#and one is a web developer with 10 years of experience and the other is working full time at this job AND finishing her MBA????
bloomingonionbitch · 9 days
(how was your day at work? mine has me talking to my bathroom spider and promising her that we'll take her with us when we move).
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shelyue99 · 5 months
Something I found interesting from the interview Damian Lewis did on Ross Owen Show in 2011:
Damian flew to LA for the final audition and read with Ron Livingston and Tom Hanks.
Damian said the 10-day bootcamp was the most schizophrenic experience he ever had. They stayed in character for the whole time and it was like a psychological experiment. Although they were just actors they oddly became the men. He said if there were psychologists at the bootcamp they probably would need to sit at their couch for 2 years to be shaken out.
Damian said “a lot of the games and a lot of the group stuff that went on between the men became rank specific very early on. We are so much in character, you know myself and Ron started subconsciously developing our relationship because…” (interrupted) Host: That means Winters and Nixon for those who don’t know.
Damian’s famous “the relationship between Winters and Nixon is a ‘romance of some sort.’”
Eion Bailey visited India because he didn’t have parts while Damian and the others were shooting for Carentan and it was miserable. Bailey got back and was all tanned. (I guess one more reason Web was dissed in The Last Patrol? lol)
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izicodes · 1 year
I want to get into coding but I’m scared about working for a company and talking to people lol and I don’t think I’m creative enough. what do meetings and the job consist of? i have this assumption in the back of my mind like “what more is there to say/do other than code a website?” haha hope this is ok to ask! it’s super vague tbh I can’t find anything that touches base to a specific level enough online.
also, I’m not a math genius… very insecure about that since high/middle school. do I still have a chance? how does math go into coding?
Hiya! 💗
I completely understand how you feel because I felt the exact same thing when I started working at my current workplace.
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Working for a company
Many coding jobs do require collaboration and communication with others. However, it's important to remember that not all coding roles involve extensive social interaction. There are positions where you can work independently or have limited interaction with colleagues.
In my case, I work in the office Monday and Friday. Mondays are when everyone in the whole IT Department is in, except those who are off or on holiday etc. This is what I do:
I walk in
sit at my desk near the window
headphones in
log in
code - occasionally turn around and annoy the Lead Web Developer with cries because my code isn't working (he then solves it in 10 seconds...)
At around 2:30pm is an IT meeting in the conference room. What do we discuss?
IT manager discusses any updates as an IT department as a whole. Any concerns about the technology used in the company. Any bootcamps we need to do internally, how was everyone's holidays, a little gossip.
Then everyone takes turns and discuss what they did the past week
That's it.
That's my company but I assume it's something similar for other companies. It's also important to know not everyone in the IT Department are web developers or work on building websites, not even in the sub-department Dev Team. Our Dev team are 6 members and only 2 (me and the Lead Web Developer) are web developers, so work on the company's websites. The other guys are very script-building and database oriented. All I do is code websites.
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Maths in coding
Depends on what you're coding. I work with websites, I use Year 11/Grade 10 level of maths - it's not hard. As a reference, I stopped learning maths as a subject at school at a Year 13/12th Grade level and the stuff I'm using is way easier than what I learnt last - stuff my little sister, who's 14, can understand.
I chose web development because of the little maths. Some people have told me "Oh you'll encounter it one day" - I still haven't after 2 years. I use C# and JavaScript at work and still do very little maths. Maybe loops? I know if you're going to study computer science at university you will have to learn a good amount of maths, definitely harder than what I use!
Here is a list of the maths I use daily, that I can think of:
Logic and Boolean Algebra
Basic Algorithms
That's it. Maybe if I learnt the maths need in programming to the max, it might make my life easier when I am working on my personal projects, but my life is already easy with the little maths I know so I'm good for now.
Designing websites is less maths-y and more... designing in my opinion and experience. "I drew out this design for the website... how do I do I code that?" literally me every time I start a project.
Again, other fields in Computer Science would require more maths knowledge so research that field you want o go into and Google/ChatGPT "What maths is needed in [field name]?"
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Hope this helps, my advice may not be the best since coming from a web dev point of view but it's still advice! Good luck 😎🙌🏾💗
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oxean-et-al · 11 months
A "brief" review of Submachine: Legacy
So, Submachine: Legacy was released yesterday, and I beat it about an hour ago, after just over nine hours of playing.
Review in brief: I liked it. It was good. It feels like a fitting send-off to the Submachine series (or this first phase of it, at least), though I won't go quite so far as to call it a "definitive edition" of the games.
Of course, there's more to my thoughts than that, hence the rest of this post. This review will be spoiler-free, though given the nature of the games there's not much to spoil. I'll also be assuming you have no idea what I'm talking about, so first, a quick history lesson.
The Submachine series is a series of (initially) Flash-based puzzle games produced by the Polish game developer and artist Mateusz Skutnik, consisting of 10 games in the 'main' series, released between 2005 and 2015, as well as 3 'spin-off' games, and one 'non-game experience,' for lack of a better term; this last item was also the final Submachine-related work to be released (or, in this case, finalized), being declared finished in December of 2017.
The first game, retroactively titled Submachine 1: The Basement, was, at its core, one of many 'escape the room'-style flash games, which abounded on sites like ArmorGames, Newgrounds, and Kongregate at the time.
However, as the series went on, the barest breadcrumbs of lore in the first game grew into a great web of narrative, held together by notes from multiple different (and sometimes unreliable) authors, and the games transitioned from being mere escape rooms into a unique form of puzzle game, held aloft by Skutnik's masterful hand-drawn environments, which benefit from his training as an architect.
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I mean just look at that.
With the death of Flash, the availability of the games diminished greatly, available only through purchase on Skutnik's website, or via large collections such as Flashpoint Infinity. The 'non-game experience' I mentioned earlier, Submachine Universe, remained available through itch.io as well.
But now, nearly six years later, comes Submachine: Legacy, a remaster/re-release of all prior works in the Submachine series, available on Steam.
So, with all that preamble out of the way, my thoughts.
Submachine: Legacy is, ultimately, just the original Submachine games bundled together into one program, with some graphical updates here and there. But it's not merely the same games as before; there have been some changes and additions.
On the UI side, your cursor lights up when hovering over an interactable object, which makes looking for things much easier. The cursor also indicates where you can exit a room, and (in some cases) which item to use in a given context (hammer, karma water, etc.) That's a fairly simple change which I think makes the games much better, and more fun to play.
There are short sections linking the main games, or "chapters," which are quite nice. Also very nice are the detailed landscapes now viewable through some windows and telescopes.
There are a few changes I am slightly less enthused by, though. Submachine: Legacy, to my surprise, incorporates most (possibly all) of Submachine Universe; however, presumably due to reasons of copyright, the multiple user-submitted theories that festooned the walls of every room have been replaced by architectural sketches.
Likewise, some of the puzzles have been simplified. In some cases this is perhaps warranted, such as with the rotating wheels puzzle (I'm not really sure what to call it) near the end of Submachine 2: The Lighthouse. In other cases, however, I think it makes the series lose a small amount of its charm - I am specifically thinking of how the pieces of silverware that are used in some of the earlier games as makeshift wires, bridging broken electrical connections, have been replaced by new power relay items. These are both fairly minor changes, but they did disappoint me just the smallest amount.
The only changes that I had a distinctly negative impression of were in sound design. Specifically, both the 'item picked up' sound effect and (especially) the 'electrical connection made' sound effect went on for far too long, and, in the latter case, was rather overused.
It's for these reasons that I can't quite call Submachine: Legacy a 'definitive' edition of the games, though it does come close, and I would recommend it for newcomers to the series (the price, for reference, is $25)
Submachine: Legacy also has new content for the long-time Submachine player (which, let's face it, is likely to be most of the player base), involving over a dozen monoliths scattered throughout the games, and a genuinely brilliant new puzzle. For the sake of a spoiler free-review, I'll say no more, though do note that (I think) it is possible to accidentally reset the monoliths, so be cautious.
Submachine has been a major factor in my life, and this feels like a fitting send-off to (this part of) the series, and I eagerly await the next installment in the series.
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Hello! I'd love to join in on the spidersona fun, but I'm a bit hesitant about it being publically viewable. Is there any sort of Discord server?
I've been holding out answering this, because I've been searching around - but I'd just like to say:
I'd love to make and work on a Spidersona RP discord. [if anyone was interested in that]
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I haven't really mentioned it before, but I'm an rper with nearly 10 years experience - and after a break I'd love to get back into it!
With all the amazing spidersonas I see - I would love to make a spidersona rp discord, and I have a lot of ideas I'd like to bring to it.
but sadly - I have no idea how discord works!
But I have a lot of ideas of things that could make an amazing rp community.
Join the discord server (with or without art of course!), and meet up with other Spidersonas on Spider Society Campus
Pitch or answer prompts, and go on missions with other Spidersonas all over the spiderverse
RP your canon events, and RP in other spidersonas' events, with your sona getting to jump into cool new universes
RP as canon characters (if you want), or roleplay with them! Make friendships with your favorite characters. (I'd be down to rp Hobie or Gwen or either of the Miles)
RP going to the Spider-Band shows - complete with backstage passes and afterparties thrown by Disco-Spider, living in dorms on campus, and other cool things
Join clubs you can tag yourself with in discord - like the Hobie Brown Fanclub, The Welcome Committee, or a Spider-band of your own
Send in stuff to the 'Canon Event Advice Column' channel and get funny advice from other spider people
Take turns babysitting Mayday all around campus (- she can be a handful)
Link up and meet spidersonas from the same era, or with similar powers
Meet others around campus - like in Sensory Soothing rooms or the Food Court
Get your watch hacked and jump into other spidersonas universes - to chill, party, or fight normal ol' crime together
Having a hard time in your universe? Crash with another spidersona in theirs - or invite someone else's spidersona into your universe
Or move into dorms
Develop your spidersona and watch them (figuratively) level up as you complete missions - and make super cool spider-friends
And a lot of other stuff!
I'd be down to make art, drop daily scenarios and prompts, and roleplay daily myself! As well as roleplaying canon characters, being on the Welcome Committee, whatever!
It'd love it to be low-skill and accessible. Replies would NOT need to be fancy and you wouldn't need fancy art or anything. Prompts would be simple as well. Something like (in this case Lyla could be me or you if you have an idea and wanna start one)
!! Attention: ANOMALY ALERT !! Lyla: Heeeree, we go - Another one on the web. Looks like we've got an anomaly over in [Disco-Spider]'s universe. Green Goblin looks like he's going crazy over at the Alchemax Factory. [Earth - 1294A is a dystopia from the 70's, where cops are lethal and it's nighttime, all-the-time. Would you like to respond? - Meet Jess in the briefing room.]
Or and even simpler prompt could be like
** Weekly Prompt!! ** It's Saturday night and the Spider-band has just finished their 8pm show! The night is young and Disco-Spider is down to boogie. She's having an afterparty with the Spider-crew over in Mumbattan. Wanna come?
