#i think he would have made all three of them make friendship bracelets
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kai-rio · 4 months ago
Could you ramble about Ellis? I need to understand them
oh. oh boy you dont know what youve asked
okay so ellis is a side character in ggy, probably made to follow the format of protagonists in fnaf books having a kid they dont like
he's been tony's best friend since they were 4, and they were neighbours when tony's dad was around (headcanon interjection: i think tony's dad bought them a treehouse and they always played in it together and just chilled there)
tony says he wants to move away from ellis because he's deemed as 'childish', like for example, choosing his nom de plume as Boots because its a character he likes
this is probably because of meeting both greg and his father being arrested, making him feel like he needs to be more mature so he doesnt want to associate with ellis anymore
but despite all he says about him he still deems him his 'best friend' and i think that says a lot - afterall, they were best friends for 8 years, so they have to have something there - tony is reluctant to leave him even if he doesnt want to admit it because theyre so close
ellis himself, there isnt a lot about him unfortunately in the book, but what we do know is that he's impatient, 'childish', oblivious and prefers fiction (this is all from tony's pov and he's an unreliable narrator so keep in mind we dont have the full picture)
tony sees him as kinda social but i personally think he isn't, he struggles to make friends other than tony and that's why it's only been the two of them for ages
a lot of people deem him the dumb one of the group and my take on that is that he leans into that role because a. its whats expected of him and b. that way its easier to observe people because they're less cautious of him, he probably notices a lot more than people think he does
he's quite kind but also has his flaws - he doesn't quite notice how hurt tony is about changing the story unfortunately and he teases quite a lot to the point it could be unintentionally hurtful
i think because of this, after tony goes missing he'd definitely blame himself and have survivors guilt, and also probably bad anxiety, maybe even agoraphobia
he probably would be lured into the pizzaplex under the guise that tony is there because he'd definitely go out to find him
i have a lot of headcanons but ill put those in the tags because those arent actually canon
if you want a list of all my headcanons you could do a separate ask about that but ill just put a couple in the tags
one thing that is canon though is that he likes physical affection!!! he wraps his arm around tony or greg several times if i remember correctly
i have 2 fics up on ao3 (my acc is under the same name) which are ellis-centric - i wouldnt recommend never needed a friend more though because i mischaracterised tony in that quite a lot so
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seresinhangmanjake · 6 months ago
To add on to my last ask about the celebrating the holiday for the sake of Feyds new wife:
Like from the “friendship bracelet” dialogue from bobs burgers
Wife: :)I made you a flower crown!:)
Feyd: *thinly veiled annoyance and disapproval*
Wife: :( you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to :(
Feyd: No, I’m gonna wear it. Forever. Back off.
Feyd-Rautha x wife!reader
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Summary: Giedi Prime is different than your home planet. They don’t celebrate the things you used to. So, you show your husband one of your traditions to mark the first year of your marriage. 
Notes/Warnings: none, i think. It's just a cute fluffy thing.
Words: 1050
Feyd-Rautha Masterlist / Main Masterlist / Tag List
You once would’ve bet everything you had that you would never fall in love with him; from every coin to your family’s name, to every extravagant gown you owned, to every jewel that adorned your neck. When you walked down the aisle, you saw something vile waiting for you at the other end, not the husband you would come to have. You saw a snake to match the name of Harkonnen, and the prospect of a future together made your stomach turn. Until you became his wife. 
What you expected in the form of threatening words and a knife to the throat on your wedding night didn’t come. He left you alone when you told him that was what you wanted. In fact, he left you alone in every aspect of your relationship until you were ready to come to him. 
That moment came three months later. For those three months, he made sure you were comfortable, as happy as you could be, well-taken care of, and he didn’t once force his presence upon you. From that, you opened yourself to him and, in a quick decision one night, dressed yourself up, went to his room, and let him take you. 
You’ve been inseparable ever since, unwilling to leave his side and vice versa, even when he’s needed elsewhere. He takes you with him to his meetings, his executions, Arrakis. You’re his wife, in all senses of the title. And as more time has passed, you’ve adjusted to being a Harkonnen wife; everything it means, down to the things you gain and the losses you face. 
The most difficult of losses have been the traditions you grew up with. You don’t see your family anymore—as enemies of Giedi Prime, they aren’t exactly welcome on the planet—and so the values your House believes and partakes in have disappeared from your life. Holidays celebrated on your home planet do not exist on Giedi Prime. Religion is not the same. Your people bow to a Goddess. Harkonnens bow to Harkonnens. Your people bask in the changes of the seasons. Giedi Prime doesn’t experience those same seasons due to the lack of rotation around their sun. Celebrations do not exist for anything other than war victories and birthdays. But most painful are the anniversaries that go entirely unacknowledged. 
At home, anniversaries are one of the grandest events. Another year of love, of shared life. Each year, you watched your parents grow giddy as their anniversary neared, and you witnessed the people of your planet rejoice for them as if it were their own milestone of marriage. 
Giedi Prime—the Harkonnens—do not care for that. Something to do with wives not lasting very long in their House. History states you’re one of few who has made it to a year of marriage with a Harkonnen, as most women, unless pregnant with an heir, have offended their spouse in some manner and so have received that dreaded knife to the throat. 
You’re lucky there, you suppose, but it doesn’t make you miss the things you can no longer have any less. And Feyd has noticed.
“Tell me what is wrong,” he says to you as he sits beside you on your bed. 
You hesitate, fearing laughter and jokes about how ridiculous your upbringing was—it wouldn’t be the first time—but when you explain further, he’s much more receptive than you imagined.
“A celebration of love?” he asks. His brow raises, but he doesn’t scoff. 
“Yes,” you say. “Back home, couples do not have to stay together. If they are unhappy, they separate–” His head jerks and he makes a displeased face. “Staying together, continuing to be in love with each year that goes by, is considered an achievement. Something worthy of praise and pride.”
“And you want this…praise?” He doesn’t understand. Praise is harder earned in his world. Praise comes when pain is inflicted. “How do you receive praise for love?”
“People have parties–”
“We cannot have a party for this.”
You take his hand in your lap. “No, I know,” you say. “But there’s also gifts.”
He shakes his head. “No one will–”
“Between us,” you stop him. “We give each other a present as a symbol of the strength of our love.”
He thinks on your words for a few moments, slightly staring off into space, until he says, “Like what?”
“Well…” Taking your hand back, you reach into your nightstand drawer and pull out a small box. “Something like this.” You peel back the lid of the box to reveal a black band with a ring of silver running through the middle. “I had this made.”
“A ring?”
As you nod, you set the small box down between you. “It’s a wedding ring. I know you don’t exchange those on your wedding day here, but back home, when you say vows, each person puts their ring on the other’s finger. This one right here,” you say, tapping the correct finger on your hand. “It’s a kind of ownership that you show to the world. You’re telling everyone that you’re taken by someone who loves you.”
Feyd swallows, his eyes flicking back and forth between yours and the ring. “People know you belong to someone else if you wear this on your planet?”
“Yes. And seeing as you belong to me, I thought…” you pause, realizing he might hate the idea. What if it bothers him? What if the light weight throws off his knife skills? What if it gets in the way of his armor? You didn’t think about these problems until now when he’s blankly staring at the damn thing. 
Feyd plucks the ring from the box and puts it up to the light. “They all look like this?”
“They’re all different,” you tell him. “If you don’t want to wear it–”
He slips it onto the correct finger. “I’m never taking it off.”
“Wh–” Your eyes blow wide. “Really?”
“Never,” he says, still staring at the onyx circle around his finger. “Even my enemies will know I’m taken.” You sigh. A chuckle of relief leaves your throat, and he turns his gaze to you. “I’ll make one for you.”
“Oh! But you don’t have to just because I did.”
His features twist in disapproval. “You belong to me as much as I belong to you, do you not?”
“Then you will wear one as well. Silver,” he says. His hand raises to cup your cheek. His thumb brushes over your cheekbone. The ring is cold against your skin. “With black diamonds.”
“You want to match?”
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onskepa · 9 months ago
Hey saw tou were open!!
Could you do a ronal x platonic female reader, who is having her first mother's day as a new mom. She goes to ronal and explains the earth holiday. As part of her tradition she gives ronal a mother's day gift and ronal gets to see cute teeny tiny human baby!
Hellooooooo~!! So when I read this one, I knew just where to put it! Enjoy~!!
Irayo pt1
Irayo: Best mama's around!
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Ronal kept herself busy these past few days. More busy than usual. Anything to distract the lingering worry of her friend, Irayo. It has been 8 days now, Ronal counted since her last visit. Not just ronal who worries, but her daughter young tsireya is now questioning where her auntie is. Her, and slowly the villagers begin to worry. 
Not to make her worries any better, Ronal has no way to communicate with Irayo. She remembers clearly, the last time she was her friend. Everything was fine that day, irayo behaved normal, acted as normal as she could be. Made another set of friendship bracelets, helped take care of tsireya, did her part in the village. Everything was normal. 
So why now is she gone? Are the sky demons preventing her from returning? Did they deem her useless now? Is she alright? 
So many questions linger in Ronal's mind. Anything she does, her worries are not calmed down. If by day 10 irayo does not return, ronal can only fear the worse. 
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“A little bit dramatic, don't you think?” Irayo asks as she plays patty cake with little tsireya. Ronal was too busy hugging her from the side, saying how worried she was and what possible routes irayo was going through. 
“Not dramatic, only worried,” Ronal says, a bit stubbornly. 
Irayo can only laugh at the tsahik’s antics. 
“What happened? Why were you gone for many days?” Ronal finally asks. Needing to know if whatever happened, that irayo was alright. 
“I am fine, its just I wasnt feeling well and I had to be examined to find out what was wrong” irayo answers. This made Ronal more worried. “And? Are you well? Why didnt you come to me? I could have helped you” ronal gently scolded. Irayo only shook her and answered in her own way. 
She smiled and grabbed Ronal by the hands, guiding them to her belly. 
“I am pregnant” 
Those three words echoed in ronal’s head, slowing taking in what the human just said. Her eyes were wide, almost unbelieving what she said. 
Irayo laughed at Ronal’s reaction. Tsireya laughs as well even though she doesn't know why. 
“And who is the fool who believes he is worthy of you?” 
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Word spread of Irayo’s return and the news of her pregnancy, the people went a bit wild. Welcoming her back, many gave her gently hugs, being mindful of her belly. Even though irayo said she was only 2 weeks pregnant, none took it lightly. Pregnancy at an early stage, any stage really, is the most important. Anything can happen. 
So the villagers, and by extension ronal and tonowari, made sure irayo only did safe, light tasks. Some had given her many things for her baby when its born. Children would follow irayo and ask her so many questions, like what is the difference between a na’vi baby and a human baby. Will the baby be blue or a different color? Small or big? Cute or ugly? 
So many things and Irayo was just happy to resume it all. Even more now that soon, her little one will get to experience the same excitement as she does. Her stage is still early, but no doubt her motherly instincts kicked in. 
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As time goes on, ronal allowed irayo to take care of tsireya more often, to practice in how to take care of a baby. Would talk about her experiences in taking care of an infant and so on. However Ronal does not know how much of the information will be useful to her friend. As she does not know how different a human baby is to a na’vi baby. 
And as the months go by, ronal witnesses irayo’s belly growing. While she may not fully show it, Ronal is secretly excited for the baby to arrive. One day, when Irayo was 4 months pregnant, she asked a sudden question. 
“Would you like to feel the baby?” 
This question surprised ronal. 
In na’vi customs, pregnant females only allow their mates or really close family members to touch their bellies.
Is it the same for humans? 
“Can I…?” Ronal asks hesitantly. 
Irayo nods and gently places ronal’s bigger hands onto her growing belly. 
“The baby is still small, but in future months, they will move and might even kick,” irayo explains. Being still, Ronal can sense a small heart beat. From her experience, this small heart beat sounds healthy. 
“You baby is strong,” she comments. Irayo giggles, she doesn't doubt ronal. She can feel her baby. 
“Baby?” little tsireya echos the word as she waddles over to the two mothers. Practicing how to mother with the little one, irayo feels she is ready. But slight doubt still lingers in her. 
Playing with the child's hair, Irayo confesses her inner struggles. 
“Ronal…do you think I will be a good mother?” she asks. 
Ronal looks at her friend, a sad smile on the human's face. “Of course you will be. Perhaps not perfect, but a good mother. I have seen you around my child, with the villagers' children. Why think you will not be?” 
“I don't know, maybe it is just my mind playing games. I see how you raise tsireya, when she was born to now. You are wonderful to her. You have far more experience than I. the other women, I see how they handle their babies. I fear that whatever I will try, it won't be enough. That maybe I will fail and-” 
Ronal places her hands gently on irayo’s cheek, making her look at her. 
“You will be a wonderful mother to your baby. Anything you will do, shall do, will be seen as perfection to your baby because it will be all that they know. I am not perfect irayo, no one else. I make my own mistakes, but we learn and so will you” 
“Learn!” tsireya repeated. 
Both ladies look down at the little girl with soft smiles. 
Irayo leans a bit to kiss tsireya’s head. 
“At least my baby will have someone to look up to”
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9 months had come to completion. Ronal wasnt able to see irayo for a while. Irayo explained she will need to be under constant supervision since the due date was nearing. Ronal understood, but the inner fears and anxiety creeps every night. 
Will irayo be alright? Will the birth be safe? Will the baby be healthy? 
So many questions, ronal even suggested she helps to deliver the baby. Willing to push aside her own personal views of the sky demons for the sake of her friend. While irayo was happy, she couldn't. 
And it wasn't for another 3 months that finally, irayo returned. This time she wasn't alone. 
She came to the village with her baby. 
Everyone was so ecstatic! 
They all surrounded her and her baby. Welcoming her back and welcoming the baby as well. Her baby was so cute! Mothers praised the little one, seeing how healthy the baby looked. And many more for being curious, it was the first time they have seen a human baby! Who knew they could be adorable? 
However the crowd was quickly disbursed by the presence of ronald and tonowari with tsireya in her father’s arms. 
Ronal of course was the first to hug irayo, letting out a long relieved sigh. 
“Thank Eywa you have returned” she whispers. Looking at irayo, she didnt know if it was the sun, or something else but the human had a natural glow in her physic. That motherly glow all females have after birth. It made irayo look stunning. 
“I am happy to be back,” irayo says. 
Soft babbles were heard, in the small bassinet was the human baby. 
Leaning down, ronal took a good look at the human baby. 
“Has your eyes…” she comments. 
The baby stared at ronal, no fear, only fascination. 
“Would you like to carry my baby?” Irayo asks, knowing ronal wants to. Without needing to answer, ronal carefully and gently holds the baby into her arms. 
“Baby!” tsireya squeals. 
Tonowari chuckles, “yes me’ite, it is a baby. We must be careful and be gentle” he says, tsireya nodding. 
“Your baby is so beautiful…oh Eywa, maybe you bless this baby with a great life and a wonderful future” ronal prays. 
Tonowari gestures irayo to a certain direction, “come, there is much to talk about”
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Tsireya was entertaining the baby, showing many toys and singing little songs. Never keeping her eyes away from her new friend. 
Irayo sits beside ronal, “I have a gift for you~” she teases. 
“I wonder what it could be” 
Already knowing what it is. 
As predicted, irayo brought out 4 bracelets, “new BFF’s bands!” irayo says happily. 
