#and obviously shes gonna get the surgery
mooodyblue · 1 year
life really continues to test me over and over again yall. like. [interally screaming]
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My family has such a special ability to stress me out so bad
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mxfortune-teller · 2 years
I’m gonna start crying lol why can’t I just have one good and normal day
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bueckers-sturniolo · 2 months
the alchemy.
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paige x fem!teammate! reader
word count: 2k!
warnings: uhhh, cursing? literally one suggestive-ish comment, if i think of anymore ill come back and lyk!
authors note: HIIII! this is my first time ever writing anything whatsoever, and i can’t tell if i genuinely enjoy or really hate this. you gotta start somewhere though, right? 🤔🤔🤔
go read part two here!
this happens once every few lifetimes; these chemicals hit me like white wine…
you and paige were inseparable. it didn’t go unnoticed by fans, not by any means. you were a year younger than paige, you started playing for uconn her sophomore year. as soon as this was announced, paige followed you on everything, immediately commenting on any post the uconn instagram page made about you, commenting something along the lines of just saying your name in all caps with a bunch of emojis, or even, when she was feeling bold, “Theres our girl! 🤩🙌 (or, ��my girl’ if she was feeling silly that day),” and even on your own, individual posts about yourself, she’d like and comment some form of encouragement or a subtle compliment just to hype you up, as she does the rest of the team.
she couldn’t deny her nearly unbearable attraction toward the minute she first had laid eyes on you. even if it was over a tiny screen. the first time she saw you was when geno had shown the team videos of you playing and explained to them who you are, where you’re from, what position you play, and all other things they should know. you were around 5’10, and you were a point guard. you had gotten a scholarship to uconn, and obviously, you took it up. the first time paige physically saw you play, she knew you two would become close. not only working together on the court, during games and practices, but also, off of the court.
and you guys did. by the time the season started, you were sure you guys were unstoppable. every practice, you guys were fully locked in, becoming an outstanding duo together. that is, until, she got a tibial plateau fracture. she sat out a whopping 19 games after her surgery, and it was sad to see. she was such a powerful player, and now one of your best friends. games and practices didn’t feel nearly as good without her, but she made you promise that you’d work everyday to improve your already very strong talent, to play for ‘the both of you,’ as she said. she’d come to practices, games, and even just to your personal training sessions to provide some form of support.
what if I told you I’m back? the hospital was a drag, worst sleep that I ever had, I circled you on a map; I havent come around in so long, but im coming back so strong.
as soon as paige was cleared by doctors to begin playing again, she worked several hours, every single day. she came back as a fucking beast. since the day she got cleared and started working her ass off, she earned the nickname ‘sniper’ from you. your nickname for her was ‘killer,’ which, is kinda where she got the idea for sniper. you both were very powerful point guards. every day since she came back, you were amazed by just how hard she was working to get back up to her already impressive level of skill. and as time went on, she got even better than before. from the wise words of your guys’ coach, geno, she literally ‘came back better than she was when she was named player of the year.’
so when I touch down, call the amateurs and cut ‘em from the team, ditch the clowns, get the crown. baby, im the one to beat. cause the sign on your heart said it’s still reserved for me. honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
one night, after a practice, you guys are sitting on your couch, scrolling on your phones in the living room of your apartment. she was over there often. you didn’t live in a dorm, but she did, so this is where you typically hung out. you didn’t get a dorm, for mainly one reason, living on campus is expensive. you personally thought that if you were gonna pay so much to live somewhere, might as well be somewhere bigger than the dorms at uconn. your parents somehow agreed, and helped you through paying for it your first few years. you’re now a junior, and paige is a senior. though, she was technically going into her junior year of playing basketball, but it was her last year as a uconn ‘student.’ over the past several months, it’s been…. flirty, to say the least. you’ve always been not ‘just friends,’ but, you never talked about it. it was just ‘normal’ to you guys. you had talked about to kk once, and the conversation didn’t really help. at all. not in the fucking slightest.
“well, i mean… yeah, we all notice it. she just…. acts so different around you…? it’s not a bad difference, per se… it’s just like, why the fuck is she so nice to you? she’s constantly like… on her knees praising you. it’s crazy, lowkey. but none of us wanna say that, so we kinda just have accepted it all season.” kk says, finally looking up from her phone at me, sitting on the edge of her bed, giving her a ‘please help me’ look.
i stare at her for a few seconds, then sigh. is it actually different? does she really do that, or is kk just exaggerating, like she always does?
“kk, i don’t- i don’t know, dude. i don’t notice it. it’s just- like-“ kk interrupts me, knowing i couldn’t find the words to explain what i was feeling, “normal to you?”
i nod, putting my face in my hands and letting out another sigh. “yeah, i get that. but, also… like, how do you not notice it? it’s like- remember that guy she said she had a crush on, like- 7 months ago or some shit?” she said, sighing.
“yeah, why?” i say, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion on where the fuck she could possibly be going with this.
“she literally flirted with you more than she flirted with him. then, she rejected him, and said there was ‘no reason behind it….’ is that not suspiscious to you? in that one picture of you guys and the weird ass dude she apparently liked, she’s leaning closer to you than she is him? does that not even slightly spark a tad bit of suspiscion?” kk says, getting frustrated that im not seeing her point here.
“i mean- no? i didn’t even notice it, kk.” I say, shaking my head in disbelief. “exactly my point,” kk says, sitting up to really try to get her point across. “she acts like she’s in love with you, and heaven forbid you notice it even slightly. i could name so many things that just, like- we have all noticed, and paige knows we’ve noticed. like, that time that one bitch was pushing you on the court the entire game, and paige eventually got pissed off and pushed her back off of you, then got a fucking technical foul over it…? or, how about when she gets drunk, she literally is all over you. like, hugging you, holding you, falling asleep on the couch with you literally on top of her? is that not somehow making you just use that little brain in your head?” kk says, and i just stare in thought. maybe she was right. maybe it is more than a close friendship.
you snap out of your thoughts as paige says your name, looking over at her. “yeah?” you say, trying to seem cool.
“are you okay? you just spaced out for like…. 10 minutes…” paige says, turning her phone off sitting her it down on her chest. “oh, yeah,” I say, chuckling. that’s fucking embarrassing, you thought. but why wouldn’t she notice it? she notices everything about you.
“y’know… you did really good today,” paige says smiling at you. you smile too, looking down at your hands, “thanks. you literally always do good, so. no point in boosting your ego any more than it already is.” you say, looking back up to meet her gaze.
“i call you killer for a reason, you know that, right? you’re fucking phenomenal.” and she meant it. you were a goddess, in her eyes. if there was any person closest to heaven on this earth. it’s you. everything about you. she couldn’t get enough of you, and if it was up to her, she’d show you just how perfect you are to her. you smile, shaking your head in disbelief. “you’re insane.”
“im literally complimenting you, idiot- how does this make me insane,” paige says, laughing. you shrug, shaking your head. “you know, you’re my bestfriend, right? like, the best, best-friend i’ve ever had? ” paige says, after a few seconds of silence. you look back up, your gaze softening, your big grin also softening into a sweet smile. kk was right, you thought. you knew what that was. you knew what she meant. she is in love.
hey, you. what if I told you we’re cool? that child’s play back in school is forgiven under my rule. i havent come around in so long, but I’m making a come-back to where I belong.
you sit in your room in silence, staring at the ceiling. you keep replaying things in your mind, things she’s said. things she’s done. you knew you liked girls, you knew you liked paige. but, at what cost? did your whole friendship form from the attraction you guys had from the start? was this random to her? were you guys ever going to talk about it? this whole situation is ridiculous. right now, paige is visiting her family in minnesota. you’ve met them before, and you loved her little brother, drew, like your own brother. he was precious to you. but, this time you didn’t go, you had to stay back and practice. which, sounds ridiculous to paige given that you’re already the best player in the world to her. but, you knew you’d been slacking on practicing and certain skills you were supposed to be good at. you didn’t want to let her down. or the team, of course. but, paige specifically.
these bloakes warm the benches, we’ve been on a winning streak. (s)he jokes that it’s heroin but this time with an ‘e.’
today, you guys had a game. you were always pretty hard on yourself, but, today was worse. paige noticed this, quickly. as she always does. right before halftime, you shoot a three. you make it, but, it still was kinda sloppy. not all of your shots were sloppy, of course. but, today you felt like shit and were on your period. you didn’t feel great, and you were pissed off that the girl guarding you was on your ass all damn game. the girl in question was no other than kate martin, who was always on your ass specifically, when you guys played iowa. it was infuriating, and not to mention that you kept getting fouls called on you by a ref who clearly doesn’t realize that kate won’t stay off of your case. as soon as half-time hits, you walk over to the bench, muttering a ‘holy fucking shit’ under your breath. you sit down, paige immediately following after you, sitting beside you.
“hey, killer…. it’s okay, i promise. you’re doing so, so good.” paige says, leaning closer to you trying to reassure you in a soft, gentle tone.
“doesnt feel like it.” you say, grumpily, grabbing your water and taking a drink of it. “i know, but hey,” she says, smiling. “you’re fuckin’ killing it. if it makes you feel any better, you scored and knocked her down because of how close she was to you, maybe she’ll back off. but…” she says, pausing. “do not get a tech because of her.” you look over at her, slowly nodding. “yeah, im trying. but, the next time she gets in my face, i’m knocking her to the fucking ground again.” you say, quietly. paige smiles, “no being too aggressive… i mean, yes, be aggressive. but, no techs.”
“yeah, yeah. okay, idiot face. i’ll try.” you say and paige smiles wider, shaking her head.
as the game continues, we’re up by a solid two points. youre now in the last 45 seconds of the game. iowa has the ball, clark scores a 3 on paige. of fucking course, you think.
kk gets the rebound, and we get the ball, finally. with now only 30 seconds left, you’re panicking. you’re losing by one damn point. geno calls a time out out to the ref, the ref granting him this and you all huddle over. paige leans over to you, mumbling a, “you’ve got this, killer. im leaving this up to you. you won’t let me down.” you smile, nodding. she smiles at you for a few seconds. she is so whipped, and it’s obvious. you’re addicting. you’re like heroin, but with a fucking ‘e,’ paige thinks.
shirts off, and your friends lift you up over their heads. beer sticking to the floor, cheers chanted, cause they said, “there was no chance, tryna be the greatest in the league.” where’s the trophy? (s)he just comes runnin’ over to me.
as the game resumes, the ball is passed to paige. 15 seconds. the time is ticking, so, so fast. paige does a pump fake, immediately passing the ball to you. you catch it, turning slightly so you can dribble around martin, who’s still on your ass. you nearly lose the ball. you’re wasting too much time time, you think. you glance up at the clock. 5 seconds. you try to think fast, then quickly preform a fake pass to paige, then as soon as kate turns her attention toward paige, you shoot directly behind the point the three-point line, and you make it. the buzzer sounds. you look over at the score counters, wondering if it’s able to be counted. they announce it is, and you feel like you’ve never been happier than in that damn moment. your entire team is screaming, all of the fans in the bleachers standing up and cheering. you place your hands on your knees, leaning down and panting while smiling. that’s when you see paige, her shirt is lifted up so her stomach is showing, still cheering. smiling ear to ear, she suddenly runs over to you from across the court. she hugs you, picking you up and spinning you around.
this type of shit only happens once every few lifetimes. who are you to deny your love for her any longer? who are you to fight the general chemistry between you two? who are you to fight the alchemy?
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
No answer. Nico reaches over and pokes him, hard, and the son of Hypnos startles awake long enough to manage a garbled, “Present!” before nodding off again. At Chiron’s nodded permission, Connor procures an airhorn from what appears to be thin air, grins, and blares it right next to Clovis’ face. He shrieks, flailing off the chair, and would have slammed his face in the ground if Nico hadn’t caught him by the back of the shirt.
“Thanks, man,” he says, yawning.
Nico hauls him back upright, patting him on the shoulder. “No problem. I’m gonna let you fall next time.”
Clovis eyes him warily, shifting at Nico’s too-wide, sharklike grin.
“Noted,” he mutters, sitting straight to try and stay awake. “Jerk.”
Nico pats him on the shoulder again. “There, there.”
Chiron continues with the attendance.
“And…” Chiron sighs, peering through his reading glasses. “Nineteen, twenty, twenty-one…” He glances down at his clipboard, slowly tapping his pen on the edge of it. “Where is Will?”
A groan ripples through the gathered campers.
“Just start without him!” someone shouts, sinking into their chair.
“He always takes forever!” another person agrees.
“Almost like he’s busy running the infirmary that keeps us all alive,” Lou Ellen says drily, but her one vote of confidence is drowned out by several dozen other voices, all complaining.
Before Chiron has to deal with too much of a coup d’état, the rec room door creaks open, and Will comes strolling in after it, ignoring the heaps of boos and launched ping-pong balls at his tardiness. The beam of sunlight from the one dusty window seems, suddenly, to become a great deal stronger, highlighting the blonde of Will’s hair and strengthening the gleam of his easy grin.
“Perforated artery,” he explains cheerfully, settling down in the one empty chair. “Rogue Ares cabin mine went off. Had to do emergency surgery.”
No sooner are the words out of his mouth does he kick off his flip-flops, curl up in the rickety wooden chair, place his head on the nearest shoulder — Pollux, this time, who rolls his eyes affectionately and shifts to be more comfortable — and immediately starts snoring.
“Well,” says Chiron after a moment. “Let’s begin.”
“Wait,” Clovis complains, “how come he gets to sleep?”
Instead of answering, because there is no delicate way to say because he’s my favourite and I am a giant hypocrite, the centaur moves on. He gracefully avoids the various mutterings and calls for mutiny, instead running through the usual cabin check-ins at the speed of light to delve into the more interesting — and therefore distracting — things, such as Personal Grievances. This portion of monthly head counsellor meetings is Nico’s favourite, because he gets to sit back, be silent, and watch a bunch of teenagers yell at each other for his own personal amusement. On especially great days, he communicates with Connor through a series of complicated hand gestures to coordinate betting pools. Today, he is up seventy-two dollars. (Did he throw the pool by betting against himself and then inventing a fight with Chiara? Yeah. Did he cut her a deal for halfsies beforehand, making this technically fraud on two counts? Yeah. Can anyone prove it? Absolutely not. Suck on that, Stoll. You wanna be beat at your own game any day of the week? Nico’ll beat you at your own game any day of the week.)
As he’s accepting three dollars from a huffy Nysa (obviously the physical altercation count was going to reach six, c’mon, doesn’t she pay attention to these things), a hoof stamping the ground makes Nico jump.
“Boys,” Chiron says tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose, “that’s quite enough.”
Both campers immediately burst into louder arguments, continuing to flail and smack at each other as their voices get more and more raised and illegible.
“Boys!” Chiron stamps his hoof again. This time, they fall silent, staring at the old centaur with flushed, guilty faces. “Sherman, get Malcom out of that headlock. Malcolm, we are not building a pig pen in the dining pavilion so the Ares cabin can ‘eat in an environment more suited to their mannerisms’.” He pauses, nodding in acknowledgement. “As funny as that was, it was entirely inappropriate to say. Apologise at once.”
“My throat is too bruised to do so,” Malcom grumbles.
“My throat is too bruised to do so,” Sherman repeats, mockingly. “Gods, it’s like you’re asking for me to jump you.” At the immediate catcalls and jeers that follow, he reddens, hastily shouting, “Like mug! Jump like mug him, guys, like beat him up! Shut up! Shut up, or I swear I’ll —”
“Sit down, boys,” Chiron says, banging his hoof again. “For Hera’s sake. It’s like you want to embarrass yourselves further.”
Nico snickers with the rest of the counsellors as Sherman and Malcolm return to their seats. In their desperate attempt to separate from each other to assure their status as Heterosexual, Guys, Please, they manage to bump into each other, losing their balance and collapsing on a heap on the floor, more tangled than before. Predictably, this makes the flailing worse, which is unfortunate for them and their misery but a source of great entertainment for everyone else. Among the hooting and hollering and camera flashes, Chiron sighs, putting his head in his hands and muttering something about teenagers and being too old for this shit. Or something.
