#and sometimes uses tony as an armrest
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kai-rio · 4 months ago
Could you ramble about Ellis? I need to understand them
oh. oh boy you dont know what youve asked
okay so ellis is a side character in ggy, probably made to follow the format of protagonists in fnaf books having a kid they dont like
he's been tony's best friend since they were 4, and they were neighbours when tony's dad was around (headcanon interjection: i think tony's dad bought them a treehouse and they always played in it together and just chilled there)
tony says he wants to move away from ellis because he's deemed as 'childish', like for example, choosing his nom de plume as Boots because its a character he likes
this is probably because of meeting both greg and his father being arrested, making him feel like he needs to be more mature so he doesnt want to associate with ellis anymore
but despite all he says about him he still deems him his 'best friend' and i think that says a lot - afterall, they were best friends for 8 years, so they have to have something there - tony is reluctant to leave him even if he doesnt want to admit it because theyre so close
ellis himself, there isnt a lot about him unfortunately in the book, but what we do know is that he's impatient, 'childish', oblivious and prefers fiction (this is all from tony's pov and he's an unreliable narrator so keep in mind we dont have the full picture)
tony sees him as kinda social but i personally think he isn't, he struggles to make friends other than tony and that's why it's only been the two of them for ages
a lot of people deem him the dumb one of the group and my take on that is that he leans into that role because a. its whats expected of him and b. that way its easier to observe people because they're less cautious of him, he probably notices a lot more than people think he does
he's quite kind but also has his flaws - he doesn't quite notice how hurt tony is about changing the story unfortunately and he teases quite a lot to the point it could be unintentionally hurtful
i think because of this, after tony goes missing he'd definitely blame himself and have survivors guilt, and also probably bad anxiety, maybe even agoraphobia
he probably would be lured into the pizzaplex under the guise that tony is there because he'd definitely go out to find him
i have a lot of headcanons but ill put those in the tags because those arent actually canon
if you want a list of all my headcanons you could do a separate ask about that but ill just put a couple in the tags
one thing that is canon though is that he likes physical affection!!! he wraps his arm around tony or greg several times if i remember correctly
i have 2 fics up on ao3 (my acc is under the same name) which are ellis-centric - i wouldnt recommend never needed a friend more though because i mischaracterised tony in that quite a lot so
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qu1etwolf · 3 years ago
Click Me For Comfort
Bucky (and a few others) x Reader
TRIGGER WARNING This fic deals with being comforted through suicidal ideation. If that is something you cannot handle, do NOT read this fic. This is your WARNING to avoid this fic if you are not in the state of mind to read about this subject.
This has not been beta read, all mistakes are absolutely mine.
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It's 3:26 AM in the Compound and once again you are awake and sitting on one of the couches with a box of cookies, an entire bottle of whiskey, and a vacant expression. Most of the time your meds take the edge off of your depression, sometimes it doesn't though. When it doesn't it can get dark up there in your brain.
Wanda comes wandering through on her way to the kitchen and sees you sitting there in the dark, "(Y\N)? Are you alright?" When you don't respond she walks over and sits at the end of the couch beside your feet, patting your leg gently. "Lost in your own mind again, huh, sweetie?"
After a few gestures with her hands a red glow illuminates the room as she tries to reach into your thoughts. "Why am I even here? They hate me anyway. Everything hurts. I just want it to stop." - followed by images of various ways within the tower to end a life. She gasps quietly to herself.
"F.R.I.D.AY.? Is anyone else awake?" she said out loud to the AI.
"Yes, ma'am," the robotic voice responded.
"Can you ask them to join us in the lounge? It's urgent."
"Of course, ma'am."
After a few moments, Tony is the first person around the corner, rotating his joints and grumbling, "Wanda? Really? It's three in the morning. Why in God's name...what is so important that you had to..."
She cuts him off by pointing in your direction beside her, "She's disassociated again. I read her mind, Stark. It's not pleasant." You look in his general direction, sigh, and lay down using the armrest for a pillow.
"Oh...OH. Well, the last thing (Y/N) needs is this. I'll be right back. This isn't my area of...expertise. You call everyone who's awake?" he says as he grabs the bottle of whiskey off the coffee table beside you. You made a whining grunt and try to grab it back. "Nope, kid. This is absolutely off the menu. F.R.I.D.A.Y.?"
"Yes, Mr. Stark?" the disembodied voice responds again.
"Order locks for my liqueur cabinets."
"Yes, sir. Order placed."
"I'm going to put this away and bring her some water. Someone stay with her tonight to make sure she doesn't go off the rails. I'm going back to bed. I'm sure Nat and Barnes are awake, at least. Probably Rogers. Who knows. I just know this isn't what I'm good at," he says as he replaces the bottle into the cabinet and fills a glass from the sink at the bar. He walks over and hands it to you. "Here ya go, (Y/N). I'm sure you'll be in more capable hands than mine." He ruffles your hair a bit and looks at Wanda, "If no one else comes out here, she's your responsibility, Red. Got it?"
"Yes, yes, I know. I'll keep an eye on her," she responds while tugging the blanket down off the back of the couch and wrapping you in it. You murmur a small thank you to her and a goodnight to Tony.
"Goodnight, kid," he said as he walks out of the room about the same time Steve comes around the corner. "Oh, good, the Stars and Stripes has arrived. Problem solved."
Steve looks at Tony as he walks out of the room with mild confusion and then at the couch where you and Wanda still were. The look on her face told him everything he needed to know. He crosses the room at a jog and sits down cross-legged on the floor beside the couch.
"Hey...I've got you. What's wrong?" he says, brushing your hair out of your face. You just shake your head in response. He looks at Wanda, "She talked much? You do that...magic thing you do? What's going on in her head?"
"You don't want to know. She's spoken a couple of times, but not much. It's got ahold of her pretty good this time. I could try to shift her thoughts to something else but that is not fixing it. That is just delaying the pain," she says quietly while running a hand along your leg for comfort.
Steve nods, "I've got an idea." He stands and walks off at a brisk pace with an obvious purpose leaving you and Wanda alone again.
Wanda sighs and points at the glass of water, "You need to drink that." In an effort to make you smile she surrounds a straw on the bar in the corner in red swirls of magic and plinks it down into the glass that is still in your hand. It works a little, she gets a tiny smile for her effort, and you take a sip through the straw.
You hear heavy footsteps coming from the hallway seconds before Steve and Bucky come around the corner. Steve pats him on the back and turns to walk back down the hall the way they came as Bucky yawns and rubs his eyes. You cringe a little, feeling like you've woke half the tower up and are just being a nuisance. The last thing you wanted to do is bother people with your issues.
Bucky's brow furrows as he walks over to where you're currently burritoed in the blanket. He doesn't say a word, he just leans down and tilts your head up slightly by your chin looking at your eyes intently. He tilts your face slightly from side to side before running his thumb across your cheek.
"Her eyes are pretty severely dilated and she looks extremely tense. Steve said she was disassociated again? It looks like he's right," he says matter-of-factly at Wanda.
She nods, "I checked her thoughts and this absolutely seems like a you kind of situation. I apologize that he woke you up...but I'm glad he did."
"It's alright when you're the best man for the job. I've got it from here, Wanda. Go get some rest. If I need you, you're just a couple doors down." Bucky yawns slightly as he speaks before bending down, "(Y/N)? I'm going to pick you up. Is that okay?"
You nod and hand your barely touched glass of water to Wanda. He slides his metal arm under your knees and wraps his right around your back before lifting you and the blanket both like you weigh as much as a feather.
You grumble a little at the movement involuntarily but turn inward to lay your head against his chest as he carries you silently down the hall. It's been a while since you've felt this low. Sometimes it takes someone who has stared that void down just as often to understand exactly what you need. Bucky Barnes might be a hardass on the best of days, but he has a soft spot for people who have faced similar demons.
He carefully opens the door to your room with his right hand while easily keeping you propped secure. He carries you in and sits you down with your back against your pillows. You slide ungracefully down into a small ball as he sits down on the other end of the bed.
"There you go, doll. Safe and sound in your own space. You know the drill, five things you can see," he says as he starts the grounding technique that he uses himself.
"Door. Desk. Lamp. Chair. You," you respond your voice barely above a whisper.
"Four things you can touch."
You pat your pillow and grab your favorite stuffed owl.
"Nope. Out loud. You've got this."
You sigh, "Pillow." You pat your pillow again. "Winston." You give the owl a squeeze. "The blanket." You smile slightly and poke his leg with your toe. "You."
He holds back a chuckle and keeps going, "Three things you hear."
"The clock, the fan, my breathing," you respond, your voice getting a little stronger.
"Two you can smell."
"Laundry soap, you say as you rotate around and to his shock, lay your head in his lap, "You. You smell nice."
This actually brings a laugh out of him for once, "And one thing you can taste."
You sit up and grab two chocolates out of the bowl on your nightstand, handing one over. "Chocolate," you mumble after popping the other in your mouth.
"There she is. Good job, doll. Feeling better?" he smiles.
"Not really but that did help. My head isn't all floaty," you say leaning back into his lap again causing a bit of a confused grunt. "What? You're comfy."
He shakes his head, "Wanna talk about it? Wanda said your brain was pretty messed up earlier."
"I'd rather not but it's been a while since my thoughts were...that bad," you frown a little.
Bucky understands what you mean without you having to spell it out and gathers you up, pulling you up to his chest. "I know you likely don't believe me...hell, I wouldn't believe me, but there's not a single person in this building who doesn't care about you and who would miss you if you weren't here. Understood?" He places an oddly affectionate kiss on the top of your head.
You nod, letting a few tears fall before full on sobbing into his shirt a few moments later. He lets you cry it out, running his fingers through your hair until you stop.
"That's more like it. Are you safe? Is it safe for me to go get some sleep before the meeting in a few hours?" he hugs you as your breathing slows back down.
"I mean, I guess? I'll be okay," you say with fake conviction.
"Well, that answers that question. Come on, let's get some sleep," he scoots around to lean against the pillows but leaves you against his chest. He pulls the blankets up and wraps an arm around you.
You eventually drift off feeling safe for once.
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keysmashingfantasies · 4 years ago
An Old Fashioned Meet Cute
A/N: hi! this is my first fic here and i hope you like it. comments and constructive criticism is very much appreciated just please be nice and i tried not to describe nor reader nor the Hilda character too much apart from the fact that they are plus size so it can cater to more people (altough the Hilda character is a white woman originally, I left that out because I wanted everyone to be able to read it) :D. and a huge thank you to @divine-mistake for encouraging me to make this blog and post my fics. ily Tay <3, this one's for you.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!plus size Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: Bucky didn’t remember much of his life before the war. Not as much as he would like, anyway. But he was content to at least have remembered something. The memories of his teenage shenanigans with Steve always made him laugh. But there was a memory that he didn’t even know it was on his mind until that day when he accompanied Steve to the thrift shop. And until an Avengers party, where he met you.
“Steve, come on… Shouldn’t you be showing me the wonders of the modern world?”, he mocked. He knew Steve was doing his best, he did. But he knew that this wasn’t just a friends’ afternoon. And Bucky didn’t need a babysitter.
“I will! I just thought it would be nice to see something less overwhelming first and Sam told me a thrift store would be a nice place to start. Most of this stuff is new to us anyway”, Steve said, picking up a CD of a shelf.
“Yeah, ok”, he mumbled. The things he did for Steve. He mindlessly wandered through the little cluttered store, browsing the shelves full of knick knacks. He saw vinyls, old books, a great variety of toys, some paintings and an old fashioned vanity, with an old mirror, a few vintage perfume bottles, and… Oh.
“Steve?”, he said, picking up the old calendar that was propped up against the stained mirror. Carefully, he lifted the calendar up, looking at his friend. He had seen it before, he knew he did. He flipped through it as he waited for Steve to make his way across the store, careful to not bump in any of the tables containing delicate porcelain tea pots. His eyes scanned through the cover, a delicately painted picture of a curvy woman and with the saying “HILDA, 1940’s calendar” in bold red letters above it.
“Oh wow”, Steve let out a belly laugh. “You remember when we stole some of these? Man, we even took these to war”, he said. He started to remember. Him and Steve running, each one with a calendar in hand, flipping through the pages, Steve whining that he would never find a girl like that. He didn’t even think twice before taking it to the counter, with Steve giggling like a school girl behind him.
“For the memories, punk”, he said in a stern voice and a frown, but with pink dusted cheeks.
“Of course”, Steve said in a mocking voice.
“So, Tony’s throwing a party next weekend”, Steve said as he entered the training room.
“I prefer the thrift store”, Bucky mumbled, without tearing his eyes from the punching bag.
“Come on, Buck. I think it will be good for you to go”, Steve said. “It will be something small, Tony will introduce the new team assistant, so no eyes will be on you”, that got Bucky’s attention.
“Small?”, he said, pushing his hair from his face.
“Very”, Steve assured, but he had that look that Bucky knew very well from his young years; the look he would get when he was about to pick a fight. He was up to no good. But he didn’t want another trip to a dusty thrift store.
“Yeah, sure”, he mumbled.
You were shaking in your boots. Yeah, you knew that you would work for them, which meant that you inevitably would have to attend this kind of things. But this wasn’t like your former office jobs, no. You work for the Avengers now.
“You can do this. You have to. Do it for the paycheck”, you said, trying to reassure yourself as you shakily applied mascara. As you browsed through your wardrobe, you let out a sigh. You remembered shyly asking for advice on what to wear from Natasha, but you took it with a grain of salt. She could wear a potato sack and still look gorgeous, and you were… Well, a potato. You knew this was another test. If you couldn’t handle all eyes on you and the eventual bickering that was about to happen, you were not fit for the job. But damn, you at least expected a few weeks of taking care of documents and serving coffee before a party. In a room. With the, quoting the tabloid you read that very morning “super team that saves the world and looks hot doing it!”. You were a pretty confident person. But this… Anyone would be nervous.
“You can do this”, you told yourself one more time before heading out.
When you got to the party, not everyone was there. You politely greeted everyone with a nod, and gave your name to the ones you didn’t have the pleasure to meet yet.
“You, pick your poison”, Tony Stark pointed at you while walking to the bar.
“No, thank you, Mr. Stark, I won’t be drinking tonight”, you managed to say, silently thanking all the gods above (even the one that was sitting not too far from you) that you managed to hold back the quiver in your voice.
“She doesn’t want to be vulnerable around us. Smart, I like her”, said Natasha. Sometimes you wonder if she was a telepath like Wanda.
“Is there anything wrong, Y/N? I sense that you are uneasy”, asked Vision, with those glassy unblinking eyes. You wondered if he was in your mind that very moment.
“Gee, I wonder why”, said Rhodes, before taking a sip of his drink.
“I’m okay, just… A bit nervous, that’s all”, you said.
“Well, then you definitely need a drink”, said Tony, handing you a glass of champagne that no doubt cost the same as your previous paycheck.
Soon enough, the awkwardness made way to pleasant conversation. You laughed as you listened to their banter. It wasn’t like any business party you ever attended. No, it was more like a family gathering than anything.
The sounds of the elevator doors opening caught you attention as three men wide as refrigerators walked in, followed closely by a pretty young woman. Of course you knew them. You read all about them. Especially The Winter Soldier, the little devil on your shoulder taunting you by remembering you of every single time you talked to your friend about your crush on him.
“Sorry we’re late guys, Steve went to pick me up before the party and we had dinner”, said the blonde, linking her arm with Steve Rogers himself.
“Nah, Sharon, don’t cover his ass. We were late because the three of us had to wrestle Barnes into changing out of that old ass Henley”, said Sam.
Instantly, Tony and Natasha cheered and raised their glasses, making you laugh.
“Yeah, yeah, very funny”, said a gruff voice coming from the bar, making you turn your head, seeing Bucky Barnes open a beer bottle with his vibranium hand. 'How did he sneak past everyone?', your thoughts were interrupted as you took him in. You wanted to personally thank Sam, Steve and Sharon for making him wear that tight fitting black shirt.
“Well, Y/N, here’s Capsicle, Mrs. Capsicle, New Captain, and Snowflake. Guys, this is Y/N, the new assistant. Oh, and there’s Spider Boy but he’s on curfew, Strange had to hop out of the dimension and Scott but he’s… He’s somewhere out there being small, I don’t know. Watch were you step, just to be safe”, said Tony
“Hi”, you gave a shy wave, being greeted right back.
