#and realised he liked having something to do with his hands
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yanderedrabbles · 21 hours ago
Yandere Neighbour - Noncon
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With your electricity out and your devices dead, you have no choice but to turn to your neighbour for help. He's more than willing to welcome you into his home. Really, you're lucky he's such a nice guy.
Tags: male yandere x gender neutral reader, noncon, somno, just the tip anal, daddy kink but only if you squint, 3.3k words
Living in the middle of nowhere had its perks. Privacy. Untouched nature. Peace and quiet.
But after the third day with no electricity, those perks were starting to look pretty damn weak. Your fridge was sitting in an ever expanding puddle. Almost all your devices were dead. And if you had to take one more cold shower you were going to cry.
It was when you were digging through your drawer looking for desperately needed batteries that you found your neighbour's number. He'd offered it to you a little while after you moved in, and while you two were on friendly terms, you'd never actually spoken for longer than a few minutes. You sighed, looked at the 10% left on your phone and decided that desperate times called for desperate measures.
You: hey, it's me. I still haven't got any power. Do you mind if I come over to charge some stuff?
He replied almost instantly.
Unknown: aww that sucks
Unknown: come on over. I've got hot stew and a generator
Unknown: and you can take a hot shower too if you want
Score. And to think you found him intimidating at first. Just goes to show that you can't judge on appearances. You packed a change of clothes, your devices and the last tub of ice cream that wasn't totally melted. You'd find some way to properly pay him back but a tub of chocolate fudge double cream wasn't a bad way to start.
He was waiting on his porch when you pulled up. A bear of a man in a flannel and blue jeans, a five o' clock shadow darkening his jaw.
"Howdy neighbour," he drawled, opening your door for you while you grabbed your stuff. "Regretting leaving the city yet?"
You huffed a laugh. "You do NOT want to know the answer to that."
His cabin was much larger than yours, a two storey behemoth with wide windows and exposed beams. It had a rustic charm - like some natural park Air BnB where they charged a weeks pay for just one night. A little too big for just one man. Didn't he get lonely?
"I brought some ice cream and chocolate to say thank you. And also because it miiight have been melting."
He opened the door for you and ushered you through with a hand on your lower back.
"Hell, I'll never say no to something sweet."
There was a fire burning in the fireplace and a stack of logs in a crate next to it. He was so much better suited to this life than you were. He locked the door behind you and slipped the keys into his pocket.
"Old habit," he explained with an easy grin.
"Why don't you get settled? I'll plug your stuff in."
You handed over your tech with a relieved sigh.
"Thank you. Really. I'm so behind on work already and I haven't heard anything back from the power company."
"I wouldn't hold my breath," he said. "Once ended up going a week straight with not even a light bulb flickering."
You winced. "It gets that bad?"
"Yep. Especially in winter. Gets dangerous then too."
He tilted his head at you, concerned. "You need to get yourself better sorted before it starts snowing. I hate to think of you stuck out there when the blizzards start rolling in."
God, could you be any more of a city slicker? You rubbed your neck, embarrassed.
"Thanks. I've been here a few months now and I guess I just didn't realise how serious things can get."
"It's all good. But if I'm honest, I get worried thinking about you out there all alone. Plenty of drifters end up passing through. Not a good place to be alone, not for a little thing like yourself."
Little? You wanted to feel indignant, but looking at his bulk, you reckoned that most folk probably seemed little to him.
He lead you to the fireplace and poured you a mug of coffee from the pot that was waiting for you. He jerked his head at the hunting rifle on display above the mantle.
"I can teach you to shoot, if you've got some free time."
You took a sip of the coffee, internally debating with yourself. You could see the sense in your offer but you weren't a big fan of guns. Hell, just being around them was nerve wrecking enough. Maybe -
You looked down at your mug in surprise.
"This is some really good stuff."
The coffee was strong, bitter in the best sort of way. You could catch a hint of chocolate in it too. Just sweet enough to make your toes curl.
" 'Course. Only the best for my guest. Help yourself to another cup. I'll just put your stuff on charge and be right back."
You finished your drink in a few sips and happily poured a second serving. Hot coffee... man, you didn't think three days without it would be so tough. Usually, you were pretty sensitive to caffeine. But by the time your neighbour came back, your head was tilted back and you were half asleep.
You tried to shake yourself out of it but he just laughed and pushed you back down.
"You probably haven't had a good sleep since the power went out. Just rest. We can talk once you wake up."
"I'm sorry..."
"It's fine." His hand was still on your shoulder, thumb rubbing small circles into your neck. "It's just fine with me."
You drifted off after that. Into a deep sleep without any dreams. Waking up was like slogging through molasses.
"Finally up sleepy head?"
It was dark outside and your neighbour was on one knee in front of the fire place, coaxing fresh wood to catch.
You sat up slowly. Your muscles ached and there was a strange, salty taste on your tongue.
"My heads killing me..."
He stood, poker still in his hand. "You must be starving then. I've already got some food on the stove. You'll feel better after you eat."
You didn't feel hungry at all. If anything, you felt almost hangover.
"Thanks," you managed. "I'm sorry to be such a bother."
He waved you away. "I don't mind a bit."
He came back with a bowl of steaming hot chow and stood with his arms crossed on the back of your couch while you ate.
"It's real late. I reckon you should stay over. I don't want you driving on dirt when it's so dark."
"Oh, it's fine. I've already put you out so much."
"Don't be silly. I insist."
You shivered without meaning to. That almost growl, low and bordering on menacing. It was so familiar, so...
"Just like that. Look at you, half asleep and still desperate for my cock."
"You like the taste? Yeah, I bet you fucking do."
"Ain't just gonna use your mouth next time."
You squeezed your eyes shut. Where the hell was this coming from? Were you remembering some sick dream from this afternoon?
"You okay there neighbour?"
You nodded. "Just my head."
Maybe he was right. Driving when you were so disorientated was just asking for trouble.
"If you really don't mind... I'll be happy to sleep over."
He laughed, a deep, rumbling thing. "I'll make the guest room up special, just for you."
"Could I use your shower too?"
"I offered didn't I? Come on, I'll show you where it is."
He took you to the master bedroom and jerked his thumb at the en-suite.
"Hot water is the most reliable in there. Door doesn't close that well though, so don't mind it. I'll be downstairs when you're done."
You brushed your teeth carefully. You lips felt sore, bruised in a way you couldn't explain.
You waited until you heard his footsteps going down the stairs before you stripped off your clothes. You stood under the hot water for a good few minutes, luxuriating in the feeling. The bathroom was thick with steam when you finally got to scrubbing yourself. The door was open just a crack and the bedroom beyond was dark. You forgot all about it until you heard the creak of the hinges.
You whirled to face the door, your hands coming up to cover yourself. The steam was too thick to see through. You called his name.
You stepped out with suds still on your thighs and pushed the door open. The room beyond was empty.
You sighed. God, you were being paranoid. Your neighbour was a great guy. It was unfair of you to treat him like a peeping tom when he'd gone out of his way to make you comfortable. It must have been just an errant draught.
You stepped back into the shower and rinsed yourself off. But no matter what you told yourself, you still kept an eye on the door.
When you went to change into your fresh clothes, you spent at least five minutes hunting for your underwear. Did you drop it somewhere? Oh, please say your undies weren't just sitting in the middle of his hallway. That would be beyond embarrassing.
Eventually you gave up and just decided to go without them. Not comfortable at all but still better than walking around in a towel to look for them. And much better than calling your neighbour in to help. Wouldn't that be fun? 'Hey neighbour that I don't know that well, you haven't seen my intimates lying around, have you?' Yeah, you'd never again get invited over after something like that.
When you were dressed, you found him already on his way up the hall. He was carrying a glass of water and some pills.
"Thought you might still have a headache, so I brought you some painkillers."
You paused, nervous but not sure why.
"Thanks." His hands dwarfed yours when he handed them over. You didn't recognise the name of on the pills, but they looked harmless. You tossed them back and gagged at the bitter aftertaste.
"They pack a punch, so tell me when you start to get drowsy."
"Aye aye captain."
You followed him to the guest room. It was at the very back on the second story, quieter than the rest of the house. A huge glass wall gave you a view of the forest disappearing into the darkness. You could see the ghost of your reflection in the glass, your neighbour a hulking, shapeless mass at your shoulder.
He took a seat in an armchair across form the bed and stretched out his legs. You perched on the edge of the mattress, still feeling a bit like an intruder.
"How long have you been staying out here?” you asked.
He smiled at you, teeth glinting almost wolf-like. "Got you curious?"
"A little. Folk in town say they hardly see you. I don't know... I'm just wondering if you ever get lonely."
He was quiet and you cursed yourself for being so nosy. You hurried to fill the silence.
"It's just that I get a bit lonely out here too. 'Specially when it's so quiet. And I guess I was wondering if it's the same for you."
He smiled at you, rueful. "At times. Used to be worse, but I've got a new interest to keep me occupied nowadays."
"Oh yeah? What?"
"Bird watching."
"Really? What do you look for?"
The way the room was lit up, you couldn't see his eyes. They fell into shadow and you only had his lips to read his emotions by. He smirked, slow and almost mocking.
"Just one bird I look out for. Flighty little thing. Tends to get caught by predators a lot. You’d probably recognise it."
The polite thing to do would be to ask what it was called. You didn't. Some part of whispered that you wouldn't like the answer.
You must have been quiet a little too long because he took it as his cue to leave. He stood, a mountain of muscle, his eyes not quite as nice as they seemed that afternoon. A trick of the light, surely. He wouldn't hurt a fly.
"You rest up. Got a busy day tomorrow."
He was gone before you thought to ask what he meant. And you were passed out on your pillows before you realised it. He was right. The pills sure did pack one hell of a punch.
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You were aware of a shadow at the end of your bed. You weren't fully awake, and your limbs were slow and heavy with more than just sleep.
The shadow reached down and one warm paw circled your ankle.
"Just me little bird."
You knew that voice. It was the voice that brought you warm food and invited you in from the cold. You could trust it. Could go back to sleep and not worry about anything.
'No,' some part of you hissed, 'He's not as safe as you think.'
The shadow laughed and it was the laugh of the fox finding the rabbit's den. Nasty. Hungry.
"Cold huh? Don't worry baby. I'll warm you right up."
He yanked your ankle towards him and your whole body slid down the bed. You were too drowsy to stop it.
"Knew you were gonna be mine the second I saw you," he cooed, hands running up your thighs.
His fingers slipped under your waistband, nails scraping your hip bones.
"Dumb little thing from the city. Doesn't even realise I've tripped all their breakers. That's why you don't have power baby. It's all me."
His fingers were as big as the rest of him. Thick, meaty. Skin rough from working outdoors. You whined when his fingertips scraped the edges of your hole.
"No underwear. You needy slut. That's practically a written and signed invitation to fuck you."
He pulled your pants down to your ankles and pushed your knees up to your stomach. And you were too out of it to stop him. Limp and pliable as a fuck doll.
Your tight ass was exposed to the cold air, entirely at the mercy of whatever he wanted to do.
"Cute." He circled his thumb around the rim, almost pushing in but not quite. "Wanted to be in this ass since you first showed up at my door all those months ago. Lookin' up at me all sweet. Fuck, it's enough to drive a man to desperation."
He lowered his head and you could feel his warm breath washing over your thighs.
He dragged his tongue across your hole. Some part of you must have been more awake than the rest, because your whole body jerked away from him.
"None of that," he cooed, hands digging into your thighs and dragging you back. "I haven't even gotten started yet."
He licked you again, deeper this time. The flexed tip of his tongue pushing at your entrance, and to your dull horror, actually slipping in. He moaned and you could feel the vibrations all through your crotch.
He pulled out and spat, rubbed it in with his fingers. One of them pushed in until the second joint, curling into your walls so rough that you gasped.
"Please what?" he mocked. "Please fuck my tight little ass? Please cum inside me? Use your words little bird."
That made him laugh again, made him shove his finger in all the way to the knuckle. Twisting so cruelly as he pulled out and jerked back in.
"Stop? Stop? After all the work it took to get you here? No way baby. I'm not slowing down and I'm sure as fuck not stopping."
You heard the sound of his belt unbuckling, followed by a sharp intake of breath when he nudged his leaking head against your hole.
"You’re not going to remember this. And I'm not going to leave any evidence."
He pushed your legs tighter against your chest.
"So as much as I want to fuck you rotten, you're gonna have to be happy with just the tip."
He'd done a good job loosening and lubing you, but it still burned like a hot poker when he forced his way in. He groaned, almost in pain.
"You're fucking choking me. God, do you want my cum so bad?"
You could feel when the tip was in. That tiny difference in thickness between his head and shaft was oh so noticeable when your ass was clenching and fluttering around it. It was the smallest mercy, but mercy nonetheless.
He was panting from the effort of getting it in, the effort of holding back. The size difference between you almost perverse. Like a draft stallion trying to mount a pony. In every way, he was just too fucking big.
He spat in his hand and brought it to his cock, ran his palm up and down his shaft with sickly wet strokes. The combination of his palm and your squeezing ass was fucking delicious.
He had great stamina but fuck if it didn't feel like you were milking him.
He let go long enough to smack your ass. It almost finished him. You clenched around him so hard it felt like his tip was getting fucking crushed.
"Shiiiit, you're the best hole I've ever had. Can't wait 'til I can go all the way."
You whined, pitiful as snared prey. There were words there, though they were too slurred to make out. Something about Daddy and please and stop. He ignored you.
He pushed in a little deeper and watched your face scrunching up. So helpless, so fucking caught. That was what did it. The knowledge that he could do this to you at any point and you'd be helpless to stop it.
He came inside you, snarling through clenched teeth, his fingers digging into your thigh hard enough to bruise. You'd notice the marks in the morning and chalk it up to just being clumsy. But he'd know. He'd see the bruises peeking out from the hem of your shorts and his cock would twitch just a little at the memory of leaving them.
His cock pulsed. Shot strings of spunk deep inside you. You could feel it. Hot, too hot. Gross. Make it stop. Get it out.
He pulled out with a wet pop. His cum drooled down and he took a minute to work it back into you with his finger. Your hole was gaping just a little and it made his balls pulse. If he had the time...
"A real fucking mess. And on my good sheets too. You're a terrible guest."
He mopped up whatever cum remained with a balled up piece of martial that he pulled from his pocket. Even in you stupor, you recognised it as your missing underwear.
"Terrible guest, but the perks of having you around are pretty fucking sweet."
He dropped your knees back to the mattress, pulled your pants back into place and roughly yanked the duvet over you. He grabbed your jaw and smiled at the lost, drowsy look in your half open eyes.
"Got a big day tomorrow. Gonna wake up and find your whole house was flooded. Ruined. Gonna have nowhere to stay but with me."
He sounded smug. It made your guts twist.
Outside, the night grew quiet. A predator was hunting and most prey knew better than to catch its attention.
"I made sure of it. All your family and friends in the city are away from home. There's no one around to help you out..."
He tightened his grip just enough to watch the fear start dancing in your eyes.
"No one...except me."
He let you go and smiled that same warm, comforting smile from that afternoon.
"Dumb little thing. Got no clue how your water mains work, do you? Got no idea how easy they are to sabotage."
He tutted. "Got me so damn busy. I'm gonna have to run to your place, fuck shit up and be back here before you wake up for real."
He traced his index finger over your lips and left behind a sticky coating of spunk. You'd wake up tasting salt again, with no memory of why.
"But it's fine. I forgive you. After today we'll have plenty of time together. Rest of our lives in fact. So just sleep tight and forget what you think you've dreamed."
There are perks to living in the middle nowhere. Privacy. Untouched nature. Peace and quiet.
There are perks, but unfortunately for you, your neighbour isn't one of them.
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hungharrington · 1 day ago
request: i cannot stop thinking about asking steve if he ever got himself off to you before you got together. he’d be so blushy and sheepish about it but man it’d be fun to watch him squirm 🤤
2.1k words, established relationship, masturbation (steve), gn!reader, MDNI this entire blog is 18+
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It’s a universally awkward experience to have a sex-scene come on in a movie. Unless one’s watching it alone, of course.
You are not. Cuddled in behind you, cushioning you against his chest, Steve lounges, his eyes fixed on the screen.
Sure, in terms of awkwardness-rankings, watching this with your boyfriend who you also have sex with isn’t as bad as, like, watching with parents.
But still. You kinda can’t tell if you should be watching or averting your eyes — and you don’t want to peek over your shoulder to figure out what Steve’s doing.
The man in the film grunts, his hand in his pants jerking furiously, his eyes fixed on a polaroid of the film’s love interest.
You squint��surely this is stretching the truth a bit?
Yeah, yeah, guys jerk off, you know that - this isn’t your first day on earth.
You just didn’t think it would be like, romantic style. People in movies kiss in the rain and run through airports, so they’re hardly known for being grounded in reality.
The man in the film groans lewdly and you feel Steve shift slightly behind you, his fingers looped around your middle twitching.
Did he-? When you-? You suppose you’ve never really thought about it.
You’re asking before you can second guess yourself.
“Did you do this?”
Steve’s attention switches idly from the screen to you as you crane your neck to look back at him. His brows pinch together.
“Did I do what?” He asks, doting brown eyes searching your face.
You fluster a bit. This is certainly moving you up through the awkwardness rankings. But now it’s in your head —now you’ve said it — you can’t turn back.
The thought of it blazes hotly through your mind.
Steve, all those months ago, still just crushing on you, but never quite making a move. He’d told you, whispered his secret, when you’d finally gotten the nerve to ask him to be your boyfriend officially, that he’d been sweet on you far longer than you knew.
But the image of it is what has you interested. You imagine Steve, his fist stuffed into his tight jeans, working himself over and biting his fist to hide his moans, at the mere thought of you.
You’d had plenty of long, late night conversations on the phone before officially getting together.
The thought of if he’d ever touched himself while you talked, none the wiser on the other end, wanders into your mind — and your stomach clenches hotly at the thought.
Clearing your throat, you tip your head towards the screen.
“Like, before we got together?”
It takes Steve another glance at the screen to realise what you’re asking. A simmering, pink colour crawls up his neck and in a moment, you go from feeling awkward to feeling downright devious.
Steve clears his throat, his eyes darting rapidly back and forth from the screen to your face. “Uh, I- I mean, why do you ask?”
