#and she has to work and study and is a member of her graduating class council
butchkaramazov · 1 month
I’m unsure of how many non-Indians or even non-Bengalis know of this. Regardless of whether you do or do not, I would request you to reblog this post & share awareness about this. DON'T LET INJUSTICE GO UNPUNISHED.
On August 9, 2024, the body of 31-year-old post-graduate medical trainee, Dr. Moumita Debnath, was found partially naked in the seminar room of RG Kar, a hospital in Kolkata. She had just finished working a 36-hour night shift before this and, out of exhaustion, had fallen asleep while studying in the nearest seminar room on the fourth floor of the hospital.
Her family was informed beforehand that she had committed suicide, to which her mother emphasized on the fact that her daughter could never carry out such an act. On further investigation, it was found that Dr. Debnath had been raped and murdered in her sleep.
According to the Deccan Herald,
“There was bleeding from both her eyes and mouth, injuries over the face and nail. The victim was also bleeding from her private parts. She also has injuries in her belly, left leg… neck, in her right hand, ring finger and… lips. [...] “Her neck bone was also found broken. It seems that she was first strangulated and then smothered to death.”
According to Medical Dialogues,
“There were multiple hairs on the mattress and blood was soaked on the blue mattress [...]”
Later, it was found that Dr. Debnath’s glasses were shattered and her eyes were pierced with the shards of her glasses themselves.
Although one of the criminals (Sanjoy Roy) has been arrested, I am certain that there are others involved. In fact, it has been found that Sanjoy Roy, despite being an outsider, was granted access to PG Kar via personal relations with senior police officers.
The chief minister of West Bengal (despite being a woman herself) as well as members other political parties are trying, behind the scenes, to let this case fade away. Why? Oh right, it's really the privileged, upper class & upper caste sons and brothers of ministers who are behind this! No major crime can happen in a country without there being the hand of one or more influential persons, often politically involved.
Sisters and brothers, দিদিরা ও দাদারা, it would be a sin to remain silent in the face of such a crime. Our brave brothers & sisters pursuing medical practise have ceased working in their hospitals to protest against this grave crime against women, against humanity. We cannot let this injustice go unpunished! A crime against a single woman is a crime against all of us! We were born from a woman, raised by a woman—and now, when we see the honour, dignity and life of women at stake, won’t we join the andolan? Won’t we fight for what is right?
Requesting all Kolkata residents (who can) to join in at least any one of the protests mentioned below. There are provisions for elderly & disabled people. Men are invited to join us as well.
For those who want to join the Reclaim the Night protest at 11:55 p.m., please refer to this list of contact numbers (according to your region) provided by Miru Didi ( @arachneofthoughts )
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Take hold of the night! We have always been told to stay wary of nighttime and the dangers, manifested in the form of cruel men, we may face. Not anymore—we must reclaim the night! How much fear is fear enough? If anyone wants to know further details and the phone numbers regarding this first event, please DM me.
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Blowing the conch has always been a signal of strength. In traditional Bengali culture, it is almost always the women who blow the conch, be it in Durga Puja or the everyday pujas carried out at home. It was, and always will remain a sign of victory over evil. At 11:55 p.m., all those who cannot join the midnight assembly (the aforementioned event) can, instead, blow the conch from their own houses! Let them know you're not afraid. Let them know you've had enough. Let them know that once a revolution starts, especially one spearheaded by women, takes a long, long time to end.
[Please Note: These protests are not personally organised by me. I simply am in touch and will be attending the protest tonight.]
If you can, please do take the time to sign this petition below (courtesy of Miru Didi @arachneofthoughts) to aid our efforts:
If nothing, please do take the time to share and reblog this post wherever you can! DON'T LET RAPE GO UNPUNISHED!
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veeaziel · 2 years
currently that time of the month and im starting to feel every sad, angry, irritated, icky feeling from the past 2 months all at once but also not?? and also a tiktok popped up with the song "it's time" by imagine dragons and i just immediately teared up and now i wanna cry of nostalgia
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luvvyouforever · 4 months
headcanons : med student!abby anderson x liberal arts student!reader ᥫ᭡
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content: wlw relationship. modern college au. ramblings of fluff, maybe a touch of angst but nothing heavy. enjoy <3
a/n: my authority for writing this you ask? i'm an english major who gets asked regularly what i am going to do with my degree! also this is my first time writing about abby i just had to get this idea out of my head and on to the screen.
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-abby decided at a young age to follow in her father's footsteps and become a doctor as well. she committed herself to studying science and math as a kid and occasionally disregarded her other studies like music, art, and english. she did enough to keep a 4.0 GPA but her heart was in science tournaments, young medical professional groups, and ap bio.
-she got into one of the best schools in the states for medicine and was a stellar student in organic chemistry, anatomy, and neurology. she knew she was going to do great on her MCAT, but unfortunately, she wasn't doing so great in some of her gen ed classes and it was impacting her gpa.
-that was how she found herself in a tutoring center in one of the older buildings on campus that was shockingly different from the science buildings she spent all of her time in. she had an appointment with you, but was so nervous to go and admit that she was having trouble in something as simple as art history or literature or communication.
-when she sat down to have her appointment with you, you immediately calmed her nerves and assured her that there was nothing wrong with needing some help in classes she wasn't comfortable in. you helped her ace her quiz and then she just kept coming in to see you. over and over. until she eventually passed the class with an A and no longer needed your assistance.
-and then, as luck would have it, abby got her own job as a tutor for science courses and who happened to walk in but you! the tutor who helped her pass her own difficult course.
-it was history from there.
-despite abby's commitment to her education, she was always able to carve time out of her schedule to be with you. she loves studying with you and filling up a room in the library with your stuff to prepare for exams together. she takes a whiteboard and writes all of her notes on it while you're rereading historical texts or revising your final paper about a painting abby doesn't really quite understand.
-she never makes you feel less than for not studying something "more difficult" as people have before. she loves hearing about your passions for history or writing stories or creating art. she'll come with you to art galleries and try to input her own thoughts from time to time about what she thinks certain pieces mean.
-she understands that graduate school applications are just as important to you as medical school applications are for her. you'll do practice interviews with each other and try on outfits for each other.
-abby will not stand for someone making fun of you for your choice of studies. you two once went to a family gathering on abby's side and when some of her family members began interrogating you on how you're going to get a job and even imply that you'll be living off of abby for your whole life, she gets all up in their face and comforts you later! you will not be sending birthday wishes to those family members anymore and she can guarantee that.
-if you guys get accepted in to schools that are long-distance from each other, you'll absolutely make it work. abby is so methodical that she'll never forget to text you and plans out times that either of you can visit.
-if you ever dedicate a piece that you've created in school to her, she'll positively swoon. like if you wrote a poem about her, she would print it out and pin it up on the fridge. if you painted her, she would hang it up on the wall. and she's the best model for those things too
-i imagine that dinners with your colleagues or friends are very random. abby has but a few friends in her residency and they're each as professional as her. you, however, come with a group of lively people who are discussing philosophical ideas or debating about a piece of art history and how its influenced modern culture. it would be an interesting combination to say the least.
-abby would just be so interested in anything you have to do and would never be critical of your choices. she sees the passion you have for things that lie far outside her field and appreciates it. your future apartment that you build years after meeting when you are each established in your dream careers is a mesh of medical textbooks and flashcards and models but also messy journals and thrifted antiques and poems written on sticky notes for her to find.
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spacedace · 1 year
Dannys graduation class is especially liminal thanks to the portal and frequent ghost encounters/ Their overshadowing. Which means, that they subconsciously prefer places with high ecto ambience.
Gotham University already had their fair share of students from amity park, one of the only people outside from Gotham who would actually stay for the duration of their studies (thanks to them being used to ghost shenanigans). But this year its more than usual + even for Gothamites these Amity Parkers seem to be rather unhinged.
(I just need more liminal!Amity Parker shenanigans :D and thanks to WE Gotham has great scholarships available)
I had a lot of fun with this one! Thank you for the prompt!
Robert’s hands shook as he brought the chalk to the blackboard, letter’s jagged and words illegible as he attempted to write the day’s lesson down.
Behind him was a silence beyond what the human mind was ready to comprehend. A room full of people, the sense of others in the room, and yet utter stillness. No soft scratch of pencils on paper, gentle taps of nails upon keyboards, no shifting of bodies or crinkling of snacks or soft murmur of voices of those at the back of the lecture hall whispering to each other.
It was something Professor Robert Herne hadn’t truly noticed before this semester. How much noise humans made even when they were sitting very quietly. Little things the brain filtered out so terribly noticeable until it was gone. The almost imperceptible hush of breaths. The absent hum of a chorus of heartbeats. Things you didn’t realize you were used to hearing until they were suddenly, horribly gone.
The chalk broke beneath his hand.
The students sat in impossible, unbearable stillness, watching him.
They were always watching him.
Unblinking eyes, fathomless and deep and knowing knowing knowing. They looked at him and saw. Empty voids that threatened to swallow him whole if he made the mistake of meeting their terrible, all consuming gazes.
His hand shook harder, the broken chalk in his hold crumbling to fine dust. His breathing came harder, heart pounding. Behind him figures stretched long, twisting and unnatural, more and more unblinking eyes opening to stare at him, mouths stretching, faces warping, skin mottling to impossible shades, sharp teeth and pointed ears. Still as death, unmoving, he could feel the weight of them pressing down upon him from all sides and, and, and -
He screamed.
Miriam Schuster, Dean of Gotham University, sat with her head in her hands at her desk. Outside on the quad yet another of the school’s professors was being carried away on a stretcher, screaming and frantic as his class of students all milled about worried for him at a distance.
Herne was the third one in the past month.
Amity kids, she swore, they got weirder and weirder every year. And unlike some members of the University staff, she was qualified to say that. She was an Amity Park kid once upon a time, she knew her home town was weird. Even before the ghost stuff started happening they had a reputation for being odd. She’d certainly creeped out more than a few of her own professors over the years as a student, and still put some people on edge whenever she forgot to make an active effort to appear more…for lack of a better word, normal.
This year’s batch was weird even by her standards though. Far more ecto-contaminated than the students that had joined the university in previous years and it showed. The entire non-Amity half of several courses had dropped in the first week of the semester. They’d had more dorm-room transfer requests than they’d ever seen before. TAs were refusing to work in classes that had Amity Parkers in them. And the professors…
Herne gave another scream of terror outside, shrieking about silence and eyes and being watched. Miriam sighed again.