If it wasn’t for the serum, Bucky is absolutely sure he would have a heart attack on the spot. You were wearing red heels, a form fitting black pencil skirt and a white button up blouse and he could see your curves, your strong arms, your thighs. You looked absolutely amazing. You look like one of the girls that Bucky would’ve rushed to ask for a dance back in the day. But what really made him stare is the fact that your body type looked eerily similar to the character of the calendar he spent an embarrassing amount of time staring.
As your eyes scanned the room as you were bombarded with questions, Bucky made sure to avoid your gaze, looking everywhere but your face: his shoes, the ceiling, the armrest on the couch, Steve’s shit eating grin. Oh. So THAT’S what it was about. Little shit.
Even avoiding your gaze, he made sure to keep his ears open. A man could be interested, right?
By the time the party ended, Thor and Bruce were sleeping, Tony was buzzed walking around singing Iron Maiden, Natasha and Sharon were talking, Steve and Sam were giggling like two school girls, Rhodes went home and Vision and Wanda were talking and looking out the window to the New York skyline.
Which left you – and Bucky – alone.
“Uhhh. I guess I’ll start cleaning, then”, you said. Your face was on fire. The only person that you were sure didn’t like you and you were awkwardly standing, not knowing where to look and what to say. It didn’t help that you were attracted to him but damn it, you were not going to lose this opportunity because of a school girl crush. So you decided to keep yourself occupied by taking some empty glasses and bottles from the table and taking them to the kitchen.
“Oh, come on, Y/N! Let the cleaning crew deal with this in the morning!”, said Natasha.
“No, no, I don’t mind. I like to keep myself busy”, you said with a smile. Technically, it wasn’t a lie. You only hoped she couldn’t see how awkward you were.
“I’ll help”, he said, picking up some glasses and following you.
“You can pick up more of these glasses and I can start washing them”, he said. “I- I noticed you got your nails done, so…”, he said, and you shyly looked away while thanking him and making your way out of the kitchen.
In no time, the room was getting emptier. Vision and Wanda went home and Thor took Banner back to New Asgard. And you were almost done with the dishes, having also gotten rid of most of the empty food containers. As you both cleaned, you and Bucky got a bit more comfortable with each other.
“I’m sorry for seeming a bit standoffish earlier”, he said suddenly. “I’m not used to parties and I don’t know how new people will react to me. Especially pretty women”, you smiled at the compliment, but felt your heart ache. You were so caught up in your insecurities that you didn’t even consider his side of things.
“You don’t have to be sorry. I don’t know how you feel but by what I’ve seen and heard, you have a family here. You’re out there fighting to save the world. Trying your best. This is redemption enough, don’t you think?”, you said as you put the glasses to dry, missing the awestruck look that Bucky sent you, a goofy smile making its way into his features. “Okay, you wait here and I’ll get what’s left”.
You were back in no time. “Okay, so just more two champagne flutes and one plate left”, you said but before you could give the dishes to Bucky, you slipped, and if it wasn’t for Bucky’s reflexes, you would’ve fallen hard. You yelped as the sound of breaking glass hit your ears and for a second you two just stared at each other, before Bucky pulled you closer and back to a standing position.
“Thanks”, you said as he helped you straighten up.
“Your ankle, does it hurt?”, he said.
“Uh, no, I don’t think so”, you said.
“Ah, I think it does. And I can’t let a dame go home alone on a hurt ankle”, he said, giving you a dashing smile.
“You know what, now that you’ve said it, it hurts really bad”, you said, catching on. “You know what’s amazing for a bad ankle?”, you asked, and the gentle smile in your lips and the mischievous glint in your eyes made his heart piston inside of his chest.
"What?", he said softly, stepping closer, like you were sharing secrets.
“Ice cream and a walk on the park. Very therapeutical”, you said, making Bucky laugh.
Before you knew it, Bucky had already scooped you up into his arms and rushedly announced that you had slipped and fell, whisking you away into the elevator.
“Dude, that took all night”, said Sam. “This is the smooth guy you told me about?”, he said, while Steve and Sharon laughed.
While everyone got ready to go home, Scott came out of the kitchen in his Ant-Man suit eating some leftovers.
“Someone owes me 20 bucks for making her trip”.
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doubleleoenergy · 4 years ago
Whatever You Like
Yeah, I want your body, I need your body. Long as you got me, you won't need nobody.
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Pairing: sugardaddy!Sam Wilson x latina!fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, mentions of alcohol, daddy kink, pet names (bonita, mi amor), passionate sex, wall sex, mentions of impregnation
Summary: Newly engaged y/n and sugardaddy!Sam are celebrating their enagement party with their loved ones.
Notes: This is my submission for @balenciagabucky​‘s/@dulceslibrary  3k writing challenge.
“Here comes y/n.” Tony announced, cocking his head in the direction of the glass staircase. 
Sam turned at Tony’s statement, excusing himself from the group as he waltzed across the floor to meet her at the end of the stairs. His eyes followed her every move as she sashayed down the steps, her hips swaying as she walked. Her body was enveloped in a tight red sparkly dress, a plunging neckline and thin straps drawing attention to her voluptuous breasts. Her nails were freshly manicured to match her toes peeking out of her strappy black stilettos, clicking against the glass steps as she walked down towards Sam.
She flashed one of her million-watt smiles at him, his hand reaching out to grab hers and help her down the final steps. 
“Stunning as ever, my bonita.” Sam gushed, moving his hand up high to give her a spin, his eyes running over her entire body as she did a 360 turn for him.
“You’re not so bad yourself, mi amor.” Y/N purred, the words rolling off her tongue before she leaned up on her tippy toes to kiss his lips.
Sam hadn’t met y/n in a conventional way, the only people who knew the truth were Sarah and the team. He knew that there were plenty of women who would die to be with him, with Captain America, but he wanted someone special. Someone he could trust with his crazy life. After swiping through multiple dating apps and going on a few horrendous dates, he saw an ad for a sugar baby dating site.
He signed up on a whim, more so curious as to what a sugar baby lifestyle entailed. There were lots of women on the site and even some men, most with profile pictures of them in scantily clad outfits with large fur coats and diamond jewelry. Searching through the profiles he came across one that stood out among the rest. Y/N’s profile included a picture you would see on Facebook; y/n in a baby blue bodycon dress, standing by the countertop of a bar holding a beer and smiling that infectious smile. Her profile read: “Not sure how any of this works, my friend told me to sign up. Just looking to put myself through nursing school. I’m not going to respond if you’re super old. I also know self-defense so don’t try anything.”
Sam liked that she was different, that she had ambition, that she was a normal twenty-one-year-old just trying to make ends meet. He knew what that was like in life, and so he asked her out for a coffee date. That coffee date turned into a second coffee date, and then a dinner date. And one year later it turned into an engagement. Y/N was everything he could’ve ever wanted and more. She was selfless, intelligent, a feisty Latina who with a bat of her long lashes could get him to bend in any argument. She was a great cook, an amazing nurse, and phenomenal in the bedroom. 
He never felt taken advantage of in their relationship, she was always up front and honest about what she wanted, and when things turned into more, he never for a second thought she was using him for money. He spoiled her with clothes, jewelry, and flowers, despite her protests on only needing money for school. Sam wanted to offer her everything in the world and would continue to do so for the rest of their lives together.
Sam led y/n over to the team, grabbing them each a glass of champagne from a nearby server, his hand on the small of y/n’s back as they walked.
“There’s the happy couple!” Steve cheered, patting Sam’s shoulder as he stood beside them. He raised his glass high in the air, gesturing for the rest of the team to do the same. “Y/N, I’ve never seen Sam as happy as he has been over the past year with you. Just having you in his life has made him a better person. Plus, he looks much better with you by his side.” Steve teased. “To a lifetime of happiness for you both.” Everyone clinked their glasses together, Sam smiling proudly as he took a sip from his glass.
“Couldn't have said it better myself.” Bucky added, crossing his arms over his chest, his metal arm shining in the light of the chandelier.
“So, have you guys decided on a date yet?” Nat questioned, grabbing a mini muffuletta off a nearby tray and chewing thoughtfully on it as she made eye contact with y/n.
“We’re thinking sometime in the spring, possibly April, back in Louisiana. Sarah already offered to make all of the food for the reception.” Y/N responded, looking up lovingly at Sam.
“That way we don’t get as much of the Louisiana heat. Nothing worse than wearing a full suit and sweating through it within twenty minutes of being outside. It’ll be small, mostly just the team and some family friends from back home.” With y/n and Sam’s parents both deceased, they didn’t have much family to attend. To them it was more than okay, the day would be filled with love regardless.
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The celebration continued late into the evening, everyone leaving on their own accord besides the team, who had gathered sharing stories of the good old days and successful missions. Y/N sat on the armrest of the couch; her legs draped over Sam’s body. Her nails ran up and down his chest absentmindedly as she listened to their stories.
Her eyes focused on Sam’s body, the way his navy button up clung to his arms, his muscles taut against the fabric. His black slacks were tight enough to reveal the outline of his cock, teasing and taunting y/n all night with just the sight of it.
Y/N’s lips danced against Sam’s ear, her voice a low and seductive whisper. “Meet me upstairs in five minutes. Don’t make it obvious.” And with that y/n excused herself, letting the group know that she was headed to the restroom. 
Stepping into the elevator, y/n headed up to the second floor, leaning against the wall as she waited for Sam. Five minutes passed, the ding of the elevator making her lips curl into a bewitching smile, the doors opening to reveal Sam, his eyes blown wide with lust. Y/N tilted her head in the direction of a nearby door, her heels clicking against the tile floor as she turned the knob, walking into one of the many guest bedrooms on that floor.
Sam followed close behind, shutting the door behind them and locking it. He wasted no time, pushing y/n against the bedroom wall, his hands sweeping over her body as his lips crashed against hers. His lips trailed down the supple skin of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating perfume as he kissed down her collarbone. He peppered kisses along her exposed cleavage, a whine escaping her lips.
“We’ve don’t have much time mi amor, been thinking about your cock all night, I need it.” She pleaded, her hands moving down to unbuckle his belt and free his thick cock.
A low hum vibrated deep in his chest, helping her push his trousers down, kicking them aside as his left hand snaked under her dress, a dark chuckle leaving his lips. “You’re not wearing any panties, my bonita.”
His fingers swiped against her slit, feeling them coated with her juices, pushing her dress up to bunch it around her waist. “Soaked already for me, I need to fill this tight pussy.”
And with that Sam parted her legs with his thigh, his hands moving to grip the back of her thighs before tugging her up. Y/N wrapped her legs instinctively around his waist, crashing their lips together again as she felt his cock rub against her folds.
“Please mi amor,..” She panted, trying to buck her hips down on his cock.
“Say it.” Sam commanded, teasing her folds with the tip.
“Please daddy.” The words send shivers down Sam’s spine, lining up his cock and sliding her down onto him, filling her pussy. He felt her stretching around him, letting her adjust to his size before pulling her up off his cock and slamming her back down.
“So, fucking tight, how are you so tight when I fill this cunt day and night with my cock?” He continued to bounce her up and down, her back rubbing against the wall with each thrust. Her hands were wrapped tight around Sam’s neck, her nails digging into the skin.
“Can’t wait to marry you, to fill you up with my cock for the rest of our lives. Want to fuck a baby into you.” Y/N mewled, peppering kisses along his jawline.
“You like that idea, huh? My bonita.” He can feel her walls tightening around him, a sign of her orgasm building up. “Cum for me, make a mess on daddy’s cock.”
He thrusted once, twice, three times before she came, her legs shaking around his waist and her eyes rolling back into her head as she released. Sam continued to fuck her through her high, his own orgasm following quickly after hers. He stilled inside of her, holding them against the wall for a moment before he gently pulled her off his cock, a mix of their cum dripping down her thigh.
“I love you so much Sam.” She cooed, kissing him once more. He cupped her face, resting his forehead against hers. 
“I love you too, bonita. Now let’s clean up and get back down to the party, we’ve got a lot to celebrate.”
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suitofvibraniumarmor · 3 years ago
Ficmas #4: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
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I've put today's drabble under the cut, as it requires warnings for character death and sad feels. I thought about coming up with something different for this prompt, but this one really stuck; sometimes the holidays have sad moments, right? Anyways. Here's some Christmas feels.
Also, I apologize I forgot to tag people for the Flannel Sheets drabble yesterday!
The tree was beautiful; one of the freshest, most beautifully decorated Tony had ever seen. He wasn’t entirely sure how it had appeared in the common room, but then again, things often had a way of showing up in Tony’s life without him understanding how.
“Seems to be happening a lot more lately,” he mumbled to himself, sipping at the hot cocoa in his mug.
A sly voice piped up from behind him. “I’m guessing there’s more than just hot chocolate in that cup.”
He turned with a smirk to Nat behind him, dressed in a cozy, cream-colored sweater and torn jeans. “Your guess would be correct.”
She smirked. “I’m getting good at this, the more time we spend together.”
“Yeah, I wonder who I can talk to about us spending less time together.”
“Don’t think that’s how it works,” Nat teased, pouring hot water and cocoa mix into a mug of her own adding a little of the same stuff Tony had added to his.
They sat in front of the fire, not far from the tree, and reminisced about Christmases past. Not all happy memories, truth be told, but there were some smiles among the sadness. They were on to the last few, strange years when a knock on the door interrupted their reverie.
Nat frowned. “Were you expecting company?”
“Wishing for it, yes. Expecting it, no.”
Natasha pressed her lips into a thin line. She set her mug to the side and stood on guard; it had been too long since something had gone wrong. Of course someone would find them here.
Tony stood by to allow Y/N into the common room. Natasha took a step back, her jaw moving up and down as she searched for words.
“Hey Tony. Hey Nat. Merry Christmas.”
Tony swallowed hard. “Are you here for … for us?”
Y/N shook her head. “I’m sorry to disappoint. I’ve been sent here to join you, actually.”
Tony swept her up into a fierce hug. He stroked the back of her head and kissed her temple; platonic, familiar gestures, nothing more. When he backed away, Natasha was still unable to form a sentence.
“Why don’t you have a seat, Y/N, and we can talk about how you got here. Nat, will you get her a mug of the good stuff?”
Finally able to do something besides search for words, Nat nodded and rushed for the counter. Y/N sat with Tony, taking in her new surroundings while she explained about the mission that had landed her here.
“What about Clint?” Nat finally asked, handing Y/N the mug of spiked hot cocoa.
Y/N pressed her lips together. “Clint’s okay. He won’t be joining us any time soon. You know, it’s funny – used to be, you and I never had much in common. We tolerated each other for Clint’s sake. Now we’ve got something in common.”
“Something serious,” Tony noted.
“Well, yes,” Y/N agreed, “but also … it came down to me and Clint. I figured if I let it happen to him, you’d come back to haunt me.”
“Damn straight,” Nat smirked. “But without you … I was counting on you to take care of him with me gone. Who’s gonna take care of him now?”
Tony uncharacteristically reached out to take a hand of each of the women. “Now, he’s still got a good team left to take care of him. We can talk more about that later. Right now, let’s just have ourselves a merry little Christmas. Y/N’s here, she’s not going anywhere. Might as well help her get comfortable.”
“Comfortable, right,” Nat agreed, swallowing down the lump in her throat before pouring each of them a new mug of cocoa.
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AllOfTheThings: @captain-s-rogers @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @hurricanerin @im-not-an-armrest-im-short @shynara51 @sea040561 @pinknerdpanda @xtina2191 @beakami @heartsaved @fullprunerebelstatesman @blackwidowismyhomegirl @averyrogers83 @jennmurawski13 @connie326
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send-me-your-hcs · 5 years ago
Cash, Card, Blood & Boys [pt. 2]
A continuation of this.
Warnings: VERY UNDERAGE, noncon, mafia boss Tony, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
Peter, it turns out, is quite the clever little thing.
He’s curious in that youthful, endearing way that Tony appreciates. Even scared to death, his gaze wanders, his hands fidgeting with everything they can touch. He’s an anxious boy, Tony thinks, or maybe a touch ADHD. He hasn’t stopped squirming since Pepper brought him to Tony nearly half an hour ago.
Freshly bathed, scrubbed squeaky clean and dressed in a thin, ill-fitting silk robe, Peter is a vision of loveliness. Tony knew he would clean up beautifully the moment he laid eyes on him. The robe Pepper draped him in hangs nearly down to his ankles; fourteen is younger than Tony’s had in years, and his usual profits aren’t typically as short as Peter is. As much as Tony hates the baggy-clothed peasant look, he must admit that Peter is sinfully alluring with his white dress robe hanging dangerously low off one shoulder.