“If everyone’s quite done,” he says finally, ignoring Connor’s quip about how he could watch a few more minutes, actually, “I would love for this meeting to end. I have to do something that doesn’t involve teenagers for several hours. All of you exhaust me.”
“Except Will,” Sherman says petulantly, scowling at the still-sleeping medic. Pollux, who by close proximity has become endeared to the human disaster (Nico knows the feeling; he’s still convinced Will has weird powers that mess with one’s oxytocin levels by virtue of smiling as there is no way that someone so annoying can be so simultaneously endearing), glares somewhat protectively.
“Sh,” he hisses, at the same time Chiron says, “If the rest of you spent less time trying to kill each other and more time trying to fix the consequences of said attempted murder, I would be more lenient.”
Lou Ellen speaks up. “Also, Will has that whole cute, can’t-stay-mad-at-me thing.”
Various campers nod and mutter in agreement.
(Nico knew he wasn’t the only one.)
Nyssa clears her throat. “If we’re ready to return back to the actual meeting, I have a point of discussion.”
Chiron nods, gesturing for her to continue.
“The vans are breaking down,” she says bluntly. “Again. Because they’re, you know, older than everyone in the room.” She glances at Nico, frowning. “Well, except for him.”
Nico sniffs haughtily. “Youngin’s, these days,” he says, shaking his head disdainfully. “No respect for their elders.”
Chiron raises a bemused eyebrow. “…Indeed. Nyssa?”
“I need parts again. Preferably from that place in Virginia? They don’t ask questions and price fairly. That would be best. Only I need the van to go get the parts, so. You can see the conundrum I’m in.”
“Easy fix with the chariot,” Chiron decides. “Can someone wake Will?”
“Without the airhorn, Connor.”
“Aw. I’m not doing it, then.”
“How tragic. Pollux?”
Gently, the son of Dionysus taps Will’s cheek, shaking him until he blinks awake.
“I was totally paying attention and I think we should go with the second option,” he says, yawning.
“Not asking you to settle a debate, but nice try,” Pollux says.
“Well, shit. That one usually works.” He flicks still-tired eyes around the room, smiling when his gaze rests on Nico. Nico rolls his eyes, willing down the heat to his cheeks. Judging by the teasing edge Will’s grin takes, it does not work. “Whattaya need, then?
“The chariot,” Nyssa says. “Vans are breaking down again. I need a part from a shop in Roanoke.”
Will straightens. “Like, now?”
“In the next day or so, yeah.”
“There’s a strawberry delivery on Saturday,” Miranda pipes up. “So sooner rather than later.”
Will nods. “Yeah, that works. Hell, I can probably be back by —” he checks his watch — “late tonight, honestly. Just gimme the part number and —”
“I kind of meant that I could go,” Nyssa interrupts, looking at him strangely. “I know what the part looks like. I just need to borrow the chariot.”
Will presses his clasped hands to his face, inhaling deeply.
“I would absolutely love to lend you the chariot blessed by my father who has gone totally silent,” he begins, in a tone that makes Nico think that he would not, actually, absolutely love to lend out the chariot blessed by his father who has gone totally silent, “only that the last time I lent someone this super important chariot it came back in pieces.”
“I remember.” Nyssa levels him with a look. “I fixed it.”
“Exactly! So you appreciate how much I would like it to not be broken. In fact —”
“Alright,” Chiron interrupts, holding up a hand. “You’ve made your point, Will, the errand is yours. Choose a buddy to lower the chances of you dying and check in before you leave.”
Predictably, this choice is not well-recieved. Because why would things be easy?
“Totally not fair,” Sherman protests, the loudest of all complainers. “Will’s no less likely to break it just because his cabin thinks they own it —”
“Finish that thought and I will curse you in twelve different ways for the next eight months, Sherman.”
The Ares counsellor snaps his mouth shut, sensing the new, hardened edge in Will’s voice. “Noted.”
“He’s got a point, though,” Damien hedges. At Will’s glare — boy, is that chariot a sensitive topic, Nico is noticing — he holds his hands up, shrugging his shoulders. “We draw straws for small errand-quests, Will, you know that. It’s not fair that you just get to call dibs.”
Will takes a long, slow breath, fingers pressed to his temples. When he looks back up, his expression is flatter than the entirety of the Midwest, jaw set and eyebrow raised. He narrows his eyes, contemplating, then clearly comes to a decision, nodding to himself. Everyone watches with bated breath as he climbs up to stand on his chair, folds his hands together, clears his throat, and says, voice carefully controlled, “Who can guess how many surgeries I’ve done in the last week?”
For a long moment it’s so silent that Nico can hear every rustled shirt as people fidget, every aborted cough and uncomfortable swallow. Will’s eyes are piercing, and he takes the time to stare at every individual counsellor until they meet his eyes, squirming, and look immediately away.
Nico’s impressed. Sometimes he forgets how godsdamn rigid Will’s backbone is.
Finally, someone offers a guess.
“Try four,” Will corrects, smile more like a bare of teeth. “I have not had a circadian rhythm since I was thirteen years old. I sleep when I can. And yet, somehow, you clumsy fucks manage to near kill yourself at the exact moment my subconscious even considers approaching REM sleep, every single time, and then I get to spend my next several hours piecing your sorry ass back together by hand, since hymns barely work right now. If I have to see another surgical pin I am going to stab it through someone’s eye. Am I making a point?”
No one answers.
“‘Cause I can make it clearer,” Will drawls.
“No need,” Chiron says hastily. “The quest remains yours, so long as there are no further objections.”
Wisely, no one speaks up.
“Perfect. Nyssa, if you’ll stay behind with me to iron out some details, everyone else — dismissed.”
The tense air immediately evaporates as people practically spring out of their seats, sprinting for the door. Nico is among the last to leave, having to stay and stop several fleeing demigods to collect his wares. On his way out, a heavy arm slings over his shoulders, and he’s suddenly enveloped by the intoxicating scent of lavender body wash and pure sunshine.
“Get off me, Solace,” he complains immediately, coming up to wrap his hand around Will’s forearm in the guise of shoving him off. Will is entirely unfazed, holding him tighter.
“But I have a proposal.”
“Take it elsewhere.” He ducks out of Will’s hold and sweeps his legs out from under him, sending him sprawling with an oof. Unfortunately, he doesn’t look any less sunny and smiley from the ground, somehow making it work for him, actually. He settles against the soft grass, sighing, hair fanning out like a golden halo. He pats the spot next to him, eyes fluttering shut as he basks in the late morning sun, and Nico swallows roughly, joining him.
“You wanna come with me to Roanoke?”
“Yes,” Nico says automatically. Will grins, and he flushes. “I mean, I guess if I have to. Loser.”
“Ever so grateful, Neeks.”
“You should be.”
He keeps his voice prim and superior, attempting to uphold his image, and since he is delusional he convinces himself he’s successful. Will, though, is entirely undeterred, lazy smile still on his face and arms stretched above his head, the picture of unbothered. A sliver of skin shows where the hem of his shirt rises and Nico ignores it. He doesn’t even glance at it, or the glint of Will’s belly-button piercing, at all. Nor is he aware of Will’s shorts riding up, or the curve of his calves as he crosses his legs. All of these things go unnoticed. Obviously.
“I have a proposal for you, if you’re done checking me out.”
Nico shoves his flaming face in his knees. “Did you know that in all the corners of the Earth I have been to, I’ve only encountered three things uglier than you?”
Will’s grin only gets wider. His eyes, even, start to get squinty as the force of his smile squishes his cheeks. Entirely unsubtly, because Will is the least subtle person alive, he reaches out and sends a wave of calming energy into Nico’s body, slowing his rapid heart rate.
“Three things, Solace.”
“Of course, of course.” He removes his hand, graciously allowing Nico the space to breathe and remind his lungs that their job is not voluntary. “I’ll come pick you up in a half hour? Wear a jacket.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Nico pauses. “Yes.”
“God, you say such nerdy things unironically. How do you have friends?”
“I dunno.” He gets to his feet, brushing the dirt and grass from his shorts. “You tell me.” He leans down and presses a smacking kiss to Nico’s hair. Nico presses his fingers into his eyeballs until they hurt, screaming silently into his palms.
He waits until the smacking sounds of Will’s stupid flip-flops retreat before braving the world outside his little ball of misery, squinting at his retreating form.
“I think I should get a lobotomy,” he says out loud to himself, because, realistically, if his braincells are already spilling out of his ears like loose quarters every time Solace so much as smiles at him then there’s not much to lose, is there? and stomps off to his own cabin.
Out of spite, he chooses the New York Giants jacket he got from Percy, just because he knows Will hates it.
That’ll show him who’s bossing who around.
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girlgenius1111 · 8 months
stuck with me
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alexia x reader
alexia and r get into an argument just before the holiday break, as the stress of ale's knee injury bubbles over. r loses... a lot of sleep over it. alexia makes it up to her, even though she really doesn't have to.
no warnings :)
To be fair to Alexia, she didn't know you had sleep issues. How could she, when she'd practically been the cure for them? You'd had sleep problems long before you'd gotten together with Alexia, but they had... stopped, magically, when you started sharing a bed. Neither of you spent many nights alone once you got together, so most nights, you slept well, curled up against your steady, dependable girlfriend.
The exceptions were, obviously, when you went home for breaks without her and when you both had to go on national duty. You slept fine at home, away from the stresses of your job, in the comfort of the place you'd grown up in. Normally.
And in regards to national duty, you were lucky to have incredibly teammates. Lucy knew of your problem, and also knew that sleeping in the same bed as someone else was helpful. It wasn't Alexia, and it wasn't perfect, but you slept. You knew you'd have to find a solution when [if] Lucy retired, but for now, there was no reason why you'd spend more than the odd night without Alexia.
That was, of course, until her knee re-injury. Before the following surgery and holiday break. And the not insignificant fight that you'd gotten into with her around that time. It was a tough time for her, you knew, and she was coping with it the best she could. You'd been hovering over her, you knew that too.
You were just so worried, all the time. Alexia was so miserable not being able to play, so frustrated with her knee that sometimes you thought she was finally just going to breakdown and herself feel it all. She never did, though. Not until the day her and the medical team had decided on surgery. It was a few days before you were do back in England for the holidays, and you'd already been considering cancelling, and staying with your girlfriend. She needed you, physically and emotionally.
You really should have waited to bring up your plans to stay until she was in a better mood. Instead, you'd suggested it to her over a very quiet dinner, after the date for the arthroscopy had been set.
"I'm gonna cancel my plane tickets to London, I think. Stay here with you." You suggested casually.
"What?" Alexia asked, dropping her fork onto her plate with a loud clatter.
"I want to spend Christmas here. You're having surgery and-"
"No?" You said, slightly hurt by the tone of voice she was using.
"No, you have to go home and see your family. I will be fine here."
"Ale, I want to be here."
"I do not need you here." Alexia said finally, avoiding your gaze. You knew she didn't mean it; she was in pain, frustrated, anxious, and trying not to inconvenience you. Still, you felt your eyes fill with tears at the rejection, and you nodded silently, before turning back to your food. You wouldn't cry, couldn't add any more stress to Alexia's already insane load of it.
"Now you will not talk to me?" Alexia asked. You looked up at her in shock, surprised that the next words out of her mouth hadn't been an apology.
"Just leave it, Alexia. I'll be out of your way tomorrow." You said back quietly, allowing some of the sadness you were feeling seep into your voice.
"Do not be like that. You tell me all the time to tell you what I need, and what I need is for you to go to England and see your family."
"Alright, Ale. I got it. You want me to go, I understand." You tried your hardest to keep your voice steady, but it still shook towards the end of the sentence.
"Amor, stop. That is not what I am saying and you know it," Alexia argued.
"I don't really know what you're saying, Alexia. It sounds like you want me to go."
Alexia exhaled loudly, before pushing her chair away from the table and standing up.
"I cannot deal with you if you are going to be like this." She snapped, before slamming her plate into the sink and marching off to the bedroom.
You didn't understand, not really. It seemed like she didn't want you here. Because that's exactly what she had been saying to you. You knew it wasn't really you that was the problem, it was Alexia's inability to allow you to see how upset she was.
This was reinforced when you went into the bedroom a little while later to pack. The shower was on, but you could still hear her crying over the soft patter of water. You knocked on the door, prepared to let the fight go in favor of making sure she was okay, but the little whimpers and shaky breaths cut off abruptly, and she didn't say anything else.
She kept you at arms length for the rest of the night, only speaking when she asked you to come to bed, an olive branch she was extending. You did, but you both kept to your own sides of the bed. You didn't sleep well that night.
Alexia hugged you goodbye the next day at the airport, and you thought she held you a bit tighter than normal. She handed you a little note, requested that you read it on the plane, and softly kissed your cheek, before allowing you to go through security.
The note had been a lengthy apology, scrawled in her familiar loopy, messy handwriting, confirming that everything you thought was going on with her was correct. She was stressed, she didn't want you to worry, or change your plans for her. She shouldn't have yelled, or been so cruel, and she hadn't meant it. She loved you. So much, she said. Things would be better after her surgery.
You'd thanked her for her apology once you'd landed. You'd spoken, often, since then, but there was still so much tension. You were both busy with family, and there wasn't really any time to have an in depth conversation about what had transpired.
You knew the surgery had gone well, they'd fixed the problem, and that Alexia was doing much better. The second part wasn't something that she had to tell you, it was obvious in the increase in texts, and the mushiness that she included. Whenever she went through a hard time, she closed herself off, and when it ended, she'd always overcompensate, feeling guilty, until she went back to normal. That was Alexia, and you loved her.
The biggest casualty of this fight was, unfortunately, your sleep. You struggled while you were home, when normally, you slept fine there. Obviously not as well as when you were with Alexia, but fine. This time, though, you barely slept. Nothing worked, and the only time you were able to sleep was when your body literally shut down, forcing you to sleep for a few hours every other day or so. You were sure it was because of this unresolved fight, and you knew that once you physically saw your girlfriend, you'd be fine. Especially once you could go back to falling asleep on her chest, the steady beat of her heart making you feel warm, and safe, and comfortable.
This was why you'd cut your trip short, and were currently touching down in Spain, a full 5 days before you were supposed to return home. That, and you missed Alexia. You knew she was slightly confused; you'd been weirdly distant while you'd been gone, because you were exhausted, but she didn't know that. She assumed you were mad, until you told her you were coming home early. After that, she gave up trying to figure out what was going on with you, and focused herself on cleaning the apartment, going grocery shopping for all your favorite things, and buying you flowers. She'd been awful, she knew it, and she was determined to make it up to you.
Alexia was waiting for you by baggage claim; you saw her once you got halfway down the escalator. She was leaned against the wall, baseball cap sat over her blonde hair. She was wearing an old England sweatshirt of yours, and you couldn't help the grin that your lips lifted into at the sight. Your beautiful, perfect, girlfriend, head on an absolute swivel, determined not to miss you.
You saw the moment she she saw you, too, her lips turning up at the corners, shifting her weight from foot to foot as if she could barely contain herself from running to you, which she wasn't yet supposed to do. You got down the escalator and over to her in probably an embarrassingly short amount of time, taking care not to put too much of your weight on her, minding her healing knee.
"Amor," she sighed into your hair, arms holding you almost painfully tight.
"Hi, beautiful," you said back, words almost swallowed by her [your] sweatshirt, and the noisy crowds around you.
"Te extrañé mucho de menos," Alexia murmured, pulling back from the hug to pull you in for a kiss. She froze, however, eyebrows scrunching adorably, as she finally got a good look at your face. You knew what she was looking at. "Are you sick?" She asked, feeling your forehead with the back of her hand.
"No, not sick. Just a little tired."
She looked at you skeptically, hand unmoving from your forehead until you pushed it away and leaned up, pursing your lips expectantly. She smiled, finally meeting your lips in a sweet kiss. She pulled away much to soon in your opinion, laughing at your disgruntled expression.
"You need sleep, amor. We can go home and you can rest. Once you sleep, I will give you all the kisses you want, okay?"
