#and renee is a french name
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disastersappho · 3 days ago
let’s all be glad the name “jeremy” sounds sexy in a french accent. imagine jean trying to pronounce “aaron.” (in the american way) in my head it’s halfway between coughing up a hairball and *hon hon hon*
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fullmetalbee · 1 year ago
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wool-string · 2 years ago
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Oc comic of them meeting
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aleabea · 2 years ago
[ID: a screenshot from Barbie and the Three Musketeers. Louis, crowned king, stands on the foreground while Corinne, Renee, Aramina, and Viveca stand in the background with their official dark blue Musketeer hats on. /End ID]
what do I do my(m18)(prince) palace cleaners(f18, f18, f18, f18)have unionized and formed a polycule. and to make matters worse the guillotines are on the way
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jeanmoreautemple · 5 months ago
how much did kevin knew about the things has been done to jean in nest? what are your thougts?
As of now, my best guess is that Kevin knows about almost everything, except for the SA. When Kevin sees Jean for the first time after leaving Evermore, it is said by Jean that Kevin had seen him in worse conditions before. And we know that Renee, a former gang member who’s seen all types of violence, cried after seeing Jean:
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Kevin was also aware of Jean’s attempt and subsequent box incident, which is one of the worst acts of psychological + physical abuse we’ve ever seen Riko do:
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Interestingly, there is no mention of Kevin knowing about Riko taking away the Yves from Jean’s name, and we know Riko did that because the name Jean-Yves sounded way too cool for someone under Riko to have:
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Riko hates others having better things or being better than him, especially members of his perfect court. Judging by how fluent in French Kevin is by TFC, by the time they started college Jean and Kevin had probably been having secret lessons for a while. They must have been close by then and Riko probably noticed this and, sadly, something else:
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Jean having a special bond with Kevin (secret French lessons, postcards, magnets) and staring at Kevin for too long was unacceptable, as Kevin was Riko’s brother. So I think Riko had those 5 backliners assault Jean in order to alienate / distance Jean from the team, and most importantly, Kevin. Riko didn’t want Kevin to know about it or else it wouldn’t have the effect he wanted. While Kevin knew that the rumor about Jean sleeping around in exchange of his number was 100% wrong, and knew there was more to it, Riko apparently told him a specific half-lie that Kevin would believe:
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I really wanna know what exactly Riko told Kevin.
In conclusion, what happened to Jean his freshman year seems to be the sole cruelty Riko didn’t let Kevin see. It was very deliberate.
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sissa-arrows · 2 months ago
A lot of you seem to ignore that the guillotine was a colonial tool which is not surprising. So I’m going to tell you the story of the first Algerian moudjahid guillotined during the Algerian war of liberation.
His name was Ahmed Zabana, Allah yarhmou, and he was executed on June 19th 1956. He is famous for multiple reasons not just for being the first moudjahid guillotined. As the wardens were taking him for his execution he wanted the other prisoners to hear him so he kept yelling “I die but Algeria will live! Long live to Algeria!”.
Once he was out placed on the guillotine as the executioner was about to action it Ahmed yelled “Allah Akbar! Long live to a free Algeria!” The executioner actioned the guillotine and it didn’t work. The blade got stuck at the top long before it reached Zabana’s head. The thing is there was a rule that if the blade got stuck before in reached the head aka if the guillotine didn’t work then it was a “sign” and the death penalty was automatically turned into a life sentence in jail. But they still try a second time despite Ahmed’s lawyer telling them they had no right to. Ahmed is still saying the same words and it doesn’t work a second time.
The executioner and the chief of the prison decide to call the French president (Rene Coty) and the Ministry of Justice (François Mitterand aka the same guy some of y’all leftist celebrate and look up to) to tell them what happened and ask them what to do. Once again the LAW said that if it doesn’t work it’s automatically turned in a life sentence so there was NO necessity to call the president or anyone. You don’t ask for permission to RESPECT the law. Coty and Mitterand decide that the executioner must try “until death”. They obey the illegal order.
The executioner tries a third time and it works. Ahmed is killed Allah Yarhmou.
Now some random informations: In 1848 the French law regarding the death penalty was changed for two things. The number of executioners they went from having at least one in each département to having one for all of France + 5 deputies executioners. Algeria was the exception. Executions were so common even compared to other colonies (excluding Kanaky) cause settler colonialism is different, that Algeria was the only “French territory” with its own personal team of French executioners for the indigenous population until the liberation in 1962. That same year executions for political crimes were made illegal. It was made legal again during the Algerian war of liberation in order to be able to execute Algerians who had participated to the resistance but were not accused of killing/attempting to kill settlers.
If you are French you don’t realize how much the Algerian war of liberation shaped the laws that affects you today. For example the State of Emergency that allows the government to restrict citizens rights and ignore democracy and freedom if they consider there is a risk? (État d’Urgence) Created for Algeria. And until 2011 the law actually said that the state of emergency could be declared by France in Algeria… they created the state of emergency in 1955 against Algerians specifically then in 2009 they edited the law to name Kanaky as well but they didn’t remove Algeria and in 2011 they finally removed Algeria but Kanaky is still mentioned. The fifth republic? Created in an attempt to keep Algeria as a colony.
