#and remembering that at some point it goes downhill
mikimeiko · 5 months
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The Expanse | Season 3 (2018), Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby
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icharchivist · 1 year
also it’s 100% on me on this one for the wording but when i say i have “memories” of things that happened in the past (definition of “the past” being either before the last past year or the last past month, still unsure) i generally mostly remember like. vibes. I remember some vague big events here and there if i try to remember them hard from the vibes alone but tbh i don’t fully trust most of my recollection of everything. it’s not like i don’t remember anything either but it’s mostly that most things are foggy ALKJDLKFJDFKL 
memory bad 😔
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rexecutioner · 3 months
Spoilers for all of Mystreet and a small bit of Mcd
So ur telling me. That in ms and pdh. In six seasons and like three prequel seasons. Vylad Ro’Meave. Gets 10 episodes that he appears in. TEN. Over 314 fifteen to thirty minutes episodes (including the side series, pdh and fcu, the spin offs, and the mini series, not including the mini games), Vylad get approximately 85 minutes of screentime in total, with around 40 of those minutes being in pdh, and 45 in Mystreet.
My poor guy got the Laurance treatment, with both of them being very important characters in Diaries, but being pretty much tossed to the side in Mystreet. At least Laurance shows up in more than one season of the main series, because Vylad only gets four episodes in Mystreet, (with three of them being solely Ro’meave centered episodes that he takes a smaller role in) and in those four Big Vylad Return Episodes, he doesn’t show up much without his brothers and ends up taking the back seat again as the main plot is taken up by Aphmau and Zane fake dating to please Zianna.
You’ll never guess what he does in Pheonix Drop High. He gets introduced to us, befriends Travis and Aphmau, and is then never seen without one of his brothers again until Mystreet, in which he gets like, 8 minutes of screen time away from them over the course of two episodes until the main arc plot.
Yes, I did infact watch all of the episodes Vylad is in and roughly calculated the amount of time that he was in each episode, even if he wasn’t talking. I would move mountains for this man.
When I watched Mcd for the first time, I had high hopes for him (and by that extension, poor Laurance) in Mystreet during my rewatch, because I hadn’t watched it in years, unless you count dubbing over s4 with my friends. Yay! Vylad finally shows up! Aaand now he’s gone. With no mention of where he went. And we are left to assume he’s traveling the world again. The next time he is ever mentioned is s4, by Garroth, once. And then radio static once more. I’m pretty sure at some point in s5 Zianna brings him up while talking to Zane but I can’t remember.
Vylad had so much goddamn potential in Mystreet. Affair baby? Canonically Pansexual? Tense relationship with his family? Usually keeps off the radar? Acts completely different from his Mcd counterpart? “Child Prodigy”?
They could have done so much more with him and it makes me so sad that he’s basically just a cameo character to please old Mcd fans and make them say “oh my god! Vylad! From Mcd!”. Yes, it did infact please me, but we get so little of him until he’s gone.
They could have removed him from the plot of Mystreet entirely and it wouldn’t change much. The whole Zanemau fake dating story never really goes anywhere, and thats all we see of him other than Pdh, where he is also neglected as a character, though not as much.
It’s not even the fact that they brought him back from Pdh and then did nothing with him. Thats what they did with Ein, and it worked flawlessly. Its the fact that they brought him back just to show us that “hey guys look it’s Vylad that guy from Mcd and like 5 episodes of Pdh!!”
You know what they could have done instead. Removed Kim from the plot and inserted Vylad instead. She showed up just as a plot point to get possessed. It also would have made Emmalyn a bit less weird in her re-introduction, because if Vylad was obsessing over Zane it would have been weird as hell and they wouldn’t have written that.
I would have watched tf out of an Emerald Secret where Vylad was in town visiting his parents and gets dragged by Garroth to help renovate a new property his parents bought, only for him to
A) get possessed and start acting strange, probably suspiciously glaring at Zane and Aphmau,
B) watch as Zane also starts acting weird, and doesn’t remember himself OR Garroth,
C) Witness as everything goes downhill, probably getting locked in the other jail cell with Garroth (LIKE IN THE BLOOPER REEL) and fleeing back to the cabin to try and get help from literally anyone while Garroth tries to save Aaron and the others, and
D) getting invited to Starlight by the Lycans, where we learn more and more about both Vylad AND Emmalyn, as she starts to recover her memories and tells Vylad about a man quite like him in looks from the past.
We could have gotten more of his relationships with the other characters, like him and Lucinda both gladly breaking into the place where Travis is staying, Not Alone Buddies interactions, his interactions with his brothers now that they’ve all been through A Lot, reacting to Aphmau’s engagement, him watching the other guys as they all fail to pull in amusement, commenting on just how much Travis has changed since high school, his reaction to Garroth getting zapped into a werewolf, an awkward interaction with Garte, the GF invasion, getting used to passing out all the time, missing his old travels and regretting ever going to the lodge, Garroth getting mind controlled, Aphmau’s sudden death, and the burden of both contributing to the possession of Travis, and the responsibility of helping to kill his father.
plz bring Vylad back s7 🙏🙏🙏
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adashulaz · 25 days
A new AU because I'm a loser who desperately wants a tft relationship despite being cupioromantic, this one is silly I promise though
Leola lives because she isn't accused of teaching humans magic
There is no border so there are elves within the human kingdoms and humans within elven towns/villages
Callum, Ezran, and Rayla still meet because of Rayla, Runaan, and the other elves from the first episode going to Katolis(have yet to decided why)
Soren is still sick in this AU, this is due to his lungs not being permanently healed/fixed with dark magic, his spine is also a little messed up because he was doing some trick and fell on it weird
Soren is commonly seen with Mukho(Mushroom Mage) and the mushroom critters because they are his main caretakers as they help ensure he can still breathe properly and that his spine doesn't get worse
Viren and Lissa don't get a divorce since she doesn't end up seeing Viren as a monster
Claudia and Terry still end up together, they meet earlier though
Leola, Claudia, and Soren are all friends/siblings due to Aaravos and Viren being close, it's very hard to tell if they kiss romantically or not
Corvus and Soren do kiss romantically though, they also hold hands romantically, no one knows how or when it happened but it's a thing now and no one is questioning it
Harrow and Sarai live happily, along with Aanyas moms(I can't remember their names)
There is conflict but only because Sol Regam believes that Aaravos and Leola will end up teaching humans magic
This comes to a head when Callum ends up doing magic
It all goes downhill from here, Sol Regam is going after that boy because of it
That dragon will end up dead at some point but it will take a bit
Janai and Amaya end up together still, they meet while Sol Regam is trying to remove Callum from life
Kazi and Gren as well perhaps
Thats all I fear, this will seem much more interesting as a fic I swear
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colourstreakgryffin · 5 months
Can you do vaggie x rainbow dash-like reader plantoic headcanons?
