#and that they travel via bodily fluids
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lemememeringue · 20 days ago
upsetting! local mom remembers weird belief she had ten years ago and Stands By It!
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ozzgin · 7 months ago
Some more dick-related brain rot…😘
We take the self serve dick bar and use monsters for the monster hotel. We are going to have that full “continental breakfast.” So we have a forest entity cumming maple syrup, a Minotaur cumming milk/creme, a yeti who cums slushies, a slime who cums various jams depending on whatever fruit we feed it, and any more monsters who we can utilize ☺️
When you were talking about your rats, it made me think of some rat-hybrid monster where reader can steer him via. his dick, like a reverse Ratatouille scenario 🐀
Having a robot/android partner, I could use his dick as a literal joy stick when playing video games. Also, if I have to charge robot/android, do you think his dick acts like a giant extension cord I could just plug into the outlet in the wall? Also does that mean he technically “eats” with his dick? I assume when traveling with him internationally, I gotta get a lot of compatible adapters so he can get plugged in successfully���️
A Hydra monster would be kinda funny to have sex with, cause maybe if you cut its “head” down south, two more will grow back 🤔
I think that’s all for now. Tell your man that he is very much appreciated, and it’s nice he’s in this club of debauchery 😉
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This amount of thirst and depravity is exactly what the monster guests would come up with just to have Reader employee touch them. 😭 Content: gender neutral reader, rancid NSFW!!! (more white sauce I’m afraid), monster smut
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The latest fad your centaur manager has been into is food cooked with bodily fluids. This has had several implications, all of them regrettably involving you.
While the idea has been gripping at his mind like a great plague, he can't possibly ask you to just...let go over his breakfast toast. He can already see how exhausted you return after being used by the starved guests. They stuff you just enough for you to wonder if you'll survive it, then make sure to clean up their mess, politely aiding your speedy recovery, almost as if they weren't the cause of destruction to begin with. The manager has heard it one too many times that your nether regions are numb from all the monstrous tongues and appendages.
Maybe a change of scenery will help.
"Kitchen staff? I thought I'm supposed to clean the rooms", you inquire, somewhat confused by the sudden proposal.
"It's not quite...kitchen duties, per se. We need someone to help with the hotel's breakfast. We have a new experimental menu, though not enough...hands."
You should've expected it. How bad could it possibly be, you told yourself, pouring some orange juice for the seated guests? You had your first suspicions from the big, flashy sign now propped outside the room: service provided by our esteemed and loved human employee. You didn't need to ponder much on its meaning. Once inside, your task became painfully clear. You were to milk the guests for the required ingredients.
Having their way with you is a treat in itself, but seeing you struggle with your small, human hands, trying to figure them out? Priceless. Well, for them, anyways. Despite your protests, you have left your morning shifts with a ridiculous number of tips. Maybe it's the way you look up through your lashes as you explain: "Of course I know your weak spot. You're one of my- our regulars." Or maybe it's the way you tease your favorites, wondering out loud, with a grin, if you should have some of the generous release for your own lunch later.
Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. The centaur head manager recently made the sheepish suggestion of having you at the receiving end of this new service, trying his best to sound convincing, and hiding the fact it’s been his most ardent wish for the past couple of weeks. Maybe he will get his breakfast topping, after all.
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[Monster Hotel] | [More Monsters]
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smoked-salmon-official · 25 days ago
A UPDATED Comprehensive Guide to Everything Transformers
I previously wrote this a while back and now have a lot i would like to add.
As a newcomer to the fandom, I found many fandom knowledge and terms to be quite confusing and at times contradictory, so I decided to make a guide to essentially everything TF related, meta and in-universe. I will try my best to get the basics of “everything” but this is a fandom that spans dozens of pieces of media and four decades, longer than I’ve been alive. I will probably miss a fair bit and might get some things wrong, so feel free to reblog with relevant editions.
This is intended to be a basic guide, so only the most bare bones of info will be provided. Meant to be a reference, not the sole point of understanding.
First, the in-universe stuff. I will simply provide a list of terms and definitions I find to be useful. Keep in mind that the majority of this, or all of it, in some sections, are just fan made terms that have little to no canonical merit. They are fun to use, but don’t feel pressured to do so.
Note that I won’t cover the NSFW stuff as I don’t read or write it. With that said I would first like to get out of the way the CANONICAL Cybertronian biology.
Cybertronians reproduce asexually, via the Allspark. This is why both factions try so hard to recover it in many continuities. Because of this, they are all biologically the same, but present their gender in different ways. Some are male and others are female and in Earthsprk recently we finally got our first canon non binary TF character.
This is not to say you can’t write the robots doing it, but do note that in canon they do not.
BODY PARTS (the majority of this is fandom head canon):
Helm - head
Pede - feet
Optics - eyes
Chassis - chest (chest plates refer to the actual armor on top of it)
Servo - hand
Energon line/fuel line - vein
Spark - This one is difficult, because it’s their literal physical heart and their metaphorical soul. For the sake of physical terms though it’s a heart.
Spark chamber - The chamber within the chest where the spark is kept safe.
Audials - Ears
Vocalizer - voice box
Frame - body in general
Processor - Brain/mind
Dentae - teeth
Glossa - tongue
Energon (in terms of the body) - blood
Lubricant/coolant/trans fluid - non-blood bodily fluids
HUD - An internal screen where files are stored that can also display warnings like low fuel
Fuel tank - Digestive system/stomach
Intake - mouth
Vocalizer - voicebox
Battle mask - a protective piece of plating that goes over the face in battle. Think Optimus's
Anything with “plates” in it (I.e wrist plate or back plate) - the armor over a certain area
Armor/plating - the tough outer shell of a Cybertronian, made of metal. The part we see
Protoform - the definition of this varies wildly from continuity to continuity but I consider it to be the softer more fragile part of a Cybertronian under their armor
Transformation cog/t-cog - the organ that allows Cybertronians to transform, including their integrated tools and weaponry. Can be disabled or removed
Recharge - sleep
Stasis - a more long term state of rest, akin to hibernation or a coma. Can be induced medically in states of emergency or for long distance travel
Alt mode/vehicle mode - What a Cybertronian turns into. Usually a vehicle but can also be something else.
Minicon - A very small Cybertronian. May deploy off of a bigger one, such as Soundwave and his cassettes
Flight frame - the body of a Cybertronian who turns into something that flies
Seeker - a very particular type of flight frame that turns into a jet. Usually generalized as “any flight frame that looks like Starscream”
Grounder - usually an insulting term used by flight frames to describe ground based vehicle modes
Combiner/gestalt - Multiple Cybertronians who transform and combine to form a very big one
Titans/cityformers - very large Cybertronians who turn into something masisve
Sparkling - a very young Cybertronian
Modesty panel/interface panel - the panel between the legs
For anything I missed, check here for a more detailed and comprehensive guide.
There is also a whole other list of NSFW terms that I won't get into - however you are welcome to reblog w/additions.
Cybertron: The home world of all Cybertronians. However, Cybertronians also inhabit other planets like Velocitron, or, during the war, Earth
Primus: Not only is he the Cybertronian equivalent of a creator god, but he is quite literally Cybertron (that is his alt mode). The embodiment of good. Produces normal energon.
Unicron: The embodiment of evil. Sometimes he transforms into Earth itself. Sometimes a planet eating monster. Produces dark energon. Sometimes Primus’s brother
Energon: The fuel source all Cybertronians require to survive. In its raw form it is a blue crystal that can be processed into liquid cubes (in some continuities it may be other colors). Cybertron is rich with it and it also powers most Cybertronian technology, such as ground bridges and ships. It can also be found naturally in other planets like Earth.
Synthetic energon: Artificially created energon
Dark energon: A purple form of energon from Unicron. Had the power to corrupt and tie those who consume it to Unicron himself
Datapad: a computer or tablet.
Berth/recharge slab: Bed
Berthroom/habsuite: Bedroom
Brig: Prison/holding cells, usually on a ship
Stasis pod: An escape pod or other small ship component meant to induce stasis artificially for long distance or long term travel
Stasis cuffs: Cuffs that restrict movement and the ability to transform or used integrated weaponry
Mechanimals/mechafauna: Cybertron’s native wild life that is also made of metal and has some transforming abilities
Allspark: What creates new Cybertronians and where all Cybertronian sparks and souls go when they die. Sometimes a physical object.
Vector Sigma: A super computer at Cybertron’s core that has immmense capabilities
Prime: a position of extreme power and leadership chosen and bestowed by the Matrix of Leadership toward those it deems worthy
Matrix of Leadership: Resides in the chest of the current Prime. Chooses those it deems worthy. Can be passed on. It’s power can be of great use, such as to aide in combatting Unicron
Functionism: the belief that one’s alt mode at birth determines their worth and their place in society. Led to the creation of the Decepticon movement in some continuities
Senate: Cybertron’s pre-war government that was extremely corrupt
Iacon: The former capital and seat of the Senate. Sometimes the Autobot base of operations. Optimus is from here
Kaon: a more rough and rugged city where the Decepticon movement began. Megatron is from here
Pits of Kaon: Megatron likes to reference this a lot. Essentially the gladiatorial arenas
Sea of Rust: a very dangerous sector of wilderness on Cybertron
The Ark: primary autobot ship
The Nemesis: primary Decepticon ship
An addition to the definition for kibble: No one fucking knows. Probably armor?
Another note about kibble is that it usually describes physical qualities in toys, but can also be used to describe parts on the character themself.
Mech/femme: Used to describe male and female robots respectively, but mech can also be used as more of a gender neutral term. Mech specifically can also be used in slang as a substitute for words like “dude.”
Time: Cybertronian time is complicated and it’s worsened by the fact that every continuity seems to have a different way to tell time. Fans will use versions that they like or make up their own. With any luck, there should be a conversion chart in the notes. Here are the most common and essential ones:
Nano-klik: second
Klik: minute
Breem: 8.3 minutes
Joor: hour
Cycle: day
Vorn: 83 years
I am almost certainly forgetting a ton so please reblog with your additions!
Second, the meta stuff. AKA how the fuck am I supposed to get into the media itself? First of all, it’s important to establish that there’s no wrong way to enjoy Transformers. Some people only watch one or two shows, or just the movies, or just the comics, or just like the toys themselves. It’s such a diverse and large fandom and there’s no way to do it wrong.
A short detour to explain Hasbro and Takara, which are two companies you'll hear thrown around a lot, especially in the toy section of the fandom. Hasbro is the company that owns Transformers and does most of the marketing and makes the toys, shows, movies, etc (while of course working with outside studios). They're quite a big company that owns a number of other properties too.
TakaraTomy is a Japanese company that Hasbro has been business partners with for as long as TF has been a thing. They do a lot of designing and manufacturing work alongside Hasbro, along with releasing their own Masterpiece toyline and exclusives. That's why their company name is on the box the same as Hasbro's logo.
I can’t possibly list every piece of TF media but here I will put a few that are often discussed within the fandom and have high degrees of popularity. Most of the shows are now free on YouTube on the official Transformers channel. By no means do you have to watch ALL of these, but I will put asterisks on the ones I feel are relevant or the fandom seems to like the most.
The IDW comics are typically what people
The comics are very long and complicated and span over a decade. IDW lost their license recently so ever since then the comics have been (long) out of print. There isn’t really a place to easily and legitimately buy them.
If you want, you could try to hunt down the collections - IDW has made a few big collections of the different phases of their comic run, although not too well - on the “aftermarket” (re-sellers on places like EBay and Amazon). However, these go for hundreds of dollars each. You could also try to hunt them down issue by issue online, which is slightly easier but also tedious and most likely just as expensive. Lastly, as far as physical copies go, you could check local libraries and comic stores, although I’m unsure if the luck you’ll find there.
If you want all of the comics, online, for free, you have to do it illegally. I recommend this site - batcave.biz. Type in the name of the comic and it should pop up. I recommend switching in the settings the reading mode to web so you can scroll instead of flipping page by page. readallcomics.com, what I used to use, has been down for several days (2/17/25 time of writing) but if it ever comes back, it is great too.