The professors were not able to cope with the freshmen class at all.
Scrubbing her face in her hands, Miriam leaned back in her seat and looked down at the papers spread out before her. Transfer paperwork to group all the new batch of Amity kids into the same classes so that they weren’t quite so spread around. Keep them contained, as much as it was possible to do so. The problem with having them all in one place though was that the effect of them being so…well, Amity, was far more intense. Which left her with the question of just who she was going to be able to get to teach these classes.
Gotham was more up to Amity Parker strangeness than just about anywhere else - outside of Amity itself of course - and even the Gothamites where having trouble keeping up. It was going to take a special kind of person to be able to handle them.
Miriam glanced out her window again to where the ambulance was trundling away with Herne aboard to Arkham. The civilian mental facilities hadn’t been up to the kind of psychosis caused by direct contact with this year’s batch of Amity Parkers.
Hmm, she considered. That might be an idea.
She’d have to make some phone calls.
“Alright settle down! I know you’re all a rowdy bunch, but I’m gonna need yous to sit pretty for me for the next hour so we can go over the new syllabus.”
To anyone else, there wouldn’t have been any kind of perceptible difference to the utter stillness of the room. The rows of seated students were as still and motionless as they’d ever been, not even their chests seeming to move as they sat and stared, unblinking.
The new professor smiled widely. “Thank you! And hear I heard yous were all a bunch of troublemakers, ha!” A deft hand snatched up a piece of chalk, drawing large looping letters on the board with plenty of flourishes. “Welcome to Psych 101! You can all call me Professor Quinzel!”
Harley spun to face her class, smiling brightly at the eager gleam in the eyes of her new students.
The class, with eyes a little too bright and teeth a little too sharp and shapes a little too wrong when viewed from the corner of the eye all smiled back brightly. It was such a relief to finally have a professor that actually had her shit together.
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callooopie · 2 months
Modern!Jacaerys Velaryon headcannons (pt. 1)
Yeah my boyfriend’s pretty cool, but he’s not as cool as me — Brooklyn Baby // Lana Del Rey
I look away from my TV for one second only to look back and see Jacaerys mewing at me while a deadly and violent war is being discussed
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You meet at a college party. Definitely. He looks like a party girl. Jace Targaryen(?) (Targaryen? or perhaps Strong in this modern world? Certainly not Velaryon, as I would assume Rhaenyra would have a choice of who she married in this world) gives off either reliable fratboy energy, or kind and quiet student you sit by in your class (He shows you his notes if you missed something. He gives you his number too—just in case you had questions!) Is the type to silently sneak glances at you during lectures. Maybe you even catch him staring once?
Meeting his family is.. overwhelming. On one hand it’s big. Like really big, a little confusing sometimes. On the other hand? Why’s everyone so hot? What are these genes?! His mom, his dad, his half-family members, his friends?!?! You’re sitting there at the family function like ?!?!
Speaking of family—he’s a big family guy. He loves his mom and his dad, he adores his brothers, he tolerates his half-uncles and whatnot. Jacaerys shows you to his mother in her office, and to his father doing work around the house. I believe he would be the type to wrangle and line up his brothers for you and go down the line introducing them. “This here’s Luke, aaand little Joffrey. They shouldn’t give you any trouble—Joffrey’s a little brat though..”
(Joffrey runs up to you and tells you to say skibidi gyat rizz before running off in a fit of giggles—) “…yeah—sorry ‘bout that. He’s in a phase right now..”
When you first meet his mom and dad as only “Jace’s friend” (Rhaenyra and Harwin.. </3) they are ecstatic to meet you. They think you’re lovely! Hip!—is that what the kids are saying these days? Rhaenyra has a knowing look on her face as Jacaerys reminds her that you’re only a “friend” and Harwin goes along like “Oh yeahhh… Jace’s friend.. riiiight” (the label of friend was gone in a week at most. Instead of “Jace’s friend” you were now “Jace’s girlfriend/boyfriend”) his parents saw it coming a mile or two away they weren’t surprised. And they hope you come around more often for dinners and things.
Jace is in a band (with Davos OOP) and Cregan (this dude.. graduated like a year or two before them and they all still hang out?), along with a few others. What? Oh yeah—they do little gigs and stuff. He plays bass, kinda the glue of the team if you catch his drift.. it’s tough work but anything to pursue musical passion right? (“Band practice” consists of smoking weed and watching shitty YouTube videos in a garage. They can and do play though so.. you guess it works?)
If you tag along with that merry bunch.. please know you’re babysitting now (mainly Jace and Davos. Cregan disappears but reappears when needed most—“kinda his thing”) think of the most stupidest thing two college-age guys could do… and go stupider. Breaking into abandoned buildings, arson, meeting the most suspicious plugs in the pitch black woods or sewers. Not how you’d imagine your Friday night to be spent but here you are. “This guy said he had something CRAZY.. and only for $20–that’s a deal in today’s economy.”
That’s his silly side. Normal every Jacaerys is serious. It’s almost a little off-putting. He’s very reserved as well, although with you there’s some cracks in that stoic facade. He’s the type to have a smile tug on his lips if you take a “sneaky” video or photo of him. Maybe while you both are in a study room and you just need something for a Snapstreak or insta story. Who else should be caught on camera than Jace as he’s deep into a textbook, twirling a pen between his fingers while swiveling side to side in a chair. “Hm? ..what’re you looking at girly? ..me? Pfft—shut up..”
I believe Jace would be the type to have a wide range of music he listens to. Only him. From alternative indie to folk to heavy metal to edm. He’s got range, he’s got tastes. He totally has a vinyl collection (yes it’s by a window and yes there’s plants near it)
Outrageous closet. Not in a bad way, in a really really good way. Probably the best dressed man you’ve ever seen. Things that shouldn’t work together for an outfit, work on him and only him (It’s like the Rhianna effect—an outfit looks ugly on someone else, but on Rhianna? It looks amazing. Iconic) the other way to describe his fashion sense is he dresses like a character from JoJo’s bizarre adventure. If there was an enemy stand user—it’d be Jacaerys.
His bedroom makes you believe in men again. It’s so nice, so cozy and smells so good. Blankets are always cooled, there’s just a sense of security around. HOWEVER. His pillows fucking suck. He’s the type to not replace anything like that unless absolutely necessary. They’re flat, dead, and make your hair slightly oily. He has a mountain of pillows but what good is that if they’re all lacking in support?! “I can open a window if y’want—it gets pretty hot in here sometimes. Hm? What’s up? My pillows? …it’s fine- they’re fine, look at them. You know how expensive-“
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Everything bad about Davos’s car? Forget about it! Jace puts pride into his car. He cleans it regularly (Saturdays are for car deep cleaning, no exceptions) His parents did buy it for him for his 16th birthday. However he’s kept it in a very good condition so. Some stickers will be on the back, but it’s usually like “her body her choice” or “go for green energy” ..based Jace. (If perhaps Rhaenyra is a political figure in this modern world.. you bet your ass Jace is gonna have a campaign sticker for his mom on his car) “Just right over here is my car—lemme get your door. It’s okay if you get it dirty, I’ll just clean it… —although be careful—“
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Speaking of cleaning his car—he will ask you to help him sometimes. Mainly in the summer, when you’re more likely to be wearing an outfit consisting of the smallest and tightest jean shorts and either a tank top or a bikini top. It’s a little hard to wash a car when he’s gripping the sponge tightly and letting his eyes rake down your body—what? No he wasn’t staring. He was looking at something past you. What’s that in his pants? See now you’re just being mean about it—
While Jacaerys partakes in a cigarette now and then, he’s more partial to alcohol. I feel he wouldn’t like the idea of smoking (It’s just things with lungs y’know? ..plus I don’t wanna die before that fucker Davos—“). Jace is a fiend with how he hoards bottles or drinks. Beers, hard alcohols, etc. Dude knows how to throw a whole bottle back like it’s nothing. He keeps a collection of empty bottles for fun (in his closet so his parents don’t find it) or if he lives alone they’re just freely out and around (or maybe still in the closet). “Whaaat? Slow down? Pfft—please, I’m good. Nah this is like water to me now. Have you ever had this?”
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lynxmov · 4 months
✮B-3 TEAM✮
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✧────.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝔹𝕀𝔽𝔽 ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖────✧
Height is 4.6 m. The alt-shape of the moon rover. The role on the ship is an engineer and a medic. He is a kind guy by nature, but he can easily be led to aggression if you break something or put something in his cabin out of place. He has a tendency to mild sadism. He trained in the elite Cybertron Guard.To the crew members with more patience than to everyone else.
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✧────.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝔹𝕃𝔼ℂ𝕊𝕋ℝ𝔸𝕀 ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖────✧
The alt form is a space rover. Height 10.5 m. He is the captain and armorer of the team. A graduate of the Elite Guard with honors. He worked with Ultra Magnus for a while, and then he was entrusted with a personal team himself. By nature, he is a rather cheerful guy, such people are usually called "his own in any company." A true extrovert and leader. It may seem that he is not serious about his status, but this is a mistaken opinion. When it comes to work, this guy is no less serious than Ultra Magnus. He is very sensitive to his team.Hobby - collecting rare weapons.
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✧────.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝔹𝕆𝕌𝕍𝕀 ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖────✧
The role of the ship's pilot and operations operator in the team. Her alt form is the Cybertron plane. She is 7.4 m tall. She can be called an exemplary and very naive girl. She was an excellent student at the academy without missing a single class. She really wanted to become an archivist, but she was redirected to study to be a pilot and a signalman. However, she did not lose her love for books and archives and secretly actively studied the history and other literature of Cybertron. A shy personality, but shows poise and seriousness while working.