Haha! Aww! I like this mix as well. Rainbow Dash is really a good pairing for Vaggie, isn’t she? Well. We had Charlie and Pinkie as besties, Alastor and Rarity as a couple, Husk and Fluttershy as a married couple! Let’s check this out! This is the first time I’ve written for Vaggie too! Once again, short~!
Vaggie- Bolt Spear
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Now. Vaggie doesn’t trust people that easily, she doesn’t and with her big… holy secret, she especially doesn’t open up or try be friendly with anybody, except her beloved girlfriend, Charlie. She hasn’t even told Charlie her secret. Though, she is willing to tolerate people for Charlie’s sake
Vaggie, at first, didn’t like you at all. You were so loud and cocky and spunky and overconfident, you reminded her of Alastor in a weird way but due to Charlie’s pushing, she had begun to try tolerate and befriend you
It wasn’t something she enjoyed, Vaggie disliked how you behaved. Kinda arrogant, always flying that she almost asked why you even have legs. Whilst, she respected your great athleticism and your interesting ability to produce a rainbow-coloured sonic boom wave through flying. She didn’t give you any compliments
However. Vaggie ends up further befriending you, the more she holds you in the Hotel, originally at Charlie’s wish but gradually. Getting to know you goes from her just wanting to please Charlie to genuinely finding you unique and interesting
But. Vaggie isn’t good at making friends so the way she approaches you to befriend you includes a lot of trail and error, passive-aggressiveness, her throwing friendship signs like Charlie’s suggested matching bracelets at you and thinking it will work
What’s Vaggie like as a bestie? Actually. She’s a very good open ear, she listens quietly then she tries to offer support or advice to help you. She remembers a lot about you, remembers your flying habits and she doesn’t mind attending your sport tournaments. She is still tough but is willing to be a bit more gentle and understanding
Vaggie does express any annoyance she has with you, even as your closest friend. If you’re being too difficult for her, too bold and prideful. She’ll simmer you down. She’s the rationality of your friendship and the one keeping you anchored so you don’t do something stupid or reckless, out of your own extreme confidence
Yes, Vaggie comes to you during the relationship halter she has with Charlie, when everything begins to go downhill and she is revealed to be an Angel from Heaven… well. You kinda thought she was different but you didn’t really point it out. Now, that you know the truth, you aren’t as mad as everybody else is… like, at least, she isn’t a killer anymore
Vaggie is shocked that you even gave her chance but that you did, not only does she feel more comfortable with trying to confide to you… when she can, she just needs some time and she is honestly quite surprised that you’re willing to back off and wait for her
Vaggie is loyal to her girlfriend and now her best friend so trust me when I say that you reciprocating her loyalty, but to an even bigger degree. She’s grateful that she has a reliable friend and that she knows you won’t cross her, and that she has chose the right person to try be close with
Vaggie is also kinda like your manager. She takes care of you, she makes sure you don’t push yourself too far. She isn’t as intense with her care as she is with Charlie but you’re very important to her so don’t worry, you aren’t forgotten. You’re still her bestie
You two help each other. Believe it or not, you help her understand emotions and express them more whilst she teaches you to always be honest and not be fearful of disappointing your friends
Are you helping Vaggie grow? Yes. Piece by piece, hence why she prefers to be around you when she isn’t with Charlie and for that, the contrasting yet somewhat similar personalities you both share, makes you two very close and you’ve managed to break through this golden-heart angelic toughie!
By the way, she is your Applejack, the one you playfully compete with but is very close friends with~!
“Wait… you’re… still here? But. I thought you’d just— this is very dangerous. You want to stay here with us? Hehee, I guess I shouldn’t suspect anything less from you”
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echo-bleu · 10 months
Noldor hair headcanons (2/4)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | On AO3
By the time they’re settled in Beleriand, the Nolofinwëans have largely switched from elaborate styles done by someone else to (slightly) simpler self-braided styles. They’re at war now, so they turn toward practical braids that keep their hair out of their face during combat. There’s more and more of a gap between everyday styles and ceremonial styles.
The Fëanorians however are still doing things the old way. Maedhros is very unhappy that he can no longer braid people’s hair properly (especially Fingon’s) (he learns to do it one-handed eventually, but it’s never as perfect) (Fingon doesn’t mind).
The Sindar wear their hair half-up or even loose. However, they like to play with each other’s hair, and it’s not reserved for family, which is Very Weird for the Noldor to see. Galadriel has a hard time getting used to it and doesn’t let anyone touch her hair beside Celeborn, but she eventually figures out that her hair dazzles people even more when it’s loose, so she starts leaving it down.
It’s even harder to untangle as a result, and Celeborn suffers. (Galadriel is not not into hair pulling.)
Melian and Lúthien’s hair is so silky that braids just undo themselves. Elrond and Elros partly inherit that, and Elrond spends his whole life mourning that fact (he wants to do his hair like Maedhros, okay?).
Finrod is the first elf to let a Man touch his hair. He’s travelling alone and he’s touch-deprived, can you blame him? (It’s Bëor. It results in several uncomfortable conversations.)
Curufin makes himself and his brothers sharpened hairpins and various other weapons disguised as hair jewellery.
Hairstyles mingle during the Siege until, in the more cosmopolitan realms, Noldor and Sindar are no longer identifiable at first sight. Some Noldor elect to keep their hair mostly loose (though almost never entirely) while many Sindar learn the Battle Braids. They are very convenient, after all.
Avari hair customs are very different. It’s mostly about hair brushing/care being very intimate. They usually wear hairdresses or hair covering of some kind, depending on the tribe they belong to.
Gondolin has stayed highly conservative about hair, with hairstyles almost as complex as Tirion in its noontide.
Maeglin hates having his hair touched even more than his mother.
I’m tempted to make Eöl an asshole on this too, who cuts Aredhel’s hair or something, but I think she just never lets him touch her and he doesn’t care enough to try.
Maeglin grows up with his hair loose up until Aredhel takes them to Gondolin, where she remembers how Turgon is about hair, and braids Maeglin’s and her own in hopes of Looking Natural.
Maeglin’s first impression of Gondolin is that Hair Braiding Hurts (though not as much as adar’s hands). It goes downhill from there.
He’s still jealous when he catches Idril doing Tuor’s hair. Tuor doesn’t even have the decency of having beautiful Noldor hair, so it doesn’t even look that good. The next day, Idril’s braids are very wonky and Maeglin, upon seeing her, completely messes up the hair clip he was making her.
Eärendil has Tuor’s hair. It’s fine, because Elwing refuses to do Noldor braids.
Glorfindel is a Vanya and wears his hair completely loose.