Replies and jumping in can be as simple or complex as you want, and there's no permissioned need or anything - just go with the flow, even in battle (if you wanna rp that - no biggie if you just wanna hang on campus).
Responding to a prompt could be like
RPer1: [Spider-Jane] Mary-Jane Watson of Earth-42069 has arrived in Mumbattan! She's wearing a tie dye t-shirt and jean shorts. Her curly red hair in a ponytail. She heard about the party from Margo [ or some made up scenario you want] and wanted to come.
And a reply could be
Disco-Spider: [Disco-Spider] Diane is hanging outside the warehouse in Mumbattan, out of uniform and wearing a sparkly blue dress. Her eyes light up when she sees Jane's portal open in front of her. "Hey, Jane! I heard you were coming! What's up? How'd your last mission go?"
and it can go from there or whatever it doesn't have to be fancy at all. These are just examples , honestly just me rambling.
IDK if that's basic but I'd love it to be basic and open to beginners. Because someone invited me into a super chill rp years ago and I fell in love with it!! And it can go into deep rp if theres some people more experienced because I'd love to do that too.
I just love ATSV and when I saw it I was like 'omg this has SO much RP potential and with so many spidersonas yoooooooo' Like Spider Society seems so interesting that even a fic can't even do it just yknow what I mean like i wanna hang out in the food court and spar with other spidersonas in the training rooms or talk about canon events in support groups or see other universes or whatever
But I have NO idea if enough people would be into this or if anyone would be. Or how to work discord. But I'd be willing to go all in if some people (like even 4 or 10 is enough) and make it like a super cool chill community of developed spidersonas and stuff
maybe its a pipedream but I figured I'd put it out there
If you'd be interested reply or something if u'd like and if you'd be interested in like helping on the discord side or being on welcome committtee let me know
or even if you just have a good amount of discord rp experience hit me up
This post is for me to guage interest in something like this, I'm hoping this asks indicates some kind of interest.
If you read this far, thank you!!! Bye :) Please let me know or tell me your thoughts if you have any
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m-i-c-drop-doodles · 6 months
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So I may have sort of accidentally created a new One Piece Au whilst starting to write up my other One Piece Au (Fallout). (Both are just in the draft stages atm, it's the first time I have done any creative writing in a while so it may take me a while
The Au (current title Dawn: Den of demons) is kinda a mash of a timeline divergence mixed with time travel fix. Where through soul and time BS, certain character's souls are transported into a alternate timeline through essentially reincarnation, in such they are reborn as demons.
As a result of this, Luffy's family has him having more brothers, two sisters, eight cousins, three uncles, one aunty and a Grunkle!
Demon lore : (it might be a little confusing so I'll try my best to explain it)
Please feel free to ask questions or for any clarification as I'll gladly answer.
Demons are a secret race that lives by hiding in amongst humans, after nearly being hunted to extinction centuries prior.
Demons are the only known race to be able to reincarnate, with some demons still having memories from the void century (however that is now becoming a rarity as less and less demons are being born and living long enough to regain those memories through the Dream)
Modern demons are born with a protective glamour called a Veil. This allows demons to remain concealed from birth and later as they age, obtaining the ability to 'lift' their Veil and reveal their true form underneath.
Demonic biology:
2-3 sets of horns
Tails (can feathered, furred, scaled or carapace)
patterned markings on face, back, chest, upper arms and legs
elongated fangs and tongue (some having venom glands for defensive or mating purposes)
retractable claws
two vocal separate cords (one demonic one human)
inhumane sense of hearing and smell
Scent glands and pheromones
Pointed ears (often furred)
Near perfect night vision
black sclera with abnormally shaped irises (normally silver, gold or red)
Digitigrade feet [walking on the balls of the foot] (can be paws, hooves, webbed or reptilian)
inhuman strength and speed
extremely tall (twice the size as their human appearance) ranging from 10ft - 20ft tall
voracious appetites
There are three known ways for a demon to be born:
Having one or more parents being a demon(s)
Having latent demonic heritage
Blood to blood contact with a Full Blood demon (this is the only way a human can become a demon but rarely crates Full Bloods)
However it has been known that if a human has continuous long exposer to demons, they begin to gain minor demonic traits such as:
enhance sense of hearing and smell
minor scent gland and pheromone development
enhanced speed, strength, and durability
increased appetite
increased aggression
territorial or hoarding behaviours
nesting behaviours
Different Blood Types:
Full Blood - Demons with strong blood heritage (often with direct ancestry back to the original 7 demons)
Rare Blood - Demons born of two human parents (as a result of distant demonic ancestry)
Half Blood - Demons with human parentage or were humans that were sired by a Full Blood (true forms are half the size that of a Full Blood) However, Half Bloods are still capable of having Full Blood young but only in extremely rare cases
Demon Age milestones and terms:
Kitten (0-5) - infant
Kit (5-10) - toddler/child -> experiences first Dream
Cub (10-20) preteen/teenager -> second Dream
Baron (20-30) young adult -> Can now leave their Litter independently and gain mate/territory as they are considered self-sufficient
Elder (30 +) Most modern demons don't often live long despite being capable of living 200+ years, this is due as demon ages it gets harder for them to conceal their true forms often leading to them being found by demon hunters.
Litter - A group of young demons that live together (siblings or orphaned demons can form Wandering Litters as a method to protect themselves in the scenario where the Den is no longer safe or are unable to find a Den, with the youngest members being prioritised in these groups)
Brood - a demon family unit that is overseen by one or more adults (demon or human can be in charge of a brood)
Clan - The Clans are the descendance of the original 7 demons who where created by The First - who was known as Darkness-Given-Form or simply The Dark One. The original 7 where named after the seven sins, with the clans named after their respective founder. Each clan has their own physical and behavioural characteristics often being differentiated by a demon's horns, tails and marking.
Den - the main home to a singular or group of demons, dens are considered a safe place that demons can unveil and relax. Den often comprise of a communal nest, eating and food prep area (mainly comprising of meat) and a hoard pile. Demons are naturally extremely territorial of their nests, commonly attempting to kill anyone who eve they suspect of trespassing. NEVER enter a demon den without the express invitation of the residence, trying otherwise will just result in a gruesome death.
The Dream is considered a sacred rite of passage for demon, as in the eve of their first and second decades of life, the young demon falls into a week long fevered sleep where they begin to recount the memories and experiences of their previous lives (with in rare cases being able to 'communicate' with a previous life)
As a result of being continuously hunted through the years, demons have become naturally distrustful of humans. However in the rare case a human gains a demon's full trust, they can be given a unique scent marker that tells other demons that human has become a Trusted. This mark would allow the human status within a clan or brood, and gives them similar rights and privileges as if they were a demon.
(to be continued)
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Leonard Church Propaganda
he died 10 episodes into the story and comes back as a “ghost” and spoiler-y stuff but he dies again and comes back again multiple times
HIS WHOLE THING IS BEING DEAD BUT NOT DEAD OK he is the most dead guy ever. he spends the first five seasons being a ghost and still managing to die repeatedly. he’s technically a robot but he’s an ai copy of an ai copy of a guy and BOTH OF THOSE GUYS ARE DEAD. HE IS SO DEAD ALL THE TIME BUT NOT BECAUSE HES ALIVE. he is in a constant cycle of dying but not being dead. half of blue teams kill count is just caboose repeatedly killing church on accident. he can’t die so hard that he won’t let his dead wife die either until the THIRD ITERATION OF HIM finally lets her go because he realizes he doesn’t even know her at that point he’s so many degrees of separation away from the original allison. and then he TRIES TO DIE WITH HER BUT STAYS ALIVE BECAUSE HE’S ETERNALLY CURSED TO LIVE. his death count is literally in the double digits he DESERVES a place on this tournament. most alive dead guy ever. ok thank u for ur consideration if he doesn’t win I will burn this webbed site to the ground /j
Iterations of church have died and come back multiple times. In season one he gets shot by a tank and comes back as a ghost. in like season six (it's been a while) it's revealed that he was not a ghost but an AI the whole time and then sacrifices himself. and then a copy of his ai self comes back. it's a meme in the fanbase at this point that church dies and comes back and after the ai copy (epsilon) died they had to devote a whole sub-plot to "WE SWEAR HE IS NOT COMING BACK AGAIN. HES GONE." anyway part of me is still suspicious that they lied about it and there's another part of the alpha ai out there somewhere but like, it's been like five years and i'm starting to think they got us for realsies this time
This dude has died like seven times. It's unreasonable the number of times he's died. Like it's kind of insane. He had a bunch of time travel clones at one point that all died. He sacrificed himself because he was convinced he WOULDNT die because he thought he was a ghost (he wasn't) and couldn't disappear again (he could and did). His SECOND VERSION OF HIMSELF (ai cloning sort of) ALSO DIED. ALSO by sacrificing himself (this time he actually knew what was coming though). The way he died the first time was by getting shot by his own best friend who killed him with a fucking tank. Then the sacrifice. Then the sacrifice again. Not to mention all the other times where he went missing/fucked off somewhere. And also the time that the Epsilon version of him tried to self destruct in another guy's brain. Jesus fucking christ this dude has problems. Please include him. Please.
the original leonard church (the director) made an exact copy of his mind as an ai (the alpha) that he tortured, which in turn made a copy of itself (epsilon) to cope with the trauma, so in total there are 3 Churches.
death count: the director killed himself. the alpha died when he was shot with a tank, then he possessed someone else's body and got shot in the head, then he possessed a robot that exploded so hard it melted all of the ice on an entire planet, then he got erased from existence by an EMP. then he came back as Epsilon who went on to also get erased.
Well it’s. It’s complicated okay. So hold on alright.
So Dr. Leonard L. Church was initially this guy who was the Director of Project Freelancer (PFL) and he liked to fuck around with AI because the Halo lore is like the background setting for RvB. Anyway the Director made an AI copy of himself, and called it “Alpha”. Well, the Director wanted to have more than one AI for his experiments so he could give them to his Freelancer Agents (all named after the 50 states), so what he did was he tortured Alpha until Alpha split itself into fragments; essentially he gave an AI so much trauma that Alpha developed DID. (Forgive me, even though I have friends who are systems I still know very little and am still learning about proper/respectful terminology). Well anyway one of the fragments of Alpha, Epsilon, was given “memory”. So Epsilon remembered all of the torture Alpha underwent, and when Epsilon was implanted in Agent Washington, Epsilon tried to kill himself, inadvertently almost taking Washington with him. Epsilon was removed and put into storage, and PFL fell apart. The Alpha, under the protocol “AI must not fall into enemy hands”, was sent to a secure location, and was reprogrammed to have his memory of the Project and everything with it removed. He was then implanted in a human, and was told he was Private Leonard Church of the Blue Army. (Side note; the Red and Blue armies are made up simulation armies designed to test Freelancer Agents in the field. The Reds and Blues do not know they are simulation troopers; they think the war is real.)
