#and the fact that eddie brock works out.
vulpinesaint · 2 days
p sure we aren’t moots but I definitely know it’s you when I see venom on the tl!! and whenever is isn’t you I’m always a bit like 😮 👉 that’s vulpinesaints thing!!!
LITERALLY THAT'S VULPINESAINT'S THING. i love not being in fandom spaces it's so delightful to me that it's Me And Only Me posting about venom out here in this little corner of space as far as i'm concerned. surely there are communities out there somewhere but this is My thing. i am venom guy forever and ever and ever now
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raz-writes-the-thing · 10 months
Is That A Promise? (Venom One-Shot)
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Eddie Brock x GN!Reader / requests are open and encouraged
Summary: Telling you about Venom does not go entirely how Eddie planned.
CW: mentions of monster fucking, Eddie is oblivious and a dumbass (I think I have a type)
Venom Tag List: (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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You’d known Eddie Brock a good while by this point. You’d started dating him a while back, and while he put others on edge, you’d found the way he talked to himself out loud rather charming, actually. 
At first, you weren’t sure if he was just unmedicated, or undiagnosed. But then the news broke about the symbiote, and then there was the footage. And when Eddie started coming home right after news broke of some other attack or taking out of a bad guy or criminal or whoever, you’d put two and two together. 
It was kind of hard not to. Particularly as his conversations with himself could vary from topic to topic in the span of six words or less.
Eddie had asked to meet up for lunch today at your favourite restaurant. He’d seemed a bit off on the phone, and given how prone you were to anxiety, your immediate thought had been that he was breaking up with you and that you’d done something to upset him or his bodily guest- who you did not officially know about, of course. 
You’d gotten there early to prepare yourself for whatever shitshow was about to follow and to your immense surprise, Eddie had shown up pretty much right after you. Eddie was always running late, so this change in pace was also mildly concerning. You were not sure how this was going to go and you did not like that one bit. 
“You’re here early, too,” Eddie had said, swallowing thickly and avoiding eye contact. You nodded, and cleared your throat, gesturing for him to sit down at the table opposite you. 
“Yeah, I wanted to make sure we had a spot,” you replied, smoothing down your shirt. Bit of a nervous habit. That and ripping at your nails, but that was beside the point. 
“Right,” Eddie replied. 
And then the two of you lapsed into silence. You spent a good five to ten minutes appearing to read over the menu as if this wasn’t a regular spot for you and you didn’t know exactly what you were going to order. In fact, you’d be surprised if the cooks weren’t already making it up for you even though a waiter hadn’t come over yet. 
“Shut up,” Eddie hissed quietly. You peered over the menu to eye him curiously, one brow arced in question. 
“I didn’t say anything, Eddie.” 
“Yeah, I know. I- uh, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, actually,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. You hummed, and put the menu down to give him your attention. 
“About me shutting up?” 
“No- God, this is not going at all like I planned.” Eddie rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. 
You said nothing, waiting patiently for him to work out his wording.
“I really like you,” he started, and you nodded, replying with the same sentiment. “And, well, there’s something I’ve been hiding from you.”
“Right…” This is where you expected him to tell you he was married (doubtful but not impossible) or had cancer or something terrible. Dear God, please no. 
“Look- you’ve seen on the news, yes, the, uh- the attacks. Yeah?” 
You nod. Ah, so he was finally telling you about his friend living literally rent-free in his body. Okay, you could relax a little. 
“He’s me. Venom, he lives in my body. He’s in my head. Like, all the time. Right now.” 
Eddie looked at the table where he was picking at the tablecloth. You were silent for a second, and Eddie clearly took that to mean you were horrified or disgusted or something. You were a little nervous about it, sure, but you’d also been living with him for the last few months. If Venom was planning to take you out, he would have done so by now, surely. You figured this to mean you were safe enough. You’d also seen your fair share of monster porn, so you weren’t exactly unkeen on the idea of dating someone who sometimes had a monster body. It was kind of hot, actually. You shook the thought out of your head and tried to focus.
“Oh, yeah- I knew about that,” you replied, and the way Eddie’s head snapped towards you was almost comical. 
“You what?”
“Yeah, I figured that out a while ago. I was just waiting for you to tell me in your own time.”
Eddie blinked, and a black residue appeared on the back of his hand. It swirled and gathered on his hand before reaching for you delicately. You met it, brushing your finger over it softly. The goop (for lack of a better word) seemed to shiver pleasurably and you smiled.
“Can I meet him later?” 
Eddie nodded, watching the interaction with disbelief. He’d thought that you’d go running and screaming through the doors or something, not be rubbing your fingers over Venom like you were fingering some Play-Doh. 
“Y-yeah, later,” he agreed. “Not here. When we get home.”
You grinned and the black substance retreated back into Eddie’s skin as a waiter appeared by your table. 
“What can I get for you? The regular?” 
You looked at Eddie and clicked your tongue thoughtfully. 
“The usual with a serving of chicken nuggets on the side, please.”
The waiter nodded, scribbled it own on his pad and wandered off in the direction of the kitchen. Eddie looked at you in question. He knew you weren’t big on nuggets. 
“They’re for Venom,” you explained, propping your head up on your palm. Eddie looked to the side as if listening to something carefully. 
“Venom says thank you-” Eddie said before cutting himself as Venom said something else in his head. “No, I’m not saying that. No. No.” 
“Say what?”
Eddie sighed defeatedly- something you think he did a lot when it came to Venom. 
“Venom said he could kiss you right now.” Eddie looked mortified as the words left his mouth. You burst into laughter. 
“Is that a threat or a promise? I hope it’s a promise,” you replied, wiggling your eyebrows at the two of them. 
Eddie swallowed thickly and blushed as Venom said something else. You’d have to see if Venom could swap hosts sometime. It would be nice to have a conversation while out and about like that. 
“Promise,” Eddie replied. 
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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diagnoses u with fanfic tags
yeah i caved. welcome spideysona
their universe is 1990s san francisco. by day they work as a struggling writer for the bugle, sort of following in the footsteps of (movie-adjacent) eddie brock; by night they’re spider-scrawl, fighting systemic injustice, writers’ block, and the occasional mad scientist invention. his world is less rife with supernatural evils than most, but he’s also fucking with the government and corporations and all, so it balances out
their unique thing is that they have, like, shitty meta clairvoyance in the form of inherently understanding tropes, clichés, story structure, etc. like if cinemasins/wins were a superhero. they were approached to join the society because miguel thought they’d be chill or even helpful with canon events—unfortunately scribble here is not whatsoever into following rigid plot structure for the sake of unnecessary thematic suffering, saw the plot twist a miles away, and peaced. but not before snagging a day pass so they could watch atsv in person
they never take off their mask, and no one knows their name—he says it’s because he doesn’t want to lose his identity in a sea of spider-people, leading most to theorize that san-fran-spidey is some flavor of peter parker, but who’s to say for sure? the doylist reason, which he is in fact aware of, is that i don’t know either lol
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exhaslo · 9 months
Puzzle Pieces Ch11
(Mafia!Miguel x Shy!Reader)
Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10
Warning: Smut so Minors DNI, mentions of abuse, blood, murder, language, fluff, bullying, mentions of sex, car sex, cockwarming, praise
There was a slight chill in the air as the season's first snowflakes finally trickled down the cloudy sky. The moment Halloween passed, the atmosphere just smelled like Christmas. Every store, building and park was decorated for the holiday season.
Despite the cold winter air, the citizens of Nueva York kept their fall attire of simple t shirts and light sweaters. Those from out of town were easy to identify.
Such as Eddie Brock, who wore a thick coat and hat as he stood in front of your supermarket job. Frustrated by the fact that he could see his breathe, Eddie made his way inside. He breathed a sigh of relief towards the warmth and proceeded to the bakery section.
"Excuse me, is (Y/N) here?" Eddie said smoothly with a charming smile. One of the workers glanced at him,
"Not sure, she works at the Deli."
"Oh, Deli? Really?" Eddie whispered and thanked the worker.
That was a surprise. You were too chicken to handle something as fast pace as the deli back home. Here was worse. Hell, Eddie wouldn't be surprised if he saw you with gray hairs. Just the thought made him snort.
"Is (Y/N) around?" Eddie asked your supervisor.
Upon hearing your name, your supervisor glanced up at Eddie. Not recognizing the man, your supervisor hesitated. Everyone in the supermarket knew that you and Miguel were a thing. Miguel had already claimed you as his own and everyone was to make sure you did not have a hard time.
It wouldn't be pretty if you did.
"She called out." Your supervisor said simply and glanced at Eddie once more, "Mind if I ask who you are so I can inform her when she comes back."
"Her boyfriend. She left while I was away for work, do you think I could know when she works next? I'm sure she will be pleasantly surprised to see me,"
"Sorry, can't give out that information."
"Not even to her boyfriend?"
"No." Your supervisor said firmly. Eddie scoffed slightly,
"Fine. I'll be back tomorrow then."
Once Eddie was out of sight, your supervisor was quick to reach for the store phone. You picked a good day to call out, but Jessica was not here to see this interaction. Eddie was a dead man if Miguel ever found out that he claimed to be your boyfriend.
"Yes, I have some news for the boss."
You were ecstatic as Miguel took you out for the day. It took little to no convincing when he had you call out and already had his driver waiting. You put on your best clothes for him and followed Miguel everywhere.
Everything you looked at for longer than 10 seconds, Miguel ended up buying. You were quick to get embarrassed and tried to tell him to stop spoiling you, but you secretly loved it. No one had spoiled you the way he was.
"The bed is going to have no room for us if you keep looking at stuffed animals," Miguel whispered in your ear before kissing your shoulder. You felt your cheeks heat up as you turned to him,
"S-Sorry, they're all just so c-cute." You replied and grabbed his hand as you pulled him past the store, "B-But I don't n-need anymore!"
"Amor (love), let me get you everything your heart desires." Miguel said with a loving smile.
You hugged Miguel in response. You really couldn't believe how good he was to you. That and you kept forgetting that he was rich. Miguel will literally buy you everything you want and that was dangerous.
"I-I like those plush...B-But all I really want t-to cuddle with is...is you," You squeaked, hiding your face in your sleeves.
Miguel nearly groaned at your cute little confession. He just wanted to grab you by the waist and cover you with kiss and marks, but, you were out in a public mall. Miguel had a reputation to keep. He was just going to have to wait until you two get in the car.
As the two of you passed a large opening, Miguel looked down at the street below. Furrowing his brows, Miguel watched as a small crowd formed around two drug addicts being cuffed by the police. This was nothing new, but the drug was.
Thanks to the new mafia gang in town, Venom, a new drug has spread like wildfire. Miguel did not like it when his city and people were being threaten. This new drug was making whoever took it hallucinate that they were part of a hive mind and worshiped their King.
"Miggy, I'm going to get a drink. D-Do you want anything?" You asked innocently, unaware of what was happening around you.
"No thank you, amor. Here," Miguel gave you his card and kissed your hand, "Get yourself a snack too. You look a little pale,"
"Mhm, t-thank...you,"
Miguel watched you smile shyly, hurrying back to the line. He had to protect your smile. You were robbed of it so much already. As Miguel watched you, he felt his burner ring. Quickly answering it, Miguel moved away from other people.