We all know how that ends.
Maglor’s hair is partly burned off in Dagor Bragollach. He spends an uncomfortable few years growing it back and recovering from smoke inhalation. He revives some ridiculous hair-related ditties from his youth as voice therapy and they’re soon heard throughout Beleriand.
Finrod, badly injured and with no bodies of his brothers to bury, makes up a self-braided version of the Mourning Braids (It involves only braiding the hair from the shoulders down. That’s largely because he couldn’t raise his arms at that point, but it becomes a feature of all Mourning Braids—except Maglor’s style—for two ages to come.)
For the first time since the Ice, Fingolfin asks Fingon to do his hair, the morning after they hear of Morgoth’s victory.
He braids Rochallor’s mane and tail before setting out.
Rochallor walks back into Hithlum some days after the Eagle comes, his hair still braided. He lies down and dies with his head in Fingon’s arms.
Turgon braids his father’s hair before burying him, as he did with Elenwë, as he did with Aredhel. There is a custom that’s been developing among the Noldor of Beleriand to only give the dead a single, simple braid, so that they don’t risk being too attached to their body and miss the call from Mandos, but Turgon doesn’t know of it. No one has died in Gondolin since it was built, aside from Aredhel and Eöl.
Finrod and his Ten braid each other’s hair the night after they leave Nargothrond. Beren watches them with no understanding of the custom.
They later find out that werewolves spit out the hair when they devour someone.
It’s not a nice sight.
Beren and Lúthien do their best to clean Finrod’s beautiful golden braids of blood before they bury him, even though neither of them quite get what the braids mean to the Noldor.
Fingon’s golden ribbons are marred with blood when they find his body on the battlefield. His braids are the only way to identify him for certain.
Maedhros revives Maglor’s Mourning Braids. Mostly because Maglor does them for him. Maedhros would be fine with No One Ever Touching His Hair Again, but he’s close to catatonic.
Then the Oath awakes once more.
Celegorm’s white hunting braids and Dior’s black silky hair mingle on the blood-stained floor of Doriath’s throne room.
It takes Maglor longer to find Caranthir and Curufin. He carefully braids their hair into a single plait before they burn the bodies, in case it could help them find Mandos.
Maybe they are for the Void, but at least he feels like he’s done something.
The years up to the Third Kinslaying are awful. Maedhros and Maglor are codependent to an unhealthy degree, while the twins will barely speak to them, or each other. Maglor still does Maedhros’s hair. Maedhros doesn’t return the favour. They scream at each other daily.
Sirion is unthinkable. They attack anyway. Maedhros and Ambarussa’s braids look like bloodstains in the twilight.
Elwing’s hair floats around her as she falls.
To be continued
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pilot-boi · 3 months
This just occurred to me, when we get to Rusted Knight Jaune is he going to be older like in volume 9 or will look the same age? Because if he's older I'm really imagine him looking all Majestic like some kind of forest deity to Team Rwby.
He still ages. And yes he gets REAL forest spirit looking
Sort of regresses back into Creature Mode what with spending twenty years alone. He’s not entirely feral and animal brain like he was in Mistral, cause he does still have Afterans to talk to, but without Juniper he’s MUCH more isolated than in canon
He REALLY goes downhill after Alyx and Lewis happen, it’s a breaking point for him. He was holding on to his humanity by his fingernails, but getting poisoned and almost dying triggers a sort of hard reset in his psyche. Especially since there’s no Juniper to take him to the Paper Pleasers
So he’s FULL feral by the time RWBY arrive. He’s not as malnourished as he was in Mistral, because the Afterans have no reason to be afraid of him. He’s their Knight, they take care of him. But he doesn’t really remember who he is or why he’s here. He just roams the Acres searching for SOMETHING (RWBY), ending up as an opposite positive force to the Jabberwalker
CC is also much less manipulative towards Jaune, because he’s so broken that he’s not very useful to the cat. Also, CC didn’t really start being bitter and destructive to Jaune until after Alyx and Lewis, so with Jaune’s mind broken the disdain doesn’t really build up
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cursed-elements-blog · 2 months
If you love Chunt so much give us all available chanter facts.
okie dokie!!! if i get any wrong, I'll delete my account (lying). im also not going to just do a full plot recap!! i will have to reference some plot points though so spoilers for Echo VN.
Chunty wunty was born in 1993 between Spring (probably March/April, i don't remember when his spring break was) and November 1st. He is a north american river otter! he was born and raised within Echo.
when he was a child, he was kind of an asshole! using carl's fear of ghosts to get access to carl's game consoles when he wanted to stay the night and frequently telling lies to get what he wants. Chase tells himself via his inner monologue that his dick is huge. on november 1st 2008, chase got caught jacking off to gay porn (fox and horse specifically) by his parents and then spent the rest of the day avoiding them. he got together with leo the day after that. Chase has arachnophobia. chase is bisexual but tells people he's gay cause he says that it is much easier to do that than to explain what bisexual is. at college he had one single edible and had a terrible intense trip lmao man CANNOT handle weed.
Chunt and Jenna thought it would be funny to pull a prank on Leo, this ended up with Chase breaking up with Leo. he suffers from sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and dissociation because sam-entity is possessing him. he has a somewhat artificial interest in journalism and photography and only really chose that field because Jenna suggested it to him when she told him to try to leave Echo. speaking of Jenna, Chaunter drove her out of Echo and to Payton to escape her abusive family.
after chase broke up with Leo and went off to college, he would still send Leo a bunch of sexually charged messages telling him how he missed Leo when drunk. he's such a messy bitch (affectionate). Chase and Carl used to be roommates in college before Carl dropped out. then Chase roomed with a rabbit and then Vincent. he was a very average student. chase used to have an anchor bracelet that he and Leo wore to symbolize their relationship* *yo i fucking cried when writing this sentence. that got me so emotional holy shit.
this is long so here is a break. more under the cut :3
he stopped wearing the bracelet during college. Chase drowned Sydney because he felt as if Sydney would eventually kill TJ. he then subconsciously suppressed this memory. he used to see a psychiatrist and take meds because he saw a body hanging in the woods shortly after Sydney's death.