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vannyinthestars · 13 days ago
Ngl everyone talking about the all for the game show and I have so many ideas for the og trilogy but imagine the trailer for tsc. I have three ideas and can’t settle so maybe a combo of the three:
Idea 1: dark and more telling but with a hopeful ending.
The sound of water on a black screen, audio of someone thrashing and fighting in water, flashing to a room dimly lit by red lighting, it goes silent. Water dripping against tile floor, still red lighting so is it blood? We don’t know. Black screen. News anchor reporting on Riko’s death, but it’s fuzzy. The audio clears up as they say something like “Backliner Jean Moreau, the missing piece from the perfect court at the Finals game, has been unable to be contacted for comment.” The screen cuts out. One of Wymack’s quotes. Jarring flashback to the coast in Paris, two children laughing and the sound of the ocean. Close up of Jean’s tattoo and the sound of him inhaling. “I will endure.” Exhale. Something like eyes blinking open and the California coast. Somehow we get the sense of the camera turning around to look behind their back. Jeremy smiling in the airport and not him saying it on screen but a voice over of “Welcome to the Trojans!” Camera flips around and we see Jean in the airport. Cut to black.
Idea 2: sunshine-y with the descent into darkness
Opening with children laughing in the sand beside the ocean and voice of French parents calling out to them. Cut to the future and it’s Jean standing and only the audio of the ocean waves on the California coast. We hear the muffled voice of Jeremy calling his name slowly fading into his ears and get a shot of him resting a hand on Jean’s shoulder to get his attention (I know it’s not book canon but give me some wiggle room). Black screen and silence before a jarring lack of music. Jeremy’s interview scene where he announces Jean is joining their line up being abruptly turned off. Lower music that’s more melancholy. Jean being disgusted with Kevin by the idea of going to “the sunshine court.” (Insert the from the “producers of *blank* or whatever here) sudden Flash of a red lit scene in the nest and some sort of violence. Flash of golden lit scene of Jean being hurt on the Ravens court. Black screen with some other information. Jean seeing himself in the mirror and he’s covered in injuries. “I will endure.” And Final Cut to like a release date or smthn.
Idea 3: idek
In abrupt flashes, Thea calling him “Paris.” And we see a very dark red lighting waterboarding scene. Jean being hurt before Renee rescues him. “We cannot reach Jean Moreau, the only member of the perfect court to not be at the finals game, for comment.” Black screen. Neil narrating the whole “Jean Moreau came back to himself in pieces.” Deep inhale and exhale. “I will endure,” written in a slightly slanted scrawl as Jean’s voice reads it out. And Renee saying something. Under the endure line we see a jotted note of A cool evening breeze and the sound of wind. Number two with Rainbows being written and read aloud and a flash of the photo of Renee. A number three written that says open roads and a flash of the scene with Cat. And four being written and then Jeremy saying “Welcome to the Trojans” and cutting back to the notebook paper as Jean says and writes “teammates friends”
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fabuloustrash05 · 12 days ago
Teenage Mutant Kunoichi Turtles (Genderbent Headcanons)
Here’s my personal headcanon for what some of the characters names would be in this genderbend TMNT 2012 AU.
Leonardo (Leo) - Leonora (Nora)
Named after the artist and writer Leonora Carrington
Donatello (Donnie) - Elizabeth (Beth)
Named after the French painter Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun
Raphael (Raph) - Georgia (Gia)
Named after the artist Georgia O’Keeffe
Michelangelo (Mikey) - Angelica (Angie)
Named after the painter Angelica Kauffman
Splinter (Yoshi) - Splinter (Yuki)
April - August
Sometimes referred to by his nickname Gus)
Casey - Cassandra
Would still go by Casey as a nickname or also Cass
Karai (Miwa) - Kairi (Mikio)
Mona Lisa - David
Nickname originated from the sculptor of the same name created by the artist Michelangelo. Alien name is still Y’Gythgba.
Renet - Rene
Mondo Gecko (Jason) - Mondo Gecko (Jenny)
Some characters names remained unchanged since they are seen as unisex names such as Shinigami, Leatherhead, Slash and Shredder’s name Saki.
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ninyard · 10 months ago
“God, how blind can you be?”
That would be such a great line for a kevjean confession if Jean ever told Kevin abt his crush on him in the nest.
Ty, have a great day :))
You’re a genius!!! Here’s Kevin being Oblivious and Confused while Jean admits how he’s always felt about him :))
“Can I ask you something?” Kevin lay in Jeremy’s bed, on top of the covers, with arms outstretched and his feet dangling off the edge. “But you can’t get defensive, because I’m not the one who’s wondering.”