"Fineeee," you sighed, allowing Alexia to take your hand, and lead you off to find your bag. She insisted on wheeling it out to the car, even though she was actively recovering from surgery, but she seemed determined to spoil you today.
You sat in content silence in the car, your girlfriend's hand intertwined with yours. You felt that you should have been sleepy, but you were completely wired, eyes open wide, tapping your knee repetitively.
"Do you want to tell me what is going on?" Alexia asked finally, about 10 minutes into the drive. She glanced at you out of the corner of her eye, spotting the way you went rigid at her question.
"What do you mean?"
"Amor, come on. You look like you have not slept in days." Your only response is a shrug, as you turn your attention out the window.
"Hey. Why did you not sleep?" Alexia insisted, pulling on your hand to get you to pay attention to her.
"I missed you." You replied finally, feeling Alexia's hand tighten around yours.
"I missed you too. That is why you did not sleep well?"
"I... I never used to sleep very well. Until I started sleeping next to you, and then I slept fine. I normally don't have problems sleeping when I go home, though, but this time... I think I was just stressed about our argument."
"I did not know that." Alexia said quietly. "You never told me."
"I know, I know. It just didn't seem like a big deal, because it wasn't, once I was with you."
Your girlfriend looked like she had a million questions, but she didn't ask them. "I am so sorry our fight made you lose sleep. I was completely unfair to you. You do not need to worry about anything now, though, okay? I made your favorite for dinner, if you are hungry. If not, we can just go right to bed. I am yours for the rest of break, whatever you need."
You ate the delicious dinner Alexia had cooked, and then took a warm shower. When you got out, you noticed that Alexia had completely unpacked for you, and laid out your favorite pajamas. She was already in the bed, despite it barely being 7pm, looking adorably cozy in a big sweatshirt, the hood tugged up over her head.
"Ale, we don't need to go to sleep now, it's early, you're probably not tired." You said as you pulled the pajamas on. The exhaustion was starting to hit you, and you wanted to promise that you could stay up until a normal time, but you weren't sure you could.
"A bit tired. Whether I fall asleep or not, I want to be right here. Anyway, I should put my knee up." Alexia said dismissively, patting the bed next to her.
"Ale," you began but she shook her head.
"No arguments, bebita. Get in bed." You sighed dramatically, but did as she asked, climbing under the covers and scooting right over to Alexia, as though she was a magnet. You settled against her, shutting your eyes. You heard the lamp flick off, and felt Alexia wrap an arm around you, tugging you into her side.
You tried to fall asleep. Really, you had no idea why you couldn't. You were here, with Alexia, and you should have been able to sleep, easily, especially considering how tired you were. You couldn't manage it though, quickly getting annoyed when your brain wouldn't just turn off.
After the 6th time you shifted positions, Alexia kissed the side of your head, and spoke. "Having a hard time?"
"Yes," you mumbled, burying your face in her chest.
"Be patient. You are exhausted, you will fall asleep soon. Just relax." Alexia encouraged, rubbing a hand up and down your back.
Another 10 minutes passed, in which you felt no closer to sleep. Rolling off of Alexia with a huff, you glared up at the ceiling. Next to you, Alexia rolled onto her side, propping herself up on her elbow to gaze down at you.
"You are putting too much pressure on yourself. It is just sleeping, bonita." She said quietly, running a soft finger over your cheek.
Tears of frustration beginning to pool in your eyes. It was just sleeping. It should be easy. You were just realizing for the first time how incredibly tired you were, and how difficult the past couple days had been.
"Do not cry, por favor," Alexia pleaded.
"I can't, I can't fall asleep." Alexia looked at you sympathetically, thumbs wiping away the tears that fell. She sat both of you up after a minute. "Take off your shirt," she instructed, pulling her own over her head, leaving her with only a sports bra on.
"I'm too tired for sex," you cried, the thought only making you more upset; you had missed your girlfriend. A lot. The fact that you were too tired to do anything about it was painful.
"Not sex, amor, just take your shirt off." Alexia insisted, pulling at the hem. You did as she asked, looking rather miserable. You, too, were left in only your bra, but Alexia's eyes were only on yours as she laid back down, rolling onto her side and pulling you in so your head was pressed right over her bare chest, where her heart was.
Your body relaxed without you telling it to, the feeling of Alexia, and only Alexia, engulfing you. Your skin was pressed to hers, inhaling the soft scent of her perfume, feeling her hands rub rhythmically up and down your bare back.
"There you go," she said into your hair, feeling your body sag against hers. "Sleep for me, okay?" She asked.
You couldn't have told her no if you wanted to. Your eyes shut almost immediately, and you felt suddenly so peaceful, brain slowing down until you were only thinking about how good your girlfriend felt against you.
When you woke up, you knew you'd been asleep for a while, if the amount of light flooding the room was any indication. It was bright, even with your eyes shut, which indicated that it was past noon; the sun only came in through the bedroom window after noon. Your body felt stiff but, for the first time in a while, you felt well rested. You were content to wake up slowly, enjoy the comfort of your bed
You attempted to roll over, searching for Alexia's side of the bed so you could use her pillow, (you swore it was comfier). Instead, you rolled right into Alexia herself, and heard her let out a soft laugh. You cracked your eyes open, finding Alexia laying on her back, arm still tucked around your shoulders. Her fingers flitted through your hair, and you relaxed back into her, scooting closer until your head was crammed into the crook of her neck.
"Why are you still in bed?" You mumbled into her. Her body vibrated under yours as she laughed again.
"Are you complaining?" She teased, clearly referencing the way you'd moved yourself so that every part of your body possible was be touching hers.
"No. It has to be late, though. You've been sleeping fine, you didn't have to stay in bed with me." You told her.
"I always sleep better with you, amor. I wanted you to rest, as much as you needed. You are cute when you sleep, anyway. Your nose scrunches up and you make little sounds when you roll around." Alexia murmured into your hair, and you didn't have to see her face to know she was blushing at the information she'd just revealed.
You left a kiss on her neck, before pulling away so you could see her face. "What time is it?"
Alexia didn't say anything, a slightly guilty expression on her face.
"Alexia Putellas, what time is it?" You demanded.
"3PM." She told you quietly.
"3PM?" You shouted, sitting upright in the bed. Sure enough, the clock on the nightstand reflected the time back to you. You'd slept the whole day away. Two of you didn't have any plans, but still.
"How much did you sleep while you were gone? Really, amor? The least I could do was help you rest." Alexia avoided your eyes.
"What do you mean the least you could do?" You asked, softening your tone.
"I was so horrible to you before you left. And then our fight made you not sleep well," the blonde explained, looking miserable.
"And you apologized, Ale. You were under a lot of stress, I get it." You really weren't mad anymore.
"No, that is not good enough. I have to make it up to you. I wanted you here with me, more than anything, but you have already done so much, and I did not want to ruin your Christmas." Alexia insisted, getting seemingly worked up.
"Alexia, I understand. You said all of this in your note."
"I want to say it again." Alexia said stubbornly, crossing her arms across her chest.
"Look at me." You instructed, turning face towards you with a hand on her cheek when she refused. Her eyes were glossy with unshed tears. "Amor, I forgive you. I told you I forgave you, when I read your letter. Do you not believe me?" You wondered, as your girlfriend didn't look the least bit relieved at you letting her off the hook.
"I believe you, it is just that...no se como decirlo." She sighed.
"Try, please. We've fought before, Alexia, worse than this. What is it about this one that is making you so upset?" You pressed, not relenting even as she shrugged in response.
"I do not want to lose you," Alexia whispered finally, a single tear sliding down her face, as she clenched her jaw, trying to keep together.
"Baby, you are not going to lose me." You promised, moving closer to take her hand in yours. "I knew you didn't mean what you said. You apologized, Alexia, it was just a stupid fight. We got past it, just like we'll get past every fight. Always."
"But what if I push you away again? And you get tired of it, and leave?"
"You could never push me away. I might give you space when you need it, but I will always be here for you. Even when you try to pretend you don't need me. I could never get tired of you, Alexia, and I could never leave you. Ever." You said the words slowly, trying to gauge if she believed you or not.
Although she looked slightly unsure, she did look less upset than she had a minute ago, her face relaxing somewhat as she finally look into your eyes.
"You're stuck me with, Ale. For as long as you want me." Alexia let out a wet laugh.
"I will always want you." She said, pulling you in closer to press her lips to yours. The kiss grew heated quickly, until you were straddling her lap, checking multiple times that her knee was unbothered by the position. She promised that it was fine, distracting you by sliding her hands up your sides, and pulling you back in for another messy kiss.
"Alexia, that is not exactly what I meant," you joked, pulling away briefly as she pulled your bra over your head.
"Me neither, but it has been days, and I have missed you. Let me show you how much I have missed you. Please?" Alexia asked, surprisingly shy as she ran her hand up and down your abdomen, teasing at the hem of your shorts.
You leaned in, you agreement clear in the way your lips met hers, tongue slipping in after a minute. As if you'd ever say no to that offer. You don't think you'd ever say no to anything Alexia asked you. Your love for her was the kind that transcended every issue that could possibly come up. It was you and her, forever.
inspired by my inability to sleep <3 [and my deep belief that sleeping next to a pretty girl would solve all my problems]
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rafeandonlyrafe · 11 months
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words: 1k
warnings: dad!rafe, other moms being haters, mention of plastic surgery
“i want mommy.” poppy says for the tenth time in the past minute, crossing her arms with a pout on her face, contrasting the cuteness of the bright pink jersey and pigtails in her hair.
“i told you, she’ll be here before your next game starts.” rafe says, pulling his daughter onto his lap, adjusting the baseball cap on her head. poppy is 4 years old and just started t-ball, having her first double header this weekend. thankfully, they’re given a enough time in between the games to have some lunch and unwind, not the the games are anything more than most of the other 4-year olds playing in the grass or throwing rocks at each other.
“aww, she misses her mommy?” one of the moms sitting nearby rafe asks, obviously eavesdropping on the conversation.
“yeah.” rafe says, chuckling as poppy buries her face into his chest in shyness. “she had an appointment this morning, but she will be here soon.”
rafe is uncomfortable with the amount of attention the other moms give him. it’s probably because he always takes poppy to practice, leaving you home to cook dinner and give a quick tidy up or relax while he watches her adorable attempts to swing the heavy baseball bat high enough to hit the ball. he loves being involved in his daughter's life, making a real effort to parent and do as much for her as you do, and one of his responsibilities is taking her to t-ball practice, just like how you always bathe her, or he always makes her breakfast in the mornings.
“will this be her first game of the season?”
rafe is confused by the question, considering it’s only the third weekend of games, and he’s never seen a couple of the girl’s dads, so why is this lady trying to call you out?
“it will.” he says curtly. 
“mommy isn’t around much, huh?” the mom still pries, this time directing her question to poppy.
poppy sniffles, trying to hold back her cries for a moment, before letting them out, “leave me alone, i want my mommy!” 
“i know, poppy.” rafe says, shushing her, giving the mom a stern glare. “poppy’s mom, and my wife, is a wonderful mother who is very much invested in her daughter’s life. she is just also a busy woman, who runs her own business. just because i bring poppy to practice and games, doesn’t give you any right to speculate. i haven’t seen your husband at all. is he not around much?”
the woman frowns and finally turns away, which does make poppy stop crying, but doesn’t cheer her up enough to do anything but stay leaned against rafe in his lawn chair, looking sad.
“you better not be pouting over me, little miss.”
poppy instantly perks up at your voice. “mommy, mommy, mommy!” she launches herself at you, and you catch her in a hug.
“hi baby.” you hold her close, letting her bury her head into your neck.
“hello, beautiful.” rafe says as you lean down to give him a kiss. he deepens it with a hand on the back of your neck, hoping that all those other women trying (and failing embarrassingly) to flirt with him when he’s alone with poppy realize how head over heels he is in love with you.
“how was your first game?” you ask poppy, sliding onto rafe’s lap, ignoring the empty lawn chair next to him. you thank yourself in that moment for buying the heavier duty expensive chairs, as you’re not concerned about them taking the weight of all three of you at all.
“good! i hit the ball three times!” poppy holds up three fingers, looking proud. “and i even got one girl out on first base!”
“no way!” you say, giving poppy a kiss, having missed your daughter desperately, but you have exciting news that means you’re gonna be taking some time off work soon. you run a small chain of local boutiques, and have finally built up a good staff that means you can trust them while you take some time away.
“it’s almost time for your next game, poppy.” rafe says, noticing the coach starting to get ready. 
“okay, daddy!” poppy hops up off your lap, grabbing her comically big baseball bag and heading off with a wave to the dugout. 
“i’m so glad i could make it.” you say, running your hand through rafe’s hair and giving him another kiss as you watch poppy take the field for warmups.
“me too. she’s so excited for you to watch. doesn’t even care about her dad.” he squeezes your side to show that he was joking. “how was your appointment?”
you’re about to answer when you hear a scoff. you look up, unbeknownst to you it’s the close friend of the woman flirting with rafe earlier. “is there a problem?” you were never one to back down from confrontation.
“appointment? what was this one for? getting your butt done just like your boobs?”
your mouth drops open in shock. you’ve never gotten any cosmetic surgery, but even if you had, it is not this womans business who you’ve never even seen before to comment on it.
“you know, i’m glad you think my natural boobs are so good that they’re fake. it’s a real compliment to me.”
“that’s not-” the woman goes to reply, but you cut her off.
“i bet you’re one of those weird moms who my husband has told me has been attempting to flirt with him. i’ll let you know to back off right now because the appointment i went to was a pregnancy check up. he’s very happy with me. he’s not interested in you.”
rafe doesn’t even bother to hold back his laugh as she gets up and storms off, taking her chair with her to sit further down the field.
“she’s got a shit view now.” you laugh, turning your attention back to poppy, completely unbothered by the interaction.
“i love you.” rafe says.
“oh, i know.” you smile.
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splinterclan · 2 months
Wait do you have an particular dislike for twolegs moorsnow? May I ask why I mean I agree they should be avoided but your reaction to dropletpaws question was alittle harsh.
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OOC: For the lore, since I'm gonna mostly only focus on living cats in the clan for my art/moons, Splinterclan was originally part of Oakclan; a large cat colony that got encroached on by a housing development. To help with the feral cats, a TNR program group was called in and started fixing cats, rehoming young kittens, and basically trying to get the numbers down. This is why Whorlstar took the few who would follow her and escaped to make a new clan.
For Moorsnow specifically, she and her mother were one of the first to get caught in live traps and taken to be spayed. While Moorsnow just lost her litter and was fixed, her mother ended up passing away from complications during the surgery and never returned. Obviously this gave Moor a lot of trauma, so this is where her great aversion to human-related things comes from.
(Double OOC I have personally taken part in TNR programs irl and they are a fantastic resource and great for real feral kitty health - they just make a great plot point for my fictional clangens as well lol)
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Look, This is gonna be one of those things that sounds bad until you read the whole story. Please don't read the title and go to 'yta' without reading.
AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
Look, My brother ISNT trans. He likes to wear kilts and sew, Which is what kind of started all of this. My brother is NOT trans, He loves being a boy (trust me, I can hear him enjoying being a boy in his room all the time. Theres no way he'd wanna chop it off(I mean this as a joke I don't actually know how the surgery works), He's told me multiple times that being told by others what he likes is 'feminine' and 'girly' upsets him because he's proud of being a boy and doesn't like being called a girl. Its not because he hates girls or thinks less of them, He just does not like being called the wrong gender which I'm sure you want to be called the correct gender too.)
Anyways lets begin. I (16F) am my little brothers (15M) best friend, Basically. We grew up together and do everything together, Including sewing. I liked it when I was younger, And eventually convinced him to try it as well. He loved it, And we love just sitting together and making random crap we usually end up selling at our yearly garage sale. (Our mom makes us sell all our unneeded crap every year, But we aren't complaining when we make like $100 for it, Mom and dad even help us figure out what we actually wanna keep (we sometimes see old things and go 'Oh I could never get rid of this' and then throw it away))
Sorry for the rambling, But you'll see why some of this is important to know.