Not that Tony is staring outright, of course. Not at first. He prefers to let his catch dangle on its hook before he lands it. The longer it waits in the in-between, in that sweet middle ground between freedom and death, the less of a struggle it puts up when it’s finally flung aboard. Tony’s learned, after nearly forty years of running this empire, that the best way to break a spirit is to feed it hope and despair in equal, excruciating measure.
“Are you a studious boy, Peter?” he asks, not turning around as he pours himself a glass of scotch. The ice cubes clink together at the bottom of the glass, making the poor boy nearly flinch out of his skin. “Do you enjoy school?”
“Y-yes,” Peter says, hands wrung together like he’s trying to keep control of them. His eyes dance over the various pieces of tech Tony has lining the walls and almost every surface of his office. The boy looks pitifully, adorably small sitting in the dead center of Tony’s lounge. “I’m - I go to Midtown Tech? I’ve always liked STEM classes, but, um. Chemistry’s my favorite.”
“Engineering was mine,” Tony replies casually as he strolls over, taking a seat on the opposite lounge. Peter ducks his head, refusing to meet his gaze. “Though, to be fair, I enjoyed all my hands-on classes.”
“Engineering is fun too,” Peter offers, meek, shy.
Tony smiles.
“Do you have plans for college? Grad school? Chemistry maybe isn’t quite as diverse or lucrative as engineering, but there’s still a great deal of options you could pursue.”
The hope brightens Peter’s gorgeous face. Tony takes another sip of his scotch to hide his smirk. “I’ve been thinking a lot about biochemistry, actually,” Peter says, squirming in his seat. “I, um, I think medicine would be...would be fulfilling and all - all that stuff. But I, um. I also really like photography. I’ve - I’ve occasionally considered journalism, from time to time.”
“Hmmm.” Tony says, drawing out the sound. The displeasure in his voice makes Peter go very still. “No, sweet boy, I don’t think that would do at all. Journalists and I don’t...get along, you see. They’re terribly nosy, the whole lot of them. You don’t strike me as quite so impolite. Or have I misjudged you? Are you nosy and impolite, Peter?”
The boy’s face has gone very pale. His wide-eyed gaze almost meets Tony’s, but not quite. “I…” he stammers, searching for the right answer, but he’s young and afraid. Tony is inexplicably charmed when the little welp chirps, “I just think...I think I need to do something that helps people. Medicine or - or pursuing the truth, helping to keep people informed, that - those are good things, even if sometimes people do them for the wrong reasons. I’m lucky enough that I was born ‘smart,’ so things like math and science come easy to me. If I...if I don’t use them to help make things better for other people, then it’s like...what was the point?”
“Oh, but Peter, dear boy: you are making things better for other people.”
Confusion curls the boy’s sweet face into an adorable little frown. “What?”
“Your aunt and uncle, for instance.” He watches the boy tense as he takes another long, slow sip of his scotch. “Just by being here, spending time with me, you’re helping them avoid my wrath. You didn’t need college or a fancy camera to do that.”
“Mr. Stark, not...not to be rude, but...you didn’t exactly give me a choice.”
“No,” Tony agrees. He sets his empty glass on the little table beside his armrest. “Nor will I. Whether you believe it or not, your uncle knew what he was bargaining with when he borrowed money from me. To his credit, he did try to keep your existence a secret. But I didn’t get to be in the position I’m in by being easily fooled.”
Peter’s hands are nearly whiter than his robe as he clasps them tightly together in his lap. He lifts his gaze to about the height of Tony’s chin and says, after a long moment of silence, “Mr. Stark...are you going to kill me?”
Tony reclines against the back of the lounge, twirling the handle of his cane in his left hand. “That, my dear boy, is entirely up to you.”
The soft, timid sound of Peter’s voice shouldn’t be as captivating as it is. “What...what do I have to do?”
Smiling, Tony lays his cane to rest beside him on the lounge, and sags his legs wide apart. “To start,” he says cheerfully, giving the boy a coy smile, “you can come sit on my lap.”
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iwantutobehapppier · 5 years ago
Morning Cup
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The best part of waking up is...
Word Count: 1,105
Warnings: 18+ only Smuts, handjob lol maybe a bit dubcon?
A/N: Been a while aye? Thank you lovelies for your continued support as I work through personal life. I do offer you this sinful drabble. Purely inspired by a salacious gif I found. The mind runs wild sometimes. :)
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It can’t be any later at 5 AM as you start the water to boil for your French press in the compound shared kitchen. Well, a French press for you and Bucky. Right as the electronic kettle hits temp you hear the soft padding of bare feet on the kitchen tile. Speak of the devil and he shall appear you muse to yourself.
“Mornin’ doll,” the rough bass in his voice this early in the morning sends a tingle down your spine stopping at your panty and sleep shorts covered core. The man’s voice was sin so early in the morning.
You mutter out a soft morning in response before pouring the perfectly heated water into the French press pot. Glancing at the clock you denote the time to make sure you don’t wait too long with the brew before turning around to face Bucky.
His attire in the early morning used to be much more modest but over the months of your shared mornings he came out in less and less. Today it was simply his boxer briefs, that was certainly a first. Your eyes trail along his lightly dusted dark-haired chest, the wide expanse of muscles and scar tissue, you subconsciously swipe your tongue over your bottom lip before pulling between your teeth.
The knowing smirk that pulls at the Bucky’s lips brings heat rushing to your cheeks. Oh, you were caught ogling. It wasn’t the first time but this certainly was more of a view to admire. Your eyes trailed along the adonis belt line peaking up. You were fairly certain that hair you see right at his boxer line is his pubic hair with how low they set on his hips.
Your eyes cut up to his, the smirk coupled with his tongue sitting on his upper lip, eyes hooded but do not stray from your eye contact. Feeling the heat taking over your entire face you spin around glancing at the clock. Grateful for the time you begin to push down on the French press.
“You and Steve going to run circles on Sam today?” You make small talk, trying to calm down your growing arousal. Tension had been growing between the two of you over these shared mornings. Both of you early risers. Enjoying each other’s company until Steve wakes up for their morning run.
But until Steve, it’s just the two of you, every morning.
“Nah,” Bucky’s voice right behind you. You inhale deep preventing you to gasp. Doing so you pull in that unique smell of Bucky. “They were called away late last night. Just us this morning doll.”
Bucky can’t help himself, he enjoyed any time he could spend with you. If alone it was even better for him. The way you made him feel, the flirting, longing glances, and that delicious way your eyes dilate when looking at him… it’s intoxicating for him. Your soft giggles made him feel more like himself than anything else did. More than spending time with Steve, more than visiting Brooklyn and more than cutting his hair did.
He smiles when you hand him his cup of coffee with the perfect amount of cream and sugar. Taking a drink he could feel his body relaxing, mind awakening, or was your presence doing that. He trails behind you, making your way to the living room, eyes zeroing in on the panty lines in your sleep shorts. The tight fabric straining over your lushes backend. Bucky feels his boxers pushed against his growing erection. His favorite view disrupted when you take up residence on the loveseat facing the floor-length windows.
This was the morning routine. You made coffee and the two of you drank together watching the sun creep in over the lake. Flirting and such flowing naturally. A steady routine and never going anywhere but Bucky wasn’t settling for that. He wanted more, better yet he needed more from you.
His balls ached nightly, and no matter how many times he took himself into his own hands that ache was there when he awoke at the thought of seeing you again. Spending time with you, next to you...
“Well I hope they’re not gone for long,” You pull Bucky from his thoughts, he almost forgot he told you about Steve and Sam. “Tony has some party planned soon you know how annoyed he gets when we aren’t all there.”
Bucky hums in response, eyes trailing over your crisscrossed legs. Your knee against his with his spread legs. He zeros in on your underwear peaking out, the crotch cloth of your shorts not wide enough to cover what we could only assume is the juiciest pussy. What was a half chub, is now a full-on raging erection barely confined by grey cotton boxers.
Taking another drink you let out a soft sigh, watching the sky changing color slowly as the day dawns. Unaware of your morning partners’ struggles until he clears his throat. You look at him and can make out the faintest line of perspiration on his forehead.
“I’ve uh,” he stops taking his cup in his metal hand resting on the loveseat armrest. “I’ve got something for you.”
Your eyes lighten in delight, eyebrows raised. “Oh?” He tips his head down and your eyes follow, down his chest, to his boxers. You pause thinking you see something you were certain hadn’t been there earlier.
He dips his flesh hand in the left side of his boxer leg hole, pulling the fabric up to reveal his thick, red, and hard cock popping up to full attention. A strangled gasp falls from your lips. You’re entranced at the precum beading at the tip. You lick your lips and Bucky’s eyes catch the movement.
“Ya wanna touch it doll?” His voice is light, the question heavy. You can’t form a response, believing for a split second this isn’t real until his hand is taking your wrist. Wrapping your fingers around the thick shaft. fingertips don’t touch, on reflex you pump your hand up and down. You rub your thumb along the bead of precum smearing it over the tip. He groans, and your head tilts up to look at him, head back, his bottom lip being abused between his teeth. Those brows furrowed.
You freeze your movements his groan pulls you out of the trance. This wasn’t right, he was your teammate.
His eyes open up sensing your hesitation and release your hand. He wraps it around your shoulders, pulling you in closer. “It’s okay,” his hot breath crosses your face. "Just rub me a little bit and I'll rub you too."
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missmonsters2 · 5 years ago
Between the Lines || VI
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PAIRING: Steve Rogers & Fem!Reader (Platonic) / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life.
[Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warnings: This series will contain smut(**), poly-relationship, and dark themes.
Note: And so, we are entering AoU. Yes, you guessed it, soon Wanda will make her appearance! Please let me know if you want to be on the taglist for this fic :)!
Count: 6136
"Your little side gig of renting books must make more than I originally thought," Natasha wryly said as she sat comfortably in her cushioned chair that had plenty of legroom. 
Sitting first class on a flight was something Natasha rarely did, mostly because she could get anywhere on the Quinjet. But even then, with her line of work, it's not like she could continuously afford first-class with how often she needed to travel, and the cost wasn't worth it. 
Maybe if Tony paid for her trips. 
You grinned at the redhead across as you flagged down a flight attendant. "That, or living for over 400 years gives me a lot of time for investing and saving."
Natasha merely smiles with a tilt of her head as she watches you order a salad, with cheese, nuts, and a side of fruit. 
"I thought you didn't have to eat," Natasha brings up after the flight attendant leaves. 
"I don't," you lean your jaw on your fist as your elbow rests against the armrest. "It's for you. It's going to be a long flight, but this is probably the freshest meal on the plane. At least it's naturally salty, so you'll be able to taste it instead of having to eat something that has been over salted. Humans lose about up to 30% of their taste when they're this high."
Natasha licks her lips because it's something so small, you don't even realize as you turn your head to look out the window. 
It's considerate, and it shows Natasha that you do care about her despite you hiding things from her. 
Sometimes, she cannot help but wonder why. 
"You don't lose your taste?" Natasha asks curiously, drawing your attention back. 
You hum. "It's hard to explain. My senses are enhanced. Things are typically louder, stronger tasting, and smellier. It gets easier to control with age, but when I eat, I don't just taste the food. I can smell and taste how fresh it is, how cooked it is, every ingredient used."
"That sounds like food can be an enjoyable experience. Do you eat regularly then?" Natasha asked.
You shook your head. "No, I eat when the situation calls for it. I can appreciate a well-cooked meal, but since I don't gather any nutrients from it, I don't really see the point of regularly eating when I'll have to feed again later."
Natasha nods, recalling what you had told her back at the secret facility.
"Since it's a long flight," Natasha smiles, "can you tell me a little more about being a vampire 101?"
You grin, "You may ask your questions, but I can't guarantee I'll answer all of them."
She remembers that you were unwilling to talk about why you weren't able to feed from humans, so she knew that was off-limits. A million questions race through Natasha's mind, almost unsure of what to ask, but she decides she'll ask the things she saw about you first.
"When you were fighting The Winter Soldier, you did something to make him stay down. What was that?"
You shift in your seat, biting your tongue on how exactly to explain it.
"Every vampire has a power called compulsion. We can compel other beings through essentially mind control by looking into our eyes," you lick your lips. "There are conditions to it, though. Compulsion is only as strong as the vampire is, and a human's willpower and mental strength are taken into consideration too. A human who is trained to resist mind control, compulsion lasts much shorter with them." 
"What makes a vampire stronger?" Natasha asked, frowning.
"Age, diet, and practice."
"Practice?" Natasha's brows furrow.
You nod. "How often you use compulsion increases its stamina. In terms of physical strength, it's age and diet, though, practice doesn't hurt with strategizing." 
"Could someone compel you?" Natasha asked bluntly.
"You'd be hardpressed to find many other vampires older than me," you smirked, "there's only most likely a handful of vampires who would be older than me. Though, I suppose I can't say I'm exactly at my full strength either."
"Because you can't feed directly from humans," Natasha slowly says and watches you nod but say nothing more, so she moves on.
"Do vampires not change other humans?" She asks with a tilt of her head.
You hum, pressing your lips together.
"We do, but it's rare. Vampires are more likely to only change someone who they consider their life partner, sometimes more if they're looking to build a 'family' or 'coven.'"
"Life partner? Do you only have one partner?" Natasha asks, remembering that you had said you had dated many people over the years, but it didn't work out. Was this one of the logistics of a vampire? That they had a soulmate?
You shook your head.
"A life partner doesn't translate to a soulmate or anything like that. Because we live so long, we do love very intensely. We may date and fool around, but humans are so fleeting. Their lifetime is only a moment for us. A life partner is someone vampires consider they cannot have for only one moment, after all, forever is a long time. It takes time for a vampire to consider such things within another," you close your eyes, no longer talking when the flight attendant comes back with the food and places it in front of Natasha. 
When she leaves, Natasha takes a slice of cheese and puts it in her mouth, humming. 
"Why didn't you kill The Winter Soldier?" Natasha asks after a moment when she swallows her food.
"I'm glad I didn't," you mutter, thinking about how it turned out to be James Buchanan Barnes. 
You sigh lightly. "People who are enhanced are different. The serum makes them much more durable. Generally, humans feel flimsy and frail to us. I could've killed him, but it was faster to create an opening for us to escape. You were bleeding."
Natasha watches as you talk about her wound uncomfortably. 
"Is it hard to resist your thirst?"
You lick your lips, remembering the taste of Natasha's blood on your tongue. 
"Age helps," you swallow. "While I feel bloodlust, it's easier to control knowing I can't have it. But I always make sure I'm well-fed."
Still, Natasha feels the word 'why' wanting to fall from her lips, but she knows you won't explain.
"Alright, enough questions for now," you grin at the redhead, "finish your meal, and let's watch a movie. I think there's a movie on here that that hasn't even hit the theaters yet."
Natasha merely smiles at you.
Sokovia is warmer than you thought during this time of the year. 
Fall is barely making its appearance, but it's still a little brisk. 
You look over to Natasha, who has a thin jacket on, and although the spy doesn't show any signs of feeling cold, you frown.
You take off your scarf, turning to her as you wrap it around her.
Natasha watches you through her lashes.
"I'm not cold," she tells you.
"I'm getting cold watching you," you mumble back, adjusting the scarf just right. 
There's a moment that seems to linger between the two of you, but before you could really make anything of it, your phone starts to go off.
You blink, looking at Natasha for a moment before turning away to pull out your phone.
"Hey, David," you answer the phone.
"Have you landed yet?" 
"Yeah, just hailing a cab right now. I got the address you sent me. Did you settle in and get the place ready?" You ask as you raise your hand to flag a cab to you.
David makes a noise indicating he did. "Are you bringing her?"
"Well, I certainly didn't bring her for nothing."
David sighs, "Alright, I'll see you soon."
You hang up the phone as you usher Natasha into the cab first.
You give the address in Slovak as you try to sit comfortably.
"You know Slovak?" Natasha asks in English.
You nod. "Yes, I have an extensive language list. I've had 400 years to learn to be fair."
"I had felt you knew Russian when we played Jenga," Natasha smiled.
"Oh yeah, you mean when I beat your ass in Jenga?" You smirked, causing the redhead to laugh.
"We'll see who comes out on top at the next game," she merely replies. 