This whole shit slowly gets revealed throughout the course of the series, but yeah. Anyway. Church (Alpha, important distinction you’ll see why) dies a few times as a running gag in seasons 1-6. Then, at the end of season 6, he dies permanently to an EMP. But, the plot of season six involves our main characters rescuing the Epsilon storage unit, who eventually regains the identity of “Church” as well, as Epsilon was a fragment of Alpha initially, but there are a few tweaks. Alpha and Epsilon are different in a few ways, but they’re both “Church”. So it’s technically a revival. But if that’s too vague and too complex, in season one Caboose (Blue Team Rookie) blows up Church with a tank and then Church comes back as a ghost. It’s funny.
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libsysltd · 5 months
RFID library Automation for tracking, security and inventory management
LIBSYS Limited, a software as a service(SAAS) company based in Gurugram, Delhi-NCR, India, was founded in 1984 by Mr. Anil Jain to cater the needs of Identity, Tracking and Security purpose for various Indian industries. With the aim to automate the process and minimizing the human errors to zero, the Libsys offers a wide range of solutions that include Library Management Systems for institutions and government bodies, RFID based customized applications from small business to multinational organizations, Common Admission Platform and ERP for Academic Institutes, Omni-channel Retailing solution, E-Commerce Framework, CRM, Design & Architecture and other on demand solutions.
The experience of 40 years and counting along with in-depth understanding of the Indian markets, we are the proud leaders of quality and innovation. Through the experience we have, we have the ability to respond quickly to the customized client requirements with an innovative solutions that meet those needs efficiently and cost effectively. Our experience and strong mission-first work ethic has helped us develop capabilities, insights, and skills to provide the best solution one can have. Backed by our strong quality processes and rich experience in managing clients across various domains, we strive for continuous innovations in our offerings, and we take pride in being the pioneer and market leader for RFID based automation solution in India.
To name a few, software products like LIBSYS 10 LMS, LSEase, LSmart-RFID, LSRemote, LSDiscovery, LSe-RMS, symphonyX, TargetX, LSNetX (E-Com) and LSales1 CRM are the benchmarks in India serving across the domains and delivering the best operational efficiency solutions for all organizations and  enterprises.
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The present times demand Library Management System to deliver much more than operational efficiency. It needs to create appreciable staff satisfaction and a delightful experience for the patrons every time they interact with the system. LIBSYS is committed to delivering value to the libraries through its products. In-depth understanding of library operations, implicit needs of the patrons, and dedicated R&D efforts have guided us to deliver high-quality products that have found wide acceptance in the market space.
The new Web-based Library Management System ‘LIBSYS 10’ provides a greatly enhanced user experience through value-added features and services. LIBSYS 10 is built on international standards and open technologies, i.e. JAVA. It covers Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serials, Articles Indexing, E-Books, Dean and Vendor Portals along with an enriched OPAC. Its seamless work-flow enables library staff to manage library operations efficiently. New purchase approvals, collection development, material handling, SDI services, bindery management, and a host of other functions form an integral part of the system. MARC21 / RDA interface, Cooperative Cataloguing along with controlled authority files helps in Cataloguing on the fly. Federated Searching brings other libraries of similar collection within your reach.
LIBSYS 10 gives you the opportunity to take your automated library circulation system to new heights by use of RFID / EM / Hybrid Technology. Choose LSmart / KSmart system as per your budget and requirements. Use of these technologies will help in hassle free, accurate and faster issue / return of books, inventory visibility, accuracy and efficiency, increases security function in the library, improved utilization of resources like manpower, infrastructure etc., give flexible library timings. The bottom line is that the synergy between the latest technology like RFID and libraries can create wonders resulting in empowerment of both users as well as librarians.
LIBSYS Library Management System in India has been deployed in many prestigious institutes. LIBSYS 10 caters to all the needs of library automation improving the efficiency of libraries and providing a delightful library experience through continuous technological innovations. With rich experience of more than three decades along with continuous innovation, LIBSYS has emerged as the best library management system in India.
We also undertake special projects which include multi-location library automation and RFID system implementation. The projects are executed by specialized teams comprising of experienced professionals from Library and IT domains. Our customer-focused services also include consulting to meet individual needs, organizing User meets, and providing regular software updates.
For more details connect at [email protected] or +91-0124-4894100
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Top 10 Digital Marketing Courses in Ahmedabad
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1. Kalpavriksha Academy
Among the top 10 digital marketing institutes in Ahmedabad, Kalpavriksha Academy secures first place. It is a great place to learn and enroll in a course on digital marketing. This course includes the latest digital content creation and strategy, going beyond the fundamentals of traditional content strategies. You will learn how to create and write engaging content for different platforms which will result in better consumer engagement. The course includes SEO, content creation, and social media marketing. It also helps in:
Developing marketing strategy
Plan for content tracking 
Content optimisation for search engines
Tricks to develop engaging content
Tips to increase website traffic and engagement
Secrets to increase sales 
Benefits of joining Kalpavrikhsha Academy for Digital Marketing course in Ahmedabad:
Actual training from knowledgeable teachers that welcome inquiries, debates, and feedback.
Q and A Sessions with individual feedback to improve your understanding.
Assistance with job search and proper industry insights
Hands-on training experience 
Learn advanced skills 
Proper career guidance
Help in building resume and cover letter. Learn interview techniques and build connections.
The duration of the course varies as per the schedule, length of the course, and the program you have selected but typically it runs for 3 to 6 months. Fuel your future flame and enroll in our Digital course now! Sign up by calling us at +91 9818703454 or mail us at [email protected]. You can also visit our website and fill out the admission form- Kalpavrikshaacademy. in
More professional training courses offered by Kalpavriksha Academy are:
WordPress Development Course
Social Media Marketing Course
Google Ads Course
Content Marketing Course
English Speaking Course
Personality Development Course
2. BrandVeda 
BrandVeda is an innovative digital marketing institute in Ahmedabad. They are a prominent organization with significant web-related insight. Brandveda recognizes that real learning happens only via practical knowledge, which is why it offers excellent live projects to work on.
The Digital Marketing Course syllabus of BrandVeda includes:
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Digital marketing strategies
Google Analytics
Mobile Marketing
Online reputation management
Lead generation
LinkedIn Ads Specifications
Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing and many others
3. W3 Marketing School 
The W3 Marketing School in Ahmedabad provides courses that emphasize practical learning above theory, with instructions and guidance from experienced faculty members that are 80% practical and 20% theoretical.
One of the benefits is the oppurtunity to learn from experts in the field who have over ten years of expertise and six or more years of Google certifications. There are backup lessons, 100% job help, general marketing strategy planning, and over 50 hours of actual practice sessions to help you become more confident in creating marketing plans.
W3 Marketing School’s Digital Marketing course Module includes: 
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Digital marketing strategy
Online reputation management
4. Digital Deeksha
Digital Deeksha is a well-known digital training facility in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, having a great track record, and interesting training methods that make students happy.
Their syllabus contains 20 modules explaining all the expectations of digital marketing. They provide lifetime access to the reading material so that the student can take its help whenever they want.
Digital Deeksha’s Digital Marketing Course in Ahmedabad Module includes: 
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Digital marketing strategy
Video Marketing
Affiliate marketing
5. Aptech Learning
Having been established in 1986, Aptech Learning has provided excellent training in over thirty different computer application-related subjects. They have a very competent staff that will train you for jobs in online marketing, which is similar to artificial intelligence, and other web industries in addition to digital marketing.
Aptech Learning’s Digital Marketing Course Module includes:
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Digital marketing strategy
6. Creative Multimedia Institute
Situated in Ahmedabad, Creative Multimedia Institute, is the first government-approved digital marketing school in India. Creative Multimedia has provided excellent computer application teaching for the past six years.
Among the other courses they offer are C++ programming for Flash Pagemaker, Android, PHP with WordPress, Advanced PHP, advanced multimedia, audio and video editing, digital finance, computer programming, office automation and finance, and Python training. Their course is typically 4 to 6 months as per the program you choose.
Creative Multimedia Institute’s Digital Marketing Course Module also includes: 
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Video Marketing
7. Learning Catalyst
One of Ahmedabad's best digital marketing institutes is called Learning Catalyst. They provide instruction in social networking, SEO, and ad creation. They assist with job placement so that, upon course completion, you can find employment. The knowledgeable instructors make learning enjoyable. You can also get career assistance from Learning Catalyst to aid in your job search. For anyone interested in starting a career in digital marketing, it's an excellent choice. Their course duration is 3 to 6 months.
Learning Catalyst’s Digital Marketing Course Module includes:
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Video Marketing
Affiliate marketing
Digital marketing strategy
8. ProiDeators 
ProiDeator's digital marketing course provides a course that is designed to meet the latest trends in the industry including hands-on training and practicals. The courses taken by professionals with advanced skills keep the students up to date with the world’s digital needs. The duration of the course is 2 to 6 months.
ProIdeators’s Digital Marketing Course Module includes: 
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Digital marketing strategy
9. Training in SEO
Training in SEO is aware of the demands of the digital marketing sector and prepares students to handle the challenges of implementing a company's digital marketing plan. Mr. Chirag Shah, a renowned expert in Google AdWords and Analytics, who is an expert in SEO, Paid Search, website design, and digital strategy in general, is the lecturer. The Institute has taught more than a thousand students in the various facets of digital marketing and strategy thanks to its more than ten years of experience. The duration of the course is 4 to 6 months.
Training in SEO’s Digital Marketing Course Module includes:
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Digital marketing strategy
Online reputation management
Advanced marketing tools
10. Digital Pundit
The Best Digital Marketing Training Academy In Ahmedabad To Learn Certified Digital Marketing Course Is Digital Pundit. They offer Google Certified Expert Trainers in Ahmedabad who teach everything from beginning to advanced courses in digital marketing. Their training program is intended for professionals, housewives, graduates, postgraduates, and business owners. The curriculum for the digital marketing course is constantly expanding with new topics. The course duration is 3 to 6 months.
The Digital Marketing Course Module from Digital Pandit includes: 
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Video Marketing
Why Digital Marketing is thriving?
Demand for digital marketing is very high. Why Digital marketing is important? This question is rather unreasonable. Can you think of any brand that is a huge success in the market but does not have a digital marketing strategy? Digital marketing, which has been around for more than three decades, is rapidly affecting organizations of all sizes. In Ahmedabad, many organizations and enterprises depend on trade and commerce, and there is an even greater demand for experienced individuals in this city. All you need to get started is a quick digital marketing course in Ahmedabad.
Interested in diving deeper into this topic? Read More... 10 Best Digital Marketing Courses in Ahmedabad with Placement Assistance
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silver-wield · 6 months
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review Chapter 10
Okay, this collection of posts will be filled with spoilers, including clips and screenshots, so if you don't wanna see things, then don't look. Some of the things I'm gonna highlight will include references to Remake and other sources to link with the overarching plot. This is a straight path playthrough with no sidequests or extra content.
Time to howl at the moon 🤣
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We meet Cid at the airstrip and for a fee he'll take us all over. Yuffie is her overly enthusiastic self and winds up airsick lol
Once we reach Cosmo Canyon there's a dramatic change in Red, who drops his tough guy act the second he spots a friendly face. Barret's reaction is worth everything here!