Basically, We were getting our shit together for the garage sale, And invited over a mutual friend of ours, Who I'll call uhhh Ley (16F). Shes kind of obsessed with the LGBTQ and loves to help people 'realize' they're gay or trans or non-binary. By this I mean she'll literally bully people she 'knows' is gay or trans by always telling them they are and spreading rumors about them saying they are. The way she 'knows' these things are from gut feelings. I thought maybe she needed friends who would be honest with her and tell her gently that it needed to stop. She stopped being so bad with it and we even convinced her to admit to the rumors she started being fake. We've known her for around 3 years now, And she's stopped doing it as aggressively for 2 of those years. She still makes jabs and 'jokes' saying things like "Oh thats so girly, Are you sure you're not trans?" and "Oh thats such a boy thing to do, Are you a lesbian?", Both quotes she's said to me and my brother less than a week ago. I am straight and cis, So is my brother. We have nothing against the lgbt, We just aren't apart of it. We support the lgbtq as much as possible (with my part time job I like to donate some of my paycheck towards point of pride so people who need the surgeries or binders can get them), And are very open about supporting them.
While we were cleaning out my brothers room and finding stuff to throw into the 'sell' box (we like to do precleaning before our parents help us, It makes everything faster and less work on the people trying to help), And Ley found my brothers kilt. She did a long exaggerated gasp, Looking at my brother.
"So, How long have you been trans? Why didn't you tell me?? I knew it the whole time!"
My brother tried to explain that it was a kilt for men, And he wasn't trans, But she kept interrupting him saying crap like 'you don't have to lie I know now' and 'Its nothing to be embarrassed about, I knew ever since you started to sew'. The last straw for me was when she continued not listening to him and started to ask about how he was gonna come out as school. I yelled at her to get out, That neither of us were gay, Neither of us are trans, And neither of us are apart of any of the lgbtq. We are allies and nothing more. She tried to argue that he had a 'skirt' which OBVIOUSLY meant he was trans, I basically screamed at her that she was a stupid know it all who made everyone who wasn't apart of the lgbtq's life hell because she made sure everyone knew them as someone they arent (I know, I shouldn't of brought up 2 years in the past) and that I was tired of her trying to force everyone to be in the LGBTQ when its just not realistic. Not everyone is gay or trans, Some people are cis and straight. She started crying and left, We haven't spoken in a few days but I think I'm justified. I'm tired of living my life being told I'm something I'm not, I'm tired of seeing it happen to my brother too.
My brother later thanked me for standing up for him, Telling me it made him really upset when she said those things. To cheer him up we watched his favorite movies and I made him his favorite dinner (mom and dad both work day jobs so we both make lunch and dinner)
And for those who are gonna say that allies are apart of the LGBTQ I strongly believe the A is for aro/ace. Being an ally isn't a gender or sexuality
(unless people identify using ally/allyself of course or whatever it is, I'm not quite sure how neos work or whatever but I love to see how creative people get with it and am happy it gives people who don't identify with any of the normalized(? Idk the correct term but yknow the man woman and nb) genders a chance to be who they actually are)
Extra info on why I think I could be the asshole: I feel like we might've been able to explain it if we got her to shut up for a minute, But she kept talking over us. I feel like I went too far by insulting her, And I feel like I might be TA because she's also autistic (so is my brother though, And I have ADHD).
Why I think I'm NTA: My brother is really quiet and doesn't really defend himself often. He doesn't really know how to stand up for himself and is 'easy' to talk over (soft spoken, Quiet talking voice and nonconfrontational) which is why I believe I had to step in in his place, And I don't believe I did anything wrong defending my brother and making her stop calling him what hes not.
Anyways. AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
To see later: PINK PANTHER
What are these acronyms?
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anemptypuddingcup · 5 months
Beautiful inside & out.
Yamato x Female Reader Rewrite.
Yamato imagine original fic.
This goddamn fic needed a damn rewrite because I didn’t necessarily do the right research and ended up writing some sort of a cis-male Yamato fic. Might as well say it was a genderbent Yamato fic.
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Contains: Fluffy and smutty! Trans Man Yamato! We love our big boy. Yamato has surgery scars. Yamato also has big sharp bottom teeth (Oni headcanon for Yamato). Yamato has a bit of stubble on his chin too. Size difference kink. Grinding and/or frottage. Multiple rounds. Yamato’s stamina is fucking godly in this- Overstimulation towards Reader. A nice and fluffy fic. Writing’s a bit sloppy and repetitive in this one.
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The sun was shining its beautiful blood orange hue within the sky as it lingered to set on this hot yet beautiful fresh day. His hair was up high in a bun while his horns stuck out at the sides of his temple. His skin was tanned and super sun-kissed, mostly from staying out in the sun all day every day.
A heavy whine left him as he shuts his eyes and whimpered out loudly, desperate to just get out of this humid heat and go back inside the house where it would be just a tad bit cooler.
He was picking fresh vegetables from his garden, the pretty yet vibrant crisp colors making the vegetables look even more delicious than they already were. “I hope these are the best ones, didn’ she say she wanted sum fresher ones last time?” He quirks a brow and scratches his head as he stared at a bright and beautifully red tomato, trying to remember what you told him before he walked out of the house.
The heat was obviously making him a bit hazy if not dumber as he sat there in deep thought. His hand moves down from his temple and to his chin, scratching at the slight stubble he had running along it.
He shrugs and puts the vegetables he picked into the basket before slowly standing back up off his knees, a yawn leaving him as he stretched and smiled to himself. He stared down into the basket for a moment and nods happily, satisfied with the produce he’s picked out for you.
“Ahh, she’s gonna be so proud when she see’s these~”
♡ ♡ ♡
You hum out to yourself sweetly as you chopped at some potatoes, a little yawn leaving you as the summer’s heat made you all sticky yet tired. The hot heat had always drained your energy, especially around a time like this where you had to cook dinner. With the windows open and the scent of summer air, it was like a usual summer evening for both you and Yamato. One like any other would be.
And even though the sun was setting, the heat still stayed and lingered behind as if not wanting to leave and give your sweating body a break with cooling air.
Freshly washed rice was cooking in the rice steamer and diced vegetables were arranged along the counter alongside some seasonings. The aroma of freshly-brewed tea wafted throughout the kitchen which merged with the aroma of boiling curry cooking within a semi-small pot. You slowly slid the chopped vegetables into the pot and gave it a stir before putting the lid back on top.
You wiped at your sweating temple before standing onto your tip-toes to peer outside of the window.
“I hope Mato’s okay, he’s still hasn’t came inside yet…” You hummed to yourself, a slight worry spilling in your tone as you scratched at your head.
The sound of Yamato’s geta hitting the wooden floorboards of the steps had immediately alerted you, his heavy footsteps trailing up the steps and onto the back of the wooden porch. You hear him sigh out heavily while his hand slid open the screen door, a deep groan of exhaustion leaving him while he wiped the sweat from his brows.
He looks to you before smiling widely, his body stepping into the house and closing the door behind him before he ran over to you happily.
“Babes! I’ve got some fresh ones this time!” He beams, body slowly trailing over to yours as he watched you cook at the stove. You turn over to him and watched him crouch down to your height, your hand reaching out to touch his cheek while his face flushed all nervously at your touch. “They’re vibrant too! Thank you Yamato.” You praised and thanked him, a blush creeping across his face as he basked in your praise. He presses his hand softly against your head, feeling along the soft strands attached to your temple before he reaches down and presses a kiss to it.
You smile and giggle to him, mewling out as he began peppering smooches down to your cheek and then down along your neck. His sharp teeth pricked at your neck, tickling you yet at the same time giving a bit of a pleasurable feeling. “Mmgh~ M-Mato baby, I’m cooking!~” You giggles to him, shutting an eye at the arousing contact of his lips and teeth against your skin.
He whimpered before moving away from your neck, his body slowly standing up straight as he stared down at your smaller and cuter frame. He stared at you for a moment before noticing how slightly pale your face had looked. His brows furrowed in slight curiosity as he stared at your face for a moment before humming out.
“Are…Are you okay babes? You look a little…”
“I’m just a bit hot is all. I’m gonna be alright though Mato.”
“Hmmph…I guess if you say so…”
You giggled and froze as you heard the rice steamer go off, the sound catching you off guard and and making your eyes widen in slight surprise. “Mato love, can you get the rice out of the rice cooker for me? I’m almost done so I just need you to get that.” You asked him, stirring at the curry while he loomed over the stove and watched you. He slide his hand beneath his crop-top to scratch at his chest before nodding to you, a yawn leaving him before he hums out.
“Of course babes! I’ll get it f’ya.” He responded, his large footsteps trailing away from your smaller body and to the other side of the counter. You hum to yourself as Yamato opened the rice steamer and took the rice out, a hungry hum leaving his throat as he got that whiff of seasoned rice.
Yamato carefully opened the top cabinet to get some plates and pulls two out before he put even portions onto each plate. He peers over his shoulder to see you pulling the top off of the pot and tasting the curry before nodding to yourself, making sure it had tasted alright for both you and him. He pouts to himself and hesitated to ask but he mustered up the courage to turn around to you and ask his question. “Hey babes, is it alright if I get…more rice an’ curry?” He asked politely, not wanting to sound unfair but having a rather larger appetite. You hum out to him before you smiled and nodded in response.
“Of course Yamato! A big man needs a big meal right? Take as much as you’d like, I’m not going to eat much tonight anyways.” You accepted, allowing him to eat more than you while .
Yamato quirks a brow to you before throwing another big spoonful of rice onto his plate and picking up both his plate and yours from the counter. His hands held the platters steadily while he walked over to you with heavy yet balanced steps.
“Why not? Ain’t ya hungry after a long day burnin’ up in th’sun all day? It was pretty hot out there today.” He asked, giving you a bit of a worried look while he handed you the plates and watched you pour curry onto them.
“I’m just…not feeling as hungry I guess.” You responded, a sigh leaving you as you look up to him and handed his plate to him. Yamato pouts down to you and presses a smooch to your cheek to try and cheer you up. He takes your plate from your small hand and smiles as he walked off towards the doorway of the kitchen. “I’ll be waitin’ for ya in the front room, I’ll take ya plate in there f’ya too.” He says, quirking a bit of a worried smile before walks back to pepper another smooch to your temple. You chuckled and watched him walk away again and listened as his footsteps slowly vanish out of the kitchen and fade out into the hallway.
You could tell he was worried for you, as much as you’ve been doing all day he assumed that you would’ve worked up quite the appetite for it. However that wasn’t necessarily the case for you. Yes you were tired but…not very hungry unlike Yamato himself, but that’s what bothered him.
You take off the kettle off the stove and turned it off before you poured tea into the two teacups, your lips blowing air onto the tear to cool it off just a smidge. You slowly set them onto a little tray and taking them into the living room, your steps steady and slow as you walked down the hallway.
♡ ♡ ♡
Yamato had already blessed the food for you both, and he watched as you took small bites while he was practically scarfing his food down as if he was starved. While he was chewing, he started speaking to you, his hand covering his mouth as his lips had parted with his mouth still stuffed.
“Hey babes, I got a question f’ya.”
“Yes Yamato?”
“Will you ever get tired of me and…um…my size?”
“Like…D’ya ever worry ‘bout me ever hurtin’ ya? I mean…really. What if I hurt ya and don’ mean to?”
You paused for a moment and stopped chewing your food before looking up into his eyes, your eyes flickering to him before you sighed out. You swallowed your bite and giggled before you reach your hands out to cup his face, your thumbs running along the softness of his cheeks.
“Mato…I don’t ever worry about you hurting me because I know you won’t. Yes, you’re a big and strong man…but that’s exactly what I love about you~ You’re so big and so unique baby…”
You stare up into his beautiful amber eyes, watching them glisten and glimmer with love deep his heart. You wipe the small grain of rice from his cheek and he smiles so beautifully to you, his cheeks flushed as he processed your words deep within his mind.
He wraps his arms around your smaller frame and pulls you close before he press his lips against yours. His teeth bumped up against your temple and gave you that same sense of pleasure you’ve felt countless times before. You hum out to him lovingly and wrap your arms around his neck before pulling away. “Matooo, can’t we finish eating dinner first?~ Weren’t you so hungry earlier?” You teased, your fingers teasing at his ruby-red horns while he mewled out.
He huffs out and presses his hands to your shoulders, his eyes pouting to you while you blink to him. Admittedly, he was still a little negative and unsure with your words and he didn’t know whether he wanted to believe you or allow his stubborn mind to play at himself.
“Can…Can we make love tonight? I just wanna…I wanna stop thinkin’ this way! Reassure me! Make me think otherwise!” He pouts to you, a little whimper leaving him as he stared down at you with intensity. You stared up at him blankly before sighing out, your body shuddered at his tone while your heart began to pound out of your chest.
You blink softly to yourself before smiling to him, your hands cupping his face once again before you’d pepper a smooch to his temple and his horns. His eyes widens as he flinched from the sudden kiss to his horns, his hand nearly knocking his tea over as he stared down at you.
“You always know how to get me going, don’t you?~” You giggled, fluttering your lashes to him while he chuckles nervously in response. “If you want to we can, I’d love to make love with you any night~” You say all seductively, wrapping your arms around his neck while he held you closer to his body. His eyes softened up at your contact before he watched you pull away from him.
“I’m finished eating anyways, I’ll go freshen up for tonight. My body is so sticky from this heat we’ve been dealing with all day today..” You sighed out, staring up at him from below on his lap while he nods and grabs his plate which was nearly clean.
“O-Okay, I’ll take these for ya then.” He says, reaching out and grabbing your plate before he place it beneath his own. You smiled and hand him the teacups as well before climbing up off of his body, watching as his body slowly rose and stood up before he’d walk out of the living room. “Thank you, Mato..” You whispered, causing him to turn back around and smile to you before he walked far out into the hallway.
You huff out before standing up off of the floor, a groan leaving you as you stretched and walked out of the living room and down the hallway into your shared bedroom. The sound of your footsteps had him all giddy and ecstatic, he was already excited and couldn’t contain himself for very long.
“Man…I love ‘er s’much~ She’s s’perfect for me~” He sighed all lovingly, his cheeks reddening while his body grew hot yet full with love.
Regardless if he was a big man who had negative thoughts, you’d always wash ‘em away with your soft sweet voice filled with reassurance and acceptance. Though part of him couldn’t help but to be stubborn sometimes when it came to things like this. He was happy that you loved him for him, he felt like he could be free with his flaws freely without anyone complaining or picking at him for his imperfections or indifferences of his.
And yet, part of him still couldn’t help but to worry if he would really hurt you accidentally one day. His thoughts makes his walking come to a halt and he paused at the kitchen doorway before he stared down at the empty tea cups and dirty plates in his hand.
“Maybe…Maybe she’ll reassure my thoughts…with her love. I don’ need t’be worryin’ myself over somethin’ I know is just my own facade.”
He chuckles to himself at his pesky negative thoughts and walks over to the sink, getting down onto his knees before he’s softly set the dishes in the warm soapy water.
He hummed out to himself while shook his hips to the tune, cleaning and washing up the dishes while he looked out the window and stared up at the moon. He smirks to himself as he rinsed the soapy dishes out before setting them on the drying rack and washing his hands clean of any extra germs that lingered in his hands.
He closed the blinds to the window before he stood up on his own two feet and walked out of the kitchen, his hand flicking off the light switch as behind him as he walked out.
♡ ♡ ♡
“Baby? Everythin’ alright in there?” He called out, his hand reaching out to the doorknob before he slide the shoji door open. His eyes flicked up before they widened and blinked blankly, his amber eyes staring at your naked back while he watched you slowly look over your shoulder to look at him.
“Hm?~ You wanted to do something tonight didn’t you Yamato?”
“I-I didn’ think- U-Um-“
“Don’t tell me you’re nervous Yamato~”
His face burns a deep shade of red as he pouts and walks into the bedroom, his hand shutting the door behind himself. “M-Me? Nervous!? Ya must be jokin’!” He responded loudly, a laugh leaving him as he tried to hide his nervousness from you.
