#when he and tony were neighbours he probably snuck over in the night to have sleepovers unnanounced
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kai-rio · 4 months ago
Could you ramble about Ellis? I need to understand them
oh. oh boy you dont know what youve asked
okay so ellis is a side character in ggy, probably made to follow the format of protagonists in fnaf books having a kid they dont like
he's been tony's best friend since they were 4, and they were neighbours when tony's dad was around (headcanon interjection: i think tony's dad bought them a treehouse and they always played in it together and just chilled there)
tony says he wants to move away from ellis because he's deemed as 'childish', like for example, choosing his nom de plume as Boots because its a character he likes
this is probably because of meeting both greg and his father being arrested, making him feel like he needs to be more mature so he doesnt want to associate with ellis anymore
but despite all he says about him he still deems him his 'best friend' and i think that says a lot - afterall, they were best friends for 8 years, so they have to have something there - tony is reluctant to leave him even if he doesnt want to admit it because theyre so close
ellis himself, there isnt a lot about him unfortunately in the book, but what we do know is that he's impatient, 'childish', oblivious and prefers fiction (this is all from tony's pov and he's an unreliable narrator so keep in mind we dont have the full picture)
tony sees him as kinda social but i personally think he isn't, he struggles to make friends other than tony and that's why it's only been the two of them for ages
a lot of people deem him the dumb one of the group and my take on that is that he leans into that role because a. its whats expected of him and b. that way its easier to observe people because they're less cautious of him, he probably notices a lot more than people think he does
he's quite kind but also has his flaws - he doesn't quite notice how hurt tony is about changing the story unfortunately and he teases quite a lot to the point it could be unintentionally hurtful
i think because of this, after tony goes missing he'd definitely blame himself and have survivors guilt, and also probably bad anxiety, maybe even agoraphobia
he probably would be lured into the pizzaplex under the guise that tony is there because he'd definitely go out to find him
i have a lot of headcanons but ill put those in the tags because those arent actually canon
if you want a list of all my headcanons you could do a separate ask about that but ill just put a couple in the tags
one thing that is canon though is that he likes physical affection!!! he wraps his arm around tony or greg several times if i remember correctly
i have 2 fics up on ao3 (my acc is under the same name) which are ellis-centric - i wouldnt recommend never needed a friend more though because i mischaracterised tony in that quite a lot so
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new-blog-new-things-blog · 7 years ago
Are you kidding me?! Part 3
Bucky x Reader
Word count: 2163
Warnings: Swearing?
Slow burn af
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The next day arrived a lot faster than I would have liked it to as I sat up in bed, attempting to run my hand through my hair, struggling with the knots. Shower, that is exactly what I need right now, you can't be stressed in a shower right? I make my way towards what I presume to be my bathroom and turn my light on, hot damn look at that beauty! That looked like a power shower to me, I always wanted one of those! Quickly I stripped off and put my clothes into a pile in the corner of the room. As I turned to enter the shower I see a button, it read 'heated towel rack'. Score. As I pushed it I'm pretty sure I actually squealed! I spun to locate said rack only to find it empty.
Great, just great. That's all I need right now.
I have lost my best friend, family, apartment, I mean I didn't have a job but any potential job opportunities and now I have no towels in my goddamn bathroom.
With a sigh I put my clothes back on, feeling more deflated than ever, where am I even going to find towels in this place? I must have asked the question out loud because a voice coming from nowhere answered me.
"Towels are located on the 2nd floor Miss L/N."
I swear I actually screamed. Like girl about to get axed in a movie screamed.
"What the fuck! Who is there?!"
I frantically scanned my room trying to locate where the voice had come from.
"No need to be alarmed Miss L/N, my name is J.A.R.V.I.S. I am Mr Starks A.I unit and I am here to assist you where needed."
"An A.I unit. Right. Okay. I think I remember the lady last night mentioning you, erm nice to meet you?"
Christ I was genuinely talking to a computer. What has my life come to?
"Nice to meet you too Miss. As I stated to you earlier towels are located on the 2nd floor, would you like me to guide you to them?"
Okay so the computer is friendly. A friendly computer. Christ.
