#and now she gets to plot while being like 'i HaVe AlL tHe PoWeR....get wrecked asshole'
bereft-of-frogs · 8 months
underrated thing I love that I do not think about, use, or appreciate often enough: when a character is doing the objectively right thing, an objectively good thing....but so vindictively. like with just the bitchiest attitude. like they're for sure being kind and right but with the bitchiest, snarky attitude. I love that.
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vanishingstarrs · 3 months
midnight rain
katsuki bakugo x reader, slow burn, hurt x comfort, anxiety, fluff, sfw
part 1, part 2, part 3
( as an insomniac, this was a bit self indulgent, also for the sake of this story the timeline is irrelevant, i kinda went all over the place so let’s all just pretend it all lines up <3 also also feel free to imagine whatever quirk you’d like i never really had one in mind except for the side effect is you being v v cold bc it worked for the plot lol sorry it took so long to get this out, just wanted it to be perfect !! hope y'all enjoy <3 )
It was raining. Hard.
You were a nervous wreck.
It had been agreed that your classmates and you would be permitted to retrieve Midoriya from his self isolation. The heroes were out in the streets, instructed to call as soon as he was sighted since your class had full permission to spring into action and try to convince him to come back. The heroes told to stay back and allow you guys to take the lead on the mission.
Part of the reason you couldn’t sleep as of late was your classmate out in danger. You and Midoriya had never been best friends by any means, but you’d been close enough and you’d worked alongside him a few times. He was a nice person and always trying to help those around him, he’d come to you multiple times with theories on how to better improve your quirk so you wouldn’t overwork and accidentally freeze yourself to death. Even if he hadn’t done any of that, you likely still would’ve felt guilt over being safe while he wasn’t. He was good, and he deserved to come home.
All of this in turn meant more baking and less sleeping. You’d been out of bed for thirty minutes now, having brought your journal with you in order to go through your recipes.
You’d been in your room before, tinkering with your costume and doing little workouts while waiting for everyone to head to bed, not wanting to bother anyone.
The day had been spent training and putting more work into improving your individual powers, leveling up so that when the time came… you and your classmates could join up in the war. It was a frightening thought, and you weren’t sure you were quite ready for that again.
Speaking with Katsuki had been some help though, the way he spoke of heroes and nobility made you want to be brave like him.
And so, to thank him for the late nights, you were now up again, only this time you baked with purpose. For him. You weren’t sure how you were going to approach him to give him the baked goods, and part of you hoped he might be awake and come out on his own to save you the trouble of an awkward conversation.
You sighed as you double checked your recipe, making sure of your next step before incorporating dry ingredients with the wet ones.
It wasn't that you wished another sleepless night on Bakugo... but it was definitely easier to go to bed after having had him around. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't bullshit you, or the way he let you talk about nothing in particular until you were ready to open up about what had actually been weighing on your chest. Things you had yet to even bring up to your best friend.
You went through the motions almost at a sloth’s place, overthinking to yourself as you made sure everything was perfect for the muffins you were baking.
When all that was left to do was wait for the room to start smelling of cinnamon, you sat yourself at the island, headphones blasting as you grabbed you pen and journal again. You turned the page from your experimental recipes and found your sketches for the new costume you were working on, you'd asked Hatsume for some suggestions, but she'd dismissed you; she was too busy right now. She said she'd help you create the final design, but she didn't have the brain capacity to make something from scratch for you.
A groan left your lips as you stared at the page, just about ready to tear it and your hair out when your headphones were yanked down to your neck and the chair next to you scraped the floor as someone sat down,"Don't you ever sleep?"
"Don't you?" You scoffed, the response coming naturally,"Thought you were Mr. go to bed at seven every night, what happened?"
"That was before." He rolled his eyes,"Whatcha working on?"
You stared at Bakugo, unsure if he was actually there. Had you conjured him up somehow? Were you hallucinating? And was he actually making small talk with you right now?
"Muffins... for you, actually."
"Hah?!" His eyes bulged as he turned to the oven, like he just noticed it was on,"What are you making shit for me for? And I meant the sketches, idiot."
"Oh." You frowned.
"I'll eat them." He declared, realizing that it sounded as though he didn't care for them.
"No, it's okay." You looked away, trying to hide your smile and the fact that you were teasing,"I'll offer them up to the others. Who doesn't like apple cinnamon muffins with a nice crumble on top? No, don't worry, my efforts won't be in vein, maybe Momo will make a nice tea for us all."
"Tea? I can make tea, I'll make you the best damn tea you've ever had, and we're eating these damn muffins if it's the last thing we do." He grumbled as he stood up and found his same mug, as well as somehow finding yours amidst the array of everyone's cups.
His was orange with his first initial on it, and yours was purple with the multiple facial expressions of Kuromi all around, she was your favorite Sanrio character. You had no idea how he'd known that it was yours, but didn't dwell on it as you turned your frown back to your notebook and the aforementioned sketches.
"Been tryna come up with a new costume design, I'm not very great at it... Midoriya kinda helped me with my last one." You mentioned as he began boiling water for your tea.
You heard him scoff.
"What?" You asked immediately, self conscious now.
You had thought he'd done a pretty good job, and most of it was your idea anyway; he'd really only brought your vision to life since he was a lot better at that kinda stuff than you were.
"Nothin'. Didn't say anything."
"You didn't have to, is my costume ugly? I'm not really a big fan of the flashy stuff, I just want something simple that won't make me stand out..."
He walked back over, leaning against the island counter as he raised his eyebrows at you,"You do know the whole point of being a hero is standing out, right?"
"No..." You denied,"Not all of it. What if I just wanna help people and not be seen?"
"What about recognition?" He countered,"I see you standing back all the time, especially when you make shit like this and just leave a note, you don't always sign your name, don't you want people to know what you've done? What you've accomplished?"
"I'd hardly call baking a few cookies an accomplishment." You scoffed.
"When I got kidnapped." He brought up,"You were there."
It wasn't a question. He was stating it like it was something he knew for a fact and you didn't know how that came to be.
You'd never spoken about it, you'd gone along as a favor to your friends, they thought your power might be useful just in case the situation escalated. You'd agreed and at the end of it all, after getting him back, you'd gotten separated in the crowd. You didn't bother meeting back up, feeling you'd done all you that could and gone home. It was a long time ago, you felt.
"Who told you that? Kirishima?"
"Deku did." He corrected with a roll of his eyes,"He wanted to make sure I thanked you properly."
"You never did."
"I should've."
The oven timer dinged and you used it as your excuse to remove yourself from the conversation. You cleared your throat as you stood up and grabbed your oven mitts, your face felt warm and it wasn't just because you were removing baked goods from the oven.
"We'll have to wait for them to cool." You said aloud.
"Still gotta brew the tea, so... it's fine."
You felt incredibly awkward and he must've sensed it too, because he changed the subject back to the original.
"Y'know I can help you with this." Bakugo was holding your journal when you finally mustered up the courage to face him again,"My parents are fashion designers, I did my own costume. Won't make it too flashy if you don't want, or you could just wait for Deku if that's what ya want, he'll be back soon anyway."
"No." You said, maybe a little too eagerly.
He stared back in surprise.
"You help me." You made your way across the room again,"Please."
“Alright, alright, no begging it makes you look pathetic.” He said, though it had no fire behind it,“I guess I owe ya anyway.”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help the tiny smile as he tugged you closer and took charge of the project. He made a few comparisons from your last costume to the lame prototype you’d been working on and then asked you for your favorite aspects of both before starting up from scratch on a different page, his writing was surprisingly neat as he listed a few support items he thought you should look into for the upcoming battles.
“It has to be purple.” You stated your only condition as you took the pen from him and started to shade a few spots, you had to lean close into him to be able to reach the journal and you heard him inhale sharply before moving it closer to you.
When you reached something actually resembling a good costume, you grinned and turned to him,“It’s great, Katsuki, thank you so much.”
“No problem.” He seemed to whisper, he was staring at you in a weird way that made you look back down at the costume you’d drawn up together,“Let’s, uh, eat those muffins now.”
“Wait! We have to sign our names at the bottom.” You held his arm before he could move away,“C’mon, we’re the designers.” You quickly scribbled your signature before handing the pen back to him with a grin.
He rolled his eyes, but snatched the pen from you nonetheless and quickly wrote his name next to yours. It felt… binding, weirdly enough.
You let him go and he brought over the tea he’d brewed, which had cooled a little but not enough to be cold. The muffins were perfect and you watched for a reaction that he never gave, so you went poking for compliments.
“You can say they’re good.” You teased as he took several bites in one breath.
“I was getting there.” He grumbled, after swallowing hard. He looked at the tray of muffins and then back at you,“You really made these for me?”
You shrugged,“You said they’re your favorite.”
He took another huge bite and around it he managed to get out something sounding close to a thanks.
You laughed,“You’re welcome, Katsuki.”
When he finished off two muffins, he wordlessly began helping you clean up your mess. It didn't take too long, as much as you wished that it would so you could talk to him more. When you handed him a tupperware for the muffin's he seemed to get an idea as he walked away and came back with a piece of tape and a sharpie.
He started writing "DO NOT TOUCH" on the tape.
You couldn't help snort,"Had a feeling you weren't the sharing type."
"They were made for me, weren't they?"
"Mhm." You hoped you weren't blushing as you agreed.
He stuck the tape onto the top before showing it to you,"I can share, but only with you."
You were definitely blushing now as you read "Y/N and Katsuki's muffin's" underneath the initial message for no one to touch them. You smiled,"You're sweet."
He scoffed,"Am not."
"You totally are." You teased as he rolled his eyes at you for the hundredth time while also turning you around and pushing you toward the stairs, he was holding your headphones and journal in hand and when you reached your door, you held out your hand expectantly.
He held them back,"One condition."
Feeling emboldened, you went up on tiptoes to whisper into his ear,"My door will be open, don't worry."
With your heart beating wildly in your chest, you quickly brushed your lips somewhere along his cheek while grabbing your things from his hold,"Night, Kats."
You weren't sure if you heard him say it back, but you thought he did as you escaped into the darkness of you room, blushing.
That night, you had one of your better sleeps.
The next day, however, came early. And before you knew it you, along with your classmates, were suiting up and leaving U.A. to chase a possible Midoriya lead. The state he was in when you guys finally found him broke your heart in a way you didn't know was possible, the boy was working hard to get Japan back to how it'd been before and the citizens seeking safety in U.A. didn't understand that. Tears were brought to your eyes after a touching speech from Ochaco, and when the day finally came to its end your bones too were crying from all the extra exertion.
When everyone got back, you'd set to work making a simple batch of chocolate chip cookies since the last one hadn't lasted longer than the morning on which they were discovered. The bath had been miraculous for your muscles, and you'd almost fallen asleep while sipping on the tea Momo had brewed for everyone.
The day had been quite momentous, and through it all, you couldn't help want to seek out only one person...
You sighed as you turned over in bed.
You had your phone turned on in your hand, your text messages with Mina blinking up at you as you typed and deleted the same text many times.
You deleted it one last time and reread her text.
mina ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ: soooo you and bakugo ?? 👀👀 noticed he was prettttty worried abt u getting hurt / just u in gen during mission bring deku home, didn’t know y’all were so close hm 🤔🤔🤨
You debated letting your best friend know you’d somehow become sort of friends with Katsuki, having spent a few nights in each other's company. But how did you explain to her that somehow, through three simple nights, that you might be having other feelings for him. And that you'd kissed him. Well, his cheek, but still. That move was quite bold for you and then, like a coward, you ran away. You'd always dismissed things like crushes and boys, but Katsuki... he was loud, to put it simply, and therefore was much harder to ignore.
You hadn't thought he'd paid you any extra mind in comparison to everyone else during the fight, but having been focused on Midoriya... maybe you'd missed it?
You pulled out your phone again, sending your friend one last reply.
y/n (ෆ•∘̬• ͒)◞: lolll as if girl yk he doesn’t do friends, think he’s probs just on edge bc of midoriya
She texted back immediately, but rather than opening the text you opened up your music app and pressed play on a soothing playlist. You listened to it, along with the rain that had yet to stop, and felt your body start to relax into your pillows.
