#and so I’m not gonna sit there and simp for him like ‘omg he looks great!1!1’ he doesn’t
evansbby · 1 year
Bestie I feel the same way like I was so upset that was with that person but now I’m so put off it’s crazy like I still love reading his characters like Steve rodgers , andy barber (sorry bestie I know how you feel about him) Ari and etc , like I feel like I fell in love with how his characters are written by all the fanfic writers that in my head I feel like he was like that in real life ( i hope this is making sense) then when I found out he was really creepy and icky in real life I felt like I just broke up with him if that makes sense , and when I see pictures of that person he’s with I feel weird like wow that’s kinda gross how they look together
I’m sorry for the vent i never told anyone this and I feel like this is a safe space to vent
I hope this is okay to vent I feel better now
In case you wanna post a response I’ll be that emoji I hope that’s okay
I get how you feel. And I don’t get why people go SO FUCKING HARD defending him like?? If he isn’t some 40+ year old white millionaire actor dating someone half his age. But suddenly I’m not allowed to criticise that or him? Most of the time I do it in jest or in a funny way too but y’all act like it’s the end of the world.
Like I’m sick of feeling like I should be ashamed every time I post criticism. Atp if you don’t like it, I welcome you to unfollow me. I insist you unfollow me. Like I don’t let it consume my blog but I will post my opinions whenever I want and I’m sick of being anxious as shit over what people think bc I’m not saying anything wrong.
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ssprayberrythings · 7 months
it'll be ok | LN4
lando norris x female!reader
warnings: unexpected pregnancy, talk of throwing up/being nauseous, suggestive actions implied if you get what i’m saying, early on pregnancy symptoms, mention of alcohol and being drunk (not the reader!!), lando being a simp for his girlfriend in every aspect of his life.
note: i know how pregnancy works and i’m not saying that reader got pregnant on this trip, her and lando are just h**ny 😭 (increased sex drive is a symptom of pregnancy though so..…) 
double note: i’m not sure how lily (oscar’s lily) is as a person but she seems like a sweetheart so i went off those vibes and i referred to alexandra by her full name cause if i said alex, someone might think alex albon lol 
okay thats it. enjoy 😉
word count: a little over 5k
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You and Lando had been dating now for close to 2 years. You were happy with the life you were making with him and he was happy to have you by his side through his success. 
Everything was going great, at least it was up until 5 minutes ago. Now here you were sitting in the bathroom to the villa you had rented out for a vacation with friends, holding a pregnancy test not sure what to do with the fact that there were two lines looking back at you. 
48 Hours Before Finding Out
“Omg this is so much more prettier than the pictures” you said as you, Lando and some of your closest friends which included some of the other drivers and their girlfriends, walked into the villa 
“This is gonna be great” Lando exclaimed excitedly while wrapping an arm around your waist “Alright everyone get their rooms sorted and when you’re done, meet down by the beach” he told everyone, earning a round of “okays” and “sounds goods”. 
You and Lando made your way to the master suite on the second floor, seeing as you had been the ones to suggest the vacation and rent the villa, it was only fair you got the biggest room. 
“Lan I don’t know which bathing suit to wear” you asked as you stared at the bathing suits you had brought. 
“Doesn’t matter to me, either way it’ll end up on the floor later” he whispered in your ear as he came up behind you 
You blushed at his flirty remark “You’re naughty” you joked with him 
“Only for you” he reiterated as he put his hands on your hips and started kissing your neck 
“Lan if we start doing that, we’re never gonna leave” you tried being serious even though the shudder in your voice gave you away, telling Lando he was succeeding in distracting you. 
This happened quite frequently. Lando knew you so well and he made you feel things, none of your previous boyfriends had ever made you feel. 
He continued kissing your neck, knowing exactly where to put his lips. You felt yourself giving in with the way he was kissing you and how his hands were slowly moving down from your hips, you knew you wouldn’t be making it to the beach anytime soon. 
You and Lando eventually left your room, joining your friends on the beach. 
“Where the hell were you two” Max asked as he sat on a beach chair with everyone else doing their own thing 
“Y/N needed help picking a bathing suit” Lando responded smirking, knowing Max wouldn’t believe him but also knew he wouldn’t push for the truth, he was smart enough to put two and two together. 
“Babe I’m gonna go in the water, care to join?” Lando asked turning to you as your hands were interlocked 
“No I’m okay for now, I’m gonna try and tan a bit then I’ll come join you” you told him, he smiled at your answer and then gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and started making his way towards the water to join the friends of yours that were currently playing water volleyball. 
You spent the rest of your day in between tanning with the girls and playing in the water with Lando. Once everyone was done with the sun, you all made your way back to the house where you went to your perspective rooms to rest a little before you went out for dinner. 
You felt extra tired which on any other day you might be more concerned about but you had been travelling between time zones and then spent a significant amount of time in the sun, so in your head it made sense to be this tired. 
Once you had changed from your bathing suit into some clean undies and a oversized T-shirt, you crashed on yours and Lando’s bed where he was already sitting scrolling on his phone 
“Lan im gonna take a quick nap, wake me up in like an hour so I can start getting ready” you told him as you curled into a ball nuzzling your face into the pillows 
“Sure thing sweets” he said leaning down to kiss your head before going back to his phone, keeping one hand free to play with your hair knowing that always helped put you to sleep. 
Lando stayed true to his word and gently woke you up about an hour into your nap, not wanting to, seeing as you looked so peaceful but knowing you’d be upset if he let you sleep longer than you wanted.
“Babe” he said gently stroking his hand over your cheek 
“Hmm” you mumbled still half asleep 
“You wanted me to wake you so you could start to get ready” he told you smiling at how cute you looked 
“Why are you a good boyfriend and actually listen to what I say” you grumbled 
He chuckled “C’mon we can take a shower together, that’ll wake you up” he suggested knowing you’d get what he was implying 
You opened one eye looking at him to see if he was joking but knew he wasn’t when you saw the look in his eyes, this got you to open both eyes and slowly stretch, waking up fully in the process 
“Alright pretty boy let’s go” you said as you got off the bed causing a laugh to leave Lando as he got off the bed, following you into the bathroom. 
Once everyone including you and Lando were ready, you decided to visit a cute Italian restaurant nearby. Everyone in the group all loved Italian so it worked out perfectly. 
While you were walking to the restaurant, you felt a slight squeeze in your stomach but chalked it up to that all you had to eat today was some fruit and a small salad. 
Lately your appetite hadn’t been what it normally was, you pushed this thought aside though wanting to enjoy your vacation and deciding you’d worry about it once you got back home. 
After some walking you reached the restaurant, Charles taking point and speaking to the hostess in Italian to get a table. They brought you to the part of the restaurant that was more private and made sure there were enough seats for everyone. 
The host got you all menus and water, letting you know your server would be there momentarily. 
You politely smiled at her and offered her thanks in Italian, you may have loved everything Italian but your knowledge of the language didn’t go past basic phrases and words. 
You sat next to Lando and Lily, Oscars girlfriend. The two of you had gotten close with your boyfriends being teammates. You felt that squeeze in your stomach again, this time more intense so you casually reached for your water and hoped it would help. 
Once you had drank enough water to feel better, you went back to look at your menu 
“Baby are you okay? You just practically chugged your water” Lando asked quietly turning to you 
You nodded “Yeah, I'm good, I just didn’t realize how thirsty I was” you lied offering him a smile, he seemed to believe you and went back to the menu, Lily however offered you a strange look, having overheard your words and not fully believing you but deciding not to push. 
You could still feel that slight squeeze in your stomach and was apprehensive to order a large meal so you went for a simple soup, figuring it was the safest option. 
When everyone’s food arrived, you caught a whiff of the food around you and suddenly that squeeze in your stomach was becoming too much to handle. You didn’t want to bring attention to yourself but if you didn’t go to the washroom now, you weren’t sure what would happen so you turned to Lily.
“Lils I need your help” you whispered to the girl who had just taken a bite of her food 
“Is everything okay? You look pale” she asked concerned 
“I’m gonna throw up and desperately need to get away from the table” you explained trying to stuff the nausea down until you were somewhere else 
“Say no more” the girl said then turned to Oscar letting him know she was using the washroom, he smiled and moved out of the booth, luckily he was on the end 
“Y/N will you come with?” She asked, acting like the washroom was her idea and just wanted a friend to accompany her 
Your name sparked Lando’s interest and turned to face you 
“Babe I’ll be back im just gonna go to the washroom with Lily” you told him quickly before getting out of the booth, offering Oscar a small smile to say sorry for interrupting his meal 
Then you and Lily made your way to the washroom, as much as you would’ve preferred to run there, you didn’t want to seem weird so you casually bit your lip and hoped you could get there in time. 
“Girls are so strange in always wanting someone with them to go to the washroom” Lando said to Oscar eating his food 
Oscar just shrugged “I’m used to it at this point” he replied to his friend and teammate before both drivers went back to their previous conversation with the others around them. 
Meanwhile in the washroom, you were in a stall on your knees with your head over the toilet. Luckily Lily was there to hold back your hair and rub your back. 
“Are you okay? Did you eat something you shouldn’t have?” She asked after you were done and had stood up, using some tissues to wipe your mouth 
“I didn’t have anything weird to eat, just some fruit and a small salad” you told her as you fixed your hair and did your best to get the taste of vomit out of your mouth. Remembering you had gum in your purse and silently saying a prayer to your past self for putting it there. 
“That’s strange” she said even though you could sense there was more the girl wanted to say but held back 
“I don’t know how I'm gonna get through dinner. The smell of everything is what triggered this” you told her turning to her 
“Maybe just tell Lando you aren’t feeling the greatest and are gonna walk back to the Villa” she suggested 
“He wont let me go alone, he’ll want to join me and I don’t want to take him away from everyone” you explained 
“I’ll go back with you. I’ll just tell Oscar to bring my food home in a to go box” she offered 
“Are you sure Lils?” You asked the girl, feeling bad
“That’s what friends are for” she smiled
“Okay, let’s go then” you told her 
When you made your way back to the table, Lando looked at you, you could see there was some concern behind his eyes probably because of how long you had been in the washroom 
You slid in the booth to tell him you and Lily were gonna head back 
“I’m just not feeling super great and don’t want to take you away from everyone so Lily’s gonna walk back with me” you explained to him 
“Are you okay? What are you feeling? I’ll walk back with you, I don’t mind” he told you the concern only worsening 
“Babe I'm fine, really, I'm sure a good nights rest is all I need and then tomorrow I’ll be good” you reassured him, offering him a small smile 
“Okay but text me if you need anything or want me to come back” he told you which you nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting out of the booth and walking to the exit with Lily. 
“Where’s Lily and Y/N going?” Charles asked 
“Y/N’s not feeling the great so they’re going back to the villa” Lando answered him 
Charles nodded then went back to talking to his girlfriend, Alexandra.
Lando shared a look with Oscar as both of their girlfriends had left them 
“Did Lily say anything?” Lando asked Oscar as they moved closer now that there was some space between them 
“No, just that she was going back with Y/N” he told him. He could see Lando was worried “I’m sure she’ll be fine and Lily will text if anything happens” Oscar did his best to reassure the Brit. Lando just nodded and silently went back to his food. 
24 Hours Before Finding Out
The next day, you had woken up and luckily you didn’t feel any feelings of nausea, hopefully that was an indicator that today was going to be different from yesterday and you could enjoy your trip. 
You got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen, you had a strange craving for orange juice which wasn’t normally your go to breakfast drink but you weren’t mad about it, seeing as the orange juice in the fridge was freshly squeezed. 
You smiled when you poured yourself a tall glass and went to sit on the patio furniture outside enjoying the beautiful view.
You pulled your phone out, scrolling through TikTok. You tried to avoid TikTok because most of the time you’d see videos of your boyfriend or any sort of f1 content but today you gave it a chance. 
So far it was going great until you saw a video of this creator explaining their battle with cancer and how they were finally in remission. You felt the tears gathering in your eyes but figured it was just your hormones and you being a sensitive person. 
Then you moved from TikTok to Instagram and saw a post about puppy adoptions and suddenly you couldn’t hold the tears back and that’s how Lando found you, crying over your phone 
“Babe what’s wrong?” He asked instantly pulling the chair next to you, rubbing your back 
“These puppies, they’re all up for adoption” you told him, showing him the rescue centre’s instagram highlighting all the dogs they had up for adoption. 
