#and not just bc i watch this show w my MUM
hanaasbananas · 1 year
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hella1975 · 10 months
‘you’re all i got, cousin’ crying over richie of all people. can this day get any worse
#IF I SAID RICHIE IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPELLING CHARACTERS ON THE BEAR WHAT THEN#THIS SHOW SAID NO TWO DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERS!!!#he’s still a dick tho. love him#hi i had a hellish day. being on ur period plus working bank holiday saturday lunch rush? no a slaytastic combo#saw unprecedented levels of twatism today night actually be my worst shift at this place ever#god fr saw me posting positively about work lately and went girl BE QUIET and u know what it’s crickets from my end from now on bossman#this is the first time i could NOT snap myself out of a mood bc of a customer like it was a hundred little shitty interactions#of being spoken to like utter shit and then one table just pissed me OFF like complained to my manager the works and if it had been that on#it’s own it would have been fine but it had already been building and i was like no. im done#got asked if i could stay on until 10 and i wasn’t even polite about it i just went ‘FUCK no’#almost cried on the bus home. humiliating. immediately got in an argument w my mum. thriving tbh#and then went ‘now is probably a bad time to watch THIS of all shows but oh well’ and weirdly it’s actually calmed me down bc I’m reminded#this is a universal struggle and it isn’t just me being a little bitch lmao. still sucks that my job literally consists of#‘whoever can tolerate being spoken to like dirt for the longest without snapping will get shifts :)’ like why is this behaviour allowed#why do i have to regularly day after day be disrespected and treated like im not even a person. for MINIMUM FUCKING WAGE#blowing the restaurant up im so fucking done man#the bear#hella slaves to capitalism
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caruliaa · 9 months
also hi for anyone who cares omitb is sooo fucking good omg ?? like omg omg i watched it all in the last three days and its literally so incredible im so excited for the season 3 finale
#my MUM of all ppl reccomened it to me which is insane#but its literally so fucking good uhh !!! umm content warning murder and blood farily obvious lmao but like#if you like murder mysteries YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT RNN and honestly even if they arent usually ur thing#like its such a good and such a funny show tht like i reccomend it regardless yk#and i am actually a fan of murder mysteries. its funny bc i feel liek iv always like them but i never rly like.#enaged w them tht much despite tht? but i think i am going to now#i need to finally watch the knives out movies#its so dumb but ithink i kinda need this in a weird way#like obvs u shldnt be just defined by the media u consume#but i keep looking for who i am after this and like idk. murder mystery fan is someone i wasnt before but tht i can be now#and that i can enjoy being. idk its smth. esp since the outside of the media i enjoy well i defined myself by the thing i made to#but sm of that was also my relationships with and to other people and well. i just lost my biggest one. so yk .#actually thats not true. thats not true the biggest more core and most long lasting relationship i have with someone#is the one i have with myself. and it hasnt always been a good one but ill be dammed if ill let it end any time soon#anyway what was i talking abt. selena gomez is such a good actress omg i never rly new tht bc the only thing iv seen her in#is the princess protection program and like. tbh i mostly new her as a musican despite also not being super#familer w her music but shes such a good actresss omg#flappy rambles
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truthundressing · 1 year
no way theres a teacher on love island that cannot be in the governmental standards💀
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lemememeringue · 2 years
"you just always have to make everything gay" ... I've literally never talked abt this kind of stuff w you before
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bahrmp3 · 2 years
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stellewriites · 1 month
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squidcave · 1 year
I'm about to continue playing through the last of us before the show comes out svhsbsbsbd
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thedogsleg · 2 years
Had a dream where turning red 2 came out and the whole plot was they ended up in north korea (???) and had to be helped to bland in by this elites woman and then we went the doctors and turns around and went home that was the end of the film and when i woke up i was so pressed and googled the release date of turning red cos i was like "HOW DID THEY MAKE A 2ND FILM THAT COOL IN LIKE 4 MONTHS?!?!?"