"Sir, we got a tip from the supermarket. A stranger appeared and requested for (Y/N), claiming to be her boyfriend." Jessica said over the line. Miguel inhaled sharply,
"Did they send footage?"
"Yes, Lyla is sending you an enhanced image of her ex. We'll finally have a face to go with the name."
"The audacity for him to call himself her boyfriend, ha...Hahaha, I'm going to-"
"Hehe, what's so funny?" You asked, your smile wide as you drank your sweet smoothie. Miguel stroked your cheek,
"Nothing, mi dulce conejito (my sweet little bunny)." Miguel patted your head, adoring your expression, "Jessica, I want everyone to keep an eye out, okay?" He whispered.
"One more thing, Miguel. Apparently, Eddie is going to keep going back to the supermarket until he sees (Y/N)."
"That won't happen,"
With a click, Miguel hung up on Jessica and returned his attention to you. That smile of yours was being threaten again. As much as Miguel wanted to leave and go find your ex now, he couldn't leave you alone.
"Miguel, is there anything you want?" You asked, holding his hand.
"We're shopping for you today,"
"I-I know, but Christmas...is around the c-corner...and...and I want to get you s-something...t-that you'll like...or...need." You whispered, pressing your head against his arm. Miguel felt his chest tighten, wondering how many horrible holidays you've gone through,
"Anything you give me I'll cherish with all my heart," Miguel kissed the top of your head, walking around the mall some more, "But, if it pleases you, I can have my assistant, Lyla, help you."
"R-Really?! T-Thank you!"
Miguel was eager to gobble you up again. He resisted and kept spoiling you by buying clothes, gifts and whatever you looked at. He had forgotten about Christmas, since it really wasn't something that Miguel focused on.
Miguel probably should start getting his mother and brother something for Christmas, and of course you. Noticing one of the pop up Christmas stores coming up ahead, Miguel felt you slightly pull against his sleeve.
"Go on, conejita (bunny). I'm right behind you."
You squealed softly as you hurried to the store. Miguel chuckled lowly since it was one of those calendar stores, but it wasn't the calendars that made you excited. Miguel casually stood behind you as you ravaged the puzzles.
Now this gave Miguel an idea.
You hummed happily as you walked out of the mall with lots of new puzzles. Sure, Miguel bought you plenty of other things, but the puzzles was what you were more excited about. Having his driver take all of your bags, you smiled as Miguel followed you inside.
"Someone's happy," Miguel teased. You slowly crawled onto his lap, pecking his lips,
"Thank you...so...so much!" You chirped. Miguel's hands rested against your waist, gently biting your lip,
"We have some time until we reach the restaurant." He groaned, slowly undoing your pants. You huffed your cheeks softly,
"D-Don't be t-too rough."
"Never," Miguel said with a smirk as he hand stroked your cheek.
You whimpered softly, feeling your heart race as Miguel started to give you an array of kisses. Although you said for him not to be too rough, you honestly loved it when he was. Slowly grinding your hips against his, you melted against his touch.
Eddie cursed slightly as he walked down the streets of Nueva York. His hands were stuffed in his pockets as he watched the normal citizens ignore him. That was all going to change soon. Soon, his new drug was going to get into everyone's hands.
Everyone will worship him.
But, he couldn't without his star player. You. Eddie needed you to help put his new drug into regular citizen's hands. But you just had to move without telling anyone. You just had to be useless and make his life harder.
"Gentle, Eddie. We have to be gentle at first," Eddie whispered to himself.
He wasn't going to take you back without force of course. Eddie knew that he could still manipulate you to do his bidding. All he had to do was say a few sweet words and you would come crawling back to him. It was easy.
Stopping at the edge of a sidewalk, Eddie couldn't help but notice the fancy limo car beside him. He cocked a brow since the back of the mini limo was shaking. A soft chuckle escaped his lips, knowing that someone was having the time of their life.
The windows weren't even tinted that much. When the light turned green, Eddie went to get a glance as the slutty couple. His eyes widen as he swore he saw you moaning as you bounced on some stranger's dick.
"Nah, we're just seeing things now." Eddie whispered, before reaching for his phone, "But...I better get (Y/N)'s address just to be sure."
You moaned loudly as Miguel held your hips down. You were clenching against his dick as your body calmed down from another harsh orgasm. You swore you saw stars as your body finally relaxed. Miguel chuckled, kissing your neck as he slowly started to thrust back into you,
"See? I said I would be gentle," He teased, rubbing your clit in the process. You wrapped your arms around his neck, whimpering softly,
"I-I know~ mhm~ B-But...W-What if s-someone...ah~"
"I can always lower the window,"
"N-No~" You cried out as Miguel went faster, "M-Miggy~ I-I w-wanna be able t-to w-walk~"
"You will, baby," Miguel chuckled darkly.
Flinging your head back as you rode Miguel's dick, you moaned as you felt nothing but pleasure. Miguel grunted as he pulled you back in and groaned as he started to get rougher. You gasped and cried as Miguel brought you to another orgasm.
"Miguel~" You cried out.
"Good girl, (Y/N)," Miguel groaned as he unloaded inside of you, "See, still gentle,"
"Mhm," You rested against his chest, calming from your high, "S-Still super e-embarrassing. A-Are you sure...y-your driver d-didn't hear us?" Miguel carefully fixed you back up as the driver looked for parking,
"I'm sure." Miguel smirked, pecking your lips as he trailed your panty line, "Want him to hear us?"
"N-No!" You squeaked, covering your face.
Miguel laughed towards your behavior and helped you out of the car. He wrapped his arm around your waist and helped you into the restaurant since your legs were still shaking. He glanced down at your flustered cheeks and thought. He needed to casually tell you that it wasn't safe to go back to work.
"(Y/N), what would you think about not working at the supermarket anymore? I can take care of all your needs." He whispered as the waiter greeted them. You glanced up at Miguel,
"B-But...I don't want-" You stopped, knowing that Miguel didn't think of you as a burden, "I-I'll feel like I'm...just using y-you. I-I want to w-work too."
"Then, work for me?" Miguel suggested as they sat at their fancy table, "I could always use an extra hand." He offered. Your eyes sparkled at the suggestion,
"R-Really?" You gasped and thought, "A-As much...as I-I would like a c-change...but...I...I really can't."
"Why not, baby?"
"W-Well...I-I haven't had...a chance to t-tell you...But," You covered your mouth, looking shyly towards Miguel, "M-My parents...o-own the supermarket I work at...W-Which i-is why...s-someone like me can e-even work...t-there."
Miguel's eyes widen as he proceeded this new information. The supermarket that he took care of his mafia business at; the supermarket were he got his goods from; the supermarket that Miguel had great connection with....was owned by your family.
And those same owners told your ex where you went.
"Is that so?" Miguel said with a devilish smirk.
This just made things even easier for Miguel.
next chapter
@migueloharacumslut @18lkpeters @deputy-videogamer @leahnicole1219 @synamonthy @thedevax @jolynesposts @thraetor @freehentai @2099hitmylineyline @vvampir3s @dontfollowmepleaseitsannoying @secretadmirerisnowonline @jadeloverxd @bunnibitez @oharasfilipinawife @randomgoosegame @lilbanas @daisy-artfield @axi-moore @mimiemie @darkfairy102190 @jazzyj1011 @mcmiracles @innercreationflower @spoderssimp @thel0velykey190 @moonvoidpng @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @scaleniusrm @love4saturn @nyxgoddessofchaos13 @slutty-chronicles @ghstypaint @migueloharastruelove @brainmatterdump @a060403 @trendyharold @yannauauau @kimivixen @angel-xx-1 @nxrdamp @miguelzslvtz @lynxslokley @wafflefries786 @pochapo @what-the-jams @flaps200 @ii-angelsrolltheireyes-ii @nakimushiohime @tojishugetiddies @aya-world @supercowgirl04 @mysteris-things @daisy-artfield @mcmiracles @alexa4040 @llama--drama @kpopscoups17130000 @havkjhdecs @ruexvn @tojishugetiddi @openup-yourmind @black-swan-blog27 @xstarsdiary @kiddisquacking @gachagator @yujyujj @emmyrxx @blackteamint @sockears @black-swan-blog27 @soraya-daydreams @byjessicalotufo @nanoinn @bunnibitez @aockskcw @l3laze @dimitri-needs-therapy
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mlmxreader · 10 months
Stay The Night | Eddie Brock x gn!reader (🍋)
↳ ❝ Could I request “Was there a reason you texted me SOS at three in the morning?” with Eddie Brock please? ❞
: ̗̀➛ There's an emergency, and you desperately need Eddie's help.
: ̗̀➛ swearing, blowjobs, free use, oral sex, pillow humping, slight praise kink, consensual recording of sex acts
Eddie was panicked, his face flushed and his chest heaving, when he walked into your bedroom after letting himself into your flat. His hands shook terribly, he was dizzy and he felt sick, his mouth raw and cold as he frantically looked at you.
He wanted to check for injuries, but what stopped him was the fact that you were sat on your bed, drinking from an energy drink can, and looking almost… content. A little more confused, Eddie furrowed his brows as he looked at you, tilting his head to the side slightly. 
“Was there a reason you texted me SOS at three in the morning?”
“Actually, yes,” you put the drink down on your bedside table and wiped your hands against each other. “I’m stuck on a level.”
“So, I started playing that outlaw game,” you started, “and I got to the third chapter, and… I’m stuck on a mission, and I need your help.”
The panic immediately died as Eddie put his hands on his hips, glaring at you. “This is your emergency?”
“Yeah,” you shrugged. “You’re my boyfriend, you need to help me with this.”
In all honesty, it took everything in him not to laugh as he moved and sat on your bed next to you; he grabbed the controller, turning the game on and loading up your most recent save file.
He chewed at the corner of his mouth for a moment, just to ignore the urge to laugh; he was glad and relieved, really, that your little emergency wasn’t a life or death situation and that it was easily sorted out.
But then he looked at your left wrist, and hummed.
“Did you forget to take that off?”
You shook your head, smiling at him. “Nope.”
He groaned, putting the controller down and pushing his jogging bottoms and boxers to his ankles. He gave his cock a few strokes. “Safeword?”
“Good,” he praised sharply. “And what do you do if you can’t speak?”
“Tap your right leg four times,” you told him, licking your lips as you stared at his cock. 
Eddie nodded, pulling you over. A soft groan came from the back of his throat when you wrapped your lips around him, slowly taking every inch until he hit the back of your throat; he picked up the controller, starting to play the game as you bobbed your head and let your nose bury against the dense curls at his base.
You couldn’t remember when you and Eddie first started it; when you first agreed to be his little fuck toy. But you loved it, knowing that all you had to do was wear his light orange rock bracelet on your left wrist and you would be used and fucked until you couldn’t take it anymore.
You loved it when he fucked you on the sofa as he took work calls, gagging you with a ball as you drooled and slobbered over the red plastic, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you desperately tried to fuck yourself on his cock.
But as you sucked his dick, you couldn’t help it, putting a pillow beneath you and gently humping it to the same rhythm as you took his cock. Eddie groaned, sparing a look and seeing what you were doing.
“Get my phone,” he groaned. “Record it.”