The story progresses the same as OG with our first meeting with Bugenhagen and Tifa's adorable surprise at hearing how old Nanaki is.
It's worth noting from this point on, the team switches between Red and Nanaki, although nobody says his name that much anyway. Red also switches between voices depending on the situation and how he feels. Like when facing down the Turks or corneo, he'll sound tougher, but with his friends he's more gentle.
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After a tour of the planetarium, where you literally have to climb several floors and interact with items to progress, bugenhagen treats Tifa's eyewitness account like she's seeing things. He arrogantly says he'll educate them and leads them into the SIM.
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The standard explanation about the planet follows, with how the lifestream works as a river and reservoir for life energy. This explanation is in harmony with part of Sephiroth's grandiose statements about how some branches of the lifestream ultimately wither or rejoin the main body.
Basically it's stating that there's no alt timelines, just pathways not taken that die off because there's no energy used to maintain them over a more logical path with stronger and more positive results for the planet.
It's all about the planet's survival, not the people on it.
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Bugenhagen sends Tifa to a "seminar" where she can learn more about the planet because she wants to know if there's more than one way for lifestream energy to rejoin the planet. She wants to know if people's souls aren't truly lost.
She talks about her experience in the lifestream and wants to encourage people to do something for the planet. She doesn't know what they can do, but she feels frustrated about it.
There's another choice convo event later at the fire where Cloud can say he understands her pov and that she shouldn't worry so much about what others think.
The other characters get their relationship development with Cloud, and it finishes with Aerith standing before the fire going on about how hard and sad her life is as the last cetra. Honestly, this came off whiny to me, especially when you consider the worst thing that happened to her is her mom died and Zack went missing. Cloud, Tifa and Barret lost their homes and families. Red was experimented on for two years by Hojo. Yuffie saw Sonon murdered in front of her and grew up in a warzone and had to witness the destruction of her homeland and culture.
I'm sorry, but Aerith being poor me pity me because she didn't have friends just ain't it.
Some lanterns are let off at the end of the scene and then we head down to the challenge of the Gi so Red can be recognised as a Watcher of the Vale.
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You're stuck with just Red and Barret for this part. It's fine. There's minimal struggle with these two and they combo well. Barret's dialogue gets a bit repetitive whenever Red goes wall climbing, but it could be worse.
Bugenhagen explains the history of the Gi and the Vale and Red's family as we head deeper into the caves. There's some creepy looking gates that replace the spider webs from OG, and we have to raid a tomb to get an icon for a pedestal, so it's pretty faithful to the OG section of the game. The wall climbing is fun and let's us take short cuts that means we're alone until Barret catches up 🤣
Bugenhagen tells us the cetra used to talk to the imprisoned Gi and then we have to kick some ass!
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I'm not gonna spoil the scene with Red and his dad. Y'all need to watch it. It's perfection and Max Mittleman did as good a job with this as John Eric Bentley did with Barret's part in Corel. I love those character arcs best and that hasn't changed for Rebirth ❤️
Anyway, Bugenhagen hits regret after having a think and then the Gi reappear and beckon us into a dark cave. Sephiroth appears and Cloud is very eager to follow.
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And we're going on a boat ride. Gi Nattak wants us to be quiet because the planet is listening and that means the cetra are too. He definitely has no love for them or Aerith when she does her stupid hand raise question time thing again. Is she in middle school?
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We leave the A team on the boat and hit up the B team over in Zack's interlude. He's having a nice chat with Biggs about how they both dodged death and how weird it was. They talk about Cloud and have contrasting character profiles for him, and neither can tell time.
Biggs has set up a recruitment for Avalanche, but the only person who turns up is a mocking Kyrie. Discouraged, Biggs leaves and Zack heads home.
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Zack goes to see Aerith, calls to her and holds her hand.
Back over in the real world, Aerith can feel his touch and is startled. Tifa looks worried, but nothing comes of it because we have arrived at our destination 🤣
The Gi village.
There's a lot of info dumping happening between battles here. The main points are:
The Gi aren't of the planet. They're aliens. We don't know how they got here, but it turns out they arrived before Jenova. That's explained in the temple of ancients, not now. It's possible their actions drew jenova to the planet.
The Gi can't die. Because they're not of this planet, she refuses to accept their energy. Like a blood transfusion that's the wrong type it would make the planet sick if she absorbed their energy.
The Gi really want to die. They're sick of existing. They're not alive, they're not dead, they're stuck.
The Gi created the black materia using the planet's energy and their own desire to die. We know it summons meteor, so basically they wanted to die so much they infused their will into a piece of materia, which is of the planet, and that results in the planet taking on the consequences of their wish to die. It's kinda like a murder/suicide.
The cetra stole the black materia to protect the planet, but didn't do anything to help the Gi. Red's father promised to help them too, but they turned him to stone. Red then takes on the task. They group agrees the Gi shouldn't have the materia, but they need help.
Cloud now has the urge to get the black materia. He thinks it's to get hold of it before the bad guys do, but we know better.
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Once we finally leave the Gi village, which is a section I think was needed to expand the Gi and fill in some gaps in the lore, Cait Sith wants to access a Shinra terminal to look for the temple the Gi said hides the materia. Bugenhagen got creative with it and now they're up shit creek without a paddle.
Until a guard says a black robe is at the entrance. And this one has something different to say than the others. This one says "Nibelheim". It's almost like he took a detour to tell them to go there and find a terminal because Cosmo Canyon isn't somewhere they need to be.
But we've got our next destination and some gil in our pocket to pay the airfare!
This chapter was good. The lore and all the new content with the Gi and expanding on all the back story and everything made this one fun to sit through. The cut scenes get a bit long, but it's FF, they do cinematic 🤣
Red and Barret as a team is fun, but I wanted more banter. Zack's interlude is getting more interesting and I can't help but wonder at the inconsistent accounts and personalities of the npcs. The Kyrie we know didn't seem to be quite such a mean spirited bitch as this one is, and Marlene is also pretty bratty actually. Since when is she the type of kid to stick her tongue out and push people? In Remake she was a shy lil cutie. And Elmyra. Since when is she so defeatist? Where's the woman who went to the station every day to wait and pray her husband was safe? Everybody seems slightly off.
I guess we'll see what happens in part three with all that.
Our next stop is Nibelheim, and it was somewhere I was looking forward to a lot, and it didn't disappoint! The game really did pick up after we left Costa del Sol. It's like they started switching off from vacay mode and going back into "oh shit my life is fucked" mode 🤣
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jcmarchi · 7 months
10+ Excellent Web Design Tools & Resources to Use in 2024 - Web Design Ledger
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/10-excellent-web-design-tools-resources-to-use-in-2024-web-design-ledger/
10+ Excellent Web Design Tools & Resources to Use in 2024 - Web Design Ledger
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It’s a New Year, but one thing hasn’t changed. The number of web design resources and tools just keeps on increasing. That’s a good thing. But it does make it that much more difficult to find a theme, plugin, or resource you really have a need for if you are to stay abreast of or leapfrog the competition.
We are in a position to make your search easier. Much easier in fact. We reviewed and tested web design tools & resources we believe many users, designers, and developers have a genuine need for. The types we believe to be essential, and that you will see in our final list of 15 are:
website builders for building landing pages and multiple-page websites quickly, easily, and without any need for coding.
WordPress plugins that can incorporate potentially game-changing functionalities, that are challenging to design, into websites.
WordPress themes for building complex and high-conversion rate websites and online stores.
Vector illustrations that can give a website a whimsical or entertaining aspect.
font identifiers to identify and provide access information to a “must have” font or fonts.
A majority of the web design resources and tools in the following list have a free or trial version:
What are a few of the important attributes these Excellent Web Design Tools & Resources for Designers and Agencies share?
They look premium. There is something about a top tool or resource that makes you wish you had acquired it a long time ago, e.g., how enjoyable it is to use.
They are intuitive. From signing up, to downloading, using, cancelling, and anything in between, everything needed is placed precisely where it should be.
They add real value. They facilitate getting more and higher paid assignments by helping you deliver web design projects faster, making your final deliverables more attractive, or both.
15 best web design Tools & Resources for Designers and Agencies
To help you in your research, we’ve included top features, customer average grade on non-biased platforms such as Trustpilot, Capterra or WordPress.org, and client feedback.
Ready? Then let’s get started. 
1. Brizy Builder™
Brizy is the best website builder for Agencies, Designers, and anyone else in need of a White Label solution.
Brizy’s top feature is without a doubt its 100% customizable White Label solution that allows its users to add their own branding, including the builder name, builder logo, domain URL, support link, about link, and project subdomain.
Brizy Builder’s library of demo/template/prebuilt websites is also highly popular with its users. Soulful and Cuisine is one of the 5 most downloaded pre-built websites. It is attractive and inspirational, and while it provides an ideal foundation for a restaurant or bistro, the layout can be used for other service-oriented website types as well.
There’s more to like as well. New users quickly become aware of Brizy’s intuitiveness, and their ability to edit any type of content in place. Many competing builders force their users to create their content in a disjointed sidebar. That’s not the case with Brizy.
Customer Average Grade: 4.6/5 on Trustpilot
Client Feedback: “I am amazed by my experience with Brizy. The tool is easy to use, and the support is one of the best I have ever experienced. Fast replies and my contact really went the extra mile in helping me solve my problem. I can only recommend Brizy to everyone who’s looking to build their own website”!
Instant Support Materials:  Documentation, Brizy Academy, Useful Blog Posts and YouTube videos
View the Builder 
2. Trafft – Booking Software
 The Best Free Scheduling Online Software Solution for Business Owners.
Flexibility is always important when selecting a theme or plugin. The top feature of this software solution is the ability to operate in a wide range of languages because of its powerful Multilingual Notifications System.
This user favorite:
facilitates the effective management of appointments and events using email, SMS and/or WhatsApp messages.
keeps users informed about the status of appointments or events.
offers custom notifications that enable users to tailor alerts for specific services or events.
The library of prebuilt websites also plays a significant role in making working with Trafft a pleasant experience. The Career Mastery Coaching prebuilt website illustrates what an effective event booking system might look like.
Key features users notice once they start using Trafft include easy backend and frontend interface navigation and the power the customization options bring to the table.
Web developers and digital design agencies can be expected to be more than pleased to discover that Trafft offers a White Label option.
Customer Average Grade: 5 stars on Capterra
Client Feedback:  “ I love that Trafft has so much included – and that you can customize literally everything, including the email & SMS notification wording (which is a big deal for me since I like communications to be in my brand voice).”
Support Materials:  Trafft’s ticketing system. Support manual, YouTube videos, social media, and email.
View the Booking Solution
3. wpDataTables -The Best Tables & Charts WordPress Table Plugin
 wpDataTables offers an ideal solution for businesses and individuals who need to create tables and charts.
The wpDataTable plugin’s top feature, its Multiple Database Connections capability, represents a data management breakthrough by empowering every table to become a data hub that can pull information from different databases or servers.
By simplifying data management tasks, wpDataTables allows its users to create custom, responsive, easily editable tables and charts with ease.  A bookseller could probably put this Responsive Catalog Table with Books to good use.