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slut4msby · 6 months
the atsumu hny was super cute !!! loved It sm !! I hope you had an amazing new year's celebration!! was jus wondering if you could write something w samu or maybe Kita Shinsuke (24) rice farmer ? btw inarizaki #1 forever 💯
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high school sweethearts. kita shinsuke x fem!reader
+ tags & warnings; fluff for a change of scenery & reader has a kid
+ a/n; I READ THIS AND WENT INSANE OMG I COULD TALK ABT KITA SHINSUKE (24) RICE FARMER FOR EVER. Fun little piece of lea slut4msby lore, when I first watched season 4 I had not read the manga yet and when Kita first came on screen i went insane. Also Kita and I are legally married?? My friends through a fake wedding for me because I was so in love with this man. And pls keep the Inarizaki reqs/asks/anything coming bc i am INSANE about inarizaki (i am normal i swear) <3
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You couldn’t help peer out the window of your shared home with your husband. He was outside with your 5 year old son, playing some volleyball. Your son had never taken a liking to sports until your husband began cleaning out his old stuff, stumbling upon his jersey from his high school years. He would never admit and you would never bring it up but he did get emotional looking back at these days.The days where he led one of the greatest teams, not on the main roster, but he was still aware of the impact he had on the boys. He wasn’t the worst player but nothing notable, however Shinsuke had the power to put anyone at ease and you loved that about him.
Shinsuke never showed much self-confidence when the two of you had met in your first year. It’s not that he didn't have the confidence he just never felt the need to show it, and you appreciated that about him. You appreciate how no matter what Shinsuke was straight the point, you appreciated his need for routine, which has really helped your home life. You appreciate how he loves, how he cares for others. Kita Shinsuke was the perfect man.
However, despite how lucky you feel to have Shinsuke in your life. He feels even more lucky for you, he knows you are his soulmate from the day he met you in the first year. He felt as if all the work he had ever done paid off, he felt like the luckiest man in the world. At the beginning it was just a hallway class, the girl from class 1-6. Having your classes next to each other & both being in advanced classes meant the both of you would have recurring meetings. The next thing he knows, Aran had recruited you as the volleyball clubs manager as the team wouldn’t shut up about not having one. Shinsuke then began spending everyday with you, which turned to every waking second he was with you whenever he could be. He was your best friend, right?
That’s what you had thought. You would have never admitted your crush on Kita that began growing. However his admiration for you began sprouting. He loved the way you smiled, how you got along with everyone, took care of yourself and others, how you tie your shoelaces, how you set out  your notebook, how you played with your hair when you were nervous and how you didn’t seem to fear anything. Unlike him. Kita had put his feelings behind him, until he decided it was now or never, graduation. It was cliche, Shinsuke knew that. He had gotten you a bouquet of flowers, you had mentioned your favourite flowers in a passing conversation the second week of the second year. A useless piece of information, Shinsuke remembered that. Why wouldn’t he? He loved you. That day to Kita’s surprise, you said yes. You agreed to be his girlfriend.
Now, almost 10 years later. Shinsuke was your husband. Those flowers he had given you on graduation day you had pressed, they stayed on display in your kitchen, as well as a photo of you and Shinsuke the day your son was born. Now Shinsuke spent his days as a rice farmer instead of a volleyball player. However seeing him playing with your son reminded you of the man you fell in love with. 
You snapped out of a trance when your son called out to you, “Mum! Look! Dad taught me how to play volleyball like he used to.” You couldn’t help but smile, “He said I was really 
good! Mum, can I start playing volleyball! I wanna be like dad!.”
You turn towards Shinsuke, he looked so amused at the scenario. You jokingly roll your eyes at him, “of course you can baby!” You said planting a kiss on your son's forehead. “How about for now you and daddy go get cleaned up?”
“Okay!” Your son responds with a toothy smile, before your son begins pulling your husband down the hallway.
You felt like the luckiest woman alive.
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mooropitant399 · 5 months
@bxrningdragxn and I made some headcanons about Steven’s family possibly celebrating lunar new year bc of course ‘Tis the season after all!!
Steven definitely adheres to the tradition of new clothes every new year :)) he probably doesn’t wear the traditional prosperous colours but definitely leans towards shades of dark blue/forest green for his suit (no grey/black bc bad luck!!) but he does wear a nice red tie/cravat! On a year that he’s feeling extra festive, he wears patterns!
His dad’s side of the family is small, so it’s mostly his mum’s side that come to visit. His mum’s family is definitively less well off so reunion dinner is always held at the Stone mansion.