Carefully tying it around ronal’s wrist, doing the same for herself, tsireya and her baby. “We shall commemorate this day as our first mother’s day!” she goes on. 
Ronal looks at her curiously. 
“Mother’s day? What is that?” 
“Mother’s day is a human tradition. Once a year on a special day, we celebrate our mothers. Giving them gifts, a day to relax, and appreciating them overall. So, this is my gift to you and to myself. It is not often celebrated here with my co-workers but at least I can celebrate it with you!” irayo happily answers. 
Looking down at her new bracelet, tracing over the beads and sea glass, she likes it. 
“Gifts huh…well then, I have a gift for you as well” ronal says. 
This makes irayo get closer, already excited. 
“What is it?” irayo answers. Ronal answers deadpanned. 
“I am pregnant” 
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NGL I got carried away but I like it! So, until next time! See ya!
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novvabee · 5 months ago
And They Were Roommates pt.7
Summary: this one is pretty short and sweet, but Y/N makes the boys friendship bracelets.
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“What colors do you want?” you ask Sirius who is sitting on the other side of the couch, picking out beads and charms that he likes. You were making little bracelets for you and the girls when Sirius walked in the living room and asked what you were up to. He cozied up next to you and watched as you intricately wove and knotted a pink, white, and green bracelet for Lily. Once you were finished he sweetly asked for one, and you of course agreed.
“Do you have red and black?” he asked, still sifting through the little charms.
“Of course,” you replied, “I also have this silvery color I think you’d like.” You lifted the string of the shimmery silver so he could see. His face lit up and he nodded. You cut three equal length strings in the colors he wanted and began tying knots.
He handed you three charms that he wanted: a star, a red guitar, and cherries. You couldn’t explain it, but those charms just made sense on a Sirius bracelet. 
He hovered over you, watching intently, sitting close enough to rest his chin on your shoulder. You enjoyed this small, quiet moment with Sirius. You felt like you didn’t get them often, but when they happen, it leaves you with a warm feeling all over.
“Could you teach me how to make one?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you replied, “just grab some colors and copy me.” you turned to face him, legs criss-crossed, knees touching his. 
“Ok, just go slow.” he said.
You smiled and showed him the basic knots and loops he had to copy, at a much slower pace, making sure your work was on clear display for him to follow. “See you make a ‘4’ with the strings, and make sure it is tight so that you can see the pattern,” you explained, “and then you move to the next string.”
“W-wait, slow down.” he laughed.
“Keep up, slow poke.” you laughed back. In all fairness, he did try, but somewhere along the way it all went wrong. 
The bracelet, if you could call it that, turned into some sort of knotted ball, strings hanging loose. You bit your lip and turned away to stop from laughing.
“Don’t you dare laugh.” he said, this just made you hide your face in your hands to muffle the giggles coming out. “Stop it! I tried so hard!” he said, fake pouting. 
“Oh it’s lovely Siri,” you laughed, holding out your wrist for him to tie it to. It looked like something a cat would play with, but you were genuinely proud of him for trying. He grabbed ahold of your wrist and secured it, a goofy smile cut across his face. You loved to see it, loved that he was comfortable to be silly around you, himself around you.
“Ok, ok my turn.” you say to him. He closed his eyes and held out his wrist, the same way you did. You tied the bracelet around his wrist, knotting it to make sure he could take it off when he wanted. “Ok look!”
He opened his eyes. His smile grew and he looked quite pleased. “I love it.” he said, eyes not moving from the strings. There it was again, that warm little feeling. "You gotta tie it tighter so it wont come off." you nodded and tightened it. You thought surely he would take it off soon after you put it on, but maybe you thought wrong.
You heard footsteps make their way downstairs. You looked up seeing Remus, still in pajamas and hair a bit messy. 
“Morning sunshine.” Sirius shot at him. Remus yawned and made his way over to the pair of you. It wasn’t irregular for him to sleep in so late, usually allowing himself a day of rest once a month, you figured it was because he always stayed up so late and he was trying to fix his sleep schedule.
“Hi Remmy,” you greeted him.
“What are you two up to?” he asked, voice groggy and deep.
“We are making bracelets, Y/N is teaching me.” Sirius said, holding his wrist up for Remus to see.
Remus took Sirius’s hand and held it close, examining your work. He smiled at you. “Fine craftsmanship, I see,” he said jokingly.
“Would you like one? I can make one for you as well.” you asked. It would not take long at all, you had made hundreds before.
He nodded. “Course I would like one, love.”
You beamed up at him, clapping your hands eagerly. “Pick out the colors and charms you’d like.” you ordered him.
He chose green, brown, and a yellowy tan color. The colors much like the sweaters he often wears. He picked out a singular charm, a crescent moon, and the letters spelling out ‘moony’.
“Moony?” you asked. He was now sitting on the armchair, sitting sideways, long legs dangling over the arm’s edge. 
He chuckled, supplying you with a short, “It’s a nickname.”
“But why-” you were interrupted with the front door opening and James swooping in, always the tornado. He was out of breath and sweaty, just coming back from a jog.
“Hello! I need to shower- Ah Remus nice to see you’re finally awake, anyways after that I want to make dinner-Chicken and pasta alright?” he asked, so fast paced and chaotic, the way he always was. He stopped in his tracks when he saw what you were doing, coming to the back of the couch and looking over. “What is that?” he asked.
“A bracelet, I made one for Sirius and now one for Remus. Sirius made me one too, which I love and am very proud of.” you held up your arm for James to see the yarn ball dangling halfway on your wrist. James and Remus both burst into laughter, Sirius chuckling along with them. 
“Well that's not fair,” James said, “if you are making friendship bracelets, I want one too.”
You giggled at the slight childishness of that statement, but  replied, “Fine, you pick out some colors and charms too.”
James picked red, yellow, and white for his colors and two tiny gold charms; a sun and a lightning bolt. The sun made sense for him, he was always the light and warmth within the house, bright and happy. The lightning bolt however…
“Why the lightning bolt?” you asked, straining your neck all the way back to look at him above the couch.
He smiled down at you and shrugged. “No clue, I just think it’s cool.”
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Taglist 💌: @too-efn-old-to-be-here @cometsghost @eeviee4 @giuli-in-earth @spicybearnaise @the-lavender-girl @adharalikethestar @champomiel @itsleroyposts
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marypaol · 10 months ago
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Strings And Knots
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
Summary: Reader makes a bracelet for Draco, and, surprisingly to her, it lasts throughout all their years of Hogwarts.
Warnings: Mention of death, war, murder, suffocation, air pollution, destruction, emotional/physical damage, but overall fluff! (Until the end it’s kinda sad but it ends quite well- just a sad mood.)
Note: I know I did the whole Divination thing wrong since they do it for every month but that’s okay. And I really love this one it’s gotta be in top five favorites! Maybe top three!
Request Requirements
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One: The Making
Year: First
Her fingers worked carefully on the thread, the rough texture feeling slightly scratchy against her fingertips. Her hands were red and almost dry, twisting them together before pulling the knot up, securing it as it joined the design she was creating.
She wanted it to be perfect, despite her just learning about a week ago, but each day she practiced a bit and she could tell she was slowly improving.
She grumbled when the strings tangled together and she once again separated the colors. She could use magic, her wand sitting on her bed on top of her Charms and Potions book, but she made it her personal mission not to use the wand, for she wanted it to be made by her very hands, that way the finishing product would be much more meaningful; to her and to him.
Her fingers burned and the tips turned red as she tied the finishing knot at the bottom, taking a pair of scissors afterward and snipping the axis thread, the extra string flying off the once was connected bracelet and landing on her robes. This time she did use the wand, pointing them at the strands and made them disappear with a flick of the tip.
“Good, you’re here, look what Potter is doing, hanging around that giant again; honestly, how could you tolerate-what are you doing?”
She was half listening, her fingers focusing on tying the bracelet she made around Draco’s wrist. He made a face she didn’t see, taking his arm to his eyes once she was finished.
“What’s this rubbish?” He snarled, eyes looking disgustingly at the thread on his wrist. The girl rolled her eyes, being used to his on-the-daily-attitude.
“It’s not rubbish,” she protested. “It’s a bracelet. A friendship bracelet to be exact.”
Draco still didn’t wipe the disturbed look off his face, looking down at the thread with uncertainty.
“Look, I have one too; just switched colors.” She said, showing her own by pulling up her robe sleeve, hoping to assure him that out of the two of them he wasn’t the only one wearing a bracelet.
He looked at hers, something in his eyes that she couldn’t read. “Well? What does it mean?” He asked, still looking at the strands on his arm.
The girl shrugged even though the meaning of them meant everything to her. “It represents friendship. Ya ever heard of it?” She asked, a teasing glint in her eyes as she looked at him.
He scowled. “Of course I’ve heard of friendship. We are friends, aren’t we?”
She smiled. “Yeah, why do you think I made it for you?”
Draco rolled his eyes. “Well I will admit I like being friends with you but I’m not sure about walking around with this on my wrist.”
The girl looked down at the bracelet she made herself, the strands not seeming so exciting and meaningful anymore, they seemed to be mocking her now, screaming at her that Draco wouldn’t want to wear some silly bracelet.
“Right…” She whispered, chest squeezing. Draco scoffed, leaning over and picking up her chin with his index finger. She looked at him, eyes uncertain and anxious.
“Doesn’t mean I won’t wear it- at least it matches my robes.” He stated, looking down at the green thread and then at the knitted badge of Slytherin on his chest, mouth twitching but she could tell it was his form of smiling. Her lips stretched wide, eyes sparkling. This time his grin broke, but it was small, nice and toothless.
Two: The Sighting
Year: Second
“Snape assigned another essay, I can’t believe it.” She complained with a light scowl in her voice, plopping her books down on the table beside the fireplace, sitting down on the emerald green couch, the surface silky beneath the skin of her hands. Draco grumbled in agreement to her protests, eyes scanning the paper of the Daily Prophet. She always thought it was interesting, him being so young and reading all those kind of grown up things about the Ministry. But it came with an upside: she could always get updates from him about what was currently going on in the Wizarding world. She leaned forward, finger tapping his knee lightly.
“Anything good today?” She asked, neck craning to meet his face behind the stack of papers, moving pictures all around the pages. He shook his head, folding the Prophet up carefully before throwing it onto the table, right next to her textbooks.
“No,” He replied. “And I bet there is, just wait till my father tells me. And that Chamber, he never tells me anything these days.”
It was her turn to agree with a complaint between the two of them.
“Well, there’s nothing we can do, right?” She tried to assure, but Draco wasn’t one for the ‘look on the bright side’ pep talk. She always knew that, but what she also knew was that it was worth a try.
“I wish there was something I could do.” Draco snarled, lips twitching irritably. She smiled lightly, getting off the couch and sitting the floor, pulling her parchment out with a quill and ink bottle.
“How ‘bout that essay, mm?” She hummed, voice smooth and he nodded, still looking like his head wasn’t with her. She watched him as he looked at of the window for a moment, the tallest one in the Common Room, the evening sun providing a warm glow to the space. His hand went to his head, lightly scratching his ear, when she then noticed the worn out thread on his wrist, green and slightly dirty, displaying its age. She smiled. “You’re wearing it.” She noted, and watched as his head snapped to her, eyes moving from the knotted strings to her face.
“Well we are friends, aren’t we?” He replied like it was a silly observation, shrugging half-heartedly but something brewed in her chest as he joined her, getting his things out for the essay they were about to write. It was something her young self wouldn’t be able to recognize, but it was similar to when her mother smiled at her in the morning, or how her father kissed her hair before leaving for work.
Her older self would know, oh yes, and that older mature young lady would call it love.
Three: The Teasing
Year: Third
“No.” Draco’s voice burst out as she hovered a very reactive ingredient over the cauldron, the potion brewing inside just the right temperature for him to add the alligator heart, dropping a few chunks inside. She grimaced in disgust.
“I was joking.” She then insisted.
“No you weren’t.” He instantly said, looking at her as a way to say “try me”.
She snorted, cutting up an herb he gave her. “I wasn’t actually gonna do it.” She tried to convince, yet he wouldn’t take her excuses, shaking his head.
“Yes you would; then we would end up like Seamus.” Draco responded and she chuckled, looking down at the herbs again so she failed to notice the soft smile on his lips.
“Got a friend, Malfoy? Who’s the lucky person?” Pansy’s voice suddenly broke out, and, the two Slytherins turning to her, saw her long skinny finger pointing at Draco’s wrist, a teasing glint on her face. Draco scowled at her, shooting her daggers with his grey eyes.
“Shut up Parkinson.” He spat, and she shut right up, cheeks flushing. “Not like you have any friends, bet you wish you did, don’t you?”
Pansy’s eyes glossed over but neither of them seemed to take care to it, yet the girl felt a small, very small I tell you, peck of empathy.
Pansy dismissed herself from the classroom right then, crying her eyes out.
The girl turned to Draco. “You didn’t have to be so harsh, ya know.” She whispered. She saw him look at her.
“Yeah I did. Surprised she didn’t say anything about yours.” He said softly, nudging her wrist that had the thread on it.
The girl scoffed quietly. “I’m a girl, it’s normal for us to have silly jewelry on.”
Draco’s pale eyebrow shot up. “‘Silly jewelry’?” He quoted. “So our friendship is silly now?”
The girl felt a pinch of regret hit her. She quickly shook her head. “No, I didn’t mean it like that.”
He still had an absence of a frown on his lips, but he believed the reassurance that she provided when she gave him a kind apologetic smile.
“Good.” She heard him mutter, most likely for her to not hear, but she thanked Merlin her ears picked up on it.
Four: The Admiring
Year: Forth
The Divination book was open in front of her, propped up against her bag that was lazily thrown on the table moments prior. The usual presence of Draco wasn’t met, since she was keeping herself busy while he attended Quidditch practice. The sun was still shining, though it was evening and after supper, through the green see-through curtains.
The Professor wanted them to write predictions on how their future would go, and all she came up with was that she would “experience a heart warming moment” and that “something she dearly loved would break”.
Her eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and just when she about decided to start making them up, the Common Room entrance opened, a certain platinum blonde coming into view, broomstick hung over his shoulder. His face was twisted with exhaustion, yet once his eyes met hers she saw a different expression in his eyes, relief perhaps, for she often didn’t know how to read his eyes, despite them being friends for four years.
He blooped down across from her, next to her bag so he was still in sight. His hand was now dug into his hair, eyes fluttering but he still was able to look at her. She stared longer than she should’ve, but the sight was too warming to her chest, watching his tired eyes gaze upon hers with such softness no one would ever be able to see but her.
She had her right arm on the table, flipping through the pages of the book with her other hand.
“Divination?” Draco asked, peering over at the work she had done. She nodded, and at that moment she yawn came over her.
“Yeah,” she said. “I’m about to start making it up at this point.”
Draco chuckled, reaching up and lazily rubbing his eye. “Agreed; kinda stupid really.”
She nodded once again, starting to get too tired to talk. She scanned the page that was open in front of her, spotting the sentence “you will witness a break up between two strangers” and thought that was good enough. The other predictions spoke to her but this one didn’t seem to do such, for she was at that point picking random ones out to write down. She was focused on writing, so such so that she didn’t notice Draco lay his arm down, close to her hand but the skin wasn’t close enough to brush. She also didn’t notice his grey eyes moving from his wrist to hers, the matching thread being admired scanned with his eyes.