You weren't lying to your friend. Bakugo had made it clear he was at U.A. because he wanted to be number one. He didn't have time for "extras", as he so often put it, what exactly made you so different? Nothing. Exactly, you told yourself, nothing at all.
Sure, he was calmer around you on those measly nights on which you found one another. But that was just because everyone else was asleep and maybe he was being considerate. Sure, he listened to you talk on and on and watched your silly romance drama with you... but that had to be because he had nothing better to do, having already been awake... right?
You groaned, the longer you thought about it the more the frustration with yourself grew. How could you be so clueless?!
When it all became too much, you pushed your covers off and ripped your headphones off, your feet found your slippers immediately as you picked up your glasses from your nightstand and slid them on. You marched toward your door with purpose, ripping it open only to freeze at what awaited on the other side.
He had his fist up, ready to knock. There he was.
Katsuki Bakugo, right outside your door.
“Bakugo… hi.” You breathed out, you felt your heartbeat start to pick up a bit.
“What happened to Katsuki?” You faintly heard him say, but your attention was elsewhere, eyes taking him in completely.
He was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants you’d never seen before and a fitted black t shirt. His hair, you noticed, was pushed back by a black headband. You never wanted to be a headband more. Was this his usual sleep attire? Last time you could’ve sworn he was wearing a muscle tee and a pair of shorts. Focus, Y/N, focus! You yelled at yourself internally. You snapped out of it in time to hear him say your name.
Aaand shit. So preoccupied with him, you had momentarily forgotten your own attire: Kuromi pyjama bottoms and a sports bra... and your glasses— shit, shit, shit.
Embarrassed, you pulled your hair forward to try and cover yourself just a tiny bit,“Oh, my god, sorry, hold on, let me grab a shirt.”
You turned, but didn’t make it more than two steps when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist, he pulled you back and firmly asked,“Were you coming to look for me?”
You gulped, forcing yourself to meet his eyes,"Yes."
His eyes widened slightly, like he couldn't believe how easily you admitted to it.
"You too, by the looks of it." You pointed out, and he nodded.
He looked away, gaze zeroed in on the ground as he released a deep breath, and with it, how he truly felt,"All I seem to think about these days is impending doom. Well, that, and also you.” His lips pressed together and you noticed his hands clenching down at his sides, you wanted to unfold his fingers and tuck your own around them.
“Whenever I talk to you, or I’m near you… it helps. I don’t know what it is, but being with you makes me not have a fire lit up under my ass or something.” He confessed.
A weight was instantly lifted off your shoulders. You allowed yourself to smile,"That's super poetic, Katsuki, and sweet."
He rolled his eyes, and you could swear his ears were turning red too,"I'll take it back."
You gasped,"You wouldn't dare."
He shook his head, releasing a small sigh,"I'm no good with words, but am I..."
You took a step forward, listening to your heart and taking his hand into your own. He seemed to want to pull back, but you didn't let him as you wound your hands together.
"They're sweaty." He argued.
"Don't give a shit." You grabbed his other hand too,"You're not alone, you know. I feel the same way you do, not about the impending doom part, but the rest of it. Ever since that first night when you were there... I just feel at ease with you. You may say you're not good with words, but you're pretty good at listening, and I think you've done great at comforting me in your own way. I didn't really see it today, but you were there, watching me, making sure I was good, I was so scared—”
“I was terrified.” He said at the same time.
You smiled even bigger now,“Good thing it all worked out in the end, huh? You got your friend back.”
He scoffed,“He’s not my friend.”
“Am I your friend?” You asked, still grinning.
He shook his head and the smile instantly left your face as you started to pull your hands away,"Oh—"
You didn’t get a chance to fully let go as he pulled you forward with one hand and grabbed your waist by the other, and before you realized what was happening, his lips had met yours for the shortest kiss. So light it could barely qualify as one, but it was enough to freeze you in place as you once more repeated:
He leaned his forehead against yours and you inhaled, consumed by him and his scent.
"Hold on, can I...?"
You didn't wait for a response as you stood up on your toes, placing a hand on his cheek and kissing him again. This one lasted longer and you thought you might've tasted chocolate from the cookies you'd made earlier on his tongue, you hadn't seen him around when you were passing them around and you were happy he'd gotten to enjoy some after all. When you pulled away, you were smiling again.
"I'm not good at this." He repeated once more.
You shook your head,"You're doing perfectly."
He kissed you a third time, another short and sweet peck that led to one more on your cheek and then the other cheek and then your forehead and lastly, your nose.
You blushed as he buried his face in your neck and hair and inhaled deeply,"You smell so good, like cookies and warmth."
He tried to move, but you kept him there by running your fingers through his hair and making him relax further into your hold. You couldn't look at him for what you were about to ask. You felt your face heat up,"I know that was our first kiss and you said we're not really friends, which I think means something and if it does mean that thing, well, our timing isn't great and we can't really go on a date or anything to even start the thing, and if Aizawa were to find out, surely we'd be dead, but could you, maybe, think about possibly staying with me tonight?"
Katsuki pulled away, hands in your hair as he agreed right away,"Thought you'd never ask."
He pulled you back into his arms, shutting the door behind himself as he walked right into your room like he owned it. "Those glasses drive me crazy." He said as he instantly made himself comfortable under the purple comforter of your bed.
"Really?" You scrunched up your nose before taking them off and putting them back on your nightstand,"I hate them."
He shook his head,"You should wear 'em more."
"When classes start back up, maybe, I'll think about it." You hesitated as you laid down next to him.
It lasted maybe one minute before he was pulling you closer, your head on his chest. You could hear the pounding in his chest as he said,"It's new for both of us, but I think we can figure this out."
His warmth and his arms around you were already making you sleepy, you agreed with him,"Mmm, tomorrow?"
He gave a grunt of acknowledgement and you could tell the lack of sleep lately was catching up with him too as he shifted his body even closer, head burying into your neck again,"Night, Y/N."
You smiled, content,"Goodnight, Katsuki."
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accidentwithapen · 6 months
Hiii!!! GIGS in Space AU Once Again on my mind so heres a quick plot rundown allll put in one post
If you read through this all i love you <3
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If not, have this grian doodle anyways
So Grian, Scar, Impulse, and Skizz are all prisoners in this like,,, dystopian space society. All are imprisoned for different reasons:
- Grian is a vandalist, doing graffiti and setting minor explosions around different government/company sites. When arrested and asked why he does what he does, he claims "it's about the principal"
- Impulse worked as a mechanic for a major company, but an incident resulting in a death and 3 injuries gets wrongfully pinned on him. He still believes that all circumstances surrounding his arrest are just one big misunderstanding. The company, however, doesnt care.
- Skizz is a hacker, and good at it too. He logs into the system of the same company Impulse worked for, and subsequently gets caught red-handed.
- Nobody knows why Scar is arrested. There are many rumors spread around the prison wing that he and Grian are in that Scar is Secretly A Mob Boss for the Con Corp. family. But surely someone so clumsy and silly cant possibly be so powerful, right? thats what Grian thinks, anyways.
So these doofuses have two options.
1. they can serve their sentence rotting in a shitty space prison with Nothing To Do and being forced into manual labor
2. they can get out slightly earlier after enough time spent doing Community Service
They go for the second one, which Happens to be gathering extraterrestrial data for Impulse's old Company (i need a name for it dear god its ridiculous at this point). So after all independently choosing the community service option, they get grouped into a squad of the four of them and get sent out to different semi-abandoned planets to hunt monsters/ghosts/aliens and collect data. What they eventually figure out is that the reason they are given so much freedom with their community service is that they are not intended to survive. They devise an escape plan and on their third mission together, they successfully escape together.
Its important to note that Scar and Grian came from the same cell block, so Grian decides to tell Skizz and Impulse about the mob boss rumors (as a prank, of course), and warns them that Scar Doesn't Like Swearing. basically scaring everyone into facing these cosmic horrors with a PG attitude
So the GIGS escape with a real shitty spacecraft and are on the run from the government (theres no way they're gonna succeed like this) up until they get captured. but not by the government.
They get captured by morally gray, filthy rich, weapons manufacturer Doc. (or his hitman at least, one Geminitay)
Doc explains to the GIGS that he has paid all of their bail fees, and now they must work off their debt to him. as delivery boys.
Doc enlists Gem to look after the GIGS during their deliveries. Gem Does Not Like This but shes not gonna say no to her boss.
Basically the rest of it is a silly stupid sci fi sitcom about funny found family doing goofy delivery missions and learning more about each other along the way.
Oh, and remember those rumors about Scar? Theyre all true. And there are Consequences for his absence in the family....
Heres some extra little character notes:
- While Impulse believes his arrest was a genuine mistake at first, during their second bout of community service, he and skizz discover how little the company actually cares about its employees and Impulse gets real mad that his entire livelihood is a lie and goes ham and wrecks some shit (good for him)
- Gem was taken in by Doc at a very young age, with life-threatening injuries. Doc used his experience with mad sciencery to fix her up with whatever he had on hand, mostly animal parts. now shes a hybrid.
- Gem sees Doc as a father figure, but has No Clue how to express that so from her perspective shes just Really Loyal to her boss and doing nothing more than paying off a life debt.
- Grian has a mycelium infection running up his arm that he keeps secret from everyone else. the first in the group to find out about it is Gem
- Scar uses mobility aids of many varieties, but mostly uses a cane with robotic leg splints on missions
Anyways thats all for now, if you wanna see some more doodles and stuff you can look around my gigs in space tag!!
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ourmondobongo · 7 months
JJK 251 delivered one of the most intense fights till now, and honestly, I can't wait to see it animated! (if I'm still alive 10 years from now, that is lol).
That said, I need to write a little about this chapter because it has been eating me out since Thursday, and the HQ scan release is MAGNIFICENT. So let’s go!
Yuta used Cleave on Sukuna!
But, alas, he wasn’t the one to eat Sukuna’s finger. It was prolly Rika.
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I don’t think anyone would think it makes sense that Yuta - second only to Gojo, the strongest modern sorcerer  - could be the one to eat the King of Curse’s finger. While he IS powerful, it is still so risky to think he could ingest a piece of Sukuna’s soul and keep it inside himself for God knows how long.
Also, if a human had eaten one of his fingers, it seems a bit unlikely Sukuna wouldn’t have noticed somehow, as the cursed object holds a part of his very soul.
On the other hand, Rika hasn’t fully manifested. It seems an odd thing since this battle is even more dangerous and important than all previous battles Yuta had since his 2vs1 with Geto. Which may be just a wild speculation, but that has me thinking that maybe - just maybe - he hasn’t allowed her to fully manifest because she ate the finger. Like with the finger bearers at the beginning of the manga, Sukuna would know it is there, and he could target Rika more fiercely. Perhaps get to even retrieve it.
But this is speculation only - and I hope we will be sure of it in the next chapters.
It’s good to remember tho that it was Rika who ate Uro’s arm, not Yuta. And I doubt Yuta himself could have also eaten Hana’s and Inumaki’s arms…
Yuta was right in thinking that Sukuna would be surprised at being hit by his own technique.
However, something pretty nice happening here is that Sukuna looks pleased at tasting his own technique.
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You know, we are well aware by now that Sukuna is a hedonist to the fullest. So I’m actually pleased that, rather than being really pissed off for getting a taste of his own medicine, he really experienced this little moment in a way that couldn’t show better how a being can be more self centered lol
I mean, his smile as he says ‘I see. Quite the meal.’ or "Oh, I get it. You ate it." feels like he is amused at tasting some of the power his own technique holds. I can hear Suwabe-san making it sound like he is having a foodgasm. And Yuta’s face turning worried is a sign that he oughta move to his next attack against the King of Hedonism ASAP.
Yuji and Yuta’s hand-to-hand-fight with Sukuna is beautiful, my god.
Sukuna is a good +4m tall muscle-built four-armed TITAN GIANT. Yuta and mostly Yuji are making him bend, making him bleed, making him blind by spitting blood on his cursed eyes, and FUCK - THIS FIGHT IS GOLD!!
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Details I gotta highlight:
This is the second time Yuji survives Cleave at point blank, showing how much his endurance is up in such a crucial moment.
It was so smart of him to spit blood on Sukuna’s face. Reminds a little how his lil brother Kechizu spat his cursed blood on him back in s01 times.
