someone else's idea that I liked and stole
-It is my other hot take that Mabel and Dipper don't have a dramatic split like Stan and Ford do when they're young. They're more in-sync as kids, and they don't have the same familial pressures that the Stans do, growing up. So they're just fine with each other!
Okay now for the actual plot:
-Dipper is an investigative journalist who isn't doing... great in his career. He's not breaking any huge stories or winning any awards, and the stress of his job is getting to him. He catches wind of some sort of "Northwest Conspiracy" involving a false founder of a town and jets off to Gravity Falls, determined to make this story the start of his career
-He starts investigating the whole conspiracy. Pacifica Northwest catches wind of all of this and is Quite Irritated that some random Californian fucker is in Gravity Falls specifically and solely to ruin her family's reputation. Which, from her point of view, is fair. I'd be annoyed too.
-To be completely honest, I forgot the smaller details of the "town founder is a fraud" and "murder ghost haunting the manor" episode plots, so just... everyone accept that Bada Bing Bada Boom The Secret Is Revealed And What The Fuck There's Also A Ghost
-Through the power of being mildly annoying to each other and teamwork, Dipper and Pacifica defeat the murderous ghost. Pacifica realizes how badly her family has fucked up in the past and (un)graciously + (un)enthusiastically decides to be better. She and Dipper go from hating each other to tentative friends/allies. As a sign of this friendship and also because she saved his life, Dipper promises to not publish the huge article that proves that Pacifica's entire family is full of shit
-He instead pivots to investigating all of the weird shit around Gravity Falls - which he is now aware of, thanks to the murder ghost. This is his last-last-last chance at making a name for himself in the industry; publishing the Northwest story would have helped him, but again he's trying to be a good person and all of that
-While exploring the woods, Dipper finds a mystery cave with mystery symbols and managed to summon a helpful friendly yellow mystery triangle who promises to help him discover all of the mysteries of Gravity Falls... for a deal.
-Dipper goes "DEAL" and slaps Bill's outstretched hand like a high five, then has to awkwardly go back and actually shake his hand to make the magic deal binding.
-Then his brain reboots and Dipper goes "wait what's my end of the deal?"
-ooohhhhhh nothing much!! he just has to build this portal to another dimension! the portal will reveal ALLLLL the secrets of Gravity Falls!! wahoo!
-Dipper [journalism major] Uhhh let me get back to you on that whole "building a portal" thing. I'll be right back.
Dipper, calling Pacifica (he has no money or engineering knowledge): Heeey can I have like a lot of money to build an interdimensional portal? I know we're still kinda friends kinda nemeses but I promise it's for a good cause also you owe me for not publishing that article
Pacifica, trying to become a better person (this will not backfire in any way): Well, if it's for a good cause. Not like I'm using this money for anything else.
Part 1 | Part 2 |
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pain-is-too-tired · 8 months ago
Jake,shivering: It's freezing.
Michael, playfully rolling his eyes: Well come on over here, you know you don't have to ask to cuddle up smoke breath.
Jason, also shivering:It's freezing, could we start a camp fire?
Leo:Already on it, Superman.
Luke:Lee, it's cold.
Lee: Then freeze.
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your-unfriendlyghost · 11 days ago
Not asking you to write it, just wanted thoughts
I want more Tex fics that are actually terribly sad. Like one where maybe Tex dies in the hospital and the guilt is eating Mason alive, and he just wants to point fingers at people. So he gets mad at Lem (obviously) and probably Charlie too (bc he's a doctor) even if he wants Tex's doctor, it would just be easy to get angry at him and pretty much all of their family. I'm thinkin' it's similar to Dally's crash out (minus the gun) where he yells at all the doctors and is like, "Why do you even bother helping ppl!?" Or whatever.
Just some thoughts 😗
Man, I don’t think I could take more sad Tex stuff 😭 Was seein the poor kid getting SHOT not enough for ya??
Ur right abt Mace’s reactions tho fr, Dally parallels would be all over the place. I mean didn’t he full on fight Lem in canon, without Tex even dying? (I’m asking cos I don’t remember lol- ik he definitely threatened Lem but I t h i n k he fought him too?? Don’t quote me on that tho)
Idk tho, I can’t handle sad Tex stuff I think. I was real sad when Johnny and Dally died in Outsiders, but if Tex died I’d have lost it tbh
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efingcod · 9 months ago
I have a Black Ops 2 playthrough going while I work and I actually forgot a lot. I played through it so quickly 3 years ago and haven't played it again because 😭 (also I'm not looking forward to the strike force missions). But damn.
But I'm also getting a little mad. Because if you think Woods is stupid and or impulsive yeah you haven't played this game. You haven't even watched a playthrough. You haven't even touched it.
I knew I was right. I internalized his characterization but forgot about specific moments. But there's SO MUCH solid evidence in this game (also in BO1 which I have played multiple times, it's my favorite ok?).
I don't want to write an essay but I MIGHT.
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Took these from Hollow's playthrough (that's why he's there). But I think this has me motivated to pick up Black Ops 2 even though I'm BIG SAD about the canon ending. So I'll take my own pics then.