“Don’t be scared Yamato, you aren’t going to hurt me baby~ I promise you.” You say, turning over onto your tummy while you lifted and moved your forelegs back and forth. Yamato gulps before pulling off his crop top and slipping off his joggers, leaving him in nothing but his boxers while he began to grow sweaty from his own nervousness.
“F-Fine…Just lemme bathe first.” He sighed out, his hand pulling at his hair tie before he’d loosened his bun completely, allowing his stands to fall freely along his back.
You chuckled and nodded in response, teasing him with your body while he growled out nervously in response. “I’ll be waiting for you then, Yamato~” You hum out to him, your tone of voice teasing and making him blush deeply as he walked into the bathroom and slowly closed the door behind himself.
You sigh out and look away from the door before sitting there in silence, your hands teasing at your body while you waited for Yamato to finish showering.
♡ ♡ ♡
“Oi, m’finished showerin’~ Now what is it that ya wanted t’do?-“ Yamato slowly walks out of the bathroom, his hands still running the towel through his snow white strands as he stepped into your shared bedroom. You slowly sit up and turn over to him before smiling, watching as he continued to dry up his dampened hair well enough. He lands his amber eyes onto you and smiles, his hands throwing the towel onto the floor before he’d jump straight onto your shared bed.
You yelp out in response and bounce up a bit from Yamato’s larger stature hitting your shared bed. You giggle to him, his larger hands reaching out and picking you up before pulling you closer to him.
“Hi babes~”
“Hi Yamato~”
He chuckled before pressing his lips against yours, a mewl leaving him as his tongue slid past your lips so impatiently. You hum out all sweetly against his lips and wrap your arms around his neck, your hands rubbing against his soft pretty strands alongside his smooth yet roughed-up skin.
His hands ran up along your back, a groan leaving him as he pulls away from your lips and pressed them back against yours again. His hand slid down in between your legs and began playing at your slit, his fingertips running against your cunt making you gasp out shakily while you gripped his shoulders tighly.
“Already sticky down ‘ere I see~” He gasps out, pulling away from your lips while his fingers played with your slit. You mewl out at the feeling of his thick fingers running along your pussy. “Of course I am~ I’m excited to feel your body against mine after so long~ I’m surprised you wanted convincing on how much I really trust you…” You say nervously, your thighs squeezing together against his hand while you stared up at him with your nervous little eyes.
“I always need convincin’, how else will I ever know that ya genuinely love me for me? No one would want to be with someone as…big and grizzly as myself…”
“Come on baby…I would. I am with you! Why else would I be with you other than for yourself baby?” You asked him, your question causing his brows to raise in response while he grows quiet. He blushes and turns away from you before sighing out, now realizing that once again his mind was playing with him and just making him more worrisome.
“I already told you that I love your body Yamato. Not just your body, I love everything about you just like how you love everything about me.” You continued, your hand running down between your legs and running against the soft skin of his fingers. He squeaks out at your contact and he stared down into your eyes while you look back up into his.
“You love everything about me, right? That’s why you’re with me isn’t it?” You asked him nervously, tilting your head while you gave him an unsure look. His eyes widens in response and he immediately nodded without a second thought.
“H-Hell yeah I do! I wouldn’ be with ya otherwise if I wasn’ so sure…” He yells out in nervousness, not wanting to make it seem like he didn’t love you when he obviously did.
“Well that’s how I feel about you baby, you can always be confident that I’ll love you no matter what happens.” You say smiling to him, your words flattering him and making his heart flutter and skip a beat.
He hugs you tightly and gives you a loving smooch before pulling away, a lovable sigh spilling past his lips as he stared down into your eyes.
“God, lemme fuck ya~ All this sweet talkin’ got me soakin’ f’ya~”
“Please fuck me good Yamato~ Prove to me that you feel the same for me as I do for you.”
“I…I will baby. I will…”
♡ ♡ ♡
Yamato grabs your hips and presses his pussy up against yours, a soft sigh leaving him as his clit smooches up against yours. You let out a soft moan and trembled against him, staring down at his cunt while he stared into your pretty eyes. He adored how small you were beneath him, dominating your smaller body was so easy for him to accomplish. He loved how your body would squirm beneath him, the bigger he was the more pleasure he could feed your body.
“Ya ready?~” He asked teasingly, his lips curling up into a smirk while you look up into his eyes. You nodded softly and smiled, giving him the permission to start moving his hips against yours while you watched from below. You gasp out suddenly and watched as he began rocking his hips into yours, a groan leaving him as he felt your sticky slick running along his pussy.
“God ya s’fuckin’ wet baby~ Makin’ my pussy feel real good like this~” He groans outs, his hands pressing against either side of you while he stared down at your body already melting for him. You blushed deeply and bit your bottom lip, staring up at him while you sigh and gasp out shakily in response.
He chuckles and sits up a bit before grinding his hips a bit faster, his face wincing just a bit out of pleasure while he lets out a moan of ecstasy. He watched as you moan out for him, biting your bottom lip while he fucks your pussy all needily. “Ahhh~ Y-Yamato~ I-It feels s’good~” You moan out all sweetly to him, your brows furling as you watched him slide and grind his pussy all up against yours.
“Ahh~ I’m g-glad it does~ Ya better get ready cuz m’gonna make sure ya feel all of my love!~” He hums out, licking his lips while his hands began playing at your breasts. You huff out shakily to him as your body began to rock a bit hard, with Yamato’s hips going at an immaculate pace while his grinding was steady and rhythmic.
You arch your back and hiss out shakily, looking up to Yamato while he bends down and gives you a deepened kiss. “Mmh~ Ya gonna feel my love baby~ M’gonna make ya feel it, god m’gonna make ya feel s’good~” He gasps out shakily, throwing his head back while he propped himself up on his hands.
You let out angelic moans as he grinds up against you harder and faster against your cunt, your hands gripping the sheets tightly while you moan out and threw your head back. “Oh Yamato~ Y-Yamato I-I’m gonna cum soon~” You whined, your face scrunching up as you slowly lied back onto your fluffy pillows.
Yamato chuckles and grips one of your legs before going a bit faster, causing you to gasp and moan out beneath him while he fucked you so easily. “Cmon then babes~ I wanna feel ya squirtin’ on m’pussy~ Cmonnn~” He mewls out shakily, his breaths growing heavy while he played at his clit teasingly in front of you.
You whined out and press your head to your temple before moaning out loudly, your hands reaching out for his while he chuckled and reached out to you. “Fuck fuck- Y-Yamato!~ Oh god, Yamato!~” His hands waffled with yours and he watched as you unfurled beneath him, a heavy yet loud gasp erupting past your lips as you squirt out onto his pussy against yours. He hissed out and runs his thumb along your clit, trying to help ride your high out while he continued to grind against your cunt.
You whine out shakily as you yearned for him to stop and give you a second to breathe, but he didn’t and your body didn’t necessarily want him to. “Fuck ya so cute like that babes!~ S’fuckin’ adorable an’ needy~” He hums, his lips pressing a smooch to yours while his hips didn’t halt for a second. You whine out shakily, realizing that he wasn’t stopping regardless if you’d just came.
“Cmon baby, that was just th’first round! I haven’t even came yet!” He says playfully, giving you a little smile while you whined out to him in response. “P-Please Yamato~ I-I just c-came~” You whined out to him, a bit of years pricking at eyes as you pouted to him. Yamato chuckled mischievously and looks down at you with a glint in his eyes.
“No no baby…Ya just lay right there. I’m gonna fuck ya pussy and make ya cum even more!~” He says darkly, his tongue trailing across his lips as he finished his sentence. You breathe out shakily and stare up at him before whimpering in response, a bit excited yet nervous to see how rough he’ll go on you.
♡ ♡ ♡
“W-Wait!~ A-Ah!- S-Slow down Y-Yamato!~”
“Nah! I ain’ slowin’ down for nun’! I wanna show ya how much I love ya! How much I love this fuckin’ body of yours!”
You gasp out shakily and held on tight to your pillow, a heavy whine leaving you while tears rolled down your face and drool spilled past your lips. Yamato was breathing heavily above you, his hand gripping your thigh and keeping it up while he ran his pussy up against yours so vigorously and yet so hard.
Both of your pussies were all sticky with slick and cum, yet Yamato was still full of energy as if he hadn’t came three times already. Your mind was practically melting at this point and Yamato was absolutely loving how you looked crumbling beneath him.
Groans left his lips as he got a good look at your adorably sticky face, his smile growing wide as he stared down at you melting beneath his body. He watched your breasts bounce with every movement he took rocking his hips against yours, a handful of moans leaving your lips like a sweet angelic song.
“M-M’gonna cum a-again, Yamato~” You whimpered out loudly yet shakily to him, your eyes shutting softly as your lied your head back in sweet arousal. “Aww again? Ya so sensitive ain’cha?” He teased, a little snicker leaving him as he smiled down at your broken little state. You sigh out heavily yet weakly, begging him to give you a break with the press of your hand against his chest.
His brows raise in response and he smiles and bends over your, hovering over your body. His smirk grows into a wide smile as he smooched your lips, grinding his hips harder before he began to gasp out. “Fuck, m’close again~ I know ya wanna cum to so I’ll let ya~” He whispered to you, his hips beginning to go faster against yours while you let out a broken moan.
You groan out heavily and pull him close, your moans all soft and broken as your pussy fluttered against his. You let out a silent moan as you threw your head back, your pussy gushing all over his while he sighs out shakily. He chuckled before gasping out, his temple against yours as he breathed heavily against your lips.
His body shudders and he lets out a heavy growl, his body shuddering against yours as he squirts out into your pussy and lower abdomen. He humps you a few more time before he stopped completely, a hum leaving his lips as he looked down at you who was all fucked out and drooling.
He giggles and gives you another sticky smooch before slowly pulling himself off of you, a string of cum and slick disconnecting from both of your pussies. He sets himself down beside you and pulled you up into his arms, his arms cradling you as if you were a precious gem in his delicate hands.
“Did I….Did I do good ‘nough for ya babes…?”
You lied there unresponsive for a bit, causing him to move in closer to you before you looked into his eyes and smiled to him.
“Y-Yes baby~ Y-You did m-more than enough~” You responded a bit afterwards, huffing out as he sat there and stared down into your eyes. He slowly spreads out and lies down onto your shared bed, his arms resting you beside him while he lied down and spooned your smaller body inside of his.
“I-I t-told you~ I-I would l-love you no m-matter what~” You sigh out, your tone broken yet loving and caring for Yamato while he gave you the slightest look of worry.
“I-I know babes, but…are ya okay?”
“I’m f-fineeee~” You giggles to him, your fingers tickling at your chin while you felt his slight bit of scruff scratching at your fingers.
He sighs out and rests his head in his hand, his eyes watching as your slowly closed unconsciously out of exhaustion. He giggled a bit before pressing a smooth against your temple.
“I love you like how you love me babes…”
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azzibuckets · 4 months
For the Love of the Game [Pazzi | Part 10/10]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: the end 🙏
a/n: decided to combine the last two chapters into one! don’t mind the abrupt ending
word count: 2.1k
masterlist w/ all parts
“You and Paige played together on the U16 and U17 USA Basketball teams, where you guys won a championship at the 2018 FIBA World Cup. Has there been a noticeable difference in your on-court chemistry from USA Baskerball to UConn after the development of your more personal relationship?”
Azzi stared at Leo blankly. “With Paige’s ACL, we haven’t gotten many opportunities to play together yet, so I wouldn’t know.”
Leo raised her eyebrows expectantly. When Azzi crossed her arms and looked away, refusing to speak anymore, she sighed in frustration and clicked her pen. “Okay…” she drawled out. Her eyes scanned her notes for the next question. “Paige was the first freshman to win the AP and Naismith Player of the Year. Although she’s still an underclassman, it would be fair to say she has a lot of valuable experience and natural leadership. What have you personally learned from Paige?”
“That she’s a fuck ass bitch,” Azzi whispered under her breath.
Leo leaned forward. “What was that?”
“Nothing.” Azzi smiled charmingly at the blinking red dot on the camera. “Paige definitely makes her presence known on the court.“ She paused, gathering her thoughts. Leo sent her an encouraging smile, her pen finally scribbling for the first time in the entire interview.
Azzi thought back to the way Paige had used to speak to her, both in their time playing together at USA Basketball and in the months leading up to their agreement. “It’s the fact that you can’t shoot a mid ranger without getting the ball turned over. These are basic foundations of basketball, Fudd. You’re playing college ball now. It’s time to grow up.” Paige had spat, months earlier. Azzi pursed her lips, her anger further fueled from the words they’d thrown at each other in the hospital bathroom the week before. “If she sees a weakness or a flaw in your play, she won’t hesitate to point it out. She likes having her way with things.” Leo’s smile slowly faded. “She has a whole system set up at UConn, and if you dare challenge it, she’ll make you regret it.” By the end of her rant, Azzi was rigid in her seat, the tips of her ears on fire as she riled herself up.
Leo’s pen slowly started moving. She aggressively slammed down her pen and paused the camera. “We can’t use that!”
Azzi looked innocently at her. “Why not?”
“No one is gonna watch this film and think you guys are dating with the way you’re speaking about her,” Leo scowled.
Azzi rolled her eyes. “I doubt Paige said anything positive about me either. Why can’t you just bin the interviews and work with the segments you already have?”
“No, she didn’t,” Leo answered roughly. “Paige gave great answers. You’re the one that’s hard to work with.”
Azzi’s leg stopped jittering. “What do you mean great answers?”
Leo clicked away on her laptop before swiveling it around to face the dark haired girl. “Watch,” she demanded, pressing play.
The video was dark and muted at first, until someone adjusted the camera and it showed Paige, sitting in one of those director’s cameras. A mic was attached to the collar of her jersey, and her hair was pinned up in her signature two braids and ponytail. Azzi’s heart ached. This was her first time seeing Paige since their incident in the bathroom, and she looked good. Better than good. She’d obviously recovered well from her surgery; her skin was glowing and the bags under her eyes were lighter than normal. Her deep blue eyes were sparkling, and she looked in a good mood.
Leo’s voice filtered in from off camera. “What do you like about Azzi?”
Paige smiled uneasily. “Basketball wise or uh,” she shifted in her seat, “girlfriend wise?”
“Well, in terms of basketball, I don’t really have to speak for her,” Paige laughed all nervous, and Azzi could feel her blood pumping faster through her veins. “I mean, everyone knows how good she is. She has a killer pull-up and unlimited range. Her jump shot is perfect, and she’s lethal with her catch and shoot threes.”
At that moment, Leo cut in. “Many people have been saying that with you out, UConn suffers a major drawback. Are you worried about the position of your team without your guidance on the court?”
Paige’s expression changed. “I hear that, and I understand that, but honestly, I’m not as worried as people think I am. Each player on the team is a valuable asset. If we’re talking about Azzi, she’s been putting in extra work to expand her offensive role ever since my injury. I’ve been watching her at practice, and let’s just say, I think that other teams should be even more scared of UConn this upcoming season.”
Azzi felt like someone had just dumped an entire bucket of ice water on her head. What was Paige saying? She’d expected Paige to be condescending, that of course the team was going to suffer badly without her, to laugh at the idea that Azzi would be able to compensate for her loss. But here Paige was, talking about Azzi like she’d hung the damn moon.
Leo’s voice on the video brought her back to attention. “Now, what about personally? You and Azzi have been recently named the ‘it couple’ of women’s baseball, even despite your…” Leo hesitated as she searched for the right word, “tumultuous history. We’d love to learn about what you appreciate about who fans have dubbed as the people’s princess.”
Paige smiled tightly. Azzi noticed her tapping her finger against the side of her leg, a nervous tic that not many people knew she had. “Azzi is a really good person.”
“Can you expand on that?”
Paige’s eyes focused on her lap. “She’s very selfless. Especially in the beginning, I struggled a lot mentally with my injury. Basketball means the world to me, and not being able to play it is devastating. But Azzi, you know, she’s torn her ACL before. She was there for me in the whole process, driving me to rehab sessions and making sure I always ate and doing stupid things with me to get my mind off my knee.” A faint smile flickered on the blonde’s lips as she thought to herself. “I probably wouldn’t have survived it without her.”