Laptop might be the best reading experience since you’ll probably have to zoom in.
A reading order is necessary to follow given how long and sprawling this series was. There are about three distinct Phases. Phase two with Robots in Disguise and More Than Meets The Eye is considered the best, and MTMTE is considered some of the best Transformers writing out there, so some people jump directly to this one. I’m not an expert in the comics at all, so below I’ll link a reading order and a better guide:
And another reading order that’s roughly the same:
IDW had a brief generation 2 run from I believe 2019, but most people don’t read this. Also worth noting that IDW had a number of crossovers with other medias, but these are not at all necessary reading but don’t enjoy them.
Dreamwave and Marvel might be worth checking out too, but I’m to familiar with those, so if anyone else would like to add on about them, it would be very welcome.
Skybound is the currently running comics issue, and I believe it’s fairly cheap to buy physically or online. No reading order necessary, just go from Issue 1 to the current ones
Happy reading:)
There are much more than are listed, but here are some notable ones. People like or dislike for different reasons, so this meant to be a starting point for new fans to decide what to watch.
*Transformers: Prime
*Unicron Trilogy (three shows with one season each meant to be watched back to back as one interconnected story)
*Transformers: Animated
*Beast Wars and its sequel, Beast Machines
*The Transformers (now commonly referred to as Generation One, or G1) - the first ever TF series
Transformers: Cyberverse
*Transformers: Earthspark - the only currently running transformers show
Robots in Disguise (2001)
Robots in Disguise (2015) - there are two shows with the same name so the year they began is used to distinguish. The majority of the fandom seems to dislike RID15
Here is a wikipedia link to every animated TF show
There are two main TF video games - War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. I don't know too overly much about them but they are discontinued and no longer sold, so you have to find them used or pirate. They are available on playstation, xbox, and PC.
If you are interested in seeing what the games are about but not playing them or going through the piracy to obtain them, here is a movie style video with all key moments for WFC and one for FOC.
There are other games as well but I don't know nearly enough to talk about them.
The Michael Bay movies are somewhat controversial in the fandom, seeing as some characterization and design was not faithful, and the movies are generally not very strong plot wise anyways. That’s just brushing the surface, but I won’t get into that.
The Michael Bay directed live actions movies are (in chronological order): Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen, Dark of the Moon, Age of Extinction, and The Last Knight. The first three are generally considered the best of the bunch but in my opinion they are all worth a watch. A fair note, they tend to be a bit crude and sexual at times are not not considered 100% faithful to the source material, but the CGI is excellent and there are definitely fun characters and moments.
The reboot live action movies, intended as prequels to the Bay movies, but also seemingly occupying their own universe are: Bumblebee, Rise of the Beasts. Bumblebee is a solo movie following, you guessed it, Bumblebee, while ROTB is a more classic ensemble movie.
Transformers One: An animated prequel released this year that occupies its own universe.
Predacons Rising: It’s up to you if you actually consider this a movie, but it’s meant as a direct conclusion to TFP, and should be watched after its third season. Budget cuts meant that TFP’s third season was not done as well as it could have been and this provides a good conclusion.
Transformers (1986): Meant to be watched as part of G1, between seasons 2 and 3
At the time of writing, Hasbro has killed funding to the movies and a lack of interest in TF movies means that sequels to any of these are highly unlikely.
Transformers began as toys, and it remains a center of the franchise. Some people like to collect the toys too, but as it stands many are very, very expensive.
There are two main lines aimed at adult collectors:
Generations: A toy line starting in 2018 that amassed figures of forty years of TF history from all different shows and continuities. These are for show and comic characters.
Note: Generations is never really labelled as Generations on the toy boxes. There are various lines of toys that are released over the course of a few years. The latest one, Legacy United, just wrapped up at the time of writing (early 2025) and Age of the Primes will begin soon in April.
Studio Series: A toy line that features movie characters, as seen in the movie. This includes the Bay Movies, the reboot movies, the 86 movie, and TF One. It will also include any further future movies.
There are also toys that are sold as not part of either of these lines, usually to promote whatever film or show is in progress or upcoming. These tend to be inferior quality wise and aimed at little kids.
Generations follows a rough layout for price and size, which is usually stated prominently in the package. Over time, the prices of all of these will go up so I will instead state the size, although this can be somewhat inconsistent as well. Studio Series has no size classings as far as I am aware.
Core class: Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
Deluxe class: 5-6 inches.
Voyager class (most collectors aim for figures in this range): 6-8 inches.
Leader/commander class (only some characters will have those): 9-10 inches I believe though I could be wrong.
Titan class (reserved for massive characters like Metroplex): very, very large, as in will not fit on your display shelf.
Very useful for knowing what a figure is before you buy it, especially because some of these are very expensive. Usually they will tell you the articulation, general quality, posability, transformation, vehicle mode, and robot mode, along with some other things you might want to kow. These are some I personally watch, there are definitely other ones out there you should support!
Note: Some of them do review stuff other than Transformers.
That Toy Guy
Dr Lockdown
Patriot Prime Reviews
If you have trouble transforming anything, you can also always go in youtube and type in the figure name and then transformation. There will almost always be step by step instructions in a video - if not, find a review and there will almost always also be transformation there.
-Articulation: How well a figure can move and pose. Articulation points are the joints at which things can be moved and adjusted.
Mold: The basic body type and structure that will often be reused on multiple characters. For example, the Tetrajet Seeker mold.
Gimmick: A small, fun addition to the figure that might range from fun to annoying depending on what it is. Usually, “gimmicky” is a bad term
Kibble: Robot parts that stick out in vehicle mode or vehicle parts that stick out in robot mode (usually the latter). These can add personality to the appearance of character and sometimes be quintessential to who they are, but in cases of bad engineering, will just be ugly and annoying.
Mainline: A toy that comes directly from Hasbro, as part of the Generations or Studio Series toy line.
Third party: A figure made by a company other than Hasbro, usually to improve upon an existing figure or character, to make a figure for a character who doesn’t yet have one or doesn’t yet have a good one for one iteration of them or in general, or just to do it better than Hasbro did. Companies officially licensed by Hasbro to create products, such as Blokess, are usually not considered third party.
KO/Knock-off: While third party figures are unique in design, KOs are illicit copies and reproductions of existing mainline figures. They may do it better or worse than Hasbro themself, and their selling point is usually a lower price.
Note: Some KOs and third parties are in fact much better than mainlines, or just more affordable in general. Many collectors buy a mix of third party, KO, and mainline.
Upgrade kit: A set of pieces, such as additional weaponry meant to elevate a figure beyond its original design and accessories.
Accessories: What the figure comes with in the box. This mostly constitutes weapons.
Re-issue: Figures that Hasbro re-releases and makes more of after demand has overcome supply following the toys original run.
Scalpers: People who buy the figure at its cheapest and sell it for horrifically high prices once supply has run out. Model/model kit: A gundam or bionicle style kit that you must put together yourself. Blondes and yolopark notably make these. Most are non-transforming.
Non-transforming: Exactly what it sounds like. Transtormers toys that don’t transform. Often, they are third party and make up for it with more show/movie accuracy or some kind of upgrade, such as more articulation.
Custom/custom figure: A figure that has been modified in some way to better suit the preferences of the person who customized it or paid for it to be customized. This can range from a simple repaint of an existing figure to creating your own figure that no one’s made before.
HasLab: Hasbro creates exclusive projects once a year for several of their major properties, including Transformers. These are available only on their website, and have to reach a certain backing goal (people who commit to buying it) before it reaches production. It's then in production for about a year before being shipped out ONLY to those who backed it. Prices are usually $200 and above.
Masterpiece: Takara Tomy's line of Transformers G1 style figures, but adapted and updated with modern engineering. They tend to be quite expensive, but also of pretty much some of the highest quality you can get.
I don't know the exact word for this but some toys are Studio Series or Generations and others are not of either series and produced for the latest show or movie. These are usually oriented at kids and generally of not very good quality, or tend to be super gimmicky. Some of them can be quite fun, but in general, if you're looking to collect, go for Generations or SS.
Some general collecting tips:
-Figure out what exactly you want to collect. Some people like to complete casts, or only collect a certain character, or something like that.
-Amazon often sells both mainline and third party/KOs
-Watch reviews of any figure you plan to buy, especially if it’s expensive
-Ebay often has the same figures at half the price, just slightly more used
-KOs can look extremely similar to the real thing. Some people don't mind KOs, but if you want only official figures, look for amazon listings that show them in the official box, with the official box art. KOs also notably do not have any faction insignia. This is easy to tell on Amazon but on places like Ebay, it can be a lot harder.
-Check the distribution at your local department stores. In the US these include Target and Walmart. While the selection is usually a bit pathetic, you might strike gold sometime.
Amazing link of all canon Cybertron locations
TF wiki
Awesome channel that does short introductions to various characters and concepts in transformers
Hasbro transformers link
transformers subreddit
if you lose your instructions, you can always type in the toy name here and find a pdf of instructions
Essentially every toyline, show, movie, and comic series released
Shattered Glass is an AU where the Autobots are the bad guys and the Decepticons are the good guys and everyone has different colors. It has a few comics from a few different companies along with a toyline.
Transformers has a very big fandom! I find it quite active on Tumblr. I've heard there's also communities on Bluesky, Twitter, Reddit - basically everywhere else. You just have to find it.
Why are TF posts everywhere tagged with #maccadam or some version of that?
Maccadam's Old Oil House, or some variation of that, is an oil house (basicaly a Cybertronian equivalent of a bar) that was super popular on Cybertron even during the war that served everyone regardless of faction with one major rule - "no fighting." It's been in several continuities and somewhere along the line, it evolved into a general tag for transformers. Basically, people tag TF stuff with this. You probably should do.
I don't know that many ongoing fan projects but with some exploring and diving into the fandom you'll def find some you'll want to support. A lot of people also do very cool stop motion animations with TF figures, most of which are on youtube.
Note: You may see a project/fan film called Galvatron's Revenge on youtube or it being talked about elsewhere. Please don't support or watch this now complete project - Optimus's VA is racist and homophobic and generally a terrible person. More info here
The fandom is generally pretty chill. Find your own corner and spaces, there's something here for everyone.
Thank you for reading!
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creatures-of-the-basement · 11 months ago
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Ah, the Gaper. One of the simplest inhabitants of the Basement, appearing all across every one of its floors.
This creature is one of many "Isaac mimics"- creatures similar in appearance to Isaac that are commonplace throughout the Basement. These Isaac mimics most likely all originate from one common ancestor- Fishaacs being the most likely suspect- and Gapers are the most prevalent of them due to their simplicity and adaptability.
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Gapers are omnivorous by nature. As a matter of fact, one of their defining features is their ability to eat nearly anything they're capable of putting in their mouth and chewing without breaking their jaws. They're able to eat not only plants, animals, and fungus, but also waste matter (most notably poop, which is a favored food of theirs) and even some minerals. They will also resort to cannibalism surprisingly quickly, even favoring it over several other food sources.
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Additionally, Gapers tend to live in loose packs, roaming around within the same general area and only hunting with other members of their group. The hunting strategy employed by Gapers is a simple one- they walk toward their intended prey in a straight line, only altering their course to avoid obstacles. In this way, large numbers of them are able to overwhelm and devour many creatures they would otherwise be incapable of killing.
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When a Gaper's head is cut off of its body, it doesn't die immediately- much like a chicken. Instead, its body stays alive via muscle memory, stumbling blindly around as a Pacer.
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Gapers begin life as much smaller creatures known as Morsels. Morsels are for the most part similar to their adult counterparts, but unlike them, they cluster together in much tighter-knit groups, travelling only together with their littermates until they grow from baby Morsels into full-sized Gapers.