Features new wpDataTables users will discover include:
an abundance of useful functionality wrapped in an intuitive package.
the ability to adroitly manage complicated data structures.
wpDataTables also supports separate connections for working with specialized database systems and features chart engines for displaying data for marketing, financial, and environmental uses.
Customer Average Grade: 4.5/5 pm WprdPress.org
Client Feedback: “WpDataTables is an excellent WordPress Plugin. What you are able to accomplish with this plugin is nothing short of amazing. Their support is even better! Highly, highly recommend using this product and supporting this company.
I have tried different utilities for creating charts out of a series of CSV files I use for weather data, but it has been a hassle until I discovered wpDataTables which does exactly what I need. Very user friendly and versatile. And it also understands that there are other standards for date, decimal, and time apart from the Americas.”
Instant Support Materials:  Support manual, the Facebook community, and YouTube videos
View wpDataTables
4. Uncode – Creative & WooCommerce WordPress Theme
Uncode is the #1 WordPress and WooCommerce theme for creatives, professional designers, and agencies looking for an ideal solution for any project.
While Uncode’s ensemble of website building tools and options would seem to more than justify its popularity, most of its users say the demo library is its #1 feature. The demos not only exhibit exceptional attention to detail but have proven to be excellent sources of inspiration as well.
Uncode’s classic Web Experiences is one of the 5 most downloaded  demos. Just imagine what you could do with it.
New users are impressed with the value inherent in Uncode’s demos and wireframes, the level of customization, and the top-notch customer support.
Uncode’s principal users are:
Agencies and Freelancers, because of the multitude of options that cover the needs of every customer or client.
Shop creators, who can easily make effective use of Uncode’s advanced WooCommerce features.
Customer Average Grade: 4.89/5
Client Feedback: “I have used Uncode on 6+ websites now, and it’s absolutely my go-to theme! The features, quality, and customer support are outstanding. The developers do an incredible job of keeping the theme up to date and stable, constantly implementing new features and optimizing the theme. A solid product with great documentation and responsive support team. Kudos!”
Instant Support Materials:  Support manual, Facebook groups, YouTube videos
Purchase the Theme
5. LayerSlider – Best WordPress Slider Builder Plugin
 LayerSlider, the top-rated WordPress slider plugin, empowers web designers to effortlessly enhance websites and make them truly shine.
LayerSlider’s scroll effect has emerged as its top feature. You can find it prominently displayed in the recent batch of full-size hero scene and whole website templates. Scroll through the Flavor Factory pre-built web page and see how easy it can be to use LayerSlider to help capture and engage visitors.
LayerSlider easily accommodates a range of uses, from creating simple sliders or slideshows to sprucing up your site with captivating animated content.
Newer users appreciate:
LayerSlider’s customizable interface that suggests the plugin was created specifically for their use only.
easy access to millions of stock photos and videos plus other integrated online services.
the Project Editor that ensures that what you need is right where you need it.
LayerSlider also really shines when there is a need to create content for marketing purposes. Marketers are impressed with the mind-blowing effects that can be incorporated into their popups and banners.
Client Feedback: “A fantastic slider plugin with regular updates to make sure compatibility is never a problem. Keep up the amazing work!”
Support Materials:  Product manual, In-editor help, support tickets, and email.
Preview LayerSlider
6. Amelia – WordPress Booking Plugin for Appointments and Events
 Amelia is the best WordPress plugin for Agencies and Businesses in need of a streamlined booking solution.
The automated notifications system is Amelia’s top feature. Users could tell you how easy it was to categorize and position appointments as pending, approved, cancelled, rejected, or rescheduled. Special notices such as upcoming events or birthday congratulations can also be forwarded via the notifications system to assist clients and enhance their loyalty.
Amelia offers a number of templates that can be customized to help businesses grow. Yoga Studio is a notable example of how a template can be put to use to advertise a business.
Those new to Amelia could tell you about:
the ease of navigation they discovered, the innovativeness exhibited in the backend and frontend interfaces, and its functionality and user-friendly design.
the value its transparent pricing policy offers.
the extent of the customization options.
The Amelia plugin offers an ideal booking solution for service-oriented businesses including those specializing in ticket sales and/or events. Programming agencies and developers could also profit from having Amelia in their design toolkits.
Customer Average Grade: 4.8 on Capterra
Client Feedback: “Great plugin, I have tested similar, but Amelia seems to be the best for my site, I have many customers through the site, and everybody is satisfied with this appointment system. Sometimes there are a few bugs but quickly corrected through regular updates. Globally very good notation.”
Instant Support Materials:  YouTube videos, Discord Group, and Support Manual
View Amelia
7. WhatFontIs
The most powerful and  accurate free font identifier.
This tool’s top feature is its accuracy. WhatFontis users have a 90%+ chance of finding whatever free or licensed font they want identified.
No other system can claim that accuracy, and most of them charge a fee for whatever service they provide. It is worth noting that the ability of WhatFontis to identify a given font correctly can be compromised if the quality of the submitted image is subpar, and that is what accounts for some of the roughly 10% of missed identifications.
WhatFontis can do what it does best in part because of its database of 990K+ free and commercial fonts. This is nearly 5 times as many fonts as that attributed to the nearest competitor.
Whether the goal is to identify a specific font sent by a client, or simply because it is attractive, a customer wants to know what it is and where to find it. A search can be conducted for a font regardless of its publisher, producer, or foundry.
The process is as easy as can be.
Upload a clean font image.
In response, an AI-powered search engine identifies the font and as many as 60 close neighbors.
Links are provided that show where a free font can be downloaded or where a commercial font can be purchased.
Note: Cursive font letters must be separated before being submitted.
Client Feedback: “I came across this website courtesy Google search, used their services successfully; and today I find out it’s on product hunt! If you are ‘driven’ by the need to discover what font ‘that person/ company’ uses, then this should be your go-to solution site. For most of us it would be a once in a blue moon need, except for the professionals.”
Types of Instant Support Materials: User Forum
View WhatFontis
8. Slider Revolution – More than just a WordPress Slider
 Slider Revolution is the best WordPress plugin for Designers, Web Developers and anyone seeking a way to create jaw-dropping animated sliders.
This plugin’s top feature is the ability it gives to its users to visually create stunning animated effects for WordPress.
The Slider Revolution plugin is not limited to creating sliders. It can be used to:
create stunning home pages that immediately engage its visitors.
create portfolios that will be viewed a second, or third, time because of the method of presentation.
design eye-catching sections anywhere on a website.
A stroll through Slider Revolution’s library of 250+ templates may be all that’s necessary if you need a little inspiration to get started. These templates have been 100% optimized for different screen configurations and feature special effects you won’t see on most websites. The Woodworking Website template for example, makes clever use of the hover effect to highlight both text and images. The layout itself can be used for a wide variety of website types or niches.
The Slider Revolution plugin is tailor made for individual web designers and developers, web shops, and small agencies.
Customer Average Grade: 4.6/5 on Trustpilot
Client Feedback: “I absolutely love the Slider Revolution. It does wonders for my projects. I am super excited about all of the templates that are ready for use. Their support has been incredible”.
Instant Support Materials:  Support Manual, YouTube videos
View the Plugin
9. Getillustrations – Creative Stock Illustrations Library
The best resource for designers who are looking for top quality illustrations with terrific attention to detail.
Getillustrations’ top feature is three things in one; 21,500+ vector illustrations, free updates for one year, and new illustrations added every week. In other words, once you get started, good things keep coming your way!
You will have 40+ nicely arranged categories to select from. Most categories have several hundred illustrations, a few have more than 1,000.
These illustrations appeal to clients ranging from students and businesses to designers and developers. You’ll find pencil and basic ink illustrations, several 3D illustration categories, and fitness, logistics, and ecology illustrations to name but a few, and since they are exclusive to Getillustrations you will have an edge over those using other stock illustration resources.
You can purchase illustrations by the pack if you choose to. The Motion Illustrations pack is one of the larger ones with 1,090 vector web illustrations at latest count .These Motion illustrations feature a diverse range of themes, each of which makes a statement.
Client Feedback: “I really like the different styles available in this library. I used it to illustrate some of my blog posts. Since you get vector files, you can also recolor them to have them match your brand and product identity!”
Support Materials:  Vector stock illustrations in .Ai .Figma .PNG and .SVG
View Getillustrations Offerings
10. Mobirise AI Website Builder
The best tool for creating and downloading full page websites using prompt commands only.
The Mobirise AI website builder is a revolutionary tool that uses intelligent algorithms to generate beautiful websites. Its top feature enables its user to generate a website using a single prompt.
The super-intuitive single prompt interface makes Mobirise AI an ideal choice for anyone looking for a simplistic yet efficient design approach.
Describe in detail what your site is all about, and this AI website builder will take your data and through the use of intelligent algorithms auto-generate a basic layout.
Once that is accomplished you can use prompts to customize style, colors, fonts, etc., and edit pre-generated content to suit your needs.
When you have the beautiful, optimized for Google and mobile devices website you want you can launch it with a single prompt.
Note: Even though Mobirise AI does much of the work, you retain full ownership of your website.
Client Feedback: “The AI website builder was astonishingly intuitive. What I appreciated the most was the seamless drag-and-drop interface which allowed me to position elements anywhere on my site. The AI’s design recommendations saved me hours of second-guessing my layout choices. Not to mention, the automatic SEO feature was a godsend–it optimized my site without me having to learn the complex ins and outs.”
Instant Support Materials:  Support Manual, User Forum, YouTube Videos
View the AI Website Builder
11. XStore – Best WooCommerce WordPress Theme
XStore is the best WooCommerce theme for anyone looking to quickly build a high-converting online store.
XStore is obviously tailored for use by shop owners and prospective shop owners who seek an online presence. While the selection of ready-made stores (pre-built websites) has always been highly popular, the recently introduced selection of Sales Booster features has emerged as the top favorite.
New users soon come to appreciate the Builders Panel and the intuitive XStore Control Panel, both of which give them the store-building and customization flexibility needed to create the custom store they envision.
They also like the solid start XStore’s pre-built websites make possible. The layout of the Marseille prebuilt website is an excellent example of why it’s possible for a novice to get a store up in running in a few hours.
XStore doesn’t stop there. Its users have instant access to the powerful family of Single Product, Checkout, Cart, Archive Products, and 404 Page Builders; all favorites of shop owners.
Customer Average Grade: 4.87/5
Client Feedback: “I love this theme! There’s a wider learning curve to go through before getting a hang of the features, but the overall versatility and aesthetic factor is excellent.”
Instant Support Materials:  Support Manual, YouTube videos
Buy the Theme
12. Blocksy – Premium WooCommerce WordPress theme
Blocksy is the best free WordPress theme for building attractive, lightweight websites in 2024.
There doesn’t appear to be much about Blocksy that its users don’t love. Consequently, when it comes to identifying this premium WooCommerce WordPress theme’s top feature, there’ s a 4-way tie.
Blocksy’s footer and header builders are super-user friendly.