Yuji’s determination to save defeat Sukuna and save Megumi with ‘heal up, heal up, HEAL UP’ makes me wanna chomp on wood T_T (C’mon baby, you can do it!)
Count on Sukuna to keep looking amused as he is being wrecked to the bones lmao. But also, this means he is thinking, analyzing, plotting, and soon preparing to counterattack.
The way Rika grabs him by the leg and throws him at Yuji’s soul shaking kick IS PERFECT.
The beating is so well delivered that, in fact, Sukuna is pushed to a deadly gamble.
I love when Sukuna gambles. He does it so many times throughout the story that I don’t think anyone can actually be surprised to see him doing this again in this chapter.
And I really mean it, cause not even our MCs are surprised. They had a solid plan of what to do once they had pushed Sukuna to the point they wanted: aka, releasing the HWC to try using Space Dismantle while tanking Jacob’s Ladder.
In less than a blink, Sukuna is 3/4 immobilized.
Rika, half manifested, gets his upper arms while Yuji goes for the lower right.
Yuta, though, goes straight to his guts, and bravely shoves his hand inside his belly mouth while Sukuna's only free arm goes straight to his head.
The cost for such a risky attack? A Cleave delivered directly on his bloody head.
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But Yuta’s RCT doesn’t fail him. And he also still gets to rip out the Cursed Tongue - leaving Sukuna to have only one way to chant curses now. Confirming their suspicions that the King needs to use hand signs and chants or both to use “Space Dismantle”, which is an opening they can take an important advantage of to both use the domain's sure hit and reach Megumi.
This page made me scream!
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The sight of Sukuna’s cheek exploding is bloody horrible.
Yuta tanking another slash attack shook me.
But Yuta coming up at the fucking King of Curses absolutely confident he can face him off FEARLESSLY is even more gobsmacking. I love my son!
Also, the fact that Sukuna’s output is low to that point is both a sign that 1) his deadly efficiency is truly getting compromised by the biggest jjk team jump this manga had to this day,  2) Yuta and Yuji really leveled up to an impressive stage!
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I don’t think we have ever seen Sukuna getting so overwhelmed and shocked.
Yuta’s next sword attack happens simultaneously with Yuji’s blood manipulation attack, and Sukuna loses his free hand while he realizes Yuji in fact just used his spitted blood to blow half his face off, rendering unable to speak.
A little thought I want to share though is that, while it has been long hinted that Yuji is able to use Blood Manipulation in any form after eating his brothers and training with both Choso and Noritoshi, I still have a little doubt whether the piercing blood attack in chapter 247 really comes from Yuji or not.
From the pov in 247, PB comes from somewhere really high and far from where Sukuna is. And in chapter 244, we see Mei Mei and Momo observing the battle from a tall building not too far away. I could see Choso being taken somewhere safe up to and despite being heavily wounded, still trying to help his lil brother. But also, I can picture Yuji rushing up some of the destroyed buildings to locate Sukuna and Higuruma, and desperately PB Sukuna to buy some time until he gets there. 
I mean, if it had been really Yuji, I half expected Sukuna to have a lil flashback not only of the moment Yuji spat on him, but also from when he was attacked back in 247. That would solidify the fact he shockingly realized Yuji is using BM. So I will wait for a clear confirmation...
This talk is pretty interesting and important.
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We discovered through Yuki’s search that: 
Even when souls mix to some degree, they don’t become one single soul.
Choso can’t feel the OG soul of the human whose (his) body belongs to, and that’s why he asks if Yuji and Sukuna aren’t a special case. A fair question that made me think Choso could actually give back his body to the guy if he knew the poor man was trapped inside.
Yuji explains that CE plays an important role in the case of cursed objects and non-sorcerers then. Yet, no matter how deep a living soul may sink, it won’t merge or disappear in such cases.
Choso proposes another special case: since Yuji said, “in general level things are unmergeable”,  what if Megumi and Sukuna are different tho? What if that could happen to them?
Yuji proceeds to say he added the “general” thing cause he had dealt with Mahito. Also, uniting souls transform them into other separate being. So as long as a soul CT like Mahito’s is NOT at play, then the merging of souls can’t happen.
And trusting fully in Yuki’s search, Yuji promises he will shake Megumi’s soul awake.
And after learning all of this, I wished for real that Yuki had not died so prematurely. The fact she was a former Star Plasma Vessel, that she could hear the voices of the souls Tengen had absorbed throughout the millennium, and that she had now Maki, Yuji/Sukuna, Choso and Mahito to deepen her research on souls and find a “scientific way” for how to break free from CE, BUT she never could do it… is a PAIN. We can’t undo what GG did, tho, so let's move on to the next topic.
Angel’s technique is special.
But it has a well defined role in the story: one that is NOT what some ppl think.
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In an incarnated body, there is the mix of one’s technique + the personality + cursed object. So, since Angel’s CT can eradicate CTs, they can erase Sukuna. As they all want to save Megumi, tho, they will need to do the same thing Hana tried back in chapter 213: using the attack to FIRST weaken the connection between Sukuna and Megumi so Megumi’s chances of surviving the brain damage are better, and THEN move on to finish off the King of Curses.
And here I want to point out how absurd it is for anyone to expect a MINOR side character to end the history of the final MAIN antagonist of this series. Because, truly, unless you are being really disingenuous or purposefully kidding yourself just to hate and badmouth JJK, one cannot be serious over Hana EVER standing a chance against Sukuna. Even more with one of her arms torn off by the King himself.
And that’s why Yuta - the one second only to Gojo - is the one side-handling this freaking final battle. 
Sukuna is damn right roughen and wrecked.
Yuji has one of his arms, Rika has two arms + a bite on his shoulder, his free arm is handless, his main mouth is half blown, and his belly mouth is tongueless and dripping blood.
There is a seriousness to his features that is different though. I mean he is the king of smiles, but he is deadly serious right here...
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He KNOWS what is coming. He has chosen to gamble his endurance power against Yutangel’s Max Jacob’s ladder. So he is definitely mentally preparing to receive one of the hardest blows on his unstable (connected to Megumi) form.
And then Sukuna takes it.
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His reaction is highly different from last time though, and it’s kinda obvious why. In chapter 213,  he had just barely taken over Megumi’s body as well as he was at 15 fingers. Here he is in his incarnated true form, 19 fingers + his very mummified head in.
That said, the way he only growls/grunts/gasps tanking a DE’s sure hit from someone with a CE around the same as his own is impressive. Not only that, but also another crystal clear hint that he is the fucking King of JJK for a reason. You can’t break him easily. You can’t beat him conventionally. You can’t kill him until his last drop of CE is gone, until his brain is incapacitated, until his self-serving wish to keep existing - even if meaninglessly - is obliterated together with his cursed soul. As long as he holds the overwhelming power to exist, he will keep existing.
Knowing the enemy is NOT down yet, Rika chomps her mouth on Sukuna’s shoulder again as she holds his arms again while Yuta butchers his lower right arm in half, buying the time Yuji needs to fuel the special punch that he hopes will shake Megumi’s soul awake from the depths of this nearly unkillable monster. And if my eyes are not deceiving me, I think that -  by the shape of Sukuna’s tattoo - Yuji hits him in the middle of his chest. Right over his heart.
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Megumi’s breakdown deserves an analysis of its own.
But, yeah, IT HURTS.
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As Yuji is shaken by Megumi’s state, though, the inevitable happens.
Sukuna, following his gamble of tanking and surviving JL to throw the WCD, does exactly that. The chants come on the page on a background a little similar to how his DE first appeared in animation. It’s eerie, cursed, and we know shit will happen on the next page…
Using what seems to be the arm Yuta had slashed in half (or is it the hand Rika was holding before), Sukuna strikes ALL his enemies with a seemingly WCD. 
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Way too close to him, Yuta takes the bruntest of it - the slash rips/slants his abdomen (letting we peek what is probably his liver), his back and his ring fingered hand (strongest way of connection with Rika) is severed from his wrist. Rika is slashed all over her face, the lower jaw which had bitten onto Sukuna’s shoulder is cut off and falling, her monstrous hands all cut and bloodied when they release Sukuna. Yuji is slashed on his forehead, across his face, and by the blood trajectory, from his collarbone down to abdomen. 
There is NO WAY THO that Yuji is dying like that, though.
So before we find out how Yuji - and prolly Yuta too - will survive this attack, it is important to notice here that Sukuna does not say “Dismantle” when he unleashes this attack on them. And, YES, chants ARE important in JJK. (I know a lot of ppl will complain about this, especially since “Gojo died with this attack!”, but I’m just saying what is drawn in the manga.)
Sukuna is back to his menacingly smiling aura as Yuta’s domain starts crumbling on top of him.
But while he is RCTing his injuries and tasting what seems to finally be the end of this cursed battle day, he is struck by the sneakiest signature attack of the modern era.
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Maki Zenin, the demon with zero cursed energy, pierces his heart - and soul - with her Split Soul katana.
If I said I haven't screamed at this whole sequence, I would be a liar. This was absolutely INCREDIBLE!
Now I hope GG won't switch the pov back to Hakari x Uraume, but I feel like he might as well do again T_T
Anyway, I just had to write all this to say how PERFECT Gege is weaving Gojo's pupils battle against the greatest King of Curses!!
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After seeing Cassie's recent interview in Spain where she said that Kit would still be mad at Ty when he comes to him at Cirenworth after three years of being apart, one of my biggest hopes for TWP is that Ty gets to defend himself against Kit being angry with him. I sincerely hope that the entire book doesn't go on with it seeming like Kit has every right to be mad at Ty while one of Ty's biggest plot points is that he needs to earn Kit's forgiveness.
Now let me say this, yes, Kit has every right to be mad, angry, furious, and everything else at Johnny Rook for not loving him like he deserved. For being a horrible father when he deserved the best the world could give him. He has every right in the world to be angry at Mother Hawthorn and the powers in the Faerie that have hunted his family for generations, killed his mom, and wrecked his life. These people need to earn Kit's forgiveness and they deserve to suffer for the horrible things they've done to him. They richly deserve to be hated for what they've done.
However, Ty is not on that list of people. Kit knew that Ty doesn't process things like other people do, he knew that if he outwardly approved of what Ty was doing that Ty wouldn't question it. He wouldn't look for reasons for Kit not to mean what he said. Also, I can understand being hurt by Ty not saying he loved him back but he was literally in the middle of raising Livvy!?! Like, my man, what did you expect Ty to do? Drop everything instantly and confess his love for you? It's not exactly the best timing coupled with the fact that Ty was also going through his own grief and was likely incredibly startled. I just sincerely cannot understand his anger towards Ty that he's held onto for three years. I can understand having immense regret over not stopping Ty sooner. Feeling guilt, sadness, grief, trauma, and so many other things from raising Livvy, but I cannot understand being mad at Ty.
But there is something else to consider, emotions can be misplaced and misunderstood. We can be incredibly mad at someone, direct it at them, all to understand that later on we were really mad at someone else entirely (like our parents or even ourselves) and just took it out on someone else because we simply didn't know what else to do with those emotions. We can also misunderstand an emotion as anger when it is really regret, grief, trauma, and anxiety all rolled into one. I definitely think this could be the case for Kit, I sincerely hope it is at least. We are all human and we are all entitled to make mistakes and Kit is no exception. He has the right to be misguided with his emotions. He's also just a teenager that's whole life was turned upside down (multiple times) in the span of a few weeks and now must live in fear for himself and those he cares about because of the threats from Faerie.
My thing is that I hope that in TWP Kit can come to this understanding and that part of Ty's plot isn't solely invested in earning Kit's forgiveness. Ty definitely has to atone for raising Livvy and all that it has wrought, I just don't think he has to also shoulder the burden of Kit's anger when it is unfairly aimed at him. I want to see Ty acknowledge that he has things he as to make up for in life but firmly show Kit that he's not the one who should get all of his anger. I want to see Ty's plotline devoted to him being one of the most talented and elite Shadowhunters of all time while also seeing him come to terms with what he's done while making amends for it. I want to see heroic Ty, the fierce protector and genius.
I say all of this because I love Kit Herondale so much. He deserves and desperately needs complete healing. Healing that is not clouded by him misdirecting his emotions at Ty in the form of anger and denying himself closeness with someone he obviously loves (Ty). Closeness that could bring healing. He deserves clarity over what he's been through and that means fully being able to acknowledge who hurt him: Johnny, Mother Hawthorn, Annabel, etc. while also realizing who didn't: Ty.