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After spending some time as Gapers, some members of the species undergo the transformation into a special stage of development, known as a Mr. Horf. A Mr. Horf collects the genetic material of other Gapers by ingesting their bodily fluids- most commonly blood- and uses this genetic material to fertilize and begin the development of new Morsel embryos within its head. During this fertilization period, the Mr. Horf will favor poop as a food source even more than usual.
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After around four weeks, when the embryo are only a few days away from fully developing into Morsels, the Mr. Horf will tear its head off of its body- a process aided by the degeneration of the neck tissues, which begins around the same time as fertilization and development- and toss it. The body, as with any other Gaper that loses its head, will continue on for some time as a Pacer, while the head will balloon itself with gases from poop it has consumed and stored over the past four weeks, allowing it to float in the air (this wouldn't normally work, but the Basement's atmosphere possesses strange properties that make being perpetually airborne a much easier process).
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These heads, now called Horfs, will simply hover in place for the next few days, spitting excess blood at any potential dangers to themselves, until the Morsels hatch from them, at which point they will fall to the ground and die. Newborn Morsels will often eat the corpse of the Horf that birthed them as their first meal.
There are many subspecies of Gaper, but for now, I'll leave off with that.
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tsuki-in-faerun · 8 months ago
(idk if i'm gonna link to ao3 anymore)
fairly sfw. inspired by 'reader who loves to cook' headcanons written by @avocado-writing. gnc tav, tav is not physically described. astarion/tav, w/mentions of astarion/tav/karlach.
trigger warning for descriptions of food and talk about deprivation.
You and Astarion have settled down under a pocket quilt you pieced together from the most intact bits of cloth you’ve found along your travels. It’s stuffed with cattail fluff, what you glean from Scratch and the owlbear shedding, fur and down from various game. He hunted supper tonight. Cleared a warren of rabbits and donated their carcasses to the stewpot. His belly is actually sloshing a bit as he settles in next to you.
Astarion had physically kept his distance somewhat while he tried to figure out how to fit himself into your partnership with Karlach. She was still untouchable and you occupied your bedroll alone, but the companionship and intimacy you shared was palpable to everyone in camp. Beyond the initial discussion between the three of you, Astarion had not responded much to questions about his feelings nor showed you much affection. He still preferred to feed while you were resting and he still preferred a sardonic tone when addressing you.
But he had started bringing meat from his hunts back to camp. Healthy game worth eating was much more scarce in the Shadowlands and his ability to wander while your living companions were busy taking care of other needs meant that his contributions to your larder became that much more important. Once or twice, you felt his eyes on you as you ate the evening meal. You would smile at him in gratitude and toast him with whatever was in your dish. When Astarion came walking up to the makeshift kitchen table bearing his brace of rabbits, you whistled.
“Ooooh, you do know how to spoil a body,” you said playfully. “I hope the flavor doesn’t get too repetitive. I’ll probably taste of rabbit stew later. Gale, will you please wash these greens while I dress the meat?”
“Yes, saer,” Gale called from his little station. “Just let me finish pulverizing the spices. It’s actually quite good for exorcizing frustrations.”
“Pent up are we?” Astarion teased.
“Exceedingly.” Gale answered without hesitation. “I’m holding a number of things very closely to my chest. Keeping a tight rein on every single vagary of emotion or desire lest I literally explode has not been an easy habit to drop now the orb is contained.”
You squeezed his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. “Best get it all out then. We’ll benefit from a happier Gale and a more flavorful stew.”
His eyes softened as he returned your smile with one of his own.
You had set up the rabbits on a branch nearby and started skinning the first one.
“Astarion,” you asked, “can you actually taste what I’ve eaten when you feed from me?”
He laughed a little. “You do taste different now that we’ve built a stock of better quality provisions, but I don’t believe I’ve noticed much variation from night to night, darling. It’s more like tasting the essence of a person, I believe.”
You finished cleaning the guts out of the first rabbit and looked at him curiously. “Fascinating. In species who nurse their young, the babies will often react when their parents eat strong flavors. There’s a healer’s theory that all bodily fluids are made from the blood, so I wondered if the flavors in food were passed on via that route. You’re probably one of the few creatures I could ask to see if there’s a correlation.”
Gale visibly perked up. “Oh ho ho! This companionship certainly does present us with some exhilarating research opportunities, I must say!”
Astarion scowled. “Must you? It takes some of the fun out of the blood lust when I know I’m under observation. Just listen when it comes up as part of my sparkling conversation.”
“You made a verse, beloved.” You chuckled. He turned to see you making quick work of the game and the scowl fell from his features.
“I did, at that,” he purred. “My, you are handy with that knife.”
Your eyebrows shot up. You became aware of the cooling blood on your hands and wrists. Astarion looked you up and down and flashed you a grin with his fangs out.
Gale heaved a sigh and went back to crushing spices with a renewed vigor.
“I have to get these rabbits ready to roast and then salt the pelts.” You said with a silly smile on your face. “After that I have a free hour.”
Almost more quickly than you could follow, Astarion moved into your personal space as close as he could without actually pressing his body against yours. He picked up one of your bloody hands and kissed your fingers, eyelids drooping as he inhaled deeply.
“Mmm. I shall be by the fire warming up.” He said quietly. “You can ask me any number of questions in private, if you can stay focused on the topic.”
He snaked his tongue into the crease between your fingers and lapped at the blood there. You felt the heat rising in your chest and cheeks, and let your eyes drift closed for a moment, savoring.
“Questions about what?” You asked, voice husky.
“That’s the spirit, darling.”
“Are you still hungry for my blood after draining all those rabbits?” You ask Astarion once you’re squirreled away under your quilt together.
“I’m always hungry,” Astarion murmurs against your neck, lips brushing your skin just enough to cause you to shiver.
“Truly?” You say as you pull away from his grasp. “Even away from the Loveless One’s thrall, you haven’t been able to drink your fill?”
He sighs, reaching for your waist to draw you to him again. “I don’t know exactly how it works. You’re wasting your hour.” A wafting scent drifts up to his nose and he pauses. “Darling, why have you got a handful of herbs?”
You blush. Your free hand plays with the collar of his shirt. “I - well. It seems a little absurd now, but I was wondering if there might be a way to share with you how our supper tastes. If you were up for a little experimentation. But perhaps I should concern myself more with making sure you get enough to eat in the first place?”
Astarion wears a look of detached amusement. “We have got Withers at our disposal if you’d like me to drain you dry. However, I’d rather not have the entire camp at my throat for doing so. Especially Karlach. What kind of absurd experimentation did you have in mind?” A wicked grin spreads across his face. “Does it end with you flooding my mouth, gorgeous?”
You bite your lip a little. “You are marvelously skilled at distracting me, beloved. If you’d rather I stop poking at something painful, I can respect that. Can you forgive me my concern? I do care about you.”
He rolls his eyes and sighs loudly this time, flopping onto his back. “I - that’s not something to apologize for. Why do you have to be so… nice? It makes me want to be nice back. I do not appreciate it.” He groans like someone long-suffering. “What do you want to do with your little leaves, hmm?”
His gaze softens when your face lights up. “Are you sure?” You ask. He nods. “Thank you for indulging me, love.”
He shakes his head, seemingly at himself. “I have a feeling this won’t be the last time.”
“Perhaps,” you smile. “However, I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities for me to reciprocate.”
“Technically, you’ve been indulging me since that first night you let me bite you,” he drawls. “But don’t expect me to bring it up much.”
Your smile drops and you take one of his hands. “Astarion, your well-being is not an indulgence. No matter what yours and my relationship is, you deserve to be fed and happy.”
His face is hard to read. You stroke his hand with your thumb and wait. “I know you believe that, darling.” He says after a spell. “Come on, Subject A is ready to be briefed on your hypothesis.”
You laugh and show him your handful of herbs. “Well! So much of how the living perceive taste is in the aroma of the foods we eat, I was thinking that perhaps we might be able to approximate the experience of eating supper with the group if I scented my skin with the herbs we use for the meal.”
He stares at you. “You want to rub leaves on your neck before I bite it?”
You squint and purse your lips. “Kiiiind of.” You sit up and spread the herbs out on the quilt. “There are different substances which carry scent in different plants so I think we will have the greatest chance of success if we try a few different methods and locations on my body. This rosemary is resinous and could be rubbed directly on my skin to impart its aroma.” You pick up a small section of lemon peel. “The aroma of citrus is carried in its oils, so I could just twist this over my skin to scent it.” Next you point to a parsley leaf. “Now the smell of something like parsley is aqueous, so I’d probably have to crush it and express the juices onto my skin for you to get a good whiff. What do you think?”
Astarion looks mildly impressed. “I think you’ve been very thorough. You want me to bite you three times tonight?”
You shrug. “Well, I’m not relishing the prospect of so many puncture wounds but I can heal them once I get some supper in my belly.”
He tugs you back down to lie next to him. “Then I’m game if you are, sweetheart.”
You blush again, a little flustered. “Sweetheart?”
“Why not? It fits.”
“I thought you preferred more savory offerings.”
“I’m developing a taste for you, whatever my preferences were before.” He leans in for a kiss. The first real affection you have shared together, not simply the promise of sex or food. Just a brief press of his lips, lingering slightly before he pulls away again.
“Oh!” You sigh, bringing your fingers to touch your mouth in an unconscious gesture. You look deeply into his eyes but are unable to discern the emotions there.
“Come on, stay focused, darling,” Astarion teases. “Where am I biting you first?”
You blink and try to clear your head. “Ummmm, the - the results might be more clear if we pick spots that are a bit farther away from each other. Let’s try the rosemary on one side of my neck, then the parsley on the other. How about my wrist for the citrus peel?”
“Sounds eminently reasonable,” he says smoothly. “How unfortunate. I must lavish some more of my seductive skills on you once I’m buried in your flesh.”
You can feel your eyes turn as big as saucers. He laughs, low and throaty. “You know, I thought you were oblivious to my charms when you fell so quickly for Karlach. Perhaps I was just taking the wrong tactic.”
That brings you back to yourself a little. “You asked once me if I wanted to lose myself in you when I wanted to be present with you. It just didn’t feel like we were on the same page.”
“Hm.” He raises one eyebrow, lifts his chin. “And you feel like we’re on common ground now?”
You reach over and tuck a curl behind his ear. Smile softly. “We’re getting somewhere. I’m not foolish enough to believe there’s an easy way into your heart, if that’s even what you want. But I will do my best to honor how far we’ve come, no matter where we end up.”
A beat.
Astarion’s eyes go to your mouth before he kisses you. Talk about presence. He had sat by the fire so his lips would be warm for you. You sigh with happiness and enfold him in your arms, sharing your body heat freely.
“Mmmmmm,” He moans. “I like this flavor.”
When you gasp, he steals your breath with another kiss. And another. His lips part against yours and without thinking, you open to him. He grabs the back of your thigh as leverage to pull you against his body and he hasn’t stopped kissing you. You have to push on him a bit, tap his shoulder so you can come up for air.
You lie panting open-mouthed. Smiling. You let your hands play with his collar again and say, “We have time for my experiment before I have to get back to supper.”
His whole face crinkles up when he laughs, head thrown back. “Wha..? HA! Oh, I suppose I do think such curiosity should be rewarded. Alright, darling. Where do you want to start?”
You have to feel around blind for the herbs on top of your quilt, giggling breathlessly while Astarion indulges his oral fixation all over your throat. When you finally grab the plants, you wave them in front of his face, triumphant.
“Ahahaha!” You crow. “I will not be denied!”
“Neither will I,” He rasps, choosing to spend this remaining time kissing you senseless.
Once again, it’s only when you start to feel a greater desire for air than for Astarion that he chooses to let you go.
“…perhaps…” you say between gulping breaths. “Perhaps if I put the herbs upon my lips?”
You’ve never seen him laugh this hard. A silly high-pitched giggle gives way to hearty belly laughs that have his whole body rocking. A watery red tear escapes the corner of one eye.
You can’t help but laugh, too. You both reach for each other in your mirth, sharing little touches and pressing your foreheads together.