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The whole team is in comparison
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hyacintheros · 3 months
Hii! Can you write headcanons for what it would be like for a female reader to share a dorm with marauders?(since first year) Maybe like girls dorms were full?? I know it makes no sense but I couldn't come up with anything else. Thanks in advance 🎀
This is such a thought though, you're cooking with this one, never done headcanons before, but I hope I can deliver your vision dovey!🥰🫡
Maybe there were too many first year females in Gryffindor, I mean record breaking and they weren't expecting it, so some girls had to be accommodated with the boys
Each dorm had 5 beds anyways, so the marauders were happy to host another person c:
First year would be a little awkward, not used to being co-ed, reader would definitely have her curtains drawn 85% of the time, made her own friends outside of the marauders treating them as roommates rather than friends
Second year is a little better, being now more used to the presence of the boys, maybe warming up to Peter's quiet personality, Remus’ bookworm behaviour, then to James’ happy go lucky attitude, then finally Sirius’ flirting. Being more adventurous and actually hanging out with them outside of their dorm, pulling little pranks here and there
By third year, she'd finally been let in on Remus’ Moony escapades, now an honorary member of the Marauders. This is also when everyone pledges to become animagi for Remus’ sake, telling the reader that she doesn't have to do this with them. She relents, wanting to do her best for Moony! When they all finally complete the animation process, reader finds out hers is a raccoon, earning the name ‘Bandit’, now attracted to anything shiny, like a niffler!
Fourth year is when she starts to realise that maybe there's more to her friendship with the marauders. Keeping her curtains open most nights, reading books with Remus on his bed, often falling asleep there. Listening to Jamie talk about quidditch while she does homework, picking flowers and leaves with Peter, and gossiping with Sirius about McGonagall. Though, she doesn't want to ruin the current dynamic they've got going on, instead, resigning to keeping her feelings bottled
Fifth year has reader in a twist, trying to balance a social life while studying for her O.W.Ls, while also trying to keep her feelings afloat. She spends most time hidden in a corner in the library, a spot none of the marauders are privy to. By Christmas, the boys feel as if they've done something wrong, their best friend and partner in crime won't hang out with them anymore. Before the break, they confront Bandit, needing to repair their friendship before any more damage is done. Confessing her feelings to them in the astronomy tower, she's ready to bolt. Before she can, James pulls her in, expressing that she's not alone in her feelings. Promising to work through a 5 person relationship, they are officially together by the end of the year.
Sixth year comes along, and so do rumours. Hogwarts had never seen a relationship like theirs, confused and oddly weirded out by its nature, turned to bullying the poor girl. She'd often hide out in the dorm after class and before meals, the pressure getting too much at times. Sirius is the one to bash the rumours, standing on the Gryffindor table before Easter break, shouting his undying love for Bandit and the other marauders! The rumours die down after that, and Bandit can finally walk the halls without being ridiculed again.
Last year, seventh year comes, a melancholic air around them, wishing they could spend more and more years at Hogwarts. What will they do after? James wants to be an Auror, Sirius a Quidditch star, Remus an Author, Peter a Herbologist. And reader? She's still trying to figure that out, thus taking all possible courses to help her out later. Most days are filled with endless studying, wishing she knew how to plan her life, yet she still finds time to pull some senior pranks on the younger kids, all harmless and joyful. Graduation comes sooner than expected, eager to see what life will bring across her path.
They all find an apartment in muggle London with the help of Bandit's parents. They had to custom make a bed that would accommodate all 5 of them with much room to cuddle with. James does end up being and Auror, Sirius following suit. Peter is furthering his studies on Herbology and Caring for Magical Creatures, while Remus attends a muggle University for an English degree. Bandit ended up for applying as a Potions teaching assistant back at Hogwarts, her love brewing at the cauldron ♡
I feel like headcanons are supposed to be short, maybe I'm silly *insert that cat voices gif* 
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gen4grl · 8 months
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timeskip zero crew + written bios below !
with the sv cycle coming to an end, i’d thought i’d share my timeskip zero crew designs! friendship and the impact it can have on an individual has always been a key feature of pokemon - with sv easily executing that theme the best. zero crew has an extremely special place in my heart and think i speak for everyone when i say i'm gonna miss this group a lot ♥︎
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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♡ Originally from a small island in the North Paldean Sea. Homeschooled until her family moved to mainland Paldea where she started her public education at Uva Academy.
♡ Socially awkward, clumsy and struggles with organisation. Not the best with words but a fantasic listener. Booksmart and tends to be a people pleaser to a fault.
♡ Despite her awkwardness, is obliviously confident. Confessed her feelings and asked Arven to be her boyfriend after Area Zero, believing it was just a one way crush. Definitely was not and have been dating since.
♡ Was extremely overwhelmed starting school with no clue what direction she wanted her live to go in. After the events of Area Zero and collecting Herba Mystica, realised she wanted to become a pharmaceutical scientist with the goal of making Herba Mystica more wildly available in a medicinal format for people and their pokémon. Cites Director Clavell and Jacq as her biggest inspirations.
♡ Still considers Carmine, Kieran and the former BB League members some of her closest friends. The groups enjoy traveling together between Paldea, Kitakami and Unova together.
♡ Enjoys beers, fried food, karaoke & visiting the night markets in Porto Marinada.
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♡ Graduated with distinctions in all classes but dreams of making a name for herself outside her wealthy family. Currently works fulltime at Uva Acadmeny as a battle studies teacher with the end goal of becoming Champion.
♡ Lives in a high rise apartment in the center of Mesagoza overlooking the battle court. Absolutely loves the lively and fast paced energy of the city.
♡ Despite being extremely outgoing, struggles with making and maintaining friendships. Holds Juliana extremely close to her heart as she believes she was the first person to ever really 'get her'. First came out to Juliana after the groups adventure to Area Zero. Currently crushing on Carmine.
♡ Often mistaken for being a 'tomboy' but has quite alot of interest in typically 'feminine' things but has trouble connecting and expressing this part of her. Particularly likes plushies, collecting perfume and playing piano in which she is extremely gifted.
♡ Detail oriented and enjoys organisation. Wakes up at 5:30 every morning and runs from Mesagoza to Levincia no matter what she did the previous night.
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♡ Only child of the late Professor Turo. Originally withdrawn and standoffish; after learning of his fathers passing, became extremely family & friend focused. Would love to have his own family in the future. Considers Clavell a second father.
♡ Originally specialised in traditional savoury Paldean dishes but developed a love for baking after making Juliana macarons for their first Valentines Day together.
♡ After graduation, worked as a dish hand in a small bar in Porto Marinada. Worked his way up to line cook while occasionally doing pokémon walking and sitting on the side. Currently the manager of the new Mesagoza Patisserie Soapberry location. Spends his income on renovating the lighthouse where he lives with Juliana, Mabosstiff and Miraidon.
♡ Prized possessions include his fathers old lab coat and journals recovered from the Zero Lab. Gifted an oddly familar version of the presumably lost Violet Book by Juliana after her return from stuyding at Blueberry Academy which he keeps in his nightstand.
♡ Due to his unique upbringing and feelings of isolation; is very protective and easily jealous in both platonic and romantic relationships.
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♡ Originally from Hulbury, Galar. Daughter of former Galar champion, Peony. Currently lives in an old industrial loft with Atticus and Giacamo in downtown Mesagoza. Loves city life but misses the small beachtown vibes of her hometown. While developing a closer relationship with her dad after gradution, has no intentions of moving back home to Galar.
♡ Prefers to keep her circle small but cares deeply for her friends to a point of getting herself in bad situations to help them. Still learning how to put herself first in certain sitations with help and advice from Arven.
♡ Works full time for the Pokémon League doing admin work. Does occasional hairdressing on the side mostly for friends and mutuals. Specialises in bleaching and alternative cuts and colours. Originally a brunette - wouldn’t be caught dead with grown out roots.
♡ Has a terrible diet consisting mostly of cup ramen, sushi and whatever the cheapest energy drink is. Sleeps around 4 hours each night after spending her after work hours gaming online with Kieran; excluding Wednesdays where she plays Magic the Gathering with Team Star.
♡ Homebody who loves reading + collecting manga and crafts; particularly sewing and knitting after being taught by Attitcus.
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esggs · 22 days
College Major Headcanons:
[Extra content for Capital - noritoshi kamo x reader, cute college au]
Yuuji Itadori - Media Studies, on a full sports scholarship even though he's not too interested in sports. He doesn't show up to practice that much but carries the team in tournaments. Not really very academically inclined but everyone he meets loves him so much that he's gotten a shit ton of internships and work experience just cuz he's nice to work with. Stays on campus dorms.
Nobara Kugisaki - Fashion Merchandising (yay legally blonde). Another one who's not very academically inclined but does great at the practical aspects of the job. Gets 40% off on tuition, but has some funds from her grandma. also gets money from her fashion blog, part-time jobs at fashion mags, and manages clothing for photoshoots on a freelance basis (if she commits she commits). Saves on residence by renting with Inumaki and Panda.
Megumi Fushiguro - Computer Science with a minor in Math. Full scholarship and bursary grant by the college due to his shitty financial conditions (orphaned and destitute at a young age). Prof Gojo is his legal guardian. grew up in and stays on campus dorms.
Maki Zenin - Star Athlete, literally training for the Olympics. Her degree is in Mass Communications but she doesn't actually have to attend classes cuz the Uni wants her to focus on sports. Disowned by her family. Full sports scholarship and occasionally gets sponsored by sportswear companies. Trying to go pro.
Yuuta Okkotsu - Sociology and Anthropolgy. He enjoys talking to and meeting people and works as a part-time Journalist for local news channels to bring attention to issues like poverty. Gets a bursary grant from the uni, gets paid for and is decently recognized for his journalism work. Both Geto and Gojo want to mentor him. He talks to himself when he's alone but that's a secret.
Toge Inumaki - Architectural Design, chose this degree just for the hell of it, is a solid B+ student. Has a YouTube gaming and ASMR channel with 200k followers but is struggling to monetize it profitably. Got in on legacy admissions but gets a sports scholarship of 30% (he's pretty good at athletics)
Panda - ???
Noritoshi Kamo - Economics and Finance, specializing in Private Equity and Investment Banking. he's the heir of the Kamo Conglomerate. Full legacy admission even though he graduated valedictorian of high school and is the captain of the Archery team.
Todo Aoi - Quantum Physics. he's literally the top student of every class he takes. he keeps taking random other classes from different majors based on his whims. his genius was recognised and personally mentored by Yuki Tsukumo, but is now undergoing formal college education for the certificate even though he already knows all this and more. he spends half the day in the gym and the other half streaming Takada-chan variety clips.
Mai Zenin - Economics and Finance, her family made her take it. good at academics even though she's not super into it. legacy admission.
Momo Nishimiya - Literature and Creative Writing. She posts regularly for a gender and sexuality magazine. loves nobara's blog.
