mooropitant399 · 5 months
Steven takes a little nibble of something every time he is curious or distracted or stressed
Especially of his rocks and his pens
(And of hi s/o’s skin ooooops)
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electus · 5 years
pokémon: steven stone/flannery, retirement
Steven discovers, first of all, that he misses the pleasure of blowing off meetings. Secondly, he discovers that spelunking for days at a time without warning garners no objections from his colleagues.
It’s freeing, even if in a bitter way. For all that Steven thought being Champion was a hindrance to his lithological hobbies, well … He ends up deciding — against his better judgement — that he should be bothered to help with the near-end-of-the-world relief efforts.
“I should’ve known you were going to miss this,” Wallace says, and his smirk is wide and cheeky.
May stifles her laughter, edging the microphone away at the last second. At her side, Glacia’s nostrils flare, and Steven excuses himself from the table before her temper cracks.
Flannery finds him by the drinks, looking flushed and awkward. She was never very good at interviews, and less so at press conferences. Steven offers a smile first, and a chair later.
“Honestly,” Flannery says, once she’s calmed down, “I’m glad you’re here. It’s just not the same without you around, you know?”
He knows. He also knows she means it professionally, that the tip in the League’s balance has yet to even out. Still, his neck grows warm, and his smile widens without him asking.
“I could be bothered to show up more often,” he says — again, against his better judgement, and if Wallace teases him about it later, well, that’s on him.
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ourhandsheldtight · 11 years
implied candlestickshipping, coffeeshop au. 461 words.
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nishikxss · 12 years
I feel like I ship all the unpopular crack pairings and there's always a lack of fanart and fanfics and it makes me sad. ;;
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mooropitant399 · 1 year
I feel like Steven is really really good at emotional intimacy but not so much so with physical intimacy like he’s very good at introspection and deep talks late into the night but if his s/o wears a bikini (not even a tiny little one just a normal one) he would be EXTREMELY flustered
He loves cheek kisses forehead kisses cuddles but like straight on making out is nooooot his thing (at least for a decently long time until he feels safe enough to explore it, it’s never going to be a regular thing with him tho) and it takes him an even longer time to be comfortable without a top on around his s/o 🥺🥺 so much so that they have different bathrooms when s/o moves into his home
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mooropitant399 · 7 months
Steven stone coming back from work and making a beeline straight for his s/o’s lap because they are soft and cuddly and he is sleepy beepy after working so hard!!!
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mooropitant399 · 8 months
@bxrningdragxn and I made some headcanons about Steven’s family possibly celebrating lunar new year bc of course ‘Tis the season after all!!
Steven definitely adheres to the tradition of new clothes every new year :)) he probably doesn’t wear the traditional prosperous colours but definitely leans towards shades of dark blue/forest green for his suit (no grey/black bc bad luck!!) but he does wear a nice red tie/cravat! On a year that he’s feeling extra festive, he wears patterns!
His dad’s side of the family is small, so it’s mostly his mum’s side that come to visit. His mum’s family is definitively less well off so reunion dinner is always held at the Stone mansion.
Steven’s cousin used to be pretty decent but grew up alongside the golden boy with the silver hair so has a chip on his shoulder, he’s always trying to one-up him by showing off his wife and his new glittery watch, or that his child’s in Oxford’s kindergarten programme, the rest of his cousins are just kinda /there/, most are just showing up as an obligation lol and waiting for those big red packets from daddy stone’s pocket
His aunties are no better are is always trying to be nosy like “when are you getting a partner, oh you haven’t taken over Devon yet hmmm, did you lose/gain weight this year” or are boasting abt their kids
Honestly Joseph and Steven hate it but to honour Mum’s memory (named Sharon in my hc) they still have them around every year
Steven’s favourite part is to play with his nieces and nephews because even though they remind him of his youth playing with his cousin before he got obsessed with being better than him
But but his relationship with his cousin improves when he finally gets an s/o because they give the cousin a firm talking to the first time they come round, cos cousin makes a snarky comment abt him and s/o straight up is like “why are you saying such mean things abt him? Are you jealous of him? Lny is about the family gathering again after a long year, he’s travelled a long way to see you and the rest of the family at his dad’s home and he always looks forward to catching up with you, please respect him as much as he respects you” and cousin is like damn… my bad
And yes they eat lots and lots and lots of lny snacks! also Steven matches outfit themes w his s/o once they come into his life :))
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mooropitant399 · 2 years
Steven stone being touch starved and a whiny petulant baby when he wants cuddles is in my mind rn
He didn’t really get hugs as a child so he’s a bit wary at first but once he feels safe with the s/o, it’s hug season all around baby
He’s quite lanky so it’s easy to encircle him and he always buries his nose in his s/o’s hair and breathes their scent in, it’s comforting to him!! And he pouts when he is refused lol, nobody else gets to see this side of him (and nobody believes s/o when they tell people about it bc Steven is usually so put together and poised that it is impossible to imagine him pouting for cuddles!!!)