“Oh! Hahahaha! Hooooo! Haahaha. Ohhhhhhhh. Oh, fuck me.” Astarion swears, beginning to wind down. When he can open his eyes again, he finds you looking into them. He appears merry, but then the briefest expression of pure panic twists his features. You reach for him again in concern and he deflects by clearing his throat, unable to meet your gaze.
“I do rely on your patience.” He says after a time, patting your thigh.
“That’s not exactly fair to me, beloved,” you tell him softly. “But I understand. Just… please don’t fake it. If you love me, don’t fake like you don’t. If you do not love me, don’t pretend like you do.”
He’s angry now. “You don’t know what you’re asking of me.”
You do your best not to match his tone, but you are heated when you tell him, “You’re right. I have no idea what it would take for you to get to that place of honesty. But I do know how I’m willing to be treated, Astarion. My love and support has never been contingent on a romantic relationship between us. You sought me out.”
He sputters indignantly as you get to your feet. “You might consider what has been asked of me along this journey, beloved,” You say fiercely as you brush yourself off. “And just how many others are relying on me to follow my best instincts. In fact, I shall leave you to it.”
You walk away and take a second at the edge of the circle of firelight to breathe deeply and regain your equilibrium. Your other companions are keeping themselves busy and take no notice of you as you begin to dig up the pits where the rabbits have been roasting among coals. Wyll and Gale come over to help when they do notice, scraping out the grains and pine nuts that had been stuffed in the carcasses and shredding the meat. Half the meat goes in the stewpot along with most of the bones and half goes in a bowl with greens and a wine-based dressing.
You give Scratch the rest of the roasted bones and the offal that didn’t go in the stew while Gale sets up the cup board. The owlbear cub gets a whole rabbit with the pelt on.
Arabella runs up to you after having spent the day learning about the Weave with Withers. A green glow is just now fading from her eyes as she chatters to you about her lessons and peppers you with questions about druidic magic. You tell her to call in the rest of the camp for the evening meal and she takes off running and shouting with Scratch bounding behind.
Karlach comes to chat with you while your company gathers around the ware board to serve themselves and you feel your heart ease just being near her. She, Lae’zel, and Arabella join you when you sit down to your meal. The owlbear cub curls up around your feet. You bask in the coziness afforded by this moment. You’ve just planted a kiss on top of Arabella’s head when you look up and see Astarion.
He’s frowning. Not at you, more in a general, arch sort of way that reminds you of his demeanor when you first met. You nod and he returns it, but he wanders over to Shadowheart and Halsin by the fire instead of coming to join you.
“What were you and Fangs laughing about earlier? It echoed around the whole camp.” Karlach inquires. “I didn’t know he was into… joy.”
You snort into your cup. Wiping a dribble from the corner of your mouth, you sigh, “Oh, I was just pestering him to let me try a cheeky experiment with some culinary herbs. He found the whole thing ridiculous and that was just more incentive for me to pursue it.”
She laughs, too. “You and Gale, man! You keep putting curiosity over common sense and I love it.”
You gasp in faux indignation. “Pardon me? Are you saying I have been… unwise???”
Karlach cracks up. Lae’zel instantly answers, “Yes,” without even looking up from her plate, which only makes Karlach laugh harder.
Arabella is trying to hide her giggles and you wiggle your fingers at her before you attack her ribs with tickles. “How’s this for unwise?” You shout. “I’m antagonizing a DANGEROUS tiefling spellcaster!” The girl shrieks with laughter and half-heartedly fights you off while Scratch tries to get in between you, whacking both of you with his wagging tail. It’s only when he manages to snatch a mouthful of your roasted grains that you stop and haul him away from where people are eating.
You and Scratch are sat snout-to-snout discussing two-legger table manners when Astarion approaches you. You ruffle the fur around Scratch’s collar and wait. The dog noses your cheek and whines. The man sinks to the ground in a cross-legged seat, a little glum. He opens his mouth, shuts it, and sighs, scratching the back of his head. You don’t push him, but you don’t fill the silence for him, either.
“How…” Astarion looks like he’s losing steam before he even begins. “How was supper?” He finishes dispiritedly.
“Really delicious. Thank you for your contribution.” You tell him. He grunts an acknowledgement.
More waiting.
Even Scratch looks concerned.
“I don’t… want to lose you.” Astarion finally says.
“Which part?” You ask.
He meets your eyes. “Your h-heart. Your laughter. Your warmth.”
A little smile crosses your face before you get serious again. “Are you still hungry?” You ask him. A look you’ve seen a thousand times on thousands of faces in the Lower City tells you the answer is “yes.”
“Does it pain you?” He gives the slightest of nods. You suspect that if it were a lesser pain, he would announce it loudly and as often as he felt he could garner sympathy.
“I wish we were free.” You tell him. You rub the back of your neck and draw your knees up to your chest. Tears prickle your eyelids. “All of us.”
Astarion lets out an explosive breath and hangs his head for a moment. “Sweetheart… it hurts too much to hope.”
You nod in understanding, taking his hand and kissing it. There is fear in his eyes but he lets you see it. He sits with it, and with you, squeezing your hand.
Scratch’s tail thumps the ground as he wags.
“I care about you, too.” Astarion says.
“Beloved…” you murmur. “Can I kiss you?”
“Can you?” He asks, amusement lending him some bravado. “Yes, I suppose you can.” He pulls you to him. When your lips touch and he is already warm as life, you recall him choosing a seat by the fire at the meal. Then you let go of all thought as Astarion devotes himself to kissing you thoroughly. He kisses you so thoroughly that you actually feel deprived when he gives you a break to breathe.
You’re reaching for him again when he holds up his hands. “Darling! I came prepared.”
He reaches into his belt pouch to pull out a sprig of rosemary, leaning in close as he brushes it against your parted lips.
Your smile genuinely dazzles him. Astarion has the look of a deer surprised by torchlight at night. You pluck the rosemary from his fingers and trace it down the curve of his cheek.
“Plant lore tells us that rosemary can aid one in committing events to memory.” You say softly. The longing in his stare leaves you just as breathless as his kisses.
Astarion turns his head and inhales deeply of the herb before wrapping his arms around you and holding you tightly. You gently press your lips to his face, run your fingers through his hair, as he releases a shuddering breath. He moans when he finds your mouth, then his weight is bearing you down into the dirt. The rosemary falls from your grasp and gets crushed beneath your body. The scent of it is thick in the air.
“Now.” You whisper at the earliest opportunity in which your mouth is free. “Drink. Please…”
He’s practically vibrating with need. The impact of his bite shocks you, almost knocks the wind out of you. But you’re so happy in this moment that all you can perceive is how expansive it feels to have your love flow into him. To have it nourish him.
Astarion’s grip becomes more tender and the pull from his mouth less intense. You feel your ability to focus begin to fray right before he lets you go.
He’s nuzzling your face with his own, stroking your body everywhere he can reach. You share a tired, giddy laugh.
“See?” You slur your words a little from exhaustion. “You feed me, I feed you. And then there’s more to go around for everybody!”
“Hush,” he whispers, drawing you into slow and sultry kiss.
“But yes. I’m starting to see.”
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 1 year ago
Official statement regarding the current outbreak (released as of March 17th, 2024)
Symptoms: Taking effect much faster than typical prions, symptoms take hold about 2 days after infection. Symptoms begin as impaired thinking and memory. After about a week, muscle stiffness, limping/changed gait, hallucinations, and increased aggression will begin to afflict the infected. The infected may also suffer uncontrollable fits of laughing or crying at this stage. Symptoms will progressively increase in severity until at about 2 weeks, the infected falls into a fit of seizures, causing further psychological damage. Upon awakening, the infected will have lost its ability to communicate and will become extremely aggressive, lashing out at any living creatures it can find. At this point, the infected should be considered deceased.
Contrary to popular belief, the disease does not kill the host (as normal prions would) and revive them. Instead, the victim’s mind is atrophied to the point of inability to use human reason. They are driven by aggression, and will attack on sight. Infected still require food and water to survive, and water sources they’ve dranken from, as well as carcasses they’ve consumed, countain their saliva and should be considered highly contagious.
As the infected cease human hygiene practices, they are likely to contract a number of funguses and diseases, giving the illusion of the person rotting.
How to identify infected: Infected individuals walk with an odd gate, typically limping or sometimes walking in circles and often accompanied by twitching or spasms. Any attempts to communicate with it verbally or nonverbally will be ignored. It may occasionally let out loud screeches or screams, or be overcome with fits of laughing or crying. Infected personnel will be extremely aggressive, lashing out at any who come near and seeking out any sources of movement or loud noise.
Depending on the amount of time since infection, some may appear sickly or near decomposed. Look for untreated cuts and bruises, soiled or tattered clothing, open sores or rashes, and other signs of illness or poor hygiene. Be aware that some survivors may also exhibit similar signs, so do not fire on sight until you’ve either confirmed infection by inability to communicate or you feel your life may be in immediate danger from waiting any longer.
Means of spreading: The disease spreads via infected bodily fluids. Being bitten by an infected and contracting their saliva is the most effective means of spreading. However, soil, water, crops and meat contaminated by the disease are also highly dangerous.
Cause: The disease is caused by an altered form of prions (a mutated protein that affects the brain- look it up, it’s absolutely terrifying). The condition is known as Neurological Atrophication Disease (NAD)
Host: All mammals (only mammals can be infected. Other animals can still spread it.)
Prognosis: There is no known cure or treatment for the disease, and symptoms are guaranteed to develop after infection. Those infected are recommended to be put out of their misery before becoming too aggressive.
Status: Pandemic
Mutations: One rare strain of the disease is quickly fatal. This could be considered better or worse, as it reduces the spread but results in more human death. Symptoms are the same, only develop quicker, and the seizures are 100% fatal. It is currently unclear whether this variant will die out or take over.
How it began: The disease first originated in pork, and quickly spread across stock, infecting entire farms before symptoms even arose. The infected meat was distributed across the US and spread rapidly across the globe via travel and public water supplies.
How to prevent the spread: World Health Organization procedure recommends you put down any infected you encounter. Be careful not to come into contact with the blood, as it is highly contaminated. Do not hunt or consume any animals exhibiting unusual behavior. If possible, try to eat things like poultry and high hanging fruit that you gather yourself. Be aware that prions can still be absorbed through soil and transmitted by plants and animals that don’t develop symptoms, so do not assume this will save you. Do not fish in or drink from large bodies of still water, as these are almost guaranteed to be infected by now. Collect water from rain and fast moving rivers (going as far up to the source as possible).
Prions cannot be killed, as they are proteins, not alive. Bleach can inactivate the proteins on hard surfaces (but not tissue), as can exposure to heat in excess of 900 degrees for several hours. As such, you are recommended to bleach any surfaces you suspect may contain infected bodily fluids. If you aren’t sure which surfaces are infected, you should set fire to the building. There is no known method of disinfecting food while maintaining its edibility.
How to keep yourself safe from the infected: Barricade your home as best as possible. Stock up on firearms and other weapons. Move around as silently as possible. Most infected aren’t particularly strong or fast in their current state, but they are incredibly persistent. They will continue to chase after prey for long periods of time, maintaining full sprints for 2-3 hours before collapsing, and tracking prey across several kilometers and attacking once their quarry is too exhausted to move.
The infected tend to rely on hearing to find people. Do not make loud noise or operate heavy machinery. If one infected individual spots you, it is likely to begin making loud noises through its movement and vocalization, inevitably drawing in more infected. If possible, take them out as quietly and quickly as you can. Silencers are highly recommended for firearms. The use of generators is strongly discouraged, as the constant noise gives off your position. It is more important to remain hidden than to have power. 
Seek shelter in cold climates. The infected aren’t intelligent enough to bundle up, so they are likely to succumb to hypothermia. If you cannot reach such a place, stick to rural environments where the concentration of human infected will be lower. Do not settle in forests with high concentrations of mammalian wildlife. Such forests may be overrun with aggressive creatures.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this critical time.