Miwa Kasumi - Computer Science with a minor in Software Engineering. She just wanted a degree that would lead to a well-paying job. Cabinet Member of the Student Council. She vouched a lot for Mechamaru/Kokichi to get disability-friendly accommodation. she struggles a bit with academics but pulls through with A- all around. Kokichi/Mechamaru helps her if she finds something particularly difficult to understand. has her own campus residence but has practically moved in with Kokichi.
Arata Nitta - Health and Medicine, focusing on Emergency Care Medicine. he TAs for Prof Shoko's classes. his sister works in college admin office. has campus residence but mostly stays in the college affilitated hospital, bit of an over-worker.
Mechamaru/ Kokichi Muta - double major in Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering. Another top student of his classes. Found it a bit difficult to adjust to campus life at first (not enough disability accommodation) but with Miwa's help he got around. campus dorm with Miwa.
Gojo Satoru - graduated from top Ivy colleges, has 5 PhDs, and wrote 1000 papers and books, and is the one of the most respected physicist in the world but insists on teaching Intro-level Physics and Math. drives a Bugatti to college. highly competitive relative grading. prescribes his own books for his class. expect a problem set every day after class. gives a lot of individual attention to students tho, n is very nice in general. he'll accept a late submission if u bring him sweets. his lockscreen is prof geto?
Geto Suguru - teaches one class named Ethics, Philosophy and Law every semester. doesn't answer questions over email, only during Office Hours. great at explaining difficult concepts, his course is the one students fight to get into and say "opened their eyes". has a devoted cult of worshipping students, voted student favorite every year. his adopted daughters took a gap year to travel abroad and he talks about them in class. he always has sweets in his pockets?
Utahime Iori - teaches modules on Economics, Politics and Philosophy courses. great teacher, very clear explanations, bumps up the grading slightly (absolute grading) and is very accommodating as a prof. hates getting emails at night tho.
Shoko Ieiri - Shitty ass prof tbh but everyone takes her class cuz she gives everyone an A. teaches Surgical Anatomy. focuses on practical experience rather than theory. she has a no attendance policy and takes few very exams or assignments.
Yuki Tsukomo - Visiting Faculty, takes one super high level class Quantum Physical Theory one semester and comes back after 4 years. Independent researcher funded by the uni.
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neppys-lil-hub · 2 months
Gotham's Newest...hero?
A fanfiction about the newest member in the Bat Family! Luciana Soto has had a...strange life, but it takes a turn for the worst when villains attack her school, Gotham University, and things just spiral from there.
This fic is for fun, it will avoid the "adopted by Batman" trope (sorry), and it does center on a queer women of color! Characters that will get plenty of attention (because of my personal bias) are Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain, but you will see most other Bat Family members and even guest DC characters in certain moments.
This is not a crack/joke story, or a short fic, it is a full blown story with a big character arc, a unique villain, and more!
Chapter 1: I took a bullet for a clown
(4654 words)
“So where will you go for the summer?”
“Hm? I’m sorry, what?” Luciana asked, her gaze returning to her best friend, Stephanie Brown. Stephanie was a pretty girl, with white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was wearing her signature purple hoodie. Today was their lazy day. The one time a week neither had classes and both forced themselves to put homework on hold. Simply to hang out. 
“Oh, I’m going to stay here and take two summer classes,” Luciana said easily, taking a bite of her food. The restaurant they were in was attached to Gotham University, their school, and eating on the outside patio together made this Luciana’s favorite spot. 
“Again?” Stephanie asked, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t you want to see your family?”
“Oh, they understand it,” Luciana replied dismissively. “I’m the first in my family to go to college! The faster I graduate, the faster I can make actual money, and the faster I can help them.”
Luciana was an American-Colombian girl, a child of immigrants. Stephanie had heard the story a million times: How they had trekked from Colombia to Mexico with nothing, waited nearly a year to be allowed in, and then worked odd jobs to pay for the travel to New Jersey. Luciana herself had been born only a few months after they had entered the country, by luck not design, and had put her family on the path to citizenship.  
“Sure, but are you even enjoying college? You’re here for free, Luz, on a scholarship! Don’t you think you should…relax a little?”
Perhaps it was unfair but Luciana always got annoyed when Stephanie pointed this out. It had always felt like a privileged idea to the Latina. Choosing play over her studies. She couldn’t afford to do that. Not when her family was counting on her success. Not after every day they had endured to get her here. But that wasn’t Stephanie’s fault, and in truth Luciana knew her friend was right and wasn’t just being privileged or ignorant. She really cared and Luciana really was a bit obsessed with her studies. 
“I’m relaxing. Right now. With you,” Luciana said with an annoyed voice. “Besides, I have no friends back home, and you live here in Gotham.”
“Fine!” Stephanie said, slamming a hand down on the table. “Then as your friend here, I will ensure this is the BEST! SUMMER! EVER! Even with your classes going on.”
“Oh gods…please don’t,” Luciana groaned, hiding her face in her hands. Stephanie had always been free-spirited, humorous, and adventurous—the opposite of the naive, dutiful, workaholic Luciana. 
“Oh come on! We could do so many things. You can drive, right? We could go to the beach, the boardwalk, Cape May, the theater, the movies-” Stephanie kept rattling off a list of wonderfully distracting activities for the summer, still standing in front of the table as she babbled off. Luciana couldn't help but sigh, her eyes softening as she watched her friend get excited.
Then Luciana heard an explosion. She only had a moment to think What? Before the shockwave sent her, Stephanie, and the other people eating around them to the ground. Glass broke. Tables flipped. Food fell on top of innocent students. People began screaming all around them. Luciana’s heart was racing as she looked up, first seeing that Stephanie was on the ground but alright, and then looking around. Next to the restaurant was a grass-covered quad, and across the quad, there was a new, large, smoking hole. A van began to drive off the street and across the grass, sending panicked students running in all directions. It was covered with pink and green graffiti, with faces drawn on the sides, and random words like “hi!” and “Robber Mobile!” painted on too.
“Everybody out! Down the street!” Luciana yelled, just as men and women with guns and white masks began climbing out. She pushed herself up and grabbed the girl beside her, easily lifting her. “Go down the street! Call the cops! Don’t stop!”
Then she grabbed the next. And the next. Others started to recover from the blast themselves, some running away down the street as well, many simply looked around in shock, and more watched the criminals pull out the van and walk into the building across from them.
“Come on! GET UP! DOWN THE STREET!” Luciana yelled over the chaos, her voice clear and firm. More students seemed to come out of their daze. Finally, as the patio appeared empty, Luciana turned to Stephanie. “We need to-”
Her heart leaped out of her chest. Stephanie was gone. So was her stuff. The criminals were across the quad and in another building, not threatening them. But it seemed Stephanie had just run. Without grabbing Luciana or even making sure she was ok. The Latina felt a lump form in her throat, but gunshots rang out and brought her back to the present. She hit the deck and covered her head, looking up for the culprits. More gunshots rang out from the building the criminals had entered. Too far to threaten Luciana but surely there were more students there. 
“Fuck…” Luciana muttered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” 
Luciana stood up and dashed inside the restaurant and towards the school. Her adrenaline was skyrocketing, her jaw clenched, and she was more afraid than she'd ever felt before. She made her way through the halls, looking to evacuate any students or (gods forbid) any wounded. As she sprinted out of the restaurant she first noticed the alarms weren’t on, so she pulled the closest fire alarm she could find. The ringing began to sound out through the building. Not just this one but any attached buildings as well. The food court, the sciences building, and the engineering department. They’d all start heading outside if they hadn’t already.
Without a second thought, the young woman was on the run again. She went down a hallway and towards the voice calling for help. She was quick to spot the victim- A black girl younger than her sitting among the glass of a broken window. She had small bleeding cuts over her and a nasty bruise. 
“Hey, I’m here! It’s ok, come on,” Luciana started. “I got you, si? Vamos.”
“I- I can’t- I-”
Luciana had never seen someone go into shock but she assumed this must be it. At least it was similar to what she had seen in movies. Without hesitation or talk she closed the distance, her tactical boots crunching on the glass, and lifted the girl. She grunted but the girl was skinny and, thankfully, Luciana had always been strong. She carried her a few feet away and set her down away from the glass, looking over her.
“Hey, it’s ok. I’m gonna help you, yeah? And then you’ll be safe,” Luciana said in a soft and reassuring voice, gently looking over the girl, pulling her arms out to see if they were injured, and looking over at her back. 
“H-H-Harley Quinn,” she sobbed, her face a mess of tears. “They- they shot into the roof. They-”
“Did she say where she was going?” The Latina asked, ripping off a piece of her white linen button-up and tying it around a particularly nasty gash on the girl's arm. She knew she had to keep a level head. The girl would stay calm and anything she learned she could tell the police. 
“The Applied Physics Lab,” the poor girl said, watching as Luciana tied a knot with the fabric from her shirt. 
“Ok, cool,” Luciana said. Her major didn’t require her to go to that lab. She had no clue what a supervillain could want with it. “Well, if someone like Harley Quinn is here, we need to go.” She offered the injured girl a hand, standing up. “Yeah?”
The girl watched Luciana for a few moments, who smiled reassuringly, and then slowly took her savior's hand. Luciana was quick to pull her up and guide her by the shoulder, walking briskly towards the restaurant and the outside. The girl she was helping still seemed in shock and not all there as Luciana kept a vigilant eye out, checking every corner and constantly behind them. When they turned a corner, nearly at the restaurant, that’s when both girls heard a gruff voice.
“Stop!” A woman ordered. Luciana heard a distinctive Click! of a gun’s safety going off. “Don’t move!”
“It’s ok, it’s ok,” Luciana reassured. The girl she was helping froze completely, eyes wide with fear. “Just follow my lead, si? Come on.”
“Turn around slowly,” the voice ordered. Luciana nodded, still guiding her rescue by the shoulder until both of them had turned to face one of the criminals attacking the school. A woman dressed in all black, with a white mask, and an AR-15. She was flanked by two men sporting the same gear. 
“Seriously, there’s only these two?” One of the men asked. 
“Taking hostages was an afterthought- She didn’t think there’d be a safe to crack,” the other sighed.
“Zip it, both of you,” the woman said, giving her new hostages a nod. “Alright, we don’t want to hurt anyone else. You listen to what we say and everyone will be fine. Do you understand?” 