She looked up them, feeling his finger tips brush her robe sleeve, and she met his eyes.
“What are you looking at?” She asked, eyebrows furrowing only to curve even deeper than before when he quickly responded, a little too quickly.
“Nothing.” He said shortly, taking his arm back. She held a confused expression but didn’t pry on the subject.
“Can we go to bed now?” He asked abruptly, trying to change the topic of conversation. She hummed, packing up her now finished work and putting it in her bag. She stood up, about to grab the bag when Draco beat her to it, his pale hand gripping the strap.
“Thanks.” She muttered, suddenly feeling a small flush appear over her cheeks.
“For what?” He asked, confused, like he didn’t know he just did a kind deed.
She scoffed at how oblivious he was. “For carrying my bag. You don’t have to do that.”
It was his turn to scoff, lips twitching in slight annoyance. “Well we are friends, aren’t we?”
Five: The Breaking
Year: Fifth
The Hogwarts Express seemed to vibrate underneath her, the engine coming to life as it was ready to ride on. Everyone was excited for the upcoming year, happiness flooding their features and chests.
She, however, grew worried when she didn’t have the usual company of her friend, not having seeing him yet. She didn’t spot him in the platform or while she was walking along the hallways of the train, going to their usual compartment. She was thinking he went with his other friends, perhaps he wanted to catch up with them.
But she couldn’t help but feel a little hurt, since he always at least met her before each year, in the same seats on the same train in the same compartment. Why was it different this year?
She looked out the window, miraculously thinking maybe he was running along the train’s side, yelling for it to stop so he could catch up. But of course that wouldn’t happen since the boy was always on time, so he must be on the train, just not with her.
The compartment door opened abruptly, causing her head to snap in the direction of the noise. Draco stood there, in a black suit, black tie, and black shoes. He strolled over to the seat and sat across from her, leaning his hands on the table in front of him. This all happened just in time as the train started churning, wheels turning and gaining speed as it headed off to the school.
“Where have you been?” She asked, unable to hide the worry in her voice.
“I was looking for something.” He answered simply, looking a little irritated.
“For what, exactly?” She asked, getting annoyed as well, the irritation brewing in her chest as he once again left her with no answers.
“I was looking for this.” He said sharply. He had slapped something on the table for her to see, the green thread immediately recognizable between his fingers. It was the same as it has always been, dirty as it went through the years but the knots stayed true. The only thing was that the bottom was broken, the knot becoming undone.
“Can’t wear it if it’s broken, right?”
She was half listening, still gazing at the strings that were on the table. She grabbed it gently between her fingers, caressing it like a baby and analyzed the damage.
“It fell off on my way here.” He explained, kind of annoyed that it did such thing at such an inconvenient time.
“I can fix it.” She said quietly, surprised he still possessed it. “I just can’t believe you still have it.”
“What, you don’t have yours?” He asked, looking a little hurt beneath the annoyance that she’s so surprised at that occurrence.
“Of course I do,” she started, and missed his eyes going to her arm to see if it was there, and she was telling the truth. “I just didn’t think you’d-“
Draco groaned, rubbing his head with his hand and looking at the window, grey eyes reflecting the sun’s warmth. “We are friends, aren’t we? Honestly…”
She looked down at the bracelet, the knots worn down and dirty, but the meaning stood true. She didn’t know what it was, but somehow her mind went back to her Forth Year, working on her Divination homework, and writing down “something she dearly loved would break.”
She supposed her made up predictions weren’t made up after all.
Six: The Decision
Year: Sixth
“This is stupid.” Draco’s voice blurted shortly, looking down at the homework in front of him, the essay’s words seeming to combine in his mind, creating an annoying jumble of ink.
“I know, but Slughorn insisted.” She reminded, causing his silver eyes to roll in the back of his head. He quill lazily sat on his hands, twirling it mindlessly out of boredom.
She noticed his robe sleeve rolled up at the action, wrist muscles twitching and moving as his fingers worked the quill.
The bracelet made of thread was not only repaired but still sitting on his wrist as good as ever, the green shining the meaning of it. Just looking at his made the feeling of her own on her skin a lot more noticeable, heart warming at the sight.
“Do you want me to make you a new one?” She asked, and when he turned to her she gestured to the strands that were getting older by the day.
His eyebrows furrowed deeply, displaying large amounts of confusion. “New one? Certainly not.” He replied. “This one’s just fine; don’t know what you’d think that, really.”
She smiled soft but it was unsure. “You sure? Cause I was thinking about making myself a new one.”
Draco scoffed but looked a little frustrated. “Scared of a little dirt?”
“No.” She replied. Draco then nodded towards her wrist.
“Then it stays. Mine’s as old as yours.”
Seven: The Pulling
Year: Seventh
The air was musty, ash seeping the air, suffocating the lungs of beings who breathed it in. Of course no one cared at the moment; the air pollution the last thing on their minds. The living breathing representation of evil was standing in front of them, laughing like what was happening was his dream come true. Because, realistically, it was. Deaths, damage, emotional and physical, destruction, all of it was part of his dream. To end it all and face the boy who lived, and all for what. Just so he can kill the boy who he was trying to murder ever since he was a baby?
It wasn’t that the girl was paying much attention as the living evil spoke, too busy staring at the ground that inc held healthy green grass, grass that her and Draco used to pick at while they complained about classes they had that day. Or any day for that matter. Sometimes his long skinny fingers would dig into her sides, wiggling until he heard the sound of her laughter, something he may never hear again because of the cold voice calling him.
His mother. His father. The living evil.
He stepped forward, ready to leave the cruelty of his peers and the burning stares he just knew where there. His head swam with so many emotions but he didn’t have time to look them through, just focusing on walking to the other side, the other side where evil doings were being performed. The other side that he didn’t have a choice but to be on.
He was gonna go, he really was, despite the soft tug he felt on his wrist, and, looking down, saw her index finger hooked underneath the thread of his bracelet as she pulled, the knots begging him to stay along with the maker of them. He met her eyes despite the emotions crashing his rib cage, threatening to get to his heart, but he held the gaze all the same.
“Stay.” She said softly, eyes swirling, knowing all those years with him weren’t for nothing. She didn’t last all those times with him as a child or teenager just for him to walk away.
“Why.” He muttered back, voice dry as ever so much so that he felt like his throat was filled with sand and he was speaking through the tiny rocks. She answered with a small smile, something so small making him plant his feet on the ground, making him stay away from the living evil on the other side….making him have a choice.
“Well, we are friends, aren’t we?”
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saiintvalentiine · 3 months ago
hi saiint! i would tell you to write evil kenifies to your hearts content as i said i would but i need some sugar. write them trying to draw one another and being cute, i dont know
dont you worry, other people have the evil on lock this time around :') here's some ken and wifies drawing!
Word count: 524
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Ken’s tongue is poking out of the corner of his mouth as his pencil scratches on the paper in front of him. Wifies does the same in front of him, a stack of books haphazardly set between them so as to not look at each other’s work. Their kitchen table is covered in paints and brushes and pens, a cacophony of art materials that they were playing around with.
It’s hard to think that Wifies had never just. . . messed around with art before.
Ken hasn’t always given much thought to these kinds of experiences, so intrinsic and natural to life— everyone has fingerpainted on their floor and drawn in the margins of their homework and braided friendship bracelets at school, haven’t they? But not Wifies. So they’ve been playing around with art all day, and now they’re drawing each other on a time limit. Thirty minutes, just a pencil, do your best, have fun!
Ken’s sketch of Wifies is. . . wonky. His nose is a little too offset to one side, and his mouth just doesn’t look right, but otherwise Ken thinks he’s doing a pretty good job. The eyes even match! When the timer runs out, their comms blaring in sync, he feels satisfied.
“Pencils down!” Ken says with a grin.
“It’s down, it’s down.”
Wifies has a smear of paint on his arm, and what looks like charcoal smudged on his jaw. He looks cute. He looks somewhat like a kid discovering that he can make things pretty for the first time. Ken likes it.
“Three, two, one, reveal!”
Ken holds his sheet up towards Wifies over their makeshift barrier.
Then he sees Wifies’s art and his jaw drops.
“That’s so cute,” Wifies says, taking the sheet out of Ken’s hand with a blooming smile. Ken silently takes Wifies’s art in hand. “I love it.”
“What the fuck,” Ken says eloquently.
It’s a beautiful monochrome sketch of Ken. It looks just like him. Like, honestly, it’s kind of mind boggling how accurate and good it looks. This is unfair.
“This is unfair,” Ken says out loud. “How is it this good? How are you this good at drawing?”
“You like it?” Wifies asks. He keeps tracing his fingers over Ken’s shit-ass drawing.
“Wifies, what the hell, this looks amazing.”
“Mine looks awful next to this.”
“Noooo, no it doesn’t look awful,” Wifies holds Ken’s drawing to his chest as if Ken will snatch it away from him. He might. “I love it. You made it for me, and I love it. Don’t be mean to it. It’s beautiful.”
Ken blushes, because he’s stupid and easy. Wifies sounds so sincere and sweet, eyes wide as he watches Ken for any sudden snatching movements.
“It’s fine, I guess,” Ken grumbles and sinks back into his seat, looking at Wifies’s drawing of him.
There’s something. . . loving about it. The idea that Wifies has looked at Ken so often and catalogued so much of his appearance, to be able to draw him so well. . . Ken isn’t immune to tenderness, though he’s very much allergic to it.
He’ll find a good place to keep it.
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itsascreambaby96 · 2 years ago
Summer Camp
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ mdni!!! Mentions of blood, death and stabbing, double penetration. Name calling. A little bit of somnophilia. Oral (m on f) . Pet names. Choking. Slapping. If I missed anything please let me know.
Pairings: Stu Macher x fem!reader x Billy Loomis
Word count: 5k
A/N: This technically wasn't a request. It can be read as a second part of this fic. But mainly it is its own fic no need to read the other one to understand this one. I also have no idea if the camp really exists, I made the name up. Please enjoy and leave feedback.
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"You've never been to summer camp when you were a wee kid?!"
Stu couldn't believe it, neither could Billy but he didn't make a big deal out of it, other than Stu. 
You just shrugged. "I didn't. Why is that such a problem?"
"It's not." Billy said, giving Stu a look. 
"Well it kinda is! I mean every child went to summer camp so their parents could have some time off of them right?"
That did leave a little peng in your heart. Poor Stu, he always had a rather complicated relationship with his parents. 
"You really should see a therapist because of that." Billy spoke again. Stu gave him a look.
"Yeah well if I should then you should too, because of your unresolved mommy problems!" Stu was not amused and now he was dragging Billy down too. 
You had to do something quick, or your boys would definitely kill each other. 
"So what did I miss while not going to a summer camp?" That got Stu's attention back to you. He went into great detail on all the things he had to do, shooting arrows, canoeing, even making friendship bracelets, the horror stories they told in their little cabin. How he was the master of horror stories, which earned him a snort from Billy.
"You went there together?"
"Jup, I always snuck into Billy's cabin cause it was more fun there." Stu gave you a wink. "Especially when we were older."
"And I clearly remember I got the badge for best Horror Story teller." Billy grinned.
"Pf in your dreams!"
"No no I clearly remember! How you almost pooped your pants when I told the story of the guy who slaughtered every kid in summer camp." 
"First, that was just your wishful thinking. Second, it is the plot of Friday the 13th." 
"So? Not my fault those kids didn't watch the movie."
"Yeah cause we were kids!"
"I watched it."
"Because you are not normal."
You laughed softly at their banter. You were so used to it by now. 
"What else did you guys do?" And so they went on with their stories. 
You thought with that the topic would end. And you were right. But a few weeks before you guys left for college, your boys came up with a camping trip. You weren't a big fan of camping but they were persistent. You couldn't really say no to their ideas. So you agreed. Maybe it could be fun. If only you knew how much fun it would be. 
You drove 3 hours to a big forest. Billy assigned you to make a mixtape for the journey and also let you drive shotgun. 
Stu was pouty for an hour, before his good mood returned. You might have given him one too many sweets. When you arrived you parked the car at the destined spot and got out. Both Billy and Stu had packed a big backpack making sure you didn't have to carry too much. Aren't they the sweetest? Then you three were off into the woods. It was very hot and you were glad for the shorts you were wearing, though you were sure your legs would be littered with insect bites. Oh well, the fun of going camping. What you failed to notice was that neither Stu nor Billy had packed a tent. They had a much different plan. It also seemed like they knew exactly where they were going, well at least Billy because Stu was next to you talking. It wasn't as bad as you expected it to go actually. 
After 3 hours though you were getting slower, your energy was dwindling. 
"Are we almost there?" You were whining at this point.
"Yeah, there should only be another hour." Billy was still as motivated as when you started. How, you didn't know. 
You were groaning at his reply, displeasure setting in. For the next hour you were grumbling about how "this better be worth it" and how "you were going to plan the next vacation". The whole time Stu only chuckled next to you at your attitude. 
"Don't worry it will all be worth it."
"You better be right."
After another half hour, thanks to you demanding a break, you saw a big clearing, cabins littered everywhere, and a big sign welcoming you to "Camp Silver Lake." The whole place seemed to be abandoned though.
"You are kidding." You looked at Billy who, like Stu, was grinning. 
"Nope. We thought it would be fun to show you what you missed." Stu was so excited about the whole thing. It makes you question how he didn't spoil the surprise at all beforehand. 
"So is this the one where you two went?" You were not going to ruin the fun. You actually believed this could be a great few days. 
"Pf no. We were at a more … luxurious camp. Though they are all the same anyway." Billy was making his way to a cabin, assuming you two would follow him.
"The place hasn't been closed for long. Only one or two years. So everything should still be in a rather good condition." Opening the door and going in you could see he was right. But you still didn't think it would be a good idea to sleep in those beds. Sure they were infested with bugs.
"We will put the mattresses down and sleep in sleeping bags on them." Billy saw your sceptical look. You gave him a grateful smile. 
"Enough talking. Last one in the lake is a stink bug!" Stu had already taken off his shirt running outside. Billy and you gave each other a look before darting out of the cabin. Laughing you took off your shirt while running, and somehow your shorts too. You almost fell over trying to undo your boots, giving a triumphant grunt as they slipped off. Billy wasn't far behind and Stu was a few feet in front of you struggling with his second boot. You were squealing, running past him. 
"Who is going to be the stink bug now Macher?!" Laughing you didn't notice him being done with his shoe and running after you. He's almost got you but you somehow slipped from his grasp. He was laughing too and you two almost stumbled over each other. Billy used that to his advantage and ran past the two of you onto the dock and jumped into the lake. You and Stu weren't far behind jumping in. 
Emerging from the depths of the lake you saw that Stu was dunking Billy, laughing. 
You enjoyed the mild temperatures of the water on your skin, floating on your back a little. You didn't see Stu staring at your glistening skin that was revealed from the water. He was subtly liking his lips. You were effortlessly beautiful. Suddenly two arms wrapped around your middle, pulling you under. You were trashing and swam up again looking at a grinning Billy. You pushed at his chest, huffing but not being mad. When he only laughed you splashed water at him and into his open mouth. He was gagging and coughing. 
"Serves you right." It was your turn to grin. 
"Oh you will be sorry for that!" 
Squealing and laughing, you swam away from him as fast as possible.
"Stu save me!" You were climbing onto his back.
"Oh of course princess." He swam away with you on his back, Billy hot on his tail. 
