#and no I won't be explaining the scene
huewrite · 1 day
Fan art!
There is a place I share snippets and someone drew a fast doodle for me it ask if this was what I was showing.
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When I tell you I wanted to cry getting this I am not being over the top.
Please know that 999999 times out of 1000000 creators love getting fan art. Even lil doodles.
Make them. Do the art.
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justlightlysedated · 4 months
Another kiss!!!
- Edwin/cat king again lmao (I love mess)
35…to gain something
"I can think of one person who would have the information that you need, but you're not going to like it."
Both Edwin and Charles turn to Crystal curiously, to see her pointing at Charles, even though usually her plans are things that Edwin won't like.
He turns to look at Charles, who turns to look at him at the same time. They both shrug and turn back to Crystal.
Edwin raises an eyebrow in question, and Charles tilts his head to one side.
Crystal makes a face at them both, "Well, there is one person who is a couple hundred years old, who may know what kind of shit this witch is involved with since he was able to help with Esther."
"Ah," Edwin says, realizing who she meant at the same time that Charles scoffs.
"You're really not saying that we ask the Cat King for help, are you?" he says, and then turns to Edwin, who hasn't said anything, because Crystal isn't wrong.
They need information, and the Cat King would be their best bet.
"You are not seriously considering this after he trapped you in his 'kingdom' and tried to-"
"Charles," Edwin says, turning to face him. "While I understand where you are coming from, I've already told you that we ended things on good terms, and I'm not upset about what he did anymore."
He lifts an eyebrow pointedly, asking why Charles is still so upset about it.
Charles grumbles under his breath, but doesn't exactly say anything, so Edwin turns back to Crystal, who is looking at Charles with a pointed expression that she turns on Edwin, who just raises an eyebrow in response.
"Well, it seems like we know what to do next," he says, and tugs against the sleeves of his shirt, clearing his throat. "Maybe I should-"
"No," both Charles and Crystal say at the same time.
Edwin raises both of his eyebrows at them both.
"We're on a time crunch, god only knows what he'd ask you for if you're on your own," Crystal says, crossing her arms and smirking.
At the same time Charles steps closer and says, "There's no way you're going to meet him on your own after what happened last time."
Edwin's eyes dart all over Charles' face, and he softens at the obvious worry marring his features.
"Fine," Edwin says. "But this time, actually let me do all the talking."
Both Crystal and Charles turn and look at each other momentarily, before turning back to Edwin. Edwin sighs at the look on both of their faces, but ignores them both to walk over to the mirror.
Might as well get this over with.
Edwin presses his hand to the mirror and barely has to concentrate before he's sure he's got the right destination.
It's not like this will be the first time that he's used this mirror to travel back to Port Townsend.
Charles grabs on to Edwin's hand as he goes to walk through, and Edwin doesn't really question the move, just tightens his hold on Charles' hand as Charles grabs on to Crystal's hand, who snorts like she finds this whole thing ridiculous. Edwin ignores them both as he walks through.
They walk out right inside of the warehouse, cats yowling and cursing out of their way.
Edwin looks to Charles and Crystal to make sure that they are both out before he lets go of Charles' hand. Charles looks around, frowning, probably because there wasn't a mirror leaning against the wall the last time they'd been here.
He gives Edwin a look that Edwin ignores as he makes his way through the cats and towards the throne, still ostentatiously on top of a pile of crates and towering over the rest of the room. Edwin walks right up to the crates that serve as steps up to the throne, and waits for the cat licking it's paw right on the bottom step to nod its head before he walks up two steps and looks at Thomas, inclining his head a little, which is as close to bowing as he's willing to get.
Thomas grins, wide and pleased. He's lounging on his throne sideways, one leg hooked on the arm, and seems to have not put on a shirt, which Edwin knows is only for his benefit. He tries not to look as flustered as he feels.
"Seeing as you brought the old ball and chain and his side piece, I'm assuming this is for business not pleasure?"
"Quite right," Edwin replies, ignoring Charles and Crystal sputtering in protest behind him. "We're searching for any information that you can give us on how to break a spell a witch has on a fire breathing entity."
"Ah," he says, and then gets to his feet in one swift movement.
Edwin's eyes drop down his chest, and he looks away hurriedly.