“Yes,” Luciana answered for both of them, but the student she was helping began to panic. Her breath was quickening and she swallowed hard. Her eyes looked around as if she was getting ready to bolt. Luciana squeezed her shoulder in warning.
“Alright, they’re going to approach you and cuff you. Don’t fucking move,” the woman warned. She then gave her partners a nod. 
The two men began to approach. They let their rifles hang off their shoulders as they both took out handcuffs. One approaching Luciana and one approaching the other girl. Then things started going wrong.
“Wait!” Luciana yelled, feeling the student she was holding move. 
The girl ran. The woman aimed her rifle, ready to fire. One man seemed ready to grab the student and the other was still about to grab Luciana. The Latina moved as if time had slowed down, as if she could react at a higher speed, although everything only took a few moments. She grabbed the man about to cuff her by the balls and throat, surprising him greatly, and as he made a choking sound she pushed him into the woman. She cursed and raised her rifle, firing at the roof as both of them fell to the ground. The third criminal grabbed Luciana from behind, forgetting the escaping student when he heard his partners struggling, and Luciana screamed angrily as she felt her arms get pinned to her sides. She made a loud growl, almost like an animal, and slammed her foot into his. He cried out in pain as she pushed back with all her weight and knocked them both to the floor.
“Fucking grab her, there’s no one else!” The woman ordered. 
“Get the fuck away from me!” Luciana yelled back, pulling one arm free from his loosened grip. She punched him in the face once, twice, three times and he finally let go.
“Don’t shoot her!” The woman ordered again, stopping the man next to her who had raised his rifle. That was a mistake. Clued into the fact they’d no longer shoot Luciana did the most logical thing: She ran. 
Sprinting had never been her forte. She had loved cross country. She loved tests of endurance. But at this moment, filled with adrenaline and panic, she may as well have been the Flash. She thought of nothing but pushing her legs to move faster and faster, arms swinging tightly beside her, tight breaths forcing their way out of her lungs. She quickly began to outpace the slower criminals, her shirt flapping in the wind. Luciana ignored any corners and turns, focused solely on going as far as she could without stopping. She passed a sign that said “Applied Physics Lab.”
Wait, wasn’t that where the criminals had gone? Was Luciana’s last thought before a wooden bat appeared from around the corner and swung full force. She didn’t even have the time to cry out before it hit her, stopping her dead in her tracks and knocking her flat on her back. Pain exploded in her head and her vision went dark, white spots dancing in the void. 
“I knew you guys were useless!” An oddly cheery female voice said, with a Brooklyn accent. A hand grabbed Luciana by the hair, forcing her to sit up. The student cried out in pain, blinking her eyes repeatedly. “I heard you shooting and came to check it out. Didn’t I tell you not to kill these poor kids?” 
“One of them ran,” the woman’s voice answered as she caught up, panting from the chase and leaning on her knees. Luciana heard the footsteps of the men catching up after her. “I reacted. But no one got shot! It’s all good.” 
“Ugh…” Luciana groaned, her vision slowly coming back. She could hardly think with the throbbing in her head. She blinked again to see the blurry version of Harley Quinn. Pale skin, blond hair tied into two pigtails, the tips of one dyed pink and the other blue. She was wearing boots, knee high socks, shorts, a tiny top, and fingerless gloves. All of it was red and black but coordinated so the color jumped from side to side in a spotted color scheme.
“Oh, you’re ok,” Harley Quinn chided. “I might not be the physical kind of doctor but I promise it’s just a concussion. Now, I need ya, but if you’re good I’ll make sure to give you to the police. Deal?”
“Maldito puta de mierda,” Luciana muttered quietly, weakly grabbing Harley’s wrist with both her hands and vainly attempting to tug her off. The hit had completely sent her body out of whack. It was like punching someone in a dream and having no strength at all, or being a flimsy marionette.Frustrating. Weak. And feeling not in control.
“I’m gonna take whatever that was as a yes!” Harley cheered. “You two: Grab her. Don’t let her run off again. The safe will be open soon.”
“If the safe’s not gonna take awhile then why did we need a hostage at all?” One of the men asked as both of them grabbed Luciana. The woman pulled her arms back and cuffed them together. 
“It’s called insurance, duh,” Harley replied, walking away. 
The three thugs, with Luciana cuffed and in tow, followed Harley deeper into the Applied Physics Lab. She groaned loudly, her head hanging and her feet dragging, as they took her. They went all the way to the end of the hallway where another two lackeys were kneeling in front of a wall. Luciana looked up as the group stopped walking, seeing the two were working on a safe. Or, seeing a blurry image of two figures curled over a piece of wall.
“What’s in there anyways boss? It’s gotta be worth a lot of money to raid this place in broad daylight, with all the kids,” one of the men asked.
“Do I pay you to talk or get the job done?” Harley asked, tapping her foot impatiently as the lock of the safe was slowly fiddled with. 
She’s hiding something, a small voice in the back of Luciana’s head said. She’s hiding something.
“Harley…Quinn…” Luciana groaned, each word making her head pound. 
“Hm? You’re still awake? Gosh, you’ve gotta feel terrible!” Harley said with a grin. Luciana frowned as she watched. Her words were humorous, cruel even, but her face…it held the tiniest bit of concern.
“Why don’t you tell them the truth?” Luciana said through gritted teeth, each word was a battle.
“Excuse me?” Harley asked, immediately narrowing her eyes in annoyance. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh, come on, deflecting from the guy’s question? Tell them what’s in the safe.”
The two men working on the safe did not stop, but one did look over his shoulder. The other three watched Harley carefully. Luciana had realized they had not been briefed on Harley’s prize. 
“Well? What are we risking so much for?” The woman, who Luciana had pegged as the ring leader by now, insisted. “You promised this score would get us paid.”
“Oh shut up! What would this brat know about anything? You’re gonna get cold feet with me because she’s running her mouth?” Harley demanded. She leaned back, crossing her arms and giving her hired help a judgemental look. But Luciana could hear the tension in her voice. She saw how Harley was still gripping her bat. 
“You know, word on the street is you’ve gone soft,” the armed woman said. “And I thought it was weird when you worried about hurting the kids here. No sneaking around. Letting most of them get away.” She pulled out a pistol and held it against Luciana’s head. “What’s in the fucking safe? Tell me, and we’ll keep going like nothin’ happened.”
“Hey!” Harley barked, her frown replaced with an angry look. “I’m paying you good money. Don’t do that to her.”
Shit, shit, shit, shit! Luciana thought, her wide and panicked eyes meeting Harley’s. She had intended to cause issues for Harley, if she could, in an attempt to at least buy time. But she hadn’t meant to risk herself further. 
“Then tell us what’s in the goddamned safe,” the thug insisted. She clicked the safety off and Luciana’s heart skipped a beat. This lady did not care. She’d shoot her. Kill her in cold blood. 
“Ugh…well, you’ve done it now kid,” Harley said, giving Luciana a pitiful look. She sighed. “Fine, fine, I’ll tell you.”
Before Harley could reveal the truth a loud Thunk! reverberated through the floor. Everyone turned to the two lockpickers to see they had opened the safe. The large metal door had fallen to the ground, cracking it. One of the lockpickers reached in. 
“Hey! I told you I’d grab it!” Harley complained.
“What is it?!” The woman yelled to her partner, still holding the gun to Luciana’s head. 
Before anyone could speak another word someone else joined the fray. Luciana caught from the periphery of her vision a flash of purple. The woman’s gun was hit out of her hand, clattering to the floor and away from Luciana’s head. Before Luciana could turn her head a series of grunts and blows could be heard. She managed to catch the woman who had threatened her collapsing onto the ground, unconscious. 
“So, you guys want to let the girl go? Or do you all want some of this?” Spoiler asked, her voice full of confidence. Luciana tilted her head, as confused as everyone else by her sudden appearance. 
She was wearing a skintight black bodysuit with a purple bat logo plastered to the chest. Purple boots, belts, gloves, and armor on the torso decorated her. Blonde hair spilled out from underneath the purple hood and sharp blue eyes took in the situation. The vigilante’s eyes met Luciana’s for a moment, her concern clear as day, and then she tensed. 
“Get the bat!” Harley yelled at her goons, grinning widely as Spoiler sprung into action. 
Luciana fell to the floor as Spoiler punched one of the men holding her, the other letting go to raise his rifle at the hero. This time she didn’t try to meddle or help. Luciana held her hands over her head as gunshots rang out, and the quieter sounds of melee combat followed. A second body thudded to the ground next to Luciana. Her head was still pounding from Harley’s blow and she couldn’t even think about getting to her feet. Of running. Instead, she finally looked up. 
Spoiler was left facing the two lockpickers, armed with rifles and knives, as well as Harley Quinn herself. The lockpickers had been smart enough to keep their distance, waiting for a shot and bagging whatever was in the safe, while the women fought in a deadly dance. Spoiler was aggressive and unrelenting, with no order to her blows. She punched, kicked, spun, and threw random objects as they appeared in her sight. Harley was just as unpredictable, giggling and smiling as she nimbly dodged the hero’s attacks, or simply deflected them with her bat. 
They’re not serious, the voice in the back of Luciana’s head said. 
Luciana narrowed her eyes, watching as Harley glanced at the two lockpickers. Spoiler threw another punch but hesitated for a fraction of a second. Almost intentionally. The villain took advantage to grab her wrist, spinning her into the wall between the other two thugs harshly. Luciana flinched. 
Luciana watched as Spoiler quickly recovered from the blow, beginning to fight the last two hugs. She was making short work of them. Harley chuckled and leaned down, grabbing the bag with the contents of the safe, which had been dropped. It was almost like that was rehearsed. Like they were…helping each other? It made no sense to Luciana. None at all. 
“No you don’t,” the woman, who had been knocked out earlier, said. Luciana looked to the left to see that thug get on her knees, hands scrambling to pick up her pistol. Spoiler was still finishing the other two thugs. Harley was walking away with her back turned. The woman picked up her weapon and in a split second Luciana reacted. 
What happened next became very unclear for Luciana. She heard Spoiler scream in anguish and found herself held in Harley’s arms. Her hands, on instinct, were clutching the new gunshot wound in her gut, pressing down weakly as if to stem the blood. Her vision blurred and her head was still pounding from earlier. Thinking became a nearly impossible task. 
