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teddy06writes · 5 months ago
Whumptober Day 5 - Tommy Shelby
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Tommy Shelby x gn!reader
Prompt: "You don't need to earn this."
Trigger Warnings: Insecure Tommy
Summary: When your surprises and gentle treatment catch Tommy by surprise, he questions what he'd done to deserve it.
{Support me on ko-fi}
The door to Tommy's office was strong and sturdy, and you could just barely make out your husbands hushed voice on the other side, speaking to someone over the phone.
Tommy had been in a gloomy mood all week, something about Ada wanting to push a new policy that no one else in the family agreed with, and him getting stuck in the middle, as always.
You glanced back in the direction of the dining room, where the dinner you'd made, in the hopes of lifting his spirits, sat ready and waiting, before cautiously knocking, and opening the door a crack.
Tommy looked up and caught your gaze a smile ghosting over his lips. He held up a hand, for you to give him a moment as he finished speaking into the receiver, "Yes, I'll speak to him about it tomorrow. - Yes of course. Goodbye."
As soon as the receiver was back in it's cradle, you were pushing into the room properly, "Hello, Tommy love."
"Hello darling," He stubbed out the cigarette that had been tucked between his lips, leaning back in his chair, "You're back early."
"Or, you've been working so long you've lost track of time?" You teased, moving to perch on one of the chairs in front of his desk.
Tommy sighed tiredly, running a hand over his face, "Maybe I have."
You stood, moving around his desk and behind his chair to wrap your arms around him, resting your chin on his head, "Business alright? Did that Arthur-Ada stuff smooth over?"
"I'm working on it. They can be quite difficult." He tipped his head back to look at you.
You hummed, before straightening up, "I made dinner."
"I've still got work to do, darling."
You turned to him sharply, "Thomas Shelby I did not spend my whole morning begging Polly for this recipe you like for you to skip dinner. Come on."
Slowly, Tommy stood up, a fond smile tugging at his lips as you took his hand, leading him out of the room.
"And I got you a little surprise, for dessert." You grinned, turning to look at him.
He raised an eyebrow critically, "A surprise?"
"I stopped off at that little bakery- you remember the one we used to go to on West Hill, with the tarts you like-" You cut yourself off with a huff, "Well, there goes the surprise, I suppose."
Tommy stopped in his tracks, a frown suddenly on his face as he dropped your hand. Oh no. This is the very opposite of what you had wanted.
"What's wrong, Tommy love?"
He looked at you with clear confusion behind his eyes, "You made me a special dinner. You went out of the way to get me a tart- have I missed something? Read the calender wrong?"
"What?" Your eyebrows furrowed.
"It's neither of our birthdays, and it's certainly not our anniversary, so what's going on?"
You looked around in disbelief, "I need an excuse to treat my husband? I don't have a reason."
"Then why are you doing this?" There's an odd hardness to Tommy's voice. Something between suspicion and sadness you couldn't hope to understand.
"Because I love you Tom, this is what I do when I love people," You reached forward to grasp his arms, "There doesn't have to be a special reason."
This is the truly the first time you've ever seen Tommy perplexed. Your husband, careful and calculating, brought down by the idea that you might love without cause or reason.
"But- I haven't done anything..."
"Oh, Tommy love," You wrapped your arms around him again, and this time he melted into your touch, "You don't need to earn this. You will never have to earn my love."
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teddy06 · 1 year ago
Alright top gun fan artists who's taking one for the team and giving Bradley this sign cause lord knows I'm not talented enough
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louisapennyfeather2021 · 2 years ago
Thank you, Layne :)💙
🍒 Do You Title Your Chapters?
It depends, tbh. In my fanfics, I've started titling chapters more because I know people enjoy fun titles. I'm just struggling with actually making the titles fun lol.
I don't title them in my original works, though.
🍉 Favorite Trope? What's a cliche that you just love?