"Well then, I certainly do have a little book around here somewhere that should be very helpful, but it'll cost ya."
He leans in meaningfully and raises his eyebrows pointedly, eyes darting down to Edwin's lips.
He looks both mischievous and desperate, and Edwin straightens up at the implication.
Charles says something, but Edwin isn't paying attention.
"Fine," Edwin replies. "I'll do one thing to make you happy, and you give me the book. No binding spells, and certainly no talk of punishments."
Both Charles and Crystal are suspiciously silent behind him, and he would love to turn and check on them, but Thomas takes another step closer, smiling too wide and pleased, like the cat that caught the canary.
"Should we take this somewhere private?" he asks, lifting his eyebrows.
"No," Edwin says, and both Charles and Crystal echo him. He's not planning on doing anything too salacious. And taking a trip to the Cat King's lair is not in the cards, given the time crunch they are under. "Here is fine."
Before anyone can say or do anything else, Edwin takes the last step up which leads him right into Thomas' personal space, which takes him aback.
Edwin smiles, and fists the open collar of his coat and pulls him in.
Edwin doesn't have any experience in kissing, but after Monty, he'd done the research. Niko had helped him, and while everything you read didn't translate well enough into practical application, he was sure that his inexperience won't actually matter.
He's sure that that is part of the appeal for Thomas, but he does like having the upperhand every now and again.
So Edwin kisses him, with his limited experience and vast knowledge, lips pressed together chastely, once, twice, three times, before dragging his tongue across his mouth, which he hadn't expected to have any reaction given the way that Thomas was practically pliant and unmoving in his hands, as though Edwin shocked him into stillness.
But Thomas moves then, placing his hands at the back of Edwin's head as he tilts his head and opens his mouth to Edwin's. And this time when Edwin licks into his mouth the kiss changes, and he makes a low sound, understanding now why tongues are so involved in the graphic novels that Niko insists he read.
Edwin isn't sure how long they kiss, because he doesn't need to breathe, but it's enough for him to see exactly what Charles meant by a kiss not being felt on the lips but in the head.
He pulls away once he's aware that a lot of time has passed, and Thomas looks dazed, eyes lidded, cheeks flushed, lips parted.
Edwin curbs the instinct to push in and kiss him again, by pushing him away. Thomas stumbles a few steps before he drops to sit back on his throne.
Edwin swallows and resists the urge to tug against his clothes like they're too tight.
"Was that satisfactory?"
Thomas laughs, a bubbly thing that seems involuntarily, but he's grinning more happy and satisfied than before.
"For now, yeah," he answers, lazily and out of breath.
He waves a hand in the air, and a book materializes in Edwin's hands.
"Thank you," Edwin says, gratefully, turning the book in his hands.
"No, thank you," Thomas replies, almost purring.
Edwin turns around before he decides that the kiss wasn't enough and stops short one foot on the steps leading down.
Crystal and Charles are just staring at him in silence. Crystal with a wide and delighted grin, while Charles frowned, loudly.
"What?" Edwin asks, lifting one hand to his hair and then putting it back down.
Charles scoffs, and turns around, stalking back towards the mirror. Crystal follows after him, bouncing and sending Edwin a thumbs up as she goes.
Edwin looks back to Thomas to see if he understood what just happened any better than he did, but Thomas just grins lazily, and blows him a kiss.
Edwin turns around quickly and almost stumbles down the last two steps in his hurry to follow after his friends.
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kstaki · 5 months
The little extra from their little 'picnic' scene. (My previous post on this scene is here)
I AM SO GLAD they added scene for this moment especially SURELY THE BAD GUYS wouldn't have NOT thought to attack them while they are resting up right?????
So yeah I LOVE how they are able to just have fun & rest without worrying about being attacked.