Lando found you the cutest for crying over dogs “Why are you crying though?” he asked still rubbing your back 
You shrugged, wiping your eyes with the back of your sleeve “I don’t know, they just all look so cute and I want them to find their forever homes” you tried to explain why you were crying, even if you didn’t fully understand why. 
“You’re adorable” he smiled at you “How about when we get back, we can try and organize an adoption event with the centre, I’m sure the attention from an f1 driver should help” he suggested.
He would do anything to see you smile even if that meant having to talk with his PR manager about organizing a puppy adoption event sponsored by McLaren. 
The idea brought a smile to your face and you sniffled “Thats really sweet of you Lan” you told him 
“We’ll get all those dogs adopted” you leaned over giving your boyfriend a hug. The tears had subsided which Lando was grateful for, he hated seeing you cry. 
He hugged you back, kissing the top of your head “Anything for you sweets” he reassured you. 
After your moment, you and Lando joined the rest of your friends inside. You all enjoyed a nice breakfast together, then once the dishes were dealt with, you all went your own ways, everyone wanting to do something different. 
You and Lando planned to go take some pictures around the area. That was one of the things that drew you two to each other, both having a passion for photography. 
On your first date, you spent so much time sharing pictures and the stories that went with them so when you started dating, it became something you did together, whenever you could. 
You were walking up to your room when Kika called your name. You turned looking in the direction of where your name had come, seeing Kika sticking her head out of her and Pierre’s room.
“Whats up? Is everything okay?” you asked as you approached their room. 
“Yeah, I just was wondering if you had a tampon or a pad, I got my period and just realized I didn’t bring anything” she chuckled 
“Oh yeah, I have tampons in my room. I’ll bring you a few to get you through until you can go to a local store” you told the girl, she smiled at you “Thank you, youre an angel” 
You just smiled and then turned walking to your room, going straight to the washroom, to look through your toiletries bag. As you looked at the mini travel sized bag you brought filled with tampons, it hit you, you had never gotten your period. 
You were supposed to get it right before the trip and the last few days of your period should’ve been the first couple days you were away but as you got ready for vacation, you still hadn’t gotten it which was why you brought a weeks worth figuring you’d end up getting it on the trip but you still hadn’t gotten it and that sparked a fear within you. 
You quickly grabbed a few for Kika and closed the bag. As you turned to leave the washroom, you bumped into Lando “Oh sorry babe” you told him, you must’ve seemed frazzled judging by the expression Lando offered you 
“Are you okay?” he asked “Oh yeah, just need to give something to Kika” you told him hiding the tampons behind your back.
Obviously Lando knew what a period was, having a mother, 2 sisters and a girlfriend, he was used to it and had they been for you, you wouldn’t have cared but you didn’t want to make Kika uncomfortable so you with held those details from him. 
“Oh okay..well I’m ready to go whenever you want to go take some photos” he told you, offering you his typical Lando smile. You smiled, leaning up to kiss his lips “I can be ready in a few minutes” you told him once you pulled away. 
Then moved around him, being sure he couldn’t see what was behind your back before leaving the room, walking to Kika’s. You knocked on the door, she answered almost immediately  “You’re my lifesaver. I owe you” she told you once you handed her the tampons. 
“Really glad you said that, I need you to get me something from the store whenever you go” you told her biting your bottom lip, something you did when you were nervous 
“What’s up?” she asked 
“Can you get me a couple pregnancy tests” you whispered, not wanting anyone to hear. Kika’s eyes grew in size “Woah, really?” she confirmed, you just nodded, not saying anything. 
“Yeah of course. Want me to leave them in your suitcase while you’re out?” she offered 
“That’d be great. Thank you” you told her 
“Do you really think you’re” she started before gesturing to your stomach instead of saying the word 
“Honestly I’m not too sure, it didn’t cross my mind until moments ago when I realized I missed my period” you explained, she nodded along 
“Well you aren’t alone regardless of the results. We’re all here for you” she reassured you, you smiled at her words. 
“Thanks Kika, I appreciate that” you told her “Anyways I should go and get ready, Lan and I are going to take some photos around the area, I’ll see you later” you told her offering her a goodbye before walking back to yours and Lando’s room. 
You quickly changed into something clean, washed your face, tied your hair into a high ponytail and then slipped on your converse to go meet Lando downstairs. 
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landonorris, francisca.cgomez, oscarpiastri, mclaren & others liked 
out exploring 🧡🎞️🥰
tagged: landonorris 
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fan2: they’re so cute 
fan3: y/n giving us the lando content 
fan4: the y/nlando crumbs 
landonorris: my favourite adventure partner 🧡
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francisca.cgomez: my faves ☺️
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You and Lando ended up having an awesome time. You walked around and took plenty of photos. Yours were of the area, some of the locals, some of Lando, a good variety meanwhile Lando’s were mostly of you. 
He called you his muse the first time you asked him why he took so many pictures of you but by now you had grown used to it and didn’t question it. 
In the midst of walking around, you had grabbed a quick bite to eat at a cute cafe. You went with a fruit parfait and water, figuring it was the safest option not wanting to risk being sick. 
After being out for a couple hours, you eventually made your way back to the villa. When you got back, you got a text from Kika after passing her in the kitchen. 
Kika: ‘They’re in your suitcase, under a pile of bathing suits’ 
You quickly texted her back 
Y/N: ‘Thank you. Now I owe you’ 
Kika: ‘If you end up having a girl, name her Francisca 😌’
You laughed, not answering her but rather hearting the message then going to find the tests. 
When you walked into your room, you heard Lando in the washroom, so you checked your suitcase to double check where they were and then once you had confirmation, covered them back up. 
You had plans with everyone to go out tonight so you wouldn’t be able to test until tomorrow. You weren’t sure how you were gonna avoid drinking tonight. 
It’s not as if you were a heavy drinker, you just enjoyed doing shots while you were out and you could handle your alcohol well so nights out never phased you. 
Tonight however to be cautious incase you were pregnant you had to avoid alcohol. 
You sighed, so far this trip you had spent more time stressed out then relaxed and you weren’t sure how much more you could handle before you exploded from the uncertainty. 
You heard Lando finishing in the washroom so you quickly grabbed an outfit from your suitcase before shutting it. 
“I thought you were gonna join me in the shower” Lando said when he walked out, his curls wet from the water
“Sorry my love, I took too long trying to figure out what to wear” you lied, offering him a soft smile 
“It’s okay, I can think of a couple ways you can make it up to me” he winked at you, you blushed. 
“Your cheeky” you told him smiling as he laughed at your comment. 
You quickly got yourself ready and then you made your way downstairs with Lando to meet everyone else. Once everyone was ready to go, you made your way to the local club. 
On the way, Kika linked her arm with yours and walked a bit up from the boys. 
“Did you test?” She asked in a low tone, you subtly shook your head 
“I need your help tonight avoiding alcohol” you replied keeping your voice low 
She nodded “Don’t worry, we’ll get you a mocktail at the bar and you can either sip on it through the evening or keep going back for the same one. Then with shots, we’ll tell the bartender to give you water” she explained still keeping her voice low, you offered her a small smile 
“I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here. You and Lily have both been the best” you exclaimed, Kika just smiled and gave you a side hug 
“That’s what friends do” she told you.
Once you got to the club, Kika went to get your drinks and made sure to tell the bartender the plan. The bartender was a female and without even having to explain why, somehow she understood and told Kika to always give you the shot with a rounder base. 
So far everything had been going smoothly and once people became more intoxicated, it was easier to let loose and not keep up the show as much as you had been. 
Surprisingly you were having a great time sober, just getting to dance with everyone and enjoy being with your friends, this was exactly what you needed and it took your mind off what you had to do tomorrow. 
Currently you were dancing with Lando, his hands were on your waist and you could smell the alcohol on his breath. It didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. 
“Babyyyyy” he said into your ear due to the loud music 
“Yes Lan?” You asked laughing at your boyfriends behaviour 
“I love youuu” he told you stretching out the you. You smiled at him 
“I know. I love you too” you told him running a hand through his curls, he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling 
“Can we go back to our place, I just want to be alone with you” he told you, pulling you closer and nuzzling his face in your neck, breathing in your perfume.
“What about our friends?” You asked him, even though you knew they’d be fine and you wouldn’t mind alone time with Lando
“They’ll be fine” he said as he started kissing your neck, you shuddered a bit at the sensation. 
“Don’t start doing that here or we won’t be able to stop” you told him even though you didn’t want him to stop 
“I don’t want to stop” he said pulling his lips away to answer you before leaning down and kissing you. 
You felt yourself getting weaker in the knees. This was the effect Lando had on you. 
“Okay fine, let’s leave then” you said in between breaths, he smiled and then grabbed your hand, intertwining his with yours and carefully made his way to the door. 
“Where are you going?” Kika asked as you passed her and Pierre 
“Back to the Villa. See you later, stay safe” you told her quickly offering a wave over your shoulder 
She chuckled “Children having a child” she muttered under her breath 
“What did you just say?” Pierre asked his girlfriend 
Kika didn’t think he had heard with the music “Nothing” she quickly said 
“No I swear you said” he started but she stopped him before he could finish. 
“Pierre just drop it for now. Please” she asked. The look they shared said enough. He nodded and then they went back to dancing. 
She hoped he wouldn’t say anything further on the topic, her boyfriend had a tendency to spread gossip even if it wasn’t always intentional but hopefully this time, he’d keep it to himself. 
Back at the Villa, you and Lando were having a great time and took advantage of the empty house, getting to be loud as you pleased. If you weren’t already pregnant, there’s a good possibility after tonight, you might’ve been. 
Moments Before Finding Out
The next morning, you woke up wrapped in the duvet and Lando. You smiled at how peaceful he looked. Then you remembered what you had to do and suddenly you felt the nerves creep back up on you. 
You sighed and carefully got out of bed, being sure not to wake Lando. Thankfully he was a heavy sleeper when he had been drinking. 
You crept over to your suitcase, finding the pregnancy tests and taking them to the washroom. You had googled that testing in the morning was the best time so that’s what you were doing. 
You locked the door and then opened the first box. Taking the test and sitting on the toilet. You quickly peed on the stick and then placed it back on the counter, on top of a piece of toilet paper. You finished up and then pulled your sleep shorts back up and set the timer on your phone. Sitting on the edge of the toilet. 
You closed your eyes trying your best to keep your breathing steady. Everything would be fine. Lando loved you and even if this was unexpected, he wouldn’t leave you, at least you didn’t think he would, he wasn’t like that. You did some more deep breaths until your timer went off and you quickly silenced it not wanting to wake up Lando. 
You shakily stood up from the toilet and with your shaking hands, reached for the test and that’s when you saw, the two lines looking up at you, indicating you were pregnant.
After Finding Out
After the first positive, you had to do the other 3 tests to be sure and of course those all came back positive. You put them back in one of the boxes and just stood there in shock. 
You were pregnant. You were going to be a mom and Lando was going to be a dad. You wanted to cry but you also knew once you started you wouldn’t be able to stop. 
You weren’t sure how long you stayed in the washroom until you heard Lando call your name, you knew you had to tell him now or else you’d drive yourself mad keeping it in. 
You opened the door and made your way back to the bed. Seeing Lando sitting up rubbing his eyes, he must’ve just woken up.
“Lan, I need to tell you something” you told him biting your lip due to your nerves. He looked confused 
“Is everything okay? Did something happen?” He asked as you made your way to sit next to him. You sat with your feet tucked under you 
You reached for his hand “Nothing happened” you reassured him then took a deep breath before continuing
“I’m pregnant” you told him trying to keep your voice steady and calm not wanting to show your nerves, already knowing Lando would have plenty of his own. 
“Sorry but I think I heard you incorrectly; did you say pregnant?” He asked rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. 
You nodded your head, not sure what was going through his mind at the moment. You sat in silence for what felt like a lifetime, the longer the more nervous you got. 
Lan was never speechless and this scared you “Lan please say something” you said, feeling yourself wanting to cry even more now 
He must’ve sensed you were on the verge of tears “Baby I'm sorry, come here” he said opening his arms which you gladly accepted and buried your head in his chest, the tears finally leaving. 