Steven’s cousin used to be pretty decent but grew up alongside the golden boy with the silver hair so has a chip on his shoulder, he’s always trying to one-up him by showing off his wife and his new glittery watch, or that his child’s in Oxford’s kindergarten programme, the rest of his cousins are just kinda /there/, most are just showing up as an obligation lol and waiting for those big red packets from daddy stone’s pocket
His aunties are no better are is always trying to be nosy like “when are you getting a partner, oh you haven’t taken over Devon yet hmmm, did you lose/gain weight this year” or are boasting abt their kids
Honestly Joseph and Steven hate it but to honour Mum’s memory (named Sharon in my hc) they still have them around every year
Steven’s favourite part is to play with his nieces and nephews because even though they remind him of his youth playing with his cousin before he got obsessed with being better than him
But but his relationship with his cousin improves when he finally gets an s/o because they give the cousin a firm talking to the first time they come round, cos cousin makes a snarky comment abt him and s/o straight up is like “why are you saying such mean things abt him? Are you jealous of him? Lny is about the family gathering again after a long year, he’s travelled a long way to see you and the rest of the family at his dad’s home and he always looks forward to catching up with you, please respect him as much as he respects you” and cousin is like damn… my bad
And yes they eat lots and lots and lots of lny snacks! also Steven matches outfit themes w his s/o once they come into his life :))
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salted-caramel-tea · 6 months
i was having a really bad day n spent most of it offline but i was talking to my bf and he makes me rlly happy so here’s a list of things my bf does that i think is very sweet / makes me feel very nice
- bought me a polaroid cam bc he knew i liked them and immediately asked to keep a photo of me after we went outside to take some pictures (still has it in his wallet and shows me it every so often) (he kept a photo of me kissing him on the check and says it’s his favourite)
- set a random fit check i sent him after i bought a new skirt as his lock screen on his phone AND watch bc he thought i looked pretty and shows it to ppl
- bought me a silly sushi jelly cat plushie on a whim bc he passed by a shop one day and saw it and knows i love sushi
- text me at 2am to see if i was awake so he could come over to my flat just so we could sleep next to each other bc we hadn’t seen each other in a week due to exams
- genuinely appreciates my cooking and asks me to make him gnocchi all the time bc he likes jt (so much he told his mum about it and asked me for the recipe)
- made me pork belly ramen almost when i stayed with him over summer bc he knew closing shifts made me tired
- makes a point of going in the ferris wheel at the christmas markets so he can kiss me at the top
- randomly brings me little snacks bc he knows i like little snacks
- made little cosy movie date nights for me when we were trying to save money by folding out the couch bed bringing through the sheets and blankets and my favourite plushies n making me waffles or crepes with strawberries bc he didn’t want to stop making the effort while we were trying to cut back on spending
- actively treats the highland cow plushie he bought me as his son
- tries his best to understand my sexuality and asks me questions all the time bc he doesn’t want me to feel pressured or uncomfortable
- told me he thinks about me a lot and will randomly look through his camera roll at photos of me bc he thinks i’m pretty
- bought me a blanket to keep at his flat bc i get cold easy and it has bees on it (i love bees)
- watched drag race with me despite his complete lack of interest just bc i liked it and wanted to watch it
- gave me a framed photo of us together and put a secret note telling me how much he loved me and wanted to stay with me for my birthday last year
i could probably go on but i feel im very lucky to have someone who goes out of their way to make me smile and who genuinely loves me just as much as i love him it makes me blush and giggle every time he talks does or talks about these things he makes me rlly happy even when im having a shitty day and i’m very happy to have him w me
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pockyyasii · 7 months
happy satogou week~!!
my pkmn otp finally gets a full week dedicated to cherishing their gay messss ❤️💙
{ and yk from today its been exactly 365 days since Episode 136th of Ultimate Journeys aired in JPN. }
(my heart is literally broken. gonna go watch it now and cry a river.)
(i miss you two, ash and gou 😭)
here's some photos from the show that r confirming whatever they have going on-
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(1) i love how they just stayed in that position for like, twenty seconds after they fell 😌
(2) does this need context... or...?
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(3) bro wth-
(4) ash, bestie, wanna have a chat where your hand is?
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(5) this scene w/ dub has a whole new effect- (ily gou's english va)
(6) i love this scene bc in the previous seasons of pkm ash didn't really touch his companions (i.e. clemont and brock), but then in journey's he had no sense of personal space lol.
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(7) not gou already wearing ash's clothes 😌
(8) then there was the constant hand holding. constant, i tell u.
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(9) ❝ It seems to me like you wanted to catch ash, gou! ❞ -koharu
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(10) goh, you made ash pregnant hella fast-
(11) i've been watching pkm since i was born, and i don't think there's ever a moment i've ever seen ash blushing / so flustered
{this was the scene when ash's mum told gou to take care of her boy}
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(12 + 13) them feeding eachother. (+ pikachu and iris third-wheeling cutely)
and finally--
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they're in fricking wedding suits.