It small scene but thankful for it especially THE SMALL SCENE WITH IROKI & KARASU! =D
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the-casbah-way · 3 months
i’m assuming jamie was written out for real-world logistical reasons but i don’t think he could or should have come back anyway. when the attack dog goes rabid and gnaws through his own fucking leash there's nothing much anyone can do but stand there and watch. you can train a dog to bite for you but once they've got enough of a taste for blood they're going to stop giving a shit about who they've got between their teeth so long as there's something to tear into. maybe malcolm never had jamie on a leash in the first place. maybe jamie didn't bite because malcolm asked him to. maybe he just liked the taste of blood. malcolm hired a loyal dog and got what he paid for because at the end of the day jamie stayed so loyal that it became the death of him. loyal to the party. not malcolm
#does this make sense ???? grabs you and shakes you DOES THIS MAKE SENSE#it's like. is jamie on a leash really ??? because the closer you look the less it seems that way#he doesn't back down when malcolm tries to step in and de-escalate. he doesn't listen when malcolm asks him to stop#e.g. infamous beloved life-changing julius nicholson EAT THE FUCKING CHEESE scene.#the second it gets physically violent malcolm tries to step in and jamie just fucking bolts out the door after the fucker#not to turn such a deeply unserious scene serious but it is literally like an actual dog attack#like when a dog goes rabid. the owner can stand there and try and talk sense into it but it won't work#even in that one deleted scene from s+l where malcolm's telling jamie to behave and stop fucking everything up#and it DOES seem to work a wee bit. it feels more like jamie's just trying to get malc off his back rather than actually listening#he's only backing down because what he'd been trying clearly wasn't working anymore. not because malcolm asked#and it's like it's more of a betrayal from jamie's point of view right ??#malcolm's the one who ditched the party and backed whoever he needed to in order to maintain his position#but to malcolm it's like. if he's safe then jamie is too. he'll always look out for the both of them#but HE needs to be secure in order for him to do that. jamie's supposed to bite who malcolm asks him to. not just fucking anyone#so they both feel the knife in their back but jamie was trying to do what's right. malcolm was trying to save them both#(this is just my interpretation / opinion. i don't know shit. and i'm not articulate enough to explain it)#ttoi#the thick of it#malcolm tucker#jamie macdonald
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wannabe-f-f-friends · 3 months
Tell me why boys kissing is too nasty for television, but they keep showing me the Hundred Holes curse and that's just fine not traumatizing at all.
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Dear God, what will it take for me to develop the patience of jkr lmao.
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soaked-ghost · 1 year
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'Why don't you tell me you're complicated backstory, in an interesting, long-winded monologue, complete with background visuals!'
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carefulfears · 1 month
what do you consider the heart of californication? like really carries through the series & makes it compelling
thank you for this question, i really love it. to me, it's a number of things, starting with that the show cares deeply about hank and takes him seriously in a way that the culture doesn't. in a way, yes, he's their dog and pony show with the funny one-liners and the salacious pull. but the arc of the series is unequivocally aligned with him and his desires and his needs and his values.
hank wants to be with his family, wants to be better for them, wants to not let them down- and the show needs him to fail at all of those things. for the dog and pony of it all, for their viewership and for their thesis and for the food in their mouths, but it simultaneously feels bad that he is failing. simultaneously knows that this isn't what he wants, and that it's sad. and it can be as simple as a dream sequence or a look or a quiet final scene, but every single episode is ultimately going to remind you that everything you're laughing at is a loss.
which, like i said at the top, speaks to a level of respect that the show had for the character that is just gone in discussions of the series. they take the time to recognize that he is missing something. he is losing something and he is without everything that means anything to him, this is the cost. equally important, duchovny respects that character and understands the same.
i was listening to an interview last night (trish you heard this) where he was speaking with some podcast dudebros and one of the hosts said that he always wanted to be just like hank moody, and then he made some "bad decisions" and got there, and he doesn't like it. and duchovny said that every time people come up to him saying "i'm just like hank moody," he says "i'm sorry."
men watch and they want to be just like hank moody and women watch and they want to fuck hank moody so bad, and all of you miss what the source comprehends: that it's an irreparable deficit.
other than that, i feel like what roots that show is that it really isn't all that cynical. not in the way that it could be. and the show believes in hank.
there is a lot of kindness and hope (often false hope) that runs underneath most every relationship and interaction and dynamic in the series and i really really appreciate that about it. it's like in the pilot when hank is being mean and he wants marcy to yell at him and she just says "go home, honey. sleep it off. tomorrow's another day."