Gutenberg support ensures top performance.
Developers love the advanced hooks and display conditions.
Everyone appreciates seamless WooCommerce integration together with its associated features.
And on top of it all, Blocksy is free!
Several of the things new users quickly recognize is that Blocksy:
uses the latest web technologies.
provides exceptional performance.
integrates easily with the most popular plugins.
Cosmetic is a beautiful, meticulously crafted starter site with a pleasant design that lets products take center stage. While centered on beauty products, its layout can be used for a wide variety of website niches. Cosmetic is one of the 5 most commonly used starter sites.
Customer Average Grade: 5/5 on WordPress.org
Client Feedback: “Blocksy is fast and light, responsive and beautiful. Blocksy has nothing superfluous and has everything you need. I love Blocksy, and Blocksy loves me.”
Instant Support Materials:  A readily accessible Documentation Section, Support Manual, YouTube videos. Facebook Group
View Blocksy 
13. Total WordPress Theme
 Total is the best WordPress theme for web designers and developers seeking the flexibility required to design from-scratch.
Total’s top feature is its seemingly unlimited flexibility. Its assortment of design tools and options makes it a Swiss Army knife of website design and is one reason its name is so appropriate. A well-deserved reputation for amazing support also tends to set Total apart.
Not long after becoming acquainted with Total, its users could tell you about a number of things they discovered and like including the fact that:
Total has settings for everything, tons of page building options, a font manager, custom post types, and more.
Total is speed optimized.
Total provides dynamic templates for posts and archives.
Total’s pre-built website collection is another favorite. Synergy’s minimalistic design lends itself to a wide range of uses and is one of the 5 most widely used pre-built websites.
Total is tailored for beginners, developers, and DIYers. Advanced designers like Total as well, and for all intents and purposes, anyone else will too.
Customer Average Grade: 4.86/5
Client Feedback: “I have been using Total for several years now for several (10+) websites. Out of the box it’s already a great theme and very well documented. Some websites required specific functionality and so far, there was nothing I couldn’t provide. If I can’t figure it out myself, support is always willing to help. I don’t need another theme anymore.”
Instant Support Materials: Support Manual
View the Theme
14. Essential Grid – WordPress Gallery Plugin
Essential Grid is the best WordPress Gallery Plugin for businesses who want to capture visitors’ attention with breathtaking galleries.
Essential Grid is the best WordPress Gallery Plugin for anyone who wants to create a unique, attention-getting gallery.
Essential Grid’s library of 50+ unique grid skins is its top feature and is what this WordPress gallery plugin is all about. Why these skins are such a favorite is easy to see. Most web designers and developers would not want to have to take the time to create a gallery from scratch and the grid skins offer an excellent alternative approach.
In addition to making it easier to create a gallery layout you want, it’s also possible you’ll come across a grid skin layout you haven’t even thought possible and can’t wait to put into use.  The YouTube Playlist layout for example shows how the hover effect can transform a seemingly run-of-the-mill gallery into a real attention getter.
Essential Grid’s users will tell you how much of a time saver this plugin can be, and how effective it is at helping them organize their content streams.
Customer Average Grade: 4.7/5 on Trustpilot
Client Feedback: “I have to say that the level of support I received is definitely one of the best I have ever experienced. Big thumbs up!”
Instant Support Materials:   Support manual and YouTube videos
View Essential Grid 
15. WoodMart – WordPress WooCommerce Theme
WoodMart is the best WooCommerce theme for niche ecommerce design.
Just a glance at the WoodMart website is enough to grab your attention. Woodmart’s top feature, super-realism, pops right out at you. The custom layouts for shop, cart, and checkout pages are so well done that it’s easy to forget where you are and start window shopping.
There is plenty more to about WoodMart too, for example:
A multiplicity of available design options.
Easy customization to fit the brand.
The time-saving Theme Settings Search and Theme Settings Performance Optimization features.
Widely used “Frequently Bought Together”, “Dynamic Discounts”, and social integrations options.
WoodMart also has a White Label option.
Finding the most popular demos isn’t easy since most of them enjoy lots of usage.  WoodMart Organic Baby Clothes is one of the 5 most downloaded demos.
Customer Average Grade: 4.93/5
Client Feedback: “This theme is perfect. It has all the options you can imagine and tooltips to help you understand what you are about to change. It’s fast out of the box and makes a great use of Elementor. Great responsive design.”
Instant Support Materials:  Support Manual and YouTube Videos
View the Theme
Do you see one or more web design resources and tools you would like to add to your toolkit? It would certainly be easier than having to sift through hundreds on your own. That is why we did the vetting process for you. You still will want to preview those that interest you and try them out if possible. The free ones are of course for the taking.
What will you be looking for? These 15 excellent web design tools & resources have several characteristics in common. Characteristics that are necessary to be considered as “best-in-class”. Those characteristics are as follows.
Plugins, themes, and resources are easy to install or set up and are user friendly.
They give your website an edge in terms of design, functionality, or visitor appeal; or all three.
Customer support is friendly, fast, and competent.
They allow you to test the product for free. Or give you enough information to ensure that won’t end up feeling like the product you purchased is markedly different from the one you saw advertised.
Check out any or all of the 15 best web design tools and resources you believe you could put to good use.  Test them out if you can and either add them to your toolkit or write them off.
Are you done? Not really. Since there are many new web design tools & resources coming into the marketplace every day, some of which might offer greater opportunities, your search will never really end.
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techoriginator · 11 months
Digital marketing course in Varanasi
Top Digital Marketing Training Institute In Varanasi
We are Best Team for learn digital marketing course in pandeypur varanasi.
10+ yrs in IT Training Best Placement Service ISO Certified Institute 100% Job Oriented Programs 1 of Recent Placements – 6 Lpa (fresher) 1000+ Companies, 1000s Trained Attractive Fees Free Demo!
What is digital marketing?
process of finding clients or selling leads or getting viral a digital content using website or other online medium is digital marketing. we techoriginator is best in digital marketing services in Varanasi areas we know our customers need. we also provide best training in digital marketing courses.
Top Best Digital Marketing Course Training Institute in Varanasi – Fees, Placements
Top Best Digital Marketing Course Training Institute in Varanasi to Learn in Online / Classroom Format and Get Certified from Best Digital Marketing Training Institute Techoriginator known for Quality Training in Reasonable Fees and Placements! If your looking for Job oriented digital marketing in Varanasi then you are at right place now. Techoriginator is not just a digital marketing institute in pandeypur , Varanasi It’s a IT company which offer an industrial training certificates for B.tech students.  Best digital marketing course center/institute for students who belongs to  pandeypur,  pahariya,  chaukaghat,  hukulganj,  laalpur,  lamahi,  soyepur area and naibasti. only 1 km away from Asoka institute of technology college. hanuman temple, Chaura Mata Mandir & Varanasi fun city . we also provide placement after course completion. best digital marketing course in Varanasi with placement here at techoriginator only. we are one of the Top 10 digital marketing course in Varanasi and nearest areas.
who can learn digital marketing-Anyone who want to be a part of technology industry and want to work on computer.
Why should I learn digital marketing? –Because this course is very demanded and huge jobs available and good salary package MNC are offering. this is one of the easiest course too.
 You Will Learn ? – Learn 4 improtant thing like SEO, SMM, SEM, SMO
Trainer – Rakesh Yadav
Scope & Job Openings – Highly Demanded > Quick Jobs!
Jobs Roles  – Marketer, Bussiness Owner, social media handler.
Any requirement for join this course- None. Any one from IT & non IT can learn.
Digital marketer salary: start from 15,000 to 1.5lac with 2 yrs experience
Digital marketing course Duration, Fee & syllabus
Top Digital Marketing Training Institute In Pandeypur and near areas.
Digital marketer Job’s & salary in Varanasi
Many digital marketing companies are available in Varanasi & nearest area like pandeypur, chaukaghat, BHU, sigra, laalpur and soyepur and they are keep looking to hire digital marketer on various job post. Few job post are mentioned here for digital marketing students: 1. digital marketing expert 2. social media handler 3. SEO specialist 4. Google tool expert.
Salary of digital marketer start’s from 8000 & it depend on experience. minimum 2 years’ experience person can get almost 30,000+ monthly salary as digital marketer. but almost salary depend on experience and knowledge.
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Few companies who keeps looking for digital marketer in Varanasi areas 1. Techoriginator 2. edubird 
Rank #01. Digital Marketing Courses in Varanasi
Techoriginator Digital Marketing Varanasi- 4.8/4
King of Digital Marketing course in pandeypur is one of the top institutes offering Digital Marketing and related courses. They offer various packages as training modules like SEO packages, SMO packages, PPC packages, web design packages, content writing packages, Video Editing packeges, Animation packages.
It is not only a training institute but also a digital solutions agency that provides stellar service through Social Media Marketing Services, Search Engine Optimization Services, Social Media Optimization Services, Online Reputation Management, Content Writing, Website Development Services, Mobile App Development, IOS App Development, Software Development.
The different courses include topics like
Digital Marketing Overview
Website Analysis And Creation
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media Marketing
Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy
Email Marketing
E-commerce Marketing
Mobile Marketing
Content Marketing E-mail
Online Display Advertising
Google AdWords PPC Advertising
Google Analytics
Online Reputation Management
Affiliate Marketing 
Freelancing Projects
Lead Generation For Business
Making Money Via AdSense, and Blogging
The benefit of doing the course at King of Digital Marketing is it gives you absolute clarity on the whole complex module of computerized marketing.
The SEM package includes Digital Marketing courses in Varanasi, Digital Marketing services, understanding web design, and development, Android app development.
Address 2nd Floor, Shau Bila Building, Pandeypur Road, Pandeypur, Varanasi - 221002, Near Police Chowki and Allahabad Bank Contact +91 7666 77 5754
Rank #02. Digital Marketing Courses in Varanasi
Edubird Varanasi -4.9/5
Digi perform is one of the leading digital training institutes in Asia which offers Advanced certifications in Varanasi for people from diverse feels like working professionals, entrepreneurs, start-up owners, fresher’s, and Marketing managers.
It has conducted 700 batches with more than 21000 students trained across 42 centres and has been instrumental in placing more than 17020 students in different corporate enterprises.
The Advanced Digital Training Program gives you intensive training from fundamentals to the advanced stages of Digital Marketing with 12 essential models.
Moreover, you get specialized training in Search Engine Optimization Social Media Marketing and Optimization and online advertising.
Students can choose to enrol for weekday or weekend training classes, you will also get lifetime access to the learning management system to catch up with missed lectures and assignments as well as exercises.
It is a tool-based learning process that helps you to work with 100+ live tools used by industry experts so that you get the maximum value out of your Curriculum. They have 100% job assistance and a proven placement track record. The course fee is approximately Rs 45000.