A coy smile curls at your mouth. “I wanna know how accurate it is.”
Steve stares down at you, the pink now creeping up his cheeks and to the tips of his ears. God, he looks delectable like this.
Is this how he looked when he did it too? Blushy and embarrassed to commit such a filthy act thinking of someone that wasn’t his? A hot buzz drizzles through your core, fringed with endearment.
Steve licks his lips nervously. His hands on your stomach stiffen and then relax. The film plays on in the background. His expression shifts towards something sheepish.
“It’s — I, uh, well, yes.” He stammers. “It’s accurate, yes.”
“How many times?”
Steve’s eyes narrow, but his face gets redder. “What is this, an interrogation now?”
You giggle, drinking in his evidently embarrassed state. The confirmation of him doing it solidifies the perfect image of him in your mind, your own film-scene imagining Steve in the same position as the character on screen. In real life, Steve moves his hand to tug at the collar of his shirt.
“I’m just… enjoying the idea of it.” You muse.
“Uh huh,” Steve says, tongue jammed into the side of his cheek. “Not just—” He fumbles for his words. “Just enjoying seeing me, I don’t know, like—”
His words trail off and his head tips back with a groan, exposing the delicious expanse of his throat. It begs you for kisses and love bites. He moves both hands up to cover his face.
You wait til he pulls them away to nod. “Absolutely, baby. Watching you squirm is far more interesting than this film.”
In the background, the man on screen gives a pornographic shout as he finishes in his pants. Steve manages to turn redder, even if he keeps his eyes fixed on you.
“But I’m just,” You huff and pout. “Put out, I guess. You did all that for me and I didn’t even get to see it.”
At the exact same time, you watch as Steve’s pupils dilate, blowing out in obvious lust, and something pressed against your back thickens up.
Steve, to his credit, only makes one strained noise which he immediately smothers with a cough. You feel his hips twitch beneath you and make a quick decision, confidence built on the sweltering heat of Steve’s face.
You push forward and up, then quickly turn, slotting your knees across either side of Steve’s thighs, perching atop them nicely.
You’re not outright in his lap—there’s room between the two of you for what you hope will happen.
It takes Steve another long moment to catch your drift.
“Wait, you want-?” He inhales sharply. You can see the twitch of his cock through his loose sweatpants. “To see?”
“To watch,” You clarify, smiling almost mischievously. “Yeah.”
Then just to check, “Is that okay?”
Steve’s breath shudders out of him but he’s nodding before the question is completely out of your mouth.
“H-Here?” He checks. You nod, resting your hands atop your thighs to show you don’t plan on using them. Steve’s hungry eyes scan you up and down, the tent in his pants pitching up in arousal.
“Just show me how you did it,” You murmur, words on the side of sultry. Your own excitement, that faint thrum of pleasure, has already started to pool low in your gut.
“Yeah, but I normally don’t have an audience for it,” Steve mumbles, his left-hand reaching for the drawstrings of his sweats.
They come undone with a simple tug. Steve stretches the elastic out a bit and then slips his hand in.
You know the moment his large hand settles around his cock from the flutter of his lashes, the soft groan that curls out his throat, rough and sweet all at once.
This… This is new. You usually don’t get such a focused look at Steve’s pleasure, at the little shifts in his expression, too wrapped up in your own pleasure to pay proper attention. Getting this much detail sends a delicious throb between your thighs. You hardly want to blink.
Steve’s hand moves slow to begin with, slow, gentle strokes to get himself properly warmed up.
After a moment, he draws his hand back and some part of you worries he’s too weirded out now. But he only brings it up, to his mouth, and you realise what he’s doing.
Quickly stealing his hand, Steve’s eyes widen as you let spit drop from your lips and pool in his palm. Another soft, jagged noise drags from his throat.
“Jesus Christ,” He murmurs, more to himself. “This is not what it’s like when it’s just me, this is, like, ten fucking times hotter.”
His hand sneaks back into his sweatpants but this time when he grips his cock, the reaction this time is immediate.
Steve moans, louder this time, his eyes crushing closed and his hand starts moving faster. With the help of your spit, it doesn’t take long before you can hear it, the slick sounds of him fucking his cock desperately.
His head tips back against the couch and a piece of hair flops over, into his eyes.
You reach out and brush it to the side and Steve’s eyes crease open at the same time a whine threads through his moans.
“Fuck,” He grunts. He sinks in teeth into his bottom lip, his eyes desperately roaming your face. “Fuck, baby, you’re so pretty.”
“That what you thought bout?”
You’re impressed with yourself for the cool, calm demeanour you’re portraying. Steve nods, the motion a little wild, his hand still making those lewd, wet noises.
“Uh huh,” His voice shakes a little. “Just, fuck, dunno, like, your face and-uh-what y-you’d sound like.”
Your eyes glitter with interest, ego raring at the devotion your boyfriend is spilling out.
“What I’d sound like?”
“Y-Yeah,” Steve stammers, his breathing heavy. “Like, doing this.”
Now that’s a picture; Steve jerking off to the thought of you, hot and bothered with your hand between your thighs. You give a breathy gasp without meaning to.
Steve hears it, groaning louder as he quickens his pace. You sort of want to reach forward and ruck up his shirt, so you can see the glorious clench of his stomach as he rolls his hips up into his warm hand.
“Can I see more?” You ask tentatively. “Please?”
This time, it’s more like a whimper that creeps out of Steve’s throat.
“Oh my god,” Steve mumbles through a stilted moan. “Jesus Christ. Yeah, yeah, of course.”
He swallows heavily, his free hand reaching down to push at his waistband. You help, lifting up to help tug the fabric out of the way.
Obstructions removed, your mouth salivates. Steve’s cock is pretty — and it looks that much more enticing when it’s worked up, pink and the tip of it leaking all over his hand.
Steve’s a fucking vision. His head still lolled back, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. His throat, dotted with moles, crawling with pinkness. His big, veiny hand wrapped around his cock, pumping it steadily.
You think about how much you’d like the lick the trail of hair on his tummy, down, down, down.
“You seem close,” You say and it earns you a reedy whimper in response. “Is it- does it normally happen this fast?”
“Are you kidding me?” Steve whispers back. His eyes are closed and after a moment, you realise he’s trying to keep himself from cumming too quickly, even as his hand doesn’t slow. “I—ngh— n-normally don’t have such good, ah, material. My imagination is— is not this good.”
You’re equal parts flattered and flustered, heat twinging in your gut.
“Can— can I?” Steve whimpers out suddenly.
The question nearly throws you. You almost say Can you what? when the meaning of it douses you in fire.
He’s asking permission.
Oh, that does something to you.
“Yeah, Stevie,” You say, voice lilting closer to a coo. “I wanna see it, please.”
Something shifts in his motions, changing gear as Steve’s hand suddenly starts moving in smaller, tighter strokes, just over the head of his cock. His head tucks forward, his eyes scrunched closed, and he’s whimpers out, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”
It only takes a few seconds, the whine in Steve’s voice pitching higher and higher, until something gives.
His hips take over, something desperate and primal shoving them up, his thrusts rapid and frantic. His hand doesn’t stop moving, not even as his cock starts to leak out ropes of cum, shooting out enough to cover the back of his knuckles. It joins your spit to rub slick against his cock.
He keens pitifully. For one long minute, you listen to Steve’s breathy whines get softer and softer, watch his desperate thrusts abate til an overstimulated shiver wracks through his body. Then, and only then, does he collapse back, sinking into the couch.
He’s a bit ruined, truthfully.
And you’ve soaked through your panties.
“You’re welcome,” You croak, throat dry. His hair is back in his eyes and lean forward, tenderly brushing it out of the way. You leave your hand there, cupping the side of his face, and Steve leans into it, still panting.
“What?” He asks.
“You were thanking me,” You point out cheekily.
Steve’s face plunges back to that scarlet colour you’re beginning to adore most ardently. He turns his face further to hide away in the palm of your hands.
“Shut up,” He mumbles.
“So you don’t wanna do that again?” You tease.
Steve pulls back and eyes you. “Now, hang on, I didn’t say that…”
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rafesbuzzcutseason · 11 hours ago
chasing city lights
chapter 22 - every word
synopsis: you move to new york to start fresh, hoping to find comfort in the city’s atmosphere. that’s when you meet sarah cameron, where she takes you to a concert and you catch sight of the lead band member, rafe cameron. it only takes a moment for you to realize you’re captivated by him. as sarah helps you navigate your new life in the city, you start to get pulled deeper into rafe's world—the music, the fame, the chaos. the more you get to know him, the more you realise that rafe is not just the rock star he seems to be. he’s wrestling with his own demons, and the last thing he needs is someone like you getting close.
cw: language, angst, sorry this is more fic i had to get it out
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you had just settled down for the evening, having spent the day with kie you were feeling happy and ready to unwind for bed, until you heard a knock on your door.
a wave of panic rushed over you, as the knocking only increased in desperation.
you got up and looked out the window, just to see:
what the fuck was he doing here.
you stood there, frozen in your position with your heart hammering in your chest.
another knock. louder this time.
“y/n, please open the door.”
your fingers twitched at your sides, reaching for the door knob.
how fucking dare he show up here after everything?
you yanked the door open so fast he took a step back, eyes widening slightly at your appearance.
you looked good, and from the way his gaze flickered over you, you knew he saw it too.
“what the fuck do you want, rafe?”
his jaw tensed, hands clenching into fists at his sides. “y/n." he exhaled sharply, running a hand through his messy hair. “can we just—can we talk? please?”
“talk?” you scoffed, crossing your arms. "now you want to talk? after you've seen me doing good?"
rafe’s eyes darkened, his whole body tensing. “y/n, it’s not what you think.”
you shook your head, letting out a laugh. “it never is, is it?”
his jaw twitched, struggling to keep his composure. he wasn't expecting you to be angry. “that picture—”
“don’t.” you held up a hand. “i don’t want to hear it.”
he stepped closer, his voice dropping. “it’s not what it looked like.”
you let out a sharp breath, forcing yourself to meet his sad gaze. “you think that changes anything?” your voice wavered, but you steadied it. “you didn’t call, rafe. you didn’t text. not once.”
his lips parted like he wanted to argue, "you broke up with me. what was i supposed to do?"
“you let me sit in that heartbreak alone,” you whispered, voice laced with so much anger it nearly scared you. “you didn't even try. and then i wake up to you kissing another girl?"
rafe shook his head quickly. “i was drunk, y/n-"
“no.” you clenched your jaw, gripping the door like it was the only thing keeping you steady. “let me finish. you don’t get to show up here and act like you give a shit. you don't get to release this fucking song like it'll win me back."
his eyes searched yours, something breaking in his expression. “i do give a shit,” he said, voice softer now, almost desperate. “i still- that song, i meant every word.”
“no.” you stepped back, “i don’t want to hear it.” tears threatening to spill. "you didn't even fight for me." you whispered.
rafe's heart dropped at that, he took another step forward, his voice, desperate. “y/n, please. i messed up. i know i did. but you have to believe me, that song, that was real. we were real. everything you think happened, didn't happen. i only ever wanted you, only ever loved you. fuck, still love you.”
your chest ached, like he was physically pulling at the wound he left in you. part of you wanted to believe it. but another part, the part that still felt the sting of betrayal, the part that had spent weeks crying over him, knew better.
“i don’t care.” the lie tasted bitter on your tongue.
his face fell those words punching him in the stomach. “yes, you do.”
you swallowed, you couldn't look at him. “you let me go.”
his lips parted, but no words came out. he tried to step closer, take your hand in his. you almost let him.
tears started to well up in rafe's eyes, and the sight made you want to break.
"why did you kiss her rafe? did i mean that little?" you questioned, voice shaking.
"no y/n, that isn't it." he started.
"then what is it?"
"i was so drunk."
"i know you were, i've already told you that isn't an excuse." anger burning inside you again.
"no y/n, i kissed her because-" his breath catching in his throat.
"spit it out rafe." your frustration rising.
"i thought it was you."
and just like that, the anger disappeared.
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ ☾. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
a/n: i'm not done breaking your hearts just yet
taglist: @hoefordrewstarkey @marleymarleymarleymarley @bee-43 @cherryhoneybabe @skye-44 @drewrry @drewrry  @yesterdaysproblemm @dylsdaily @rafeysworldim19 @valyrianflower @kaiparkerwifes@judesgfirl@4urvalidation@chillgal135 @drewstarkeyslover@yesshewrites1@amterasuu@babykhloutofthisworld@blushmimi  @moonywhisp3rs @rafeysworldim19 @marleymarleymarleymarley@sabrina-carpenter-stan-account@vcnillafairy@bambii1i @sammyrenae68 @kittenjujusblog @bambii1i @thesunflowersociety @wtfdudesblog @voidangxls @jjmaybankmylovee @munsoncultedits @emmiesummers @darlingstarkey @sassyvillaintrophy  @pogueprincesa @stylestarkey @sodapopwaldor @hannaa20002000 @stelleduarte @davinashifts333
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reiding-writing · 17 hours ago
Heyy!! i was wondering if you could perchance do a drabble with dad!spencer and mom!bau!reader where they've gotten into the rhythm of calling each other mommy and daddy in front of the kids and one of them accidentally slips up and does it work without realising. And then the team is like "hold on 🤨" (probably morgan) and they have to defend themselves. Just something i've been thinking about and i don't have the artistic ability to right it myself but you do! Thank youuuu! xxx
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SLIP UP. /spencer reid/
your at-home naming habits find their way into the office.
bau!mom!reader 1.1k fluff masterlist.
a/n | this is so funny i love it.
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The bullpen hums with its usual energy—phones ringing, keyboards clacking, conversations weaving through the space.
It’s late, and exhaustion weighs on everyone like a heavy fog. Cases have been stacking up, the paperwork never-ending, and you’re all running on caffeine and whatever sugar-laden snack Garcia has left in the breakroom.
You and Spencer, despite being used to sleepless nights—courtesy of two small children at home—are still feeling the burn.
Parenting while profiling is a delicate balance, and some days, it feels like you barely hold it together. But you've found ways to cope, to slip into a rhythm that works.
Spencer leans over his desk, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he scans a report. His hair is slightly disheveled—likely from running his hands through it—and his tie is loosened, his sleeves rolled up. He looks exactly how you feel, drained.
You, seated across from him, are going through another file when you sigh and reach for the next document. “Pass Mommy the file, please,”
The moment the words leave your mouth, the bullpen stills. For a brief second, no one reacts. Not even Spencer, who doesn’t hesitate to slide the file over to you, his tired brain not even registering what just happened.
But then—
“Hold on, what?”
Your head snaps up so fast you nearly give yourself whiplash. Across the table, Morgan is staring at you with wide eyes, a slow, knowing smirk spreading across his face. JJ’s eyebrows are raised nearly to her hairline, and even Rossi has paused his paperwork, looking mildly amused.
Hotch looks like he’s trying very hard not to react.
You glance at Spencer, who is blinking rapidly, his brain trying to catch up with what just happened.
And then, it hits you.
“Oh my God.” Your stomach drops. Heat rushes to your face. “I didn’t mean—”
Morgan leans forward, elbows on the table, his smirk growing. “Did you just refer to yourself as Mommy?”
Spencer makes a strangled noise in the back of his throat. “It’s— It’s not—”
“Because I swear I just heard that,” Morgan continues, clearly enjoying himself.
JJ covers her mouth, eyes twinkling with suppressed laughter.
You groan, dropping your face into your hands. “It’s not what you think,”
“Oh, I think it’s exactly what I think.” Morgan chuckles, leaning back in his chair. “Reid, you calling her Mommy at home?”
Spencer makes another choked noise, shaking his head furiously. “No! I mean— yes, but not like that!”
JJ snorts, and even Hotch finally cracks, pinching the bridge of his nose like he’s debating whether or not to intervene.
You lift your head, groaning again. “We have two kids under four. There’s a lot of third-person referencing, okay?”
Morgan raises an eyebrow, amused.
Spencer, still red-faced, starts rambling. “It’s a psychological phenomenon, actually. When individuals—particularly parents—are frequently addressed in a particular way, their brains develop an associative response, reinforcing the use of the terms even in situations outside the expected context. It’s entirely innocent. Just an unconscious linguistic habit.”
Morgan whistles low. “Damn, Pretty Boy. You really just tried to profile your way out of calling your wife ‘Mommy’ in front of us,”
Spencer groans, burying his face in his hands.
Your face feels impossibly warm. “We’re tired, Morgan. We haven’t had a full night’s sleep in—” You glance at Spencer. “How long has it been?”
“Three years, three months, and sixteen days,” he answers automatically.
Morgan lets out a low whistle. “Damn,”
Emily places a hand over her heart. “That’s actually kind of adorable,”
Garcia practically vibrates with excitement. “This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I need to hear more,”
“There’s nothing more to hear,” Spencer says, shaking his head quickly. “It’s just a habit. Strictly innocent,”
“Oh, we believe you,” Rossi says, the corners of his mouth twitching. “That doesn’t mean we’re going to let it go,”
“Not a chance,” Morgan agrees.
You groan, dropping your head into your hands. “This is never going away, is it?”
“Nope,” JJ says cheerfully.
Spencer sighs, rubbing his temples. “Great.”
And just like that, the teasing begins.
For the rest of the day—and likely for weeks to come—you hear variations of:
“Daddy, can you pass me that report?” from Emily.
“I don’t know, Mommy, what do you think?” from Morgan.
Garcia, of course, takes it the farthest, occasionally referring to you both as “Mommy and Daddy dearest,” complete with exaggerated winks.
By the time you make it home that evening, you collapse onto the couch with a groan, Spencer falling beside you.
“I’m never going to live this down,” you mumble.
“At least they think it’s funny,” Spencer says, leaning his head back against the cushions.
You sigh. “This is your fault,”
He turns his head to look at you, eyebrows raised. “My fault?”
“You didn’t even hesitate when I said it. You just handed me the file like it was totally normal,”
His lips twitch. “To be fair, it is normal,”
You nudge him with your foot. “Not at work, it isn’t,”
He chuckles, then tilts his head, considering. “Maybe if we just… pretend it never happened, they’ll drop it,”
You snort. “You really think that’s going to work?”