there's always a little bit of understanding and grace amongst the crazies and i think there's something really special about that
#gave up on this <3 you're gonna pick up what i put down. i trust#people on this show love each other. that's the heart of californication#at the end of s3 when one of the women that hank had slept with (felicia) says 'it's all done with great affection' about#them dragging him to HELLLLLLL all day lol#'come here. be happy in new york.'#and she goes back in to her husband. happy and laughing#that's just one of my favorite scenes because everyone on the show wants the best for each other#and it isn't just people being lenient and softer than deserved with hank#he is extremely loving to family/friends/random women#and all of the characters are so good and thoughtful to each other#it's nice in a way that stands out in a sardonic comedy that's reduced to 'tits and ass'#there is so much compassion and care cycling through everybody#that's what carries the series for ME. and i don't think i could really explain it further#even random scenes like lew ashby coming into the bathroom to talk to becca when she's sobbing and won't let her mom in#there isn't any reason for him to do that. it isn't because he wants to fuck karen. it isn't because he's a particularly charitable person.#it's because it's his buddy's kid and he wants her to feel better#i don't think there's a character on the show who wouldn't do that for bec or for the core 4 or for mia#but anyway i know what you mean and i think those things are mainly what grounds it#that it's ultimately compassionate and that it respects its lead#californication
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tardis--dreams · 2 months
There's been interesting developments at work and i need to do a lot of work for university so i think tonight is the Perfect time to finish beyond evil
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OC First and Last Line Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @willtheweaver! :D
Rules: Post the first and most recent/last line of dialogue from a couple of OCs. I'll do this for Alec and Davit from Silver Glass/Now Comes the Night (I've retitled this WIP. Now how do I refer to it without confusing myself and everyone else? 🤷‍♀️):
Alec, first:
"Mrs. Skinner, please inform Mrs. Lennox that she may invite her friend to stay for as long as she likes."
Davit, first:
"Am I to pack my bags?"
Alec, last:
"I have nothing to forgive, and Gwladys isn't here. We can travel. Go to Armenia, like you wanted to. Forget her. Forget all of this. And… recover. From what she did to both of us."
Davit, last:
"All right."
Tagging @radiowrites, @eccaiia, @zmwrites, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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imwritesometimes · 7 months
in one week it will officially be one year since I finished a fic edited it & posted it hahaha 😵‍💫😖😞😑
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Me: I don't know what to do with Veronica's character in post s8 au, I don't want her to be Just Lance's sister and Kuron's friend with Pidge's storyline slapped on her, but also I'm not really sure about her character. Sure there's the whole lying to her family thing but I don't think that's enough?
Brain: ok so what if Veronica started out as trying to look for what was Lance upto but she ends up being so obsessed with finding the truth that not only she repeatedly puts herself in harms way but also the original goal falls on wayside.
This could be her way of dealing with trauma which is getting engrossed in the Mission and a problem to fix while suppressing her grief and refusing to actually acknowledge her problems and her own emotions a foil to Kuron's arc that is him being literally driven by emotions. She's angry at Lance for leaving without a word and angry at her family for their clinginess, however she keeps it to herself and just avoid them pretending everything is fine and normal
Also a foil to Lance who started as trying to figure out what was going on but as soon as he realized that 1) Allura and Kuron are still sorta alive 2) he can bring them back, he got obsessed with it consequences by damned.
Plus through her we can actually explore how quintessence actually effects and changes humans rather than become aware of the end result
Also there's something a character who is obsessed with truth but is also such a frequent liar
#There's a lot more but it involves changing a lot of elements of this au and explaining half assed elements and scenes in my head#post s8 au#post s8 posting#Just realizing she's having a jon sims arc. Good for her! Atleast she won't accidentally cause an apocalypse#It is still very draft and beta and I keep changing things in it as soon as I think of something cool#I kinda want Lance to be like at first seeing him living a 'normal' life but also there's something clearly Wrong#Veronica seems to be always busy and gone and never there. Shadows and crows being weird#and a voice asking him 'Did you make right choice?' And 'Remember' and 'wake up'#only to reveal that he has been living in a fake reality and a lot of his family is dead#yk that one scene in dunmeshi where Laois digs up and stares at Falin's skull. Lance digging up a grave and be like 'Mom?'#it's representational in his own head. And Lance created this fake reality as a form of denialism#Veronica at first being standoffish not being completely honest with Kuron#Lying to Kuron and her superiors about where she had been making her sus#Kuron not knowing that Lance was the one who brought him back until much later#only that *Someone*was reaching out to him in Shiro's mind and made his body#The family is dead and Lance was living in fake reality reveal happens just as Veronica starts being honest with Kuron#Few of the family members are killed due to retaliation from an extremist galra group#A hot topic in coalition meetings which is a way for connecting Hunk!!!! To the plot!!!!!#I love you my brain!!!#Sorry this is so fucking incoherent
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maegalkarven · 6 months
A future fic carcass I'll write when I write (after I finish 9 ungoing fics)
King Viserys dies at the wedding celebration of his daughter, Crown Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.