The three of you spend the rest of the day like this, mostly in the water, laughing and just having a good time. 
As the sun was slowly beginning to vanish behind the trees, Billy and Stu took care of gathering wood for a campfire, while you arranged the sleeping arrangement. You made sure you were going to sleep in between them. After getting dressed, you grabbed the food and went outside, seeing Stu and Billy fighting each other with sticks. You watched them with an amused look. 
"You can't win, old man!" It was Billy talking to Stu, trying to hit him. 
Stu blocked the attack, grinning.
"If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine!"
"You should not have come back!"
They continued fighting. After a little more of this you stepped into their view, distracting Stu. This was Billy's chance to strike and he did. Stu let out a painful hiss and went down. You knew your part and screamed a dramatic "No!"
That made Stu laugh full heartedly. Billy was chuckling. "Oscar worthy performance sweetheart." You bowed, laughing sweetly. 
"Thank you. Thank you. You can get autographs later." As Stu got up and dusted off, Billy gave you a loving kiss, making you hum.
"Now can we please eat? I am starving."
"Of course." 
They were going back to their task, you sitting down on a log watching them. The soft pushes and the banter they shared made you smile. The good mood stayed for the rest of the evening. After eating you guys talked and talked for hours. You were leaning with your back against Stu, the night colder than you thought it would be, but Stu kept you plenty warm. Especially after Billy denied you his sweater that he was wearing. Stu was more than glad to jump in and be your hero, making Billy roll his eyes playfully. Your eyes were closed and you were already half asleep. You couldn't really make out the words they were speaking, and you didn't really care. You knew you were safe with them.
"Do you wanna do it tonight?"
"No, she's exhausted, let's give her some rest. Tomorrow will be better."
You would have wondered what they were actually talking about but sleep pulled you in. 
When you woke up you were in your sleeping bag, Billy and Stu snoring away on either side of you. Giving them both a soft kiss you carefully stood up, getting ready for the day. While you prepared breakfast a sleepy Billy emerged. His hair stood in all directions and his eyes were barely open. You offered him a cup of coffee which he took gratefully. You turned back to your task, Billy sipping his coffee and watching you like a hawk. His eyes moving over your every curve. The swell of your ass, resisting the urge to slap it like he so often does, playful or not. Your thighs which he loves to grab and squeeze and have his head between. He was getting worked up watching you be a cute little housewife in the middle of the woods. Wanting nothing more to bend you over and fuck you silly. He put his cup down and snug up behind you. Wrapping an arm around your middle and pulling you in, a soft gasp leaving your lips. Billy nuzzled at your neck inhaling your smell. A low hum left him as the beguiling smell of you hit his nostrils. You closed your eyes, enjoying the soft moment between the two of you. He was softly squeezing your hip as he gently placed kisses over your neck. Your head lulled to the side as he bit your neck like he so often does. 
"Billy…" his name was nothing more than a whisper on your lips. He only grunted in acknowledgement not parting from your neck though. 
The moment was ruined when Stu emerged from the cabin with a more than shrill "Good morning!" 
With a sigh Billy dropped his head onto your shoulder, you softly patted his cheek.
"Morning Stu." He gave you a big sloppy kiss, making you laugh as he slapped Billy's bubble butt. "Oi! Watch it!" Stu just grinned at him. 
The three of you ate your breakfast, Stu filling the silence with unimportant chatter. 
The rest of the day was spent exploring. You saw many squirrels and got excited every single time. How could you not with their cute little faces and their fluffy tail. 
It was almost dark when you got back to the camp. You were exhausted and hungry. Stu took care of preparing something, meaning hot dogs. After scarfing down your meal you enjoyed a bit of quiet. Billy started to tell some horror stories, to give you more of the summer camp feeling. You appreciated it but some of the stories were really terrifying and you wondered where he got them from. The one about a haunted doll freaked you out the most. You were never a fan of dolls. Stu chimed in here and there because he could see how stiff you were and wanted to lighten your mood a little, but it didn't help much. That's why you stayed even closer to them while sleeping tonight. You didn't mind horror stories usually but something about being in the middle of the woods alone, only with your boyfriends made you more jumpy than usual. 
It was no surprise that you woke up when you heard something outside, noticing that Stu was not next to you, Billy snoring on your other side. Stu was probably using the bathroom. But then you heard something again right outside the cabin. You jumped and woke Billy, who gave a grunt. 
"Billy, wake up! I think something's outside!"
"That's probably just the wind. Go back to sleep." He kept mumbling, not even opening his eyes. 
"It is not. It sounded like footsteps and groaning."
"That's probably just Stu trying to scare you."
"What if not? What if someone has already killed him and now he is coming for us?!"
"I am never telling you horror stories again before sleeping." You could hear the annoyance in his voice.
"Can we please just go check?"
"Can we please go check? Are you serious? Have you never watched a horror movie in your life? That's basically a death wish."
"I know! But I don't want our boyfriend to die!" You stood up and looked around for some kind of weapon. You found an old crowbar in the room and looked at Billy expectantly. He let out another groan and got up. 
"If I die I will haunt your ass."
"I can live with that. Now let's go."
"Give me the crowbar first."
"No. Get your own weapon. This is mine." You held the crowbar close to your chest.
"Are you serious?"
Billy rolled his eyes and went outside without anything to protect himself. You were following close behind. 
The both of you looked around carefully. 
"Stu!" Calling for him as loud as you could.
"Shut up! Are you insane? This will lead the killer right to us!"
"I thought there wasn't one!" You whisper yelled.
"There probably isn't but you don't have to shout either!" Billy hissed.
The two of you kept sneaking around looking for Stu. That was until you bumped into something, assuming it was Billy you went to apologise but when you looked behind you, you saw a white mask with big black eyes and a wide open black mouth. You let out a loud scream as the person lunged at you with a knife missing you only by a few inches as you ran away.
"Billy!" You were running for your life, looking behind you to see if the killer was chasing you, but he was gone. Frantically you were looking for Billy. Turning around the corner you bumped into him, clinging to him. 
"There's a killer! There's a killer here! We need to find Stu and leave!"
Billy looked at you with big eyes and nodded, taking the crowbar, that you've completely forgotten about, from your hand. His eyes widened when he saw the masked killer show up behind you. As quickly as he could he pushed you behind him and went to hit the killer with his weapon. But the guy wasn't stupid and saw Billy's attack coming, taking a hold of the crowbar. Billy tried to get him to loosen his grip but there was no chance. The killer pulled Billy closer and stabbed him into his stomach. You led out a scream as you heard Billy groan. The killer then went on to stab Billy multiple times. Over and over again. You started to cry. Billy's legs gave out and he fell to the ground. Your hand flew to cover your mouth, tears streaming down your face.
You looked back at the killer who was looking at you, wiping his knife off of Billy's blood with one hand. Then he came stalking over to you. Your legs felt like jelly as you stumbled back, your back hitting the cabin. The killer was right in front of you, lifting his knife to strike you down too, just like he did with Billy. You closed your eyes and looked to the side. But after waiting several moments nothing happened. So you opened your eyes only for them to widen. The mask was lifted and sat atop of Stu's head. 
"Stu?" Your voice was shaking.
"Surprise princess." He was grinning.
Coming back to your senses you started pushing him. "What the fuck is wrong with you Stu?! Are you insane?! You killed Billy!" 
Just as you said that Billy jumped out from behind Stu, scaring you half to death. You didn't understand a single thing. His shirt was stained with his blood but he looked as alive as ever wearing the same grin that Stu wore.
"How are you alive?" You felt stupid asking him that.
Billy licked some 'blood' off of his fingers. 
"Corn Syrup. Same stuff they used as pig's blood in Carrie."
You were in utter disbelief.
"Are you two fucking kidding me?! I thought you were dead! I was scared for my life! I thought I was going to die!"
"Awww babes we are sorry. But a prank is always played during summer camp." Stu got a sheepish look.
"That was some fucking prank Stu!" You were getting more angry by the second. 
They gave each other a look. Pushing past the two you stormed back to your cabin. The two boys are hot on your heels. 
"Sweetheart, come on, it was just a prank." But you didn't respond to Billy, way too furious.
"Don't be mad at us. We love you."
"If you'd love me you wouldn't have done this fucked up shit." 
"Ok ok we are sorry ok?" Billy got a hold of your wrist making you stop. He turned you around putting his hands on your cheeks, making you look at him. "We really are sorry." 
"I don't know if I believe you. I was so scared. I thought I lost you." Tears were welling up in your eyes at the image of Billy laying in his own blood. Dead. Stu's head popped up over Billy's shoulder. Giving you his best puppy dog eyes. 
"Please forgive us. We swear we will never do that again."
"You better not." 
"So are we forgiven?" They looked at you hopeful. 
"Ask me again tomorrow…" With that you went into the cabin and back into your sleeping bag. You laid there for a while, eyes closed. Stu and Billy took a little while to come inside. You could hear them talking outside. You pretended to sleep when they came in, laying down beside you. They didn't know if you wanted to be close to them so they refrained from their usual cuddly positions. You didn't fall asleep until dawn, when exhaustion finally took you over. 
You don't know how long you've been sleeping for but a very pleasurable feeling between your legs was waking you from your slumber. A soft moan left your lips and you fluttered your eyes open. Between your legs you could make out a tuft of blonde curls. Stu was eating you out lazily and softly. So different from his usual pace. Your hand crept into his hair pulling softly but it only made him release your clit from between his lips.
"Good morning princess." He gave you a soft kiss. 
"Morning Stu. What are you doing?" 
"What does it look like? I am apologising." He grinned at you and went back to work, making you arch your back softly.
"If this is the apology for last night you will have to do much better."
"Oh princess, this is only the start. We plan to properly apologise, don't you worry. If you let us of course." Billy spoke up beside you. You looked at him, nodding. 
"Of course." Realising that they took off your clothes completely. Billy was playing with your boobs. 
Stu continued to play your pussy like he so often did before. Two of his fingers already buried deep inside you, fucking you open for them both. His lips were wrapped around your clit, the tip of his tongue flipping your little bud of nerves in his mouth. He loved being messy even  when things were going slower than normal. 
Billy's lips wrapped around one of your nipples, his teeth gazing softly. Your other  hand that wasn't in Stu's hair went into Billy's, pulling them both closer to you. It was so easy to forgive them like this but you wouldn't tell them that. Stu slowly added a third finger, scissoring them to fuck you more, curling them to find your gspot. He was so attune with your body, that it didn't take him long to find the spot that made your toes curl and an almost pornographic moan to leave your lips. Billy pulled at your nipple with his lips, making you clench around Stu's fingers. When you looked down you saw Stu was humping the ground while eating you out. This puts a lazy grin on your face.  
"Stu… Billy please." You wanted them both desperately.
"What do you want, pretty girl?" Billy looked at you with his intense eyes. Stu's mouth never leaving your wet cunt as he looked up at the both of you. 
"Need you. Need you both. Please." You were begging a little. But you truly needed to be filled by them. 
"Where do you need us?" Stu pulled at your clit letting it pop out of his mouth. 
"Inside me. Need you both inside of me. Please." You were looking at them pleadingly.
"Think you can handle us both?" Stu asked teasingly. You nodded quickly. Stu gave your dripping pussy another kiss before standing up and undressing. Billy doing the same. You kept staring at them both. The both of them started to make out, Billy pulling Stu closer, biting his lip harshly. They got lost in their little make out session. You cleared your throat.
"I thought this was my apology here." 
They parted and looked at you, both grinning. 
"Of course."
"Sorry sweetheart we got a little lost." Billy came over to you first, laying down beside you and pulling you on top of him, your boobs pressed against his chest. He started to kiss you passionately as he entered you. You moaned against his lips. Taking the opportunity Billy slipped his tongue into your mouth playing with your own. He started to thrust into you. Slow but hard. Deliberately. Making you feel every inch of him. Your gummy walls stretch around him. Billy continued his thrusting for a moment before he stopped.
Stu got into position behind you. Getting ready to push into your tight cunt too. Slowly and carefully he pushed in. Your eyes squeezed shut, the stretch almost unbearable. Both Billy and Stu groaned at the feeling, both being in your tight cunt while having their dicks rub together at the same time. They gave you time to adjust to being filled to the brim. You were panting. Billy gave you a soft kiss. 
"Are you ok?" 
You nodded. "Yeah I'm good."
They both started to move slowly. Working in tandem. You couldn't keep your moans in. It felt so good. How they knew how to play your body. Stu was gripping your hips so hard, definitely leaving bruises. Your eyebrows were knit together. Billy was groaning underneath you, Stu moaning behind you.
The slick sound of your juices mixing with your guys' moans. It was so lewd but it turned you on all the more. Billy kissed you again, sloppily. He kept sucking on your tongue. When he let go of your tongue you felt Stu leaning over your back, down, his head next to yours. He gave you a particular hard thrust making you scream in pleasure. Stu and Billy kissed again, just as sloppily as you two did. You were moving against Billy with every hard thrust. 
Somehow they managed to roll around, a squeal leaving your lips. Stu now under you. Your back on his chest, Billy on top of you. Billy gave your tits a hard squeez, now more in control of his thrusts. You felt like a rag doll how they handled you, and you loved every second of it. 
Billy laid a few quick slaps to your tits making you moan loudly. Your head fell onto Stu's shoulder. One of his hands wrapped around your throat. 
"You looked so cute being all scared last night. Really wanted to fuck you there." Stu's voice was deep, laced with lust. You whimpered at his words, his hand squeezing around your throat, cutting off the bloodstream, slowly becoming lightheaded. It only added to your pleasure. 
Billy's thumb gazed over the little scars you had on your hips, where you let them carve in their initials, while angling his hips a little differently. His thrusts only became harder. 
"You know we would never let anything happen to you princess." Billy's voice was equally as deep as Stu's. The same ounce of lust in them. 
"You are ours. And we protect what's ours." 
You looked at him with glossy eyes, the pleasure almost too much. They fluttered close when Stu's other hand went between your body's and he started to rub your clit deliberately. You didn't keep your eyes closed for long, because Billy took hold of your face, squeezing your cheeks together. 
"Do you understand sweetheart?"
You nodded dumbly, way too fucked out.
"Say it."
Stu's hand left your throat making you take in a deep breath, your head clearing up a little. Stu's thrusts got faster, your eyes rolling back. Billy gripped your cheeks harder, matching his thrusts into your soaking pussy.
"Say. It." His words were harsh, his thrusts emphasised his words, but you knew it was because he wanted his anwer.
"I'm yours. I'm all your Billy, Stu. Only yours." Your words were slurred. Partially from pleasure and partially from still having your cheeks pressed together.
"You protect what's yours. You protect me." You were so close. But you knew better than to come without permission even if this was meant as your apology. 
"And we take such good care of you don't we?" 
You nodded, tears now streaming down your face all from the pleasure of their cocks inside of you and Stu's relentless pace on your clit. 
"You take such good care of me."
"Good girl. Isn't she Stu?" Billy looked a little behind you, directly at Stu who, in return, gave him a shit eating grin.
"Oh she is the best girl. Aren't you, pretty thing?" He gave your cheek, that Billy finally released from his grip, an exaggerated kiss. 
Billy's hand wrapped around your throat now making you gasp. Both their pace is becoming faster. Sloppier. Stu gave your nipples a hard pinch making you sob in pleasure. You were clenching around them so hard trying not to come without their permission. 
