#and other romance languages
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mrgrim · 2 months ago
Hot heavy obsessive possessive romantic passionate lustful love. If not, what’s the point.
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passengerpigeons · 2 years ago
im on the home stretch of maldoror. for a second i thought i lost it and i was like what a funny way to end this year's annual attempt at reading it
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gael-garcia · 4 months ago
Gael García Bernal on the existential aspect of the Spanish language
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mintjeru · 11 months ago
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it probably wasn't the smartest decision to start an ongoing 1000+ chapter webnovel when i know it'll consume my every waking thought but here we are
open for better quality | no reposts
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rabbitsrants · 11 months ago
acts of service II
"actions that make your partner feel like they can trust you to have their back, for the small and the big things - making life easier or more enjoyable for them"
chapter 6
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chapter 33
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chapter 86
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chapter 141
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chapter 150
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chapter 182
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chapter 188
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chapter 194
ran helping shin get dressed because he's sick:
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chapter 253
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chapter 254
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chapter 314
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chapter 335
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chapter 347-349
shinichi taking care of a sick ran:
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BONUS: shinichi feeling inadequate when she ends up helping him despite being sick
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chapter 351
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chapter 354
akai: warns ran, tells her to get to safety
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ran: doesn't care about the potential serial killer, decides to look for shinichi (DESPITE HAVING A HIGH FEVER BTW)
shinichi: carries ran back to safety when she inevitably faints
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chapter 393
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chapter 570
ran: is terrified of supernatural things
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also ran: refuses to leave shinichi's side no matter what
chapter 611
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chapter 650
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shinichi 🤝 ran
doing first aid on each other
chapter 814
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chapter 922
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chapter 931
ran worries about kogoro:
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visit the shinran library for more
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scruncheduppaper · 6 months ago
do you guys ever think abt v1 getting stained more and more with blood as they go thru hell and ending up looking like v2. like ik that not how it work but man even in death theyre still there yknow. like how v1 keeps v2 alive technically thru their arms.
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iceeclaw · 2 months ago
Do you guys see my vision
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ellsieee · 5 months ago
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Oh they must have drunk kissed.
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The trope where characters touch their lips when thinking about being kissed cracks me up every single time.
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starflungwaddledee · 1 year ago
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kirbytober 2023 21 + 26 : fav characters + ship [ prev || next ]
putting this at the top because it's extremely important but i received a message implying that some folks headcanon these two as drastically different ages. you may headcanon whatever you like of course, but in my work i firmly think that they're both full adults who are at least 25+. this is abundantly clear in my work. i'm not interested in headcanoning any of them as literal children and i would never touch that shit. dni if you think that sort of ship would actually be okay. don't be a freak. thanks.
very typical to take your favs and then also shove them together but isn't that the point. anyway i have literally never seen anybody else ship them (if you're out there... hello... 😭) despite them both being very main characters and i don't know why?? they could be so cute i think...
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they are both industrious adventurers, prolific hard-workers (team task doers), and a little cheekily competitive!
i think that bandee is no stranger to a wide variety of close and intense relationships; he's beloved by many and loves them all equally but distinctly in turn. magolor on the other hand has been sooo isolated and lonely for such a long-ass time, he barely knows how to be friends let alone really care for someone. bandee is smart enough to be suitably wary but kind enough to give him a chance despite that, which i think would knock him off his non-existent feet instantly. in reply, magolor could give him something unique by loving and prioritising him utterly singularly, in a way bandee wouldn't even have realised he was missing
in awtdy (pictured in the sketch page; if you see a tattered looking magolor in my art it's probably this au) in particular they are both thrown into the angst soup together and come out insanely trauma bonded at the hip. their friendship/relationship is central to the plotline; together they're working on a solution to the timeline anomaly, while also hiding that they even really know each other the whole time
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fictionadventurer · 5 months ago
Top five time travel movies/books! :D
See, the trouble is that while I love time travel as a concept, I haven't actually explored the genre that much. I haven't watched/read most of the time travel stories out there, sometimes because I just haven't gotten to it, other times because I'm very picky about content, other times because most of the time travel stories I run across are either "we're a bureaucratic agency dedicated to policing time travel" or "oh, no, what if we change history?" or "I fell in love with a hunky Highlander", none of which are the parts of time travel stories that interest me.