No one else does.
I am a firm believer Otto and Viserys are the rot on the face of the House of the Dragon and without these two everything would be fine-ish.
Unfortunately, we need Vissy T for his kids to be born, so Viserys dies soon after Aemond is conceived. Sorry, Daeron, not this time.
Joffrey doesn't die because he doesn't manage to provoke Criston before the king dies.
Rhaenyra overrules his father's decision and marries Harwin Strong.
Their son Jacaerys Targaryen is the heir to the throne, Lucerys Targaryen is the heir to Harrenhal.
Daemon marries Laena and lives at Dragonstone (Rhaenyra grants him that), their firstborn is the heir of Driftmark.
Laenor joins the Queensguard and is sent to Dragonstone to protect Prince Daemon (ha) and his future heirs.
Criston Cole becomes the Commander of City Watch while still retaining his white cloak (what? He did it in canon, can do it here).
Rhaenyra removes Tyland Lannister as the master of ships and appoints Corlys Velaryon (back).
When Baela and Rhaena are born, it is decided to betroth Prince Aegon and Lady Baela, making him future lord-consort of Driftmark (and successfully removing him out of succession of the iron throne).
When Jace is born, his and Helaena's betrothal is announced.
Baelon is born without an issue and the royal family meets at the celebration on Dragonstone, where Aemond claims Cannibal and loses an eye in the process.
(Kinslayer, everyone. It fits).
Afterwards Luke is sent as a ward to Harrenhal with his father. A huge ass scene ensures there Luke clings to Aemond and refuses to go.
Aegon makes a greasy comment and gets punched.
Both Aegon and Baela are sent as wards to Driftmark.
Lucerys still leaves.
Harrenhal doesn't burn bc even if Larys kills Harwin and Luke, there's still Lyonel and Joffrey in the equation. Lyonel keeps serving Queen Rhaenyra as her Hand.
Years later the royal family meets at the wedding celebration of Baela and Aegon, where Luke and Aemond behave very much like Rhaenyra and Daemon at Rhaenyra's not happened wedding.
Rhaenyra and Alicent clutch at their pearls, Rhaenyra suggests father died because of seeing something like that.
Daemon asks if she implies they killed Viserys, then asks where is Baelon.
Laena replies Baelon is playing knights with Joffrey.
Rhaenyra and Harwin Strong (no) have three more children, Aegon, Viserys and Visenya, all silver-haired like their mother (her uncle).
Laena is fine with it, they have a poly. Laena doesn't have more children because Baelon's birth was a ghasty one.
Baelon claims the Grey Ghost.
Otto is never called back to the capital because (suprise!) Rhaenyra didn't rush to kill her 3 y.o brother or the other one who was born after Viserys' death. Instead she marries Aegon off so he's no threat.
Aemond eventually joins the Queensguard and is appointed to the future lord of Harenhall.
Lucerys refuses to marry and appoints his brother Viserys as his heir, who marries Visenya. They have a very good life in Harrenhal.
The reason Luke skips over Joffrey is because Joffrey is always at the sea (with Baelon), and Aegon the Younger is bethrothed to Baela and Aegon the Elder' firstborn, Laena.
Everyone lives happily ever after, Otto gets to be the head of the house Hightower after he successfully plots against his own kin, since his blood is secured on the throne, if in unconventional for him way.
He once tried to manipulate Aegon, but was cut off sharply by Rhaenys and Corlys, who kind of adopted the boy as theirs.