Please take care, stay safe, and stop the spread.
World Health organization & United States Government
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smut-wars-exchange · 2 years ago
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Masterpost | Rules | FAQ | Ask | Discord | AO3 collection
PH 6: Cerulean_Phoenix7; Star Wars - All Media Types
Request 1: Tay Kolma/Mon Mothma, Mon Mothma/Bail Organa/Breha Organa, Padmé Amidala/Mon Mothma, Kleya Marki, Mon Mothma/Thrawn | Mitth’raw’nuruodo; Fic
To claim, please send a message including your AO3 username via email ([email protected]).
More details for this request under the cut and on the Auto AO3 App 🔗
Mon Mothma ships by Cerulean_Phoenix7
Treats are welcome!
General Likes: Relationships built on admiration and respect, emotional tenderness, political intrigue, sexual tension, gay awakening, dramatic irony, sci-fi/space themes (exploration, new worlds, etc.), polyamory
Smut Likes: Affection, Aftercare, Threesomes/Moresomes, Bondage, Praise Kink, Pegging, Orgasm Delay, Temperature Play, Biting, Marking (as in love bites not in the A/B/O sense), Cunnilingus, Strap-ons or other sex toys, Mirror Sex, Bath/Shower Sex, Kink Exploration, Mild D/s dynamics
Prompt Suggestions: Here's a few ideas but please feel free to run with an idea of your own as well! I can't wait to see what you create!
For Mon/Kleya: The TENSION between these two. Who noticed who first? Who made the first move? How did it happen, when did it happen? Does Luthen know? So many questions
Mon/Bail/Breha: I love these three in a loving, supportive polycule. Maybe they're on Alderaan under the guise of a "Senate gathering" while planning Rebel strategies, or on a ship traveling between star systems.
Mon/Thrawn: Oh, these two. I adore this rarepair because there is so much potential. Maybe Mon meets Thrawn while she's still in the Imperial Senate and something forbidden builds from there?
Mon/Padmé: Something before the rise of the Empire. Mon and Padmé are in the same political circles and maybe it develops into more (I'm absolutely fine with Anakin and Padmé being poly in this case).
Mon/Tay: Maybe something either pre-Andor and their adult kinship, or post-season 1 of Andor and building off of those events to something happening between the two of them.
• Rape/Non-Con,
• Death/Suicide/Self-Harm
• Queerphobia (canonical implied homophobia like what we see in Andor re: Chandrilan culture is fine)
• underage relationships
• plagues/viruses
• deadnaming
• no marriage or proposals unless the characters are already married in canon
• pregnancy, childbirth, or kid-fic
• incest
• scat/watersports or lactation kink
• bodily fluids
• body shaming
• first person POV
• graphic depictions of medical procedures or institutionalization (these mentioned as having happened in past tense are okay)
• Religious trauma (mentioned in past tense but not the focus of the story is okay)
• Motherhood as the main focus (I don’t mind if it’s something secondary but it shouldn’t be the driving focus of the story)
• Age play or de-aging
• Mommy/Daddy kink (Mistress is fine)
• Smut with overly dominant men
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sobercentre · 8 days ago
The transfer of drugs through bodily fluids has been controversial, cutting across diverse professionals, from the general public to recreational drug users, forensics experts, healthcare professionals, and science researchers. The questions “Can drugs be transferred through bodily fluids” or “Can drugs be transmitted sexually” have created a buzz on our media platforms, piquing the interest of many who seek to understand the mechanisms by which drugs travel through bodily fluids. This article will shed light on the pathways through which drugs can be transferred via bodily fluids, such as saliva, semen, sweat, blood, and urine; targeting the implications of various mechanisms and scenarios through which the transfer occurs and the potential benefits and downsides of these mechanisms. If this topic is within your scope of curiosity, then you are in the right place. Bodily fluids as vectors Transfer through intimacy The conventional vectors suspected to facilitate the transmission of drugs between individuals are saliva, semen, and vaginal fluids. This is often through kissing, sexual activity, or other intimate interactions that allow for the exchange of saliva, semen, vaginal fluids, or, in rare circumstances, sweat. There have been numerous scenarios where recreational drug users have unwittingly transferred drugs to one another after sharing intimate contact. A similar question on whether you can fail a drug test from your boyfriend’s sperm is addressed here. 1. Saliva For instance, a Canadian pole vaulter, Shawn Barber, reportedly tested positive for cocaine at the Edmonton Canadian championships, where he set a national record. The 22-year-old world champion defended his title, claiming he inadvertently absorbed the drug by kissing a woman he had arranged to have sex with online on the eve of the national competition. Luckily, his lawyers did a superb job at the doping tribunal to keep him from a four-year suspension from competing. This was after the woman testified to having snorted cocaine moments before meeting Barber at a designated hotel room. In another similar scenario, a French tennis player named Richard Gasquet tested positive for minute traces of cocaine in his system, leading to a two-and-a-half-month ban from the circuit by the International Tennis Federation (IFT). Gasquet claimed to have ingested cocaine from kissing a woman he had met at a nightclub in Miami on the eve of the anti-doping test in March of 2009. He was, fortunately, exonerated from the short-lived suspension by the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) that rejected an appeal from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the IFT, gunning for a 1-2 year ban. Now it is considerable that both Gasquet and Barber escaped heavy sanctions based on cocaine not making the list of doping drugs frequently abused by athletes, among other reasons. In addition, Gasquet took a urine test, while Shawn took a hair follicle test after testing positive in the urine test. This begs the question, how much cocaine does one have to ingest from locking lips with a recent user to actually appear in the recipient’s doping tests? Dr. David Juurlink from Sunnybrook Research Institute, the consulting healthcare professional at Shawn’s case, remarked, “It’s very difficult to imagine a scenario in which the exchange of saliva through kissing transfers from one person to another a sufficient amount of cocaine to result in a positive urine test.” He added, “I can’t say it’s impossible, but it sounds extraordinarily improbable to me.” Knowing the semantics of a hair test and the accuracy of revealing patterns of drug use, Shawn voluntarily taking the hair test significantly backed the plausibility of inadvertent ingestion. In addition, considering the meager amounts of benzoylecgonine (cocaine metabolites) found in the urine samples of these athletes, it was clear they were not regular cocaine users. 2. Semen In other research, scientists have found that medication and drugs used by men can indeed appear in their semen to some degree.
According to a developmental and reproductive toxicology report, chemical concentrations in semen are comparable to or lower than in blood concentrations. Although, traces of the chemical would be 3-5 magnitudes lower in the woman’s blood than in the man’s. These chemicals can be absorbed through the vaginal epithelium – vaginal walls have highly absorbent tissues, and thus why some women try getting drunk through vodka-soaked tampons. But here’s the catch – the amount of semen produced during intercourse is too small that chances of any potential chemical transfer are slim. And if there is, the leakage of semen after sexual intercourse does not allow for sufficient contact time with the vaginal epithelium to get absorbed. It is, therefore, unlikely that drugs present in semen would be completely absorbed through the vagina. Limited research is available on the transfer of drugs through semen via other sexual means, such as oral or anal sex. Transfer through pregnancy Can drugs be transferred from mother to fetus during pregnancy? Absolutely! Research has shown that drugs, whether illicit or medicinal, can pass from the mother’s bloodstream to the fetus through the placenta. This is medically known as a transplacental transfer. Just like oxygen and nutrients required for fetal growth and development are carried in the bloodstream across the placenta, so are drug metabolites transferred. As the pregnant mother develops a drug dependence and addiction, the fetus also gets addicted. However, the effects (high) of the drugs on the woman are different from how the same drugs would affect her unborn baby. Effects of drug abuse on the fetus Cocaine can lead to miscarriage, premature detachment of the placenta, high blood pressure, preterm delivery of the fetus, and stillbirth. Marijuana leads to cognitive and behavioral defects in the baby. Meth and its constituents can cause miscarriage and preterm deliveries. Heroin and other opiates can trigger long-term withdrawal symptoms in the baby, posing a high risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Some notable withdrawal symptoms of babies born to heroin-addicted mothers include jitteriness, muscle tremors, trouble sleeping or feeding, and apnea. Generally, babies born to drug-addicted mothers have low-birth weight and are at a high risk of SIDS and developmental delays. A mother who stops drug use in her first trimester has a higher chance of carrying the pregnancy to term and delivering a healthy baby. Transfer through breastfeeding Substances ingested by a breastfeeding mother can also be transferred to the baby through breast milk. Drugs and alcohol predispose the infant to health and developmental defects. However, the effects of drug abuse on the baby vary depending on the type of drug used, the mother’s metabolism, frequency and amount of drug consumption, and the baby’s age and health status. Below are some key points to consider when dealing with matters of substance abuse and breastfeeding: Timing is of essence. The timing of drug use in relation to breastfeeding is crucial. When drugs are taken shortly before breastfeeding, there will be higher levels of substance concentration in the breast milk, leading to greater exposure for the infant. It is recommended to wait 24 hours before expressing your breast milk, not to feed your infant but dispose of it since the first stream after doing drugs will contain the highest metabolites. Alternatively, consider breastfeeding before doing drugs. This, however, is only applicable to one-time drug users. A breastfeeding mother struggling with a drug addiction should seek professional help for safe and monitored breastfeeding. Drug type matters Certain drugs can interfere with the baby’s central nervous system, while others can have short-lived effects on the baby. Alcohol, for instance, is known to reduce milk supply and cause irritability, feeding, and sleeping problems for your infant. While there is no safe
level of alcohol consumption when lactating, it is recommended to avoid consumption in the first month of lactation until breastfeeding is well established. Nonetheless, lactating mothers should take no more than two standard drinks per day if drinking is unavoidable. Mothers who use ecstasy, heroin, cocaine, or amphetamines should not breastfeed for the next 24-48 hours and pump and dump their first stream of breast milk. Those who smoke tobacco or cannabis should do it entirely away from the baby to prevent making them secondhand smokers. In the case of antianxiety, antidepressants, antipsychotics, or other prescription-based drugs, consumption should be strictly under a doctor’s supervision, even if they cause no significant harm to the infant. Withdrawal symptoms Like other drug addicts, lactating mothers with addiction should not stop drugs cold turkey. This predisposes infants to withdrawal symptoms of the substances initially present in the breast milk. These withdrawal symptoms are referred to as neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). As earlier mentioned, a mother can pass her addiction to her unborn baby; the same goes during lactation. It is worth noting that maternal drug use during lactation can have legal implications, especially if the baby is neglected or endangered. Take away message. The transfer of drugs from one person to another via bodily fluids is a multifaceted phenomenon that births diverse implications. From medical contexts to intimate relationships, this area highlights the interconnectedness of human interactions. While inadvertent drug transfer may occur, such incidents can be prevented through adequate awareness, education, and responsible practices, where concerned parties understand the potential consequences of drug transfer through bodily fluids.
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gastrohv · 1 month ago
Essential Facts Related to Medical Weight Loss in Westchester County, White Plaines, Yonkers, New Rochelle, and Bronxville, NY?
Stomach ailments are common in people of all ages. Most US citizens tend to ignore them and often end up being affected by serious illnesses. Liver infections are deadly as well. It is essential to visit a liver specialist or hepatologist for hep B treatment in White Plaines, New Rochelle, Westchester County, Bronxville, and Yonkers, NY. It suffices to know that this is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Most patients are afflicted with acute Hepatitis B, which usually lasts six months. Chronic Hep B may result in affecting the liver cells, with the patient developing severe scarring of the liver tissue, known as cirrhosis, liver cancer, and/or liver failure. ​ There may be no symptoms of Hep B initially. This often results in a delay in treatment, aggravating the infection further. However, it may be a good idea to note the mild discomfort and symptoms related to the condition before visiting a doctor. Some of the most apparent symptoms associated with Hepatitis B include the following:
· Abdominal Pain · Dark-colored urine. · Mild Fever. · Joint pain. · Loss of appetite. · Nausea and vomiting. · Diarrhea · Extreme tiredness. · Jaundice
It is essential to visit a doctor right away when exposed to Hepatitis B. While a trained medical professional is qualified to assess the symptoms and make the diagnosis, a general physician may refer the patient to a Hepatologist, depending on the seriousness of the condition.