This will sound weird and you have to let me explain, but I like the trope of an "Alpha Hero" who is just a protagonist with a lot of money, no worries, strong willed, and very successful. My family was very poor for most of my life, so it's a nice form of escapism for me to read books where the protagonist doesn't have to face the hardships that come with not having money :)
I also love a good, well written betrayal. I'm still working on the first draft of a series I want to one day publish, but I already know there's at least 2 big betrayals because I just love the trope so much.
I love the book cliche of the Nerdy MC who likes to stay home. As long as they're written well, I like them because they're very easy to relate to!
🍊 Do you have a trusted Beta Reader or are you more of the "No Beta, We Die Like Men" type?
I suck at tagging on ao3... that being said, one of my most used tags is "No Beta, we die like [insert fandom character name]"
For example, some or my favorites:
"No Beta, we die like Elizabeth and Sebastian"(both of them were koi fish that got maybe 10 seconds of screen time)
"No Beta, we die like Vegas's hedgehog"(another pet that got less than a minute of screen time)
"No Beta, we die like Riko"(because no one likes Riko)
I think I prefer it this way because I like being able to finish writing and post right away. I'm very confident in my writing skills to publish something that makes sense with very few grammar/spelling errors. Usually I got through and read the fic eventually and I'll fix any mistakes then, but I'm too impatient and I micromanage too much to put that kind of stress on a Beta Reader :)
Thanks again for the ask, Layne!!!
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faerieroyal · 11 months ago
okay, so i have to announce something, and i’m really sorry about it but it’s happening anyway: as of right now, i am quitting writing reader insert fanfiction, and this blog is going to become a place just for me reblogging stuff and recommending fics.
again, i am really sorry about this, but i just don’t find myself at all inspired to write reader inserts anymore. it’s not even about the lack of reblogs and comments on this site, although that certainly was annoying, i just don’t really like it for myself to write for it anymore. again, don’t worry, i will definitely still be reblogging and answering asks on this blog, as well as reblogging other people’s fics; i just won’t be taking requests or writing any fanfic on this blog. the few fics i’ve written since revamping this blog will still exist, i won’t be deleting them, but i will be deleting my character list and all my masterlists.
again, i really am sorry about this, especially to the people whose requests have been rotting in my inbox for forever, but this is something i feel like i have to do so i can stop making myself anxious trying to force myself to write. if you want to unfollow me after this, i understand, but i really hope you guys can understand. love you all <3
— ❥ tagging some of the beloveds: @auxiliarydetective, @heliads,
@lovings4turn, @dancingwith-sunflowers, @maddipoof, @dragon-kazansky,
@yoontwin, @sepptember, @chaosgod4life, @satelitis, @doyouknowwhoyouare13,
@mayfieldss, @hiya-itsamber, @juneberrie,
@spaceagebachelormann, @sp1rit-realm, @fairyofthehollow, @ghostlyfleur,
@diqldrunks, @folkloresthings, @darling-im-wonderstruck, @oneirataxia-girl,
@masivechaos, @whiskeyswriting, @callmemana, @talkingturnedtoscreamss,
@agentlilicarter, @bayisdying, @sxnset-angel, @thebestieyoureinlovewith,
@starstruckwillows, @george-weasleys-girl, @diorgirl444, @teddy06,
@winterxisxcomingx, @musicallisto, @yelenasbraid.