You fall into a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride, enjoying the heat that seems to linger between the two of you as you sit close together.
The house is big, Natasha notices. A part of her wonders precisely how much is in your bank account, and she's sure you have many accounts offshore as well.
She's not unused to seeing luxurious houses, but Natasha supposes she's still reconciling the fact that you're not just an ordinary café owner.
You carried the suitcases with ease as you entered the house. It was quiet, Natasha observes, looking at the decor as she does so. You drop the bags and hum as you look around.
"David!" You shouted, hearing him trying to stand still upstairs. You hear a quiet groan and roll your eyes, and Natasha tilts her eyes curiously. 
She steels herself when someone blurs down the stairs, standing at a distance. He wore a plain white mask as he briefly looked at Natasha. 
"David," you sigh, "why are you wearing a mask?"
"For my safety," he answers, seemingly almost a little proud of himself. 
"Take it off," you stare at him.
"David, you're being ridiculous," you scrunch your brow. "You can't wear the mask forever. She's here, and she knows you exist, there's no point."
"No," David says stubbornly. 
Natasha watches the scene with rapture, it was hard to form a full opinion with David's mask on, but he was tall, and seemed toned but not too muscular. His blowout hairstyle seemed to unnaturally defy gravity with its voluminous structure, swaying slightly as he moved his head.  
You seemed to say something quietly and quickly that Natasha couldn't hear, only for David to do exactly the same.
All of a sudden, Natasha blinked, and you had blurred over towards David. The two of you seemed to be wrestling, and before Natasha could blink again, you had ripped off the mask from David's face.
"Ugh!" David scowled with a bit of a pout. He looked over at Natasha, and she was surprised by how handsome David was. It wasn't like she's never seen a handsome man before. After all, she sees Steve's face every day.
But there was the same unnatural beauty to him that you had. It was subtle, but still there. His chestnut eyes flittered in a way that made it seem like the sunlight existed in them, and his sharp jawline and cheekbone gave him a charismatic air, even as he scowled. 
"Now look at what you've done," David scrunched his nose at you. 
"The fact that you think Natasha wouldn't find out what you looked like forever proves to me you're still a dumbass even though you're over 300 years old," you roll your eyes as you toss the mask back to David.
"You don't know that," David petulantly rebuttals back but sighs as he looks back over to Natasha. "I heard you looking to build some new covers?"
Natasha nodded with a small smile, but David merely nodded his head towards the stairs.
"I have some started up for you, but I need you to come up with me to finish it."
"Did you do grocery shopping?" You asked David, who merely looked confused.
You sigh and roll your eyes again and turn to Natasha. "I'm going to head out for a bit to get you some food while you're with David. Any particular requests?"
Natasha shook her head, "Anything is fine."
You nodded and turned to David with a bit of a quirk in your brow.
"Be nice," you whisper towards David too quietly for Natasha to hear. 
David merely huffs but nods slightly before you smile one last time to Natasha before heading out. 
"Alright, come on," David casually says as he starts to hop up the stairs with one of his hands in his pocket while the other holds his mask.
He leads Natasha into a room that is decked out with numerous computer systems and monitors. Off the side, there was newer technology that Natasha was used to, like holographic systems and monitors. 
David pulled up a holographic monitor and pulled up various types of documents.
"I've got a couple prepared for you here to start off, take a look and tell me if you want to add anything," David flicked the screen to face her.
Natasha took a look, impressed with the work. There were a lot of documents included that she would need.
Birth certificates, health cards, visas, passports, resumes, newspaper clippings, school registries, transcripts, and so much more.
Each identity was fully decked out. 
There were about five aliases David had created for her, all reusable and versatile. 
It was much more intricate and detailed than Natasha would've imagined.
"This is impressive," Natasha tells him, "I think these are all perfect."
David hums. "I'm just building your image for your passports, and then I register them within in the system in case anyone tries to look you up."
Natasha looks at other things in the room before looking back at David.
"You're quite the accomplished hacker," she comments, watching David snort.
"I'm not a hacker," David looks at her from the side of his eye before looking back to the screen to finish his work. "I'm a technopath."
Natasha's brows furrowed. "You have powers?"
David eyed Natasha before speaking, "Yes. I was changed around the 1700s. At first, my powers manifested in the form of nuts, bolts, gears, and wires. It was passive more than anything. But as humans progressed, so did my powers. In this day and age, nearly everything is accessible through electronics."
David explained his powers a little more to Natasha, who took the information in slowly. She was sure if David ever got his hands onto Tony's systems, it would be over for the inventor. 
It was quiet for a few moments until Natasha recalled you were wearing gloves.
"Does she have powers too?" Natasha asked abruptly. David turned over to look at the redhead with his eyebrow cocked.
"If she hasn't told you, I will leave that up to her," David turned back to his screen. "What has she told you?"
"Just some basics," Natasha told him and listened as he hummed.
"You can ask me some questions too, I'll try to answer them the best I can," David offered, and she gave him a small smile. It seems like he was slowly warming up to her.
"Do you know why vampires have to feed?" She asked.
David seemed to have finished what he was doing and led her back out of the room. "Vampires can't produce blood in their bodies. Our heart pumps what blood we drink to get our body to function. Because we drink blood to supply, eventually, our bodies will run out."
They took a seat on different couches as David relaxed, putting his head back.
"What happens if you don't feed?"
David lifted his head, peering at Natasha. "We become absolutely feral. Any rational part of us shuts down, and we will kill anything near us for blood. If a vampire doesn't feed in that stage, we enter a comatose state until someone feeds us blood."
"Kill?" Natasha clarified, and David nodded.
"It's very possible to feed without killing, but in that stage, we're no longer aware of what we're doing. We're no longer aware of how strong we might be holding someone. In most cases, people die from a broken neck because we grasp it too hard," David's lips were in a tight line, and Natasha got a distinct feeling that he had experienced what he was telling her.
But for someone who had killed probably more people than she has, he had such soft eyes. 
Natasha was about to ask another question when you opened the door, coming in with multiple grocery bags. A part of her wanted to ask if you needed help out of habit, but you clearly had no problems carrying all of it by yourself. 
Still, David got up and blurred over to you at the kitchen island to see what you got. 
"Oh, you got some good stuff. Might just be tempted to eat dinner tonight too," David grinned. "Also try to go easy on the blood supply. We should have enough to last us until the next shipment, but getting in touch with the hospital here had some issues."
You merely nodded, leaving the details up to David. 
"Can I cook?" David asks, and you chuckle before nodding.
"Better you than me," you shrug, leaving him with the groceries. You walk over to Natasha and plop down next to her. 
"Did David give you your new covers?" You ask and smile as Natasha nods.
"Yes, they were pretty solid identities. Thank you," Natasha whispers to you, genuinely grateful for you. What would've taken her months to get new covers took only a couple moments because of you. 
And your voice about life partners popped up in Natasha's head.
"YOU'RE WELCOME!" David shouts from the kitchen, interrupting the moment, causing the two of you to laugh.
The evening passes by quickly as you show Natasha to her room, which is across from yours. You tell Natasha to spend some time resting after the flight and get settled in before dinner. 
Natasha didn't think she was tired, but she did end up falling asleep for about 20 minutes. When she woke up, she took a shower in the bathroom that was in her room, sighing at the hot water. 
By the time she got out, she could smell a waft of food lingering in the air and found her stomach rumbling. When she came down, she saw you setting the table as David finished up cooking in an apron. The way you two moved so easily and in sync showed to Natasha that the two of you must have been together for a long time.
"This smells delicious, what are we having?" Natasha peered over to the stove as David finished plating.
"We are having a calamari salad, crispy dry ribs with a tamarind honey glaze for the main, and a Molten Chocolate Cake served with a berry compote for dessert," David gave the redhead a small smile. 
"Wow," Natasha blinked. This was the type of dinner she would be having at a restaurant. She couldn't even remember the last time she ate something like this with her fellow Avengers.  
"David was a chef at one point," you tell her as you beckon her forward to take a seat, holding the chair out for her. You take a seat diagonally next to her while David brings over the plates. He takes off his apron and takes his seat across from you.
"Oh, that was a wondrous time," David recalls when he used to work as a chef, putting food on everyone's plate.
Natasha nods to him in thanks, taking a bite of the food.
"Oh," she moans a little from the taste. "Why did you ever stop?"
David laughs, and you roll your eyes as you can tell his ego is swelling up.
"David was getting too much recognition, no matter where he worked. It's not good for us to ever have photos taken of us or be publicly recognized," you dig in yourself.
Natasha nods with a hum, "I guess it'd be bad if someone realized you never aged."
"Exactly," you nod. 
"Doesn't stop me from occasionally cooking," David tells the redhead, "but I suppose now that you're here, I will have more opportunities to cook!"
He actually sounded excited, and Natasha couldn't help but smile.
"You didn't have to eat with me, you know," Natasha seems apologetic to you and you wave it off.
"I think you'll find it weirder if we merely sit here and watch you eat. Besides, it's not like eating causes us any harm, and it doesn't taste half-bad," you smirk.
"Hey!" David looks up at you with a mock glare, causing Natasha to laugh. 
The rest of the dinner with a pleasant affair with light talks and banter. Natasha learns a little more about how you had come to meet David. 
"You changed him?" Natasha asks with mild shock. 
Previous to that, she has just learned that to change a human, there were two ways. 
To change into a vampire, a human had to die with enough venom in their system. 
One, it could be done slowly over time by injecting venom slowly into a human's system. You had told her that venom was for the part, passive. As a vampire, you could control how you wanted your venom to react. By slowly building up venom in a human's system, the change was much less painful. 
There were side effects, of course. It was subtle, but there. Over time, the human would find they needed to sleep less. They would have to eat more, finding their usual amount wasn't given them enough nutrients. Even their skin would look clearer and glassy, their hair looking glossier. 
The second way was usually in the case of emergencies like the human was already dying. That would usually involve draining enough blood before injecting a massive amount of venom before they could die. It was incredibly painful.
In David's case, he was dying.
"How?" Natasha asked. Her mind was reeling, knowing you couldn't feed on people. How would you have changed David without draining him of blood? Maybe you were able to feed on people at one point, but something changed?
"She drained my blood by sucking it out and then spitting it out. She didn't drink a single drop," David said grimly, while you quietly drank your glass of wine. 
"You did what?" Natasha whipped her head over to you. You looked at Natasha while the wine glass rested against your lips before shrugging as if it wasn't a big deal. 
David shook his head at you.
"When it comes to self-control, there's probably no one that could ever beat her," David said as he wiped his lip with his napkin before throwing it on the table as they finished off their dessert. 
Natasha was in disbelief. 
The amount of control you must have shocked her. David described feeding being like the first hit of ecstasy, and it felt like that every time.
To..to change David in such a manner?
Natasha had a newfound respect for you. 
David sighed as he got up, "Alright, I gotta head back to the cave. When I find something, I'll let you know." He looked at you, and you nodded as you got up to put dishes away.
Natasha got up as well to help you, feeling fuller than she has been in a long time. She knew she would need to watch herself because eating like she has with David's cooking would undoubtedly make her gain an unhealthy amount of weight.
"So, you make insanely good coffee while David cooks like a God? Seems a little unfair neither of you regularly eat," Natasha smirked at you, causing you to laugh.
"Well, you're certainly more than welcome to ask me to make coffee for you anytime. I won't even charge you," you grinned at her. "I think David is secretly happy you're here as well. He loves cooking."
You whispered it as if it was a conspiracy, knowing that David would be able to hear to you. He scoffed, and you chuckled quietly as Natasha smiled at what you said.
Natasha's not sure how to quite explain it, but she feels like she's at home.
The night settles in easily as David works quietly. Natasha had gone to freshen up in her room while you had retired to your own.
But even as it got late, Natasha didn't feel tired, and she debated what to do before she left her room and stood in front of yours.
She didn't knock immediately and felt a little ridiculous because she knew that you knew she was standing there, but eventually, she rapped her knuckles softly against the door.
"Come in," she heard a quiet response. Opening the door, she found you sitting in an armchair with a book with the lights off. 
"Hey," you smile at her, "Can't sleep?"
Natasha nodded, and you closed your book as you beckoned her over to the balcony. The night was cooler, but Natasha insisted she was fine with her sweater on. Russia was much colder than this, so this was nothing.
The two of them sat against the couch outside, and you threw the thin blanket lying there over her lap. 
Sitting in comfortable silence, Natasha regarded you as you stared at the night sky.
"So, what's your real name?" She asks to fill the silence, recalling her past interactions with you. 
You laugh as you tell her your full real name.
"You know your last name now doesn't suit you at all, right?" Natasha quirks her brow.
You shrug. "People hardly ever blink an eye about what names I use. If my last name at the time doesn't fit, I always say I was adopted or have some interesting thing in my family tree. David is always prepared. We've had many different types of last names."
"Do you ever miss your actual name?" She asks softly, thinking about when the last time someone might've called her Natalia was. 
You look up, sighing. "Sometimes. But the girl with that name is from so long ago, she can't exist in today's world. She belongs in the past. For now, I'm Elaine, and one day in the future, I'll be another name. It's the life of a vampire."
"Couldn't David prevent anyone from ever looking that far?" Natasha frowns slightly, feeling sympathetic for you. 
"He could," you concede. "For the most part, we will cycle through the same name sometimes when enough time has passed. But sometimes, some things are just better to be left in the past."
It was clearly a preference with a story of its own, but Natasha doesn't want to push you to talk about such things tonight.
"Do you have a power too?" Natasha asks after the silence stretches too long.
You turn your head back, almost surprised by how incredibly soft Natasha looks. The moonlight hitting her just enough to illuminate her face. She's got a bit of a natural wave to her hair, and she smells likes like vanilla and dry leaves. 
"I do," you answer softly, your fingers flexing out of habit. "When I touch someone, I can see everything about them. Every thought they've had, things they've seen, and to an extent, their future. It's helped David and I survive this long."
Natasha looked at your hands. "Is that why you wear the gloves?"
You nod.
"While it's a very useful gift, it's invasive, even if the other person doesn't know. I don't like using my gift until it's about life or death," you shake your head softly. 
"You've never touched any of your partners over the years?" Natasha asks, and you smirk.
"You'd be surprised how creative one can be with sex and gloves," you half-joke, but sober up a little when you see Natasha's curious glint. "But no, I've only ever touched one person that wasn't for a life or death situation."
It was a vague answer, but Natasha accepted it. 
It felt like enough questions for tonight, Natasha still had questions, but she knew enough to be satisfied for now.
The two of you quietly enjoyed the night, looking at the night sky and Natasha braving herself enough to move her hand outside the blanket and grasp yours. 
You had turned over, surprise in your eyes, but you didn't pull away. 
It was enough for Natasha. 
She leaned over, pulling your hand a little closer until you could feel her breath on your lips.
Natasha was warm, but you already knew that about her.
And under the dimly lit night and cool breeze, you shared a kiss with Natasha that both felt like a warning and the start of something that can't be controlled. 
Months pass by with little to no change. 
Natasha had stopped asking the important questions, even if they itched in the back of her throat. 
There seemed to be some kind of line you had drawn since that night Natasha kissed you. 
You were both still warm and kind to her, but distant. There were no talks about what the kiss meant, but Natasha knew there was something between the two of you.
And she was falling deeper and deeper the more she spent her days around you.
Natasha is a very patient person, she knows that. Whatever is holding you back, it's clearly something big.
And the fact that you were pulling back when you clearly felt something for the redhead only indicated to her that you were at least serious about her. Otherwise, it would've easily pushed forward for a fling. 
You seem to go out a lot. Every day you seem to leave around midday and don't return until late evening when David is about to finish cooking dinner. 
Natasha sees the look the two of you share, clearly whispers of things she cannot hear, but she doesn't push it because it's not her business. She's here as a guest.
As much as she wants to know, you haven't shared that with her, and Natasha knows better than to push. 
It isn't until one day late in the evening that David tells you he's got some new information for you to check out, and you need to leave immediately to scope the area. 
"This might take me a while," you tell Natasha softly as you stand before her, fingers unnecessarily itching to touch her cheek, but you force them to remain at your side.
Natasha nods as you leave, staring at your form as you go quickly.
It was in a blink, but Natasha still stares at the door. 
David looks on, biting his tongue. He wasn't a fool; he had noticed right away. It didn't help he could hear Natasha's soft sigh from the first night the two of you kissed.