It is essential to know that the infection by hepatitis B virus (HBV) will pass from individual to individual through blood and semen exchange. It may also travel via other bodily fluids. Individuals must take suitable precautions for developing Hep B by eliminating or reducing the possibility of: -
· Unsafe Sexual contact · Sharing of needles · Accidental needle pricks · Proper precautions during pregnancy
Seeing a Hepatologist or liver specialist can be the best way to prevent and obtain Hep B treatment. The best clinics providing liver disease treatment follow an organized plan to ensure complete patient recovery. The process of identification and treatment of Hep B infection is done in the following manner: -
· Evaluation- Proper diagnosis corroborating Hep B is the first step, followed by treatment. The specialist and the team will record the patient's medical history, lifestyle, and existing conditions before proceeding with long or short-term treatment as required.
· Personalized Care- A personalized care plan will be formed based on the patient's condition and noting the risk factors. The plan will be unique for each patient.
· Advanced Therapy- The latest advancement in medicine is considered with Hep B patients being treated with anti-viral medicines, Interferon shots, and liver transplants considered when the liver has been severely damaged.
· Monitoring- Last but not least, round-the-clock monitoring followed by proper care ensures full recovery, reducing the risks substantially.
Many individuals struggle with obesity without success. It is imperative to consider medical weight loss in Westchester County, White Plaines, Yonkers, New Rochelle, and Bronxville, NY, by undergoing surgery or peptide therapy as advised.
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enterprisewired · 5 months ago
What is Oropouche Virus?: Symptoms, Transmission, and Prevention
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[Source – hindustantimes.com]
The Oropouche virus (OROV) is an arbovirus primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of infected midges, mosquitoes, or via direct human contact. Belonging to the Bunyaviridae family, the virus is predominantly present in tropical and subtropical regions, especially in South and Central America. It causes an illness known as Oropouche fever, which affects thousands of people every year.
This blog explores the symptoms, transmission mechanisms, risk factors, and current strategies for managing the virus.
What is the Oropouche Virus?
Discovered in 1955, the Oropouche virus is a zoonotic virus that circulates in animal hosts but can be transmitted to humans. It was first identified in Trinidad and Tobago after an outbreak in a local community. Since then, it has spread to various parts of South America, including Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela.
The virus mainly causes Oropouche fever, which resembles other viral diseases such as dengue or Zika. While not typically fatal, the illness can lead to severe symptoms and discomfort in affected individuals, making it a public health concern.
How is the Oropouche Virus Transmitted?
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The Oropouche virus is primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of infected insects. Culicoides paraensis, a type of midge (small biting fly), is the primary vector responsible for spreading the virus. In some regions, mosquitoes from the Culex and Aedes species have also been identified as potential carriers.
Here are the main transmission routes:
Midge bites: The most common mode of transmission is through the bite of infected midges. These insects feed on the blood of animals and humans, allowing the virus to pass from animals to humans.
Mosquito bites: Though less common, mosquitoes are also capable of transmitting the virus, particularly in areas with a high population of vectors.
Direct contact: In rare cases, the virus can spread through direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person, though this is an uncommon transmission route.
Symptoms of Oropouche Fever
Once an individual is infected with the Oropouche, symptoms typically appear after an incubation period of four to eight days. The illness, Oropouche fever, is characterized by a range of flu-like symptoms, making it difficult to differentiate from other arboviral infections like dengue or Zika.
The common symptoms of Oropouche fever include:
High fever: A sudden onset of fever, often exceeding 38°C (100°F), is a hallmark symptom of Oropouche fever.
Headaches: Severe headaches often accompany the fever, causing significant discomfort.
Muscle and joint pain: Myalgia (muscle pain) and arthralgia (joint pain) are common, contributing to the overall fatigue experienced by the patient.
Rashes: A skin rash, which is typically red and blotchy, may appear on the face, torso, or limbs.
Nausea and vomiting: Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain may also occur.
Photophobia: Sensitivity to light (photophobia) and eye pain can be experienced by some patients.
The illness usually lasts for about five to seven days, and most patients recover without complications. However, in rare cases, the virus can cause more severe neurological symptoms, including meningitis and encephalitis. It’s important to seek medical attention if symptoms worsen or do not improve within a week.
Who is at Risk for Oropouche Infections?
Certain factors increase the risk of contracting the Oropouche, especially for people living in or traveling to endemic areas. Understanding the risk factors can help individuals take preventive measures to reduce their chances of infection.
Geographical location: People living in tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in areas with high midge and mosquito populations, are at a higher risk of contracting the virus. Urban areas in countries such as Brazil, Trinidad, and Venezuela have reported the most cases of Oropouche fever.
Occupation: Outdoor workers, especially those involved in agriculture, construction, and forestry, are at greater risk of exposure due to the nature of their work in environments where midges and mosquitoes thrive.
Travelers: Individuals traveling to endemic regions may be at risk, particularly if they visit areas during the rainy season, when vector populations surge.
Diagnosis of Oropouche Virus
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Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test: PCR tests are used to detect the viral RNA in a patient’s blood sample. This is one of the most reliable methods for diagnosing the virus during the acute phase of the illness.
Serological Tests: Tests such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) can detect antibodies against Oropouche in the blood. However, these tests are more useful for confirming past infections rather than current ones.
Since Oropouche fever shares symptoms with other arboviral diseases like dengue, chikungunya, and Zika, it’s essential for medical professionals to rule out these conditions through differential diagnosis.
Prevention of Oropouche Virus
Preventing Oropouche virus infections requires reducing exposure to the vectors that transmit the virus. Currently, there is no vaccine available for the virus, making preventive measures the most effective strategy for individuals living in or traveling to endemic areas.
Here are some practical steps to prevent infection:
1. Avoiding Midge and Mosquito Bites
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Use insect repellent: Applying repellents containing DEET or picaridin to exposed skin can significantly reduce the risk of insect bites.
Wear protective clothing: Long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats can help prevent bites, especially during peak midge activity periods at dawn and dusk.
Install window screens: Using mosquito nets and installing insect screens on windows and doors can keep insects out of living spaces.
2. Environmental Management
Eliminate standing water: Since midges and mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, it’s essential to remove potential breeding sites, such as old tires, containers, and clogged gutters, around homes and communities.
Regular fumigation: In areas prone to outbreaks, fumigation efforts can help reduce the populations of midges and mosquitoes, minimizing the transmission of the virus.
3. Community Awareness and Health Campaigns
Public health campaigns aimed at educating people about the Oropouche virus and how to protect themselves from insect bites are critical to controlling the spread of the virus. Involving local communities in vector control efforts can also reduce the risk of outbreaks.
Treatment for Oropouche Virus
There is no specific antiviral treatment for the Oropouche virus. Instead, management of the illness focuses on supportive care to alleviate symptoms. This includes:
Rest and hydration: Drinking plenty of fluids and resting is essential for recovery, as it helps the body fight the virus.
Fever and pain relief: Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help reduce fever and alleviate muscle and joint pain.
Avoiding aspirin: It’s important to avoid aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as they can increase the risk of bleeding complications, particularly if other arboviral infections like dengue are suspected.
In most cases, patients recover from Oropouche fever without complications. However, those experiencing severe symptoms should seek medical attention to avoid potential complications like meningitis or encephalitis.
The Oropouche virus, while primarily causing mild to moderate illness, its potential for outbreaks and the similarity of its symptoms are comparable to other serious viral infections.
Though there is no specific treatment or vaccine for the Oropouche virus, individuals can protect themselves by avoiding insect bites and participating in community-wide efforts to reduce vector populations. The need of the hour is the ongoing research to better understand the virus, its transmission patterns, and how to prevent future outbreaks.
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nashali-mga2023mi5019 · 8 months ago
Black hat research - the black death/plague
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okay first thing first... fleas are insects they have met the criteria :3
Plague is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis, a zoonotic bacteria, usually found in small mammals and their fleas. It is transmitted between animals through fleas. Humans can be infected through:
the bite of infected vector fleas
unprotected contact with infectious bodily fluids or contaminated materials
the inhalation of respiratory droplets/small particles from a patient with pneumonic plague.
Plague is a very severe disease in people, particularly in its septicaemic (systemic infection caused by circulating bacteria in bloodstream) and pneumonic forms, with a case-fatality ratio of 30% to 100% if left untreated. The pneumonic form is invariably fatal unless treated early. It is especially contagious and can trigger severe epidemics through person-to-person contact via droplets in the air.
Historically, plague was responsible for widespread pandemics with high mortality. It was known as the "Black Death" during the fourteenth century, causing more than 50 million deaths in Europe. Nowadays, plague is easily treated with antibiotics and the use of standard precautions to prevent acquiring infection.
There are two main forms of plague infection, depending on the route of infection: bubonic and pneumonic.
Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague and is caused by the bite of an infected flea. Plague bacillus, Y. pestis, enters at the bite and travels through the lymphatic system to the nearest lymph node where it replicates itself. The lymph node then becomes inflamed, tense, and painful, and is called a ‘bubo’. At advanced stages of the infection, the inflamed lymph nodes can turn into open sores filled with pus. Human-to-human transmission of bubonic plague is rare. Bubonic plague can advance and spread to the lungs, which is the more severe type of plague called pneumonic plague.
Pneumonic plague, or lung-based plague, is the most virulent form of plague. Incubation can be as short as 24 hours. Any person with pneumonic plague may transmit the disease via droplets to other humans. Untreated pneumonic plague, if not diagnosed and treated early, can be fatal. However, recovery rates are high if detected and treated in time (within 24 hours of onset of symptoms).
Plague. Fleas are the vector for the plague (or black death), which infects man as well as rats and other rodents. There are three forms of plague that occur in humans: bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. The bubonic type, in the form of the bacterium, Yersina pestis, is transmitted by fleas. The disease is passed as fleas regurgitate plague bacilli when biting when flea feces are scratched into the skin, or when the host ingests an infected flea. The plague has killed millions of people in history, especially in the 14th and 17th centuries. In 14th-century Europe, the great pandemic resulted in twenty-five million deaths. The plague is still a problem to society, with some 5,000 cases annually.
Cause and outbreak
Having originated in China and Inner Asia, the Black Death decimated the army of the Kipchak Khan Janibeg while he was besieging the Genoese trading port of Kaffa (now Feodosiya) in Crimea (1347). With his forces disintegrating, Janibeg used trebuchets to catapult plague-infested corpses into the town to infect his enemies. From Kaffa, Genoese ships carried the epidemic westward to Mediterranean ports, whence it spread inland, affecting Sicily (1347); North Africa, mainland Italy, Spain, and France (1348); and Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Germany, and the Low Countries (1349). A ship from Calais carried the plague to Melcombe Regis, Dorset, in August 1348. It reached Bristol almost immediately and spread rapidly throughout the southwestern counties of England. London suffered most violently between February and May 1349, East Anglia and Yorkshire during that summer. The Black Death reached the extreme north of England, Scotland, Scandinavia, and the Baltic countries in 1350.
There were recurrences of the plague in 1361–63, 1369–71, 1374–75, 1390, and 1400. Modern research has suggested that, over that period of time, the plague was introduced into Europe multiple times, coming along trade routes in waves from Central Asia as a result of climate fluctuations that affected populations of rodents infested with plague-carrying fleas.
info from
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nekoturny · 2 years ago
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Cycanthropy is a poorly understood paramedical condition who's victims periodically metamorphose into cyborg combat vehicles. The leading hypothesis is that the disease is the remains or a descendant of a pre-or-mid VRE weapon system. The condition is contagious only in the metamorphosed state and is transmitted via contact with bodily fluids. The disease is asymptomatic at any other time and carriers can live normal lives completely oblivious to their condition. Cycanthropes are always aggressive, often violently. The majority of cycanthrope attacks target moving vehicles, but incidents involving parked vehicles are not uncommon. Cycanthropes are rarely witnessed inside cities and most sightings occur on isolated stretches of highway. Cycanthropes are exclusively nocturnal and thus the best precaution when traveling in known cycanthrope territory is to travel only during the day.