“It’s unexpected but it’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out together” he said rubbing your back “I love you and there’s no one else I’d want to have children with, I just thought it’d be a bit further down the road but this is okay. Baby’s are a good thing regardless of when they come” he told you. 
You pulled away, wiping your eyes “So you aren’t gonna leave?” You asked as you hiccuped 
“Not a chance. You’re stuck with me for life now” he told you smiling. You returned the smile finally feeling better. 
You and Lando spent the rest of the morning cuddled up, talking about your baby, what you thought they’d look like, how they’d act, if they were a boy or a girl. 
At some point you must’ve started to drift off cause you found yourself cuddled up next to Lando as he played with your hair, subconsciously your hand found its place on your stomach and Lando kissed your head. 
He loved you and would do anything for you and now that meant your baby as well. The two of you were his world and he planned on spending the rest of his life making sure you both knew how much he loved you both. 
taglist: @namgification
AH! I hope you all enjoyed this <3 I had such a fun time writing it and I'm proud of how it turned out! Im always open to feedback so please share your thoughts !
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cherryobx · 3 months
Omg congratulations ❤️ may I have turn the radio up with jj and the song being never grow up by Niall Horan
Never grow up
a/n: thank you!! <3 literally one of my fav songs ever
pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
summary: watching the sunset with JJ and goofing around
warnings: swearing
wc: 0.9k
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“Is it weird that I kind of want to braid your hair right now?” you ask, sticking your hand into JJ’s messy blonde hair and ruffling it.
He chuckles at that but lets you mess his hair up even more. “What hair? I barely have any.”
“It’s longer than usual. When’s the last time you got a haircut?”
He tilts his head knowingly at you. “You cut my hair, babe.”
“But that was months ago?!” you exclaim. 
“We’re cutting your hair tomorrow.”
“Yes, boss.”
You’re sitting at the beach. The heat wave of the day has passed and it’s not unbearably hot anymore. You’re sitting on the warm sand together and just enjoy the beautiful evening, sunset and the company of each other.
You look at the view in front of you but JJ only has eyes for you. You feel him looking at you so you turn your head to look at him too. “What?”
“You’re just really beautiful. ‘S all.” You feel your cheeks heat up at his compliment and you smile brightly.
“You’re not bad yourself.”
“I call you beautiful and I get a ‘you’re not that ugly I guess’ in return?” he jokes and nudges you with his elbow, almost knocking you over.
“Hey! I didn’t say ugly! You want me to call you beautiful too?”
He rolls his eyes playfully and says, “Obviously.”
“You’re beautiful too.” And you mean it. He really is. Really effortlessly so. It’s unfair actually.
“I know.” He smirks and you slap his arm with the back of your hand.
“Ow!” he yelps but you know he’s joking. 
You scoff. “It didn’t even hurt.” 
“Yes, it did!” he argues.
“No, it didn’t.”
“Don’t diminish my feelings.” He places a hand over his heart and acts as if he’s offended.
“I’m not.”
You roll your eyes and lean against his shoulder, resting your head. He stops arguing and tilts his head towards yours so his head is resting on yours. You wrap your arms around his bicep and hold him close. “You’re such a simp,” he comments.
“Says you. You’re so obsessed with me. Kinda creepy, not gonna lie,” you retort and he just laughs. “Yeah, fair enough.”
You sit there for a while and look at the sunset together and it makes you feel bittersweet because you know moments like these are just going to pass by and there’s nothing you can do about it. There’s no way to stop life moving so fast.
“I don’t wanna grow up.” You sigh and close your eyes.
“What?” JJ’s head shoots up and he looks down at you. You raise your head from his shoulder and meet his eye.
“I don’t want to go to college, I don’t want to get a job. I just want to stay where we are in life right now. I’m so happy and inevitably it’s all going to go away. We’ll probably grow apart with our friends and move away and get a boring career and move to the suburbs somewhere and get a house with a white picket fence and-”
“Okay, stop your rambling for a second.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. 
“You’re acting like we’re going to retire tomorrow. We’re still young, a whole life ahead of us. We have time to be whoever we want and do whatever we want. And look at us, we’re still acting like fucking toddlers,” he says referring to earlier. “We might grow up but we don’t have to grow up. Do you understand what I mean?”
You smile. “Yeah.”
“Good. Now, whoever makes it to the water first gets to pick the movie tonight!” As soon as the words leave his mouth he’s on his feet and dashing towards the water, barely giving you any time to react.
You run after him as fast as you can but it’s no use. He has won. He jumps up and down and does a goofy victory dance as you slow down when you reach him.
“That was so unfair! I don’t want to watch Fight Club. Again.” You point a finger at him, completely out of breath.
“Not my fault you’re so slow.” He shrugs smugly.
“Asshole.” You splash him with the cold ocean water and he takes a few steps back as he yelps.
“Fuck, that’s cold!”
“Not my fault you can’t handle it,” you mock him. He leaps towards you and tackles you, both of you falling on the ground in the shallow water. 
“Oh my god, that is fucking cold!” you shriek.
“Told you!”
You quickly get up and shake as much water off as possible but you still can’t shake the cold. You wrap your arms around yourself.
JJ stands up too and wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you against him and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“If I get a cold it’s all your fault,” you grumble and pout.
You smack his chest. “Ass.”
He just laughs and starts leading you back to your house. “Come on, let’s get your ass back home before it freezes off.”
“I hope yours does.”
He gasps. “That’s so rude!”
You scoff and roll your eyes but then laugh at his ridiculous reaction.
He’s right. You’re nowhere near actually growing up yet.
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join the picnic!
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signed-loni · 1 year
but like, her skates are customized so the rubber parts used for stopping are spikes instead.
and for personality, how about a nonchalant, mostly careless and reckless attitude. Like, she’s a scrapper, and fights like a scrapper. (By that, I mean she uses other things besides fists like broken bottles or a switch blade, so she has scars on her hands and parts of her body.)
and for a scenario, idk u can choose bc I honestly can’t think of one. Maybe just some headcanons? Not sure, it’s up to u, but how do u think their dynamic would go? (Romantically, bc I’m a freaking simp.)
Oh my shit
Okok so
Due to my tik tok obsession, the two r gonna go okokokok (reader) lalalalalala (sal)
He comes to the skate park w u and watches you skate while he sits on a bench and sketches you <333
He tries to skate with you, but he ends up falling a lot and just gives up </3
One time you had gotten into a fight while at the park, and came back with cuts and gashes in your hands from the blades and emptied out beer bottles you found in an alleyway
Sal had to clean them up for you while you were just sitting there like 🫤
Like a fuckin BADASS
Hes so babygorl for u
Like one time he lets you dress him in ur style and lemme tell u sm
He ends up looking SO HOT
Like your quiet badass personality was completely wiped away at that moment when sal had on and outfit like this
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Hes so in love omg
Playing Japanese denim by Daniel Caesar..
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jhopezwrld · 1 year
omg can i request an ateez or stray kids reaction to finding out their s/o having nipple piercings 🤭🤭🤭 i’m giggling
oh i hear sum purring…. IM DOING BOTH CUS IM A SLUTTTTT🫶🏽 ateez next hehe
warnings: smutty, mentions of consensual recording/picture taking, sorta pervy!changbin
chan: oh the minute he sees them he’s busting in his pants like he’d be so obsessed with them i just know it. he’d immediately ask if he could touch them and when you give him permission just know his hands (and his mouth) will not leave your tits alone until you physically cannot take it anymore. he’d also very hesitantly ask if you’d let him take a picture of them so he could look back on it every time he’s away from you. plz do him one better and let him cum on them and record it he would probably die of happiness. your nipple piercings are now his number one obsession.
minho: oh i just know he’s planning on how he’s gonna buy u all kinds of pretty and sparkly nipple rings so that he can admire how pretty they look while he tit fucks you bc there’s no way that ISNT happening. he’s probably gonna sit u in his lap and just play with them cus he’s meanie and a tease but also bc he’s so infatuated with them. he will never leave them alone honestly he’s so obsessed with them he’d probably accidentally (or not so accidentally) tell the boys ab them and now everyone knows u got pierced nips and jeongin can’t even look you in the eyes 😭
changbin: binnie is already such a simp for u but once he sees ur piercings he probably falls a little more in love with u i’m not even joking. i just know he’d be OBSESSED with them and would think ab them 24/7. he’d always try to convince you to go braless just so he can admire how pretty the rings look thru ur shirt. he’d probably keep it super cold in his room just so ur nipples are constantly poking out of ur shirt and he can just..stare at them. sorry idc changbin is an undercover pervert like he won’t say anything to u and will try to hide his nasty intentions but is secretly getting off on how oblivious you seem
hyunjin: loves them but is lowkey mad u didn’t tell him when u got them done bc he probably would’ve gone with u to get one too LMAO. he’d 100% wanna draw you nude as soon as he sees them tho like he just thinks they look so pretty on u and that u look so perfect and he just needs to sketch you so he can memorialize the image forever. i lowkey see him just playing with them casually too like he’d 100% stick his hand down ur shirt to wiggle the little bar or twist your ring in circles during a movie night or something (it always leads to sex btw).
jisung: boy would be in disbelief. he’s the ‘pics or it didn’t happen’ kinda mf but if u actually send him a picture oh he’s freaking OUT! immediately removing himself from whatever area he’s in so he can go into the bathroom and jerk off real quick. i feel like jisung is so easy to rile up so probable just the mere thought of you + nipple piercings has him shifting around uncomfortably and adjusting himself in his pants. he’d fly home as soon as he could and just pounce on u. like he’d literally yank you into his lap and pull your shirt down to see them. as soon as he gets his hands/mouth on them i’m like 90% sure he cums in his pants
felix: he’s so sweet about it omg. as soon as he finds out he’s asking u all kinds of questions like ‘did it hurt?’ ‘are they healed’ or ‘did you get both or just one?’. felix is a shy bby so he probably won’t ask to see them himself but the way his eyes keep flicking from your face to your chest makes it so obvious so plz just lift up ur shirt for him. he’d be in AWE like almost drooling type shit. he’d also be too nervous to touch them himself so you’d either have to reassure him that it’s ok and he can cop a feel, or you’d have to physically grab his hands and put them on your tits. he’d be so gentle while touching them and would probably try to hide his boner but his lil whines make it pretty clear how he’s feeling.
seungmin: he’s so annoying he’d probably try to act so nonchalant ab it. ‘oh u got ur nipples pierced? cool.’ but on the inside he’d be freaking out. he wouldn’t ask to see them not bc he’s shy but bc he doesn’t want u to know he’s extremely excited ab this so he’ll wait for u to show him urself but once u do hoooooo boy he’s going to TOWN on u so prepare urself. dom seungmin mode activated u are not leaving that bed for days i’m telling u. he’s trying all types of positions so he can see how pretty they sparkle in the light while he fucks you. when you get a package in the mail with like 10 different kinds of nipple rings don’t look at seungmin bc it definitely wasn’t him (it was)
jeongin: went back & forth on this one but honestly i think he'd be so nervous about even looking at them. he only noticed because it was particularly cold in his dorm and you had decided to forgo a bra since you were spending the night. he doesn't even know how to react when he realizes, but the crimson blush creeping up his neck and cheeks, and the fact that he cannot look at your face make it pretty clear that he noticed them. i feel like innie is so shy when it comes to anything remotely sexual so do not expect him to be the first to mention your piercings. instead he will silently suffer and would probably go to bed with a boner unless you help him out (plz help him he's so hard its painful).