“Exactly.” You groan again, rubbing your hands over your face. “I’m never going to hear the end of this,”
Spencer smiles softly, reaching over to squeeze your hand. “At least we’re in it together, Mommy,”
You open your eyes just to glare at him. “You better not start doing that on purpose,”
He presses his lips together, trying to suppress a grin.
“Spencer,” you warn.
His grin widens. “Yes, Mommy?”
You grab a throw pillow and smack him with it, and his laughter fills the room, warm and familiar.
Exhausted as you both are, you wouldn’t trade this—your life, your family, the teasing from your team—for anything in the world.
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moody-alcoholic · 2 days ago
Inspired by: Service Dog Johnny by the amazing void-my-warranty. I had the idea of; what if the roles were slightly different. What if Johnny invited Simon to come and fuck his girl to get over his fears.
Anyway. I'm super nervous about this because I really don't think I can do SDJ justice but enjoy none the less. Also void if you're seeing this you're awesome thank you for gifting the world SDJ.❤️
Part 1
Summary: John MacTavish x reader x Simon Riley (kinda), WC: 3.2k
CW: +18 content MDNI, Voyeurism, exhibitionism, fingering, angst, implied past abuse.
Enjoy <3
It’s Friday when Johnny springs the news his friend is coming round that evening. He didn’t give you much time to prepare, or get the house clean but you do the best you can. Johnny does go to the store for you and picks up some beer for them both. 
“You don’t need to do anything special.” Johnny says opening a beer. 
“I don’t mind, it's not that big of a deal, I like cooking.” You say, he comes over and wraps his arm round your waist kissing your neck.
“What exactly does he need help with?” You asks stirring the food. 
“Well, it’s.” He sighs, taking another sip of the beer. You turn to look at him, he seems nervous. 
“Would you ever be up for a threesome?” He asks suddenly. The question shocks you a little, you reach over and pick up your glass of wine. You weren’t expecting that, not the most unusual thing Johnny has asked you about when it comes to sex though.
“I mean, would you?” You ask taking a sip to quell the nerves. 
“Depends on who the other person is.” He says, running his hand through his hair. You take another sip and put the glass down. 
“What has this got to do with Simon? Is he the person you would want to have a threesome with?” You ask frowning. He takes another swing of his beer. 
“It’s not that simple.” Johnny says, you shake your head, now you’re even more confused. 
“I want to help him have sex.” Johnny says, holding his hands out. 
“Help him have sex by having a threesome?” You ask. 
“There’s more to it than that. It’s not just a threesome.” Johnny says. “He’s, he’s been through alot. Being intimate, it’s something he’s not very used to.” 
“Okay. Is he shy?” You’re not sure what to say, you've never even met him. 
“Shy? No, not Simon, well-” Johnny’s sentence gets cut off by the ringing of the door. 
“Just trust me, okay?” He says coming over to you and resting his free hand on your shoulder. You nod, you trust him. Now all of a sudden you feel nervous, you weren’t nervous before now, Johnny leaves the room to answer the door. So he’s invited Simon round for sex? Did Simon ask for this or is this one of Johnny’s master plans?
Or well, maybe he’s not here for sex because Simon has intimacy issues apparently. He should be talking to a therapist, what does Johnny expect to do? You have to keep a straight face though, you don’t want to make him more uncomfortable then he probably already is.
You turn off the stove hearing Johnny laugh as he comes in with Simon. You turn and smile at him, you put your hand out to shake it as Johnny introduces you. He’s not what you expect and he doesn’t seem shy. 
He’s massive, bigger and taller than Johnny, he’s definitely good looking, fit, brown eyes and blonde hair. With the way he holds himself you can tell he’s a soldier, Johnny does the same when he’s nervous, he probably doesn’t even realise it. 
“Thank you for cooking, you didn’t have to.” Simon says as you all walk over to the dining table. 
“I told her the same,” Johnny says, nudging him.  
“I don’t mind, besides when was the last time you had a home cooked meal?” You say going back into the kitchen while Johnny and Simon sit down. You finish your glass of wine swallowing the nerves, it’s going to be fine. What's the worst that could happen, you all have sex? 
That wouldn’t be the worst thing. 
Johnny and Simon seem to get on great, after a beer they both relax. You just enjoy listening to them talk about their last deployment. You don’t mind letting your second glass of wine mull you out. After everyone is finished and your stomach’s have settled Johnny insists on moving to the living room.
You all end up on the sofa, you find yourself relaxing against Johnny as he wraps his arms around you. Maybe Johnny won’t bring it up or maybe he’s waiting for Simon to bring it up. It’s not your job surly, you look up at Johnny, blinking at him, maybe he’ll get the idea. 
He smiles and kisses your forehead. Maybe not. You sigh looking back over at the bottle of wine and unopened beer cans on the table. 
“When was the last time you got laid LT?” Johnny asks suddenly. You snap your head back up to look at him. He’s got a cheeky grin on his face looking over at Simon. You hear him clear his throat, now you feel bad. Fucking epitome of subtle as always Johnny.
“Why do you want to know?” Simon replies, you look over at him. He’s resting the beer on his knee, he doesn’t seem nervous. More irritated that Johnny asked him. 
“Just looking out for you Si. Need you to blow off some steam before we’re back to work and you’re busting my balls again.” Johnny chuckles, at least that makes Simon smile. 
“Do you have a girlfriend?” You ask him trying to steer the conversion away from the awkwardness hanging in the air. 
“No.” You swallow the lump forming in your throat. You let out a breath sitting up. Johnny frowns at you. 
“I’m going to the bathroom.” You say, Johnny smiles his hand resting on your hip for as long as can. 
When you make your way back down you hear Johnny talking. You hang back for a second and eavesdrop. 
“I wanna help you Simon.” Johnny says.
“You don’t have to.” Simon replies.
“Well of course I don’t have to. I want to.” Johnny replies, Simon sighs and you hear a can open. “I think it would be good for you, if you want. We’ll take it slow, promise.” 
You feel a lump rise in your throat at Johnny’s words, you always knew he was close with his unit but you didn’t know he was this close. You let out a breath and slowly walk back into the room. You see Johnny move his hand off Simon’s thigh and you go over to pick the empty cans off the table. 
“Need anything?” You ask, trying to keep your voice level. Johnny and Simon both shake their heads. You go into the kitchen anyway to throw out the cans. You hear Johnny coming in, his hands slip round your waist. You smile at his touch and turn to face him. 
“Do you mind doing this?” Johnny asks, his thumb comes up to brush your cheek. 
“Do you?” You ask. He smiles, nodding his head. You smile back, reaching up and kissing him. 
“We’ll take it slow. You want to stop at any time we will.” Johnny says his hand rubbing your arm. 
“I don’t think it’s me you need to be worrying about.” You say. 
“Sorry I sort of sprung this on you, I didn’t know if he would agree.” He says, you frown. 
“Did you speak to him about this before tonight?” 
“I hinted at the idea.” 
“Hinted?” You scoff. “John MacTavish, you're the least subtle person I have ever met.” You wrap your arm around his waist pulling him against you. He hums with that cheeky grin on his face. 
“What happened to the bra?” He asks. You smile. 
“One less obstacle.” He kisses your forehead. You follow him back into the living room, Simon has moved onto the recliner. This time when you sit back on the sofa you don’t lean against Johnny. 
Simon seems to be suddenly extremely interested in what’s going on on the news. Johnny’s hand lands on your thigh and rubs it. He turns and leans in to kiss you, he takes his time mapping your mouth out, you relax into the kiss forgetting Simon’s there for a second.
Johnny’s hand slips up your shirt groping your breast. You hum in his mouth and he pulls away from the kiss. He removes it, gripping the hem of your shirt. You raise an eyebrow at him, what you’re just going to fuck while he watches or maybe joins in.
Johnny tips his head to the side smiling. You swallow the nerves and hold your hands up so he can slip your top off. A satisfied noise leaves Johnny and before you can start to feel really embarrassed about anything he’s already locked his mouth round one of your nipples.
You can’t help moaning and running your hand through his hair. He had it cut while he was away, you want him to grow it out again so you have something to grip onto. Johnny’s tongue flicks your nipple and he gently nibbles it before he pulls his mouth off with an audible pop. 
“What do you think, Si?” Johnny asks, looking over at him. You look over to see Simon press his lips together. “Pretty ain’t she?”
You feel heat rush to your cheeks as he nods, it doesn’t last long though. Johnny pulls you closer to him, planting his lips on yours and pressing his tongue in your mouth while his thumb rubs circles on your nipple still wet from his mouth.
He breaks from the kiss pressing his forehead on yours. “How ‘bout you go show Simon how good you are?” He says, it’s almost a whisper. You nod and he gives you one last quick kiss before you stand up. 
Johnny's hand lingers on the small of your back for as long as he can as you step over to stand in front of Simon. He doesn’t look that nervous, you know he is though, the way his lips are pressed together avoiding your eye line. His hands gripping the chair arms. You’re not sure what to do, make sure you don’t freak him out is probably a good start. 
“I’m not a virgin.” He says, you clench your jaw feeling awkward. “It’s just been a while, I'm out of practice.” 
“How long?” You ask.
You bring his hand up and place it on your breast. “I like having my nipples played with.” You say letting go of his hand, encouraging him to squeeze. You smile at him, you need to keep yourself open and calm. 
“Couple of years,” he says, like it's the most embarrassing fact in the world. Now you just feel bad for him, again. You reach down for the hand resting on the chair arm and pick it up. You can see the bulge in his pants, that's good, one less obstacle you need to worry about. 
His hands are rougher than Johnny’s, his grip is tighter, you’re not sure if it’s out of nerves or not. If he relaxes it will be easier, you don’t think that's going to be happening any time soon. His thumb brushes over your nipple and you reward it with a hum, trying to make your body relax even more. 
His other hand comes up to your other beast and before you know it he has both his thumbs running over your nipples. It feels good, if this were any other situation-or Johnny you might be able to cum just like this. 
You feel Johnny step up behind you, his hands land on your waist as he pulls you back against him. 
“Wanna see what else she likes?” He asks, resting his chin on your shoulder. Simon looks up at him and nods. Johnny leaves you and Simon drops his hand as you both watch Johnny move the coffee table out the way. When he’s done he goes over to the sofa and pulls the throw down on the floor, sitting down with his back against the sofa. 
“Come.” He says gesturing at you, you raise an eyebrow and walk over anyway, he spreads his legs and pats on the floor between them.
“Pants off, back on my chest.” He says, you nod pulling them off. This time you don’t get embarrassed thinking about Simon seeing you. You sit down between his legs and rest up against his back. You look over at Simon who’s face has turned a light red. Maybe this is too much, too fast. 
He hasn’t said stop though. Johnny reaches over and pulls your knees up so Simon has a perfect view of you spread out against him. You can feel his own cock pressing against your lower back, his hands run down your thighs eventually pressing on your clit. 
You try not to squirm, keeping yourself still. You let out a breath as Johnny moves his fingers round soaking them in your juices before pressing them back on your clit. You moan this time at the new sensation, his fingers pressing little circles with ease. 
That’s good though right? You should be looking like you’re enjoying yourself. This is a fun activity not something to be afraid off. 
“She likes this too, Si. Wanna feel?” Johnny says then presses a kiss into your neck. You watch as he shifts in the chair, for a second he looks like he doesn’t know what to say. He lets out a sigh and stands up out of the chair, he steps over then kneels down in front of you. He watches for a second as Johnny changes his strokes. 
You see Simon swallow before he reaches out. Johnny’s fingers are replaced with his. It’s a whole different sensation. His movements are slower, more unsure but the pressure is there and from having them both play with your nipples your body is slowly building up to that sweet release. 
“Put your fingers in her.” Johnny says after a few seconds. Simon looks up at him then quickly to you, you smile and nod at him. He shuffles on his knees again taking his fingers off your clit almost like he’s unsure. 
You watch his adam's apple bob then he presses a finger into you. You can’t help moaning, his finger stops, you smile at him and he continues to press it in until he can’t anymore. You feel Johnny’s cock twitch behind you. He’s enjoying this, he moves his fingers back to your clit. 
“Feel good love?” Johnny asks in your ear, you nod. “Use your words darlin’ tell him how good you feel.” 
“Your finger feels good Simon, you can use more if you want.” You say looking up at him. You think you see the faintest smile creep onto his lips. The next time he pulls his finger out he adds another. The new stretch makes you part your legs further, scooting your position slightly so his fingers rub against your g-spot with each thrust. You moan again, this time tipping your head slightly. You want to come but not until Simon’s ready, you don’t want to scare him. 
“See not so scary after all.” Johnny says, you can hear the smile in his voice. You look up at Simon who seems like he’s in a world of his own, maybe that's where he needs to be to get through this. You wonder what happened to him, you didn’t bother asking Johnny. It must have been something horrible. 
You let out a moan trying not to clench down on Simon’s fingers, you don’t want to spook him. Johnny hums in your neck, you know he’ll know you’re close, sometimes it feels like he can read your body better than you. 
“What to make her cum?” Johnny asks, you almost want to nod and scream yes. Simon looks up again, he hesitates for a second, his fingers stopping in you. He nods and you smile at him. 
“Just don’t take your fingers out okay?” Johnny asks, you swallow, you don’t want either of them to take their fingers off you. Simon nods again, his fingers start moving again, he makes sure to press in all the way. He speeds up too, you’re not in control anymore, maybe it’s for the best. 
Johnny’s fingers on your clit are relentless, you’re focusing on not spooking Simon or clenching around his fingers until you cum. Johnny hums in your ear and it sends shivers down your spine. He can tell your close cock twitches behind you. You’re not sure if you need to give an audible warning to Simon though. 
Your breathing increases as does your moaning, you’re close and you need to make your mind up. 
“Johnny.” You call his name, it’s almost like you need to wait for his permission, you’re not sure what to do.
“Yeah baby, come for us.” His voice low in your ear. Christ, that's all the permission you need, you tip your head back and close your eyes moaning as you clench down on Simon’s fingers. He stops moving but you don’t care. Johnny rides you through the orgasm as Simon’s fingers leave you. 
“See, not so bad.” You hear Johnny say. You open your eyes as you feel Simon get up to his feet. 
“Si?” Johnny asks as he moves to leave the room. You sit up.
“Bathroom.” Is all he says as he leaves the living room.
“Is he okay?” You ask leaning forward between Johnny’s legs. You turn to look at him watching out the door. You both hear the downstairs toilet door close. Johnny looks back over at you and smiles, you can see the concern in his eyes though, he’s not as slick as he thinks he is. 
“You did great.” He smiles, leaning forward to kiss you. You can’t help feeling like you’ve done something wrong though. Maybe it was all too much for him. 
“I’ll go check on him.” Johnny says helping you to your feet. You smile at him and nod. Maybe he just needs a second. You feel bad all of a sudden. Johnny leaves and you shiver, the room suddenly feels cold. You’re just standing there naked, you’re not sure if things are going to continue. 
You reach over pulling the other throw off the couch and wrap yourself up. At least this way if he wants to keep going you don’t have to go through the hassle of taking all your clothes off. You want to sit down but your curiosity gets the better of you and you head over to the living room door. 
You hear the toilet door open. No one says anything, you make sure to keep out of sight of the hall, trying to focus on listening. 
You hear Johnny sigh. “You did so well mate.” There’s a sniffle in response, is he crying? Now you really feel bad for eavesdropping. 
“Wanna stay the night?” Johnny asks, there’s no response.
“Want a mask?” He asks, you frown, a mask? “Guest room, in the chest of drawers.” You hear movement and step back over to sit on the sofa. You’re still getting comfy as Johnny walks in. He smiles at you and comes over to sit next to you. His arm comes round your shoulders and he pulls you up against him. 
“Simon’s going to stay the night.” He says kissing the top of your head. You nod trying to swallow the guilt of eavesdropping on their conversation. Johnny reaches over to pick up the remote and unmute the TV. 
“Is he okay?” You ask. 
“He’s fine. He just needs a minute.” Johnny says. You nod 
“Thank you.” He says. “Really I mean it. You didn’t have to do this.” You look up at him and smile, it makes you feel all warm inside.
“I love you johnny.” You say. 
“I love you too.”
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urdsstiny · 3 days ago
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the past few days had been challenging for both Hamzah and his roommate, you. your relationship was always a bit strange; you never viewed each other as anything beyond friends, but that was a far cry from the truth.
occasionally, you’d find yourself entwined with him, breathless and sweaty, yet either of you ever discussed it or reflected on those moments. you were just roommates—nothing more.
however, when you brought a reoccurring guest home again, hamzah felt a wave of confusion wash over him. jealously was definitely a part of it. and now, she was introducing them again.
as hamzah stepped into the apartment, he took off his hat with a sigh as it hit the floor. he had been busy filming a vlog all day with martin and hadn’t even noticed that you had brought that guy over again until he emerged from your bedroom, shirtless. from the flushed look on his face, hamzah knew why he’d come over.
"hey dude." the guy greeted him as he brushed by him to the door, a cocky smile on his face. as soon as the guy entered his field of vision, he felt anger boil in his veins. the guys cocky little smirk just making him even more irritated.
"hey." hamzah replied back, forcing a small smile. he moved his gaze away from the guys semi-exposed chest to you, who was exiting your bedroom with a yawn. you didn’t noticed him at first, only finally spotting him when you entered the kitchen. “oh, hey. how was work?”
as you crossed into the kitchen, hamzah followed behind, taking a seat at the kitchen table. "it was alright." he replied, his gaze still eyeing the guy through the window, watching him walk down the sidewalk with a few of his friends.
hamzah looked away as he leaned back in the chair. "y'know, it's kind of strange that you've been bringing that guy over so often." you frowned slightly as you began to make some noodles, too late at night to justify anything more.
"how is that strange?" seeing you begin to mess with the noodles, brought hamzah’s attention away from the window and to you. though his frown stayed on his face. "because it just is. i mean who is he? and does he have to come shirtless every time you bring him over?"
"well," you smirk, "he's gonna end up naked anyways. it's called time saving." you joked as you looked back at hamzah, realising he was not finding it as amusing as you.
and just like that, the irritation was back. the mention of the guy ending up naked and you sleeping with him, just made it worse. he scoffed, bringing a hand to his forehead with a sigh, before mumbling something under his breath.