“Luciana!” Spoiler yelled. Luciana found some small part of her mind wondering how the hero knew her name, but she couldn’t focus on that question. Spoiler’s hands clutched Luciana’s, pressing down painfully on the wound. “You’re going to be alright. You hear me? Hey?”
“Bats? We need a pick up now,” Harley said, tapping a communicator in her ear. 
They were working together. The realization gave Luciana great satisfaction. The voice in her head had been right. The way Spoiler and Harley’s fight had aroused her suspicion, how perfectly it had been working out for them both, Harley’s reluctance to admit what was in the safe, or to hurt anyone. She had been working with Spoiler. Luciana chuckled softly, groaning in pain.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey” Spoiler said, her voice impossibly soft. She cupped Luciana’s cheek in one hand. Blood stained it. “Don’t laugh. Don’t move. And don’t sleep, ok? Just stay calm. We’re going to get you out of her.”
“I knew Harley wasn’t bad,” Luciana said softly, her mind dizzy. All she could feel was herself slipping away, and that one bit of pride. If she had to get shot for someone at least it hadn’t been a super villain. Not really. 
The world seemed to fade to black. When Luciana regained consciousness she was in a car that was driving way too fast. Someone was sitting right behind her, holding Luciana securely in their arms, and red stained bandages were wrapped around the wounded girl’s torso. 
“What?” Luciana asked softly, her head rising from its slumped position. 
“Hey, are you still with us? Stay awake,” Spoiler’s voice said. She was the one holding Luciana upright in this car. “We’re going to get you help. We’re almost there.” She sounded anxious. Deathly afraid, even.
“Don’t feel bad,” Luciana pleaded. “This isn’t your fault.”
“No, Luci, don’t talk like that,” Spoiler said. “Shut up. You’re going to be fine.”
“It’s not your fault-”
Spoiler took a bottle of water; A large, black, metal one and poured it over Luciana’s head. Suddenly, the world became clearer. She could hear, see, and think better. She could feel her pain more. Luciana gasped and blinked several times, looking around the vehicle. She felt one arm hold her firmly as the other held the bottle to her lips.
“Drink,” Spoiler ordered. Luciana didn’t think twice as she grasped the bottle and desperately downed the rest of it, ignoring the droplets that spilled down her chin. She was just so thirsty. It almost felt like a lifeline- Keeping her aware. 
“Where are we going?!” Luciana asked, panicked. “I- Ugh!” The pain from her concussion (thank you, Harley) returned in full force as she moved. Spoiler pulled Luci back against her. 
“Someplace safe, ok? You don’t have to worry,” she promised. “We stemmed the bleeding. A doctor is going to fix you up. One we trust.”
“Wait, are you talking about, like, stitches?” Luciana asked, swallowing hard. “Or is the bullet still in me?”
“Is the bullet still in me or-”
“Yes, yes it is!” She replied quickly, a familiar tone of annoyance present in her reply. “But it’s ok, we’ve got you. Just keep calm and breathe.”
That familiar tone began to bother Luciana. She tried to look over her shoulder but her gut filled with pain, forcing her to look ahead. She looked down to see blood had leaked and stained her jeans and boots before she got bandaged. A lot of blood. She began to feel woozy at the sight. The effect of the water was short term. Her head was throbbing and her vision was going in and out.
“Hey, you ok? Try to stay awake. We’re almost there, yeah?” Spoiler said, her voice alarmed and full of worry. “Hurry up!”
“Trying!” A voice in front of Luciana and Spoiler called. The voice was awkward. Foreign. But not an accent Luciana herself recognized. She would have tried to take a look at the driver but then their destination came into view: Wayne Manor.
“What…?” Luciana murmured. Her vision was darkening. But why Wayne Manor? Wasn’t that out of the way? Surely, there were hospitals closer to Gotham University?
“It’s ok,” Spoiler reassured once more, her voice gentle. “It’s ok.”
“Ay no,” Luciana murmured, feeling herself losing consciousness. Her head fell back and her vision went dark. Before she lost all sense she felt the car going underground, entering a tunnel or something of the sort, and then she was out.
Finally, Luciana woke up one last time. Her eyes shot open and were looking up at a roof. She felt disoriented and lost. There was some sense that time had passed. Not just a few minutes but a long time. And gods did she have to pee. Her first thought was that she had blacked out. She wasn’t proud of it, but it happened. Sometimes she had too much to drink and woke up with no memories and Stephanie making her breakfast. 
“Ste-” She tried to call out, but her dry throat cracked and irritated, the name turning into a fit of coughing. She covered her mouth and sat up. Or at least she tried to. The pain in her lower right side shifted like a tight thread through her stomach and she groaned, laying back down. 
“Steph!” Luciana called out loudly, one arm shifting to cover her eyes from the light. What had happened, exactly? “STEPH!”
“She is not here,” a strange voice said. The same from the BatMobile. Luciana blinked in surprise and suddenly remembered the drive. The rush. The gunshot wound. 
“Que pasó?” Luciana murmured, lifting her head to look down at herself. Her heart skipped a beat.
An IV drip was inserted in her arm. She was wearing a hospital gown. She was clearly not in her college dorm. Her head had a pounding headache that she was just becoming conscious about, and her gut throbbed lightly. Her heart began racing as a figure stood up from a seat in a shadowed corner and walked into the light, revealing herself.
“Orphan?” Luciana asked, eyes widening. 
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1824deadpoetssoc · 9 months
Spoilers for final episode of BBC Ghosts
So, Ghosts is over. I’ve seen a lot of people talking about being disappointed with the last episode. I’m not at all. I would have liked it to have been longer than the normal 30mins, just so we could get in to some of it a bit more.
Anyhow, I have some thoughts on what the ghosts might like about the hotel, and how Alison might leave the house but doesn’t really leave them. It’s a long one, and I made it mostly for myself as I wanted to get the thoughts out of my head!
So these are my head canons…
Alison returns there regularly to walk in the grounds with them whilst Mike plays golf, they have all their family celebrations there (A second child’s/grandchild’s christening party, wedding anniversary celebrations, graduation parties, milestone birthdays, Mia gets married there etc…), and the ghost come, join in & dance (because they love a party!) and they obviously return for Christmas every year.
I also don’t think the ghosts hate the hotel after a while either. There is an endless stream of guests and staff to keep them entertained. I like to imagine there is still the ballroom for weddings & functions, conference rooms, the library and a games room. I like to think the library contains the history of the house and holds a version of Button House archives for guests who want to know more about the history of the building.
Julian likes to mess about behind the desk with the booking system or follows the golfers around the course throwing shade about their skills. He sits in the members bar of an evening and listens in on the local Tory gossip from Barclay.
Lady Button spies on the guests/staff with faux disgust & gossips about them. The hotel hosts a murder mystery evening and she loves it.
Robin hangs out with the maintenance team & likes to mess with the lights to keep them on their toes. There are several chess boards in the games room, Alison sneaks a “reserved, don’t touch” sign on one of them so he can still play chess with Julian.
The Captain does morning inspections of the grounds, and visits the gym- there’s a PT employed there with very impressive arms (ahem, carry on). When the hotel hosts wedding receptions he is in his element.
Thomas has a dramatic “across the class divide” (his words) infatuation with a chambermaid who is working at the hotel whilst studying for her MA in English Literature. She sees his portrait in the Thorne suite & tells her friends that she finds him attractive and makes him the object of her regency romance style fantasies. This makes him extremely happy (and even more insufferable).
Pat loves the regular quiz nights hosted in the members bar. He still runs all the clubs in whichever function rooms are empty. Very much enjoys hanging out at the breakfast buffet.
Kitty likes to wonder down to the spa and watch people get manicures. She listens in on all the beauticians chatting about their love lives & celebrity gossip. She reads magazines over people’s shoulders whilst they wait for their treatments.
Humphrey also enjoys the members bar with Julian as he likes to hear people joking and having fun. There are a few French members of staff & Robin continues to help him learn the language by listening in on those conversations.
So, for me the Ghosts are able to continue a very happy afterlife, and are still very involved with Alison and her actual life.
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viperixsworld · 1 month
mutant file (logan howlett x fem!oc)
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name: michaela isabella fiore
alias: natura
day of birth: june 22nd, 1968 (32 in X Men 1)
height: 5'6
category: mutant (alpha level)
abilities: chlorokinesis, toxikinesis, toxic immunity, genius
residence: xavier school for gifted youngsters
occupation: doctor and biology teacher
affliction: x-men (since 1990)
state: alive
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"early life"
Michaela Isabella Fiore, born on 22 June 1968, daughter of Paul and Francesca Fiore in the borough of Brooklyn, New York. Both are children of first-generation Italian immigrants to the United States. Working class, they ran a flower shop in North Brooklyn. Currently retired.
The first mutant gene samples are demonstrated in a biology class during primary school. According to the teacher's reports, during an experiment where students were asked to grow a bean in a beaker, Fiore's plant grew "abnormally". Other school reports state that, during high school, girls who were picking on Michaela reported to the teacher that Fiore had planted manure in her lockers. It was never proven.
Michaela continued her studies and was awarded one of the Xavier Scholarships for Gifted and Talented Youth at New York University, where she graduated with a major in Botanical Biology and Toxicology and a minor in Genetics,where she met Sara Kinney. She later obtained her PhD at Oxford, with a thesis on assisted mutation in various plants for medical purposes.
"xavier school for gifted youngsters and X Men"
Since her doctorate at Oxford in 1990, Michaela Fiore has been a registered biology teacher at Xavier School for gifted youngsters. She is also a member of the X Men team, along with Scott Summer alias Cyclops, Jean Grey alias Marvel Girl, Ororo Munroe alias Storm, Kurt Wagner alias Nightclawer and Hank McCoy alias Beast.
However, Fiore's work is more oriented towards laboratory work and the development of new ways to treat the injured mutants who come to the school.
Some field missions are recorded. Despite little hand-to-hand training, Fiore's skills allow her to get the upper hand in a ranged fight.
During the 2000s, the X Men had several clashes with the notorious ex-terrorist Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants. As well as battles against the government against the Mutant Registration Act and the "Mutation Cure". Both Dr. Fiore and Dr. Grey advocated against both of these in Congress.
During this time, new members join the X-Men: Remy LeBeau aka Gambit, Anna Marie aka Rogue, Piotr "Peter" Nikolaievitch Rasputin aka Colossus, Robert Louis "Bobby" Drake aka Ice-Man, Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde aka Shadowcat and Logan Howlett aka Wolverine.