You did as he said, licking his cock as you pulled yourself away, leaving a long trail of spit; you grabbed his phone from his pocket, and pulled up the camera; pressing ‘record’, you peppered his cock with kisses before gently slapping your face with it.
You couldn’t help the soft laugh that left the back of your throat when he took one hand off of the controller and grabbed your neck, making you take every inch of him until you gagged.
He bucked his hips, taking his hand off of your neck to focus on the game as he fucked your mouth; knowing that you were recording it only made him find his release earlier as he heard you gulp and gag with each thrust of his hips.
Drool leaking from the side of your mouth as you continued to fuck the pillow beneath you; you were just as close as he was, but you didn’t want to stop, wanting to take every fucking droplet of cum that he had to offer. 
You brought your hand to his cock, slowly stroking it as you continued to let him use your mouth like a fuck toy; you sped up your movements against the pillow, the friction harsh and fast against you, you were getting closer by the second, and you could smell sex all around you. 
“Doing so good,” Eddie praised breathlessly, chewing his lip. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum…”
You pulled away from his cock, grinning. “You gonna cum in my mouth?”
He nodded. “Yeah… and you’re gonna swallow.”
You were giddy as you set to work again, taking him as deeply as you could, making sure to hum as you stroked his cock with each movement of your hand, knowing that it would get him to finish sooner; you needed to taste him, you couldn’t wait.
Impatience, it seemed, was a virtue.
You swallowed as much as you could, only to lick his cock clean just to make sure; a quick lick of your lips, you looked up at him, and hummed, putting the phone down.
“Did you finish the level for me?”
Eddie put the controller down, nodding as he wiped a thin layer of sweat from his brow. “I finished the level, baby, don’t worry.”
“I haven’t finished,” you said quietly, biting back a grin.
Eddie laughed softly, patting his thigh. “That is a shame…”
“Can you stay the night?” You asked, kneeling between his legs.
He nodded. “Yeah, of course… always… we’ve been together, what? Four years, now?”
You nodded. “You asked me out on my twenty-third birthday, so… four years, six months, and three days.”
“Right,” he hummed. “And you know I can stay, always… why’d you ask?”
“I just wanted to make sure.”
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ddejavvu · 1 year
mei I’m thinking many thoughts how eddie brock is so biker bf. when you go for rides with him he makes you hold onto his waist and sit right up against his back. also that one biker tiktok you got sent a few days ago is very him (the one where the guy was like caressing the girl’s ankles while they waited at the light😭)
he is so biker bf!!!! if you're at work and he wants to see you, he'll drive by on his bike with your helmet to take you to lunch :') or maybe he picks you up from work every day and you bring your helmet with you, anytime he sees it at home he sticks a note beneath the padding that you'll find later when you really look for it. it says something like miss you, love you or can't wait to see you later in eddie's decently neat handwriting, and sometimes venom pops out to scribble something like IF MICHAEL FROM MANAGEMENT BOTHERS YOU AGAIN TODAY I WILL BITE HIS HEAD OFF or PLEASE BRING HOME CHOCOLATE FROM THE VENDING MACHINE AT YOUR OFFICE
and yes riding together!! he's freaked out at first, it's better now that he's got venom and the symbiote can stretch some of his gooey tendrils out to stick you to Eddie's back but before that Eddie just made you hold on as tight as you could, seriously he didn't care if he lost circulation, he was NOT about to lose you in an accident. in fact, even now that venom can hold onto you, and eddie knows that shit is foolproof, he still makes you hold on, he'll shout back at you 'Tighter!' if you're loosening your grip and if you ever decide to tease him a bit and let go to let venom do all the work, he'll pull that bike over so fast that you'd fall over from the momentum if venom wasn't grabbing you.
yes that tiktok WAS so eddie coded, whenever you're stopped at a light he'll just drift his hand backwards and squeeze your thigh, brush his fingers over your ankle like in the video, turn his head so that your helmets bonk together, you name a form of casual intimacy, he's on it 🫡
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defectivevillain · 23 days
pairing: Eddie Brock/Reader/Venom Symbiote/Agony Symbiote
reader's pronouns are they/them; race and gender are ambiguous and no physical descriptors are used
summary: “You’re….” Eddie chokes out, not wanting to get his hopes up. But he recognizes the fatigue in your eyes; the tension in your shoulders; and the hidden synchronicity stringing you together. “Like you?” An alien voice growls. A deep blue mass stretches across your face, seeping through your cheekbones and down your neck. You bare your teeth and Eddie is surprised to see inhumanly long sharpened teeth and a drooling tongue. The sight is painfully familiar: it appears nearly identical to Venom, save for the color. In the blink of an eye, the mass is gone, leaving you to stare at him with a sympathetic smile. “Yes.”
word count: 4.2k | ao3 version
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I did some research on the wiki and watched a few clips of the movie, but that’s the extent of my canon knowledge. As such, this won’t be canon compliant.
In this fic, the reader (you) is an experiment of the Life Foundation. Dr. Drake decides to try bonding you with a symbiote. While the union works, it ultimately backfires for him—as you manage to make your escape and go into hiding with the symbiote. Without a symbiote to bond to her, Dr. Skirth ends up living… and once Eddie escapes from the facility, she introduces the two of you.
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warnings: canon-typical blood, violence, gore, cannibalism, and human experimentation; vomiting and sickness
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There’s someone Dr. Skirth wants Eddie to meet. He hates meeting new people, but he owes Dora a favor, so he agrees to meet up with you in the park under the cover of night. Eddie doesn’t know anything about you, other than the fact that you’re a friend of a friend. According to Dora, you’re also tied to the Life Foundation (how that connection manifests, Eddie isn’t sure). Honestly, Eddie just hopes his meeting with you will be useful. Meanwhile, Venom is, understandably, skeptical about the meeting. They make sure to complain to him several times as he makes his way to the park, and they are only satiated with the promise that they can eat you if you somehow turn out to be a villain. 
Unfortunately for Venom, you don’t appear to be a villain. Rather, you’re wearing deceptively casual clothing: a simple sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers. Your hands are shoved in your pockets; there are dark circles under your eyes and you’re staring down at the cracks in the pavement as you stand under a flickering streetlight. There are scars marking nearly every visible part of you—stretching up your collarbone, running down your face, laced across your hands. One thing is abundantly clear to Eddie in that moment: Life Foundation has left its mark on you, too. 
If you sense him staring, you don’t comment on it. Instead, you just look up and send him a hesitant wave. “Hi,” you say, extending a hand to shake as you introduce yourself. Eddie blinks at you for a moment, before introducing himself in return. After a second, he takes your proffered hand and shakes it firmly. His eyes catch on your cracked knuckles and everything seems to fall into place. It appears you’re far more similar to Eddie than he first thought. 
“You’re….” He finds himself choking out, not wanting to get his hopes up. But he recognizes the fatigue in your eyes; the tension in your shoulders; and the hidden synchronicity stringing you together. 
“Like you?” An alien voice growls. A deep blue mass stretches across your face, seeping through your cheekbones and down your neck. You bare your teeth and Eddie is surprised to see inhumanly long sharpened teeth and a drooling tongue. The sight is painfully familiar: it appears nearly identical to Venom, save for the color. In the blink of an eye, the mass is gone, leaving you to stare at him with a sympathetic smile. “Yes.”
Eddie stares at you in disbelief, amazed by your composure. Right now, he feels as if Venom is in complete control. Yet you seem able to switch between your symbiote and your own visage at will. It’s as if the two of you are in complete agreement. “How…?” He trails off. 
Half of your face is overtaken with the alien entity. “We are Agony.” A warped voice responds, a blend of your voice and the alien’s. Slowly, the alien—Agony—drips down your face and disappears from sight. You’re staring at him with a patient expression now. “We can help you.” You state matter-of-factly. 
Eddie isn’t sure what to do with that offer. He finds himself mechanically proceeding through the rest of the conversation, just barely staying afloat amidst the realization that there may actually be someone willing to help him. A few days ago, Eddie would’ve maintained that he didn’t need help;today, he’s grateful for the offer of assistance that he knows he needs. He has no idea how to navigate this tumultuous new existence he finds himself sharing with the alien creature inside him. 
He locks eyes with you, and an unspoken understanding passes between the both of you. There is a visceral fuzzy feeling in Eddie’s chest, as he stares into the eyes of the one person who could ever truly understand his new life. You stare right back at him, evidently having similar thoughts. The two of you are tied together by fate and its cruelties; you have virtually no choice but to lean on one another, lest you both return to your loneliness. 
Eddie leaves twenty minutes later with your number in his phone and plans to meet with you the next morning. He’s fairly hopeful about it—from what he could tell, you seem like a genuinely kind person. Worn thin from the trials you’ve been forced into, but kind nonetheless. Eddie tries to puzzle out how you could still have sympathy for a world that has shown you nothing but malice. 
“Don’t trust them.” Venom growls, breaking Eddie out of his thoughts. He feels the symbiote’s restless energy humming along his skin, creating goosebumps that run down his arms as he walks home.
Whether Venom’s remark is a profession of their suspicion or a warning, Eddie isn’t sure. He sighs. “Let’s give them a chance,” Eddie maintains, shoving his hands in his pockets as he continues down the street. “If they somehow turn out to be evil, you can eat them. Okay?” 
Venom is silent for a while. “Fine.” They eventually respond, clearly not happy about it. But the renewed promise of food must be too good for them to turn down. 
Eddie nods, secretly relieved. Admittedly, he’s pretty optimistic about you: you appear healthy, sane, and most importantly, comfortable in your own body. You don’t appear to be constantly at war with yourself, which is rather similar to how Eddie feels at the current moment.
“War,” Venom remarks. There’s no telling whether they possess the same spectrum of emotions that humans do, yet they’re speaking with clear sarcasm. “Very dramatic, Eddie.” Eddie just rolls his eyes. 
The rest of his day passes without much fanfare. He eats a rather bland dinner and falls asleep earlier than normal, if only to quiet his restless thoughts. Before long, it’s the next morning—and he’s freshening up before heading out to the diner you agreed to meet at. 
You’re waiting for him in a brightly-colored booth. Eddie walks over to you, muttering a greeting as he takes the seat across from you. You slide a coffee mug over to him, which he drinks gratefully. His curiosity seems to linger in the air around both of you, until you’re relenting and telling Eddie about yourself. He told you about himself when you met last night; now, it’s your turn to tell your story. 
What Eddie hears is enough to turn his stomach and effectively rid him of his appetite. Essentially, you were one of the human captives used as experiments by the Life Foundation. You describe a constant state of numbness at war with dread and fear. You explain how you were practically left to rot behind those glass walls, until it came time for you to be the next test subject. You recount how you were exposed to the blue symbiote… and how, upon your successful union, Life Foundation planned to experiment on you further. By the time you’re describing your escape, Eddie is resisting the urge to reach out and place a hand over your shaking one—desperate to provide comfort to the one person who understands what it’s like to have a parasite living inside them. 
“Not a parasite,” Venom hisses, breaking Eddie out of his thoughts. They sound strangely offended by the remark.
“Right, they don’t like being called that,” you murmur, tapping your fingers rhythmically against the table. Eddie blinks, thrown back into reality. “Symbiote is better.” Agony interjects. You seem entirely unbothered by the interruption. 