"what was that?" you asked, not realising you were poking the bear with your question. he raised his head, looking you in the eyes. “you really want to know what i said?" he asked, moving his hand to grip the edge of the table.
you nodded, words failing you as you watched his eyes darken. they looked over your body, clad in an oversized shirt and shorts that were invisible underneath the top. it made hamzah's heart pound harder against his ribcage. he stood from the seat before moving to you, stopping once he was directly in front of you. his gaze scanning over your body before meeting your eyes. "i said, that i'm sick of that guy coming around."
"why?" you lose your nerve slightly at him so close to you "it's not as if he bothers you." as soon as you replied back, the thought of that guy touching you in all of the places that make you squirm, filled his mind. hamzah took a step closer, crowding you up against the counter. "but he does bother me."
"why? did he do something?”
"yes, he did do something. he came here." hamzah replied, voice dropping to a near whisper, his gaze going down to your lips for a split second. your chuckles grew dry as you realised what he was implying. you stood silent for a moment, glancing up at him. "are you jealous, hamzah?"
hamzah's jaw tightened at the mention of jealousy, his gaze hardening. "no." he replied, the lie leaving a bad taste in his mouth. he was jealous, so jealous. he leaned down, his face mere inches away from your own. "why would i be jealous?"
"because you wish you were him.” you choked out, trying to keep the same confidence you had entered the conversation with. it was hard with him looming over you, his gaze making you tremble.
hamzah froze, feeling his heart pound even harder. you were right. he wanted to be the one. he pushed away the thought, trying to fight the growing urge to pin you against the counter. "why would i want that?" he asked, looking straight into your eyes.
you smiled, giving him a sultry look as you answered. "i'm not answering that for you, hamzah." you stated before turning, finishing your noodles. the moment you turned, showing more of your thighs as your shirt rode up, hamzah swallowed as he took in the sight.
he fought the urge to grab your waist and pull you to him, the look on your face making him want to rip away that shirt. he watched as you finished up your noodles, still fighting against the growing urge to touch you. he knew he should leave the kitchen but he couldn't bring himself to move.
you finished with making your food, standing still as you waited to see if hamzah was going to make a move. your chest pounded as you waited on something, anything, words or even just touch. you craved it.
you just standing there, waiting for his next move... it was driving him crazy. he needed to touch you, he needed to hear you say his name. hamzah's hands came to grip your hips, pulling you flush against him. your thin shirts the only thing separating the two of you.
you felt his hands come forward to grip your hips as he leaned down into your ear. he pressed up closely against your back, the feel of his hard chest against you making your skin ignite. he leaned forward, his breath fanning over your ear.
"do you have any idea of what you do to me." he questioned, his low voice sending a shiver down your spine. you giggled, and his grip tightened. "maybe."
hamzah's jaw clenched at your response, the grip on your hips tightening. "you’re brat." he whispered, before biting your earlobe. you spun around, his hands moving down slightly as you leaned forward. "what are you gonna do?"
his hands slid to your backside, gripping hard. hamzah looked into your eyes before suddenly picking you up, placing you on the counter. "i think we both know the answer to that." you smirked as you finally leaned in, pressing your lips to his while your hands gripped his shoulders.
he leaned in, meeting you halfway as he pushed his lips against yours, his hands moving up to thread through your hair. hamzah pulled away for just a moment, taking in the sight before him. "i can't stand that there's other guys out there touching you." he said, before connecting his lips to your own once more.
hamzah started pressing small kisses along your jawline, before moving down to your neck. once he reached your sweet spot, he bit down on the sensitive flesh, before sucking and marking it red. he pulled back, staring at the mark before growling and attaching himself to your neck once more.
"that's not m'fault." you murmured as you moved ur neck to give him more access. "i know it's not." he replied against your neck, he slowly moved down, leaving a large trail of marks along your neck, before he reached the hem of your shirt. pulling away for a moment, he looked into your eyes as he tugged on the material. "this really needs to come off."
"i’m not having another one nightstand with you, hamzah." you couldn't be only with him once. he was addictive. he watched as you grew vulnerable, and for a moment, he knew then that was it for him. he would never want anyone else.
he watched as you grew vulnerable, and for a moment, he knew then that was it for him. he would never want anyone else. he shook the thought away, before leaning forward, so his mouth was close to your ear. "i don't want a one nightstand either." he replied, his fingers tugging on the shirt. "i want to make you mine, and only mine."
“make me yours, hamzah.”
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scoupsakakitty · 2 days ago
i think a touching scenario would be 14th member reader who has always been treated coldly by leader scoups until one day they had a major breakdown, and he would realise he was being too harsh and they would reconcile 🙊
Breaking the Ice | Seventeen x Reader | Angst, Fluff
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The practice room was filled with the sound of heavy breathing and shuffling feet as the members ran through the choreography again. It was their third time in a row, and exhaustion was settling in, but no one dared to complain.
Except for Y/N, who was visibly struggling to keep up.
"Y/N, focus."
Seungcheol’s voice was sharp, his eyes locked onto her with the same cold intensity he always had when addressing her. The room fell silent for a split second before the music started again, but Y/N didn’t move.
Instead, she dropped her hands to her sides, clenched her jaw, and turned around. Without a word, she walked straight out of the room.
"Y/N—!" Joshua called after her, but she was already gone.
A few members exchanged glances, uncertain of what to do. Seungcheol remained still, his expression unreadable.
"Hyung, that was too much," Mingyu muttered.
"You’ve been really hard on her lately," Jeonghan added, watching him carefully.
Seungcheol exhaled through his nose, rubbing his temples. "She needs to keep up. This isn’t a game for her just because she’s the youngest."
"No one said it was," Wonwoo pointed out. "But maybe talk to her instead of just pushing her all the time."
For a moment, Seungcheol said nothing. Then, without another word, he turned on his heel and left the room.
He found her in the lounge, curled up on one of the couches with her face buried in her hands. She wasn’t crying—not loudly, at least. But the way her shoulders shook told him everything.
Seungcheol hesitated.
He wasn’t good at this—talking, fixing things with words. But he knew he had to say something.
"You ran off," he finally said, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.
Y/N flinched but didn’t look up. "Just go, Seungcheol."
He let out a quiet sigh. "No."
Her fists clenched. "Of course not. You always have to be in control, don’t you?" Her voice was unsteady. "Always watching, always criticizing, always making me feel like I don’t belong here."
Seungcheol’s chest tightened at her words.
"I don’t hate you," he said, his voice softer now.
She scoffed. "Could’ve fooled me."
He walked closer, stopping just before the couch. "I was never trying to make you feel like that."
"Then what were you trying to do?"
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I thought… if I was too soft on you, people wouldn’t take you seriously. That they’d see you as weaker because you’re the youngest. Because you’re the only girl."
Y/N finally looked up at him, her eyes glistening.
"I wanted to make sure you were strong enough," he admitted. "But I didn’t realize I was just pushing you away instead."
Silence hung in the air between them. For the first time, Seungcheol wasn’t looking at her with cold, calculated eyes—there was regret in them now.
After a long moment, he hesitantly reached out, resting a hand on her shoulder.
"I’m sorry, Y/N."
Her breath hitched, but she didn’t pull away. Instead, she gave a small nod.
"...Just don’t do it again," she muttered.
A quiet chuckle left him—relieved, almost. "I won’t."
And for the first time in a long time, Seungcheol’s presence didn’t feel like a burden to her. It felt safe.
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icekkeugf · 3 days ago
Make you feel it, Yang Jungwon (18+)
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Pairing: Younger!Jungwon x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Jungwon confronts your dismissal of his unsaid yet obvious feelings and somehow, you let him lure you into your own bed.
Genre: Smut, Best friends to ???
Heads up: Unspecified age gap between Jungwon and the reader-no weird business though, Jungwon calls the reader “Noona”, the reader is drunk but still conscious of her decisions, softdom!Jungwon, making out, one tiny slap, unprotected sex (don't do that maybe), hair pulling, creampie, multiple rounds implied
Wordcount: 3,490 words
Author's note: I might have tried a little with this one. I have been wanting to contribute to the Enhablr community again. So, here's something for the Jungwon lovers :-) Hope you enjoy this, I would absolutely love feedback or constructive criticism. Happy reading ♥︎
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He's in far too deep. Deep in love with you. 
Maybe, not so much. He convinces himself, though he's not entirely sure.
It's insane, really, how the tick in his jaw only relaxes when you assure him that the man beside you means no harm—has no romantic inclination towards you, rightfully so, as your cousin. A casual arm of his slung around your shoulder that borders no thoughts of personal space, it took everything—and, I do mean everything—in Jungwon to not yank your cousin off of you without further clarification upon first sight.
However, he is momentarily distracted by how the fairy lights perched upon the front door glare lovingly with their yellowed tint at you, almost as if it was meant to luminate only your presence. He thinks the fairy lights are mocking him and his reluctance to admit his feelings, a scoff barely slipping past his tongue when the lights continue to taunt him with a ridiculously focused glint on your form as you hold up your half-conscious cousin from succumbing to sleep with a thud, right here, on your porch.
Jungwon is tense when you poke a finger at his bicep, a brow scrunched up with a tinge of amusement breaking through when you tease him for being just as much of a handful as your cousin. It's insulting, how you liken him to another man, as if he was just as incapable, but, he lets it pass for now, a sigh exiting his lips when his eyes drop down to your cheeks, flushed enough to tell him that you're under the influence as well.
Without as much as a word spoken to you, Jungwon leans over to pull at your cousin, scooping the man in one arm and pushing his limp body in, only letting him rest when he gets to the couch situated in the living room. The sound of unsteady shuffling and a hiccup from you has him turning around, the same bubbly feeling from earlier returning to play tricks at him. "Noona, are you okay?" It's finally time for him to open his mouth, eyes scrutinizing your every move and finally deeming you unfit when you stagger towards him, falling into his chest head first with a giggle. "Mhm, I am okay, not too drunk."
He almost sighs again but stops when his hand unconsciously lifts to linger above your head. It drops as soon as he realises, instead finding the curve of your waist to hold you up. Jungwon steadies you in less than a second, allowing your lower half to lean completely onto his hip with a nudge. "Noona..." He calls, softly, a honeyed voice dripping into your ears almost too smoothly, it has you wondering if he always sounded this sweet, almost...desperate. You wonder if he gets like this only around you. "Hm?" You peek an eye at the man, lips twitching and breaking into a smile.
"Oh, what will you ever do without me?" He hoists you up, just a little so that you're balancing on your feet. The curl of one end of his lips has you biting yours. There he is, you think. "You're right, what would Noona ever do without you, Wonnie?" You mumble, lips parting enough to sip at the water he graciously offers, a hand still around your waist. It's intimate. You realise. Normally, you'd keep Jungwon at bay, boundaries drawn very clearly to verify that friendship is what you two have. Tonight, though, things are different. Your head feels heavy, bearing a separate weight of its own, and your feet feel light, as if it's not carrying the rest of your body. There's a fuzzy feeling in your chest and a lopsided glance at Jungwon only makes things worse.
When did he get so pretty? You wonder. No, he's always been pretty, you reason. Sparkly eyes that watch you carefully, a brow cocking up to decipher your behaviour and his plump, coral lips parting, providing you just a sliver of his tongue that darts to lick a sheen of saliva at his bottom lip. It's only then that you catch yourself midair, fingers gently hovering above Jungwon's cheeks.
One step, two and then, finally, three. You back away, putting reasonable distance between you two, only to have worked in vain when Jungwon closes the distance. It's a sudden but welcome change when you feel yourself sobering up, the air around you two palpable, crackling with tension. "Did you ever consider me a man, Noona?" His question is quiet, it has you looking into his eyes in momentary confusion before your eyes flit away. You're caught, red-handed. "What does that mean? Of course, I do..." You mumble, feigning an aching head with your thumb and pointer finger working in tandem at your temple.
"Do you really?" He takes another impossible step closer to you. "Look at me, Noona." His words, coming out in an unfamiliar gravel, make your knees weak, and, suddenly, you're aware of being present with him as if he ties you to the reality you're in. You visibly hesitate, it ticks him off, though he chooses not to express it. You watch him quietly with pieces of your hair framing the peripheral of your vision. "I do, Jungwon." You assure him, but really, you wonder if you're convincing him when your fingers twiddle in front of you, scrunching your brows together.
He scoffs, tongue poking inside at his cheek. The audacity to lie, to consciously choose to deceive him even while you're borderline drunk—it upsets him as much as it angers him. Jungwon can't believe that you muster the strength to keep yourself in control in an inebriated state of mind. But, you notice it before he does, as always, that one vein in his temple protruding, as if warning you to tread lightly. You want to say something, anything, to ease him up, ask him where all of this is coming from. As if you don't know.
No, you really don't, you think. It's not like you watch Jungwon round the corner of your residence from the gap between your curtains, through the window, when he appears to be nervous about approaching your front door even after being your friend for four long years. It's not like you know just how much Jungwon loves Marvel but continues to geek about Studio Ghibli with you instead just because you like it better. It's not like you notice Jungwon chowing down on dry, undercooked ramen at 2 in the morning, with you, when really, he likes his noodles cooked perfectly with enough broth. It's not like you realise that Jungwon's university is a 30-minute detour from your office and yet, he insists on dropping you off every morning, citing the unsafety of public transport as the reason.
"Noona, you're really bad at this. This game you're playing," You exhale quietly, hoping it would ease the clogged up tension in your chest. He leans down, just enough to not hurt your neck from looking up at him for too long. His hand at your waist, previously anchoring you, now applies a tad bit of pressure, urging you to back up against the nearest wall. Dizzy eyes blink up at him deliberately but he refuses to let it crumble his resolve.
You feel it now, more intense than ever. Maybe it's the many drinks from earlier but your heartbeat increases, getting louder and reverberating in your eardrums. You can tell that Jungwon is barely managing to keep himself in check if the way his eyes narrow down at you and the way his grip on your waist gets cruel are anything to go by.
You've kept it hidden all these years. Locking your feelings away in that tiny part of your mind, shoving it down the back of your subconscious. It wasn't meant to come down to this, have you caged in between a wall and Jungwon in your living room. A finger interrupts you, grazing your chin with utmost affection, so softly that you'd think a rougher brush of his finger could cut you. Against your better judgement, you lean into his touch, Jungwon raises a brow at this. “Nothing to say for yourself?”
You abandon all reason, the logic behind your behaviour all these years fading into a carnal need that you kept under covers, prompting your fingers to hook onto the hem of his tee. Grabbing at it, you hope he gets the message. Not really, no, you assume when his brow cocks further up, almost criticising you, telling you you’re making a fool of yourself. As if you've been burned, you retract your fingers quickly but Jungwon doesn't appreciate this. 
“Who said you could do that?” He pulls you flush against him, “Asking for something and then taking it back. You're really stupid when it comes to men, Noona.” His words are laced with faux disapproval. He clicks his tongue, shaking his head at you. “This won't do.” You're about to ask what he means by that but he's already pulling at your wrist, making a beeline towards your bedroom. 
You want to say you're surprised when he slams your door, lining you up by the door frame when you're both inside. You are surprised, though, when Jungwon presses himself up against you, hot breath fanning across your face and lips converging into one before you can process anything. You let out a muffled gasp, eliciting a groan from him, thighs pressing together to ward off potential arousal.
Jungwon dislikes the action, a knee of his prying some space between your thighs, lifting up and weighing at your centre to make its presence really known. You're oblivious to all this though, mind reeling at the sharp nip of his teeth at your lower lip, a warning, if you like.
You comply, allowing him to take you as he pleases, it's the least you can do after all you've put him through, right? Licking his way into your mouth, his hands wander down your body, finally settling at your hips, the pads of his fingers making indents on your skin. You don't know what it is, but something tugs at your heart. All this while, you might as well have made this up in your mind. But, Jungwon's fingers, unlike his lips that are relentless and making a statement on yours, are gentle, it reminds you that he is here, holding you, making you his.
Jungwon, taunting you, pulls away, not without his thumb wiping at your lips absentmindedly. You tasted just like he imagined, if not better, the dried lip tint sweet on you, smudging onto his as well. Glossy with his spit coating your lips, your teeth pull at it, a quiet whine full of complaints directed at a teasing Jungwon. “What? Now you're begging for a taste of me. Isn’t that right, Noona?” He tilts his head to the side, pushing you to do something, if not say something. 
With a grab of his collar, you pull him towards you quickly, it amuses him. “Shut up and kiss me.” You manage to speak for the first time in a while, “Whatever you say, Noona.” Jungwon obliges with your demands, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. Assuming the lead, your tongue prods at his teeth which takes him by surprise, allowing you to walk him backwards till his calves hit one of the bedposts. 
“Aren't you eager?” He speaks into your mouth, not allowing you leverage over him by flipping your positions so that now you're the one closest to the bed. “That's unfair, Noona. After you've played with me so much…” His thumb caresses your cheek as if preparing you for something. “You don't get to enjoy this so easily.” The building high quickly wears off, his words serving as a caution.
Jungwon looks down at you and with a nudge of his hand to your shoulder, you lose balance, falling onto the mattress with a bounce. The boy settles onto the bed with a knee guarding both thighs at the sides. Finding your cheek once again, he tips your chin upwards, eyes locking with a breathy gasp from you. “Jungwon…” You trap him with a circle of your thighs around his hips, calves hanging loosely off the bed. 
He humours you, just this once, he tells himself. “What is it?” He pries, thumbing onto your jaw, pressing you to answer him. “Please.” You state, searching his eyes. Jungwon barely allows you a glimpse of his toothy grin before he's maneuvering you onto your knees. You understand just what he wants, as you always do when it comes to him, turning around to pucker your behind, arching your back by the slightest to tempt him, as if he's not already deep in the trenches knowing you're under him, so pliant and inviting. 
Just for him.
The thoughts have his sweatpants constricting around the visible tent between his legs. Jungwon lets pass a throaty groan at this, fighting the urge to rut himself onto the edge of your bed. No, he can't have that, not when he already has you exactly where he needs you. He doesn't think twice before asking you to strip, shimmying his clothes off and grabbing a handful of your butt to grope at while you clumsily tug at your tank top. 