Chase has a noticeable but not apparent gay accent. like that valley girl twang. stereotypical gay voice. he has said "haaii" he has said "hey, bee-otch" and he has said "hiiiiiiii~". when he and Leo first got together, they ended up sort of neglecting their other friends. Chase only was available to drive Jenna to Payton because he and Leo were fighting and thus not speaking to each other.
once TJ asked Chase how he knew he was into men, and Chase told him to go to a porn website. Chase loves to swim! he also stinks. Chase's musk actually apparently turns people off, especially on dating sites. speaking of, Chase is on Predatr, a dating app (parody of grindr)
Chase's mom calls his arachnophobia "his little spider problem". chase used to think he was strictly gay but realized that wasn't quite right sometime during his late teens/early 20s. CHase doesn't finish his school project in time in a vast majority of the routes. Chase, Jenna, and Leo used to play platformers together before Leo could really understand english, "double jump that sucker" became a in-joke between the three. the two of them helped Leo learn english.
in Flynn's route, Chase has exactly one good and successful publication before his journalism career goes downhill. he is 26 when he meets Devon and Cameron in Echo. in leo's route Chase is 22/23 when he visits with his boyfriend Kudzu. Chase's whereabouts after TJ's route is unknown! terrifying given how that route ended!
Chase has a body count of 2, killing Sydney and Flynn (only in TJ's route). In Carl's route, Chase once again rooms with Carl in college. Chase is a fucking kinkshamer. Chase tends to assume all christians are homophobic and subtly had behaved rudely to TJ and his family because of this despite their love of him.
when he was 15 he put a fucking gay dating ad seeking a "friend/mentor" while pretending his was 18 by taking a photo of him on a roller coaster and blurring out the face. this plan did not work and he was banned from the sight. probably has a small bladder cause he needs to piss a lot!
Chase went through an emo phase where he frosted his hair tips. god i wish we saw that. Chase thought his little goatee would grow into a full beard. it did not. Chase Hunter is my babygirl!! Chase and Leo went to TJ's christian party thing and spent the entire party making out in Leo's car. Chase bottomed for most of his relationship with Leo. Chase is 5'7. Chase once had Leo put his dick in a hotdog bun and was "shocked" at the result according to Leo. Chase is attending Pueblo University, can't believe i hadn't put that one down yet
Chase's legs are described as "stubby" and he isn't a great runner because of it. Chase doesn't like the idea of getting more help for his issues after having poor experiences with them as a kid. Chase used to get bullied sort of by Clint and Jeremy. Leo's family loved Chase when they were dating. Chase has a high amount of leg specific injuries across the entire vn.
Chase's original last name was going to be Cooper according to Howly. Chase is the first ECHO PROJECT PROTAGONIST!!!! BABYGIRL MADE HISTORY!!!!
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im ending it there cause i have work in the morning :/
part 2 maybe ;3
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windvexer · 10 months
Hi, I hope you are not too busy lately. May I ask for advice ? When it comes to hexing, I heard someone advising to but the remains of the ritual as far away as possible from the house (I can't but the remains of the spell near the targets house but I can put it away). But I also remember reading that one should keep the remains of the spell in case something goes wrong. Is it dangerous to keep the remains of a hex inside my house or would it better to keep it ?
Ooo! Resolving conflicting magical information, are we? :D Love it.
Short answer:
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Longer answer:
IMO, both of these plans of action are predicated on some assumptions.
Taking the remains of a hex very far away from the home (and sometimes, as you mention, ideally near the target) is, from what I've seen, generally done by witches who are pretty much fuckin' done and are washing their hands of the situation.
Hex-casting is often an intensely emotional experience and can feel like a deep 'purge' on the part of the practitioner, a bloodletting of the poison within the practitioner to flow downhill to the person who, as far as the witch is concerned, ought to host it instead.
When the experience of the hexcasting is one of purification of rage, a practitioner may just want to get the fuck rid of the spellcasting remnants and get on with their life.
This is not an amagical action. Inasmuch as your magic probably should make you feel really good about the world you live in, your life, and your actions, deciding to be completely over it and get rid of spell remnants can be deeply magical, both in the personal and metaphysical sense.
Another reason people like to get rid of hex remnants is because they can reek of that nasty soul stank you've just bled out all over into the world, and hanging out with them can be uncomfortable and bring up unwanted emotions.
Fortunately, witches gonna witch, and if you desire to keep spell remnants without them leaking all over your nice life, there are many methods to contain and control magical objects.
All that being said, do I find that keeping hex remnants is actually dangerous? Well, no. I find it to be uncomfortable. They remind of of anger and injustice and all the bad things I felt that made me want to do it in the first place. "Negative vibes" spilling out into your environment isn't dangerous so much as it is a bit icky.
If we take a moment here, we should consider that most probably, the average hex should not be so dangerous that the spent spell remnants are actively generating danger for any random person who comes into contact with them.
I mean... do what you want to other people, I suppose. But if you are casting spells in such a way that they are so powerful and tumultuous that the little blob of burned candle wax or whatever is constantly generating harmful, dangerous effects even within a magically protected household, idk. Probably do just get rid of it at that point. Or try new spellcasting methods. Etc.
On the topic of needing to keep spell remnants so you can continually work over the spell, it's a decent option, but also:
On a personal level I'm not sure why you'd go out of your way to try and harm someone with magic, and then keep the remnants to make sure it's doing the exact kind of harm you want in foreseeable ways. Either get after 'em or don't, you know?
You can still influence and control prior spells you've cast even if you do not have the spell remnants.
Overall I really think that you should just do what makes you comfortable. I don't think you should feel obligated to hold on to hex remnants just because something hypothetically might happen down the road. If things can go to far you can do a reverse uno on your own magic and cast new spells to help.
On the other hand, if you feel like it's a good idea to keep the remnants around, set up a magical situation that safely holds these remnants in "jail" so you don't have to worry about the vibes leaking out into your house.
[None of this takes into account spells that dictate something specific must happen to materia magica, etc.]
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kvthgok · 1 year
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Surprise? | Miguel O’Hara x Teen Spider Reader (Platonic)
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Warnings- none
Summary - Durning a mission you get hurt and try to hide your injury from Miguel
Side note - IM SO SRRY YALL THAT I HAVENT BEEN POSTING LATELY 😭🙏. SOMEWHAT PROOFREAD BTWWWW (ALSO to those who did request ideas I DID read them and am currently writing them 🤍🤍)
It was like any other day in the spider society. Fighting and sending anomalies back to their earths. But things had taken a slight little turn.
You had asked Miguel if you could tag along on a mission with him. It had token some convincing but half of it was just you begging. Miguel didn’t really like the thought of you going on actual tricky missions. He would normally send you on missions to catch the anomalies of the week. But not serious dangerous ones, especially the new anomaly Spot.
As you and Miguel were standing on a building Miguel was going over emergency plans.“Okay kid if anything goes downhill and you open a portal back to HQ immediately. I’ll be fine and finish up the mission myself.” Miguel looked at you trying to reassure you that he would be fine if you needed to leave.
Miguel sighed and then looked at the mission in front of you. “Ok you ready?” He asked you. His tone shifted back to a bit more stern and serious.
Yup!” You Said putting on my mask
The two of guys both put on your mask then swung off the building to the chaos down there.