An awkward silence descends across the space for a moment, before Eddie blurts out the first thought that comes to mind. “I’m hungry,” Eddie frowns. Indeed, his stomach aches with emptiness—despite his knowledge that he ate just before falling asleep the previous night. 
“We’re hungry.” Venom corrects him. 
You’re looking at him— them, Eddie reminds himself—with amusement. The expression is fleeting. “Right,” you then say, as if you’re just remembering. A grimace rises on your face. “Well. There are two options: chocolate… and human brains.”
Eddie stares at you warily. He didn’t think you were the type to joke about things like this, but it just sounds too far fetched to be real. He must’ve misjudged you, somehow. As if sensing his doubt, you attempt to explain further. 
“I know, I was skeptical too,” you admit, rubbing a hand over your face. While your relationship with Agony seems a lot more clearly defined than Eddie and Venom’s, there’s still a lingering exhaustion written in the lines of your face. You take a slow breath. “Their species requires different nutrients than ours: namely, phenethylamine.” 
“Human brains are better.” Agony states. 
You sigh. “It’s true. Chocolate is really only a temporary fix, because it doesn’t last nearly as long. The two of us have struck up an agreement to only eat bad people, so there’s at least a bit of morality involved...” You break off, clearly sensing Eddie’s impending dread. 
There’s no way around eating humans. It takes him several seconds to process this. Eddie doesn’t want to believe it—doesn’t want to think about the feeling of human matter stuck between his hooked teeth; doesn’t want to think about waking up in the morning, sweat-soaked and stained with the dried blood of a dead stranger. 
“I’m sorry,” you say, your brows furrowed. Eddie hates how sincere you are. And he especially hates how he takes comfort from your reassurance. It shouldn’t mean anything to him—he never cares what people think of him. But the fact that you can not only sympathize with him, but also empathize with him, is rather significant. 
“We can do this,” you promise him. Eddie finds himself oddly appreciative of your choice of wording. You chose to say “we,” as if explicitly confirming your support for him. “We’ll help you.” You repeat. 
“Okay,” he responds stiffly, not trusting himself to say anything else. The two—four—of you spend the rest of the meal in silence. Eventually, the warm sunlight trickles through the windows next to you and breakfast is over. Eddie and you leave the restaurant and stop on the sidewalk outside, turning towards one another. 
“I’ll text you,” you promise. “Let me know if you need anything.” Eddie nods quietly. As if sensing how overwhelmed he feels, your expression morphs into one oddly reminiscent of… affection. “Take care of yourself, okay?” Eddie assents and tells you to do the same, at which a smile rises on your lips. Oddly short of breath, Eddie manages to tear his eyes away and utter a goodbye—though your smile remains in his thoughts for the rest of the day. 
Eddie begins to make progress, slowly but surely. With your guidance, he learns how to communicate better with Venom; fight with their assistance; and even nourish himself better. None of it seems to be important, in the face of the realization that his life will never return back to normal. But, somehow, the satisfied smile on your face when he accomplishes something is enough for Eddie to keep pushing himself. 
Since your first meeting, Venom has warmed up to you a lot more—to the point where they have started speaking to you directly, instead of just speaking to Eddie. Agony has still remained a bit more withdrawn and silent, but their presence is keenly felt regardless. 
Eddie still has moments when he feels as if the world is caving in on him—as if the faces of passerby are contorted in disgust and fear (which was an unfortunate reality in the beginning days of his union with Venom). There are nights when he wakes with dried blood flecked across his skin, but he has grown accustomed to washing it off and forgetting it in the morning. You are a constant companion during these moments, and, sometimes, your touch is the only thing that grounds Eddie to the world around him. Safe to say, the two of you have taken to staying at each other’s apartments more often than not. 
On a few rare occasions, Eddie is the one to hold you—as you remember confinement behind cold glass walls and calculating eyes watching your every move. Eddie can’t imagine what your captivity and torture at the hands of Life Foundation was like… And he’s certain he doesn’t want to think about it, because it will only make him feel even worse. While you’ve both been bonded with symbiotes, Eddie escaped the cruel experimentation that you were subjected to. He was just visiting to get information for an article; you were bound in chains and thrown behind nearly impenetrable barriers. 
Overall, though, things are going well. At least, Eddie wants to think so. But then the universe wants to spite him, and he wakes up one morning feeling as if he was hit by a truck. He’s practically stuck to the cushions of his couch, his limbs as heavy as bricks. His throat is overwhelmingly dry; there’s a bitter taste in his mouth; and, try as he might, he can’t seem to wrench his eyes open. 
“Eddie? …Eddie? Shit.” 
Eddie wakes to a frigid cold. He shivers instinctually, blinking past a strange sheen over his eyelids. It takes his vision several moments to clarify past a swirling blur. His temple is nearly pulsating with pain; his stomach aches and his skin is coated in sweat. Eddie twitches, recognizing your blurry silhouette and realizing you must’ve dumped cold water on him to wake him up. Even now, as he’s been torn from sleep, he’s struggling to stay awake. 
“Eddie?” You ask, sounding very concerned. Eddie isn’t sure he can remember the last time someone was so worried about him. The thought saddens him. Your hands move to his shoulders and you shake him slightly, your brows furrowed. “Can you hear me?” The most Eddie can manage is a weak nod in response. 
“Doesn’t… feel right.” Venom adds. This may be the first time Eddie has ever agreed with Venom.
“Eddie’s sick,” you respond to the symbiote. 
Eddie isn’t able to register much more of your conversation with Venom—not when his ears are ringing and he feels a familiar prickling nausea at the back of his throat. Eddie slowly pushes himself up. Upon realizing that the feeling is steadily climbing up his throat, he clumsily gets to his feet and stumbles towards the bathroom, just barely making it to the toilet before vomiting. Eddie can’t quite comprehend what’s happening, other than the burning sensation assaulting his throat and the sudden feel of someone rubbing his back reassuringly. You’re crouching next to him, saying something he can’t make out. Venom responds for him. 
At some point, he stops throwing up and attempts to rest his head. You put the toilet seat down and flush it, before allowing him to do so. Eddie feels a foreign gratitude for the kindness you’re showing him, despite the monster living inside him. The cold porcelain is a welcome sensation on his sweat-soaked skin. 
“Not a monster,” Venom reminds him. Even his companion’s voice is quieter, as if accommodating the headache migrating through his temple and down into his cheekbones and jaw. Eddie doesn’t have the energy to argue. He blinks slowly, the lights of the bathroom only making his headache worse. He feels rather woozy. 
“Here, let’s get you up,” you suggest. Eddie can hardly move, yet your hands bracket his arms and you’re pulling him up as if he weighs nothing at all. (That is likely due to Agony’s help, but he doesn’t exactly have the wherewithal to recognize that). Eddie lurches to the side ominously, but Venom extends a makeshift arm and rights his balance. With Agony, Venom, and you combined, Eddie makes it back to the couch easily. You help him sit down before walking into the kitchen. You return moments later to press a glass of water into his hand. 
Eddie gulps it down greedily. Or, at least, he tries to—only for you to reach out and stop him from drinking any more. “Not too fast,” you remark, taking the glass from his hand and placing it on the adjacent coffee table. “Wait ten minutes or so, just to make sure you can keep it down.”
Eddie stares at you for a long moment, frowning. He hears himself blurting out his thoughts before he can think any better of it.“Why are you here?” Eddie croaks. He is the complete opposite of presentable at the moment; the last thing he wants is for you of all people to see him looking so pathetic. Eddie isn’t exactly sure why he wants to make such a good impression on you, but… he supposes that doesn’t matter now. He can muse on the exact nature of his feelings towards you at a later date, when he doesn’t feel so uncomfortable in his own skin. 
You blink at him for a moment, evidently contemplating the question. “Alone.” Agony responds. Eddie squints at you, watching as the symbiote’s midnight blue mass crawls up your shoulders, as if wrapping an arm around you in reassurance. You don’t even flinch at the sudden presence of your companion. Instead, you take a slow breath and look at Eddie once more. “When it happened to me, I was alone. It was… an isolating experience. I don’t want you to feel the same way.” You explain. 
You then reach down, as if to touch him, only for Venom to protrude from Eddie’s shoulder and snap at you. At least, they attempt to—only for Agony to intercept them and snap threateningly in return. Eddie watches the whole scene through hazy eyes, half-convinced that he’s having a fever dream. Eventually, Agony and Venom seem to resolve their dispute and you reach out towards Eddie again, placing your hand on his forehead to check for his temperature. Eddie can’t stop himself from sighing in relief at your cool skin. You only frown, looking more worried. “You’re burning up,” you say to him. 
“Hot.” Venom adds, clearly feeling a bit of Eddie’s own discomfort. “Like flames.” 
“He has a fever,” you respond, getting to your feet and moving to the kitchen once more. You come back moments later with a towel in hand. Eddie dazedly watches as you approach, folding the towel before placing it on his forehead. He exhales slowly as the cold fabric brings a welcome sensation of frigidity trickling down his temple, fighting off the flames licking at his skin. He’s not sure how long he sits in silence until you’re breaking through it. “Here, it’s been ten minutes. Can you sit up a bit?” You ask. 
Eddie lets out a pained whimper, practically sinking back into the cushions of the couch. Venom stretches out of his back and props him up to a sitting position. Thank you, Eddie thinks. Then the symbiote rises to grasp his forearm, guiding him to grip the glass of water and take another sip. Venom and you then help him return to a reclined position. 
Eddie’s eyelids are stinging with exhaustion. He’s desperately fighting off sleep—blinking tiredly with extra effort. “It’s okay, you can rest,” you reassure him, noticing his fatigue. “We’ll be here when you wake.” 
That comforts him far more than he’d like to admit. Before long, Eddie is slipping into sleep once more. 
“Cared for you,” Venom says days later, when Eddie has mostly recovered. They’re sharing a quiet moment in Eddie’s apartment, sitting on the couch and staring at the television on low-volume. “For us.”
Thinking about his sickness last week, Eddie can’t help but feel humiliated and weak. He’s still embarrassed that you saw him in such a state; frustrated that he needed assistance with even the simplest of tasks; and… grateful, despite it all. You stuck with him in the following few days, giving him medication when needed and ensuring he had enough to eat and drink. You were a constant presence, to the point where Eddie found you asleep on the armchair in his living room numerous times. That sight will be forever burned into his brain: the peaceful expression on your face as your chest rose and fell calmly. He had never seen you look so vulnerable before; and even in the midst of his sickness and the ensuing vulnerability he was forced to show, he felt himself wanting to protect you. It was a foolish thought: Eddie knew you were more than capable of protecting yourself. But perhaps it was just the domesticity of it all—the thought of you becoming a permanent fixture in their life. 
Venom breaks him from his thoughts with a gentle tap at his wrist. Eddie recalls their prior statement and hums. “They did care for us,” he agrees. Venom crawls down his forearm, stretching to inhabit the space between his fingers in what he assumes to be an imitation of hand-holding. There’s an unsettled energy to the symbiote’s presence. Eddie feels a frown overtake his lips. “What’s wrong?”
“It was too quiet.” Venom’s confession settles in the air around him, inhabiting every nook and cranny of his dimly-lit apartment. 