With a needy whine, you push your ass towards him, throwing him a desperate look over your shoulder just for you to get needier at the sight of his bare torso. You can't make out much of him, your room bathed in the dark and only a singular ray of lantern by your porch penetrating your window. “Fuck, Noona.” There's a sharp sound of something smacking and it takes you a moment to register that Jungwon's palm had just struck your ass. You don't feel the pain, if anything, the impact has you doubling forward, panties possibly soaked through with a gush of your pathetic arousal pouring out.
“Look at you, sprawled out for me like this. Didn't think my pretty little Noona was into this. You're sick. Pathetic even. ” As if to make a point, he runs a knowing finger down the middle of your panties. The fabric does anything but cover you, he notes, moulding itself to your pussy by the way it's damp. The sticky feeling it provides rips a moan out of you and Jungwon decides that he's had enough. He would quite literally pass out if he didn't bury himself into your heat within the next minute.
Pushing the slit of your panties to the side, he eases a thumb into the rim of your hole, toying there for a second before rubbing languid circles at your bud. He wanted to make you work for it, he did but his cock is twitching, crying for him to envelope it in your cunt. He promises himself to teach you a lesson next time, lining his bulbous tip up against your hole. The view is nothing like he had imagined every other night, fucking his fist at the thought of having you to him. Your pussy is divine, he concludes, drops of your juices beading at your lips, it's like you already creamed yourself once before he could get you to do so himself. 
You're about to complain, eyes misty and curious about the hold-up but it's like Jungwon reads your mind, pushing at his boxers so that the fat head of his cock finally tastes you squeezing around him. It's painful how you clench around just his tip, he has to grit his teeth, kneading the flesh of your ass lovingly though he itches to deliver another smack to it, “Breathe, baby, I got you.” He mutters, bullying his way into you when you seemingly adjust to him. You cry with a start when he fastens your wrists behind you, holding it in one hand while the other deceives you for a second when it hovers above your hair softly. It's the next second when the same hand finds itself fisting around your strands and pulling you up.
Flush against him now, his cock lodges itself completely into you, filling you in a way you've never been before. “Oh, fuck—too full…” You manage to sputter, chest heaving although he's doing all the work. The angle he's nestled into you is mind-numbing, it has you dumb and thinking of nothing but the feel of his cock, your insides committing every trace of his vein to memory. You just know you'll be recollecting this for a while when you need that extra push when stressed. “Yeah? Full of me, aren't you? Does it feel good, baby?” He must be insane, you think, to ask you something so obvious.
“So, so good. Jungwon!” You attempt to say more but you can't think of any way to put how he's making you feel in words. You repeat the same with a shriek and it has him biting back a laugh, “So fucking dumb. Dumb on my cock, aren't you, Noona?” The hand in your hair makes its presence aware with another tug, positioning your shoulder to his lips and Jungwon takes the opportunity to sink his canines into your skin. His cock is merciless, ramming into you with powerful, rhythmic thrusts that force you forward every time he sinks into your heat again.
There's a familiar feeling creeping up your back, the muscles in your lower abdomen flexing and relaxing once in a while and your thighs part further, as if welcoming more of him into you. One particularly sharp rut of his hips has his pelvis slamming into yours and his cock seems to find a different angle to fuck itself into, massaging the one spot that has your toes curling and lips parting in a silent scream. “Is that it, Noona? Fuck, you're clenching around me so good. Fucking hell—” He pauses momentarily, lifting a thigh of yours higher around his hips to gain better access to you. 
Resuming his ministrations, Jungwon assumes a bruising grip on your wrists. “That's it, Wonnie, just there! Gonna come!” You warn, pushing yourself onto his length, rolling your hips. “Let go, baby, just like that, fuck yourself onto me.” It isn't long before you're spasming around him, eyes shutting tightly and walls clamping around his cock as you ride your high. Jungwon is teetering on the edge of his orgasm too, muffling himself into your neck with a bite of your flesh as he fucks his release into your inviting hole. He meant to pull out, but he couldn't deny himself the pleasure of coming in your tight pussy. He's not in the least apologetic, continuing to sheathe himself in your shared cum with slow, controlled thrusts. 
You can't help but wince, sensitivity quickly making itself apparent when he shows no signs of stopping. Jungwon shushes you though, basking in the glow of his well-deserved orgasm. He reluctantly pulls out, holding you up just in case. “Wait a minute, Noona.” He speaks quietly, letting you find your balance while he retrieves a washcloth damp enough to clean you up. His touch is gentle, reassuring you at this moment, that you're in this together, it wasn't a lapse in judgement. At least not for him. 
“Wonnie?” Your palm cups his jaw, moving to face him while he kneels by the bed. “Did you really mean what you said and what you did?” Jungwon is quick to nod his head and you surge forward to embrace him with a composed poise. “I didn't mean to do it this way. Though, I don't regret this in the slightest—it just wasn't the best way to bring up the way I was feeling. I think I was sick of you treating me like I was just like other men.” He pauses, “I really like you, Noona.” He finally confesses.
You don't know what this means for you two, you don't know how you feel about this just yet. But, you do know that you're willing to figure it out, with him, preferably. So, you tell him so, pulling him under the covers when he nods and his lips twitch into a grin. “You still have to make up for all you put me through.” Jungwon reminds you, brows quirking up teasingly. “Will this suffice?” You ask, mischievous hands feeling him down and finding his half-softened cock, surprising him with a jolt. “Oh, you're a fast learner.” He coos, shuffling you around until you're securely on top of him. 
You find yourself tangled in sheets with Jungwon all night, showing him, in multiple ways and positions, just how much you're willing to do to make it up to him. What you fail to remember is your now not so passed out cousin in the living room, who has to bear the torture of crashing at your place.
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All rights reserved to @/icekkeugf 2025. Please do not copy, steal or translate any of my works.
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themultifanshipper · 2 days ago
Can you write another Jenson smut with a age-gap reader? Please. It’s so hard to find good Jenson stories.
Jenson had desperately needed a replacement teammate for the 24 hours of Le Mans after one of them had fallen ill. 
He was starting to regret choosing you for the job. 
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Warnings: Smut, tension, fingering, massage, age gap, I have limited knowledge of how the 24hrs of Le Mans works so forgive me if there are inaccuracies, I decided to put Fernando as the 3rd teammate because why not, reader is basically 2000s Jenson, tiny plot twist at the end. 
wc: 5.7k
Not because you were incompetent or anything, you were very competent. 
Almost too competent. 
He was perfectly confident in your ability to help him get that damn trophy, but your youth and energy made Jenson feel old. 
He didn't know whether it was coffee, or redbull, or fucking cocaine that made you into a nervous ball of energy, but it was unnerving the way you would run literal circles around him all day. 
The other problem though, and honestly the main reason he felt old, was that if he'd been a decade younger, he would have definitely fancied himself a chance with you. 
You were beautiful, funny, witty… and Jenson hated to admit, very much his type. He had trouble not thinking about you, and about how much you reminded him of himself when he was younger. 
His only salvation, he thought, was that you'd never be in the car together, and when neither of you were driving, one of you would definitely be sleeping. 
Jenson managed to put the car on pole. Which took a huge weight off your shoulders, and he decided he should be the one to start the race. 
Fernando was going to replace him for the second stint, and then you would come in after him. Eight rotations of 3 hours each, you only doing 2 stints because you were the rookie.  
It was a foolproof plan. And hopefully Jenson would come out of it without doing anything stupid. 
So for the first few hours all you could do was wait. You watched videos on your phone, checked the livestream, got impromptu engineering lessons at the back of the garage, anything you could think of to keep yourself calm while you waited.  
This was your first endurance race, and you were in a team with two literal legends… which made you so nervous you felt like you could throw up at any given moment at the thought of disappointing them. 
The first driver swap went perfectly, Fernando jumped in and Jenson made his way over to you. 
You heart rate sped up when you spotted him. 
The reason you were so nervous around him was because he was your idol, and you were terrified of fucking up in front of him. 
Also you had a big fat crush on him, but that was just a detail. And right now he was drenched in sweat. It was hot. 
I mean it was hot in Le Mans. You know, because it was summer and stuff… 
He smiled at you as he made his way over. 
“You nervous?” he asked, eyeing the cup of coffee you were holding. 
“Yeah” you exhaled shakily “I am terrified of accidentally falling asleep or something”  
Jenson laughed. “That's why it's a good idea to sleep while you're not in the car. I for example am going to go take a shower, and a nap” 
Your eyes widened in panic. 
“But what if there's a problem?! What if we need to do an emergency driver swap! Fernando-“ 
He slapped his hand over your mouth to stop your rambling. 
“That is why you are here.” He tried to reassure you. “And given the size of that coffee, and the fact that you are still in the garage, I'm guessing you have no plans to go to sleep yet. So there's nothing to worry about!” he smiled tiredly, not realising his sweaty palm was still against your skin, partially obscuring the huge blush that was spreading across your face at the contact. 
“So chill out, watch a movie, and try to go easy on the coffee, if you start drinking too much now, you won't get to the end, trust me” 
He offered you a reassuring smile before retracting his hand and shuffling away, covered in sweat and eager to get back to his room. 
You stood there, a blushing mess while the engineer who had been explaining cooling systems to you smirked knowingly. 
“Don't say a fucking word” you muttered. 
He threw his hands up in surrender, but his smirk stayed firmly in place while he watched you slink away in embarrassment. 
Jenson had lied. 
Well, partially. His shower was great, but he was way too hopped up on adrenaline to go to sleep. 
He just didn't want to stick around the garage while you were there. He was already cringing at himself whenever he replayed the moment his sweaty, greasy palm made contact with your skin. 
Why the fuck had he done that?  
He set the stream up on his tablet so that he could keep informed on what was going on, and decided to scroll through instagram to pass the time.  
Within seconds he ended up on your profile, scrolling through the already too familiar photos. 
He clicked on your story to see the video (that he'd already seen 100 times that day) of you filming him and Fernando. 
The camera panned to Fernando first and your voice crackled through the phone speakers. 
“Fernando Alonso! How are you feeling about todays race?! Nervous? Excited?!” 
Fernando's laughter echoed in the room. 
“Me and Jenson have done this several times, we are used to it. I should be asking you the question!” 
The camera turned back to catch your face as you rolled your eyes. “Riiiight I forgot I was racing with a pair of old men!” 
“Hey!” Jenson heard his own voice shout, and your face lighting up while you turned the camera towards him. 
“Is that… 2009 Formula One world Champion Jenson Button?! I think it is!”  you laughed at his failure to keep a straight face at your antics. 
“Jenson Button! Huge fan! Could you sign something for me?!”  
Video Jenson rolled his eyes at you. 
“I'll tell you what, help me win that trophy and I'll see what I can do” 
You gasped, turning to the camera with an evil grin. 
“You heard it here first folks! If I win Le Mans, Jenson Button is going to sign my ass!” 
“That is NOT WHAT I SAI-“ 
The last few seconds of the video were Jenson and you grappling for the phone while a blurry Fernando facepalmed in the background. 
For Fernando to be the adult of the team was… unexpected. 
But you just brought out that side in Jenson, and he almost felt like he was back in F1 again, young and fun and- 
Well, sadly the time of being able to fuck his teammates was over. 
He was brought out of his thoughts when your name was said on the livestream. 
His head whipped up and there you were. 
“She hasn't left the garage. Jenson and Fernando's fellow driver, a rookie, is seemingly too excited to sleep and seems to have joined what looks like a human pyramid with some of the engineers…” 
Jenson's jaw dropped. 
Someone was giving you a lift up so that you could climb to the top of a pile of engineers. 
“She seems to be a breath of fresh air around the paddock, I will admit. I'm sure everyone has seen her story on instagram by now, where she teases poor Jenson. You just don't really see drivers having that sort of fun anymore do you?” 
Jenson watched in horror as you jumped off the top and into the arms of a waiting engineer. 
You then spotted the cameraman that was filming you and ran over to kiss the lense and smile evilly.  
A shiver ran up Jenson's spine. 
“Speaking of Jenson, I wonder why he isn't in the garage with her. In any case she reminds me a lot of him when he was in Formula One. They have that same fire and hunger that drives their wild child nature.” 
Jenson had seen enough. He put on some clothes and wandered back to the track. 
 That way he could be there for you during your stint and Fernando could have a nap before replacing you again. Or that's what he told himself, really he just wanted to be with you and have a bit of fun. 
As soon as you saw him step into the garage you grinned mischievously at him and waved. 
You’d just started a game of scrabble on a table in the back with a couple of the engineers. 
“I saw that, you know” he was hitting the dad pose next to you as he eyed the board. 
“Saw what?” you smiled, putting down the word ‘cat’ for 5 points. 
“The human pyramid. Can you imagine how much shit we would be in if you'd fallen and hurt yourself?” 
“But I didn't fall, so… we're all good” you smiled up at him. 
Jenson spotted the coffee cup next to you. 
“How many of those have you had since I left?” 
“Just the one, dad” you rolled your eyes at him. 
“It should have been none. Mark my words you will be exhausted if you can't sleep before your second stint.” 
“Oh is Mark here? I didn't see him!” you looked around the garage sarcastically while the other two chuckled. 
Jenson did not laugh. At least not on the outside. 
Your cheeky grin had a way of piercing through his defences and his resolve crumbled. 
“I hate you” 
“You won't feel that way when I get you that trophy and you're forced to sign my butt”  
“I will not be doing that” he grumbled, the idea of going anywhere near your ass was enough to make him tense. 
You took a sip of your coffee, peering at him over the rim of the cup.  
“We'll see…” 
It was time, Fernando was about to come in and you were going to hop into his seat and speed off into the night. 
It was impossible to tell who was more nervous, you or Jenson. 
“You'll do fine” 
“What if I crash?” 
“Then we'll lose. So don't crash” 
Your leg was bouncing nervously. 
Fernando's headlights appeared at the end of the pitlane and your heart skipped a beat. 
Jenson slapped your helmet playfully and as the car screeched to a halt, you wrenched the door open and swapped places with Fernando. 
With new tyres and a body full of nerves and caffeine, you drove off as fast as you could (within the speed limit of course) and rejoined the track. 
Jenson watched you go and didn't even register Fernando sniggering at the look on his face. 
“She will be fine, Jenson. She knows what she's doing. The adrenaline will eventually wear off and she will fall asleep as soon as she gets out of the car” 
Jenson sure hoped so. 
Fernando went to take a nap, because he was going in again after you. 
Jenson couldn't sleep though. He watched your onboards nervously while devouring a chicken sandwich. 
You were doing well. The track was cold, but dry so as long as you didn't get your lines wrong you weren't at a risk of slipping. 
But he could tell all that coffee was getting to you. 
Firstly because 45 minutes in you told your race engineer you needed a piss. Which was answered with a laugh and a comment about not being allowed to pee in the car. 
Secondly because he knew your body language, and you were always a bit hyper for sure, but the way your fingers kept tapping at the wheel and how much you were fidgeting definitely wasn't normal. 
Then your voice came over the radio. 
“Is Jenson still in the garage?” 
Your race engineer sighed and answered that yes, he was. 
“Jenson if you can hear me, you should go to bed, old man” 
Jenson scoffed at the nickname and then his heart rate picked up at the fact that you were thinking about him in the car. 
He tried to tell himself it didn't mean anything. After all, when you spend 3 hours alone in a car, your mind will go anywhere to keep itself occupied. 
But he couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach. 
By the end of your 3 hours, you had mentioned Jenson a total of seven times, and each one had gotten more laughs throughout the garage than the last. 
Fernando was ready to swap when you came careening into the pitlane, and off he went with new tyres and a good luck slap on the back from you. 
You immediately jumped into Jenson's arms and he was surprised that you were still this full of energy. 
Either you had the slowest metabolism on earth or you really were just that excited. 
“I did it! I survived!” you laughed excitedly and Jenson could feel his heart pumping in his chest when he realised how nice it was having you so close to him. 
“You sure did, now I recommend you have a shower and a big long nap before your second stint” 
You pulled your helmet off and sighed with relief. 
“A shower sounds nice, but there's no way I am going to be able to sleep” 
He chuckled. ‘Yeah, right’ he thought as he watched you practically sprint away. 
You were right. After your shower you went straight back to the garage, where Jenson was watching Fernando's onboard. 
He did a double take when he saw you. 
“Absolutely not, go and sleep. You have 6 hours until you need to be in the car” 
You looked at him guiltily.  
“I can't. I'm too excited to sleep” 
Jenson sighed, rubbing his face in frustration. 
“Come with me” 
You followed him out, and he lead you to his drivers room. 
It was quite cozy. He'd brought lots of pillows and blankets which were strewn all over the bed. 
You stepped inside nervously, not knowing what he was planning. 
“Lie down” 
You hesitated.  
“On the bed?” 
He gave you an unimpressed look. 
“No, on the floor. Of course on the bloody bed” 
You scoffed and did as you were told, watching Jenson warily as he unfolded a blanket and draped it over you. 
“You are not allowed out of this room until you've had a nap, understood? I don't care how you do it. Put some white noise on, count sheep, have a wank, whatever but I want you asleep within the hour” 
You couldn’t help the way your stomach fluttered at his words and his forceful tone.  
“You… want me to have a wank… on your bed?” 
“Whatever works for you” and with that he turned on his heel and stormed out the door. 
You were speechless, that was an insane interaction. 
You lay down, and stared at the ceiling, trying to slow your heart rate down. 
Jenson had to be joking. There's no way he actually thought you would do that, right? 
A shiver ran down your spine. You were contemplating it, after all you knew he was right about you needing to sleep. 
But you knew that wasn't going to happen. Not just because of the coffee and excitement, but because now your head was swimming with Jenson's words and dominant display. There isn't much you wouldn’t do to hear him order you around like that again. 
You decided to take his advice. 
It didn't work.  
Try as you might to get off, it only made you more antsy and you felt bad thinking about Jenson while you touched yourself. 
You thought about him, his hands, the way he was drenched after his first stint, the way he dragged you out of the garage. 
You felt hot all over, but your fingers weren't doing much to satisfy the need between your legs. 
You looked at the time.  
You'd been tossing and turning for close to an hour now, and still you were no closer to getting off, or getting to sleep. 
You decided to send Jenson a text. 
“It's not working” 
Jenson groaned in frustration, rubbing his eyes after reading that. 