Skip time after fight (cuz I’m to lazy & suck dookie at writing fight scenes🤭)
Miguel had met back up with you and was checking to make sure you were alright.
“You alright kid?” Miguel said having a tiny hint of concern in his voice.
He was about to say something else but stopped himself. He didn’t want to seem to over protective.
“The mission was a success. Good job kid.” Miguel said instead with a slight proud smile
He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah you alright kid? You didn’t get injured out there right?” He didn’t look too concerned but he had that same small hint of worry in his voice.
“Mhm yeah im fine.” I Said with a Small smile.
You had lied. Your hand was hurting like a bitch. The anomaly had stomped on it while fighting. You only lied to Miguel so he didn’t have to worry. Your lie seemed to work though.
Skip few days
These past days Miguel has noticed you had been laying off one of your hands and questioned you one night about it.
“Kid remember that time on the mission when you told me you weren’t hurt?” Miguel asked with a neutral expression.
“Yeah..why?” You said trying to act normal.
Miguel sighed and looked at you for a few seconds. “Don’t try to act like your normal. I’m not that stupid. Show me your injured hand.” Miguel’s tone had shifted back to being stern.
You still tried to act like you didn’t know what he was talking about.
He sighed out of annoyance and called out for Lyla telling her to scan you. She did find something. Your hurt hand.
Miguel was more annoyed then anything at this point. He had known you were lying to him this whole time. “So your telling me you’ve kept this injury hidden for a few days and didn’t tell me?” Miguel asked you while looking annoyed.
You nervously smiled not knowing what to say, “Surprise?”
He had a pissed off look on his face as he looked down at you, “Your not funny.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you had an injured hand when we got back to headquarters. I could’ve done something about it.” Miguel said with a stern tone.
“I didn’t want to you worry that’s why I didn’t say anything about it.” I said scratching my head looking down
Miguel looked at you for a few seconds. You could tell he was trying not to lash out. He sighed a bit and then spoke. “The next time you have an injury like this tell me please. This injury could’ve gotten a lot worse if you kept quite and let it fester for long periods of time.” Miguel spoke with a gentle tone even though he was pissed.
Miguel looked down at you once more. He could see that you had learned from this mistake. “I get it you didn’t want me to worry. Just don’t make that mistake again.” Miguel said looking a little less annoyed about this.
“Sorry Miguel” I Said in a low tone
“Its alright kid but next time just tell me. I want to make sure your always safe alright.” Miguel spoke with his eyes looking slightly softer and less stern.
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rosy-fox-art · 11 months
Ouroboros AU [CCC]: The Masterpost
Well. Since the Cjverse Chatroom is breaching containment I guess it’s finally time to talk about this au!! Because I’ve been forgetting to and it’s part of that chat. But let me at least give the basic premise and stuff first. This is going to be a Really Long Post. CW for body horror?
“In which Heart gets a little too comfortable in the pit to the point that roots start growing into him, and it al goes downhill from there . The psyche is alive, everyone’s missed their cues, and mind can feel his sanity slipping by the minute. Leave it to soul to…. “Fix” it?”
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The psyche in this au is only what I can describe as ‘ alive ‘
Everything is mildly based around organs here. The psyche is all in the vessel’s brain, after all. Your body communicates this from the outside to your brain through its nervous system, and just so the vessel attempts to communicate things like pain, illness, etc. silently through the environment of the psyche —- typically using weather or the natural elements — though the thirds aren’t quite aware of that.. it is a large, seemingly endless field dotted with ferns and flowers and other things depending upon the vessel’s wellness and the thirds themselves. So, you can imagine the loop gets off to a real bad start in terms of the psyche with a Haiku split where the vessel is left bleeding…. Which is exactly what happens.
Soul— Whose name is silence in the Cjverse chat and I’ll be calling him that from here on— does not get the chance to choose to forget the last loop. Dazed and having to take care of the vessel, his attention is taken off of Heart and Mind as he grapples with the existential crisis that is remembering the last loop while Heart and Mind don’t. In fact, Heart and mind begin arguing really early over the state of the psyche. Instead of realizing that their psyche being in a state of discord and soul being largely absent is because of the vessel, they begin to blame one another. This results in the shot, which gets souls attention. Soul banishes heart to the pit, a hole deep hole that has formed in the psyche, manifested from Heart’s hatred towards Mind and want for a grave for the other half. This part goes as typically, Mimd scolding heart while he’s in the pit and trying to rouse heart into improvement through but well meant harsh words, heart wallowing and just wanting out, etc…. What’s not typical is mind giving up on reasoning with heart, leaving heart to scream and yell and plead for Mind and Soul to let him out for months and months on end… only for him to inevitably give up.
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Heart—whose name in chat is Rain— begins to function as more of an organ than a construct. He is loving— beating— but not doing anything. Not speaking or moving. Existing quietly, just enough to get them by. Just like mimd wanted. As a consequence, roots begin to grow into heart as he slowly starts to sort of become part of the psyche more than himself. As the roots grow into him, he loses the ability to move speak etc all together rather than simply choosing not to, becoming essentially brain dead. Mind — whose name is Aperture— finally notices the silence and slowly becomes worried. As per usual, he did not know what he actually wanted, and begins to plead with heart to get out of the pit. But he is too little too late and gets no response. This slowly begins to drive mind up a wall as he tries and fails to find solutions as guilt creeps up on him.
Silence returns to paying attention to stuff in the psyche, noticing that things aren’t going as normal. He tries to free Rain from the pit and the roots, but finds that when he goes to cut the roots, Rain screams and the vessel begins ailing in Reality again. This stops him from making much progress and distresses Mind, who now spends all his time near Rain. Mind and soul argue, as Soul firmly believes he has to cut the roots out and Mind is against Soul hurting them more, insisting it is doing nothing for them. At some point it ends with a physical altercation in which Aperture gets lightly stabbed. Silence then leaves Aperture and says he will find some other way to fix this.
Aperture is left alone with his thoughts and to tend to Rain. This slowly proves detrimental, as he is still feeling guilt and struggling on solutions. What kind of Mind is he If he can to find a logical way to fix this? What if there is not a way to fix it? Inevitably, Mind begins to give up as well. His thoughts become too much and manifest in his nerves coming out from his ears as his thoughts become too much for him, leaving him in a similarly vegetive state to Rain.