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animatedtext · 4 years ago
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years ago
Could I request some Loki x autistic!reader that’s really quiet normally but if you give them the chance they info dump
Or maybe they get dragged to one of Asgaurds feasts and get really overstimulated and Loki takes over and helps calm them down
It’s okay if your not comfy with doing this
Hi!! I actually love this idea, but unfortunately, requests are closed at the moment. If you’d still like me to write it, feel free to send in another ask when requests open sometime at the end of June. If you’d like to check back in and see if they’re open, check out my bio. Thank you!! 😄💞
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louisapennyfeather2021 · 2 years ago
Thank you so much, Parker!!! I had a lot of fun with this one :)
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No Pressure Tags: @that-one-bi-wizard @racetrackhigg @anymal28 @bonesby @teddy06 @neapolitantoebeans @the-planet-venus @ any one else who wants to do it just for fun :)
I went on a Picrew spree today and this by far my favourite one I made today-
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Heart Hold Character (I can't remember the creator im so sorry) is so cutee and pretty-
I'd like grab some other people to try it soo-
tagged: @genlossicle @thinkingaboutctommy @yes-i-think-ranboo-is-beautiful @heenr12 @charliebugz @nonbinarytrashpanda @mumza-superiority @noelle-the-bitch @a-radio-d3mon @salineroses and probably one of the best artists ive ever seen (virtually of course-) the @toxiccrybabyart
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rax-writes · 4 years ago
I’ll take an outsiders ship if they’re still open please!
About me, I’m bi without much of a preference either way, I’m generally quiet and introverted, and I love to write (and am hopping to make it a career) I also love reading and listening to music.
I’m 5’6”, have brown curly hair that’s shorter than a pixie cut, brown eyes and glasses. I am a Bit over weight and pretty insecure, but I do my best to hide it and still try to dress the way I want regardless of what the other people think.
(If the ships are closed I understand your not doing this, but thank you in advance!)
hi! ships are still open, thank you for sending one in!
The Outsiders – Two-Bit Mathews
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teddy06writes · 3 months ago
Get Some Rest
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Tommy Shelby x gn!reader
Prompt: "Either go to bed and get some rest willingly, or I will drag your ass down the hall kicking and screaming. Don't think I won't."
Trigger Warnings: Some swearing, stubborn Tommy,
Summary: Your husband has been suffering migraines since the incident involving Father Hughes. This of course doesn't stop Tommy from overworking himself even when he can feel one coming on, or from being a stubborn bastard when you try to get him to rest.
{Support me on ko-fi}
The office was quiet, save for the grandfather clock ticking away steadily in the corner. He'd dragged the curtains closed haphazardly some time ago, and so now the room was dappled unevenly in fading late afternoon light.
You stood in the doorway, silent for a moment, watching your husband.
Tommy leaned low over his desk, a hand pressed to his brow as he attempted to focus on the paperwork before him. An abandoned cigarette sat smoldering in the ashtray at his elbow, long forgotten.
You cleared your throat softly, stepping into the room properly, "Tommy?"
He sat up, looking half startled for a moment before his eyes finally focused on you, and he let out a sigh, "Yes, darling?"
"Are you alright?" Even as the words left your mouth you knew that his next words would be outright lies.
He sniffed a bit, rubbing at his temples, "Fine. Just- catching up on business."
You had worked your way across the room, and were standing in front of his desk now, "Your heads not bothering you at all?"
Tommy looked up at you, and you raised an eyebrow, almost daring him to brush you off again. After a moment, he sighed, nodding, "Started up again around noon. Can't seem to shake it."
"I thought as much. Come on, you need some rest." You motioned for him to stand up.
"I don't-"
You crossed your arms, "Either go to bed and get some rest willingly, or I will drag you down the hall kicking and screaming. Don't think I won't, Thomas Shelby."
Reluctantly, Tommy pulled himself up out of his chair, rounding the desk and taking your outstretched hand. You led him back through the house to your shared bedroom, where you had already taken the liberty of drawing the curtains tightly against the setting sun.
Tommy sat on the edge of the bed, taking the tablets that you pressed into his hand with a sigh, "Thank you, love."
You pressed your lips together for a long moment, holding back a sigh, "Why didn't you take a break when it started, Tom?"
He just closed his eyes, tossing back the pills, before moving to lay back in bed. Biting your annoyance, you rounded the bed, settling against the headboard before maneuvering his head into your lap.
Despite his reluctance to answer you, he moved willingly, practically melting under your touch as you began to card your hands through his hair, massaging at his scalp.