On top of that, he had noticed you were internally struggling about what to do, as best as you were trying to hide that. 
David has known you for a long, long time, though. And while Natasha may have caught on, David knows why. 
He sighs, grabbing some wine glasses and a bottle that has been stored since the 1980s. 
"Come have a drink with me," he tells Natasha, hopping up the stairs to the second level balcony. 
"Very nice," Natasha smiles as he pours her a glass, and she catches the wine choice.
"It's going to be a long night, and you deserve a nice wine at least," David gives her a half-hearted smile as he puts the bottle down onto the mini table as he leaves over the railing, gazing out. 
Natasha raises her brow but doesn't say anything else as it's a moment to just enjoy the wine and the view. 
"So, what's got you all melancholy that you wanted to drag me out here with wine?" Natasha asks when the moment is over.
David takes another sip, swirling his glass gently when he lowers his glass and sighs. 
He turns to Natasha, looking more serious than she remembers him looking for the past few months.
"I'm only telling you this because I've grown to like you, Elaine would kick the shit out of me if she knew I was doing this right now," David lets out a forceful breath through his nose.
Natasha smiles lightly because she's grown to appreciate David too. In ways, she connects with him that she may not connect with anyone else. It's beautiful to find that in a friend, and clearly, he appreciates it as well.
She stares at him, waiting patiently for what he's about to say. 
"I love her—I do. I will always stick by her side, and she is my family that I wouldn't hesitate to die for. But I'm also telling you this as a friend," he says softly but sternly. "Give up on her." 
The words come as a shock to Natasha. Parts of her understand that something is underlying underneath all of this, but other parts of her don't.
"Why?" She asks seriously. Natasha watches as David runs his hands through his gravity-defying hair.
"I assume you know that she can't feed on humans," David looks at Natasha, and she nods. That's never been an issue for her, whether you could or not. 
David knows you'll be entirely pissed at him for telling Natasha, but he knows it's something you wouldn't tell her. At least the whole truth. 
"She's cursed," David tells Natasha simply.
Natasha blinks.
"Cursed?" She says slowly, almost confusedly. 
David nods. 
"She was involved with someone before I met her. I don't even know the full story of what truly occurred, but I can tell you that this person consumes her," David shook his head. "I don't know what happened, but the end result was that this woman put a curse on her that if she ever tries to feed on anyone else's blood, she will die."
Natasha had suspected that there might've been someone else in your life previously, but she hadn't expected this.
"Who could've put a curse on her like that?" She wondered out loud, mostly to herself.
"A witch," David answered bluntly. 
Natasha whipped her head up to look at David with shock.
"A witch," she slowly said to which he nodded.
"Yes, true witches born with powers in their bloodline did exist. Most have been burned at the stake because of the prevalent witch hunts until about 1750. Some still exist today, but probably in hiding."
It was like something clicked in Natasha's brain.
"Is that why the two of you are in Sokovia?" She asks immediately. "You're looking for someone. A witch."
David nods once, a little slowly.
"Yes," he says hesitantly. "That woman's descendants to confirm if the girl has powers."
Natasha nods, things making more sense.
"Are the two of you looking for a way to break her curse? I guess it would make sense. If a powerful curse was put on, then most likely only that person, or that person's descendants with powers could remove it, right? Is that what she does every day? Have you found any leads--"
"She doesn't want to remove the curse."
Natasha kept talking at first, but then the words hit her like a freight train. 
"What?" She asks a little breathlessly. 
David presses his lips together, feeling the sting for Natasha. 
"She doesn't want to get the curse removed," he repeated. 
"Then why is she here? Looking for that woman's descendants?" Natasha asks, wanting to let the desperation leak out in her tone.
Had she always felt this deeply for you?
Had she already fallen this far?
Natasha hadn't thought so, she knew she would down the line if things had continued as they were, but this moment was sobering to her. 
David shrugged helplessly at his friend. 
"Your guess is as good as mine. Regardless of the reason, you can understand why I'm telling you to give up on her," David licks his lips. "I'm not saying she can't love you because I can see that she clearly feels something serious for you already, which is why she's struggling right now. But she's also very clearly not over her past, and whatever it was, will hurt both of you down the line."
It was silent, Natasha taking his words into consideration, but before she could respond to David, they heard the front door open.
You were home.
The door had opened rather harshly, and the two could tell whatever you had scoped was not good. 
Putting down the wine glasses, they rushed back and down the stairs. 
Finding you standing there, looking displeased and stressed.
"What's wrong? Did you find them?" David immediately asks, referring to the descendants. 
You shook your head. "No, but the place you sent me to turned out to be a Hydra facility. I couldn't get in to look without being noticed, but I could hear what was happening inside. They're experimenting on humans."
You looked over at Natasha, licking your bottom lip subtly. 
"I think it's best you gather the Avengers."
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georgiapeach305132 · 4 years ago
Man Out of Time: Chap. 12, Nomads
Charlie's POV:
The Avengers seem to be no more.  Our civil war ripped us apart, and it feels there's no going back.  Clint and Scott were able to strike deals with the government and opted for house arrest.  They both have children, and families, so that makes perfect sense.  Clint checks in as much as he and Nat deem safe.  Such a big papa bear, making sure I'm ok.  Bucky is frozen in Wakanda hoping that Shuri, T'Challa's sister can work her magic on his brain.  Wanda and Vision typically spend most their time together, keeping low profiles.  While Steve, Nat, Sam, and myself have become rogue nomads.  We travel around the world in silence.  Sometimes working under the radar on missions, and other times living an odd family life.  There's a familiarity between the four of us.  
Nat and I try to keep the atmosphere around us as light hearted as possible.  Making sure to remember birthdays and holidays.  All of us keep in touch with everyone else through the media.  Peter seems to be keeping his neighborhood of Queens as safe as a teenager can.  No doubt he's receiving help from Tony.  I'm glad Tony is able to put his energy into a protege.  He needs that outlet.  We still haven't heard anything concerning Bruce.  I can hear the pain in Nat's voice every time he's brought up.  Thor seems to still be off world, possibly still in Asgard.  Rhodey we learned is still recovering from his fall.  He's alive and okay, that's all I care about.
Even though we have each other we all hope for the day when we can all be together and not spread throughout the globe.  Most of us too stubborn to make contact with one another.  A quietness settles around us.  There isn't a deep need for our services currently.  We all take turns reading and listening to any news where we may be of assistance.  Not working is an odd mixture of contentment at times and extreme boredom and unrest at other times.  The unrest is most notable on Steve's face.  He's spent so many years being America's golden boy, ready when needed.  Feeling he's at his best in a war.
I sit on our old and broken-down couch for the month mindlessly flipping through channels.  My hair is on top of my head in a messy bun, whisps framing my now too light skin.  I'm wearing one of Steve's t-shirts, it still smells of his clean body, my jean shorts are too short to be seen under his too large shirt.  The end of June is bringing a deep heat and humidity in the air.  Steve slumps down beside me, putting his arm around me huffing as he sits on the part of the couch with a spring trying to creep out of the cushion.  It causes unnecessary discomfort, but Steve wants to be close to me.
We have become closer this past year, still not labeling us, it doesn't seem important anymore.  We still keep each other close, still need each other, still crave the others touch, still have desire to not be apart for too long.  I lean my head over on his shoulder and he twists his head to kiss my temple, his now bearded face tickles me and I let out an airy giggle.  He reaches over to grab the remote out of my hand, to click through the channels himself.  
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I twist my body and scoot down on the couch so I can lay my head on Steve's lap, stretching my legs to rest and dangle over the armrest.  His arm that was around my shoulder falls to my stomach.  His fingers roam around until they find the hem of his shirt and he slips his hand underneath.  He ghosts his fingers across my skin, traveling further up.  I put my arm up resting my hand across his jawline and brush against his beard.  This has become my favorite feature of the now nomad Steve.  He's beautiful as a clean cut, fresh shaven man.  But he's beyond sexy with his luscious beard and growing locks.  
A strand falls down by his eye and I flick it away.  His fingers brush further up my body and stops at my bra.  "Why do you have that damn thing on?  It's just us here."
"Would you prefer I took it off Captain?"  I smile up at him.
He looks down at me with a crooked smirk.  "Princess, if I didn't want it off your perfect breasts, I wouldn't have said anything."  His fingers slide across my chest gently and stealthily, eyes back to focusing on the TV, when he realizes the clasp is on the front.  His fingers quickly unfasten it and his fingers push it aside and begin slowly fondling my breasts.  We hold this way for several moments.  Him watching nothing at all on the tv, playing with my breasts, causing my nipples to protrude up as chill bumps pull up all over my body.  I continue looking up at him.  He's perfect, and I wish that this was our life, not life on the run constantly in the back of our minds.  
I close my eyes and bite my lip.  Thinking of a different life.  A life where we weren't constantly on edge.  A life where our extended family was together, happy, and thriving.  Steve's hand starts to slip down my stomach, reaching the waist of my shorts and effortlessly unbuttoning them.  He slips his hand under my panties.  I deeply inhale as his hand adds pressure and rubs on my clit.  He lets out a soft moan.  "You're so wet."  I smile and my own hands go under his shirt, lightly using my fingernails to tickle his abs.  This is the simplicity our life should be.  Lazily pleasuring one another.  Taking the time to feel one another, just being comfortable.  Content.
He pulls his fingers out and up to his mouth, sucking each finger slowly, making sure his mouth pops as he removes them.  I pull my body up and straddle his lap.  We stare at one another for a moment.  Taking in each other's appearance.  This...this is pure bliss; I never want it to end.  Slowly we move towards one another until our lips touch.  He places sweet kisses on my lips when our lips meet.  His hands shift to my hips, pulling me closer to his swollen jeans.  He wants me to feel he's aroused, and it works I whimper into his mouth, and he uses his hands to guide a rocking motion on top of him.
I reach down and pull off his shirt, and while his hands are off my hips, he takes the time to remove my own.  He growls when he sees my bra still draped over my back, and I adjust my arms and it falls in front of his feet.  My hands trace along his shoulders and chest.  Committing his body to my memory.  My hands trail down his chest and sides, slipping behind him and pulling his body closer to mine with a jerk.  I feel his mouth smile on my lips.  I'm not as submissive with him as I once was.  He finds my brattiness cute, and it makes me want to be aggressive with him in return.    
He shifts my head to give himself better access to my neck as he kisses and sucks down my neck, collar bone, and shoulder.  He adjusts his hands on my elbows, urging me to move my body up higher, so his mouth can roam down my body, finding a nipple as he begins sucking on one, and teasing the other nipple with his hand.  My head bends back as a, "Captain."  Whispers off my lips.  He changes the sucking to nibbling, approving his pet name whispering out of my mouth.  My mind is hazy as I'm just enjoying Steve's exploration of my body.
"Hey guys we're...woah woah, Charlie, put ya some damn clothes on!"  Sam screams covering his eyes.  My body sinks down and I shove Steve's face into my chest.  Nat steps out from Sam, and she snickers.  "Steve, this is a common room!  You two have a private room for things like this.  Shit, I'm scarred!  Did you have to eat her tit in front of me?"  
Nat cackles holding her sides.  My cheeks are hot and red.  Steve laughs, his shoulders begin shaking as his laugh rumbles down his whole body, and vibrates through my own chest. I nervously laugh.  Unfortunately, instances such as Nat and Sam walking in on us happen more often than I care to admit.  It never ceases to become less embarrassing.  Steve removes his face from my chest and my embarrassment becomes a thing of the past.  His eyes crinkle as he looks at me, his smile and laugh have finally lit up his whole face.  Moments like these are few and far between.  There's a deep sadness that's been growing within Steve, and this moment, seeing my Captain so light hearted and shining makes my heart swell.  
I begin to laugh, bringing my hand up to Steve's face, memorizing how happy he is in this moment.  "I don't know why you three find this so funny.  Of all the damn places you two could be going at it, it's right where we all sit and eat dinner.  What else did you do on that damn couch?  Why am I here?  What is life?"  Sam's agitation only causes us all to laugh even harder.  Tears start streaming down Steve's face because he's laughing so hard.  
My body relaxes on Steve's lap and he picks me up, wrapping my legs around him.  He pushes my body up against his chest, hoping Sam won't get another peak.  Steve stands up and begins carrying me to our room.  "Oh, now you leave.  What's the matter with you two?  You're horny as fuck, like a bunch of damn teenagers.  Do you have sex every fucking day?"
Steve nods turning his back to Sam and Nat.  "That's the plan anyways."  He laughs and walks us in the doorway.  I hear Sam turn on music and continues to turn up the volume, causing Steve to laugh even more.
"Would you stop it?!  It's not like we haven't heard it before."  Nat yells at him, humor still reflecting in her voice.
"Exactly, I can't do it anymore, especially when it happens when I'm trying to sleep.  Charlie, if I hear you scream Captain one more time, I swear I'm going to murder my fucking ear drums."  Sam is still milking this as much as possible.  Drama queen.
"Can you make sure to scream Captain extra loud, princess?"  Steve leans over the bed dropping me down.  I see his face twist, showing his hunger for wanting to fuck me.  I reach down pulling off my shorts and panties in one swoop and watch as Steve unbuttons his jeans, allowing them to fall to his ankles and he removes his boxer briefs before hovering over me.
"You want to put on a show?"  I deviously smile up at him.
He sucks air into his teeth, "You're trouble princess."  He reaches his hand in between my legs.  "Still wet.  Maybe Sam's right, you're always ready for me."  I smile up at him.  He leans back a bit, grabbing his dick and pumping it in his fist before leaning back over me.  "You ready?"  Before I answer he slams himself in me and show or no show I loudly gasp.  He smiles at the effect he had on my body, and mouth.  
My hands roam up his chest and to his biceps, I love the feel of his tight muscles rippling up.  The way his biceps feel as they tense up with every thrust into me, is like a drug, and I enjoy getting my fix. I tickle his arms with my fingernails.  My eyes never leave his face.  He's so sexy, the way his long hair falls onto his face and creates shadows makes my breath hitch.  There is something about this darker Steve.
"Princess if I would have known my appearance would drive you this crazy I would have done this a long time ago."  
I bite my bottom lip and smile up at him, "You're just so fucking sexy over top of me, Captain."
"Now you know how I feel."  His thrusts become more intense causing my eyes to roll back and my head lifts backwards.  "Eyes on me princess, I enjoy watching you when you cum."
My eyes go back to his face, he leans back a bit, "Play with yourself while I fuck you."  My lips twist up with a grin as I slip a hand down, rubbing on my clit.  My fingers split and go beside his dick pumping into me.  I enjoy the feeling of his movements.  He growls down at me and increases his speed.  "You enjoy that princess?"
"Yes Captain."  I breathe out.
He pulls out.  "On your knees."  I comply, flipping my body around.  He moves himself on his knees closer, pushing my legs to the side before entering me from behind aggressively.  He reaches around, cupping my breasts fondling them.  He adds pressure to them pulling me up, as his hands slip to my wrists pulling my arms behind me.  I arch my back as he holds my wrists, rutting in me at an alarming speed.  I feel his hot breath on my neck and it causes chill bumps to rise all on my back.  
His right arm slides up mine before circling my neck.  "You like this don't you princess?"
"Yes Captain."  I call back to him.  He adds more pressure before using his left hand to slip onto my clit.  The man is talented.  He is stimulating my entire body.  I begin to tremble and a whine escapes my mouth.  Steve increases his speed one last time, his grasp around my neck tightens a bit more, I scream out in my orgasm and Steve releases his grasp.  He pulls out of me, pumping his dick before releasing on my back with a moan.  My body collapses on the bed and I feel Steve's panting on my back.
"I HATE YOU TWO!!"  Sam's muffled scream is heard over the music, followed by Nat's boisterous laugh.  "Get it girl!"
I turn my head to the side laughing.  Steve is still panting beside me as he pulls himself off the bed.  He grabs a towel and cleans off my back before dropping his full body weight on my back.  I let out a huff, "Ugh, get off me."
"You like it."
"Not your whole weight."  I wiggle my body around and still don't accomplish anything.  He laughs.  "Steve!  Get off!"  He slowly rolls his body off of my own, and reaches over to pull me to him.
I turn my head to face him and place my head on his chest before picking my arm up and dropping it on his chest, adding more weight than necessary.  "Oomph.  Ok we're even princess."  He kisses my forehead.
"Only when I say we're even."
"You're such a brat."