Azzi swallowed, trying to dissipate the knot forming in her throat. She’d been so furious at Paige just moments before - for minimizing her struggle to find her sexual identity, for trying to make their situation and her feelings so black and white when everything was a muddled grey for her. And now, Azzi was positively vibrating, like she was a little schoolgirl whose crush had just complimented her.
“You see?” Leo shut her laptop, giving Azzi a pointed look. “This is what we’re aiming for.”
Azzi rubbed her palms together, thinking. Paige had callen her confusing, but right now, Paige was the confusing one. She’d essentially told Azzi to go away and never speak to her again, and then pulled shit like this. How could Azzi stay away from her when Paige was putting her name on a banner and waving it for everyone to see?
Paige studied the notepad of plays in front of her. When the circles and xs and lines started blurring together on the paper from her staring at it so hard, she exhaled, letting her eyes shut for a moment.
“Hey,” Geno said gently from besides her. “Stop stressing. The girls got it.”
Paige nodded, looking up to watch her team as they warmed up for the season opener. Every bone in her body itched to be out there, stretching and warming up her shots with her girls. But she couldn’t, and right now she had to trust her team. Besides, she had an important job out here too. She’d helped draw up half of these plays, going over the strategy and who to place where in order to maximize each player’s individual talents and get as many points as possible.
Her eyes fell on Azzi. She looked nervous for her first official debut of her college career, and Paige wanted to mentally send her a message - to tell her to keep her chin up, to play as hard as possible and show everyone why she was the #1 high school recruit of her class. But Paige knew that talking to Azzi now for the first time in a month would probably heighten the girl’s nerves even more, so she kept her mouth shut, forcing herself to look away.
At half time of the game, Azzi had already scored 10 points, but Paige could tell that she was off. The crowds in the stands were large and loud, even for a season opener, and she could tell it was getting to the younger girl’s head by the way she kept missing shots she normally would’ve aced.
Someone tapped Paige’s shoulder from behind her. She turned around and saw a few guys sitting together who looked like they attended UConn. “Hey,” one of them nodded. “You miss being part of the action?”
Paige liked talking to fans, but right now she wanted to focus on the game, so she only gave a quick nod in response before turning around.
Soon, another tap came. Trying not to roll her eyes, she turned around again. “Yes?”
“It looks like your team needs you,” one of the guys chuckled, his eyes fixed on the court. Paige followed his gaze to the girls playing, and right on cue, Azzi sailed another shot. Paige’s heart lurched as the younger girl bit her lip and sprinted back to defense, a hollow look in her eyes.
“You carry the team, bro. Number 35 just missed again. You might need to give her some pointers.” The guy grinned at her, as if what he’d said was a compliment. Then, as if he couldn’t get any more audacity, he whipped out a Sharpie and dropped it on her lap. “By the way, can you sign my jersey?”
Paige stared in disbelief at the Sharpie before she picked it up and threw it at his face. She felt a sadistic sense of satisfaction as the Sharpie hit the guy right in the eye and he howled, hands going to up to massage the area.
“I’m not signing any of your shit,” she growled. “Number 35 has a name, and Azzi Fudd would drop 20 on your sorry ass any day.” With that, she turned around, fury pulsing through her veins and enlivening her senses. She secretly applauded herself for having the self control not to punch the living daylights out of that guy right then and there.
Thankfully, Azzi seemed to get ahold of her nerves after Geno’s inspiring speech at half, going on to score 10 additional points while barely missing any more shots, an impressive performance for a freshman debut. The game ended with Aaliyah pulling through to hit the game-winning buzzer beater.
Deciding that was cause for celebration, the team decided to go to Tim’s for drinks together after. Paige went straight to the bar as soon as they arrived, ordering a Shirley Temple. When she turned around, she came face to face with the guys from the game earlier.
“Hey,” one of them smirked. “Go tell your lesbo girlfriend good job for me. She looked a little rusty tonight but if you give her my number I can help her with that.” Laughing, he threw a crumpled up piece of paper at Paige, hitting her in the chest, and that’s when everything went red.
Flinging her crutches to the side, Paige moved towards him with a ferocity she’d never felt, grabbing the collar of his shirt. “Listen here, motherfucker,” she hissed. “Clearly your mother didn’t teach you any manners so I guess it’s up to me.” She let go, and the guy stumbled back, fear in his eyes. Then she reared her first back and punched him.
The guy cried out in pain, blood gushing from his nose. Incensed, his friends turned on Paige. “Come on,” she becked her hands at them. “Give me all you’ve got.” The guy she’d hit with the Sharpie earlier lunged towards her, but before he could reach her, hands grabbed Paige’s hips and pulled her back.
“What the fuck are you doing?” A familiar voice growled into her ear, restraining Paige as her other teammates rushed to intervene.
“I was giving them what they deserved,” Paige said bitterly, turning away from the scene. She shook out her hand, her knuckles aching.
“In case you haven’t noticed, there’s three of them and one of you.” Azzi forcefully moved Paige’s hips so that they were facing each other now. “What the hell has gotten into you?”
“Azzi! Take Paige away before she does any more damage,” Nika demanded as one of the guys she was pushing away started spitting curses at Paige.
Azzi grabbed Paige’s crutches, marching her off to the bathroom. She slammed the door behind them, anger evident in the slanting of her eyebrows and flattening of her mouth. “Are you serious, Paige? Getting into fights at the bar? You could get a suspension for this!”
“It doesn’t matter.” Paige fixed her eyes on the peeling paint on the wall. “I can’t even play anyways.”
“You said you don’t need my help.” Azzi paced back and forth angrily. “But here you are, throwing yourself at the hands of three grown men.”
“I didn’t need your help. I had the situation under control,” Paige said coldly.
Azzi grabbed Paige’s shoulders, shaking them. “You’re in crutches, Paige. You can barely even move. I get that you’re frustrated with your injury but you can’t just ignore it!” Azzi slumped against the sink, her head in her hands. “Why’d you even start attacking them anyways? Nothing is worth putting yourself in danger like that.”
You’re worth it, Paige thought. But she stayed quiet, hoping Azzi’s anger would blow over.
“Are you serious? You’re not even gonna tell me what started this whole thing?” Azzi threw up her hands in exasperation. “Is this what you’re like now? Being all moody and mysterious and hitting people whenever you feel like it? I don’t even know you anymore.”
Paige clenched and unclenched her fist. The soreness was starting to get her. Azzi must’ve noticed, because she took her hand and examined it.
“It’s gonna bruise,” Azzi said, her voice now soft.
Paige shrugged.
Sighing, Azzi gently led Paige’s hand under the faucet. She gently washed away the blood on her knuckles. Paige flinched - not at the pain, but from the all too familiar feeling of Azzi’s fingers touching her.
Azzi managed to find some bandages after rummaging through the cabinets. She slowly wrapped the gauze around Paige’s knuckles, her touch sending electric sparks through Paige’s hand. Neither of them spoke as Azzi patched her up, the tension in the air thick.
Paige swallowed, the silence becoming overbearing. “They were saying things about you.”
Azzi’s eyes shot up, her hand stilling. “What?”
Paige ducked her head, avoiding her stare. “The guys. They were at the game and making stupid comments the entire time, and I mostly ignored them.” She huffed. “But then they came here, and when they said something else, I just lost it.”
Azzi’s jaw clenched. She finished wounding the bandage, but she didn’t let go of Paige’s hand, and Paige didn’t move either. “I don’t need you defending my honor,” Azzi said quietly. Her thumb brushed once against Paige’s knuckles. “People like those guys are always gonna talk. It’s better to just ignore them and not give them what they want.”
Paige grunted, clearly not heeding Azzi’s words.
Azzi’s lips parted. “I miss you.”
Paige grinded her teeth.
“And I know you miss me too.” Azzi put her finger under Paige’s chin, forcing her to make eye contact. “I watched your interview with Leo.”
Paige cursed. “I told her not to show you that.”
“I would’ve seen it eventually, once she published her film.” Azzi studied the blonde’s face, memorizing the features she’d missed so much. Her long eyelashes, the way they fluttered. The wrinkle in the corner of her eyebrow. The turn of her pretty pink lips.
“I know you’re angry that I couldn’t tell you what I wanted. I was still figuring myself out. And these past few weeks, I’ve been working at it. Trying to come to terms with my sexuality.” Azzi took a deep breath, stepping closer. Paige’s hands instinctively went down, brushing the younger girl’s waist as the distance between them grew closer.
“I think I’m bi,” Azzi breathed out. “And if you can’t respect that, then I don’t think we can be together. But I don’t think my sexuality was the issue. I think that you were hurting, and you were impatient, and you wanted an immediate answer, and when I couldn’t give that to you, you ran away.”
Paige’s eyebrows furrowed.
“We’re killing each other, P,” Azzi whispered. “It’s torture not being able to see you and kiss you every day. And you’re obviously not coping with it any better than I am.” She brought her hands to cup Paige’s face, pressing their foreheads together. Paige relaxed, leaning into her touch.
“I need you, Paige,” Azzi begged. “I need us.”
Paige’s heart erupted, and she closed the gap between them, bringing her lips to Azzi’s and pulling her in for a bruising kiss. Azzi gasped, but recovered quickly, tangling her hands into Paige’s hair.
“‘M sorry,” Paige breathed as soon as they broke apart. “I was so awful. I should’ve never made you feel stupid for trying to figure out your sexuality.” She bit her lip, anguish in her eyes. “It’s just always been so easy for me. I’ve always known I liked girls. I was being hot-headed and I didn’t consider how you were feeling.”
Azzi laughed. “Yeah, that was pretty shitty of you. But I did some selfish shit too.” She nudged her nose with Paige’s. “And I think it’d be fair to call us even.”
Paige trailed her hands up Azzi’s sides. “What I told you at my surgery was complete bullshit. You’re always on my mind, driving me fuckin’ insane. I’ve missed you so much.”
“I know. Getting into fights and everything. A little part of me is flattered,” Azzi joked. Paige groaned in embarrassment, hiding her face in the crease of Azzi’s neck. Azzi brought her hands up to rub her back in calming circles. “Everything’s over. We went on the Europe trip, where you ignored me the whole time,” she laughed at that. “And Leo’s done with her film. She’s set to submit it tomorrow.”
Paige nodded, drawing back to look Azzi in the eye. “No more of this fake dating shit. I want you to be my girl for real.” She tenderly caressed Azzi’s cheek, not believing how someone as beautiful and kind as Azzi could want someone like her. “I meant everything I said in the interview, ya know? About how talented you are at basketball and how selfless you are in real life.”
“I know,” Azzi whispered, “I know.”
“I’m gonna take you on a date,” Paige rambled. “A good fucking date. The best date you’ve ever had. Gonna make you forget about all the other girls you’ve ever been with.”
“That sounds great, baby,” Azzi giggled softly, her hand playing with the wisps of hair at the base of Pige’s neck.
“Gonna make you fall in love with me,” Paige mumbled, her head dropping on Azzi’s shoulder. Azzi smiled. You already have, she thought silently.
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augustvandyne · 8 months
Hi I wanted to ask if you would write a Lucy Chen imagine. Where the reader is also a police officer and gets hurt badly, so Lucy is very worried. Just fluff with a bit of angst.
Thank you very much.
ofc ofc ofc!
Lucy could tell it was going to be bad by the shake of your voice on the radio. You’d shakily asked for backup, but it was too late.
You and Lucy hadn’t been riding together that day, and that was the worst decision Sergeant Grey had ever made.
You were assigned to a shop with yourself, while Lucy was with Tim.
She didn’t understand. She’d seen you twenty minutes ago, tops. But from there the two of you had went separate ways.
Her voice broke, “Tim,” as soon as your voice had disappeared, and with one look at the woman, he stepped on the gas.
Tim gave her the spiel, if she wasn’t able to handle it, she’d have to step aside until you were safely transported to the hospital, where Tim would take her right after this, along with the rest of the station.
To say the way you looked was bad, was an understatement. The sight of you had everyone speechless, even Nyla.
“Conscious, but unresponsive,” Nolan is able to get out over the lump in his throat.
The man you were obviously up against looked worse than you, if that’s even possible. He took a shot to the chest, and was DOA.
You, on the other hand, had taken several shots and several cuts. There were bruises starting to form along your body and blood pouring out of your cuts.
Bailey has to keep her tears from falling as she and her team load you onto a stretcher.
Lucy stands by the side the whole time, trying to keep her tears at bay, but she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t let a few slip.
Tim and the rest of the team escorted you to the hospital, following behind the ambulance that was going more than a few miles over the speed limit.
By the time Lucy had gotten to the hospital her face was red from rubbing her tears away and her hair was messy from her running her hands through it.
She’s out of the car and by your side before it’s even in park.
“Oh, my god,” Lucy can’t even look at you. She knows it isn’t her fault, but she can’t help but blame herself. She had a bad feeling the whole twenty minutes since she’d saw you, and she should’ve known. “Y/n, you’re gonna be okay. I’m gonna be here the whole time, okay? I’m not leaving until you’re sick of me.”
The nurses push you through, an O.R. already ready for you, as you are a loved face all over LA—the station, the community center, the hospital.
When the doors close, and Lucy can no longer follow, Tim is there to bring her into a tight hug.
He needed it just as bad as she did.
Lucy quite literally breaks down it his arms, and Tim isn’t sure what to do, so he just stays standing there with a broken Lucy in his arms until the rest of the team found the two of them.
The group went around hugging Lucy, which was greatly appreciated by her because she needed it, and that’s why everyone embraced her.
The two of you were at the height of your relationship, and so she was more in love with you than ever.
She was going to marry you, and she knew it, so she couldn’t let you die now.
Sergeant Grey granted Lucy a few days off to get you back up and on your feet, which she gratefully took.
By the time your surgery was done, not a single person had left the hospital.
Tim had tried to get Lucy to go to the cafeteria to eat with him, and to get her to go home to get some things for you and herself, but she wouldn’t even budge.
Nyla had brought her at least two cups of coffee, but Lucy had just let them sit. She was still in shock.
Tim sat on Lucy’s right, while Nyla sat on her left.
Those three were the three most important people in your life.
Lucy was the love of your life. The reason you kept going. You’d attended the academy together, but you were a year behind her, so she’d never really spoken to you. Maybe once or twice at the bar, but that was it.
Tim was your best friend. Any problems you had, you took right to him. On your off days, he’d take you to your favorite food truck and did whatever he could to cheer you up, because when you were sad, there was no light in any room.
Then there was Nyla. Your T.O., mentor, teacher, whatever you wanted to call her. She would never admit it, but you were her favorite. You’d won her over in the first week, and that was a Nyla Harper record.
So here were your three favorite people, all praying you’d make it through this surgery, and then make it through the night.
The nurse that comes out happens to be friends with Tim, so he is able to sweet talk her into letting the three of them come see you in the ICU.
Even though you aren’t awake, Lucy, Tim, and Nyla want to see that you are okay and breathing.
You looked better.
The cuts had bandages over them, and most of the dirt on your face had been washed off.
You’d only taken two actual shots to your body—your ankle and your shoulder. Any other shots had been caught by the vest. That was evident from the bruises formed on your chest.
One of your legs had been cut up pretty badly, and it had stitches. Lucy knew you’d be self conscious over the big gash that ran horizontal on your thigh.
Nyla lets out a loud sigh, her hands on her lower back as she stares at the ceiling to keep the tears from falling.
“Where was her goddamn backup?” Nyla lowers her guard for a second when a tear falls down her face.
“Nolan was on his way,” Tim keeps his jaw clenched, his hands in his pockets to keep himself from doing something he’d regret. “He said he was responding. I don’t— I don’t know. He—“
Lucy stands in the corner next to Nyla, afraid to speak.
Seeing Tim and Nyla so distraught has Lucy’s tears come back. Her heart breaks and drops to the ground all over again, and it definitely doesn’t feel good.
“God, if I’d have drove faster, maybe—“
“Don’t blame yourself,” Nyla takes a seat in the chair by your side, holding one of your hands in hers. “Don’t blame anyone. It’s no one’s fault but the man who did this.”
“I had a bad feeling,” Lucy has to bite her lip to keep herself from breaking down again.