“Sorry,” Eddie eventually murmurs. He’s not sure why he’s apologizing, when the sickness wasn’t under his control. But that tone in Venom’s voice provokes guilt and remorse in him, for reasons he can’t quite elucidate. 
“Don’t do it again.” Venom commands. 
“I don’t really have control over that,” Eddie huffs, attempting to diffuse the sudden tension that settled over the space. Venom lets out a threatening growling noise and he quickly caves. “Fine, fine. I’ll try.”
“Try.” Venom repeats, equal amounts of wry amusement and frustration in their voice. Eddie just hums in response, grasping the symbiote’s tendrils with renewed vigor. Now that he thinks about it, Venom seemed uncharacteristically withdrawn during his sickness: as if they were afraid of pushing him too far past the brink of his energy.
“Sorry,” Eddie whispers again. Venom tightens their grip on his hand in response, and the two of them sit there for a long time after—hands conjoined and fates lovingly intertwined. 
Eddie doesn’t get a chance to thank you until a few days later, when he’s sure his sickness is gone and can safely dismiss the thought of getting you sick. Eddie and Venom meet Agony and you as the sun sets over the horizon, in the same spot where you first met all that time ago. 
Standing under the flickering street light in the park once more, Eddie is unspeakably thankful that he took a chance on you. He can’t imagine where he would be now, without your support. The thought dominates his mind, to the point where he finds himself uttering it aloud moments later. “I don’t know what I would do without you,” Eddie says. 
“You’d be just fine,” you remark with a smile. The way you look at him only adds more fuel to the fire of Eddie’s foolish hopes. When he sees that gleam in your eyes, he can’t help but envision a shared existence: not among two beings, but among four. The thought is misguided and horribly insistent, popping up during the most inopportune of moments. 
Eddie sighs. “I’m serious,” he maintains, trying to convey his sincerity. It seems to work, because you pause and look at him with widening eyes. “I- I couldn’t have done this alone. We couldn’t have done this alone.” Eddie corrects himself, when he can sense Venom about to object. The symbiote drags a tendril down his ribs, in an approving movement that makes his heart race. 
“I’m happy I met you,” you admit. “Selfishly speaking.” Agony crawls up your skin and pops out of your shoulder; Venom does the same, and the two have a conversation in a chittering language that Eddie and you can’t hope to understand. Meanwhile, Eddie is unable to deny your magnetic presence; he can’t help but gravitate towards you. He takes a step closer—past a socially acceptable distance—and stops, trying to study your expression and ascertain your comfort. Eventually, he surrenders and decides to just speak his thoughts.
“Can I…?” Eddie breaks off, unsure of what he’s asking for at the present moment. His thoughts are quickly cascading into a territory far past platonic companionship, but suppressing them is a lost cause. He’s spent too long denying himself the life he wants. Venom crawls up his chest and stretches across his shoulders in a reassuring gesture. Comforted by the reminder of Venom’s presence, Eddie clears his throat and summons the courage to finish his sentence. “Can I kiss you?”
You take a step closer, rendering the distance between the two of you nearly nonexistent. Your hand falls to his forearm and Eddie looks into your eyes, a nervous anticipation running through him as he sees you nod in agreement. “Yes.” You whisper, so quietly that Eddie nearly convinces himself that he imagined it. But before he can second-guess himself, you’re closing the gap between you and kissing him. 
You’re standing so close together that the two of you are practically fusing. Eddie’s hands fall to your waist; your hands cradle his jaw. Agony and Venom prickle along their partners’ shoulders, dripping down your chests and mixing together. Distantly, Eddie remembers how lost and alone he felt when Venom first fused with him. He has long grown out of the feeling, and wonders if, perhaps, that sensation was trying to tell him something. Perhaps, this entire time, existence was meant to be shared amongst three others—rather than just one. 
These philosophical thoughts quickly fade to the back of his mind, as your fingers trace his jaw and slip down to the nape of his neck. Venom rises to meet your hand, just as Agony trickles down your side and runs along Eddie’s knuckles. One realization immediately takes precedence over everything else running through Eddie’s mind: 
He’s never felt so alive.
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endnotes: this is definitely the queerest fic I've ever written. and I love it.
Me: I can hardly write kissing scenes with two people. My writer’s brain, cackling: Hear me out. What about… two people and two symbiotes? Me: What. The. Fuck.
thanks for reading! <3
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check out my other works, sorted by fandom.
general taglist: @its-ares @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @kingkoku @the-ultimate-librarian @gayaristocrat
friendly reminder that i don't give permission for my writing to be shared to other sites, stolen, copied, translated, or used in any way. thanks!
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bcyhoods · 1 year
LOVEFOOL 💌 ─── send in a character and a prompt from these lists for a blurb
ohemgee what about eddie brock + ❛ how about a kiss before i go? ❜ I feel like that’s so him. giggles
same universe as this au because i’m obsessed, i fear. also rivals with benefits…and i don’t know if that’s okay but we ball! | 0.8k
warnings: suggestive themes, implied smut (nothing explicit but 18+ pls)
You aren’t so much angry as you are annoyed.
Because normal mornings in your apartment were relatively tranquil. You would usually wake up early enough to not feel rushed for work, sometimes you’d even get some writing done beforehand. The mornings were quiet and smelled of freshly brewed coffee while the rising sun kissed your skin.
This was not a normal morning. The shrill sound of a shattered vase was quick to remind you of such. And so was the half-naked man that produced the sound.
Eddie, with his jeans halfway up his legs, grimaces down at the broken porcelain and holds onto one of the walls in your bedroom for stability. “Oh shit. Was that expensive? Hope not.” He huffs and tugs his jeans the rest of the way up.
You roll your eyes at him from your bathroom doorway, also half-naked and with your toothbrush hanging from your mouth.
Your annoyance isn’t really about the vase nor about how you’re late for work, though you don’t doubt you’ll find time to be upset about that later. It’s more about the fact that he’s even in your apartment in the first place. Cunning as you are, you’d invited Eddie over in the guise of a truce of some sorts. You’re an amazing journalist blah blah blah I need your help on this article blah blah blah. You just needed him to give up some sources for an article that you’d both been writing.
And while it was a hit to your ego to compliment him even if you were only feigning sincerity, it was worth it if you got to publish the piece before he did.
It was going accordingly at first. Sure, you had to share some notes of your own to get him to trust you, but you kept the more relevant information close to your chest. You guys had actually been getting along.
Then the drinks came, and you guys were really getting along. He started throwing compliments at you, his eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips as you sat next to him on your couch, his large hand settled on your knee. He had such a soft smile. You pulled him in for what you thought would be one kiss.
Then he ended up in your bed. Which was not a bad time. At all. The memory makes something flutter in the depths of your stomach. You were annoyed about that, too.
You swipe his button down shirt from off the floor and fling it towards his broad chest. “Would you hurry up? Jesus…” you mutter, the toothpaste impeding your speech before you spit into the sink and run back to your room to get dressed.
Eddie watches with a sly grin as you hike up your own pair of pants, shamelessly letting his gaze wander over your frame. He lets himself remember the way your body felt underneath him and how your lips felt on his neck and how your nails dug into his shoulders and
You stare at him, dumbfounded as you finish buttoning your top.
He clears his throat and gestures to you. “Nothin’. You look good.”
“With or without the clothes?” You tease.
“They’re mutually exclusive?”
You’re trying really hard to bite back the smile that threatens to expose your smugness. You finally walk out into your living room with Eddie hot on your heels as he fixes his sleeves. Both standing by the front door, you take in the appearance of the other. His hair is disheveled, his shirt is wrinkled, and there’s a love bite peeking just below his collar. You’re sure you look the same.
“So…uh, that was a very informative business meeting,” he jests as he works to buckle the belt around his hips. You hate the way it makes you pause to watch his fingers. You have to remind yourself that you find him annoying.
“I agree. Very educational.” You stick your tongue into your cheek and rip your eyes away from his hands to his face which is a mistake. He’s smiling down at you and it makes you roll your eyes. You open the door and start to push him out. “Okay. Bye, now.”
Before you can close the door, he presses his hand against it.
“How about a kiss before I go?” His tongue darts out to wet his lips once his gaze drops to your own. His grip tightens on the doorway as he itches to touch you. Your face, your hips, anywhere.
A smirk graces your features as you lean up until your faces are centimeters apart. You see him close his eyes and part his lips, his breath fans across your face.
“I don���t think you’d be able to handle it.”
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fedcrypt · 3 months
intended eddie brock / venom x female!reader
WRITING WARNINGS: okie so this is kinda like an au in a way, it’s a secret pre-established poly relationship, also reader is colton drake’s sister (adoptive, biological, or married-in your choice!) so like colton isn’t super approving of his sister having a relationship with someone.
XOXO, CHESHIRE — this is so utterly disgustingly cutely based off sabrina’s new song with our favorite loser and our precious symbiote baby <3! so eddie and venom aren’t in this fic but they are both mentioned and it’s kind of just the reader existing with the family dynamic and hearing about her boys.
her (e/c) eyes rolled softly as she listened to the rambling of her brother as she peered down at the symbiote in the tube feeling utterly devasted for the poor creature. y/n knew what it was like to be trapped in a tube and feeling hopeless with the liquid nutrition being the only thing keeping you alive, at least she knew from venom, whom had ranted to her one night all about it in order to get her to stay away from her brother. her boyfriend and the symbiote had tried their hardest to take down her brother and his organization, yet they had failed, and colton wasn’t all that pleased with them. in fact, colton drake wished to hunt them down and find them yet he found that simply impossible. unbeknownst to colton, his own sister was the mere reason why he couldn’t find them.
y/n was the only person who had approved of her own choice to fall in love with eddie brock and by extension venom as well, at least that is what she believed as whenever she would drop hints about her secret pair of boyfriends without revealing too much information ; everyone seemed to verbally bash her for falling in love, claiming she was too childish as she fell in love with more than one person. they deemed their relationship as wrong and an act of unfaithful nature but y/n knew better than to listen to all those vipers depressed in empath clothing.
the (h/c) haired woman deeply sighed to herself as she heard her brother changing the conversation about his company to the fact that she wasn’t listening to him. in fact colton had claimed that his sister was too busy thinking about her secretive boyfriend instead of listening to his plan to save all of mankind from the destruction of earth itself. (e/c) eyes lightened up as their owner had smiled softly at the symbiote who had made a gesture inside of the tube, one of which essentially called her brother an annoying loser, causing her to wholeheartedly agree even if she didn’t admit it out loud.
“yet not to mention eddie brock stealing venom from me and you still don’t care about it. it doesn’t affect you and yet this is our livelihood, my dear sister, and yet you don’t cherish or show any interest in it!” there he goes again, back on his stupid bullshit verbal rampage about his mankind project. “you say livelihood as if i don’t have my dream job that i love and have enough money to get by on my own plus get other oddities.” y/n bit back as she stretched her back out, having been uncomfortable in the position she had been slightly hunched over in.