He'd spent the better part of the hour trying to forget the fact that you may, or may not, be getting off in his bed. 
He had no way of knowing and it made his skin crawl. 
‘Shrodinger's orgasm?’ he thought unhelpfully while his fingers typed out a response. 
“You mean…?” 
“Yeah… I just cant do it, Jenson. I'm too wired up” 
“Ok…I have an idea” 
He glanced at the clock.  
He had just under two hours until he needed to be in the car. 
He barged into the room unceremoniously, making you jump. 
“On your stomach, top off, I'm going to give you a massage. It's the only thing I can think of to relax you”  
Your eyes widened in surprise and he waved a hand dismissively. 
“Don't worry I won't… look. Just trust me, you need to sleep. If you don't you're putting yourself in danger, and the team.” 
You took your shirt off and did as you were told while he grabbed a bottle of oil from his bag. 
“And you just happened to have that with you?” 
He glared at you and made his way over to the bed. 
“Shut up and close your eyes.” 
‘Yes sir’ you thought. Your heart was beating out of your chest. Jenson was about to give you a massage.  
It felt like you were dreaming, the object of your affections was climbing on top of you to straddle your hips and put his hands on you. His wondeful, big, strong hands. He was going to touch you. Jenson Button was going to make you feel good.  
Your cheeks heated at the thought. 
You were so in your head that you didn't notice his hands on your skin until he spoke up. 
“Relax… you’re so tense. Close your eyes and take a breath. Concentrate on my voice” 
You took a deep breath in and let it out slowly as you felt his fingers dig into your shoulders. 
He spread oil all over your back, pressing his thumbs in circles up and down the sides of your spine. 
It was a surprisingly quick process, you felt yourself relaxing into his touch the longer he pressed into your back. 
Then he pressed down on a knot. 
You'd been successful so far at hiding your noises, but the sudden mix of pain and pleasure was so intense you let a shaky moan slip out. 
Jenson's hands froze on your back. 
“Don't stop” you gasped “It feels good” 
You were desperate, the heat between your legs was only getting worse and you felt like you would die if Jenson stopped touching you. 
Jenson had to bite back a groan at your pathetic whimper. 
He was in over his head. This was a terrible idea, what had he been thinking? This was wildly inappropriate, you were his teammate for god's sake, not to mention how young you were and he was clearly taking advantage of you while you- 
“Jenson, please” 
“What do you need?” he rasped, resolve quickly slipping and he could feel his body reacting. 
“Touch me” you gasped “Please” 
Those words sent a fire throughout his body and satisfaction purred in his chest. His hands trailed over your sides teasingly, roaming over your bare skin and you arched your back at the touch. 
“That's not what I mean and you know it” you whined. 
He just chuckled and leaned over you to growl in your ear. 
“Then be a good girl and tell me what you want” 
“I want you to touch me” you whispered, feeling his weight shifting on top of you “I need you. Inside me, please”  
Jenson felt like he'd been punched in 5he gut. His lips travelled over the skin of your upper back and you could feel the smirk on them. 
“Need me, hmm? Need me to tire you out? Maybe a couple of orgasms'll do the trick…” 
You nodded desperately, lifting your hips so that he could reach under you and help you out of your pants. 
“Please, I need you so bad.” 
He gazed at your body in awe as you spread your legs and arched into him when you felt a finger dip into your wetness. 
“Is this where you need me, love?” he teased, pushing the finger in to the knuckle “So wet for me, all from a massage?” 
“Don't flatter yourself” you bit back “I spent an hour before this trying to get off” 
He hummed, slipping a second finger inside you. 
“Tell me, what were you thinking about that got you this wet, hmm?” he asked, and he pressed the pads of his fingers against your g-spot insistently while his thumb went to rub harsh circles on your sensitive clit. 
You let out a low moan and cursed as you felt the familiar tingling in your gut. 
“Fuck - I'm close, don't stop!” 
“I'm not letting you come unless you tell me what you were thinking about, darling” he smirked. 
The idea of being denied after being riled up for so long made you cry out in desperation 
“You! Fuck! You, Jenson” you cried out as you felt the first wave of your orgasm approach. 
“Really?” he couldn't deny the twitch of his cock in his shorts at the mental image of you picturing him to get off. “What about me, specifically?” 
“Your hands!” You panted, “Your hand are… fuck- they're so fucking…” 
Jenson grinned, speeding up his movements. 
“You mean the hands that are making you feel good right now? The hands that are about to make you come like a good girl?” 
You choked back a sob and your thighs twitched as you came in waves on his talented fingers. 
Once you went limp he helped you turn over and spread your legs, licking his lips at the mess between them. 
He didn't let you recover, and instead dived in, lapping up your juices like he'd wanted to do pretty much since he met you. 
He had to hold you down because you were squirming away from the onslaught of his mouth in overstimulation. 
He pressed his fingers back inside you and hooked them upwards. 
Your back arched at the overwhelming sensation. He was making you feel incredible, and you threaded your fingers through his hair, not sure whether you wanted to push him away or pull him closer. 
“Oh fuck, Jenson” your head was thrown back in ecstasy while he worked his magic. 
Your thighs clamped around his head, and it wasn't long before you were babbling nonsense as a fresh wave of arousal coursed through you. 
The constant pressure of his fingers inside you was making your body vibrate with pleasure and a new kind of feeling crept up your spine. 
It was much more intense than before, a sharp sensation curling in your gut before it unravelled, and before you knew it you were soaking Jenson's hand as you gushed all over him.  
He couldn't believe it, but he eagerly lapped up all that he could while he coaxed you through your orgasm. 
You lay there trying to catch your breath while he pulled the duvet off the bed and fetched a new one, careful not to disturb you too much while you recovered. 
You felt utterly boneless, and you didn't even realise your eyes were closing of their own volition. before you passed out. 
Jenson chuckled, happy that the endorphins had overridden whatever amount of coffee you'd drank. He shuffled around the room, putting the bottle of oil back in his bag, and making sure you had an alarm set on your phone just in case. 
You were supposed to get back in the car at six o'clock, and it was currently just after two. 
That left you enough time to have a good long nap before your stint, and Jenson had time to go and freshen up (and take care of the throbbing problem in his pants) before he needed to replace Fernando. 
The swap went fine, not that you'd know, you were completely out for three whole hours, and Jenson could have some time to reflect on what had happened in his drivers room. 
He really didn't know what had come over him. If someone had told him something like this would happen he would have smacked them across the face. 
He'd promised himself he wouldn't try anything. There were two decades between you two, and the more he thought about it the guiltier he felt. 
To the point where his race engineer asked him if he was okay because he was uncharacteristically quiet. 
You woke up in a cold sweat.  
You had no idea how long you were out for, and the thought of somehow missing the race filled you with panic. 
But when you glanced at your phone, which was ringing incessantly with your alarm, you saw that it was half five in the morning. 
You sighed and got up, fishing around for your clothes. It was only when you went to grab a race suit from the cabinet that it hit you. 
Those suits were way too big for you, this was not your room, and… 
Oh yeah, Jenson had fingered you to sleep. 
There wasn't really any other way of putting it, really. 
Fucking hell. Jumping in the car after Jenson was going to be awkward as fuck, not to mention you were going to have to speak to him like a normal human being after all this. 
As if Jenson fucking Button hadn't just… Jesus. 
A knock at the door interrupted your train of thought. 
Fernando's head peeked in and he eyed the room suspiciously. 
“You okay in… here?” 
You nodded,  and assured him you'd be out in a minute. 
You rushed to your own driver’s room and put your suit on, feeling your limbs lagging behind. 
You needed coffee. Or a redbull or something, you couldn't drive in this state. 
You ran back to the garage and looked at the time. 
You had time for a cup of coffee and for it to kick in before the swap. 
Fernando appeared next to you while you sat at the scrabble table, gazing at where a dozen engineers were sleeping on little camp beds and mats in a corner. 
“So… were you so tired after your stint that you accidentally fell into the wrong bed?” 
You blushed behind your cup. 
“Something like that” you muttered and he smirked. 
You watched the stream, getting up to date with the places. Your team were still ahead, and by quite a margin.  
You could tell Fernando was excited about the prospect of having a fully dominant race, but it was much too early to call. The race was only halfway done. 
You got ready to jump in the car, and by the time Jenson came into the pits, you felt re-energised and ready to go. 
During your time out on track, your mind wandered back to Jenson's room. 
You were going to have to talk to him about it at some point. You couldn't avoid him forever, and his friendship meant a lot to you. 
Jenson was exhausted. He hadn't slept at all yet, and he was doing another stint in 3 hours, so as soon as he got out he made a beeline to his room and completely passed out.  
Your stint went fine, and the following swap from you to Jenson went fine, despite how tired he was. Everything was going according to plan. 
Fernando had slept all through your stint, and most of Jenson's.  
His hair was sticking up in different directions and the seam of his pillow was imprinted onto his cheek, but he looked incredibly happy that Jenson was still firmly in the lead. 
When Jenson came into the pits for the final driver swap, you and Fernando were all but buzzing with excitement.  
This was it. If Fernando managed to stay in front, you would win the race. 
You were going to be a 24 of Le Mans winner. As a rookie, as a replacement driver, and more importantly as a woman, you were going to prove to everyone you were worthy. 
Jenson needed help getting his helmet off. 
He slumped against the wall and you had to help him to his drivers room. 
You lay him down, unzipping his suit just enough to cool him down a bit and got him a glass of fresh cold water. 
You were going to leave him to it, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to sit on the edge of the bed. 
You gave him a questioning look and he sighed. 
“We need to talk”  
Your gaze travelled around the room. 
"Yeah… Do we have to do it right now though?” 
“We've got three hours to kill, might as well…” 
It was your turn to sigh. 
“I suppose…” 
You scooted closer to him on the bed and he took your hands in his. 
“First of all, I shouldn’t have done what I did earlier. It was selfish of me to take advantage of you like that…” 
Your mouth hung open, utterly bewildered. 
“Take advantage? Jenson I asked you to… I wanted it just as much as you did.” 
He blinked at you. 
“But… still… it wasn't appropriate.” 
“Do you regret it?” you asked, suddenly self-conscious. 
He melted and stroked your thigh soothingly.  
“No! No of course not, but-” 
“Neither do I” you interrupted “So there's nothing for you to feel bad about. I want you, Jenson” 
You gently slid a hand in his fireproofs, feeling the firm muscle underneath, and the hot dampness from his sweat.  
“You're all sweaty” you remarked, hand travelling lower. 
His eyes were fixed on yours, pupils expanding quickly the lower your hand went. 
“Yeah… I need a shower” he rasped. 
“Well… we’re both going to get dirty anyway getting sprayed with champagne on the podium later” you murmured, leaning down so your face was hovering over his. “So we could wait until after, and then scrub each other clean…”  
Your lips barely brushed his but he groaned, partly at the image of your body soaking wet and naked. He didn't have a preference whether it was from champagne or soapy water. 
“Sounds good to me” he whispered, going cross eyed when he glanced down at your lips. 
“It's a date, then” you smiled. “In the meantime… why don't I thank you for helping me get to sleep ”  
You grinned into the kiss, hands roaming under his fireproofs.  
You both somehow managed to get all of your layers off without separating and once you were both naked, he carried you over to a wall and held you up against it. 
“This is gross, we're both disgusting.” He moaned as you pulled on his hair roughly. 
“I don't care. I need you to fuck me Jenson” 
He let out a shaky breath at that, and lined himself up with where you were dripping against his lower abdomen. 
“God are you just… always this wet?” he looked down in awe at his tip sliding into you. 
“Only when you're around” you smirked. 
Something about that sentence made something dark settle in his stomach, and without further ado he slid into you. 
His cock stretched you out perfectly and you scratched at the wall for purchase as he started fucking into you with fervour. 
He pressed his body against yours, mouthing at your neck while he snapped his hips. It was like he was in some kind of trance, all previous exhaustion forgotten as he buried himself inside you repeatedly. 
Soon enough your neck was covered in marks and you could feel your flesh bruising where his fingers dug into it to hold you up.  
He didn't tease you this time, he let you come and fucked you through it with determination. Not stopping until you were a shaking, begging mess in his arms. 
He dropped you back on the bed and instructed you to hold your legs open for him. 
He had a dark look in his eyes as he fisted his cock with intent, aiming for your leaking cunt and the backs off your thighs. 
He almost lost balance with how  hard he came at the sight of you all pliant under him.  
Satisfaction purred in his chest as he gazed at you, covered in his streaks of cum. It made him slightly feral if he was honest. 
The two of you cleaned up with a wet towel and curled up under the blankets for a while. There was still a couple of hours left. 
“So tell me” you started, fingers swirling through the thin patch of hair on his chest. “How many of your teammates have you slept with?” 
He chuckled, amused by your question. “Including you?” 
He quickly glanced towards his tablet, where Fernando's onboard was playing.  
“Three.” He said. 
“So the race is soon coming to a close, and the Hertz team are looking to have been completely dominant this time around. Yet Jenson and his dear rookie teammate aren't in the garage during this closing stage… I can only hope they’re sleeping.” 
“Together, perhaps?” 
“I wouldn't care to speculate… but…..”
“What do you mean three? How is that even possible..."
Your voice died in your throat as you glanced back towards the stream in disbelief. 
“No! You fucked Fernando?”  you couldn't help a small smirk of amazement creeping onto your face.
“Well actually he fucked me but y-” 
The champagne tasted like shit, as usual.  
But the pure joy of being soaked in it after an impressive win was truly something else. 
You were excited for a shower that was for sure. You couldn't wait to get the sticky feeling off of your skin.  
Fernando and Jenson had you on their shoulders while the engineers generously sprayed the three of you. 
Jenson was so happy he did in fact grab a marker to sign your ass over your race suit, which got whoops and cheers from everyone around.
And of course the fact that you were going to have not one, but two hot older men to help you get the tricky spots… was a definite bonus. 
Yes, two. Because after all, poor Fernando didn't have anyone to shower with, and you didn't want him to feel left out of the celebrations. 
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girlyrafe · 3 days ago
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❝ getting yourself all worked up on Rafe's lap ❞ ⋆˚࿔
ᡣ𐭩 ❝ ꜰᴀʀᴍᴇʀꜱ¡ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ ⟡ ݁₊ ❞ 
The barn is quiet except for the soft creak of wood and the distant chirp of crickets outside. The summer air is thick, heavy with heat, but nothing compares to the warmth between your bodies. You’re in Rafe’s lap, perched on his strong thighs, your dress bunched up around your hips, his big hands wrapped around your waist, holding you steady.
“Shh, sweetheart,” he soothes, his lips grazing your ear, his voice a deep rasp that makes your stomach flip. “Just want to feel you a little.” 
You whimper, barely able to breathe, your fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. You don’t understand the way your body aches, the way your thighs tremble as you shift against him, searching for something, anything, to ease the tension coiling inside you.
And then you feel it—hard and thick, pressing up against your inner thigh through his jeans. The realisation makes you freeze, your breath catching in your throat.
Rafe groans, his fingers digging into your hips. “Fuck, sweetheart.” His voice is tight, strained, like he’s barely holding himself together. “If you keep squirming’ like that, I’m going to have to take care of you. Is that what you want?” 
You don’t answer—not because you don’t want to, but because you don’t know how to say it. The words are stuck in your throat, too shy, too innocent, too unsure. But your body betrays you, hips shifting just slightly, pressing down over the ridge of his cock, sending a sharp jolt of pleasure through you.
Rafe sucks in a breath, his grip on you tightening. “Jesus, sweetheart.” His voice is nothing but gravel now, thick and rough and barely restrained. “You like that, huh?” 
You nod, dazed, your lips parting in a soft gasp as you roll your hips again, a slow, tentative movement that makes heat lick up your spine.
“Fuck—” His head falls back against the wooden wall, his jaw clenching as he watches you move, watches you use him to get yourself off like you don’t even realise what you’re doing. His hands guide you, strong and steady, teaching you how to grind against him properly, how to chase that feeling.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he murmurs, his voice strained. “Just like that. Look at you, getting’ yourself all worked up on my lap.” 
You can barely keep your eyes open, pleasure building low in your belly, a delicious, unfamiliar pressure making your legs shake. Rafe’s hands squeeze your waist, helping you find the perfect rhythm, letting you rub yourself against the hard press of his cock, each slow grind making you more desperate, more needy.
“Shit—y’gonna come just from this, kid?” He groans, watching the way your body moves, the way your breath hitches. “Just from grindin’ on me like a needy little thing?” 
You don’t know. You’ve never felt like this before, never felt so full of want, so utterly consumed by the sensation, by him. But it’s not enough—not really. You can feel it now, the need for something more, something deeper, something that only he can give you.
“Rafe,” you whimper, your voice barely more than a breath. “I—I need—”
He groans, dragging his lips down the side of your throat, his fingers slipping beneath the hem of your panties, teasing through your slick folds. “I know, sweetheart,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your racing pulse. “Fuck, I know.” 
Your hips buck instinctively as his fingers slide over your clit, stroking slow, lazy circles that make you tremble against him.
“You’re so wet, sweetheart,” he breathes, his voice thick with hunger. “Been gettin’ you all worked up for me, huh? Bet you don’t even know what you need.” 
You shake your head, eyes glassy, and he groans, his fingers dipping lower, teasing at your entrance, collecting your slick.
“S’alright, angel. I’ll take care of you,” he murmurs, lifting you slightly, shifting beneath you, the sound of his belt unbuckling making your breath stutter.
Before you can even process what’s happening, he’s pulling himself free, the thick, flushed length of him pressing against your slick folds. Your body tenses, overwhelmed, unsure—until he grips your waist again, steadying you, guiding you, pressing the head of his cock against your entrance.
“Shh, sweetheart,” he soothes, his voice a quiet rasp against your skin. “Just let me in, sweetheart. Let me make you feel real good.” 
And then, with one slow, careful push, he does. Rafe moves slowly, guiding you down onto him with steady hands, his breath ragged against your throat. The stretch is overwhelming, foreign, but his grip is firm, reassuring. “Shh, sweetheart,” he murmurs, pressing his lips to your temple. “I got you.” 
