#and that’s how seph sees it
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moongreenlight · 1 year ago
Johnny is the kind of guy that you hook up with when you’re on a girls trip and fully expect to never see him again.
But it turns out he was on deployment so when you go home and start seeing him at the grocery store you think there’s no way it could be him. Has to be a trick of the light.
It’s not. When he sees you in the frozen aisle he’ll come straight up behind you and grope your ass like he has the right.
“Knew it was ye. Know you better from this angle than the front, anyhow.”
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optimistic-autistic · 16 days ago
nothing so aggravating as seeing people claim what Hades did was just a misunderstanding because he ''loved Persephone too much''. like i don't know about you, but it's pretty hard for that to turn into building a town based on slavery and later getting a girl and assaulting her (even if it's just implied, he still at least had to pretend to do something like it, because his goal was to make Persephone mad).
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rosy-crow · 2 months ago
On one hand, I need to calm the fuck down about Sephiroth and stop giving into Twitter to debate lore. I KNOW I’m better than this lmao.
On the other hand, I see people genuinely angry about “how Crisis Core ruined Sephiroth by killing part of his agency through Genesis,” and “how having friends made him less cool,” and “how all the Compilation is humanizing him too much and taking away his mystery,” and “how he went evil for no reason,” and “how he was always an asshole that saw himself as superior to others and only broke down because he found out he wasn’t all that.”
I see unironic worship of “canon” traits he has that apparently mark him as a perverted alpha daddy dom sex god instead of the actual raging, delusional murderer with a loathing for all life he becomes for a reeeeeeeally key and important reason.
I see remarks like “I hate how First Soldier is ruining my favorite character and taking away more of his agency,” when said “favorite character” is Sephiroth’s most surface-level traits as a villain with no further depth and he has to be cool and perfect 100% of the time or else he isn’t Sephiroth anymore and he’s suddenly “badly written.”
That’s not the same character.
Yes, I know.
Why am I mad that one of the most beautifully designed and canonically objectified and powerfully portrayed and sensually voiced and thirstily fawned over characters in video game history is being reduced to singular traits???
I don’t know.
How can I demand the luxury of rage when faced with such odds.
What did I expect.
Yeah, this one’s on me.
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ryanthel0ser · 2 months ago
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I haven't been able to rest because of this
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capn-twitchery · 3 months ago
looking at oswald's lonely hearts' club event & knowledge that i am an abysmally slow & anxious RPer versus the fact that inflicting twitch speed dating on poor unsuspecting londoners would be REALLY fucking funny
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umbralstars · 5 months ago
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Okay! So, definitively, 100%, Angeal is older than Sephiroth. Which says Something about the Project G and S timelines
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catboyidia · 1 year ago
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omg now we have the yaoi and the yuri version of the rebirth key visual! 🥳 win for the gays AND the lesbians! yippee!!!
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queernoctis · 6 months ago
something something sephiroth seeing herself reflected in the grotesque and finding That beautiful rather than his conventionally beautiful shell that humans made for him
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very-offkey-kazoo · 1 year ago
happy nov 5th to everyone who celebrates and also to one person who celebrates for a completely different reason: my partner who doesn’t watch spn and fully blocked the spn tag on their dash bc it was too much for them and they knew if they interacted with it they’d go insane.
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lucy-the-cat · 13 days ago
rereading Red Ruse and omg I hate like half of it EDITING TIME
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moongreenlight · 1 year ago
That TikTok trend of soldiers posting “no grave can hold my body down, I’ll crawl home to her” with their spouses except it’s Ghost and he reeeeeeally means it. Like really. He means it. Like it’s a threat. You should be nervous.
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rosy-crow · 2 months ago
not enough people are reveling in the horrors that is sephiroth having SEVERE CPTSD!!
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Also, on a few lists, “hyper-vigilance” was a symptom…which….bruh
I watched a documentary about kids with CPTSD and also one on attachment disorders in infants after maternal neglect a while ago, and basically, when they put well-adjusted kids in a room with each other and some adults, it was all smiles, trust, camaraderie, play, fun, etc.. Those babies were bright and looking at the adults all the time! They bonded really easily.
But the kids with either the attachment disorder or the CPTSD just sat there looking on high alert. They didn’t sleep or rest, they didn’t trust the adults. They looked anxious and they were babies :(
The kids with the maternal neglect issues were known to look around the room and at the doors like they were waiting for someone. Waiting for someone to come back. It made me cry at the time, dude.
Anyway, Sephiroth first reminded me of the kids with the attachment disorders when I was going through OG and he seemed like he was looking for…something. When he found Jenova, I was like…”OH! WAIT IS THIS MOTHER THING DELIBERATE…”
And when I got to Lucrecia, as soon as she said “I never even got to hold him,” it all clicked. That explained a LOT 💀
I could not find hardly any analysis videos or forums on him (outside of tumblr) that even bothered to mention it. It’s hopefully gonna change with FS!