“Now I am obligated to be defensive.” Jean was sitting on his back up against the wall on his own bed, scribbling notes in a notebook for an assignment due far too soon. Kevin had texted him earlier that morning saying that he was in town, and with Jeremy at home because it was a weekday, alongside the schoolwork Jean had started to fall behind on, the best way for the two to catch up was to invite Kevin over. “Ask, then.”
“Are you…” Kevin sat himself up to look at Jean before he continued. “Are you and Renee a thing?”
“No.” Jean laughed. “She has not told you this?”
“We aren’t that close,” Kevin shook his head. “She likes you, you know.”
Jean could feel himself blushing, but hoped his newfound tan covered the colour that spread across his cheeks. “I know. We’ve spoken about it.”
“You’ve spoken about it,” Kevin repeated as if saying it again would make it make more sense. “I thought you liked her.”
“It would never work.” Jean said. “She saved my life. It would always be hanging over the two of us.”
“Okay, sure, but…” Kevin moved to get a better view of Jean while they spoke. “You do like her?”
Jean read his face with a gentle smile, shutting his notebook and putting it to one side. “What is this about?”
His friend squinted his eyes, perhaps hoping he could get his point across telepathically without having to say it out loud. He glanced towards the door and laughed. “So you like Renee.”
“I will always love her for what she has done,” Jean said with a shrug. “But no, not so much anymore. We’re good friends.”
“Point being,” Kevin nodded with an over exaggerated, enthusiastic bob of his head. “You’re into women.”
Jean felt his face fall, as if Kevin had forgotten his name, or forgotten which position he played in. He scoffed, half a laugh and half disbelief, “You can’t be serious.”
“Am I right?”
“Kevin, you can’t be serious.” Jean echoed, and Kevin furrowed his eyebrows as if he had any right to be confused. “Where has this come from?”
“A friend of a friend wants to know,” Kevin brushed that off, and continued his staring stand-off with Jean. “Why would I not be serious?”
Jean gestured around himself, not even able to come up with a simple answer to his question. Jean was never bothered about the labelling of his sexuality, but had been bothered by its display. At least, publically, he thought, which just translated to not in front of Riko. Not Kevin, never Kevin. Kevin had known, or so he thought, about his infatuations and fleeting glances at the men he thought were handsome. Kevin had known about himself, and how it made Jean feel every time he heard the sweet sound of his native tongue falling from his lips.
“You…” Nothing felt good enough, and Jean laughed at the absurdity of it all. “You know it’s not just women, Kevin.”
Kevin blinked. “Do I?”
“Those foxes have rotted your brain,” Jean switched to French, ever so slightly startling Kevin out of his confused daze. “I knew you had moved on from the nest, but I did not think you would have forgotten so much about me.”
“Well, in my defense,” Kevin responded in his learned language, and Jean melted a little bit more inside. “Jeremy asked you if you were into men, and you never answered him, so he assumed he’d read you wrong.”
“Jeremy?” Jean spat in a failed whisper. “What does Jeremy have to do with this?”
Kevin became even more confused. “Who else would it have anything to do with?”
“Don’t play stupid,” Jean shifted his position to sit closer to the edge of the bed. “You know it has everything to do with you.”
“Me?” He said in English, as if wary he’d gotten the translation wrong. He continued in French. “Okay, there must be a miscommunication here.” He switched back to English then, as he started to stumble over his French, suddenly self conscious that he was not speaking correctly. “I’m lost, Jean.”
“I have always been open with you,” Jean said. “I have never hidden from you my interests in men and women. Why would you pretend not to know that?”
Kevin open and closed his mouth a few times, his hands outstretched, waiting for the answer to fall into them. “I didn’t know that.”
Jean shut his eyes to process what Kevin was saying. Perhaps Jean had simply given his intelligence far too much credit, and he had not been as clear to Kevin as he’d imagined he’d been. He thought that impossible, with their shared glances on a lonely night, with their comfort of each other when Riko wasn’t looking. “Some of them you like,” Jean quoted something he’d said to him before. “You said this about the Trojans. If you were not talking about the striker, then who were you talking about?”
“Like, as in,” Kevin’s smile was more genuine than awkward, apparently finding some amusement out of the confusion. “A fan of. You like someone. They interest you. You’re as much of a Jeremy fan as I am. I didn’t think you were into him.”
“And you were not.” Jean didn’t pose it as a question, more of a statement, an answer for himself.
“He’s not bad to look at, don’t get me wrong,” Kevin laughed at the thought. “But not like that. He’s just a really good friend.”
Jean pinched his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. He heard Kevin’s movement and felt the weight on the bed next to him as he sat down. When Jean opened his eyes, he had to look away, far too intoxicatingly reminded of his buried thoughts about Kevin.
“Jean,” Kevin pulled his attention back to him, and Jean forced himself to look into his eyes. “Why did you say it has everything to do with me?”
“God,” Jean clicked his tongue in pity, either for himself for being so stupid to think Kevin knew, or at Kevin for not noticing. “How blind can you be?”
“You had a crush on me.” Kevin’s voice was neutral. “You never told me.”