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ariseur · 3 months
Hello there! Thank you so much for addressing my request...I'm new to Tumblr app so I hope I'm messaging your inbox! So yes! I hope...this isn't too demanding. I anon requested zack x fair reader...and I'm gonna let it all hang out with you:
I simp for zack fair very very hard...and Im HUNGRY for fluff..all the gentle kisses, hair playing ...jawline holding, couch cuddling, sweet compliments, rainy days...holding...waist clutching, skin contact, lips grazing coffe sippinng...deep eye dinner dates, jokes , teasing silly ...I can handle!!! I don't do smut or too overly steamy. I'm too old for that shit
Maybe perhaps...on the opposite spectrum, zack boyfriend scenario, comforting s/o with anxiety...drying of tears, wiping tears away, consoling cuddling...hearing him hum reader to sleep...mentions of heartbeats being felt through chests....feeling of voice vibrations through MUSCULAR chest...comfort bare muscular arms , tender kisses...goosebumps...ok I'm sorry too demanding...if I'm blessed and you create chapters of like simple one date, fun.."friends to lovers" type of thing, casual playstation gaming hangouts, cooking dinner as friends...thinking of each other while away ..to eventually relationship and consoling s/o anxiety....full on love date..that close intimacy (i,crave safe for work) I'd wait FOREVER, however long it would take you to write chapters of joy....you'd be my hero!!!
I stress his scar (in my own ramblings i always place my finger tips on it, i kiss it gently, we discuss who gave it to him, how he feels about it).. Our first date I wear some tight fitting dress his favorite color, but as he gentlemanly removes my peacoat for the evening he notices I'm covered in tattoos, and he's memzmerized (I do have quite the collection of ink irl) he smells of sweet sandalwood and is wearing the black suit in that turks mod for remake... his eyes. I make my own feeble attempts at fanfic but I'm TOO new and insecure to really write anything as I REGULARLY indulge in AI chat and it proves so many USEFUL fever dream instances for me to write but for now...I let the experts handle it.
Should you accept, thank you for bringing JOY into my life....
Please do take your time...I know you amazing ppl are BUSY and mine isn't the only request and might even not be too interesting.
But I thank you so so so much...I've been searching for weeks ..no replies.
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ notes - omg!! i’m so sorry this has been sitting here for so long!! i’ve been trying to go about this and since i’m not that experienced with creating chapter fics, i decided— what the hell?? why not try it?? so— i hope i did somewhat of a good job and stay tuned for some more!!
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ warnings - none except one mention of suicide ( but like in a ‘social suicide’ way ), intended lowercase, you spar with zack as kids ( cardboard swords ) lmk if i missed anything 💕!!
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ word count - 2561 words, 13990 characters
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STRENGTH. that was what mattered most in this world.
strength was a word you had learned in the first grade, sitting next to a snot-nosed kid babbling to his friends as he completely took up all your attention with his nasally voice in your ear. the teacher seemed to pay no mind, only engulfed in tapping her stubby chalk piece against the board, stained with dashes of residual white from the previous words that had been written earlier today, as she barely looked back at the rest of you.
you remembered it so vividly, the smell of the sanitizing wipes she had used during the twenty minutes recess you always anticipated, eager to escape the boring rants of mrs. ozaki and her slow paced curriculum. you remembered the knock you felt on your chair from behind you, soft as to not alert the teacher — as if she couldn’t hear the noisy kid blabbering next to you known as ono, although you only referred to him as, “booger-face.”
craning your neck and grabbing ahold of the side of your chair in order to turn further, you looked behind you only to see the half-toothless, sanguine kid you knew as zack fair. his dark hair, slicked back with only a few strands sticking out, probably from all the activity he did during your break at recess. you two had met earlier this year as he had defended you from the previous, aforementioned offender— ,”booger-face.” you had remembered the way zack stood over you, hands on his hips as he surged forward at the boy to stop him from pushing you around. his eyes, always so bright and lively, squinted at you with his smile as he helped you up and helped dust off your skirt.
after that moment, zack fair had started hanging around you more and more, inviting you to play around with his friends on the merry-go-round’s or hanging out with you after school, running around and playing with rocks or cardboard swords before your parents’ both called you in for dinner, to which you would hastily say goodnight run to your guys’ houses awaiting dinner.
removing his hands from your chair and placing them neatly on his desk, he beamed at you, “you still up for some training after school?”
you rolled your eyes as your lips twitched upwards into a small smile, “duh,” you said. you turned your body completely in order to to fully face him. “near the water still?”
he chimed in agreement, “duh,” his eyes crinkled with the way his grin widened, identical to the day he had practically saved you. he chuckled a little bit before fixing his posture and sitting upright in his seat, the wooden chair creaking as he readjusted his position. your eyebrows knitted together before you heard a stern shout of your name.
you flinched, whipping around back to face the front as your face burned hot with embarrassment. upon your turning of the body, you were met with the stares of your classmates and the hard glare of your teacher, fixated on only you now. her arm was no longer raised up and scribbling nonsense of vocabulary on the board, instead it hung low and remained against her thigh as she impatiently tapped the piece of chalk against her knee-length skirt. her lips, a light pink as they contrasted with the darkness of her tied hair, were pressed into a thin line before she asserted, “pay more attention, first warning.”
you nodded shamefully as you ducked your head down, grabbing your small wooden pencil and gripping it in your hand, as if you’d use it to jot down notes of whatever she was talking about— although it lay unused and useless for the remainder of class, only a placeholder of a ‘what if’ factor your teacher always liked to use when she began the period.
skeptically, she let her raised brow drop as stopped tapping the chalk against her leg, turning around and beginning to explain the curriculum planned for tomorrow again.
you tried to ignore the feeling of holes being burned at the back of your head, multiple pairs of eyes staring at your fork while you made your attempt at keeping your eyes forward and your mouth shut. you ignored the small, boyish giggles emitted from behind you, you’d ‘kick his butt’ outside of school, you thought. you’d get your payback, but for now — you sighed. keeping your hands interlocked, your faced your palms on another area of the desk, the foreign spot now cold against your warm skin. trying to act somewhat proper and behaved, you waited out the rest of class ( which was only presumably about twenty minutes ) just to find that sublime feeling of escaping the torturous ‘h-e-double hockey sticks’ that you referred to as school.
and you held up to that promise of kicking zack fair’s butt — watching as he stumbled backwards with his hands flailing in the air, a flimsy cardboard cutout of a sword gripped tightly in his hand as he let out a loud, “woahh—!”
you giggled, “what’d i tell you about that stance, zack?” you put a hand on your hip as he yelped in surprise. his foot slipped in the body of water, making an animated sound while he skidded across a rock, luckily able to catch his balance in time. you could hear the small chattering of the people near you, the rivers of gongaga rushing as your laughs continue and rise up into the quiet air.
“that’s not fair—! no water knocks!” he exclaimed.
you shrugged as he approached you once more, “you never said that before we started,” you chided. he charged forward at you, being blocked as you held your sword up in a protective expression. stepping backwards, your arm raised and lowered with every hit that the dark-haired boy threw at you, his confident face flashing between every brown whoosh of the cardboard weapons.
he heaved, “you know how mrs. ozaki kept talking about strongness or whatever?”
“you mean— strength?” another blocked hit, this time you tried to kick him and sweep the leg — unfortunately, you underestimated zack a little more than you had thought as he kept a firm hold in the cold dirt, digging his shoes into the ground.
“same difference, yeah?”
“what about it, fair?”
he pursed his lips as he tensed his body, waiting for you to strike again. you held off for a second, flinching as if you would hit in order to try to keep him off balance. zack decided to speak again in this momentary pause of your sparring. “i’ve been thinking about those SOLDIERs and.. i want to be strong— hey!” he exclaimed as you landed a surprise attack on him, barely grazing his not-so-ironed-anymore jeans before he deflected your hit. “now, that’s really uncalled for, c’mon.”
“finish your thought before i hit you again.” you quirked a brow.
he wore a smug look on his face, putting his hands on his hips while he shook his head at you. “didn’t hit me but ‘kay,” that smugness didn’t last long as you feigned waving your sword at him, only for him to let out a small yelp and jolt backwards. you smiled, quirking an expectant brow while he groaned in exasperation. “i wanna be strong too, y’know. have some— strength,” he said; and that was almost the end of it . . until he had managed to mutter a quick hiss of, “unlike you.”
you watched as his arm raised, the sleeve of his uniform’s button-up lifting up a little to reveal his tan line that he had obtained after being outside with you for so long. his hand gripped the thin handle while he went overhead to try and strike you from above. making haste, you took one more step back as your hands flew up to catch his attack with your own sword. in your imagination, with the collision of your toy weapons, you envisioned a loud, ‘clank!’ as they clashed with each other — it felt much more awesome-r to imagine sounds of iron versus the soft flap of refraining yourself from putting too much pressure on the thin material of the cardboard.
you grinned at him, watching as his determined face managed a crack of a smirk while he tried scaring you and randomizing the amounts of pressure he’d put in an attempt to try and catch you in a daze. however, the swiftness in which you jolted to the side and flipped your sword flat so that the tip faced outwards, thrusting the faux weapon and jabbing it into his chest caught him off guard, rendering him the loser of that evening’s battle.
you watched as zack carefully looked down at his stomach, then finally bringing himself to peer back up at you. he placed a hand on his chest while he acted like he really was injured, even going so far as have spit dribble out of his mouth and act like it was blood.
“gross—!” you exclaimed, pushing him as he fell on his back in the dirt and raised a dramatic hand to the sky. you laughed while he let out his ‘last dying breath’ before ceremoniously lolling his head to the side.
with some more giggles, you judged him with your foot as he magically arose from the ‘dead’ and beamed at you, reveling in your laughter. although, in that moment he wouldn’t tell you. he didn’t want to admit his growing crush on you, he didn’t want cooties. that was practically suicide. you extended a gentle hand out to him, throwing your sword to the side as he took your offer and hoisted himself up. zack brushed the dirt off of his pants while you cleaned his back up, still laughing about the whole encounter.
you claimed victory for a long while, even when you both had sat by the water and skipped rocks onto the cerulean river, now being painted a harsh lilac as the sun began to set and the heat of the sky began to cool, a soft breeze coming to rest upon your bodies rather than the draining, blistering sun.
you let a small beat of silence pass over the both of you, spinning the cold stone in your hand before chucking it into the water. your chest began to tighten, for a reason you don’t know why but you could feel it— crawling up your throat as it engulfed your esophagus. it creeped up the inside of you. almost as if you were gonna throw up, the pit in your stomach began to settle. you felt it, twitching on your tongue as it settled, trying to escape its enclosure from past your lips. you held it in for so long, fighting this battle you were so determined to win as you tried to focus on anything; the birds chirping around you, the rushing of the water, zack’s stone skipping across it. you tried to hold it in until—
“do you really think you’ll become a SOLDIER one day?”
the rock he had grabbed remained lifeless in his hands, his fingers tightening around it while he contemplated his options. he turned to you— dirt on his face and his smile, gapped with all the recent teeth he had been losing. he never faltered with that smile, you thought to yourself; and you never forgot what he had said to you after you asked that, “i’ll make sure of it.”
you smiled back at him, before it dropped once you had heard the calls of your name coming from the huts above the creek, where both of your homes had been located. with not another second, zack had already gotten up and running. he swiveled back to face you, waving a goodbye with his lanky arm before he shouted, “i’ll see you tomorrow!” but, of course, he wouldn’t be zack if he didn’t get hurt every now and then, you thought, as you watched him trip over a small rock. but— you realized, he also wouldn’t be zack if he didn’t get up afterwards. still, he turned his head to make sure you didn’t see only to discover you had ( much to his embarrassment ), before getting up and running back home again.
you laughed under your breath, “dork.”
and now, you’re still you. sitting in a bakery in nibelheim, you had almost never changed. well— besides the fact that you grew a couple of feet and wore a wider range of clothes than your school uniform and an old, colorful your grandmother had gifted you when you were five. you wore your hair differently and went out of your way to try and make a difference in the world; specifically by starting and doing some jobs around town and seeing if anybody needed help with those.. things — that would appear around town. the day zack left for midgar had stained your brain permanently, his hug leaving a mark on your body as you knew you might not see him again— even if you chastised ( or more so threatened ) him that he stay in contact with you no matter what.
although it was a few years ago already, you never forget about it, your mind always traveled back to that day at the river. grabbing another hold of your pastry, you admired the vibrant frosting as it created the symbol of a chocobo, not even able to take a bite in fear of ruining the perfect design. you watched the simple villagers of nibelheim float around their daily life while you stayed under the canopy in front of the shop, seated at a little table with the shade covering you from the heat of the sun. you remained bored as you tapped your foot and listened to the bustle of the small town before you heard pairs of assertive footsteps and the, ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s of the people.
tilting your head upwards, you only assumed maybe a few flat footed people or some kids running around was the answer but no— you’re met with the sight of a long, silver haired man with wide, white should plates while a shinra infantryman accompanied him along with another SOLDIER, only this time in black armor. you had watched the town guide, and even with your fuzzy memory you think you had recalled her name was tifa.
you squinted at them, watching as the SOLDIERs looked around at the small village. you gasped as the SOLDIER with the darker uniform turned his head, those eyes were all too familiar, and that familiar cowlick that peeked out from his thick, black hair was all too distinct. putting down the pastry, your eyes narrowed even further almost as if you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. you watched as he turned his head, his full face on display as he beamed at the environment— his smile still the same besides the fact that all of his adult teeth had grown in and his jaw became more defined.
you sat upright, your lips quirking upwards as you felt that childish wonder grow as it had all those years ago like when you had first met him, brave and confident as ever when he had defended you.