“don’t get cocky now, y/n, just be a good sister and listen. i’ve taken care of you my entire life and you don’t get to cheapen that, okay?” colton explained as he placed a gentle hand upon his sister’s cheek, trying to be sympathetic as he assumed she was only fighting back with her words due to being drained from her dream job that she’s talked about since childhood. “oh fuck off, colton.” the woman replied forcibly taking her brother’s hand away from her face and then waved her goodbyes to the symbiote in the tube before she walked out of the lab, her brother’s voice raising with each step she took.
nearly a half an hour later, luckily having gotten through the lots of traffic faster than anticipated, she had found herself inside of the convenience store where mrs. chen worked during the night. a simple “oh sweetheart, there you are!” had rung out with perfect timing of the bell as she stepped inside, mrs. chen had greeted her inside with a sense of relief. “now why do i sense some relief in that mrs. c?” the (h/c) haired woman questioned as she moved to grab some of her favorite snacks that she would share with venom and eddie once she got home. all she could affectionately think of was, please please please don’t embarrass me motherfucker, as she awaited the words that her dear older friend would say which more than likely had something to do with her boyfriends.
the older dark haired woman chuckled softly as y/n made her way up to the counter with all her snacks. “oh no worries sweetheart, the two idiots were just going on and on about how they love you. i’m guessing there might be a ring in your future from the sounds of it.” mrs. chen explained as she finished ringing up the snacks and placed them in a bag. the (h/c) haired woman shook her head affectionately at the woman’s words knowing that they didn’t need a ring to be married, in fact the three of them already considered themselves married, but she knew the woman would still lovingly pester them about it. “i’ll see you later, māma.” y/n chuckled softly as she saw the woman pause at the loving nickname as she grabbed her bag and placed a twenty upon the counter, ready to leave and head home to her beloveds.
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takenbypeter · 1 year
Are you jealous?
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Eddie Brock x reader
Words: 1140
Author’s note: this takes place after no way home
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Eddie couldn’t point out why that one name sounded so off putting to him. All he knew was that there was this new kid at your work and you’ve been talking about him for the past two minutes.
You were currently going on about how bright the kid was. How he was a hard worker which you were glad about considering your last couple coworkers have been slack offs. But that name just kept pricking the back of his brain. Well that and Venom’s voice that never shut up.
Unsure when you were planning to give him the chance to talk he interrupted you, “sorry, what did you say his name was again?”
“Oh, his name is Peter, um…Peter Parker I think it was.”
‘Peter Parker! Eddie, we know Peter Parker!’
You continue on, your voice becoming background noise while Eddie seems to be putting pieces together.
This happened for a while, his facial expression growing weirder by the second.
“Yeah he just started this week but he’s already gotten down so much…” you tilted your head sentence being interrupted by the fact that Eddie hadn’t met your eye for a minute now.
“Hey,” that seemed to get his attention, “have you been listening to me?”
“Hm? Yes of course I’m listening to you,” he said motioning for you to continue and after giving him a side glance you did.
‘Tell what we know.’
Eddie’s face scrunched up and you tilted your head pausing and wondering if he had something to say but when he didn’t, you continued.
‘Eddie we promised no more secrets.’
‘Eddie. Say it.’
Eddie brought a hand up covering his mouth, while he mumbled a shut up which Venom obviously ignored.
‘Say it. If you won’t I will.’
“Eddie? Eddie are you okay?” You asked concern clear on your face. He hasn’t said much the past few minutes and his expressions kept shifting in odd ways.
‘Don’t be a loser Eddie. Say it.’
That was the last straw for Eddie. “Can everyone just be quiet for one…second!”
That got the both of you quiet. Shifting in your seat you push yourself away from the counter table, “seems like Venom has much more interesting things to say than me, so I’ll just leave you and Venom to it then.”
They watched as you made your way to the couch only a few feet from them. You couldn’t blame Eddie for his outburst, you knew Venom was always in his ear. There was nothing he could do about that.
“Look what you did, Eddie.”
“What!? I did?!” He whisper-yelled, “no buddy, this is all you.”
“If you just said what I told you to say then we wouldn’t be in this situation.”
“No if you never got in my head we wouldn’t be in this situation.”
You heard some more back and forth, trying to block it out to give them privacy. Sure you were slightly concerned but ultimately those two usually worked things out on their own.
You heard, “okay I’m going,” followed by some footsteps and then Eddie plopped himself on the other end of the couch.
He didn’t make any movements he just sat there.
“I’m not going to bite, you can come closer,” you said, refusing to look his way yet.
“Right.” He scooched over a tiny bit.
You two sat there for a moment, heads turned to the screen and you were beginning to wonder if he’d actually say something anytime soon. But you didn’t get to wonder too long.
“I’m sorry,” he started, already positioning his body towards you. “That outburst was in no way directed towards you.”
“I know that Eddie, it’s okay.”
You sit there again before you finally ask curious what all the fuss was about anyway, “so what was that all about?” You question, pointing towards the counter where you all were seated just a moment ago.
Eddie pushes his lips into a line and brings his eyebrows together causing a wrinkle to crease in the center of his forehead.
“What were you jealous or something?“ you tease causing him to give a little laugh. “No. I’m not jealous.”
‘We are a little.’
“No. No.”
He pauses again and your curiosity builds up, “so…what is it then?”
Letting out a breath he decides it’s better to tell you now than have you sit here mad at him for not telling you. “Okay, so remember when I told you that I was like sucked into a portal into another universe and you made that face, the one that makes me feel like I’m crazy.”
He paused and pointed at your face, “that’s it, you’re doing it right now.”
You shook your head quickly, shaking off your expression, “no I’m not. Go on.”
“Well when I was sucked into that…other place, there was a guy. His face was everywhere, on tv all over the news, he was sorta a good guy—a hero. He had superpowers and everything. Well that guy—that kid was named Peter Parker.”
Although you tried your best to conceal your expressions you couldn’t help but have your eyes widen at the revelation.
He nodded before continuing, “but it seemed like the whole world turned on him for killing one guy is what I understood.”
Eddie takes a moment to think and when you’re about to ask him something he starts abruptly, “—and if he’s the good guy and he’s a kid and people are turning on him for killing one guy, a bad guy I would assume, what does that make me?”
You angle your body laying a comforting hand on his leg while he goes on. “Venom eats people—granted it’s bad people, but it’s still people,” he faces you expression torn, “am—am I the bad guy?”
You barely wait a beat before protesting his worries, “hey don’t start with that. Look at me,” to make your point you gently reach out and press your hands against his scruff that covered cheeks his skin feeling warm against yours.
“You are not the bad guy here,” his eyes are all big and wide while he looks up at you from his brown hues. “What Venom does is…unorthodox yes but you are not bad. Eddie you have your own problems—just as any one—but one word I would never ever use to describe you is bad. You do your best with what you have.”
Eddie’s looking at you one moment and then the next his forehead is pushed against your shoulder.
“Better?” You ask as he responds with a nod against you.
After a moment of just resting like that he mumbles out, “thank you, I needed to hear that…and I’m sorry for yelling earlier.”
“Yeah that was uncalled for,” you joke and he smiles against your body, thankful for being so fortunate to have you by his side.
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oroontheheels · 18 days
Daddy’s gonna be real honest with you kittens.
I’m disappointed with current Venom Run. Let me be real CLEAR here. I don’t hate it. I don’t have beef with its creator. So for a long period of time I was telling everyone “it’s a mess, but it’s better that Donnie Cates”.
But I think comparing them is not correct and let me explain why.
So Donnie Cates. Our boy. Extra edgy, made some terrifically BAD retcons, hated symbrock, tried to make Eddie Brock as trad as possible (giving him human son and all). Plus he ignored the fact that Sleeper was a child of Venom and Eddie. “nOt BioLoGiCalLy” Eddie’s but he called Eddie “father” and they both deeply cared about each other. So Donnie Cates couldn’t allow this either.
But! Donnie Cates while fighting the yaoi made the story ironically even more gayer. It was a train wreck but at the end of the day at least it was fun to laugh at this “closeted shipper” as I like to call him.
And most importantly? At the end they were still “Venom family”. All 4 of them. In Donnie Cates comics.
Now Al Ewing and Ram V… It was… ok. I like Dylan, I like Venom, I like Sleeper. I didn’t like that they “killed” Eddie right at the start of the story and sent him running solo trough time traveling shenanigans. I liked him interacting with Doctor Doom. I liked Meridus being gay with Kang and with that one old man.
But what I lacked is interactions between Venom and Eddie. They almost didn’t interact.
But like, okay. Let Eddie do his thing, let Venom singlemom it out. Also did I mention Ewing and V made Dylan Venom’s son? That was NICE. That’s I liked. A LOT.
And immideatly got my hops up.
Which was a mistake.
So the problem is where Donnie was closeted shipper, I’m starting to believe that Ewing and V don’t actually see Venom and Eddie as a romantic partnership. Or even all that important partnership.
If you check Spider Man Venom War comics, Venom talks A LOT about how much “Saint Peter”(Parker) means to him. It’s very gay very romantic very deep. But at the next pages it also downgraded Eddie role in Venoms life?? Venom is like “so yeah Peter taught me to save lives so I saved Eddie from offfing himself”. And that’s almost it. No emphasis on their bond, on Eddie’s feelings, of their bond. Almost nothing, really.
And now it’s Venom War and Venom says “wow Peter and I are sooo perfect, also it feels nice punching Eddie in the face”.
So what. Venom hates Eddie now? After all those years of forgiveness?? And it wasn’t elaborated in the slightest??
I would hate it but I WOULD understand if they wanted to make Parker new host for Venom for a while. But they don’t?? Apparently Al Ewing planing to give Venom new host (all of the candidates SUCK for the role btw). And if I understood one of his interviews correctly he want to send all the characters their separate ways.
Here’s the statement
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Which annoyed me. A LOT. Like i understand that cis hetero males bring all the money to Marvel. We little faggots don’t bring so much cash. So our feelings and wants are not important. But isn’t there big ass FANDOM for symbrock? People who advertise comics for free with their art and activities?? Are we not important whatsoever? And on top of that wasn’t EVERYONE celebrating when Eddie got Venom back (in 2016)?? Don’t we all love homoerotic weird ass bond these two have??
And what does it even mean “yeah it’s been a while since Eddie and Venom have been together”. It wasn’t. Donnie Cates first made Venom into amnesiac DOG, then sent him into exile and then kept him and Eddie from having meaningful interaction until the very end of his run. Everyone who loves symbrock were STARVING.
And Al Ewing and Ram V story separated Eddie into his own story line.
And now Al Ewing tilling us “yeah it’s been too long, it’s time to move on”.
It’s like giving starving person a cup of water and saying “well now you are fed, let’s go on a 20km hike”.
“My work here is done” Tuxedo Mask meme
So like… yeah.
If they’ll make Sleeper a traitor this will be so bad. This will drop from 6/10 to 0/10 immediately.
Not looking forward to Venom future.
And the WORST part? I feel like they are pulling out “this relationship is toxic so it’s cancelled” card on symbrock. They never do that on hetero ships, but they happily destroy gay ships with that argument.
It sucks.
I hope I’m wrong. But like Venom gets new host this December. There’s not much room left to give us decent amount of Symbrock IF writers even want that.