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Now the only one left functioning, Silence wanders endlessly until he inevitably finds a part of the psyche he was never meant to have access to — Whole’s room— and while there, acquires the ability to reset the loop. And so he does!! Rain and Aperture are brought back! But soul is paranoid and can’t forget again. He won’t let himself. This way he can ensure what happened last loop doesn’t repeat itself. In the canon of the AU, this results in soul restarting the loop over and over again every time something goes wrong. He essentially becomes paranoid and loses it a little. Through looping so many times, Rain and Aperture begin to become incapable of forgetting and plead for Silence to stop, as he is now doing it too much.. Eventually Silence has to learn to trust Rain and Aperture and also himself again, alongside realizing that neglecting the vessel is what’s been causing the psyche issues. This results in them being able to form whole and not forget. So it has a happy end.
Usually I only focus on the first loop though, and in Cjverse canon the first loop happens but uh..we’ll.. the constant resetting not so much as a bunch of wild shit happened to give Silence a bit of a redemption arc from his absentee parenting in loop 1. And topography is a ‘ bad end ‘ of Ouro’s first loop where Silence never finds whole’s room, and Rain and Aperture only exist as parts of the psyche, forcing Soul to forever trick in search of an impossible solution through controlling the environment.
HOIGH. That was a lot!! If y’all have any questions I would be happy to answer 👁️👁️, esp in regards to the chat… Now!!
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Can you tell I have a favorite child ?
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Inspiration Saturday 🎸🎙️🎧
Tagged by my love @honestlydarkprincess who started it with really amazing Natalia/Lucy post💙💙💙💙
I was waiting months to find idea for enemies to lovers and FINALLY
Meet mood board for enemies to lovers singers buddie au + snippet
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context Buck's ex outed him to public when Buck wasn't even thinking about coming out as bi
Drowning in sadness and in the feeling that his whole life is going downhill, Buck hears the doorbell ring and despite all his desires to fuck off the one who came, he still goes to the door. 
Maybe it's Bobby who came to say that Buck ruined his second chance and he doesn't want to see him on their label anymore. Buck will understand. Doesn't mean it won't finish him off now.
After open the door all the desire to say fuck off only increases exponentially when he sees who is standing behind the door. Meeting with brown eyes Buck wants to disappear underground
“Great. Like I need more problems now.”
Call him an asshole; he doesn't have any forces to be kind to Eddie despite their truce.
Eddie only raises his hands up in sight of surrender. In one hand he had a bottle. He has his trademark grin on his lips, which Buck wants to erase with his fist. Or his cock.
“I came with peace. And whiskey," Eddie shakes the bottle.
He is silent for a second, obviously choosing his words, and then his grin subsides and Buck sees in his eyes regret and something that can be described as sympathy and concern. 
"I'm sorry, Buck. Sincerely sorry. No one should have to go through this. You had to come out on your own terms when you were ready,” big browns look him right in the soul and Buck feels like he has new portions of tear ready to come. 
He refuses to cry in front of Eddie, so he clenches his fists so that his nails leave marks.
“Yeah, well, it's not like that anymore. And my career may be over.”
“Maybe yes, maybe no. Some people will certainly send negative messages, but I'm sure many will support you. I've already seen tweets that aren't very flattering about your ex. He may think he's done something cool, but he's just an asshole. And I have a suggestion.”
The smirk is back in big plush lips.
“Which one?” Buck frowns.
“Another song. About him. Where you lay out everything you think about this asshole. I'll add some. I already have a sketch. I wrote it when I saw the news," Eddie takes his notebook from jacket. "That's why I came late. I wanted to give you some time to cool down.”
“Hate song? Seriously?” 
Buck could expect many things from Eddie: came here to have fun about the fact that Buck's career is over, to point out that Buck always went to destroy himself, hell, Buck admits that he could even have expected real sympathy from Eddie, but not an offer to write a song about his ex.
“And why not? I'm sure you want to kick his ass, but shaming him for the whole world by telling your story and recording a song seems to me a worthy "reward" for him.”
For a second Buck lets himself imagine it and can't deny that the idea of using their talents and humiliating this asshole seems pleasant to him.
Remembering that they are still on the doorsteps, he lets Eddie come in and leads him into the living room.
“Let's have a drink and I'll think about it”
song which is inspired this scene and au
Tagging if they want to share :@911onabc @ebdaydreamer @alyxmastershipper @transbuck @cowboy-buddie @lover-of-mine @heartshapedvows @bekkachaos @panbuckley @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @elvensorceress @shortsighted-owl @barbiediaz @buddierights @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @wildlife4life @wikiangela @hippolotamus @transboybuckley @devirnis @heartbeatdiaz @spotsandsocks @monsterrae1 @spaceprincessem @userdisaster @caroandcats @mandzuking17 @sibylsleaves @translasso and anyone who wants to share
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doodle-do-wop · 2 months
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@ohmygoly you're in for a treat today
I have a personal HC that Timkin and Tiergan actually knew each other cause like there is no way on Timkin 'I was banished for taking an ability and then was allowed back into society to graduate with my class' Raynes (his last name before he married Vika) did not get some big ass Black Swan meeting
Like guys Timkin had to be on the Five o'Clock news often enough this guy was messy (he'd have the cutest mugshot though😌🙏)
Anyway the reason I say this is because I think there was a peaceful enough time where Tiergan and his 'not a polycule' would come over to Sterling Gables and just hang out, sit on the porch swing and talk
Vika was never told of Tiergan and Prentice's involvement with the Black Swan nor was she explicitly told about Timkin but...well she's a smarter cookie than most as she has the ability of common sense and putting two plus two together to make four.
Jurek (he's Stina's older brother) is a bit older than Wylie and then they were just little boys the two would play around, splash around in rivers, pester their dads and goof around. Honestly life was so calm back then you'd never expect what would happen to happen
Wylie met Stina when she was just a wee baby, literally newly born before the Endals and the Heks went their separate ways and life went downhill real fast, a little too fast and life was just never the same again
Stina and Wylie have a weird and complicated relationship because on the one hand their families used to secretly be close and Wylie was friends with Jurek but on the other hand Stina couldn't even remember Wylie much less have any deep connection with him beyond stories she was told
This causes a rift in their relationship as a lot of stuff is never really spoken between the two and the weirdness of it all just gets bigger than Stina and Maruca become friends because Stina would occasionally see Wylie around from time to time. When Sophie gets kidnapped/presumed dead Stina is at the funeral and actually cries (it's complicated) and at some point she leaves to visit her aunt Silla who is a wanderling now but in her hysterical state she gets lost and her feet wind up leading her to Cyrrah and by extent, Wylie
Stina hugs Wylie and kind of cries and it sits as this almost sweet moment between the two before it's broken by Tiergan calling out for Wylie and Stina running off
Later when Team V is formed Stina seems to be back to treating Wylie the same as the rest, with animosity and like she constantly has to be armed with a snarky remark to shoot back but after a training exercise as a team goes a little off the rails and Stina and Wylie have a big argument ending with Stina storming off and later having a talk with Dex of all people she goes to Wylie to apologize for a lot of what she said and explain herself and afterwards they slowly but surely get to the point where Stina takes her usual jabs at Wylie but Wylie just takes it in stride
It's a bumpy journey and to be fair a lot of stuff that happened was completely out of their control but they do end up having a pretty solid friendship
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autistic-crypt1d · 22 days
Show Rankings: Crime Edition
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These are just the crime shows that I've watched (or that I can remember at least). If you have any show recommendations based on this pleeeeeaaaase comment them.