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townofcadence · 4 months ago
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A bunch of others' OCs as Chibis!! I used bases by Cosmind! Thank you all for being here, you guys are amazing and i'm so grateful to interact with you!! And thank you for liking or reply to the post to get one lol.
If you like yours and want a bigger version just hit me up! i have them all with white borders and bigger sizes like stickers in my art program :3
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crushed-oranged-angered · 1 month ago
As I start to gradually slide back into full Teen Wolf brainrot, here’s a list of how I think Teen Wolf characters would behave when overtired (because I am nothing if not good at projecting)
Isaac and Allison both get super grouchy in different ways. Isaac gets some season 2 douchebag back in him. Like his anger starts to get a little unchecked, he loses some of his coping mechanisms and he starts talking about how “he’s not so good at writing” and maybe he’ll just kill someone and everyone else is like “okay or maybe just go to bed, get a full 8 hours and try again tomorrow”.
Allison gets some season 2 anger back too but, whether she knew it or not, she was raised to be a solider and was absolutely taught to ignore her emotions. So her anger is all internalized and it’s not until Lydia or Scott notice like “hey you’re glaring at the paper pretty hard there” or she says something particularly cruel about herself that people get clued in.
Mason has a lot of inside thoughts that, when he’s well-rested, are filtered cause he 1. recognizes that they are unkind and 2. doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. When he’s tired, depending on the level of exhaustion and who he is talking to, one of those two reasons to filter goes away. I love Mason, he’s a total sweetheart but kindness is a choice that takes EFFORT there’s no way it doesn’t slip a little when he’s off his game.
Liam, Malia and Kira are all spontaneous sleepers (to ME). I feel like these three narratively struggle the most with control. So it would make sense to me that they would be going going going and at some point their bodies just go “okay we are done” and suddenly they are asleep. Malia is the most normal about it, cause of the three, she feels the most in tune with her body’s needs. So she’ll feel it coming on and be like “okay I need to lay down” and will like. Put her head on her arms or something. Kira starts slurring her words or will stumble a bit more and someone is like “oh Kira is going down” and will help her out. Liam just cold drops in the middle of whatever he is doing, totally passes out with no warning.
Stiles, Lydia and Scott are different based on the season levels of trauma they’ve experienced (oooo angst)
Lydia has so carefully crafted herself in the beginning, I feel like, for the first two seasons, it HAS to be that that facade starts to crack. She’ll correct Jackson’s grammar. She’ll rattle off an equation too quickly. She’ll correct a teacher. After she’s come into herself more, and the facade crumbles like a stale cookie, I feel like it would be the opposite. She starts making crazy mistakes that even she’s like ‘okay what the fuck I just wrote 2+4=28’
Season 1 Stiles would absolutely just start falling asleep in random places. Total spontaneous sleeper BUT! Post-possession, anxiety brain is like ‘nope that can’t happen again’ so over tired-ness leads to shakes and increased adrenaline. Which leads to more over tiredness and more shakes and more adrenaline and…
Season 1 Scott gets confused when he’s over tired. Just has a really hard time sorting his schedule and remembering. One of my Scott headcanons is that he is one of those guys that needs to be like very organized. Like he’s smart but if all his ducks aren’t in a row, he scrambles. We see that he struggles most when he (justifiably due to… events - like getting bit by a werewolf!) can’t compartmentalize. And I think, pre- and early werewolfism, being exhausted and over-worked would be one of the biggest wrecking balls to his row of ducks. As the show goes on, I feel like Scott would start to shut down when overtired though. Like frequently zones out, not always responsive and when he is almost entirely nonverbal responses
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manthemoth · 5 months ago
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Silly Harrold pencil doodles to try and get past a lil bit of art block
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blackbatcass · 8 months ago
actually the funniest flash character in history is mason trollbridge. he was just some bland carpenter dude. he was wally’s old man best friend. they moved across country together. wally LIVED with him. he had a supervillain son that was never followed up on. he was in almost every issue. then waid took over and he disappeared without a trace and was never heard from again
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raphianna · 4 months ago
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Do you know how much I love him?? Look at him, he's so sweet <3
I miss posting them
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ashpkat · 1 month ago
my magisterium ship charts (not pictured: sarah and alastair, telia, sons of darkness and stars AU alastine bc im too tired for this its 4am)
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reverse-pines-twins · 5 months ago
"Ok, it was a pain to get it- but here you go Belle"
Stab hands her over the amulet Stanford had taken
*She's sulking in the corner until he says that. Mason's off on stage, playing to the crowd and causing at least five separate fangirls in the crowd to swoon. Even backstage, the sounds of cheering as he draws a heart in the air are clearly audible. Mabel seems bitter and angry about being grounded still. The instant she hears Stan's voice, she perks up, stands, and rounds on her heel to face him.*
Oh- hello Great Uncle Stan! I can't believe you're here! And with my amulet, too! I really can't thank you enough, Great Uncle Stan. You're so generous and wonderful and lots of other things!
*She goes to grab the amulet.*
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blackhholes · 11 months ago
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Teen Wolf as Arthurian Characters
Mason Hewitt as Sir Galahad
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gravyhoney · 11 months ago
Cinder enjoyers come to my blog.
I d raw him.
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astheeniaa · 1 year ago
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here’s one from last night<3
Citizen // Berlin // February 11, 2024
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