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symbiotic-slime · 1 month
Hi!!!! I am a bit clueless about how tumblr works but I saw your reblog about your malev venom au and I would absolutely love to hear more about it. I did post the original but unfortunately it is not on my main blog and I don’t know how to submit an ask on a side blog (did I mention I have no idea what I’m doing?)
no worries!! tumblr’s kinda weird, I don’t think you can submit an ask from a side blog for some reason BUT ANYWAYS I am so thrilled to yap about it!!
so basically my idea kinda focuses on how similar Arthur and Eddie’s careers are. Arthur’s a PI and Eddie’s an investigative journalist, so if they could just end up in the same place it wouldn’t be unreasonable for them to run into each other while on the job. To get Arthur and John to San Fran in the 2020s, Kayne uses his time magic bullshit and sends Arthur and John to there in Earth 688B (the fancy number for the world the Venom movies are set in) to get him some type of mcguffin. there’s a lot of cults in malevolent, so I was thinking maybe there’s something involving the elites in the city that Arthur has to investigate and then steal from later.
Eddie Brock is also investigating this cult but for different reasons. given that it’s the elites in the city, maybe it has something to do with like corrupt officials siphoning money to themselves. or it could be similar to the LIFE Foundation case from Venom 2018, where homeless people were disappearing and being used as guinea pigs for the symbiote trials. either way, he’s trying to get to the bottom of this and expose the corruption. while he’s working on the case, maybe trailing one of the officials in question, he runs into Arthur and they decide to work together on this case.
cue a bunch of shenanigans as they’re both trying to hide the fact that they’re sharing a body with another entity. they’re both doing an awful job at it, they keep talking to themselves and seem to be listening/responding to no one, but neither of them bring it up in case the suspicion is turned onto themselves. John is incredibly suspicious of Eddie and Venom is suspicious of Arthur so Eddie and Arthur’s truce gets strained.
eventually, while like breaking in to get intel on the cult or something, Eddie and Arthur are caught and surrounded by the cultists. Arthur is panicking, trying to figure out how to get out of this situation when Eddie asks him to just trust that he can handle it and for Arthur to get behind him. Arthur does, since there’s not much else he can do, and Eddie transforms into Venom and kills the cultists.
cue John describing Venom to Arthur like: “FUCK OARTHUR. The man we were with has transformed into a hideous beast. He's... grown much larger and is covered in writhing black tendrils. His eyes are are a pearly white and his mouth... His mouth is huge and bristling with wickedly sharp teeth. Oh my god, Oarthur. Jesus Christ, he’s fucking EATING the cultists! Their blood is spattering in crimson smears as their limp bodies fall to the floor.” (credit to @cyborg-empress for that lovely description) because what Arthur clearly needs in a situation where he’s already panicking is for John to describe in excruciating detail how a monster is killing people.
The cultists die and Venom retreats back into Eddie’s body. He runs over to Arthur, swearing that he can explain what just happened. Arthur is understandably freaked out because he just heard John tell him the guy he was working transformed into a monster and started eating people, but he decides to hear Eddie out. He reasons to John that if Eddie was going to eat them, he would’ve done so already on the countless times they’ve been alone together while working on the case.
Eddie tells Arthur about his LIFE Foundation investigation and how he met Venom. Venom pokes their head out to say hi and introduce themselves to Arthur and John is immediately jealous that they can take a physical form separate from their host’s body. After Eddie is done explaining, Arthur decides to tell him about John. Eddie and Arthur decide to remain a team while investigating the cult, and it goes a lot smoother since their secrets are out in the open.
Arthur and John get a chance to use their abilities on the case, just not in combat because let’s be honest they’re not the greatest at that lol. one of their leads turns up dead, Eddie’s slightly panicking because he doesn’t know where to continue this investigation, and Arthur touches their lead and sees how he dies, giving them a new lead to discover who killed them.
While they’re working together, John and Arthur learn more about how to handle their relationship. Insane to say that Venom and Eddie are somehow the more stable relationship in this story because they’re also very deranged but in comparison to John and Arthur they have more of their shit together (and I’m also setting this ambiguously after their divorce/reunion Venom 2, just with some canon divergence since they’re still in San Fran and not Mexico). Arthur goes to Eddie for advice and Eddie tells Arthur that the first step is being honest with one another. Arthur just laughs (but they do start to be more honest with each other <3). Eddie also advices them to “pick their battles” (shout out to the one person who left that note on my other post— you’re a genius) and that not everything is with fighting over since it will just further jeopardize their relationship.
Venom, after watching John and Arthur fight for the millionth time, has a Rosa Diaz moment and tells Arthur that “you two just need to bone”. Arthur has a mini heart attack and is absolutely MORTIFIED. Eddie is furiously blushing and not making eye contact with them, but tells them that if they’re interested in doing that it can help relieve some of the frustrations.
some time during the case Kayne dies (apologies if you are a Kayne enjoyer— I completely understand why people like him he just gets on my nerves). I think he should die in a very unserious way, maybe something similar to Cletus’ death in LTBC where Venom just says “fuck this guy” and bites his head off.
anyways, once everything is said and done Eddie and Arthur get coffee or lunch together. John and Arthur are getting along a lot better, so Eddie askes if they took he and Venom’s advice. Arthur turns beet red and tells him that it’s not an appropriate thing to be asking him. Eddie laughs and smiles knowing.
in my head, Eddie buys Arthur this t-shirt. John vows to never tell Arthur what it says. The end.
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
What if Miguel is too late finding his daughter that he abandoned and she's now dead by an anomaly that wanted Venom?
And what if he found a different version of his daughter but she's the daughter of Eddie Brocks?
Miguel was destroyed - mind and soul - he had lost the one thing that truly belonged to him and he could never get it back. What happened, you wonder? His daughter - [Name] O'Hara - was sick of being ignored by her father and decided to go to another universe with Venom where the 2 of them didn't exist; there wouldn't have been a canon event there if there was no Spider-Man/Spider-Woman in the universe. While Miguel went to replace the dead version of himself who was the father to a young girl named Gabriella, [Name] decided to make her move to leave Earth-928 with her best friend; this went well for a month...until a Variant of Doctor Octopus took interest in [Name], or rather, in the symbiote she was bound to. [Name] was swinging through the buildings when she was hit with a supersonic pulse and Venom was stripped from her as she fell from the great height, hitting the concrete hard and dying upon impact.
Miguel had just returned from the collapsed universe when he lost Gabriella and the rest of the universe and decided to be a father to the one daughter he already had but when he found out that you were gone, he had Lyla search all the universes for you...and he found you...or rather, he found your death certificate. His eyes widened at the fact a Spider-Womanless Universe had a Spider-Woman & she was killed by a variant of Doc Ock. Miguel hung his head down and started to cry - both of his daughters were dead and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Wait... If there was another version of him, there had the have been another version of [Name], all he had to do was look for her and bring her there.
Miguel searched day and night - sunrise to sunset - and he was lucky - he found what he was looking for: A Spider-Variant of [Name] who was bound to a Symbiote named Sleeper and....she was the daughter of Eddie Brock. Miguel watched through his screens at [Name] - her blond hair and blue eyes looking up to her father with a smile; that's how you used to look at him and you would look at him like that again like a daughter wanting her father's approval. Eddie would pat your shoulder and praise you for the smallest things you did - from working on your coding to your crime fighting. Miguel looked at the desk before him and saw the artist's tablet - the only thing he had left of his daughter - he picked it up and looked through the artwork with a smile, his daughter was skilled in realistic art. He closed his eyes and cried he was going to get his daughter back. But first, he needed to alter the bracelet that her previous version had.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Headcanons: Flirting & Intimacy (Eddie Brock)
Headcanons: Eddie Brock and how he flirts, and how he shows intimacy (physical and not)
Pairing: Eddie Brock x Gn!Reader
Requested By: @witchygagirl
Warnings: Nothing I can think of
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Though Eddie is not shy with his flirting, he did tend to fumble through it at first, almost as though he is nervous.
He was mostly nervous with his flirting when the two of you had just met.
He would flirt, but it would be awkward and rushed, but you found it appealing and cute way.
Once the two of you became friends, he was more open and forward with his flirting.
Eddie does not shy away from compliments, he is always willing and ready to tell you you look great, compliment the way you did something, how you said something, etc.
The compliments always have an underlying flirtiness, that you might not always pick up on.
"You look great" "I'm wearing sweatpants." "Yeah, and?"
He LOVES if you get all bashful and shy if he makes a more forward comment, and it only encourages him to do it more.
Sometimes you aren't sure if he is jut teasing you to rile you up, or if he genuinely thinks the thing he says.
He means all of them.
It's not until he genuinely asks you out on a date that you truly know he meant everything.
Now, if you flirted with him, he would shut down for half a second.
A flirty remark or a teasing comment and his mind goes blank.
He gets a bit flustered, rarely able to think of something to respond with quickly.
The flirting does not stop when you two are in a relationship. In fact it just gets worse.
And by worse, I mean more frequent, and the comments themselves are full of more innuendos and private jokes than before.
After you're in a relationship he gets better at comebacks when you flirt, since he expects it more often.
But every once and a while, especially in public, you get him good, and he can't help but stare after you with mild alarm and adoration.
Eddie loves physical intimacy. Cuddling, kissing, hugging, hand holding, *clears throat* Et cetera.
He loves just being close to you, if you are near him, he feels comforted and happy.
He often presses kisses to your body. Your bare shoulders, wrist, hands cheek, temple, forehead, you name it.
One night he took it upon himself to kiss every spot, freckle, mole, and scar he could see on your body.
But he also shows intimacy with more subtle actions as well.
Placing his jacket over your shoulders when you're on a walk.
Making sure his hands brush or briefly hold yours as he hands you something.
Taking your hand when he helps you step up or down a tall step or ledge.
Placing his hand on your lower back when you are walking together.
And then there are the non-physical types of intimacy.
Intellectual intimacy.
He loves having long-winded discussions about various topics, especially when you are helping him on a story.
When you are both talking passionately abut the same things, it helps him feel closer to you in ways physical intimacy cannot.
Recreational Intimacy.
Lounging together on the couch, your legs in his lap, his hand absentmindedly drawing shapes on your legs as you both read and/or work.
Going on walks hand in hand, barely talking, just being.
Your weekend trips to the arcade, or local theater, routine centered around each other
Cooking breakfast or dinner together side by side.
One of you washing dishes while the other dries.
Sharing in domestic bliss with you often makes him feel more intimately close with you than anything else. You are his life partner after all.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Marvel Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney, @trashywritestrash, @groovy-lady, @marvelouslyme96, @supersourlemon13, @mochamoff, @simsiddy, @gay-and-ready-to-cry, @flourishandblotts-inc, @spuffyfan394, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @locke-writes, @cs-please, @soultrysworld, @a-lumos-in-the-nox, @creativitybeware, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet,
Venom Taglist: @starship-argo, @cs-please, @lokidokieokie, @readingwithatorch,
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romancomicsnews · 4 months
Do we need live action heroes?
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To me, nothing has ever gotten me excited quite like superheroes.
I remember way back to my 7th grade. I was 12 years old, and had an incredibly difficult time that year. I did not have many friends yet, transferring into a new school, and was struggling to connect to anyone.
All I had was in that huge building was my brother, who was off dealing with high school. My grades slipped, my friends from my old school slowly drifted, and I found myself running more and more back to heroes for comfort. Whether it be movies, comics, or animated shows, superheroes helped me escape what would be the worst year of my life that far, with most of my joy and anticipation that year surrounding one singular event.