I just don't want the whole plot to be drenched in misplaced anger and angst :( I just want Kit and Ty to fully acknowledge what they've been through and find healing together
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
A very interesting AU concept would be swapping Sanji and Pudding, hear me out:
It starts with 9 year old Sanji at G€rma. In one way or another, his modifications partially activate. He is still weaker than his siblings, but its enough for J@dge to not imprison him even after Sora's death. (He still gets berated tho) Living like this slowly makes Sanji lose his emotions. He doesn't have a will to to live, yet he can't die.
Meanwhile, at Tottoland Big Mom is furios at a 6 year old Pudding because she just can't awaje her 3rd eye. She calls her a failure, punishes her for nothing, and tells her that she isn't her favourite daughter anymore. Hearthbroken, Pudding decides to run away like her big sister Lola did by hiding in the hold of a ship. She ends up in the east blue and after the ship wrecks, she meets Zeff. They are both stuck on an island fir 80 days, but he sacrifised his leg because he could never let a lady go hungry, its just wrong. Later they are saved and end up opening the Baratie.
Zeff raises Pudding as his precious daughter. She is already great at baking, but he teacges her how to make other dishes and cuisine. Everybody loves her, and anyone who even lays a finger on her will die.
Then Luffy arrives. While Pudding's real dream is to learn about the 3 eye tribe, she tells everybody that is to find the All Blue for her old man (she still covers her eye, Zeff is the only person who has seen it). After the events of the Baratie arc, she joins the crew as the cook.
The rest of the story would be similar. Pudding is now a pirate who uses her leg fighting skills and smarts to get by. (As well as an idden power thats connected to her 3rd eye) The marines gave her the epithet "chocolate leg Pudding". Im not sure if she already has the memo-memo no mi... I'm gonna assume she does and its very useful for her.
The first change in the plot is at Thriller Brak. Pudding notices her sister, but she is scared to face her at first, since that woukd mean telling her friends about her true lineage. For most if the arc, she deribetaly tries to hide herself and even wears a disguise. In a final moment in the arc, she asks Lola to talk to her privately. We don't see what happens yet, but we will one day.
The rest of the story is the same, until Whole Cake Island. When she is kidnapped by the Big Mom pirates. When her bounty poster is changed to "only alive". When the invitation to the wedfing of the 3rd son of the V!nsm@ke family and the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family are handed out. When Big Mom decides to claim her disowned child to give her up in an arranged marriage as part of a coup. Threattening to hurt Zeff and her friends if she doesn't comply.
I love this so damn much you don't even know-- I've always been saying that Pudding's story is basically Sanji's but like, with the bad ending because she never got to escape when she was little but Sanji did. And now that you mention this AU, it's just perfect to show their similarities but also to turn the stories around and,,, It's amazing.
Starting with Sanji, I adore that the approach here is that he's emotionless. I don't think he'd be like his brothers in a narcissistic, egocentric way. I think that after being abused constantly he just loses all will to leave and shuts down completely even if there is still empathy within him. The whole thing with the Vinsmokes is that they were all raised to be powerful killing machines and that's why they act like this, not because they actually are emotionless. And Sanji in this context isn't either, he just seems like he is because he just... Gives up. So I imagine a black-haired Sanji with some blond, completely shut down and just taking the abuse and living with it and serving the family without anything else.
But there is still some type of connection in him to like, animals and women, I think. It's small but it's there. He's not our sweetest boy but he won't harm women the way Niji does and he will help and feed animals because he is strangely attached to them and cooking. But Judge doesn't really say anything about it anymore because at least the kid gets the job done and doesn't seem like he's going to rebel or anything. He's kind of like in a Reiju position? Where he understands their situation and has his own emotions but just shuts down? Except that he's well, extremely depressed and mean and she's concerned for him. I think she still protects him though, she's the only one Sanji doesn't push away. Typical "they sit in silence and she hugs him and even though he stays expressionless it's obvious that he likes it with her".
And Pudding... I love that she gets her happy ending here. I've been saying Zeff has girldad energy and it just makes sense that he'd be extremely protective of her while teaching her to cook and fight on her own!! He raised the most gorgeous, sweetest, and yet ruthless cook of all seas! I think he'd be such a great dad for her because he would help her stand up for herself and also take care of her in their early years together when she is still having trouble adapting to a new, healthy environment. Of course, she still has nightmares and trauma responses when she grows up, and he helps her anyway, but she gets better at some point.
I love that he's the only one who sees her third eye!!! That'd be like, such a good plot point too for her to join the strawhats... Also, her dynamic with Luffy would be hilarious because despite being sweet, I wanna desperately keep her mean personality and she would be SOOO done with Luffy. Their relationship would kind of resemble Lusan's a lot, imo. And Nami would be sooo happy to have another girl in the crew so early!!! I also think she'd hate Zoro but not because of like, parallels with Zosan or anything, I just think their personalities clash too much-- And she'd have a soft spot for Usopp but that's because, you know, everyone does. Also, I like having a girl in the crew that isn't part of the coward trio. She actively fights and I love it. Then Vivi and Robin join them and y'know, I am starting to think another girl in the crew would be literally amazing hahahaha (I've been saying this for so long). So I am guessing everything stays the same except that during Thriller Bark she reunites with Lola but yeah, she doesn't tell the others about it. Because that's what WCI is for!
Then WCI happens... And I am losing it because I really, really, really want her to have the biggest breakdown about it and sacrifice herself Sanji-style (don't you just love how you don't even have to change the plot because they're literally parallels??? I will never understand how some people can hate Pudding lmfao she's literally Sanji). So she's forced to do the exact same thing she does in canon if she wants to save the ones she loves, but she doesn't want to kill Sanji?? Like at all?? And then you have Sanji who literally gives zero fucks about what's going on. I think he'd be forced to act politely and like a gentleman when he literally doesn't care about all of this-- And probably Pudding finds out and he's mean to her, yadda yadda yadda.
And y'know I would absolutely love if Sanji knew they're going to kill him but couldn't care less about it because perhaps dying is better than whatever life he's living, and when Pudding realizes what's going on she makes him want to live just... A little bit. Something awakens inside Sanji and suddenly he's scared and he doesn't want to do this. Sanji sees Pudding's third eye... Pudding finds out about Sanji's mother... They actually won't stop arguing at first, Pride & Prejudice style, and then Sanji sees her with a different perspective and all of a sudden he starts acting more protectively and sweet to her? So she's confused as hell and still tries to argue but uhhhh complicated relationship they've got there, but at least they help each other out.
And idk perhaps we have the Viinsmoke sibs having the same scene they have in canon and helping Sanji out but the crucial part is Reiju paralleling the original scene in which she helps Sanji escape. And he finally does and he leaves with the strawhats because I need them to have a happy ending. So he's still dealing with, you know, trying to express his emotions and wanting to live but he'll get there someday because at least now he's safe. Nobody kisses and forgets anybody because I will not allow a sad ending here, thank you.
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mochamoth · 5 days
samarina magical girl headcanons?
I have a few headcanons so far and the whole plot is kinda done! Uhh sorry this is a bit of a rant in advance! Feel free to just skip to the headcanons, the order doesn't matter too much (also mild spoilers for the canon gamee!!)
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So this takes place sometime in the early 2000s, not modern but also not the canon 1940s time era. The backstories are pretty much the same except the Ninth Circle has an even sharper eye on Samarie. At some point Marina catches Samarie stalking her and gives her a talking to. But, after several apologies and begging from Samarie, Marina decided to get to know her a lil better. They slowly become friends overtime until some plot stuff happens and they die. I don't have a solid idea yet but I was thinking what if the Ninth Circle was more of a lab than a "school". Still a cult but y'know the vibes are a bit different. They catch the two running away and threaten to shoot Marina if she doesn't turn Samarie back in. Marina refuses, they shoot, Samarie takes the shot for her but unfortunately they just shoot Marina anyways afterwards.
Somewhat luckily Samarie was close enough with the Gods to make some sorta deal with Rher specifically (for arguments sake let's pretend in this au Rher is still semi close with humans). Marina and her would be allowed to live and be resurrected, in exchange for.. Well idk yet. I was thinking something to do with Moonscorching. Maybe every night they turn, or every few days, full moon, you know something like that.
So they're brought back to life, but both have MUCH stronger magic. Not only that but Samarie doesn't feel as sick as she used to be. The two later on realize they're stereotypical ✨️magical girls✨️ and fight against "villains" ig. The villains would be actual enemies from the games. Uhh I might add other characters to this au later on, but for now it's just my own little corny ship indulgent au so yeah!
(Sorry for any grammar errors I am tired lol)
Actual Headcanons:
Samarie uses a Star themed staff while Marina uses a Moon themed staff. I just thought it fit their souls aesthetic wise!
Samarie has extremely powerful magic, but is a terrible fighter. She's clumsy, messy, and a nervous wreck. Marina is a bit weaker magic-wise, but is wayy better in combat. She's more confident, focused, and skilled.
I think it'd be funny as shit to make Black Kalev their little sidekick.
They're constantly saving eachother. Usually it's Marina saving Samarie, but if Marina is in danger Samarie fucking kicks ass. She's still a crazy girl after all.
They have more stereotypical sparkly magic cuz.. Well magical girl. But they can still use other canon spells. It's just less convenient.
Their staffs will transform when they do. When they're not in their combat fits the staffs both turn into crystals. Both wear them around their necks like necklaces.
They can't use the gifted magic without the staffs. Basically they're witches in a way.
They do flirt on the battlefield cuz that's romantic imo. It's more Marina flirting and Samarie being a gay mess but that still counts!
In this au they're not dating (yet). Samarie obviously has a massive crush (or obsession) with Marina, and again after becoming friends Marina develops a crush back on her.
This has nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with the au, Samarie has autism. I didn't know where else I'd share that hc so taking my chance rn.
Samarie still isn't used to the outfit change. Especially Marina's outfit (she is a lesbian disaster).
They rest and cuddle together after long battles. It'd be cute okay?
I might add more later (in which case I will post), and yes this is out of character. Sorry abt that. Uhh also I've never seen a magical girl anime. Like ever! I want to. I really wanna watch a few, just haven't gotten around to it.
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seeminglyseph · 3 months
I do love that the like. Purity Police were losing their shit about MaoMao being 17 and Jinshi being 24 and how problematic the age gap was and like. Plot twist he’s lying about his age too because like it wasn’t the most obvious thing about him, Jinshi is in deep cover and lying about his identity. He and MaoMao are absolutely in the same age category anyway because like. This is a period piece where 17 is fully an adult and MaoMao is more mature than most of the adults in the series and has on more than one occasion been the one teaching Sex-Ed to the people around her, like. It’s very infantilizing to treat her like she is somehow without agency.
Like there are very clear power dynamics in their relationship that the series is 100% aware of and like. Actively commenting on and dealing with, the potential of an age gap is like… that was the previous emperor and he’s dead now. Maybe because he was into really extreme age gaps *ahem* it is why some of his concubines had complications in childbirth, canonically. Like. Predatory age gap shit is canonically why the current emperor is like “I prefer women with huge breasts and have 100% been through puberty in a really obvious way.” And the kinda creepy young consort is like… feeling bad his dad preyed on her. He doesn’t want her himself he just like… seems to be a decent guy who isn’t gonna leave a girl to be “ruined” by his father being a pervert forever? Even if court politics is tricky about it. And maybe when she’s an adult she’ll be hot and that’s cool, but for now she can just live in the palace and be taken care of. There was no good outcome for her anymore after his father already had her as his concubine.
Honestly like. Apothecary Diaries is probably already commenting on like half the stuff people are kinda huffy about, in some way, it just like… some people take talking about it to be endorsement or don’t listen long enough to realize what’s actually being talked about. See Lishu is present and assume that’s the story being told. See that MaoMao is short and flat chested and assume a story being told.