“No,” Lucy scoffs. “I should have known.”
Lucy is still asleep by the time you wake up. Nyla and Tim agreed to take turns staying with Lucy until you were discharged from the hospital. Which would be in a few days.
You had a bit of internal bleeding, so the doctors want to keep you for a few days to watch over you.
Tim is in the cafeteria grabbing some air and coffee. The two of you were asleep, so he figured he could have at least ten minutes to himself.
You wake Lucy when you’re reaching for the water, your throat was uncomfortably dry.
Lucy is immediately grabbing the cup and pitcher and pouring you water.
“Don’t talk,” Lucy feels her eyes watering again.
“Then don’t cry,” You whisper. You try to reach out and wipe her tears, but it pains you due to the shot in your arm. “I think my arms broken.”
Lucy laughs, glad to have some relief after those last agonizing hours without you.
“You were shot in the foot and shoulder. Your shoulder is broken, baby, but you’ll be okay. You have a large cut on your right thigh, too. I’ll take you to physical therapy, and you’ll be as good as new, okay? Grey gave me the next week or so off, but if you need more time with me, I will stay off longer. You’ll be back soon enough—“
It takes everything in you to lean forward and kiss Lucy.
“It’s okay, Luce,” You smile. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Lucy’s features soften.
“Lay with me,” You insist.
“Are you sure you won’t break another bone moving over?”
“Lay with me,” You say more aggressive this time so Lucy knows you aren’t kidding.
“Okay, fine,” Lucy fits in the spot you open up for her, despite the pain it caused to open it, it was totally worth it. “Now, let me tell you about how I saw Tim crying.”
Tim decides to come in at that moment.
“Oh— you’re awake,” Tim’s brows raise.
“Come and sit,” You turn your head towards him as he sits in the chair beside your bed. “Lucy was just about to tell me about how big and bad Timmy was spotted crying.”
Tim rolls his eyes but listens anyways.
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wosofanficsforyou · 6 months
You really want this? (Beth mead x reader)
Warnings: smut (obviously) strap-on, spanking (kinda) daddy kink, degrading, words like: slut, whore, spainish reader, deep throating, orgasm denial, edging. 
Summary: Beth is on her ACL and reader helps Beth from all the stress that everything has caused Beth over the months of surgery.
A/n: ok so like… I am doing this with little time so it might be a bit quick than I want so just give me some suggestions for next fanfic I do. 
Beth is laying on the couch, defeated. You knew that all this stress from her ACL, you were in your guys bedroom putting on a sexy lavender lingerie. After you were done putting it on you went out to the living room with a robe on and sat on Beth’s lap “mi amor~” “I got a suprise for you~” Beth looks a bit surprised since the last time you both fucked she made you pass out. “What is your suprise?” You drop the robe and kiss Beth right then and there. “God damn it y/n…I just got done with some of my surgery’s but holy shit…” Beth mutters when you break the kiss. Beth grabs your hand and makes you stand up, “I want you naked and on your knees when I get in the bedroom, understand?” You nod, Beth hasn’t done this in a while, it kinda scared you to think that you could hurt her knee more if she went to hard. You go to the bedroom and get on your knees and you take off the lingerie when Beth walks in she has the biggest strap on in your collect. “Díos mío Beth….” Beth walks over to you on your knees “you’re gonna take this all in your slutty mouth and not complain about any of it and then I will think about rewarding your right pussy.” You take try and take Beth’s cock in your mouth but it is to big for your mouth and you just try your best to fit in it your mouth but all you can do is fit the tip in, you whine trying to fit it in your mouth. If this is what fitting it in your mouth is like…then what about fitting it in your pussy? Beth always loved to stretch you out with a new dildo from time to time but this was the biggest one she has ever had. “B-Beth I-“ Beth cuts you off with a harsh slap to the side of your cheek “you little slut. That’s not my name. Say it correctly.” You take a deep breath almost like you are gonna take a presentation infront of the whole world. “I-I don’t think it will fit daddy..” and with that Beth grabs the back of your head and shoves the dick in your mouth. It hits the back of your throat roughly as Beth groans in pleasure “there and you better not fucking stop.” Beth keeps fucking your mouth, harder and harder until you feel like it is hitting your stomach. Beth pulls her cock out of your mouth gently. “Get on the bed. Hands and knees, I wanna see you open for me. You fucking slutty whore.” You scrambled to the bed and got on your hands and knees making it so Beth had an amazing few of your pussy from where she was. Beth gets on the bed behind you and aims her cock with your entrance. “Ok bebè just breath for me ok darling?” Beth starts to shove her dick in your cunt slowly trying to get you used to the size. But it is just way too big and you start to just cry out in pain and pleasure and Beth doesn’t take this well. “Stop your stupid trying or I will give you something to cry about.” You just cry more by that sentence and Beth takes her belt and spanks you hard with it. “Did you not fucking hear me! I said shut up!” Beth spanks you again, making less tears come on of your eyes and just more whimpers and whines. “B-Beth m’sorry it’s to much…” you whine and whine but Beth doesn’t stop and just keeps pumping into you until Beth puts on some lube and makes it less painful. “I wanna hear you beg for me.” Beth rubs your sides as she goes faster and faster putting you more over the edge. “D-daddy please….i need to cum…” Beth just goes faster by this and she doesn’t stop “daddy can I cum!” Beth thinks about and after 2 thrusts “no you cannot cum.” Beth goes faster and faster until Beth is about to cum. “Fuckkk you want me to fill you up with my baby’s? Fuck. You would look so hot with my children in you..” *beth goes faster and faster until the coil in your stomach is about to break “b-Beth fill me up please….i need to cum..I want to cum please Por favor…” you beg for her to let you cum and she nods her head at you as Beth goes faster. You and Beth both moan loudly when Beth comes inside your stomach and you dumb all over Beth’s cock. “Holy shit…wait Beth…did you actually cum inside me or was that just for show?” You breath out still tired from the edging. “You ready to be a mother cariño?”
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blubushie · 5 months
Be me out working on my truck shirtless when some little girl walks up to me from the footpath and asks me if she can ask me a question. Her dad is close on her heels trying to call her back like I'm a rabid dog, but he's also apologising profusely.
I look at her, put down my battery cables, and tell her she just asked me a question, but to hit me with another.
She finds this funny and then she asks what my top surgery scars are from. She seems a bit embarassed by it and like she obviously doesn't want to offend me.
I look at her. Look at dad. Look at her. Look at dad. Look at her. Uhh. Dad. Her. Uhhhh. Dad. Uhhhh. Her.
"Well, I've got a bad heart, so the doctors took my heart out and turn it backwards, and now it works right. But they had to go through my chest obviously, so that's how they did it."
Her eyes go big the moment I start talking. I think the accent surprised her. But instead of commenting on that she let me finish and then went, "THEY TOOK YOUR HEART OUT?!"
"They took my heart out! And now it ticks funny, but at least it ticks, ay."
She looks back over her shoulder. "DAD THEY TOOK HIS HEART OUT."
And dad goes "Wow that's crazy I am so sorry about her ok let's go home-"
But little girl goes "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Referring to me and my battery cables.
And I go "Well, see, cars get old, and batteries get old, so you get alkaline on the batteries. That's all this white stuff."
"Oh I've seen that on batteries before!"
"Yeah, so, the way to get that stuff off is to get some baking soda and some water, and it just eats away at it, like—well, you wanna try? Can she try, dad?"
So dad gives her the ok and I tell her to put her foot up on the bumper cuz it's a bit high for her yet, and she climbs on up. And I give her the box of baking soda and go "Just sprinkle some on" and yeah she put on a bit too much but who cares. Then I give her the water bottle "Just spray it" and she gives it a spritz and FWOOSH the baking soda starts eating the alkaline right off the battery.
So I give her my toothbrush and tell her that now she's gotta scrub it, but she's gotta scrub slow cuz if she's too fast she'll flick alkaline everywhere and it's gonna eat through her shirt and burn her. So she's careful with her brushing. And then we washed off the cable and set it back in place and then she thanked me for letting her help and off they went back home and I heard her asking her dad what alkaline even IS on the way back, and why it's in batteries.
So, y'know. Sorry dad for the slew of questions you're gonna hafta answer on the way home. But you're welcome, little girl, for giving you something to bug your dad about.
And thanks for the clean cable.
I AM INTERSEX. Please do not tag with #trans. I love you my trans siblings but I'm tired of my intersex voice being erased for you to speak over me or claim my experiences as your own.
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tenjikufag · 2 months
HII this is my first request ever haha I’m a bit nervous but I saw you write ftm prompts and I was wondering if maybe you’d write ftm zoro and reader knowing but not ever bringing it up BUTTT zoro thinks he’s so slick and therefore is nervous for reader to find out!,, I hope this makes sense thank you for all you write!
FTM!Zoro x Male Reader
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-nervous Zoro, strawhat!reader, possibly ooc zoro, top surgery mentions, scars, sex trait mentions, loving reader- this is gonna be fluffy don’t worry haha.
-thank you for the request, this has been in my inbox for awhile now I’m sorry for how long it’s taken!
It’s never been a point for anyone to make mention of certain physical traits others had. Everyone just looked the way they looked, scars and all. That and most of you had met after the scars had settled and their stories concluded.
But, some scars gave away a lot more than one would think.. especially someone as airheaded and dense as Zoro. Your boyfriend.
Scars could be a life story. Not just an event.
It wasn’t until a few months in that you had actually noticed the faint scarring under his pecks- really only seen up close or seen when he moves just right while stretching. You knew what they were, and assumed what the reason was and never asked, it didn’t bother or even really matter to you. It would be Zoros job to bring it up, if he ever did- if he never did then that was fine.
Zoro was Zoro. Your boyfriend, life partner, other half, and love of your life.
The two of you hadn’t had any form of intimacy both due to the pure exhaustion from a busy day on the sea or on a new island, and you really didn’t mind. Sure you wished to be intimate but the opportunities were far and few to begin with.
Zoro felt the same, but he had wanted to take you away and have you all to himself ever since he became yours.
It was just the unsteadiness that settled in his stomach when he thought of the aspect of sex with you. Again, he’s dense and doesn’t think that much about it but something inside nags him.
‘He signed up for man with a dick!’
Sighing, he looked out at you speaking to Robin. You laughed at whatever she had said. With his staring, you felt his gaze on you and excused yourself to approach the male.
“Hey, did ya need something?”
Cupping his cheek with a smile, he squinted up at you and shook his head. The way he shifted under your gaze let you know that there was something on his mind and he was a man of few words so it would take time for him to speak on it. Kissing his forehead, you went off to do your own thing again.
Zoro leaned back, resting his head against the familiar strip of wood, drifting off to sleep and avoiding his worries for just a bit longer.
Where was Zoro?
That’s the age old question. Having the tendency to wander off paired with his permanently ‘out of order’ physical compass, it was all too common to lose sight of him when you landed yourselves on an island.
This island was small, basically a floating town and not even comparable to a city. Everything was a walking distance to each-other, having to walk maybe 60 paces to hit all the shops and such… how he’d managed to get lost was beyond you, still you’d search for him.
“I’m gonna go find moss-head, I’ll meet you back at the ship.”
Sanji only grumbled in response, his cigarette hanging loosely from his lip as he inspected a vegetable stand.
It obviously wasn’t that hard to find him, he was leaning against a tree just on the outskirts of the small town- it made you smile to see him look relaxed.
His head turned, a slight smile on his lips as he shifted to approach you. You opened your arms wide, letting him settle against your chest with his arms wrapping around you to your back. The two of you stood in an embrace for awhile, softly rocking back and forth with the breeze.
“Are you alright? You seemed to be bothered back on the ship.”
A deep sigh rumbled in his chest, pulling himself away and bringing you to the tree. The man sat down, waiting for you to follow suit. His rough, worked hand clasped onto yours- fingers intertwined, your thumb softly circling on his hand.
“I love ya.. you know that.”
Nodding, you kept silent. He wasn’t the best with words, much less when someone else was talking- he’d lose his train of thought far too easily.
“And I know we both wanna.. y’know-“
“Have sex?”
You couldn’t help yourself, as brash of a man that he is for some reason he could never bring himself to speak as vulgar as he did with everyone else when he was with you. He actually cared, at least a little bit, about what came out of his mouth.
His hand gripped yours tighter, groaning at you
“Yeah! Whatever! But I gotta tell ya somethin’ so ya better listen. I’m not sayin’ it twice!”
Chucking lightly, he continued. Again, it was clear he was having a hard time finding the words to his thoughts. Could he convey what he wanted properly without feeling overloaded, did he even have the right words in his vocabulary?
“I don’t have a dick. There, I said it!”
You hummed, not being able to keep the light laugh and smile off your face. Who says it like that?! It was just.. very him. Very Zoro to come out with it like that.
“Is that all?”
“Is that all?! All you got to say is “is that all”?!’
Red tinted his cheeks, he was flushed with annoyance and just a light twinge of anxiety. He expected more, or maybe he didn’t, he wasn’t sure! But he sure as hell didn’t expect a boring response like that!
“Bold of you to assume you’d even be using said dick on me.”
Purring into his ear, he shoved you away and took his own hand out of your grasp to cross his arms over his chest.
“Aw, c’mon Zoro! I’m bad at these~”
He huffed, looking away from you
“Okay. How ‘bout this.”
You pushed yourself to your knees and hugged over his shoulders,
“Thank you for telling me, uh, I appreciate the sentiment and I’m sure you feel a lot better. I’m proud of you.”
You pecked the top of his head, his fuzzy green hair definitely needing a trim with the way it tickled you.
Zoro relaxed under you, clearly your words made him feel better. He also knew you didn’t mind, or care for that matter. He was safe with you, his body wasn’t going to be a reason you left (not that he’d let you at this point)
It felt good. To know you loved him, scars and all, no matter what he looked like or what he had.
“Is that what was on your mind back on the ship?”
“I was horny okay. It gets frustratin’ knowin’ you’re right there and I couldn’t do nothing about it.”
His words made you laugh, was that really what made him say it?!
“Well.. we got some time left ‘fore we gotta get back to the ship..”
With his back tensing against you, you knew he would be into having some fun here.
“Show me what the almighty Zoro has to give me, I’ve been waitin’.”
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bxtchycaprisun · 1 year
obstinate (4) | a. anderson
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summary: you’re a new medic in the WLF base. you’re young, hardworking, and the thing that abby anderson hated the most, stubborn.
notes: fem!reader, medic!reader, protective!abby, soldier!abby, mentions of injuries, civil conversation (for once 😮), mutual pining, this might be my fav chapter i’ve written so far
taglist: @caitlinisfruity @shaemonyou @mattm1964 @vigelvictoria @liabadoobee @shady-lemur @sweet-lover-girl @sweet-cow-nectar @anxiouso @novadanversss @paleidiot @makepastanotwar13 @juneswonderlust @ratdungeon @elliesrealw1fe @feelsoseencantdream (striked text means i can’t tag u)
an: here it is folks, eat up
abby’s head hung low as she was hauled to the infirmary.
the bullet that was currently lodged in her shoulder hurt like a bitch. there were beads of sweat adorning her forehead and collarbones, and her brows furrowed from the sharp sting in her arm. but that wasn’t what mattered at the moment. she could care less about the pain.
what she did care about was the fact that her patrol had almost been over, and she was going to enjoy her full day off tomorrow, when she was ambushed, and shot. she had spent the entire day blowing off some steam, and planned to get a well needed night of sleep before an important conversation tomorrow.
believe it or not, she was going to pay a visit to your doorstep that upcoming day. not to apologize, obviously, that wasn’t her style. instead to make a proposition.
but of course, the universe had other plans for her. instead, she felt herself slipping in and out of a pained consciousness as her fellow soldiers lifted her onto a stiff hospital bed.
a familiar hand brushed her face, a thumb pressed firmly against her cheekbone as another finger peeled her eyelid upward, shining a bright light into her pupil. as she squints up at the ceiling, eyes adjusting to the bright infirmary lights, she heard a small chuckle before her.