"Are any of the others awake J.A.R.V.I.S? Because I really can't deal with that right now."
"All other occupants are awake Miss."
Fuck. Okay. Let's take a risk here.
"Okay J.A.R.V.I.S do you think you could help me, I presume you know about what I can do right?"
"Of course Miss that's what I am programmed for, I am also updated on your file."
Okay here goes nothing.
"Okay J.A.R.V.I.S I am placing a lot of trust in you right now so I really hope you don't break that trust. I am pretty scared and freaked out, so what I am going to do is turn myself into a cat and you are going to take me to the towels and if we see anyone you can't tell them it's me okay? Promise me you will just say I am some random cat or something?"
It was silent for a minute like it was thinking, can computers think? Is it even a computer?
"Security protocols accepted."
"Wait does that mean you will do it?"
"Yes miss, I have lit up the way towards the towels."
I went to my door and surely enough along the floor of the hallway was a row of lights lit up seemingly showing me to the way.
"Thank you J.A.R.V.I.S you are a legend."
Closing my eyes and getting myself ready to shift again, I decide to change it up this time and become a ginger cat because why not? The ache spread over my body as my form once again shifted. Once it was over I stretched my feline body out, trying to get comfortable in it as I slowly made my way out of room, following the lights. They led me to the elevator and I cautiously get in, the doors shut behind me and took me down 9 stops. Right so I am on the 10th floor, I locked that information away in my head. The door opened with a small ding and more light lit up for me to follow. Finally I reached my destination, right now comes the difficult bit, I reach up and take a towel into my mouth and drag it back to the elevator and the doors close once more.
This trip didn't go as smoothly as the previous. Only 2 floors away from mine the doors open again and I come face to face with a tall, dirty blond man that had muscles for days. He stares at me, confusion lining his face. Crap.
"J.A.R.V.I.S why is there a cat here?"
"Pease ignore the cat Mr Barton."
At least J.A.R.V.I.S is on my side, I stare, unblinking at this man and slowly start recognising him as Hawkeye.
"J.A.R.V.I.S whose cat is this?"
To be honest he looks more confused than suspicious so I may just get away with this.
"It is my cat Mr Barton."
I am so not getting away with this.
Goddamn it J.A.R.V.I.S we were doing so well.
"Right well we'll see about that. Call everyone to the common room please."
With that he comes over and starts stroking me. Wow this is gunna be awkward story. Maybe I can make a run for it when the doors open. As I was just thinking this, Hawkeye scoops me up in his arms.
"You're a pretty little thing aren’t you?" He coo's at me. Yep definitely awkward. The doors open again and he walks out with me, towel forgotten. Wait why had he questioned the cat but not the towel. He leans against the counter not letting me down. Slowly everyone makes their way to the common room, what a great way to meet my new neighbours. As a cat. Most didn't even comment on me in his arms, they just stated waiting for an explanation.
"Clint you cannot keep that. Tony wouldn't let you have your dog here, why would a cat be any different?"
Oh crap, the star spangled man himself.  I really hope he hadn't seen that video.
"Oh just wait cap you are going to love this!"
Clint replied with a laugh. Tony and Bruce were the last to arrive.
"What's going on Barton? Is that a cat?"  
Tony remarked eyeing me up, this is going to be awful. Clint finally puts me down on the side.
"Tony your A.I has decided to adopt a cat. Why does J.A.R.V.I.S get a pet but I can't have my dog here? That is totally unfair."
Everyone turned to Tony, who looked just as confused as the rest of them, this was such a bad plan.
"J.A.R.V.I.S mind filling us in buddy?"
"The cat is mine sir."
J.A.R.V.I.S replied. Man I guess he really is on my side here. Tony ran a hand through his hair.
"Okay fair enough, what's its name and I will get a collar made for it."
Tony shrugged and went to make his way over to me, I jumped down off the counter just as Clint popped up.
"Why does the A.I get a pet and I can't have my dog?"
"J.A.R.V.I.S is the most dependable of all us, he runs everything and pretty much keeps us alive. If he wants a cat he can have a cat. Will you just get it for me?"