(if y'all made it to the end i love you sm lol)
(here's a pecha berry >>)
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(nom nom)
also here's a secret.
my otp is also satosere. SHH. this can be kept by the two of us, mm'kay?
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sco07ut · 2 years
bbc ghosts,,,, i love u,,,,,
ok ok so my mum n i finally finished watching ghosts and i’m completely insane so erm. rvb ghosts au
carolina is alison (funny) and wash is mike (i don’t ship carwash, in this au im imagining they’re sibs just living together bc the economy’s fucked yk how it is) they inherited the house from their estranged dad, dr leonard church and after a near death experience carolina gains the ability to see ghosts
delano house (ok . if i was going by Actual logic with the character assignments it would Technically be called gene house but i don’t think he deserves that much credit, and i’ll explain this when i get onto simmons little introductory section) is inhabited by eight main ghosts (and a plague pit of zealots in the basement but dw about those guys) from a bunch of different time periods and they all sort of hatelove each other bc none of them can leave (unless they, by some miracle, ascend) so they kind of jst endure each others’ presence
anyway, without further ado: caboose is kitty (georgian noble), simmons is thomas thorne (victorian poet), tucker is julian fawcett (modern day mp), donut is stephanie button (edwardian noble), doc is patrick butcher (1980’s scout leader), sarge as the captain (ww2 captain), grif as mary (stuart era witch trial victim), lopez as humphrey bone (tudor noble) and locus as robin (caveman)
(more in-depth character stuff under the cut !!)
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caboose as kitty! i jst think their characters align really nicely, they’re both loveable idiots who follow their best friends around. i def think carolina reminds him of church (who is annie in this au who basically ascends a few hundred years before carolina is even born) so he follows her around like a miserable little duckling. the ‘sister’ that bullied him is fuckign miller from rat’s nest
this pathetic worm is thomas !! he isn’t in love with carolina the way thomas is in love with allison, instead he sees carolina kinda like a big sister figure and always asks her for dating advice. his backstory is where things r interesting tho i think. in the show, thomas is in love with a woman called isabel, however her father is against the two of them being together, so when he attends an event where isabel is also present he wants to converse with her to make sure the two of them are still secretly an item but can’t find the opportunity to do so. his cousin, francis button, offers to deliver a letter to isabel with his feelings but backstabs him by faking the letters (saying they basically don’t love each other anymore) then tricks thomas into engaging in a duel that gets him killed (he then also denies thomas’ last request to see isabel by telling her he’s already dead). yikes. anyway. in this au, gene is francis button, and instead of simmons being in love with some woman he hears some guys slandering his own dad’s name (hargrove) and engages in a duel with them over it. the reality behind the situation, however, is that gene essentially orchestrated his death. the people he ‘heard’ talking shit abt his dad weren’t actually, gene jsut told him they were. when he then begins the duel, gene tells him it’s 20 paces when in actuality it’s only 10. once simmons is shot and requests to see his father one last time gene pretends to go do that but actually tells hargrove that simmons was dead when he got to him
okay !! so i mentioned that delano house should technically be called gene house if we were to go by the show’s lore. once francis tells isabel that thomas is dead, he then essentially woos her and marries her, moving into her home and which then becomes button house. so in the au ig it would technically be called gene house however i don’t rock w that because it would then later mean donut is called franklin delano gene which is wrong on so many levels. so instead, gene just takes the existing name of the house, delano. yk i’ve just typed all this up and realised that i’m probably the sole person in the world who actually cares about it. darn
finally moving on, tucker!
self explanatory, julian dies in the middle of shagging someone and is now doomed to spend the rest of eternity wandering round with no pants on. it’s so ridiculously in character. plus ig the whole ‘being able to interact wit the real world’ thing ties into tucker’s whole main character schtick
the lady of the house ! in life his mother, chrovos, was very insistent about marrying him off to a richer family to try make up for all their debt but all he wanted to do was become a famous fashion designer. maybe if his mother had let him follow that passion he might’ve made a brand famous enough to claw them out of debt but instead he got an early death from an adulterous husband (genkins)
pat my absolute beloved. he had taken out a group of kids (the ai) to the house’s grounds for a day of archery, however while going through the safety protocols o’malley accidentally let an arrow loose that got him straight through the neck. he then managed to traumatise the entire group by dying slowly in front of them ❤️
again another character that’s just a perfect match, sarge doesn’t have a name, the captain doesn’t have a name, they’re both obsessed with a war that’s long gone, they’re both fruity asf. not even joking, the lieutenant that the captain has a crush on is one butch flowers in this au, sarge misses him but has started to find a new object of affection in wash (despite the fact that wash cannot see, hear or interact with him at all)
burned at the stake for being a witch ! in reality he was just a man passing through the town and everyone Thought was some sort of woman who was harbouring satan in her throat or something. his long hair and curvy form Tricked them all n he paid the price. his death kinda did a number on him though, and it took a while for him to come back out of his shell (essentially after church dragged him out kicking and screaming)
the noble that managed to survive a coup only to immediately accidentally behead himself with a pair of decorative wall swords. unlike the show, lopez is the one that doesn’t speak english while his arranged wife shiela Does and planned the murder of the monarchy under his nose. he still loved her tho.