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moremedtech · 2 years ago
Physical exercise programs are more effective when prescribed via mobile digital devices
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Physical exercise programs are more effective when prescribed via mobile digital devices as per researchers. Physical exercise programs tend to be more effective and easier to stick with when they have been prescribed via mobile digital devices rather than in person or without technological support. This is one of the conclusions of a metastudy that marks the first step of a thesis currently being developed by researcher Toni Caparrós as part of the Health and Psychology program at the Doctoral School of the UOC and supervised by Carme Carrion, principal investigator at the eHealth Lab group in the Faculty of Health Sciences and member of the eHealth Center. Caparrós, the holder of a Ph.D. in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, seeks to examine new methods and procedures for improving the efficacy of physical activity programs to treat different conditions in a study that has received funding from Spain's Ministry of Science and Innovation. The first research results, published in open access, involve a non-quantitative analysis of 13 studies from between 2011 and 2021 designed to examine the extent to which people's individual characteristics and conditions are taken into account when prescribing and carrying out physical activity programs.
The importance of physical activity in health
Everyone aged between 18 and 64 should carry out between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate (or between 75 and 150 minutes of intense) physical exercise per week. Those aged 65 and over should also complement this activity with exercises designed to enhance their quality of life and reduce risks of harm. These are the recommendations made by the World Health Organization (WHO), which also says that physical activity can help in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular conditions, cancer, and diabetes. The WHO defines physical activity as "any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure" The term, therefore, refers to "all movement including during leisure time, for transport to get to and from places, or as part of a person's work". In other words, the WHO includes in this definition everything from walking and playing to intense sporting activities. So, this differentiates general physical activity from physical exercise, defined by the American College of Sports Medicine as planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness. For both physical activity and physical exercise, digital and mobile health (mHealth) tools are becoming increasingly common and are being heralded as a solution for improved management, evaluation, and monitoring by medical professionals. "Face-to-face sessions are effective and necessary, but the digital sphere also has its advantages. It helps encompass broader swaths of the population and reach those who, because they are geographically more remote or have difficulties in traveling, cannot access face-to-face treatments," said Caparrós. "If we can ensure that there is fluid communication using digital tools, these programs can end up being highly effective."
Towards higher quality, more individualized exercise
After drawing up an initial longlist of more than 400 works of research on the use of mobile technology in physical activity programs, UOC researchers ended up whittling the number down to 13 academic publications meeting the criteria they were seeking to assess. These are the principal conclusions of their analysis: - Improved intervention efficacy. 70% of case studies showed a significant improvement in the efficacy of physical activity treatments. - Improved adherence. 85% of the studies analyzed concluded that treatment adherence (sticking with it) was greater when mHealth technologies were involved. - A quantity-centered approach. When it came to studying the impact of these treatments, most research focused on the amount of exercise (e.g. the number of steps in a day) rather than the intensity or quality. - Mobiles and apps are most frequently used. Although some treatments were provided through technologies like text messages or social networks, the most common support came in the form of mobile apps and smartphones. - Scant individualization of treatments. Almost none of the studies analyzed reflected the adaptation of physical activity programs to take into account the patient's abilities, age, or illness. "Even though the sample analysed is very small, the first noteworthy conclusion is that digtial-based physical exercise interventions are at least as effective as face-to-face ones," explained Caparrós. "But we've also seen how all these proposals use very generic variables and fail to provide quality information, as their designs are not tailored to the participants or their illnesses. Obviously, you can't interact with someone over 70 in the same way as you would with a young person with a completely different digital skillset." This has led his research towards a new line of study, which will continue over the course of the work on the thesis, to improve the digital-health-based prescription of physical exercise to take account of patients' individual requirements (based on their illness and physical condition and prescribed in accordance with medical criteria) and their digital skillset. "Quantity-wise, it's easy to manage exercise online, but when it comes to quality and intensity, which are what really matter, no sufficiently in-depth analysis has been conducted," said Caparrós This research is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Reference article:
Caparrós Pons, T., Fernández-Chimeno, M., Moize Arcone, V., Sánchez Fuentes, J. A., Aurin Pardo, E. & Carrion, C. Effectiveness and Adherence to Physical Activity and Physical Exercise mHealth Interventions: A Systematic Review. In: Apunts Educación Física y Deportes. 2023. Nº 151, pp. 1-16. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5672/apunts.2014-0983.es.(2023/1).151.01 Source: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Read the full article
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smoked-salmon-official · 2 months ago
I have written an updated one here
A Comprehensive Guide to Everything Transformers
As a newcomer to the fandom, I found many fandom knowledge and terms to be quite confusing and at times contradictory, so I decided to make a guide to essentially everything TF related, meta and in-universe. I will try my best to get the basics of “everything” but this is a fandom that spans dozens of pieces of media and four decades, longer than I’ve been alive. I will probably miss a fair bit and might get some things wrong, so feel free to reblog with relevant editions.
This is intended to be a basic guide, so only the most bare bones of info will be provided. Meant to be a reference, not the sole point of understanding.
First, the in-universe stuff. I will simply provide a list of terms and definitions I find to be useful. Keep in mind that the majority of this, or all of it, in some sections, are just fan made terms that have little to no canonical merit. They are fun to use, but don’t feel pressured to do so.
Note that I won’t cover the NSFW stuff as I don’t read or write it. With that said I would first like to get out of the way the CANONICAL Cybertronian biology.
Cybertronians reproduce asexually, via the Allspark. This is why both factions try so hard to recover it in many continuities. Because of this, they are all biologically the same, but present their gender in different ways. Some are male and others are female and in Earthsprk recently we finally got our first canon non binary TF character.
This is not to say you can’t write the robots doing it, but do note that in canon they do not.
BODY PARTS (the majority of this is fandom head canon):
Helm - head
Pede - feet
Optics - eyes
Chassis - chest (chest plates refer to the actual armor on top of it)
Servo - hand
Energon line/fuel line - vein
Spark - This one is difficult, because it’s their literal physical heart and their metaphorical soul. For the sake of physical terms though it’s a heart.
Spark chamber - The chamber within the chest where the spark is kept safe.
Audials - Ears
Vocalizer - voice box
Frame - body in general
Processor - Brain/mind
Dentae - teeth
Glossa - tongue
Energon (in terms of the body) - blood
Lubricant/coolant/trans fluid - non-blood bodily fluids
HUD - An internal screen where files are stored that can also display warnings like low fuel
Fuel tank - Digestive system/stomach
Anything with “plates” in it (I.e wrist plate or back plate) - the armor over a certain area
Armor/plating - the tough outer shell of a Cybertronian, made of metal. The part we see
Protoform - the definition of this varies wildly from continuity to continuity but I consider it to be the softer more fragile part of a Cybertronian under their armor
Transformation cog/t-cog - the organ that allows Cybertronians to transform, including their integrated tools and weaponry. Can be disabled or removed
Recharge - sleep
Stasis - a more long term state of rest, akin to hibernation or a coma. Can be induced medically in states of emergency or for long distance travel
Alt mode/vehicle mode - What a Cybertronian turns into. Usually a vehicle but can also be something else.
Minicon - A very small Cybertronian. May deploy off of a bigger one, such as Soundwave and his cassettes
Flight frame - the body of a Cybertronian who turns into something that flies
Seeker - a very particular type of flight frame that turns into a jet. Usually generalized as “any flight frame that looks like Starscream”
Grounder - usually an insulting term used by flight frames to describe ground based vehicle modes
Combiner/gestalt - Multiple Cybertronians who transform and combine to form a very big one
Titans/cityformers - very large Cybertronians who turn into something masisve
Sparkling - a very young Cybertronian
Modesty panel/interface panel - the panel between the legs (this is the most NSFW ill get here)
Cybertron: The home world of all Cybertronians. However, Cybertronians also inhabit other planets like Velocitron, or, during the war, Earth
Primus: Not only is he the Cybertronian equivalent of a creator god, but he is quite literally Cybertron (that is his alt mode). The embodiment of good. Produces normal energon.
Unicron: The embodiment of evil. Sometimes he transforms into Earth itself. Sometimes a planet eating monster. Produces dark energon. Sometimes Primus’s brother
Energon: The fuel source all Cybertronians require to survive. In its raw form it is a blue crystal that can be processed into liquid cubes (in some continuities it may be other colors). Cybertron is rich with it and it also powers most Cybertronian technology, such as ground bridges and ships. It can also be found naturally in other planets like Earth.
Synthetic energon: Artificially created energon
Dark energon: A purple form of energon from Unicron. Had the power to corrupt and tie those who consume it to Unicron himself
Datapad: a computer or tablet.
Berth/recharge slab: Bed
Berthroom/habsuite: Bedroom
Brig: Prison/holding cells, usually on a ship
Stasis pod: An escape pod or other small ship component meant to induce stasis artificially for long distance or long term travel
Stasis cuffs: Cuffs that restrict movement and the ability to transform or used integrated weaponry
Mechanimals/mechafauna: Cybertron’s native wild life that is also made of metal and has some transforming abilities
Allspark: What creates new Cybertronians and where all Cybertronian sparks and souls go when they die. Sometimes a physical object.
Vector Sigma: A super computer at Cybertron’s core that has immmense capabilities
Prime: a position of extreme power and leadership chosen and bestowed by the Matrix of Leadership toward those it deems worthy
Matrix of Leadership: Resides in the chest of the current Prime. Chooses those it deems worthy. Can be passed on. It’s power can be of great use, such as to aide in combatting Unicron
Functionism: the belief that one’s alt mode at birth determines their worth and their place in society. Led to the creation of the Decepticon movement in some continuities
Senate: Cybertron’s pre-war government that was extremely corrupt
Iacon: The former capital and seat of the Senate. Sometimes the Autobot base of operations. Optimus is from here
Kaon: a more rough and rugged city where the Decepticon movement began. Megatron is from here
Pits of Kaon: Megatron likes to reference this a lot. Essentially the gladiatorial arenas
Sea of Rust: a very dangerous sector of wilderness on Cybertron
The Ark: primary autobot ship
The Nemesis: primary Decepticon ship
I am almost certainly forgetting a ton so please reblog with your additions!
Second , the meta stuff. AKA how the fuck am I supposed to get into the media itself? First of all, it’s important to establish that there’s no wrong way to enjoy Transformers. Some people only watch one or two shows, or just the movies, or just the comics, or just like the toys themselves. It’s such a diverse and large fandom and there’s no way to do it wrong.
I can’t possibly list every piece of TF media but here I will put a few that are often discussed within the fandom and have high degrees of popularity. Most of the shows are now free on YouTube on the official Transformers channel. By no means do you have to watch ALL of these, but I will put asterisks on the ones I feel are relevant or the fandom seems to like the most.
From what I understand, having never read any TF comics before, multiple publishing companies have done multiple runs of TF.
*The IDW comics are the most popular, in particular their first run that lasted over a decade and is referred to as IDW Generation One. Due to IDW losing their license, however, the physical books are exceedingly hard to obtain. IDW is notable in particular for its representation of LGBTQ relationships. The Marvel comics run is also notable and I believe somewhat popular. The iconic Shockwave cover comes from here.
*Skybound is the currently running comics issue.
There are much more than are listed, but here are some notable ones. People like or dislike for different reasons, so this meant to be a starting point for new fans to decide what to watch.