“christ, anderson,” you shake your head, quick fingers cutting away her t shirt with your fabric scissors. “you’re not looking too hot.”
abby groans, instantly recognizing your familiar voice and soft hands. of course it would be you to treat her. she must have some really damn bad karma.
“don’t-” she shakes her head weakly, voice small, “don’t even start.”
abby was fully conscious now, eyes blown wide and face red as you cleaned up the wound, prepping it for surgery. she watched you with shallow breathes, simply accepting your taunting. she knew she had it coming.
“what was that you said, yesterday?” you ask slowly, voice dripping with sarcasm, “you haven’t been hit on the field in over a year?”
“shut up,” abby says in a hiss, her face pinching as you sanitize the wound. her fingers grip the edge of the bed, knuckles whitening. you notice her pain, and mumble “m’sorry,” as you clean her up. as much as you wish you did, you really didn’t enjoy seeing her like this.
“don’t think.. don’t think this’ll mean i’ll change my mind ‘bout anything,” abby brings up a weak hand, pointing at you with narrowed eyes.
“course not,” you shake your head, biting back a smile. you couldn’t even be upset by her comment. you were stubborn, and so was she. the last thing you wanted to be was a hypocrite.
“listen um-” you bite the inside of your lip, “the bullets shattered.”
she hums frustratedly, “figures.”
“i’m gonna put you under general anesthesia,” you move swiftly, prepping her forearm for an IV as you call over mel to control her dosage.
“try not to kill me while i’m under, will ya?” she says with a frown, but her eyes crease as if she’s smiling.
you laugh quietly, glad to see she was the same old abby, even in her worst.
“another time,” was the last thing she heard before going under.
. . .
abby woke up with little feeling in her body. she didn’t know what time it was, but judging from the dimly lit halls of the infirmary, and quiet buzz of conversation just around then corner, she could tell it was night.
she sat up with a grunt, gripping her left shoulder and feeling around at the intricately wrapped bandages. her eyes travel around the room, landing on the small table beside her. she picked up an orange pill bottle, reading the label carefully.
it was vicodin.
her eyes widen a bit. either mel was feeling generous today, or you had gone out of your way to get her extra good opioids. she furrowed her brows at the thought of the latter.
her gaze lifts as she hears footsteps entering her mostly empty tent. you rub your eyes as you step into the room, and full glass of water in your hand.
you walk to her bedside, smiling tightly. “you’re awake.” you say softly. you place a hand on her uninjured shoulder, and push her back against the bed gently, ignoring her mumbling protests. “you shouldn’t be sitting up.”
you grab the bottle and open it, dumping a single pill onto your hand, whispering, “open”
she nods, accepting the pill you set on her tongue and taking a sip of the water. her voice is hoarse as she speaks. “i’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
you breath in sharply, “you’re talking.”
“no i mean..” she begins, but you cut her off.
“abby, you really should just rest.”
“i’m fine,” she insists, craning her neck forward as she goes to sit up again. you click your tongue, pushing her back down. “please?” she whispers.
you snap your mouth shut, eyeing her suspiciously. “you gonna apologize?”
she scoffs. “no.”
“alright,” you chuckle dryly, “then please just rest.”
“why would i apologize?” she snaps, titling her head. “you should thank me, y’know, for keeping you out of the serevena. i mean, if this is the state i’m in, i can’t imagine how you’d have ended up.”
you roll your eyes, scolding yourself for thinking she’d have been any different today. “thank you, abby” you whisper sarcastically, “for saving my ass, healing my shoulder, and caring for me as i recover.” you take a long pause for dramatic effect. “oh wait. that was me.”
abby opens her mouth to bite back, but looks down. “thank you.” she says quietly. “i did mean to say that sooner. thank you.”
you nod, smiling slightly. “just doin my job.”
abby can’t help it as she says, “you give vicodin to every patient as a part of said job?”
you clench your jaw, feeling exposed. “you’re a top soldier, abby.” you respond slowly, “of course you’re going to get the good stuff.”
she nods, a smile creeping on her lips at your obvious discomfort. “right.”
a familiar silence falls upon the room as you step back from the bed. she watches you with parted lips, looking as if her words are stuck in her throat. “i have.. i have a proposition for you.”
you nearly snort at her choice of words, and you look down at her with an amused smirk. “a proposition?”
she snickers weakly, “i know that sounds weird, but, i need you to hear me out.”
you nod, tensing up a bit at the seriousness of her voice. you didn’t want to begin guessing what this was about. “okay… i’m listening.”
“you want to be able to go on patrol, isn’t that right?” she begins slowly, her voice low.
you nod carefully, humming “that’s right.”
“but from what i’ve seen, i can tell you’re not ready for that, is that correct?”
you inhale with a frown. “that’s what you think, yes.”
she chuckles at your clever remark. “you heard what isaac told the both of us. if you don’t get an okay from me, you can’t patrol.” she says with a grin.
you feel your face growing a bit hot. “what’re you doing abby? you just saying that to rub it in? trust me, you made your point pretty clear when you practically tackled me.”
tackled wasn’t exactly the word you used for it in your head, but it was safer to say than the alternative.
when she pressed you against a wall. when she held you to the ground. when you could practically feel her lips against your neck as she whispered to you. yeah no. tackled it is.
“i’m not trying to prove a point,” she hums, sitting up a bit once again. when you open your mouth to order her to lay back, she hushes you with a hand in your face. “don’t.”
you purse your lips and step back, giving up as she leans forward, large hand on her knee. “you couldn’t fight me off last night.”
your eyes narrow. “no abby. i couldn’t.” you throw your hands up, and cross them over your chest. “but majority of scars aren’t built like y-you..” you gesture at her arms, but trail off, your internal monologue telling you to just stop talking.
“built like what?” her smile is now wide and beaming. her fingers clutch her knee, and you can see her muscles flex. real subtle abby.
“never mind,” you huff. “what i mean, abby, is that most of our enemies aren’t like you. they don’t have a fully equipped gym, high protein diet, or even a steady roof over their heads. just because i can’t handle you, doesn’t mean i can’t handle them.”
“can’t handle me, huh?” she smirks and you nearly boil over.
she didn’t know why she was doing this. she shouldn’t flirt with you right now. she needed to convince you, not fluster you. but seeing the red tint on your cheeks, she just couldn’t help it.
and for you, watching her lick her lips, toned stomach exposed as she sits in only a black sports bra, you became weak.
“stop that.” you say quickly, your lips pulled into a stern pout.
“stop what?” she cocks her head.
“you- you know what- just.” you groan. “just get to your point, anderson.”
“you only call me that when you’re trying to act mad at me.”
“i don’t need to act mad, i am mad.”
“sure you are,” she puts a pretend frown on, “so mad.”
“abby…” you say her name warningly. “i don’t know what you think you’re doing, but it’s not working. get to your point.”
her smile softens a bit, and she sighs, humming your name. “you really won’t ever let me try to get along with you, will you?”
her questions catches you off guard a bit. you sit down on the edge of her firm bed, tucking your hair behind your ear. “that’s a two way street, abby.”
“what do you mean by that?”
“i mean.. you don’t let me get along with you either.” you say with a small shrug, “i feel like every time we have a conversation, you always find something to get on me about. and we end up fighting.”
abby sighs. “well that’s because… you always give me a reason to be upset.”
“or… because you overreact about things.” you say simply.
normally, abby would argue further. but watching the way your expression remains calm as you speak makes her soft. you were trying, and maybe she could do the same.
“maybe i do.”
her sentence is short, and her voice is firm. a lot was said in just those few words. it was more than she’d ever been able to admit in the past.
you surprise yourself as you hear the next words leave your mouth. “and maybe i… was a little too hard on you when you talked to isaac. i… didn’t mean what i said in the cafeteria.. about.. you thinking your better then everyone else.”
“i don’t.. think that.” she shakes her head with a grin, “only that i’m better than you.” her voice is playful, and it makes you crack a smile in return.
you look away from her, taking a deep breath as you listened to the whir of the fans in the tent. you could feel her eyes on you, and it makes your face hot.
you were still angry at her. you still couldn’t give her the satisfaction of thinking she was let off the hook.
she may have been charming, and her voice may be smooth, and she may make you nervous. and it was hard to ignore the fight in your mind as you look at her face, struggling to decide whether to memorize every freckle on her skin or just stare at her lips.
but she jeopardized your role in the WLF. she humiliated you, and she underestimated you, and she made you so desperately miss the girl you had first met.
she was acting awfully like that girl right now.
she wasn’t yelling at you, she was smiling at you. it made your stomach hurt.
you take a deep breath, finally meeting her eyes. “you… had a proposition,” you begin, “what was it?”
a part of you prayed that she would say something that made you mad again. it was easier that way. she was so much easier to be mad at when she wasn’t staring at you like she never meant a thing she did.
abby smiles. “you want to go on patrols, you have to train with me.”
you inhale from your nose, shaking your head. “abby, no.”
she whispers your name, followed by a “yes.”
“i’ll help you learn to shoot. i’ll help you learn to fight. i’ll make sure you can protect yourself.”
you frown, lowering your head. you couldn’t do this. you couldn’t be around her like this. she made you crazy. she made you want something she couldn’t give you.
you practically scream in your mind, yelling to snap the hell out of it! the two of you are constantly bouncing from simple conversations to jumping for each others throats. if you wanted to keep your sanity, and your dignity, you needed to avoid.
“that’s not gonna happen, abby,” you shake your head.
she doesn’t look surprised, nor does she look disappointed. she was determined.
“you’re never gonna go on patrol if you don’t agree to this.” she states.
you exhale through your teeth, rolling your eyes. “you’re… impossible.”
she chuckles, leaning towards you. “i’m not,” she laughs, “it’s a simple request. then i’ll leave you alone forever. free reign on the field.”
“i don’t have time for that, abby,” you shake your head, “i work too much here in the infirmary. it’s not gonna happen.”
“that’s exactly why you need me,” her voice is almost pleading. “you’re going to go insane in here. how long have you been here, anyways?”
“what do you mean?”
“how long have you been working? you were here before i came in, and you’re still here.”
“i’m used to it.” you respond quickly.
“how long,” she pressed with a raised eyebrow.
you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose between your fingers. “it’s a 24 hour shift. i’m almost over.”
she watches you through her blond lashes, her eyes softening.
she had always been praised for her work in the WLF. she got so many special privileges, attention, and respect. her work was rewarded, and people looked up to her.
and then there as you.
worked to the bone. face sunken from lack of sleep, yet a smile still so beautiful. you never got the recognition you deserved. you never got the love you deserved.
but from the way she was looking at you alone, you felt more appreciated than ever before.
“you don’t deserve that,” her voice is soft and gentle.
you remain silent as you stare at each other.
“when’s the last time you left the base?”
“uh-” you pause for a moment, “since the patrol with you.”
she sighs, leaning back a bit as her tongue rolls on the inside of her cheek. “you’re gonna go crazy if you stay in here.”
“yeah,” you answer, “thanks to you.” you instantly frown at yourself. why was this all you knew? why couldn’t you be civil?
abby doesn’t flinch from your words, however, only smiles more.
“you need me.”
you instantly break eye contact as she says this, your cheeks warming up.
“i-,” you exhale quickly, “what- what does that mean?”
“i mean, you need me to help you. i promise you, if you just train with me for a little while, i’ll let you go on whatever patrol you want.”
you shake your head, looking down, but she presses on.
“please? i just- i need to see that.. that you’ll be okay out there.”
“i will be.” your voice is shaky, meeting her same level of desperation. “just let me go. you’ll see, abby, you’ll see.”
“i’m not going to take that kind of risk,” her voice is more stern, “not when you can prove that to me here, in the safety of the base.”
“i’m not doing that, abby, so you can just forget it,” you can’t hide the frustration in your voice.
“why are you so god damn stubborn?” she raises her voice and you widen your eyes.
“i’m a grown woman, abby,” your tone is low, “i don’t need your help. and i don’t need your approval, so you can just forget it. i’d rather stay here at the infirmary, and go crazy.”
abby’s jaw clenches, and she rolls her head back. “you- just let me.. please?”
“no, okay?” you stand up. “look… i’ve gotta get back to work.” you reach to grab your bag, preparing to leave.
abby’s voice is sharp, and almost mean as she calls out to you. “are you even happy?”
you look at her with raised eyebrows, completely dumbfounded. “what?”
“you heard me.”
you stare at her, mouth open slightly. all you did was work, struggle to fall asleep, and suppress your feelings. happiness wasn’t something on your mind. it didn’t seem achievable.
“that doesn’t even matter,” you turn around again, but her voice stops you. your back faces her as she speaks.
“you need me.” she says quietly.
you don’t turn around as you respond. “what.. what are we even talking about right now?”
your question was bold, but so was her statement. were you reading this wrong? her words made you feel so light headed.
“i think you know what i’m talking about,” she says, tone low and sultry. you swallow hard, trying to stop your body from shaking.
when you don’t respond, abby takes it as a rejection.
“i’m sorry- that was.. that was out of line- i just mean, i think getting out of this place will give you some peace of mind,” she sounds almost insecure, “you need it.”
you can’t risk turning back around, fear of her seeing your red face, or the way your legs squeeze together. why’d she have to take it back?
your response is slow and soft. “i’ll.. i’ll be fine, abby. you should rest.” and you leave her with that as you exit the room, not daring to breath until you were out of her eyesight.
. . .
to your ultimate despair, you didn’t see abby anderson for an entire week.
you didn’t return to her bedside until she was admitted. you didn’t see her in the cafeteria, even when you went during normal breakfast hours. you didn’t see her stop into the infirmary. you didn’t see her anywhere.
and you knew it was purposeful.
you had shut her down, turned her away. and she didn’t know how to accept it.
even when she tried to be nice, and understanding, and patient, you still wouldn’t agree to a thing.
she didn’t want to see you, or talk to you, or spy on you anymore. she knew if she did, she’d just start begging again. and she had to stop doing that.
so she did the only thing she knew how.
she avoided.
but for you, on the other hand. you didn’t even have the time to make sense of it.
with a weak total of 30 hours of sleep in the last week, and 3 consecutive 12 hour shifts the last few days, you were truly going out of your mind.
you were, once again, a walking corpse. you slept during the entire day in your dungeon of a room, and woke up in the night to slave away in the infirmary.
you rarely saw sunlight, rarely went outside for fresh air. you barely ate, or showered, or even spoke.
and ever since abby had asked you if you were happy, that’s all you craved. to feel happy.
you’re body ached with both the need of something different, and from the soreness of your neck.
you treated countless soldiers with minor injuries, beaming smiles on their faces as they cackles with their counterparts, sharing stories of their excitement out on the field.
your heart stang with jealousy.
one soldier mentioned how abby had found a way into an old record store, collecting dozens of practically untouched records and bringing them home to distribute based on who she knew liked the artists.
she kept the Siamese Dream album by The Smashing Pumpkins for herself.
that night you dreamed of listening to it with her.
you woke up at midnight, your shift only hours away. only this time, you didn’t plan on going to it.
your body was hot and your skin felt tingly as you emerged from the covers. your pajama shorts hung loosely by your hips, swallowed by the old t shirt on your shoulders. you ran your fingers through your hair, and let out a groan of frustration.
you wanted her. you needed her.
and you wanted out of this damn base.
one of those things, you knew a way to make happen.
you told yourself to turn around as your slippered feet padded down the halls of the base. you told yourself you decided that you wouldn’t do this. wouldn’t give in to her demands, and deal with your job in the infirmary.
but your head heart from your lack of vitamin d, and your joints ached from your lack of movement.
your frown was nearly cemented onto your face from your lack of abby.
which is why you shut down your doubt, and brought your shaking fist to her door, knocking gently.
she didn’t open at first, and you wait with a trembling figure, eyes wide and desperate. but eventually, you hear the lock click, and the door swings open.
“what do you-,” she begins as she scratches the back of her neck, but stops when she sees you before her, her hand dropping to her side.
she takes in your state. your hair is messy and wild. your eyes are glossy, and you smell like sleep and cinnamon. you part your puffy lips, and she feels weak in the knees as she watches you. she whispers your name, and you finally speak.
“i- i need you.”
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