Jean sighed with a hesitant smile. “I thought I did.”
It felt like an age before Kevin decided to respond. It felt like the season had passed, like a year in Raven time had gone by, before he spoke. It was hard to ignore the blush that crept across his lightly freckled cheeks, as Jean found himself fixated on the chess piece on his cheekbone. They were too close, now, and he could feel himself burning up with the shame of it all.
“I didn’t know.” It was simple, not enough, but perhaps the best he could do. “For how long?”
Jean couldn’t help the twitch that spread up his face, “You are the one interested in history, not me.”
“Humor me.”
“For as long as I have known you, Kevin Day.” His eyebrows raised in surprise at that answer. Whatever he’d been expecting, it wasn’t that.
“Oh,” was all he could say. He couldn’t find a smile that would sit comfortably on his face, and Jean wasn’t sure whether his fidgeting was discomfort or not.
“I never expected anything to come from it,” he attempted to clear the air. “I assumed you knew and simply decided not to address it. Looking back, it’s best you didn’t know, then, I think.”
“You don’t have to say that.” Kevin’s voice was low as he racked his brain for evidence to support Jean’s truth. “I wish you’d told me.”
“To feed your ego?” Jean laughed. “To make a straight man feel better to know he is desirable from either side?”
“You don’t have to say that, either.” Kevin spoke in French like it were a secret. “I’m with Thea now, sure, but,” he struggled. “I’m not exactly, you know… strict about it. It’s just easier this way.”
The only thing Jean could do was look at him.
The only thing he could bear to think was all the times he’d whispered in Jean’s ear, and Jean had to hide the shiver that travelled down his spine at the heat of the words thats he spoke. He thought of Kevin’s hands around his waist as he forced him into position on the court, a quick touch, an order to be better, a demand to be where he needed him to be. Then there was the blood, and the spit running down his chin, black hair stuck to sweat and tears as he cried please, Jean. Take him away from here. He thought of exposed bone and blood trickling through the cracks on the locker room floor, or a cracked skull against a door frame when he found Riko afterwards. There was the note, a single sloppy word, poorly written by a hand that had never wrote before. Sorry. The paper had been marked with Kevin’s blood, and it would be the last thing he would hear from him for months.
Kevin had stopped Jean’s hands before he noticed them travelling up his own throat.
“For the record, there is only one reason why nothing would have come from it,” Kevin meant it as a comfort, and Jean felt his heart break a little bit more. “But it’s the same reason it never would have worked.”
Jean was not naive, either. He was smart enough to know there was no universe in which any sort of relationship with Kevin would have been realistic. He was a beautiful face during a time that was rarely beautiful, a face that patched him up when he was black and blue, a face that smiled and joked at him when all he wanted was an end to the suffering. “I know.” Jean said, acutely aware that Kevin had not let go of his hands, even as they rested between them on the bed. “You will always be my first love, but I am smart enough to know that is meaningless now.”
“Maybe so,” Kevin looked at their hands. “But it could have been fun.”
“Fun, he says,” Jean scoffed, and Kevin laughed one of his genuine laughs, the tension in the room dissipating with the sound of his joy. Jean pulled his hand away from Kevin’s, to cover his face. He could feel himself blushing at the thoughts of what fun could have meant. “And what would you have done, asked the king to leave your room for an hour?”
It was Kevin’s turn to blush then, as he laughed again. Jean tried to push down the resurfacing feelings as he wondered what he could’ve possibly been imagining. “We would have found a way.” His laugh died off with a wistful sigh. “Somehow.”
“Somehow.” Jean agreed.
Kevin let the silence hang for just a moment before he gently reached up to touch Jean’s tattoo, then letting his hands fall back to his sides. “Maybe in another life.”
Jean swallowed and let out a soft exhale. “Maybe.”
They spent far too long just looking at each other, imagining what could have happened in that other life, wondering how it could’ve been different. Kevin eventually got back to the point of his conversation, and after laughing about how Jean has a thing for strikers, and how Kevin had never actually had a crush on Jeremy, Jean ignored his study for the flowing conversations he’d missed so badly. It was true that Kevin had been his first love, and he would be lying to himself if he said it would ever go away, but they had been each other’s only friend for so long. It was a long overdue catch-up without the threat of violence for laughing too loud, or sitting too close together. He didn’t pretend not to notice the way Kevin’s eyes flicked to his lips every now and again, or how quickly he would look away when he caught himself doing so. It was difficult to ignore how his cheeks turned rosy then, and even more so difficult to ignore how much he’d forgotten how beautiful Kevin really was.
For just a single, simple moment Jean wondered what it would be like to kiss him. That was a thought that had not crossed his mind for a very, very long time. Jean pictured a timeline in which they were both able to give it a shot without immeasurable guilt, or shame, or fear over the court of public opinion. He found himself being reminded over and over again that Kevin had finally said it himself that his sexuality was a fluid thing. There were more reasons that not to write it off as a wrong place, wrong time kind of issue, but even with the stomach churning, butterfly inducing thought of Jeremy Knox and his callused hands, it was certain that Kevin would always be his greatest what-if.