The most accurate version of this list would be a list of Doctor Who episodes (and maybe some Star Trek ones), but you specified movies and books, which is going to make this a much more difficult list to create.
The Day of the Doctor: Haha, I cheated, because Day of the Doctor was released in theaters, which makes it a movie! (So I can use it as a stand-in for all the Doctor Who episodes that are my favorite time travel stories). Thankfully, it's a fantastic time travel story and one of my favorites. It's a genius blend of both "stable timeline" and "changeable timeline" mechanics. Three different interweaving timelines. References to A Christmas Carol. Changing major events in the show's past without changing the timeline that resulted from them at all. A rejection once and for all of the "ends justify the means" mindset that had lingered over the reboot for too long. A masterpiece.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens: It's the classic Christmas story for a reason--and one of those reasons is the time travel. Going with Scrooge across decades of his own life and watching him undergo character development from that is a great use of time travel. (And there happens to be a great Doctor Who version, too!)
Star Trek: First Contact: It's fun when you get characters traveling from the future to a different time that's also in the future. Love all the worldbuilding details of these characters interacting with their past/our fictional future, and it's a pretty good story.
Shadowhand by Anne Elisabeth Stengl: The Tales of Goldstone Wood series has a structure unlike any I've ever seen in fantasy, and this book is the reason. The first three books in the series are in chronological order. The next two books are prequels that take place like a thousand years earlier. This book, the sixth, involves characters from the later time period time-traveling to meet characters from the earlier time period, and getting swept up in a legend that they've known since childhood. I remember very little about the book beyond that, but it's such a cool concept (with an unforgettable ending moment) that I have to put it on the list.
Love Strikes Twice: It's one of the very rare Hallmark movies that's actually a decent movie by normal movie standards, so I have to give it credit. Instead of the usual boring time travel plot of "oh no, what if we change history?", we get someone who's trying to change history, who does change history, and it's a good thing. The time travel mechanics surrounding that make no sense, but who cares? It's a fun story with an engaging cast, legitimately funny jokes, a sweet romance, and a solid plot.
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dramatic-dolphin · 6 months ago
the only interaction i've had with french people was when i was on my way to england and they were checking our papers at the border & all these french people would, of course, only speak to us in french and then sigh and roll their eyes and complain about how dare these random teenagers from eastern europe not speak french (in french)
now, french was actually one of the languages my school provided, so when my friend had a problem with their ID, they started explaining the situation. in french. guess what the french people did in that situation? with a look of disgust, THEY SWITCHED TO ENGLISH.
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A game of giving Obi-Wan flowers
This is me having fun writing micro fics giving lots of flowers to Obi-Wan and playing around with flower language.
(disclosure: I have no/little idea what I'm doing, so don't judge me too harshly if I make mistakes)
Anakin looked around the vast and luscious room, his eyes wide with wonder as the sound of trickling and rushing water permeated everything. Astonishment and awe was evident in his gaze as it sought Obi-Wan's.
“It's okay, dear one,” Obi-Wan assured, the endearment escaping him unexpectedly, “go on, explore, I'll wait for you here.” He pointed towards a clearing where a small pond formed the center.
After a last hesitant glance and an assuring nod, Anakin set off, his entire existence glowing with eager curiosity.
Chuckling to himself, Obi-Wan sat down, crossing his legs. He closed his eyes expecting that it would be quite some time before his Padawan returned to him, and he intended to use the time to meditate and collect his thoughts, Force knew he needed it. He allowed the peace and everlasting sound of water to wash over him as he slowed the rhythm of his breathing. Opening himself to the Force, he was mindful of the still tenuous thread that bound him to Anakin, not that the boy was difficult to sense, his presence like a beacon even here.