"You need to take better care of yourself, Tommy love."
He only hummed, reaching up to squeeze your arm in quiet appreciation.
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teddy06 · 2 months ago
Listen, I may not be able to fix him but he can most certainly make me worse
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louisapennyfeather2021 · 2 years ago
Thanks for the tag @chronicallyadhdexmo !!!!
I hope yall are ready, it's just gonna be KPop💀
1) INCEPTION by Ateez
2) VENOM by Stray Kids
3) Everlast by Will Van De Crommert(I'm so happy this one made the list💙)
4) ALL IN by Stray Kids
5) TRICKY HOUSE by Xikers
6) Free Fall(Theme From KinnPorsche the Series) by Slot Machine(I want this played at my funeral)
7) Sharks by Imagine Dragons
8) Freakin' Bad by Xdinary Heroes
9) LOCO by Itzy
10) Bad Dream(Thai Version) by THE7
It's almost strictly KPop😂😂
Tags: @bonesby @anymal28 @that-one-bi-wizard @teddy06 @ anyone else who would like to do it!!!
tagged by @arisingonmorningsinnocent
Rules: shuffle your On Repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
It's All Futile! It's All Pointless! by Lovejoy
In the Shadow of the Western Hills by the Mountain Goats
Nobody by the Crane Wives
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Never Quite Free by the Mountain Goats
A Burning Hill by Mitski
Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod by the Mountain Goats
Be Calm by Fun.
Autoclave by the Mountain Goats
His Theme by Toby Fox
tagging @spiritunwilling @circuit77 @risingape @existentialterror @scientificalstories @erstwhilesparrow @adhdo5 @roundearthsociety @lepertamar @wolffyluna and anyone who sees this and wants to-- feel free to say i tagged you ^_^ and on the flip side if you were tagged and don't want to do it feel free to not!
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faerieroyal · 1 year ago
𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲’𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
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i present to you all a new event to mark the revamp of my blog !! anyone can participate in this, but i would ask that you only send in one request per ask, and i am going to be limiting it to only five requests per person just so i don’t get overwhelmed. i’m also asking that you limit your requests to characters and fandoms that i write for. this event will be open from january 7th until january 12th, hope you guys have fun with it <3
𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 — ⟢﹒ send me an aesthetic, character, au, or anything you want, and i’ll make a moodboard for it <3
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 — ⟢﹒ classic tumblr games !! send me a cym, kmk ( kiss marry kill ), would you rather, or any other tumblr game <3
𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐠𝐞 — ⟢﹒ send me this and i’ll tell you what musical theatre soundtrack + song from that soundtrack i think fits you best <3
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 — ⟢﹒ send me this + a random word, and i’ll tell you a random fact or story i know that reminds me of that word <3
𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 — ⟢﹒ tell me what aesthetic you think fits me best, and i’ll do the same <3
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— ❥ tagging some of the beloveds: @heliads, @hiya-itsamber, @auxiliarydetective, @spaceagebachelormann, @juneberrie, @lovings4turn, @folkloresthings, @mayfieldss, @darling-im-wonderstruck, @hyucksfairie, @talkingturnedtoscreamss, @mictodii, @musicallisto, @diorgirl444, @diqldrunk, @ghostlyfleur, @masivechaos, @sp1rit-realm, @oneirataxia-girl, @maddipoof, @agentlilicarter, @teddy06, @thebestieyoureinlovewith, @doyouknowwhoyouare13, @starstruckwillows,
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teddy06writes · 5 months ago
Whumptober Day 20 - Dallas Winston
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Dallas Winston x gn!reader
Prompt: "Who did this to you?"
Trigger Warnings: Canon typical violence, swearing
Summary: You get jumped, Dally plots revenge.
You should have been paying better attention. If you'd been paying attention, you would've seen the socs coming from a mile away. And if you had seen them coming then surely you would have had the good sense enough to take a shortcut home, or to the Curtis house, or at least to the DX station where Steve and Sodapop could've scared them off.