It was a pity that they would both continue on with their lives not knowing what could have been, but perhaps for the best; they were both at points in their lives where, for the first time ever, they were happy. They were not constantly glancing over their shoulders waiting for a threat.
Maybe in another life, Jean told himself. Maybe in some other world.
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tessasilverswan · 3 months ago
hello tessa!! i hope you’re having a great day :) i am here to humbly ask for jeaneil headcanons
I am, thank you! I'm already home for the break & enjoying my mom's food hehe. How are you?
So, I was pretty sure I made a really long list of them on my notes app a while ago, but I can't find it now, so these are the ones I remember.
For a raven Neil au:
1. when Jean got to the Nest, he had a tutor to teach him English, but Nathaniel was the one tasked with making sure he learned fast, and the one punished when he didn't. The first words of French Neil learned were 'ça va?' and 'je suis désolé' (are you okay? & I'm sorry) When they started testing Jean on his English and he made a mistake, Tetsuji would hit both with the cane, and Jean would revert back to French, unable to recall English words. This would only lead to more hits. Afterwards, he'd apologize, again in French and heavily accented English. Neil would say 'I'm fine', or 'ça va', tapping Jean on the arm. Eventually, they both spoke each other's language, as well as one that nobody else did.
Double tap on the forearm from Neil asking 'ça va?'. Double tap on the shoulder from Jean reassuring 'it's fine'. Jean's knuckles tapping three times, meaning 'don't anger him', Neil's only once, answering 'okay'.
Kevin asked to learn French too, and Jean taught him, but Nathaniel never spoke it in anyone else's presence; nobody could know.
2. Jean was the one who called Nathaniel Neil. After the nth nightmare, both got used to the other waking up gasping. Jean's were about Riko and Tetsuji, or, worse, about Élodie at their mercy. Neil's were always about Nathan. And so, in whispers in a pitch-black room, Neil confessed he was named after his father and only spared his legacy by the Nest, bad as it may be, and Jean gave his only friend a name that was untainted by the Butcher's shadow.
3. Jean used to pick up Neil and carry him over his shoulder à la potato sack when he was heavily injured, despite his protests that he could walk, until Neil figured out the one (1) thing that surprised Jean enough that he put him down, after trying literally everything else: kissing between his shoulder blades. After that, they both walked away from Riko's room leaning on each other and the corridor walls, except for the time after Kevin left that Jean carried an unconscious Neil. Neil insulted Riko until he forgot he wanted to hurt Jean for Kevin calling out in French, Riko hit Neil until Jean forgot how many times.
4. Neil softly headbutts Jean whenever he wants his attention, like a cat; Jean jabs his index finger three times in quick succession.
For canon universe:
1. Neil does get Jean to try Thai tea, and he finds it disgusting until Neil adds sugar (Neil drinks his with very little sugar, sometimes none). Then he finds it atrocious because of the sugar, and only allows himself to drink it when Neil comes to visit. Eventually, he also drinks boba with Cat, Jeremy & Laila and the occasional lemon-flavored soda, but Thai tea is still something Neil gave him.
2. when the Trojans fly out to a game in Arizona (Tucson, maybe) later on, they evidently don't go to Millport. But Jean buys three postcards. One goes to Kevin, with the score of the game and a 'Jeremy says hello', another to Renee, with Jean's list (A cool evening breeze. Rainbows. Open roads. Friends.) and a simple 'thank you'.
The third is addressed to Neil, and it's one of the first times Jean lets himself be snarky for fun. Maybe he says that it's no wonder Neil is such an idiot, the sweltering sun must have fried whatever neurons he'd had left. It's also the first time he signs Jean-Yves Moreau.
Also, because I can't leave them out, I have to mention Jean's calligraphy one more time, and that Neil knows Morse Code.
Okay this got way too long and also more angsty than I realized my hcs were. Sorry if you wanted happier stuff; I guess you can see the product of my forever partners obsession.