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2012’s The Avengers.
All year until May I watched the trailer, looked at posters, and watched Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Iron Man, Thor, or Captain America The First Avenger to get myself ready. I remember smiling, sitting for 3 hours in line before the film to get good seats for the gathering of my heroes, a culmination of years of waiting.
To this day, movies like Endgame or No Way Home come very close, but nothing felt like that to me. And while I understand part of it was me being a child, the MCU and other superhero movies have continued to give me comfort in the best of times and the worst times. They have constantly been a force for good for me and a way for me to connect to those around me. 
Which is why I’m sad to say, things have been bleak. Not in my life, but rather in the content that has been seen as acceptable to put out. Several big companies have been fumbling the ball lately with some devastatingly mediocre chapters in their respected sagas.
Last year was an abysmal year for DC, as they produced 4 flops at the box office. With the exception of Blue Beetle (which I love), each other entry in DC’s last year ranged from forgettable to downright abhorrent (I’m looking at you Flash). I was a big fan of the last Shazam and was pleasantly surprised by Aquaman, but both felt like they were going through the motions instead of bringing us exciting fresh takes on the characters that made the original two films great.
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Due to the ever growing SPUMC (Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters), we’re looking at a terrible year for superhero movies. We already had the perplexing Madame Web, with Venom The Last Dance and Kraven the Hunter to end the year. While these movies can have some fun performances, in general they feel sloppy, mismanaged, with subpar writing at best. As fun as it is to see Tom Hardy in a lobster tank, I don’t feel anything for Eddie Brock. And that sucks.
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Finally, there’s the MCU.
Now, if you’re looking for me to bash entries in the MCU like The Marvels, you came to the wrong page, that’s not what this is.
In GENERAL, I like a lot of the swings they’ve taken since Endgame. Shang-Chi is still one of my favorite MCU movies. No Way Home had heart to it and wasn’t just a cash grab movie. Eternals had a vision and beauty I appreciate. Loki has one of my favorite finales of any tv show.
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But they’ve been disconnected. It isn’t this seamless chapter book with a clear beginning, middle and end anymore. There is so much expansion with characters that we have no idea where they are going. To go back to just one of those I just mentioned, where is Shang-Chi? That movie was a hit, and yet we have yet to hear anything about a sequel or return.
Due to this focus on expansion, it’s hard to keep that connection with these characters if we don’t see them every few years. Where is America Chavez? Vision? Kingo? Thor? She-Hulk? This is a problem.
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Couple this problem with the fact that VFX workers are worked to the bone, movies are being filmed without scripts finished, an emphasis on a multiverse storyline that doesn’t have a really clear path, and what seems like a vendetta against using comic book storylines, the films and television shows have been struggling to connect.
After all these catastrophes, you’d think it’d be a rough time to be a superhero fan. But really, it’s never been better.
Animation has been saving us.
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To be fair, animation has always been respected and loved by the comic book community. X-Men the Animated Series, Batman the Animated Series, Young Justice, Spectacular Spider-Man and more have not only been people’s favorite superhero content, for many it is their in. I started by watching Spider-Man the Animated Series, and things have only gotten better from there.
Shows like My Adventures with Superman have reintroduced a new generation to Superman in a way that feels extremely accurate and fresh. It has also given us an incredibly adorable and heartfelt love story between Lois & Clark, something live action movies and shows really struggle with. Can you think of the last good couple in the MCU? And don’t say Spider-Man and MJ, because most of why we like them is because we like Tom and Zendaya.
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Other shows like Invincible & Young Justice deal with heavy topics, such as grief, sexual orientation, gender identity, and trauma all in a way that feels human and real. Invincible in particular deals with grief and betrayal in its second season beautifully, all enhanced by incredible voice work from actors giving it their all.
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Even the MCU has used animation in surprising ways. X-Men 97’ recently brought back the styling of the X-Men animated series, with the powerful messaging the X-Men are known for. With enhanced animation, a clear vision, and an emphasis on using classic comic book storylines, many are not only considering it a hit, but the best thing Marvel has done in years.
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Even it’s more MCU heavy animated show What If had a much better second season, and while it’s not as deep or as good as the other shows I’ve mentioned, it’s worth noting it was a lot of lighthearted fun during the holidays. Definitely check out the Happy Hogan Die Hard episode.
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Finally, Sony of all people gave us the best superhero film of the year last year with Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. While everyone expected it to be good, I don’t think anyone expected it to be such an achievement. With incredible voice acting, a meta narrative about fans' relationship to the character of Miles, incredibly human moments and of course, a hero no one can not root for, Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse easily will go down as one of the best superhero movies ever made.
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I remember the ending of the film, where our heroes are finally gathered, and Miles is faced with what seems like impossible odds, and as the music swells, Gwen Stacy asks the audience “Are you in?”
And that was the moment I felt it again. The excitement, the joy, I really was a kid again, jumping out of my seat excited to see Beyond the Spider-Verse.
So if we can use animation to tell stories that connect, that show love stories in a way we haven’t seen, action in a way we haven’t seen, utilizing and respecting comic books, all while drawing out incredible performances, why are we emphasizing live action? 
I don’t think we truly need more live action shows of B list characters. And to their credit, I think studios are noticing too. Marvel has a few more animated projects coming out, and DC will be releasing Creature Commandos this year. But they will be putting out just as many live action shows focused on expansion as they have been.
Is it time to reconsider how we tell these stories? 
I know no matter what I say, we will get live action. And I’d be lying if I were to say that many projects out there excite me. Superman, The Penguin, Spider-Man Noir to name a few.
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But I think it’s time we use superheroes to go back to their roots. We should be using superheroes to bring artists and animators to the forefront. Shows like Invincible, My Adventures with Superman and X-Men 97’ give us a clear picture of what superhero media can and should be. Story driven, beautiful, and full of meaning. Something we as people can finally connect to.
Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: What's your favorite animated superhero show?
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Mutual Protection | Eddie Brock x gn!reader
anonymous asked: Eddie Brock:
Hiya!! It's me again!
May I please ask for a work using the following prompts for Eddie Brock X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader:
“Oi! Calm it, he ain’t worth the shit you’ll get into for knocking his teeth out” 
(Reader gets super protective of Eddie?? Like Eddie tries to protect reader at first and they're like "leave it" until they say sit about Eddie??)
summary: when your ex tries to start drama, you and Eddie immediately have each other's backs with no questions asked.
tws: swearing, mild violence
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Gently, you placed your hand on Eddie's shoulder and tried to coax him backwards despite the fact that he was massively struggling against you; at the best of times, Eddie's protective and possessive streak could be charming and endearing. At the worst of times, it could make him dangerous, wild and harsh.
So when he caught Logan flirting with you far, far too much for his liking, he couldn't help but to step in; Eddie never liked Logan, liked him even less when he caught him talking to his partner in a manner he didn't like.
You and Logan had unfinished business, a relationship that had been broken off when he decided that he would fuck off to the middle of nowhere and not even bother to tell you why; you never forgave him.
Eddie never forgave him.
Eddie could still remember the nights you had spent crying into your pillows in the shared flat, he could still remember practically having to force feed you when you refused to eat for too long for it to just be a little bit of appetite loss. Above all else, Eddie could still remember the dozens and dozens of times he had driven you to Xavier's school only for nothing.
Eddie never forgave Logan, and never would. Not for that. No.
"Oi! Calm it, he ain't worth the shit you'll get into for knocking his teeth out," you told him, gently pushing his shoulder.
"He shouldn't be here," Eddie growled. "He shouldn't be anywhere near you after what he did."
The second he laid eyes on Logan, you should have known Eddie would immediately get both protective and possessive, refusing to let Logan anywhere near you or even look at you; but it wasn't Eddie who threw the first punch.
Nor was it Eddie who made the first threat. But the second an adamantium boned fist made contact with Eddie's nose, you stepped in, forcing Eddie back.
"Get the fuck away from him," you hissed through gritted teeth, refusing to budge as you kept your eyes on Logan. Your gaze angry and wrathful. "Now, Logan."
"C'mon," he tutted, shaking his head as he took a step towards you. "He's a pipsqueak - you'd be better off with someone who can actually protect you."
You shook your head, taking a step towards him and easily staring him down. "Logan. Fuck off."
Eddie grabbed your shoulder, holding onto it tightly as he pulled you back slightly, his voice harsh but quiet. "Still think he's not worth the shit?"
You nodded, pushing him back slightly. "He isn't. But he insulted you, and that's different."
"You never defended me like that," Logan huffed. "What's so different about Pipsqueak here?"
"He loves me," you told him. "He loves me enough that he wouldn't fucking abandon me and fuck off to nowhere."
"I wouldn't abandon you, ever," Eddie added softly.
"I know, baby, that's the point," you muttered, shaking your head before you glared at Logan again. "You need to accept that I don't love you anymore. I don't care about you anymore. You left me, and you never told me why - but y'know who was there? When I needed somebody?"
"Pipsqueak," Logan guessed, raising an unimpressed brow.
"Stop fucking calling him that," you hissed, making a bold move and grabbing the Wolverine by the throat. You narrowed your eyes at him, almost snarling. "He is more of a fucking partner than you ever were, Logan. He's better than you."
Logan narrowed his eyes as he furrowed his brows. "So you're gonna take his side over mine?"
"Absolutely," you gave his throat a squeeze. "Always."
It took Eddie a moment to pull you off of Logan, holding you tightly against his chest as he glared at your ex; Logan didn't look too happy, dusting off his plaid shirt before he pulled out a cigar and lit it, shaking his head.
Eddie could have killed him for the look he gave you. He should have, too. But when you walked off in a huff, Eddie was hot on your heels until he caught up with you; he frowned as he sat cross legged beside you, leaning into your leg.
"You didn't have to protect me from him," he said softly. "I could've handled it."
"His bones are made of one of the strongest metals in the world," you pointed out. "He would've killed you. I had to protect you… he wouldn't hurt me."
"How'd you know?"
"Logan's… difficult," you explained, "he's a fucking cunt and a half, but there's certain people he won't hurt. Still a bastard though, and he should never have insulted you like that."
"It was pretty hot," Eddie mused with a soft laugh. "Seeing you square up to him like that and try to choke him."
You laughed for a second, nodding. "Now you know how I feel when you get all possessive."
He grinned, looking up at you and sighing heavily. "We'll always protect each other, won't we?"
You dropped your hand down, lacing it in his brown locks. "Always. I've got your back, you've got mine."
Eddie smiled, humming contently as he looked out at the darkening skies; he leaned in a little more when you sat next to him, pressing your body against his.
He wanted to put his arm around you, but he didn't quite find it in himself to be bothered; he knew you felt the same when he didn't feel the weight of your arm around his waist. Not being bothered to be physically affectionate never meant anything to either of you, not when you knew that you would always be there for one another.
He stretched his legs out, pleasantly surprised when you let your hand drop to the inside of his thigh, drawing a soft hum from the back of his throat as his hand found its way to yours. He laced your fingers together, holding on.
"Y'know, Eddie," you breathed out. "I think you're the best partner I could've ever asked for."
"Yeah," you nodded. "I do."
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