Your thoughts raced in these circles as you limped down the street, back in the direction of home.
They hadn't even given you time to fight back before they had dragged you off into an alley, to give you one hell of a soaking. One smart comment in earshot of the wrong person had given you a swollen eye, a busted lip, and some number of other bruises littering the rest of your body.
"Holy shit, (y/n), is that you?"
"You don't look so good."
You turned, finding Ponyboy and Johnny leaning against the side of a corner store, smoking. Before you could even open your mouth, Ponyboy was pulling you out of foot traffic, and Johnny was lighting a cigarette to place between your still shaking fingers.
"What the hell happened?"
"Don't ask 'em that, ain't it obvious? It was the damn socs!" Ponyboy exclaimed.
You nodded, taking a drag of the cigarette, "Shoulda seen it coming. I slagged off that damn Chet what's his name in fifth period and someone musta heard me."
"Christ! wait till Dallas hears!" Ponyboy exclaimed.
"Wait till Dallas hears what?"
At the sudden sound of your boyfriends voice, the boys jumped, turning to Dally and beginning to stutter out that they found you like that. Of course, Dallas heard none of that as soon as he caught sight of your busted up face.
He was pushing them aside and taking the sides of your face in his hands, "Who did this to you?"
"Who did this?" He asked again, barely holding back his anger.
You glanced away before meeting his eyes again, "Chet something or other- he runs with Gregg Parkers gang."
Dally nodded, releasing you, and running a hand over his face, thinking for a moment.
"It's fine Dal, I was practically asking for it-"
"No, no, no, none of that shit, doll. That little slime ball, is going to pay for messing with what's mine," There was something hard in his tone, in his protectiveness that tugged at your chest, as he turned to Pony and Johnny, "Listen, you two get them back to the house, see if Darry's got that first aid kit of his stocked up, alright?"
Ponyboy and Johnny nodded duitifly as he continued, "Then I want you to get Two-Bit, and Steve, hell, anyone you can find, and send 'em to meet me over at Buck's. I gotta go find Shepard."
"What about us?" Pony asked.
"You stay with (y/n), alright? I don't need Darry hounding me about dragging you into this, too." He looked around the street, before turning back to you.
"Dallas..." You tried to protest again.
"C'mere," Dally pulled you into his arms, briefly, and pressing an uncharacteristically chaste, gentle kiss to your temple, "Let me do this."
Without another word he was heading off down the street, and Johnny and Ponyboy began to corral you back towards the Curtis house, so that Darry could patch you up.
Eventually, Dally, Two-Bit and Steve would return to the Curtis house, and with bloody knuckles, Dally would join you on the couch, holding you close, happy in knowing that you were safe.
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teddy06 · 4 months ago
Listen I just feel the need to come out here and say a few things in the hopes that it will help ease someone's nerves somewhere.
Just because trump won, does not mean that everything is magically going to change over night. It will not even change in an instant like that when he is reinstated in January.
It does not work that way, and we already know that he is not a true man of action.
Right now what's important is taking care of ourselves and having faith that collectively, all the people that just got screwed over, will not take this lying down.
We don't have any other choice but than to continue, and to do what we can. It is your duty to stand strong in the face of hardship. We have endured hard times before, and we shall overcome again.
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teddy06 · 2 months ago
Can I just say that if I had a dollar for every time one of my friends has sent and or shown me some varient of this screen shot (ei that tik tok has actually been bands) I'd have at least ten dollars and in this economy that wouldn't get me much, but it's weird that it's happened so much, right?
I was in the middle of doom scrolling, bruh😭
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louisapennyfeather2021 · 2 years ago
Anyone else have that one mutual where as soon as you see them in your notes, you know the chaos is about to start???
I'm looking at you @teddy06
I can always count on you to enable my chaos😂😂
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