Aegon enjoys wandering about Essos very much, he, of course, whores around, but he and Baela have an agreement. One of Baela's children is born from Alyn of Hull, but no one is any wiser, since everyone just thinks the child looks like her.
Jacaerys and Helaena have three kids, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera and then Maelor.
Jaehaera is oldest and so is the heir.
Oh, and Rhaena is happily married to Corwyn Cobray. They have a daughter, Rhaenys.
#hotd#hotd au#queen rhaenyra#hotd fanfic#fuck viserys#i will write it one day bc i have such a vivid image of the scenes such as: viserys' death. rhaenyra overruling her father's decision#explaining it and trying to mediate it so Corlys wouldn't start another war#'i thought it was in the tradition for the king or queen to marry their hand's child'#the greens' FACES at that#rhaenyra gathering Laenor and his entire fam and suggesting queensguard#“but then he won't be able to wed a woman. have a family-”#-exactly *Rhaenyra and Laenor lock gases. she nods. he nods.* -i accept#Aemond just fucking WANDERING AWAY TO CLAIM THE SCARIEST ASS DRAGON THAT IS THERE#the total panic then Laenor finds him and brings back with EYE LESS. (he almost got to the castle but fainted mid way)#corlys trying to push for baelon as the heir and laena&rhaenys being: “NO”#the unspoken kinship in the house of whoring around. Harwin being like “i support my wife's wrongs” and loving egg vis and visenya as his#NO ONE KNOWING THEY'RE NOT HIS. LIKE LEGIT THEY COULD BE HIS OR HARWIN'S. EVEN RHARNYRA DOESN'T KNOW#aegon living his best life as a sailor and explorer#Aemond looking at Laenor and being like “i can do that too”#laenor living THE BEST LIFE by his sis and her husband/his friend's side. and Joffrey is ALIVE#criston eventually getting over himself and accepting that Rhaenyra indeed couldn't run away with him#like imagine if they run away and then vissy t died#whoops i guess#also i just realized i accidentally made it so that Harrenhal is eventually ruled not by Strongs but Daemon's kids#lmao i guess#They are Targaryens (tm) your honor#the amount of dragons they're about to have...like harrenhal has 4 just with luke aemond and visx2#Dragonstone has 3 even if all kids scatter about#cobrays have 2 (Rhaena's and her daughters)#driftmark has at least 3 and then Laena is born and its 4
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bagheerita · 5 months
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"I feel I was denied critical, need to know information. I am completely out of ammo. That's never happened to me before."
Burt Gummer, Tremors 2 Aftershocks
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apamates · 8 months
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Fitz' loved ones going "is anyone going to inflict unimaginable trauma on that boy??" and not waiting for an answer
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87dvhnk · 4 months
"i read the wiki and i saw the pages/panels already, why do i need to read the comics?"
because a) some those comics fuck with awing dexterity and stamina b) there's a good chance shit is out of context or simply misrepresented (innocently, humorously, ignorantly or maliciously) and c) you know the beats/endings of tons of shit, but it doesn't impede your enjoyment of it, now does it? sure it's nice to go in spoiler free, but if the gimmick of spoiling material is all a piece of media has, then that piece of media is meritless. you knew who luke skywalker's father was before you saw the movie. is it still worth watching? you knew romeo and juliet died before you read the play. is it still worth reading? do you not want to go on a journey? do you not want to feel something? do you not want to commiserate about the human experience through art? a wiki will never be comprehensive enough to cover everything you would have read or seen yourself--it can't be, not without being the thing itself. even then, you still miss the things not on the page/screen, the things that are only implied, the things that go unstated, or else conspicuously omitted. don't talk to me about shit haunting the narrative if the only haunting you've ever been apart of was your passing despite your dogshit analysis skills haunting the conscience of your eng 101 adjunct professor in perpetual fear of losing their contract and being relocated from their car to under a bridge by demanding college students demonstrate basic reading comprehension, critical thinking, and coherent argumentative skills. boast about killing the author? my friend, you are cain advancing in the fields, skulking, stepping in abel's footprints, filled with murderous intent, with nothing but the chinese telephone-equivalent of a description of a weapon cutting into your soft palms.
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