I have seen so many people being like “oh my god she’s 17!!!” In response to Jinshi’s like. Mild flirting, like MaoMao isn’t capable of having a dirtier mind than like… 90% of the cast of this series. Proven repeatedly. Everyone forgets this girl is raised in and around a brothel, like “oh my god protect this baby” there is a class disparity but I think if it came down to it, MaoMao would absolutely *destroy* Jinshi. She would *wreck* every sense of innocence he has. She’s the one who keeps imagining him getting seduced by other men. He gets protective of her wellbeing, she put lipstick on him while his eyes were closed and decided even if it would be fun the threat to the realm was too great. They are technically both late teenagers, so adults AND idiot children.
And Gaoshun has to deal with them *and* his own son being the same age?? Does this man know any peace at all? Or is it just idiot teens as far as the eye can see? All adolescents all the time in Gaoshun’s Hell Palace Experience.
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toaarcan · 1 month
I think Fiona's betrayal makes way more sense and fits into the narrative better if you simply bump it to after the destruction of Knothole.
Like, in the actual comic it kinda comes out of nowhere, and it's heavily tied into the romance plot tumours and Issue 150. Fiona's actual character is barely important, she just disappears for five issues and comes back with a new personality, her old trauma in high gear again (but girl, if you're mad at Sonic for abandoning you, why the feck are you running off with Second Sonic Who Is Worse?), and an ideology that makes zero sense with her history ("You can't count on anybody" says character who has literally never been independent and will never become independent).
And the fallout is incredibly understated and after literally two issues nobody cares any more except Tails. And he's done caring after 179 closes.
Betrayal is supposed to be impactful.
But if you shuffle the order of the stories around, don't even change the actual content, then the whole thing becomes a buttery-smooth consistent arc and Fiona's character development, while not a good thing in the long run (Scourge literally would've killed her in 196 if his plan had succeeded, she traded the stunningly mediocre partner that was Sonic for a literal monster), actually makes sense and is front and centre in her story, instead of what we got, which is "Fiona ascends from background character to weird love interest to an accessory for Scourge who is defined entirely by Scourge."
Fiona being driven by her trauma to hate Sonic for leaving her behind is a reasonable angle, it's where she started in the Knuckles comic, but it's been so long since that was relevant to her character that dredging it up years after the fact in a different book would only ever be jarring. Unless, say, history repeated itself and all those wounds got opened up again.
Eggman drops out of the sky, razes her home to the ground, and shoves her in a prison to be used as fodder for one of his sick creations, just like Robotnik did all those years ago. Only this time, the prison is so small that she can barely even move, and the machine she's going to be fed into is much worse. It'll kill her, twice over, draining her life-force to power Eggman's machinery and wiping her mind for no reason other than "Eggman's a sadistic asshole."
She gets to see the effects up-close too, via Charmy's brain damage.
And while it's unnecessary, as I think the actual plot of the issues needs no alterations to make sense, you could nonetheless add a small scene during the rescue where Sonic saves Fiona from the Egg Grapes and says he won't make that mistake again. A small hope spot before it all comes crashing down.
Because it does! The arc ends with the Freedom Fighters standing triumphant over a wrecked Egg Beater. They could easily grab Eggman and drag him into the brand-new prison that Nicole put Mogul, Naugus, and the Hooligans in. They have turned their darkest hour into an opportunity to win the war... and they don't take it.
Eggman flies off, clinging to an Egg Flapper and doing the "I'll get you next time, Gadget! Next tiiiiiime!" bit, and the heroes just... stand there.
And that's where the (hypothetical) hope spot gets dashed. Fiona, already uncertain of her place in the team after 160-1, loses faith in them completely. She just lived through the worst experience of her life again and the heroes of this world are doing nothing to prevent another repeat.
It even makes her "You can't count on anybody" line actually have some weight. She genuinely feels like she's been failed by them, that she put her trust in these people and they still turned on her at a moment's notice, and they're not doing enough to actually save the world. It's like Scourge says in 172- she "wishes [Sonic] had a backbone."
And then, after all that, there's the big Fiona Betrayal Issue except now it's actually about Fiona and not just about giving Scourge a girlfriend, and that's followed immediately by the Sonic vs. Tails issues. There's no time to process what just happened, everyone's emotions are still extremely raw, and it boils over into a fight between brothers that's more about venting all those nasty emotions they've been holding in for a while now. Sonic has been through a lot lately, he just lost his home and repeated one of his few failures, and he's not long lost Tommy too. Tails is dealing with emotions that he's not mature enough to process properly and healthily, he grew up too fast, but not evenly. And at the end of the day, they're both still just kids.
I still think 179's ending is an overall horrible way to to resolve that plot thread, and further reduces Fiona to an object to be fought over, but I'm not heavily changing the content of the issues, only the context.
I've never been a fan of villain!Fiona, I've made that clear in the past. I like it as a step on a journey that results in her healing, but I found its start confusing and messy and the rest of the arc lacklustre and far too focused on Scourge, rather than Fiona herself. But I think putting it in this order makes it flow a lot better for me.
If I write Sonic stuff again, I'll probably do it with this as a headcanon of what went down in the 170s.
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lilareviewsbooks · 1 year
Books With Morally Grey Gay People for Pride Month (Except, I'm Late)
Happy Late Pride, everyone! I'm sure many of you, like me, are tired of reading about perfect gay people doing everything right – you want some chaos in your stories! You want some problematic gays! So, even though I missed the end of Pride Month by about two days  – and as a reminder that every month is Pride Month! –I've compiled a list of 5 books that have something super cool about them: their gays are bananas, complex as fuck and ready to wreck hell. 
The Masquerade Series, starting with The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, by Seth Dickinson
This is one I've read recently and haven't gotten over just yet. The Masquerade Series is a triumph. This series follows Baru Cormorant, a young girl from the island nation of Taranoke, who watches her country be colonized by the hugely powerful Masquerade Empire. After one of her fathers is killed for being queer, Baru decides to join a Masquerade school and destroy the Empire from the inside out. Soon, she is being sent to unruleable Aurdwynn, where she is to be the Imperial Accountant. And things get very, very complicated from there.
Baru is an incredibly complex, ever-changing character surrounded by a cast of other complex, ever-changing figures – and most of them are queer! In fact, I think the only drawback for The Masquerade Series is that it can be a little too complex. But the payoff is amazing, and so worth it – especially in this first book, The Tyrant Baru Cormorant. And don't even worry about it – Baru & co. will cause more than enough harm in their way, making them an essential addition to the "problematic queers" packet.
The Locked Tomb Series, starting with Gideon The Ninth, by Tasmyn Muir
You've probably heard of The Locked Tomb Series if you spend a little bit of time on queer SFF booklr, but it's never too much recommending when it comes to this series.
It's very hard to explain what goes on in The Locked Tomb. The first book, Gideon The Ninth, follows our butch lesbian star Gideon as she is enlisted to become the sworn swords-woman to Harrowhark Nonagesimus, and they’re summoned to the First House to compete to become Lyctors, the companions of God. The first book plays out as murder mystery, while the next ones all devise creative ways to tell this story, which grows more and more complex. As the plot thickens, so does the complexity of our characters. They shine through in these novels, as their unapologetic queer selves, in this universe where homo and transphobia don't exist – refreshingly. But, as is the theme here, they don't always make the moral choice. In fact, The Locked Tomb is filled to the brim with crazy queers who do the most insane, deranged things. And Tasmyn Muir's complicated, intriguing writing will get you completely hooked and desperate to know what happens next with our problematic queers!
The Salt Grows Heavy, by Cassandra Khaw
I feel like The Salt Grows Heavy is severely underrated. It just needs to be better known! This is a horror twist on The Little Mermaid, and follows a siren and a plague doctor, the only survivors of a destroyed kingdom, as they go on the run, and the creepy things they find along the way. Now, although our queers aren't exactly villains, they aren't exactly the most moral of people. And their deep feelings of anger, for instance, permeate every page of this book. Mx. Khaw's writing style perfectly captures this, as they weave a tapestry of purple prose that keeps you hooked – I wasn't able to put this novella down from the moment I started until I finished it. Hopefully, you'll have as intense of an experience! She Who Became The Sun, by Shelley Parker-Chan
Another must for your problematic queer needs: She Who Became The Sun is a multi-POV story spanning two different nuclei. One follows Monk Zhu, who assumes her brother’s identity, sure that she is destined for greatness, and the people she meets in her quest to achieve this. Another focuses on Ouyang, an eunuch general who serves – and is lowkey in love with – Esen, the son of a province’s Prince, and the war they’re involved in. Zhu and Ouyang are the most chaotic of protagonists – and their decisions are morally grey, at best. The best part is that they arrive there very naturally – Mx. Parker-Chan is a master at character development, taking you from A to B smoothly. Plus, their writing is absolutely fantastic. She Who Became The Sun is a stunning debut and it is definitely worth all the hype! I'd hop on the train now, before He Who Drowned The World, the sequel, comes out in August!
The Monster of Elendhaven, by Jennifer Giesbrecht
Another novella, this one follows a monster and the man who controls him, exploring their complicated relationship. It's hard not to spoil it, but rest assured that these gay people do the craziest, most morally corrupt things you can imagine! What I enjoyed the most about The Monster of Elendhaven is its readability. I remember flying through this in a single sitting. The writing style reminds a little bit of The Salt Grows Heavy in the sense that it leans into the gruesome, but keeps itself very lyrical! Not to mention, the build up for the toxicity of their relationship is absolutely masterfully done, and I loved every single second of it.
That's all I have, guys, but if you want more queer books, I'd definitely check out my Queer Normal-World Books, where I've compiled some stories with no queerphobia in them!
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ntzsche9 · 10 months
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Here's to a fresh intro! I'm Verne (they/them), practically a queer elder in my 30s and too many of my stories are me simply wanting to write a scene, developing a bit of a world around it, then losing interest entirely. I’m still trying to figure out how to break that curse, but in the meantime, I’m just going to chase inspiration and post odds and ends here. I used to be an avid role-player, and my small cast of OCs from those days provide the greatest and easiest inspiration - particularly in the setting of the Fallout Universe. I do my best to write for a reader who is unfamiliar with the series, though.
Near-future dystopias
Scifi/Fantasy (urban) and magical realism
History/AltHistory (especially lesser-known and marginalized stories)
Horror, dark, violent, and mature themes
Queer everything. I can't write heteros to save my life and I'm not all that sorry about it.
Sexy melodrama and smut with too much plot
Fanfiction (I could read/write Fallout stuff all day)
Noteworthy WIPs:
Bad Blood - A Fallout Nuka-World fanfic (tag: #ntzsche Nuka-World)
I hope to eventually write this comprehensively enough to post on AO3 but for now, I work on this story to practice becoming a better writer. Incomplete Prequel: Sanctuary.
Lafayette, the son of a 'retired' raider, left his abusive father to find his place in the world and was taken in by an eclectic trauma-bonded found family that inspires him to be a better person and shows him love he is certain he doesn't deserve. When his father comes across them in a raid, Lafayette joins him in order to save the settlement and his little brother. Lafayette finds that being with his dad again, and playing the son he always wanted him to be, isn't nearly as difficult as he thought it would be. He struggles to maintain the person he wants to be with the person he suspects he is, all while a cast of scheming raiders, wastelanders, and slaves vie for power in a raider city built within the rusted remains of an amusement park.
Salem's Child - (tag: #ntzsche Salem)
A background on one of the lesser Bad Blood characters that I got carried away with.
Andrew Rook doesn't look like his parents. He looks like someone they are desperate to forget. The witchy remains of post-apocalyptic Salem, Massachusetts provide some solace from his rough home life. In a fading settlement run by incompetent adults who would rather blame the population of feral black cats for their problems than try to resolve them, Andrew and his two best friends build a world in their imagination that shields them from the wretchedness of the wasteland and the people they have to rely on to survive.
Navarro (working title) - (tag: #ntzsche Zavala)
Multi-generational short stories. Inspired heavily by Fallout universe, but reads as a stand-alone. Temporarily on hold pending a sensitivity beta reader for a few of the stories.
María Zavala, an aging curandera, happily sacrifices her place in a vault to her pregnant chicano daughter and faces the nuclear apocalypse alone. When radiation blesses her with immortality, she survives long enough for her great-grandchild to come home to her, and the family finds a way to flourish against great odds. Under their immortal matriarch, her descendants become the foundation for a town that is a bastion in an otherwise inhospitable world.
The Crash - (tag: #ntzsche Crash)
A real-world AU. 