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scarlet-fantasies · 1 year
Hey can u please make "eren taking care of sick/ill" gf headcanons? + I really like ur hc:)
Hi anon!
Thank you so much💗💗 and of course. Sorry this is kinda short and that it took a while. I feel making long hcs can be annoying sometimes so I will try to keep some things more brief.
Taking care of their sick gf
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sfw & nsfw
𝐼𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑥 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛
𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑡𝑜 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛 --> 𝑇𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
© 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑡-𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑠 // 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑙, 𝑟𝑒𝑢𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠. 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑢𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒. // 2021-𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡.
💊would be upset if you didn’t tell him and try to hide it.
💊he like doesn’t it when you deny that you're sick.
💊“I’m not sick.”
💊“Really, I guess there’s no reason for the tissue box then.”
💊“yeah but I have to blow my nose.”
💊”Aha so you are sick.”
💊“It’s just a cold.”
💊”it’s just a cold.” He’d mock leaving you speechless.
💊”I’m serious.” You’d pout only to have him grin.
💊”in that case you need to rest and someone to look out for you.”
💊“no But you have to go home and go to work tomorrow.”
💊”I’ll cancel, now take a rest and let me get you medicine.”
You constantly remind him not to kiss you.
💊“No Eren, no kisses.” You’d say worriedly.
💊He’d sigh, “I’m not gonna get sick, now let me kiss you”
💊 You pushed his mouth away from your lips with your fingers gentle. “No, I don’t—“ of course he refuses to listen to you and takes your hand away from his mouth only to surprise you with a kiss.
💊Although he’s grown to take less risks with kissing you when you’re sick and he’s learned that the hard way.
💊When you get chills he pulls you close to keep your warm.
💊Or he sits on your bed beside you to warm you up.
💊His hand on the back of your head as you have your face buried into his chest.
💊“You’re going to get sick.”
💊“Shhh, quiet babe, go to sleep.”
💊“But, Eren.”
💊“This flu only attacks weak babies, now sleep.”
💊“I’m not a baby.”
💊“Yes. You. Are.” He’d grin.
💊 He doesn’t like it when you get out of bed
💊 Head kisses when you watch movies
💊 He reads to you and you fall asleep.
💊“So then . . . Y/n, babe? You fell asleep.” He’d smile finding you cute before putting the blanket over you.
💊 He cannot cook to save his life so he’d ask his mom to make you something because he loves you anyways.😊
💊 Although with him telling her that you’re sick she’s going to check on you.
💊“Omg is she okay? That poor girl.”
💊“She’s fine she just has a cold.”
💊 She ends up making a lot of food for you that you even have left overs for a day or so since she knows it’s hard to cook when you’re sick and bc Eren isn’t good at cooking.
💊 When he picks up your medicine at the store he also likes to pick up snacks, some which are your favorite and others which you two can try together.
💊 So you always kinda look forward to it.
💊“Okay I got you your medicine but I also got some snacks.”
💊“You didn’t have too.”
💊“But you would’ve wanted me to.” He’d add making you smile as you pat the spot on your bed next to you.
💊“This is why I love you.” You’d tease.
💊“For food?” He’d raise a brow teasing back.
💊 You’d smile, “No, because you know my needs.” You’d giggle.
💊 He’d give you a smug look leaning in to kiss your head, “Hmm needs? And are there any other needs my girlfriend has tonight?”
💊 You’d laugh, as he turned his back to set up the amount of medicine needed.“Not any that I could think of, but did you have something in mind?” *
💊 He turned to look at you with a smirk before pinning you to the bed, “Plenty.”
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@bi-effing-simp @sofijaeger @lucifugovs @xxghoulishspritexx @sp00ksic0la @keithandlevi-ontheroof @songbirdgardensworld
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amyyythestarry · 1 year
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I would say this is the first thing I noticed, but honestly it took me a second.
Why are his fingernails green????
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My first thought was ‘IS HE ROTTING’???
Like his fingernails have never been drawn like this??
I said It could be the little kaii thing he has in his left hand, but it’s pink?
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And I really wonder what this means?
A voice beckons from the darkness, but whatever you do, you mustn’t respond.
Maybe it’s talking about the wish supernatural Tsukasa met at 3 years old??? ( I just thought of this )
Because the supernatural was beckoning from the darkness, and Tsukasa answered.
That obviously wasn’t a good choice. But why is it now being brought up again?
Does it have something to do with future chapters?
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Teru and Akane are so fine…
2. Why is Hanako crying so hard?
Like, love I know Nene got taken away, but do you have to cry so hard? 😭
She’s perfectly safe, I promise!
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Man I told myself a year ago I wasn’t gonna simp for him, but now I find it hard not to.
Look at him!
And Akane!!!
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Their boundary is sooo cool.
I don’t know what I thought I’d be like, but it definitely wasn’t this…
Like it’s so clustered. Isn’t hard to move around in?
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I found this part extremely relatable. And undyingly funny.
Whenever I’m overwhelmed, I just shutdown.
Yesterday in school was tiring, so instead of doing homework so I could relax the whole weekend. I slept 😀.
I have two quizzes on Monday… But studying doesn’t help for me.
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This is exactly why I’m a Nene kinnie. She can’t keep her mind on one topic for a second.
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He ask you if you were hungry, he’s being nice!
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She really thought that was gonna work.
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I thought he was really gonna let that slide.
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I like Tsukasa’s humor.
It’s like how he pretended to eat Nene as a fish when they met for the second time.
He probably thinks this is funny!
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Nene’s face, she killed me in this chapter!!
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She’s so me it’s not even funny ( But it’s extremely funny ). This is how I am when I have to do anything I don’t want to.
Also, when I read the whole chapter first I showed this to my sister. And before this part was shown she was like “I bet Tsukasa’s gonna count in a whole other order”.
She was totally joking and I thought she was messing with him.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, two, one, zero”??????
Tsu, who includes zero??? 😭
He’s so ridiculous.
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God, did his little feet make those big stomping sounds??
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This has to be my favorite part, and what comes next.
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Like, where did that even come from! Did he not sense it or something?
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He’s just floating, taken aback by the hit.
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Nervous laughter? Surprised laughter?
He’s beaming. Probably because he didn’t see it coming, and it was unexpected. Tsukasa likes when things are unexpected.
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Nene, don’t let your guard down so quickly!!
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He really just sat there, huh?
He really just thinks this is a fun game between the two of them, and Nene thinks this is life or death.
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Why is he just sitting there?
Is he really tired of running around? Is he actually tired?????
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I guess he recovered fast though, right?????
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Ahhhhh, so cool!!!!
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Aw, look at Tsukasa. He doesn’t like the noise.
Bzzzt, bzzzt, bzzzzzt. Rinnnnnnng.
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I’m so ready for this!!!
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trashexplorer · 2 years
BLCD Review: Cosmetic Playlover
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Title: Cosmetic Playlover (コスメティック・プレイラバー)
Author/Artist: Narashima Sachi
Release Date: 2022/11/26
Itou Kento x Kobayashi Chiaki
Takatsuka Tomohito
Oono Tomohiro
Synopsis: Trash
“No or stop, you unexpectedly say cute things.”
The beautiful assistant, Natsume, is forced to do pair sales with his junior Sahashi. Sahashi, who doesn’t take Natsume or his work seriously, overtook him in sales and annoys Natsume as he’s trying to act as a good superior… Once his act gets discovered, he’s threatened into becoming his sex friend?! Plus, he carelessly flipped Sahashi’s switch on!
“Is it all right if I get serious?”
This is a story set behind the cosmetic shop counter, with feelings of love appearing as Natsume finds his heart beating fast, although it irritates him.
Review Proper
When I was a wee young lass of years six, my grandmother called us out from our seaside exile to come live with her in the main house after my father’s death. I was a child of the sea, so adjusting to life in the city was difficult. The main house was just rows upon rows of hallways and rooms, and it was always deathly cold—concrete. Even at that tender age, I knew that the house was shrouded in mystery, but it probably was just a reflection of our equally mysterious family. Every morning on my way to school, I would pass a small, oddly framed family picture along the hallway which showed my grandparents sitting on a red velvet couch while my father, uncle, and my aunt stood behind them. By the time I became a freshman in highschool, everyone in that picture had already passed...except for my aunt who had her face scratched out of it. She had been missing even before anyone from our generation was born, so no one knew where she was or how she’s doing. She was our family’s biggest mystery and, quite possibly, the answer to every other mystery. She was the only one who knows our family’s history, after all. More years pass, and we’ve lost the house along the way, completely eradicating any chance our questions had of ever being answered. Now, we have all learned as a family to leave our curiosities to rest and focus on the present.
But who would’ve thought that at age twenty-five, another big mystery would find itself in my hands? 
The mystery of how Cosmetic Playlover ever got green-lit for a BLCD adaptation and multiple manga sequels, that is.
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I mean, I knew it was gonna be bad from the Sakura Riko-looking art alone, but I didn’t know that it was gonna be that bad. I’m not even comfortable branding it as something that came out in the 2000′s ‘cause that would be an insult to some of them. Oh, I know. This is FUCKING SHOUJO SMUT PLOT BUT WITH TWO DICKS.
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“Omg, Chesk. You’re overreacting.” No, I am not. Cause they have sex like 15 pages into the first chapter and right after Sahashi unzips Natsume-san’s pants, he gives it a squish squelch with a finger then puts his dick in it??? HOW WAS HIS ASSHOLE ALREADY WET??? EITHER HE HAD A PUSSY OR HE HAD DIARRHEA. See, I could forgive things being rushed in the manga ‘cause pages, ya know? But I expected the BLCD to give them more time, BUT NOOOOOO. THEY WANTED TO MOMOSE AN THE SHIT.
Anyway, I won’t talk too much about the plot here. It’s really just your run-of-the-mill shoujo smut with a rapist, black-mailing, edgelord top and a simp for a bottom. 👍 Their climax wasn’t even worth noting. Natsume-san was getting wrongly accused by stealing this one guy’s customers, so he keeps harassing him and Sahashi finds Natsume-san’s notebook with all his customers’ info on them and says the notebook was persuasive evidence that he wasn’t stealing the customers. EXCUSE ME??? WHERE ARE YOU TAKING THIS CASE??? AUDIT???
Moving on to the technicalities of things, I actually listened to this mainly because this would be Chiaki’s debut (Sugar Drug’s was actually released the same day, but I’m not too keen on Takuma being on top). Oddly enough, I think I have almost all of the CDs he’s been cast as a supporting role, so I was looking forward to him leading this time. How did he do, you ask?
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That was
Ngl, this was even worse than Horie Shun’s debut. I’m not sure what happened here ‘cause he acts pretty decently in his other CDs, but he even struggled with stuff outside the bedroom. He never got his surprises right, for one thing. Both the timing and the sounds he made were so unnatural. But the most unnatural bit of it all were his moans in bed. He goes to deep but also uses vowels too big at every given chancee, it just—HE REALLY JUST “AHHAHUHUH” THE WHOLE TIME IT WAS SO FUNNY I KEPT LAUGHING THROUGHOUT THE BEDDINGS I’M SO SORRY. I can see that he’s trying to emulate the Tachi of maybe 2013, but he really doesn’t know how to do it properly. I would’ve preferred it if he just went the quieter route, if that’s how it was just gonna end up as. 😬 His moaning drowned Itou Kento out a bit that sometimes I just forgot that he was there lmao. Hopefully, he did better in Sugar Drug ‘cause Taku’s not that uhh great as a top, so if they both underperformed, that CD’s doomed lmaooo
Itou Kento did well here even though I kinda didn’t like how he started. This is a higher tone than what he usually uses, and I could just visualize what kind of shape his mouth was making that it just bothered me. Thankfully, grew on me after a while. His topping style here was a little reminiscent of Nakajiki’s usual, and I found that endearing. My man learned topping from his top. *wipes tear
The rest of the supporting cast did great too. I found it so funny that Takatomo was acting as a man much older than the two leads when he’s literally the same age as their actors lmao. Our other Tomo’s also showing potential. I’ve seen his name pop up quite a lot recently, and it’s just a matter of time before he gets a lead role. Hope he learns from this.