"And you love it."  I bite his nipple.  
"Ow!"  He giggles, reaching down and pulling up my chin and giving it a playful squeeze.  "Behave, or you'll be punished."  He tries to scowl down at me.
"You don't scare me."  He slaps my thigh hard; I suck a deep breath through my teeth.  I lay on his chest in silence.
"That's what I thought."  He smiles down at me.  I start to interject again, and he slaps me again.  I laugh out.
"Okay Captain, you made your point.  Save that for later."  I wink.
"Steve! Charlie! Get your sweaty asses dressed and let's eat."  Nat screams at us.
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I go to move off of Steve before he pulls me back planting a kiss on my lips, "I love you."  He smiles at me.  "I love you, too."  We get off the bed and get ourselves dressed. And walk into our "common room" as Sam calls it.
When Sam sees us enter the living room, he glares at us, and continues eating.  I push Steve over to the couch that Sam has refused to sit on and go make our plates.  I hand his plate to him and sit down beside him.  "You know, it's almost someone's birthday."  I announce.
"No, no, Charlie we don't need to do anything.  All of us being here is enough."  Steve responds through chewing.
"But Steve..."  I whine.
"She's right Steve.  It's exciting.  Exactly how old are you?"  Nat scoffs at him.
"Funny.  No, we don't need to do anything I'm fine."
"We know what Charlie is getting you for your birthday."  Sam says sarcastically.
"Yeah, my pussy."  I wink at him.  Steve rolls his eyes.
"Ugh, I never can escape your two's constant fucking.  I'm going to start going out to get food like I used to."  He throws his head back on the sofa chair he's sitting on.  Drama queen.
"Steve, at least let me make you a cake.  And it's the Fourth of July.  It's yours AND America's birthday."
"The last cake you made was crunchy."  He laughs at me.
"Oh."  I fake being hurt, grabbing at my heart and pouting.  "Nat will help this time.  Maybe we can make a red, white, and blue cake."  I giggle.
"But that's not my favorite."  I look at him wanting him to tell me.  He just smiles.
"Well, what is it?"
"We can work with that Charlie."  Nat looks over to me.
"All this time with Steve, and you didn't even know what his favorite cake was?"
"Steve was too worried about her cake."  Nat laughs at Sam; he even lets out a laugh.  
When everyone is finished, I stand and gather everyone's plate walking to the sink.  Steve joins me as we create a routine.  I wash and rinse, and he dries and puts them away.  When the last dish is placed up, he stands beside me, wrapping me up in his embrace and gives me a peck on the lips.  I stand on my tip toes and kiss him, our kissing becomes a bit more heated until we hear, "Are you fucking kidding me? Again!  We were supposed to watch a movie, and there you two are.  Get your lips off him Charlie and you both march over here and sit the fuck down, and let's watch our movie, and go to bed...without screaming out princess and captain, please.... Jesus Christ."
I giggle, "We should really cool it.  This apartment is smaller than the last."  Steve nods in agreement, grabbing my hand.  He sits on the couch first, allowing me to sit sideways beside him, draping my legs over his lap.  He pulls my body closer to his.  "What are we watching tonight?"  I ask.  I think it's Sam's night to choose.
"The Fellowship of the Ring."  Sam answers readying the tv.
"Ah, a wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins.  Nor is he early.  He arrives precisely when he means to."  I quote to him.  He looks at me surprised.  "Clint is the 'arrow guy'.  Legolas.  We watched this one a lot.  It's my favorite of the three."
"I prefer The Hobbit.  Well, the book anyways."  Steve tells us.
"Isn't it supposed to be a children's book?"  Nat answers him.
"It was popular when it came out."  Steve responds
"Your age is showing old man."  Sam plops down on the couch beside Steve.
The calming voice of Galadriel comes over the screen telling the story of the rings.  Steve's hand slides on the arm of the couch over towards my arm and he pushes my body closer to his.  I relax my head against his chest.  All four of us together, like a normal family watching Lord of the Rings.
Steve's POV:
Halfway through the movie I hear Charlie's soft humming snores and know she's asleep.  Nat is barely hanging on but Sam and myself are wide awake.  I've enjoyed the time we've spent here.  Almost feeling like everything's normal.  
My thoughts drift as I look down at Charlie.  Her lips are pursed, left arm lazily laying on my stomach, while her right-hand rests on mine.  She looks so calm and peaceful.  Some nights, most nights aren't like this.  Since we left Wakanda her anxiety has been on high alert.  She deals with it the best she can, but it's caused nightmares and insomnia for her.  Neither have waned much.  I think that's one of the reasons she's so ready for sex.  Hoping that the joy she feels afterward chases away her dreams.  Sometimes it does.  
I feel her body tense under me.  "No."  She whispers.  I move my hand on top of hers and caress it.  "No.  It wasn't him.  Tony, I'm sorry."  Her whispers get louder as Sam looks over.  
"Still having nightmares about them huh?"  Sam's eyes are sad.  I nod my head, keeping my eyes on my Princess.  He knows talking about Tony and Bucky is a touchy subject with Charlie.  She hasn't heard from either of them.  None of us have.
Her body jumps awake and she stares at me with wide eyes, realizing it was a dream.  She returns her head back to my chest.  "I hate this.  I'm sorry."  Sleepiness is laced through her voice.  "Shh.  You're okay.  We're all here, and we're not going anywhere."
"We're not all here."  I place my other arm around her, wrapping as tightly around her as possible.  Letting her know even though there's nothing that I can say to ease her, I will not leave her.  Her breathing steadies and I hear her hums.  My body relaxes.
"Do you think they'll call when Bucky is out of cryo?"  Sam asks.  He doesn't turn to look.  I glance at Nat, her eyes are closed, although that doesn't mean she's asleep.
"I do.  I hope so, for her.  That would be one person to ease her mind.  I think she feels a bit of jealousy towards Peter.  Obviously, Tony is helping the kid.  That once was her."  Sam nods.
A silence settles on the room but the movie and Charlie's soft hums.  "What will it mean for you two?  If Bucky contacts us."  I don't know how to answer Sam, so I sit silently and think.  Charlie and I talked about just going through the motions.  Doing what we feel is right and never labeling us.  We're both ok with that.  This last year being nomads has brought us closer.  But still it's like we've used the other to replace a ghost from the past.  No doubt we love one another, but it's like we've never allowed ourselves to explore a chance at a long life with one another.  I can't deny that she feels a love for Bucky.  It seemed to happen quickly.  Beyond just an attraction towards one another, but they both have a softness when it comes to each other.
"Have you thought about it?"
"Sam, everyone around us always wants to complicate our relationship.  And you never think about how we're good.  We're good doing exactly what we've done for the past year."
"She loves him."  I look at him.  He's not dumb, he knows these nightmares aren't just because the war between the Avengers.  She misses him.  She wants to help him.  "Does it scare you?"  I furrow my brows.  "To think she might want this to end to have a life with him?"
I huff.  I never thought about that.  I've never thought of a life outside of our bubble.  Would Charlie leave me, and all this stop?  The kisses, jokes, sex, cuddles, love...would she sacrifice that to have something real with Bucky?  Does he even want something real with her?  "I never thought about it."
He drops it and we watch the movie in silence.  When it's over I lift Charlie up carrying her to our bedroom.  I lay her on the bed and pull off her shorts, covering her petite body with our blanket before removing my shirt and pants and crawling in bed with her.  Her body wiggles over to mine, and I smile as our body's intertwine together and I drift to sleep.  Charlie doesn't have a nightmare the rest of the night.
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titaniasfics · 4 years ago
I loved your last drabble and want more. How about Wanda and Vision being romantic af?
This is a wonderful prompt, if only because it leaves so much space to work and I have a horrible habit of being overly romantic. This one is set in my favorite canon location - Edinburgh, Scotland, between Civil War and Infinity Wars. I haven’t worked out a title yet, so I’m just calling it A Synthezoid in the World. Thank you for the prompt!
Also on AO3
A Synthezoid in the World
1076 Words
Vision lets the book he’s reading settle on his chest where he lies with his head on Wanda’s lap. She glances away from her own book, a collection of Sokovian poems that he ordered for her online. She balances it in one hand, the other stroking the warm skin on either side of the strip of vibranium that laces down his head. His feet are propped up on the armrest – the divan too short to accommodate his legs but he doesn’t feel discomfort the way she does, tolerating the position. Sunlight filters through the clouds of a Scottish sunset, slanting through the windows and onto the floor of her bedroom.
“I have now read the masterworks of 428 writers from 72 countries and territories,” Vision begins. Wanda sets the book down on the armrest next to her. “No matter where the writers are from, or what language they speak, they all write about the same themes.”
“And,” she squishes up her face in both amusement and curiosity at his statement. “What are those themes?”
“Human nature. Individuality. History. Mortality. Beauty. Love.” He numbers them off with something like awe.
“The fugitive life?”
He casts her a wry look as she chuckles in reaction. He continues, “There are other themes, but these seem to be the persistent ones.”
Wanda runs a forefinger down his nose, bopping the tip playfully. “It makes sense. Humans share these things in common.” Her thoughts travel to the poem she’s just read which describes how the process of peace, conflict, war, loss, and rebuilding continues as long as there are humans to do battle. She, of all people, can attest to this. “There is truth in those themes, even if the experience of them might be different. Each culture, each individual must confront them at some point in their lives.”
“Interestingly enough, though I am not human, I am often preoccupied with the same questions.”
Wanda frowns. She doesn’t like when he sets himself apart from everyone else. To her, he is just Vision and as much her…friend…as any human can be. “That is because you are not so different from us, though you are very stubborn and want to believe otherwise. You were created by humans and you live with humans.”
“Technically, I was created by a deranged and too quippy murderbot---“
“---who was in turn created by a rather deranged and too quippy human.” Vision glances up in askance at her words, but she merely shrugs. Her thoughts fly to Tony Stark and she has to instinctively repress a disapproving head-shake. “Of course you will wonder about the same things.”
“Maybe I should write a book,” Vision continues and Wanda knows he is perfectly serious. “Perhaps short stories or poems where I describe my experiences as a synthezoid in this world.”
Wanda smiles, wondering how he manages to be so smart, earnest, and adorable at the same time. Sometimes, it takes real effort not to pull him by in his collar and kiss him. Her lips burn at the idea of it but she is so afraid of ruining this special thing they share, these rendezvous that sustain her through the more difficult aspects of her current existence. “There’s your title. A Synthezoid in the World, by The Vision.”
He quirks his head, the friction sending a thrill of pleasure along the skin of her thighs. “Meditations on Life and the Human Condition.” He mimes speaking in public, hand extended for effect.
Wanda chuckles as she chases his hand, but he captures hers instead, pulling their now twined fingers against his chest. She sighs at his touch. “That’s quite a tag line,” she whispers
“And friendship,” he adds, his blue eyes holding hers, opaque and full of emotions. She knows because she senses them as they roll through him, like endless waves on a fathomless sea. “I could write about friendship…and love.”
“Vision,” his name is nothing but a gasp of longing as his emotions surge far above her seawall, the ones she’s erected to keep herself safe. To keep herself from being washed away after months of sinking deeper and deeper into her attachment to him. There are not enough rationalizations in the world to dampen those feelings.  She tries to speak but she’s shaking and words elude her.
Vision pulls himself into a sitting position, facing her. He manages to do so without releasing her hand. “I can write about love, too.”
She lifts her free hand and cups his cheek. “You could. You could write about love…and being loved in return.”
His expression softens. Turning his face into her hand, he leaves a kiss on her palm - one, then two in the sensitive patch where her power emerges, power strong enough to crush the world. Power that is at his mercy.
She slides the hand he’s christened with his kiss and holds it over the stone, her energy coming to life. “Can you feel me?”
Vision closes his eyes as the Mind Stone answers, its glow a counterpoint to the dim light from the setting sun. She opens her mind so he can experience her emotions, feel the things she doesn't know how to say. His face betrays a kind of ecstasy she never imagined him capable of and she loves this, too. Loves his capacity to continue to surprise her when she foolishly believes all his mysteries are solved.
When he opens his eyes, she drops her hand and leans into him, slow and inevitable as time passing. His lips are warmer than she anticipated, the taste of him elemental, like kissing the sky or the forest. Metallic. Warm. Pulsing with life. And nothing like she’s ever known.
A tiny moan escapes her and he surprises her again, a sound like a plea that answers her kiss. And when their tongues touch, they shiver together and it is a sweet release, the exhale of a billion neurons that have been waiting for months in expectation of this.
They pull apart with great effort, and even so, they still cling to each other, foreheads resting against each other. They breathe until they return to themselves, as still as the star-studded night sky. When it is possible to function normally, Vision breaks the silence.
“It is no wonder people are moved to poetry if only to relive such a moment.”
“And so many more like it,” Wanda says before pulling him close, eager to find those moments with him.
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Set the night before the opening of ‘Age of Ultron’. It’s my first time writing Bruce, let me know what you think ☺️
You found the doctor in the same room you’d left him in hours before, tucked away in the corner of his private lab in the Avengers Tower. You’d spent most of the evening together; Tony had wanted to test out some new tech he’d worked into your mission suit, and with your natural-born gift of empathic persuasion being a significant factor in Bruce’s control of the Hulk, you were essentially working as his partner in the field. So, he’d lingered as you’d worked, quietly interjecting his own ideas to Tony as he adjusted his calculations. You’d been whisked away for dinner by Natasha and Steve, and now even Tony had retired for the night, so the Tower felt almost eerily quiet.
Bruce was settled in an armchair in the corner, leg bent to rest his ankle on his other knee, book open in his lap and his temple supported on his fingertips, elbow on the armrest. The light of the lamp hanging over him glanced off the frames of his glasses and caught in the edges of silver beginning to show in his dark curls, and you watched him for a moment before speaking. He looked up as you did, dragged out of his revery by the sound of your voice.
“You know, we’re supposed to be on the quinjet in like, four hours,” you pointed out quietly. A soft, amused smirk curved your lips as he looked up at you, a pleasant kind of surprise lighting his features. He’d clearly been so engrossed in what he was reading that he hadn’t hear the doors beep as you’d entered. You held one of the steaming mugs of tea you carried out to him, and he took it gratefully. “It’s decaf.”
Bruce gave you a tired smile, straightening slightly, his book falling closed in his lap. The fingers that had rested against his temple slid down to his chin, and he rubbed them lightly along his jawline thoughtfully. “Should I be taking that as a hint?”
“Only if you know what’s good for you, Doc.” You teased affectionately, moving to sit on the arm of his chair. He shifted in his seat as you did, letting you set your feet on the cushion between his legs. The two of you had spent a lot of time together over the last three years, both in the field and out, but it still surprised him sometimes just how at ease you made him feel. “Besides, I’m not sure you falling asleep in the middle of the job is going to help anyone tomorrow.”
He shrugged, taking a sip of his tea. “I wouldn’t worry about it. The team only needs me to point the other guy in the right direction.”
“That’s not the only reason,” you argued lightly. After a brief moment you reached out instinctively, brushing your fingers through his hair. You rearranged a wavy lock almost absentmindedly, fingers grazing through the hair behind his ear before returning your hand to your lap. “The big guy’s got nothin’ on you.”
Bruce looked up at you with an almost bashful smile on his lips before shaking his head in a kind of self-depreciating amusement. He had spent the last three years with you by his side, using your gifts to ease his anxieties and helping him to control the Hulk, and he’d honestly never realised just how much of that good feeling came just from you. Not from your abilities, but from simply being beside you, hearing your voice, feeling those casual, almost intimate touches. You were a balm, an energy that found his and lightened it.
How rare it was for him to just be... him. No feeling of the Hulk bubbling under the surface of his psyche. And he felt that with you.
Your eyebrow quirked in amusement as you noticed him watching you. “What?”
Bruce shook his head. “You’re incredible, you know that?”
Your cheeks warmed at the unexpected compliment, and you brushed hair behind your ear self-consciously. “Why, because I remember you like honey and not sugar in your tea?”
He exhaled a quiet laugh. “Something like that.”
“C’mon,” you stood, offering him your hand. He took it after a second, and you tugged him up out for the seat. “To bed with you, Dr. Banner. We’ve got Nazi ass to kick tomorrow. I can even work my mojo if you need it; you’ll sleep like a baby.”