*Transformers: Prime
*Unicron Trilogy (three shows with one season each meant to be watched back to back as one interconnected story)
*Transformers: Animated
*Beast Wars and its sequel, Beast Machines
*The Transformers (now commonly referred to as Generation One, or G1) - the first ever TF series
Transformers: Cyberverse
*Transformers: Earthspark - the only currently running transformers show
Robots in Disguise (2001)
Robots in Disguise (2015) - there are two shows with the same name so the year they began is used to distinguish. The majority of the fandom seems to dislike RID15
The Michael Bay movies are somewhat controversial in the fandom, seeing as some characterization and design was not faithful, and the movies are generally not very strong plot wise anyways. That’s just brushing the surface, but I won’t get into that.
The Michael Bay directed live actions movies are (in chronological order): Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen, Dark of the Moon, Age of Extinction, and The Last Knight. The first three are generally considered the best of the bunch but in my opinion they are all worth a watch.
The reboot live action movies, intended as prequels to the Bay movies, but also seemingly occupying their own universe are: Bumblebee, Rise of the Beasts. Bumblebee is a solo movie following, you guessed it, Bumblebee, while ROTB is a more classic ensemble movie.
Transformers One: An animated prequel released this year that occupies its own universe.
Predacons Rising: It’s up to you if you actually consider this a movie, but it’s meant as a direct conclusion to TFP, and should be watched after its third season. Budget cuts meant that TFP’s third season was not done as well as it could have been and this provides a good conclusion.
Transformers (1986): Meant to be watched as part of G1, between seasons 2 and 3z
At the time of writing, Hasbro has killed funding to the movies and a lack of interest in TF movies means that sequels to any of these are highly unlikely.
Transformers began as toys, and it remains a center of the franchise. Some people like to collect the toys too, but as it stands many are very, very expensive.
There are two main lines aimed at adult collectors:
Generations: A toy line starting in 2018 that amassed figures of forty years of TF history from all different shows and continuities. These are for show and comic characters.
Studio Series: A toy line that features movie characters, as seen in the movie. This includes the Bay Movies, the reboot movies, the 86 movie, and TF One. It will also include any further future movies.
There are also toys that are sold as not part of either of these lines, usually to promote whatever film or show is in progress or upcoming. These tend to be inferior quality wise and aimed at little kids.
Generations follows a rough layout for price and size, which is usually stated prominently in the package. Over time, the prices of all of these will go up so I will instead state the size, although this can be somewhat inconsistent as well. Studio Series has no size classings as far as I am aware.
Core class: Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
Deluxe class: 5-6 inches.
Voyager class (most collectors aim for figures in this range): 6-8 inches.
Leader/commander class (only some characters will have those): 9-10 inches I believe though I could be wrong.
Titan class (reserved for massive characters like Metroplex): very, very large, as in will not fit on your display shelf.
-Articulation: How well a figure can move and pose. Articulation points are the joints at which things can be moved and adjusted.
Mold: The basic body type and structure that will often be reused on multiple characters. For example, the Tetrajet Seeker mold.
Gimmick: A small, fun addition to the figure that might range from fun to annoying depending on what it is. Usually, “gimmicky” is a bad term
Kibble: Robot parts that stick out in vehicle mode or vehicle parts that stick out in robot mode (usually the latter). These can add personality to the appearance of character and sometimes be quintessential to who they are, but in cases of bad engineering, will just be ugly and annoying.
Mainline: A toy that comes directly from Hasbro, as part of the Generations or Studio Series toy line.
Third party: A figure made by a company other than Hasbro, usually to improve upon an existing figure or character, to make a figure for a character who doesn’t yet have one or doesn’t yet have a good one for one iteration of them or in general, or just to do it better than Hasbro did. Companies officially licensed by Hasbro to create products, such as Blokess, are usually not considered third party.
KO/Knock-off: While third party figures are unique in design, KOs are illicit copies and reproductions of existing mainline figures. They may do it better or worse than Hasbro themself, and their selling point is usually a lower price.
Note: Some KOs and third parties are in fact much better than mainlines, or just more affordable in general. Many collectors buy a mix of third party, KO, and mainline.
Upgrade kit: A set of pieces, such as additional weaponry meant to elevate a figure beyond its original design and accessories.
Accessories: What the figure comes with in the box. This mostly constitutes weapons.
Re-issue: Figures that Hasbro re-releases and makes more of after demand has overcome supply following the toys original run.
Scalpers: People who buy the figure at its cheapest and sell it for horrifically high prices once supply has run out. Model/model kit: A gundam or bionicle style kit that you must put together yourself. Blondes and yolopark notably make these. Most are non-transforming.
Non-transforming: Exactly what it sounds like. Transtormers toys that don’t transform. Often, they are third party and make up for it with more show/movie accuracy or some kind of upgrade, such as more articulation.
Custom/custom figure: A figure that has been modified in some way to better suit the preferences of the person who customized it or paid for it to be customized. This can range from a simple repaint of an existing figure to creating your own figure that no one’s made before.
Some general collecting tips:
-Figure out what exactly you want to collect. Some people like to complete casts, or only collect a certain character, or something like that.
-Amazon often sells both mainline and third party/KOs
-Watch reviews of any figure you plan to buy, especially if it’s expensive
-Ebay often has the same figures at half the price, just slightly more used
-Check the distribution at your local department stores. In the US these include Target and Walmart. While the selection is usually a bit pathetic, you might strike gold sometime.
Thank you for reading!
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fuckmeyer · 2 years ago
i'm sighing heavily over this addition for the sole reason that i will now have to talk more about this cursed lore :)
when smeyer says "fluid similar to venom," i assume she's referring to venom sans venom. as in, there is one fluid, & its composition changes depending on the bodily process. "Only the saliva-like liquid in the vampire’s mouth is venomous," says the Guide. the venomous aspect of this fluid isn't present in any other vampire bodily functions as it has no purpose, & vamp ejaculate doesn't possess the capability to catalyze the transformation, so likely there's an extra compound existent in the mouth that specifically turns this fluid venomous.
this mysterious fluid also functions similarly as seminal fluids but without destroying the sperm. smeyer says:
“The normal reactions of arousal are still present in vampires, made possible by venom-related fluids that cause tissues to react similarly as they do to an influx of blood,” Stephenie wrote. “[...] [Fluids] closely related to seminal fluids still exist in male vampires, which carry genetic information and are capable of bonding with a human ovum."
so, whatever. there's no circulatory system in vampires, yet there is a circulatory system. ok. (the fact remains that stony tissue means vampires are indeed constantly erect.) i suppose this means vampire fluids travel through the body outside of the veins because...science.
I remember conversations about how edward impregnated bella with his last preserved semen. But, clearly Nahuel's father was able to father several hybrids so that's not true.
it's possible that there are a kajillion lil sperms all frozen & only some are released at a time, & that most of what's being shot out the dick (heavy sigh) is the venom-like fluid. seeing as how Bella got pregnant literally the first time they had sex, the fluid could be 1) preserving the sperm, 2) facilitating movement & increasing its lifespan within the womb, & 3) making it more effective in finding & fertilizing the egg.
Why don't the female vampire have their working eggs? [...] If the different fluids keep the body able to move, then why not expand for a pregnancy.
if i had to take a guess (thanks), it has to do with the uterine lining. because vamps are immortal, processes related to things like reproductive health don't exist. so, the hormones that trigger the egg's descent into the lining & the shedding of the lining wouldn't exist. furthermore, uterine lining is made up of continuously growing cells (which vampires don't have) and is thickened via blood vessels (which vampires don't have). lack of blood vessels also means the egg/embryo would not receive nourishment in order to grow. finally, smeyer doesn't want any female of any supernatural species to be fertile because... guess.
vampires have to at least pee. They are eating and swallowing blood. That goes to the stomach, it has to go through the digestive system. If that's not functioning anymore, they either they have to spit blood back up after taking out the nutrients they need, or don't want to feed at all.
none of these function occur. we have to suppose that all blood is used & nothing goes to waste. all gets converted into venom/fluids.
But also then they need to be able to cry.
no, says smeyer, "vampires do not produce tears, as tears exist to protect the eye from damage by small foreign objects, and those objects would not be able to harm a vampire’s eye." (crying to release emotions? what's that?)
Unless only the most necessary functions are happening,
correct. no hair/nail growth, no brain development, no height or weight changes. vamps are frozen forever.
but then males shouldn't be able to have any sperm.
i fucking don't understand this series & neither does smeyer!!!!!
They really should be like statues and then some day they can't even move anymore and they just either die, or are forever frozen as a tortured (if they have any) soul, stuck in a shell.
YES. except that would imply slow degradation of bodily functions within the vampire which is not possible because they're frozen as they are. so in reality, NO.
tl;dr you're right, you're wrong, everything is wrong, nothing makes sense, "god is dead; god died of his pity for [twilight fans]." (Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Second Part)
now u have me intrigued as to how vampire anatomy works bc... yes Venom replaces the fluids (also idk how that would work) but if his skin tissue is so stiff its like stone-y.... how do his muscles work. and also does he have bile in his stomach,,,,,, user fuckmeyer help me 🧎🏽‍♀️
hey bestie! please accept my deepest condolences as i'm about to dish out some cursed-ass knowledge of this wretched saga!!
you're right: venom replaces fluids. you're also right in that skin tissue is nasty & petrified. forever. so venom is also used as a lubricant for rank-ass vampire muscles. the Illustrated Guide says:
"A fluid similar to this venom works as a lubricant between the hard cells of the skin, making movement possible. Another lubricates the vampire’s eyes so they can move easily in their sockets." (Illustrated Guide, Vampire Characteristics)
thanks for the cursed lore smeyer, wish you'd provided eyeball bleach with the purchase of this guide! <3 (jk i stole this guide off the internet FUCK paying smeyer lolsdfoijesalfjsk)
as for your bile question (ew! love it!), the guide says: "Throughout the body, this pattern is repeated, with venom-like fluids performing the functions that are still necessary to the vampire."
so we can assume that instead of bile, vampires have venom. however, the circulatory system is absent in the vampire, so we don't see venom there. this means that venom doesn't flow to the penis to make it erect. due to this fact, we can suppose vamp dicks are lichrally always hard. idk why i'm telling you this since you didn't ask, but it's too late to escape my wrath!
bonus fact: if a lazy vamp sits around for thousands of years, venom will petrify the dust that collects on the eyeballs etc. we see this in the Volturi members who have a milky film over their irises. from this, we might suppose that milky-pink eyes and petrified dust on the skin is actually a status symbol. fuck that! thanks for coming to the worst Ted Talk you'll ever hear read<3
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is-the-primate-vid-cute · 3 years ago
Lets talk monkeypox: first confirmed case in the USA!
Monkeypox is in the USA via a man who traveled from Canada. He's hospitalized and stable. Currently, the larger public is not at risk.
Monkeypox is a disease similar to chicken pox, named for the macaques used in labs who were the founding identified cases of the disease. This disease is zoonotic, being passed from monkey and rodent populations to humans via fluid to fluid contact (bite, scratch, or bodily fluid to the eyes or mouth) in parts of the world such as the Congo and Democratic Republic. There is currently no cure or treatment for this, but preventing large-scale spread may be possible via smallpox vaccines.
Zoonotic diseases are important to consider when it comes to human primate interactions. Working with captive primates requires PPE and it is common for zoo and sanctuary workers to wear gloves, masks, face shields, and similar protective garments.
This is one more reason to avoid touching animals in other countries! Not only is animal-encounter tourism a huge issue for exploitation and animal welfare, but your actual life may be at risk when you do so (and your neighbors'!) Other diseases like herpes B and SRV should be considered as well when interacting with primates.
Additionally, while monkeypox and other diseases are scary, it's important to recognize that when it comes to zoonotic transmission we are more of a danger to primates than they are to us. Unprotected primate contact may make a cute vacation photo, but doing so exposes a wild animal to any pathogens you may carry and vice versa. So many species of primates are endangered, and as humans are the most populous of the primate family we have a responsibility to protect them. Stay safe, stay educated, and monkey around responsibly. 🦍❤️
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