 Yea, so this was bad overall. If you’re a fan of this series, why? I wouldn’t recommend it because of the acting. It unfortunately sticks out like a sore thumb. I’m not sure if Mari—MARINE?! NO FUCKING WONDER! Yea, this’ll probably have sequels since the manga has 7 volumes and is still ongoing, and Marine loves that weird shit, so... Do I have any other recommendations? I don’t think I’ve ever listened to another BLCD that revolved around cosmetics. That was actually a good concept, ngl. But did this expound on the cosmetics? No lmao. 
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captainaikus · 2 years
BELLEEEEEE!!!!! I’ve missed you so much 😭😭😭😭😭!!!!! Typing this as I’m sitting in my car after getting out of my last class. FINALS. ARE. FINALLY. OVER. And I passed all my classes with As!!!! Final exams went really well too!!! I feel like I’m gonna fall and pass out for 12 hours. Which I actually did yesterday because I had finished all my exams/classes but I had one more class to go to today.
BUT ENOUGH ABT ME HOW ARE YOU MY DEAR SWEET BLUE PUNK FAIRY FRIEND??? Have you been eating and drinking water?? Resting??? Taking breaks??? Isabelle. If you haven’t. *gently bonks head* Oliver would reprimand you too yknow? And not the fun bedroom scolding. TAKE BREAKS LOVE!!!! 😭😭❤️ Taking regular breaks is a responsibility to yourself that everyone forgets sometimes when they get lost in all their other responsibilities. Multitasking writing different works too much can cause headaches, speaking from experience sweetheart. And going to the gym is great but your body needs to relax and rest too. Water and a good meal and a hot shower/bath do wonders after a long session do wonders trust me. So please rest okay?
CONGRATULATIONS ON 1.6K 🎉✨🥳!!!! The numbers keep climbing so fast and all these milestones are amazing!!!! I’m so proud of you love 🥹✨❤️!!!
I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHOS WATCHED KUROKO NO BASKET. Seriously the fandom is almost completely dead 😭😭💀. I knew it was a oldie but a goody but I didn’t think it was dust and tumbleweeds out here 😭😭. So glad you like it too!! Haikyuu will always be my favorite sports anime and one of my top favorites in general, it holds a really special place in my heart, but KnB was still a really fun watch.
ASFKKFFKJFHKHJG. THAT OLVER ART. Pls he’d hate getting out of bed and just become a complete octopus in the mornings. You gotta wake him up for practice and it’s such a chore. He’s such a big baby pshhhh. But there are some upsides like him saying the only way he’s gonna get up is if you place exactly 100 kisses all over his face, more than half of them end up being on the lips when he actually starts to get up, and you relent every money with a roll of your eyes and and huff and a fond smile he misses cause his eyes are closed. The first thing you do is wipe off that smug smirk from his face. Also hc that Oliver is actually really ticklish and it’s your weapon. Don’t get up even after the kisses? His sides are looking very open rn. Wont get off after flopping on you on the couch? You’re in the perfect position to reach his armpits. Wont stop clinging to you while you’re trying to do a new eye makeup style for your guys’ date? His neck is literally wide open cause he loves smushing his face into the crook of your neck.
What video? Did you post it on your other account? Because I couldn’t find it. Dangit I wanted to simp for Oliver too 😭😭.
Seriously I’m an introvert what are you gonna do? Lock me inside your house? Great free access to your clothes. Still me seeing friends? What friends babe? Take me everywhere with you? Nice let me grab my book and coffee and we’re good to go. Adjkgfhnjhhhv 💀💀.
That girl shoving into you was so rude. All it takes is a simple excuse me dude. And ISTG PEOPLE WHO SPOIL THINGS WHEN NO ONE ASKED 😤😤😤. They seriously piss me off and ruin the experience. See it’s different when I intentionally spoil myself because I’m too impatient. Someone else doing it? Oh heck no. Its the same feeling as someone taking the last of your favorite snack from the vending machine.
Also just a heads up. I’m gonna sending in multiple asks cause there’s just too much I wanna talk abt and breaking it into parts sounds better. So this is the first one. *sends aggressive virtual hugs that feel like they squish all the exhaustion out of you*
- ✨ anon
Starry! Omg- All As! That's great! And it's a good thing you took rest too- ik that i'm bout to pass out when i finish exams. I hope you're doing alright tho! Sorry it took me long to get to your ask; tumblr is being weird cause i can only see it when i get on my pc... and not on the app. yeah no I'm moving to ao3. i saw the rb of which character i would interpret the best and you said- Oliver Ofc. he's my husband but he doesn't know it yet ૮꒰ ˶> ༝ <˶꒱ა Well, I've been doing pretty good! I finished a jar of nutella (in 2 days) and i'm planning to buy a bigger one; i did drink a lot of water, ate some pasta, taking rest too made a wedding playlist for me and aiku and lowkey enjoyed it *the way i laughed when i saw : And not the fun bedroom scolding.' I'd like to see Oliver reprimand me (truth : he can't. Cause he knows at the end of the day even if he's bigger and stronger than me, he is gonna be beneath me) but yeah he'd probably say something like "you're gonna get sick, doorbell." But yeah i've been taking rest, dw starry! i'm actually giving myself a treat. with ao3 i can take things slow and easy tbh, which is another reason i'm moving there. The blog will be up ofc; to answer asks and for anons who wanna talk to me abt my work, but yeah my activity on ao3 is gonna be very irregular... THANK YOU!! 1.6k is such a big number, past me would have been like 'huh... never thought i'd make it this far.' BUT YEAH I DID ! T.T But actually it’s you guys who got me there so thank you everyone 💓
I think everyone thought that they were the only ones who watched knb; me included. I used to have the BIGGEST crush on aomine, i even found an asmr of his. (and yeah i do listen to asmrs btw) And yeah the fandom is almost dead (。 ́︿ ̀。) and I didn’t even get to read that many aomine works too…but yeah I really liked that anime! Haikyuu made me cry after clannad and also made me laugh the hardest, does hold a special place in my heart as well, Bokuto was my fav and rn… no one really. I like all of them cause they’re so unique yk?
As for the Oliver art, pretty sure he would hold you down to the bed. He would demand kisses! He is such a smooth talker- but since I’m me. When he expects a kiss *places hand on his lips before you kiss* “good morning. It’s time to get up” and he just groans when you have a tiny smirk and walk out of your shared bedroom, and his brain just going ‘god woman. You’re gonna be the death of me.’
How- I think I’m getting too predictable with my writing cause I do have something to do with eye makeup in Ocean hues… 👁️ *but we don’t talk abt that cause no spoilers!*
The video! Starry. I BLEW A FUSE CAUSE OF THAT REEL. so story time, I was checking my insta in the morning after I woke up and this gym based reel popped on my feed. And the moment I saw it - I thought of Oliver. Like alright fineeeee this is a guy Idek on the internet just doing his own thing and posting fitness reels but his body. IT LOOKED. LIKE. OLIVER. AND HIS HAIR WAS LIKE AIKU’S TOO! I’m not even joking - The shaggy hair down at the back minus the green highlights - it’s like the way I imagined Oliver’s body to be like. And- I really wasn’t expecting to see THAT in the morning. So it was a really great start to my day- and I couldn’t stop thinking about it for a whole day so I had to save it. I posted the link for a bit so that blue (💙 anon) and other Aikuists could check it out and we were just fawning over this guy. I took the link down soon after cause I didn’t want anyone reblogging it and creating chaos. I’ll put the link again and take it down in 10 mins. I’m telling you though. IT. WAS. FUCKING. HOT. (i'll be putting up the link in a bit and taking it down too you should totally take a look at it- cause the content is not mine neither do i know the guy but FUCK. THAT LOOKED LIKE OLIVER.) The free access to clothes 😭 Happy relationship = yandere bf + a very introverted partner oliver stealing my oversized clothes in the corner I'm an introverted person as well introverted enough to terrify a yandere as well istg- idk who that was, but it was rude to push shove someone and not apologize for it or even an excuse me. and the girl who spoiled wednesday, never saw her again. i get that someone's enthusiastic about a show, but at the same time... some consideration for people around you 😭 anyway, that times gone and i got a lot of better things to move onto like movies, working out and just overall, making myself happy and having a good day yk? *Sending hugs back*
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ariondevereux · 2 years
Hiii, Nikka! I hope you’re doing well, I’m sending you lots of love and forehead smooches <3
I was going through the Instagram reels I have saved, and because I’m obsessed with your OCs (I mean, that’s no secret) I immediately thought of Lira and Kaidan, and I hope you don’t mind that I headcanoned them.
(https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiDO9HlO9Wa/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) <- this one because Kaidan is actually interested in what Lira reads.
(https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiDPDcpjWyi/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) <- and this one, like Kaidan’s casually singing this song in the kitchen as Lira walks in.
But yeah, definitely have a slight (healthy) obsession with your characters.
i decided to let this sit in my inbox for days thinking maybe by now i’d be normal about it but god i am not normal. not even a little bit. mila you unlocked a whole new mental illness in me
like it’s so fucking insane how properly this ask was written as if it wasn’t a big deal and i just know you were so calm typing all that and i’m here losing my mind like with kaidan being your character in your story, literally any headcanon you come up with for him and lira THAT IS ALL CANON TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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NO CAUSE LISTEN THAT FIRST REEL WITH JESS AND RORY SHRUSJEGEUS I HAVE A SCREENSHOT OF THAT SCENE PINNED IN MY KAIDAN X LIRA BOARD :(((( i remember being so hesitant to add it there because i was like “yeah kaidan is a simp but would he do that???” but it just felt So Them so i had to and JDJJSSJEHSJ I CANT THINK STRAIGHT THANK YOU FOR CONFIRMING MY HEADCANON
AND THE SECOND REEL????????? THE VOICE UNFGHHHHHH I WAS NOT READY the first time i watched it i literally let out an in love sigh. the kaidan slut in me is once again awakened…… and please omg when lira walks in she’s not even gonna stop him because it’s not everyday that she finds him in his element so she’s gonna walk in as quietly as possible so she doesn’t snap him out of his own world until he turns around and sees her leaning on the kitchen island watching him with a lovesick grin on her face and imagine if they just got together UDNDHAGSH kaidan would be so shy and flustered and he’d look so stinkin cute and his eyes would probably sparkle and look gold under the kitchen lights HehsheJEHSJWIS HE’S THE GOLDEN ONE FOR ME I WANNA KISS HIM
you have NO idea how many times i’ve read your ask. the second i read it i rushed to open the links and the very little sanity i had left flew out the window. the fact that you like my ocs really makes me so so happy and also sooo relieved that you find them compatible with your ocs like i’m telling you. your hcs legit brought tears to my eyes hshhshsjsksj thank you so so much for these i’m grinning like an idiot <333
i hope you’re doing well too!! i’m poking your dimple and sending you forehead kisses <33 i know you have a few more hours left before today ends so i hope you’re having an amazing day ilysm 💞💞💞
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nekomacheercaptain · 2 years
alright i am pulling up a chair and giving you the mic 🪑🎤
take this time to say anything you want about your gentle giant. idc how long it gets i want to know your thoughts the moment you saw him, what you thought of him yeeting law and Baby 5 out, how you felt about what he did, his sacrifice, if you think the show would be better and any very self indulgent headcanons you would love to tell others
Oh my god I don’t even know where to start oh shit but I guess I have to put up a line again because I have so many thoughts about Corazon
This came out to be 2,7K words omg so YES this gets a "keep reading" line
I read the manga before my exam this spring, and I remember thinking Corazon was cute and lovable, but I didn’t start my hardcore simping for him then (I was in my Kid and Killer obsession hahah), it wasn’t until the end of July when I saw a TikTok about Law and Corazon that my brain switched and I got a craving for that man. So then I started reading fics, read all about him in the wiki pages, read theories, read his chapters over again (cried like a bitch) and watched his episodes (and cried even more, my heart broke seeing it all animated and with audio fuck), and I do watch his episodes religiously, because I hate myself apparently:))
He’s a fully blown obsession for me now, the worst I’ve ever had, but he’s so sweet how can I not??? His introduction is super cool (and PLEASE his grunt when he sits down after slapping Baby 5 and Buffalo????? The hottest shit I’ve ever heard, I’m a slut for deep voices like that). And I did find it hilarious when he yeeted Law, I’m sorry, the shot is just too funny. Also the sound when Corazon falls to the floor?? I love it, it’s a fun detail. His clumsiness, the one part of him he just can’t hide is so cute and adorable and melts my heart, but I already knew it was gonna go so fucking wrong later :)) so when he stumbled down that snowy mountain after getting the op op fruit I was preparing myself for his death (I was fortunately not spoiled of WHEN he died and how). And this was when I wasn’t even obsessed with him, and read the manga, I was wailing while reading Law’s backstory.