Course Name- Advanced Digital Marketing Course in Varanasi
The Course Curriculum includes the following
Digital Marketing Essentials
Lead Generation
Website Building
Google Ads
Introduction To Search Engine Optimization
SEO Content Writing
Link Analysis & Off-Page SEO
Sales Optimization
Web Analytics And Traffic Reporting
Inbound Marketing With Content Writing
Social Media Marketing
Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Quora Marketing
Online Reputation Management
Social Media Marketing Strategy And Planning
Online Advertising
Different Social Media Channel Advertising
Online Traffic
Media Buying And Selling
Keyword Planning And Research
Customer Persuasion Science
Book Publishing
Video Creation And Editing
Conversion Rate Optimization
Multi-Touch Point
Marketing Growth Hacking
Earning As Affiliate Marketers
Personal Branding
Influencer Marketing 
Freelance Marketing And E-commerce
Marketing Interview Tips And Resume Preparation
Highlights of taking the Digital Marketing Course at Digi perform is that it has a Pan India presence with more than 40 centres all over India.
They have an award-winning learning management system(LMS) with PowerPoint, recordings, self-help tutorials, forum case studies and reference materials that are available to the registered student. All the information on classroom training can be had through their contact number.
Contact +91 7021805833
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We are offering 50% discount on all courses (digital marketing course in varanasi ) occasion of 15 august. Enjoy the benefits & make a bright career in a field of technology.  Apply now
Or call Now on +91 -7666775754
Price and Duration of full Digital Marketing Course is Varanasi – 
Prices- 8,000/- Duration- 8 months Monthly fees is- 1100/-
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Digital marketing course in Varanasi is divided into 4 major parts SEO , SMO , SMM & SEM. students can also join and learn those separately and build a bright future. view full Syllabus of Digital marketing course in Varanasi Here
 Syllabus of Digital Marketing Course in Varanasi
SEO–  SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a set of strategies, techniques, and practices aimed at improving the visibility and ranking of a website or webpage in search engine results pages (SERPs). The ultimate goal of SEO is to drive organic (non-paid) traffic to a website, increasing its online presence and attracting potential customers or visitors.
click here for syllabus of SEO 
SMM- SMM stands for Social Media Marketing. It is a digital marketing strategy that utilizes social media platforms to promote products, services, or content and engage with a target audience. The primary objective of SMM is to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and foster meaningful interactions with potential customers.
click here for syllabus of SMM
SMO-  SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. It is closely related to Social Media Marketing (SMM) but focuses specifically on optimizing a brand’s presence on social media platforms to increase its visibility, reach, and engagement with the target audience. 
click here for syllabus of SMO
SEM– SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. It is a digital marketing strategy that aims to increase a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through paid advertising and optimization techniques. 
click here for syllabus of SEM
Now days many tools we use for different purposes in digital marketing. because marketing is a major game of finding best report regarding competitors and statics of data then only we can apply our own logic for brand and that is for getting proper report and data of keyword search , keyword density and number of searches , users choice , trending records we must know..In digital marketing tools you will learn : 1. Google analytics  2. Google ads 3. Google search console  4. Google AdSense 5. smallseotools  6. AHREF  7. SEMRUSH  8. YOAST   9. MOZ  10. Google
If you need this tools then contact us.  we know how you can get access of this tools and how to use this digital marketing based tools. we also provide training in this tools. For getting 20% discount connect us before 15 august.
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Why get Trained from us?
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More info about you?   Techoriginator is an IT Comapny 2009:2023 Certified Institute and among Leading IT Training Institutes in Thane Mumbai region well known for quality training from experts and placements from last 10+ yrs.
Upcoming Batch? New batches at regular intervals. Limited seats per batch. Please inquire for details.
Group Discounts? Yes, available. We have special discounts for groups. Please submit inquiry form for details.
Is Free Demo Available? Yes. Every week. Weekend demos available. For upcoming demo and to book free demo,
Do You Provide Corporate Training? Yes. We provide training to both students and corporates.
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happilyfulllove · 1 year
Web Design in Madurai
Are you looking Web Design in Madurai ? Right now you are on right website. Century Minds are Madurai based Web design company and developing best websites like eCommerce, Blogging Website for Daily update and custom website development as per requirement of customers.
We provide better response for our client. Our team provide good communication with customer. Web Design in Madurai is an art where we craft websites, it involves a variety of aspects such as – graphic designing, web pages layout, logo, colours, layouts content generation and other things. A professional designers have the ability to highlight every details through their creative ideas.
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We have a team of expert for Web Design in Madurai for our company who have years of experience in web designing and worked with many brands. We understand that web designing is a creative task that involves many things to deliver innovative and eye-catching designs to our clients. We deliver you with customized web designs that matches your businesses perfectly.
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We’re a reputed and also most cost-effective Web Design in Madurai , Tamil Nadu. Our experience and knowledge has made us the best web designing company in the entire city. Our experts discuss with our clients about their requirements and expectations at every stage of development in order to deliver 100% customized solutions and results. We work round the clock on the doubts and queries of our clients to find best solutions and to deliver them with most appropriate results as per individual expectations of our clients. Our customization services are very much in demand which is why we are one of the leading Web Design in Madurai .
Contact With Us
Century Minds
Address: 32/44, 1st Floor Pillayar Kovil 2nd Street, SS colony, Madurai - 10, Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone:  72007-51000
Website: www.centuryminds.com
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gravemushrooms · 1 year
"don't feed the trolls" likely originates from early usenet posting or if not that possibly from bbs culture of the early 80s; it was (almost certainly) around for a long time before the world wide web. early web forums inherited a lot of cultural norms from usenet and mailing lists that were popular in the mid-late 80s through early 90s
the adage is a recommendation to ignore disruptive people and deprive them of the attention they seek. this assumes that exclusion is an effective method to create and maintain a community that works together in good faith. obviously this doesn't work well on larger anything goes venues like usenet or later social media like twitter. it is reasonably effective when paired with moderators in smaller communities, but these are only ever as good as their contributors and leadership.
on any large venue it's often down to individuals to shape their unique experiences instead of relying on an authority to manage communication. a rough equivalent to "blocking" on social media was available through a kill file
the earliest evidence i could find of the adage on usenet through searching google groups was a post from 1995, but i feel certain the adage was around before then
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i didn't start regularly using the internet until around 1997 and i'm sure someone older than me would know better when the adage started getting popular. in one way or another, either through authoritarian intervention or through individual tailoring, exclusion always ends up being the method used to shape experiences or communities.
i'm writing this because someone else posted about how the adage was common on web forums prior to social media web 2.0 stuff, but i wanted to add that there's a depth of time to this stuff that extends beyond just the last 10 years and goes beyond even my own experience. twitter and tumblr still have ways to exclude posts with user-designated terms or tags and that's essentially the same thing as a kill file. using a kill file is much more effective ime than berating others about "feeding trolls."
i don't find that there's much point in trying to teach the young to avoid engaging in pointless arguments. those arguments won't always be pointless to them; those arguments may be important in young people's development as those arguments may be their first encounter with the ideas involved in the argument. it's important too that older people sometimes deign to engage in these arguments so they can more fully demonstrate a sophisticated view (whether or not a reader agrees with that view). it can also be important for a person to repeatedly engage with a category of problems or behaviors to demonstrate that those problems or behaviors exist and are worth addressing. if you don't like angry posting, don't seek it out, and use your kill file, and when your kill file fails, add some terms and be choosy about what you read.
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tipsycad147 · 1 year
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September 10, 2022  /  Alexis J. Cunningfolk
One of my favorite tools for cultivating mindfulness and a sense of wellness day-to-day is the tarot. I use tarot not only as a tool of divination but as a tool of healing, incorporating the cards into my meditation and breathwork practice, as well as into practices of sacred inquiry. As someone who likes meditative practices that include tactile experiences - such as meditative knitting or labyrinth walking - I find the acts of setting up a space to read tarot, holding and shuffling the cards to be pleasing. For me, a daily practice needs to be one that is pleasurable, relatively effortless, and something that creates a sense of steadiness along my path. So I've created my daily healing tarot practice with these things in mind.
To be honest, it took me a while to find the "sweet spot" of a daily tarot practice. I've gone through periods of my life where the idea of pulling a tarot card each day as a divinatory reading (i.e. what might be coming my way today) was far more stressful than helpful. Or a daily tarot practice felt more like navel gazing rather than useful, ruminating over a singular issue for far too long. Other times, when things felt particularly stressful, I could slip into the all too common problem of hoping the cards would tell me explicitly what I should do next. So for a long while I only pulled out my cards to either admire their art (something which is a valuable part of tarot - the way it brings beauty into our world) or only for big occasions. Looking back I realized I needed this fallow period and when I was ready again to work with the cards on a more regular basis, I developed the following daily practice.
My daily tarot practice is not strictly divinatory (i.e. looking to foretell future events or reveal hidden ones past and present), but it does help to illuminate and hopefully provide clarity in certain areas of one's life. The purpose of my daily tarot practice is to provide clarity about and support for my current energy. It's low pressure, contemplative in nature, and meant to help me feel connected to the wider web of community. 
There's also a practical nature to a daily tarot practice. If you're new to tarot and learning the meanings of the cards, a daily tarot practice is a great way to learn the cards and practice interpretation on a regular, low-pressure basis. For healers and magickal practitioners, a daily tarot practice can be part of your spiritual practice of energy balancing and psychic hygiene. If you keep notes about the cards you draw it can be a great reference to look back at over the years to see the type of cards that came up seasonally or around certain sabbats and Moon phases.
But before you create (or re-imagine) your own daily (or daily-ish) tarot practice, it's good to ask the question: Why? Not knowing your why can lead to muddled energies, but you also don't have to have a complex why. Your why could be that you like the idea of a daily tarot practice, it's not something you've done before, and it's something you want to try. That's a good starting place. Or you're an old-timer whose been reading the cards for years, but your practice feels stagnated and a daily draw seems like a good way to reinvigorate it. So take a moment to ask yourself:
Why do you want a daily tarot practice?
What are you hoping to learn?
What is the energy you're trying to cultivate?
What are you hoping to feel with a daily tarot practice?
With our curiosity piqued, let me show you my daily tarot practice and hopefully it'll inspire your own.
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My Daily Healing Tarot Practice
Before any cards are laid out before me, I like to take a few moments to orient myself to the sacred. What this looks like for me is some simple breathwork to connect with my current energy as well as my own devotional practices. Breathwork, simple body movement, free dance, guided visualization, prayers or affirmations, and more are all ways that we can acknowledge and resonate with the sacredness that lives within all things including ourselves. Part of what makes tarot so magickal and healing is that it can often deliver messages to us when we are most open to hearing them. Orienting oneself to the sacred helps us to hear what needs to be heard and feel what needs to be felt.
I like to lay out a cloth that I then lay my cards on, light a candle, and maybe some sacred sounds. It's another way of signaling to myself that I'm deserving of taking time and space to reflect on my needs so that I can better show up in community spaces amidst all the needs of everyone else. As creating peace in my personal life, the communities I move through, and the Land I live with is an essential part of my wellbeing, creating a beautiful space for my daily meditation and tarot practice reminds me that it is a beautiful thing to practice peace daily. Here is where you might need to reflect on what it is you're trying to cultivate regularly by having a daily tarot (or meditation or prayer or whatever) practice.