And he likes cuddling at bedtime tooooo 🫣🫣 personally i feel he prefers big spoon unless he’s feeling not mentally good then he wants to be smooched and coddled and swaddled in blankets
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mooropitant399 · 7 months
Contrary to popular belief I think Steven does end up taking over Devon Corp after he loses the championship to the player
I think he feels the impact of the delta episode events very very strongly (that he could’ve accidentally obliterated an alternate universe hoenn) and he feels very lost without his titles
So he takes time off to see the rest of the world, travelling to all of the other regions and he realizes that he’s still important and worthy even if he’s no longer champion, and that Devon really messed up with the delta episode but he has the power to make it better
So when he returns home he has a discussion with his dad and lays out the conditions that if he were to take over the company they’re no longer going to be purely invested in consumer tech, but he’s changing the company direction to be more research-based (which he was always keen on anyways) and that Devon technology will still be used to make the world better
Candlestick headcanon below slightly nsfw I guess??
Also whilst he’s away he’s constantly thinking about the gf he left behind and mourns the fact that she always wanted to be intimate with him but bc he’s so reserved about physical affection he never got the chance to and he’s so worried that she’s left him for someone else even tho she promised to wait until he came back
Eventually he realizes that he’s okay with physical intimacy if it’s her that he’s sleeping with because he wants her to be happy and he wants to love her and I think that definitely helps him come to terms with having desires of that sort
And that’s when he realises that he wants to be with her forever and that he wants to marry her hehe
So when he returns to Mossdeep a year later and realises she kept her promise to him to wait, he makes up for lost time with flannery :)) and proposes shortly after!!
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mooropitant399 · 8 months
In the beginning of their relationship Steven goes a bit haywire because he’s a dork and a little bit insecure that the person he’s with isn’t going to stay, so he sends like truckloads of flowers and gifts and fancy dinners
When his s/o is literally like “Steven, honey? I can’t get to work if you put a truck of roses in my driveway”
One time s/o suggested to go to the Pokémon shelter run by the Pokémon Center to volunteer with abandoned Pokémon and Steven shows up with so much Pokémon food that they have to send the food to other shelters or else it’ll spoil
He calms down after a couple of months and lots of reassurance from s/o that he does not need to prove his love for them and that they love him very much too and will stay for as long as both are willing
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mooropitant399 · 8 months
Plz someone needs to make a househusband Steven au or I will shriek with despair
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mooropitant399 · 2 years
Steven stone trying to make rice porridge for his s/o when they’re feeling unwell and almost burning down the stove so he gives up and goes back to his dad’s to ask their personal chef to whip up the most soothing abalone and grouper fillet porridge and coming back and seeing his s/o eating the bowl of blackened rice tar he made because they were hungry and he was gone too long and “honestly it’s really not that bad” no honey you just have taste buds that are inflamed from your terrible flu
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mooropitant399 · 11 months
Contrary to popular belief I don’t think Steven would be very keen on overt pda - at most maybe handholding but the more intimate stuff is reserved for in private
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mooropitant399 · 4 months
Of all the traditional dates, both Steven and Flannery absolutely hate the aquarium
Whereas Wallace and Winona LOVE aquarium dates (especially if there are Eiscue!)
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mooropitant399 · 6 months
Ao3 is down and I made a grave continuity error in my new update ughhh
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mooropitant399 · 6 months
Steven always makes time for the important people even if it means working til midnight the day before so he can spare an hour to be with his loved one
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