"Aw I think she is close Stu."
"Mh you think we should let her come?"
"I don't know. What do you think sweetheart? Do you think you should come?" Both their voices were teasing, condescending even. Billy gave your throat a squeez after you didn't answer immediately. 
"Please what?" Billy's tone got harsher.
"Lemme come…" Your voice was hoarse from the moaning and screaming.
Billy looked at Stu again.
"You think we should let her?"
"I don't know man. Seems like she doesn't really want to." 
"Yeah I was thinking the same thing. But it is our apology after all."
"You are right. I think we should give her that."
They talked about you like you weren't even there. It should be embarrassing but it only got you more wet. 
"Go ahead doll. Come for us."
"Yeah, soak us in your juices."
It only took a few short moments of their hard, precise thrusts, Stu's thumb rubbing your clit the right way and Billy squeezing your throats not too tight, for you to finally come. It was earth shattering. Your legs started to shake uncontrollably and your eyes rolled back so far into your skull, your ears started ringing. You were clenching so hard around Billy and Stu that it didn't take them long to come right after you. Both groaning in unison, shooting their seed right into you without a care. They rode out their orgasms before Billy collapsed on top of you. You weren't completely back to your senses yet. 
You didn't really notice how they carefully slipped out of you, some of their joined load dripping out of you. Your thighs slick with your own arousal. 
Billy took a good look at your dripping pussy. 
"Damn. Still the most pretty pussy even all fucked out." 
You only came back to reality when the both of them started to clean you up, already dressed again after cleaning up themselves. 
"You back with us sweetheart?" Billy's voice had nothing of the harshness from earlier. 
"Yeah. That was mind-blowing. We should do this more often." Your voice was still hoarse but you kept smiling at them, utterly satisfied. 
"Sure thing, pretty girl."
"So does this mean we are forgiven?" Stu plopped down next to you, offering you something to drink. You thankfully took it and gulped it down.
"Mh I will consider forgiving you after some more mind-blowing orgasms."
You gave them a cheeky smile. 
They grinned at you in return. 
"That can be arranged."
They were on you again in seconds. You didn't leave the cabin the whole day. They really made you forgive them wholeheartedly. To be fair though you think there wasn't much of your brain left after they fucked you stupif all day
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coff-in · 7 months ago
Okie so I was thinking about requesting for a while but never stuck with an idea. Maybe something with a reader who has been neighbors with the graves since they lived in the apartments. Like they’re a tad younger than Ashley (about two years) and looks up to the both of them like they’re older siblings and follows them around like a lost puppy. Like reader’s parents would want them to make friends with other kids but they refuse because “I want Leyley and Andy:(“ . They’re a little too touchy during childhood to both siblings, and it might bother Andrew and Ashley (Ashley a little more than Andrew lol) but eventually the neighbor mellows out. They’re still sweet and kind to those around them but they’re not as physically touchy and trying to talk to other people. Like, reader explains they can’t make it to a hangout cause they made plans with other people and the Graves siblings are like “Wait, this isn’t how it’s supposed to go-“ And now they unconsciously try to do anything to get reader to stay with them and isolate them from others. Like taking any opportunity to get what they want. Andrew’s sick? How about you skip your date to help him out? Their parents are gone for a while? Sleepover time! Just like we used to do when we were little! Oh you can’t find you’re sleeping bag and it’s conveniently colder than Antarctica? Cuddle time! You’re now stuck between two attractive goth siblings. And you’re not gonna ever leave. Ever.
notes from coff-in: i feel it in my heart (and in my delusional head) that ashley would constantly sneak over to [reader]'s place to hang out with them. and if ashley's going then andrew has to follow her to make sure she doesn't cause any trouble.
[gender neutral] reader-insert
[reader] following around leyley and andy put put her very on edge. why the fuck are you following them around?! are you trying to steal andy's gaze, you fucking floozy? go away! back off! andy's is hers!! it would take befriending leyley first before you can actually hang out with them both, and befriending leyley can take a lot. she's whiny, and clingy, and pushes and pulls [reader] away and close all the time. like an ocean of insecurity... but they're finally able to safely traverse her waves.
andy appreciates [reader]'s patience. he's also happy that ashley was able to make a genuine friend. they both found [reader]'s fixation on them weird, like go hang out with someone else already! but eventually [reader]'s unstoppable force clashed with them, the unmovable objects, and they were able to be friends. best friends, even! with friendship bracelets, sleepovers, going out to parks or streets together; honestly three peas in a pod.
other people think you're weird for hanging out with the graves siblings as much as you do. some girls talk [reader] being so brave to touch andrew so brazenly with ashley around. it's not too much of a big deal- i mean, you can't touch him for too long without giving ashley some attention too :3
and then [reader] gets older, they notice how distant they get. sure, school can be pretty hectic and busy but surely you would still have time for them, right? why aren't you coming over as much? sure, their mom isn't the most welcoming... but they can still come over to your place! oh... you're busy studying... and tomorrow you'll be out with other friends... well, they can join you! problem solved :)
ashley throws a fucking tantrum over [reader] having other friends. what do you mean you have other friends?! are you leaving them?! you can't do that! you chose them! they chose you! ashley's spreading rumors and fighting harlots in the parking lot in order for you to stay close to them. andrew is less... obvious about it? he offers to do your work (he's done it before for ashley) in exchange for you to hang out with them. simple, right? he's not asking much and you get guaranteed passing grades in return. just snuggle up next to them while you watch a movie together... simple.
they really don't know why you'd throw this away for other people.
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undead-supernova · 8 months ago
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plot: your friendship with Eddie is still so new. and it's good. so good. but how do you learn to let go of the past and enjoy the present when your life is such a stark contrast from the life you once had?
pairings: modern!bestfriend!Eddie x bisexual!fem!reader
important note: GUESS WHO IS BACK!!!!! thought you'd seen the last of me but here I am!!!! this is a one-off of my High Tolerance series! (this is roughly three months after they first met!) divider by @strangergraphics also, Eddie's outfit is inspired by this fanart by @aicosu!
warnings: reader having insecurities, friend betrayal, smoking cigarettes, alcohol, a helping of lovely fluff and giggles, LOTS OF DIALOGUE!!!
this is so so so heavily inspired by all my ghosts by Lizzy McAlpine!!!!! welcome to their lore!
wc: 4.3k
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It’s odd, the way change, good change can alter your mind. There’s something so moving about it, this newfound knowledge that something you thought would last forever was purely momentary.
Take this change for example, the kind that you never expected would arise three months ago. A new friend, a now close friend that was shifting the way you saw yourself and saw the world. A friend you didn’t really think could possibly exist, stuck only in half-realistic novels and 40,000-word fanfictions.
But here was this guy, this thunderstorm of a man who had changed your life in such a short amount of time. Eddie Munson said that you were his new best friend. And he seems, at least for now, to have meant it.
There was nothing like late September, when the humidity let up and light jackets were pulled in tight. A cool breeze started to set in, leaving Southerners at ease for the first time since March. Late September, where life felt even more like a gift.
So, when Eddie asked if you wanted to go on a night drive, you couldn’t say yes fast enough.
He picked you up, even going so far as to lean over and open the door for you. You hoisted yourself up, drawn in by his casual apparel. Tonight, he was dressed in a charcoal sweater, different holes being held together by safety pins. He was snug in his black leggings and boots, wrists still littered with bracelets. Knuckles still shadowed by rings. 
The only thing that felt unusual was the distinct scent of cologne that wafted toward you the second your seatbelt clicked. The sandalwood, that musk tinging with spice. An overflow of fragrance that was making your head a tad fuzzy.
“Wow, you smell good,” were the first words out of your mouth.
“You think so?” he asked, a smile tugging at his lips.
Avoiding the question, you asked, “Where are we headed tonight?”
The last breath of marigold sunset melted in his eyes. “Well, first, we need snacks. Lots of them.”
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There was nothing better than a stroll through a QuickTrip, the many aisles usually guiding you to the drink selection that felt like a playground. What would it be tonight? Dr. Pepper? Apple juice? RedBull? Chocolate milk? Strawberry?
But there was something that seemed to switch on for you, standing in that cold air. This trepidation that figures would creep up behind you, shadows that could shatter your life with a quick snap. You went back to your ponderings, as if it was out of your hands. The reflections that came quickly under the fluorescent lights, the recognition that change brought about many emotions, many memories that you’d rather leave buried.
You could feel their presence as you grabbed strawberry milk and made your way to the candy aisle. It was there you caught Eddie crouched down, trying to decide between Reese’s peanut butter cups and 3 Musketeers. The ghosts felt ready to pounce at any chance they got, swirling in your head with a vibrancy you hadn’t anticipated. Months of being tossed around like a rag doll, made to believe that your best friend was a monster. Were complicit in their games. 
“You need to try Red Vines.”
Eddie sprung back up, leaving you to blink for a moment as your eyes adjusted to the pack he thrusted in front of your face.
“Oh, you mean red sticks of chalk?” you wondered, lifting an eyebrow. “Yeah, no thanks.”
He pretended to get upset, jolting back as if you’d stung him. “Jeez, don’t be such a hater.”
“I’m the biggest hater for Red Vines.”
He pouted. “That’s fucked up.”
Shrugging, you threw up your hands. “More for you!” 
“Yeah, but we could’ve enjoyed it together,” he groaned.
“Poor thing,” you said sarcastically, imitating his pout.
His eyes narrowed. “You are brutal, sweetheart.”
He searched your face, his widening eyes mirroring yours. As if he’d been caught. As if he were in trouble. “What, can I not call you sweetheart?”
He said it again.
Heat was starting to build in your neck, your face. “Um, uh…”
Eddie’s eyes screwed shut. “Shit, sorry—”
“No!” you exclaimed. “It’s not that. It’s just—”
His eyelids opened, now surprised. A hush fell over you as you made eye contact, the only sound being his fiddling with the Red Vines packaging and the muffled hum of “Hold Me Now” by Thompson Twins coming through the speakers.
“Uh,” he started, a flash of red appearing on his cheeks. “Is that a bad thing?”
“It’s a good thing,” you assured him. “It’s just…unexpected.”
For the last few months, you truly believed you didn’t know what to think of Eddie. But in that moment, you realized that maybe the chains and the hair and his choice of music and movies had played a part in your blind observations. And it’s not that you thought that Eddie couldn’t be gentle. You just supposed he might be a little harder than he was.
But the way he said the pet name—nickname, the way it fit so softly in his mouth, his voice. You couldn’t help but feel a calmness washing over you at the sentiment. 
“It’s kind,” you answered.
His mood seemed to lift. “So, can I, like, keep calling you sweetheart?”
“Yes—” you said a little too quickly, clearing your throat to pause. “I, uh. Yeah. Yes.”
“Alright,” he replied, a smile lurking on his lips. “Sweetheart.”
You surely could’ve died right there.
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During the day, Atlanta was a clusterfuck of traffic, chaos in the lack of turning signals and kindness to let people over. Nothing but honks and just-missed accidents. But at night, even in an overflow of traffic, the city seemed to turn electric. There was something in the air that made it magnetic, the sparkle of office buildings and street lamps guiding you towards your destination with ease. That orange glow that highlighted the path forward, the kind that made you wonder if you’d entered an alternate dimension.
And there beside you was your best friend. You couldn’t love anything more than riding shotgun next to Eddie, watching him belt out the lyrics to a Killers song in between shimmers of light dancing off his profile. “When You Were Young” set the scene for your journey, turning cinematic in nature.
This was so different from the life you knew mere months ago. The long nights of loneliness, staving off any thoughts of the friends that seemed to fade away as soon as you’d made new ones. And maybe it’d been stupid—pathetic—how much you cried. How much you hated yourself and hated the way you’d been used. 
But it was nothing compared to the self-loathing. That knowledge that you had everything to do with the downfall of not just your reputation, but the people who you’d held close. Especially one.
“Hey, you doing okay?” Eddie asked, turning down the volume. The crackle blaring from the speakers was what really caught your attention.
It was stupid, really. The they-said, she-said. The college drama that looked a little too much like high school. Maybe it was in the way outcasts find each other and realize they have too much growing up to do—and that involves recreating the high school experiences they never had. You just so happened to get lost in that crossfire and became the ostracized fool used in their petty schemes. 
You nodded, unable to keep the fake smile on your lips. “Yeah, yeah. Just taking everything in.”
“Care to elaborate on ‘everything’?”
You wondered what you’d tell her if given the second chance. How you’d describe Eddie’s friendship and the way you thought that they’d get along. If she were here, still attached at the goddamn hip, what would she say? How would she act? 
Who is she now?
“Have you ever royally fucked up your life and had to find a way to start over?”
“Uh, yeah,” Eddie drawled, letting out a low whistle. “Big time.” With a gentle sigh and a glance over at you, he asked, “Have I ever mentioned Ronnie?”
“Guess not,” he said with a shrug. “Well, Ronnie and I were best friends in high school. I mean, super close. Like, we lived in the same trailer park and rode to school together every day until, like, two months before she graduated. Ever heard of a prom?”
You snorted. “Yeah, Eddie. I’ve heard of a prom.”
“Just had to check. Didn’t know if Southerners were too busy doing, like, cotillion or debutante balls or whatever.”
Rolling your eyes, you pushed out the memory of hairspray and curlers as you responded, “Well, we do but high schools have proms.”
“Excellent. Well, I kinda asked her to prom and she, you know, said yes.”
“You were dating?”
“Nah. No. It was nothing like that. I just…” He sighed. “I wanted to do something nice for her. Senior year and all. Since I was being held back another year, I wanted to put more effort in. Ron never dated anyone in high school, and it was her choice. Like, she didn’t want to date anyone ever. But I thought that because it was the last chance, I’d do something cheesy and fun. And she said yes which was really cool. I saved up to rent a suit and everything. But come like, fuck, three days before prom, she told me she was going with a group of girls instead.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “The fuck? Why would she do that?”
Eddie grimaced. “They were all going to the same college. Thinking about it now, I guess she just wanted to have some kinda safety net going in. But, at the time, I was fucking furious. Like, this is my best friend. I spent the little money I’d had on renting a suit. In advance. And there was a cancellation fee. In a small town with fuck all people. Tell me how that makes any sense.” Eddie rolled his eyes. “Anyways, I was pissed. So, I went over to her place and just fucking unloaded.
“I told her she was selfish for trying to fit in with these lame girls who she’d hardly spoken to. Ronnie told me that I didn’t know shit about who she did and didn’t talk to. And when I tried to tell her we’d been best friends since we were kids and that I definitely knew who she did and didn’t hang out with, she told me that she’d been buddying up with these girls at school for months. Oh, and that she never told me because she knew how I’d react.”
“Y’all never resolved it?” you asked after he paused. “It seems like a mild miscommunication.”
“Well, it wasn’t exactly a mild fight, especially at seventeen,” he said with a quick glance over at you. “I told her she was a piece of shit for hanging out with these rich fucks who would never understand her or let go of the fact that we’re ‘trailer park trash’—again, I was seventeen so I had no idea I shouldn’t even think like that.
"But she said that, you know, not all rich kids are as judgmental as I thought they were and that these girls were kind. It didn’t matter if Chrissy and Heather were on the cheer squad. They liked her for her. Guess I couldn’t stomach it. I told her she was a gullible idiot. She told me to fuck off since I was clearly jealous that she had friends and I didn’t. Which is, shit, half-true.