My heart hurt SO MUCH when tiny little Law managed to find the one enemy on the island. FUCK Vergo >:(. This little boy who just wanted to live a nice life with the giant who risked his life to save him, unbeknownst to him he put aside the mission of saving an entire country from his evil brother.
We already know he’s dead so yeah the backstory hurts like a fucking bitch, because we know it doesn’t end well for him :,)) you’re just anticipating the moment he’s killed, and when it happens it’s in the worst way possible, because it was inevitable and Law still thought there was a chance they would be together, but Cora knew that once he put down the chest’s lid that was the very last time he would look into the eyes of that poor little boy.
Corazon is such an important character, if it wasn’t for him, Law would be Doffy #2. Doffy and Law are clear parallels, where they both were troubled, vengeful children, but Doffy got picked out and raised by like minded people who encouraged and promised that rage and revenge he was seeking, whereas Law got kidnapped by a man who gave his life to a mission that would grant safety for an entire country from his brother. But he abandoned that for Law. He made Law believe there were still things worth living for, he gave Law something he hadn’t had for over 3 years; freedom to live. Freedom to live how he wants, no longer tied to his illness and Doffy.
One Piece is all about free will, and Corazon’s sacrifice is the epitome of that. He didn’t have to save Law at all, even if he was a D. He wanted to save him, he wanted to give hope again to this depressed, angry dying little boy because he couldn’t stand hearing a child talk about their awful fate like that. He threw away his mission for this little boy whose time was limited, ultimately failing a country that his brother would later bestow a great tragedy upon.
Have I thought about writing fics where he survives? Absolutely, wether it be the marines take him into custody barely alive, hanging by a thread, and finally manage to tell them about Dressrosa? Either an OC or y/n joined Corazon and Law on their journey and ultimately managed to save Corazon, but lost Law, not able to find him until 11 or 13 years later when he became a big name all over the world? Or the one I think would hurt the most; Doffy brought his dying brother back with him and has held him captive in a cell ever since that day, and Law doesn’t know he’s been alive all this time because he got freed by Corazon. And while he’s in Dressrosa captive in Doffy’s castle, he finally meets his thought to be dead adoptive father who has been tortured, abused, neglected, isolated, and just completely destroyed for those 13 years. But fuck Law would think Doffy was playing a disgusting trick on him, somehow creating a look-alike just to fuck with him. However, he would break down when Corazon, as awkward and clumsy as only he can be, would joke with a croaky, hoarse voice revealing his abuse; “I’m sorry I couldn’t meet you on Swallow Island”.
And then Law would know. He would fucking know everything he’s been fighting and planning for the past 13 years, that vengefulness and emptiness inside of him, was for nothing. It was created by Doffy for nothing. What he had wanted ever since that godawful day was right in front of him, but his smile had been ripped away. The symbol he so proudly had displayed on his back, the symbol of his life, was taken away from the one who had inspired him so much. His savior was no longer one who smiled with his whole face, he was just the shell of a man he used to be. The life in his eyes had been sucked out completely. And that was even worse than him being dead, wasn’t it?
When everything was said and done and Dressrosa was finally freed, Law and Corazon would cry, Law wailing and sobbing into his adoptive father’s chest, and MY GOD SENGOKU WAS THERE TOO. He too would feel like he saw a ghost, his old mind wanting to mess with him, but there he was. His son, his beautiful, kind Rosinante. The son he lost all those years ago, the one that had only lied to him once, a lie that cost him his life. He was standing right in front of him. And it was like he was taken back to the first time they met, seeing that young, lost boy malnourished and distressed in front of him. And he even had a grandson this time around, and though he was a pirate, he was now a part of the family.
I would want for Corazon to join Law, it would be awful for them to part again. For 13 years Law hadn’t had a peaceful night’s sleep without nightmares and noise, his days had been full of bad memories lurking over him, haunting his every move, that day never leaving his mind. And Corazon couldn’t refuse his son, now an adult, his company, promising he would never abandon his side. And after 13 years, Law finally experienced peace in his mind. Well, the only exception being the strawhats.
He would never admit it out loud, but Law would never let his dad out of his sight, giving him tasks that provided him the safety of keeping the gentle giant close at all times. The first thing Law did when Corazon joined him would be to sit down with him and ask what Doffy had done, if there were any injuries that needed an inspection, anything. But secretly he wanted to know what the hell he had been forced to endure the last 13 years to be so different, feeling like he was the one being positive, contradicting their earlier roles. It would take a long time for Corazon to get used to being himself and free again, and Law would cry softly at night, going right back to where he was 13 years ago right after losing his entire world. He almost didn’t notice how quiet it was at night, just like it was those 6 months alone with Corazon. Some things never change :,)
Okay ehm I have to stop there and continue…. His power!!!! His power is so underrated, if that man wasn’t nice and was on plan with his brother, just imagine the destruction they could do??? It’s insane. AND who gets the best sleep in the entire world???? This guy <3
I also headcanon that he knows sign language, it just makes sense and would be cool. More people should learn it (and yeah, Doflamingo knows it too and teaches the kids the filthiest and meanest signs known to man). Writing on a piece of paper is an exhausting form of communication, using signs is better.
Okay, so very self-indulgence, you say??? 👀 I do nothing BUT think of that, I am a proud self-shipper so this will mostly be about me haha (will most likely be a bit nsfw too, since I’m on my period)
Okay so I am chubby, I have thick thighs, arms, rolls on my back, and hella chub on my tummy, and I just imagine Cora as someone that would go fucking crazy over that (he doesn’t care about body types and size etc, though, he would fo crazy for anyone), when it comes to his sweetheart, he’s on his knees as soon as they are in his field of vision. I would be his favorite pillow fr 🫡 He would also fawn over my stretch marks and trace them whenever he got the chance and say how beautiful they were and kiss and lick them asdfghjkl I also have hella boobs and ass, so I’m just a really squishy person in general, I could be his personal stress ball <3 whether it’d be wholesome or sexual stress relief, I don’t mind, he can use me for whatever whenever he wants. I am at his disposal 24/7, if I could serve him for the rest of my life I WOULD WHERE DO I SIGN UP, I’M READY
We would bond over our clumsiness and exchange stories about our scars and broken bones (and you bet your fucking ass he would kiss all my scars and places I’ve been hurt). We would have to proof our shared living spaces as to not get hurt, and he would have to use the kitchen as little as possible. This man is literally Spencer Shay and I cannot afford to buy a new house every week because he’s an accidental arsonist.
Cora would cry when Law start school tbh both out of joy that this traumatized little guy is finally living a normal life and is safe, and because his little baby bird is taking a leap out of the comfort of their nest. He’d be horrendous with helping Law with him homework as he grows older, seeing as that boy is smart as HELL. But Cora is the greatest emotional support you can ever get!!! He’s literally a personal hype man for everybody he loves <3
He’s not really good at first aid (because he can’t do much with his hands without dropping something or mess it up - except for fingerfucking or otherwise worshiping you with his hands, that he does perfectly). We got just a little glimpse of that when he asked Law what to do when Law fell sick and he panicked, my poor husband :,)) He’s (just like me) not the best under pressure, but it’s okay
He would honestly LOVE to go shopping, he would be the one forcing me out of the house. He would make a family day out of it and force me and Law with him to buy what we wanted. He’s a giver and loves to spoil. His love language is primarily acts of service, but gift-giving is high up there too. And physical affection. And quality time…. And words of affirmation. He just loves to love and loves to be loved.
I feel like he’s good at baking??? Like a secret talent you’d discover and be baffled over, because this giant man covered in scars, has a deep ass voice and used to be part of one of the most dangerous pirate groups like to make cupcakes? That’s too cute, he’d be the dad all the moms in the neighborhood would gossip and drool about - AND I WOULD LAUGH AT THEM BECAUSE HE’S MINE HAH 🫶 also I love to bake, when I have the money, so it would be a lovely activity to do together
He’d figure out whenever there would be clear sky nights, and bring a cute picnic set and blanket so that our little family could watch the stars, and if we were lucky, meteor rain. I just like to think that he’s infatuated with the universe, stars and the moon, especially when he was undercover in the Donquixote Family and were on the open seas. He’d ask to have the night shifts so that he could be alone in the crow’s nest, and the sky would become his greatest comfort and he couldn’t resist muttering small wishes; a hope for a better future. And he can’t help but get emotional when he looks at the tiny family he created, his favorite pair of eyes admiring the sky that fulfilled his wish.
Okay fuck I probably have a lot more headcanons, but I can’t think of anymore, so let’s get over to the juicy stuff <3
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This man is BIG he’d prolong and resist having full-on penetrative sex as long as he could, he wouldn’t give in until you persuaded him into it, and could take at least two of his fingers without any problems (and honestly, even that took a lot of time for your body to adjust to). This man is 3 meters tall, he’s PACKING. His hands are gigantic too, they make lovely necklaces <3
As a heavier girl, I love that he could easily pick anyone up and just fuck them like that, MANHANDLING IS SUCH A TURN ON DEAR GOD I NEED THIS MAN. Not that it would be his favorite position, though, he wants to be above you, but because of the size difference, it doesn’t really work that well. But if he has to break his back just to look into your eyes as he fucks you deep, showing you how much he loves you, he will.
He wouldn’t mind you riding him at all though, allowing his hands to freely roam your body, seeing you bounce on top of him as you used him to your pleasure??? Sign him UP, he fucking loves being used, doesn’t matter if he cums or not honestly, he’ll get off of you reaching your peak because of him. And if he ever saw a belly bulge, he’d be embarrassed over how turned on he gets at the bump standing out of your stomach.
FUCKING BODY WORSHIP ALL DAY ALL NIGHT BABY he’d make you feel like a goddess with they way he’s always complimenting you, everything about you being perfect in his eyes. He’d feel bad about leaving marks at first, but when he sees how good you look with the reminder that you’re his all over your body, he would never let you go without them. If you marked him?? Oh dear god he could die happily, he would be so proud and talk about it all day and would beg you to make more marks. Raking your hands down his broad muscular back, clawing at his chest, or grabbing his sides??? He didn’t mind, he would almost faint at the view of your hands’ work in the mirror. He’d feel so proud.
Okay shit now my brain is out of juice, and can’t pump out anymore, BUT THANK YOU FOR THIS TED-TALK, HOOLIE I really needed it <3 sorry it got so long
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justalilmc · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a doctor who and game of thrones matchup? I’m 20, she/her pronouns and bisexual. For personality I’m creative, introverted, structured, and individualistic. Though I’m introverted, around my friends I can be quite talkative, humorous and outgoing. Though I do get snappy if I’m forced to socialize. I love and treasure my alone time in the bat cave of my room the most. I’m currently in art school working with technology mediums. I love my practice and everything from digital illustration to creative coding. Im currently trying to figure out 3D modeling and printing! Once I get in the zone, there’s no stopping me on an art or design idea. As for hobbies, i love escaping to new worlds while reading books and comics, watching movies, and playing video games. My favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi. I have a tendency to read novels and watch their adaptations at the same time analyzing the differences. I also start multiple books at the same time oops. These stories are definitely inspirations of my art as well. Apart from that, I do love working out and weight lifting. I used to also kickbox a lot and definitely want to get back to it sometime. Thank You!