Currently, the X Men grouping is still unleashed by Scott Summers aka Cyclops, Ororo Munroe aka Storm and Logan Howlett aka Wolverine. Michaela Fiore does not take part in the field missions and shares the position of deputy director with Dr. Jean Grey.
The Sentinel menace was stopped in 1973 by a mutant named Mystique, who saved the president from Magneto.
currently, 2024 (nobody's dead, we're all happy and forgetting the timeline, FUCK TVA)
The school remains the same as it has been all these years, but the threats don't stop. Recently, records came in about a trafficking of mutant children being experimented on by an illegal organisation on the Mexican border.
The X Men are working on it at the moment.
character analysis
Michaela is a kind and optimistic person. Over the years she has gained more experience and control over her powers, which makes her a confident person. At first she was reluctant to be introduced to the X-Men, but her colleagues convinced her.
She spends much of her time in the underground lab at X-Mansion, alongside Jean Grey and, on occasion, Hank McCoy.
Her first encounter with Logan, aka Wolverine, was not a pleasant one. The mutant awoke from his coma (induced by the Professor) altered and confused, so he attacked Michaela and scarred her back with his claws. Michaela, in response, put him to sleep with chloroform, until the Professor arrived.
The two slowly, slowly worked out their differences.
For their personalities clash quite a lot. Logan is a lone wolf, while Michaela is all about teamwork. But according to Cyclops, they're both equally annoying.
Despite appearances, constant bickering and "mutual hatred", there is a pact of respect between the two. They will never say it to each other's faces, but they are very fond of each other. (Everybody knows it, except them).
now some headcannons
The X Men affectionately refer to Michaela as Mickey or Dr. Mickey.
Logan refers to her as "kid".
Mickey refers to him as "old dog".
Mickey wears a necklace with a St. James medal, a legacy from her paternal grandfather Jimmy Fiore.
Mickey doesn't know that Logan's real name is James.
The children shipped their biology teacher and the history teacher (i.e. them).
Michaela was upset after Logan's departure after fighting Magneto.
And when he left again.
And again.
He has commitment issues (no shit).
Apparently he always fixes it when he comes back.
The X Men always party when he comes back, they go to a bar a few miles from the school.
Our girl can't stand alcohol (she's given Logan endless lectures on the problems of alcohol), but on these occasions she has a margarita or two.
Bad idea.
She's a lightweight.
Very funny until she throws up.
Logan always ends up looking after her.
But not without laughing the next morning, delivering her own sermons against her.
Again, children SHIP them.
Bobby tried to lock them in a classroom. It was fun until Logan chased him all over the mansion.
Logan offers to teach Michaela how to fight.
She has improved a lot.
He always ends up in a cold shower.
Sometimes they are found in the kitchen at night, or in the greenhouse or laboratory.
Logan suffers from chronic nightmares, about his past, about Weapon X, PTSD...
Michaela is only used to little or no sleep. She lives in a mansion with hundreds of children, there must always be someone awake.
They do not normally speak at these meetings.
The next morning it's back to normal.
Michaela lives in coffee.
Logan hates coffee.
Logan always makes Michaela coffee.
They will end up together. For sure. But there are bets hanging around.
Even Magneto, in his plastic prison, asks the Professor for updates.
"Any news on...?" "Not that I know of." "For God's sake, Charles! You're a mind reader!"
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hwaseonghwasworld · 9 months
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Best friends brother chapter 10 LAST PART: I Always Come Prepared
Summary: Yunho doesn’t want his baby sister (Y/n) dating any of his friends especially Mingi since they are like brothers to him and it’s an issue when all Y/n’s friends are dating Yunho’s friends but he wouldn’t let Y/n talk to any guys since he’s so overprotective, it’s such a shame that she’s been with Mingi for almost 2 years and no one knows. What will happen if Yunho finds out?
Song Mingi x Reader
Warnings: cursing, smut, fights
Word count: 1k
Genre: series, angst, comedy, fluff, hidden relationship, High school au
Updates: probably Friday at 10pm BST
“Mingi we should go to Kang Daniel’s fan sign” Mingi sigh eyed me saying “why do you like him so much?” I hit his arm a little “what do you mean his voice is so angelic and his dancing” I was blushing just saying those and he rolled his eyes.
“Can we go pleaseeeeee” “fine” “why do you want me to come anyway” I looked at him and told him “for comfort” “and you know I don’t like going places alone” he nodded then I jump onto him kissing his cheeks.
A couple year later me and Mingi live together in an apartment in Seoul but Mingi is a Kpop idol with his friends while I go to Yonsei University, and I study interior design. Mingi proposed to you recently since you two have been together for 7 years.
You were about to go to uni and since Mingi has to be up early as well so you both ended up waking up at the same time, as soon as you both get ready you kiss Mingi goodbye after dropping him off to the company’s and driving to my university, I made new friends in uni since my friends are also kpop idols so they don’t go here.
“Y/n that dress that you made in class is so beautiful” I smile and thanked her, we went into class and I got a text from Mingi, I smile and texted him back.
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“You’re having a wedding?” “Yeah me and Min- my boyfriend have been together for 7 years” “and you didn’t invite us?” I never told them that I was dating a kpop idol since I felt like there was no need, my graduation is soon anyway and my wedding is a month after, but since I’ve known my friends for 4 years I guess it’s best to just let them come “of course you guys are invited, we haven’t really sorted out the guest arrangements yet anyway” “ok so like when is it” I told them where and when it is, and said how they wouldn’t bring anyone I don’t know but they can bring a date, since I didn’t want people to know that I’m married to an idol yet since the groups dating ban hasn’t ended yet even though almost all the members are in a relationship.
“So why doesn’t he go here” I looked at them trying to find something to say “he works” “ohh ok” “oh yeah Y/n did you see ATEEZ’s new comeback.” “No I don’t really listen to them” she showed ma a picture of the 8 boys and I kept my eyes on Mingi “so whose your bias?” “Wait she looks like a Yunho bias” “yeah they look the same too” I looked at them shocked and disgusted, I did not want them to say that even if they don’t know about me and Yunho being siblings, “my bias is Mingi actually”
“Really?, my bias is Hongjoong” I looked at them and nodded as they were fangirling over each member “I really wish I could marry Mingi, he’s literally husband material” I nodded agreeing with them since it’s true, Mingi is husband material.
After school I decided to go grocery shopping, while I was searching for stuff someone back hugged me and I turn around seeing the man with a mask and a hat covering his eyes, I knew it was Mingi and I hugged him putting my head on his chest smelling his scent. “What are you going here, what if someone sees you” he smiled giving me a hat and mask so it seems less suspicious “I always come prepared princess” I smile as he helped me hold the basket.
When we were about to pay and Mingi could see that the woman could recognize him, he put his head down so she couldn’t see his eyes. We walked out and went into the car, “I think the lady saw me” I looked at him shocked “wait really” “Yh but I don’t think she realized who I am I nodded hoping he doesn’t get a scandal.
Once we walked into our apartment and ATEEZ and (G)-idle were here I was shocked to see them since I thought they were busy, I hugged them, they had another member called soojin and she was so nice she hugged me and smiled at me wanting to know about the wedding, “so how when’s the wedding?” I looked and Mingi and smiled then back at soojin, “it’s in 3 months”
A couple months later it was the wedding ceremony, i was taking pictures and as my friends from my uni saw me with Mingi walking up to me and kissing me, getting ready to take pictures with him. “Wait … Mingi IS YOUR HUSBAND!” I looked at them in shock as my brother answered them still lowkey not wanting us to be together “yup” “I don’t even know why my sister chose my best friend, but it is what it is” the girls were just flabbergasted, they didn’t know how to react. “Ok so let me get this straight, you’re getting married to a kpop idol, your brother is a kpop idol, and your friend are kpop idols too” “yes” I answered as they stood there in utter shock “THATS SO COOL” I laughed a little as we took pictures to and they go to the main venue.
While I was walking down the isle so me and Mingi could finally get married my friends looked at me excited as they were quietly rooting me on, I turned to look at Mingi and he kept looking at me the whole time, as soon as we finally got to kiss people cheered us on as Mingi pulled me closer and wrapping his arms around my waist while I cupped his cheeks as we pulled into a soft passionate kiss.
Previous Chapter
Taglist: @scarfac3 @huachengsbestie01 @tunaasan
Side note: I apologize if this seemed rushed I’ve been pretty busy with my exams which is the reason why the time is so messy and also because of the writers block but i will try and have better timing with the next ff and try and make it longer
Thank you for reading this ff💖
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racecarcat · 3 months
who is rhiddon vidhya? i’d love to know
Let me warn you… the Rhiddion, Vidya, and Cato saga consists of FAR too many characters of my ocs to the point it could be considered its own plot in itself. That being said I can explain the Rhiddion/Vidya dynamic pretty well ^^ (this is my most developed oc group I kid u not)
SO Rhiddion (whose real name I decided would be Jade… and then the hsr Jade came and I never changed it since but it’s not like anybody uses it$ is a member of the “Jubilant & Joyous Circus!” elation faction I made up, and Vidya is a Stellaron Hunter! They’re longtime rivals and used to be friends until Vidya quite literally kicked him off the planet.
To briefly summarize their whole dynamic and past work one another; they used to be students at the Intelligentsia Guild who were considered “the best of their time” and were often butting heads because they were always fighting for that #1 spot in each of their classes together that they were always evenly matched against one another—Cato (another oc) was the only one who could settle them down and get them to become at the very least close and Vidya and Rhiddion only managed to get closer because of Cato.
They went on and graduated at the top of their classes and went on to build a laboratory on a planet with a thriving ecosystem! Therefore they could study and cultivate and record their studies in peace, and life went great for them for a long, long time.
That was, until Vidya took a personal expedition for mysterious purposes and came back entirely and completely differently—she locked herself in her study for about 6 months before she was forcefully checked upon by Rhiddion for her mental wellbeing where he found her room a mess and covered in papers and energy drinks and it looked like someone had ransacked the place. Apparently Vidya had been hardly eating, sleeping, or even drinking or doing any basic necessities for herself because she was researching something Rhiddion couldn’t mentally comprehend. Vidya claimed to have “received the gift of the future from the erudition” and went crazy trying to figure out what it meant.