“I told her to get her rich little friends to pay me back for my stupid tux and then to leave my life for good. I honest-to-god convinced myself that that had been her plan all along—get the full-ride scholarship and ditch her best friend. The next morning, I found an envelope with enough cash to cover my tux and Wayne and I’s bills for, like, three months with a note telling me that she’d never forgive me for what I said to her and…to have a good life.” 
You noticed his eyes begin to glass over, as if it was too painful for him to stomach. “And…and there was a note from Chrissy. Chrissy fucking Cunningham, this perfect-looking cheerleader that had the biggest dickhead for a boyfriend—captain of the goddamn basketball team and as hardcore Christian as people are here.” He shook his head. “Yeah, she, uh, told me that she was sorry that people treated me like shit and that, for what it was worth, she’d done everything she could to stop the bullying but failed. And she didn’t want to graduate without letting me know she’d always found me cool and to just push through. Said she believed in me and my music and everything.”
A tear escaped Eddie’s lashes. Without hesitation, you reached over to catch it before it cascaded down his cheek. And without any knowledge as to why, your pointer finger lingered there, brushing his skin. As if it was second nature.
You could’ve sworn you saw his tense posture ease, his spine finally meeting the seat. But he kept his eyes on the road, leaving you to remove your finger when he turned on his blinker. You didn’t look away from him as he veered off onto your exit.  
“I met all those weird kids that next school year and through them found Robin and Steve. Fucking Steve Harrington who was born into money and was popular and shit. I mean, his nickname was King Steve. Like, how fucking pretentious, right? But he’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. Sometimes he’s a little stupid, the definition of a himbo, but nice nonetheless. He helped Wayne and I out the moment he caught wind from Robin that we were close to getting evicted. All three of us worked and got our degrees online at night. Then we…came here.”
You couldn’t help but watch him, noticing the way that he was filtering between different emotions by the second, as if he didn’t know how to feel about it. Even now.
“All of this to say…yeah, I’ve royally fucked up before. I made that bed. I lie in it every day of my life.” 
You stayed quiet as he pulled into the parking space facing your apartment building. The poor excuse for a streetlamp barely gave way to his features now. But Eddie turned his torso to face you, fingers tapping along the cupholder. His eyes found yours, the captivating brown swallowing you in its intensity. “Okay, so what’s your story? How’d you royally fuck things up?”
The only thing you could do was pause, the stillness of the van and the distant hum of cicadas finally allowing you respite. You couldn’t help but search his eyes, trying to find a reason to keep him in the dark, to keep that hidden pain inside and shield him from your mistakes.
But it was in that scouring that you realized that you had no reason to hide. If Eddie was willing to show the nasty parts of himself, why shouldn’t you?
“Can we go inside first?”
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One spilled pot of mac and cheese, two cigarettes, and three shots of vodka later, you finally told Eddie what happened.
You both sat criss-crossed on the rug next to your coffee table, facing one another. Stray hairs fell over Eddie’s face, his curls now wrapped into a low bun. You couldn’t help but find it cute, even in the face of your unspoken history being brought to the surface.
“I had kind of a big friend group the last few years of college,” you started finally. “I had this D&D group with a few of them and I was really happy. But then I met this other group one night and, I don’t know, I guess I just felt this desire to be loved.
“It was these two couples who’d been best friends since high school and they found out that I was bi and since all of them were too, they thought it would be fun if we all kissed each other and even, like, go further, I guess. We never did the further thing, though.”
“This is the gayest thing I’ve ever heard,” Eddie commented, a hint of a playful smile on his lips.
This made you chuckle. “I know, right? Truly doomed by the narrative since the start.”
“So, anyways, I hung out with them a lot. Smoked a lot and kinda forgot my other friendships. I still saw them, but I was just so intrigued by how much those people wanted me. Me, some girl from Tennessee who hadn’t seen much and was in this huge city and… I think I got blinded by the opportunity to have four different people want me like that. I don’t even think I realized I was being used until it was all over.
“One of them even told me what to say whenever we all hung out. Just to, like, put out feelers for kissing, I guess? And I would say what they told me to and just giggle because I thought it was just stupid fun. Like, they knew the others better than I did so, to me, it was just a harmless joke. I didn’t actually expect for us to kiss all the time. We were supposed to be friends first. I even thought we were all close friends by the end of it.”
“What about your other friends?” Eddie asked. “Where did they go?”
“Well, they were trying to tell me that I wasn’t the same, that I was acting all weird and that it wasn’t like me to keep skipping sessions. They told me that they didn’t even like my new friends and that they were worried about me. That they’d heard bad things about them. And because I had a big mouth, I brought this up with the new friends and they just…” You took a deep breath, trying to keep everything inside you from erupting. “They told me to leave everyone. To forget about people who were hating on us for no reason. So…I did. But that’s when it all went to shit.”
It took another deep breath for your heart to slow, the resurfaced memories as bright as they could be. The feverish kisses in their dorm room, the twining of hands in hallway shadows. Their dark blue hair in your hands, tongue piercing brushing against your lips. How it was all you craved, how it was the most painful guilt you’d ever experienced. 
“The one that asked me to say stuff…we kinda kissed when other people weren’t around. And I didn’t know it, but they’d dated one of my other friends.”
“The one that did the D&D group?”
“Yeah, she’d been my best friend. But they’d dated long before I knew the person.”
“So, what, this new new friend didn’t want you being friends with their ex?”
“And said ex didn’t want me being friends with this new new friend. She was trying to warn me, but I didn’t understand. I didn’t get it.”
“Wait,” Eddie said, holding up his hand. “Okay, I think I’m getting confused. They’ve both got names, correct?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle again. “Okay, so Blake, my best friend at the time, was dating Devon who was part of this new new friend group. Blake tried to warn me that Devon was bad, but Devon was saying the same stuff about Blake. And then Devon was the one I kissed when their boyfriend, Ryan, wasn’t around. Which I admit is shitty of me, but Devon swore they were in an open relationship. Which I really did believe. We were all kissing, you know?”
“I’m guessing they weren’t.”
With a nod, you continued. “This group only lasted, like, five months at the most. After New Year’s which, by the way, was spent with all of us making out and being the gayest group of people on Earth, I suddenly had absolutely no contact with them. They all ghosted me. And when I asked Devon what was up, they told me that the kissing was too much and that they were concerned I was getting too close. And that I wanted more from them than they wanted from me ‘cause they were in a happy relationship.
"Which, not that it matters, but they weren’t. Both couples fought in front of me all the time. It was bizarre how many times it was like I wasn’t even there.”
You couldn’t help but think of the day all five of you went on a hike together. Devon and Ryan passed around a four-hundred dollar dab rig that they thought was a great idea to bring into the woods. Devon slipped on a rock, causing the dab rig to crack which then resulted in a full-on screaming match. Ryan unloaded into Devon, wondering how they could be so stupid. Devon had stayed at your apartment that night, crying in your arms. The other couple, Eve and Corie, had just as many arguments, usually pissing contests over who was more unhappy. It truly was a bizarre time in your life.
“And all this time…I resented the friends that I’d been close with. I resented Blake for so fucking long. I just thought she was so judgmental and rude and mean and…” Shaking your head, you turned away from Eddie. You couldn’t stand to look at him, to remember that he was even listening to you. “I let her down and couldn’t even go back because she didn’t want me. None of them did. Blake, Lisa, Jessie, and Jana told me that what was done was done and that I couldn’t come back. No matter how much I apologized.” 
“They didn’t even hear you out?”
“Well, that’s kinda bullshit.” The comment made you turn back to him, watching as he shook his head. “I mean, you made some bad friends, yeah, but you realized you fucked up and had the balls to face them and apologize. They could’ve heard you out. Especially Blake.”
“Couldn’t you say the same about Ronnie?” you questioned.
You thought it would sound harsher than you meant it, but Eddie understood. He gave you a half-smile. “Yeah, you’re right. I could.”
Nodding, you added, “I take responsibility for the role I played in the destruction. I regret hurting them every day. Mixing friendship and romance is…” You sighed, shaking your head. “I don’t know. It’s tricky.”
His eyebrows lifted, voice laced with intrigue. “You didn’t mention it being romantic.”
“I said we kissed when Devon’s partner wasn’t there,” you stated plainly.
“Kissing and romance can be separate.”
A bitter scoff left your lips, quiet resentment still sitting in your bones. “Well, maybe I was the only one kissing with feeling then.” 
You never wanted to repeat that desperate yearning for someone that didn’t feel the same way. Never again would you waste your time on someone who didn’t want you. If lines were to blur and cross, you would have to draw a deep fucking strike in the sand. 
Especially if they were already in a relationship.
“I do know I was a homewrecker. I saw they broke up a few months later. All their pictures had been deleted off of Devon’s Instagram.”
“That relationship was unstable long before you came around,” he reasoned.
Shaking your head, you said, “Yeah, but I still kissed Devon when I was well aware they were dating Ryan.”
“And you haven’t stopped beating yourself up for your mistake for how long?”
“A little over a year,” you whispered.
Eddie paused, his eyes wandering around the room until they landed on you again. “So…when you said you were taking it all in…”
“I meant the fact that I actually have a friend again.”
“Best friend.”
As you gazed at him, you couldn’t help yourself from leaning over and wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Woah,” he whispered before bringing you further into his grasp.
A rush of tears left your eyes, a choking sound leaving your lips. The release of a story once held too tightly to your chest, the understanding and compassion of someone who truly accepted you for your mistakes. It was overwhelming to feel this restored, to feel something unfurl and begin the process of mending. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“Don’t be,” he whispered back. “I’m guessing you haven’t told anyone?”
“There hasn’t been anyone to tell,” you admitted. 
You realized that this was the first time you’d ever hugged. 
“You’ve made a mistake, but that doesn’t mean you’re a piece of shit. You just got caught up in that feeling. I get it. I mean, I ruined shit by wanting to be picked over other people. It’s not the same, but it kinda is at the same time. So, I get it. I get you.” His eyes shifted away from you before they came back, elation filling them. “But guess what?”
“We can move on. Together.”
“What do you mean?” you questioned.
“Well, we can keep each other in check. If you ever lose yourself in someone, I’ll let you know. I’m not going anywhere.”
You couldn’t help but blurt out, “You say that now.”
He lifted an eyebrow. “What, is that a challenge to prove you wrong?”
As you looked at him, you couldn’t deny that something was bubbling in your stomach. Bubbling? Blooming? Whatever it was, you liked it. “I don’t know, do you want it to be?”
“Yeah, maybe I do,” he stated, grinning.
And then Eddie was the one to initiate the hug, quickly wrangling you into his arms. You nearly sat on his lap, just holding one another. You couldn’t say how long you sat there, breaths lining up and grips tightening. 
Maybe looking back was the only way you could truly see how far you’d come. How far you were able to go now, with the past staying exactly where it needed to be. And, at least for now, you had Eddie at your side.
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thank you to everyone who has been supporting me during this hiatus :') it has meant everything to me
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abbysimsfun · 6 months ago
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 70 (The Youngest Nesbitt Gets Married!)
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It was a sunny, if chilly, autumn day in Henford-on-Bagley when Heather's youngest sister, Hazel, married Nicola Moody-McMillan, her high school sweetheart.
Incidentially, they married on Prank Day, which meant plenty of off-vibe mischief all afternoon.
Nicola's parents, Eddie and Kim, hosted the wedding at their home in the Bramblewood - a simple ceremony under a woodsy wedding arch placed beneath a tall oak in their backyard. Not far away laid the graves of Nicola's grandfathers, Ian and Derek, who had died a few years earlier in a riverboat cruise disaster.
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It was a beautiful ceremony, but a cloud of dust kicked up as soon as the guests started blowing bubbles to celebrate the newlyweds! Nicola's mother, Kim, had taken the spirit of Prank Day to heart and started fights with multiple guests! "Mom!" Nicola cried. "This is a wedding, not a bar fight!" She was so embarrassed.
But her mother could not be controlled! (I was actually controlling her - it's OG Kim Goldbloom - but ignoring her to focus on the brides, and she picked three fights before I smartened up!) She started a few scuffles with unsuspecting guests, laughing uncontrollably each time she successfully executed her "pranks."
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But the worst was when she jumped Hazel's dad, Neal. The successful civic designer and eco-innovator was having none of Kim's pranks, even if she was hosting their daughters' special day. He slapped her right back and man, these vibes are not it!
"Kim, my love, have some water." Finally, Eddie convinced his wife to cool off, and the guests changed into warmer attire before moving on to the food. Toddler cousins Ash and Michael, River and Cassandra's son, babbled away with each other in the backyard.
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"So girls, will you both be starting work soon or enjoying married life for a while?" asked Daisy as she reached for a plate.
"We're going to enjoy being newlyweds for a few weeks, but Nicola will be a teacher's assistant at Henford Elementary when school starts up, and my internship with Mayor Varner starts soon."
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"Are you going to be the mayor of Henford someday?" Uncle Karl considered the idea with pride on his face, but Hazel shook her head.
"My political goals are a bit more international," she admitted. "But for now I'm happy to stay home in Henford to get more experience."
"And they need teachers everywhere!" said Nicola with a loving smile to her new wife.
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The brides saved money by asking Heather to take their wedding photos. She wasn't particularly good at photography and didn't even enjoy it, but Heather would do anything for her siblings - especially Hazel. She'd never say no to her 'friendship bracelet bestie,' and she snapped a beautiful portrait of the girls before sunset. They posed under a tree in the rock garden Hazel's mother, Daisy, had helped Nicola's grandfathers design years earlier.
"Did you want to switch sides?" asked Nicola, noting the burns on Hazel's right arm. She'd had them ever since she'd survived the Nesbitts' freak toilet fire as a child, but they'd never made confident Hazel self-conscious.
"They don't define me. If I wanted to hide them I'd have worn a long-sleeved dress."
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When Heather and Conrad returned to Brindleton at the end of the night, he pulled her in for a kiss as they were enthusiastically greeted by Mayor Whiskers and Queen Cupcake. "Do you ever think about marriage?" he asked.
"I don't know. I know I love you and I'm committed to you. What difference does a piece of paper make?"
Conrad kissed her cheek. "I love you, too. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me we're a team."
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They were happy. To Heather and Conrad, that's all that really mattered. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: I made all the Henford NPCs playable as soon as the game started, then made their replacements playable if and when there was story for it (like Heather's friend Dylan, who was the replacement NPC grocer until I aged her up to YA and she married Gavin Richards). Kim became the adopted daughter of Ian and Derek. Nicola and her brother both ended up looking a lot like their townie dad and not much like Kim at all, though. Ah well!
NOTE 2: Is Hazel wearing the same wedding dress as Holly in a slightly different poorly-rendering shade of white? Yes and I noticed it when writing this post. 🙃
NOTE 3: I'm not going for torture with the 'we don't need a piece of paper' thing, but the Gen 2 rules say Heather isn't supposed to get married! I already broke the rule that Gen 2 was supposed to hate the idea of relationships and only ever fail at them in addition to never marrying, but I don't know if I should go all in on breaking every rule. I'm hoping with their soulmate status it won't lead to anyone up and marrying someone else if I rotate for a day or two.
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andy-15-07 · 2 months ago
hello, I would love to see a Paul Mescal x girlfriend at the ears tour!