Obi-Wan released a deep breath, sinking effortlessly into the flow of the Force.
Some time later, he returned to the present, sensing Anakin's close proximity.
He blinked his eyes open, a smile spreading across his lips when he saw Anakin holding a large flower towards him, the blue-purple color of the hydrangea stunning.
“I asked if it was okay,” were the first words out of his slightly blushing Padawan's mouth. “I didn't know if it was okay to pick the flowers, but Master Thana said it was okay.”
Obi-Wan smiled and nodded.
“Thank you. I appreciate this.”
Obi-Wan gazed at the flower still smiling. Anakin couldn't know it but he had unknowingly continued the somewhat unusual tradition of Obi-Wan receiving flowers from his closest friends. It was something that had started as a joke when he was a youngling and his fellow younglings had discovered his interest in flowers. Over the years, others had participated in what had evolved into a sort of game where he had to guess who sent him the flowers based on their different meanings or other hints.
Anakin sent him a bright smile, and Obi-Wan felt the new bond between them expand. The former slave possessed an unexpectedly generous nature Obi-Wan hoped he would be able to maintain.
“Come, Padawan, let us meditate together.”
He motioned for Anakin to join him in the lush grass, pleased when he obediently followed his instructions, sensing that it probably wouldn't always be this easy.
You can also find it here
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pseudopigeons · 1 year ago
I came up with maybe not a theory but more of just an observation that the east blue 5 seem to parallel the 5 love languages and it's kinda reframed all of their actions and behaviours towards each other so much for me on my watchthrough. Got brainworms from that one oda interview where he said zoro doesn't like verbally expressing gratitude and prefers to show appreciation through actions and it got me thinking
The 5 languages:
Physical touch - Luffy
Acts of service - Zoro
Quality time - Usopp
Receiving / giving gifts - Nami
Words of affirmation - Sanji
Funnily enough in OPLA we definitely see a lot of physical touch Luffy. He's always playfully punching or hugging crewmates, despite having known the crew for such a short time he's just instantly clingy and physically present around them in east blue.
Zoro is very much an actions person. He's a little emotionally constipated and doesn't verbalise his feelings very much, in fact that seems like the last thing he wants to do, but he will always be looking out for any member of the crew silently, and is almost always the first to spring into action when it's called for. He shows he cares through acts of service and being there for his captain and crew.
Usopps language being quality time is shown pretty well in syrup village with his relationship with Kaya. Kaya is a girl who has everything she could wish for financially, but ussop provides her with a much needed friend, someone to support her and just physically be present and talk to her. He risks so much just to make her smile because being there for his friends is such a crucial and important thing for him.
Nami's love language being giving/recieving gifts means so much to me because it is so often seen as the most shallow of the love languages and I have seen so many poor analysis and digs at Nami's character, reducing her to just being greedy and money hungry. Did they watch Arlong park with their eyes closed??? For Nami, gold or money is a means for her to provide for the people she cares about, to ensure their financial stability and freedom and to keep her crewmates fed and afloat. She spent so long scorned and alone and (believed she was) hated because she created this money hungry persona to save her village and to best Arlong. Every piece of gold she bled to get was meant for that end goal. Nami deserves the financial freedom and gold that being a strawhat pirate could give because for years and years every bit she earned was tucked away for the well-being of others and was then stolen from under her nose. (This paragraph got very long but I'm not sorry I am the captain of the Nami defense squad.)
And finally Sanji reflects words of praise as a love language. I think it's the most clear to see with how Sanji is so quick to praise any female character he comes into contact with, especially Nami, but I think it also reflects his strained relationship with zef while working at the baratie. Zeff is always verbally critical of Sanji as a way to rile him up and to encourage him to leave the restaurant. Zef weaponises what makes Sanji tick to antagonise him and tries to get him to leave that way, but Sanji is far too stubborn and feels too great a debt to leave.