Gabe always knew his functional alcoholic roomie would get into a terrible car wreck someday, but he never thought he would be dumb enough to be in the car with him. When the consequences of the wreck threaten to destroy Dave's life, Gabe finds himself doing everything he can to hold those pieces together. The love he harbors for his straight, polyamorous best friend runs deeper than either of them are ready to face, but Dave's injury makes it that much harder to hide.
Master list of writing posts, mostly backstories, one-shots, and excerpts (tag: #ntzsche misc).
Every You and Every Me - Cosmic horror flash-fiction
Misc Fallout Fiction
Typically taking place before the events of Bad Blood, roughly in chronological order:
Smiling Jack - Backstory for Dizz
Vault 112 - Backstory for Dave and Gabe
If Dave Had Died - What-if scenario from prior to Sanctuary
Sanctuary - How Lafayette became a part of his new family, direct prequel to Bad Blood
The Boston Library - One-shot writing prompt containing Lafayette and Luvell, after Sanctuary
OC Intro - most of my recurrent OCs have their own tags.
(some links forthcoming)
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destinysbounty · 2 years
If you told me Crystalized was just another series installment, id be content with how it ended. It felt a bit rushed in the back half, but was open-ended enough with a lot of loose plot threads that could tie into interesting narratives for future seasons. Their elemental powers fading, Nya getting hers back but not all the way, the fact that they are still technically wanted criminals, Garmadon and Harumi's respective redemption arcs, Lloyd's internalized self-loathing of his oni form....
See what i mean? If you told me ninjago as we know it would continue like normal after this, i wouldnt be quite so upset. Because this feels like the setup to a really interesting followup season. Like how season 8 led into season 9. The SoG finale left a lot hanging in the air, but it was okay because you knew Hunted would tie things up. Thats what Crystalized feels like to me. It feels like a segway into another story arc. But an all-out finale? Not so much.
Now, im not one of those people who thinks every loose end needs to be tied up into a neat little bow at the end. In fact, a lot of times it feels more organic if you do leave a few things open-ended. But so many MAJOR character arcs went unfulfilled. Nya just kinda faded back into being a supporting character again, without her powers fully coming back or even just learning to accept their relative absence. Lloyd never really embraced his Oni side, and is still very afraid of it. Harumi just kinda exists as a good guy now? I mean hell yeah i was so proud of her when she wrecked the Overlord's shit, but STILL. And the ninja are still technically wanted criminals????? I cannot stress that enough. They never got pardoned or anything, so they still have jail sentences to serve. Those were all major, central aspects of Crystalized's plot, so it feels really unsatisfying for those to get no resolution.
But if Crystalized was just a stepping stone to some kind of follow up, if Ninjago United was gonna develop those concepts and arcs better, then idk i think i could get behind the Crystalized finale a bit more. But with all the mixed messages weve been getting about United, i wont hold my breath.
Dont get me wrong, i do think ninjago should end eventually. I dont want it to become one of those shows that goes on for 20 years without any satisfying conclusion. But i just dont feel like this, here, is where it should end. And while the crystalized finale was interesting and brought a lot to the table, it felt...lacking, i guess, in a lot of ways that make it hard to believe that this is a real ending. It feels like they resolved one plot thread but then cracked open five new ones at the last second.
Tldr, i think the crystalized finale is a decent season finale. I just dont think its a very good series finale.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
I've lost track of what migraine day I'm on, but Trigun Book Club persists and so shall I.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 13, Chapters 4-6 below.
Chapter 4: Black
Voiceover Narration: Little did Livio know, but both the hat and the cape provided him with a +10 bonus to strength in addition to the moral boost. Someday, he would open up the stat screen for both and discover this, and then he would weep grateful tears that those who had so little gave him so much.
Oh, Elendira's got her own stat boost outfit, I guess.
I love how much tone she has in her voice. Between her body language and the translation, she's just a very easy character to hear in your head.
Ok, this panel is badass.
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Ooh, she actually landed a hit on him. Hasn't done that in a bit.
Why's she sizzling? Is it because she's on fire right now?
(Also, she might be in full badass mode, but goshdarnit, she better not seriously injure my Livio. He's important to me and needs to live!)
Aaaand we're back to Legato's monstrosity.
Dude. He has to save some for fighting Knives, dummy. He's not Gojo utilizing Limitless and being able to just go forever. He's going through his Last Run. There's a hard stop to his power and it's coming up quick.
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Hahahahaha, these poor guards. Space ships are, like, history bordering on mythology nowadays. They'd be more mythological if their bones weren't scattered across the planet. Seeing an actual functioning one that came from actual space would be quite something.
That's RIGHT, Luida's the one in charge!
Vance? As in advance? I mean, I know it's an actual name, but it's not a very common one and Nightow really seems to like just making names up, anyway....
Ok, so... Knives has always been a bit OP, but what I'm gathering from the Earth Fleet presentation is that this is a bit ridiculous even by the standards of a culture used to Plants.
Ok, I already have questions about how they know about any particular individual. I'm guessing they gleaned a lot of relevant information out of the remnants of Domina, but yeah.
Goshdarn, of course they were hoping to find Vash....
Dramatic Legato pose!
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Man, why'd he get so sweaty all of a sudden? That can't be comfortable.
Awww, Legato's little toy got wrecked. TBH, that looks more like Knives' work than Vash's... but that's only because it's hard to tell the curvature of the cut. Knives tends to do straight cuts while Vash destroys things in orbs.
Ugh, Vash might look badass, but he does not look good. Someone get him a sports drink or something to perk him up. Do Plants love electrolytes in this world?
I wonder who the other two were. Knives and pre-bagworm Legato?
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Uh, oh. Guess who's back. You done threatened Livio too much, Elendira.
Chapter 5: Battle of the Mystics
Yeah, Raz doesn't fuck around....
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It's weird seeing Raz with short hair. Like, Livio with short hair? Not as cool as if he'd cleaned it up but kept it long, but it was so uneven I get it. Raz with long hair and that undercut? Good for his level of chaos. Short-haired Raz? Just feels too restrained for him.
"Some dumbasses," huh? That's a rude (but perhaps not inaccurate) way to refer to Wolfwood and Vash.
I do appreciate how much more intense and unhinged Raz is compared to Livio. Even Elendira seems a bit taken aback by the mood switch in her opponent.
Oh, that's right. He's used to wielding full-out punishers rather than the double-fangs.
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He's gonna burn through ammo so fast using them like that. It's a good thing the guns in this series have ammo in plot amounts.
LOL, Elendira is already sick of Razlo's shit.
Uh. That's a lot of nails. I don't like this. She's being mean to my boy.
Oh, gods. I'm not sure even he can survive this.
OH GOOD IT WASN'T REAL. Dammit, Nightow. Don't scare me like that.
Oof, he's still not in good shape. :/
Chapter 6: Tag-In A Person
I feel like... Livo and Razlo are gonna tag-team this fight somehow....
Mmm, seems like Raz can't deal with Elendira's bloodlust.
Elendira! He needed that leg!
Oof, tiny Wolfwood memory....
The way Elendira says this makes me think she has some experience being on the receiving end of this herself.
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Look at him. Pumped full of nails again, but still going. He's a freaking machine.
Ok, I love how Nightow has used the dialog bubble to let us know that Livio is back in control here. It's a small thing, but excellent use of the medium.
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I love this conversation between Livio and Razlo. It's Livio making peace with himself, with him recognizing his alter and... sort of validating Razlo's existence, I guess? That Razlo is him and isn't him, and that's ok, and they are part of a tandem structure?
Oooh, are they both fronting? Or... like... Livio's fronting, but Razlo's kinda there, too. I'm not sure how much that works with DID, but it's interesting from a narrative perspective.
Again, wonderful bit of paneling here.
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Hahahaha, he didn't even bother to remove the nails. I realize this is a way of telling us that someone is a badass, but... like... having holes in your muscles and/or tendons seriously mucks with your range of motion. If you have a healing factor, get that shit out of the way so it can kick in. Otherwise, you're limiting yourself pretty severely. Like, he shouldn't be able to stretch out to his full wingspan with stuff popping through his back like that. Ok, I'll stop. I know I shouldn't expect realistic anatomical consequences in this series.
Wait, where's Vash? I'm worried about babygirl....
Heheheheh, backwards-firing gun trick shot. Again.
Oh, this is lovely. He's fighting right now with a balance neither side of him generally displays.
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Ooh, he got a solid hit on her.
Heheheheheh, mind Razlo still has the mohawk. As he should.
Elendira's got her priorities straight. Kill first, ask questions later.
There's something very satisfying (and maybe very important) about Livio praising Razlo. Not just leaning on him when he's afraid, but honoring Razlo's skill and technique and complimenting him on it. Raz wanted so bad to be needed and to be praised, and now he's getting the praise from probably the person he needed it from the most.
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Wait. Wait, is Razlo going somewhere??
What's coming next that's so bad that Raz isn't sure he can keep up with it??
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 12: Covers + 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 || Vol. 13: Covers + 1-3
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel) || Vol. 11: New Hair, New Outlook
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popculturebuffet · 1 month
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Boom! Retrospective: Issues 4 and 5: The Power Rangers Explode!
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It's morphin time once again you happy ranger. TLDR iv'e been covering Boom Studio's Power Rangers for my good patron brotoman.exed in between transformers reviews. This will be the last for a while as I have Transformers One Next month, possibly Transformers: The Movie after, and Transformers: More than Meets the eye returns after. But the power will protect us again in 2025.
For now though we wrap up the round of mighty morphin with a giant cliffhanger and a flashback. And get used to those clliffhangers as Mighty Morphin, both during this run and when Ryan Parrot takes over tends to be one big continuous story. But rather than just.. do power rangers then get back to more than meets the eye in a few years, we're going back and forth so expect a lot of cliffhangers from both.
So to breifly recap for those just joining us, i'll collect the link to this arc in one post later, in an arc set in an alternate timeline where Mighty Morphin takes place in present day but green with evil still happened Tommy laser eyeing bulk and skull into a trashcan and all, Tommy is dealing with his ptsd in the shape of a rita ghost haunting him and hid it from everyone, while the real rita plots her hideous revenge using a mysterous black crystal powered by the green energy. As for everyone else Billy and Trini are hanging out and being good buds, Jason has doubts about tommy, Kimberly is thirsty as hell and Zack is
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Constantly bitching about "WELL MAYBE TOMMY'S EVIL GUYS". And spoilers despite being called out on it he only gets worse in this one now he thinks he's been proven right. And on top of all of this, Rita has hyjacked the dragonzord and sent it the rangers way. And shit's only gonna get worse as we see how our heroes save the day only to still loose while we find out WHY Zack won't shut up.
So we begin the issue with the dragonzord having wrecked a cruise ship. There were some surivors but scorpina defintely just killed some people. Unless that boat was just haunted then the ghosts are fine.
Point is shit is bad as the dragonzord is headed for land and our heroes head to stop it.. minus tommy who Jason benches.. not unfarily given you know, the untreated ptsd he just confessed to and the fact the one strategy Tommy does have, telport into the cockpit, isn't available.
The rangers strategy after a badass looking half page of the zords
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Such a cool panel. I've given this comic's art some crap but it's megazord art is incredible. So their solution is rather than you know, form the megazord since last time they fought the dragonzord it was on par with it they ... use their zords to drag it into the sea to hang out with godzilla and cthulu.
Rita is actually ready for this as she NEEDS the dragonzord to kill people so she has finster... send a bunch of generic shark monsters and make them grow because.. rita can do more than one at a time now?
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Look i'm not the kind of nerd who goes nitpicking every minuta of a plot. I like to analize stuff yes, find deep meanings, character arcs, that sort of thing. I'll poke fun at stuff I don't like, i'll call it out but I try not to nitpick. There's stuff in power rangers like "Why don't they just call the zords right away", "why dosen't rita make her monster grow right away" i'm willing to handwave or can be explained in a more grounded take like this. This very comic , in the only issue i've read besides this arc pre-ryan parro, has a great issue we'll get to in a few years i'm sure that explains WHY Zordon picked 5 teenagers with atittude instead of experinced adults. I'm not saying it's not fun to try and fill said holes with your own theroes, but it's weird to mock a show with a pumpkin rapper. Some later power rangers series do deserve more praise and scruitny but mighty morphin is camp personified so it can get away with weird lore swings.