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chaoscouncilcreaturecorner · 7 months ago
Water & Beach-Themed Names & Pronouns List
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🤍 Masculine Names:
🐚Caspian - Origin: Caspian Sea
🐳Kai - Origin: Hawaiian - Meaning: "Sea"
🐚Ren - Origin: Diminutive of Rene or Japanese - Meaning: "Water lily; Lotus"
🐳Maxwell - Origin: Scottish - Meaning: "Great steam"
🐚Clyde - Origin: Scottish River Name
🐳Alon - Origin: Hebrew; Filipino Word - Meaning: "Oak tree; Wave"
🐚Solomon - Origin: Christianity; Hebrew - Meaning: "Underwater bridge; Peace"
🐳Earwyn - Origin: English - Meaning: "Friend of the sea"
🐚Salmon - Origin: Hebrew; English; French - Meaning: "Salmon; Peace"
🐳Mortimer - Origin: French - Meaning: "Dead sea; Stagnant sea"
🖤 Feminine Names:
🫧Cordelia - Origin: Latin; Celtic - Meaning: "Heart; Daughter of the sea"
🦑Mira - Origin: Latin, Slavic, Arabic, Sanskrit - Meaning: "Admirable; Peace; Female ruler; Ocean"
🫧Maya - Origin: Greek; Central American Indian empire name; Latinate Variation of May; Spanish, diminutive of Amalia; variation of Maia; Hebrew - Meaning: "Water"
🦑Talia - Origin: Hebrew; Australian Aboriginal - Meaning: "Gentle dew from heaven; By the water"
🫧Tallulah - Origin: Choctaw, Irish - Meaning: "Leaping water, Lady of abundance"
🦑Maren - Origin: Latin - Meaning: "Sea"
🫧Sabrina - Origin: Celtic, Latin name for the River Severn
🦑Marina - Origin: Latin - Meaning: "From the sea"
🫧Guinevere - Origin: Welsh - Meaning: "White shadow; White wave"
🦑Jennifer - Origin: Cornish variation of Welsh Guinevere - Meaning: "White shadow; White wave"
🩶 Neutral/Androgynous Names:
🌊Haf - Origin: Welsh; Icelandic - Meaning: "Summer; Ocean"
🦈Current - Origin: Water current - Meaning: "The motion of the Ocean"
🌊Siren - Origin: Greek Mythology
🦈Tasi - Origin: Chamorro; Christianity - Meaning: "Ocean; Sea"
🌊Dipsi - Origin: Hindu; Bislama - Meaning: "Light; Ocean"
🦈Daria/Darius - Origin: Persian - Meaning: "Sea; Possessing Goodness"
🌊Pelagic - Origin: Greek - Meaning: "Of, Relating to, or living or occuring in the open sea; Oceanic"
🦈Mer - Origin: The Word Mermaid/Merman; Spanish - Meaning: "Ocean; Sea"
🌊Wave - Origin: English - Meaning: "Arched form of water or sound"
🦈Bahari - Origin: Swahili - Meaning: "Sailor; Ocean"
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Nature Themed:
Animal Themed:
Sea/Dragon [Leafy Seadragon]
Mythology/Legend Themed:
Mer/Mermaid [Merman, Merfolk & Merbeing Also Work]
Ich/Ichtyo [Ichtyocentaurs]
Beach & Pool Themed:
Emoji Themed:
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🪸These weren't requested, just decided to post some things as well until we start to get requests!
🪼All of the dividers are from: saradika.tumblr.com! Thank you so much for these beautiful dividers! ^^
~ Created Mainly By: 🧨⛓️📻 {{ Wilbur/Alastor }}
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month ago
happy wednesday!! mafia restaurant save me……..
WIP Wednesday (1/22) | Mafia Front Restaurant AU (Part 266)
"You're a good liar, Neil. But not that good." Andrew says, not at all amused at Neil's little joke. He's been the brunt of hundreds in his lifetime, but Kevin-themed ones never quite land. Or they do land, directly on a soft spot in Andrew's stupid chest, and make him feel a little stabby. He doesn't particularly want to stab Neil, so he swallows his bullshit emotions and starts to change the subject. But Neil interrupts.
"I'm not lying." Neil tells him, insistent. "He misses you a lot. Asks about you."
Andrew doesn't know what to do with this information. He doesn't know if it's true or if it even matters. Of course it doesn't matter. Andrew is Andrew and Kevin is the one who ran. He is the one who left. As far as Andrew is concerned, Kevin is not allowed to miss him.
"Speaking of people in the 'I Hate Andrew' Club, Moreau seemed awfully keen on shooting me. I wonder why that is," Andrew says, breezing past the Kevin bullshit to something he can handle. Because he can handle someone wanting him dead better than the idea that someone could ever possibly miss him.
Neil stares at him for a moment like he's not sure whether he wants to let this slide. Fortunately for both of them, he allows it. He fidgets with his glass, traces the rim of it with his finger. "You startled him when you opened the door. That's all."
"Lying. He can't stand me." Andrew says. And he's not quite sure why that is, other than the obvious— his personality. "I won't let my feelings be hurt, it goes both ways."
Neil looks offended by that. "You don't like Jean?"
"I know he's your other half, but he rubbed me wrong the very first time we met. Can't shake it." Andrew says with a shrug. The first time they met was the banquet where the Foxes and the Ravens were forced to share a table. Andrew remembers singing Jean's name, just to aggravate him. And, oh boy, did it work.
Apart from that— and the bit where Dan Wilds kicked a Raven in the pants— Andrew remembers the rest of the night being terribly boring and bleak. Kevin was ready to slit his own throat with a steak knife when Riko sat down across from him, Moreau at his side. The three of them had spoken in Japanese until Riko got up to go to the bathroom alone for presumably the first time ever; Kevin had nearly gone with him but Andrew grabbed his arm to keep him at the table. That's when he and Moreau swapped to hushed, rapid French.