I'll be explaining my reasonings below the cut!
Psych - my favorite crime show ever, it's nostalgic, funny, well written, intriguing, and it balances serious with funny so well.
Sherlock - I mean, this show is incredible on all fronts. It's my favorite kind of show, one that you cannot look away from or get distracted from for even a second without missing something. I was on the edge of my seat absolutely enthralled every second. Incredible show.
Veronica Mars - this one is very different from any others on this list and honestly any other crime show I've ever seen. It's amazing and riveting and so interesting, I love it. I ignore the final season existing like everyone else though, screw that.
Bones - great show, super interesting, love the sciency stuff a ton and the unique way of solving crime vs the others on this list. I hate what they did to Booth and Brennan's relationship finally progressing though, and there are definitely flat points I end up scrolling on my phone through.
Castle - really fun show, but there's a lot of stuff I don't care for in it like oversexualization. It also drags on a bit so thats why it gets some points off. The goofy crime solving mixed with serious plot lines and really fun character dynamics keep it above B for me.
The Mentalist - really fun, love Jane's character endlessly, he reminds me of Shawn Spencer in a lot of ways (Psych mentions The Mentalist a few times too). I love how his trauma is included even while he's covering it up with humor. Ending felt a bit weird for me but I like the show a lot and I like how it's dark while still managing to be lighthearted and fun to watch. Plus the amount of times he goats people into hitting him is amazing.
Monk - I relate to Monk a lot with my contamination OCD, the show is really fun, the team is really fun together, plus it goes on for a while in a great way.
White Collar - I love Peter and Neal's dynamic so much, that's honestly the main reason this is high up. It gets a bit boring and repetitive and drawn out sometimes, but I just love how Peter adopted this suave nuisance and actually gets anything done.
Only Murders in the Building - good show, honestly not super memorable yet but I intend to watch the next season. I think the concept is great and the dynamics of the main 3 are really fun and I like it a lot so far.
So Help Me Todd - fun show, Todd makes me laugh, I think his ever developing and growing partnership with his mom is hilarious. That family is honestly so chaotic and I love it, but the show has some lacking parts I don't quite know how to describe. I found myself forgetting to watch the next episodes.
Brooklyn 99 - please don't hate me for this being at B, it's a great and really funny show, I just really didn't connect with it much. I honestly think it's just because I already loved Psych so much and it's so similar in so many ways. I really do like it though.
Tracker - this show is super new and I like it so far. Something about the way it's filmed or the audio or acting is just super off though. I can't put my finger on exactly what's wrong but it just feels so weird. Other than that, I love the concept, it's completely unique from any other ones I've watched so far and I like it a lot. I'm excited to see where it goes.
Rizzoli and Isles - I like this one, but it just didn't grab me like a lot of the others. I love Moira so much though. Plus it really does have a lot of interesting plot lines.
NCIS - ok, this show is super old so you can imagine what that means content wise. There's quite a few jokes and comments that are straight up fucked and that's one of the big reasons it's low. The other reason is how downhill it went after Ziva left, I completely stopped watching after Bishop left too.
Limitless - concept was cool but the writing left a lot to be desired for and of course the fact that it got canceled. The main cop woman also felt really wishywashy as a character to me which is not great for a lead.
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
i remember seeing posts about grovyle having to gain celebi's powers as a last resort and i just wanted to share my thoughts about how absolutely terrifying it would be for twig. id imagine that she has grown far enough in the dark future to know that "some things have to be done to ensure our survival" but she couldn't fathom what outcome would have happened for celebi to be essentially sacrificing herself just to ensure that they both could live.
and it all just goes downhill when the deed is done. giving grovyle's already haggered state and now what had to happen, he cant control himself. looking at his own hands feels him with disgust. his inexperience with the newfound time traveling ability nearly kills both him and twig way more than it helps, and its just how everyone looks him differently giving his new appearance. whatever dusknoir and the sableye think of him can go to hell, but it's how twig is just so distraught. she still trusts him, but it's like she sees his hands as though they are permanently stained with blood. maybe he sees it that way, too.
and dont even get me started on what will happen when they both get separated and grovyle will go on that little time gear hunt, oh dear. with him already losing the people who matter to him the most, id imagine grovyle is just already pushed beyond his limits as his goal in mind is set, and his just acts completely irrationally, not letting anyone stop him. entire time gear dungeons covered in greenery and thorns, its denizens scared for their lives and everyone confused as to how it even happens. and knowing that twig and kip will eventually have to face grovyle.. that's an entire different issue to unravel.
An additional detail that makes this even worse is that Twig was never outright told what would happen to them when they would change the future— at least when she was human. Grovyle couldn't bring himself to tell his little sister (who's barely reached double digits at that point) that none of them are going to live to see the world that they'll save. Twig will say something about how everything'll be worth it when they get to watch the sun rise together every day... and Grovyle will freeze up and stutter for a bit, before he quietly responds with something to the effect of how he can't wait for it. There's no way he can bring himself to tell her what happened to Celebi— from Twig's perspective, Celebi is just gone. And judging by how distraught Grovyle clearly feels about this, she probably ditched them. She wouldn't know that Celebi gave up everything so that they could accomplish their mission. She'd be confused by the fact that Grovyle has powers like Celebi did, but she wouldn't connect the dots.
Honestly, there wouldn't even need to be any interference on Darkrai's end for them to be separated. Grovyle wouldn't have the experience to maintain a stable passage of time. Twig would fall through because of this. Grovyle, in his eyes, killed the one person he had left, and it's his fault. And from that point on, he's got nothing to lose.
While he'd struggle deeply with long-term time travel using passages of time, he'd figure out how to make short jumps back and forth eventually— and then fighting him is 10x worse than you'd ever think possible. You beat him? Alright. He's traveling back to the start of the fight and trying again. He essentially figures out save states, and now the only thing stopping him from winning a fight is his own exhaustion— and he's got heaps of experience with being on the run for days on end without more than a delcatty nap with one eye open here and there.