Enchanted Evenings with Paul
PAIRING:Paul Mescal x reader
WORD COUNT: 655 | requests are open (send requests, I will gladly answer them all)
Paul Mescal Masterlist
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The sun was just starting to dip below the horizon as you and Paul stepped out of the car, the stadium lights already glowing in the distance. The hum of excitement was in the air, waves of fans buzzing around, dressed in glitter, friendship bracelets jingling on their wrists. Paul’s hand found yours, his fingers lacing with yours as he gave you a soft smile.
“Ready for the madness?” he asked, his Irish lilt tinged with amusement.
You laughed, squeezing his hand. “You have no idea what you’re in for.”
He chuckled, his thumb brushing over your knuckles as you both made your way toward the entrance. “I’ve been prepping, you know. Listening to all the albums.”
“Oh yeah?” you teased, glancing at him. “Name three songs from Speak Now.”
Paul groaned dramatically, making you laugh even harder. “Okay, okay… ‘Enchanted,’ ‘Mean,’ and…” He paused, squinting like he was concentrating hard. “‘Back to December’?”
You grinned. “Not bad, Mescal. I’m impressed.”
As you both found your seats—amazing ones, thanks to Paul pulling some strings—the energy of the crowd was electric. Fans were chanting, singing along to the pre-show playlist. Paul leaned over, his breath warm against your ear.
“This is insane,” he murmured, his eyes wide as he took in the sea of people.
“Just wait until she comes out,” you whispered back, feeling the buzz of anticipation in your chest.
When the lights finally dimmed and the opening notes of “Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince” started playing, the stadium erupted. Paul’s eyes lit up as he watched the spectacle—Taylor striding onto the stage, the crowd singing every word like their lives depended on it.
You glanced at him, catching the awe on his face. “Told you,” you shouted over the music.
He laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer as you both swayed to the rhythm.
Throughout the concert, Paul surprised you by singing along to more songs than you expected. When “Lover” started, he turned to you, his voice soft in your ear.
“This one always makes me think of you,” he admitted, his cheeks flushing slightly in the flashing lights.
Your heart melted. “Dance with me,” you said, pulling him up.
In the middle of thousands of people, it felt like it was just the two of you swaying to the music. His hands rested on your waist, yours around his neck, both of you singing along softly.
“Can I go where you go?” you both sang, eyes locked, and you could see how much he meant it.
Later, during “All Too Well (10 Minute Version),” Paul surprised you by belting out the lyrics, his passion matching yours. You laughed so hard you almost missed a line.
“When did you become a Swiftie?” you teased, catching your breath.
He grinned, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Since I met you, obviously.”
As the night went on, the setlist flowing seamlessly from era to era, you felt a warmth in your chest that had nothing to do with the summer night. Being here with Paul, sharing this experience, felt like magic.
When Taylor closed the show with “Karma,” Paul pulled you close, his lips brushing against your temple.
“Karma is my boyfriend,” he sang playfully in your ear, making you burst into laughter.
“You’re ridiculous,” you giggled, turning to kiss him.
“But you love it,” he murmured against your lips.
As the final confetti rained down and the lights came up, you both stood there, holding onto each other, reluctant to let the night end.
“Best concert I’ve ever been to,” Paul said, his voice sincere.
“Told you,” you whispered, resting your head against his chest.
And as you walked out of the stadium hand in hand, surrounded by a sea of fans still buzzing from the show, you knew this was a night you’d never forget—not just because of the music, but because of him.
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lxdymoon0357 · 2 years ago
The three main male characters of Novel Miss Not Sidekick and yandere who are love enemies? *I forgot their names- hehe* If it's too much, you can change the request however you want!
(god fucking job!!! My first request for my favorite manhwa!!! I love this!)
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Yandere! Male leads X Reader HCs
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Rondemio De Helone
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♕You were probably Ibelin’s friend and you both were students in the empire, you both were invited to the crown prince’s ball, but Ibelin being herself didn’t wanted to participate, but instead read a fucking book….Like who reads a book at a banquet or ball?!
♕But, due to this she caught the crown prince’s eye as he walked towards you; you immediately recognized him and bowed, because you decided to educate yourself about this place, and knew about the nobles and royals here, as your dear friend didn’t even glance his way….She was always like this towards everyone, including you, she never really showed any affection or anything a friend would, but you were used to this…….
♕But, there was a certain someone whom you both got a bit attached to, your dear friend latte, who was certainly the funniest person you ever met. You learnt that when you three were at Ibelin’s place, when the prince was there and she referred to a rabbit as a beast trying to attack you, this was the first time the prince actually acknowledged you both, which was noted considering Ibelin always caught the attention of everyone she met, making the person often forget other people standing with her.
♕He stared at you for some time and after you waving your hand in front of his face, making him come out of a trance, he immediately smiled warmly at you before apologizing to you three with a blush on his face before you three took your leave.
♕When Ibelin catches on the fact that he’s fallen out of love for her and developed an obsession of you, she’s gonna confront you about it and that’s when she starts to insult you and slapped you, before the crown prince (who was visiting you) got to the situation, he escorted her out and put her in a dungeon before torturing her over a matter of time before killing her.
♕Okay, let’s do a time skip to when he kidnaps you, because otherwise it’s just how he met you scenario……. He kidnapped you due to the friendship you formed with his sister, Lady Rosealia, she invited you to have tea with her and her brother, she left for a minute when you finished your tea for a few minutes, giving the drug in your tea the perfect amount of time to work and make your faint, then he asks his most loyal guards to take you to a room prepared just for you, where no one else is allowed.
♕After his kidnapping, he would show you so much affection, it feels like you both are married, not to worry he made the rumor that you ended up going back to your continent because you had fallen in love with someone and decided to marry them. Nobody is gonna find you….
♕ He keeps you in a soundproof room, so nobody can hear you scream or shout nor the banging on the door because your shackled to you the bed, it lets you roam around the room but not to the door and balcony which is sealed tight
♕ Rondemio bring  many gifts and writes many love letters to remind you of him, when’s not there, he’s left you so many books, mostly Latte’s many bimors and sometimes Rosealia comes to visits you because well her brother allows you, she is also partly a yandere and thinks it’s for the better of you to stay at the palace..
♕ You and Rosealia often paint pictures while looking out the balcony and talk about random things, Rosealia tells you all about things around outside and gossips with you all the time. And most of the time, Rosealia makes you listen to her ideas for bimors, she tells you all the troupe of a cheesy Dom and tsundere sub and intimidating sub and sunshine Dom and whatever stirs up in her mind
♕ You and Rosealia have matching friendship necklaces, hairbands, rings, bracelets, anklets and so much more, because well Rosealia is a clingy friend and her brother is quite happy you get along with her, you have many matching jewellery.
♕ Dating Rondemio is also partly dating Rosealia, because ain’t no way does she leaves her brother’s S/Os alone, she becomes very close friends with them, and if she doesn’t approve of them, Rondemio drops them, well, in this case if she doesn’t approve of you, you both won’t see each-other again, let me tell you, she’s an entertaining person..
♕ She tells you cheesy stories, brings you games, books, fruits, sweets, teas, cakes, snacks, and so much more, she had matching outfits with you as well, one outfit matching her aesthetic and one matching your aesthetic, it looks adorable, but sometimes it’s too much and it feels like you were kidnapped by her instead of Rondemio.
♕ Rondemio doesn’t punish you badly, maybe starving you, or leaving you in a dark locked room for days or maybe killing one of your friends, mostly that, he isn’t too much of a yandere, very devoted and care-free, nothing too extreme.
♕ Rondemio honestly kills every man who you look at or who look at you, or anyone in fact, he will kill them, he praises you so much, basically worshipping you and that stuff, but nothing too extreme, he brings you gifts, whether they be large diamonds or tiny flowers!
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Kenneth Esbande
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✠ Kenneth’s love story starts because you were a friend of Latte and you both annoyed the shit out of him and until he starts falling out of love with Ibelin.
✠ He became a close friend even though you were social distancing with each-other. You were annoying to him, but still very close to him, you would often help him train his sword-fighting when he realized his feelings for you one day, when you fell and he caught and you both fell over with him laying over you, when he didn’t feel chill upon touching you.
✠ He would be able to touch Ibelin, but that reduced slowly-slowly, when he started gaining feelings for you, he wouldn’t be able to touch her without feeling disgusted and violated and feeling as though spiders were crawling over him.
✠ Slowly he didn’t realize how strong his feelings got, until he saw you walking around with Ibelin, when she caught his eye and she excitedly waved at him only for her to be ignored because you walked over and greeted him sweetly with a pretty smile.
✠ Ibelin tried to insult you and she died….:P sad for her, but anyways she was mad because he was meant to be hers and she liked his attention and you were taking away the attention from her even though she wasn’t gonna choose him, it was very annoying….Kenneth stabbed her multiple times and she died…
✠ Kenneth visited Latte the next day for advice, because well though he was bearing her, he couldn’t deny that she didn’t give good advice, she helped him understand his feelings better but he didn’t tell her about the things he stole from your bedroom and how he stalks you or has someone do that nearly every day…
✠ Kenneth also saw you with Latte and he honestly did hunt a huuuuuge animal for you, probably the largest one and confessed then and there and you became the lady/lord/grace of the hunt.
✠ Kenneth really often puts gifts in your room as he stalks you and puts his name as “Secret Admirer” you know the usual and his gifts though they may seem nice at first glance take a dark turn in a matter of seconds, like a knife but with a handle which is filled with the blood of you latest suitor who went missing or maybe a beating box which is beating because of a literal heart…..
✠ Once Latte puts in the law of stopping all those advances to Kenneth, he will finally confess, does not matter if you’d reject him or accept him as either way you’ll be kidnapped by him the next day and kept in a room for a few weeks which is supplied with food and water every few hours or whenever you ask for it.
✠ Kenneth for somebody who pretends to hate being teased I mean, he’d never find it endearing, unless it’s you whose teasing him and annoying him, you can poke his cheeks, pinch him, pull his hair and bite his shoulders as a form of love language, he will always find it loving and endearing and what not
✠ Kenneth would love to do your hair and he WILL do it, because you’re gonna be restrained and what are you gonna do, fight back, when you don’t have hands? I mean they’re tied but you can’t feel your hands so you’re basically decapitated and can’t use your hands.
✠ Definitely makes the maid clean around and talk around with you, you enjoy it and so you end up helping them most of the times and he feel like he’s married to you as he helps you and the maids clean around the place and then he gives  higher pay to the maids for continuing this thing you help them and he gets to not only keep an eye on you but also feel like a husband to you.
✠ Kenneth despite being the youngest duke of the entire empire, is very lonely because no person actually becomes friends with him for the sake of friendship, people earn many social benefits from being close to him and so when you and Latte come into his life, you weren’t afraid to tell what you both thought and that is what drew him closer to you. He is afraid you will leave him and he will be lonely again…
✠ Kenneth very much makes sure that everything is to your liking, dresses, tea, biscuits, flowers, rain, lights, temperature of the atmosphere, the book ending, bed, blanket, the amount of rice in your plate, the crystals of salt put into the food, and what not, he’s there to fix everything in case anything wrong happens.
✠ He brings you so many gifts, it’s tiring keep a tack of them and he also goes to Latte for advice on you, does not matter what she says, he will not let you go and he will surely do not reveal how he keeps you chained up, but he will ask how he should get gifts to his lover who is upset with him
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Arwin Hebrim
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☠ Arwin Hebrim, he is such a sweet asshole, kills everyone he can but yeah, anyways he saw you with Latte, and yeah he found you interesting when you tried beating him up for annoying you cause you didn’t give a shit about being alive and you decided Arwin should be taught that the world doesn’t revolve around him (it does, it probably does….)
☠ Yeah, he ended up falling for you and became possessive and obsessive because he knew how hard the world is and so he slowly gives you gifts of appreciation but they all are for stalking and watching you throughout the day, he is just worried for his spouse that’s all, it is bad for him to not be worried for the one he loves the most?? :<
☠ Arwin actually gifted you a doll similar to Latte, but yours had cameras in it and it showed him what you were doing every day, anywhere, all the time, does not matter! He is watching you as your stalker, and when he knows you’re deep asleep, he will come, maybe put you under a spell of deep sleep for some time while he cuddles, kisses, squeezes you or strokes your hair, he does not care, I mean what are people gonna do? Arrest him? Kill him? Banish him?? He can kill, end and remake the whole universe, because of how strong he is….
☠ Arwin when he kidnapped you, to say is kind of a sweetheart, the only person he allows himself to be vulnerable to is you, he would do anything, praises you and buys you treats and this scares the shit out of you more than when he is being angry…..Because who the fuck has taken over his BODY?! THE FUCK?! It’s fine though, he gets you your favourite desserts and snacks and fried foods!!!!
☠ He also loves to leaves hickeys on your thighs while you sleep your ass off, don’t ask why….He will blame it on the bedbugs, but red-purple hickeys some in the shape of a cat’s paw are littered on your back, neck, thighs MOST IMPORTANTLY, and chest….he does it because he finds your skin to be plushy and pudgy…
☠ Oh and the moment someone takes your attention, they don’t exist anymore, depends on how much you talk about them, you talk amazingly about them, they die a horrible death, you talk how they hurt you, they die a horrible death, you talk shit about them cause they’re annoying, they die normally, you like them as a friend, they die normally, you don’t know them, they die normally, people are gonna die anyways, so don’t mention them….JUST DON’T!
☠ Oh, Arwin would buy you literally whatever you desire, the moon, another galaxy, someone’s black coloured heart, seven eyes balls, or anything you want, he is ready to get it for you!! Arwin is a very gift giving type of yandere, I mean all my yandere are, ngl…
☠ He will make you watch him practice spells and you’re the mistress/master of the Arcane tower as well, so you’re under the eye of everybody, everybody knows about you and they’ve been told not to help you….not like anybody could…
☠ Anyways, Arwin is fucking obsessed, he spent a whole week AWAKE enchanting gifts for you and is always there to make sure he’s immune to all the spells he put into your gifts, so you can’t and won’t attack him, that will hurt his heart!!  Also he makes sure you like his gifts, if you don’t, he can always replace it, give him a whole day to enchant it like crazy…
☠ If you try to fight back using magic or being physical, he finds you to be so cute like a kitten trying to fight a plushies, all you’re gonna achieve from doing that is being stuck in Arwin’s grip and lap for a few hours as he cuddles you, pulls you into make out sessions or plays around with you….It’s pretty nice, ngl…
☠ Oh, also for some reason, I think maybe he will make sure all your lipsticks or tinted lip-glosses are not gonna be transfer proof, cause so when he kisses you, it leaves marks on him, he wears them sometimes as well, only to leave multiple marks on you at every fragment of skin present on you!
☠ Arwin is also a pretty amazing husband and a sweetheart, only to you though, he would give you enchanted gifts to know you’re whereabouts every second of day, how you’re feeling through like a ring which has a matching pair he’s wearing or something or maybe something which shows how you’re health is, etc…I can’t elaborate and won’t elaborate.
☠ You're mainly under the eyes of Memoria and Arobrock, cause he's probably the only one Arwin trusts enough to not give you a migraine and also open up a bit!! He doesn't trusts Berrylreed and Straighbov.....nor anyone else, cause everyone is crazy!!!
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blingblong55 · 2 years ago
Are you there? - 141
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Reader goes missing on a mission.