Andrew didn't understand a single word exchanged, but based on Kevin's body language he knew it wasn't good. He remembers he nearly pulled one of his own knives on Jean Moreau. Nearly leapt across the table to shut him up. He would've if it meant getting that look off Kevin's face. But before he could, a quiet voice chimed in to tell them Riko was coming back and they both went silent. Now that Andrew thinks about it, the one who'd warned them had a four etched into his cheek.
Andrew stares at the scarred up patch of skin beneath Neil's eye, the spot where that four used to sit. And he feels like an idiot. Of course Neil was there, he was Jean's partner. Back then, Andrew had deemed him insignificant. Because apart from the tinny, croaked out, 'He's coming', that Raven didn't utter a word for the rest of the evening. He only sat there, stiff as a board, holding tight to Moreau's sleeve and staring blankly at Kevin.
"You were there."
"What?" Neil blinks, confused at Andrew's abrupt derailment of the conversation.
"The banquet. You warned Jean and Kevin that Riko was coming back to the table.” Immediately after that, Riko had insulted the Foxes and Renee accidentally spilled her drink in a way that sent sparkling water all the way across the table into his lap. Good woman. Andrew watches Neil’s face twist up in confusion.
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scotianostra · 7 days ago
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22nd February 1540 saw Marie de Guise crowned Queen Consort of Scotland at Holyrood Abbey in Edinburgh.
A member of the prominent Guise family, Mary (known as Mary of Guise, Marie de Guise, and Mary di Guise depending on the source) was born into a house of prominent players in sixteenth-century French politics.
From the ages of six until fourteen, Mary lived in a French convent with her grandmother, Philippa of Guelders, before being removed by her uncle Antoine, Duke of Lorraine and his wife Renee of Bourbon, to prepare her for life at the French court. She made her first appearance there in in 1531 at the marriage of King Francis I and Eleanor of Austria.
At the age of eighteen, Mary became a duchess when she married Louis II d’Orléans, Duke of Longueville on 4 August 1534 at Chateau du Louvre. The happy union produced two sons, but Mary was left a widowed single mother, less than three years after exchanging vows when Louis died on 9 June 1537.
Late in the same year, Mary received offers of marriage from both James V of Scotland and Henry VIII of England. Henry’s offer was primarily to prevent James from securing a French alliance through his marriage, and Mary refused on the grounds that she did not fancy the idea of meeting a similar fate to Henry’s previous wives.
King Francis I of France accepted James’s offer on Mary’s behalf and offered James a dowry equal to what Mary would have been granted as a royal princess. The marriage contract was finalised in January 1538, and the wedding between James and Mary was held by proxy on 18 May 1538 at Notre Dame de Paris, with Lord Maxwell standing proxy for the absent King James V who was still in Scotland.
Mary landed in Scotland on 10 June 1538 and was formally received by her new husband a few days later as part of a larger pageant and celebration put on in her honour. A second marriage ceremony then took place at St Andrews and Mary was crowned at Holyrood Abbey on 22 February 1540.
The couple had three children – sons James, Duke of Rothesay and Robert, Duke of Albany both died before they were a year old and daughter, Mary. Mary, born 8 December 1542, just six days before her father’s death, became Queen Regent of Scotland before she was a week old. Six years later she was sent to France to be raised with her husband-to-be, the Dauphin Francis.
With her daughter on the continent, Mary served as Regent of Scotland in her daughter’s name. Mary’s regency was heavily influenced by her Guise brothers in France – Francis, Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine – who she frequently consulted, meaning that the Scots and the French were allied in foreign affairs and approaches.
Her greatest threat during this time was the growing influence of the Scottish Protestants under John Knox whose hopes were stirred in 1558 when Protestant Queen Elizabeth came to the English throne.
Mary became seriously ill in 1560 while fortifying Edinburgh Castle against the advancing English and died of dropsy (known now as ‘Edema’) on 10 June 1560.
There's a whole load more on this powerful woman here on the excellent Marie-Stuart web page.
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kevinsdsy · 7 months ago
heyy idk if you’ve seen but apparently olympic athletes have to record themselves saying their names so that i’m assuming viewers and announcers have a reference for how to pronounce them? and apprently at least in some cases those audios didn’t get edited at allll lmao and you can hear background conversation and stuff and the first thing i thought of was what those would be like for the aftg characters that went on to play in the olympics
brought to you by this appearing on my fyp:
AHHHH I ACTUALLY HAD SEEN A VIDEO (i hadn’t seen this one yet but the one with the moroccan football soccer team) AND IT WAS SO FUNNY TO ME BECAUSE:
some of them were so confused if they were supposed to pronounce it in arabic or french (since arabic has a few letters that dont exist in the french alphabet) so i would imagine it for nabil to go like that where he goes: “nabil ma-moud” and laila goes “ma7moud. don’t you know how to pronounce your own name?” (like i said we have letters that dont exist in this alphabet so we use numbers to spell pronunciations sorry besties 🫣) and so he goes “oh we’re doing arabic? not english?” and they have to assure him he can just pronounce his name correctly.