This series takes it seriously.. and thus really can't jus tsay "oh finster could always make more and didn't because shut up" I dont' mind saying he can do that.. but you have to explain HOW. Rita building a new dragon dagger made sense and they gave it the limit of being far more unstable. This is just plot convience and the comic just proved with said dagger twist it can do better.
So with Rita pulling out the cheat codes, our heroes are in a bind, angle grove's about to be attacked and Tommy is getting impatient.. and for the final time has a confrontation with his PTSD Ghost... and it's confirmed that I was right, I had genuinely forgotten but yeah.. PTSD Rita..is just that.
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It's a great scene and pays off the PTSD Ghost rita well: doe sit mean all of Tommy's problems are solved? No. It isn't that easy and I don't think the comic is implying "oh well solving your PTSD is just as easy as confronting it". But it is right in that simply burying trauma.. dosen't fix it and from personal experince same with self loathing. The only way to deal with it is to face it head on. It's.. honestly inspired me a bit. I may not like this comic on the whole.. but it has it's moments of greatness.
So Tommy decides fuck it, he's going to ingnore jason's orde rand go to help. Zordon.. isn't so sure, partly because he knwos damn well this will rattle the stick firmly planted up Jason's ass, and partly because he's worried about the ptsd ghost. Granted Tommy could've given him more than "I'ts handled now", but what I like is this isn't Tommy trying to prove something entirely. This isn't a one side thing: Zordon is right this is going against his friend and commander and that's going to have consequences.. but Tommy's right that if he CAN save lives, he has to. No question.
So Tommy ports in directly on top of the dragon zord to try and control it proving Tommy Oliver being the biggest badass of any reality he's in is a multiversal constant. This gets him bucked off the thing but kim catches him in what I feel's also a sweet moment. While Sure Tommy could've just been winging it, given his next step it feels like he KNEW kim could catch him and tells jason he has a plan to just trust him. Jason reluctantly agrees and Tommy... well TOmmy tops himself
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FUCK YES. The climax here is awesome as the rangers take down generic shark man while Tommy takes down scorpina. She does the normal villian bragging "It's too late" "our plans can't be stopped" and tommy just.. breaks her dagger stopping the zord while the rangers can this fish.
Back at the center though.. it's sadly not a happy ending. Jason at his limit with Tommy is pissed he defied him. Tommy does make a valid point: he wona nd had no hallucinations.. but he is being a bit of a dick basically saying "We won shut the fuck up" instead of being apologetic that he broke orders.. but still making his point. Still he does try to walk away, and while dickish it PROBABLY would'e solved things. The divide would've festered a bit... but cooling down and not biting each others heads off was the right call. Jason however.. just can't let it go saying we're not done. Which they arne't, Tommy is being a dick but as i've learned when your getting into a really heated fucking argument sometims it's best to take a break and circle back later. Don't ignore it, running away, as we established in this arc, dosen't help either, but the two of them bickering over whose right isn't going to help anyone. Unfortunately.. SOMEBODY DOSEN'T AGREEEEEEEEE
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I will lay into this bitch in a second, but as a DIRECT RESULT OF HIS ACTIONS, Jason and Tommy resume their fight, Tommy is a petulant ass saying jason isn't a good leader, which apart from not adressing the zack thing better, isn't true, and Jason wonders if they really need 5 while Zordon begs his kids to stop fighting.. and as they prepare to throw hands.. the crystal is fully powered. The villians have won: the black dragon.l.. is awake and the comman dcenter explodes as Jason has the rangers put their helmets on and we meet the big bad this has all been building towards , the black dragon
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Yeah while he is intimdating to a point... his deisgn is so damn generic and clashing with power rangers as a whole , like the other monsters it feels like a let down. We'll see if he gets better next year.
For now though... let's circle back to why this is Zack's fault and why i'm tired of his bullshit. Tommy was walking away. Tommy was a doucheballon, I havne't sugar coated it, but he was walking away.. ZACK is the one who grabbed him and ZACK is the one whose been doubting tommy, constnatly assuming he's evil, being a prized asshole. Jason's only leadership failing is not recognizing that and reining it in, telling Zack it's okay to have some doubts but to TRY or having the two talk it out. The last part's a bit understandable given how much has been going on, but Jason KNEW Zack was constantly being a dick to tommy, was saying shit behind his back, being passive agressive as fuck did nothing, and then ends up fighting his new friend because of that. Zack didn't START the fight, both tommy and jason share blame, tommy for his ego, jason for not accepting tommy made a good call and sometimes the rangers need to make a hard call by themselves. Being a team means both respecting your leader AND knowing when to break rank if it saves lives. On those two arguing it's well done: Tommy seroiusly rankled Jason by not telling him then disobeying while Tommy solving his issues dosen't solve his tendency to lash out, he just switched targets from himself to Zack, who deserved it and Jason, who didn't entirely.
But Zack's petty grudge against Tommy, his refusal to belelive tommy was a victim and not evil because of his own backstory, his own moment of weakness we'll get to caused it to escalate. It's fine to be wary, tommy was hiding serious hallucinations from everyone and his own doubts, and while he had reason to, he shoudl've been honest. Tommy did get cocky and did defy jason. But Zack isn't doing this because he's jason's friend he's doing this becauasse he WATNS tommy to be evil, wants to pick a fight with him and has ever since zordon recurited him. Billy and Trini have doubts, but genuinely tried to be welcoming: Billy apparently also put Tommy in their group notifications and Trini had that nice heart ot heart last issue. Kim is the most welcoming due to her crush but tried. Jason has clear doubts that explode here, but tried. Zack didn't give a fuck, was a petulant toddler and now the whole team is going to pay for his bullshit. The character gets way better under Ryan Parrot thankfully and will HOPEFULLY get some development from this debacle, but for this first Arc zack is easily the worst part: I don't mind having a ranger doubt tommy, but they take it WAY too far with Zack who spends the entire arc being a giant dick then caps it off by causing the next one. Fuck.. this.. dude.
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Now I will say this last issue of the arc proper.. is pretty damn good. The conflict that ultimately leads to the bad guys winning is well built up and I like it more on this read through: Jason has shown to be way too far up his own ass in trying to be leader, and Tommy has shown to have a loner streak, so both's actions, Jason taking Tommy's last ditch move personally and Tommy being a spiteful dick and then getting utterly pissed Jason keeps having Zack's back all feel natural. Zack still sucks, the three sharks thing makes no sense.. but the rest of the issue IS pretty great and does give me hope when we get back to power rangers, i'll enjoy it more. That Higgins simply needed time to sort things out or was building his story slowly.
This first arc.. still has issues but their more structural: boom shoudl've just started from scratch instead of trying to dance between the raindrops of ranger history, though it does a decent job of it and would sustain 100 issues, so it worked out in the end, but I still feel the fresh start their doing now is a good call. Let them use the wide canvas instead of just the most profitable one. But it's not as bad as I remembered.. which I know, it's faint praise, but there's a lot more good character work than I remembered: Zack aside, the other rangers all feel like distinct well built indviduals building their sterotypes from the show out into something: Jason is a scott summers style leader, good at what he does tactically, carring for his men, but also with a tendency to expect military precision and obdience when that's just not always fesable. Kimberly is sassy, won't hestiate to confront her friends on their shit, but warm and kind. Trini is the team's heart, helping both billy and tommy with their self doubt issues and wanting to help the world as a whole. And Billy is the brains but is self concious, knowing he's the only one in the team whose not a trained martial artist or gymnist. Zack is an ass but at the bare minimum the next issue gives us context for that, showing he has a deep well of resentment and is quick to anger. It's not good still, and I hope the character grows and I prefer Ryan Parrot's take, but I appricate fleshing these 6 teenagers with attitude out as people. I've been hard on this book and might be again, but I respect what it does right and hope it fixes what it does wrong.
So onto our last issue. It's a flashback that takes place one month before Tommy arrived. The prime minister of italy is speaking out against Rita.
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Now THIS... this is really neat. I like this idea: that while yes Rita tends to target one american town's abandoned warehouse district constantly, other countries probably WOULD have throughts on giant fucking monsters being real. Honestly it woul'dve been neat if we saw how other countries responded, maybe saw some try to make their own rangers, though that last part at least DOES get used much later in the continuity. But this little snippet is still fun as is Rita's response. After sending more generic monsters with no real creativity previously we FINALLY get a goodun.
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That my friends is leonado da vinchi's vitruvian man, which I and you likely know better as this
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See THIS is the kinda camp we were missing. I'm not asking the monster break tension, but i'm asking for some creativity. Just throwing a generic monster or a shark, and I love me some sharks, at the rangers is boring and you could do better. now throwing a fucking da vinci design at them spouting out generic quotes Squatt and Baboo got off the internet as it attacks italy with twin swords and a crossbow. Fuck yes. And it's still intimdating. Rome is still in deadly danger and this thing still comes off dangerous. But you can have fun and make a threat for your heroes. It's what I love about superheroes; you can have dark gritty stories dealing with police shooting a masked criminal they unleahsed to cover their tracks and getting away with it or a ghostly highway man who hates the poor who has to be defeated by batman using a magic ritual with alfred's help. BOTH of those are plots from the recent series Batman Caped Crusader, which slaps by the way, and both work swimingly. Even in a moody work you can have camp and when your heroes are the power rangers.. it's kinda demanded. It's why I hope while this new reboot seems serious it still has some fun with it.
Our heroes head to italy to fight the giant naked man.The finish is also awesome. The Vitruvian man is about ot kill the prime minister so jason leaps out of the cock pit, also a nice parallel to tommy leaping in last issue, and fucking stabs the bitch. Tommy may be the supreme badass of all power rangers universes, but Jason is easily #2. Carter Grayson is #3 of course.
Zack also gets a moment of triumph out of this, piloting the zord, and I like the touch that it's shown doing so isn't easy, it requires them all working in concert and thus zack filling in for both himself an djason with a killer swipe is impressive. Sadly.. he gets no credit and stews a bit as Jason did the flashier heroics.
So as Goldar admits they already have a sequel in the works, Rita decides nah... she notices Zack's quiet stewing.. and has an idea. So the next afternoon Zack is kidnapped by putties and brought to fog machine dimension from Green with Evil. Rita is being nice.. which can't be good and it's not: She tries to play zack admitting she only did so because he wouldn't likely come to hear her out willingly and wants to show him her place. Which is creepy given she's a grown ass woman and he's a teen, but I feel the predator vibes are intetnional without overplaying them or making them actual text.
Zack to his credit.. dosen't buy her sales pitch that she's misunderstood, the world would be better than her and Goldar's entirley bs claim she didn't start growing monsters until Zordon pulled out zords. Especially since... most rangers are linked to some set of Zords. While zordon didn't build his, most ranger teams are both some sort of ancient force and have zords attached from the get go or linked to them in some way. I mean there are wild ones from wild force wondering the world at this point. So Rita, especially since they fought before, KNEW Zordon had them and Zordon knew she could lkely make them grow. it was an even repsonse and Zack figured it out without any of that evidence.
Rita does try to make a good pitch: that yeah she wants to conquer the world.. but to make it better. Is it really that good without her? It's a great sequence too as she tempts him, shwoing a vision of him and the green ranger. She even sympathizes: she knows what it's like to be an underated second in command, a nod to Zed before he properly debuts after the time skip and something I like: while working in the confines of the original show limits the series slightly... it also means they have the whole map: everything that will happen and things they never built up to because the show was only lightly seralized: having strong continuity but only occasional story arcs before season 3. They ddin't plan for zed, master vile or rito. But they can hint at that, hint at dark specter or other future events and other rangers.
Zack things about it and decides.. nope. not going to betray his friends and tries to yoink the dragon coin away. Zack does go straight to Zordon which explains why the others didn't know during green with evil. I'ts also why again I wish they'd adapte dit: it would've been a decent starting point and while most fans know it, ther'es a lot you could do to deepen the character and stakes. Still it works:W hile Zordon is midlly stupid for not telling them about the power coin.. it makes sense he'd be careful.. and is also being respectful knowing Zack's probably ashamed they came to him. Zack in turn is honest: he WAS tempeted by the power and the good it could do for the world, and Zordon assures him, as a good mentor should that he's only human: of course he considered it, what matters is he didn't and zack honestly wants to DO more, again setting up the peace confrence that'll never happen here. And Zordon to his credit agrees they should, he just has to think it over. Unintended consequences and all that.