Rhiddion and Vidya get into an extremely large argument about her mental state, and Vidya claims that he’s been hiding the last piece of information she needs to figure out what vision she was given meant. Rhiddion claims to not have.
And so, because Rhiddion doesn’t tell her anything, Vidya claims him to be disloyal to their research facility and gets many people to be in the democratic vote of exiling him. So he gets an anti-gravity device attached to him, and he’s sent off into space.
And this is where their lives split—where Rhiddion meets a young girl named Jyotika (soon to be named Machiko) and Vidya continues her descent into madness. As for Cato, she finds the information Rhiddion has been denying having to Vidya.
TLDR: Vidya and Rhiddion went from academic rivals to friends to coworkers to mortal enemies and Vidya sends him to go join the circus.
And unfortunately it doesn’t stop there this causes a MASSIVE series of chain reactions for a lot of characters. Hehe I fear you’ve unlocked a rabbit hole myla 🤭
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jonathanbyersphd · 10 months
When Robin sees them together on Monday morning, she thinks she must be hallucinating. Like maybe all the cow manure scented air of Hawkins has finally rotted her brain. Because that would be more reasonable than whatever reason NANCY WHEELER has for stopping by Jonathan's locker.
“Is that is that Nancy Wheeler with Jonathan Byers” Robin hisses, dead-stopping in the middle of the hallway. 
“Yea they're supposedly together” Kate informs with a shrug. 
“Together? Like together-together?” she questions. 
Kate nods.  
“Like together as in, Nancy Wheeler kissed Jonathan Byers?” she grills, skeptically. 
“They've done more than kiss, supposedly they got busy in some motel off the interstate after Tina’s Halloween party.” she gossips
“Ew, but also where did you even hear that?” 
“Tommy H. was telling anyone who would listen.” she explains.
“Then it's probably just a stupid rumor.” Robin dismisses.
“Ok then why are they blocking your locker?” 
Robin glances back over and Nancy is practically skipping away with an unreasonably giddy expression for ten in the morning. She watches Jonathan shake his head but he’s got a huge, well huge for him, smile. She swears he even briefly looks to watch her walk away. 
But she knows Jonathan, probably better than most. She spent the summer working with him at the Hawk and they've had lockers next to each other since freshman year. He's quiet, but kind with a clever sense of humor that he doesn't share often. He doesn't give a shit about his hair looking perfect, or how his clothes fit and he's worn the same shoes the entire time she's known him. 
Long story short, Nancy Wheeler isn't his type. Honestly she was starting to think that no one was his type. Or that maybe there was a smidge of truth to those rumors about him being gay. But that might have been more wishful thinking on her part.
“They're probably just exchanging homework or something” She rationalizes, remembering that the two are in the lead for valedictorian next year. 
“Besides, isn't she dating Steve Harrington?” Robin asks before Kate can rebuttal. 
“Yea, well,  you know what they say about Nancy Wheeler” she taunts.  
“She's a slut” Kate reveals with a casual cruelty. 
Robin tries to let it go. To not pay as much attention. But the harder she tries the more she fails. Nancy Wheeler is like suburbia personified. She’s got the girl next door trope down to an art.  What with the pastels, the shiny hair and the goddamn trapper keeper. There’s just no way she’s swapped her perfect jock boyfriend for someone like Jonathan. Unless maybe she’s trying to piss off her dad or something. But at the risk of her own reputation? That doesn’t add up. 
So yea, she’s a little too invested. By Wednesday morning, she finds herself obsessing over bagel boy, hoping to notice the slightest change in his behavior. He looks the same as ever, same stupid hair, same stupid members only jacket, same stupid bagel crumbs. 
Steve's not even supposed to be in this class. But the story goes that not even top of the class, little miss perfect, Nancy could help salvage his grade last year. And rather than do summer school he opted to take the class over again before graduation.
“Nice work Buckley” he congratulates when passing her test back to her. 
Robin wants to be uncharacteristically nice. She wants to tell him that if he spent less time on perfecting his hair and more time studying she's sure he could pass this time. But a funny thing happens in the translation of her thoughts to her words. 
“Did Nancy Wheeler dump you for Jonathan Byers?” she blurts and he looks at her horrified.
“Uh I'm not” he pauses and Robin waits for him to tell her to fuck off and mind her own business. 
“I dunno, they've been keeping to themselves lately” Steve tells her. 
And for a guy who might have gotten ditched for the town weirdo he sounds incredibly sad about being left out of the loop. She briefly entertains the idea that Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington might be lonely before deciding that that's almost as impossible as Jonathan and Nancy dating. 
“Tell you what, they sure look happy though” he huffs but there's no bite to his words. No lingering resentment. Just that same hint of loneliness. 
Robin chalks up the whole situation as just plain fucking weird. She resolves to mind her own business. If Jonathan and Nancy want to have little rendezvous at his locker that's not her problem. As long as they don't intrude on her space, why should she care?
Except mid-morning on Friday that's exactly what they're doing. She got out of band practice a little early, the hallway is mostly empty and they’re standing right in front of her locker, hands intertwined, practically swaying. Nancy Wheeler is looking up at Jonathan Byers like he hung the moon and Jonathan Byers is looking at Nancy Wheeler like she’s more precious than any jewel. 
To his credit, Steve was right, they do look happy. Not in the grotesque, over the top, peaking in high school way Jason and Chrissy look happy. But in a genuine, sweet, Nick and Nora Charles way. 
“Mundy has a pop quiz today” she overhears Jonathan telling Nancy.
“So you're honestly telling me you don't care if you miss that?” he asks. 
“Jonathan in five years from now I'm not going to remember some stupid math quiz but I am going to remember a nice afternoon with my boyfriend” she contends. 
Boyfriend, she definitely said boyfriend. Or maybe it really is some mass hallucination. Maybe Hawkins High has turned upside down. Because there’s simply no way in hell this is really happening. 
“I'll meet you by my car” Jonathan resigns. 
“I knew you'd come around” Nancy teases gleefully. 
“Yea yea” 
Then, Nancy plants a quick kiss on the side of his mouth before prancing away and Robin knows she’s lost her mind. Nevertheless, she needs her history book from her locker so she bravely makes her way to her locker. Laser focused on opening it, grabbing her book and getting out of there. 
“Uh I’m sorry if we've um blocked you lately I'm not trying to be next door” he jokes nodding his head in the direction of Jason's locker. 
“Yea no, no it's totally fine like I get you guys are super in love like lookout Hawkins High here comes the new power couple” she rambles. 
Oh God, why would she say that.
“Yea, uh I guess…” he admits softly and Robin just nods, for once not sure what to say. 
“Anyways I'm sorry sometimes I just get so… caught up in her that I forget other people exist you know?”
Jonathan says it casually, almost like he told her the cafeteria is serving chili instead of admitting to being so consumed by his girlfriend that it makes him blind to the world around him. 
“Uh yea” she lies because she’s not about to tell Jonathan that even as much as she privately adores Tam it’s never been like that. 
“Well have a nice weekend” he bids, shutting his locker and walking away. Leaving Robin with more questions than answers. 
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poisonousquinzel · 7 months
As we've entered into the 2024 election year, I Beg you all that feel disappointment and rage at the disgraceful excuses for politicians we have in the US rn to look into the campaign of the two women shown in this video.
Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia are running for President and VP in 2024. Here's their campaign video, as I can only include 1 vid per post. And here is their website.
I implore everyone who has the ability to vote in the November US election to read up on them.
Claudia De la Cruz (Presidential Candidate) is a mother, popular educator, community organizer and theologian. Being at the nexus of many different projects, organizations and social movements, Claudia connects different groups of people to link and merge struggles together in the overarching fight for justice. Born in the South Bronx to immigrant parents from the Dominican Republic, she was nourished by the Black and Caribbean working class communities of the Bronx and Washington Heights in the 1980s and 90s. At an early age, she was already questioning the conditions of poverty, violence, and oppression in her neighborhood, and what she saw and experienced served as her first entry point to understanding working class consciousness. When she was 13, Claudia began her political organizing work at her home church—Iglesia Episcopal Santa Maria (later the Iglesia San Romero de Las Américas–UCC), grounding her work on principles of liberation theology. She actively participated in campaigns to free political prisoners; to get the U.S. Navy out of Vieques, Puerto Rico; to end the U.S. blockade against Cuba; for the freedom of Palestine; against police terror—to name a few. In high school, she became a peer educator, conducting workshops on reproductive health and safe sex at community hubs and progressive churches, particularly for youth in the Bronx. It was through this work and her experiences as a working class Black Caribbean young woman that she understood there was only one solution to our collective problems: to fight for a better future, a socialist future
Karina Garcia (VP Candidate) is a Chicana organizer and popular educator who has been fighting for a better world since she was 17 years old as a high school student in California. From El Barrio in New York City to the border areas of Texas, she has helped lead campaigns against landlord abuses, wage theft, and police brutality, as well as fights for reproductive justice, immigrants rights and student financial aid reform. She is a founder of the Justice Center en El Barrio in New York City and is a member of the Central Committee of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
Karina’s father migrated to the U.S. from Mexico when he was just 16 years old, and the will of working-class immigrants like him to survive and thrive inspired her to take on life with determination. This served her well when Karina received a full scholarship to study at Columbia University. She moved across the country by herself, knowing that she had to seize upon every opportunity to give back—a single year of tuition was the equivalent of her family's entire household income. As soon as she arrived, she joined every conceivable progressive organization on campus. She led struggles to expand financial aid for low-income students, for immigrant and worker rights, and to speak out against the Iraq war. In 2006, her activism received national attention when she led a campaign to confront and shut down the anti-immigrant fascist militia, the Minuteman Project. When Karina took a semester off to do a speaking tour in California, she met with high school and college students to keep building the movement for immigrant rights. That same year, she joined the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Graduating with a degree in Economics, Karina went on to become a New York City high school math teacher. After school, she advised a student group that protested against budget cuts, the Iraq war, police brutality and anti-immigrant laws. In 2012, she moved into a national organizing position for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice where she worked for nearly a decade training immigrant women and working-class Latina activists in New York, Texas, Virginia and Florida.
[Taken from the About The Candidates section on their website.]
Understand that despite the mainstream medias desperate attempts to make us believe that our choices are really just Biden and Trump that that is not true.
We have other options.
We have better options.
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