This is based on a request
F!Reader, Angst?(idk anymore)
The team and you were in a high profile mission. Laswell thought you'd be perfect bait for this one. However it was a deal/plan between you and her. You would get the men out and give yourself up so they could return back to base. All is going well so far.
''R/n, you and Gaz take left, meet us at extraction point.'' he commanded and you obeyed. Gaz was hit in the head by some gravel. You pushed him out and dragged him to extraction. You ran back and made the enemy chase you. Soap and Ghost ran towards him as soon as they noticed he was unconscious. Price looked around, but no sight of you.
''Fuck, where are you kid.'' he said under his breath.
''This is Bravo six, how copy?''
''What is the matter?'' Laswell responds.
''We've lost the kid, she's nowhere to be seen.''
At that moment Laswell knew the plan you two had made worked, ''did you all make it to extraction?''
''yes, but we have to go back for her-''
''negative, you and the others get on that helicopter and leave, no need to fight.''
''we lost the kid, what do you mean negative?''
''get on that heli Price, thats an order.''
The ride on the helicopter was...confusing, to say the least. Soap would look out the window and to the ground, he'd ask too many questions. Ghost was looking for any smoke signal, but nothing. Gaz, although injured fought the medics and tried at many occasions to jump out and go search for you. Price was quiet.
It was odd for Laswell to just tell him to leave you behind, knowing well that you and him had grown a daughter-father relationship.
After the medics tranquilized Gaz, Price turned to his men. ''You two meet me at my office.''
Soap and Ghost nod and continue doing their own thing.
At base, the three men sat there, plotting their next move. Soap tried not to think of what could've happened to you. What if you were looking for him in all that smokey mess? What if the enemy saw you and knocked you down?
All he kept doing was touch the small bracelet you had given him not long ago. It was regret, maybe if Ghost would've gone with you and Gaz you'd be annoying him with your stupid jokes by now.
''She's going to be okay.'' Price tried to say with confidence. Ghost took out a picture of you and the rest of the team. You and Soap doing some funny pose whilst he flexed his arms. It was a good day that day.
There you were, hanging from your arms at some old base. You had been beaten up over the course of 13 hours. Your own blood soaking your uniform. The matching bracelet holding onto your wrist as a reminder there are people waiting for your return.
Gaz was the first one you thought of. How hard he must be on himself for losing sight of you. And then you thought of Price, no one to hear his stupid corny dad jokes. Ghost probably reliving some stress from his past because now you weren't there like his own family. And then the one you tried to not think of the most, your best friend in all, Soap.
How much he would be arguing with Laswell over the decision. The dumb bracelet you got him after you over heard it was meant for a forever kind of friendship.
As your own blood dripped down your weak limbs, it was them who you thought of. The one family no one would ever take from you. The one thing this cruel world would'nt dare understand.
''R/N!'' a muffled voice called for you.
''Are you there?'' another deeper voice ushered.
Your vision blurry as you tried to keep your eyes open, but you knew it was time to let go.
''...go Home'' the sweet voice said, you felt warmth, a sense of familiarity.
You soon met darkness.
A/N: this one is short I know...but hey..its something am I right?
Tags: @ghostslittlegf
(hope this is angsty enough for ya)
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topazy · 1 year ago
Teen spirit
Pairing: Carl Grimes × reader, Maggie Greene × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 5.05
Your eyes sting as more tears fall from them. You wipe them away with the back of your hand, then pull your knees up to your chest. You let out a shaky breath. Three weeks had passed since Beth died in Atlanta, and since then the group had tragically lost another member, Tyreese. He died when part of the group split off to see if Noah’s hometown of Shirewilt was liveable, and now your group was heading in the direction of DC.
The town was unlivable and full of nothing but rotten corpses.
Most of the group of survivors you were part of were sitting in the middle of the road, but a few of you had gone off to try and search for water and food in the woods. Since your group had hardly any left, everyone was becoming dangerously dehydrated. The group's mood was at an all-time low, and you had barely spoken in three weeks, only when necessary.
You jump, feeling a hand on your shoulder. “Hey, hey, it’s just me,” Daryl says. “I just wanted to make sure you ate something.”
If you weren’t still in so much pain from grieving, you would have found the humor in Daryl offering you a handful of worms as a meal. A few years ago, you would have run away screaming if a bug even touched your skin, and now you were getting ready to eat the slimy insects without a second thought. You let him place a few worms in your hand. “Thanks.”
“Beth, never shut up about you.”
You say nothing, and you continue to eat in silence.
When you returned to meet up with the others along with Daryl, you found out that someone had left bottles of water further up the road with a note saying ‘from a friend’ but nobody drank out of the bottles in case they were poisoned.
You scrunch your nose up at the smell of burning food. Four hungry dogs had run out from the tree line and onto the road, but before they could attack or run away, Sasha shot all of them, which resulted in the animals being skinned and cooked as a meal. Everyone ate aside from you and Noah.
Noah seemed to be too consumed by guilt to eat, and the thought of eating your favorite animal turned your stomach.
You sit the furthest away from the group by yourself until Carl sits down beside you on a dry patch of grass. He nudges your knee with his elbow. “Hey, I got something for you.”
You look at him through tired eyes and say, “Yeah?”
Carl pulls two bracelets made of yarn out of his pocket; they were covered in dirt, but you could still make out the bracelets were a mixture of blue and purple. “I found these while looking for water in abandoned cars a few days ago; I was just waiting for the best time to give it to you. I remember you saying, you used to make friendship bracelets with your mom for the church fundraiser.”
Your eyes become glossy at the memory of sitting on your bedroom floor hours after your bedtime, making them with brightly colored threads and sparkly beads. You hold the wrist out, and Carl puts the bracelet on before tying the ends into tight knots. “They are really pretty,” you say quietly. “Thank you.”
Once yours is securely on, Carl holds up his wrist for you to do the same. “No matter where we end up or how alone we feel, we can just look at these and remember that we will always have someone who has our back.”
For the first time in weeks, you smile.
Noticing Daryl going off on his own again, you get to your feet and follow him into the woods, being careful not to step on any of the skeletons on the forest floor. Suddenly he stops walking and says, “Not now, kid, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I know.”
Beth’s death hadn’t just taken a toll on you and Maggie; everyone else in the group who knew her felt her death too, just in different ways. You walk up behind Daryl and wrap your arms around his waist. At first, you think he’s going to shove you off, but he places his hands on top of yours. Daryl was tough, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t fragile like the rest of you.
“When we... after the prison... I’m glad Beth was with you.”
Despite his best efforts to hold it together, a heartbroken sob passes his lips.
You stay like that until you feel the first drop of rain hitting your skin. You let go of Daryl and ran back to the highway. Empty bottles were being placed down to collect the rainwater.
A sense of relief hit you; everyone aside from Maggie and Sasha looked happy. You smile watching as Carl takes off his hat and uses it to shield Judith from the rain; she was crying because her clothes had gotten soaked.
Hearing a loud crackle in the sky, you look up and notice the oncoming storm. “Oh shit.”
Daryl points back the way and says, “I saw a barn; let’s go.”
Once the barn was cleared by Rick, Michonne, and Maggie, they gave the rest of you the go-ahead to go in. It didn’t take long for a small to be made and any supplies sought out.
“Hey!” Maggie comes over to you, tucking stands of damp hair behind your ear. “It’s been tough, but we’ve made it this far.”
“I know.”
She kisses the crown of your bed and says, “Try and get some sleep.”
It doesn’t take you long to fall asleep. You and Carl chose to sleep on top of some hay, with Judith safely nestled between you. Most of the adults sit around the fire till late into the night until they fall asleep one by one.
Feeling a chill If you sit upright, it takes your eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness. Everyone else was asleep aside from Judith, who was wiggling on her back. You make sure she’s tucked up close enough to her brother that she won’t roll away and get hurt.
You approach the barn doors held together by a metal chain. You weren’t surprised it was cold with the rain still lashing down. You step closer to the doors to look out and see what damage the heavy rainfall caused, and between the flashes of lighting, you see walkers coming your way.
Stumbling back, you struggled to form a sentence but managed to scream one word, “Rick!”
When the barn door starts to move, you press yourself against it. Seconds later, Daryl is beside you, then Maggie, then Rick. Soon everyone was pushing their full body weight against the doors, waiting for the storm to pass.
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outlanderskin · 1 year ago
Dear Whisky Tasting Anon.
This blog you sent me is wrong in so many ways that I'll start with a very simple one: the friendship bracelets were not a gift from Sam. They were given by a very kind fan who wanted to do this kindness by giving other fans something that they would take as a souvenir of that moment. So, see how well informed "this person" is.
About European laws and drinks: do you really think that LandCon, Sony, Sassenach are companies without a legal department? The "blogger" in question thinks searching the Internet makes him a law expert, but he forgets that Sam, Sony, LandCon, and Co. have people working for them in this area who are in fact lawyers, people who went to universities to study the laws, who have professional experience and not simply someone who throws two or three words into the Google search bar. BTW I live in a European country addicted to bureaucracy and imagine you..... Whisky Tastings are held here with products sold only in foreign countries. That is exactly what makes these events interesting because these are the whisky that we don't find here easily.
One other thing: be wary of anyone who is bothered by how other people spend their money, because this is clearly a big sign of an envious soul. I didn't buy a ticket for the whisky tasting because I don't drink whisky. But I applaud all the fans (adult women) who participated in this moment, and I tell you one thing: I focused on buying everything Tobias was going to participate in. And if he was going to do a "Tap Water Tasting," I would pay as much as they demanded, just to be able to stay closer to him for a few minutes and drink tap water. Again, about friendship bracelets: a friend brought one for me, and it made me very emotional because I've never received one before (It wasn't common when I was younger). I'm very happy that Taylor Swift fans started doing something like this, and this idea has spread to other fandons. Whoever doesn't like friendship bracelets is because they've never gotten one.
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tiedyeflannels · 10 months ago
Red String Theory
Kim Seokjin x reader
Word count: 1.2k
Genre: established relationship, fluff
A/N: 'Sup! I thought I would take a quick break from Tae's series so I could write this fic for the man, the myth, the Moon that's coming home next month! She's kind of short, but I hope you enjoy!!
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“Hey, Y/n/n,” Jin spoke, making me turn my head in his direction.
We were sitting on the couch together just watching the TV while taking a break from moving furniture. I raised my eyebrows and hummed to let him know to continue.
“I’ve got a question.”
I shifted toward him a little and put my legs across his. 
“Shoot,” I said, looking at him with full focus on what he was going to ask.
He looked down at my hands before pointing to my wrists, “Your bracelets. What are their meanings?”
A confused smile appeared on my lips, “What? My bracelets?”
He nodded, “Mhmm! You wear them all the time and never take them off, so what’s their story?”
I chuckled at the question, but nodded all the same.
“Okay, um…” I lifted up my right arm and spread the bracelets one wasn’t overlapping another.
“So these are just hair ties,” I said, stretching the two black bands wrapped around my wrist then letting them snap back.
“This one,” I pointed to a string friendship bracelet with different colors of blue, green and grays, “was given to me by a friend in college during a club we went to together.”
Then I pointed to the last one, which was a small silver bracelet with tiny diamonds spaced throughout.
“And this one’s obviously the one you gave me for our first anniversary.”
He smiled, “And that’s obviously my favorite one out of all of them! What about those?”
Just like I did before, I moved the bracelets making sure that they don’t overlap.
“These are just more friendship bracelets from some of the club members,” I pointed to two braided strings that were made up of three different colors each that were tied around my wrist.
 “And this one was made by my high school best friend,” I said, pulling apart the magnets then putting them back together.
I nodded at my finished explanation before Jim hooked a finger under the little red string around wrist.
“What about this one, hmm?”
I looked at him with a smile, “Have you heard of the ‘Red String Theory’?"
He shook his head at the question.
“So there was a TikTok that I had watched a while back and it was of this girl who was telling a story. So she was saying how she had seen something about the ‘red string theory’ and that it reminded her of something that had happened at her work. She worked at a store and this couple comes in and are trying things on and she’s smiling at their interaction because she thinks they’re cute.
“When they were ready, they went up to pay and then left the store. After they left, she saw something on the ground which happened to be a red bracelet-”
“No,” he gasped, fully immersed in the story.
I laughed, “Yes! She noticed that it was the same one the guy was wearing too. She thought that they would come back for it, so she put it in a drawer and forgot about it… until the next day,” I led on.
He simply nodded, urging me to go on.
“The girl that was with the guy the other day had come in asking if there was a red bracelet here. The cashier said yes and went to fish it out of the drawer, but while doing that she noticed the new ring on her finger and asked her about it. The girl had the biggest smile on her face and said that she couldn’t talk about it because it had just happened and would start crying, but thanked the cashier for the bracelet and the ‘congratulations’ she received before leaving the store.
“After that happened, she had searched up what the theory was and decided to wear one too. And she was wearing it for a few months, until she had started talking to a guy- I can’t remember if it was an old friend or someone new, but anyway- one day she was hanging out with her, now, boyfriend when she realized it fell off, making her wholeheartedly believe in the theory.”
“You didn’t explain what the theory was,” he said as I was just about to keep talking.
“I was just about to get to that,” I nudged him in feigned annoyance which made him chuckle.
“Sorry! Please continue,” he gestured.
I huffed.
“Anyway! It’s believed, in some cultures, that when people are fated to be soulmates there’s an invisible red string that ties them together. So if you wear a red bracelet and meet someone, then it’s supposed to fall off if they’re your soulmate,” I finished.
“Couldn’t that all chalk up to coincidence though,” Jin questioned, eyebrows furrowed. 
I shrugged, “Maybe so, but I’m a hopeless romantic so things like this or fate were always things that I loved which is why I started wearing one.”
“So then this,” he pulled at the red string bracelet, “Has never fallen off?” 
I looked down at the string and let out a chuckle before raising my head to look at Jin again.
“Actually, this is a different bracelet. The first one I started wearing after I watched the video fell off when we met.”
“WHAT?!” I nodded, biting back a smile, “Mhm, it was after that fateful day you spilled coffee on my jacket, invited me to eat to make up for it, then we spent the whole day walking around and talking.” 
I happily sighed at the memory, “I got home and realized that my bracelet wasn’t on my wrist anymore, but I didn’t really think anything of it because I had been wearing it for a long time until you texted me later that night to ask if we could go on a proper date… And now, here we are,” I gestured around our apartment.
He nodded, “Ah… so you wear that like a keepsake?”
I snapped my fingers and pointed at him, “Exactly! It reminds me of you and that day so I tend to look at it whenever I’m feeling down!”
He hummed before he looked at his own wrist, “Maybe I should wear one, too, so we could match.”
I chuckled, “Sure, come with me.”
I got up and took Jin’s hand, pulling him along to the kitchen where some of the moving boxes were. I dug through a few as Jin took a seat on a stool, then I found my embroidery string and took out the red one along with a pair of scissors.
Walking over to where he was sitting and taking a seat too, I had him hold out his wrist while I unwound the string, wrapped it around and tied it before cutting off the excess material.
“Tada,” I cheered, placing the items in my hands on the table.
“Hey Y/n,” Jin started and I turned to look at him, humming in question.
He grabbed both of my hands, “I’m really happy that we share this string.”
He kissed the top of my head as we sat in a peaceful silence and looked around at the piles of unopened boxes and half moved furniture in our new apartment.
Knowing what he meant by that statement, I rested my head on his shoulder and happily sighed.
“Me too, Jin.”
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