So I do like this explination: that zack was offered the coin, reseted and thus resents tommy as he probably assumes he wasn't so easy and is projecting his own insecurties about nearly saying yes. It dosen't fix things: Zack is still a giant ass even with that explination as he's projecting all his bullshit on tommy instead of empathizing with him and using this incident to help assure his new teaamate. Zack still sucks.. but this does show the potetial for the character when given some more depth and that he could be fleshed out well if given the chance.
It ends sweetly though... Zack goes to meet the others who welcome him and praise him for what he did, making it clear their a team... Jason may of gotten the glory but they needed each other. A shame neither jason nor Zack remembered this lesson, but it's some good irony. We also end on another om inous hook, the black dragon talking to rita saying the green ranger will fail.. and when he does.. he'll be waiting as Rita plans to grab tommy.
So now for Bulk and Skull which to my delight is not ending after 6 issues. We pick up from last time as trini and Kim despatch the putty.. as they shoudl've. Like again your martial artists, it's fesable. But they use baskeptball. and spot bulk used some of the same streamers on the putty as he did on himself, so not only are the girls pissed.. but our heroes.. get arrested.
We gloss over Bulk and Skull go to jail sadly, but it's compesnated for by something truly awesome I forgot happened a sthis was the last issue I read monthly before giving up. (I also tried the trade later and thus didn't even get this far). So the judge sentences our heroes to 1993 hours of community service, a bit excessive.. but also a fair punishment given their jackassery would've gotten someone who wasn't a power ranger hurt bad and I like said judge, the principal's brother, 's logic: thedy want to be heroes, they get an actual shot at it. And their officer monitoring this? LT STONE
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For those who forgot him, Lt Stone was Bulk and Skull's boss in season 3. Our heroes joined the junior police to meet women, and Stone thus served as their straight man. Stone would actually last a shockingly long time, being their boss still in Zeo and running a juice bar in turbo for some reason. So it's a neat way to get him in early, with Bulk still afraid of him this early, clearly havnig met him before. It's a fun way to bring in a character from later that makes perfect sense and frankly our heroes having a straight man does help their comedy. They work fine without one, but with the rangers kinda busy unless your giving them a bigger story, putting stone against them is great.
So that's MMPR for now. We'll be back I assume next year for more, and i'll see if it improves. For now may the power protect you and thanks for reading.
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I have had this AU idea and since Ahsoka (2023) has come out and the DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is coming out soon, I thought it would be the perfect time to talk about how I want to throw a freshly traumatized, post-Wrong Jedi Ahsoka Tano into the role of the Pokémon Legends Arceus protagonist!
This was inspired by a few things:
@thehappiestgolucky's A Moth in Hisui au, where they threw Markoth from Hollow Knight (another fandom I love) into the role of the protagonist of Pokémon Legends Arceus (you can clearly see how this inspired this). Please check out this AU and their other stuff over at their blog, where they also talk about stuff like Splatoon, Monster Hunter, Rain World, and more!
@webtrinsic1122's Star Wars X Pokémon one-shot, "I Know It's My Destiny," where she specifically had Ahsoka go on a Pokémon journey and I-I just loved it so much because it literally had all I needed (Pokémon and Ahsoka having a happy found family in Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Rex). Please go check out her stuff if you love Star Wars, especially Rebels!
And a ton of Pokémon X Star Wars art that I Google Imaged!
This AU idea has been tumbling around in my brain for months now and since the stars have aligned in a way in which something Star Wars related and Pokémon related are happening in a pretty close timeframe, I thought it would be the perfect time to get it out in the open!
I wanted to make this story for a couple of reasons. The main one being that I just want to give Ahsoka a support network filled with incredibly protective magical monsters that can kick ass while looking fantabulous. The other reason is that I also want Ahsoka to then return to the galaxy with her team of Pokémon and just absolutely wreck Palpatine's shop with their power of friendship and actual power.
Here is some main story points that I've thought up so far, as well as some ideas I have for the story. However, I do have to warn you all that it has been an incredibly long time since I've last seen a full episode of Clone Wars (I really am hoping to somehow rewatch them soon, college is just a time-sucking birch), and most of these points are based off of my vague memories of how the episodes went down, the plot summary/descriptions of episodes that I have/will read, and all the fanfics I've read (because fanfics let me live in happy denial of all the horrible things that have happened to my favorite characters :) ) so if there's anything I might be contradicting or forgetting, let me know:
Ahsoka is brought to the Pokémon World/Hisui almost immediately after she walks away from the Jedi Order.
The reason Ahsoka gets chosen for Hisui is because Morai/the Daughter recommended her to Arceus, stating how it would be "the most beneficial to everyone involved".
Since this is going to be a fix-it, I'm going to fix as much as I can so, of course, Fives is going to live!!!!!!! Right before he gets shot by the Coruscant Guard, a Space-Time Distortion swallows him up and drops him right into Hisui.
*The problem with that is I don't know when he should get dropped off, but I'm leaning more toward right after Ahsoka closes the giant Space-Time rift over Mt. Coronet.*
*There are two ideas I have about where exactly the Pokémon World is. Option 1: It is in its own far, far away galaxy. Option 2 (And one that I feel could be a little bit more interesting): It is actually in the same galaxy that Star Wars takes place in, but it is not only hidden deep within the Unknown Regions but also by Arceus themself to protect both the Pokémon and the people of the galaxy*
*I'm debating on whether to keep Ahsoka as her normal togruta self or have Arceus temporarily turn Ahsoka human to help her blend in better with the people of Hisui (well, blend in as best you can after suddenly falling out of the sky one day).*
*On the one hand, people are obviously going to be even more weirded out and wary of her, but it would make when they start trusting her (after doing a bunch of sidequests) all the more potent as they are looking past her alien attributes and instead are focusing on her personality and traits and trusting her on who she is and moving past what she is.*
*On the other hand, Ahsoka now has to deal with suddenly being a human which includes finally realizing what a hassle hair is, being able to experience a wider array of food now that she's an omnivore and not a carnivore, and the growing fear of what will happen if she ever reveals that she's actually an alien and how that could potentially destroy all the trust they have in her.*
*Also debating on whether Ahsoka should keep her Force abilities (but, obviously, needing to keep them hidden from the very isolated people who don't even know what the Force is) or have Arceus put a sort of block or limiter (for the same reasons that she needs to be hidden) that could gradually weaken as Ahsoka continues her journey.*
I have more ideas (most of them being more suggestions and possibilities than actual ideas) but that's all I think I should mention for now. This post is already really long, so I think I might actually stop it here for now.
But in the next post for "Hisuian Jedi" (that's the best name I could come up with for this AU so that it'll be easier to find, if you have better ideas for names, please let me know), I'll talk about my most favorite part of any crossover with Pokémon!
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shellyswirlz · 6 months
Y'all y'all y'all y'all.. Forgot to post about this but I'm making a new show of my own titled "Pinespire"!!!
The show follows Shelly, the creative protagonist who's literally me, who loves meeting with her friends in Pinespire which is this little medieval town based on "Helen". It's also known as "the town where weird things happen" because weird nonsense happens everyday in that town. The citizens are pretty much used to it. There's gonna also probably be so many magical beings who exist in this show because they live in a fantasy location.. Maybe one of the magical beings casted a spell on Pinespire and that's why weird things are happening everyday in that town in the first place.
About Shelly's character.. She loves art and nature. She winds up working at the art camp in Pinespire due to it being art outside in the wilderness. There could maybe be a scene where she teaches "the different shapes in the clouds", where you were to look up at the clouds and come up with ideas on what they look like.
Aside from art and nature, she's also OBSESSED with Christmas but only really brings up her insane Christmas obsession during the Christmas specials. It wouldn't make sense for her to randomly bring up Christmas at her art camp. Shelly also loves to play the tambourine and is usually playing it at her art camp when talking about the art of music.
Every episode of the show's gonna focus on each of the friends, or all of the friends, so we can see what they all act like or what they all do either at home or in Pinespire. Maybe one or more of these friends in this friend group has a rival or a special interest or power. Maybe Shelly gets gifted the power of bringing people together or some shit like that /j..
There's also this royal villain duo who want to destroy Pinespire because it took over their land and/or replaced their land. They also hate whimsy and fun.. They're all about being "logical" or "serious" except for their son, who's this villainous prince but he's not as evil as those 2. He has some goofiness in him, and a soft side, while still keeping a rather cruel or pompous attitude.
The royalty are usually sending their son into the town to try and destroy and/or ruin the place. There are also times where they want their son to try and scare away everyone in the village so they can try and tear it apart that way.. But Shelly and the gang are always obliviously getting in the way.
The friend group shenanigans is gonna probably be the A plot... Meanwhile the prince acting goofy in town, working in literally every store, and failing miserably with his stuff is gonna be the B plot. I'm thinking maybe him getting a new job in every episode could be a running gag. He thinks getting a new job and acting foolish during the job will run people out of the village with how poor the service is. He also thinks it's an easy way to find Shelly and the gang obviously…
This show's gonna be quite simple, but as original as possible y'know? It's still a W.I.P for now as well.. It might get even more original in the future..!
The prince is also probably gonna secretly fall in love with Shelly without telling anyone. He is gonna act like a nervous wreck everytime he sees her but not to the point of the show getting annoying. Another running gag could POSSIBLY be him getting distracted by Shelly every time he's trying to do something villainous... But I feel that'd make people hate the show lmao..
Also... To end this discussion about the prince... He'd probably end up having a soft spot for the village and its people. Instead of instantly having a crush on Shelly, he'd probably slowly grow to have a crush on her without anyone knowing. At first he'd probably wanna try scaring Shelly and her friends out the village so he can destroy it, but then comes to a realization he has a bit of a crush on her and acts like a socially awkward person around her.
Meanwhile... Shelly doesn't even know who he truly is, because he's always in some job outfit every time he's meeting Shelly.. And Shelly thinks he's just some weird man who's failing at everything he's doing, and not some serious threat. Shelly absolutely cannot stand the prince acting like a Pinespire citizen, because she thinks he's absolutely bonkers.
The prince doesn't want to reveal who he is to Shelly, because he's afraid Shelly would know who he is and become absolutely terrified, when in reality Shelly has a secret crush on him as the prince and not him acting like a citizen. Miraculous ladybug ass moment /j
Shelly has a crush on the prince, because she heard about the prince several times on the news, and thought he was really cute. Her friends would tease her about it, in a playful way of course! They'd say things like “imagine if the prince met you in person and fell in love with you”, when that's foreshadowing what happens later.
Shelly is also very well hidden or calm about her crush on him as a prince too.. Not bringing it up much unless it's with her friends.. Also unlike most girls in cartoons crushing hard on men, she isn't even that creepy or obnoxious about it at all. She actually has her limits when it comes to crushing if this makes sense. She KNOWS how obnoxious people can get with their crushes. She's seen it several times before.
Anywho yeah… Shelly crushes on the prince, not knowing that the prince is actually in the town dressed up as random ass workers each time. Shelly hates every one of them and KNOWS for a fact it's some random guy dressed up as a different worker because of how poor his job disguises are.. Like he doesn't look like himself as a prince at least, but he can't come up with a different job disguise as if he only has one set of clothes.
Also yet again.. The simping in this show won't be extreme nor will it be the whole plot of the series... The simping is only a special addition to the show... Adding onto both the prince and Shelly's personality throughout their separate adventures. Plus I'm literally a person who has massive crushes on fictional characters so of course I'm adding this in, don't judge me..! :)
I could see the soundtrack of this show being very fantasyland-like… OR maybe Carousel music could work. Also despite the friend group being based on my closest friends I was thinking of making it a diverse cast..
Also I forgot to mention this.. But the reason why the village is called "Pinespire" is because all the buildings are made of pine wood and look like those fantasy or German buildings. Another reason it's called this is because all the trees surrounding that place are pine trees, and the village's logo would probably be a pinecone..
Or heck maybe the most famous restaurant at that place could be called the pine cone restaurant or something like that..,,
If you're interested and/or want to make it better.. Join this Discord server! :D
There's more info on it there! Hshhsvvsv.,,
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