But what’s also becoming more blatant aside from the attachment disorder is the CPTSD, I agree. He showed up in episode 1 already a mess around the adults, not sure how to interact after isolation, really apologetic when he messed up and he wilted whenever Glenn yelled. Then we had that whole speech he gave when they confronted him about his ruthlessness and he basically gave away that he was trained to be afraid as a warrior. Deathly fearful, paranoid and reactive on the battlefield even with children and elderly because he believed he’d surely die if he hesitated or showed any compassion.
That basically means they beat fear into his head for a long time and put him in situations where he perfected the “kill or be killed” mindset.
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But as for his younger self, what kid would be trained like that (especially by fucking Hojo) and not develop all of the exact traits Sephiroth has in these stories, honestly…I can’t even imagine.
He has the other symptoms of CPTSD too. He feels disconnected and different, he has serious issues with engaging or starting relationships, he dehumanizes himself, he speaks like the world is hopeless and HIS life is worthless outside of his missions, and he is apparently gonna say to Angeal something about them not being able to understand each other because of how they were raised….which fits with the “feeling like nobody can understand you” symptom.
Ugh. This seems to be a big part of what he has and it’s at its worst right now in episode 2 because now it’s not just the isolated war machine childhood + the Hojo horrors fucking him up, but we got everything that happened in Rhadore too.
I mean yeah, no WONDER this kid is closed off and falling into the Alissa/Jenova/Masamune trap or whatever. I bet he’s gonna have a mini Nibelheim or some kind of breakdown, and my hopes are in Angeal’s intervention. If anyone can get through to Sephiroth, it’s him.
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ancientblxde · 4 months ago
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Ooc: -casually slides in for a very brief update-
Masa is getting his origin story in ever crisis and man, I'm a happy camper! Granted I haven't read the entire thing yet but phew boy, if I ever did RP on here again, he'll need a major overhaul lol
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aromantic-and-aromatic · 6 months ago
Sephiroth never had control, actually. If he wasn't doing Shinra's bidding he was doing jenova's. He can pretend to be free all he wants, but he was never able to make his own choices, and he still doesn't know how.
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seeminglyseph · 7 months ago
Cherry Magic is actually like. the best magical realism hits workplace comedy BL. the premise is absurd and it fully leans into it. the concept of like. most of the cast is 30, or early to mid twenties and the like one 30 year old who's caught the feels for a 20 something is like 'I want to die, I have no idea what to do with my life. am I a perverted old man? Should I peel my skin off and boil myself in oil?" and while he's like. going through internal conflict and my initial impression of him was that he was a dick, he's just like. Actually giving decent life advice and trying to be chill and do the right thing.
meanwhile the main couple are like. the normal amount of shy and horny for an adult couple who either have a) never experienced mutual attraction in his entire life until this point and get easily overwhelmed at the very concept of someone being attracted to him period let alone the whole concept of ravenous sexual appetite, and b) someone who has had a deep, deep infatuation for an extended period of time and had time to just nurture that crush and also repress that crush and *then* had that crush encouraged and the flames blown on and built up by a sudden interest by the target of his affection until there was reciprocation. Kurosawa is the funniest fucking character in this entire fucking series he is fucking. dialed up to 11 all the time and it's the repression and it's hilarious. He represses so much so the fact that his boyfriend reads minds is absolutely fucking hilarious and the fact that his reaction to finding out is "Oh. So I can say as much fluffy romantic bullshit to you in public and absolutely no one but you will hear me except you? I can save face and still say exactly what's on my mind at the same time? I am abusing the shit out of that to shower you in affection without breaking any PDA taboos immediately. Telepathic PDA is the greatest trick ever granted to me by any god"
I mean, he also like. has gotten caught up in the euphoria of dating Adachi he's forgotten he lives in a world where Adachi's lack of self worth exists.
Or like. Puts so much value on Adachi he doesn't realize why Adachi wouldn't value himself. which feels like a plotline created specifically to come for my throat, but like. people with this mindset like "I value you so much, it hurts me to see you undervalue yourself" gotta like. realize and understand that people don't just like. Put a low value on themselves because they're like. making you feel bad. it's usually because they have been made to feel of a low value by other people, probably for an extended period of time. like. it can be hard to deal with, I get that. And sure, it's not your responsibility to fix people. But like. Being mad a person hasn't fixed their issues to your preferred timeline can be a little to heavy a demand.
I do expect they'll dramatically talk it out and then be gay about it, though. this anime is hilarious. Also it looks like we're about to pair the spare with ex-dancer younger coworker and slicked back blonde guy I have seen in the background of some shots and don't remember the personality of. I fully don't know why I think this but they are the most well drawn male characters in their office building so far and so I assume they will somehow pair up. This is a BL after all and eventually there will be a little fleet of gay ships with their weird fujoshi coworker casually watching in the background.
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huntershowl-moving · 8 months ago
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i think the reason i don't like doing pre-established ships (it's gotta happen naturally, either in threads or in the pursuit of plotting something not explicitly romantic) is that seph is so fucking stubborn. she HATES being told what to do (haha unless—) so it has to be Her Muse's Decision and Not Mine.
same thing with ships that they're not feelin anymore — sometimes it happens, usually in low-conflict / low-aggression ships. they're so fucked up your honor. i know it's my fault but they're SO fucked up
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