Your fingers tighten against his shoulders, nails digging into his sun-warmed skin as you try to adjust, every inch of him filling you in a way that steals the breath from your lungs. He groans, his jaw going tight as he holds himself back, his own body trembling beneath you.
“Fuck,” he rasps, voice thick with restraint. “So goddamn tight, sweetheart.” 
You whimper, burying your face in the crook of his neck, overwhelmed by the sensation, by him. He strokes his hands up your back, soothing, murmuring sweet things against your hair, waiting until your body relaxes around him.
“Look at you, sweetheart,” he breathes, tilting your chin up so he can see your face, his blue eyes dark with hunger. “Takin’ me so good.” 
You barely know what to do, still trembling in his lap, but he guides you, his hands firm on your waist as he rocks you forward just slightly. The movement sends a shiver through you, pleasure sparking in places you’ve never felt before.
“That’s it,” Rafe groans, watching your lips part, your eyes flutter. “There you go, sweetheart. Just move nice and slow for me.” 
You follow his lead, moving tentatively, feeling the way he fills you, dragging against sensitive places inside you that make your stomach flip. He groans at the way you clench around him, his fingers flexing against your waist, his control slipping.
“Sweetheart,” he rasps, voice wrecked. “You’re going to ruin me.” 
Your thighs shake, but you don’t want to stop. The pleasure is something new, something dizzying, each roll of your hips sparking more, making you desperate for more. Rafe groans, dropping his forehead against yours, his breath hot and uneven.
“You feel that, angel?” he murmurs, his fingers slipping between your bodies, finding the soft, sensitive bundle of nerves between your thighs. “That’s what I want—want you to come for me, want you to feel real good.”
The sensation is too much: his touch, his voice, the way he fills you. You gasp, clinging to him, the pleasure coiling tighter and tighter until it finally breaks, warmth flooding your limbs, your whole body trembling as you fall apart in his arms.
Rafe groans, pressing his lips to yours, swallowing your soft cries. “That’s my girl,” he whispers, his own control fraying as he holds you through it. “So goddamn sweet for me.”
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hivemuthur · 1 day ago
If you’re comfortable, can I request Viktor dating hcs where reader has adhd? If not, that’s fine!
Hi Anon! Here's your HCs!
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ViktorXADHD!Reader HeadCannons
viktorxgn!reader general, fluff and again we have Viktor setting impossible standards for real-life partners (for me, I'm the partner :v)
author’s note: I wish I was this kind of partner guys :')
word count: 0,8K
✧ Viktor notices almost immediately that your mind moves fast—sometimes faster than even his own. He finds it fascinating, the way your thoughts jump from one topic to another, connecting things he wouldn't have considered.
✧ When you start rambling about a new hyperfixation, he listens intently, chin propped in his hand, soft smile on his lips. If it's something he can research, he’ll surprise you with a fact about it later, just to see your face light up.
✧ “You know, I read something about that,” he says casually, and the way you snap to attention fills him with warmth.
✧ He isn’t bothered when you interrupt him mid-sentence; he knows it’s because you’re engaged, not because you aren’t listening. That being said, if he really needs to get a point across, he’ll gently cup your face and say, “Lásko, let me finish.”
✧ If you forget important things—appointments, meals, deadlines—he doesn’t scold you. Instead, he subtly helps. “Did you eat today?” he asks while placing an apple in your hand. “You have an appointment tomorrow morning, yes? I will set an alarm for you.”
✧ He understands how frustrating it is to want to do something but not be able to focus on it. If you’re struggling with executive dysfunction, he sits with you, offering quiet encouragement. Sometimes, just knowing he’s there makes it easier.
✧ You tend to leave things half-finished, starting a new task before completing the last. Viktor doesn't mind; he simply places a bookmark in your abandoned book, keeps your projects organised, and gently reminds you where you left off.
✧ “You were working on this earlier,” he says, nudging a notebook toward you. “Shall we finish it together?”
✧ If your hyperactivity manifests physically, he lets you fidget with his fingers, his cane, even the hem of his sleeve. He likes it—it means you feel safe enough to do so.
✧ On days when your thoughts feel like an untamed storm, Viktor grounds you. He speaks softly, rubs soothing circles into your palm, and reminds you to take deep breaths.
✧ Viktor notices when you’re upset before you even say a word. Your usual energy dims, your gaze lingers unfocused, and your hands fidget more than usual. He doesn’t press you to talk—he knows that sometimes, finding the words is the hardest part.
✧ “We have three options,” he says, brushing his fingers against yours. “We talk about it now, we do not talk about it at all, or I will check in with you again in an hour.”
✧ The relief you feel is instant. He doesn’t need you to spell out what you need; he gets it. And when you squeeze his hand in silent gratitude, he simply squeezes back.
✧ Viktor doesn’t complain about your habit of draping half your wardrobe over the back of the chair. To him, it looks chaotic—but to you, it’s a system.
✧ “Why do you not put them away?” he asks, genuinely curious.
✧ “Because they aren’t dirty, but they aren’t clean either,” you explain.
✧ He nods as if that is the most logical thing in the world. “Ah. A liminal space for clothing. Understood.” And he's never brought it up again.
✧ Keeping the house organised is a delicate balance between Viktor’s methodical nature and your tendency to misplace things.
✧ He has congratulated himself more than once for coming up with transparent food containers.
✧ It's a small gesture, but got you tearing up. “You brilliant, brilliant man,” you say, bewildered, stacking them up in the most visible spots on your kitchen shelves.
✧ At some point, Viktor realised that opened food items exist in a strange limbo in your mind—neither fresh nor expired, just schrödinger’s groceries.
✧ His solution? A red marker pen, always within reach.
✧ Every milk carton, juice bottle, or half-used sauce now has the date of opening scrawled on it in his precise handwriting.
✧ “You are absurdly efficient,” you admit, watching him carefully mark the oat milk.
✧ “Efficient?” He smirks. “No, I simply dislike the phrase ‘I don’t know if this is still good, smell it for me.’”
✧ You fall asleep best when there’s something playing in the background—a podcast, an audiobook, even a video you’ve watched a hundred times.
✧ At first, Viktor found it odd, but now? He’s grown used to it. If anything, he finds the murmur of voices comforting when you fall asleep curled into him.
✧ He even takes the time to pick something out for you if you’re too tired to choose. “I selected a lecture on quantum mechanics,” he says with a small smile. “I expect you will be asleep before the introduction is over.”
✧ He doesn’t see your ADHD as a flaw. He sees you—brilliant, creative, full of energy and passion. And he loves you for it.
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rafesbuzzcutseason · 2 days ago
chasing city lights
chapter 21 - done with you
synopsis: you move to new york to start fresh, hoping to find comfort in the city’s atmosphere. that’s when you meet sarah cameron, where she takes you to a concert and you catch sight of the lead band member, rafe cameron. it only takes a moment for you to realize you’re captivated by him. as sarah helps you navigate your new life in the city, you start to get pulled deeper into rafe's world—the music, the fame, the chaos. the more you get to know him, the more you realise that rafe is not just the rock star he seems to be. he’s wrestling with his own demons, and the last thing he needs is someone like you getting close.
cw: language, alcohol, mentions of drugs
please listen to ghost of you by 5sos for this chapter and done with you by omar apollo!!
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ ☾. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
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the second stage of heartbreak, anger.
and that is all you felt when you woke up that morning. pure burning hatred for rafe cameron.
the sadness had drained you. completely. you had spent the last few weeks drowning in it, letting it consume you, break you, rip you apart. but now?
the sadness was gone.
replaced by rage.
it was a slow burn at first, simmering beneath your skin as you stared at your reflection in the mirror. puffy eyes, tear-stained cheeks, a hollow expression. you barely recognised yourself.
and all of it, every single ounce of it, was because of him.
rafe fucking cameron.
the boy you had given everything to. the boy who had held your heart in his hands, only to toss it aside like it was nothing. like you were nothing.
you thought back to that picture, the way he kissed her, held her, touched her like you hadn’t just spent months loving him, like you hadn’t bared your entire soul to him.
your hands clenched into fists at your sides, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. had it always been this easy for him? had he been waiting for an excuse to move on? had he ever even loved you at all?
the anger flared in your chest, hot and suffocating.
if rafe could move on, so could you.
you weren’t going to sit here and waste another second crying over a boy who clearly never lost a night of sleep over you.
no more tears.
you took a shower and pulled your shit together, getting yourself all dolled up to finally feel pretty again. put together.
you weren’t doing this for him. this wasn’t about making rafe jealous or proving something to anyone.
this was for you.
because for the first time in weeks, you were done feeling small. done feeling broken. done letting him have this much control over you when he wasn’t even around.
you refused to let him be the only one who got to move on.
if he thought releasing that song would win you back in some way, he was so, so wrong.
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✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ ☾. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
a/n: giggling because when my ex girlfriend broke up with me when i hit the anger stage i posted a hot story with done with you playing and boy did i eat
taglist: @hoefordrewstarkey @marleymarleymarleymarley @bee-43 @cherryhoneybabe @skye-44 @drewrry @drewrry  @yesterdaysproblemm @dylsdaily @rafeysworldim19 @valyrianflower @kaiparkerwifes@judesgfirl@4urvalidation@chillgal135 @drewstarkeyslover@yesshewrites1@amterasuu@babykhloutofthisworld@blushmimi  @moonywhisp3rs @rafeysworldim19 @marleymarleymarleymarley@sabrina-carpenter-stan-account@vcnillafairy@bambii1i @sammyrenae68 @kittenjujusblog @bambii1i @thesunflowersociety @wtfdudesblog @voidangxls @jjmaybankmylovee @munsoncultedits @emmiesummers @darlingstarkey @sassyvillaintrophy  @pogueprincesa @stylestarkey @sodapopwaldor
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boyfhee · 17 hours ago
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𝗦𝗢𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗜𝗢ㅤ/ㅤso, let me sit on your lap and press dewy kisses on your chest.
CATALOGUEㅤ。⠀( 245O ) ㅤ&ㅤbf ! enha x fem ! reader, fluff ㅤ 𖥔 kissing, petnames, skinship
ㅤ ꒰⁠ ⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠ ꒱ㅤ..ㅤwrtiting a very very old idea >< as always, happiest reading mwah mwah <3
reblogs⠀⠀ꢾ꣒⠀ feedbacks ! °ᯅ°
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his sunday evenings are for gaming and today was nothing different. you finish up whatever you were doing before deciding to join your boyfriend.
you sneak up to him with a quiet laugh, planting a quick peck on his cheek when he's in the middle of saying something over the headset.
“is that seat taken?” you ask casually, lips pursed. he takes a second to pause the game before looking at you, half flustered half confused, before realisation set in him when he sees your gaze pointing at his lap.
a swift motion and you're already on his lap with your back pressed flushed against his chest. his arms snake around your waist, tugging you closer to him and his breath is warm against your ear as you feel him smirking amidst his words. “only by you, angel,”
he has been waiting for you on the couch for fifteen minutes now, all ready with blankets and your favourite snacks for the movie. his eyes never leave the sight of you in your silk sleep set, hair slightly wet from the shower, waiting for you.
and, he's literally giving you those cute pleading eyes when you come around, patting the space next to him, biting back the cutest smile, only for you to catch him off with your next words, “can i sit here instead?”
your finger is pointing his lap and his eyes are wide in amusement. you're such a tease sometimes, it's not healthy for his heart. jay can only chuckle at your request, hands on your hips to pull you down on his lap. “you don't have to ask, doll,”
he nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck, pressing butterfly kisses before gently turning your face towards him by your chin to press his lips against yours— and you might do this again.
you hate exam season and it's mainly because you get to see less and lesser of your beloved boyfriend. nonetheless, he made time for you, inviting you over to his place, to which to happily agree.
“hi, my love,” he whispers against your lips before pulling you into a kiss just as you enter his apartment. your lips curl into a smile, reciprocating the kiss, sweet, slow and ever so heavenly on your lips as he backs you towards the couch, only to pull back just before the best part. “i have missed you,”
and he's looking at you expectantly, waiting for his long awaited hug, the one where you both just melt into each other's embrace without any care for the world. however, you simply give him a shy look, requesting quietly. “can i sit on your lap instead?”
it would be a lie to say your words don't make him blush, but he's quick to pull you down on his lap, nice and cozy, your arms around each other as if one would disappear the next moment. his face is buried in your shoulder while your fingers trace a gentle pattern on his back, and he sighs contently. “i could get used to this,”
it's honestly a sixth sense. he could sense your puppy dog eyes from across his room while he is working on something. a sigh escapes his lips and puts the pen down, looking up at you. “can you stop with those eyes?”
despite his words, your eyes only get more pleading, pout getting deeper— almost like an exaggerated frown. actually, it's painfully hard to ignore you when you're looking so adorable.
“come here,” and sunghoon finally gives in, pushing his chair back, looking at you while you're standing in front of him with the same look as before. you don't even have to say it. he knows exactly what would lift your mood and he does exactly that— pulling you onto his lap and wrapping his arms around your waist. “satisfied now?”
he smiles when you nod against his chest, burying your face deeper before looking up at him with the sweetest smile that makes his heart flutter. “very,”
he already knows you're up to something when you lead him into the bedroom and push him down on the bed. well, it's not half wrong that he is expecting something— then you take out something from your drawer.
“let me do your eyeliner,” you chime in with a smile, eyes gleaming with excitement and mischief as you add more words. “while sitting on your lap,”
it takes him a good minute to process your words. you can be quite menacing and he's well aware of it by the look on your face.
he leans back on the bed and takes your hand, tugging you forward and letting you settle comfortably on his lap. your one hand cups his cheek, caressing gently as he kisses the tip of your nose. “i prefer to have you on my lap anyway,”
a relieved sigh falls off your boyfriend's lips when his eyes catch a glimpse of you through the crowd, walking inside the hall.
he chuckles at the way your nose scrunches up due to the smell of alcohol in the air, the displeasure immediately morphing into bliss when you spot him on a couch in the corner. “i thought you wouldn't come,”
“i changed my mind,” you shrug, eyes looking around at everyone as he takes your hand, trying to make a little space for you on the already packed couch. “it's okay, i'll sit here,”
his eyes immediately go wide at your implication, the way your gaze shifts down to his lap and then up at him. “you sure, princess?”
“why not?” you make yourself comfortable on his lap, one hand on his cheek and the other arm instinctively goes around his neck when he tugs you closer by your waist. “you're my boyfriend,”
and he's not used to it— the word or your boldness. two months into the relationship and you know exactly how to leave him speechless. but then you lean closer, capturing his lips into a slow kiss.
“that i am,” he whispers after pulling back for air, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
out of all things, riki didn't expect you to show up at his place with his favourite snacks and soft drinks. you're in his room, which is quite a mess if he's being honest. he himself is sitting only in his sweats and a tank top, hair messy, scrolling through his phone— honestly, his mom could've at least let him know before letting his dear girlfriend go upstairs to his room.
“wait—” he looks around frantically, not quite sure where to start from, half flushed and half embarrassed. “uh, where are you going to sit. . .”
it's a quiet whisper followed by your soft laugh and you put the bag of edibles on his desk, enjoying how his go red cheeks when you step closer as he instinctively sits back on the chair.
“how about here?” his mouth falls agape and you hold back a giggle when his face turns a darker shade of red. he doesn't say no— eyes spelling yes along with a slow nod. “you're so cute,”
he hides away his face further, hands caressing gentle patterns on your waist involuntarily. “s-shut up,”
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mediumgayitalian · 2 days ago
He hears him four cabins away. At minimum.
The thing about Will is that he is not a sneaky person. He tries to be — gods does he ever try — but it is so antithetical to who he is as a person that it never works out. He breaks out into hives if he lies, for Hades’ sake. Sometimes even when he withholds the truth. It’s hilarious.
Anyways, he wakes Nico up.
He hears the cream of the opening window and shoved his face into a pillow. There’s a way to open them without so much as a peep — Piper knows how, and Percy, and probably ninety-two percent of the rest of camp — but Will, in all honesty, probably can’t even hear it, as high-pitched as it is. The scuffle of his shoes on the smooth obsidian walls are equally as loud, somehow, and the oof he lets out as he lands on the marble floors face-first echo all the way to the lake.
It’s a wonder the harpies haven’t come squawking, honestly. Or maybe good karma.
“Psst,” Will actually, genuinely hisses. “Psst, Nico. You up?”
“No,” Nico lies. “I am sleeping ever so peacefully and ignoring the obnoxious intruder of my space.”
“Well, get up.” His feet have started to tap. Nico smothers his stupid widening grin into his hand — it’s not cute, it’s not. It’s dumb and embarrassing and ridiculous. Gods. What a freaking theatre kid.
Nico peeks one eye open, and Will is standing, shirt on backwards, scratching his calf, staring at the faintly-glowing altar in the back corner. His pupils are dilated.
“I want ice cream.”
Nico does not, technically, have much to do tomorrow.
There’s training. But there’s always training, really, and also he went to Tartarus, so how much worse can it get, really? What else is he training for? Tartarus Two: The Torture Trudges On? And there’s of course his afternoon class, but he can definitely sleep-walk his way through that one. He’ll wear sunglasses and tell the kids he’s evaluating them based on the level of maliciousness he feels in their energy. It has worked for him before.
He can go out for three in the morning ice cream.
But the principle of the thing.
“It’s witching hour, William.”
“You like witching hour.” 
“Plus! Ice cream.” He turns to face Nico, and he still can’t see, that at least Nico knows for sure, but he tilts his head and cocks his hip like he can. “Ice cream, Death Boy. Three a.m. bad decisions. Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not frothing at the mouth.”
Nico makes a show of patting down his dry face, just to bother him, except he realises he was in fact drooling in his sleep and has to then resist the urge to throw himself off a building. Gods. Will is lucky it's blacker than actual night in here or Nico would genuinely have to kill him and then himself. 
"Fine," he says hastily, rolling off his bed and slamming onto the floor. "Begone. I will meet you outside."
“You have two minutes,” Will warns, tapping at his watch. He turns resolutely around. He pauses. He turns again, sighs, then turns, or at least tries to, back to Nico’s general direction, but where he is actually staring, hands on his hips, is the wall, this time Nico does not even bother to hide his smile in his hands. “Could you maybe point me in the direction of the door, Mr. Vampire Freak?”