Hey!!! So glad someone finally picked Doctor Who, it is simply my favorite show in existence. Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy!
1.) Doctor Who
I ship you with Clara Oswald!
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- y’all would be so cute together omg
- She is an extremely loyal partner, like she will be there for you no matter what, she’d literally die for u
- She’d want to show you how beautiful the world can be outside of your mind
- She’ll definitely be your personal extrovert, like when y’all are out together she can do all the talking for you
- She’d absolutely insist on seeing everything you create, she wants to be able to see the world through your eyes
- If you travel together in the TARDIS, y’all are always going off and exploring together, taking in the sights
- Y’all would go on lil dates on alien planets, taking in the scenery, looking for places that inspire you
- Together, you could make any place your own, cuddling up in foreign forests, reading, creating art, doing whatever your heart desires at the moment
- You’d also have top tier banter, u know Clara’s a massive flirt
- But she’d only have eyes for you, she’d love you as long as she can
2.) Game of Thrones
I ship you with Podrick Payne!
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- I absolutely believe that Podrick would be a top tier bf
- He’s gonna know you so well, like he’ll never ever force you out of your comfort zone
- But like if you wanna try something new he’s not gonna say no
- He’d be so supportive of you and your art
- If you ever drew him he’d get so freaking flustered omg
- I feel like y’all could train together, he’d make sure you’re able to defend yourself
- Like he’d wanna respect you as an independent woman, but if anyone messes with you, he’s throwin hands
- He’s literally chivalrous af just because that’s how he is
- He’d absolutely love to listen to you talk or watch you draw, or if you don’t like to be watched, he’d just sit with you
- This man is truly a simp for u
- Y’all r the type of couple to just be able to be together, without even having to talk or anything, it’s just comfy and safe
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A request from this thirsty fellow — being in a poly relationship with Klaus Mikaelson and Stefan Salvatore I know you've written them already but i crave for more But ! I totally understand if you don't have motivation rn it's okay no problem JUST KNOW I LOVE YOUR WORK 💞
thank you angel! and i understand the craving, trust me — so, you ask and you shall receive 😩
you have these fossil men reduced to hopeless simps
and they have each other reduced to balls of fluff
they will both come up behind you and gently entangle their arms over your waist and pull you back into their chest
you have to settle so many debates for these two.
‘y/n, love, will you please tell our boyfriend that he’s wrong and i have the best hair out of us two’
‘y/n, sweetheart, please inform nik that he is extremely incorrect and overall uneducated on the matter of what actually good hair looks like’
baby i’m sorry but you’re never gonna catch a break with these two
nik will randomly request that the two of you pose together and then he’ll spend hours drawing you, music playing in the background
you love seeing the soft moments between klaus & stefan :)
when klaus tucks stefan in after a long day and presses a kiss to his forehead with adoration in his gaze
or when stefan blushes at the range of adoring nicknames that klaus has for him
or when they both apologise at the same time after an argument and end up goofily grinning at one another
they always put your needs above their own
‘have you eaten today?’ when they haven’t even had a blood bag or any sustenance for a while
you go to concerts sometimes together bc stefan is actually quite a fan of various singers/bands
and you all get separation anxiety so therefore you must go together
klaus protectively wraps his arms around both of you and acts as an affectionate bodyguard
he glares at anyone who steps in your personal space which is practically everyone around
if either of you want to see better he will unabashedly hold you in his arms and hoist you up high so you get a good view
klaus will definitely be reluctant at first but gives in when you and stef start pouting
your fav photo is one where klaus is in the middle — you and stefan each sitting on one of his thighs, kissing either of his cheeks as a soft smile twitches at his lips
stefan’s fav photo is one where he had pushed klaus so his head was resting in your cleavage and the hybrids face was bright red, he ( stefan ) was mid laugh and you were sticking your tongue out at the camera — eyes happy and mildly intoxicated
klaus’ fav photo is when you’re sitting on his lap, sideways, and both him and stefan are tickling you with wide grins as you throw your head back in uncontrollable laughter
all the photos are placed around your shared bedroom along with the drawings and paintings nik has made <3
stefan put both yours and his ringtones for klaus as ‘wolves’ by selena gomez and marshmello
klaus retaliated by putting yours and his ringtone for stefan as ‘bunny, bunny, bunny’ by the golden orchestra
if either you or stefan can’t sleep then klaus will stay up with you and tell you stories from his life in a soothing, hushed tone to hopefully lull you to sleep
adding the hand combing through your hair
most adorable & most chaotic couple!
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southern-skies · 2 years
Rating all of Dream’s historical looks in The Sandman
Because I’m bored, sleep deprived and now suddenly hyper caffeinated in an airport at 4am. So it’s unlikely to be coherent.
Mostly about his hair (but also his outfits).
I’m a sandman simp so even the lowest of scores are still kinda high 😉
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I just-
Dream, babe… wHY
I don’t think the transition in the show helped
Just focussed on his face while the hair and everything else changed around him
It’s not great
I mean he’s still Tom Sturridge and he’s still got a (very high) baseline hotness
But we’re quite close to that baseline rn I’m sorry hon
He looks like Noel fielding I can’t unsee it
Also his long sleeves cut diagonally are just hilarious to me
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He looks like a goth dad
Like softcore goth single dad coming to pick their son up from school
Could be kinda wholesome if he tried
Definite bisexual vibes
(Esp w that lil smile to Hob, that just confirms it)
Looks like he has a purse
And the only thing in that purse is eye liner
And a my chemical romance cd
Shirt sleeves permanently rolled up
His forearms are his one (1) flirting technique
Other than that he’s hopeless
Elegant Noel fielding now
Is that… is he wearing a cardigan???
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90% hair gel 10% leather daddy
Fully up to the neck
Good lil catholic boy protecting his modesty
Like he was heavily into bdsm previously then found god but didn’t wanna give up his entire wardrobe
Ok maybe he still does it (I’ve ready your fics I know what he’s like)
He looks like a twink version of andrew lincoln here don’t @ me
Also he’s never looked more angry than in this
Hair is ok but looks like he wanted to experiment with short hair but said fuck that and immediately went the other direction
Now thinking of leather clad Christian borle slutty bi shakespeare in something rotten
He would’ve absolutely tried to fuck the lord of dreams (and probably succeeded)
Dear lord
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Esp with the throne like chair he’s in
Ngl actually really like it
Bet his hair is really soft…
And just his face looks so soft in this too
His genuine compassion for Hob surprising even him
I feel like red lipstick would enhance the look
And I’m sure he has begrudgingly let Desire style the long hair
Grumbling the entire time
But a week later he’s following all their hair care tips to the letter
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Definitely one of Desire’s ideas
They probably gave him a whole colourful array of choices for hair accessories
But then was pissed off when all he chose was a black satin bow
“Brother, darling, really? Of course, I love your aesthetic… but really?”
He looks like Dick Turpin.
He’s an emo pirate.
He could shiver my timbers
I don’t know why I love this look so much
He just looks so put together
And gay
Slutty gay
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Hair is a bit basic again (sorry my boy please forgive me I love you)
(I guess it’s cuz I know the beauty of what is coming next…)
So it doesn’t hit the same
But I certainly love his baby steps into the world of short hair
I’m a whore for a suit so I’m here for that
Also just general respect to morpheus changing his look with the times (and as human culture changes) instead of staying stuck with his original look since the dawn of time
Flexible king *wink wonk*
Can picture him sat in a leather armchair by a fire sipping on red wine and reading a book (or brooding after his breakup)
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My god
I just-
Honestly in love with this man
And the soft black clothes underneath that fucking trench coat.
Goddamn I want that trench coat.
Like fuck all of dream’s tools, I’m coming for the coat.
And Dream himself…
I don’t know if it’s just the fact this is his main look and it’s the one I’ve been staring at for hours
But I do love this look so much
So otherworldly
Transcends time and space
The comfort of it whilst also being his uniform
Like it can be super intimidating
But he’s also able to relax when he sits down with Hob
He looks so happy omg I’m gonna cry
A modern emo goth (with the occasional feeling)
Fuck me…
Feel free to tell me I’m wrong in the replies, I frequently am ;)
P.S. Tom Sturridge i love you king and you’re beautiful no matter how you look xx
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uchiha-slut-fiction · 2 years
if you are looking for another request--can i have some kisame x reader x kakuzu? either headcanons or a fic, whatever you're feeling! reader-chan has wormed their way into not one but two terrifying beefcake's hearts <3
Okay but I actually love this. Why I haven’t thought of those two together, I don’t know. No worries reader-chan, I’m on it! 😤
I am gonna warn y’all ahead of time this will be NSFW.
Kakuzu x Kisame x Reader Poly Headcanons
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They would be one hell of a duo to go to bed with let me just say that.
Good top, bad top (credits to @liddytheweeb for that one)
Kisame would be so sweet and praise you the entire time. “You’re such a good girl for me. Look how pretty.❤️”
Kakuzu is the polar opposite. “That’s it. Take it like the fucking whore we all know you are😈”
Kisame would be offering gentle kisses and would stroke your hips as he fucked you from behind. Gentle and sweet, just like you. (His exact thoughts)
Kakuzu is gonna pull your hair and beat your pretty little ass. And don’t you dare try to run from it (or maybe do, he secretly loves that shit).
They both have a thing for overstimulation. If you cum so hard you cry, mission accomplished!
Kisame has a period kink.🩸 He just does, we all know it. And he knows damn good and well that orgasms reduce period cramps so it’s a win-win situation.
Kakuzu has an exhibition kink too. If it’s just the two of you he likes to fuck you with the door cracked just enough. 🚪Just the idea that Hidan might catch a glimpse of what belongs to him is enough to make him absolutely feral.
Sometimes Kakuzu and Kisame sneak up on you and just start kissing you in all of your favorite places. 😩They like catching you off guard. Keeps you on your pretty little toes.
They are both protective as fuck. If they even suspect someone is planning to do anything to you, they’re on it. Nobody could get a hand on you if they tried. It’ll be the last thing they do.
Ultimately, even though Kakuzu treats you like a whore in bed, he worships you. Not outwardly simping for you like kisame, but he’s more quiet with his love. He leaves you gifts around here and there. If you mention that you’re hungry for something specific, you’ll be getting a delivery in about an hour. He’s all about actions. You’ll always be taken care of.
Kisame doesn’t let anyone forget how lucky he is and how proud he is to have you. He’s in love and he’s gonna make it everyone’s problem. Everything makes him think of you. Even if he’s just walking Itachi on a mission and spots a cool rock, he’s picking it up. “Omg they would love this”
They both make it a point to make you feel special. Though they go about it in very different ways, you never forget you are loved and appreciated.
Needless to say you’re gonna be bruised and marked up the next day. But it’s okay, they’re there to make sure you eat and hydrate.💧
Kisame is a god of aftercare. And though he’ll never admit it, Kakuzu had to be taught what aftercare even was. He was fully going to get up and walk out(not to hurt you or be an ass). He just had no concept of it.
Kakuzu, as it turns out, likes aftercare. 🥰Not so much talking, but being in each other’s presence in silence and them both holding you? Priceless.
Kisame loves to run you a warm bath after they ruin you.🫧 Sometimes it takes you a few minutes to recoup, so he’ll just carry you to the bath and help you clean up.
If you call them “daddy” they’re both going to lose it. Absolutely short-circuit.
Kisame likes to be the little spoon a lot. It makes him feel loved after a good fuck session.❤️
Kakuzu prefers to be the big spoon. Not that he refuses to be little spoon, but he’s the protector. In his eyes, he’ll be the one to keep you safe and secure. Just let him have this. He knows Kisame will too but Kisame also has the soft streak.
From time to time Kakuzu needs aftercare for himself.🥺 (As a lot of doms do) so he just wants you to sit in his lap and him cling to you and rock you back and forth. Sometimes it’s just what he needs.
Thank you guys for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed that headcanon. This one made me short-circuit, not gonna lie.😂
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