“Okay, okay...” he agreed reluctantly, warmth settling in his chest and swirling wonderfully in his belly as he let you lead him from the lab, mugs and book forgotten. After a moment he realised your hand was still wrapped around his, and he gave it a tentative, experimental squeeze. A shy smile flashed over his features for a second when he felt you squeeze his back, interlacing your fingers with his.
send me a marvel character and prompt and I’ll write a 5-10 paragraph x reader drabble
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ambivalentmarvel · 5 years ago
he he for celebratory Reasons (and also because i love The Boys) i decided @sreppub deserved some fluffy, mit-era ironhusbands, so here we are!! enjoy and interact with ali’s content for good health
not quite (puppy love)
The night Tony figures out he’s in love with Rhodey, he’s sixteen, Rhodey’s nineteen, and they’re at the movie theater.
They don’t have any special reason for going, but Tony doesn’t need one with Rhodey. It’s a Friday night, and for the moment, they’re both tired of picking a frat house to party at—their haunt of choice still hasn’t replaced the appliance they stole the last time the two of them got bored there, anyway—so they decide to go to a late-night showing, one of the not-as-recent movies the theater puts on just because, Tony guesses.
A New Hope isn’t that great, even if Tony is a little into the dude who plays Luke and can enjoy looking at him for a few hours, but Rhodey likes the story and the effects.
Tony’s thought about telling him that some of the backgrounds they use are realistic paintings—the director told him as much at some stupid event his dad made him go to—but he likes to let him speculate, sometimes, because Rhodey’s tangents about the things he’s interested in are rare but passionate when they get going.
Tony could listen to Rhodey talk, could watch his eyes glitter and hands gesture in circles like he always does when he gets carried away, for hours, and really, that should’ve clued him in long beforehand.
But it didn’t.
(As Rhodey would say, Tony’s both the smartest person he knows and dumb as a box of rocks. For his part, Tony appreciates the honesty.)
So they have a few beers each at their apartment—just enough to get tipsy, to make the room a little warm, to make their conversations about nothing and everything stretch long, like taffy, into the frosty night—and Tony says they should do something.
Rhodey shakes his head. “Kappa Sigma hasn’t gotten a new—”
“Toaster, I know, but it’s the weekend, and finals week is coming up, and then you’ll be stressed, and I’ll be stressed because you’re stressed, and neither of us will really feel like going out.” Tony takes a swig of his beer. He swindled the twelve-pack out of a douche from his microeconomics class trying to suck up to him, and it’s a Coors—not Tony’s favorite, but it gets the job done. “I don’t want to sit around all night and waste our time before then.”
Rhodey raises a brow consideringly. “Fair.” His eyes slide to Tony, on the other side of the couch from him so that Rhodey can use his lap as a footrest. “What were you thinking?”
And while Tony has ideas, like breaking into the zoo (hence the nickname platypus) or seeing how many packets of candy they can shoplift from the corner store with the sleazy owner (hence the nickname sour patch) again, Rhodey shoots those down, unfortunately.
“I can’t study as well when I’m worried about a court date,” he declines with a sigh of disappointment because, whether Rhodey will readily admit it or not, the shit Tony thinks of, while illegal, is fun.
In the end, Tony can’t come up with anything else, so Rhodey chooses. Ergo, the movies.
They’re both still a little buzzed, and the extra-buttery popcorn—Tony’s request, though Rhodey says the sogginess is gross—they share leaves kernels between their teeth that they pick out shamelessly, alone in the theater and not in the habit of being embarrassed besides.
It’s not the first movie they’ve gone to together, certainly isn’t the last, and it’s not even the best time they’ve had at the theater. However, as they sit, Tony drifting off here and there as he puts the armrest between them up to rest his head on Rhodey’s shoulder, it strikes Tony that there’s nowhere else he’d rather be.
The realization alone is enough to make Tony melt into his sweater, more content than he ever imagined possible growing up in a house where he stayed perched on his tiptoes in case he needed to take flight.
Tony stares at Rhodey adoringly in its wake, admiring the bridge of his nose, the slope of his brows, the depth of the eyes beneath them, and then there’s a dumb-one liner in the movie that makes Rhodey laugh. Tony, taking in everything about Rhodey while he remains oblivious, watches his grease-shiny lips split in a grin, and the dim light of the movie makes the expression sparkle with something Tony can’t find a word for but feels down to his toes.
It’s the fizz of champagne, the crackling of a fireplace, and the texture of a favorite blanket all at once, as homey as it is electrifying, and an oozing warmth spreads across the plains of Tony’s cheeks as his lips part in surprise at the intensity of the experience.
Rhodey never looks away from the screen, but though Tony is young, knows that, even if the emotion flooding him means as much as he suspects it does, he has a ways to go before he can do anything about it, he understands he’s never ever felt that way about a friend before.
(About anyone before.)
Rhodey shakes his head in amusement and takes a sip of his coke. “I love this movie,” he mutters, and though he’s said as much a thousand times before, Tony doesn’t mind hearing it again.
“Mhmm,” Tony breathes, unable to summon a more coherent response as he cuddles back into Rhodey’s side—an action that seems much more intimate than it did a second ago—and sends a flushed, grateful prayer up to any entity listening that he got assigned his best friend for a roommate. And if he’s pink in the face until he dozes off twenty minutes later, unable to stop wondering what Rhodey’s lips might feel like against his own, no one except himself knows. Not until much, much later, anyway, when Tony isn’t so little and Rhodey has only gotten more gorgeous with time and both of them beat around the bush for far too long when it comes to a silent, infallible affection they’ve nursed for each other over the better part of a decade.
But until then, Tony is sixteen, Rhodey is nineteen, and when Rhodey laughs, Tony thinks the whole world could hinge on the sound and still stay balanced from the way it fills him up to the brim.
(It always will, even if he has to wait.)
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imaginationintowords · 5 years ago
Lost on You
Chapter 10
Peter Parker x Sister!Reader Steve Rogers x Reader Avenger x Reader; Hybrid Social Media AU
Series Masterlist
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"Can we please talk?" Steve pleaded.
"Please Y/n,"he begged, his voice cracking, "Five minutes and I'll be out of your hair, for good. I promise."
"Okay," I agree.
As he closes the door, I take a look at his appearance. He doesn't look so good, I mean physically he looks the same, because of the serum. But if you really knew Steve, like the way I do, you can tell he isn't. His eyes immediately give him a way, dark circles surrounding them. They don't look as bright as they used to.
I can't help but feel bad for him, it's a normal human reaction. Even though he hurt me, that doesn't mean all the love we had went away. It's still there, maybe it'll always be there, but whether or not I want to continue that love, I just don't know if I can.
Steve stays by the door, trying to give me some space.
"I know I've apologized countless of times, but I still just need to say how utterly sorry I am. I don't think I'll ever not be sorry for what I have done. I hurt you, when I have promised you countless of times that I would never. You expressed your fears of relationships, having been hurt in the past and I had promised I would never do that. Yet here I am, no better than them, because not only did I do it, I broke that promise and your trust. If I have to spend my whole life making it up to you, I will," he starts off.
"That won't be necessary," I interject, I give him a wave continue.
"I love you, Y/n. And what happened that night, should have never happened. I can't even give you a real answer as to why it happened, other than the fact that we weren't thinking.
No, let me rephrase that, I wasn't thinking. I don't know what came over me, because why would I do that? Not when I have you. Not when our relationship was at it's all time best. Why would I throw all of that away for cheap mindless sex," he pauses, noticing my wince at that.
I nod for him to continue.
"I've kept myself up the last two weeks questioning why did I do it. And I don't have an answer. I just don't. And that's not good enough. It isn't. Because if the shoe was on the other foot, which I know it never would have been, I wouldn't accept that answer as well. And you don't have to, accept it. Because it's cowardly," he clears the lump in his throat, trying to hold back.
"I so badly wish I can go back to two weeks and never do that again, but I can't and now we have to deal with the consequences of it all, and that's all on me," he breaks.
"I love you so much. And I fucking ruined that. I was going to ask you to marry me and I fucked that up," he cries out, falling to the floor, his hands on his face as he cries.
"Steve," I rush over to his side, rubbing his back soothingly.
"I know that doesn't change anything, because I still cheated," he says looking over at me, his eyes red.
"It doesn't," I confirm, feeling myself begin to cry.
This is it.
We both know that.
That this moment right now, is our last.
We stay there, looking at each other as we cry. Steve reaches for me and brings me into his arms, and we just hold each other as we cry.
"I am so sorry," he cries into my hair, his grip tight, afraid to let go.
"I know," I cry into his chest, "I know you are."
After god knows how long, we slowly pull our faces away, still holding on to one another, just to get a look at our faces. The crying is now just silent tears rolling down our faces.
"I love you," he whispers.
"I know," my throat hurts, "I love you too."
I did the only thing I could think of, I let my heart take control, and I slowly leaned up to meet his lips. You can feel the desperation and heartache behind the kiss. The kiss got a little more heated, both of us so desperate, knowing that we will never be this way with each other again.
Next thing I knew, we were both naked in my bed, Steve hovering over me.
"Are you sure?" he asks, making sure I was okay with it.
"Yes," I whisper, trying to take in every feature on his face.
The way he looks while we make love for the last time.
There's something incredibly sad about making love for the last time, knowing that it will be the last time. Most couples don't have that pleasure of knowing the last time they made love was their last, so they don't get to treasure it. Always hoping that they could've had one more night together, just to know that there was love there.
Here in this moment, there is love. I don't doubt that Steve didn't love me, I know it. The look in his eyes in this very moment say everything I needed to know about our relationship, and I hope mine do as well.
The sadness, the love, the regret, it's all there.
We try our best not to cry, but we can't help it. It's sad.
It's sad knowing that this great love is over. And not knowing if you'll ever find one like it again. Or even not knowing if you'll ever love again.
After we're done, we lay there, not in each other's arms. We remain quiet, seeing which one will be the first to say the final goodbye.
"Steve," I whisper so quietly, that if not for his super soldier hearing I don't think he would've been able to hear.
He looks over at me, tears rolling down his face. He nods his head, knowing what I'm thinking.
He slowly gets out of my bed and makes his way around the room getting his clothes on.
I don't dare look. I can't. If I do, I don't think I'll be able to let him leave.
"Thank-you for everything," he quietly says once dressed, opening the door, "Goodnight Y/n."
He quietly closes the door behind him as he leaves.
I close my eyes and let the tears fall, hoping the exhaustion of the day will consume me into a heavy sleep soon.
The next morning I'm woken up by FRIDAY letting me know that the team meeting starts in an hour. I thank her, my voice hoarse, don't know if it's because I just woke up or the aftermath of last night.
I quietly get dressed, and look around my room.
It's quiet. Peace.
It's lonely. I kinda like that.
It no longer feels like home.
I don't think I can stay here much longer.
Now that Steve and I are officially done, I think it's time I find some independence.
If the last two weeks have taught me anything is that, I need a little more independence.
I need a life outside of the Avengers.
A life where I don't work and live in the same building. Where I can escape.
Play music as loud as I want. Eat whatever the hell I want, and not worry if someone else has eaten it already.
Don't get me wrong I loved living here, I really did. I never had that college experience, we couldn't afford tuition and dorm living. Living here has let me experience the roommate life. But things are starting to get crowded. Everyone knows everything. You never have a chance to just breathe.
That's what I want, just a moment to breathe, without Sam and Bucky fighting over the tv remote. Without Tony dropping in in the middle of the night because he needs you in the lab ASAP, because he had a revelation in his sleep. I love Wanda, but sometimes you just need a break from even your best of friends. And now that Steve and I are officially over, how is dating going to be like for either of us. Not that that's going to happen anytime soon, but it's eventually going to happen, and I really don't want to see that with him, and him with I. It's just too complicated.
I have never been alone before. I've always had someone right there.
I think, no I know, it's time I be on my own. Doesn't mean I won't be an Avenger or work for Tony, it just means that I won't be living here with them.
And for the first time in the last two weeks, I feel content.
Like I can finally breathe.
That's how I know this is the right decision for me.
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Summary: Y/N Parker is Peter’s older sister. She is ten years older than Peter, making her 26 years-old. She is also an Avenger, her powers are very similar to Wanda’s; telekinesis, mind reading, teleportation, and elemental bending. She has been an Avenger far longer than Peter, and like Peter her identity is kept a secret. As well as being an Avenger she works in the lab alongside Tony, she is a science genius. She has also been dating Steve Rogers for the past 3 years. Their relationship is as great as it can possibly be, that is until Steve does something that has Y/n questioning not only their entire relationship, but her place in the Avengers. It opens her eyes to how much of her life has revolved around Steve and work. Never really experiencing life like everyone else her age has.
Series tag list: @chaoticpete @eliza5616 @supraveng @faithtrustandrobbiekay @inquisitor-selvala @dumbbitch11 @im-not-an-armrest-im-short @jessyballet @reann-loves-sebstan @thelostallycat @castalette @lovely-geek @malfoyy123 @zombieninjadinostayssilent @welovecaptainamericaass @dontbetooobvious @stop-drop-and-drumroll @cvelarded @ophelias-heart​ @csigeoblue​
Permanent tag list[let me know if you want to be taken off]: @rosegolddivinity @definitelynotafangirl @1awesomeash @princess-evans-addict @geeksareunique @24kbratz @introvertatitsfinest @imagine-all-the-imagines @whatthefuckimbisexual @also-fangirlinsweden @the-queen-of-the-nerds
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lesbian-dp · 5 years ago
To Infinity And Beyond
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 2,389
Warnings: Plane sex, packing, strap-on, oral on a sex toy, changes from third to second person... it just worked out that way lol. Sex against a wall... and I think that’s it.
Request: Yes. Thanks for requesting this anon!
Summary: Blame Tony Stark
A/N: And as always, I don’t know how good this is. But I hope you guys enjoy it anyway.
18+ ONLY.
Fuck you, Tony Stark.
Just... fuck you.
Of course, Natasha loved the man, like the annoying older brother that she always never wanted, and just could not get rid of.
But sometimes, just sometimes, Natasha wished she could throttle him.
She didn’t need a break.
She didn’t want a break.
The Black Widow didn’t take breaks.
But once Tony Stark got an idea into his head, there was no stopping him. No matter how much of a deadly trained assassin some may be.
No one, and I mean no one, can handle that amount of bugging.
That’s why Natasha was here. Sat in a private jet. Her bags packed, a glass of champagne in hand, and on her way to Paris for a week.
‘At least’ Tony has said. If it was entirely up to him, Natasha would be taking four to five months off, travelling the globe. Sightseeing and having fun. Not working.
But it wasn't.
So, suck on that, Tony Stark!
The offer of travelling the globe still stood, however. The last thing the billionaire said, before wishing the red-head goodbye, being that ‘the jet was always there and at the ready, for anywhere she could wish to go’.
Natasha had tried to argue with him on that. Her main defence being, that she didn't want to put the pilot out of their way, by forcing them to stay and go where she says. Even if that was their job.
The pilot.
The very same pilot that was sat in the cockpit, the door cracked open just enough for Natasha to peer through. Watching as the good looking pilot flicked switches-
‘There’s better things she could flick.’ Natasha thought. Before shaking her head, throwing those thoughts out of the jet's window. Counting the seconds before they inevitably come back again. Like that had many times before.
What it was, Natasha really didn’t know.
Maybe it was the uniform.
Maybe it was the fact that they were so fucking attractive.
It could be that Natasha could, plainly see, from the second that Tony had introduced the two. That she was packing. The outline of the thick strap showing through her black pants, as clear as day.
To Natasha at least.
Anyone, but a heavily trained assassin, going none the wiser to the pilot’s hidden toy. Natasha however? There’s not a chance in hell that, that, would slip her knowledge.
She couldn't stop thinking about it. Wanting nothing more than to be used by the pilot, on her knees with her lips wrapped around the strap. Spread open and ready to be ploughed into the jet’s bed. Hell! Even the floor- Or riding her in the pilot's seat would do... it would do very nicely...
As long as her pulsing cunt was getting the attention it so craved.
Natasha conveying the way she felt via eye-fucking the pilot, as they worked.
You could feel her starring at you. All the while your first meeting with the gorgeous red-head replayed in your mind, over and over again. The way her eyes glanced down to your crotch, before starring lustfully into your eyes.
It was almost like the world was working it’s magic, just to get the both of you laid.
You and Natasha knew what was going to happen.
It was only a matter of time.
Natasha gripped the white leather of her seat’s armrests, watching as you walked over, with a smirk upon your perfect face.