Nico puts gentle hands on Will’s shoulders, guiding him towards the ornate doorway. He offers absolutely no resistance, leaning into the pressure of Nico’s palms as he stumbles forward.
“Calling me a freak is going to restart my trauma,” Nico says loftily.
“Shut up.” A beat. “Sorry.”
“I’m teasing, you doofus.”
“Still. That was uncalled for.” He nearly brains himself on the doorway trying to turn around to face him. Nico darts out and tucks a protective hand over his forehead, just in time. Will butts his head into the hold affectionately. “You are not a freak.”
Something gross and gooey and soft melts in Nico’s sternum, and his lips twitch, and his chest warms, and fondness bleeds from him, from his pores, wrapping Will’s shoulders like shadow and blinking like gentle flame.
“I know that,” Nico says, shaking his head. “You are so strange. Get out of here. I need to put pants on.”
Will blinks. Nico counts four seconds. Will glances down, and his face heats something awful.
“You!!!” he whisper-shouts, over Nico’s snickering. “I’m going to!!!” He waves a hand. He waves again, ending in somewhat of an accusing point. “Ah!!!”
He rushes out the barely-open door, tripping over the front step and sprawling on his ass on the porch. Nico leans against the doorway, grin widening, arms crossed over his chest. Will stays curled on the floor, face in his hands, muttering to himself. It is so loud it — echoes. Right across the common. Two separate lights turn on.
He does not notice.
Nico loves him so much he envisions grabbing his pillow and beating him to a coma with the force of it. Instead, he rushes inside and pulls on the first pair of jeans he sees.
“Okay,” he yawns, nudging Will’s prone form with the toe of his shoe. “Let’s go.”
“Finally,” Will mumbles. He stays in his ball of misery for five seconds. He gets up. He pauses, breathing in, breathing out. He, realisinf Nico has left him behind, scrambles to catch up, tripping over a rock and very nearly pitching right down Half-Blood Hill. “I want — soft serve.”
“No,” Nico says easily.
“It’s better! It’s — smooth!”
They reach the road. Nico raises a hand as if summoning a taxi, barely managing to grab Will’s collar and yank him back from the road before a shiny, shadow-black SUV melts into existence at the speed of Fast and kills him dead.
“It’s a disgrace, William. It is an abomination of modern hubris.”
“You’re — you’re just like your father, you know that, you —”
Nico’s jaw drops.
“That’s is an evil fucking thing to say to me —”
Will is so loud, he can’t help it, everywhere he goes, he stumbles through doorways and trips over air and whistles as he walks and tap tap taps his ever-moving fingers. Will is loud, he is lively, Will is life, personified, every inch of him glows golden.
The issue is that Nico is loud when he’s around him, too. Like he forgets to keep quiet.
“—that’s that, Solace.” He yanks the sliding door open, hovering in the frame. “Hard ice cream or no ice cream for you. That’s that.”
Will huffs. It’s just barely bright enough outside — there’s moonlight — for him to be facing the right direction, this time, back to Thalia’s tree, as he crosses his arms and taps his foot and pouts like that will get him anywhere.
Nico stares right back, back to the SUV, ignoring Jules-Albert’s grumbling.
He will not give in this time. 
He will not.
“I really just think soft ice cream will help the homesick,” Will mumbles. He kicks at the too-long grass. “It’s — tour season. Mama and I always went to DQ during tour season.”
“Oh —Jesus fucking Christ.”
Will has won and he knows he has, because he can muffle a smile but he’s never been able to fight back that victorious little giggle, because he is loud, and Nico hates him.
Toujours il te déjoue, et toujours, tu lui permets.
Nico scowls.
“Your job is to drive, Jules-Albert; if I wanted a critic I would have summered Ebert.”
Jules-Albert smiles at him. Due to the rotting flesh and tooth decay, it is horrifying, but unfortunately not horrifying enough to distract him from Will’s smug lean, his bright smile.
“If you don’t stop humming We Are The Champions I’m going to fucking gut you,” Nico threatens.
“Mhm. Perhaps. But then you would have no one to bully you, and you will be miserable.”
Jules-Albert barks a laugh, and offers Will a high-five.
“I will crack a chasm open onto this road! I swear to the gods! I will blow up this car!”
It takes twenty-two minutes to get to the nearest Dairy Queen.
Nico practically flees out of the car.
“I thought you were too tired for ice cream,” Will teases, jogging after him.
Nico scowls at him. “I am never doing anything with you ever again as long we both shall live.”
“Sure thing,” says Will absentmindedly. He links their arms together, humming at the menu. Nico’s lungs shrivel up and retire. “I’m only friends with you for the infinite credit card, anyway.”
“Oh, shut up.”
The Dairy Queen is silent at nearly four in the morning. Even the machines hold their breath, sole employee communicating entirely in nods and slow blinks.
Will’s laugh is like rolling summer thunder.
Nico feels like he is suffocating, like the humidity of the air churns solid in his chest.
In the cold of the late-night DQ air, table sticking to his elbows, a flip-flopped foot kicks his ankle.
“What,” Nico grumps, shoving a spoonful of Oreo Blizzard Extreme into his mouth. It is mediocre.
There is a dot of ice cream on Will’s nose. Unrelated, there has been an endless loop of anguished screaming yearning in the back of Nico’s mind for the past seven minutes.
“Thank you.”
Will smiles. His nose scrunches with it, and the ice cream smears across his freckles. Nico’s heart explodes, just like that. Probably due to the ice cream. Sugar clogs arteries, or something like that.
“I mean it. Thank you.”
“You’re just saying that ‘cause you need a ride home. And because I paid, you broke pain in the ass.”
He smiles wider. His blue eyes shine darker than midnight, darker than Oreos, and for a desperate breathless moment Nico drowns in his pupils.
“True. But also.”
He kicks Nico’s ankles again.
“Thank you for coming with me.”
The half-frozen brownie lodges in his throat, and Nico swallows, and swallows, and swallows. Will’s eyes ger brighter, and brighter, and brighter.
“Yeah,” he says, reedy. He swallows. Will ducks his head. “Anytime.”
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wcnderlnds · 3 days ago
don't look back [part two] | kwon ji-yong (g dragon)
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・❥・ summary: after walking out on jiyong, you were heartbroken hiding away in your house until you get an unexpected visitor on your doorstep. ・❥・word count: 1.6k ・❥・warnings: nothing, really! angst and fluff ・❥・ authors note: this is part two to a collab with my best friend and the ultimate g dragon lover @ldydeath <3 PART ONE HERE
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Weeks had passed since the last conversation with Jiyong. The second you had given him his ring back, you’d walked away and never turned back. The way he’d treated you, the way he’d talked to you — it wasn’t okay. Maybe leaving had been an overreaction but he had hurt you. Tour was stressful and Jiyong always put so much pressure on himself but all you had wanted was to be there for him. Instead, it had turned into the worst trip of your life. What had meant to be a happy few weeks with the love of your life had turned into you losing him.  There were no words to describe the ache in your heart. It was like someone had taken a hammer and smashed it into little pieces. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t piece it back together. Only one person could but you hadn’t heard a word from him since that day.
Your friends had told you he was miserable — working himself to the bone so that he didn’t have to think about what he’d lost. The second he stopped was the second he realised his life was worthless without you in it. What could he do, though? He has been awful to you when all you had done was care about him. He didn’t mean it; you had caught him on a really bad day and he’d let his emotions get the better of him. He’d never forgive himself for how he’d treated you.
As the days passed it only became more and more evident to you how badly you needed him. He was a part of you, a part of everything you held so dear and close. It felt like something was missing, emptiness consuming your every thought. The idea of flying to wherever he was and trying to talk to him had floated around in your head but you couldn’t. What if he didn’t want to see you? It could end up like last time and make everything so much worse. Actually, maybe you had done that by giving him the ring back. Now all you could do was sit and get lost in your own pit of self loathing and misery. Time heals all wounds — that’s what everyone said but you weren’t sure it would heal this one.
Cocooning yourself in your blankets on the couch surrounded by all your favourite snacks had become your routine. Thank the stars that work had decided you could keep working from home. There was no way you were in any fit state to go into the office and be face to face with anyone. In fact, when you had come home, you’d taken those first few days off which was unusual for you. There was nothing that usually stopped you but apparently a broken heart could tear even the strongest people down.
There was a knock on the door which caused your head to snap up instantly. Who could that even be? As far as you knew you weren’t expecting anything and most people knew not to bother you right now. The first thought was to ignore it so you kept your eyes glued to the television screen until the knock sounded again. Okay, whoever it was they were being persistent. Very reluctantly, you got to your feet, holding your hoodie – well, it was actually Jiyong’s that you’d stolen weeks ago to sleep in while he was gone – tight to you, the sleeves coming past your hands.
Opening the door, your eyes almost comically widened at the person stood in front of you.
There he stood, a bouquet of your favourite flowers in his hand, shyly glancing at you. All it took was one look at him to know that he was nervous, more so than usual. He was the last person you had expected to show up on the doorstep. Sure, it was your shared place – you both lived there and he could’ve easily let himself in but he still had tour dates left overseas. He shouldn’t be here. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you took in his appearance. The dark bags under his eyes showed that he wasn’t sleeping, he wasn’t taking care of himself and that hurt more than anything else. All you ever wanted was the best for him despite everything that happened.
“What are you doing here?” You couldn’t help the quiet question falling from your lips. 
“...I needed to see you,” he took a step forward, his shaky hands holding out the flowers for you. “I know it’s stupid and flowers aren’t going to make up for everything I said but…”
Gently, you took them from his hand, your fingers lightly brushing against his; that spark that always ignited whenever you touched him shooting through your body. “They’re beautiful.”
Silence fell between you, the air thick with tension. There was so much to say, so many things that had been left unspoken. Your eyes found the ring that he still had on his pinky finger. At least he hadn’t taken it off or got rid of it. 
“I’m so-”
“You can come in. It’s your place, too.”
You didn’t mean to cut him off but you couldn’t hear the words ‘I’m sorry’. Anyone could say them but it didn’t make them true. Actions and words spoke louder than a simple phrase. Turning your back, you headed towards the kitchen to place the flowers down. Once they were on the counter, you were about to grab a vase to place them in but Jiyong’s fingers wrapped around your arm softly, turning you to face him. Your breath caught in your throat as you almost pressed against his chest. It had been so long since you’d been this close to him. Every nerve ending was on fire, it was hard to not reach out and caress him especially with that sad frown plastered on his face.
“Nothing will ever make up for what I said to you and I’m so, so sorry that I acted the way I did. That isn’t me – you know it isn’t. If there's one thing in this world that I know, it’s that I love you. I want a life with you. Everything I have is meaningless without you by my side and I messed that up. I hurt your feelings, I said things that I didn’t mean. I was just… in a bad place. I should’ve talked to you instead of pushing you away but I did the worst thing imaginable. I’ll spend forever making it up to you if I have to,” his words were rushed, quiet. The emotion weighed heavy in them, you could see how much he meant them, how much pain he was in just by the look in his eyes.
“You basically said what I was giving you wasn’t good enough, Jiyong. I was giving you everything and so much more and if that’s not good enough, I don’t know what is. I love you so much but is that enough for you?” Tears had started to fall without you even realising. It only made it worse when Jiyong stepped closer, the pad of his thumb brushing away the tears from your cheeks. “I want to be with you but I need to know that it’s enough. That I’m enough.”
“You are enough. You are more than enough. I’m just an idiot. I was caught up in my own head and letting the bad thoughts win. How you make me feel, what you give to me? It’s always been enough. Please trust me when I say that. I want to be with you. I want a life with you. I want to marry you, give you everything you deserve.”
Knowing Jiyong for as long as you had, you could tell when he was lying and right now? He was more than telling the truth. He was bearing his heart and soul, putting all his feelings out there. Being vulnerable was hard for anyone but especially for Jiyong so to see him standing there trying, it made it a little better. Just a little. There was still a long way to go yet.
“I wish you’d just talk to me when you get those thoughts. Stop hiding in yourself. I’m here for you. I don’t care if we’re in different countries or timezones, you can always call me. I need you to keep being open with me like this. If things are going to work with us again then we need an open line of communication and honesty.”
“I will, I swear from now on, I will. What happened will never happen again. I promise to you, baby. If I ever treat you that way again, I’ll get Youngbae to beat me up.”
That caused you to giggle a little. The tension slowly easing from the room, a feeling of ease once again settling between you. “He is the third best fighter after all.”
Jiyong smiled, a real smile, one of his hands slowly sliding down to rest on your hip. “Does this mean I have another chance?”
“Yeah, I love you Kwon Jiyong but mess up again and that’s it.”
He didn’t say another word but instead he dropped down to one knee, taking the ring off his pinky finger as he held your hand. The stupidest grin was plastered on his tired face as he looked up at you. “Will you marry this stupid idiot?”
“Yes, now get up, you idiot,” you laughed, taking his face in your hands and pressing your lips to his for the first time in weeks. His arms winded around you, pulling you flush against him. A sigh of content passed his lips, his eyes closing as he let himself get lost in you. This was where he was always meant to be. With you and he’d make sure to never, ever mess that up again.
taglist (ask to be added!): @ldydeath @infinetlyforgotten @mirahyun @mattsturniolosbabymama
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jmliebert · 3 days ago
♡ Halsin Being Love Smitten by an Oblivious Tav ♡
Oh, this is a good one. Halsin — strong, confident, experienced — brought to his knees by one thing he never saw coming: your sheer, unrelenting obliviousness. It’s hard to make him baffled, but you did. You actually made him baffled. Incredible. 
He’s lived for over three centuries. Seen countless wonders, taken many lovers, and faced horrors that would break lesser souls. Nothing has caught him off guard for the longest time it would seem. And yet you have. Because somehow, despite his very clear interest, his smoothest moves, and his voice dropping into that deep purr — you simply don’t get it. Not one bit. 
And by Oak Father, it really do baffles him. 
You see, he feels it every time you walk by — a rush of warmth in his chest, the unshakable need to be near you. He listens to your every word, even your stillest ramblings, with rapt attention, laughing easily and freely in a way he hasn’t in years. It feels good to be close to you. It feels right. And he’s wise enough to know exactly what that means. He is, without doubt, utterly and completely love smitten with you… and Halsin is many things, but shy is not one of them. So naturally — he courts you. 
At first, subtly, slowly… intending to take full pleasure from getting to know you better in that kind of way. A lingering touch here, a playful tease there, a deep-chested chuckle whenever you say something endearing. Surely you’ll catch on. 
You do not. 
You smile at him. You laugh, you listen, you seem happy to be around him. But not once — not once! — you show any sign of realising that he likes you more than a friend. (oh, so much more)
Is he being too subtle? Surely not. Halsin is experienced. He’s seen things. He’s been with partners who could read his desires from a single glance, and here he is — flexing like a fool whenever you so much as glance in his direction, hoping you’ll notice. 
And Oak Father help him, he’s trying so hard. It’s like he isn’t himself anymore. He feels like a young pup wandering into unknown territory. 
So… he finds excuses to touch you. Offers a steadying hand when crossing a stream (as if you’re not perfectly capable), lets his large hands linger on your waist a fraction too long when lifting you over an obstacle. Getting all worked up from the mere brush of your knees. 
One day Halsin brings you fruit he’s foraged with a casual,
"If you desire more, I am always at your service.”
"You really do take good care of everyone," you say, eyes shining with pure, unshaken obliviousness. The words he wants to say—I would much rather focus my care on you specifically—catch in his throat, swallowed down by a sigh. Somehow, faced with your innocence, he just can’t bring himself to say it.
Has he lost his touch? Is he truly so out of practice? He has never worked this hard to make his feelings known. And worse—he’s starting to feel things he hasn’t in years. Frustration, longing, an almost feral urge to just grab you by the shoulders and tell you outright.
By the gods, he is horny and in distress. And he’s been horny many times, but in distress like this? No. However… Halsin is not a man who simply gives up. Not to doubt, not to hesitation—and certainly not when it comes to you. Not when he’s waited lifetimes to feel this way again. Not when he’s finally met someone who stirs the very roots of his being.
So, no more subtlety, no more lingering touches. No more charming lines that you so sweetly misunderstand. One evening, with all the weight of a man on the brink, he levels you with a look, strong arms crossed over his chest, and says in a tone that leaves no room for interpretation:
“Tav. We need to talk. And this time, I’ll make sure you understand exactly what I mean.”
Because by the Oak Father, if you don’t realise how desperately he wants you after this conversation—he might just lose his mind.
So he takes you away—away from the crackling campfire, from the idle chatter of your companions, from the weight of the world pressing down on both of you. He leads you to a quiet, secluded glade where the trees arch overhead like ancient sentinels. The stars shimmer above, casting silver light over everything, but Halsin?
Halsin is radiant.
He stands before you, broad and strong, his golden skin illuminated by moonlight. There’s something different in the way he looks at you now—an intensity, a quiet, unshaken resolve. And then, in a voice deep as the earth itself, he speaks:
"I want to lay with you under the stars and feel your skin against mine…”
Your breath stutters. Your eyes widen, because suddenly, everything clicks into place.
The lingering touches. The flirtation you had brushed off as simple kindness. The way his gaze always seemed to find you, the way his presence felt like a steady force in your current life, constant and unwavering. It was never just friendliness. It was never just admiration.
It was this.
It was him wanting you.
The weight of his words sinks into you, slow and heavy like honey pouring thick from a jar. He isn’t teasing. He isn’t jesting—Halsin is far too earnest for that. His kindness, his unwavering dedication, have only blurred the truth for you. But now, there is no mistaking it. There’s no lightheartedness in his tone—only intention. Only want.
The words roll off his tongue like a promise, rich with meaning, with want. His voice is steady, but there’s something beneath it—an unmistakable need. His hand lifts, slow, deliberate, as if he’s savouring every second before he touches you. And when he does—when his large, calloused palm finally cups your cheek—your breath catches.
His warmth is immediate, grounding, real. He’s so close now—too close, not close enough. His golden eyes search yours, darkened with something primal, something deep and unspoken. He’s looking for something—truth. An answer. A silent permission for this moment to become something more.
And gods, the air between you is alive with it. 
Will you give it to him?
That choice—that power—is yours.
again, thanks for this lovely request
you can find more of my works about halsin ♡here♡ hihi
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