and last but not least, locus:
i definitely hc that his name was actually locust/lotus but the first few ghosts that met him kept getting it wrong until he eventually just settled on locus (in the same way robin is actually called ‘rogh’). he’s been there the longest, definitely took a Long time to warm up to other humans after being betrayed before his death (felix and sharkface, or lick and face, pushed him into what they Thought was a bear den so that they could escape but ultimately it lead to their deaths while locus managed to get away, only to be struck by lightning immediately afterwards)
i think that covers everyone who has a canon death thus far ! sorry for going a little insane over simmons
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mangoposts · 2 months
it’s kinda a weird one so sorry if it’s confusing but ANYWAYY
i was pregnant and i finally gave birth in a costa coffee in my mall, and then i gave my baby to my mum and i started to put on this tape on my belly to support it because i didn’t wanna lose the pregnancy belly.
and then i was like nah i haven’t smoked in 9 months i need to go smoke, so i met up w my friends and we were all smoking, and then we were like shit we gotta go to this movie thing at school. so we’re walking to school and i’m like “my mum stole my fucking baby i’m gonna fucking kill that bitch i’m gonna stab her” and everyone else was like okay girl!!!
and then we go to school and we were put in this massive hall with bunk beds in it because we were watching ice age (some of the best movies btw i adore ice age just not the first one bc wtf is that baby ew gag). and i was next to this old lady, who started chewing about 100 pieces of gum, and it pulled out all of her teeth and she blamed it on me
ans then as she was yelling at me i got a text from u and i was like “hold on bitch i gotta take this” and then u facetimed me and u were like “u cunt ass hoe bitch play ur fucking round of 8ball before i come down to ur school and kick ur ass back to the ice age” and then u kept on spamming me until i sent back my round of 8 ball
and then u disappeared and i teleported somewhere else but i can’t remember where. but ive realised u always show up in my dreams for like 20 seconds and then disappear and I DONT KNOW WHY
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cashmere-caveman · 2 months
ok due to recent findings (post of nathan stewart-jarrett photoshoot crossing my dash) i am in fact rewatching misfits and honestly i have forgotten so much of this it kind of feels like watching it for the one and a half'd time. not the first time bc i still remember the overarching plot p well (i did forget that they ended s1 w nathan waking up in his coffin tho i thought he got out but no. back from the dead and stuck underground. credits roll. iconic) but sm of the little details have escaped me over the years and jfc the amount of rape jokes and rapey situations on this show is SO much higher than i remembered. also the casual use of the r-slur but well. it was 2009 and this show sure was a product of its time rip.
also: so many fucking people were on here??? im halfway through s2 rn and ruth negga is here???? caitlin (caitlyn? i never watched GoT) stark was nathans mum????? apparently matthew mcnulty is gonna turn up eventually bc he was seth, something i also blocked out entirely until i saw a gifset last week?!? the actress who played kitty winter on elementary showed up for an episode???? sidenote btw but the casting for nathans dad was insanely good that man looks like he could be robert sheehans irl father and ever since i found out a few years back that the actress of kelly is the sister of the guy who played tom on being human i cannot unsee it they look so extremely similar. are they twins. wait no even if they were theyd be fraternal but seriously. its uncanny. same exact face!
watching this truly has reminded me tho that they really dont make offputting freaks anymore. not that the world genuinely needs rep for repressed peeper arsonists w a piss kink or the human equivalent of a semi sentient incel cumsock w adhd but these guys were genuine one of a kind cunts and i feel like watching a nature documentary about an extinct species. theres just nothing like that flavour of assholes on modern day tv. nowadays theres not even any catfishing probation workers anymore smh
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