and (2) apparently they also indicate that the players need to pause and one of the moroccan players went: “name” “pause” “name” as in they LITERALLY pronounced the pause out loud 😭😭 which i havent been able to stop thinking about like 😭😭 i’m trying really hard to think of who would even do such a thing because it’s SO SILLY but i can’t think of anyone— like sure we could say jeremy, but i feel like he would know better. we could say shawn, but he’s just a silly fanon socmed character atp yk. so idk 😭 i think i would love this one for matt where he doesn’t really think it through and he’s just reading out loud what’s in front of him SHDJFHFJ
i watched the other video that was put in the comments too of the tiktok you sent and jean moreau would definitely be serious about this and then you would hear jeremy in the background playing ping pong and yelling 😭 i think this could also work with kevin say and the foxes— so kevin is being all serious and then u hear nicky yelling in the background.
renee would do so well and it would be absolutely correct and perfect— no notes.
and i hate to go back to the moroccan team, but sadly i’m not just a sports fan in fiction, but i also support a sports team irl… i kid you not one of the players went: “[name] two. [name] two.” and then it had to be cut off and they had to explain to him “no. your name. then u pause. and then u say your name again.” and he was like :O without the two? LIKE MY BROTHER??? WHY DID YOU THINK U HAVE TO SAY THAT???? this too is something that’s so silly i cant even imagine someone of the aftg characters doing this 😭
but honestly i think overall the characters will do well without too much trouble. there might be some background noises— especially with the trojans because they’re such a big team and have do spend a longer period of time doing it while the foxes can just tell each other to shut up for a few seconds or either dan or coach will threaten them with extra laps around the court.
((anyways im not sure if anyone is interested in listening in to the moroccan team but here is a link anyways just in case: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJnEkJUV/ — it’s a mix of them speaking darija, french and spanish so yeah 😭😭 it adds to the messines))
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panlight · 1 year ago
What IS the significance of the French locket? It always felt so random to me. Like sure, Bella found it in an antique store or whatever, she didn't custom-order it, so she didn't choose for it to be in French, but SM as the author did. Why?
I guess 'Renee' and 'Esme' are both French names, so in that sense Renesmee is a French name but it's, you know, not actually a name of French origin because SM/Bella made it up. Bella can't read French; the shopkeeper told her what it said, and Edward confirmed it. So the language itself has no special meaning to her, or to Renesmee. So why not just have the locket be engraved in English?!?
To me it always just felt like, "well French is 'classy' and 'fancy,' so the engraving being in French is classy and fancy!" just another weird little fantasy indulgence, like Alice dressing Bella in a cocktail dress and stilettos for her first hunt. Why?
"Because it's cool!!"
(Also giving a baby a locket instead of a toy or something for Christmas is A Choice but then again Renesmee was never really a baby and Bella half-thinks they're all gonna die in a few weeks and locket with a picture of her in it might be all Nessie will have of her so like, I get it in that sense, but I also never believed for a single second that anything was actually going to happen to Edward, Bella or Nessie--we're 3.5 books into it at this point, I know who has Plot Armor by now--so it didn't resonate for me in the way it was perhaps meant to).
Any theories as to why French?
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galleryofart · 3 months ago
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The Burial of Atala
Artist: After Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson (French, 1767 - 1824)
Date: After 1808
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Collection: The Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Christian sentiment and interest in the Americas were at a high point in France in 1808 when Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson painted his version of Burial of Atala and captured both of these popular ideas. The Catholic Church and the French government had recently signed an agreement restoring power to the Church after the French Revolution of the previous two decades had taken it away. At the same time, Christian missionaries, colonial settlers, and explorers were sending their travel accounts back to France and most French people, who would never actually see the Americas, were fascinated by stories from this faraway place. This painting, full of Christian motifs, of the burial of a young girl mourned by her Native American beloved is based on a novella written by Franc¸ois Rene´ Chateaubriand, who had journeyed to North America in 1791.
In Chateaubriand’s fictional story set in in the 1700s in the American South (specifically the French-owned Louisiana Territory), the Christian girl Atala made a vow to her mother to remain celibate, and rather than break it for her beloved, a Native American Natchez man named Chactas, she killed herself. In Girodet’s composition, we see Atala’s corpse, sensually draped between the grieving Chactas and the priest who helped them escape a storm, Father Aubry. She is dressed in white, a color symbolizing innocence and purity in European cultures, with a crucifix clutched in her hands. Her pose and the setting in a cave reference common Christian iconography, like scenes of the Entombment and the Deposition that depict Christ after his death. Atala is depicted as saint-like, martyred for her virtue and faith. Chactas’s identity as a Native American is suggested by his comparatively dark complexion, lack of clothing, and long flowing hair, representing an imagined exotic savage in a missionary narrative about “saving” indigenous people with Christianity.
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