They both made a bee line towards me and ran to the middle of the room looking for an exit. Well I guess it's now or never, man I hate quick shifts, this is gunna hurt like a bitch. With surprising quickness I shift back into my human form.
"You are not collaring me!"
Okay probably not the best first words I could say. As 2 sets of guns were trained on me and my arms were suddenly grabbed and pinned behind my back and a cold arm went around my neck. Wait what the fuck? Was that metal? Did this guy genuinely have a metal arm?!
"Who are you?"
The words were almost growled in my ear. If I wasn't fearing for my life I would have said it was pretty hot, to be honest I would have said anything at this point but this dickhead was cutting off my air supply.
"Mr Barnes, Miss L/N is struggling to breathe, could you please loosen your grip?"
I am really starting to like J.A.R.V.I.S, but this asshat only let's go enough that I start to cough.
"J.A.R.V.I.S I am presuming that this is the new recruit that got here last night and not some enemy that's here to kill us?"
Steve says slowly making his way towards me and my captor, his arms out in a non-threatening manner. I think it's a bit late for that captain I am already being fucking manhandled.
"Yes Captain Rogers, Miss L/N arrived last night, she is an ally and now part of the Avengers."
You tell them J.A.R.V.I.S.
"Okay Bucky you heard him now let her go, she isn't going to hurt anyone."
Steve's arms were still out, hmm maybe the reassuring vibe wasn't for me at all, but for this Bucky instead. He releases me and I fall to the floor gulping air down, trying to control my breathing.
“Are you okay down there?”
Tony came over and knelt in front of me offering me a hand up, I didn’t take it and got up on my own.
“I think I am good but it seems some people have no chill.”
I gave a pointed look and Bucky, Black Widow and the other man in which I didn’t yet know the name of.
“Sorry about that but you should know not to startle assassins, super soldiers and Sam.”
Tony chuckled, I rolled my eyes at him.
“I will add that to the list of things I should remember thanks. Hi I am Y/N by the way.”
I give a small wave then feel like such an idiot for waving, I clasp my hands behind my back.
Everyone introduced themselves except Bucky who was just avoiding my gaze like he hadn’t just been strangling me. With that thought I tenderly touch my neck, pain shoots to where I touch and I know I am going to have a wicked bruise there.
“I saw your video kid, I think you captured Steve perfectly. You will fit right in here if you carry on like that”
Tony said coming up to me and putting his hand on my shoulder. I snuck a look at Steve, he looked pained and slightly tinged pink, damn he had seen it.
“Yeah sorry about that, nobody was supposed to see that…”
I trailed off not really having the right words to say at that particular moment.
“What video?”
Sam asked with a smirk, he hadn’t seen it?
“It was in email about Y/N? You didn’t read it did you?”
Bruce answered before Tony could chip in with another snide comment.
“No one but you, Tony and Steve read those. I will have to check that out later.”
Sam sent a wink at Steve who looked like he would rather be anywhere but here right now. Same Steve, same.
“Okay quick update then Y/N is- for lack of words a shapeshifter, who also has the ability to talk to animals. Not cleared for missions yet but we will get her training as soon as possible, everyone up to speed?”
Tony look at me for either confirmation or for me to add anything else on but I just nodded my head at him. Natasha, Clint and Bucky were just watching me as if they were assessing my every move, it was very unnerving but I suppose that’s what you get with assassins.
“So can you only turn into cats or what?”
Sam commented with a smirk as if he was playing a game or flirting with me, okay if he wanted to play that game. I took a deep breath and focused on him, the look on his face as I turned myself in to him was perfect.
“I dunno is this a good enough for you pretty boy?”
I winked at him and he looked like he was really holding back a smile. I concentrated again and I was back in my own body, not breaking eye contact with him I clicked my neck and smiled.
“Okay I claim this one, come on I’ll give you a tour around the compound.”
Sam came to my side and held out an arm for me to take, without looking back I let him lead me away from the common room and back to the elevator. Waiting for the doors to open, I felt some ones gaze burning into my back. We walked in and I glanced over my shoulder to meet Bucky’s eyes, I didn’t look away from him until the doors shut behind me.
Part 2                                                                                      Part 4
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