I think east blue definitely shows the 5 dynamics in a pretty clear way and kinda helped me understand what makes the characters tick. Also why some of the characters end up butting heads or getting into arguments. They all show and recieve love in different way, sometimes there are misunderstandings or clashes but at the end of the day they all trust each other with their lives and it's such a strong bond.
Anyways I'll eventually draw some more OP but I'd love to hear any thoughts or other people's ideas if they have any on the matter. Sometimes I get analysis brainworms, and I first shared the idea on discord, but figured why not post it to Tumblr too
ALSO please if anyone has examples from the series that fit the love languages PLEASE share it, makes my heart oougggghhghg.
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month ago
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few things bring me as much joy as my rook's expressive capacity for sudden withering disdain. (he's looking at illario here, of course lmao.) he's so hey i'm just a little guy...🥺 coded most of the time and then someone says something dumb enough that the mask cracks for a moment and every line of him says 'that is the stupidest fucking thing anyone has ever said to me and I'm aggrieved to even have had to hear it'. rye is mostly very kind but there IS a bastard lurking in his head waiting to be let out as well. not just solas but solas too I suppose. two bastards in rye ingellvar's head they keep each other company and are trying to strangle each other as we speak 😌.
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(vs. him looking over at lucanis a moment later during the same line delivery. since lucanis was actively into viago once I cannot imagine that getting to watch rye crack and be kind of mean to people who've earned it when too sorely tried is like. entirely without allure to him fhskjadf. witnessing illario pulling the old ingratiating 'rooook reason with him would you~ I'm the cousin with the charisma stats' routine and This being rook's response probably opened some as of yet ill-understood '...I think I hauve covid' corners of lucanis' soul. tfw your buddy has your back so completely (dawning erotic implications))
#rye 🤝harding: repressed rage that sometimes comes out in some not so pleasant ways when they get pushed too far lol#rye more so than harding I think I feel like he could get truly fucking MEAN under the right pressures#like what solas did for example :) but that's asshole against asshole combat and all bets are off anyway#I think he'd do borderline anything to not make it happen in close interpersonal relationships but like. to the point of his own detriment#kind of thing. who in this lighthouse can teach some of these little guys that anger can be felt and expressed in healthy ways#(probably davrin honestly he seems like a pretty safe dude to have conflict with. unflinching in his own view but fair and also kind)#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#oc: Ellaryen Ingellvar#rookanis#rook x lucanis#I find it really interesting how rook's expressions seem to kind of sit different on their face depending on how you make them btw!#rye has a sharp narrow little face and quite upturned corners of the mouth when neutral plus the makeup heightening the features#which I think might be what gives him that really pronounced curl of the lip that reads sort of disdainful/quite sharp#when that facial animation plays#where that expression doesn't come through as prominently on some other rooks I've seen#but they look more natural when they smile for example#fascinating to think about how that stuff plays into your impression of who your rook is!#this is the first da game where the facial animation has been good enough for that to really be a factor I feel#also wondering if that might have some part in how people have received other characters too honestly -- in previous games#almost all real emotional expressiveness has had to be delivered through dialogue and voice acting#b/c the animation really couldn't carry it off with any nuance the vast majority of the time. so people don't quite give the credence#to the details of expression of body language and face that they might have now that it's actually technically available to put in there#which is a shame b/c I've found a lot of delight in what the animation adds to the characterization in this game!#lucanis is a big example of that especially early on in the romance I feel but it pops up all over the place honestly!#anyway. all this to say. I love my rook very much I'm not sure I've ever been this badly oc blorbo brained before in my life lol#(hawke doesn't count b/c hawke almost feels too set to be an oc entirely. and we love them for that that's not in any way a criticism)
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lafamilledelioncourt · 5 months ago
me, adding a fifth language to my fanfic:
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thranduel · 1 year ago
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astarion & kaelin + gentle touches ♡
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