“Hello, Miss Romanoff. Is there anything I can get you? A refill maybe?”
Oh, yeah! That was another thing.
You were the only ones upon the aircraft.
No other staff.
Only you.
And Natasha.
Waving off your question. Natasha decided to answer with one of her own.
“Shouldn’t you be flying the plane?”
You chuckled then, and Natasha thought she had never heard a more perfect sound. But she was still yet to hear your moans.
“Don’t worry.” You pulled Natasha from her filthy imagination. “We’re on autopilot.”
“But still. It seems unsafe.”
“Mr Stark designed and built this jet himself.”
Mr Stark. It had been a long while since she had heard someone call him that. She didn’t like it. It was all too formal. She wanted you to open up. Just to be yourself. No formalities. All in due time.
“Of course he did.” Natasha took a sip of her expensive champagne, waiting for you to continue your explanation.
“Technically, I’m not needed here. Anything a pilot can do, this jet can. I’m just a formality.”
“Oh.” Natasha placed her flute glass down, switching her crossed legs. “You’re so much more than that.”
“Am I?”
Natasha nodded. Your eyes drawing down to where her hands played with the hem of her tight dress upon, her mid-thigh.
“Care to give me a ‘such as’?” you prompted.
“You’re good company,” she spoke sultry.
You laughed, not quite catching her meaning. “We’ve hardly had a full conversation.”
“I’m a good judge of character.”
“Hmm, I’ll take your word for it.”
“How about you take something else, too?” Natasha asked, her voice loving to a more seductive drawl.
Taking a step closer, moving to grip the headrest of her seat, you looked down at her with dark lust-filled eyes, asking, “What do you have in min Miss Romanoff.”
“Natasha. Call me Natasha.”
“Okay... Natasha,” you corrected, “What do  you have in mind?”
“You know exactly what I have in mind,” she told you pointedly, as she fists one of her hands into your shirt and tie.
That was all you needed before crashing your lips together.
The kiss was hot and rough. Open-mouthed with teeth betting and tugging at kiss-swollen lips. Pure lust animated.
“I’ve been wanting this since I first saw you,” Natasha spoke into your hot, panting mouth.
You pulled away slightly. Partly to breath some cold air into your suffocating lungs, but mostly to peer down at the red-heads beautiful face better.
“Then why didn’t you do anything sooner?”
Never once did Natasha stop starring into your eyes. Not when she was unbuckling your leather belt, or unzipping your pants. Her eyes closing for only a second when she pecked you on your lips. Distracting you, as she pushed her hand into your pants, to grasp at your strap.
“I was waiting for the right time.” Natasha shrugged.
You hummed at her words, moving to brush a strand of her hair, that had fallen into her face, back behind her pierced ear. Continuing to rub the soft flesh of her ear, between your thumb and forefinger.
Natasha seemed to keen at the soft touch. Shaking her head slightly when she reminded herself of what was happening.
Bod, did you make her feel things.
Things, other than horny.
She needed this to continue. Or else she knew she’d practically keel over, into your arms, and bask in the warmth there.
Natasha needed you to fuck her.
All of the soft stuff could wait until later.
“Do you always wear this when you work?”
It was your turn to shrug. Enjoying the slight pull of Natasha tugging at the strap attached to your hips, not to mention the way that her eyes dilated more than they already were after you had licked your lips.
“Sometimes. It depends on the day.”
“Lucky me then,” Natasha whispered.
Pushing your shirt up, Natasha began leaving red lipstick marks all across your revealed skin. Her tongue coming out to taste your now tingling skin.
Every kiss Natasha delivered to your heated body, travelled down to your core. You were groaning under your breath by the time she started pushing down your pants. Continuing her way down your body, towards the toy still rocking in Natasha’s hand.
In no time at all, you were sat on the small table watching while Natasha sucked on your strap, getting it wet and ready for herself. As you sipped at the champagne from her glass.
Natasha looked up at you, with the only thing that could be described as ‘fuck-me-now!’.
“Ya ready to be on cloud nine?””What?” Natasha asked confused, still basking in the fog that came from her previous activities.
You answered Natasha by making her let out a yelp. Then an ‘oof’ as her back connected to the jets partition wall.
“I see you’re already there,” you whispered against her lips.
“Well, how could I not be?”
You smirked at her, pressing a kiss onto her lips, one that was way too short for Natasha’s liking.
Your hands ran up her legs, from where they were wrapped around your waist, venturing up her tight, ridden-up dress. Pressing your fingers against the wet fabric, resting against her core, causing Natasha to let out a strangled moan.
“Baby if you’re like this, and I’ve only just touched you,” you paused, rubbing your thumb lightly against her stolen clit, “I’m worried I might destroy you.”“
Wrapping her arms around your neck, Natasha brushed her nose against yours, before whispering, “Then fucking do it.”
In the next few seconds, Natasha’s panties were pushed to the side, and your fingers were stuffed deep inside of her.
You smirked cockily, as the red-head panted and moaned above you. Peppering kisses all across her neck, sucking and biting marks onto the milky skin there.
Natasha whimpered once you pulled your fingers out of her warm depths, making you smirk against her neck. She tugged your shirt collar closer to her body, as she ground her hips against your waist to get some form of stimulation, considering you took it away from her.
Lips brushed against yours, in a teasing way. You knew she was trying to edge you back into fucking her.
Part of you wanted to hold out on her. Make her wait. Have the dangerous Black Widow begging for you to fuck her into oblivion. But the part of you that wanted to just take her, right then and there, won out.
You pushed your slick coated fingers, into Natasha’s panting mouth. Loving the sound of her moans, all because of the taste of herself.
“Yeah you like that, baby girl?” you asked, with a devious smile, “You like how you taste?”
Natasha moaned at your words, nodding her head in confirmation as she kept sucking your fingers.
Pulling your fingers from her mouth, to mutter against her plump lips, all the while your hand travelled down her body.
“I can’t wait to get a taste for myself.” Your hand finally reached its destination, gripping around your strap. “But first, I’ve got something else I wanna do.”
“And what’s tha-” Natasha’s sentence was interrupted by her scream.
With your arms wrapped around Natasha’s waist, you steadily pushed further into the red-head, until you were fully sheathed in her.
“How does that feel, baby?”
“Fucking amazing,” she told you, before pressing her lips roughly against yours, “I may just have you keep you around,” she finished playfully.
“No restraints here.”
The wall creaked as you pounded into Natasha, against it. It bowing with every one of your thrusts.
“Fuck! Do you have any super-strength, that you didn’t tell me about?” You laughed at her words, from where you were peppering soft kisses against her neck, a stark contrast to what you were doing between her legs. Loving the sounds of her moans for you.
Leaning back slightly, you moved one of your arms up to grab at the zip of Natasha’s dress. Letting it pool down around her waist, before helping her tug it off over her head.
“No bra, huh?” you asked, with a raised eyebrow, while you walked towards the jets comfortable bed.
Natasha hummed in response, it breaking off into a full moan when you mouth clasped around one of her pert, pink nipples, tonguing at it perfectly.
Her back landed on the soft sheets, gasping out when you ripped her black lace thong from her body.
“That was very expensive you know,” she jokingly chastened.
“Well, I’m sure I can reimburse you.”
Humming again, Natasha said, “No need. Tony loaned me one of his many black cards.” She smirked, bringing her slick covered fingers up to her lips, letting them go with a small pop.
You hadn't even noticed Natasha toying with herself, but the thought of it alone made it feel like a white-hot heat had washed through you.
She tapped at her puckered lips with her wet fingers, acting as if she was deep in thought.
“But there is a way you can ake it up to me.”
Smirking at her words, you knew exactly what she was about to say.
“Yeah.” Natasha nodded. “Fuck me, Y/N. Please.”
With one smooth motion, your strap was buried inside of Natasha once again. Her cunt clenching tightly around the toy, with every one of your heavy movements.
You were fully clothed against Natasha’s naked body. The cotton felt rough against her tingly skin. It rubbing over her nipples in just the right way. The white shirt clasped between Natasha’s fingers upon your back.
It wasn’t long before Natasha was letting out streams of obscenities, it was harder to move the strap, the closer she got to orgasm. And it was downright, near impossible when she came with a scream of your name.
You panted as you laid beside her, Natasha panting just as hard.
“God,” she heaved, “I’m definitely keeping you around.”
“Well, lucky me, that Mr Stark hired me to be here for your whole trip. However long it may be.”
“Hm. Maybe I will take him up on his offer for me to travel the world for a few months.” You kissed her softly, sucking on her lower lip, grazing it lightly with your teeth, before releasing it. “So, how do you feel about a trip around the world?”
“As long as I get to rock your world...”
She laughed, you joining in not long after.
“You’re so cheesy.”
Pressing kisses into her soft cheeks, you mumbled against them, “Yeah. You like it though.” Before moving to her lips, working your tongue easily into her mouth, kissing her with vigour.
“Up for round two?” you whispered, with your eyebrows twitching up in question.
Natasha nodded and you smirked, getting back to work.
And at that moment, Natasha could think only one thing.
Thank you, Tony Stark.
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malereader-inserts · 5 years ago
An Act of Kindness
Fandom: The Avengers Pairing: Peter Parker x Male!Reader Summary: Peter never really knows you, but yet, you are a kind soul to know Word Count: 1,128 Request:  hey! I love your writing from what I've read of it so far, and I'm sure it is all amazing! could I request a Peter Parker x Male!Reader? Off the prompts list from comfort: 2, angst: 12, love/romance: 10? tyvm Prompts: 10)  “Will you stay?” “As long as you want me too.” 2)  “Hold me. Just for a bit, okay? I just… I need someone to hold me.”  12)  “I feel like I’m losing my goddamn mind!”  A/n: I will slowly run out of peter parker gifs, i sweAR TO GOD.
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You stare at Peter, and he watches you back. 
“I’m still shocked this is the first time you’ve been kidnapped,” You hummed, adjusting your hands that were tied up.
Peter scoffed, “I’m surprised this a daily occurrence to you.”
“I would hardly call it daily, Pete,” You answered back, tilting your head to one side and clicking all the bones, feeling relief as all the discomfort faded away, the rope rubbing against your wrist, “More like, once a month.”
“Hm,” Peter spat, you looked at him amusingly - a charming smile inflicting your lips as he looks up, he furrows his eyebrows in confusion, “You’re untied aren’t you?”
“It’s rope, Pete, it’s not really that strong,” You reminded him as you showed your hands, shaking them slightly, then your hands softly rubbing against the wrist to release the pain, “Do remember that you have enhanced strength.”
You give him a pointed look whilst standing up, Peter looked defeated that you were stating out the obvious as he snaps out the rope from behind. You give him a soft charming smile and offer him a hand up. He looks at your hand and takes it, you and he weren’t the closest within the team - you care about each other’s welfare as teammates would but beyond that there was nothing much more.
“Come on, Pete,” You say, Peter finds it weird how you’re too comfortable around him that you’re too laid back in an atmosphere that’s supposed to be filled with tortured screams, “Best get out of here before they catch on we’ve gotten out.”
Peter doesn’t understand why or what it is with you but you had a calming presence, even after getting back to the Avengers’ base, you seem unphased and unbothered. But, yet, Peter was terrified in that situation and somehow he was incredibly happy that he was stuck with you, because even a simple reassuring look from you he felt at peace.
After a few hours of the kidnapping, no one had batted an eye towards Peter, seeing he looked and acted normal - no one seems to bother ask how he was. Peter was lucky to stay at the Avengers’ base that weekend, and yet, he was incredibly unlucky to stay at the Avengers’ base.
When the night had settled deep within, the base lack activity unless Peter found himself wandering in the labs (in which, Tony and Bruce was wide awake fiddling again), Peter felt alone - sitting in the living room with the TV acting as background noise.
“Hey Pete,” You softly greeted from behind, watching him jump out of his skin, “Wanted to check up on you after today, seem a little off.”
“Well,” Peter shrugs his shoulders, “I’m fine.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” You shrugged him off as you jumped over the sofa to sit next to you, “Stuff like today is traumatising, Peter, no one has actually check up on you.”
“It’s good,” Peter smiles, though not convincing, he looks at you, “Got you there, glad that you were there - the expert.”
There was a slight tease to his voice, you cracked a smile ad yet again Peter felt a wave of calamity, “Yeah, well,” You shrugged your shoulders, “After the first three times, it gets tiring.”
Peter looks at you, he doesn’t know what to say - he doesn’t know if he wants to carry on the conversation or not. You looked at him, he could see your mid racing to what to say. He’s somewhat thankful that you’re talking.
“Even though, that kidnapping is...” You paused, shook your head, “Listen, how are you holding up, want to talk about it?”
Peter pauses, he thinks quickly about it whether he wants to open up or not. He doesn’t know if whether you will make fun of him.
“I’m really glad you were there,” Peter found himself saying that again, “You were calm and you knew what you were doing, truth be told I was terrified.”
You nodded understanding, tilting your head to the side - almost as if you were invested in his words, which you were.
“Is it why you’re afraid to sleep tonight?” You questioned, thinking about the first time you were kidnapped, you were terrified of just even closing your eyes, “Because, I wouldn’t blame you.”
Peter looked at his hands, which he hadn’t realised he had been wringing them. Silence overtook the living room as you made yourself comfortable. Your back lying on the armrest and your feet towards Peter. You stare at him, not too strangely intense because you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
“Scared to close my eyes,” Peter confessed, “I feel like I’ll drive the whole thing again, (Y/n), and you won’t be there to be an anchor, I’m scared to dream about things happening to you.”
“Oh,” had escaped your mouth, feeling indifferent, you barely knew each other.
“Yeah,” Petter nodded, throwing his head back, silence overtook again until a sigh had escape Peter as he looks at you, noticing you had got lost in your thoughts, “Will you stay?”
You snapped out and met his eyes in the dim lights, a soft smile inflicted your lips, “As long as you want me too.” Peter smiles as you open your arms, “Come here, you look like you need it.”
Peter was very hesitant before accepting your comfort, he lay his head upon your chest, your arm perfectly finding it’s fit around him like two perfect jigsaws. Your right hands softly stroke his hair as he listens to your heart.
“Hey, (Y/n)?” He asked softly, looking up at you as you looked down at him. His arms gripping your sweatshirt, “How do you cope with all these kidnappings.”
You softly chuckle, “In the great grand scheme of I don’t,” You admitted truthfully, “You’d think I’d get used to it but it takes a toll on you, sometimes, I feel like I’m losing my goddamn mind.”
“Oh,” Peter respond, you shrug your shoulders looking unphased, “No one ever checks upon you?”
“I’m not someone you really care for,” You responded, “I kinda cope with it, it’s why I checked up on you, Pete, because whilst I had no one - I want you to have someone there for you.”
“Well you have me now,” Peter committed to his words, sending you a goofy smile in which you returned, “But, for now, hold me. Just for a bit, okay? I just… I need someone to hold me.”
“You got it,” You say, relaxing into the sofa and closing your eyes. 
Peter buries himself closer to your chest, feeling you tighten your grip slightly. And in the morning, the team finds two boys cuddling on the sofa, snoring loudly but content in the comfort of each other’s arms.
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rc-writes · 5 years ago
Thor's S/O and Him Having A Big Hight Difference...
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• I feel like Thor wouldn't purposefully make fun of your hight but every once and awhile he accidently would
• This leads to him repeating apologizing even when you insist you know he didn't mean it
• But he does jokingly call you Shorty
• He'll also be that person who uses your head as an armrest
• But if anyone else makes even the slightest joke about your hight he won't stand for it. Eventually everyone just realizes to not mention it
• Though Tony once made a joke (even though he ain't tall himself) and one of his suits mysteriously short circuited the next hour
• You constantly asking him to get something from a high shelf for you
-"Honey, I need hight related help again"
-Him then running to your side so you don't have to wait
• Just like you ask for his help with high places he asked you for help with smaller places
• Him putting you on his shoulders at a concert or something so you can see better
• He sometimes accidently crushing you when he gives you a hug
• And if he loses you in a crowd and can't find you because of your hight he'd just start frantically looking for you and just purposefully make it rain where he's at so you can find him
• But when you lose him in a crowd its alot harder because you can't see over everyone like he can, so you usually ask the nearest taller person if the see a tall blonde guy. Or you know he's either buy the food or if it's a carnival you find him at wherever booth has the biggest prize
• Overall it's a great situation because you have some to reach things for you
Requested by anon
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