I then begin to pull cards, pulling three in total.
The first card represents my current state of energy. It is my personal weather report on my energy and current experience of self. There is typically nothing too surprising about this card, but the images and meaning of the card can often offer another perspective or helpful language to describe my current state of energy that I may have been struggling to find. Sometimes I write in my journal about this and the following cards, but that's usually only when I'm dealing with a particularly sticky pattern of energy and healing need. Usually, I try to simply summarize and speak out loud a short description of my energy as reflected back to me from the card. The speaking out loud is part of the healing work of these daily spreads (or equivalent outward self-expression - such as signing, typing, writing - the goal is to move thoughts from our inner to outer worlds). 
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Here are some examples of simple card summaries:
Queen of Pentacles: I am feeling abundant and steady in my energy after a period of growth and hard work.
Temperance: I am seeking to find a sense of balance and peace in a world that feels chaotic.
Page of Wands: I am reconnecting to my creative potential after a period of creative fallowness and frustration.
The next two cards are in direct relationship to the first card cast. I pull one card to help me understand what supports my energetic needs and another card to help me understand what hinders my energetic needs. I like that terms like "helps" and "hinders" are relatively neutral but describe deeply personal experiences. What is helpful to me might be cumbersome or hindering to you and vice versa. Nor are things that might hinder me one day bad (i.e. too much socializing that leaves you feeling drained) be inherently bad because on another day they might be exactly what you need energetically (i.e. a social gathering that leaves you feeling energized and happy). It is the same with the help card.
Oftentimes the help and hinder cards support work that I'm already doing around boundaries, relationships, work and rest balance, and so on. They are more often reassurances rather than revelations, though sometimes they are a bit of both, and frequently the cards relay information to me in a way that re-inspires my way of understanding a certain situation or experience of mine.
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So let's look at some examples of help and hinder cards in relation to the sample cards above:
For the Queen of Pentacles:
What Helps: With the help of the King of Pentacles I am reminded that thinking beyond this period of abundance and growth is a form of self-care and I should look for connections today with a trusted friend or mentor about the abundance in my life. 
What Hinders: With the Moon I am reminded that even in times of growth, rest is necessary and to make sure to make time for extra rest today.
For Temperance:
What Helps: The Ten of Cups reminds me to connect with family and friends to help find balance in my life - it is time to reach out and ask for help because there are plenty of folks in my life who are willing to help.
What Hinders: The King of Swords warns me of being too analytical in my pursuit of balance and thinking myself into a state of confusion, reminding me that balance is achieved through collaboration not through proving I can do it all on my own.
For the Page of Wands:
What Helps: The Knight of Wands encourages me to be brave in my creative pursuits after a period of self-doubt. 
What Hinders: The Ace of Cups suggests that there is a need for more self-reflection on my fear around creativity and to not avoid understanding those fears better because I'm afraid I've "lost" my creativity.
Sometimes I pull an extra help or hinder card if the message feels muddled, but that is on a rare occasion and something that I try not to do as the point of this practice is to be short and simple. Oftentimes if I'm feeling perplexed by one of the cards pulled I'll revisit them at the end of the day or make note of them in my journal to look back on later. Their meaning always becomes clear even if that clarity arrives at a later date.
After all three cards are pulled and guidance is spoken out loud, I end with a few more deep and centering breaths and then that's it! 
A Few Thoughts
As you can see there is a lot of room for creating a daily healing tarot practice that fits you and your needs the best. For the help and hinder cards you might choose to pull an oracle card that has a direct message. Or you might want a more expansive energetic snapshot and pull a card each for mind, body, and spirit or for each of the energetic centers of your body. While I tend to pull the first card as a general energetic overview, you might have a specific issue or area in your life that you want to focus on - do it! You're developing a tarot practice for you and the way you think and feel, so adjust your approach as necessary.
In addition to being a lovely way of encouraging a sense of wellness in an effortless sort of way, my daily tarot practice has been a fun way to get to know new-to-me decks that come into my collection. Reading with a new deck in this gentle sort of way has been a rewarding way of getting to know the world, characters, and energy of a new-to-me deck while exploring my own energetic landscape.
Most importantly, my daily healing tarot practice has helped me to fall in love with using the tarot everyday again. I needed to take the pressure off of reading the cards as a form of divination or even intense self-reflection while still being interesting over a long period of time and this practice does just that for me. The boundary of these types of readings are meant only for the next 24 hours, I'm not trying to gaze too far into time and space in any direction, and I get to check in with myself in a way that automatically comes with much needed reassurance and guidance.
I hope you find the sweet spot that is your very own tarot practice, whether it's casting cards daily, at the change of the seasons, once a year or whenever the Moon is new.
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guelfoalexander · 1 year
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Ten things we know to be true
We first wrote these “10 things” when Google was just a few years old. From time to time we revisit this list to see if it still holds true. We hope it does—and you can hold us to that.
1. Focus on the user and all else will follow.
Since the beginning, we’ve focused on providing the best user experience possible. Whether we’re designing a new internet browser or a new tweak to the look of the homepage, we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you, rather than our own internal goal or bottom line. Our homepage interface is clear and simple, and pages load instantly. Placement in search results is never sold to anyone, and advertising is not only clearly marked as such, it offers relevant content and is not distracting. And when we build new tools and applications, we believe they should work so well you don’t have to consider how they might have been designed differently.
2. It’s best to do one thing really, really well.
We do search. With one of the world’s largest research groups focused exclusively on solving search problems, we know what we do well, and how we could do it better. Through continued iteration on difficult problems, we’ve been able to solve complex issues and provide continuous improvements to a service that already makes finding information a fast and seamless experience for millions of people. Our dedication to improving search helps us apply what we’ve learned to new products, like Gmail and Google Maps. Our hope is to bring the power of search to previously unexplored areas, and to help people access and use even more of the ever-expanding information in their lives.
3. Fast is better than slow.
We know your time is valuable, so when you’re seeking an answer on the web you want it right away–and we aim to please. We may be the only people in the world who can say our goal is to have people leave our website as quickly as possible. By shaving excess bits and bytes from our pages and increasing the efficiency of our serving environment, we’ve broken our own speed records many times over, so that the average response time on a search result is a fraction of a second. We keep speed in mind with each new product we release, whether it’s a mobile application or Google Chrome, a browser designed to be fast enough for the modern web. And we continue to work on making it all go even faster.
4. Democracy on the web works.
Google search works because it relies on the millions of individuals posting links on websites to help determine which other sites offer content of value. We assess the importance of every web page using more than 200 signals and a variety of techniques, including our patented PageRank™ algorithm, which analyzes which sites have been “voted” to be the best sources of information by other pages across the web. As the web gets bigger, this approach actually improves, as each new site is another point of information and another vote to be counted. In the same vein, we are active in open source software development, where innovation takes place through the collective effort of many programmers.
5. You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.
The world is increasingly mobile: people want access to information wherever they are, whenever they need it. We’re pioneering new technologies and offering new solutions for mobile services that help people all over the globe to do any number of tasks on their phone, from checking email and calendar events to watching videos, not to mention the several different ways to access Google search on a phone. In addition, we’re hoping to fuel greater innovation for mobile users everywhere with Android, an open source mobile platform free of charge. Android brings the openness that shaped the internet to the mobile world. Not only does Android benefit consumers, who have more choice and innovative new mobile experiences, but it opens up revenue opportunities for carriers, manufacturers and developers.
6. You can make money without doing evil.
Google is a business. The revenue we generate is derived from offering search technology to companies and from the sale of advertising displayed on our site and on other sites across the web. Hundreds of thousands of advertisers worldwide use AdWords to promote their products; hundreds of thousands of publishers take advantage of our AdSense program to deliver ads relevant to their site content. To ensure that we’re ultimately serving all our users (whether they are advertisers or not), we have a set of guiding principles for our advertising programs and practices:
We don’t allow ads to be displayed on our results pages unless they are relevant where they are shown. And we firmly believe that ads can provide useful information if, and only if, they are relevant to what you wish to find–so it’s possible that certain searches won’t lead to any ads at all.
We believe that advertising can be effective without being flashy. We don’t accept pop–up advertising, which interferes with your ability to see the content you’ve requested. We’ve found that text ads that are relevant to the person reading them draw much higher clickthrough rates than ads appearing randomly. Any advertiser, whether small or large, can take advantage of this highly targeted medium.
Advertising on Google is always clearly identified as a “Sponsored Link,” so it does not compromise the integrity of our search results. We never manipulate rankings to put our partners higher in our search results and no one can buy better PageRank. Our users trust our objectivity and no short-term gain could ever justify breaching that trust.
7. There’s always more information out there.
Once we’d indexed more of the HTML pages on the internet than any other search service, our engineers turned their attention to information that was not as readily accessible. Sometimes it was just a matter of integrating new databases into search, such as adding a phone number and address lookup and a business directory. Other efforts required a bit more creativity, like adding the ability to search news archives, patents, academic journals, billions of images and millions of books. And our researchers continue looking into ways to bring all the world’s information to people seeking answers.
8. The need for information crosses all borders.
Our company was founded in California, but our mission is to facilitate access to information for the entire world, and in every language. To that end, we have offices in more than 60 countries, maintain more than 180 internet domains, and serve more than half of our results to people living outside the United States. We offer Google’s search interface in more than 130 languages, offer people the ability to restrict results to content written in their own language, and aim to provide the rest of our applications and products in as many languages and accessible formats as possible. Using our translation tools, people can discover content written on the other side of the world in languages they don’t speak. With these tools and the help of volunteer translators, we have been able to greatly improve both the variety and quality of services we can offer in even the most far–flung corners of the globe.
9. You can be serious without a suit.
Our founders built Google around the idea that work should be challenging, and the challenge should be fun. We believe that great, creative things are more likely to happen with the right company culture–and that doesn’t just mean lava lamps and rubber balls. There is an emphasis on team achievements and pride in individual accomplishments that contribute to our overall success. We put great stock in our employees–energetic, passionate people from diverse backgrounds with creative approaches to work, play and life. Our atmosphere may be casual, but as new ideas emerge in a café line, at a team meeting or at the gym, they are traded, tested and put into practice with dizzying speed–and they may be the launch pad for a new project destined for worldwide use.
10. Great just isn’t good enough.
We see being great at something as a starting point, not an endpoint. We set ourselves goals we know we can’t reach yet, because we know that by stretching to meet them we can get further than we expected. Through innovation and iteration, we aim to take things that work well and improve upon them in unexpected ways. For example, when one of our engineers saw that search worked well for properly spelled words, he wondered about how it handled typos. That led him to create an intuitive and more helpful spell checker.
Even if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, finding an answer on the web is our problem, not yours. We try to anticipate needs not yet articulated by our global audience, and meet them with products and services that set new standards. When we launched Gmail, it had more storage space than any email service available. In retrospect offering that seems obvious–but that’s because now we have new standards for email storage. Those are the kinds of changes we seek to make, and we’re always looking for new places where we can make a difference. Ultimately, our constant dissatisfaction with the way things are becomes the driving force behind everything we do.
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