The only reason Twig and Kip would make it out of Crystal Cave alive is because Twig's got a type advantage and set the place on fire when Kip is nearly cut in half after Grovyle attacks him. He'd try to win that fight over and over, but the fact that the area they're in is so overgrown thanks to his new abilities and Twig's summoned flames get more intense the more pain she's in and adrenaline she's got going through her (Blaze ability! Yay!) he'd have to eventually give up and recover from the confrontation. Dusknoir would arrive in time to catch a glimpse of Grovyle before he retreats, and instead of just feeling angry and disgusted at what he'd done to Twig and Kip, he'd be scared. Genuinely, truly scared of Grovyle— maybe just as much as he is of Primal Dialga.
Kip's recovery was hard during the normal AU. In this one, it's brutal. An amputation of much of his tail proves necessary, and he's lucky he got to keep all of his limbs. Twig got out physically whole— erupting into flames is an effective deterrent when it comes to a grass-type who prefers fighting in close quarters— but emotionally, she's not the same.
She doesn't have a perfect recollection of Grovyle's time traveling to retry the fight, but the dimensional scream paired with the temporal distortion surrounding her gives her an inkling. Team Venture would win. She'd turn to Kip, out of breath and relieved, ready to cheer that they did it— when suddenly she was back at the entrance of the cavern, starting the fight all over. And every time, Kip was injured worse and worse. Every time, she had to force herself to use the fiery powers she hated so much even more than she had in the fight before, just to have a chance to occupy Grovyle and protect her best friend. Supposedly, the fight took a few minutes. For her, it felt like hours of fighting off an unbelievably powerful enemy as he tried to finish off Kip before getting to her.
It's not being captured that brings Grovyle back to the Dark Future— it's a retreat to recover from the battle he had with Team Venture. At that point, Dusknoir hasn't kidnapped Twig and Kip or dragged them into the Future, but asked them to help him fight Grovyle while he's still weak. They went into the Future with him willingly. Primal Dialga's presence prevents Grovyle's save state strategy from working, so they actually might have a chance to defeat him. At one point in the fight, Kip shouts for Twig to look out, and Grovyle stops just short of impaling her as he realizes he recognizes the way her face scrunches up and tears well in her eyes when she's scared.
She's alive. She's okay. She's alive, and she's okay, but she has no idea who he is, and she's terrified of him. It doesn't matter if he tries to explain himself— she's solidly on Dusknoir's side now. And why wouldn't she be? It was only thanks to him wrestling Grovyle to the ground that he didn't manage to slit her throat just a few moments ago. Twig was always the one who insisted on stealth and subterfuge during their mission, while he was inclined to leap in headfirst and not wait for answers before he got into fights. Look at where that rashness had gotten him.
He scrambles up from where he had her pinned with an attack ready to run her through, and shouts at Dusknoir about this being some kind of trick. (He knows it isn't. He knows it's real. It can't be real. He needs it to be a lie.) Twig doesn't understand what's being said as they argue back and forth until there's a mention of the name Celebi, and something stirs amongst memories long forgotten.
"... Clover?"
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sometimesraven · 9 months
The fact that I went through most of my life experiencing, processing and healing from my trauma alongside The Doctor only for RTD to go “lol the last 15 years of character growth didn’t happen actually” is a slap in the face actually
Thirteen’s era was bad in a lot of ways but one of the first things I noticed was that her brightness and her optimism were such a natural progression of the healing Twelve did throughout his regeneration. And as someone who had also gone through the same growth and was learning to accept and love and Just Be despite everything that was huge to me, it was such a hopeful message just as Doctor Who has always been for me.
I’ve been thinking about it and I realised we’ve already seen what happened in The Giggle. In Moffat’s era, but it was over time and it was earned.
Twelve was carrying So Much trauma. He was tired and bitter and angry, carrying the expectations he’d learned in the previous incarnation (that people see him as far higher than he sees himself, that he’s a god and a warrior and a healer and he doesn’t want that, he just wants his friends and his box). He’s fighting between who he is and who he’s expected to be and he can’t run away from it any more.
This all comes to a head with Heaven Sent/Hell Bent where he loses his best friend. The woman who had guided him and supported him through this trauma, the one who was there to help him learn that the preconceived pressures of “good” and “bad” he put upon himself were bullshit and he’s just Some Guy Doing His Best and that’s okay, he doesn’t have to be more than he is even if the universe tells him so. He thinks he’s responsible for her actions (which arguably goes all the way back to Davros accusing him of turning his companions into weapons) and he relapses into trying to control everything, brings her back, does all of this shit for her that she never asked for.
And that’s when he learns his inability to let go and actually face the pain rather than running from it is hurting people and himself. He’s faced with what he did to Donna at long last and given the chance to not repeat that mistake. Clara teaches him one last lesson.
Then he settles. He takes care of Missy and spends some time as a professor, meets a new companion and by the end of his regeneration he learns to let go.
This is the point where I realised RTD had somehow rehashed something that had already been done.
He lets go. He passes the torch into a brighter, more optimistic Doctor less burdened by the previous incarnations’ trauma and ripe for a whole heap of NEW trauma, still remembering all she’s lost but able to put it behind her and focus on the happy memories and the love. She has a family.
The Doctor had healed in a meaningful way, and more importantly a way those watching could see and realise that yes, it’s possible. Yes, it’ll still hurt sometimes, but it’s possible to heal from the terrible things that have been done to you. It’s possible to live a full, happy, bright existence even if the past doesn’t truly go away.
Obviously it all goes downhill again and yeah, the unfortunate writing means that Thirteen had some really unhealthy coping mechanisms that were never addressed. Yeah, the Flux happens. Yeah, Gallifrey dies again.
Imagine this for a second: Rose and Donna’s “let go” statement, ignoring the gender essentialism. It turns out they’re actually harkening back to “Doctor, I let you go.”. Thirteen bigenerates and Fourteen (Ncuti) gives the “therapy in the wrong order” speech, but this time it’s because they’ve already been through the same trauma.
They’ve already seen their planet die, they’ve already lost so much and felt responsible for so much death, but because they’ve already been through that trauma from 9-12 and been through that healing combined with the Toymaker’s wibbly wobbly laws of physics, the bigeneration came from a subconscious recognition that they’re relapsing into those bad habits (compartmentalise, put it away, keep running) and that they need to slow down and stop to process this again.
It would be an excellent way of doing what Rusty wanted and soft rebooting while also showing the audience “hey, sometimes when you think everything is okay it’ll fall apart again, you’ll relapse, things will seem shitty, but because you’ve done all this healing and have all these tools and learned to trust people it’ll be easier to bounce back from, just have patience with yourself” rather than coming across as just completely retconning 15 years of character growth in favour of cheap fanservice
Idk I just have so many issues with The Giggle and I thought they’d get smaller over time as I get over the initial what the fuck but I’m only getting angrier lmao. Like acknowledge the previous writers or don’t, you can’t acknowledge them and then try to gaslight an entire audience into thinking it didn’t happen
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